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The radio droned on in the background, none of us were listening, save perhaps Lisa as she drove. Carrie slept in the back, I was struggling to stay awake and Lisa was left driving with little company beside the radio. We had managed to get ourselves lost twice all ready and Lisa, rightly, no longer trusted my navigation skills.

After realising we were lost, again, Lisa had pulled over and snatched the map from me. She sat in broody silence, wordlessly studying the map while I stared pointedly out of window. Several minutes passed before the map was tossed back into my lap and Lisa swung the car out onto the road. Lisa glanced quickly across at me, her eyes fell to the open atlas in my lap.

"We are here," Her finger stabbed at the page and started to trace a green line. "Try to stick with it Sandy or we'll never get there."

"Sorry." I murmured, my finger replacing hers on the green line. "Which way are we going - up the page or down?"

"You're kidding me!" Lisa shrieked.

I grinned back at her and the earlier tension dissolved. We were heading for fun, the sun, sea and sand on the west coast following our graduation success, providing of course I could get us there.

"See the red line off to the right?"

I studied the map for a moment. "U-huh?"

"If we follow that road and cut across country it should put us right." Lisa started to indicate, "Nothing to it really, we just stick to that road."

"Okay - I know where we are now."

We turned off the green line onto the red which would take us across country to our destination. And the endless miles rolled beneath us as the radio droned on and the sun beat down through the screen as my eyelids became heavy.


I woke with a start as a car drew alongside us.

"Pull over." A scruffy looking youth shouted through Lisa's open window. "We'll show you a good time."

"Hey!" One of the youths in the rear of the car yelled. "Show us your tits!"

"Fuck off!" Lisa muttered quietly, just as the rear youth clambered up on to his seat and dropped his trousers, poking his naked behind out of the window as they passed. We could hear them laughing as the car roared away.

"Stupid ass." She remarked, and we burst out laughing.

The incident was quickly forgotten and I started dozing again. Through semi-shuttered eyes I watched the road as we rounded a bend. Suddenly Lisa slammed on the breaks. I was wide awake as the car snaked past the tree lying across the road. Branches and undergrowth whipped across the windscreen in a blurred kaleidoscope of green and brown hues. Carrie screamed in the back. Moments later we lurched forward as the car hit a tree and came to a stop.

For several moments there was stunned silence. Carrie picked herself off the floor behind my seat and asked if we were okay. I looked at Lisa, she was shocked, but appeared unhurt and I answered that we were. Ridiculously, and totally inappropriately, a bird shrieked somewhere off in the trees, its crazy chatter sounding more like laughter; stranger still that I should be struck by the sound of a bird call when all around me was a chaos that could have proved fatal.

The door beside me resisted my first attempts to open it, but gave after a good shove and I clambered out to join my friends in inspecting the damage to Lisa's car. I'm a far cry from being any kind of mechanical expert, but Lisa's car looked a write-off to me. Even if it was salvageable, it was pretty obvious that we would not be travelling any further in Lisa's car.

Lisa burst into tears at the sight of her crumbled car. Trying to be practical, I pulled out my mobile phone to discover I had no signal while Carrie attempted to console Lisa. Seeing my disgruntled look, Carrie checked her phone and urged Lisa to do the same. Predictably none of us had a signal.

"We should try and get help." Carrie suggested.

The sound of a car caught our attention. The three of us immediately began to pick our way through the undergrowth, heading directly toward the road instead of retracing our steps back along the torn trail Lisa's car had created. It appeared that the driver had found the road blocked and from the sound of his engine had stopped his car. If we could only reach the car before the driver left the scene, we could raise help.

"I've left my bag behind!" Carrie suddenly stopped. "It's got my purse in it - you go on and stop the driver, I'll catch you up."

I wavered for a moment, reluctant to leave Carrie, but not wanting to miss the opportunity of help. Lisa paused, equally uncertain.

"Go on - quick the two of you, before they drive off!" Carrie insisted with a wave as she headed back toward Lisa's car.

I led the way, picking my way round clumps of brambles as carefully and quickly as possible while Lisa stepped in my tracks to avoid the worst of the stinging nettles and thorns. Nearing the road an unexpected loud whoop of glee checked us. I don't know why, possibly an instinctive reflex action, but the two of us immediately ducked down out of sight. We looked at each other with nervous puzzlement before I cautiously peered through the undergrowth at the road to see a car with its engine running. Several feet in front of the car four men were man-handling the small tree off the road.

