- 4 years ago
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They gathered round her in a ring. She was really scared as there was no-one around to help. She should never have gone this way home so late at night. Slowly they advanced, the ring closing around her. She knew it would be useless to try to run for it - she would not be able to break through the ring and she certainly could not outrun them. Her voice froze - she couldn't even scream for help.
Hands grabbed her arms then bodies crushed in against her, hustling her along the pavement against her will then she was bundled into a large, closed transit van parked at the kerb. The doors were shut and the interior light went on.
"What have we got for ourselves tonight then lads?" asked the young man who appeared to be the ringleader. He reached towards her and slipped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her towards him with one hand while the other reached out to her blouse and grabbed her breasts. She struggled and tried to kick him but he jerked his knee into her and she doubled over in agony.
Hands from behind held her under her arms and lifted her back up to face him again. Again he reached out to grab her breasts and this time she held herself in check, still winded and pained from his knee.
"That's better. You'd better realise that we shall all have you before the night is out - you can either enjoy it or struggle and we'll use as much force as we need to but we'll still have you only that way you get more bruised, understand?" She froze. He twisted her breast painfully and shouted at her "I said understand? I would appreciate an answer!"
She nodded, still unable to speak. She was playing for time. After all, the van was parked on a public road, there was limit to how much noise they could make without arousing suspicion - help may yet be at hand - perhaps someone saw her being dragged in.
However, her hopes were quickly dashed as she heard the ringleader bang on the van wall and the engine started up, the interior light went off and they moved off. There were no windows, she had no idea where they were going. Everyone settled down, the men round her, squatting on their haunches so she also squatted down, making herself into a small protective ball, her arms wrapped protectively round her knees. Surprisingly they left her alone for a while. Eventually she felt the van going down a rough lane or track of some sort and her stomach lurched. They must be in some pretty deserted place so no-one was likely to hear however much noise she made. after a few sharp turns and bumps the van rolled to a halt and the engine was switched off. She heard the driver's door slam shut, footsteps round the van then the back door opened and the light went on.
Arms reached out to her again and she was lifted to the back of the van and helped out. She stood shivering as the ringleader spoke again.
"Look around you - nothing for miles. You can screech and shout if you like but no-one will hear you, that's why we use this house. We can all have a good time then if you behave yourself we'll drop you near where we picked you up and no harm done, except maybe a few little bruises. On the other hand, if you don't play ball then we'll be quite happy to persuade you, but in the end you'll still get shagged just the same so lets go inside and have some fun. After you" he gestured as the bunch of them moved her towards a large house set in what looked like woods.
Someone opened the door and she found the house warm and well furnished, very obviously lived in. She was led to a large sitting room where a big fire blazed, the room being almost intolerably warm.
"We don't want you to get cold when you strip off" he laughed as they closed the door behind themselves.
"Now, you can call me Rod, its not my real name of course. What shall we call you eh?"
A voice from behind called out "how about Cunt? That's what she is going to be for the evening isn't it!"
"No, that's not very polite to our guest - accurate but not polite" he joked. "I know, we'll call you Princess, after all, you look a bit up market. Now, someone get the Princess a drink. What would you like?"
She was struggling to cope with this. She did not want to give in and join in with them but on the other hand she knew that resistance would be futile, there were too many of them. Should she go down trying anyway or would that simply make things worse for herself.
She decided to try to reason with them and to be positive. "Wwwine pplease" she managed to stutter.
Her hand shook as she tried to drink from the glass they gave her. It was good wine she found herself noticing, despite what was going on around her.
"Look, if you take me back now, I'll forget this and not make any trouble for you. I'm not going to take part in whatever it is you have planned, you've obviously got the wrong person. Let me go now and we'll forget all about it." She saw the grins on their faces and knew this was not working.
"Please, I beg you, please let me go - don't do this."
"Whats the matter? You are too old to be a virgin, you must have had lots of blokes by now so what difference will a few more make? I promise you we are all clean, there's no way any of us want to get anything nasty so we are fussy who we pick up. You are obviously a bit upmarket, not a slapper, I would guess in your 30s, maybe 40s so you've been around a bit, know what its all about. Most women in their 40s would appreciate being shagged by some fit young blokes like us so just stop all this messing about and do what we tell you."
"Yeah, get your tits out for a start" someone called and they all laughed.
