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The Emirate of Kobekistan is one of those wonderful places where a visitor feels that they have stepped back into a more leisurely, more dignified era of history, but without sacrificing any of the more useful gadgets of modern civilisation. Air-conditioning protects the inhabitants from the rigours of a sub-tropical climate. Motor cars whisk them from one building to another. Desalination provides ample water. The most modern medical advances are practised in the hospitals. Television shows umpteen channels. Education utilises the most modern computer-aided systems. Childbirth is no longer as dangerous as it used to be, even though eunuch doctors are the only ones available to the women of the harems. Becoming a eunuch is very rarely a fatal operation since it is carried out by experts in surgical conditions second to none. A girl being cut and sewn to make her incapable of sexual pleasure and virtually unusable by a man (except for sodomy) now has a less than one in a thousand chance of the patient contracting a dangerous infection. Moderation in all things is the watchword. Toleration extends to allowing alcohol to be sold to foreign workers in the country, though only within their company compounds. Women are taught to read and write, at least in some harems.

Of course, these facilities are not all available to all the population, but for all those who matter, the better families, they are taken for granted. A field slave might not benefit from all of them, but the medical services ensure that a slave no longer has to be put down if an over-enthusiastic owner damages it somewhat while administering discipline.

The disadvantages of civilisation as it is understood in the West are nevertheless kept at bay. Advertising is negligible. Tourists are not permitted to enter the country. Women are not allowed to show their faces on the streets. Marriages are arranged by parents who are wiser in their choices than the impulses of youth would be. There is none of the political brouhaha since the country is ruled by the Emir whom Allah has appointed. His word is law, literally. Were he to say "Off with his head," the miscreant would be executed in public within the hour.

All of this is made possible by the oil on which the Emirate rests. When all the oil reserves have been extracted, in some centuries time, the level of the land will have been lowered by an average of ten feet. The oil is a 'heavy crude' which is dug out of the ground in lumps looking for all the world like treacle toffee. There is none of the messy liquid to process and no unsightly wells.

In years gone by, when the Emir had considerable respect for the Allies who had just defeated Germany, his eldest son, Prince (later His Magnificence the Emir) Ibrahim, was sent to Sandhurst to learn the finer points of being an officer and a gentleman. He returned three years later having acquired a second wife, who was English and minor aristocracy, and a love of hunting, which he had first discovered while holidaying in Leicestershire. Indeed he had ridden with the Quorn on several occasions.

It was when he returned from his stay in England that his father made him Crown Prince and it was during that ceremony that an unfortunate incident occurred. A disaffected faction had seized on the younger half-brother of the new Crown Prince as a figurehead to topple the Emir and replace the old Establishment with a new idea they called democracy. Their idea was that Kobekistani citizens would have the vote and elect a government and a President. Naturally only sensible citizens would be allowed to vote and equally naturally only sensible candidates for President would be allowed. The protagonists of the change would, of course, decide who was considered sensible.

A crude bomb was thrown at the Emir. Fortunately for him it was actually caught in flight by one Mansur El-Najjar (later Hajji Mansur El-Najjar) and thrown back, but it exploded uncomfortably close to this heroic defender of the Emir's life and he lost one hand and one eye. The Emir immediately took him into the closest circle of Royal Advisors and he remained an honoured hero in the country until his death at a ripe old age. The miscreants were caught and such as had not managed to die in the fighting were publicly flayed and when the skin had been removed their remains were left for the dogs to eat. It was some days before the dogs felt really hungry again. The figurehead young prince was smothered and his mother was strangled, just in case.

The Emir himself lived another fifteen years and died in his bed, mostly of overindulgence in his bedroom. The Crown Prince inherited the Emirate and one of his first acts was to set up an artificial hunting ground close to the palace. It had grassland, swamp, forest, desert, hills, caves and all the other things the Emir deemed necessary. Thirty years later, it had grown into a tract over which decent hunting was possible, except for the long gallops, and the Royal Hunt met regularly.

