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A rather different perspective ... and a single voice.

They came in the night, of course, the discordant sound of trucks echoing around the shanties, waking the neighbourhood, a baby's sudden cry adding to the cacophony of boots, shouts and the crashing of breaking doors. I lay in the dark waiting, glad that Namono was away with her family, knowing that there was nothing to be done but wait. The chaos moved along the street, punctuated now by screams, the occasional burst of gunfire, the flashes of torches and storm lamps ... more cries.

My own door was not locked but they smashed it with a rifle butt anyway, four of them storming into the single room with AKs at the hip, one sweeping everything off the table, stamping on anything that would break, the others converging on me as I lay on the bed, hands above my head, pointlessly showing that I would not resist ... even as the guns were reversed, the blows raining down on my body ... my head...

I did not die that night, unfortunately.

Instead, I came to in the back of a truck racing along a dirt road, surrounded by a mass of other bodies, some conscious and peering terrified into the night, others lying still but bleeding, yet others, clearly ... dead, necks at odd angles, gaping wounds without any blood flowing. One of the dead was lying across my legs, her dead eyes open and staring at me. I tried to close them but I could not move my arm. I saw it was hanging limply over my t-shirt, broken in many places. I closed my eyes, prayed, if you like, and perhaps those prayers were answered ... I became unconscious again.

When I woke I was in the dark, not sure for a moment whether I was dreaming, whether this was just another of my recurrent nightmares — my nation's nightmares — but the feel of dirty straw I was lying on, the wet concrete underneath it, the constant buzzing of flies, was no figment of my imagination. I was in a large room, I saw, as my eyes became accustomed to the gloom, possibly underground but lit from a couple of small, dirty windows high in one wall. I could not tell what time of day it might be ... or even whether the light might come from a floodlight of some sort and that it was night.

There were a couple of other dim shapes on the straw which I took to be fellow humans, a rustling in the straw indicating the presence of rats, itching across my body that of lice. I was in a dungeon, then, probably the Government Information Centre in K ... a building we had all heard rumours of, some of us had seen through its high razor wire fences ... and that some had seen the inside of and survived to tell stories about. I was not surprised, knew that one day I would end up here, but I hoped that I had not brought too many of my neighbours with me.

I was also thirsty, so I went to stand up to see if I could find some water. I had forgotten my wrecked arm, had not previously known that my legs, too, would not work. I could not stand. There was no pain, which was strange, I thought, but I could see that both of my legs lay limp beneath me, a great deal of blood covering the shorts I had been sleeping in. I pulled myself over with my good arm, began to crawl towards the nearest body, hoping for news of where I might find liquid.

The body ... a woman, possibly a girl, no more than a teenager ... was dead, flies gathering on her sightless eyes. There was no water, I knew, then, and gave up my crawling, collapsed beside my companion, lay there and waited to die, if they would only let me.

It might have been days, weeks or months later. The pain had come, eventually, and gone ... to some extent. I would never walk again, I knew, but my arm had healed to an extent — grossly malformed, but movable, usable if I should ever need it. I had been moved to smaller cell of my own, fed, at times, given water that had poisoned me until my guts got used to it, shitting blood for a while, vomiting constantly ... but kept alive ... after a fashion.

And in this place, that meant I was being kept alive for a purpose, and that purpose could only be one thing. None of my family — even if they were not somewhere else in this building or another like it — could afford to ransom me, no International would be lobbying on my behalf. Therefore, They wanted information, wanted me to feed their conspiracies: Give them names that would continue to spread the web they were smothering the country with. I was not able to kill myself directly ... there was nothing sharp, nothing to strangle myself with, nothing useful ... so I stopped eating, did not drink the foul water any more. This may have provoked them.

They came in the night, of course. Boots kicking open the door of the cell, shouts, a torch shone directly in my face as they dragged me out into the corridor, threw me into a barrow, wheeled me away, guns pointed directly at me throughout. Did they think I could run away? That my one good arm could grasp the weapons, turn them against them ... or against myself? I did not know, I did not care. It was happening, I knew, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. I hoped it would be quick, even as I knew that it would not be.

