Damascus free porn video

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I let myself be talked into going to Damascus? Easy, my boss said. A nice city, actually, he said. Very interesting sites. Fascinating history. Take your wife with you, the company will pay for everything. This will be perfect to re-connect with your wife after too many business trips. We desperately need this project, he said. You´re the best man to get it done. You won´t regret it. Yeah, yeah, the usual stuff that led me to visit Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Oman recently. Why had I become our Middle East specialist? Why couldn’t I be our man for the Caribbean or at least Southeast Asia? My colleagues were raving about Paris or Florida and all I had to contribute was the amazing variation of the colors of sand in Oman. And why on earth should I take my dazzlingly beautiful wife, with her long mane of golden-blond hair, to war-torn, Muslim Syria?

So, still being a bit unenthusiastic, I made the mistake to mention it to my wife. Bad mistake. My wife was a risk-taker. Not consciously, of course. The problem was that she was an obstinate optimist. While I was usually worried about everything, nothing ever could go wrong in her eyes. Motorcycling in a bikini? No problem. Driving without a safety belt? No, she wouldn´t do that, but only because the dinging of the car gets too annoying. Walking alone through the park at night, wearing a short skirt? Come on, you´re paranoid, she said. She had never been able to accompany me on my trips before and the result of our talk should have been predictable.

“Woooohooo, great! What am I going to wear? It´s hot there, but it´s an Islamic country, isn´t it? What do women...”

“Anna, wait a moment. First, we have to decide IF we´re going to do it. If we´re going to take the risk.”

“Risk? What risk? Your boss said it´s a great opportunity, didn´t he?”

“Sure, it’s a great opportunity for him to stay home where it’s safe and the air conditioning always works.”

“Come on, you´re just being a spoil-sport worrywart again.” Did I mention how unrewarding the role as the cautious one was?

“Anna, seriously...”

“We´ll go, okay? We´re just going to be careful.” She smiled THAT smile again and it didn´t fail to get the intended result. It never did.

“Okay,” I meekly answered, asking myself what I got myself into.


Yeah, careful my ass. At least she kept her arms and legs covered, mostly, most of the time. Her long blond mane, worn loose down her back, attracted enough attention: way too much, in my view, as the surrounding men stepped onto their tongues. She was raped in countless male minds, but was completely oblivious to it. I was getting a bit anxious, but so far, I had to admit that nothing bad had happened to us. We were currently fighting our way through a dusty, dirty, sweaty, overcrowded street that had been converted into some kind of souq. None, and I mean none of the goods on offer held any appeal for me. Still, Anna had to examine every piece of junk, every bit of food that held the certain promise of instant diarrhea, had to talk to every beggar and to every merchant. I stumbled along behind her, sweating, thirsty and regretting I had ever consented to this. To this trip, to taking her with me, to visiting this shitty souq. I felt safe enough, but my eyes burned, I was starting to get a sunburn, my feet were aching.

And then it happened.

The chess game. Neither Anna nor I play chess. I mean, we know the rules, but we never had any interest in it. I have to admit that this particular game was nicely done. It was made of two different rocks, probably marble and - I have no idea. Some other mineral that is not marble. It looked nice enough and it looked surprisingly valuable for a place like this.

“I need to have it.”

Not really the best strategy if you´re about to haggle about the price and the dealer hears what you´re saying.

“We don´t need that.”

“It´s so beautiful”

“Madam has good taste,” the dealer contributed.

“She sure has. Anna, this thing weighs about a ton. Our luggage is right at its limit.”

The dealer had heard that one before. “We send it home, sir.”

“No, no. We´ll take it immediately or we´ll leave it here.” I didn´t trust this guy.

“We´ll take it immediately.”

“Good choice, madam.”

“Wait a moment. I don´t think so. How much?”




The price didn´t sound unreasonably high, but I was sure we were about to get ripped by him.

“That´s a joke, right?”

“Madam wants it.” He smiled confidently. Bastard.

“But I don´t. I´m the one that has to pay for it and who will have to carry it around.”

“Make me good offer, sir.”


“Come on, sir. You lucky. My mum’s birthday.” Yeah, sure. “I make it fifty.”

“Thirty.” What am I doing, I thought? I don´t want this. Not for thirty and not even for three. All it would do at home was to accumulate a layer of dust.



“Deal.” Damn.

Now I had a problem. Everyone had advised us to take not much cash with us; I guessed I had about twenty Euro left.

“Where is the nearest bank?”

“Over there. Lady can wait here.”