A voice shouted from somewhere behind us. Our heads whipped round and then snapped back again as another voice answered from further down the road. I deep sense of foreboding crept over me. Every instinct told me to stay put and do nothing. Straining to look out, I spotted one of the youths that had passed us in the car earlier.

"They went down this way." He shouted to the men pulling the tree off the road.

"Get after them." One of the men called back.

Carrie! Both Lisa and I looked at each other, realising that she might be in trouble. Something about the demeanour of these men told me that they were not about to rescue us. We moved quickly and as quietly as we could.

I heard laughter up ahead and it was not a pleasant sound. Voices, an exchange; followed by a cry of protest. More laughter and as we neared our car Carrie came into sight, she was stood with her back to us, on the far side of the car were three of the youths that had passed us earlier and she was trying to keep the stricken car between her and the men. Lisa held me back as two more men appeared along the churned up path Lisa's car had created.

Carrie spotted the approaching men closing in on her and started wailing as the three youths moved round from the opposite direction. She turned to flee, heading straight toward us, and in that same instance the five men charged her, chasing her down like a pack of wild dogs before she could cover less than half the distance from where we stood hidden in the trees.

They fell upon her, pulling her limbs at impossible angles as they tore at her clothing. We stood in shocked silence, listening to her pitiful mewling as she fought bravely. Hands were all over her, pulling at her shirt, then her bra, while more snatched at her trousers. Two of the men were heaving on the legs of Carrie's trousers until they fell back with a sudden bump and Carrie's naked legs kicked wildly in the air. With a triumphant shout a small piece of fabric went sailing through the air and Carrie was rendered totally naked.

They physically lifted her off the ground and carried her towards Lisa's car where she was hoisted up on to the roof of the car and laid spread eagle. A brief shoving contest took places between the youths until suddenly one of the youths was standing on the crumpled bonnet of Lisa's car. Tears welled in our eyes as we watched in disbelief as his friends pinned Carrie down while he opened his trousers. And then the four men we had seen clearing the road arrived to join in.

We numbered only two, small odds against so many, nine in total. Two men had attached themselves to Carrie's breasts, her legs thrust upright at right angles to her body as the second scrambled up on the bonnet. Her wails continued above the din of their laughter as the second entered her. Someone shouted out, asking where the other two were, which we immediately understood to mean us.

We turned and fled, leaving our friend at their mercy. It didn't take them long to pick-up the noise of our flight through the undergrowth. We were panicked by the sound of their pursuit, running for our lives in the direction of the road.

The moment we hit the road, we ran for all we were worth, pounding along the tarmac as fast as our feet could carry us.

"Don't leave me!" Lisa gasped almost hysterically.

I turned as I ran to see that I was several yards in front of her. In that same instance, two of the youths emerged onto the road; they saw us straight away and gave chase at once. Grabbing Lisa's hand, I dragged her into the undergrowth on the far side of the road, disregarding the snagging branches that seemed bent on aiding our pursuers by hampering our escape.

We had gone maybe a hundred yards when Lisa's foot caught. I could do nothing to prevent her fall and bent to help her back to her feet. Suddenly I heard voices and ducked out of sight.

"Which way did they go?"

My heart pounded from the effort of running combined with the adrenaline pumping through my system. I tried to control my breathing, to remain as quiet as was humanly possible.

"Shut y'mouth and listen." Someone answered off to our left.

Hardly daring to breath and fearing the tom-tom's in my chest would give us away at any moment, I listened to the sounds of our pursuers moving through the undergrowth. Gradually the noise receded, but still we waited in absolute silence. After hearing nothing for about ten minutes, I slowly raised my head and cautiously surveyed the surrounding area.

"They've gone." I whispered to Lisa.

"What are we going to do?" Her face was tear stained and she was shaking.

"Get help." I replied vaguely stating the obvious. I had no idea what we should do.

"We should stay well away from the road - they are bound to be watching it." Lisa sobbed.

Lisa was having trouble keeping herself together. Goodness knows I was having enough trouble myself, but we needed to remain calm. Exercising as much caution as we could, we started to move onward, away from the road making as little noise as possible.