The Sport of Emirs

For his eighteenth birthday, as he was now growing up, his father arranged for Ramzy El-Najjar to go hunting with the Emir; this was no holds barred full scale traditional English hunting, but in Kobekistan. An outfit of hunting pink was made for him and he was instructed in the etiquette of the chase. He was not yet a man, in Kobekistan that would not be until he attained his twenty-third birthday, and so must not be in the forefront of the hunt, but should trail a decent distance behind the Emir. He was not yet a man, so he should not participate in the 'kill', though he might watch his elders and betters take their turns with the 'quarry'.

An Englishman transported to Kobekistan and not forewarned might be forgiven for being confused by this hunt meet. The men, to be sure, were mostly of Arab appearance but that was to be expected in this country. They were mounted on superb horses, but that too was to be expected, since their forebears had been nomadic and were experts in breeding fine horseflesh. The costumes were perfect fitting absolutely correct pink, but Kobekistan was a rich country and the outfits were mostly made in Saville Row.

The first surprise was the hounds. They were hounds, it is true, but not foxhounds; the Emir's kennels contained the largest pack of pure-bred Irish Wolfhounds anywhere in the world. The chances of a fox against these pursuers would be slim indeed, but there were no foxes in Kobekistan. If our hypothetical Englishman were to follow the hunt until he caught a glimpse of the quarry, he would be even more surprised to see that it was some five feet at the shoulder, had little or no fur, except the great mane on its head, and used only two legs. It would be difficult to discern any other details against the rough country through which they hunted as its markings were an almost perfect camouflage. The dogs, of course, hunted more by scent than by sight, but men do not have that privilege.

If our man actually arrived in time to see the 'kill' he would discover that it could take two hours to deal with the quarry, once it was cornered. The protective camouflage would first be torn off, by the hunters not by the dogs. This would reveal a naked more-or-less beautiful young woman, usually a concubine of whom the Emir had tired, but occasionally a slave bought specifically for the purpose. The 'kill' consisted of any hunter who felt so inclined making use of any orifice he fancied for as long as he chose. When all had been satisfied in order of arrival at the kill, then the woman was returned to the harem from which she had come, sometimes to be brought back to fitness for another hunt, but usually to be prepared for sale.

The contest between hunters and quarry was not entirely one-sided, however. The woman was given an hour's start, a map of the hunting enclosure, and was tutored beforehand in the arts of evading capture. Any quarry not caught two hours after the hunt moved off had won the unbelievably valuable prize of her freedom and an annuity to live quietly in Europe or America for the rest of her natural life. Perhaps only one or two percent succeeded in escaping capture, but the Emir was a man of honour and observed the prize rules scrupulously, with the result that there were nine such women alive at the time Ramzy El-Najjar attended his first hunt.

Of course, the down side of being hunted by a pack of dogs was that sometimes the quarry was injured, though rarely by the dogs; the usual injuries were broken arms or legs during the chase. The dogs were well schooled and although they were very frightening, as they stood slavering and snarling round a fallen quarry, they never bit a human. Any dog which did so would have been destroyed forthwith.

The hunt took place over a purpose-built enclave some three miles by four with the triple palace in the south-west corner. The natural features of the area had been adapted and the foothills to the north of the Golden Palace formed a natural boundary. A small river flowed from the hills in a sweeping reverse curve to the side of the palace and could be crossed easily only at one point, where there was a ford. Groves of trees had been planted on either side of the river and at the northern end an artificial swamp had been made, complete with reeds and mud-holes. In the east, just below the foothills an area about a mile across was artificially drained and the topsoil had been replaced by sterilised sand to make a small artificial desert. This was kept drained and the water was used to maintain the swamp. The south-east quarter of the enclosure was a triangle about two miles by one of open grassland where tall grass had been planted and was kept well fertilised. The whole area was enclosed by a double twelve-foot high chain link fence topped with razor wire which served to keep the quarry in and unwanted animals out.