Rod laughed, "well that's as good a start as any, go on then, get them out for us, lets see what you've got."
She tried to back away, she threw the glass at them and tried to make a break for it but strong hands grabbed her arms and held her.
Rod stood in front of her. "I'll overlook that but its the only time I will. Now lets get this clear. We are going to shag the arse off you, make no mistake. We do this about once a month and tonight you happened to be the one, its pure luck who we grab, although we are quite fussy about appearance as I've explained. Now, either you do as you are told or I'll have you stripped, your clothes will be ripped off which will make it tricky when we dump you back on the pavement tomorrow morning. In addition, to repay you for the trouble, I'll have you tied to those rings" he pointed to rings set in the ceiling and lowered, like an airing rack, "hoisted up on tip toes then flogged with a riding crop across your back, your tits and your arse before we shag you so its up to you. Do you want to be shagged or would you prefer to be flogged then shagged?" As he had said this, someone had passed him a riding crop which he now slapped against his thigh to emphasis his point.
She did not want either but was scared of being flogged, she could see that he meant it. She dropped her head in submission and in acceptance of the unavoidable. He recognised it.
"Sensible girl Princess. Now then, do as the man said and get your tits out for us."
They went to sit down in the arm chairs and settees which formed a half circle round the fire with her in the centre. She looked round, there was no way out. She unfastened her cuffs, unfastened the buttons on her blouse and very slowly opened it then slowly slipped it off her shoulders so it fell to the floor and she stood topless, her shoulders hunched to try to cover or hide her naked breasts.
Rod got up and went to her. He stood behind her and pulled her shoulders back.
"Come on, stand up straight, push your tits out so we can see them, didn't anyone tell you not to slouch like that?"
She stood with her shoulders being pulled back, knowing how it was thrusting her breasts forward to them all. Rod's hands left her shoulders and slipped round her, cupping her breasts as he stood behind her, cupping them and jiggling them. He was surprisingly gentle, although she did not realise that this part of his well worn routine to get her a little more at ease before they started on her properly.
He squeezed her breasts and pulled and pinched her nipples.
"Look lads, what lovely big nipples, and such large, brown rings round them as well. She really feels lovely, a lovely handful I can tell you and judging by the size and state of her nipples she's beginning to enjoy it now, and so she should."
She knew her nipples were betraying her but half naked, surrounded by strangers who were going to shag her, one of them already groping her, she knew her nipples would have to be erect but it did not mean she wanted this. She tried again.
"Please, let me go now - you've had your fun, let me get dressed and let me go now before things get out of hand. I promise I won't say anything - I can't - I don't know who you are or where we are. Please let me go now."
Rod made no reply but simply clicked his fingers and she heard pulleys squeak as the rings were lowered.
"I warned you what would happen if you resisted" he told her as he pushed her to stand by the lowered rings. Her wrists were fastened to the rings.
"If I were you I would hold the rings to take your weight otherwise it will all be on your wrists" he advised her as the rings were raised, this time lifting her weight. She quickly grabbed the rings with each hand while she could to hold her weight off the cuffs around her wrists.
She was raised until she was on tip toes. Rod walked in front of her, slapping the crop against the flat of his hand.
"I told you what I would do to you so you have only yourself to blame for this. First it will be your right tit."
With that he stepped back, aimed at her right breast and then sharply brought it down across her breast. She screamed. The men cheered. Rod raised it again.
"This time, it will be your right nipple" - he brought it slashing down across her right nipple, the pain cutting through her again, making her scream again.
"This time we'll give your left nipple a go then I'll just go where I like."
He crisscrossed the crop over her breasts and nipples, making her scream each time. When he stopped he stepped closer into her and fondled her burning breasts as he spoke.
"Do you feel a bit more like joining in now? eh? Or do I carry on with this - I don't mind either way myself - quite a few of my friends here enjoy watching this and I'm quite happy to carry on with the crop all night if you want - its completely up to you." All this was said in such a reasonable voice that it was quite unreal but she knew it was very real, she knew he really would carry on with the crop all night if she gave him an excuse.
She mumbled faintly "stop you bastard, I can't take any more. I'll do what you want."
He slashed down hard across each breast. "Don't you ever talk to me like that. Now tell me again but this time with more respect."
"I'm sorry" she sobbed, "please don't hit me again, I can't take any more, I'll do whatever you want."
