Damascus free porn video

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I let myself be talked into going to Damascus? Easy, my boss said. A nice city, actually, he said. Very interesting sites. Fascinating history. Take your wife with you, the company will pay for everything. This will be perfect to re-connect with your wife after too many business trips. We desperately need this project, he said. You´re the best man to get it done. You won´t regret it. Yeah, yeah, the usual stuff that led me to visit Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Oman recently. Why had I become our Middle East specialist? Why couldn’t I be our man for the Caribbean or at least Southeast Asia? My colleagues were raving about Paris or Florida and all I had to contribute was the amazing variation of the colors of sand in Oman. And why on earth should I take my dazzlingly beautiful wife, with her long mane of golden-blond hair, to war-torn, Muslim Syria?

So, still being a bit unenthusiastic, I made the mistake to mention it to my wife. Bad mistake. My wife was a risk-taker. Not consciously, of course. The problem was that she was an obstinate optimist. While I was usually worried about everything, nothing ever could go wrong in her eyes. Motorcycling in a bikini? No problem. Driving without a safety belt? No, she wouldn´t do that, but only because the dinging of the car gets too annoying. Walking alone through the park at night, wearing a short skirt? Come on, you´re paranoid, she said. She had never been able to accompany me on my trips before and the result of our talk should have been predictable.

“Woooohooo, great! What am I going to wear? It´s hot there, but it´s an Islamic country, isn´t it? What do women...”

“Anna, wait a moment. First, we have to decide IF we´re going to do it. If we´re going to take the risk.”

“Risk? What risk? Your boss said it´s a great opportunity, didn´t he?”

“Sure, it’s a great opportunity for him to stay home where it’s safe and the air conditioning always works.”

“Come on, you´re just being a spoil-sport worrywart again.” Did I mention how unrewarding the role as the cautious one was?

“Anna, seriously...”

“We´ll go, okay? We´re just going to be careful.” She smiled THAT smile again and it didn´t fail to get the intended result. It never did.

“Okay,” I meekly answered, asking myself what I got myself into.


Yeah, careful my ass. At least she kept her arms and legs covered, mostly, most of the time. Her long blond mane, worn loose down her back, attracted enough attention: way too much, in my view, as the surrounding men stepped onto their tongues. She was raped in countless male minds, but was completely oblivious to it. I was getting a bit anxious, but so far, I had to admit that nothing bad had happened to us. We were currently fighting our way through a dusty, dirty, sweaty, overcrowded street that had been converted into some kind of souq. None, and I mean none of the goods on offer held any appeal for me. Still, Anna had to examine every piece of junk, every bit of food that held the certain promise of instant diarrhea, had to talk to every beggar and to every merchant. I stumbled along behind her, sweating, thirsty and regretting I had ever consented to this. To this trip, to taking her with me, to visiting this shitty souq. I felt safe enough, but my eyes burned, I was starting to get a sunburn, my feet were aching.

And then it happened.

The chess game. Neither Anna nor I play chess. I mean, we know the rules, but we never had any interest in it. I have to admit that this particular game was nicely done. It was made of two different rocks, probably marble and - I have no idea. Some other mineral that is not marble. It looked nice enough and it looked surprisingly valuable for a place like this.

“I need to have it.”

Not really the best strategy if you´re about to haggle about the price and the dealer hears what you´re saying.

“We don´t need that.”

“It´s so beautiful”

“Madam has good taste,” the dealer contributed.

“She sure has. Anna, this thing weighs about a ton. Our luggage is right at its limit.”

The dealer had heard that one before. “We send it home, sir.”

“No, no. We´ll take it immediately or we´ll leave it here.” I didn´t trust this guy.

“We´ll take it immediately.”

“Good choice, madam.”

“Wait a moment. I don´t think so. How much?”




The price didn´t sound unreasonably high, but I was sure we were about to get ripped by him.

“That´s a joke, right?”

“Madam wants it.” He smiled confidently. Bastard.

“But I don´t. I´m the one that has to pay for it and who will have to carry it around.”

“Make me good offer, sir.”


“Come on, sir. You lucky. My mum’s birthday.” Yeah, sure. “I make it fifty.”

“Thirty.” What am I doing, I thought? I don´t want this. Not for thirty and not even for three. All it would do at home was to accumulate a layer of dust.



“Deal.” Damn.

Now I had a problem. Everyone had advised us to take not much cash with us; I guessed I had about twenty Euro left.

“Where is the nearest bank?”

