- 2 years ago
- 21
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Alyssa braced herself for the effort, and then stood up. She cradled her swollen tummy - and the life growing within - taking a moment to rest before heading to the door of her office. She pushed an errant lock of dark brunette hair away from her eyes and gathered up her purse.
"Why didn't you wait for me to help you up?" Sarah asked. Her dark-haired assistant wore a scowl as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. The expression couldn't remotely mask the young woman's beauty. If anything, it made her all the more attractive.
"I'm fine," she protested as she gathered up her purse.
"I don't know why you're still coming to work. You're due in a couple of weeks."
"Because I can, and because I'm not looking forward to cleaning up the mess Terrance will make while I'm gone. The longer I stay, the less I have to pick up the pieces."
"Well, I can't argue with you there." Sarah walked over and picked up the briefcase Alyssa was reaching for.
Despite saying otherwise only moments before, she was grateful for the help. "What have I gotten myself into?"
Sarah laughed and said, "A little late to be thinking about that now."
"I knew. Well, at least I thought I did. No matter who tells you about how uncomfortable it is, and the nausea, and the aching boobs, and the constant peeing..."
"It's nothing compared to the real thing, huh? You amaze me. I don't know if I could carry a baby for someone else."
Alyssa rubbed her tummy and felt a kick. Her sister and brother-in-law had tried for months with no luck, only to discover that while her eggs and his sperm were fine, scar tissue from an accident when she was a teenager made it difficult if not impossible for her to conceive. When the doctor listed surrogate as an option, the decision was easy.
"She's my sister. Once the results of the fertility tests came in and I saw the look in her eyes, I had to do something. That's another reason I need to work as long as I can. The part of the bill I took on isn't cheap. But, nine months of inconvenience for a lifetime of happiness is a fair trade."
Carrying the briefcase, Sarah walked at her side, ready to help if necessary. "At least you won't be the one up at all hours of the night feeding and changing diapers."
"Amen to that. Well, other than the first few feedings, and then pumping these things for a while."
Sarah giggled. "They are rather large and in charge now."
"They're huge. I don't know how some women walk upright."
"Better than my problem."
Even as Sarah rolled her eyes, lamenting her small breasts, Alyssa had to fight off the urge to look at them. As far as she was concerned, they were perfect. It was something she'd struggled with since hiring the gorgeous young woman. Sarah was a marvelous assistant - and even better friend - but she had to wonder how much her attraction had played in the initial decision to hire her.
Sarah nodded toward the door. "Well, let's get you home so you can relax."
Having Sarah bring her to work and drop her off was the only reason she could still come in. Driving was simply not an option with the size of her pregnant bump. After a slow journey to the parking lot, they were finally on the way.
"I just thought of something," Sarah said after a few blocks. "Do you think I could change at your place? I'm supposed to meet Trent, and going back home would be out of the way. I picked up my dress from the dry cleaners on lunch."
"Well, sure. It's the least I can do since you're chauffeuring me around."
"Great. Thanks."
Soon enough, they reached Alyssa's apartment. Once inside, she gestured and said, "You can use my room. Unfortunately, I need the bathroom - quickly."
Sarah laughed. "Okay, thanks."
Alyssa hurried to the bathroom to answer the urgent - and all too frequent - need. As usual of late, wiping around her tummy proved cumbersome. On top of that, there was the embarrassing hair she'd always kept smoothly shaven. It was impossible to see and not much easier to reach between her legs, and the effort was simply too much.
Still, it bothered her, and she seriously considered facing the discomfort before it was too late. Before long, she would have doctors and nurses down there as she delivered the baby. She decided that one way or another, she was going to do so without a bramble patch between her legs.
Sarah walked out of the bedroom just as Alyssa sank down on the couch. Turning toward her assistant, her breath caught in her chest.
Sarah was dressed in a slinky black dress that hugged her every curve. She was wearing higher heels than usual, which accentuated her incredible legs. When the younger woman did a pirouette, Alyssa got an eyeful of her friend's perfect, tight little bottom. She felt her nipples stiffen as a chill shot all through her.
"What do you think?"
"You look incredible." She knew as soon as she said it that she'd let a little too much of her arousal show in her voice.
