- 3 years ago
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I grew up in the sprawling, upper middle class suburbs of NY. At the age of 14, I became more and more focused on two major subject - sports and sex. Sex seemed to be taking preference over sports. I spent many an afternoon and early evening playing in my backyard as well as around the neighborhood. Our neighborhood was filled with similar families to mine - 2 or 3 kids, a father who worked at a decent job and a mother, who spent much of her days shopping and hanging out with her particular set of friends. My mother was a card player. She played cards with her girlfriends 2 or 3 times a week.
Somewhere in my 14th year, I accidentally stumbled upon an activity which would, in a short time, become my passion - peeping into windows around the neighborhood. It happened quite by accident. I was out in my backyard one evening. The sun had set and I was just sort of hanging out, lost in my own thoughts. I looked over at my next door neighbor's house with no particular intention. I saw that their bedroom light was on and the shade was not fully drawn down. I thought to myself, "Hmmm. I wonder what I might see if I sneaked up to the window. Now let me say that this particular neighbor was not what you would call a beauty. In fact, she was downright ugly. She was fat and her face left much to be desired. If I were to fantasize about fucking someone, she would be the last one I would ever think about. But the opportunity was there, and when opportunity knocks, we must answer the call!
I slipped up undetected to the window and snuck a quick peek. She was in there! She was fully dressed, but just the idea of watching someone while they didn't know it was very intriguing to me. I watched for a few minutes. She went into the bathroom and I lost sight of her. I waited a couple of minutes and then I was rewarded for my patience. She came out of the bathroom and her tits were exposed. She was wearing a girdle and her fat rolls were hanging over the edge of her girdle. She did have huge tits, though. I stared at her with delight. She did a few things in the bedroom as I watched those big tits shake from side to side. I was enthralled. I didn't see much more of her that night, but the bug had bit me. If I could see this fat old bitch, why couldn't I peep at some of the many women in the neighborhood who I really wanted to see? I didn't realize just how easy it would be. I began to make plans for the following night.
Chapter 2 - The Quest ContinuesI hate to admit it, but that night I went up to my room and jerked off thinking about that fat, ugly bitch next door. Yeah, she was ugly, but I had seen my first live tits and I was really turned on by it. I couldn't wait for darkness to fall the following evening. Now, my neighborhood was filled with nice homes. There must have been over a hundred in all. There were lots of windows to peek into. I wondered how many of them had slightly open shades, or blinds, or some way to get a peek at some good looking woman.
Finally, that next night came. My parents were pretty lenient with me and let me pretty much be on my own. It was summer and I usually stayed out until 9 or 10 o'clock, giving me a good hour or so to do some serious peeping. I took a walk around the block that night, with an eye towards a bedroom window with a light on. I found one. It was the G's house. Mrs. G was in her late 30's and she was pretty good looking. She was slim and always dressed nicely. She was pretty sexy. I slipped between houses, unnoticed. I crept up to the window. Sure enough, the blinds were only partially closed. As I later found out, many, many windows were like this. I suppose these people never even thought about someone peeping in their windows. Maybe, I thought, they did it on purpose. Maybe they WANTED some kid like me to get his rocks off sneaking peeks at their naked bodies.
I looked inside Mrs. G's bedroom. They were both in there, lying in bed. Mr. G was a fat, bald guy. I never really liked him and I wondered why she was with a jerk like him. He was lying there in his boxer shorts, his fat belly sticking out. She was wearing some kind of housecoat. It had slid up her legs. I could ALMOST make out her pussy, but it was more imagination than anything else. I made a decision to wait there to see if she would get undressed. There were some bushes around the side of the house and I felt I was pretty safe hiding out there. I'd sneak a peek every couple of minutes to see if she had gotten up. It must have been at least a half hour and I was getting ready to depart when she finally got up. She said something to him, I couldn't hear through the closed window, but I could see she wasn't real happy with him. She kept looking towards him, her lips moving as she started to take off her housedress. I watched with baited breath as she slipped it off to reveal a tanned, pretty body with her bra and panties on. Her back was to me as I watched her. Her hands slipped behind her and undid the bra as it fell limply to the floor. "Turn around! Turn around!" I silently pleaded to her. She slipped off her panties, still turned towards him. her ass was real nice. White as snow against the tanned body. She bent down to pick up her underwear and I could see her tits swaying as she did. They weren't as big as my fat neighbor's, but they were nice. Real nice! I watched and waited. She yelled something at him and then turned quickly and headed for the bathroom. It wasn't nearly enough time to take in all of the magnificence of that naked body. I did, however, get the briefest of glimpses of Mrs. G's fantastic cunt. I had never seen a real, live cunt before and hers was beautiful. I can still see it before me, even after all these years. She went into the bathroom and I could hear the door slam. I waited awhile to see of she was still naked when she came out, but to my dissatisfaction, she had on a nightgown. I had seen enough, though, to make my first night of peeping a successful one. O ver the course of the next two years, I would make many return visits to Mrs. G's window. On very few occasions was I disappointed. The worst was when I got to her window and the blinds were fully closed. Man, was I pissed off!
Chapter 3 - New VistasI began to make almost nightly forays around the neighborhood. It got so I was able to make a sort of schedule. I knew when someone would be getting undressed because those wonderful ladies kept to an almost regular schedule, at least during the week. Weekends were harder because they would go out many times and I would be left with nothing to see. I'd try and find a new woman every night if I could, though sometimes I would spend my entire time at one window, watching some pretty lady get undressed...or even more. I guess it was about the third week of my peeping that I got to see somebody fucking. That was an experience! Mr. and Mrs. "S". They were going at it pretty strong as I watched and jerked myself off at their window. He really fucked the shit out of her. I had never seen people fucking before and tried to take some lessons by watching them. Mostly, they were doing it doggy style. She had a real tight little ass and he fucked her silly.
