The Revenge of Jonn nixx a Rae Arizona Adventure
- 3 years ago
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Sith awakened, instantly alert he stretched and yawned copiously, fangs and claws shining briefly in the light of Arcturus IX twin suns. Nose twitching at the scent of food cooking, he padded into the kitchen where his companions were eating breakfast.
"It's about time you awakened, sleepyhead," Rae said with a grin.
"One haunch of nauropod, slightly bloody, coming right up," Jan added, pressing the replicators' keypad.
"I crave exercise," Sith said. "I think I'll head into the woods and hobnob with the local wildlife."
"Try not to frighten that herd of beefalos." Rae said between mouthfuls of Rhapis egg and cheese. "I know they're free range, but the farmers still call here and complain."
"Hrrmmff," Sith mumbled, his mouth full.
The chime of an incoming holocall interrupted their banter.
"Good fortune to you," said Cedric Hyde-Mathis, director of Cosmic Retrievers. "You are well, I trust?"
"Good fortune, Cedric," the women chorused.
Sith raised his bloody muzzle and bared his fangs in greeting.
"A rather interesting assignment came to my attention this morning, and I immediately thought of you," Hyde-Mathis said with a grin.
The three exchanged glances. 'Interesting' to Cedric meant too difficult for his regular cadre of agents. Cosmic Retrievers was known throughout the galaxy as the most efficient network of bounty hunters extant. Rae had been a UCO Major in the Peace Patrol; Jan and Sith undercover operatives for the Galactic Consortium. They had become partners and chosen to work for Hyde-Mathis on a case by case basis, free of official restrictions. Their methods were often unorthodox, but they got results.
"Tell us more," Rae replied, meaning they accepted his offer.
"You're familiar with the Campbell-Pohl system in the Crab Nebula?"
Jan nodded. "Five planets, all unexplored due to lethal radiation from the parent sun."
"Exactly, the Interplanetary Geographic Society has been conducting a mapping expedition of the system using robotic probes with radiation shields. Two Terran solar years into the project, they found something on the fourth planet; a featureless dome of unknown origin. Using traction 'bots, they forced their way in and found a small blue sphere on a pedestal.
It was determined that the object was not radioactive and it was brought to the survey ship for examination. Within eleven solar days, all but a few of those aboard went insane. The crew that was unaffected finally engaged the Flettner ion drive, and set a course for home.
Before they could reach their orbiting laboratory, a landing shuttle was launched from the ship. A spacehand named Jonn-Nixx had stolen the sphere and fled for parts unknown. All efforts to find him have failed. The IGS has offered a bounty of 35 million Cr's for both he and the sphere. Interested?"
"Of course," Rae said briskly. "Shall we say forty percent of the reward?"
"Done, we'll have a Model XXV Firefly jump ship ferried remotely to your home. All information we have on the fugitive and the incident is being tight beamed as we speak. Good fortune to you."
"Good fortune, Cedric," Rae and Jan replied. The holo blinked out.
"A Class XXV Firefly," Jan said excitedly. "That model was declared space worthy only last week. We'll have one of the first off the line. I can't wait to get my hands on it."
Sith cleaned the last scraps of meat from the nauropod bone with his rasp-like tongue, stretched, then bounded out the door and into the undergrowth.
"Don't stampede those beefalos," Rae shouted after him. She put the breakfast scraps and dishes in the replicator's intake hatch while Jan padded into the study to neurosorb the Firefly XXV's technical manuals.
The trim, angular ship emerged from hyperspace into the glow of a golden yellow sun; a bluish green planet filling the visiplates. Starliners passing Johansen's World had detected extensive terraforming activity there and duly reported it to the Peace Patrol. One of Rae's contacts in Patrol headquarters had passed the information on to her.
Noting that no permits had been issued for terraforming Johansen's World, Jan had suggested they see what was going on there. Besides, she wanted to take her new toy out for a run. Rae and Sith agreed and they were off.
"Johansen's World," said the ships computer, "Referred to by it's inhabitants as New Canton, breathable atmosphere, humanoid inhabitants, petitioning for membership in the Galactic Federation, Stage Seven civilization, and rudimentary spaceflight capabilities. No planetary defense systems, main spaceport near capital city of Hwang-Ho. First explored by space scout Ingomar Johansen in 3458AGF..."