This time, I was taken to a clean room, thrown into a tiled area and sprayed with a fire hose, freezing water pummelling me against the walls until I was pulled into a sitting position and some chemical sprayed all over me — get rid of the lice, I thought, as I would get rid of you — and then left, naked, in a smaller room. This was tiled, too, with a steel door and an electric light from above. There was nothing else in it. I went to sleep. There was nothing else to do.

I woke strapped to a trolley, like you see in Western hospitals on the TV, with a man standing over me ... not an African ... attaching thick wires to my arms and chest, strapping them in place with canvas webbing. He made some comment to a man I couldn't see, in a language I couldn't understand, pushing my crippled legs around and laughing. I knew he was joking about the pointlessness of attaching his tools there and I hated him for it. Even as I was wheeled away, through to another room, this one lit by masses of lights so that it was brighter than the noonday in the mountains. My eyes hurt instantly but closing them didn't make any difference. I felt almost as much as saw a man attach the wires to a machine in the corner, reach towards a large red switch.

Despite myself, I screamed, the terror reaching me before the agony ... and the room seemed to become even brighter.

When the light faded ... which it did quite quickly ... I found myself in a room that was anything but bright. In fact, it appeared to be entirely black and I was no longer on the trolley. I was lying on a soft padded floor ... also black ... and warm, warm for the first time in ages. I tried to focus my eyes, noticed some writing on the wall — not graffiti but something official. It said, in English, French, Swahili and, yes, even in Lingala...

'You're not dead, you're not dreaming, you are alive.'

I did not understand, knew that it must be a threat, knew that this was just another phase in my long and painful death.

I did not try to move when a section of the wall opened almost like the peeling apart of two skins in the door of the shelters my grandfather had built ... and a white woman appeared, standing over me for a moment, scaning my naked body. I thought she must be CIA, perhaps French, Belgian, something similar ... I did not know that they were helping our government, could not believe that I was important enough to come to their attention even if they were. Had I broken under torture, told then what they wanted to know ... making things up to satisfy their paranoid fantasies? I wondered what sort of diabolical tools she would be able to employ, the technology she would be able to use, the power she had. Involuntarily, I scrabbled away from her, the floor smooth and soft beneath me. I was still staring at her in terror when she spoke for the first time, quietly, and in Lingala.

"I'm really sorry about the wait and the stuff you've been through in the past few weeks, we should have got you out earlier" she said, "but the wall's not a joke. You are safe, and the pain's all over. Now we just need to get you patched up, see what we can do to make things a little better for you."

And the room seemed to buzz ... and I was unconscious yet again.

This time I woke in an actual bed, like I was in a hotel room only without the shoddy furniture or the sounds of others through the walls. The room was warm and the bed soft, the quilt raised over some sort of frame around my legs, my head and shoulders propped up, one arm bandaged heavily ... but back to its normal shape. I saw a glass of water on the table beside me, used my good arm to drink deeply, finding it chilled and utterly clear, so that it felt like the water of life itself. I was still drinking deeply, hoping that there would be more, that I would not regret drinking all of this in one go, when the door opened and another white person came in.

A man, this time, not the woman I had seen before, and nothing like as pleasant a sight. Whereas I remembered her as statuesque, authoritative in a quiet sort of way, this one was shambling, untidy, unimpressive. He was tall, for sure, but he was dressed like the Anglo charity guys who used to come to our country before the war ... come to patronise us with their advice and their spare change, acting like children playing at being poor while knowing — as we knew — that they were rich beyond our wildest dreams, could end their game without a thought. I would not dress like a tramp if I had their money and I would not respect a man who did ... who could not even get his hair cut, could not be bothered to shave. I knew that he must be in a position of total — life or death — power over me, but I despised him more for his disheveled appearance, at that moment, than anything he might be planning to do to me.

When he spoke, I was hardly surprised any more that he, too, was fluent in Lingala.

"Mr Kimoko," he said, quietly, "Glad to see you awake. My name's Xavier and I'm sort of your host while you're staying with us. If you need anything, just let me know ... you'll see a call bell on the table beside your bed ... or you could just shout ... and I or a colleague will be here in a moment. Is there anything we can get for you now, though?"

