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                       1. a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety

                          over a future event;

                       2. a forewarning.

       It was around 11:00 am on a Monday when Carol noticed the e-mail alert icon in the bottom right corner of her computer monitor. When she opened it, she noted that it came from the VP of Sales and Marketing, the subject line "The Show".  Her hands trembled a bit as she opened the message; as she started reading she hopped up and down on her chair, gave a fist pump and in a loud whisper said:


       The message read

       From:  Charles Lawton

         To:  [email protected]

         Re:  The Show

       Dear Ms Tiffton,

       I am delighted to invite you to attend and participate with Team Orstine at the annual National Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Show and Training Expo, to be held this year in Orlando, FL. from February 2 until February 9. Your excellent performance in promotion and physician detail work has earned you a position on the team, which as you may be aware, includes an all expenses paid trip as well as participating in both the Orstine Pharma Banquet and the NPM closing banquet.  We thank you and hope you will be able to join us in Orlando!

       Since Orlando is home to many entertaining venues, Orstine Pharma has partnered with some of them to provide relaxation and diversions during those times when formal activities are not planned.  You will receive information from as many as wish to extend special pricing or events; it is your choice to participate or to choose your own leisure itinerary.

       It's off to the Show!


Charles Lawton

VP Sales & Marketing

Orstine Pharma.

       Carol was ecstatic.  This was her first opportunity to go to a national show, a prized honor for anyone in the company.  This trip meant that she had fulfilled a long list of criteria for drug detailing and promoting the company's new line of specialty pharmaceutical products. She felt elated for another reason, too.  Her successful change from a retail pharmacist to a drug detail representative wasn't just a fluke; she really could do the job and do it well. She couldn't wait to tell David, her husband.

       She bounced and wiggled, thinking about how much fun Orlando would be in February rather than staying home in Raleigh, NC. Another e-mail notice caught her attention, so she calmed down, expecting work to intrude on her personal party.  She clicked the e-mail client and brought up the page.  This one, however, wasn't about work, but something completely different.

       From:  Mistress Danielle 

         To:  [email protected]

         Re:  Special discounts

       Dear Ms Tiffton:

       I wish to invite you to take advantage of special discounts and bonuses being offered to those attending the show in Orlando this February.  If you are unaware of my services, please follow the link to and learn about my special brand of diversion and mental stimulation.  I can guarantee you a break from the mental rigors and stresses of business life.  When you are in my care, nothing will intrude upon your single focus.  Everything else vanishes and you are whisked away to a completely different realm.

       For appointments and special services, please call the number listed at the bottom of this message.

       I look forward to fulfilling all your personal fantasies.

Painful pleasures to you,

Mistress Danielle.

       This was certainly a surprising message!  She opened a web browser and typed in the link address given, but a "Page Not Found" error message popped up. That didn't surprise her.  The company firewall prevented most, if not all, non business relevant web sites from loading.  She would try at home to see what it was.  The fact that it made it through the spam e-mail firewall was reassurance that "Forced Relaxation" had been vetted and cleared by corporate.

       What Carol didn't know was that the message, though real, wasn't from one of the company arranged venues; rather it was sent to a select list of females who were invited to the Show.  One of her fellow employees had obtained a list of invitees and went through it searching for ones that he thought might be possibly interested in Mistress Danielle's little dungeon.  He copied the e-mail he had received from Forced Relaxation, loaded it into a computer at an unused cubical and spoofed the e-mail system to allow transmission.  If anyone questioned the e-mail, it would not be traceable to him.  Along with the Pharmaceutical show, a bondage expo was also scheduled for Orlando that week. As a long time B&D aficionado, he planned on using his invite to the company shindig to get in a little kinky R&R, and hoped to snare a cohort or two as well.

       Carol floated through the rest of the day.  She filed her reports, set up the week's itinerary and all the other corporate bullshit that was required. She wanted to see David's face when she told him, rather than to call or text him.  She was also curious about "Forced Relaxations". 

       Orstine Pharma is headquartered in the Research Triangle Park, located between Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC.  Many other pharmaceutical companies have headquarters, research or manufacturing facilities there. Carol was recruited to detail a specific family of new drugs that had recently been given the FDA green light.  The Orstine management decided to try a method pioneered by Eli Lilly & Company of hiring registered pharmacists as detail reps.  It was a costly move, since pharmacists are in great demand and short supply, but they nevertheless went forward with the plan, hiring Carol and several more RPh's that they felt had potential to jumpstart the acceptance with the specialists that would prescribe the products. So far Carol had proven their idea was valid.

       Carol drove out of the RTP heading toward southern Wake County. The area had exploded in the past two decades and traffic was terrible as usual.  She thought about the trip, the Show and the prospect of getting out of NC for a week in the middle of the winter.  Husbands were also invited, but they had to pay their own way which included half of the room rate.  At $450.00 per night, that didn't sound very easy.

       Carol went into the house, setting down her laptop and handbag, searching for her husband - me.  She found me on the patio, listening to the radio and reading a magazine; a cold beer within easy reach.

       "HEY BABE!" She almost yelled. "Guess where I'm going?"  She bounced on her toes as she tugged at my arm.  I rose out of the chair to put my arms around her.

       "Out to pick up pizza?" I answered. "You know we can have it delivered."

       The response caught her off guard and she stopped, shook her head and grinned up at me.

       "No, silly. I'M GOING TO FLORIDA!" She gasped.

       "That's a long way to go for pizza." I replied.  "It'll be cold by the time you get back.  Let's call out for delivery."

       "NO, dummy."  She said, giving my abdomen a sharp punch. "I've been invited to the Show!  In February.  A week in Orlando while North Carolina is freezing!"

       "Do I get to go?" I asked.

       She calmed down now.  "Well...yes you can go.  Spouses are invited too.  But we have to pay your expenses.  The company will only pay mine."

       "How much?" I asked.

       "Air fare.  The rooms are $450 per night, so half that.  Plus food and incidentals."  She replied.

       "Hmmf." I answered. "That's pretty tough right now.  I've certainly got the time...just not much money."

       Things ARE tight.  I'm a residential contractor specializing in mid-priced custom homes and additions.  Ever since September of 2007 the construction business has been in free fall.  It came to light later that the same week that the Collateralized Debt Obligations or CDO's that represented the bundled up subprime mortgage bonds so cavalierly scattered out by BOA, Chase and other big commercial banks floated up like turds in a cesspool was the same week that the phones quit ringing.  Actually the turds could be turned into methane and fertilizer.  The CDO's were so much toilet paper.  I can't sell a house with the banks practically giving them away.  And people are scared to commit to a major remodel job with their 401k's melting like a snowman on an asphalt parking lot. Like I said, I've got the time.  Just no money.  What I have saved I sure couldn't afford to blow on a trip to Orlando, wintertime or not.

       "They expect all qualifiers to go.  And it's the first show I’ve qualified for since I've been on board.  Not many people qualify so quickly."  She said.

       "OK.  So go enjoy sunny Orlando while I freeze my ass off here in frozen NC." I said, without much enthusiasm.

       "You don't want me to go. Do you?"  She said, quietly. It was more a statement than a question.

       "No, I do want you to go.  It's an honor. And a great chance to participate on a different level. And get out of the cold for a week.  You'll have a great time.  Bring me back an orange.  Or maybe a grapefruit." I answered.  But the truth was, I didn't want her to go.  When she started to tell me about it I had a premonition.  I hate premonitions.

Chapter 2

       Carol looked up the link to "Forced Relaxation" while chewing on a piece of celebratory pizza.  It certainly didn't look like the type of entertainment that the company would have arranged for their employees. She was looking at her laptop while I sat across the table.  Mistress Danielle presented her dungeon and most of her toys.  Some were described as "inappropriate" for unrestricted viewing. Her clients and favored guests could get access to a more private part of the site where they could book appointments and describe preferences. The site offered sessions from mild to wild...and wilder.  She certainly seemed to have a wide variety of "relaxation techniques" to choose from. 


       Carol wondered how many of the Orstine upper management partook of her services.  Out of curiosity she wrote down the number so she could maybe get some more information.  She and David liked to spice things up in the bedroom; bondage and teasing were standard fare in their love making.  This looked to be a bit more involved than any thing they had done before; in fact more than they had ever discussed.  She decided to speak to the Mistress before she mentioned this to David.  This might disappoint him even more.  After dinner she slipped up next to him as he was cleaning up the dishes and put her arms around him.


       "Take me to bed. Tie me up and tease me." She asked then stretched up and gave my ear a thorough tongue slurping. She traced her tongue down my neck and reached around to see if her attentions were causing a bulge in my jeans.  Remarkably, they were!

       I was a bit surprised, though very pleasantly.  She doesn't initiate it very often (or at least as often as I would like) so I take every opportunity I can.

       I turned and took her into my arms. "I'll tease AND please you. least please me.  You'll at least get teased." I smiled at her. 

       "I'll be ready in just a minute."  She said and turned toward the bedroom. I swatted her cute little butt as she stepped away and she jumped.  She turned her head and stuck out her tongue at me and moved into the bedroom.  I put some music on – Sade and Seal- for ambiance.