The computer droned on as Jan expertly guided their craft to a smooth landing on the plasticrete arrival/departure stage.
"No automatic landing system, that's strange," Jan said, pulling on her armorthred suit, it's fabric able to withstand a direct burst from a particle beam projector. She buckled her carrybelt around her waist and slid her Mk V positron gun in it's holster.
Rae donned her suit, adding her trademark Stetson, bandanna, nauropod hide gloves and cowboy boots, dual holstered gun belt and replica Colt .44 revolvers that were actually Mk. VII positron guns.
Sith buckled on his carrybelt and bandolier, checking his Siemens-Krupp Machine Pistol before placing it in it's holster. They hung their Cosmic Retriever medallions around their necks, Rae pressed the airlock release and they stepped out onto Johansen's World.
The soaring towers of a large city greeted their eyes, glittering in the sun.
"This does not look like a Stage Seven civilization to me," Sith rumbled. "Possibly the computer's data is faulty. It is a Stage Twenty at least. What has happened here?"
"I don't see how," Jan replied, "I downloaded the most current data available."
"Here's a reception committee," Rae drawled, angling her head toward an approaching monowheel sedan. It stopped at the landing stage, and the driver emerged from his compartment.
"How's youse ladeez and gen'tmen doin' taday? Welcome to da faih city of Hwang-Ho."
The robot driver was a simulacrum of an early Twentieth Century New York cabbie, complete with rumpled clothing, a stained button covered cap, an unruly shock of hair and the stub of an unlit cigar clamped between yellowed teeth.
"If youse will accomp'ny me," the robot continued," I'll take yez to da palace of Jonn da Foist. He awayz greets visitas from da udder planets."
The sedan's doors lifted as the driver slid back behind the control toggles.
The three looked at each other.
"Jonn the First?" Jan muttered, "The record indicates rule by a planetary council. How can the data be so faulty?"
"I propose we find out," Sith replied, climbing into the sedan, the women following. The doors closed and the sedan shot forward, drive motors emitting a faint whine.
"So whadda ya t'ink of dem Dodgas?" the driver said. "I t'ink dey's gonna beat dem Yankees in Sattadays game."
"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about," Jan replied.
"My bucks is on da Dodgas," the driver said and was silent.
They sped through a grid of gleaming streets lined with immense buildings. Throngs of humanoid beings crowded the sidewalks, identical looks of relaxed contentment on their round faces. No other surface vehicles were in evidence.
"Chinesian stock from Old Earth," Jan remarked, staring out the plastiglass windows. "They colonized several hundred planets during the Second Great Interregnum. I had no idea they had roamed this far afield."
The sedan stopped before a sprawling structure that resembled a bizarre wedding cake glittering whitely in the sun.
"Da palace of Jonn da Foist," the driver announced and the doors lifted. A figure emerged from the building and descended the steps toward them. The three exited the sedan, which closed it's doors and sped away.
As the figure approached it appeared to be another simulacrum; this time resembling a Nineteenth Century butler, formally attired with a look of stiff formality on it's face.
"I bid you welcome from his Excellency Jonn the First," it said in clipped tones. "I have been sent to guide you to his exalted presence. Please ascend the first step."
No sooner than they had done so, then the steps flattened and began to move carrying them up and into the palace, through gleaming corridors, finally stopping before huge plastiwood doors.
"His Excellency, Jonn the First," the butler intoned. The doors swung inward revealing an immense chamber of purple wall hangings interspersed with elaborate tapestries featuring scenes from a thousand planets.
Against the far wall, someone clad in a purple robe was seated on an elaborately filigreed throne. Above the figure, a blue sphere hung in midair. When Rae and the others stepped forward, the thick red rug rippled beneath their feet and bore them to the foot of the throne's dais.
"It is our quarry," Sith purred softly. The man arose and studied them.
Jonn-Nixx was exceedingly average in every way; height, weight, facial features, the sort of face you'd look upon and forget instantly when you turned away. His white hair was mere stubble on his skull, his skin burned brown by the light of innumerable suns. His eyes shone with an unearthly glow, a sneer of contempt twisting his mouth.
