Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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I couldn't say that I wasn't warned. I had been and rather forcefully. "No!" Brian had said to me, "I will not be your best man, I will not be a party to the biggest mistake of your life."
"It isn't a mistake Brian. I love her and she loves me."
"She also loves cock Jimmy. You know her track record. She has been a cock hungry slut since the ninth grade and it never changed all the way through high school and the first three years of college."
"I know that Brian, but that was all before we fell in love. I'm not going to the marriage bed a virgin. What happened before I proposed to her is in the past."
"To you maybe Jimmy, but Mickey is never going to be a one man woman. Somewhere along the way she will gut you like a fish and leave you bleeding. It is her nature Jimmy, no one man is ever going to be enough for her. I won't stand there next to you and smile knowing what is going to happen. And happen it will Jimmy, maybe not right away, but it will happen."
I knew better of course. Michelle and I were deeply in love and I knew with all my heart and soul that when we took our wedding vows we would live happily ever after.
It hurt me that my closest friend, my best buddy since the third grade, would not only not be my best man, but wouldn't even come to the wedding and the reception. Of course Michelle commented on it and in keeping with my promise to myself to always be honest with my wife I told her why. I had expected her to be pissed and say a few unkind words about Brian, but she didn't. She just looked at me and said:
"He's wrong Jimmy, you do know that don't you? You are my life and you always will be."
I did know that.
I knew what she had been like before we got together, how could I not? She lived two doors down from me and we had been classmates from the fifth grade all the way through high school. I was at a party after the senior prom where she had taken on seven of our classmates. I'd been in the car next to her at the drive in movie when she and Steve had climbed into the back seat and the car started rocking. Ten minutes later Steve had gotten in the front and Ted had gotten in back with her and the car bounced some more. I had been on the roof of our house installing a motorized TV antenna and had looked down into her backyard and had seen her on her knees sucking Mark's cock while Ben fucked her from behind.
I knew what she was before she started going steady with me, but none of that mattered once she committed to me any more than Donna, Maria, Sue, Abby, Bonnie, Sarah or Nancy mattered to Michelle once I committed to her.
You might ask why, given our close proximity to each other and given the way she was, that I had never been one of her lovers and that we had never even dated before halfway through our junior year in college. The simple fact is that I was insecure where Michelle was concerned. She as just so beautiful, outgoing and fun loving and I was such a nobody that she intimidated me. Maybe intimidated is not the right word to use. Maybe not intimidated as much as afraid of rejection.
I know, I know, that sounds stupid seeing that I had so many girlfriends, but it was the truth. It didn't matter how many girls I took to bed, they weren't Michelle. I had been in love with Michelle since she was twelve and my mind set was that if I asked her for a date and she turned me down all hope was lost. If I never got turned down there was always the chance "that someday maybe..." Dumb, but people in love are not always thinking at their swiftest.
I might have been fifty and still thinking "someday maybe" if one night at a party Michelle hadn't come up to me and said:
"Can I ask you something Jimmy?"
"Sure Mickey."
"Are you ever going to ask me out?"
I was caught flat-footed and didn't know what to say. I just stood there speechless.
"Come on Jimmy, you've known me forever, long enough to call me Mickey and I don't let just anybody do that. It isn't a hard question. Are you ever going to ask me for a date? Come on Jimmy, I'm waiting."
"Give me a second here. I'm trying to sort this out in my mind."
"What's to sort out?"
"I'm trying to figure out why you are over here asking me a question like that while your date is over by the beer keg watching us."
"My date has nothing to do with this. We have known each other for over twelve years, we've seen each other almost every day of those twelve years and I've seen the way you look at me. I've always wondered why you have never asked me for a date and tonight I decided that I had to ask."
I did what any red-blooded American boy would do in a situation like that - I lied. "I've never asked because the timing was never right. When I wasn't going with some girl you were always with some guy. When you weren't seeing some guy I was with some girl. Tonight is a good example. I broke up with Amy last week and I'm here tonight stag, but you are here with a boyfriend."
"He isn't a boyfriend, he is just a date. He brought me so I will leave with him, but I won't say yes to another date with him and that means I'm looking at a dateless weekend unless..."
I can be a little slow sometimes, but I try not to be hopelessly stupid so I asked, "Would you like to take in a movie with me Friday night?"
"I'd love to."
And that started it. Half a dozen dates led to us going steady. One day while strolling through the mall with Mickey she stopped at a jewelry store and stood there looking in the window at the wedding and engagement rings on display. She didn't say anything, but she kept looking at me and then back at the display. I knew what the unspoken question was, but I didn't say a word.
Later that night as we were having dinner at Carl's Chop House Mickey asked me what my intentions were. "Are you ever going to take us any farther than we are now?"
It was truth time so I said, "I hadn't much thought about it."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not sure going any farther is a good idea."
"You know that you are going to have to spell that out for me Jimmy."
There wasn't anyway out except to put it out into the daylight so I took a deep breath and said:
"I've known you since you were eight years old Mickey, and being in the same grade with you all the way through school has let me see you as you are. I've watched you take on multiple partners at the drive in and I've seen at least one of your gangbangs - the one at the senior prom - and I've seen you in action a couple of other times. I don't think you are capable of being a one man woman."
"So what you are saying is that I'm a cock crazy whore?"