He teased her. "But you don't know what I want you to do - how do you know you are willing to do it? Are you saying you will do anything for us, whatever we tell you?"
She knew that was exactly what she was saying - nothing could be worse than the pain from the crop.
"Yes, I'll do whatever you want of me."
"OK then - lower her down lads."
She was untied and they allowed her a few moments to get the circulation back into her arms before Rod told her "kneel down in front of me."
She kneeled down in front of him. She thought she knew what was now going to happen. She was not wrong.
Rod spoke crudely to her. "Princess, I am going to fuck your royal mouth. You are going to unfasten my trousers and take out my cock and you will suck it, you will suck it well otherwise I shall have you tied up again and this time I shan't stop. Now, get gobbling." They all laughed at her treatment.
She reached for his zip and unfastened him. She was fond of oral sex, both sucking and being sucked, and was proud of her abilities so she was confident she could please him enough to stop him hurting her. She reached into his fly and found he was not wearing underwear so his cock sprung out quite easily. She was pleasantly surprised. It was clean and smelled nice, her big fear was of uncleanliness. He was large but not enormous, she knew she could take him in her mouth and in her cunt later which she knew was going to happen. Might as well get on with it.
She gave him her best, sucking him in deeply as she stroked his shaft and cupped his hairy balls, until he pulled back. "That's better. Now I don't want to come just yet although later you'll have plenty of come in your mouth, and everywhere else as well" he laughed.
"Stand up and get the rest of your kit off. Your mouth is good - lets see what your other holes are like, eh lads?"
She worried at this - did they mean they would use her arse as well? She did not like that - it was too painful unless she was very aroused so she rarely did it like that which meant she was tight so it hurt even more.
She lowered her jeans, standing there in just her small white pants until she saw the look on Rod's face and quickly hooked her thumbs into the waistband and lowered these also, stepping out of them as they fell.
"That's much better. Now lets see everything - walk around a bit and turn around for us so we can see all of you. Go on, parade for us like a fashion model."
She paraded up and down the room, receiving very appreciative noises from them all.
"Now, come back here." She stood in front of him.
"Give us a guided tour of your body, and don't use the text book words, we like to hear our Princesses talk dirty, otherwise it will be back up on your toes for another session with the crop girl. Start at the mouth and work your way down, taking in all the sexy bits - just to make it more interesting, anything you miss out will be cropped, so include everything for us."
This worried her. What should she include. She started pointing.
"My mouth" running her fingers round her mouth provocatively. They cheered. She realised she was on the right track.
She ran her hands down to her breasts. "My breasts, I mean my tits" as she fondled her breasts then pulled her nipples "and my nipples."
She continued down over her stomach to her mound, "my lips" as she pulled her lips open to reveal her pink fleshy cunt "and my cccunt" she stammered, as they laughed, obviously enjoying her discomfort. Her fingers slid in and out of her cunt as she froze, worrying about where to go next. Of course - her fingers moved up a little "my clitty" she said, relieved.
She then reached her hands behind herself and cupped her bottom, "my arse" she finished and brought her hands around to hang, covering her shaved mound as she stood naked in front of these men.
"You've missed one out" Rod told her severely. She was puzzled.
"How many orifices have you, how many holes can you get fucked in, eh?"
She realised what he meant and was frightened. "I only use two, please, I've sucked you and you can fuck me but not anywhere else please, I can't do that, its painful."
"More painful than my crop on your tits or between your legs? We will hoist you up, your feet off the ground, your legs held wide open while I stand between them and use the crop on your cunt. How do you fancy that?" He ran the crop up between her thighs and over her cunt as he spoke.
She knew that would be even worse but could not bring herself to offer her arse to them.
Rod nodded and before she could say anything she was grabbed and tied to the rings again. This time she yelled as they lifted her up, up off her feet as he had threatened.
"No, don't do this, I beg of you, don't. I'll let you do what you want but don't hit me there."
He completely ignored her cries. He spoke to her. "I am not interested in what you have to say unless I have asked you a question. The only reason you are not gagged is that my friends here like to hear you scream so you can say what you like until I ask you a question, it will make no difference. I told you what would happen."
One man grabbed her left ankle, another grabbed her right. Rod nodded to them and they pulled her legs wide apart as she hung from the rings. They pulled her so wide open that the tops of her thighs burned.