A barking laugh sprang from his lips, making the women jump and Sith snarl.
"Cosmic Retrievers', I welcome you to my planet. I know they sent you to find me and the sphere. I have no intention of returning, ever. I am Supreme Ruler now, not a lowly Spacehand Third Class. This is my dream and I am living it."
He settled back onto his throne and the sphere settled atop the gold cushion on which his head rested.
"You have committed theft and deserted your post," Rae said angrily. "We intend to bring you to justice."
Jonn-Nixx laughed and then waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.
"I grow weary of your presence. Be gone and enjoy my city, my planet. In any case, you will learn to worship me as my subjects have done."
Abruptly, the carpet beneath the trio's feet whisked them backwards through the throne room doors which slammed shut in their faces.
"One would think the Supreme Ruler was upset with us," Rae said with a grin.
"That sphere he stole must have unlimited powers, Sith rumbled. "He has harnessed it to suit himself and conquered an entire planet. How do we overcome such a force?"
"I wonder who's harnessed whom?" Jan said. "He didn't look happy to me. He looked defeated, like a prisoner."
"What did he mean by that remark about how we'd learn to worship him? " Rae added. "He's not only a thief, he's delusional."
"Youse guys wanna ride downtown?"
They turned to see the taxi and it's driver.
"Is it a mind reader?" Jan said wonderingly.
"My guess is it was summoned by the Palace," Sith replied. "I'm hungry. Shall we let it find us a restaurant?"
"Might as well," Rae said with a shrug. "Take us to a restaurant please."
"You got it. Hop in."
They hopped, the doors closed and they were off.
"Da best jernt in town," said the cabbie, stopping in front of an elaborately decorated façade in mid-block with the name 'Metropole' in Art Deco style lettering.
"How do we pay you?" Rae asked as they alighted onto a real cement sidewalk.
"S'on da house. See youse layta," was the reply. The doors closed and the taxi sped away.
A doorman simulacrum ushered them into an Art Deco foyer, where a maitre'd simulacrum led them to a table set into an alcove in the far wall. The restaurant was crowded but the people at the tables looked at them disinterestedly and then went back to their meals.
Once they were seated, three server simulacra appeared, poured a red liquid into goblets, presented them with menus, bowed and went away.
Rae sniffed her goblet, and then took a sip.
"Horus' beak! This is Denebian Cabernet. The vineyards are on Deneb IV's third moon. A single bottle's worth 900 cr. I hope Cedric accepts our expense account."
"It's superb," Jan replied, savoring the wine on her tongue. "We should buy some when we return home."
Sith sniffed at his goblet, took a sip, and pushed it away from him.
"Pfaugh, this is not to my liking. Do you suppose they have Klamath blood available?"
"Ever the carnivore," Rae said with a grin. "I'm sure they do. Maybe we should order."
They studied the menu, made their choices, placed their orders and relaxed with their wine. A server appeared with a beaker of Klamath blood for Sith, who lapped the thick crimson liquid eagerly.
"Does anything here seem strange to you?" Jan said.
"This whole city is strange, you need to be more specific," Rae jibed.
"No one is paying us any attention," Sith purred. "It's quite odd."
"Exactly," Jan replied. "Three off worlders heavily armed, identifiably Cosmic Retrievers walk into a crowded restaurant, no one says or does anything but give us a glance; no surprise, no calling law enforcement, no panic, no curiosity, nothing."
"These people act as if they're in a trance," Sith said, "A planet full of sleepwalkers."
"Maybe they're worshipping Jonn the First," Jan quipped.
Rae was about to reply, and then sat back in her chair. She looked about at the other diners, their faces placid, methodically chewing their food like so many...
"Ra's Chariot," she muttered, "He's controlling them all."
At that point their dinners arrived. Everything was perfectly prepared and they devoured every scrap. Rae and Jan shared a marvelously sweet dessert while Sith drank another beaker of blood.
When Jan asked for the check, the maitre d' informed them there would be no charge. Puzzled, they left the restaurant; no one paid them any attention.