We must have been walking for about an hour and were just about regaining our confidence when we heard them. It sounded like they were sweeping the woods behind us, calling out to each other as they moved. Without making too much noise, we pressed on as hard as we dared, scrambling over fallen trees and any other obstacles in our path. The two of us maintained a constant watch to our rear and flanks while we progressed.

The trees started to thin and we travelled quickly until we suddenly found ourselves confronted with a small rocky outcrop, a cliff-face of about twenty foot in height. To our right the cliff continued, sweeping upwards to greater heights as the ground fell away. I glanced quickly left and saw the rock face circle round beyond the tree line, back in the direction we had come.

"What are we going to do?" Panic was creeping back into Lisa's voice.

"Quickly - we've got to get up that rock face."

"We can't climb that - I'll never make it!" She stared back over her shoulder apprehensively.

"Follow me." I didn't wait to hear her protest. At any moment I expected our pursuers to materialise through the trees.

My inexperienced eye picked out a potential route and without considering any other options I started to climb. Lisa came hard after me. If only we could get over the top of the ridge without being seen our troubles would be over. Surely, upon reaching the cliff they would assume that they had missed us and move their search to new ground.

Climbing as fast and as frantically as I could, a shearing chill ran through my heart as a voice suddenly yelled out. We had been seen. Throwing caution to the wind, I pulled and heaved my way up the cliff face. I didn't dare look back. My entire concentration focused on the rocky cliff face I was attempting to negotiate. But I could hear them racing out of the trees, scrambling over the stones at the bottom of the cliff. Lisa was sobbing as she pressed on behind me.

And then there was an awful, pitiful cry of despair. I looked down myself to see Lisa sliding backwards into waiting arms. I paused before realising that Lisa was caught. There was nothing I could do except save myself and fetch help.

I reached the top edge and I pulled myself up, immediately glancing down the rock face to see a youth climbing after me. As I scrambled up I saw an old tree branch. Without any hesitation I picked up the branch and pitched it over the side. A loud curse told me I had either hit him, or dissuaded him from further pursuit.

Lisa screamed loudly. I could hear her begging them. Lying myself down I stuck my head over the edge of the cliff.

"You come on down here or your friend gets it." One of the men shouted up at me.

They were tying Lisa's hands together. I watched them throw a rope over a high tree branch and then Lisa's hands were hoisted up over her head until she stood bolt upright, arms extended high above her head as five of the six men present started circling her.

"Do you hear me?"

"I can hear you." I shouted back defiantly. "And what happens if I come down?"

"We can all have a good time." He laughed.

"You'll just have to enjoy your party without me."

"Then we gonna whip your friend's skin right off!" He turned to the gang. "Strip her."

"NO!" Lisa screamed. "Do as he say's Sandy - help me!"

A deep sigh escaped me as tears welled in my eyes. Lisa screamed as they tore her tee shirt off, her bra quickly followed. I felt a moral obligation compelling me to surrender, but I knew that in doing so I would only share in her fate. Lisa was kicking out at her assailants as they tried to get at her waist to free her jeans. For their part, her attackers seemed to be enjoying her fight.

One of the men came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, grasping her big breasts and squeezing hard. She howled in pain, her body stiffened and hands immediately unfastened her jeans. They quickly disappeared down her legs as another pair of hands took hold of the front of her panties. In two swift yanks, they were torn from her body.

The man behind her slid his arms down her body, fixing his arms around her knees as he buried his face in Lisa's naked buttocks. Another youth fell to his knees in front of her and pressed his face into the black triangle of pubic hair. They taunted her nudity as she cried helplessly back at them. One of them exposed himself to her, telling her what he intended to do to her.

"Are you coming down?" The man yelled up at me.


I watched him turn, unfasten his belt and slide it out from the waist of his trousers. He walked over to Lisa and kicked the man away at her rear.

"Last chance." He shouted up at me as he drew his arm back.

"You hurt her and I swear to God I'll kill you!" I screamed back at him in frustration.

His arm swung. Lisa screeched, bucking herself forward and bowling the youth kneeling before her over. The other men cheered and the belt swung back. I scrambled to my feet and ran. Lisa's screams ringing in my ears as I fled the scene.