“In your dreams.” I turned to face my quite happy wife. “Anna, we´ll have to get some money.”

“Okay. I´ll stay here and look around a bit.”

What? I knew she was a bit naïve, but this was really over the top.

“Anna, I´m not going to leave you alone here. You either come with me or we won´t buy this damn chess game.”

“Oh. Okay, okay, no problem. Relax, honey.” I received a nice kiss, which lifted my dark mood a bit.

We found the bank easily enough and it was as if we entered another world. Everything was clean, the place was cool, bordering on cold, everything that could possibly be made of marble was made of marble. Those guys really liked that damn rock, it seemed. As sweaty and dirty as I was, I felt like an intruder into some sacred place. But nobody seemed to object, so I approached one of the counters, closely followed by Anna.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose.

Whenever I traveled in the Middle East, the speed with which things happened was hard to grasp. Most of the time, not much seemed to be happening at all. Then suddenly things got totally confusing and hectic. This was one of the latter cases. Suddenly, men were shouting things my emergency Arabic failed to grasp. At least one woman started screaming. People were running around in a chaotic frenzy. Then a shot, then another one. That silenced and stopped everyone. We turned around towards the entrance and saw the cause for all the turmoil. A group of armed and unmasked men had entered the bank, but stayed near the entrance. I didn´t know the local bank robbing traditions, but this behavior didn´t fit anything I´d expect for such an occasion. This impression was reinforced as one of the guys fired a short AK-47 salvo into the ceiling. This was not what I would call a clandestine bank job. With a feeling of dread, I watched the marble debris falling onto the marble floor. For some reason, I was relieved that whatever happened, I probably wouldn´t have to buy that damn marble chess game.

We stood there as if frozen while both security guards were dropping their pistols, somewhere a woman had resumed her screaming, a warning bell went off, one of the cashiers started to flee towards the back, one person, probably a lady, wearing a burqa was fainting. One of the intruders calmly shot the fleeing cashier in the back.


“Mark...” Anna said quietly.


“Mark, he just shot that man.”


“In the back.”

“Yeah. I think we better be quiet, okay?”

“Okay.” She seemed shocked. It seemed as though this was the first intrusion of reality into her sheltered life. I wondered how deep a dent this would make in her ubiquitous optimism.

Some Arabic commands were shouted, everyone around us lay on the floor and we thought it best to follow their example. Before I went down, I had counted six guys, all armed with AK-47s. Only one of them carried an additional RPG, which seemed a bit bizarre. But I was no expert in bank robbing in the Middle East, so maybe it made perfect sense. Generally, they seemed a little over-armed for the occasion. Either these guys were determined to take no chances or the AK-47 was at a discount at the local weapons dealer.

I heard police sirens outside, which I regarded as bad news. If the police surrounded the building, the only option open to the robbers, or whoever they were, would be to take hostages. As the only Europeans present, we were the most likely targets. For the first time, I was pondering the possibility that we might not survive this day.

“I love you, Anna.”

“I love you, too.”

She had tears in her eyes, fully understanding what I wanted to express.

A pair of highly polished shoes approached us. “I´m sorry for the inconvenience,” a voice informed us in perfect Oxford-accented English. “Please stand up.”

Warily, we stood up and looked at a handsome, tall Arab of about thirty years. He looked like a young Omar Sharif and exuded confidence. This was a natural leader if I had ever seen one. He also seemed surprisingly cultured and intelligent. I just hoped this man wouldn´t turn out to be someone I´d have to fight later. I wasn´t too optimistic about my chances. Among the more convincing reasons for this assessment were a pistol tucked in the back of his belt and an AK-47 in his hand.

“Please follow me to the back offices while my friends take care of things here at the front.”

Like lambs being led to the slaughter, we followed him without another word. After a few seconds, we heard a shot, shortly followed by two others. I turned around and looked into the dumb, expressionless face of one of “Omar´s” AK-47 carriers, who was following us. We were led into a small back office and the asshole behind me cuffed my hands to a heavy chair, making me feel even more helpless. Resisting those two armed men didn´t even cross my mind.

“I´m sorry for the inconvenience, but some things just have to be done and I deemed it better that the lady not have to witness them. Our business can be rather messy and unpleasant sometimes, you know?” He had the audacity to laugh a bit and it even seemed genuine and charming, even though obviously somebody had just been executed at his command. I realized that I disliked this slick, good looking guy. No, I already hated him.

To my horror, I saw that my Annalena obviously didn´t share that feeling. She smiled at him warmly.