When they reached the sidewalk, they expected to see the taxi waiting however the street and sidewalks were empty. The sun had set but illumitubes lined the buildings and it was bright as day. They decided to walk in the direction of their ship and flag down a cab.
Block after block of brightly lit store fronts lined the sidewalk, however there were no shoppers only robot sales clerks standing in wait of a customer.
"We are being followed," Sith said in a low voice. "Continue walking, I shall see who it is."
One leap carried him into the framework of a storefront canopy as the women walked on chatting in a carefree manner. They turned at the sound of a muffled cry to see a stocky Chinesian man lying on the sidewalk and Sith crouched over him, fangs gleaming.
They ran back and stood beside their companion. The man was shivering with fear, sweat rolling down his face.
"Please do not kill me, off worlders. I meant no harm. How are you allowed to walk the streets after curfew?"
"There's a curfew? No one told us," Jan replied.
"Who are you and why were you following?" Rae said sharply. Sith snarled, further unnerving the man.
"I am Yat-Ming of the house of Chung the Arbiter. I saw you walking and was curious. I should not be here. It is death to..."
A huge black monowheel emerged from a side street and whined toward them. It's rectangular body had no visible windows.
"Aieee! It is the Night Patrol! We must run," Yat Ming shrieked, attempting to rise.
The monowheel stopped before them, doors sprang open and dull black figures emerged. Their heads were featureless except for a single scanner lens and they clutched nerve disruptors in their claw like appendages.
"Commando 'bots," Jan said. "I haven't seen them since the campaign to retake Canopus IX in the War of Orbital Secession."
"Subject Yat-Ming," droned a 'bot with crossed lightning bolts stenciled on it's chest. "You and these off worlders are in violation of the curfew. The off worlders have special dispensation from the palace to roam freely, you do not. The penalty for such action is immediate brainburn. Step into the vehicle."
"Brainburning a man for being out too late at night seems a little harsh," Rae drawled, hands resting lightly on her guns. "Maybe you could write him a ticket or something."
"This is none of your affair," the 'bot replied, "Stand aside. Number 7, seize him."
A 'bot moved toward Yat-Ming who ran and cowered behind Sith. When the 'bot attempted to push Sith aside, he retaliated by beheading the machine with one swipe of his paw. Still functioning but unable to see, it lurched crazily into a store window and collapsed.
"Paralyze them!"
Rae and Jan dropped to the sidewalk and began firing. Bodies pierced by positron beams, the 'bots fell with a clatter as more emerged from the vehicle. Sith grabbed the headless 'bot, using it as a shield for he and Yat-Ming against the projectors.
Sith saw a turret rise from the monowheels roof, training a triple thread disruptor on Rae and Jan. He threw the 'bot he was holding at the approaching enemy drew his machine pistol and snapped off three shots, each round containing a gram of depleted plutonium. The turret and weapon exploded into fragments, taking the vehicles roof with it. Gyro stabilizers damaged, the monowheel teetered and fell over, crushing the remaining 'bot's beneath its bulk.
An earsplitting howl emitted from the wreckage as overloaded circuits flashed and sparked.
"Quickly, follow me, I shall lead you to safety," Yat Ming shouted. He ran down the block and into a nearby store, the three hot on his heels. Passing immobile sales bot's, he led them into a utility closet at the far end of the store. Dodging around cleaner bot's, he pressed his hand against the wall which swung aside revealing a narrow, dimly lit passage. After they had entered, the wall closed behind them. Yat Ming trotted along in spite of being in almost total darkness, Sith's vision adjusted rapidly as he kept pace with their rescuer; the women following closely.
The tunnel sloped downward until the feeling of tons of rock and dirt above them was almost palpable. The tunnel ended in an immense low ceilinged circular vault, their feet crunching on pebbles as they crossed it into another tunnel, then another vault, then a tunnel and a third vault.
Rae and Jan were panting from exertion when Yat Ming stopped to rest. Pressing on the tunnel wall, a panel opened and he removed four ornate porcelain jugs of water from which they drank greedily then sat down. Rae picked up a handful of the pebbles they were sitting upon; they weren't pebbles, they were fragments of human bone.