“Over there. Lady can wait here.”

“In your dreams.” I turned to face my quite happy wife. “Anna, we´ll have to get some money.”

“Okay. I´ll stay here and look around a bit.”

What? I knew she was a bit naïve, but this was really over the top.

“Anna, I´m not going to leave you alone here. You either come with me or we won´t buy this damn chess game.”

“Oh. Okay, okay, no problem. Relax, honey.” I received a nice kiss, which lifted my dark mood a bit.

We found the bank easily enough and it was as if we entered another world. Everything was clean, the place was cool, bordering on cold, everything that could possibly be made of marble was made of marble. Those guys really liked that damn rock, it seemed. As sweaty and dirty as I was, I felt like an intruder into some sacred place. But nobody seemed to object, so I approached one of the counters, closely followed by Anna.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose.

Whenever I traveled in the Middle East, the speed with which things happened was hard to grasp. Most of the time, not much seemed to be happening at all. Then suddenly things got totally confusing and hectic. This was one of the latter cases. Suddenly, men were shouting things my emergency Arabic failed to grasp. At least one woman started screaming. People were running around in a chaotic frenzy. Then a shot, then another one. That silenced and stopped everyone. We turned around towards the entrance and saw the cause for all the turmoil. A group of armed and unmasked men had entered the bank, but stayed near the entrance. I didn´t know the local bank robbing traditions, but this behavior didn´t fit anything I´d expect for such an occasion. This impression was reinforced as one of the guys fired a short AK-47 salvo into the ceiling. This was not what I would call a clandestine bank job. With a feeling of dread, I watched the marble debris falling onto the marble floor. For some reason, I was relieved that whatever happened, I probably wouldn´t have to buy that damn marble chess game.

We stood there as if frozen while both security guards were dropping their pistols, somewhere a woman had resumed her screaming, a warning bell went off, one of the cashiers started to flee towards the back, one person, probably a lady, wearing a burqa was fainting. One of the intruders calmly shot the fleeing cashier in the back.


“Mark...” Anna said quietly.


“Mark, he just shot that man.”


“In the back.”

“Yeah. I think we better be quiet, okay?”

“Okay.” She seemed shocked. It seemed as though this was the first intrusion of reality into her sheltered life. I wondered how deep a dent this would make in her ubiquitous optimism.

Some Arabic commands were shouted, everyone around us lay on the floor and we thought it best to follow their example. Before I went down, I had counted six guys, all armed with AK-47s. Only one of them carried an additional RPG, which seemed a bit bizarre. But I was no expert in bank robbing in the Middle East, so maybe it made perfect sense. Generally, they seemed a little over-armed for the occasion. Either these guys were determined to take no chances or the AK-47 was at a discount at the local weapons dealer.

I heard police sirens outside, which I regarded as bad news. If the police surrounded the building, the only option open to the robbers, or whoever they were, would be to take hostages. As the only Europeans present, we were the most likely targets. For the first time, I was pondering the possibility that we might not survive this day.

“I love you, Anna.”

“I love you, too.”

She had tears in her eyes, fully understanding what I wanted to express.

A pair of highly polished shoes approached us. “I´m sorry for the inconvenience,” a voice informed us in perfect Oxford-accented English. “Please stand up.”

Warily, we stood up and looked at a handsome, tall Arab of about thirty years. He looked like a young Omar Sharif and exuded confidence. This was a natural leader if I had ever seen one. He also seemed surprisingly cultured and intelligent. I just hoped this man wouldn´t turn out to be someone I´d have to fight later. I wasn´t too optimistic about my chances. Among the more convincing reasons for this assessment were a pistol tucked in the back of his belt and an AK-47 in his hand.

“Please follow me to the back offices while my friends take care of things here at the front.”

Like lambs being led to the slaughter, we followed him without another word. After a few seconds, we heard a shot, shortly followed by two others. I turned around and looked into the dumb, expressionless face of one of “Omar´s” AK-47 carriers, who was following us. We were led into a small back office and the asshole behind me cuffed my hands to a heavy chair, making me feel even more helpless. Resisting those two armed men didn´t even cross my mind.

“I´m sorry for the inconvenience, but some things just have to be done and I deemed it better that the lady not have to witness them. Our business can be rather messy and unpleasant sometimes, you know?” He had the audacity to laugh a bit and it even seemed genuine and charming, even though obviously somebody had just been executed at his command. I realized that I disliked this slick, good looking guy. No, I already hated him.