Rod stepped between her open thighs and lined up the crop. He slashed at her cunt and she thought she was on fire. The pain shot through her. He reversed the crop and used the handle to open her lips then he pushed the crop into her, jabbing it up her. He put a hand on her stomach so he could feel the crop handle inside her as he fucked her with it.
"I'm getting it wet so I can fuck your arse with it" he told her, unless of course you would prefer me to use the crop on your cunt some more?" Its up to you."
Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...
Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn’t...
Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn't...
Right after my divorce I got a promotion and relocated to Nashville. In a stroke of luck, or destiny, or whatever you want to call it, I met Christy about two weeks after I moved. Christy was everything my ex-wife was not. She is a big boobed German who also just got divorced. Sex was missing in our marriages and we did not waste any time making up for it. My job kept me incredibly busy during the week, but when Friday came along Christy would come over to my apartment. The weekend was filled...
Sue takes on her sisters debt and her life spirals into depravity Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet...
BDSMIntroduction: Frank, Sue and I continue our sexual adventures Sues first MFM continued Several people have asked about happened after Sue had her first MFM encounter with Frank and I. The relationship lasted for a couple of years One good thing about having a fuck buddy for so long is everyone is comfortable with each other, Sue did things to Frank or let him do things to her that she let no one else do except me. She even rimed him. I think she only rimed two people, me and him. This...
Several people have asked about happened after Sue had her first MFM encounter with Frank and I. The relationship lasted for a couple of years One good thing about having a fuck buddy for so long is everyone is comfortable with each other, Sue did things to Frank or let him do things to her that she let no one else do except me. She even rimed him. I think she only rimed two people, me and him. This story is also spread out over time. It runs the list from when Sue and Frank were...
I grew up in a farming community in Pennsylvania and we lived in a large old farm house. My room was across from my sister’s room. I was 15 and I woke up one day and discovered that I was the horniest guy in the world. I took notice of my older sister’s friend Sue. Sue had long, straight beautiful blonde hair and a set of lovely, large breasts. I fixated on Sue and she became the center of my “jack-off” world. She was short, and cute and perky and the way her breasts bounced used to drive...
Mary had been intrigued by their tale of their adventures with their professor and to reenact the episode on film as part of a montage of stories. A big name porn star was to play the professor and the girls themselves. When the set was ready, they took their places. Sue, once again dressed in white, sat alone on the bed in the opening scene. A flashback set up the scenario. The scene reverted to Sue sitting by herself. Judy entered the picture, again dressed in black. Judy sat next to Sue...
Part twoSean and Jonny talked, and argued, and bargained. Sue fetched the drinks, the nibbles. Sean had introduced her as his secretary. She looked the part. Her cropped blonde hair looked business like. She wore a tailored black suit, the skirt just above her knee. Finally, it seemed as if they were finished. “Sean, I haven’t thanked you for that piece of shit you delivered to me,” Jonny said in his East London accent. “You’ll be pleased to know that he is now supporting the M25 widening...
Life was busy with new work for the both Sue and me. Her big sexual experience with the Englishman had begun to fade and we didn’t have any new experiences for sometime. Sue was dressing as sharp as ever, complementing her petite 5’4″ body. Her skirts were well above the knee, and most always, those firm 34B tits without a bra. Our friend Sandy had now taken a new view of Sue, as he had detected the distinct scent of sex on her when she had returned home from her liaison with...
Appetiser: Sue looked into Alex’s eyes. ‘Take me to bed’. Still impaled on Alex’s cock Sue was carried into the bedroom.French Connection 2: The next morning Sue popped into the village for bread and to have a look round. When she got back she said ‘Guess who I saw’? ‘The only person we know is David’. ‘Yes I saw him sitting outside the café having breakfast. ‘Did you speak to him’? ‘Yes I said hello. I asked if his friend had arrived safely then I noticed another plate on the table. His friend...
She called Tracy and arranged to meet her in a local bar that evening. Sue dressed conservatively in a baggy top and long skirt and when Sue walked in, Tracy was not there. Sue ordered a drink at the bar and waited. After 20 minutes she received a text. It said she had to pick up a guy in the bar, and give him a blow job, keeping the cum in her mouth and then find Tracy in the car park before she could swallow. Again she had little choice as the alternative was those animals of Mikes so she...
