Fivesome Delight 8211 Lustful First Night Ceremony
- 2 years ago
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There was a young man of Khartoum
Who lured a poor girl to her doom.
He not only fucked her,
But buggered and sucked her--
And left her to pay for the room.
Garry was the hardest sell of the five friends - the idea had been John's and it shocked all of them when he first brought it up, some friends more than others.
The drug came from a discrete website online, marketed for getting the woman of your dreams to fall passionately in lust for you. It was easy, mix some of your DNA with the chemical the site sends you then have the recipient ingest the mixture - within 24 hours, it promised, she would be yours. For a huge sum, at least to teenage boys, of money you get five doses for the price of three.
John called it the 'sex slave drug' - and collected four of his friends to contribute to the cost as well as benefit from the expected results. One dose each, John promised the excitable group - encouraging the lewd enthused jokes. Jessy is the first to joke about using sperm for their DNA, all knowing that saliva would be enough, but fat stupid William quickly agreeing the idea as brilliant and the majority turned solemn and agreed. Oddly, Jessy was the first to voice his doubts about forcing a woman to do something against her will but John said he had a buddy in another province that used it with a group of guys, successfully turning a woman into a slut for his private pleasure. And it wasn't like it was against her will at all, suggested John, the drug made her want to do what she is commanded. It doesn't convince Adam or Garry, but John promises to reemburse all the guys - somehow and however long it takes, as he had as little money as the others - if the promises are false.
They all eventually agree, even thoughtful intelligent Garry.
The promise is just too good to pass up - especially for this group of guys. Sixteen years old all of them and only John admiting to having kissed a girl. Nerds, to a person - outcasts from the strict social heirarchy at their school, finding each other and becoming friends even if only out of desperation. For the princely price of $1,250 each they could get what they only fantasied about and that is worth any price to any one of them. Their desperation to enter the world of carnal knowledge was worth even the price of their ethics or morals, if they admit it or not.
The next topic that naturally comes up at that point in the conversation; Adam anxiously suggesting he take the head of the cheerleading squad - a senior and possibly the best looking girl in the school. Each contribute a name on their turn, some shy while some anxiously revealing their choices, often numbers of them to choose from. Only John stays silent for a long while, looking into the flames of their bush fire they had set - their normal meeting place, out in the back forty acres of Adam's family farm.
"I know who I'm going to pick."
They all turn to look at the most dominant member of the five friends, his voice drawing the attention of the others, this was all his idea and doing after all, "I pick my mom."
Not a sound from any of the other four.
"Your mom?" Asks fat slow witted William.
"Dude, thats sick!" Volunteers the unreserved Adam.
Only Jessy and Garry staying silent, but Jessy had turned a shade white in the ghostly light.
John nods affirmately but follows with, "Hear me out first guys." He looks at each in turn. "I want a woman not a silly girl like the chicks in our school." At this only William was nodding in agreement. "And I want a woman with experience - someone that isn't affraid of a dick or what comes out of it." He had Adam nodding now. "But most of all, I want a woman that is always available - someone close that I can fuck whenever I want." Even Garry had to agree to that but dare not nod his head to agree to such an outrageous idea. "And besides," looking at Adam, "even if you get a cheerleader as your sex slave", the other guys all blinked at the common way he said that as if just being so casual made it fact, "her friends will outcast you and the jocks will beat on you to make junior high school seem like childs-play." They had all been teased and physically abused and threatened since middle school and understood and feared their friends prediction as being the truth.
The outrageous proposal, the cold logic defending it as well as the threat of bad selection had all of the friends silent and unmoving for nearly a minute.
Then it was quiet nervous small freckled Jessy that spoke up surprisingly, "I pick my mom too."
Garry shot a shocked gaze to his best friend in suprise but then looked at each in turn as they spoke almost in a whisper, "Yea its a good idea", from Adam and then from fat William, "I've always wanted my mom."
John nodded triumphantly at each before turning to Garry, the other sets of eyes following suit. The silence was almost threatening before Garry blew, "I don't know who I'm going to pick but it sure as hell won't be my mom!"