I was building up my clientele slowly but surely. In the two years or so that I was doing this, I imagine that I saw 30-40 of my wonderful neighbors naked. The amazing thing was that I never got caught. never even came close to being caught. I attribute it to my great skill at being a peeping Tom. Maybe, though, I was just lucky. I couldn't get enough of this activity and found myself doing it more and more. I would get real pissed off if , for some reason, I couldn't get out to watch my "shows". I hated when it rained, although I even managed to make a few trips in the rain.
I thought I had seen it all in the course of that first year or so, but I was wrong. Every once in awhile, I would get a glimpse of something new and exciting. That first Summer turned to Fall. I turned 15. Soon, Winter had arrived.
Chapter 4 - The Best Tits I Ever SawWinter had it's good and bad points for me and my "occupation". First, I didn't get out nearly as much because of weather and school. On the plus side, though, was that it got dark much earlier, giving me more time to get around. I had lots of ground to cover.
Giving an award for the best tits I'd ever seen was easy. Her name was Francis W. Much of the neighborhood was friendly with one another, but Francis and her husband kept pretty much to themselves. They had two pretty daughters. One was my age, the other was in college. The closest I ever came to getting caught was at Mrs. W's house, and it was all my fault. I made regular stops there and I was usually afforded a pretty good view of her. She would leave her bathroom window slightly ajar while she did her thing in there. When she'd hop in the shower, she would be standing almost next to me and it got me so hot I could scream. One night, she went to take her usual shower and got into the stall. Her tits were absolutely perfect. They were average in size, but stood straight out and her nipples were a deep, dark brown and very large. When the water would hit them, they would harden and I swear that they stuck out almost an inch. If I could have sucked any tits in the world back then (or even now, for that matter) it would be hers without any question. Anyway, she started to lather up, her tits glistening. I couldn't help myself. I stood right up to the window and called out. "You've got beautiful tits!" Then I ran like hell! I'm not even sure if she even heard me. I was afraid to come back there for a long time after that, worried that they might be hip to me and be there waiting to nab me. God, that woman was beautiful.
My regular schedule consisted of having dinner, and then telling my mom that I was going out to play with my friends. "Be home before 11" Mom would tell me. She never minded, though, if I showed up later. In fact, I'm sure that most of the time she didn't even know if I was home or not. Anyway, I was making my rounds. It was a good night, that night. Usually, if I could peep in on 1 or 2 ladies, I would consider it a good night. This night, however, everything seemed to fall into place. It wasn't often that I would get to see something in every window I looked into.
I visited my old friend, Mrs. G first. There she was! She liked to prance around in her bra and panties alot. I think she was pretty impressed with her figure (why not?), and I constantly would catch her looking into her mirror, grabbing her tits, touching herself, enjoying herself. She really was hot and I wished that I could fuck her. I often fantasized about her. I would imagine me coming over for some lame reason and she would be there in her bra and panties. No one was home and she'd invite me in. I envisioned her coming on to me and telling me how much she wanted to see me naked. I'd undress and she'd get down on her knees and give me the best blow job. Then, she'd take off her undies and I would fuck her. Oooh! If only that could have happened!
Chapter 5 - Oh, Margaret!It's funny how things work out. I got to see so many naked women in my travels, but the one that I most wanted to see, I never least not on my peeping journeys. It wasn't for lack of trying, either. It's just that that damn window was never opened enough for me to see what was going on inside.
Her name was Margaret. Margaret T. She was my mother's best friend. She was blond and buxom and she had the prettiest face. She had always been so sweet to me and I had the biggest crush on her. She had a son my age and I became friends with him just so that I could be near her as often as possible. I must have tried a hundred times to spy on her with no success. I even snuck into her bedroom a couple of times when I was playing with Mark, her son, to open the shade just a crack. Then I would come by that same night, only to find that it had been closed. Mrs. T was my first fantasy. I'd be over there playing with Mark and she'd be walking around the house and I'd just be staring at her. She liked to wear those housecoats that were so popular back in the late '50's, early '60's. Lots of times she wouldn't be wearing a bra. She'd bend over to pick something up off the floor, and I'd get a quick peek at some tit.
It was with Mark that I had my first live sexual experience. We were up in his room playing one day when we were about 12. He suggested we take off our pants and see what our cocks looked like. I figured it would do no harm, so I did. He had a real little pecker and I think he got embarrassed when he saw mine. I had a big cock, even at the age of 12. I measured it once and it was almost 9 inches long when it was hard (which was most of the time!). He asked me if he could touch my cock and I said sure. He wanted me to do the same and both of us got a hard on. We started to jerk each other off and he came in an instant. I freaked when that cum came pouring out and he started shouting, "You made me cum! You made me cum!" I was embarrassed to say the least. A few weeks later, we were up in his room again and he wanted to suck my cock. I had no desire to suck his, but I let him do it. I got hard thinking about his gorgeous mother. He enjoyed sucking my dick and I enjoyed having an orgasm. What he didn't know was that orgasm was because I was fantasizing about his mother! I wasn't really into the homo thing and I discouraged him in the future. What I wanted was a way to get to his mother.
I even went so far as to sneak into her bathroom one day and go through her dirty clothes. I took a pair of soiled panties, a bra and a pair of pantyhose. They became my treasures. After a hard evening of peeping in windows, I would go up to my room, slip on her panties, bra and pantyhose and jerk off. Man, I had some great orgasms thinking about Mrs. T.