A crooked grin decorated Sarah's face for a moment or two, then she said, "Thanks. Trent called, and he's going to meet me here, if that's okay? We can take one car, and then come pick his up tonight."
"Of course."
"As long as I'm here, do you need anything? A drink? Something to eat?"
Barely able to keep her eyes off the sexy young woman, her thoughts were even harder to control. You look good enough to eat. "No, I'm fine. I'm going to relax for a while, then I have something ready to heat up. My sister makes meals and drops them off to make things easier."
The brief toot of a horn sounded, and Sarah turned toward the door. "That's Trent."
"Have fun."
"And you take it easy. See you tomorrow."
With that, Sarah made her way to the door. When it opened, Alyssa saw Sarah's boyfriend, who was also dressed up for a night on the town. Muscular and handsome, with dark, wavy hair, he inspired a doubling of the arousal she already felt. With her hormones elevated from her pregnancy, the dual temptation right in front of her nearly had her squirming on the couch.
Snapping out of the excited trance, she levered up from the couch with the hope that making something to eat and watching television would help the surge pass. It worked, and the effort of getting in the shower later combined with putting off shaving yet again had turned her mood the exact opposite way as she prepared for bed.
Headlights brightened the window as she passed on the way to the bedroom, and she peeked out through the curtains. Trent and Sarah both got out of her car, sharing a long, impassioned kiss. Before he walked to his car, Sarah reached between his legs and squeezed, hinting at things to come.
Like the flipping of a switch, the scene instantly turned her on.
Walking away from the window, she continued to bed. Fantasy took over, causing her arousal to build. As she lay in bed, she teased her stiff nipples, and her breathing quickened. It was only when she let her hand move between her legs and encountered the obstruction of her belly that her fires cooled.
The angle was awkward, and orgasm was elusive the last few weeks. Despite feeling as if she was in heat half the time, the frustration of fighting to reach a peak usually put her off trying - and tonight was one of those nights.
Though she drifted off into a fitful sleep, her dreams picked up where her fantasy had left off.
The next day, Sarah once again drove her home. Alyssa liked spending the extra time with her young assistant, even though it was almost torture at times. Today, an entirely different torture was on tap.
Seeing her fidgeting, Sarah asked, "Are you okay?"
"I think I should have gone to the bathroom before we left."
"My place is only a couple of blocks away. We can stop there."
With the urgency building at an alarming rate, Alyssa nodded. The emergency pit stop proved wise, because she barely made it to the bathroom. Cleaning up afterward was another reminder that she'd put off the effort of shaving yet again. That thought led to what made it difficult, then to what else was too difficult, and the frustration of waking up from a passionate sexual dream about Sarah this morning.
As she walked out of the bathroom, Sarah said, "Okay, I have to ask. What's wrong?"
"What do you mean?"
"You haven't been yourself all day, and you're scowling."
"It's nothing," Alyssa answered, and then shrugged.
"It has to be something."
Afraid of offending her friend by saying nothing, but still not confident enough to reveal the true source of her bad mood, her mind whirled. Latching on to an errant thought, she tried to turn it into a joke and defuse the situation. "Let's just say that the doctor might need a machete before anything else in a couple of weeks."
"Oh," Sarah said, obviously catching on. "Too hard?"
She nodded.
"Well, why don't you let me?"
Alyssa's heart pounded in her chest at the thought of Sarah between her legs - though shaving had nothing to do with it. "I couldn't ask you to do that."
"Well, you're not. I'm offering." The beautiful young woman flashed a smile. "I know it would drive me crazy. It's stressing you out, and you don't need that right now. If not for you, then for the baby."
"You don't think that will be a little strange for us tomorrow at the office?"
"We're friends. You've done so much for me," Sarah continued. "At least let me do this one little thing for you."
She knew she shouldn't. It didn't help.
"If you're sure?"
"Come on. I just need to get my things from the bathroom."
Excitement bubbled within her as she followed her young friend - eyes drifting of their own accord to the way Sarah's hands moved as she walked - so flowing and graceful. This was a bad idea, but it was too close to what she really wanted, and desire was short-circuiting her common sense.
Sarah grabbed two towels first, and then bundled up everything else she needed inside them. She turned and said, "Take this into the bedroom while I fill up a bowl with some water, then get comfortable."
"That's going to be a trick."
Sarah laughed. "At least as comfortable as you can."