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1 November 2008Chapter 11

“Well isn’t that a sensual looking sight!” Wendy remarked as she and Tina walked hand in hand to the pool area. Dan waded into the shallow area and up the steps, revealing his semi-hard cock to his girls. “Looks like you’ve been having fun!” They gazed at three bodies naked from the waist up. “Wendy and Tina these are my daughters, Hanna and Jennifer,” Lisa introduced. “Hi girls, very nice to meet you,” Wendy said admiring their firm breasts. “We normally meet Dan’s new girls while they...

2 years ago
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Closer Friends Part II

A week had passed since the four girls had had their night of same sex fun and none of them could keep the thoughts far from their minds. They had all agreed it was definitely not going to be a one-off and Zoe was tasked with organising the next get together. The girls had all left Zoe with some cash and told her to find an online ‘toy’ shop. This was like a red rag to a bull and Zoe and Jess spent hours excitedly giggling at all the products on offer on the website. They’d also decided that it...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Ch 14

Ted was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee when Gwen came through the door. ‘Sweetheart! I’m so sorry you had to experience such tragedy yesterday. But, I’m extremely proud of the way you handled the situation. I would’ve come to the hospital with Paula and Lisa, but Kate was here with some of her friends. They were all pretty shook up and your mom and I felt it was important that one of us be here for them. She was very worried about you and Steve and feels terrible about the...

4 years ago
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This Story is pure fiction written for your enjoyment. Any resemblance to person or persons real is pure chance. This story is strictly mine please do not copy, and do not repost without my permission. Writing is not easy so be kind when you post a comment&hellip, thank you to all my fans and would be fans enjoy!!!! Trapped One of my favorite memories as a child were the fall, and spring trips we made as a family to an old cabin my mothers family owned in the mountains. As kids in the...

2 years ago
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Hannahs Desire Ch 03

As Ian walked in on Hannah thrusting her tongue into Gina’s tight pussy, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Suddenly, Gina’s moaning went mute, Hannah got up and wiped her mouth, and Ian left the room looking confused and with a boner. Gina, without any words, put her clothes back on and ran to the bathroom. Hannah plopped down on her bed and groaned. Well shit.. What is she supposed to do now. At that moment, she got a text from Ian. Ian: Han, what the fuck were you and Gina DOING?? ...

3 years ago
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Hardcore Sex With Maid For 2 Days

Hi, guys, I am Rahul 17 from Hyderabad.This is my sex experience with my hot maid. Let me introduce myself I am 5 10 feet tall fair complexion average body and strong cock 6.6 inches and lots of sex stamina.Let me introduce my maid her name is Nirmala she is 35 year’s 5″7 feet tall average colour and has 36 d boobs and has a strong body and abs. She is unsatisfied she has 2 children and her husband works but is a drunkard he used to drink daily and would scold and beat her. Whenever I got a...

1 year ago
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Raping My Sisterinlaw

I had never taken much notice of my sister-in-law. Emma had been overweight for as long as I'd known her, and the two children she had only added to her size. She was five years younger than my wife, and was twenty-one when I married her sister. My wife, Jocelyn, is 5'4" tall, dark black hair and brown eyes, and weighs about 125. She has a perfect hourglass figure. She is wonderful in bed - at least she was, until we had the kids. Then she lost her interest in sex. We used to make love...

2 years ago
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A Hot Evening

I found myself with my cock softening in Liv's hand watching my jism slide and run across Stella's lovely, rounded Asian skin, making its way across her belly, her mons, slit and arsehole as she lay with her legs splayed on the floor in front of me. Liv, my lover and Stella's neighbour, had just wanked me off to a rapid climax over her latest conquest. Liv looked up at me with a grin and said, “Now then, time for you to regain your strength.”What a woman! Firstly she eased me back onto the...

1 year ago
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Vintage Platinum 1

Vintage Platinum By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers West Hollywood, early fall 1957. Nate pulled up his shiny new red 1957 chevy to the first bar he saw after leaving a difficult client meeting mentally exhausted after a long week at his new job. He'd been an accountant for six years now since college but it was like he was starting over as the low man on the totem pole only one month into his new position. Working in a small firm directly for the partners he was receiving...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 22 Fighting Back

Hello! I'm very pleased to announce that after two years of hard writing, I've finally finished Girlfriend with Testing Device! I've got all the final chapters up on my Patreon right now! Come check it out at ! Warning, this sexy, swappy, chapter includes truly massive tits, mating presses, mass swaps, relationship advice, libraries, horse dongs, dog collars, lusty stares, dick swaps, head swaps, body swaps, breakfast, blind old ladies, futanari amazons, dream...