Chapter 6 - Kay Loves Jackie, Jackie Loves KayI turned 15 at the end of the Summer. I was still going pretty strong with my almost daily trips through the neighborhood, seeking out the naked bodies of my neighbors. It was funny, but I sometimes got a chance to peek into the window of girls my age or a little older, but I much preferred their mothers. I think this is where I got the "thing" for older women. It's still with me today. I've always enjoyed having sex with women older than me. My first fuck was with one and that just served to bury that desire deep within my psyche. It almost became run of the mill, until I would come across some new, exciting experience. I had a regular list of women who I would visit, but I was always on the prowl for new worlds to conquer. Mrs. Miller was one of those new worlds.
Mrs. Miller was a redhead, short in stature, with perky little tits. She was no knockout, but she had her moments. Her husband had been killed about 6 months earlier in a bad accident and she had a daughter who was in my class at school. I had never peeped into her window before and I decided it was time to take a shot. Her house was set back and easily accessible for a peeping Tom. There was alot of cover. The lights were on and as happened more often than not, there was a view through the shades right into her bedroom. I crept up quietly to the window and took my first look in. What a shock I got! Let me preface what I'm about to tell you by saying that the word around the neighborhood was that she was a little strange. Strange in what way, I wasn't quite sure, but strange nonetheless. Her daughter, Jackie, was pretty and she reached maturity alot earlier than most girls. In otherwords, she had a nice set of tits at an early age.
I peeked in and there was Mrs. Miller, walking around the room, putting some clothes away. She was naked as a Jaybird. I caught a glimpse of her pussy and it was as red as her head. I had never seen a red pussy before and I liked what I saw. I was really getting into her when I saw her turn towards the door. The window was open somewhat and I could hear her say, "Come on in, Jackie." It seemed kind of weird that she'd be totally naked and tell her daughter to just come in. Jackie walked in, wearing an oversized tee shirt and no pants. She had pretty nice legs, too. Jackie and her mom hugged each other, her mom running her hands through Jackie's long, black hair. I heard them both laugh and Mrs. Miller pointed to the bed and Jackie walked over and lay down on the bed while her mom continued to finish what she had begun before Jackie came in. I was enthralled. I watched and waited, not knowing what was going to happen. I just figured that Mrs. Miller liked to walk around naked and didn't care that her daughter could see her.
Mrs. Miller finished her work and walked over to Jackie, still lying there in the bed. She had her knees up and I could see that she had on a pair of panties beneath her tee shirt. They were talking to each other quietly and I could only make out a few words of their conversation. Then, Jackie took off her shirt. She had no bra on and her young tits were out in the open. Actually, her tits were bigger than her mom's. I couldn't believe what happened next. Jackie slid down to the edge of the bed while Mrs. Miller lay back, spreading her red haired cunt apart. Jackie pulled her hair back behind her head and began to eat out her mother! Man, was I getting turned on by that! Not only was I seeing two chicks going at it (which I had never seen before) but it was a mother and daughter to boot! Mrs. Miller was flailing around the bed as Jackie ate her pussy. She was moaning and yelping and I knew she was cumming hard when she started to scream. It was glorious. I guess this is what they meant by weird, I thought to myself.
Mrs. Miller pulled her daughter up her body after she came and Jackie lay right on top of her. They started to kiss each other. Watching two women kiss each other was more than I could bear and I came in my pants. I stayed, though, with my wet pants. I didn't want to miss a thing. Next thing you know, Mrs. Miller was reaching into the draw of her nighttable. She pulled out this pink thing. It took me a minute to realize what it was. It was a fucking dildo! There was this black strap attached to it and I watched her intently as she began to put it around her waist. She got up and fastened the belt around her. Goddamnit! She looked like she had a penis! She sat back down on the bed, next to Jackie. She lay down, spread her legs and that pink penis stood up like the Washington Monument between her legs. Jackie straddled her mom and, with her fingers between her legs, slipped that thing right up her wet cunt. Man, was I hot! Jackie started to bob up and down on that dildo, her tits flailing from side to side and up and down until her mom grabbed them and squeezed them tight. "I love you, baby! I love you baby1" She cried over and over as Jackie kept pumping away. Finally, she started to yelp and moan as she came. Boy, did she ever cum! She slipped the dildo from her cunt and lay down on top of her mother. Mrs. Miller wrapped her arms around her daughter and they kissed passionately. I felt as if I had just won the World Series in the seventh game by pitching a no hitter!
The two of them lay there for awhile and I thought they were finished, but they were far from done. Jackie strapped the same dildo around her and they switched. Her mom pumped away and was screaming when she came. Jackie sucked on her mom's tits as she came and then they repeated the same kissing and hugging scene again. I thought to myself, "Wow, I need to get some of that!" Jackie and I weren't very close friends, but I was a smart kid in school and she wasn't. I figured if I started to help her out with her schoolwork, maybe I could get some of that mother/daughter action. I made it a priority!
Chapter 7 - The Mother FuckerJackie already had a reputation around school as being kind of easy, if you know what I mean. No one claimed to have fucked her, but you know how stories and reputations get started. Of course, no one but me knew that she was fucking her mother! I started to talk to her a little bit more and you KNOW I was as friendly as I could be! I told her I'd help her with her homework if she wanted and she said okay. The first couple of times I went over there, nothing happened. Her mom was real nice to me and I thought about making a pass at her, but I didn't quite yet. The third time I went over, it was just the two of us. Her mom was out and we were alone. We did our work and we were watching TV when I slid up next to her. I put my arm around her and she didn't put me off so I figured I would try a little more. I reached over and it was if she was waiting for me to kiss her. She WAS easy! We kissed a little and I put my hand over her chest and started to feel her up. We were going pretty strong when we heard the keys in the door.