After putting the bundle down on the bedside table, Alyssa slowly sat down on the bed. A shiver rippled through her body as she thought about Sarah and Trent sharing the bed - and each other. A moment later, Sarah walked in carefully carrying a bowl, which she sat down on the table next to the towels.
While pulling a chair over to the side of the bed, she said, "Okay, skirt and panties off."
The matter-of-fact tone set Alyssa's ears to burning, momentarily overshadowing her desire. Sarah unrolled the towels, sat everything within on the table, and then held one of them out. "Come on now. Chop, chop."
"It's just a little unnerving," she said as she reached for the zipper on her skirt.
"Don't be ridiculous. You've had a bikini wax before."
"This is a little different."
"Not that much."
Pulse racing, Alyssa pulled down the zipper, and then reclined on the bed. She pushed the material down, lifting her bottom, and somehow found the courage to slip the skirt below her panties.
"Let me help," Sarah said, first taking off Alyssa's shoes, and then grabbing the skirt, pulled it down past the knee-length black stockings. She put the skirt at the foot of the bed, and reached for her friend's panties.
Sarah's fingers slipping beneath the waistband of her panties was almost too much. She was thankful that she'd chosen a blouse and bra that she was sure hid her stiffening nipples, but a tingle between her legs reminded her that wasn't the only giveaway she had to fear.
She barely had to lift her butt up from the mattress, and in the space of a breath, her panties joined her skirt at the foot of the bed. A spark of desire made her want to part her legs wide, but she pulled her knees together instead.
"Are you comfortable?" Sarah asked as she reached for a battery powered trimmer.
"Not really," Alyssa responded, punctuating it with a nervous laugh.
Rolling her eyes while she pulled a chair up next to the bed, she said, "You know what I mean."
"I'm okay."
"Well, you'll feel a lot better in a few minutes." She pushed the button on the trimmer a couple of times, making it hum. Then, she pushed on one of her friend's knees and said, "Let's get started."
Despite her desire, it took a great surge of willpower to overcome the shame that tried to keep her legs tightly clamped together. Breaking through the barrier, she drew her knees back and out, parting her legs.
"It's no wonder you've been grumpy," Sarah said - smiling - and turned on the trimmer. "It looks like you had a landing strip. Do you want to keep that?"
"I ... Yes," she answered. Oddly enough, Sarah's businesslike attitude was helping to calm her.
It didn't last long.
The tiny vibration coming through the trimmer's comb as it slid over her skin was more than enough to force her to hold her breath against a moan trying to escape. She had to direct her eyes to the ceiling because the sight of the beautiful woman between her legs summoned every fantasy she'd ever conjured up.
Sarah went about her task quickly, and with skill. Every touch of the younger woman's fingers manipulating her labia and legs to reach creases sent electric pulses shooting through her body. She wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed when the trimmer shut off.
"That should be short enough for the razor now," Sarah said as she put down the trimmer and picked up the shaving lotion.
The feeling of Sarah's fingers gliding over her skin to spread the lotion was even more intense than the vibrations. Her nipples were pebble-hard and aching to be touched. All the tingling between her legs culminated in a twitch of her intimate muscles that she knew had to be plainly visible - and obvious. Sarah stuck to her task, and picked up the razor.
Again, Alyssa endured the wonderful torture of her friend's fingers touching her while trying to focus her gaze on the ceiling and her thoughts on something else. As if they had a mind of their own, her eyes kept drifting down to watch Sarah between her legs. Her need grew stronger - more desperate - by the moment.
Sarah shaved her with practiced skill, which made Alyssa consider that this might not be the first time her assistant had shaved another woman. She wasn't sure whether to be disappointed or relieved when Sarah put down the razor and used a damp washcloth to wipe away the last of the lotion.
"There we go. All done," the younger woman said as she put the washcloth back into the bowl of water. Before Alyssa could react, Sarah stroked two fingers over the newly smooth skin and said, "Doesn't that feel good?"
Oh god yes! Alyssa thought, and she shivered, sucking in a short gasp as well. She stiffened immediately afterward, knowing how her reaction had to look. Her lips parted to lie that the touch had tickled, but two things brought her up short. Sarah hadn't stopped stroking her fingers over the smooth skin, and had actually moved closer to the center. The younger woman also wore a half smile, and was looking directly into her eyes.