       She came out of the bathroom smiling and naked.  Her copper colored hair fell to just above her shoulders, her wonderful c -almost D- boobs standing high, nipples crinkled and sticking out like pencil erasers. She's 5'8 to my 6'1, with long legs that reach up to a tight, magnificent butt.  Her waist is small which accentuates her boobs and butt.  But it's her face that really turns heads.  She was a "late bloomer", an ugly duckling in high school, too tall and gangly.  Her high cheek bones and narrow chin didn't seem to be matched to each other.  By the time she got to the university the different parts and pieces seemed to come together into a breath taking package. 

       I went into the bathroom to do a quick cleanup.  After washing and teeth brushing I joined her.  She was spread eagled on our bed with a small hard pillow under her hips, waiting for me to begin.  That was always the difficult part - not immediately jumping on her and ravishing her like a starved dog on a porterhouse steak. I retrieved the toy bag from the closet shelf and rummaged around for the leather cuffs.  She won't let me use my Smith & Wesson handcuffs; something about the metal scares her.  But leather is fine. I put the cuffs on the wrist and ankle closest to me, then reached between the mattress and bed frame to pull out the spring clips attached to nylon line stored there. I clipped her wrist and ankle, walked around to the other side of the bed and duplicated the action. She was spread in an "X", snug but not stretched.  She wasn't going anywhere soon.  I pulled a blindfold out of the night stand drawer and slipped it on her. 

       Carol loves the anticipation without knowing where or what is going to happen. I retrieved a box of teasing toys from the closet and picked up a feather.  I drew it around her chin, then her ears, tracing the lines and edges of her face.  A quick spin around her nostrils got her to snorting and shaking her head.  When I put the feather back to her nose she turned away to get it away, presenting me with her ear.  She apparently wanted me to tickle her ear, so I obliged her.  That produced a shaking with that ear being scrubbed against the pillow, so I treated the other ear.

       "NNNNN"  she moaned.


       "OK. Change of location." I told her, and then began tracing the feather around her shoulders, underarms and neck.  I picked up a standard style vibrator, turned it on low and placed it between her labia, standing it on its base. I continued brushing the feather gently across her chest, sweeping it in close circles around each areola and nipple.  I glided it down to her tummy, then down between her legs to her upper thighs.  I ignored her pussy and continued down her legs to her ankle, then started on her feet then her toes.  After a few minutes with her pedal extremities I slowly drew the feather up to her pussy.  I swapped the feather for a small soft brush and then "painted" her labia around the vibrator.


        I stopped the vibrator and switched it for a G spot stimulator - an angled, oval headed vibe on a slim shaft. I lubed it up, turned the switch to medium and slipped it inside her pussy. This gave me an opportunity to play with her clit, so I painted it for a while.  I checked her breathing and the position of her hands and fingers while I kept teasing her as a barometer of her orgasmic pressure.  I wanted her to keep building, but not cum.  When I noticed her opening and clinching her fists, I decided it's time to let things simmer.  I turned the vibe down to low and got up on the bed with her.  I reached out and gently turned her face towards me and slid up so I can put my cock against her lips.  They instantly opened and drew it in, licking and sucking. She started bobbing her head very slowly, drawing my cock a little deeper each time, until she reached the gagging point. She stopped, swallowed, and started again, going not quite so deep.  I pinched her nipples, one then the other while she's sucking me. 

       It gets to be time to stop before I blow it.  I pulled out and begin on her nipples with an old fashioned device - a scalp massager.  If you've never seen one, they look like a small oval, chrome turbine with tightly wound springs slung underneath.  It slips over the back of the hand, when turned on the vibrations are transmitted through the hand to the surface the hand is touching. They were used by barbers back when going to the barbershop was the male equivalent to a short spa visit - shave, shampoo, shoe shine, scalp massage and hair cut.  I found mine in a thrift shop; no one knew what it was.  I turned it on and Carol jumped.  She knew that sound and it scared her a little - the vibrations from that thing are strong!  I touched the base of her right breast and slowly spiraled up to the areola and circled it.  I repeated the same thing on her left side, without actually touching either nipple. I slowly brought my finger down and lightly touched her right nipple with my finger nail.  I watched her bite her lips together.  I slowly scratched the nipple then lifted my finger.  She thought she knew what was next, but I fooled her.  Instead of touching her left nipple I shifted slightly.  The moving of the noise -it's loud - would alert her to where I was going so I moved quickly and touched her clit then withdrew.  She arched her back and I pinched her left nipple.  This got her to squirming around so I pinched the other one then reached back and pinched her clit.  Then I cupped her Mons with my quaking hand and pressed firmly.

       She started gasping so I stopped and turned off the vibrator. She was breathing hard and her pussy was swollen, the lips parted and her pussy drool was dripping down to her asshole.  The meal was cooked, time to dine. I tucked a hand towel between her ass and the pillow and crawled between her legs. I love to eat pussy.  And hers is the most delicious I've ever tasted.  OK, I'm slightly biased.  It's still delicious. I repeat the motions I made earlier with my tongue, licking around her labia, washing her entire Mons, occasionally licking through the slit.  I dipped a little deeper and deeper until I found that spring that was flowing from within. I covered it with my mouth, dug in with my tongue and sucked all the nectar into my mouth.  The only thing stopping me from doing this for hours is that the position is hell on my neck.  She's not going anywhere until I'm finished, anyway.  I lick her asshole, another favorite spot, and then a deep lick from the pucker, through the spring and up to the clit.  I repeat this a few times then target the clit.  Then its suck, lick, tickle, lick slowly, suck, and repeat.  I vary the order and occasionally move down for another taste of dew. By this time she's flowing pretty well, her asshole is soaked, and the towel is getting there.  My neck starts cramping, so it's time to move things along (sigh.)  I concentrated on her clit and it doesn't take long before she started humping my face, squirming and moaning.  At last she came, rising straight upon her heels and shoulders, dropped then arched again. I took a final swipe at her clit and she said loudly "No MORE!"

       She isn't multi-orgasmic and after the first one, especially if it's a big one, her clit is just too sensitive to touch.  That's fine because I had something else to do.  I unclipped her ankles then her wrists, pulled up closer and sunk my cock into her lava hot erupting pussy.  She grabbed me and pulled her legs up around my waist to pull me deeper. I thrust and pound like I'm trying to shove my whole body inside her.  Which is exactly what I want to do.  It doesn't take me long to finish, the whole experience is almost as arousing to me to tease her as it is for her to be teased. I slumped on her briefly then lifted up on my elbows. 

       "Thank you." I whispered into her ear.

       "MMMM?Thank YOU!"  She answered. And in a few seconds I roll over, hold her close to me and relax.

Chapter 3.

       The following day Carol gave the Mistress Danielle a call.  A low breathy voice answered

       "Hello. This is your Mistress." The way she said "your mistress" left no doubt that she was in charge.

       "Hello...this is Carol Tiffton, you sent me an e-mail about show specials and bonuses.  I visited your website and would like a little more information." Carol responded.

       The Mistress didn't recognize the name, but her e-mails frequently get forwarded so she assumed that this was the case.

       "It's nice to speak with you Carol.  What kind of information would you like?"  She asked.

       "Well...I don't really know where to begin...I'm coming down to Orlando in February...I...Uh my husband and I like to play in the bedroom...but your e-mail kinda got me interested in something more." Carol answered.

       "Is your husband coming as well?"  Danielle asked.

       "No, just me.  It's a business trip and we can't afford for him to come with me." She said.

This was a bit puzzling to the Mistress but she pressed ahead.  "What type of activities are you interested in trying?"  She asked.

       "I...I don't really know, that's why I'm calling.  Do you have a "starter" session, or an experimental session to see what I might like or dislike?"  Carol inquired.

       "Hmmm.  Well, the easiest thing to do is to go to the private area and look at the questionnaire.  If you book a first session, I can give you a password and that might answer a lot of your questions."  Danielle told her.

       Carol thought for a second then asked "How much do the sessions cost?"

       She told her then added, ?But since you mentioned the show special I'm giving a 50% discount to show visitors."  She said.

       Now it was Carol's turn to be puzzled.  Would a dominatrix get that much business from visitors to a pharmaceutical manufacturer's show?  "Well...I had no idea what these...types of services cost.  That's as much as a shrink costs!"  She exclaimed.

       Danielle laughed. "Yes, I know.  I'm a licensed psychologist. I closed my practice over fighting with insurance companies and co-pay problems and all the hassle.  Now I have a cash business, I make a ton more money than before and I think I really have a better success rate helping people with their problems than I did in practice!"

       Carol was startled at this news.  She had devoted her life to the medical field, now this woman had left it to run a dungeon!  AND makes more money doing it!

       " that’s what the first visit costs?"  Carol asked.

       "Yes. And depending on when you schedule if I have some flexibility I can work with you if you want to extend it.  Of course even if you hate it within the first ten minutes, it's still the basic charge.  But I can always give advice for the rest of the time if you don't like the first experience."

       Carol asked "So I suppose for appointment purposes you take debit or credit cards?"

       "Certainly.  And I have a discrete billing name so that it doesn't draw attention."  Danielle informed her.  That wasn't a problem, Carol and David paid their own personal card bills so he wouldn't see it.

       "OK.  Two hours.  Is that Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 pm available?"  Carol asked.

       "Let me see, it should be.  I'm usually pretty slow during the afternoon in the middle of the week.  Yes, it's available. If you like I can pencil in another hour and if you give me your phone number I can call you if I get a request for the time of the extra hour.  I won't process this until 48 hours before the appointment, so if you have to cancel please give me a call before then.  Remember - no refunds once it's billed.  That's one thing I learned in practice" She said lightly.  What's that number?"