I stared at him suspiciously ... his easy use of my own language actually increasing my feelings of vulnerability ... and I did not know how to react. I was frightened, of course, and also, I realised, extremely hungry ... but mainly I wanted to know what was going on. Who were these people, where was I, what did they want with me? I was sure that I was no longer anywhere near home — I hadn't been beaten for hours — but I had no idea how I might have got to wherever I was. I needed to know these things urgently, and while I had no reason to trust this Xavier, I also had no other way of finding the answers, so I asked him.

He told me. And he sounded sincere as he did so, answering the questions that I put to him without hesitation or evasion. We talked for perhaps half an hour, a dish of mwamba chicken arriving — I wasn't quite sure from where — while I was still trying to understand what I was being told.

Eventually, I became tired, told him so ... and he left me to get some sleep ... and to think.

I woke to find food on the table beside my bed and ate it gratefully even as my mind whirled with the 'information' that I had been given. I was not sure that I entirely understood what had been said — Lingala did not have the words for everything and my English was not good enough to deal with very technical concepts — and I was not sure that I could believe it, even if I thought I ought to ... which was a question in itself.

Even so, the man had told me that I was no longer in my homeland ... or in Africa ... or even on the planet Earth. This did not seem to me to be likely — surely not even the Americans could do this? — but I had no other information to go on. As I was eating and thinking, I realised that I was holding the plate with my 'injured' arm ... which was no longer bandaged ... and seemed to be perfectly mobile, even if the flesh had shrunk and the bones were more visible than before. I stared at it for some time ... food forgotten ... and wondered what had happened. I had seen the arm as it was ... living with a useless appendage for weeks if not months. But now it was OK.

I did not understand.

When I put the plate to one side, I became aware that having eaten well for the second time in a few hours, I was now feeling in need ... in urgent need ... of a toilet. I did not see a bed pan, did not know what I was supposed to do. I remembered the bell, decided I had no choice but to use it ... I could not bear the humiliation of soiling the bed.

Mortifyingly, the bell was answered not by Mr Xavier but by the woman who I had seen when I woke in the dark room. I was speechless and could not tell her what my problem was, the idea seeming almost as humiliating as the alternative I had previously rejected. While I struggled with my embarrassment, the woman preempted me, apparently guessing — or sensing — my need. She smiled, reassuringly, told me that there was a toilet behind the door in the corner of the room. Still struck dumb, I waved a hand at my useless legs, at the distance across to the door in question. Did she expect me to crawl? Was this the beginning of a new humiliation? I could not have anticipated her response to my distress.

"Ah, yes," she said. "your legs. Xav really should have explained things better to you, but I think you'll find your legs are a lot more functional than they were a while ago. So you can get out of bed on your own steam, if you'd like, though I suspect you'll be a bit shaky for a while — there has been considerable muscle wastage and we couldn't repair everything all at once — so I'll give you a hand over to the bathroom if you'd like.

Astonished and amazed I took hold of her outstretched arm and — yes — found that I could move my legs, could walk ... and, after a short while, could do so unassisted.

Zara — as she had told me to call her — left me in privacy and I found I had even more to think about. I was no longer crippled, for a start, but I also realised that Zara had been speaking English throughout our conversation ... and that I had understood every word.

It was only a couple of weeks later that I met with Zara and Xavier again to find out at last just why I was here. I had seen them in the interim, of course, Zara in particular spending time helping me with work in the gym — restoring me to a level of physical health that, to be honest, I had never even aspired to before — and showing me how to access the incredible archive of data they had about my own country and the world generally. Many things had been suspected about the regime I had lived under, about their actions against my people and their kleptocratic abuse of the nation and its future, but here it all was, in black and white, as they say ... and often in full colour ... and full motion ... as well.

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A letter to the one i love

I see you across the dining room table, a smile on your face. Your cheeks so red but no makeup on. I know that you are mine. Each night I lay with you in bed, desire to connect. Not for just the pleasure, but rather an outward expression of inner feelings. I've thought of you throughout the day, your pleasure on my mind. I think of all the things to write to let you know I care. The fact that I'm so proud of you for not going postal at work while putting up with all the crazy people. The way...