To my horror, I saw that my Annalena obviously didn´t share that feeling. She smiled at him warmly.

“I see, thanks for being so considerate. By the way, I´m Annalena and this is my husband Mark.”

“My pleasure.” He extended his hand, she took it, they looked into each other´s eyes for quite a while and more or less ignored me from that point on. Shit, this was not going well. “So, what brings you to Damascus?”

“We´re here on business. You know, we´ve just been visiting the souq nearby. I was just about to buy a marble chess game.”

“Oh, no, please don´t do that. That stuff is just cheap Chinese fake. I know where to buy the good stuff around here...”

I zoned out a bit. I couldn´t believe that my wife was making small talk with this cold-blooded killer as if nothing had happened. I couldn´t believe how she was openly flirting with him. How she smiled and looked at him like a love-sick teenager. She even pushed out her boobs a bit as if to offer them for his inspection. He clearly wasn´t averse to this and was mostly talking to her cleavage. She didn´t seem to mind in the least.

Annalena is a beautiful woman by anyone´s standards, but with her long blond hair, she must be the total dream for an Arab. Why had she abandoned me that quickly? She was supposed to be the love of my life. Forsaking all others and all that stuff. I watched them in growing confusion.

“My dear Annalena...”

“Please call me Anna.” She smiled her best flirty smile at him. This really cut me to the core. He was better looking than I was, he was taller, he was the one with the guns, he was in charge, he appeared so wild and confident, especially compared to my more accountant-like appearance. I had always feared I would lose her to a more confident and dominant man sooner or later and sure enough, it seemed to be happening. My beloved wife was totally ignoring me and was trying to please him right in front of me. Having to watch her like this was somehow even worse than our life being at stake. I wasn´t too afraid of being killed, but my wife´s behavior really horrified me.

“Please come and sit on my lap for a while, my beautiful lady.” His voice was smooth as silk. If I were a woman, I´d probably be already in love with him, and it seemed Annalena was on her way to doing exactly that. She obediently walked over to him, swinging her hips a bit more than necessary and placed her cute bum in his lap. He leisurely massaged her shoulders and caressed her arms, while smiling calmly and looking into my eyes. She managed to ignore me completely.

This hurt, boy, did it hurt. When he started to touch her breasts and she did nothing to stop him, I lost it.

“Anna...” I croaked.

I was rewarded with someone hitting my head from behind, probably with the butt of a gun. I sensed that it hurt physically, but I hardly noticed it. I kept looking at Anna, who was now looking benevolently at me along with this asshole, while she calmly opened the top buttons of her blouse. He didn´t need any more invitation to place his hands inside her blouse and start mauling her breasts.

I watched in hurt amazement as the love of my life offered herself for the use of the guy that had just kidnapped us. I remembered there was this thing - Helsinki syndrome? No, it was something else. Stockholm. Stockholm syndrome. But that should take longer than a few minutes to set in. There was no Scandinavian capital needed to explain her behavior: this guy was some kind of dream boat and my beautiful wife obviously had come to the same conclusion. Shit. They both smiled at me mockingly, as if to emphasize that they were together, and I was on the outside looking in.

Having to watch their shameless flirting while bound helplessly to this damn chair was driving me mad, so was just closing my eyes the best solution? I gave it a try. All sensation was blocked out now, except the stench of the guy behind me, the whirring of the air conditioning, Anna´s moans and some men shouting in the distance.

“Look, infidel!” came the command. I was scared enough to follow it. Matters had not improved. Anna’s blouse was completely open, her bra was lowered so that her pretty boobs were openly on display. The guy behind me made a remark, but my Arabic was way too bad to get it. The tone told me it was something rude. “Omar”, as I called him in my mind, answered by lifting her boobs for further inspection and replied something unintelligible. They both laughed and to my amazement Anna didn´t seem to mind at all. She just winked at the goon behind me.

“You like what you see?” she even asked him. This was sickening. Nobody answered and I wasn´t even sure if the goon behind me had understood her. Damn, I wanted to punch this guy. I wanted to shout at her to stop this nonsense. But there was a reason I didn´t. That reason was called AK-47. So I had to watch in horror as she calmly removed her blouse.

“Anna, Damascus is really too hot at this time of the year.” What? Why did he start to talk about the city now? “I wish you had visited the city in spring. It´s just marvelous.” I’m sure both he and Anna saw him as a sophisticated gentleman, calmly enjoying the best life had to offer, in this case, my wife.