       Carol gave her the necessary billing information, her cell phone number and got the access password to the site.  Danielle told her that the password was client specific and that she tracked the visits to the reserved area by client. 

       Carol told her "I travel over the central portion of North Carolina, so I won't always be logging in from the same city.  Is that a problem?"

       "Not now that you've told me.  How about dropping me an e-mail when you visit away from home so I know that no one has "borrowed" your pass code?"  The Mistress requested.

       "Sure I can do that.  Once I have a better idea I'll probably want to ask some more questions anyway." Carol answered.  They exchanged pleasantries and they hung up.  Carol sat in amazement at the whole thing.  She decided that David didn't need to know anything about it yet; she would surprise him when she got back home.

Chapter 4

       The holidays seemed to fly by; it seemed like February suddenly was there and Carol found herself in Orlando looking across a small table from Mistress Danielle.  They were seated just inside the door of the dungeon.  The walls were covered with a wide variety of instruments of ?painful pleasure?; some looked more in the painful than pleasurable variety.  Closed cabinets and drawers hid more implements.  Furniture appropriate to an ancient torture chamber were strategically placed around the room, other pieces of more modern design and curious application were interspersed among them.  Carol recognized a rack, stocks, benches and a Spanish pony.  Crosses, posts and a pedestal with chains and manacles were also identifiable.  Some other things were a mystery.  She figured – rightly - that they would not be a mystery long.  Chains hung from various locations from the ceiling, there were many rings, hooks and other attachment points as well.

       ?What do you think of my ?office???  Danielle asked, as she watched Carol looking around.

       ?I?I’m surprised, I guess.  Maybe I shouldn’t be, but it’s a lot more than I expected.?  Carol’s eyes continued to roam around the room. ?I don’t have a clue about some of the things I see.?

       ?You won’t experience all of them this time?but come back and we’ll make sure that you are intimately familiar with every single one.  VERY intimately familiar!?  Danielle laughed lightly.  She opened a folder and removed two stapled sheets of paper.  The results of the questions that Carol had answered on the website were printed with comments next to each one.

       Carol stared at the sheets and started to slide her chair back from the table, her eyes wide, her face turning pale.

       ?I thought there wouldn’t be any identifying paperwork.?  Carol said, her voice quaking slightly.

       ?RELAX!? Danielle said loudly, startling Carol. Then in a normal tone said, ?There is nothing on this that has any identification.  Only a number that corresponds to your password.  And that list is secure and encrypted.  I just want to verify and to clarify some things.  It’s important to me that I understand all that you want and, more importantly, identify the things that you don’t REALLY want from the things that you just THINK you don’t want.?

       Carol looked confused, so Danielle continued.

       ?Many people, especially at first, are afraid or apprehensive of trying things that could become extremely erotic for them. Or they aren’t interested in things that could be incredibly arousing.  The questions are designed to reveal things to me that might not be apparent to someone not trained to understand them.  But I still need to make sure that you understood what I asked and I understood what you answered.?

       Carol understood, but was quite surprised. ?It sounds like you’re still practicing psychology. Are you??

       Danielle smiled. ?Almost.  Actually, I consider what I do as an extension of my old practice?it’s just that the treatments don’t quite meet the criteria of the DSM IV. Many of my clients respond quite well to the physical?treatments. And frequently quicker than the conventional way.  A whip, or a cane, or a crop seems to focus the attention more strongly than a verbal suggestion.?

       Carol thought for a moment, then said ?All right.  Let’s start.?

       The Mistress went through the questionnaire.  Her hard limits were scat, watersports and sexual acts as well as using words like ?slut? or ?whore?.  Carol explained:

       ?I have a? well, strained relationship with my parents.  When they found out that I wasn’t a virgin anymore, they didn’t accept it at all.  They blew up and we had falling out.  The names they called me hurt me.  They still do.?

       The Mistress considered this and replied ?I can understand that.  Maybe that’s something we can take the sting out of.  You also show a dislike for any lesbian activities. How hard a limit do you have about that??

       Carol said.  ?I find it distasteful, that’s all.  I don’t have a problem with anyone being gay but I just don’t care to participate.  It’s not my thing.? 

       ?OK.  I’m going to change.  I want your ass naked and kneeling in the middle of the room, head down, your hands behind your back.?  And she quickly left the room. 


       Carol barely had time to get undressed and into place before the Mistress returned.  Carol marveled that she could get changed into a leather bustier, garter belt with seamed stockings, high heeled knee high boots and silk snap crotch panties so quickly.  A riding crop was in her left hand, tapping against her boot.  She walked around, examining Carol’s body.

       ?Knees apart!  Straighten your back!  Hands on your elbows!?  The Mistress barked her commands.  She reached out with the end of the crop, lifting Carol’s chin.  When Carol’s eyes met the Mistress’s, Danielle said quietly but sternly.  ?Lower your eyes.  I want to look at your face.  You do not look at my face without permission.?  Instantly Carol dropped her gaze down to the boots in front of her.  The Mistress appraised the beautiful countenance before her.  Creamy, flawless skin, features perfectly balanced, eyes like emeralds. 

       ?You are a lovely woman.  I shall enjoy enlightening you.?  The Mistress said gently.  She reached down and slipped a metal collar around her neck, securing it with a padlock and added a leash. She then stepped behind her and grasped her wrists and applied a pair of stainless steel handcuffs.  Carol shuddered, but said nothing.


       ?Heel.?  The Mistress said and began to stroll around the dungeon.  She walked slowly enough for Carol to crawl and to get a look at the variety of implements and furnishings.  She stopped at a wooden ?T? attached to the floor.  It was waist high and wrapped in leather.  Rings were inset in the floor three feet apart just in front of it.  She tugged at the leash. 

       ?UP.? Carol stood and felt a hand pushing the back of her neck, bending her over the top of the beam.  The leash was secured to a ring on the middle of the support post.  The Mistress drew down a cable from a pulley mounted on the ceiling.  A clip on the end of the cable went around the link of the handcuffs; she lifted the cable back up and a spring retracted it onto a reel.  A sharp tug locked it like a seat belt retractor. Carol was stretched between the ring on the post and the pulley on the ceiling.  The Mistress picked a pair of cuffs from off of a nearby table and put them on Carol’s ankles.  She pulled them apart and locked them on to the floor rings.  This stretched her victim even more.  So far Carol had remained silent.

       ?Let’s warm things up bit, shall we??  The Mistress said, and picked up a suede flogger.  She draped the strands over the bare back then lifted the flogger and swung it lightly through the air and swept it across the skin.  Carol jumped, at least as much as she could.  She didn’t know what to expect.  The flogger stung only slightly, the next one and the next only warming the skin.  The strokes gathered speed and force.  The Mistress was flogging her flat, without follow through.  The ends wrapped around her side; as the force increased the ends began to sting her ribs.  Danielle stepped around to the other side and started stinging the ribs on the side opposite.  The strokes changed.  Rather than striking flat the flogger was swept across the back.  This sharpened the sensations.  After a dozen strokes a fine stranded leather flogger was chosen.  The sensations changed to a burn.

       ?Mm?Mistress!  Please!  I forgot to tell you!  I can’t take any marks home.  My husband doesn’t know about this and I’d rather he not find whip marks.  I’m sorry!?  Carol had started to panic.

       ?OH REALLY??  The Mistress asked.  ?Keeping secrets?  Not a very good practice in a marriage.?  She unclipped the ankle cuffs and untied the leash from the post.  She lifted Carol’s chin and said ?Look at me.  What’s the deal??

       Carol blushed.  ?We play in the bedroom.  He ties me up.  Nothing very strenuous.  He tried spanking me once.  I think he liked it.  I wanted to.  But it brought back memories of my parents.  My mother would whip me with a belt.  She’s someone I love? or I’m supposed to.  How can you love someone when they’re hitting you? When you’re screaming in pain? But I wanted to try it again.  I don’t have to love you. You don’t threaten my love or my marriage.  But I don’t want to take whip marks home.  I was hoping to see if I could accept it. Maybe David and I can learn from it.?  Carol’s eyes were full of tears.

       ?That is important information.  It certainly changes things.  Actually, it now gives us a goal as well as a new experience.  But withholding information that important deserves a punishment.  I won’t leave any lasting visible marks.  They will be gone by the time you get home. But I WILL leave you a few memories!?  The Mistress said.  She smiled at Carol for a second before her face turned stern.  A quick grab and the leash was pulled back down and secured; the ankles put back into the rings.

       The thin leather flogger was re-employed.  The Mistress started a fast windmilling, brushing it over Carol’s back.  Carol felt fire spread from her shoulders down to her ass, then down her thighs.  The flames spread back up to her shoulders. She gasped as an icy spray hit her back.  The ice water was mixed with aloe to sooth and speed healing. Danielle picked up a fiberglass cane and slipped a piece of rubber hose over it.  She swished it around, making an ominous swishing hum.  She held it against the top of Carol’s thighs and took her aim. A quick swing back, then forward and it splatted against the flesh just below the ass cheeks. 

       ?Oooh.? Carol retorted.

       ?Count.? Said the Mistress.

       Splat.  ?Two.?



After five strokes Carol got another cold spritz.