“I see, thanks for being so considerate. By the way, I´m Annalena and this is my husband Mark.”

“My pleasure.” He extended his hand, she took it, they looked into each other´s eyes for quite a while and more or less ignored me from that point on. Shit, this was not going well. “So, what brings you to Damascus?”

“We´re here on business. You know, we´ve just been visiting the souq nearby. I was just about to buy a marble chess game.”

“Oh, no, please don´t do that. That stuff is just cheap Chinese fake. I know where to buy the good stuff around here...”

I zoned out a bit. I couldn´t believe that my wife was making small talk with this cold-blooded killer as if nothing had happened. I couldn´t believe how she was openly flirting with him. How she smiled and looked at him like a love-sick teenager. She even pushed out her boobs a bit as if to offer them for his inspection. He clearly wasn´t averse to this and was mostly talking to her cleavage. She didn´t seem to mind in the least.

Annalena is a beautiful woman by anyone´s standards, but with her long blond hair, she must be the total dream for an Arab. Why had she abandoned me that quickly? She was supposed to be the love of my life. Forsaking all others and all that stuff. I watched them in growing confusion.

“My dear Annalena...”

“Please call me Anna.” She smiled her best flirty smile at him. This really cut me to the core. He was better looking than I was, he was taller, he was the one with the guns, he was in charge, he appeared so wild and confident, especially compared to my more accountant-like appearance. I had always feared I would lose her to a more confident and dominant man sooner or later and sure enough, it seemed to be happening. My beloved wife was totally ignoring me and was trying to please him right in front of me. Having to watch her like this was somehow even worse than our life being at stake. I wasn´t too afraid of being killed, but my wife´s behavior really horrified me.

“Please come and sit on my lap for a while, my beautiful lady.” His voice was smooth as silk. If I were a woman, I´d probably be already in love with him, and it seemed Annalena was on her way to doing exactly that. She obediently walked over to him, swinging her hips a bit more than necessary and placed her cute bum in his lap. He leisurely massaged her shoulders and caressed her arms, while smiling calmly and looking into my eyes. She managed to ignore me completely.

This hurt, boy, did it hurt. When he started to touch her breasts and she did nothing to stop him, I lost it.

“Anna...” I croaked.

I was rewarded with someone hitting my head from behind, probably with the butt of a gun. I sensed that it hurt physically, but I hardly noticed it. I kept looking at Anna, who was now looking benevolently at me along with this asshole, while she calmly opened the top buttons of her blouse. He didn´t need any more invitation to place his hands inside her blouse and start mauling her breasts.

I watched in hurt amazement as the love of my life offered herself for the use of the guy that had just kidnapped us. I remembered there was this thing - Helsinki syndrome? No, it was something else. Stockholm. Stockholm syndrome. But that should take longer than a few minutes to set in. There was no Scandinavian capital needed to explain her behavior: this guy was some kind of dream boat and my beautiful wife obviously had come to the same conclusion. Shit. They both smiled at me mockingly, as if to emphasize that they were together, and I was on the outside looking in.

Having to watch their shameless flirting while bound helplessly to this damn chair was driving me mad, so was just closing my eyes the best solution? I gave it a try. All sensation was blocked out now, except the stench of the guy behind me, the whirring of the air conditioning, Anna´s moans and some men shouting in the distance.

“Look, infidel!” came the command. I was scared enough to follow it. Matters had not improved. Anna’s blouse was completely open, her bra was lowered so that her pretty boobs were openly on display. The guy behind me made a remark, but my Arabic was way too bad to get it. The tone told me it was something rude. “Omar”, as I called him in my mind, answered by lifting her boobs for further inspection and replied something unintelligible. They both laughed and to my amazement Anna didn´t seem to mind at all. She just winked at the goon behind me.

“You like what you see?” she even asked him. This was sickening. Nobody answered and I wasn´t even sure if the goon behind me had understood her. Damn, I wanted to punch this guy. I wanted to shout at her to stop this nonsense. But there was a reason I didn´t. That reason was called AK-47. So I had to watch in horror as she calmly removed her blouse.

“Anna, Damascus is really too hot at this time of the year.” What? Why did he start to talk about the city now? “I wish you had visited the city in spring. It´s just marvelous.” I’m sure both he and Anna saw him as a sophisticated gentleman, calmly enjoying the best life had to offer, in this case, my wife.