3 years ago
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Your getting your cock sucked today

Your standing looking out your front window. You have a week of pent up cum waiting inside your ball sack. Today as you stand there looking,your about to get a cock worshiper thats going to drain your frustration from your hungry mean cock. Your semi-erect cock waits for my hungry mouth to suck him off. Your cock has waited for a mouth like mine for a long time. wet,thick lipped,and hungry for his sperm. A mouth thats submissive to worship your cock like it deserves,...

1 year ago
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Sorority Tutor part 4

Sorority Tutor, part 4, by Linda_C The sorority was having so much fun that they had another drawing the next night, and the choices were to wear bras all the time, to shave his body completely, or to wear a corset all the time. To him it was no contest - shave his body. He was not going to ever wear a bra, let alone a corset! Deep down he knew it was a matter of time, but he still hoped they'd tire of this. Maybe after the holiday break... He had to admit the sorority helped him out...

2 years ago
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TripinChapter 32

"Who are you again?" I asked the man in the muscle tee shirt, standing at the foot of my bed, calling what I presumed to be my name. I had sort of gotten used to not knowing for sure what was happening around me. "I'm Royce and you are Lucy Ayers. Now if you pick up that laptop beside your bed and open the file marked 'This is your life, you can find out almost everything that has happened to you since you lost your memory," he said. I knew how to open the file, which surprised me....

4 years ago
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Grandma Cupcake

       Deep within the dense northern forest, hidden away from the rest of the world, lays a small village.  The people of this village were decent and hard working.  Luckily, for their hard work, they enjoyed delicacies that most people would do anything to savor just once, the delicious pastries of Grandma Cupcake.        Every day, she would cook her delicacies at her little house outside the village, and bring them over to the town’s center on her caravan.  People would wait in line when...

3 years ago
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On the way out

So my Wife was getting ready to go out with her good friend for drinks when I mentioned how hot she looked. I was feeling a little horny and wanted some quick relief."Well, she'll be here in about 15 minutes to pick me up, so let's hope you can cum in time ok?""Let's use the porch this time so I can see when her good friend arrives.""Umm, its still daylight out. The neighbors will be able to see.""I suppose you'll have to stay low then," she said, lying back on the loveseat.So there I was, on...

3 years ago
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Dinner and a Movie

In my mid-twenties, I lived for a couple of years with a girl named Han. As I've mentioned elsewhere Han was originally from Vietnam, but grew up near Montreal. She was 5’ 1” with a great body, though in somewhat miniature proportions. Han’s most attractive features were her face with its flawless skin and her full sensual mouth. As for me, I was 6’, about 180lbs, with green eyes and at the time short brown hair. Our apartment was close to downtown Montreal and if we went out for the night we...

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The CulDeSac of Virgins part 3

I got away from work and looked at my text messages. Jane had been in contact, and I quickly opened her text. "Laying on the bed in my red bra and panties and white stockings, waiting for you to come and give me a good rogering!" It read.I quickly typed out a reply, "Hope you're nice and wet as my cock is rock hard ready to smash your pussy, xxx."I sent the text and then strode up the path and knocked on the glass panelled door. A stout girl with glasses, big boobs and a pleated skirt...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 20

LYCAVORE "The grandson of Resumar?" Condar spoke softly looking at where Martin sat on the floor of the cavern. The Persian red haired female sat casually between his legs, one of his arms wrapped around her waist protectively and quite possessively. Lisisa sat an arm's reach away on his right side with Melita next to her. The second dark haired Hadarian female sat very close to Martin's right leg, her arm leaning across his knee, her fingers touching Anja's shoulder. The massive black...

1 year ago
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Jacuzzi Gang Bang

We were going away for a weekend with the sole purpose of hooking up with another guy for a threesome. We posted on Craigslist assuming we would get a lot of requests to join us. We settled on an older gentleman in his early 50's because he not only was the most intriguing but he offered us the use of his place which had a jacuzzi and multiple fireplace and big screen tv's. Now it was only supposed to be the three of us but Rich was part of a swingers group and wanted us to join him at a...