“Yes, I can imagine that. It´s really a beautiful city.” She played along by keeping up the bizarre conversation while removing her bra. He fondled her naked boobs while they continued the banal conversation. I felt totally humiliated and powerless. The most important thing was, I mustn’t cry. No way any of them was going to see me crying. No way.

Suddenly, she turned around to kiss him right on the lips. Not just a quick peck, but a full tongue wrestling kiss. She completely initiated it: that was hard to watch, but it at least stopped his unbearable lecture about Syrian history.

I was wondering how much more I would have to endure when some shouting in the entrance hall caught his attention. He got up to check it and to my horror, my topless wife didn’t even cover herself as she followed him like a lovesick puppy. She didn´t even look at me once as she left me alone with the goon in the small back office.

The commotion in the entrance hall continued. I heard a single gunshot. Had my wife just been killed? Even the shot didn’t stop the arguments, and the goon guarding me finally went to join the party. I tried to get myself out of the handcuffs, or at least tip over the chair, while no one was watching. Too bad for me; the goon had done his work too well. Plenty of practice, I guess.

Finally, the commotion died down and “Omar,” my wife and one of the tellers entered the small office. Although Anna was still half naked, I was immensely relieved to see her alive. Did that make any sense? No. As far as I could tell, she wasn´t mine any more anyway. Still it would have killed me to see her dead. No, she was quite well, relaxed and at ease with her new situation. “Omar” put his pistol to the teller´s head and walked behind him, while my wife clung to his side like a love-sick teenager. It was disgusting and hurtful to watch.

“Omar” spoke some Arabic stuff that I didn´t catch and the poor, frightened teller knelt down right in front of me. Another short Arabic command and he bowed his head, “Omar´s” gun still buried in his neck. This was an execution right in front of me and the thought made me sick. Anna was still sticking her boobs into this asshole´s side, relishing the power he exuded. She kissed the side of his face and nibbled at his ear lovingly.

“Come on, baby, don´t we have something better to do?” she purred. A lump formed inside my belly.

“This has to be done, darling. You can wait outside if you want.”

“Baby...” she cooed. “This would really spoil my mood.” Despite the cool air I was beginning to sweat, trying to keep my emotions under control. Don´t show any weakness, I thought. Don´t cry, don´t beg. The sweat started to run into my left eye, stinging and making it hard not to squint.

“Anni...” Anni? Really? They had their own pet names by now? “Sometimes a man ... ah, fuck, okay, let´s go. I´m horny as hell.”

I had to watch them leave the room, clinging together like newlyweds. Hey, that is my wife, I wanted to shout, but I could smell that my goon guard had taken up his position behind me, so I didn´t. Did she already know that I wasn´t going to survive this anyway and had already secured my replacement? I felt like I could scream, fear of death combined with incredible jealousy was almost too much to bear. I hardly noticed my hurting wrists and my numb hands.

I zoned out a bit by remembering how I proposed to her. I had known her for only three months at the time, but I already knew that I was totally and absolutely in love with her. We really were soul mates and as a result the sex was incredible as well. It wasn’t some kind of sporting event, like you read about; it was an intimate joining of kindred spirits. Although I had been certain that she felt the same way, I was incredibly nervous while I was kneeling in front of her. It turned out I needn´t have been: the ring was plucked from my trembling hand and placed on her finger in fractions of a second. I smiled a bit as I snapped back to the ugly reality.

They returned about half an hour later. It felt like two years. She was still topless and didn´t care in the least about it. It seemed that in such situations the normal rules didn´t apply at all. Her hair was a bit tousled. I had a horribly good idea about what they had done.

They entered the room, clinging to each other, him grinning smugly, openly fondling her boob and looking right into my eyes. She smiled confidently as well, but avoided direct eye contact with me. Was it guilt? Had she suddenly stopped loving me? I thought I knew her, but her behavior was so far out of the ordinary that I just couldn´t tell. That guy was so much more attractive than me and I knew that women were generally drawn to powerful men. In this situation, he was as powerful as God.

“You´re having a pleasant stay here?” he asked me, grinning widely. I have taken your wife and there´s nothing you can do about it, was what he really wanted to say.

“More or less, yes.”

“I´ve really enjoyed taking your wife, infidel. You want to watch the next time? Watch how a real man pleases her? A man that has taken her away from you?”

“Ah, I´ll pass on that, I think.”

He laughed. “Good choice. But maybe I´ll let you watch anyway. Just to make a point, you know. She´s mine now. She wants to be mine. Get used to it, weak man.”