The twin suns of Arcturus II shone down from a cloudless sky on the endless vista of the Emerald Sea. Rae Arizona and her cousin Jan floated in the rippling water, enjoying the warmth on their naked bodies. They seldom wore clothing except when on a mission, preferring to be one with nature and it's wonders. Sith, their feline humanoid partner, was off hunting in the Forbidden Mountains while Pallas and Daisy, their cybernetic companions, played a game of 3-D Escher chess in the beach house...
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Greg was pleased that the new trailer was pulling so well. His new truck had a very powerful diesel engine instead of the big gas engine his other truck had. He felt the dual rear wheels also made it much more stable than a standard four wheeled truck would have. Jaimie giggled, “It’s more manly looking too!” Greg just grinned, “Yep, a real ‘Cowboy Cadillac’!” Since we were told of a massive amount of road construction in St Louis, we opted to go the northern route which would take us west...
All my life I'd been a bad k**, a delinquent, a bitch, call it what you like. By the age of eighteen, I'd been expelled from three schools, spent time in juvenile, shoplifted, sold d**gs, taken d**gs and got busted for both DUI and prostitution. In fact, the day I smashed up my father's car was my eighteenth birthday. I'd drunk half a bottle of vodka and smoked four joints. I've got no excuses - no broken home or hardships. My parents were wealthy and loving. I was just a fucked up mess. I'd...
Now let me tell you about Angel. She's 5' 4'', 21 years old with mid-length, medium brown hair and had a petite figure but had decent curves for a girl her size. I know nothing about girl sizes in inches so I can't exactly tell you an accurate portrayal overall, however she had a nice set of tits somewhere between 38A and 32B. A nice handful size each, which was good because I believe anything more than that is a waste anyway. Lastly, she wore glasses on a normal basis which in my...
Arizona Heat Part 1b: Jenny’s Story By K. Finnegan Feedback most welcome – —*— “No, No, No! Don’t you dare you miserable piece of shit! NOOOOOO!” I screamed as I impotently pounded my fists on the steering wheel of my Chevy Malibu. The steam pouring up from under the hood was growing so thick I could hardly see. I pulled off the road and hit the brakes, sending up a cloud of brown dirt from the packed earth shoulder. I turned off the engine and sat silently as the thick Arizona dust...
“Hey Princess, guess what?” Joseph said excitedly, and before I had the chance to answer he said “A couple buddies and me are driving to Texas , one of them is meeting up with a chick he met a couple months ago here in Jersey , she moved and they’ve been in touch. I guess she promised him something real good if he visited her, and well a few of us are going to tag along and help him drive!” “Oh wow, that’s a long ass drive… I hope it’s worth it.” I replied. He laughed, “Yeah well...
Part Four -Tuck was driving southwest making his way back to Interstate 10 and replaying the previous night’s sexual adventure with his friend’s identical twin sisters, Peggy and Maggie. Of course his raw asshole kept those two girls on his mind. Tuck could not believe that they had put a dildo inside his ass and furthermore that he actually enjoyed the sordid kinky affair.Tuck had been driving for quite awhile and had long passed over into Arizona. He just could not believe the long lonely...
Group Sex“Hey Princess, guess what?” Joseph said excitedly, and before I had the chance to answer he said “A couple buddies and me are driving to Texas , one of them is meeting up with a chick he met a couple months ago here in Jersey , she moved and they’ve been in touch. I guess she promised him something real good if he visited her, and well a few of us are going to tag along and help him drive!” “Oh wow, that’s a long ass drive… I hope it’s worth it.” I replied....
ExhibitionismEverything that could have gone wrong this morning did go wrong. We were rushing to the airport to catch our flight. Gabriel whined the whole way there saying that we were late because of me. I was so worn out by Gabriel’s bad attitude for like the past week now that I didn’t want to argue with him. I don’t know what was bothering him, but I could tell you this, I was not about to let him ruin my trip to Arizona. We boarded the plane and looked for our seats and out of the blue I got...
ReluctanceWe awoke to find ourselves in a rocky desert. The machine had landed, if that is the right term, against a large rock and tipped sideways. I helped pull the others from the machine and climbed to the mouth of the canyon to see where we were. From the canyon, I looked down on a small village. We had done it. I could tell that this was Hole-in-the-Wall. I turned to the group and said, "This is it. That town must be Fry. We've done it!" We pulled our costumes out of our 20th century gym...