Love Stories
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SeedlingChapter 6

Ms. Savile, nude and having stripped her clothes off some time ago, steps into the clearing surrounding the large alien tree holding her allegiance. Integrated into the massive trunk is Karen Diangelo’s still breathing body. Her legs, up to her knees are buried deep and spread apart. Her arms are pulled back so that her breasts are pushed forward. And the majority of her back looks as natural as the tree itself. Karen’s torture doesn’t end here, however. From the massive alien tree, several...

2 years ago
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Moms Girllfriend

I woke up one day to the phone ringing; picking it up I was met with the usual babbling my mom produces on the phone. I was doused from sleep and didn't catch anything from her except that she wanted me to drop by her house for an urgent matter. Knowing mom, her urgent matter was probably some worthless crap she bought and wanted to show it off. I made my self a sandwich and prepared my bath. After eating and checking my agenda for the day, I figured that I have nothing pressing for today and...

3 years ago
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Plain Jane And the Nerd Superman Grow UpChapter 12

Three months after the Long Island adventure, Vic looked down at her lover keeping her warm in the small cool cabin in Woodstock. Three months after she envisioned the most likely subject to be the one for her, she was looking at him. She lingered over his long narrow torso, glanced at his penis, which was short and fat after it exploded thrillingly inside her a few minutes before. She would soon make it long and narrow again. Paul was his own man. His shaggy bearded head, hiding a long,...

1 year ago
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First Cheer

Bethany was different. She was smart. She found humor in clever jokes and stupid puns. She took all the science electives with us pseudo-nerds. She wouldn't put out for any of the handsome jocks. She wouldn't put out at all. Bethany wasn't your typical cheerleader. She enjoyed making fun of her sister cheerleaders. Bethany liked to say the only thing the other girls were capable of learning in science class was not to lick the spoon. I and my male friends were happy to be in the same...

3 years ago
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The Penalty of Imperfection

Thunder cracked its fiery whip against the verdant landscape of the Orelas Valley as Elizabeth descended inside the cavernous gash of the cave mouth. Rain pelted her luscious figure as though it were a desperate admirer, plastering her silk burgundy dress against her body as she escaped its smothering embrace and conjured a bright green flame to illuminate her path. She shivered as she descended down the narrow passageway holding her flame close to her body to keep warm, rain dripping down her...

1 year ago
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After the Rain

AFTER THE RAIN: A short story by Tamsyn The story is familiar... A young man abducted and forced into a life of feminine servitude and sexual abuse, his body altered and changed. But what happens when liberation comes? Does the sun always shine after the rain? "We've found your son. He's alive." Miriam Welch sat anxiously in the simple yet pleasantly furnished relatives' room, her mind a whirl of emotion. It was barely thirty-six hours since she had received the phone...

1 year ago
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The RockerChapter 4

Early afternoon and I’m standing out in front of the airport feeling nauseous. There has to be a better way to get around than flying. I see my Dad’s pick-up truck waiting in the pick-up lane. I put my bag and guitar in the back and get in. “Hey Dad,” I say. “Hey, son how did everything go,” he asks. I tell him everything minus the dirty details (if you know what I mean). “Your Mom is home cooking you a birthday dinner. Anything you want to do before we go home,” he asks. “Actually Dad,...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Skylar Snow Officer Skylar Snow Rides a Pornstar

When Officer Skylar Snow attempts to arrest Jayden Marcos for squatting and he tells her he’s a pornstar, she gets the naughty idea to have him prove it. When his big serpent is unleashed, the busty cop can’t help but to wrap her pouty lips around it and give him a slobbery gagging blowjob. The stud does his best to impress the ravishing redhead, fucking her deep and hard, but making her cum won’t help him get away from the wrath of the Penthouse police. It’s a hot scene...

4 years ago
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Pictures at an Exhibition

Pictures at an Exhibition by Bailey Thayer Life had always come easy for me. I didn't really ever have to apply myself to achieve an acceptable level of success, though I also never truly excelled at anything either. I just took things as they came. I was a "B" student, and I guess you could rate my athletic ability at that level too. Take football, for instance. I had carved out a rather casual high school career as a punter and place kicker. It didn't take extensive workouts for me...