“Yes, I can imagine that. It´s really a beautiful city.” She played along by keeping up the bizarre conversation while removing her bra. He fondled her naked boobs while they continued the banal conversation. I felt totally humiliated and powerless. The most important thing was, I mustn’t cry. No way any of them was going to see me crying. No way.

Suddenly, she turned around to kiss him right on the lips. Not just a quick peck, but a full tongue wrestling kiss. She completely initiated it: that was hard to watch, but it at least stopped his unbearable lecture about Syrian history.

I was wondering how much more I would have to endure when some shouting in the entrance hall caught his attention. He got up to check it and to my horror, my topless wife didn’t even cover herself as she followed him like a lovesick puppy. She didn´t even look at me once as she left me alone with the goon in the small back office.

The commotion in the entrance hall continued. I heard a single gunshot. Had my wife just been killed? Even the shot didn’t stop the arguments, and the goon guarding me finally went to join the party. I tried to get myself out of the handcuffs, or at least tip over the chair, while no one was watching. Too bad for me; the goon had done his work too well. Plenty of practice, I guess.

Finally, the commotion died down and “Omar,” my wife and one of the tellers entered the small office. Although Anna was still half naked, I was immensely relieved to see her alive. Did that make any sense? No. As far as I could tell, she wasn´t mine any more anyway. Still it would have killed me to see her dead. No, she was quite well, relaxed and at ease with her new situation. “Omar” put his pistol to the teller´s head and walked behind him, while my wife clung to his side like a love-sick teenager. It was disgusting and hurtful to watch.

“Omar” spoke some Arabic stuff that I didn´t catch and the poor, frightened teller knelt down right in front of me. Another short Arabic command and he bowed his head, “Omar´s” gun still buried in his neck. This was an execution right in front of me and the thought made me sick. Anna was still sticking her boobs into this asshole´s side, relishing the power he exuded. She kissed the side of his face and nibbled at his ear lovingly.

“Come on, baby, don´t we have something better to do?” she purred. A lump formed inside my belly.

“This has to be done, darling. You can wait outside if you want.”

“Baby...” she cooed. “This would really spoil my mood.” Despite the cool air I was beginning to sweat, trying to keep my emotions under control. Don´t show any weakness, I thought. Don´t cry, don´t beg. The sweat started to run into my left eye, stinging and making it hard not to squint.

“Anni...” Anni? Really? They had their own pet names by now? “Sometimes a man ... ah, fuck, okay, let´s go. I´m horny as hell.”

I had to watch them leave the room, clinging together like newlyweds. Hey, that is my wife, I wanted to shout, but I could smell that my goon guard had taken up his position behind me, so I didn´t. Did she already know that I wasn´t going to survive this anyway and had already secured my replacement? I felt like I could scream, fear of death combined with incredible jealousy was almost too much to bear. I hardly noticed my hurting wrists and my numb hands.

I zoned out a bit by remembering how I proposed to her. I had known her for only three months at the time, but I already knew that I was totally and absolutely in love with her. We really were soul mates and as a result the sex was incredible as well. It wasn’t some kind of sporting event, like you read about; it was an intimate joining of kindred spirits. Although I had been certain that she felt the same way, I was incredibly nervous while I was kneeling in front of her. It turned out I needn´t have been: the ring was plucked from my trembling hand and placed on her finger in fractions of a second. I smiled a bit as I snapped back to the ugly reality.

They returned about half an hour later. It felt like two years. She was still topless and didn´t care in the least about it. It seemed that in such situations the normal rules didn´t apply at all. Her hair was a bit tousled. I had a horribly good idea about what they had done.

They entered the room, clinging to each other, him grinning smugly, openly fondling her boob and looking right into my eyes. She smiled confidently as well, but avoided direct eye contact with me. Was it guilt? Had she suddenly stopped loving me? I thought I knew her, but her behavior was so far out of the ordinary that I just couldn´t tell. That guy was so much more attractive than me and I knew that women were generally drawn to powerful men. In this situation, he was as powerful as God.

“You´re having a pleasant stay here?” he asked me, grinning widely. I have taken your wife and there´s nothing you can do about it, was what he really wanted to say.

“More or less, yes.”

“I´ve really enjoyed taking your wife, infidel. You want to watch the next time? Watch how a real man pleases her? A man that has taken her away from you?”

“Ah, I´ll pass on that, I think.”

He laughed. “Good choice. But maybe I´ll let you watch anyway. Just to make a point, you know. She´s mine now. She wants to be mine. Get used to it, weak man.”

Anna at least had the decency to look a bit uncomfortable now.