I took five days to travel from Liz's home outside Portland to Sedona, Arizona. The weather cooperated and I camped out two of those nights without terribly cold temperatures. When I'd left New Mexico, I'd promised Tama I'd meet her in Sedona. She'd explained to me about the vortices of Sedona, and how they imbue people with unusual strength, guidance, and protection – qualities I'd need for the rest of my life. Tama also had shamanic skills that she promised to unleash on me in Sedona,...
THE SECRET OF PINK KRYPTONITE 2-KARA'S BIG ADVENTURE It had been a long couple of years for Kara Zor-el, aka Supergirl. It had been six years since the Thanagarian invasion of Earth, five years since their friend Kyla Vor-Kar had sacrificed herself to prevent a Kryptonite asteroid from colliding with and destroying Earth, and three years since her cousin Kal-el (Superman) had relocated to Argo City (remnant of Krypton) with his wife Lois so she could safely carry and deliver their...
The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona -- Chapter 5 By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber December 17, 1871 Myra was sitting listlessly at the table, eating breakfast when she heard the hoof beats of the new posse. She walked over to the window and saw Paul Grant coming down the carriage path, followed by a tall, husky man leading the farm's two horses. Not surprising, the outlaws' saddlebags were no longer to be seen. The rest of the posse - three mounted men - remained at the edge of...
Everything that could have gone wrong this morning did go wrong. We were rushing to the airport to catch our flight. Gabriel whined the whole way there saying that we were late because of me. I was so worn out by Gabriel’s bad attitude for like the past week now that I didn’t want to argue with him. I don’t know what was bothering him, but I could tell you this, I was not about to let him ruin my trip to Arizona. We boarded the plane and looked for our seats and out of the blue I got...
Part Four – Tuck was driving southwest making his way back to Interstate 10 and replaying the previous night’s sexual adventure with his friend’s identical twin sisters, Peggy and Maggie. Of course his raw asshole kept those two girls on his mind. Tuck could not believe that they had put a dildo inside his ass and furthermore that he actually enjoyed the sordid kinky affair. Tuck had been driving for quite awhile and had long passed over into Arizona. He just could not believe the long lonely...
I managed to get to my seat and of course, Gabriel was still sleeping. God! I swear that man could sleep through a tornado! I thought to myself before I nudged him to let me by. “Where you been babe?” He says as he stretches and yawns. “In the lavatory, I was not feeling well.” I glare at Tommy from the corner of my eye while he’s pretending to read a magazine. “Are you ok now?” He says sounding concerned and puts his arm around me. Tommy suddenly jumps up and says. “Oh I think she is...
The odors of the desert drifted into the open window, through the screen. Creosote bush and salt cedar. Along with the ever present smell of hot concrete. It hadn't really cooled off that much over night. Sidney woke up. Again his cock was hard. He had to pee. He climbed out of bed, careful not to wake up Faith, and went into the bathroom. It was right there through a door. It opened into this bedroom he shared with Faith. He noticed she was sleeping soundly with her sheets tossed aside. He...
TabooI managed to get to my seat and of course, Gabriel was still sleeping. God! I swear that man could sleep through a tornado! I thought to myself before I nudged him to let me by. “Where you been babe?” He says as he stretches and yawns. “In the lavatory, I was not feeling well.” I glare at Tommy from the corner of my eye while he's pretending to read a magazine. “Are you ok now?” He says sounding concerned and puts his arm around me. Tommy suddenly jumps up and says. “Oh I think she is...
ReluctanceWe all have secrets…Elise Fairborough had many! Living at number twelve, Meriwether Way for the last six years she had discovered the very best way to press her husband’s shirts, the perfect stain remover for her white sheepskin rug even the best way to brew coffee in the morning to give it the strongest taste. Yet if one thing Elise had learned above all that she had perfected in the last six years, it was how to keep a secret behind closed doors. ‘Yeah of course just set up the meeting, I...