       ?That wasn't the punishment.  That was to help keep you focused.?  Carol was then released and made to crawl over to an open area in the middle of the room.  A spreader bar was lowered and Carol's wrists secured in suspension cuffs.  Another spreader kept her feet apart.  The Mistress stretched her until she was on the balls of her feet; next came a blindfold and ring gag.  The Mistress picked up both a flexible riding crop and a long feather.  Carol began to experience the contrasting sensations of tickling followed by a sharp slap; sometimes on the same area, other times on a different part of the body altogether.  The combination of physical extremes plus the tension of the stretching worked to start Carol's juices flowing. This did not escape her Mistress’s attention, indeed, she kept a close watch.  As her labia began to swell and moisten, Danielle began directing more attention on just her breasts and pussy.  This was a different version of slap and tickle but it had a similar effect.  Carol's fragrance was permeating the room, the inside of her thighs first glistened, then her pussy began to drool.  As the first drops hit the floor Danielle put away the crop and picked up a cordless vibrator that resembled a cordless toothbrush minus the scrubbers.  She very lightly touched around Carol's body, the sensations caused Carol to twitch with every touch.  She made strangled yelps as spasms shivered through her.

       Danielle stopped all the teasing and picked up a spray bottle that had been resting in a cooler full of ice.  A coarse spray caused a gasp and as much of a shriek as she could get past the gag.

       ?Not all punishments come from a whip.?  Danielle chuckled. She grabbed a hand towel and wiped off Carol's face and chest then gave her pussy a quick scrub; not enough to get her off but enough to remove the drool.

       Carol was heated up, the rest of the session seemed to move both in slow motion and a blur.  The X frame held her tight; wide rubber bands around perfect, large breasts made swollen, purple globes.  Sharp toothed clips with weights on turgid nipples made the globes point downward. A leather hood became a second scalp. Blind and deaf, a ball gag strained her jaw rendering her mute. Smell and touch was her world...a world of sharp points and burning stripes. The smell of her sweat mixed with her arousal.  Her pussy was painted with a flogger of fine wires, her ass spanked with vampire gloves. At one point, hooded and gagged, she crawled around the dungeon with a butt plug complete with tail swishing around her ass, pussy drool streaking the floor.  This was followed by a deep fucking from the Mistress's strap-on while bent over the horse.  Carol finally was allowed an orgasm.

        She found herself on her knees before the Mistress's throne.

       ?Look around.?  Carol did so, blinking, trying to focus. ?It looks like a monster snail has been wandering around.?  Carol cleared her eyes and looked again and blushed. Under the right circumstances Carol could be extremely emmissive, this had been a perfect circumstance.  Tracks from her secretions trailed around from her crawling.

       ?If I had to guess, I'd say that you enjoyed this afternoon.?  Daneille said.

       Carol almost looked up, then caught herself.  ?Yes, Mistress.  It has been very...?  she searched for the right word ?entertaining.?  She had always been a proficient juicer, but this afternoon had turned on a faucet that she had never before experienced.

       Danielle was seated before her.  The phallus stood as a rampant spear projecting from her loins.  The condom shone with Carol's fluids.  The Mistress removed the condom and reached out with it toward Carol.

       ?Open.?  Carol obeyed and the condom was stuck in her mouth.  After getting a taste of herself Danielle snapped her fingers and pointed to a trash can at the side of the chair. After Carol had spat the rubber wad into the can Danielle unbuckled the harness and sat it aside.  She spread her legs and framed her pussy with her hands.

       ?You may approach on your knees and thank your Mistress.?  She said.  Carol hesitated and then crawled up to the chair.  The crotch of her Mistress's panties was soaked, her fragrance strong in Carol's nose.  She stared at the wet silk.

       ?Look at me.?  Danielle said gently.  Carol looked up into her eyes. ?I know it is a hard limit.  Just a quick kiss somewhere close is fine.? And she smiled. Carol smiled back then gently reached up to the snap crotch and opened the flap. She spread the labia back revealing an erect clitoris.  Carol gave a deep swipe of her tongue from the bottom of the dripping pussy to the top then latched onto the clit and began sucking and licking.  Danielle's eyes widened as she sat hard against the seat back.  Within ninety seconds she was filling Carol's mouth with her passion.

       Carol sat back on her knees.  ?That was a first.  Maybe a last and only.  I think I know what you meant about not really knowing.?

       ?I'm glad you were entertained.? Danielle replied with a smile.

       After they had cleaned up and dressed Danielle walked Carol back to the door.

       ?If you're interested, there is a party Saturday afternoon before the big gala.?  Danielle told her.

       ?What is the connection between a bondage party and a pharmaceutical manufacturer's convention??  Carol asked.  Danielle looked confused.

       ?What manufacturer's convention??  Danielle asked. ?The gala is for the national BondCon this weekend.  Isn't that why you're here??

       ?What's a bondcon?? Carol asked.  ?I'm here for the National Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer's Show.  I'm a pharmaceutical detail rep. ? Realization began to come to Danielle's eyes. 

       ?You're not here for the BondCon??  Danielle asked?

       ?I don't know what a BondCon is.? Carol answered.  ?That's why I couldn't understand why I got your e-mail as part of the 'other activities' that my company included in the list of selected extras.?

       ?Who do you work for??  The Mistress asked.

       ?Orstine Pharma.?  Carol replied.  Danielle had an idea, but to protect her clients she didn't reveal it.

       ?Well...I don't know about a company list of activities.  But you're still invited to our party as my guest if you would like to go.  Saturday from noon to five or whenever. The big event starts around seven though people will be hanging around the show all afternoon, up until the big party starts.  Interested??

       ?Maybe.  I don't have any specific plans for that afternoon.  I don't have enough time to go to any of the theme parks.?

       ?Fine.  Here is a ticket...unless you want two??  Carol shook her head.

       ?The details are on this sheet. If you want to play you can get a collar there, or just play it by ear. I wouldn't expect you to go as a Domme.?

       ?How do I dress?  I certainly don't have anything to wear to a bondage convention.? Carol asked.

       ?Just dress casual.  Sexy casual if you have it.?  Danielle answered.

       ?It's just a lot of fun with others who like to play. See you there.?

       And Carol was off.

Chapter 5        

       The next day was pretty much a waste of time for Carol.  The seminars and continuing education sessions were a background to the memories of the previous day.  She almost wished that she had a dvd of the session as a reminder of what she went through.  Almost.

       Then came the party.

       Carol arrived right on time.  The only thing that she felt comfortable wearing was a pale blue sleeveless silk/poly top with dark blue shorts and flats. She was among the first to arrive, but the room got busy quickly.  She followed signs to the room where another sign announced it as ?invitation only?.  Carol presented her invitation at the table in front of the door and was asked to present her identification.  A waiver was presented, which confused her for a moment. The girl smiled and said

       ?It's a requirement.  It releases the hotel from...problems.?  She signed and was offered a choice of a small red plastic collar or miniature crop. 

       ?Do I have to take one??  She asked?  The slave girl wearing a collar, cuffs on both wrists and both ankles all joined by chains to a locked belt; scanty halter and thong bikini bottoms replied:

       ?No, they're simply to make others aware which way you play if you're alone. You can always take one now and put it away if you don't want to use it.  You do need to wear the bracelet, though.?  A plastic bracelet identifying her as a guest was fastened around her right wrist and two paper tokens were placed into her hand.  The slave opened the door for her and curtseyed as Carol went into the room.


       The lighting was subdued, but not dark. A token bar was set up next to the entrance. A limit of two alcoholic drinks, either beer or wine were allowed. A variety of dungeon appliances were set up around the room. Large signs in the colors described: RED BLUE(MAYDAY)YELLOW hung on the walls behind each station. Several people wearing tee shirts labeled DM wondered around. Behind each station a table was set up with paper towels and several spray bottles of disinfectant. A dais was at the end opposite the door.  Both an X frame and a suspension bar were set up with spotlights holding them in focus. A table held an assortment of chastising implements.  A collection of cuffs, hoods, gags, rolls of wide tape, blindfolds, rope and other toys completed the assembly.

       Carol wandered around; several groups of people formed who had either met at the recent activities or were getting re-acquainted from days or years past. Carol recognized one, much to her surprise.  He was another rep who worked for Orstine, based in Charlotte, she thought.  He spotted her and casually worked his way over to her.

       ?I didn't know you were in the scene.?  He said, extending his hand.  ?Robert Hazlith.  I work out of Orstine's Charlotte office.?  Carol took it, blushing furiously and looking around furtively. 

       ?I...I'm not really in?what did you call it?'The Scene'? I got an e-mail activity...and I got an invitation to this party.  I've never done anything like this...but I thought I'd see what it was like.  I don't think they do this in Raleigh.  OH!  Excuse me. I'm Carol Tiffton.?  She took his hand, shook it lightly and released it.

       ?Oh, I'm sure you can find things similar in Raleigh.  In fact there was a munch there last November.  I missed it; but I might make the next one.?  Robert smiled at her. ?Are you alone??

       ?Yes.  My husband stayed home. We couldn't afford for him to come this year. Maybe next year.  I think it's going to be in San Francisco.  We've never been there before.?

       ?Too bad he couldn't make it.  Can I show you around??