Her mom walked in and she knew right away what we were into, but she wasn't like most moms would be if they came in and found you feeling up her daughter. "Oh, hi kids. I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" She smiled, knowingly. "Jackie was cool, but I was a little flustered. "Your hair is all messed up, Michael." she pointed at my head. "Oh, ugh, must be the pillow on the couch." I felt like a moron saying that. She just walked into the bedroom, saying nothing about it. I told Jackie that I'd better get home. "See you tomorrow?" I looked at her. "Sure," she smiled back at me. I definitely got the feeling that she liked me. I liked her too. Of course it helped knowing that she liked to fuck her mother.
I was definitely looking forward to the next night. I figured for sure that I would finally break my maiden with Jackie. Wrong again! We had planned on me coming over around 7. I arrived promptly. I had showered and was quite proud of the way I looked. I even put on a little cologne I had for special occasions. I knocked on the door and waited for Jackie to answer. The door opened, but it was her mother who answered the door. The only reason I was a little disappointed was that I had hoped her mom wouldn't be home so that I could fuck Jackie. "Oh, Michael! Come on in." I walked into her large and pretty house and looked around. "Hi, Mrs. Miller. Where's Jackie?" "Oh, Michael, I'm so sorry. Jackie had to go over to her aunts house to baby-sit. It was kind of an emergency and she didn't get a chance to call you. I'm sorry." "Oh, that's all right, Mrs. Miller." "Michael, please don't call me Mrs. Miller. It sounds so formal. Just call me Kayl." "Ok, sure, uh, Carol." It felt a little strange calling her by her first name, but I did. "Well, I guess I'll see her tomorrow at school." I turned and began to walk to the door. "Wait, Michael. You don't have to leave because Jackie isn't here." My heart pounded, hearing that. "Why don't you come on in and we'll have a little talk." She reached her hand out to me and I took it willingly, excitedly and she lead me to the living room. I sat on the couch and she sat directly across from me in a large, comfortable looking chair. She crossed her legs and I saw much more leg than I was supposed to. Of course I had seen it all, though she didn't know it.
"Jackie seems to like you quite a bit, Michael."
"She does?" I smiled.
"Yes, she does. You know you are a very good looking young man. I'm proud of my daughter's taste." she smiled back at me, exposing just a little bit more leg. I tried not to let her see me look, but it was no use. "Would you like a drink?" She asked. "Okay. Do you have any coke?" She got up as I said coke and walked into the kitchen. I watched her tiny ass shimmer from side to side as she walked. She sure had a sexy walk! She came back with my coke and a drink for herself, which must have been alcohol. She sat down next to me on the couch and we began to talk about school and stuff. Just small talk. She had finished her drink and I could see she was already a little bit tipsy.
"Did you know my husband, Ron?" I could sense a tear welling up in her eye as she spoke. "Not really," I answered honestly. She went on to talk a little about him and by the time she had finished, she was sobbing. I felt uneasy. I wasn't quite sure what to say to her, but I really wanted to be of some assistance. Before I could come up with something, she did. "Oh, I'm sorry, Michael, I shouldn't burden you with this stuff. It's just that I've been so lonely since he's gone." She reached out and took my hands, laying them in my lap. She held them tightly. "You're so sweet to listen to me." She looked me in the eyes and I felt such empathy for her. "Thank you," she smiled and then she reached over to me and kissed me...on the lips! I was alittle stunned. I could smell the alcohol on her breath, but I could also smell the intoxicating scent of the perfume she had one.
She had deep, expressive green eyes. Her skin had a pinkish glow to it, although she had on makeup. Her red hair, which she had up in a bun-type style, glimmered with redness in the light of the lamp behind her. She wore a pretty, light blue dress with stockings beneath. She was a slight woman, maybe 5'4 and probably no more than 115 lbs. I assumed she was in her late 30's. I never asked her age.
She waited for a reaction. "Wow, Mrs., uh Kay!" was about all I could muster. I felt myself blowing this whole scene. She just laughed. "Michael, Michael," she grasped my hands in hers. "I'll bet you've never slept with a woman, have you?" Her head turned slightly to the side. She looked so pretty. I admitted that I hadn't. "That's okay," she said softly. "Everyone has to have a first time, don't they?" I nodded my head. She kissed me again. This time it was a more passionate kiss. Harder. Longer. Her eyes were closed as she kissed me. I peeked. "Michael?" she spoke softly as she lifted one of my hands to her chest. "Touch me." She placed my hand right over her tit. I started to rub across her breast. I could feel her nipple, hard and erotic. She tossed her head back as I massaged her tit. She moaned and sighed. "Oooh, that feels so good. Do you like that?" I was warming up to the situation, having gotten over the initial shock of her seducing me. From all that I had seen through all of those windows, I pretty much knew what to do and how to do it. I suppose my peeping was about to pay off.
This time, I kissed her. She took my lips smoothly and I felt her mouth open as we kissed. I felt her tongue against my lips and opened them. Her tongue slipped in and soon our two tongues were entangled and flitting back and forth over each other. I began to unbutton her dress, but she suddenly stopped me. She pushed me back. I was afraid she wanted to stop, but she just wanted us to go into the bedroom.
Without going into too much detail, suffice it to say that we fucked for about two hours. She went wild when she saw the size of my cock and she gave me the most wonderful blowjob. She insisted on swallowing every drop of cum I had. I fucked that lady like a madman and both of us had numerous orgasms. Her sweet red pussy was intoxicating and once I had tasted the juices within her, I became addicted to eating pussy. When we finished, we lay there naked, spent and totally satisfied. She told me that she had never been fucked like that before. Not even by her husband. I felt good. I felt great. I felt like a real man. I also was in love.