Anna at least had the decency to look a bit uncomfortable now.

I was glad that one of his gorillas suddenly interrupted our less than pleasant talk by entering and talking to him animatedly. “Omar” listened to him, then gave firm orders in a quiet, but strict way, while continuing to fondle my wife´s breasts. Watching this was as difficult for me as it obviously was for the drooling idiot he was talking to. Finally, the man ran away, having received his orders. I heard a shot in the distance and didn´t really want to know who had to die this time. Anna at least jumped a bit in shock, but he calmed her immediately by placing a huge smacker onto her lips. Someone screamed in the distance, followed by another shot, which silenced the scream immediately. Shit, shit, shit. This wasn´t looking good. They were executing the hostages one by one; I had no idea why. To make things worse, a fly started to circle my head, looking for an appropriate landing spot. I hardly noticed it, until it actually landed just below my right eye. I tried to shake it off, but it took a while and certainly made me look like a fool.

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Enjoy: You know that cousin? The one almost every guy or girl has. The one that every time you see, you can’t help but think if there was a chance something would have happened between the two of you had you not been cousins. Well, I too have such a cousin, and her name is Ella. I was older than Ella by just a few months and we spent much of our early life together. Back then, growing up, our families lived in the same town and would get together often. It was only natural that Ella...

2 years ago
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Mothers Forbidden PassionChapter 3

A startled, disbelieving gasp strangled in Tony's throat and he stood absolutely motionless for a long, breathless second. Then his body began to sway and his vision clouded, and it seemed for a moment he would collapse. He put out his hand blindly, encountered the wall beside the window, and leaned his weight against it, his brain filled with the searing mental image of his mother, his mother, receiving every hard, throbbing inch of his uncle's thick, hard penis in the soft hair-fringed...

4 years ago
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Living Figures

   "I'm sorry. I just don't like you that way." Matt had heard a variation of those words a few times in his life. As many as the times he tried to approach a girl. The girl looked at him awkwardly saddened as she said those words. They always did. He wasn't that unattractive, just chubby. But he could never seem cool around girls and most nights ended up with him on the couch, watching anime and movies, or playing video-games. "All these stuck up sluts!" Matt thought to himself. He was fed up...

3 years ago
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Unexpected library milking

This morning I jerk off a stranger in the library. I happen to be there to book a theater seat, when I decided to have a look which dirty old man was peeking into the sex education books. Turns out it was a fairly attractive university student, with full concentration in a sex self help. I stepped forward without any preparation nor hesitation, because I know exactly how this was going to work out. I frankly asked him if I could help him. He started to blush, started to stammer and lost his...

4 years ago
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The Last Police ChiefChapter 19

The night before the first day of work with the project humanity builders, I was too nervous to sleep. had no idea how things would work out with my part time job. I sure as hell wouldn’t be dropping my real job to be a pretend carpenter. Nonetheless I skipped my morning hike opting for a real breakfast instead. While ridding the scooter to the job site, I carried my tools in the small knapsack on my back. Mine was the only three wheel moped in town and was therefore a curiosity. I didn’t...

1 year ago
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Gods Great Plan

GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...

2 years ago
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RegretsChapter 6

The takedown of the entire Falcon Shipping terrorist organization had gone well. Better than well ... it went bloody brilliantly with not a single lost hidden cargo sent to the bottom the sea or ocean! The Dutch Unit Interventie Mariniers (Unit Intervention Marines, or UIM), probably took top prize, if anyone was keeping score ... and trust me, the international spec-ops community is fairly small and everyone is always keeping score. The Haytham-Azraq (or the Blue Falcon) was quietly taken...

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Uncle Lees WayChapter 5

We all got going again on picking grapes again. I wanted to have enough to eat and enough to make a couple of runs of alcohol fuel. We went to the area where we had been attacked before and picked grapes, while I kept watch. We got a wheelbarrow full of grapes. I rolled the barrow back to the house and put them with the grapes from before to ferment. I started looking around for signs of anyone watching our house from hiding and found nothing. I talked to my wives about what we would need...