3 years ago
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First Panties

First Panties -Chapter 1 Our neighbour Mrs Johnson asked me to help her on Saturday. Being only 13, I could always use the money so I showed up at her doorstep on Saturday morning ready to go at 8:00 AM. I was to move a number of boxes full of clothes and stuff into her SUV to be taken to Goodwill. Her daughter, Sarah, had moved to an apartment for college and the boxes were apparently full of Sarah's old clothes and things. Sarah was a clothes hound and never seemed to wear the...

3 years ago
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A Hot Evening Pt2

My cock was now in a painful state of hardness. The whole shaft of skin was taught as I felt more and more notches of erectness swell me. My circumcised helmet was so fat and tight that the flesh itself shone in the light from the lampshades. My balls had tightened in my sac to a solid dense mass, slick with my sweat. Once again I felt juice ooze from my cock slit and slither down my shaft as it twitched and pulsed. The meat of it was an angry dark colour as it strained within its fleshy case....

1 year ago
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Swallowed Harley King Zerella Skies Aliya Brynn Zerella and Harley Show Off their Skills

Harley King is back for more blowjob basic training with hardcore drill sergeant Aliya Brynn and they’ve brought on new recruit, Zerella Skies. The two gagging grunts get on their knees in a show of skills to see who’s gonna be top of their rimming & dicksucking class! Aliya gets the timer out & Harley and Zerella get to working on those deepthroating drills! Aliya doesn’t just command these sluts she gets in on the action for a 3 on 1 slobbering session brought to you by The Swallowed...

4 years ago
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A gentle old lady part 1

My very first sexual encounter was with a mature woman, she was my moms and my beautician. I went to her place for a treatment on a bi-monthly basis and that way I got to know her very well. When she got fired from her job, she started to treat me and my mom in her livingroom. Due to the lack of professional beauticians furniture, I always had to lay down on her couch. And this is the part where it all really began. Back then I was just xx years of age and I never ever had sex before. I stept...

2 years ago
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The Discipline Correspondance SchoolChapter 7

Sunday morning, Tammy is in the bath and I have just finished cleaning up from the fun last night. Tammy called me, "Ray, can you come here please!" I hurried off to the bathroom expecting a problem, entering there was Tammy stood up in the bath with soap suds all over her body. "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing, I just thought you would like to hose me down!" she said with a large grin. "Hose you down, why are you going out in the garden like that?" I jokingly asked. "No, Silly I...

1 year ago
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Fucked my Aunt

Dear All Here I am back with another incident which just happend around 15 days back. My name is Abhishek i am from bhopal i 24 yrs old 6ft tall average built and have fair complexion. My wife family is too big and i hate to visit them coz they are always behind my back to start a family and there a very pestimitic. But out of them i had always hot for one of the aunties her name was Anitha. She was the hottest among all she was 5ft 6 inch tall 36 boobs and sexy cute medium ass. She was...

2 years ago
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Talk to Me

The shower beckons, luring me in with her seductive wrap of warm steam. I let the water pour into the palm of my hand, promising a few uninterrupted minutes.That’s when I catch my phone light up with a number I don’t recognize. I pause, not really caring to answer, but the vibrations on the second ring bring it too close to the sink's edge. The third sends it over, bringing with it a tangled knot of earbuds. By instinct, I scramble, naked, to snatch them mid-tumble, and in the process, I...

2 years ago
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Return to KrellChapter 2 Academic Pursuits

Lena taped the wireless pickup to her throat, then brought up her wrist-mounted computer, a military model that she had recently gotten her hands on. Having the station’s security chief owe her a favor had really paid off. She calibrated it, punching in commands on the touch screen, and the computer registered the microphone. “Testing, testing, one two three...” The graph charted her voice in peaks and valleys, it was working correctly. “Ok Sleethe, are you ready?” The Krell lifted his...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Nina Elle Peer Pressured

It’s crunch time for super-stacked realtor Nina Elle. The blonde MILF must sell a home, but Kevin Moore is hesitant to make the purchase. Sensing Nina’s desperation, he peer pressures her, offering to buy the place … but only if she throws in some sex! First, Kevin pressures her into showing off her body, but before long, Nina gives the creep a nasty blowjob. They graduate to a hot titty fuck and some depraved cunt drilling. To close the deal, Kevin slops his cum over...


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