3 years ago
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My First Experience Was A Gay Experience When I Am Not

I am not that young any more but looking back at my sexual life, it has made me look back and laugh and sometime wonder that I should have been 21 now. This was before the age of smart phones where porn is delivered to pocket near your dick or pussy. I was 21, final year of college, 5’9″ 60 kgs and medium build . Rangarajan, my friend and classmate was about the same height and weight and medium build. We lived in the same locality in Chennai and been in college for 3 years together. In one of...

2 years ago
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An Accidental Incidence

Mom used to stay in our village home to look after our ancestral property and rarely visited us in the city, since I graduated and got a job in the city. I married to a girl selected by my mom. After my mom introduced her with me before our marriage, I met my wife Jina several times and we both liked each other and we found out that we could be a good couple. After we got married, my wife stayed with my mom for a few months, and after I hired a three-roomed house for us, my wife joined me and...

1 year ago
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My Girl 2

The following day at school I could not keep Ashley out of my mind. Everything I tried to think of was replaced with images of Ashley naked, fingering herself, or rubbing her tits. Most of the time these pictures came at bad times. Like at the end of classes. I was forced to carry books in front of me to try and hide my bulge. While I didn't mind having her running through my head, it was a pain in the ass to deal with the effects. When gym class came around and I had the chance to see her, I...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary

Dear diary, What is Wrong with me???? It’s like there's a raging inferno between my thighs 24/7! This is nuts! I can feel the heat on my wrists as I type. Nothing I do seems to release the ever-building fire that's burning so hot. And believe me, I tried... The first time I masturbated today wasn't long after I got home from work. So that’s about 10 hrs from the last time I got myself off- when I was in the shower 6 this morning. James was looking so hot on the bed when I walked up the stairs...

2 years ago
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Hedonics Part 2 A hike and a ranger

With summer slowly fading away, we took a short vacation in early September and enjoyed what I would like to write about here, hedonism. The first two days the weather was quite fresh and unquestionably not bare boob-friendly. The third day, early afternoon, Paul and I took a hike in the nearby woods and meadows. It was sunny, breezy, and thankfully pretty warm. We had a break, a brief look around, no one to see, and I was topless. I got pretty used to bare skin outdoors, and I love to show off...

1 year ago
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I Never Knew She Liked To Watch Part 2

My step-daughter has always had an interesting choice of friends. Considering (by her own admission) she's not a slut, and she avoids guys/sex altogether because she's not interested in some loser only wanting a piece of ass (her own words), seeing her hang out with Krystal and Kristina has always stumped me. They are nice girls, but on the opposite site, I know, from my step-daughter having told me stories, that they are both into sex. Kristina has had multiple boyfriends, and Krystal likes to...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 9 Dislocations

Sunday morning, Dave was doing his breakfast service again, laughing and having a great time as Circle members and visiting friends drifted onto the patio. Despite being early October, the day was already warm promising some peak temperatures in the nineties later. Dave watched the arrival of each group with interest, as he always did. He knew he had prurient interest in who had slept with whom the night before. There was no surprise when Sheri showed up with Wolf and Carolyn. Since the...

1 year ago
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The Beauties and Mysteries of the Grand Canyon

 Diane and April had been besties since they were in grade school. They went through puberty together and masturbated together a few times but never more than that. After college, they moved away from each other. They made a promise to each other to scratch one thing off their travel bucket list each summer.They had traveled to many places across the world, Europe, Jamaica, and many locations across the United States. Each year, they alternated who got to pick where they were going, this year...

2 years ago
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Singing Jasens Song Part 4

Introduction: Sorry for the delay with this one. Couldnt get things quite the way I wanted them. Forewarning, there is no sex in this part of the story. If youre looking for a tale of meaningless sex, you should look somewhere else. To fully enjoy, please read from Part 1. Thank you to everyone for reading, rating and commenting! -SS Jasen rapped heartily, pausing to note the sideways 8 and chipped paint that adorned the discolored door. Despite dozens of car rides and even more conversations,...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 38

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to produce out a new chapter. I had to stop writing for a while due to some family issues, which are now, thankfully, settled. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me asking how thing are going. I really appreciated those messages. I hope you haven't gone off the story in the meantime. Cockatoo Part 38 Nikkie Silk Nin was chattering away in the tuk-tuk back to our hotel, but I didn't feel like talking much. I was too exhausted from what...