3 years ago
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The Little Witch Comes To Town

It was the Tuesday following our expanded Play Group's inaugural debauch and Melanie and I were over at Sue and Jake's place for a quiet evening at home – their home, that is, our second home. Jake was doing my wife Melanie doggy-style on the living room floor and my cock was deep in his wife Sue's throat as we all halfheartedly watched television, when Melanie's cell phone started playing 'Psychotic Girl' very loudly. Mel grabbed the phone off the coffee table and took the call without ever...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Prince

As you sit next to your fathers throne, looking upon your kingdom, discussing the upcoming marriage that your father has arranged for you to the Princess Jasmine that lives within the next kingdom, to explain to your father the King, that you have heard of this Princess, and that you don’t like her that she is pompous, arrogant, and spoiled and that is using the words nicely! Your father is not detoured by your protests… Telling you that you must marry this Princess, that if you would not, that...

1 year ago
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I Was FramedChapter 4

Probably the worst day of my life was the day my Angela came back early from settling her family’s estate and caught me humping her younger sister “Latah” up the Hershey Highway with her sister in the midst of a fantastic orgasm. It was particularly annoying to her because rear door loving was sort of our thing and I knew she resented I would do that with another broad, especially her very own sister. I have to confess that her younger sister was much better at anal sex than she was and she...

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Alexandra and Denise

Alexandra shuffled slowly down the long hallway. The drab linoleum tile was cracked and missing in places. The two toned green walls were faded and depressing. A number of girls were sitting in chairs or shuffling along, attired in the same ugly print hospital gown and robe, and wearing the same blue slippers. It was 1950, and this was the third time she found herself in a place like this. The third time since her parents had caught her that night two years ago.  Alexandra had known for a long...

1 year ago
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Bang Bang In Lonavala 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, thanks for liking my previous stories. It had been a long time since I had got any action. I had gone off from the dating sites and was quite busy with my routine. However I and my friends decided to go to Lonavala for a night out since it is so close by to Mumbai and since it was a Saturday night. We left for lonavala at around 10 and bought some alcohol on the way. I started drinking since i was too stressed with my routine work life. I was feeling much relaxed with alcohol in my...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Wicked world of Telemarketing Part 5

. a quick recap of part 4 Wendy showed her wicked side as she dealt with Pamela and Paula for not following her instructions of helping Terri become the women that Wendy wanted her to be . After the bobbsie twins helped Terri become more feminine by purchasing wigs and make up also having a sexual encounter with Warren and Raul told Terri that they would be at Terri's place at 6:30 A.M. Terri greeted the bobbsie twins at the door clad only in a red baby doll night gown and matching red thong...

4 years ago
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Andy TaylorChapter 19

Sarah Duncan had refused her father's offer to meet her at Penn Station. Although most people fly between Washington and New York City, Sarah — known as Sally — had elected to take the Metroliner. For some reason she wanted the extra time to decompress from the Washington pressures and reorient her thoughts to her parents. She really had not given them any thought in months, a fact that bothered her. Sally had even been remiss about talking to them on the phone. All she knew was that they...

2 years ago
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 37

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and Wunderboi******My wife and I had been married for six years and we had recently moved to Hawksville, a bigger town or small city in the south and were finding it hard to establish friends in our new location. Other than that, life was the usual routine of work for us both, looking forward to the weekends when we could drive to the beach, or just hang by our pool. I had married her when she was 19 and I was 35. My love...

3 years ago
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This Should Be My Last Time

I told myself last time was going to be the last time. I have to stop. If my girlfriend Amy, who I love very much, ever found out I'm sure it would be over. But here I am again driving to his office.I pull into a parking space, take a deep breath and mentally purge all the reasons I shouldn't be here for the ONLY reason I'm here. His office is on the 4th floor and the elevator ride always seems so slow. He's expecting me, so his secretary smiles and lets me in."Hey." he says looking up from the...

3 years ago
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Prologue. ‘Damn writer’s block! Damn it to hell!’ I sat before my lap top in the large dining room waiting for inspiration. There was nothing. A hundred times, or so it seemed, I had begun to tap in words, and then deleted them. ‘Rubbish, all bloody rubbish,’ I silently wailed. ‘I’ll never be able to write another story, ever.’ Chapter 1.The Mountain Hideaway. It had started weeks before, this confounded inability to string two words together in an intelligible manner, sod it. I had...

3 years ago
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Avatar Naked in SchoolChapter 3b

Cindy: She didn't grab much in the way of clothing. Somehow, Cindy was sure that Tina would make her strip once she got to the mansion, anyway, so there didn't seem to be much point. She blushed to herself, thinking it odd that she was more embarrassed to be naked in front of her dad than Ken or anyone else at the mansion. It just seemed, for some reason, that everyone at the mansion was so natural about their lack of clothing. Once they got there, they were greeted by Eric and Sally, who...