'Hi Sue', said Tracy a tall formidable looking woman. 'The guys here would like me to do some work to those lovely tits of yours, in exchange for 2 weeks worth of product. What do you think?' Sue was confused, horny, and needed product. A 2 week supply she could stretch out, maybe even wean herself off the retched stuff. Tracey put 5 large spoonfulls into a bag and placed it on the counter. '1 hour with me, and this is yours' she said... 'Deal?' 'Yes' Sue replied Sue...
Part three.Sue looked about her. She didn’t like what she saw. A dingy one bedroom flat. A shit hole. She’d been for a walk around the northern town she now found herself in, albeit temporarily. Sean had sent her. Sent her north. She hung, on a coat hanger, the dress she had brought earlier, in a charity shop, that and a coat. They had been classy once, now the coat was showing signs of wear, the dress a few years old, had been fashionable once. She opened the other bag, and tipped out several...
"I've been teasing my sweet wife for months that we HAD to start the new year off with a bang, several of them, but I had no idea it might come true. Especially like this. Thanks for hosting an unforgettable party." Early that morning, 12/31/2009: "Well, Sue, I hope you're still up for our soiree. The invites went out and the RSVPs came back and they all agreed to the formal attire. No more collegiate type keggers, as you wanted. This is our first formal, grown-up, adult, did I say...
Sue?s surprise evening[This story was written about my then wife [now ex] in the 80s, before the internet and digital cameras, when we had to use contact magazines and Polaroid photos. I could have updated it but I have kept it authentic which I hope you prefer.]My wife Sue was often proud and haughty and was known to be aggressive and imperious and could be a big flirt and tease. Often people had muttered about wanting to see her being brought down a peg or two. Things had come to a head and I...
By this time, Sue had ceased feinting resistance. When Judy's hand stroked her slit through the soft material, she sucked harder at the nipple in her mouth. Judy finally disengaged her tit from Sue's mouth. Sliding between Sue's legs, she slid Sue's skirt down and off. As her face nuzzled Sue's still panty clad snatch, Judy unzipped and discarded her skirt. In keeping with her outer ensemble, underneath she wore a black garter belt and black leather G-string. She squandered little time...
Sue' meeting with the boysOne day things were slow as far as playing things around the neighborhood. David and I voted to go jerk off In my basement. It would be cool compared to the hot summer day. We arrived there only to find my Mom doing laundry. That usually took all day so we had to find another spot. So off to the woods we trotted. The blackberry bushes always offered shade and the big flat rock offered a place to lay without getting dirty. We were passing behind Sindee's house and...
I had at this point discovered Sue was rather submissive. She would do anything I asked of her sexually. The second guy, Dennis, that had shared Sue, figured it out also, and days after our first sexual encounter with him had come back to take advantage of his knowledge. Sue was unable to refuse him and had been worried as she told me what had happened. Clearly she had quickly become accustomed to his outsized cock and told him and me how much she loved being fucked with it. Not wanting...
SUE-ELLEN CARTER A Southern Lady By Betty Noone My name is Robert E. Bradford, age 44, 5'6" in height and weigh 160 pounds. I live in Tascaloos, Alabama, a factory town with about 90,000 population. With my wife, Mary Lou,I own a cafe. My family have lived in the South every since my great-great-great (I don't know how many more greats to add) grandfather immigrated from Ireland about five years before the Civil War and...
My cock was twitching around covered with precum as Sue told me in detail about her first sexual encounter with her best friend Kate. They were still bet friends and Kate was in our circle of friends. I knew Kate and finding out her and my wife were young lovers and still were lovers had my mind and cock racing. Hell, I even knew Kate's mom Mary who at 53 was still a hot, attractive woman."Let me give you some visual aids!" Sue laughed going into our closet. She was in there for awhile then...
Sue takes on her sisters debt and descends into depravity Part 1Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up...
BDSMIn my eyes my wife is absolutely gorgeous. She's 5'5" tall and has a pair of breasts to die for, They are perfectly proportioned to her body she is a little over weight but still in proportion, at times her pussy can be hairy yet in the summer she will shave it all away which is very exciting for me. This is my opinion.You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself. To cut to the chase, we met...
Part 3 of The French Connection: Sue and Bill continue their first sharing experience with two older Frenchmen ... ... The bottle was soon empty and David’s hand was creeping ever further up Sue’s thigh. Alex slipped his hand inside her robe to fondle her breasts. They both leaned over and started to kiss the side of her neck as Alex found a stiff nipple to tease and David’s fingers met the outer lips of her sex. Sue’s head tilted back accompanied by barely audible moans and murmurings of...