Maggie's Secret's Secret This story is purely fiction. No corporations or names represent real people or companies in any way. I appreciate all story reviews to help me become a better writer or, from a purely selfish perspective, make me want to continue writing. If you like the story I've written numerous others that you might want to read. You can search for all my stories by using the 'author search' and typing in the author, 'Want2BaGirl'. I hope you enjoy. Part One -...
"No, it's not made of saronite..." the teal-haired night elf warrioress tactfully pronounced." 'En eye 'on't kno' wat ya want, missy." Soft-spoken and ever patient, D'Dea had been trying to get this dwarf weaponsmith to understand her request for a good fifteen minutes. She was increasingly of the impression he already knew he didn't know how to smith the sword she was seeking, and was merely taking some twisted pleasure in wasting her time."A...felsteel longblade..." Carefully, slowly,...
“Great idea Elunaraa, just a fantastic idea. Walk yourself all the way out here because all those damn adventurers are taking up all the easy to find herbs. Get this filth all over your legs. Ugh! It’s going to take weeks to get my legs properly clean again!” Having finished the small tirade to herself, Elunaraa futilely shook her leg and took another step “Well, If I’m going to do this, may as well get straight into it.” Elunaraa bent over, feeling her shorts tighten around her ass before...
Cara stepped onto the packed subway carriage and was immediately enveloped in the cram of bodies pressing into her from every angle. She reached down and readjusted her skirt, a tiny purple number which hinted at the bottom of her perky ass cheek. Underneath she was wearing a white thong, already damp in anticipation. She scanned the carriage discretely and looked for her companion. She had no idea what he looked like, with only vague descriptions to go by. She'd wanted it that way, wanted the...
AnalWhen he looked back over the carcass of what he had, wrongly, as it had transpired, presumed was a happy marriage, he realised that the connubial deathwatch beetle that had done for the marriage had its genesis some six months previously when his wife, his ex-wife, as he supposed was the correct way to think of her, had pointed out an article in the English language version of an Italian publication she liked to read called, “Donna Cattiva.” The article was titled “Swinging the 21st Century...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Being bisexual is truly awsome! The best of both worlds, I have a great man (Matt) who knows just how to make me feelfantastic like only a man can do. Heather on the other had was the perfect woman, sexy red head open minded bisexual who knew how to keep both men and women extremely happy. After we had out 3rd three some with Matt, Heather decided to finally introduce me to her Girlfriend "Nicole" whom she ducked twice a week. We had gay night twice a week, where we would spend time...
Ever since Matt came into our lives, his big cock has been busy fucking Heather one night.and me the next, but it took a couple weeks and all three of us were full fucking hard.... Matt and I arrived home and planned on sucking each others dicks and fucking till we fell asleep, but Heather had other plans...She was sitting on the couch in the basement wearing nothing but a smile....As we entered and looked at her she spread her muscular legs flexing her thigh muscles and running her hands...
I continued to kiss Sandra as Graeme lubed me up. Graeme always prepared me well with plenty of lube and an exquisite finger fuck before taking me and this afternoon was no different (save the post-coital make out session I was having with his wife). As Graeme withdrew his two fingers from my slickened hole he pulled me up by the hips so I was now on all fours. I no longer kissed Sandra but our eyes fixed in a lustful gaze. Graeme teased my hole with the head of his cock rubbing it up and down....
BisexualThe paladin Sharizon grumpily trode past the droll grey domiciles of the mountain city of Ironforge. His hard, weathered face was rigid with a forced, overtaxed patience. His unibrow was furrowed; his lips remained pursed in silent fury. His heavily nicked saronite and titansteel armor clicked and clanked as he made his way towards the armor shop. Sharizon grumpily blinked as he ran a finger through his rust-brown cowlicks, throwing a slick of viscous zombie ichor to the wall. He marched...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Our roaring summer crashed in a crescendo of tears and words and sex. I'll not forget that frozen, late summer day when my Katherine came to me and told me about her late period. I felt the days we'd spent together come crashing in on me - the nights in the hotels, the afternoons in forest clearings, stolen mornings in my marriage bed. If I had impregnated my daughter...Why hadn't we been more careful?The summer was spent in carnal lust. I felt like a teenager again, with my young wife. I felt...
IncestThe the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...