I suppose most guys fall in love the first woman they fuck, as long as it's a good experience. I was no different. All I could think about was Kay, Kay, Kay. She was smart enough to warn me. She told me not to fall in love with her because nothing could ever come of it. It didn't help, though, because I WAS in love with her.
Chapter 8 - Three is NOT a Crowd!
There was still the issue of Jackie to be resolved. When I got home, I thought about her and felt a little bit uptight about her. After all, how could I tell her that I was fucking her mother even though I knew that SHE was fucking her as well? The issue took care of itself the next night.
Jackie called me to apologize for having not been there the night before. I told her I understood about the emergency. Then she asked me a question that totally floored me. "Did you have fun with mom last night?" I wasn't sure what she meant. Did she know about us fucking or was she just asking if I had fun talking to her? I played dumb. "Michael, it's okay. Mom told me all about it. You see, mom and I have a very, uh, special relationship." She emphasized the word special. Of course I knew this, but she didn't know I did. Then she told me that she and her mom shared everything and would I like to come over tonight. She laughed when she said, "We'd like to share you, too!" Man, what did I do to deserve this? Did I die and go to heaven or what? I told her I'd be over as soon as I finished dinner.
I didn't eat much that night. I told my mom and dad that I was going over to Jackie's and that I might be late. We had a big test coming up and she needed a lot of help. No problem. I went upstairs and took a shower and got ready for what looked like the hottest night of my young life. It was. It was.
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xmoviesforyouAfter about 10 minutes in this great position I felt myself getting hard I didn’t know what to do had Chris noticed, so I grabbed him and pulled him right up to me so my cock would be in front of him so it did not touch him. We then heard a knock on the door so I told Chris to turn around so we were facing each other and put his legs up so it looked like there was only one person in there if he looked underneath, I then told the guy that I was going to be longer and told him to try the toilet...
I often read jokes that make me laugh. Then I think about what a good and humorous story they could make. So I decided to write about a few of them. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. A big thank you goes to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story. Roy and Martha Simmons had been married for over forty years. Even though they were still in love, Martha always considered Roy a cantankerous old fool. Of course, Roy always felt Martha was an airhead, even...
I just turned thirty-five, but I must say I'm a sexy, youthful thirty-five with a hell of a body and a scorching libido. The latter should be no surprise since it's no secret that a woman in her mid-thirties is often at her sexual peak. I certainly am, and was when two years ago I finally divorced my quite unexciting and less than satisfying husband, who was some years older than I was. He was replaced him with a much younger man, ten years younger than myself, in fact. And that man, Rick,...
Tales of a Hustler---Thick Black CockThe orgy from the morning had been pretty epic—at least for my lil bro Dustin. I had never seen so much cum splashed on one dude. Literally from his head to his toes, lol. The twins had taken an instant liking to Dustin, which was awesome, cause like me he had a major fetish for twins. About half of us were finishing up some basic breakfast. Being Saturday, it was time to 'get to work'---enough had been wasted already on each other, and it was time ti hit...
THE GAMES PART SIX By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Five you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 21 MY OPPONENTS, BIG MEN WHO stink of sweat and fear and aggression, explode out of the now open doors and sprint into the house. It's a race. They will frantically look...
Last time I discussed how my trainer, Danielle and her boyfriend Alex had engaged in an out of this world bisexual threesome after her triathlon. We fucked and sucked each other silly with her being double penetrated vaginally, as well as taking it in her ass and pussy. She took my ass with a nice black strap and took Alex’s tight ass too. I also fucked the shit out of Alex’s white butt with my hard black cock. Needless to say, everyone enjoyed themselves and we made plans to see each other...
BisexualLike all my stories, this is a work of pure fiction, derived by an active imagination and a lot of wishful thinking. Any resemblances to living persons, including me, are purely coincidental and unintentional. “More lube, baby. Make sure you cover your entire hand.” I squeezed more of the KY over my hand, and then slowly began twisting it into Lida’s pussy. Squeezing my fingers to a point, I carefully pushed them in. I moved in past the first knuckle, and up to the second knuckle, and the tip...
If every man were to try a BBC up his ass, I promise we would have more gay submissive men that will like bottoming and would be sneaking around to ride BIG COCKS that could tear your insides apart. Just try a BBC one time and I can also promise you you will be questioning your sexuality after. I know I did the first time I had a cock up my ass. My first cock wasn't a BBC but it was 8 inches and very thick. It was violently forced into my poop shute by an older man who could care less about my...
So ein Mist -- Lisa sah verständnislos in ihr Portemonnaie. Aber darin klimperten nur noch ein paar wenige Münzen Kleingeld. Und übermorgen würde Meier, ihr Vermieter, wieder vor ihrer Tür stehen. Eben hatte er nur gedroht. "Lisa," hatte er gesagt, "ich kann ja verstehen, dass euch Studenten manchmal das Geld ausgeht. Vor allem Mädels wie dir, du gibst bestimmt viel für deine Kleidung aus. Aber auch ich muss leben. Du bist mit deiner Miete jetzt seit zwei Wochen überfällig. Ich komme am Freitag...
This is a story based on ABC's alias the heroine is CIA agent Sydney Bristow she works with her father at the CIA. The part of Sydney is played by the sexy Jennifer Garner. The Cast CIA Agents SD-6 Agents Civilian Sydney BristowSydney Bristow Sark Jack BristowJack BristowWill Tippin Michael VaughnArvin SloaneMarcus Dixon Based on Season 2: Episode 7 - "The Counteragent" 11/17/2002 The setup for those who haven't seen the show... Vaughn wraps his bloody fingernails and heads to...