1 year ago
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Makeover Gone GoodReal Good

Here is another story that I have decided to write. If anyone has any suggestions that I should write about, please feel free to send them to me and I will make sure to mention you as a way of saying thank you. Enjoy!! Talk about getting picked on all of the time. That is how Jamie Willis felt every day that he went to school. Jamie was an average guy who was not bad looking at all, his crystal blue eyes made him stand out but he was more wrapped up in his studies and playing Halo 2 online than...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Summer holiday

This is part of our memoirs....Currently we are on holiday with a couple, long time friends of ours that we've met more than a decade ago only recently had a conversation about our sex lives. We've discovered to have a lot in common and decided to go somewhere together and try out what we've talked about.Today in the morning my wife gave us both a blowjob with prostate massage holding a deepthroat during ejaculation. Then she expertly cleaned both our cocks. All with a big smile.. Feels...

3 years ago
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My Sister Teaches Me

13 July 1969 It was the beginning of December. A lot of raining outside. Tired after another long night of hacking I was very reluctant to get out of my den. I looked through the window to check if the new parabolic antenna from accross the street had a different tilting. The big black cable was still in place, no traces of snow. Nothing. I was thinking about those "0-day" vulnerabilities. They call them "0-day" for the number of days that have passed after the fix...

1 year ago
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Maa Aur Bete Ki Real Story

Helow dosto mera nam raj hai aur main uttarakhand ka ek masoom ladka hu aur dosto ye meri life ki sacci ghtna hai ager apko meri story pasand aaye aur koi qn ho to pe aap muje mail ker sakte hai. Meri ek bahut hi khubsurat but adhuri family hai.Main meri mom aur ek bhai hai.Bhai ki sadi ho chuki hai aur wo dubai rehta hai.Jab bhai ki sadi hui tab tak mom gaav me rehti thi aur unhe sehar k bare me jyada kuch pata nahi tha wo gaav ki ek sadharan si grahni thi.Per bhai ki sadi k bad unhe muje...

1 year ago
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All about sharing Part 3

For many months, my beautiful husband and I have been sharing a secret game. I am obsessed with everything that has to do with ass, including what comes out of it. I get horny just listening to my husband through the bathroom door as he is pushing noisily to get a hard shit out of him. I imagine the sensation he is feeling as it finds its way through his ass hole. When I cannot take it anymore, when I feel I will explode with an orgasm just standing there, I go in with my begging eyes. One...

2 years ago
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A Christmas blowjob

During the last years of my teenage, and the first years into my 20ies, I usually went away some place abroad during the major holidays. Although I enjoyed celebrations and parties (always have and always will), I was not fond of the idea of having to celebrate something I had not chosen myself (Im more relaxed about it now and quit enjoy Christmas). This year, however, I was doing my national service in the army, and did not have much time or money for a vacation. Thus, I ended up...

2 years ago
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Elder Sister Taught Me Sex

Hello Friends, this is Nitin, writing for the first time about my wonderful experience with my elder cousin. I am 24yrs old from Mumbai and a regular reader of ISS. My sister Neha(name changed) is now 29yrs living in US, but she frequently visits home to meet me and have pleasurable time. To describe her, she is very fair, 5.4 ft tall and 34-30-34 in figure. This story starts when i was 18yrs old and Neha was 23 yrs. Our parents had gone out to Delhi for 2 days. I always loved playing and...

3 years ago
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Lonely Is The Heart

She sat alone. Stark naked, all huddled up with her arms wrapped around her knees. She sat on the chair with her face and head obscured by her shoulder length, unkept hair. A perfect picture of solitude, but nothing was perfect. Far from it, she had been crying for the past hour. Susan had had a tough life. Being brought up by a single uncaring parent, she had more than her share of heartbreaks and hurdles over her thirty-two years. She never seemed to be able to get a break and now with the...

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