Sue went into great detail telling me how much she loved sucking Cody's big cock for the first time. Admitting she loved her first taste of cum and had been addicted to it since then. All this time when we were married to others and just friends I thought she was a sweet innocent woman. Sue was the woman of my dreams and loved sex as much as did. Although she had sucked multiple boys off at the same time she had never had two guys fucking her at once. She was very excited for this to happen...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister Susan and I began having a sexual relationship when I was 19, and she was 18. It started when our parents had taken a long weekend away, with Sue being the initiator of the relationship! Our parents, (mom Carla and dad Robert) were 35 and 38, respectively. Our folks returned from their “long weekend” on a Wednesday afternoon, and were none the wiser to the fact that Sue and I had been fucking like rabbits in the forest! Now, the purpose of...
IncestPart four.“No fucking way, no fucking way. You must be out of your fucking mind to even consider it.” David shouted. He was livid, red faced. Angry.“So what your saying is that the only work we’ve attracted since we set ourselves up in this business, the only work, and I do mean the only work, and we should just say no. Why?” Lisa knew perfectly well why. She knew too that they had to take it. Take it or go out of business, start looking for something else. Their dream of a private detective...
Well I don’t sell from here and I have a discerning network, so if you can find a distributor then great, just bear in mind our clientele usual frequent some dark places, so you may have to adjust that snooty attitude of yours. 'Um, ok' she said, 'but can I have some now just to tide me over?' 'Do I look like a fucking charity to you', Mike snapped. 'You were a stuck up, nasty cunt in school and now you want free shit? You want product you have to earn it. Tell you what I will...
Introduction: How Sue was gangbanged whilst we were on holiday in the south of France. My wife Sue and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper...
My friend Bill was getting married again, so I decided to throw him a bachelor party in Las Vegas. I planned the trip, booked the rooms, and invited 10 of our friends. I also called a friend of mine named Craig. He has a wife, named Sue. Sue is a self proclaimed Fuck slut, and even made up an id card to prove it. I asked Craig to come out to Vegas with Sue, but not to tell her our master plan. My plan was to fulfill a fantasy of hers, by giving her a 12 man bukakke party. I also wanted her to...
The day after my first threesome with a c***dless couple who hoped my sperm would bring them joy, I battled to keep my focus on the lesson plans. The day was just one blur.After school I was busy packing up in the classroom when Sue walked in. I looked at her and gave her an awkward smile...She just beamed back at me and looked around to makew sure no-one was around before saying a word."Alan, huh about last night...""Well I had a great time Sue and I hope this doesn't change our...
"Please let me see the other photos you have Sue!!" I begged. " I am so ready to cum, you have me so fucking excited.""But I have not even touched your cock yet babe." Sue replied licking her sexy lips looking at my cock."I want to see the photos of you and the boy Sue""That really turns you on, doesn't it?" She said excitedly. " Just promise the nothing will change the way you love me and I will show you the photos of Kate and I with the boys.""You know nothing will ever change that Sue." I...
Hey out there I thought you might want to hear about what happen last week, it still trips me out. I was watching TV Saturday afternoon when I heard a car pull up I looked out and Sue Toms one of Kat's bitches gets out. I open the door and tell her that Kat was gone for a few days, she said she knew and wanted to talk to me. I let her in and got her a drink then sat and said what's up? She looked scared and shaken I put my arm around her and again asked her to tell me. She said it was her...
Here's a new story, my first attempt. Of course, it's inspired by artist Eric Stanton. Mysty Mason Sue Dexter Chapter One When Robert Dexter was quite young old, he was diagnosed at his yearly dental check-up as suffering from an acute attack of a virulent gum and tooth disease, although he, himself, was experiencing no discomfort. The initial diagnosis was performed by Dr. Janet Cutler, and the extractions by an oral surgeon, Dr. Ruth Miller, both recent but...
This is a true continuing story which I am posting on behalf of my dear friend Sue. She would love to read your comments about her naughty 'adventures'.I first met Sue on an adult chat room. Sue lives in another country and time zone and is a sweet and lovely lady. She is a middle aged wife and mother. I like her very much and we quickly became close. We exchanged many emails and some pictures of each other. Soon we were corresponding on a regular basis. I looked forward to hearing from her and...