       Robert was wearing a black leather vest over a black silk tee shirt, black leather pants and black engineer's boots with silver toe and heel clips.  His physique revealed a lot of gym time.  His abs were hard, the shirt clung to them hinting at the definition. His hazel eyes shone out from under a shock of dusky blonde hair.  At 5'10, he wasn't a bad package at all.

       As they walked around he introduced her to a few acquaintances.  The Mistress arrived looking stunning in a long silver dress slit to her thigh. The dress displayed an impressive amount of her chest. A ruby pendent hung at the hollow of her cleavage. Her feet were encased in delicate black heels that had tiny straps that wrapped around her ankles and disappeared above the hem of the dress.  As an incongruous accessory a rawhide quirt hung by a knot from a loop on a solid silver belt. 

       ?Good afternoon, Mistress Danielle.? Robert said as they approached the Domme.

       ?Good afternoon Master Robert.? She replied. ?And good afternoon to you, Carol.  I'm glad you could join us.?

       ?Good afternoon, Mistress. This is quite an?? she looked around the room ?interesting party.?

       Danielle laughed lightly.  ?The party hasn't started yet. I do hope that it does get interesting. Did you meet here??  She indicated the two of them.

       ?Actually, we work together...well, at least for the same company.  We're here as a part of our work.?  Robert answered. ?We're getting acquainted away from business.?

       ?Play time is important!? Danielle said laughing. ?All work and no play makes Carol a dull girl!  Right??  She looked at Carol with a raised eyebrow.  Carol blushed a bright red.

       ?R...right. hasn't been dull so far this week.?  Was all she could stammer.

       ?Robert, take good care of Carol.  She isn't used to a group like this. You should be protective as a responsible Dom always is.?  She laughed again.  ?Have fun.  I need to get around the room.?  And she was away.

       ?So?How do you know the Mistress??  Robert asked Carol.

       ?I...? She faltered, then blushed again and looked down.  She finally calmed and looked back up. ?Her dungeon was listed as one of the activities from Orstine. Didn't you see it??  Robert nodded.

       ?As a matter of fact I did.  I was a bit surprised at that, but I figured that someone upstairs must have a secret kink he...or they...whomever...wanted to share with everyone.?  He replied.

       ?How do you know her?? Carol asked, dodging his question.

       ?I've been in the scene for years. She provides services for Doms, too. She provides subs and teaches whipping and flogging techniques.  She's quite good at delivering controlled pain. She has a remarkable touch with a crop or a whip.?

       Carol felt a quiver run through her as she remembered all too well just how skilled her Mistress was.

       ?You didn't say how you know her.  Have you been to her dungeon??  He asked.

       Again Carol's face burned.

       ?Yes.  I wanted to see what it was like. I met her last Wednesday.? She replied.

       ?Have fun??  He asked.

       ?Yes.  It was quite entertaining.?  Her voice was husky.  She struggled to swallow.

       Robert looked around behind her.

       ?So, did you get a collar or a crop??  She pulled a collar from out of her back pocket.

       ?Collar.  What did you get??  He produced a crop from the inside pocket of his vest.

       ?I'm not the collar type. I prefer to be on the delivering end of the whip. Want to try it??  Carol shook her head furiously.

       ?NO! I don't know why I got the collar. Souvenir, I guess.? She said.

       ?OK.  I think I want a beer.  Care for a drink??   He tilted his head toward the bar.

       ?Yes.  That sounds great.?  Carol was glad to change to subject.  At least for the moment.

       Robert led them over to the bar and they each got a beer.  An announcer stepped up to a microphone at the other end of the room. 

       ?Good afternoon.  Welcome to the Dominant's Reception.  Everyone is welcome to try out the different stations around the room. Remember the safe rules. He pointed at various signs behind each of the appliances. ?Please be respectful of the location.  We don't want to draw any unnecessary attention.  And remember, no cameras or cell phones. Discretion is required.?

       ?Who are the guys in the shirts with 'DM' on them??  Carol said.

       ?They are Dungeon Monitors.  They make sure that everything is safe.  And sane and consensual.?  Robert said. ?No excuses. Safe, sane and consensual.?  He smiled at Carol.  ?That's what it's all about. It's all fun. Of course some people like their fun spiced with a little pain.  But it's still fun.?

       As they walked around the room had started to fill up.  Doms and Dommes led subs around on leashes.  Some walked, others crawled.  Different apparatus were being used.  The snap of whips, not all gentle, rang out from different areas. They migrated to the dais where a large, very muscular bare chested man wearing black leather pants and boots was connecting a tall naked blonde girl to the suspension frame. He attached her ankles to a spreader bar longer than the width of her shoulders and her wrists to another spreader the same length. He connected the wrist spreader to a chain suspended from a winch. Her large breasts flattened as he pulled her up. Her feet left the floor, then he snapped a chain on one end of her ankle spreader to a ring in the floor to keep her from spinning.  He picked up a vicious looking bullwhip from the table. She breathed deeply, watching as her master warmed up.

       ?This should be interesting.?  Robert said to Carol.  She was wide eyed, not quite believing what she was seeing. He led her closer to the pair.

       ?He's good.  And she loves it. Together make a perfect couple.? He told her.

       They watched as the large man uncoiled the whip and limbered up.  He snapped it a few times to get limber up and gather attention.  He stepped up and gave the girl a deep kiss then stepped back.  He drew the whip back and swung it gracefully around, wrapping it around the blonde's waist. As the whip fell away a red line revealed where it had struck.

       ?Thank you, Sir.  Another, please??  The blonde hissed.

       Another stripe joined the first.

       Then another.  Another.  Many more followed.  She was striped from her underarms to her knees.  Both the girl and her Dom were sweating, drops staining the floor dark. The inside of her thighs were wet, though not all from perspiration. Her fragrance was noticeable. Her master lowered the bar and removed the cuffs from her ankles and wrists.  She was trembling and not very steady on her feet.  He held her close and gave her another deep kiss then swept her off her feet with an arm under her knees and another under her back.  She cringed from the pressure against the welts decorating her back but said nothing.  Applause rang through the room as they made their way out a side door.

       ?They've been giving that performance for several years.  I never get tired of it.?  Robert said.  Carol stared at him.

       ?For years??  She was incredulous. ?They do that regularly??

       ?Yep.  They love it. They'll be at the gala tonight. A quick shower and nap. Probably a quick screw...ahh a quickie.?  He grinned. ?Nothing like a little whip action to get the old hormones flowing, eh??

       ?I guess.  I wouldn't know.? Carol lied. Not only was she turned on, she was afraid that her copious fluid flow would betray her.  ?This beer is going right through me.  Where are the rest rooms??  She asked. 

       Robert walked with her to the door and pointed across the hallway.

       ?Right there. I'll wait for you.? He said.  As she walked away a wry smile spread across his face.

       Carol returned to the room.

       ?Did I miss anything??  She asked.

       ?Not yet.  Feel better??  Robert asked her.

       ?DEFINATELY!? She exclaimed. She had taken the opportunity to add a few layers of tissue to her panties to provide some protection. Maybe she could get through the rest of the afternoon without embarrassing herself.  She couldn't believe the reaction she was having.

       As they walked around various couples had made use of the different bondage stations and were busy ?warming up? their subs.  They heard several DM's gently remind players:

       ?Watch the back swing, please.?  The whip and cane wielders had a tendency to forget that they had a close audience.

       The Mistress caught up to them and as they watched one particularly pretty sub moan into the lashing she received, asked Robert:

       ?Have you been practicing the techniques we went over last month??

       ?Actually, I have.  If I had a willing victim...or should I say, volunteer, I could show you.? He looked at Carol, smiling and lifting his eyebrows at her.

       ?I don't think so!?  Carol responded rather loudly.

       Danielle laughed then said ?Well, I don't think that there is any danger involved here. Robert does have a rather well developed sense of the whip. I'd like to get an idea of how well he has progressed. Are you sure?  He seems to know how to tickle rather well.?

       Carol paused, looking at Robert. She didn't respond.

       ?I've been practicing tickling with a short buggy style whip.  I've got a few friends who enjoy being tickled while they're tied up.  It doesn't hurt. Really. Let me show you.?  He said gently.

       ?There's a frame available right over there.? Danielle pointed behind them at a solid wall type frame.  The sub that had been enjoying it was spraying and wiping it down.

       They turned and Carol said hesitantly, ?Oh...OK.  Just a few minutes.?  She looked around at the room, half of the participants were either nude or almost nude. Collars, cuffs and shoes were the only garments most of the subs wore.  The Mistress led them over to the frame. Carol stepped up to it with great trepidation.

       ?Shall I hold your top??  She asked, pointing at Carol's tee shirt.  Carol blushed and looked around almost wildly.

       ?You're not alone.  And I think Robert's seen boobs before.  Not many as nice as yours, I admit, but they're just boobs.  Besides, you might make another discovery about yourself.? Danielle had a wry smile on her face.

       Carol looked around again then nodded slowly.  She pulled the shirt over her head, handed it to Danielle and quickly faced up against the frame.  Danielle tugged at her bra strap.  Carol sighed and unhooked it, then shrugged out of it and handed it to the Mistress. She leaned up against the wall, shielding her breasts. Robert pulled the cuffs down and fastened them around Carol's wrists, then attached her ankles. A few turns of a handle and Carol found herself stretched tightly against the frame. He found a whip that suited him from one of the tables and gave a few quick swipes through the air.  The swishing sound caused Carol to jump and turn her head.