Not breaking eye contact, Sarah said, "If it's difficult to shave, I bet other things are pretty hard too."
"What do you mean?" Alyssa asked in a whisper, not sure if her voice was even audible.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?"
The younger woman's fingers stopped teasing and glided the full length of Alyssa's nether lips with feather-light pressure. Reeling with pleasure from the touch, Alyssa's back arched up from the bed and a sharp moan escaped her.
Eyes closed, Alyssa felt Sarah moving on the bed. She opened them just in time for the younger woman to recline next to her.
"I was pretty sure the first time you interviewed me," Sarah confided, looking deep into her eyes. "I've seen a few signs since then, but now I'm sure - and I'm glad." She moved closer, her lips parting.
Alyssa gasped, and then moaned as Sarah kissed her. The kiss was soft and the tip of the younger woman's tongue tickled her lips.
"How long has it been since you had an orgasm?" Sarah asked, her lips still only centimeters away.
"Weeks," Alyssa answered in a breathy whisper.
"Mmm ... Then I won't tease you and make you wait. You need to come now. I can kiss you all over some other time."
Before she could even process those words, her young assistant sat up and scooted back to the edge of the bed. Alyssa's heart pattered in her chest as Sarah sat down in the chair again and licked her lips. Alyssa parted her legs wide, her need now far outstripping any thoughts about consequences, and sucked in a sharp breath as Sarah leaned in.
A warbling whimper and a full body shiver accompanied the soft, moist touch of Sarah's tongue. The younger woman moaned, then planted a kiss directly over Alyssa's hood.
"Mmm, you're so wet," she said after the kiss. Without waiting for a response, she stiffened her tongue and swiped it the full length of Alyssa's nether lips.
"O-o-oh god," Alyssa cried out as her pleasure centers fired with an intensity that made her feel light-headed.
"Feel good?" Another long lap that ended with a wiggle beneath her clit.
"God yes."
Alyssa could do little more than whimper and quiver at first. Too long denied, her body was alive with energy as the younger woman lapped her. Sarah teased with the tip of her tongue, wriggled it, and sucked on the fragrant folds - all the while moaning in delight.
When the delicious shock faded enough for her to open her eyes, Alyssa said, "Oh yes," as she looked over her rapidly rising and falling breasts at the beautiful woman between her legs.
Sarah switched to darting, feather-light touches of her tongue that seemed to be everywhere at once. Suddenly feeling stifled, and with her nipples aching, Alyssa desperately tore at the buttons of her blouse, legs and hips moving in slow, serpentine motions beyond her control.
Some small part of her not consumed by the steady rise to a peak that Sarah was driving her toward rejoiced in the decision to go ahead and start wearing front clasp bras to contain her enlarged breasts. A quick snap of her fingers freed the heavy globes and she cupped them, pressing a finger down over each turgid nipple.
A sudden, deliberate swipe of Sarah's tongue that lifted her hood and rolled her clit caused Alyssa to yelp as her back arched. She released her breasts, letting them spill to the sides, and slapped her hands down to the bed, fingers curling into claws.
It was but a prelude. Sarah attacked her clit with ferocious hunger, causing the hot knot of pressure behind Alyssa's mound to rapidly swell. The younger woman kept up the assault for what felt like eternity, then moved away to tease with the tip of her tongue. Just as Alyssa sucked in a breath to beg for more, Sarah obliged her by darting back to the swollen bud. The brief respite made the return all the more intense, and she cried out, "Yes!"
Rushing headlong toward the brink, Alyssa let out a series of whimpers that built in volume and pitch. She could hear her rapid heartbeat pounding in her ears, and feel it in her chest, nipples, and clit. As she reached the cusp, ready to tumble over into sweet oblivion, Sarah's lips latched onto her hood.
The whimper trying to escape Alyssa caught in her throat, and her mouth dropped wide open. She trembled, trapped in the instant of release by Sarah's sucking lips and soft tongue attacking her naked clit. On and on it went, making Alyssa feel as if she might burst into flames or fly apart. Then, finally, she tumbled over the edge with a loud, weepy cry.
For a time, she knew nothing other than the shockwaves of chilly orgasmic bliss crashing through her body. As her other senses snapped back into focus, she saw Sarah looking into her eyes, licking lips that glistened with wetness, and it set her off again.