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Caught wanking in school

This was my first sexual experience as a shemale, I was still in school, I loved the girls in the school uniform, tight white shirts so thin it would show their bras through and tiny short skirts, some flared and some really tight too, I would always end up getting a cheeky view up some of their skirts and I couldn't help but stare as their tight bald pussies or their tight perfect little asses. I had to wear that uniform too and I always had to wear little panties to hide my big cock.We had...

4 years ago
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The Halloween Party

A little background: Laura and her family were going to her father’s company Halloween party. She was an only child and her parents marriage had been on the rocks for years. It had steadily gotten worse over time. In fact this was the first time they had done anything together since she was about 8. She was 14 now, and had wanted to go trick or treating with a couple of her other eighth grade friends. In fact she was planning to wear the same witches outfit she had worn last year. Admitted it...

2 years ago
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Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 1 "You want to do what?" Mary asked sitting bolt upright in bed. My wife and I had just had a marvelous session of sex. We were nestled in each other's arms enjoying what the sexologists refer to a "postcoital-languor". That's highfalutin for "feeling fuckin' good afterwards!". And believe me I was feeling good. Mary is a wonderful bedmate. Just looking at her makes my cock hard, and I know from watching other guys around her that they are jealous as hell of me. She has the...

1 year ago
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The Father of My cd

Melissa is a regular housewife whose son, Chris, is leaving for college in three months. And the fact that her son is leaving her creates a hollow in her motherhood, so wanting to have a new baby quickly came to her mind. However, Melissa and her husband have been trying to have another baby for months but without success. And wanting to conceive naturally, they refused artificial insemination or any scientific means. When having a baby seems all too hopeless, Melissa accidentally walked in on...

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XVR Chat

Webcam sex shows are one of the greatest inventions in pornography since the silicone vagina or truck stop peep show. It took jerking off just one step closer to actually banging a girl by giving you real, live titties and twats with the option for some human interaction. Virtual reality is another new innovation that puts you right into the action instead of just letting you watch it on a flat-screen. I’ve been waiting for someone to combine cam shows with VR ever since I bought my own sex...

Live Sex Cam Sites
2 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 27

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily “Let me guess, you talked Stefan into being his Caporal and took his advantage of his trusting nature?” Barbara immediately accused me of leading his son, astray. I had an “I don’t give a shit” attitude and an impish grin on my face, so that did seem like a natural conclusion. I was about to tell her that it was her precious, innocent and perfect daughter who had trained Stefan this afternoon. I wanted to make Barbara feel bad for accusing me. I...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 34

I showed the invitation to my girls that night at the dinner table. They were torn between being impressed, jealous that they couldn't come along, and worried that I might soon be out of a job. "I don't know why you guys are worried. The job's mine for as long as I want it." I said, speared a slice of mutton with my fork and lifted it to my lips. "Didn't you tell me it was a Presidential Directive that created your department in the first place?" Izzy asked. "Mmm-hmmm." I mumbled...

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Buff Young Men

"Oh can you imagine, one of those hard young cocks thrusting into you and then feeling that hot load spray deep inside you, all that hot young sperm flowing into your body." Ruby said licking her lips and crossing her legs. "Remember when young men like that chased us around and fucked us." Liz added. "Those guys are players, they will fuck anything and everything." Monica said. "Six hard cocks, twelve hands and twelve balls full of thick hot cum." Ruby said quietly. I sipped some more wine...

3 years ago
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Fucked by 10 Men

I wanted to share the details of Alex and Adam’s sex party/orgy last Friday before I start getting in to this weeks fun with Rachel and Taz. I also thought that writing about it would get me turned on and super horny for when I meet the young couple later tonight. Little bit of back story for those of you who haven’t been following my sexual adventures over the last decade. Alex is a guy I knew through a group of guys I hang out with, here on the coast north of Sydney. I was, and still am,...

2 years ago
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One of those daysChapter 10

Dan looked anxiously over his protégé and checked his pulse then reached for the phone next to the grinning statue of Kali on the ebony table by his bed, dialled a number and waited. "Hello, Bab's?" he said after waiting several minutes. "Yeah, it's me. I think your boy's got talent... yeah, he's ready for the next level... sure, he's still here; absorbing the peyote and mushroom tea, with a little 'oomph' added for staying power!" He laughed and glanced at Jimmy, who lay...