Sue is one of those women who certainly don't look their age; they're sexy, they're beautiful and they know how to use the natural assets they've been given to make them feel good about how they look and to use those assets in luring the men they want attention from. Sue is one of those kinds of women. She's totally hot. One of the things I first noticed about Sue was that she nearly always wore tops and sweaters and dresses that showed off her nice breasts. Oh yeah. One of the first...
One. April 1991 Sue was 36, tall, leggy, had long blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was a dedicated runner and had a slender, leggy athletic figure to die for. I had known her a few weeks and Fridays if her k**s were at their dads, we`d eat, have a drink, watch a film then I`d fuck her brains out for hours. That Friday I brought, "Blade Runner," one of my favs around. Sue said she try it, even if she didn`t like sci-fi. We ate, started on the Vodka then settled down on the sofa and I pushed...
I told Mike I wanted too see his cum squirting into my wife's mouth. He told me he was ready to cum and to let him know when I was going to cum. She gripped our cocks tightly furiously pumping her hands up and down our cocks. The heads of our cocks rubbing together added to the excitement."I'm going to cum !" I moaned as my cum started squirting out into Sue's wide open mouth. I watched as Mike's huge cock erupted and his thick white cum gushed into her mouth with mine. Her mouth quickly filled...
Sue and I were both married before but she was reluctant to talk about her past sex life. Being the sex addict I am, I wanted to hear about how my wife became such a fantastic cocksucker. I finally convinced her how excited I become thinking about her sucking and fucking other guys. Or imaging her with another girl or woman. Promising her that nothing would change my feelings for her. Sue was thirteen when she started fooling around with her best friend Kate. Every time they had a sleepover...
Not wrote for a while but trust me sue has not changed ,apart from being a bigger slut ,we just came back from Spain and never done anything abroad but after a couple of days walking around looking at half dressed teens etc I was horny so time to make sue take some young cock ,so that night did a few bars doing my best to get her horny and thought I'd stick to my old ways pick on young drunks but finding 1 or 2 on their own was hard as they were all in groups so we headed back to our hotel and...
i dont know why i am writing this.i think its probably to get it off my chest.well lets start.sue and i were married.thats a different song .she always had a thing for jim(her friend)but he was married and i guess she married me because he was already taken.i could go on and tell you how good looking he was and what a great lover he was.i could, but why bother.sue kept telling me all this when we were why should i tell you now.sue was 5`6 long dark hair and boobs to die for.i should...
Once there were two teenagers, named Sue and Lou, And they did all the things that most teenagers do. They went out for parties, and went out on a date, And sometimes got in trouble if they stayed out too late. They were friends to be sure, but didn't go with one another, Sue's parents were friends with Lou's single mother. Sue's mother was Grace and her father was named Larry, While Lou's mother's name they all knew was Mary. They would get together and talk about each others kid,...
I have known Sue for a number of years through the senior citizen center.She is 65 years old married but I have never seen her with her husband.I am told her husband is a real prick but she can't leave him because she has no money and no where to go.At a Christmas party at the Senior Center I saw Sue dancing. I was shocked at how she moved.She was incredible,especially for her age.I approached her while she was dancing and joined in.Sue has big tits and not a bad figure at 65.Her tits were...
I am a physics teacher in a local high school. I have just hit the 40's and caught the flab just in time. I work out 5 times a week to keep in shape and try to keep a moderate diet. Well enough about me, lets get to the story.I joined the school five years ago and spent my first two months getting to know the ins and outs of the school. The accountant at the school was really helpful in helping me get to grips with all the financial protocols and getting my pension, medical etc. sorted out. Her...
Well what can I say, I had been chatting to Stewart online for quite a while, lockdown does limit what you can do. I’d had the odd message from Sue, but they wanted to keep the anticipation there, build the tension. I had seen so many pics of Sue throughout her years, dressed, undressed and in action. I can tell you now I was so ready to meet them.I had driven over to the west coast of England, to the seaside of all places. So a fun trip whatever happened. You could smell the brine as I drove...
MatureMy wife and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper rooms, as were most of the tents on the site, only a few being tents that people would put up...