Joyce threw the deadbolt and came right back to where I was now sitting. I'd been standing beside my bed when she had gone to lock my door, but I'd taken a seat on the bed, right before she finished throwing the deadbolt. She saw me sitting there as soon as she had turned back to me. She approached me with that same strange look in her eyes, and on her face. Again, it looked familiar to me, but I still couldn't place where I'd seen it before. She stopped walking when she reached the foot...
As my master hugs me tightly, he whispers in my ear “Babe, you are absolutely gorgeous, and I’m happy you’re here.” This is an indication that our role play is over at the moment, so I’m free to do as I please. With everything that had taken place, I had almost forgotten that I left Texas. As we enter his house, he takes my bags to his room and tells me to make myself comfortable. This is where I would normally take my overcoat off; however, I have nothing at all underneath, and I know that...
BDSMEnaku ippozhuthu 19 vayathu aagugirathu, en siru vayathil en thanthai akkavai eppadi oothar enbathai nan intha kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Naangal mothamaaga veetil 5 per irunthom, athu nan en akka thambi pin apppa matrum amma. Naangal nala jollyaana kudumbam aanal en thanthai oru kaama virumbi adikai en ammavai padukaiyil kasaki konde irupaar. En amma kathal seithu kondu thirumanam seithu kondaargal, en appa veetil kathal thirumanathirku samathika villai thanaal oodi vanthu thirumanam...
Each day I wake up, I expect myself to be entirely dead. I know that this might sound scary and intimidating to you, but it is the real and veritable truth. I don't know where I am going anymore. I don't know what will come and be of me in life. It is either I kill—or I get killed. I was only seventeen years old when I first became a prostitute. An underage, you might think right yeah, and I really was immature and babyish then. Being a streetwalker during night is not something I foresaw...
Prince Mikhail spurred the black mare faster. He had to make it to the castle and find out what the hell was going on. It was not in his nature to abandon his own quests, and in all truth if he was not honour bound, he would be riding in the opposite direction. The journey to Kryta was long and tiring, and as he reached the outskirts of the kingdom, darkness was already upon him. He brought the horse to a trot. Although it was night the village was alive and bustling. Many of the...
December 27, 1987, Chicago, Illinois I stopped in my room to grab the box of rubbers, and remembered that I’d used lube last time since she’d been so tight. “What are the rules?” Leila asked as she pulled me into her room and shut the door. “No sleeping together overnight and I have to use rubbers.” “Well of course!” she said mirthfully. “A baby would be VERY inconvenient! It would interfere with medical school and cause more than a few problems at home! Anything else?” “Other than that,...
Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? Aiden Ashley has been fortunate enough to get both Jay Romero and Will Pounder in bed, at the same time, to give in to her every whim. They start their threesome off slowly, with plenty of caresses that gradually heat up. When Will slides his hands beneath Aiden’s thong to begin fingering her, Aiden can’t contain her deep delight. She satisfies herself by fisting both men’s hard dicks through their boxers. Jay gets to...
xmoviesforyouYes, today’s the day I’m going to have a complete check-up, 1 I prolonged for far too long.Nervously I sat in the newly refurbished Doctors Surgery pondering how much longer I needed to wait. And, since I didn’t have my own doctor I wasn’t sure what to expect. I only recall ever having 1 physical prior to my first job about 20 odd years ago; a strangely different experience.Well, it was time; I heard a husky male voice call out my name from behind me, and when I turned around, what should...
Bill recently separated from his wife of twenty-five plus years. He moved into an apartment flat close to where he worked. Bill was not sure what was going to be the outcome of the separation. His wife seemed to no longer love him, and their sex life near zero. Their home was an hour drive from work, the new place he moved into was five minutes away from work. It also provided some distance for them to sort things out without running into each other. The kids were now out of the house, which is...
BisexualThe semester continued. I lived above my former girlfriend in our apartment complex. She still had her boyfriend and I continued to date occasionally. At least once or twice a week, we would get together for some no holds-barred, wild, hold on tight for the ride, mind altering sex. Every now and then, we would take the time to make slow, romantic love with each other. I loved both versions, of course, but I will always cherish the nights that we fell asleep in each other’s arms, our legs...
Jeff was sitting with Tosha on one side of him and Kei on the other while everyone ate. Kei leaned forward to see Tosha better past Jeff. “So, how are you enjoying your date while digging ditches?” With a suppressed giggle, Tosha answered, “I know that you’re teasing, but the truth is I’m enjoying it immensely. I have never helped install wiring, let alone in a cave, and certainly never while on a date, not to mention that the cave we are installing it in is on another planet. But... I find...
This is based on true story from a couple of years back. I was seeing a colleague from another office based in Leeds; I was based in London. We saw each as often as possible, we met working on the same project. A fact-finding trip to Scotland was ordered by my boss and she was down to come too with her boss. We joked about sneeking around behind their backs having wild sex then sitting with them at dinner as if everything was normal and business like.The week before the trip, she asked her boss...
Scenes from the Restroom By Stephanie Rose Scene 1 Jeffry lifted his right leg out of the soapy water, and began to lather it up. He wanted to use the cream in the pink can on the side of the tub that his big sister Audrey used, but he knew he'd get in trouble. He walked in on her once as she was rubbing it on her legs, and she got mad. "Get out you little creep!" she had yelled at him. "I gotta poop!" he told her. "Daddy's on the other bathroom!" "Fine, just do it quick. And...