Paths went from the meet to the ford, where two paths separated, the right hand one going through the thickest part of the woods and then skirting the outside of the desert and turning back west through the foothills to finish at an artificial lake which was fed by a small waterfall. It was not possible to cross this water barrier with a horse unless the traveller returned to the ford some two miles down stream, or nearly four miles away on horseback. The other branch of the path crossed the ford and meandered in two branches up to the swamp, where they rejoined having passed on either side of two low wooded hills. After crossing the swamp on a narrow route which was precarious on horseback, though relatively easy on foot, the path returned to the stream and turned north to the foot of the waterfall, past the entrances to some promising caves on the hillside. The path again turned west and wound its way through the foothills until eventually turning north and reaching the boundary fence after passing near some more caves.

One of the caves in the complex actually went through the hills and although the hunters knew about this, it was impassable to a horse, and so provided a way of gaining some twenty minutes for a hunted woman who could slip through the hill while her pursuers had to go round. The dogs would not go through either, since a barrier of chemical which repelled them but which humans could not smell was artificially maintained about half-way through. The woods provided places where a woman or the dogs could pass, but a horseman could not pass because of the density of the undergrowth. The swamp also allowed of passage on foot, but not mounted without serious risk of losing a horse. In the twenty-odd years since the enclosure had been created it had grown into a well varied hunting ground which gave the quarry some excellent chances of escape.


On the day that Ramzy El-Najjar attended his first hunt he was totally enraptured with the whole affair. He has seen pictures of English hunts, of course, and his contemporaries at Cornell University had regarded them as one of the "real quaint old English traditions", a "must see" on a trip to Europe which few of them had ever seen outside of a cinema. The real thing was even more romantic to his eighteen year old eyes than any imaginings could have been; the hunters resplendent in their red coats with their superbly turned out horses, and the dogs pacing between then, obviously eager for the off.

In a ceremony imported from English cold weather, stirrup cups were brought round filled with an odd-tasting sweet dark red liquid, which Ramzy El-Najjar later discovered was described to the Imam as grape juice but which was actually a vintage port. In another ceremony imported from England, but from the sailing community, a small cannon was fired and the hunt moved off slowly. This cannon was fired because the Emir had enjoyed visiting Cowes Week as a young man, but it also gave the quarry the opportunity of knowing when the chase started. It could not be heard from everywhere in the enclosure, so four other cannon were fired at the same time from points on the perimeter fence.

The experienced hunters took the lead, moving off at a walk and soon raising that to a trot along the path to the ford. Here the party split with a few of the older men taking some dogs along the right hand path and into the woods. Before the rest of the party had finished fording the stream in single file, they were back reporting that no scent had been found on that path. Unfortunately none was found on the far bank either; it was quickly concluded that the quarry had gone upstream in the water, thus preventing the dogs from picking up the scent. Ramzy El-Najjar remembered that this was one of the basic techniques taught to the quarry women during their training. Two men and a few dogs were detached to go the few hundred yards downstream to check whether the woman had tried to be subtle while the rest of them moved off along the river bank, ignoring the paths. When they reached the edge of the thick woodland which came right down to the water, a couple of men dismounted and took the dogs through the woods, while the rest of them rode round the woodland on the path. Ramzy El-Najjar and another youngster were given the reins of the spare horses to lead them. They hung back so as not to get in the way of the older riders and were ambling along the path so it was he saw the quarry as she tried to slip across the path to the woods on the other side and so escape behind the hunters.

Shouting, "View," as loud as he could, Ramzy El-Najjar turned his horse, dropping the spare horse's reins and set off after her.

She had panicked and was running down the path back towards the gate as fast as she could. A human runner has no chance of outstripping a horse in open country or on a pathway and so he was catching up with her when she saw the dogs and men who had checked downstream coming up the path towards her. Veering right off the path towards some more woodland she lost her footing and fell. Quick as a flash Ramzy El-Najjar dropped from the saddle and grabbed her.

"Let go," she said indignantly, "Bloody beginner. You have me and I lie down and you hold me with your foot. Don't tread on me hard either. No manners some people, no manners at all."