       ?Just warming up the arm. I want to find the reach of this little thing.? He continued to swing around and then turned to face Carol's back, waving the split end of the whip around her shoulders. He dangled the ends across her shoulders and neck, swung the ends gently under her arms.  The end of the whip had soft suede laces that began wide and tapered to thinner ends.  This made it easier to tickle and less likely to inflict any serious pain. He began dangling the ends around Carol's ears and neck. He then moved on her shoulders arms and back moving the ends in a circular motion brushing gently against her skin.  Carol was stretched further than she was used to. The tightened skin added to the sensitivity to the suede tips. The Mistress stepped over with a blindfold and placed it over Carol's eyes. Without vision Carol focused her senses on what she could feel, hear and smell. Robert continued to tease Carol moving from her wrist to her ankles swinging the tips quicker to provide a sharper tickling sensation. Carol could feel her skin warming up. She could also feel that spot between her legs began to get moist again. She was surprised at her juicing, she was occasionally a prodigious lubricator but in the last few days her flow had increased dramatically. Occasionally during bedroom play David would call her a ?juicy Lucy", but her wetness lately was greater than it had been in the past. ?Could this simply be because of the added stimulation?? She thought.  Robert continued tickling Carol and then started adding a few swats with the shaft of the whip across her bottom. They were hard strokes, just enough to give her a change in sensation. They certainly added to her increased excitement. Daniel watched, smiling, as he continued to tease Carol with the whip.

       Danielle motioned for Robert to stop for a moment and stepped close to Carol, placing her mouth close to Carol's ear.

       "Are you enjoying this dear?" Daniel asked. Carol nodded "yes, Mistress."

       "Shall I enhance the experience a bit?? Carol nodded again.  Daniel picked up a ball gag, placed the ball in Carol's mouth and fastened the straps around her head; she then picked up a knotted red handkerchief and placed it in Carol's right-hand.

       "The cloth in your right hand is a red handkerchief.  If you need to stop the play, simply drop it. Understand?" Again, Carol nodded.

       Daniel stepped away and motioned for Robert to continue. He began again, this time adding light taps of the end of the whip shaft to different parts of her back, legs and arms. Carol could feel perspiration start to trickle down her sides; she could smell her scent mixing with her deodorant and cologne, forming an unusual m?lange. She began to quiver slightly, both from the strains of her restraint as well as the increased excitement caused by the whipping. Robert stepped to her side and started using the shaft of the whip lightly across her back as if it were a cane. He alternated the came strokes with more tickling Carol wondered if the crotch of her shorts was beginning to show her arousal. Thankfully she had worn dark blue.

       Robert began to focus on her butt and the backs and insides of her thighs, tickling and striking the tender skin. Her skin had developed a bright pink glow, there were but a few faint lines showing where he had struck, none that would last for more than a few hours. Carol found it difficult to breathe deeply enough through her nose only, but the ball gag prevented any deep breaths otherwise.

       A dungeon monitor walked up to Robert, leaned close to him and said "it's about time to wind this one up and let someone else have this apparatus to play with." Robert nodded his acknowledgement, then decided to see how much stimulation she could handle. He increased the amount of force he was using to strike her ass, moving his strokes from top to bottom in parallel lines.  Carol felt the increased force of the caning and began shaking her head and moaning. She tried to say the word "RED!? But the ball gag made the sounds unintelligible. Her hands were clenched into fists, she finally remembered to open her right-hand and drop the red handkerchief. Robert was focused on his aim, and it wasn't until his last blow on the underside of her ass cheeks that he noticed the red handkerchief flutter to the floor. A dungeon monitor stepped up and caught Robert’s arm as he dropped the whip to the floor. Danielle rushed over to Carol, unbuckled the ball bag and removed it from between her teeth.        

       "All you all right? Are you hurt?" Daniel asked. Carol shook her head.

       "I don't want any whip marks!" Carol said. "I'm not hurt, but I just don't want any marks.?

       "Sorry" Robert said "I didn't realize that. I don't think I hit you that hard, though." Daniel was busy unbuckling Carol's restraints. Once she was released she ran her hands down her ass cheeks. Her ass was tender but she couldn't tell if there were any bruises yet.

       Carol suddenly realized just how strong her aroma was, and she blushed. "I?I think I could use a shower" Carol said.  Daniel laughed.

       "It looked like you were having fun. Sometimes fun is exciting." Carol's blushing deepened.

       "Would you like to go back to the hotel?" Robert asked.

       "I think I would." Carol replied. "I think I’d like to freshen up a bit."

       "Well, let's go back to freshen up and then we'll get a bite of dinner." Robert said.

       "Isn't there a ball or something tonight?" Carol asked.

       "Yes. Would you like to come??

       ?I had planned to go to the pharmaceutical meeting dinner tonight. I think Team Orstine is expecting me to be there. Which of the events are you going to attend??

       Robert grinned. "I'm going to the fun one! Tell you what. Let's go back to the hotel, freshen up, then we can go to the cocktail party. I'll slip away after that and tell you the details later." They said their goodbyes to the Mistress and left for the hotel.

       Chapter 6

       The flight home was the best kind - uneventful. Carol didn't see Robert at the departure area of the airport. He must've had a different departure time. 

       I was waiting for her just outside the security gate. As she came out of the secure area, I slipped an arm around her and pulled her out of the traffic flow. I gave her a big hug and kiss. I think she realized how much I had missed her.  The way she returned the kiss told me she was glad to be home.

       ?Gosh, I missed you!" I said.

       "I missed you too, love." She answered.

       I took her hand while we waited for the baggage, and held it all the way to the car. In fact, I held it all the way home.

       "BRRR!? She said, as we stepped inside. "I got used to being warm in Florida." She slipped close to me and I held her tight.

       "Let's go to bed. You can warm me up there.?  She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the bedroom.  I turned up the thermostat on the way.

       "Would you like me to tickle you?? I asked. She nodded, smiling. I undressed her, kissing each part of her body as I uncovered it. We slipped under the covers, and cuddled until the room warmed up. It was wonderful to have her home. Once the room warmed up I retrieved the toy bag from the Closet. I put the cuffs on her, and clipped them to the lines on the bed.

       "Tighter. Stretch me out more." She asked. So I tightened the lines. This was a new development. Usually she likes some slack in the lines so that she can move a bit.  I applied the blindfold and picked up a feather, and began to trace it along her body. She squirmed a bit, her nipples puckering and getting hard. I kneaded her beautiful breasts gently and put my mouth over the right nipple, sucking and licking.

       "Harder." She said.  I began to chew, gently.

       ?Harder. Be rough with me.? This was a surprise. I squeezed harder, and began to bite. She squirmed even more and started to moan. I moved a hand to her pussy, and found she was soaking already.

       "It would appear that you missed me." I said.

       ?Mmmm Hmmm.? She gasped. She seemed ready, and I know I was.  I slid down to start licking at her pussy and reached up to continue squeezing her breasts. She was as wet as I had ever seen her and it did not take her long to cum. As soon as she quit shaking I moved up and slid inside her. It felt like my rod was about to explode. It didn't take me long, either. When I finished gasping I eased down on top of her.  After a moment I shifted my weight off of her and held her tightly without withdrawing my cock. I managed to unclip her wrists, but to reach her ankles meant that I had to move. We held each other until her legs began to cramp, so I unclipped her and went back to holding her. Eventually, it was time to get up so she rolled over and moved toward the bathroom. I watched her as she walked away but was surprised to see two thin bruises stretching across her ass cheeks. One just above her thighs, another an inch above the first. I used a hand towel to finish drying myself. When she returned from the bathroom I asked:

       "Where did you get the bruises??

       "What bruises??

       "The ones across your ass." I said. "Turn around." I traced my finger along the bottom one.  "Are they sore??  She looked down over her shoulder but of course couldn't see them.

       "I? I don't know?? she said hesitantly. "Maybe I sat on something. I think I perched on a hand rail Saturday afternoon. Maybe that did it.? It seemed doubtful to me but I let it pass. I felt something nagging at me again. I finished in the bathroom, got dressed and joined her in the kitchen. It was beer o'clock, so I grabbed a cold one while she fixed a drink. We sat together on the sofa; after having been apart I just wanted to be close to her.

       "That was a bit different." I said.

       "Mmmm? what do you mean?" She asked. My arm was around her, holding her close.

       "Well? you usually want me to be a bit more gentle than today."

       "I just missed you, that's all." She smiled at me. "You didn't seem to object."

       "Well" I grinned at her "absence makes the hard grow longer." She laughed and nudged me in the ribs with her elbow. I put my other arm around her, pulled her onto my lap and kissed her. "I'm so glad you're home."


       Chapter 7

       She was home all the following week. She mainly worked in the office and made some local calls. We made love a couple times, each time was wonderful. The next week was her usual schedule. I had some small remodeling work, but nothing of any consequence. I didn't know it, but she had received an e-mail from her friend from Charlotte, Robert. He asked to see her on her next trip to Charlotte so that he could tell her about the BondCon Ball. She still hadn't told me anything about it.

       Robert was still flying high after his trip to Florida. It couldn't have gone any better. The e-mail he spoofed worked perfectly and the session at the party was wonderful! Carol was beautiful, and her boobs were absolutely perfect. The whole evening after the party his balls felt like they were the size of a grapefruit; he had had to relieve the pressure in them twice that night. Since returning it been hard to remain cool but he knew he needed to be patient. Just let things work out. He had teased her with a few tidbits in his e-mail but wanted to wait until they were together before giving any details. He invited her to dinner at his House where he could tell her about the ball.