I had moved into my flat 6 months back, myself a divorcee with my kids staying with my ex-wife. It had been awhile since I had a get together, so I invited some friends from work. Sushma Sharma who lived next to my flat and was around 32 years old; her husband was a workaholic and was always on tours. I knew she liked to party a bit and thought she might enjoy the company of others so I gave her a call and invited her over too. Besides, it is good to invite neighbours in case the party gets too...
Here is a little fantasy of mine. My wife and I are staying at a holiday village, and there are a lot of competitions and things going on. For a laugh we decided to enter me in the men dressed as female competition, which was to be held that night. I have never told my wife that I like dressing in her clothes, and although I think she suspects, she has never said anything. To my surprise it was her idea to enter me, " get into the spirit of things.." she said. As the competition came...
Lisa Who Almost Was This story is based on a girl I went with. I have thought about her often, but she wasn't the one. She would never give up her ciggies, for one thing. But there were aspects of her I fondly remember. And if she had been willing to make some different choices, ... ------------------- I was spending the weekend with Lisa. She had said that she needed a pair of black shoes, and since I had commented that I wanted to see her in higher heels, we agreed to take her...
Debra my hot slut mature 59 y/o wife has been off the charts horny. That slutty size 8 body with incredible tits cannot get enough cock. plus she likes it just a little rough. Fucked her hard 4 times last week and each time she got her pussy filled with cum twice... Just not enough for this hot slut.... During a 3am quick fuck she was riding my hard shaft and said she wanted to have at least 3 men fuck her and one needed to be BBC. So as I pumped her slut pussy full of Italian cum and pinched...
Another party on another Saturday night, it's an ordinary suburban house but what's happening inside it is far from being ordinary. About a dozen young teenage couples are standing or sitting in a circle watching two thirteen year old girls undressing each other, I'm not all that interested in watching them, I'm more interested in the sexy little panties I've nestled in, They belong to Sandra, a pretty little fourteen year old and they're pulled right up into her slit, she's sitting in...
I’d been single for quite a few months when Lisa messaged me out of the blue on Facebook last year. She sent me a phone number and asked me to ring her as she something important to ask me. My curiosity pricked I gave her a ring that evening.We exchanged the usual pleasantries (and it was great to hear her voice again) before I asked her what the call was about. It was quite a long story: Sophie, her stepdaughter, had recently returned from university after gaining a degree and a teaching...
My name is Eva, and I'm a stressed out workaholic. I grew up in suburban San Diego but moved to Los Angeles with the idea that being in a bigger, more bustling city would introduce me to more people and give me a more 'active' lifestyle. Unfortunately, in the 3 years since I graduated college and moved here, the only 'active' part of my lifestyle has been my workload. My friend Carrie moved here with me, and while we no longer share an apartment, we still meet every Thursday evening at...
Straight SexSexy Lady: I was a public school boy. At public school I learnt certain values which become part of your DNA. The Americans would call these republican values. In England we call them conservative family values. Once my parents were even sent a letter telling them to vote conservative! You are also encouraged to join the Church of England, get married to girls from the local girls' public school and have 2.4 children. When I left school I had barely had any contact with girls...
Hello this is Farhan again from Gujranwala I wana share a true story of my own with u. I m Farhan again from Gujranwala, 22 yrs old a young and handsome boy. I live with my parents. In my last story My Sweet Prosan, I explain my 1st experience, now this story about samia’s friend Sidra, now I tell u about her, her name is Sidra, nice figure, round butts, and cup chapped tits are her qualities. Her husband is doing job in foreign country, she often visit samia’s house, and I almost see her. Then...
"I'm ready to talk." Dr. Susan pulled out a notepad and then nodded to Jane to begin. "I was in college. It was in the afternoon, in broad daylight. My classes were over early, it was Wednesday, I think, and so I went back to the dorm. I never realized I had been followed, until this man barged into my dorm room..." And without any emotion, Jane recited her story. About how he hit her, then raped her. How first he thrust his cock down her throat, and then forced himself into her...
Madame Morgan: Michele Prolouge: When Mike and Danyelle finally reach the motel Danyelle asks, "So which one's ours?" "Wow you're really horny! Usually I have take a girl out to dinner to get her in bed," said Mike. "Oh well I was hoping we'd go afterwards you know work up an appetite first," said Danyelle as Mike opened the door and walked in the room not even waiting for Danyelle. When Danyelle walked in she saw something that immediately drew his attention. Danyelle...
Rich girl gets what she deserves I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasn’t because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t bother them. I guess I was just a bitch because I loved to watch people suffer, it just really turned me...
For three days Rebecca had arrived at her isolated table in the huge campus library to find a single rose with a note attached. “Miss Rebecca… My lady of the Aisles of European Poetry… my love… it is so lovely to see you each day as you peer over the forgotten volumes and tomes of such beautiful language… the words of lost love, forlorn angst, and unrequited longing. Your own beauty haunts me day and night as the words you read. Like an Italian sonnet of perfect...
It was a nice fall day and I had just finished a job assignment out of town. I was scheduled to fly out the next morning so I had time to look around a little. I thought I would stop for a drink in the hotel bar before going to my room to freshin up. When I got there the bar was pritty full so I sat at a table with my back to the wall. I had a rust colored skirt that buttoned up the front and a white blouse on. I really liked the skirt because it complemented my flowing red hair. When I sat...
Chapter 13: Bloody Orgy by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The vampire Faust stared with fear at the priest. Father Augustine had changed in the time since they first met in the early hours of the morning. The priest was possessed by the demon Jezebel, Faust's patron, sent to protect him. Augustine's eyes bored into Faust's while the priest's hand gripped Lynette's black hair, working her mouth up and down his cock. Lynette was Faust's vampiress and lover. Her wanton moans twisted...