I was glad that one of his gorillas suddenly interrupted our less than pleasant talk by entering and talking to him animatedly. “Omar” listened to him, then gave firm orders in a quiet, but strict way, while continuing to fondle my wife´s breasts. Watching this was as difficult for me as it obviously was for the drooling idiot he was talking to. Finally, the man ran away, having received his orders. I heard a shot in the distance and didn´t really want to know who had to die this time. Anna at least jumped a bit in shock, but he calmed her immediately by placing a huge smacker onto her lips. Someone screamed in the distance, followed by another shot, which silenced the scream immediately. Shit, shit, shit. This wasn´t looking good. They were executing the hostages one by one; I had no idea why. To make things worse, a fly started to circle my head, looking for an appropriate landing spot. I hardly noticed it, until it actually landed just below my right eye. I tried to shake it off, but it took a while and certainly made me look like a fool.

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Charlie Miley Ch 05

‘I was afraid to admit that I even had a problem. After my first week here I almost snuck out in the middle of the night. I had a bag packed and everything, but then my boyfriend called. Well, my ex-boyfriend, I guess. He told me how proud of me he was and that he loved me. It reminded me that I still had hopes for our future, you know? I want us to be together, but I realized it would never work if all I did was drink every night at a frat house until I blacked out in some strange guy’s bed.’...

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Free Use High School

Setup summary: You sign a contract with God that promises a free use world when you wake up. You're welcome, now you can skip this chapter and go right to the sex. In your dream, you're in heaven. And God's there. Yup, the Big Man Himself. And right by his side is JC, who sports some sunglasses and doesn't acknowledge you when you walk in. God's surrounded by office supplies, and He types away at His Macbook. After a while of standing there awkwardly, you finally say, "Hey! How's it going...

2 years ago
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Nirvana on FireChapter 11

"Are you sure this is where you want to be, Mister?" the cabbie asked as he pulled over across the street from the warehouse, behind Mandy's car. "If its 2500 East Victory, I am." "That's it across the street," the cabbie pointed as Jefferson, Jesus and Marco stepped into Jefferson's limousine and sped away from the building. "Thanks," Mayfield said, handing the cabbie a twenty. "Keep the change." "Thanks, Mister," the cabbie replied as Mayfield opened the door and stepped...

3 years ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Four

Flying down the road in my Prius! Heading for more Lush loving. This time I was heading back west but was staying in the South. This time I would meet a real Southern Lady, so to speak! I expected my little flower to be a memorably sweet piece of southern ass. I was moving inland through the Georgia countryside. I had been making short side trips and the days had kept apace. It was now more spring than winter and some of the azaleas had started blooming between the trees along the highway. I...

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I experienced an unexpected sexual encounter with a close member of my family

The Wednesday following Christmas was to be a busy day for me; after wrapping-up the remainder of the gifts for my thirty-year-old sister and her two kids, I was to drive some fifty miles or so into the countryside to visit them. We enjoyed ourselves immensely throughout the day and when it was time for my return, I decided to fuel-up and run the car through the carwash before returning home. Jill, my sister, remarked that she needed some milk from the convenience store and I invited her...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 222

Senior Computer Skills... Tech support: What kind of computer do you have? Customer: A white one... Tech support: Click on the 'my computer' icon to the left of the screen. Customer: Your left or my left? Customer: Hi, good afternoon, this is Martha, I can't print. Every time I try, it says 'can't find printer'. I've even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, but the computer still says he can't find it... Customer: My keyboard is not working...

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Turning PointsChapter 15

Kerri wasn't sure whether prostitutes were supposed to be on time or fashionably late. She glanced at the clock in the lobby: 7:05 pm. Resignedly, she walked across the lobby and entered the elevator. As the doors closed, she checked the slip of paper in her purse again and pushed the correct floor. She rode in silence, there being no enthusiasm in either her posture or expression. She wore a simple floral print dress which showed lots of leg without being tasteless. Exiting, she forced one...

1 year ago
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Strip Game Addict ENF

You're a healthy teenager with a healthy attitude about sex and other things of the sort, the thing is, you've got a not so healthy obsession with strip games, doesn't matter what the game is, where it's played, or who you play it with, if there's mention of a strip game, you're not going to refuse, that is, if you're not the one who suggested it. It should go without saying that, for the most part, you end up losing all your clothes, and at the mercy of your opponent. Naturally, this sort of...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 23

In the bunkhouse operation center, Max examined the assembled men. Despite having been woken up less than ten minutes earlier, in response to the alarm sounded by the nighttime phone operator, they were alert and ready. He reveled in the pre-operation adrenaline surge. Max never slept deeply. He was out of bed and ready to go in less than two minutes. Six years running black ops in the jungles of Latin America taught him to wake and respond at the slightest hint of trouble. His men were...