Ramzy El-Najjar remembered the protocol of the kill and let her go at once. She was obviously an experienced quarry and felt nothing but contempt for the lad who had had beginner's luck in making the kill. If he had not been so far behind the rest of the riders she would have been across the path and into the woodland behind the hunt as they spread out trying to catch her. That was the best possible chance of eluding them for the requisite two hours and this boy had caught her in less than half an hour!

When the riders came round the corner out of the woodland in answer to Ramzy El-Najjar's cry of "View," they were met by a scene of some amusement. An experienced quarry was lying stock still and a very embarrassed young hunter was standing over her with his foot raised, obviously too nervous to put his foot actually down on her chest. The tag on her suit was still there also. In his embarrassment, Ramzy El-Najjar had forgotten to remove it as his claim to the kill. The Emir arrived as the riders were milling about and roared with laughter, which did nothing for Ramzy El-Najjar's composure.

"Well, lad," said the Emir, "What's your name?"

"Ramzy El-Najjar, Master," came the shaky reply.

"Oh, yes. First hunt isn't it? Your father cannot hunt because of a wound sustained saving my father's life?"

"Yes, Master."

"Well you have my permission to take the trophy tag. I am pleased that you have been taught the finer points of hunting so thoroughly."

Ramzy El-Najjar had no idea what the Emir meant until the older man started to lecture the assembled group.

"This young man is a credit to his illustrious father. It is his first hunt and he manages to kill the quarry, probably by accident if I know this girl, and yet remembers that it is considered the best honourable practice not to take the tag of your first kill until the Emir arrives. Later kills are fine, and taking the tag immediately ensures first bite of the cherry at the kill, but for your first kill you wait until I arrive and permit it. You did not remember that last week, did you Abu Yahya?"

One of the riders dropped to his knees an pressed his head on the ground.

"Master," he breathed, trembling with fear.

"I should leave you there like that for a few hours," said the Emir, "But I won't. You may leave to see if there is a problem at your home."

The disgraced rider walked away leading his horse amid general laughter.

"Come and see me tomorrow," shouted the Emir after him and that seemed to cheer him up.

The following day when Ramzy El-Najjar discussed this with his father he was told that that meant that the disgrace was only temporary. "A sin-binning rather than a red card," was the phrase his father used.

"Well now, the helicopter is arriving," said the Emir, and just then one of the big twin rotor Chinooks landed on the path some fifty yards away and a small army of eunuchs and slave girls ran from it carrying all the paraphernalia for a picnic suitable for the Emir, and a large divan bed. The quarry now rolled from under Ramzy El-Najjar's foot and stood up, handing him her kill tag which had been firmly fastened to her camouflage.

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Hunting the OrlanChapter 5

We waited fruitlessly for three hours, but the orlan never showed up. That attested to the experience of the two hunters with me. They were used to this sort of disappointing and frustrating wait for a quarry that never showed up. I said, “It looks to me like we are wasting our time. I think that the orlan would have returned if it were going to today. Let’s go home and resume our hunt tomorrow.” Hunter of Bear and Tracker agreed with me, so we left for home. If we did not return soon, we...

3 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 23 Chastisement

There was a curious backlash from Zubeydeh's striptease which affected the Emir's hunting. Not all the women raised and trained for the hunt were satisfactory. It was necessary for a good quarry to think independently and invent tactics 'on the hoof' to make good sport for the hunters. The balance between this independence and the training was a fine one. Some of the women never achieved such independence of thought and were predictable in their tactics; others of them were too...

3 years ago
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Hunting Deviants

The Deviants had struck Norsa hard and fast and the few warships in the system barely slowed them. When their assault shuttles screamed down the warriors that had remained behind began killing them. Unfortunately the Deviants had done this before and kinetic missiles streaked down to kill anything around where the firing was coming from. Within a day armies of drones were spreading out from the port. They ignored the other continents to conqueror this one. Of course the warriors that had fired...