John frowned disappointed as he looked at Garry while the others turned away almost embarrassed, they had not had the strength of character to say what Garry had.
Almost awkwardly the topic changes to finances - how each will come up with the large sum of money for the unprivileged teenagers. Reluctantly even Garry contributed, explaining how he would only need to save another two hundred from his job at the grocery store to have enough.
What changed Garry's mind was nothing that any of the other four conspirators said, not even his own hidden desire for his middle-aged mom that he had been long submerged deep down inside himself through his guilt. No, what changed his mind was seeing his father that very next day - a Sunday.
After the late night around the campfire with his friends, and their bold plan and then the shocking revelations about their intentions, it was obvious he should be more aware of his mother and everything around her. He watched her not as a predator but rather as if studying her for an essay he would write later. From the way she hummed some nameless tune as she washed the usual large Sunday breakfast dishes, her wide hips swishing side to side almost hypnotically, to how fast her mood changed when something Garry's older sister spoke to ignite her to anger. Later, her daughter gone out yet again her son distant as usual - mother retired to the garden to work before sitting to read and drink her iced tea. Garry secretly watched her for hours. It was her normal Sunday morning, solitary and ... lonely. Yes, Garry realized, lonely - did his mother really feel that way in a busy household of five people?
Dad appeared from his usual lengthy Sunday morning shower to find his wife in the garden - Garry watched her husband spoke only a few words to his wife, her nod, then he retreated for his twice weekly golf game even as she watched with sad eyes until he was out of sight.
If she were lonely, Garry considered, was it because of how distant his parents acted? He never really thought about it, and in fact if he had he would have simply considerd it normal with other women her age. The hypothesis he as coming up with startled him, made him wonder why he had never noticed it before - but of course, 'before', his fantasies were just that, there was no threat of reality to complicate things.
Oddly this thought pattern brought on the idea of his mother as a lover - his first and if the promises be true then she would be the sum of any teenagers fantasy woman. Any act, any time - the ad had suggested. Right now his house was empty except or his mom and him, instead of her sweating out in the hot garden they would be doing ... what exactly?
Garry shook his head to try and purge the path his thoughts had gone down. Even his adolescent fantasies were simple innocent things - of watching her bath or dress, of secret looks and feelings. There was no bold expressions that were tossed between his friends as they had experience when they had as much as Garry.
That night his two sisters, one elder and the other younger, did what they usually did - talk on the phone with friends, pamper themselves before the mirror or chat online. Dad sat before the television ignoring his wife seated across from him and his son - neither of which were paying any attention to the program playing. This, Garry realized almost sadly, was a normal night. Mother was reading, she devoured books - usually thin trashy things, sometimes thicker more intense novels - he rarely took notice. All the while Garry sat looking at his mother, while trying to be discrete about it - the way her red lips looked, how her tongue came out to moisten first the top then the bottom daintily, how she would bite the top lip between her teeth for some minutes at a time almost as if the story was particularly intense during that time. There was nothing georgeous about his mother, he told himself not for the first time that day but none of the other four guys had beautiful moms yet they had agreed to control them for their sexy playthings - it confused Garry.
Garry's mother was named Victoria, or Vicky as his grandfather called her. She had always been plain of face and unremarkable of body, at least all the photos of her Garry had seen since she had been as young as nine. That is not so say she was hideous, on the contrary she was simply plain or regular in facial features and generous with her middle-aged body. She wasn't a girl or woman that a guy looked twice at if walking past her in public - but, Garry thought, she had some attractive personality traits that were very loving, compelling, that needed a more thorough look to discover. Small of hands and feet, her hips wide, her ass filling her pants fully, her thighs full and soft looking, her calves and ankles well shaped. His mother had a soft rounded stomach that was anything but fat, just a product of living comfortably. Her breasts, as unremarkable as the rest, were prominant in that they thrust out from her chest but they were neither large nor perky. Mother dressed in skirts or dresses except for Sunday mornings when she worked in the garden, never in pants or tights and more days than not she wore nylons and slippers around the house. Rarely did she go out, dad finding excuses to stay in even on her birthday or New Years Eve. But when she did, her clothing looked at least a decade, maybe two, out of style and the spark of personally it was hidden beneath her shy and polite demeanour.