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bound by request short story

I suppose I was being a little bit whiny. But it had been so long since I'd had any attentions I just couldn't help myself. John had been working so hard lately, he'd almost forgotten I existed, or so it seemed to me. When even my sexiest lace teddy failed to get him interested, I was driven to desperate measures.Some girls might think it's strange that I will actually beg to be tied and whipped, but if I go without it too long I start to pout, and John hates that.As always, I ended up getting...

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Sex Club 7 Chapter 1

Sex Club 7 - Chapter 1"Hi Hannah," said Jo as she as she woke from her bunk in the LA apartment the lived in. Jo raised herself from her bed and appeared topless in front of her surprised friend."It's OK Hannah we've both seen them before," explained Tina, with her roommate Rachel standing astride her.Hannah then returned her puzzled gaze at Rachel and Tina wondering when they saw them.Jo's breast wasn't the biggest of the four girls but were very firm. Rachel then proceeded in unwiring her...

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CherryPimps Maya Farrell No More Fucking in this Household

Jason is in trouble! His father yells at him, for sleeping with his stepsister again! Now it’s time for Jason to stay in the cage, so he can keep his hands off his stepsis Maya Farrell! She comes down and taunts him, as he remains stuck in the cage. He cannot touch her, but that doesn’t stop her from showing off her big, perky tits! Maya cannot stop teasing her poor stepbro, and he cannot help but slip his hands into his sweatpants. Now Maya has all the power! Will she let him free, to fuck her...

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The Road Trip

The Road Trip By strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! I grip the steering wheel tightly as mile after mile on the dark, mid- night highway disappear under the wheels of the passenger van that I am driving through the emptier parts of the American Midwest. We are on the road trip to a vacation house in a secluded location, and the rest of the...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 25

Phil was going over notes for the following week when he heard the familiar tread of people ascending the stairs. Despite the fact he faced four midterm exams the following week, a smile crossed his lips. He heard the women before he saw them, the lilting laughter and higher-pitched voices engaged in animated conversation. They didn’t knock but just walked in, their hands filled with eco-friendly reusable bags from the grocery store. “I’ll get the rest of the stuff from the car,” Phil...

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Monsterous Changes

This is the story of 4 women who were renowned adventurers, and how their days of adventuring came to the end of the one force they had chased down to destroy the most, monsters. The four were Sharon, the warrior;Marcy, the enchantress; Lucy, the huntress; and Jezebel, the thief. The four were a very solid party and they specialized in hunting down and defeating ooze and slime class creatures and monsters, it was for this reason they earned the nickname Slime Hunters. However there was one ooze...

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Dark ReasonsChapter 6

Jenna stared grumpily at the doors of the emergency room and wondered for about the hundredth time why she was doing this. She shouldn't be here. She had a whole desk load of backlog to go through and a final statement to prepare for the press on Kevin Elliott's arrest. The press release had to get sent to the department's media consultant before she could deliver it and that could take hours. She had way too much on her plate. She shouldn't be standing outside the doors of the hospital...

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Underwear shop 5

Lynne could hardly wait untill Elaine made her next visit to renew stock. Lynne told elaine all about the experience that she had with Barbara. At first she did not notice that Elaine was starting to feel her own breasts, then with her other hand rub her womanhood. Elaine said how much she wished she could hve been there to participate or even just to watch. she asked Barbara as to if they had made any arrangements and would she allow her to attend. Lynne responded that there was no time like...

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Part 2

Of course, I'd expected that I was going to fuck sweet, sexy chubby Anna and Mike was going to go with girlfriend Bethany. A straightforward, good old-fashioned hetero foursome. That is what Anna had told me over the phone was her plan. The excitement for me was the thought that I was going to watch the girlfriend having it with another (older and more experienced) man, and me finally getting up Anna's skirt and inside her knickers. I'd long imagined being able to feel down her knickers and get...

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From Femboi to faggot Madison

From Boy to faggot sissy Madison I meet Maddi Ng one night as I was heading back to my hotel form a sales meeting. I noticed this young lady walking down a dark street while being followed and heckled by 4 thug looking guys. I pulled over and asked her if she needed a ride or to use my cell phone, she jumped in so fast I thought she was going to rip the door off my suv. As I drove away I looked over and noticed that she was actually a very feminine boy. I asked “what was going on” and she...