The younger woman crawled up in the bed next to her, and they shared dozens of brief kisses between Alyssa's gasps for air. Finally, a kick from within ended the relentless waves of aftershocks, causing Alyssa's eyes to pop wide open as she cried out and snapped a hand to her tummy.
"Are you okay?" Sarah asked.
One leg still trembling uncontrollably, Alyssa wearily chuckled. "Wond ... Wonderful. Someone didn't like all the squeezing and fluttering."
Sarah leaned over her tummy and said, "Sorry."
Alyssa couldn't help but laugh, which earned her another kick.
"Mmm, it's been a long time since I did that. I've missed it," Sarah said as she reclined on the bed again. "I was nervous about telling Trent, and only got up the nerve about a month ago."
"I haven't been with a woman in three years," Alyssa admitted. Drifting in the afterglow of her orgasm, there was something surreal about her assistant - still dressed for work - lying next to her with her lips and chin glistening with juices.
"And a guy?"
"A little over a year, and that wasn't very good."
"I can't believe I was afraid to tell Trent. We had the most mind-blowing sex when I finally summoned up the courage." Her lips curled into a crooked grin. "You know what we were talking about right before he rocked my world?"
The book slid into place – the last of those that had been returned that day. Melissa pushed the cart back to its normal parking spot next to the front counter. Along the way, she glanced out the door, and then at the clock above the counter. It was half past six – nearly closing time – and she was beginning to worry.Dani was like clockwork, arriving at five after five every Saturday for the entire seven months Melissa had worked at the library. Today, there had been no sign of her. For a...
LesbianThe book slid into place - the last of those that had been returned that day. Melissa pushed the cart back to its normal parking spot next to the front counter. Along the way, she glanced out the door, and then at the clock above the counter. It was half past six - nearly closing time - and she was beginning to worry. Dani was like clockwork, arriving at five after five every Saturday for the entire seven months Melissa had worked at the library. Today, there had been no sign of her. For a...
PreludeToday, I'm having breakfast with a very special friend. Despite a thorough shower this morning, I am very much aware of the fact that no matter how much you scrub, there are just some things that only time can remove. Normally, I would worry about being in such close company with another man after my lustful sex last night, but this morning, it's just breakfast....I know her better than she thinks I do, but I let her think that she's in control. She's so in touch with herself, her...
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This story was written as a tag-team effort, in collaboration with a certain "bitsie", who is the most unusual muse that I could imagine. Him: Hal dragged the last suitcase out of the back of the van and over to the curb, where the porter was waiting with the rest of the luggage. "That's the last of them," he grunted as he dropped the heavy bag. He dug into his wallet and handed the porter five dollars – one for each suitcase. ...
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Ever since Wendy had been chosen as the Supermarket Princess, we had been welcomed as honoured guests whenever we went there to do our shopping. I loved the way the women showed their admiration for my darling daughter, by following her with their eyes and licking their lips. They made it obvious that they were still lusting after her. Wendy teased them sometimes by letting the more attractive ones have glimpses of her body, mainly her legs and breasts. She remembered the way the women had used...
The next day it was close to noon when I heard my bedroom door open and Mary walk in. "You had quite a night last night", she said, "How are you feeling this morning?" I told her that I was little sore but other than that I felt pretty good. "OK you sweet thing, turn over so I can give you todays' injection. Lift up that pretty nightie and turn over", she said with a smile. I did as I was told and felt the familiar little pinch as the hormone dose, and who knows what else was in that...
“I can’t believe you did me in my butt, in the parking garage” Mindy said sourly, as she rubbed her right breast with her forearm. “And my nipple hurts” she added Four hours ago, as I was cuming I had reached under and grabbed her tit and gave her nipple a nice twist. I don’t know where this sadist streak came from lately, but I was kind of enjoying it. I had recently lost my wife and received a large insurance settlement, Mindy, here, had more or less decided to be my sex slave for the...
She was certainly more than a fuck buddy, but unfortunately less than a lover. I was her boss, but at the company that employed us both, I was every ones' boss. Her divorced husband was the lead attorney for a union that was known for strong-arm tactics and he objected to her having male company. But I wasn't a man who had affairs and anyway we had a lot of work-related issues to discuss and resolve.So there we were at the piano bar, about eleven PM, on bar stools, her skirt at her stocking...