That night over, niether the husband or wife spoke a word - he simply groaned his old man noises as he got up and made his way to his bedroom. Mother bookmarked her book, sighed and got up to clean her husbands empty chip bowl and his half empty beer glass. She seemed to notice her son for the first time that night, "No homework tonight Garry?" It wasn't as if she ignored him purposefully, there was no maliciousness in her, just that he had inadvertently ignored her for so long that she had no reason to consider how important this day was for the two of them.
It was as if Garry had not heard his mom, the total days introspective thoughts and long hours of voyeurism and analysis speaking out as if on their own, "Are you happy mom?"
Oddly this bold question took her by suprise and her face revealed a torrent of emotions before she settled on anger, "What are you asking me that for young man?"
Garry knew then that he would have her - use his DNA with the chemical to control his mother for the rest of her life, his slave. Her response was answer enough.
Deflecting her anger, which she seemed almost relieved to do the same, he later called John from the portable phone in the hallway outside his room - "I'm in."
Laying his head on his pillow to go to sleep, Garry dared not question his reasons for his decision.
It took nearly six weeks for all five friends to collect their individual amounts. While this was going on, each went through their own emotions - often bubbling out in private with one or more of the other guys in guilt or anticipation.
Garry and Jessy, seated in the vacate bleachers out behind their school eating their lunch in solitude - Jessy asks out of the blue, "Why did you pick your mom?" He seemed almost embarrassed, a common reaction from one of the friends these days.
Garry, thoughtful, emotional and very intelligent wanted to say it was because he loved her and wanted to make her happy. But this was both a lie and even with his best friend an unwise statement to make. Instead he chose another lie, an easy one, "What John said started to make sense. You?" He turnd to his small friend expectantly.
The freckles stood out on the cheeks and forehead beneath the light of noon, as Jessy looked across the field where a group of girls were giggling and tossing around a soccer ball as if it were a volleyball. "I never told you this, I never told anyone, but I often think of my mom when I ... you know."
Garry did, Jessy meant 'jerk off'. He recalled his friends mom, Amber as almost being small, red of hair and quiet and polite - and if not for her age, cute.
"Not every time you understand!" Jessy defended nervously, as if worried he would look like a freak admiting to desiring his mother after having voiced his choice to enslave her with his one dose.
"Its okay Jessy, I feel the same about my mom." Garry realized with surprise that it was true, even if he had spoken only to appease his friend. Though he can remember desiring his mother when he was younger, he can not remember a staring role in his more detail-orientated fantasies in the last years. She had always been his mother, the older maternal and strict woman of his upbringing. Though he had imagined holding her, kissing her and watching her undress - the fantasies exciting him - he Garry wondered if it had been because of the forbidden nature of the thoughts.
Jessy was visibly relieved, even chuckling almost insanely, "I thought you might have buddy." An invisible line had been passed between the friends, and would forever go unspoken.
A few bites of their sandwiches, prepared by their mothers by and by, a drink or two from their water bottles and Jerry breaks the silence, "Do you think it will work?"
"It better for twelve hundred bucks!"
"Yea. I care barely sleep I've been so excited."
Garry nodded as if he understood, but he didn't. He was feeling guilty if anything - dreading that fateful day.
"I can't stop thinking of all the things I want to do with her."
Garry barked a single laugh that sounded insane to his best buddy. Only thing Garry had been thinking of was, if it worked and he was half hoping it would not, how to keep it secret from the rest of his family.
"Yea, me too Jessy - me too."
The five guys sat around a table at the mall, of all places, as John slowly and silently handed each a small vial and a single folded piece of paper - the doses and its instructions.
It was almost a solemn event and was most certainly somber, as each took their dose in silence, their eyes nervously looking at each other but then down to the liquid in the small plastic vial in their hands. This was the conclusion of their plans, of the money and all the talk - this was where it was time to turn fantasy into reality. More than one friend looked sickly.
Jessy was the first to stand, leaving without a glance at his friends, shouldering his school bag almost defiantly.