"Dance for me."The words carried from somewhere in the shadows and I stopped, standing stationary except for turning my head, gazing around the empty studio. "Dance for me."The request came again… then again. I was transfixed, couldn’t move, either to dance or flee…ooOooDancing was the passion of my life but, unfortunately, my parents couldn’t afford to help me and I knew that hard work would be my only path to success. I sacrificed everything for ballet and that meant no other activities or...
Love Stories[Here's another for Solomon---who I remember so fondly, if somewhat wistfully!]My phone buzzed. When I saw that the text was from Solomon, my heart began beating faster; and as I read it, I was even more excited---because he said he wanted to drop by my apartment! I knew exactly what was meant by 'drop by!' So, even though I'd been getting ready to go to the grocery store when the text arrived, I was more than happy to postpone it till later!My reply was short, and to the point: 'Yes,' I typed....
In the carriage I could not reach the handles, but I did not need them, I was so wedged there was no way to move an inch. I could faint but no one would notice till the carriage emptied. The train hurtled from station to station. It was so hot and we were so wedged in and then the train drew to a halt. It stopped, no movement, minutes passed, the guys in front and behind were talking to each other in an Eastern European language, saying things to each other, then looking at me and grinning...
I slept most of the way home, waking up when we were almost to our exit. I sat up and stretched, wishing I had some Advil or something. I still felt pretty hung over. My dad looked over at me and smiled. "Tough night?" he asked. I nodded. "A girl was involved, I bet." I shrugged. My dad got this concerned look on his face. "So, you're seeing more than one girl? Not just the one we met... Vicki?" This got my attention. "You met Vicki?" My dad nodded. "Yeah. When she and that...
"Get a message to Bob Zaglinder. Tell him it's time to feed the ducks. Noon today ... he'll understand," Presidential Chief of Staff Barnes called out to his secretary in her outer office. "Right away, Chief. You've got that missile defense contract group coming in at 12:15. Do I cancel, or reschedule?" "Tell them to go ... oh, never mind. Reschedule. Tell them to make it dinner, a free evening next week, on their dime. A really big dime or it isn't worth wasting my time." "You...
Grocery Errand Tiffany-of-Gabriella took one last look in the mirror and declared that she was ready to face the world. As on any other day, the 19 year old sissy had spent the first couple of hours of the day primping her hair, precisely applying makeup and choosing a carefully coordinated ensemble. The wings of her black eyeliner perfectly set off the luxuriously thick and long false eyelashes that had been renewed at the salon last week. For the errands she was about to run she had...
Teil 1 = wird eingerittenIhr Chef hatte zwischenzeitlich die Wohnung ganz betreten, ging von Tür zu Tür, zum Schluss auch in ihr Schlafzimmer. Ohne Hemmungen öffnete er Türen, Schränke, Schubläden. Beatrice wurde es ganz heiß, denn sie bewahrte im Schlafzimmer ihre ganze Ausstattung auf: Dessous, Kleidung, und vor allem auch Sextoys. Ihr Chef fing an, die Schubläden ihrer Kommode herauszuziehen, griff in die...
What I was doing was surfing various porn sites with my pants around my ankles while I stroked my cock. Not an easy thing to do might I add as I tend to jerk off with the same hand I use for mouse moving! The pic that was on the screen when she walked into the room was of a beautiful blonde about my wife's age taking a huge load of cum onto her face and tits. Which, I might add, is something I love doing to her on the rare occasion she is in the mood for a face full of cum. Now...
Part 2 – Blue Chapter 12 Leda and the Swan. Alpheus and Arethusa. Pretty Psyche, blindfolded in her bridal bed. Poor, cheating Venus, caught naked beneath her husband’s net… Sing, Muse. I dreamt of Grecian deviance—limbs of oil and marble overlapping. I heard Sextus, seducing his rancid Cynthia in song… ‘Why, woman, wear your hair up? And ruin your smooth wrists with gems? Why pollute your skin with scented oils? Why cover your white breast in colored silks? Stay naked. Your beauty was most...
“I gather that Margret is not the sort to let her prey go until she’s devoured him,” Rosa laughed as we showered, her hands caressing me as she washed my body. “Having been said prey more than once, I can assure you that you’re quite right about that, and that Ollie will be utterly drained by the time that she finishes with him. He will also know for certain that he wants to come back for more of the same. Her appetite for the male of the species is the stuff of legend. I’m eager to see how...
Kissing you again, I reach around and unzip your dress pulling it down off your shoulders a bit but not exposing anything just yet. I tenderly kiss your bare shoulder and across your collarbone to the other shoulder. You moan and lay your head back feeling my hot kisses setting your skin on fire. You gasp when you feel me unhook your bra, but allow it to remain covering your breasts. I finish unzipping your dress then pull you to your feet and let the dress fall to the floor around your ankles....
Hello Friends, My name is Shalini. My best pals call me Shalu and am proud when about it. Am a tad over 30 just joking am 37 now. I would say it is a very tough age for most women. Have got this from the discussions I used to have with other women of my society which all became history as soon as I met the man of my life Rohit. At this age the desires that lie deep within us reach an extent from where it becomes very tough for us to restrict ourselves. The want for fulfillment never diminishes...
Adam enters the kitchen and sees her standing in the kitchen by the sink looking out the window. Her sundress blows in the slight wind from the open window, shadows play in the folds of the dress as the sun streams through it. Tantalizing glimpses of her curves are at once revealed and then hidden as the dress plays back and forth, her legs are spread slightly, back arched to bring her round hips into prominence. He moves to the side and catches a glimpse of the soft curve of her breast...