Office SexJason “I can’t believe your family didn’t send security with us.” “Neither can I,” Donna replied. “It’s odd ... totally not what I expected.” “I wish we could have all sat together,” Jason said, finishing his Coke. “Holidays,” Donna said. “I’m surprised we’re all on the same flight ... well, except for Mistress Wolfling.” “She’s interesting,” Jason said, motioning at the flight attendant as she came down the aisle. “Interesting ... I’ve noticed your interest in her.” “Another Coke,...
Janice had been at the hotel less than 30 minutes when she heard the key card being inserted in the door. The lock clicked and the door opened a few inches. It then opened a bit more, then even more until finally she could tell that someone had entered and closed the door behind them. It had to be her invited guest. Anyone from the hotel staff would have knocked and announced themselves. A few seconds later a very nervous Vince came through the entrance hallway into the suite. Janice sat in...
A little bit of an introduction: since I’ve moved back to Aussie I’ve been swimming at the Gosford Pool probably 3 times a week on average. With my schedule being pretty open I go during the day when the pool is quiet and I don’t think I’ve had to share a lane yet. Everyone who is swimming laps is wearing speedos or jammers at the most which is awesome (it wasn’t like that in Colorado last winter – I didn’t see a single speedo swimming laps). So a few months back I jumped out of the pool and...
Hello ladies, a short intro about me before my story of sex with classmate. I am Gagan Gowda. I am from Bangalore. I am 25 years old and 6 feet tall, with a muscular and athletic body. I hit the gym every day (not now because of COVID-19). But now I work out at home. I am dusky-colored. I work in an IT MNC firm. I will be narrating a true story that happened in January 2021. So ladies, shut off the drapes, dim the lights and pull out your panties and get ready to sense the tingle down...
I had celebrated my fiftieth birthday two days earlier, and now I was relaxing by the pool of a luxurious Caribbean hotel, nursing my second pina colada of the afternoon. Nursing might not be the appropriate word for it as my doctor had warned me about the use of alcohol and my heart condition, stressing that they did not go hand in hand. Oh, I was free to drink in moderation, mind you, but not excessively. The problem now of course was, here in the balmy Caribbean, drinking was almost second...
Introduction: Part 2 to the hot fanfiction my girlfriend wrote back in 2012, related to Alvin and the Chipmunks, this time around gets to join the chipmunks on stage at their concert and sing One Direction songs, til it leads behind the scenes when Kristie gets stalked and fucked by Alvin himself. Keep in mind, Kristie is a Filipino Chipette, so mating, fucking, and making love is easy to do for Alvin to once again have his way with this pretty young sexy thing known as Kristie. Few months past...
“I’m Raven and I like to swallow,” says Raven Swallowz, a 53-year-old wife from Ohio who’s back for her first fuck at 50PlusMILFs.com. Here, the guy she’s fucking is easily young enough to be her son, and she happens to be fucking him in front of her husband, who obviously gets off on watching his big-titted wife (Raven has F-cup tits) having sex with other men. We asked Raven how often she has sex, and she said, “It depends on how busy my life is at the...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Part 13 Please read parts 1-12 to understand the story, especially before voting When he went into the bitches room after showering, he almost laughed out loud when he saw that Kaneez had put Nokara on the platform he had used the day he pierced her nipples and clit. The bitch was in the exact same position Kaneez had been in with her legs spread by the bar and the chain raised so that only her shoulders touched the platform. Instead of a collar, though, Kaneez had run a rope...
He parted my legs and licked the cream from the pussy, making me moan and getting the taste of champagne. He kept eating the cream, avoiding the strawberry and finally I felt him licking my inner lips and the clit making me cum almost. He told me to keep my legs apart so that I don’t squeeze the strawberry. Then he started licking the cream form my tit and he ate the strawberry. Then he started licking the chocolate form the other tit and then he kissed me. I could taste cream, champagne and...