Adam and William soon followed, with only the fat lout mumbling something nervously and incomprehensible until he was out of sight.
That left John and Garry.
"I guess this is it huh?" John chuckled to himself while looking up at the remaining teenager with a half joking smirk, "It fucking better work after how much this cost."
Garry nodded in full agreement but again a guilt-driven wish that it should fail came to mind. Of course he never voiced this wish.
John stood quickly and with determined movements, disappearing as fast as the others.
That left Garry and the stressed teenager would sit there another hour and stare at the vial and realize what he was about to go home and do.
Contrary to Adam and Williams assertion that they were going to use sperm for their DNA - Jessy and John voicing neither agreement or denial - Garry used saliva for his contribution. The instructions were rather elaborate with plenty of disclaimers.
Delevering the drug was almost anti-climatic, slipped into his mothers herbal tea that very night - she being the only one to drink the stuff.
It was the first night since this had started, that Garry lay in the dark in bed unable to sleep.
That Friday was the longest of his life - seeing one or more of his friends at school, none of the others saught each other out nor spoke when they passed in the halls. This was the 24-hour waiting period that they had to endure, each in his own way. Evidently, Garry realized almost relieved, they too were nervous, distracted just as much as he was.
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I thought I was dreaming. My cock was hard and something was griping then releasing it. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was not dreaming. My hard cock was still wedged in the cheeks of Beth’s ass and she squeezing them together then relaxing them. I moved a little and Beth giggled. Mom ask “what are you two kids up to”? I snickered and told her Beth was teasing me. Beth told Mom it was not her fault, I had my hard cock wedged in the cheeks of her ass. I heard Tammy laugh...
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Amanda was having a party, and she invited all of her friends from her university. Those four of them who were lesbian (like Amanda), Cheryl, Anne, Lisa and Emma were staying for a sleepover. When everybody had (except those four) went home, Amanda's mother put the sleeping bags into Amanda's bedroom. In it's center, there was a king-size bed with a red silk bed set. "I will visit an old friend this night, I have to go now. Have fun!" Amanda's mum said. "Sure, bye!" the girls chanted exitedly....
LesbianAlways Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...
CuckoldHello everyone. I am back with a bang! I am Rachit and this is another incest story for you all to enjoy. So let’s talk about the heroine of this story. My mom, Ekta (40 years old) resembles actress Vidya Balan. Her boobs are the perfect mango boobs one could ask for. My aunt Arushi (35 years old) resembles actress Madhuri Dixit. My another aunt Shubhanshi (34 years old) resembles actress Sonakshi Sinha. My sister Shreya (20 years old) resembles actress Shruti Haasan. To enjoy the story to...
IncestThis is my second story here. It is actually a continuation from the earlier one where I met a couple for threesome. I am Vijay from Chennai. Please feel free to give your comments / inputs at This is a genuine incident and no fiction is involved. As I had mentioned in my earlier story I met A and C for a threesome. After that incident they became close to me. We used to chat like friends. Once when we were chatting we touched on the topic of group sex and swapping. A & C asked me if these...
We were on holiday in Crete this year. We usually have a laid back holiday being a couple in our early sixties - no discos! After a meal out one night, we were having a drink in the hotel bar when we got talking to a woman in her sixties - still a very sexy lady!She told us she was a recent widow holidaying with her daughter and son in law. She had left them to have an early night. We all chatted and got on great. When she went to the ladies room, my wife, who is usually up for some fun on the...
"Dick, great to see you again" Julian greeted his younger brother. "Hurrah! No more school ever again" he replied. "How's your first year at Uni. been then, old chap?""Hard work, but it's great to be studying something with a real expert."With a grin Dick added "George wrote that Uncle Quentin was disappointed that you chose to study Geology not Physics, l think he was hoping to have been able to discuss his experiments with you.""Talking of George, we are supposed to be meeting her...