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Maza Liya Didi Ke Sang

Mera harman ho .mai chandigarh ke 22C sec mei rahata hoo . Mai jo kahani sunatne ja raha hoo o do sal paile ki hai .tab mai baravee saal ki pariksha de chuka tha . Chutti mei mai mimbai jana chahta tha kuinki udhar maer didi kamal rehti thi . Uski shadi ho chuki thi aur who uski pathi kiran jo udar kaam kartha tha . Didi ne 8 mehne pehle ek ladki ko janam diya tha . O bahut pyari si bacchi thi . Gori chitti rang lambi aur sidhi naak same uski maa per gai thi . Didi bhi gori, sidhi naak, lamba...

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Those who have read Part I will know how we were on an Easter sailing trip to France and our neighbour’s wife had contrived to give my husband a blowjob and later her husband had persuaded me to blow him while the others watched, We pick up the story later that evening , , , ,We had supper in the café in the French town near where the boat was at anchor in a sheltered bay and a very nice meal it was too, helped by plenty of the local wine. After the meal we rowed the dinghy back to the yacht...

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He shouldve seen this coming

So I was a slut in high school, and a complete fucking whore in college, and if I wasn't getting fucked, I was being a total cock-tease. So when my husband was shocked to find me getting tag-teamed by a couple of black dudes, I thought he totally overreacted...but I'm getting ahead of myself...let's start from the beginning... I always was successful at everything I tried. Fuck it. I don't mind being conceited. I got great grades, hung out with the elitist social circles, and always had...

Wife Lovers
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Odyssey Of a Slave Part Three

Over the summer, I spent most days in slave training with Mistress Victoria. Many nights too, but not as many as I would have liked with my parents living right next door.The routine, when I did stay over at Mistress Victoria’s House, was simple. If I was staying over from the night before, I would wake up at six in the morning, shower in cold water, shave my genitals, legs, chest, and armpits. Then, I would make Mistress her breakfast. Fruit, porridge, and coffee with cream and sugar.I would...

4 years ago
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When Mom And Dad Are AwayChapter 6

That evening, Skip went out with his buddies and Jenny stayed home to study for a history quiz. She wasn't about to neglect her studies while her parents were gone just because Skip was neglecting his. By the time nine o'clock rolled around, though, Jenny didn't feel that she knew anymore about history than she'd known two hours earlier. She hadn't been able to concentrate all evening. All her mind wanted to do was dwell on the things she'd done with Skip, and all her pussy wanted to...

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Hypnotic Sex Slave Ch 3

Clearly the concept of a sex slave has appeal to both sexes. Both men and women wonder about being a sex slave. Hypnosis is the Great Enabler. This is a series of stories of encounters that raise the issue of being a sex slave. Read on. Then vote and let me know what you think. Everything I write about I believe is possible. I have not, necessarily, done everything depicted in these stories and I cannot advocate making people do things that they would not approve of, if asked. To understand...

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Nite at the Red Lotus

I was stationed overseas in Asia working in Army Criminal Investigations Unit. We worked a lot with the Local Police force on Black Market Investigations, as such I got to know a lot of local businesses. We were hot after a local gang that were siphoning a lot of goods and supplies meant for the American Military bases and we were not having much luck. Seems we'd get so close a big bust and we'd either miss altogether or find some small operation. The frustration colored everything and affected...

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My bestfriends wife

My best friend Steve,invited all the boys round for a forth of July party.Just the seven of us,drinking beer outside by the pool.It was a hot day,and the drink was flowing.Every year we have a little party for the guys,and the wives get together next door and do there own thing.were there,as we always are every year,talking shit,about cars and women,as we always do.Eventually,the subject came back to Nancy,Steves wife.We all want to fuck her,its no secret,even Steve jokes about it.She is way...

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Does this story make you want to cum

I looked at her sitting there on the sofa.My roomate was out for an hour getting some groceries to make her dinner for her birthday. They had been together for two years and were planning a wedding next spring.As I occasionally glanced at her from the corner of my eye. I could not help but notice her face getting red. She was watching a movie on the television.I got up from the table to see what was making her so excited. To my suprise she was watching a porno. I thought this was great as I now...