2 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 6 High Noon

Walter and Elizabeth Martin weren't optimists. They had planned for the possibility of the Circle's fall. They had hoped that the day would never come when they would have to put their plan into effect. Then the arrests began. Walt and Beth saw both of their contacts arrested on the six o'clock news Sunday night. Monday morning came, and the Martins called in sick at their jobs. The schools were informed that the Martin children had all contracted mumps. Much sympathy was expressed, along...

3 years ago
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Hunting Cougars

Hunting CougarsWe had got naked and we sat on the bed. She slowly crawled away from me, looking back over her shoulder making mewing noises like a big cat. Her pussy sliding between her legs giving me a fabulous view of her womanhood. I crawled over the bed towards her and grabbed her hips, there was a little giggle from her, I don’t think she really wanted to get away...I slowly was kissing her cute ass and asked her what she would like me to do next...She answered “Fuck me like a big...

4 years ago
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Hunting Samatha

Samantha Lummis walked the parameter of her family’sproperty as she did every night. One of her duties on the ranch was to be sure everything was secure. She hugged her jacket tighter around her, the air was quite crisp, she could see the white puff of air as she exhaled. October in Montana and she could already tell this would be a hard winter. As Samantha neared the point of the property that was furthest from her home, she noted that the large wooden gate was ajar. The fence that surrounded...

2 years ago
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Ohne Willen

Die folgende Story ist nicht von mir sondern ein Netzfund und lediglich als Fanpost zu verstehen. WICHTIG! Diese Geschichte, basiert nicht auf wahren Begebenheiten, sie ist also nicht geschehen. Sämtliche Charaktere existieren nicht wirklich. Allerdings spiegelt sie meine am meisten ersehnten Fantasien und die Vorstellung meines Sex Lebens sehr präzise wieder. Ich bin jetzt 20 Jahre alt und auf der Suche nach einer Frau (Hübsch, schlank, 18-29Jahre [Am besten so wie der Charakter Simone in der...

4 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 21 Rubinas First Hunt

It was a fine sunny day with little wind when Rubina was released for her first hunt. This was not surprising as Kobekistani weather was usually fine and dry; the only variation was the occasional sandstorm in the summer and a week or two of fearsome rain in the spring and autumn. She was released at ten in the morning and told that the hunters would follow in one hour when she heard the gun. Two hours after that, at one o'clock the gun would sound again and the hunt would be over. If she...

1 year ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 20 Training Rubina

As Ramzy El-Najjar was leaving the Golden Palace the following morning, the Emir asked, "Could you train up my new acquisition for me? She might make a decent quarry, she's sad enough. Heaven knows I can't use her as a concubine; she might well assassinate me, but she has a lot of fighting spirit and seems resourceful enough." Ramzy El-Najjar's spirits sank as he smiled at the Emir and said, "Of course, Master. No problem." 'But it will be a problem, ' he thought to himself...

2 years ago
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Hunting Time

I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me. It was one of my favorite Jimmy Buffet songs. I swayed my hips and began moving to the beat, completely oblivious to my surroundings and my unclothed state. It was a hot, sunny summer afternoon in Florida at my favorite place to visit, Crystal Palms Resort. Not everyone who lived nearby even knew that this was a clothing optional resort and campground. I had lived only a few miles away most of my life and hadn’t known till about a year ago. It...

2 years ago
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Headhunting For The Board

(Chorus) More than friends We will be lovers In the dark I change my skin One last kiss And it will be over May your sweet dreams Come to an end In this hideaway In the land of darkest night I'll take your breath away The pleasure and pain is mine If you'll be with me You will sleep forever Dream of an ecstasy The pleasure and pain More than friends We will be lovers In the dark I change my skin Change my skin 'Change My Skin', Christopher Franke, "Raven"...

3 years ago
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Hunting For Love

After much planning, I purchased the supplies and made the trip to the game preserve. I had been there before but just to take photos. This time I was planning on bagging some real game. As I began the hunt one afternoon, I carefully looked around. I did not see much that warranted stalking at the moment but I was patient. My intended game was very elusive. I would have to use all my skills to be successful. I figured the final prize would be more than worth it so I was not worried about...