Hello, I am Rachit and I am back with the second part of this much-awaited incest fivesome series. Thank you all for such an overwhelming response to my first part. I request you all to use some hot pics of the actresses I mentioned while reading the story. My mom, Ekta (40 years old) resembles actress Vidya Balan. My aunt Arushi (35 years old) resembles actress Madhuri Dixit. My other aunt Shubhanshi (34 years old) resembles actress Sonakshi Sinha. My sister Shreya (20 years old) resembles...
“I think we’re probably evenly matched,” said Robin. She was wearing a workout outfit and looking in the full length mirror in our bedroom. I was taking off my clothes after coming home from a late meeting, and she was about to hit the shower. “What do you mean?” I asked her. “I mean physically,” she said. Robin towered above me. I was maybe around 5-8, but compared to my 6 foot 3 wife, I looked small, especially when she wore heels. We met as freshmen...
It was a lazy Saturday. One of those days when you just really don't feel like doing anything, but lay around naked and have sex. Roxanne called me and asked if I cared if she came over. Of course I didn't, Roxanne and I have been best friends for over 20 years, and if she just wanted to come over to hang out, by all means, she was welcome. My husband was out riding his mountain bike and I was lounging on the couch when Roxanne came over. She was still in her jammies too. I couldn't take my...
"MAYUKA!" A voice suddenly called. Ryo-oki came running into the room at almost a dead run. Before Washu and Ayeka's startled gaze, Ryo-chan slid to a halt then fell to her knees throwing her arms about the child. It was obvious to anyone Ohki had been crying her eyes out. "Hi dad ya hondar of lik dat?" She sobbed, squeezing the child tightly. "I sorry!" Mayuka sniffed. Petting Ryochan's fur. "Wanted see what wrong wit Papa yuki!" Ryo-ohki looked up. Glanced at where Nobuyuki now...
“Lay back. ” Jess barked at Adam as she scraped some of the cum off her face with her index finger and then wiped it on the bed. She didn't wait for a response as she bent over and sucked his erect dick into her mouth. Adam was a little bit stunned by her sudden eagerness to please him as she cupped his tender balls in her hand and sloppily swallowed his dick as he re-positioned himself on the bed. She took him so aggressively in her mouth that he almost immediately forgot that she had...
Gav slipped off his leather jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. It was Monday again and he needed to get to grips with the project that he was overseeing. He was head of IT Infrastructure at a busy lingerie firm. Lucy’s Underwear Show House had a turnover of £120 million and was one of the fastest growing businesses in the sector. In spite of the recession the company had made inroads into the ‘bedroom’ market capitalizing on the gap left by a recently dissolved name. Gav was a...
How should these poor girls be exposed?
*NOTE TO READER* You can customize each character by pressing on the three red lines on the top right hand side of the screen! As you are pumping your long, hard penis inside of this amazing women who's face you can't see, you feel your balls tense up. Aftera few more strokes into the woman's tight vagina... *BEEP... BEEP... BEEP... BEEP...* Just your luck... Your eye's start to open allowing a frontal assault of light to breach in to your sockets causing you to flinch first then close your...
RomanceSo I’ve always wanted to share this but never had an idea where to start. I still think about it to this day and it still makes my pussy wet. I’ll give you a little background information.It was a long time ago, 15+ years and I’m 24 now so you can do the math. Message me if you want any specific details lol. My cousin was visiting from another country and we are the same age. She has always been skinny and I’ve always been chubby. I don’t know why but we have always been crazy attracted to each...
So I’ve always wanted to share this but never had an idea where to start. I still think about it to this day and it still makes my pussy wet. I’ll give you a little background information.It was a long time ago, 15+ years and I’m 24 now so you can do the math. Message me if you want any specific details lol. My cousin was visiting from another country and we are the same age. She has always been skinny and I’ve always been chubby. I don’t know why but we have always been crazy attracted to each...
I was still feeling horny after the friday/Saturday with Dan so on the Sunday took the dog for a walk close to a dogging woodland by Telford ! I got dressed up in my red underwear white blouse tiny black skirt it just covered my bum platform high heels bare shaven legs and my black suit jacket and my red wig on plus my black rimmed glasses I must have looked hot .So I drove to the picnic car park there was just two cars there ! I got out pulled my skirt down so my bum was covered (only just lol...