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Revenge of the NerdChapter 72

After graduation my focus changed to my wedding. I know I was obsessive about the dress. I had been accompanied by my mother, Sunny, Sandy, Jen and Jeff when I originally bought it. Ha! Even if I had been able to hoodwink Jeff into coming, his most incisive comment would have been, "It's white." The most fun part of the excursion for the others came when I asked, "Does this look alright on me?" Jen was the first to break out in laughter, but the others followed immediately. "The...

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A Beautiful MessChapter 38 Alive Inside

I went to my room and gathered up some clothes. Mom had done my laundry and my clothes were tucked neatly away in their drawers. My bed was made too. I smiled to myself standing there in my bedroom. My bedroom. The walls seemed close. The room seemed small. I looked up at the ceiling. It was a little more than an arm's length above my head. I took at little hop and touched it with my fingertips. This had been my bedroom for over half my life, and I'd never noticed how small it was. My...

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I did not write this, but it is one of my absolute favorite stories.Superb lesbian seduction!"Cabled"by Shawn O.Even though she was expecting someone, Kimberly still jumped whenthe doorbell rang. It had been like this lately. A thick, palpabletension crackled around her, transporting her far from the present,leaving her exposed, vulnerable. Literally exposed, she discovered,for she had been standing naked before the full length mirror in thehallway of her apartment when the doorbell...

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Practice Makes Perfect

With a sigh you thread your finger through the d-ring at the top of my hood, pulling me off your she-cock. You bring your face down to mine and you look into my eyes. "I know you'd never sucked cock before you met me, and you are doing better than you once did, but you have no rhythm as you suck my she-cock.""I am sorry Mistress, I am trying my hardest," I say barely concealing my disappointment in my failure."I know boy -- you try hard, but you need much more practice, and I am not sure I can...

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Veritas Ch 00

This is a bit different from what I’ve done before, but I have been thinking about this story for a very long time. There isn’t much sex, so if that isn’t your type of thing, then please either move on or enjoy the ride. **************************************** Prologue My name is Karoleah Gregory. I write this record with the hope that future generations will learn from what we have done. I am the leader of a group that many call a resistance, but I call it hope. We are under the thumb of...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK III

“I think she’d look good in that, Laura.” I’d been lost somewhere between sexual bliss and frustration, having just been made to cum in front of a roomful of guys by two girls dressed as sexy cops and yet, somehow, I was left wanting, eager to fulfill their every whim, even if it meant being gang-banged, something Officer Laura, my new owner, had just hinted a after stroking my pussy into a raging fire and leaving me hanging. Despite my taste for pussy rather than cock, if it meant I’d get to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e4 Becky Millington 32

We fade in on the face of a man – Mr Average, nothing to shout about, nothing to run away from ... He’s filming himself, selfie-style on a smart-phone camera. He looks excited and full of fun. He speaks, almost whispers, direct to the camera, in a mild Scouse accent, “Dear Charley, my name’s Kyle, and I’d like to nominate my partner, Becky, to be on The United Kingdom of Zoo – because she never stops thinking about having sex with dogs ... And to prove it ... Come with me...” He turns the...

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In The Darkness

In the darkness, I felt very alone - but in a strange way very turned on. Movement was impossible and all my senses worked overtime. Why had I agreed to this? I hadn't even been drunk ! A little bit of male attention was enough to persuade me to enter this unfamiliar world. Lets face it, I was bored.... Mid forties, kids, husband who all too often works abroad - sounds familiar doesn't it. Nice things to have don't get me wrong, but, somewhere inside, something was missing. They say a woman...

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The disconsolations of Anita

The Disconsolation of Anita Anita was deeply unhappy. She couldn’t get Robert to cancel the cartography course and come with her to Frinton. She came back from her daughter’s house, laden with shopping and after a while she went upstairs to the bedroom. She looked at the large double bed and a wave of loneliness came over her. She caught herself in the full length mirror and wondered what was it about her that caused Robert to ignore her wishes. It must be something about her older body that no...

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The Game Of Sex

Hi mera name Vidya hai me 24 years ki vivahit aurat hu mera ek beta 2.5 years beti 4 years mere pati mahesh mnc me job karte hai aur kam ke silsle me jayad tar gar se bahar hi rehte hai mera ek dever hai mahendra jo 24 sall ke hai jinka business hai wo rojana samay se jate aue samay se ghar ate swabhav ke bade hasmukh aur dilchasp insan hai hamesha majak me rehte par kuch dino se unka swabhav mere prati kuch Badla badla sa lag raha tha wo mujhe aise dekte mano abhi pakad kee kuchal masal de...

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