4 years ago
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Hunting Dragons

The rift between realms remained open for eight days before closing. Dragons and their cousins came through and spread like ants. There was no one that lived to give a number as the dragons and drakes flew away. Huge lizards crawled and ate anything green and wingless dragons hunted anything that moved. My father was a smith and my mother a mage alchemist. I did not have magic and did not want to be a smith. I did enjoy the way a weapon felt in my hand. When the dragons began raiding and...

1 year ago
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Hunting for a male

I dated with Dan two months. Actually, we just met in the café near the office, then drove to his home, then fucked. Simply, dully, no more than one time per night. The first sensation of sexual life has vanished quickly as it had begun. But it was not enough for me. Maybe he has been satisfied, maybe not. Anyway, one round always was enough for him. I wanted more. For an unknown reason I could not stop after the first porno orgasm - his or mine. I dreamed about whole night run - sex,...

1 year ago
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Hunting with the pack

As a newly qualified Electrician, I was inadvertently involved in a charitable project to provide safe houses for ‘battered women’. These establishments were provided as safe haven for women who found themselves in violent or abusive relationships. The usual practice was for the builders, plumbers and electricians to go into a designated building do all the work before it opened its doors to the women seeking safe haven. However the demand for spaces had led to this particular house being...

3 years ago
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Emily and Willie

In a small town, as rural as one can be and yet be defined as a town, an old flower shop sits off a side street, long forgotten but still lovingly maintained by its owner, Emily Bronson. Widowed ten years ago at age 42, she refused to abandon the small flower shop her father had opened when she was a girl. Emily’s husband had provided enough for her in his will to allow her to keep her little greenhouse behind the shop operable and to live in the residence that was part of the shop. The front...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Solo With Older Black Stud Willie

Now it was a couple of weeks ago that I had got with Ernie and his black stud friend buddy for some double team action Willie which was packing a 9'1/2 fat big dark musty black cock that invaded my mouth and butthole a couple of weeks ago...... Willie called me up a few days before the weekend....Hey you knows who dis is a voice said.......Hey Mr Willie I said how are you in a soft tone ........Doings good and yous you keeping that ass in shape for mees again he said......My ass is your sir I...

2 years ago
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The Farmers Widow Willow

I woke up in a crummy mood. My dream about Willow walking down the aisle didn't help. Why I would dream about my cousin was beyond my comprehension. Maybe it had something to do with her always being on my case about me fucking the widow Cece.Being called another man's name just as I unloaded in Cece's pussy didn't help either. What Cece does is Cece's business. Just don't call me someone else's name while I'm fucking you. She is a hot MILF and that's what I'm in it for, a hot piece...

First Time
3 years ago
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Hunting Cabin Bang

Ann is sitting in between me and a friend and two other friends are across from us. I have my arm around Ann as she leans into me rubbing her hand up and down my thigh.There is no television so we are all facing each other, just hanging out and drinking. The sexual tension between us is palpable.  Ann and I cannot touch each other without wanting to rip our clothes off and start fucking - right there in the middle of the room - but we try to stay composed.One of my friends jokes, "Get a room,...

Group Sex
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 4

Well, it looked like I was stuck with the job of working on the wounded. The fact that I was about to suggest that myself was beside the point. I had been trapped, and I didn’t like that part of the situation. I was going to have to be more forceful in my orders if I didn’t want it to happen again. Fortunately, most of the injuries were simple bites or scratches that could be treated with first aid supplies from the replicator. In one case, there was a broken leg that required a more...

3 years ago
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 6

We killed the time waiting for Hunter and Tracker to escape the hospital by touring the artificial planet that was called Headquarters. The surface was mostly devoted to shopping malls and entertainment sites. The offices of the Rangers and the living quarters were inside the depths of the planet. Artificial gravity kept the gravity the same at all levels, 1 g, even though the planet was not massive enough to generate that level of gravity without assistance. Most of the galaxy was advanced...