       His house was on the north edge of Mint Hill, east of Charlotte. It was on the end of a cul-de-sac set back for plenty of privacy. It was an older neighborhood, not one of the newer ones where all the houses were crammed together. She walked up the sidewalk to the front porch, the door opened as she stepped on the porch.

        "Good evening. It's great to see you again!? He held the screen door open for her and motioned her toward the living room. "Would you care for a drink??

       "Please!? Carol smiled at him as she entered the house.

       "What would you like?" He asked.

       Carol thought for a second, then said "How about a beer??

       "Coming right up." He walked into the kitchen and Carol followed him. He `reached into the refrigerator and pulled out two Coronas.

       "Lime?? He asked.        Carol shook her head.

       "No thanks. Just the beer. I drink limeade in the summertime."

       "Would you like a glass??

       Again, Carol shook her head. "It's already in one, thank you."

       Robert laughed. He opened both bottles and handed one to her. He clicked his bottle against hers lightly and said:

       "Whips and chains!? He grinned at her and took a sip.

       At first Carol looked startled and then smiled and tipped her bottle toward him.  "Cheers!" She answered.

       "Let's sit in the den." Robert said. "I'll tell you about the party."

       The house was nicely appointed, though not lavish. It didn't seem like what would be considered to be a "bachelor pad". Everything was neat, clean and organized. The walls were decorated with photographs and artwork that appeared to be souvenirs from traveling. As they finished their beer, the doorbell rang.

       "Dinner has arrived!? Robert said. He walked to the front door and opened it to reveal a pizza delivery boy standing there box in hand. He paid for the pizza, closed the door and carried it back to the kitchen. He was pulling plates from the cupboard, setting them on the table next to the pizza box when Carol stepped into the kitchen.

       "I hope you like pizza." Robert said. "I didn't feel like fixing anything. It would just interrupt the story."

       "Pizza is great!" Carol replied. "You can have my anchovies."

       "No anchovies." Robert said. "I don't care for fish on my pizza. Ready for another beer??

       "Sure." He handed her two plates each with two slices of pizza and said "I'll bring the silverware, napkins and beer.? He followed her back to the den, carrying the accessories and beers. He put his things down and pulled a pair of TV tables from behind a bookcase. He opened them and placed them in front of the chairs they had been sitting in. They got settled in and he continued telling her about the ball.

       "I would've liked to have gone. But business is business and that's why I was down there." Carol told him.

       "Yes, I know. But I have been to several of the meetings. Once they saw me at the cocktail party I had made my presence known. That gave me the chance to escape." Robert told her. "Besides, I wouldn't have missed that ball for anything. I've only been to one other BondCon. Usually they are too far away and I don't have the vacation time to spend going to them.? It took one more beer for him to finish his tale. About halfway through the beer he stopped and asked

       "Would you like to see my dungeon?" Carol knitted her eyebrows and looked around.

       "You? have a dungeon?" She asked.

       "Of course! Doesn't everyone? I wouldn't have asked to show it to you otherwise." He moved the tray table aside and stood up. He moved her table for her and held his hand to assist her up. She ignored it, rose and followed him to the hallway where he opened the door. He flipped the light switch and revealed a stairway going down to the basement.

       "A basement! Not many houses in the south have basements!" Carol exclaimed.

       "That's one of the reasons I picked this house. I can have my house and a dungeon, too." He led her down the stairs and flipped another light switch at the bottom. The floor was painted concrete; a smooth, grey shiny slab. She recognized an X cross, a whipping bench, and some sort of table with cuffs at each corner and rings mounted along the sides. A tall cabinet stood against one wall. She noticed spreader bars as well as cuffs dangling from the ceiling. Cables ran from each to the wall and down to winches mounted at waist height.  Rings lay in recesses in the floor. She walked around the equipment, running her fingers along the padded whipping bench. Robert walked over the cabinet and opened the double doors. Hung on the back of the cabinet was his collection of assorted paddles, floggers, whips and crops. He pulled opened a thin drawer to reveal a collection of canes. He closed it and opened the next drawer. It was divided into two parts; on one side were several masks and gags, on the other several dildos and vibrators. He closed the drawers and picked up a short whip with suede tips.

       "Want to try one out?? He asked motioning to the X-frame.

       "NO!? She exclaimed. "The last time you left me with a pair of whip marks. My husband saw them. I told him a lie about them. That's the first time I've ever lied to him. I hope that it's the last time." She glared at him.

       "I'm sorry. All Danielle said was that tickling gets your motor running. Since you mentioned you had been to her dungeon, I couldn't imagine anyone getting out of there without having had a thrashing. Until you dropped that handkerchief I thought everything was going okay. I do apologize." Robert put the whip back on its peg and closed the cupboard doors. He motioned toward the stairs and followed her up into the house. At the top of the stairs he closed the door behind them.

       "Danielle is an excellent teacher, and she has taught me how to use a variety of implements. Quite well, too. At least she says so. And she should know. If you would give me another chance sometime I could show you. And I promise not to leave any marks. And I'll bet I can get your motor racing."

       Carol was silent. She considered what he had said. She hadn't mentioned to him about marks. And they hadn't been with Danielle very long. Perhaps, she could cut him some slack.

       "Maybe. I'll think about it. It was fun, until you started whipping my ass. And it wasn't because it hurt that much. I just didn't want to take any souvenirs home. But I did, anyway. That's what hurt. I'll think about it." Was Carol's reply.

       Robert smiled at her. "I promise. Really. I truly mean it. The next time you come to town, let me show you. You will love it." She handed him her empty bottle and walked over to where he had laid her coat. She picked it up and put it on.

       ?Thank you for the pizza.  And the beers.  The ball sounded like a wild party.  I’m glad you could go. This was fun.  You’re a very gracious host.? Carol held out her hand and he took it.  Her hand was warm, dry and firm. This was the first time all evening that he had touched her. He gave a gentle shake and released it.

       ?Please come back. I really enjoyed seeing you again. Please. The next time you come down. Okay?? Robert was contrite, almost begging, very unlike a dominant.

       ?I’ll think about it.? And Carol smiled.  It was the best he could hope for.  He opened the door for her and walked her out to her car.  He opened the door for her, held it as she got in and closed it gently.  He waved as she backed out of the driveway and disappeared into the night.


If there is interest then more will be posted.










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Tales of My Depraved Life Part 2 Being Used

Everyone should experience having a sweet, young, warm, hairless cock in their mouth at least once in life. A few months before turning 12, I spent the summer in the Adirondack Mountains at a place called Connor’s Lake. It was shaped like a cashew nut and our rental was at the bottom tip of the 200 yard long 50 yard wide, deep, cold lake. I began exploring the first day. Going to the right around the outside curve of the cashew, I found a small beach area where a strip of imported...

1 year ago
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The Study of Bimbos Bulls

This is the collected study by Sexology Professor William Mast kept over several decades. Professor Mast has traveled the world interviewing hundreds of Bimbos and Bulls, and explored ancient texts to uncover the origins of these sexually advanced individuals. Bimbos and Bulls are as Professor Mast notes are individuals born with incredible sexual prowess and develop incredible erotic physiques. Perhaps you have heard of them loosely or even seen one or two. Professor Mast has made it his...

2 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 62

I was home about 20 minutes earlier this week than last. Familiarity with the job and having a car were the primary reasons. Let's face it, the job wasn't rocket science. I'd gotten a few comments from my family and other students about an honor student mopping up the gym. It wasn't my first career choice but was no worse than the other ways to make money that were available to someone my age with no experience. Unlike working in a burger joint where I'd have to pay attention to...

1 year ago
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The Drifter Ch 6

When I woke up, I wanted to make an early start, but was surprised that despite our tense situation, Carla slowly stroked my cock letting me know she had other ideas.“You really are insatiable aren't you?”“Yes, and I know you like that. You're already hard.”She crawled between my legs and started moving her tongue slowly up and down my hard cock, delicately licking, while her devilish blue eyes watched me writhing. She took my cock in her mouth and bobbed up and down, then swallowed, taking...

2 years ago
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Virutal Likeness

If you notice any grammar or punctuation that needs to be correct, please contact me. As it says on the right side, you have Your name 'the son', your moms name and your sisters name. For the sister, if it still says Madison when you type in your own. Then I have not updated that page. Give me time. I also need to add the Aunt and several others. The current options below. First option - Son creates a virtual reality system where he uses it for mostly sex. But to help humanity as well. Also he...

1 year ago
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Cheating turned into a threesome with my boyfriends friend

Well as we drank, I caught Dave checking me out. So I thought I would tease him a bit, and I started bending over and rubbing his arm as we all talking, flirting, but still in an innocent way. Well, the bar was packed, and you had to squeeze by everyone, and when my bf went to the bathroom, Dave said he was going to grab another round. As he went to squeeze by me, he firmly grabbed my hips and rubbed his dick across my ass. I pushed back as he did it so he knew I wasn’t mad, and to tease him...