I told you I would tell you ll about Sue's Mum.Sue was big. Sue was chubby with enormous porcelain-white tits that I shot many loads over. Sue was nerdy with a freckled face and long jet black hair. Her mother looked nothing like her...We went to lunch at a pub to be introduced. Irene needed a lot of repairs on her house. Sue recommended me. Sue and I arrived first and got drinks. Sue said; "You will like her". Halfway through our beers. Sue's tits jiggled as she waved to someone, "Here she...
It was a beautiful April morning in sunny central Florida, so I decided to take a break from work,and play 18 holes of golf. I went over to Disney’s Palm Golf course, and tried to get in to a foursome with some tourists. I was in luck, we started playing, and I struck up a conversation with one of the guys, his name was Craig. As we were playing, the competition between Craig and I was becoming very close. As we approached the last hole our scores were even. Throughout the day, Craig and I were...
Mike was holding onto Sue's hips slowly fucking her creamy pussy. Carefully pushing more and more of his long, fat cock up my wife's cunt. It was so exciting watching his massive, young cock pumping back and forth between her glistening pink pussy lips.Sue was wiggling her hips around wildly, moaning fuck me, fuck me over and over. She looked at me and asked if I was enjoying watching her getting fucked. I assured her that I loved watching Mike fucking her. I moved my hands all over Sue's...
I suspect that the fantasy of having two men is shared by many women - certainly it is by two females to my knowledge. One is a 30 ish year old divorced friend who confided to me that she had always fancied sex with two men so arranged to have the mechanic who looked after her car visit her one evening at the same time as another male friend was due. Both had made passes at her but she had not done anything about either up to now. She introduced them to each other and made an excuse to leave...
Sue was a well put together woman - sexy mouth and eyes, 38 B or C bust with large, sensitive, stubby nipples set in large dark aureoles, a flat stomach and slim waist flaring out to rounded hips with a full mound and her pride and joy - large juicy lips around her cunt which quickly became soaking wet at the slightest stimulation. Her rounded buttocks were very shapely and as her cunt was low slung, if she bent forwards or went on her hands and knees, her large cunt hung beautifully lined up...
The first of my UK friends to visit me in Spain was Sue, we have been friends since I was 15 and she was 17, we met because I was at school with her brother, my best friend.I picked her up from the airport as agreed and I had some light tapas prepared for when we got back to my place as it would be after 10 in the evening. Not a problem if you are used to the Spanish way of life but if you’ve just flown over from the UK it’s a little different.I showed her to her room, showed her where her...
Sue my 78 year old fuck buddy lived near me in Leicester, i had met her through Jean my 66 year old neighbour. Both Jean and Sue had great bodies and i loved fucking them as often as i could.I had been busy with my business and had some what neglected both Jean and Sue so made a point of calling round to see Jean one night after work. I hadn't been in Jeans house for more than ten minutes before we were both naked and fucking like teenagers. She had really come to love anal sex and played with...
My wife and I were eating at a local place and one of Kat's new girls came in with her family Kat said Hi to her but she looked away and keep going, this only pissed Kat off (bad thing to do belive me) Kat sent her a text saying go to the bathroom her phone buzzed she went to the john and Kat put her agaist the wall she begged PLEASE I'M HERE WITH MY HUSBAND AND SON PLEASE THEY CAN'T KNOW ABOUT YOU pulling back Kat thought a second then tells her be ready at 9am for me she says BUT I WORK Kat...
It is always a rush to walk into an adult theatre with Sue on my arm. My heart beats faster, my palms get sweaty, and perspiration breaks out on my forehead because I know that I will be able to unleash my voyeuristic/exhibitionistic tendencies. I notice it has the same effect on Sue even while we are getting ready for the theatre. The anticipation of doing something 'naughty' and forbidden in a semi-public place has us both on edge from the moment we decide on a whim that the day or night...
I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby’ Have been marred for many years with not that much exciting happening along the way as it were! I thought our sex life was ok but that it & me thinking his Cock was an ok size of around 5 inch’s & sex lasting around 5mins being the norm’ The only excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I am...
A few days later and a few encounters later Kat thought it was time so we drive the 5min. to her house when we get there she comes outside and Kat looks at me and tells me to take control of Tom and the boy she drags Sue to her bedroom and strips her naked then kisses fingers licks her till she can no longer be quiet and the moaning starts in the living room we hear (OMG PLEASE OH GOD OHHHH OMG OH YESSSS I'M CUMMMMMING YES YES YES) Tom is going crazy trying to get pass me but can't then hearing...