4 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 7 A Wife

After the arrival of the new Emir, Ramzy El-Najjar expected that he would not be sufficiently senior to be allowed to petition the new Emir within the first few weeks of his reign. His post as Master of Quarry to the Emir was, like every other appointment, subject to renewal by the new Emir, and he might not even want to hunt at all, who knew? It was not that he wished to petition for anything in particular, but that it was the status-enhancing thing to do to have an audience, possibly even a...

2 years ago
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Another day at Foster Academy. My spirits lift a little since I convinced my friends, Charlotte, Richard, Emily, and William, to go hiking in the woods on the school's property. Well, the word friends isn't really accurate, as they really only tolerate me because my uncle is Headmaster.You see, my parents died in a car accident a year ago and I was sent to live with my only other living relative, Uncle Thomas. He just happens to be Headmaster at this prestigious school. Unfortunately, he...

2 years ago
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"I want to be a slut," Willow whispered."What?" I asked. I didn't quite believe my ears. My best friend Willow, who was sometimes shy beyond belief, had just told me she wanted to be a slut.I guess some background is in order. Willow and I met as lab partners during our sophomore year of college. She was shy and had a hard time speaking around others, but she was hella smart. Over the course of the semester we became close friends and some of her shyness vanished around me. She would still go...

2 years ago
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Weeping Willow

Willow and the Scooby Gang are all owned by Josh Wheaton, this is just a fanfic. Weeping Willow By Eric Willow was irritated by her friends and mad at Terra! She decided to take a long walk to work off her energy and to have some fun with her magic! What was wrong with using magic to help everyday lives - or even for just fun and games? No big deal to transform people - she always changed them back! It was stupid of all her friends to say that she had become addicted to...

2 years ago
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Her Name Was Willie

As a consultant, I have had contact with thousands of people: men, women, old, young, rich, not-so-rich, et al. All have had one thing in common: they were strangers when I met them, but were no longer so after we interacted. In short, people are not only my business - they are my hobby.In one instance, I was providing service to a small to mid-sized manufacturing firm. They were growing faster that was comfortable for their existing culture, and I was asked to help them redirect their efforts....

4 years ago
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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Oh, what a naughty thought! The final day at school, last day of A-levels, and the end of a crappy two hour exam of Religious Studies. What better way to go out than by masturbating on the desk of Mr. Williams, the R.E. teacher?Forced to take Religious Studies by her strict parents, as well as Maths, History and Geography (these subjects would apparently make her a better overseas missionary to...

4 years ago
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Dr Zherkov and Willy

"Wow, Dr Zherkov, your MindControl-O-Rama machine sure is small!" "Yes, Willy, it has to be small if it's going to do its job." Zherkov was tapping on the side of the highly sensitive device with a ball peen hammer. It needed just a few more adjustments before it would be ready to use. "Well, what's it supposed to do, Dr Zherkov?" Willy looked in amazement at the small box laying on the workbench next to the ham radio setup. The young boy hoped he would be able to give it a try...

2 years ago
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Hunting The Hunter Part Three

Skyler sat there nursing her Brandy as she kept a look out for Jose Soto. It was already close to midnight and there was no sign of him. Was he going to show? Or stand her up? He couldnt, Skyler saw the way he was looking at her, he wanted her. Her second night out and she might leave empty handed again. Yesterday night she got a glimpse of him, he watched her from a distance and then as she approached he left, tonight he wasnt going to leave. He got away, but he wasnt getting away tonight. ...

4 years ago
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Hunting Season Part II1

Morgan, dry crying and in shock, climbed aboard her ATV and drove home, never even thinking to radio her father. Arriving home, she got her ATV into the garage and very stiffly walked inside. She was no longer bleeding and she struggled up the stairs to her room to shower. The family German Shepherd, Mickey, sprinted in from the back, happy his humans were home and followed Morgan as she got into her room and removed her clothes. Mickey’s nose picked up some new smells, most predominantly...

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