Jeni’s dad recently got remarried…and Jeni is NOT happy about it. Jeni’s had to move, go to a new school, make all new friends, and of course she’s got another woman in the house all up in their space. And that’s not even the worse part. Jeni’s stepmom was married before. And her last husband is in prison now. But before he got locked up years ago…he knocked his wife up. Yep. Jeni has a brand new older stepbrother. And no, it’s not like in the TV...
xmoviesforyouI look out the window of my English class, bored to death. This is my final year of high school! I'm 18 and should be having fun! However, my teachers don't seem to think so. I glance at my best friend sitting next to me, a cute, petite Asian that I've known since middle school. Judy glances back at me and makes a face that tells me she's as bored as I am. Ms. Wilson going on again about her love life, and how the men she meets don't know a verb from an adjective. Blah. The bell finally rings,...
LesbianThis is a story that started 6 yrs ago. I consider screwing my maid within a fortnight of employing them and till date I have had scores of them. However, this one proved a hard nut to crack, partly because I was also being extra cautious. I had employed this lady who was 30 yrs of age with 3 kids, she was a small make boobs were like fried eggs but she had a nice rump which somehow caught my attention since it had a vertical shift when she walked around. Apart from which she was vey hygienic &...
The six months that followed our initial step into the new world of open sexuality were extremely exiting. We continued to expand on the relationship that Sue had begun with our friend Ed. Sue and I had discussed how we wanted to proceed, and for the time being we decided to let Ed believe that I knew nothing about what had happened. For about two and a half months Ed believed he was having an affair with my wife behind my back. It was exiting to both Sue and myself to purposely set up...
I started sucking her tits and biting them. I slid down and took her panties off and I saw a nice shaved pussy I started so suck it; I took my finger and started to finger her: “oh yeah harder faster oh yeah give it to me” she was whispering, so I slid two more fingers in her she was bucking; so I stuck my face in her pussy and swallowed all of her juices: oh my God it tasted so good! That was amazing! Now it was her turn, she slid down and took off my boxers, she started rubbing my cock and...
My parents are going out of town for a gala, and unfortunately they think I need to be supervised in their absense. It makes me so angry. Just as I was storming off after hearing the news...the doorbell rang. I was so angry, I didn't even want to see my babysitter.
TeenTom did his best to concentrate on his work but what Susie had said disturbed him deeply. Why should Clive with a beautiful and intelligent wife of his own want to pursue Briony? He must be nuts if he thought she would respond to his advances. If nothing else he knew they were only relatively recently married. It just did not make sense but yet Susie had been utterly serious. His mind continued to go round in circles. Briony has beaten him home and gave him his usual warm welcome but she...
The wing the teens occupied was a buzz at five thirty the next morning. Sally and Brad shared a hot shower, taking time to have a little fun before getting dressed for the day. Lisa lay in bed and watched Tom getting ready to go. She talked about the news of the golf course and how happy she was for her dad. Lisa stretched out on her back, put her hands behind her head and said, "Do you have time for a quickie this morning, Tom?" Tom went over to the bed, leaned down and planted a kiss on...
I went to work, and threw myself into the business. Charlotte or Anna had to stay in the hospital for another four days after her surgery. She moved in with Amanda until she was ready to live on her own again. She missed her own funeral. I went, to support Amanda of course. I imagined that it was Annalise we were burying, because for all intents and purposes, we were. My sweet Anna had been driven from her own mind and body by Charlotte's Hostile Takeover. She was an innocent, but bad things...
Here is another 100% true story coming from me. Hope my stories is keeping someone entertained. Here is goes....I had just graduated from high school and just got out of a relationship and was looking for a girl. This one girl out of the blue contacted me on the internet. From what her picture looked like, she looked like a sexy brunette. Well we ended up setting up a movie date. She came to pick me up the day of our date and i noticed she looked nothing like the pics i saw of her. she was a...
Queen of Spades - Meanings(I) The queen of spades is one of the 52 that is in a normal deck of cards. In the game hearts, she can be a real pain in the ass to get because she is worth 13 points, which you would not want to get - I hate when I get that bitch in hearts.(II)Alexander Pushkin's "The Queen of Spades" is a short story about Hermann, a calculating officer in the Army Engineers whose extreme greed leads him to obsess over finding out an old countess's magic formula to winning at the...
Follow the Rules By Margaret Jeanette Toby Hendrickson was checking for background on cases involving a husband raping a wife. He was a legal assistant for a top-notch attorney. He was happy to find many cases that showed a husband could indeed rape a wife. Clients were coming and going at a steady pace. He looked over at Karen Strong who had her desk in a corner. She was the prettiest woman he had ever seen, but he was too bashful to ask her out. Then he looked at Marcia...