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Politicos wife

A few months I encountered a young woman pushing her baby in a stroller. After three or four meetings, we stopped to chat. We introduced ourselves–she was Melissa and her baby was Joanie. Melissa appeared to be about 30 years old and was in fairly good shape. She was about 5'5, and weighed probably 135 pounds. She told me she was walking to try to lose the weight she had gained during her pregnancy. Her hair and eyes were dark brown, and she had a rather attractive face. For...

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Deep Crotch Mother Chapter THREE

Marcella arose when the first light of morning flooded into the room. Her c***drenwere still sound asleep, and she shut the d**** on the window so that the lightwouldn’t disturb them. Wrapping a robe around her nakedness, she went to thebathroom across the hall and relieved herself. Then she brushed her teeth andcombed her auburn hair, which tumbled in glistening waves around her shoulders.Floyd and his wife were having breakfast when she walked to the kitchen.“Hmph!” was all the plump, dowdy,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 51 Lagom

May 15, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Another year done!” Kara exclaimed when I came home from work. “One more to go, and then you start on your Master’s.” “I also start on our baby soon!” she said happily. “But Elyse looks like she’s going to burst!” I chuckled, “Tell me about it! She complained that all she does is go to school, eat, and pee.” “She just has to hang in there for a couple more weeks!” Kara said. “I assume you have everything arranged?” “Of course. My bag is packed and...

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Seasons Beatings From Joanne Part Two

Joanne’s seventeen-year-old sister, Gabrielle, arrived home just after 4.30 that Saturday afternoon. She was happy. She had enjoyed spending time with her friends in town, doing some last-minute Christmas shopping and just relaxing for a change. Once she had locked the front door behind her, Gabby Wilson laid her shopping bags down in the hallway and walked into the front room, where her mother and older sister were watching television. The young woman smiled and sat down on the sofa next to...

4 years ago
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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part VII

It was late morning by the time Paulo returned. He had already been to the yacht and stocked up and had also brought some more shopping back for the house. We had both showered and dressed; Sue had put on a floral summer dress over a new bikini she had bought for herself at the airport.Sue had mentioned to Paulo that last time we came out here I had taken in a sea fishing trip and he had kindly bought a rod and tackle for me as well as some bait. I offered to pay for it all but he would have...

2 years ago
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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fair by SpectreOfHell When Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man’s heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there. ‘Wally,’ she said...

4 years ago
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Night Watch

I watched from the shadows as men, elves and dwarves came and went. I looked back as another shadow slipped up beside me, "it looks like they are still in business." The halfbreed mage grunted, "the others are ready." I nodded as I let a long thin silver chain unwind from my wrist and hang from my left hand. I started out of the alley and walked down the dimly lit street and towards the building we had been watching. I pulled a sword breaker as I reached the door and swung the chain to...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 8 Theories of SelfInterest

-- JANUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "You're kidding." I think I felt my jaw hit the ground. Dawn chuckled, covering her mouth with a hand while her eyes twinkled. "After all that?" Bert just shrugged. "Chevelle dropped the program. If it's any consolation, I went up and asked her point-blank if it had anything to do with you. She said it wasn't. She'd just decided for herself that Business wasn't her career path." I rubbed my forehead. Dawn was right. After all THAT. I could have...

3 years ago
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***I might consider expanding this story into a multi-chapter series if there's enough interest, so feedback would be amazing!*** Marco Cassidy scanned the crowded bar quietly, wondering if he was going to find a suitable target. For months Cassidy bounced around to various bars, searching for young college guys that were willing to appear in his amateur porn movies. Finding the inexperienced talent wasn't a problem; yet changing up his appearance and ensuring that he didn't go to the...

4 years ago
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Tightly Thaid Part 1

As an construction engineer, my work requires me to travel all over. And with my extensive travel schedule I am usually on the road for two hundred days out of the year. So having any kind of a social life is difficult at best. I have just about given up on any kind of stable relationship. But life holds surprises for us all, and sometimes they come in the strangest forms - and usually from where you least expect it! My latest assignment took me to Singapore where I was to meet with a new...

1 year ago
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PublicBang GeishaKyd Porn Trial for Geisha Kyd

Geisha Kyd was walking on a hiking path. It was so hot that she lifted her shirt and used a spray bottle on her face and tits. A group of men were watching her and when they were passing her they asked if they could use some of her water spray to cool down. She told them she lifted her shirt on purpose. She saw that they were watching her and she recognized Alberto Blanco as one of them. A pornstar with a huge dick! She offered she would cast on the spot for a port and she really wanted to get...


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