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My Gay Tale 3

My parents decided to shift to another city because they had to travel a lot but I didn’t want to leave so they decided that I could live alone and my mom would come over and see me weekly or monthly they wanted some one to take care of me and Aron’s mom said that she would be there for me. Now I was totally alone. I was 15 by the time and the only person who was closer to me was immi. One day Immi came to my house Immi: you look quite disturbed what’s the matter Me: nothing just missing...

3 years ago
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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” To my great pleasure I have learnt physically attractive, forty-something women can be wonderful sex partners. They have long lost any inhibitions, are sexually experienced, are able articulate what they want and very often have ripe, lush...

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Andena the RebelChapter 5

Andena was pacing around in her small apartment not knowing what to do with her excess energy. She desperately wanted to feel useful. After her two incredibly successful adventures she craved more excitement. She wanted more! More excitement and more of Lunn’s gorgeous body. She needed to find an excuse to visit his quarters again and her mind went back to the moment when the two vines had tried to puncture her with their thorns. Andena wondered if those vines were still there because she...

3 years ago
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Another Day Another FantasyMy Sexy Neighbors

     Well day one of my vacation was great, let’s see what today brings, this was my thought as I awoke alone in bed, my bed and entire bedroom smelling like sex. Wow what a day and night I just had, fucking a sexy blonde mother and her young sexy daughter just doesn’t get any better than that. I showered, letting the hot water melt away some of the soreness from my body, it felt great, after 20 minutes of this I was feeling pretty good. I prepared a grand slam breakfast for myself consisting...

2 years ago
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Not My First Cocksucking Blacken Gay

What had started out in high school as youthful sexual experimentation with my best friend Larry, quickly turned into an obsessive need for me to be on my knees sucking on his very big cock in order to get him to cum in my mouth. I had happily become a full fledged cocksucker and I eagerly blew him at every opportunity until he went off to college. After he left,however, I began to have second thoughts and I would feel ashamed for having harbored these strong oral cravings while all along, I...

2 years ago
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Watching My Wife with a Stranger

Watching My Wife with a Stranger - One fall evening my wife Janet and I were having friends over for a deck party, people were all milling around our secluded lawn, drinking and chatting. A group of us men were sitting on the deck listening to the baseball game and as the evening wore on into night people left a couple at a time until I found myself alone with one of Janet's co-workers, a guy named Jerry. The double header wrapped up and I asked Jerry if he wanted to hit the hot tub and have a...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 42 ERIC

Elfi did not fall, Krabbel caught her. “Wetmouth check her out! Hans raise alarm.” I yelled and Har-Hi and I were almost at the same time next to the door leading into our small hygiene facility. Lacking any other weapon I pulled my 45 and Har Hi produced a long knife. Wetmouth said. “She was stung by something. Circuit I need your nanites.” Hans was speaking to the Computronic reporting medical emergency and potential intruder alert. Har-Hi saw it first and pointed it out to me with a...

2 years ago
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Hotel spanking

We are in the room , you are in schoolgirl outfit I am in a suit , you are sent to me due to consistent misbehaviour. You look down as I scold you. I walk up to you and tell you to raise your head , you do, I want to see your face when when I tell you that you are going across my knee, I will take your knickers down and give you a spanking you won't forget, then I will bend you over and give you a hard dose of the cane !! I see the look of trepidation in your face, you bite your lip, your...

1 year ago
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Asha Aur 2017 Ki Holi 8211 Part 3

Main Asha ki Director’s farmhouse ki pre Holi party wali raat ko 11:30 baje ghar pahuncha. Asha, meri biwi ne mujhe khana serve karte hue apne director ke farmhouse par hui saari baat bata di. Main bohut naughty ho gaya. Khaana poora karne ke baad wahin bagal mein chair par baith gaya. Fir farmhouse mein jo hua use apne mind mein visualise karne laga. Asha bartan dhone ke baad kitchen light off karke mere saamne dining table saaf kar rahi thi. Main farmhouse ki ghatna soch kar aur usko us...

4 years ago
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My BROTHER showed me HOW to USE IT

First of all, thanks to the people at for telling me to write this story for all of you cock suckers like me that love being a cum drinking slut like me! I have always had a cum fetish, I don't know why, but it started when I was pretty young and I saw my brother jerking off in his bedroom!I was looking for our cat when I went by his window. I peeked inside and he was stroking his dick while laying in his bed. I saw him shoot a big load of white stuff from the tip and even...

2 years ago
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The Mens Locker Room Club Part I

Georgina followed Colleen around the club rooms and listened intently to her as she explained the checking procedures for closing up the health club. “Just the changing rooms left to do now.” She told her. They entered the ladies changing room and walked around the lockers into the shower area. Everyone had gone of course but it was the duty supervisor’s responsibility to double check and make sure that no one was locked in overnight. Colleen was one of the Supervisors but she was about to go...

Group Sex
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Sheriff PorterChapter 70

"I'm not looking for a job. I have an idea I want to pitch to you. We can both benefit from it. I really would prefer to pitch it over dinner." He said it smiling his boyish smile of course. "What time?" I asked. "I know I'm going to regret this maybe not tonight or tomorrow but someday soon and for the rest of my life." I know it was a flagrant violation of some copyright law somewhere, but there it was. "I'll be by at seven, and trust me you want regret this," he said. "Yeah,...

3 years ago
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A Friend for Valentines

Sophia and I sat together at the downtown Burger King, enjoying a meal together away from campus. It was nearly dark out, nasty, cold, and wet. Frozen rain pelted the windows. As I looked out on Campus Drive, the window acted as a mirror. I looked at my pasty, pale, freckled skin and my bright red, curly, unruly hair that was way overdue for a trim. Then I looked across the table at Sophia: strikingly beautiful with short-cropped, thick dark brown hair, olive-toned skin, high cheek bones, and...

4 years ago
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Sassy and Smart Micki

CHAPTER 1 The heat of a Blenheim hot and dry summer heated Micki (Michelle) Collins as apple orchardist Selwyn Peters spewed semen over her belly and breasts, grunting to end his toil in near-explosive feeling over the sweaty body of a female twenty-four years his junior. ‘Thanks.’ ‘For what?’ Micki said sarcastically, her eye following the arc of the condom he’d ripped off seconds before he ejaculated and now tossed it away to land under a tree laden with apples. She thought he was mean...

2 years ago
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Kiss Per Kilometer From Railway Station To Orgasm

HI My name is Megha. I am from Kolkata but I had to come to Delhi for Job. I am 28 years old and work as a manager in a call center in Delhi. Two years back when I got the job in delhi I was super excited. I will finally get to live on my own. My friend had already arranged a PG accommodation for me. I am an extremely horny and beautiful girl. My boobs are the best part of my body and I am very proud of them. But some people say that the best asset of my body is my ass. The day I landed in...

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Nocturnal Legacy

“Sorry, Ma'am.” I replied, putting another slice on the scale, my mind wandering again. Handing the woman her package, I glanced back over at the bakery counter. “He's looking at me again!” I squealed. “Just go talk to him!” Judy urged in her graveled, low-pitched voice, “Life's too short to mess around.” “I can't just go up and start talking to him!” I argued. “Suit yourself... smoke break.” Judy announce, removing her apron and leaving the deli counter. We exchanged...

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SugarDaddyPORN Melody Foxx Melody Foxx showed up with that curvy 18yo FRESH body

Thicker than a snicker…. FUCK ME Melody Foxx. I like how Melody is just so carefree with her vibe. The babe is just DTF ( Down To Fuck ). I probably wouldn’t have even had to pay her honestly but that’s now how I get down. I believe you should have a mutual exchange if both parties are getting what they want, and I wanted her young body. It felt amazing pressing up again her tits & even better when her tight pussy went to gripping my dick. When she rode me, that’s...

1 year ago
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Voyeur House Forum

I spent the morning in Voyeur House TV’s forum, and it’s given me a lot of insight into the main site and their live peeping-tom cams. Message boards on any porn site can be a really hit-or-miss affair, and I’d say that most of the time they’re missing. This one has a bit more going for it, so it ain’t just the same gaggle of perverts talking about how hard the boobies make them and begging for sexual favors from pornstars who would never read their messages. Some sites establish a forum on the...

Porn Forums
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Second Honeymoon Ch 04

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Please read the previous chapters to enjoy this story. Hope you will love the story.The trip reaches a wild end.As much as neither wanted to admit it, both couples knew their vacation was nearing its end and they would be flying home the day after next. Part of Jon wanted to stay in the room all day and do nothing more than fuck, but he knew that as willing as the mind might be the body needed to rest.They spent all day...

3 years ago
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5 December 2008Chapter 4

Dan continued to openly finger Cathy’s pussy as Andrew placed their meals in front of them. He opened the bottle of white wine and poured then a half glass full. Dan and Cathy put a pause to their sexy fun to enjoy their meals. Quiet conversation took place about their future baby and possibly what his or her name might be. She rubbed his crotch and he didn’t protest as she unzipped his fly and released his cock. Cathy squeezed it from base to tip causing a large clear bead to pop out. When...

1 year ago
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Tales of a Secret love Episode 2

  Hello, I am Christy, my husband has written a story about how we met, and how our relationship began. I want to write a nasty story about our relationship. As he promised we would write stories about our sex as a young couple. This is the second installment of Tales of a Secret love. Nick didn't know this before we started having sex. But he sleeps like a log, can't wake him up for nothing. As a 20 year old I took this to my advantage. Around one in the morning I walked in his room...


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