My name is Jon and I'm a 35 year old investment banker. I have been married to Suzan for 8 years. She is a very attractive, slender with long blonde hair and almost clear blue eyes and somewhat creative mate but I recently had an experience that will stick with me forever. Every week or two Suzan meets up with some of the women in our community for drinks. They are all married and everyone makes pretty good money. They also have a lot of time to kill as most of them don't work. ...
When my eyes opened my sight was greeted with a handsome five o'clock shadow. Eddie was asleep. It must be late afternoon if his beard is growing in. He's actually handsome. And looks thoroughly relaxed. I smiled. Ok. So maybe I wasn't going to have to kick it up a notch every time I had sex to enjoy it. I'm completely satisfied and it was just Eddie and I. Granted, he did add a bit of Molly in there. But once we were started I hadn't wasted another thought on Molly at all. That was pure...
‘I think I can, I think I can,’ Kate chanted to herself as she dragged her broken body through the pasture by the creek. She had ridden off a cliff and both her ankles were shattered. Her shoulder was broken and she was bleeding from numerous cuts where she had slammed into the rocks. She knew if she could just crawl down stream far enough eventually she would find a house or something, anything. The pain was intense. It robbed her of sentience as it throbbed through her. Two thousand yards...
About a week had passed since I saw my son’s girlfriend Lucinda on her knees taking multiple Muslim cocks. The guilt of not telling my son weighed heavy on me but the thrill of seeing her being a total slut was blowing my mind and I decided to keep it to myself, besides my son was happy and telling him would only destroy him. It was precisely 5pm on Friday and everyone was leaving the office. I kept a look out for her and eventually I spotted Lucinda jumping into her car and heading for the car...
I remember it like it was yesterday, the day I met my husband. Let me start from the beginning to make things easier to understand. I was nineteen years old, young and naive and shielded from the world. Mum, bless her, was prim and proper, always dressed extremely modest. I don’t think I ever saw her in a bikini. She was a great mother, but she always seemed to be one of those stiff types of people. Dad is a doctor, also a very uptight person. He was always dressed immaculately in a...
First TimeWhat a week it’s been. I have been so busy that I’ve hardly had time to think, let alone time to relax… I am so stressed out by the usual daily grind, I need a break! I need to relax, what I really need is a nice, long, deep massage Yes, that would be just the thing to chill me out a bit. I call my friend, the woman who normally does it, but she’s not available until next week. Shit. I go to my macbook, check the address book to see who else could do it and as I’m scrolling through I hear the...
Chapter Nine Walking back over to the couch I slipped out of my shirt, stepped out of the house shoes I had slipped into while I waited, and dropped my pants to the floor and stepped free of them as well. My cock sprang up to an upswept 45 degree angle and a good two inches longer than Uncle Charles’ had provided. I sat back down beside her just as I had been, and slung my bandaged hand onto the back of the couch to avoid the throb of blood that in truth was pretty...
It was late at night as he drove down the street and saw her walking alone. She was about twenty years old and her mini skirt barely covered her big round ass. Her tits were tight against her too small t-shirt. His cock got hard just watching so he pulled his care over to her and said "Do you need a ride pretty girl?" She smiled and said "That would be nice." She opened the door and got in and he could see she was very pretty. She did not sit close to the door but in the middle of the seat near...
The Staircase By Michael Alexander The light from the window cascaded downward into a thousand glittering fragments,spilling out across the dark stained steps of the staircase. It was the light,and the knowledge that he was at work, that almost gave her the courage todescend into the half-lit darkness below. Her fingers tightened on the carvedbanister and her knuckles whitened under the pressure. What dark secret didhe possess so utterly that the very though of broaching the borders of...
1 September, 1686 Afternoon Two day's out from La Nouvelle Orleans Scarlet's wound was all but healed. The metal piece had not been deep and his upper arm had required but a single stitch. Constance told Jack she felt ready for him. Then after informing the rest of the crew that the Captain's cabin would be unavailable for the next two hours she and Scarlet entered the cabin closing the door after them. Once inside Scarlet couldn't help looking intently at Constance completely absorbed...