"No, I'm not saying anything bad about you here Mickey, I'm just stating that I believe you have a sexual appetite that no one man can satisfy. That doesn't make you bad, just not a good candidate for being a faithful wife. Just on your past track record the odds are that down the road you will take on another playmate to satisfy you sexually and I'm just not a sharing kind of guy."
"So what you are saying is that it is a given that I'll cheat on you if we were to get married."
"Again, based on your past track record I'd say hat the odds are good that you would."
She looked at me without saying anything for almost a minute and then she used her napkin to wipe her mouth, tossed it down on the table and said:
"Take me home please."
When we got to her place I walked her to the door and without turning to look at me she put her key in the door, opened it and said, "Goodbye Jimmy" and went inside and closed the door. Goodbye, not goodnight. I walked back to my car knowing that I had lost something very dear to me.
I called Michelle the next morning and she said, "We have nothing to say to each other Jimmy, please don't call again."
I called her next day and then every day for two weeks and as soon as she heard my voice she would hang up on me. After two weeks I finally accepted it and stopped calling.
She wouldn't talk to me, but that didn't mean that I couldn't see her. Hardly a day went by on campus that I didn't see her. I would see her for sure every Monday and Thursday because we were both in Professor Bradley's 10 AM Poli Sci class and Tuesdays and Fridays we both had Rossman's 9:15 AM Managerial Economics. I saw her at the bookstore, in the cafeteria at the Student Union and just walking across the campus and the one constant was that she would never acknowledge me. If she saw me she would turn her head away and if I were bold enough to say "Good morning" or "Good afternoon" she ignored me.
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Michelle Morgan Chapter 1 - New Job As far back as I can remember, I've always been a cross dresser. I'm male, and I've never considered myself to be transsexual, but I've always been attracted to femininity; not just as an admirer, but also as a participant. Yes, I do find females to be sexually and romantically attractive, but I also appreciate (and study) women in the way women appreciate other women. Your mileage might vary, but to me, there's a clear distinction between the biology of...
Michelle Part 3Michelle lay by the pool. It was only a few hours ago that Frank had taken her and gave her what she craved but…she had no idea he could be so dominating. Part of that turned her on but part of that didn’t, she felt conflicted. Also, Jake was due home soon and she felt conflicted about that too. She had committed the ultimate taboo with her son Jake and she had no regrets but she felt as though she cheated on him with Frank. That was silly she knew because Jake dated other...
Sex on the train This story takes place over 20 years ago My girlfriend Michelle has very long dark brown hair brown eyes she is 5’10 150 and has 38D’s 28 inch waist 40 hips very beautiful face. We met in high school we even lost our virginity to each other. Here is what happend on this fateful night Michelle and I were watching Risky Business on VHS starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. When the movie came to the scene where Tom and Rebecca having sex on the el train Michelle whispered...
Sex on the trainThis story takes place over 20 years agoMy girlfriend Michelle has very long dark brown hair brown eyes she is 5'10 150 and has 38D's 28 inch waist 40 hips very beautiful face. We met in high school we even lost our virginity to each other.Here is what happend on this fateful night Michelle and I were watching Risky Business on VHS starring Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. When the movie came to the scene where Tom and Rebecca having sex on the el train Michelle whispered...
I work from home by telecommuting, and my wife builds web sites as sort of a side business. So, we're nearly always home together. However, my wife gets real absorbed in her projects and can sit at her computer until the sun comes up. The house could be crumbling around her and she wouldn't notice. A little explaining is in order. My wife is 6 years older than I, and had 2 daughters from her previous marriage. We also had our own daughter together. At the time, they were 16, 10,...
While this story is completely fictional it is directed at an era when dressing or acting of the opposite sex was considered taboo and thus it forced many people to be closeted. I hope you like this story and all comments good and bad are appreciated. Michelle was by all accounts a tom boy she loved to partake in activities normally associated with being a male . Michelle hated to be dressed in feminine attire and on every Sunday she hated having to wear a dress and fancy shoes as she would be...
That afternoon Michelle went home and showered and she passed by her full-length mirror again. She stopped and took off her robe and dropped it to the ground and looked at herself again. She did look good, she knew that. She worked on her body everyday and took care of herself and was blessed with her mother’s beautiful face and dark brown hair. But she had never tried to really look sexy, to intentionally lure men. She had dedicated her life to being a mother so that she had given up much...
*Warning* *Warning* This Story is strictly meant for viewing by consenting adults in an environment in which all others do not have access. If you are offended in any way, to any degree, by any aspects of forced sex, rape, nudity, skipping church once a month or anything involving fantasy, things the devil is said to have done, or Pauly Shore movies read no further. If you can not tell the difference between fiction and reality, close the internet window on your screen, turn off the...
So, last time I had written, Michelle had made it clear to me that she wanted to continue our relationship in this manner. She sat down with me a few months after our first night of sex and told me "I know you're feeling guilty about this but I wanted you to know that this was my choice. I've wanted this for the past few years. You've always been so kind to us and treated us like your own flesh and blood." I shook my head and replied "You may think you want a sexual relationship...
[ An homage to Jan B. and her husband Mike, who over the years produced so many great videos of interracial sex, and who probably helped inspire so many single women, and married couples, to slip into the interracial/cuckolding lifestyle. ]Stephanie and Jimmy had been married for just over two years when she contacted Jan about her curiosity about experiencing sex with a black man---even though she'd married Jimmy, she admitted that she'd always thought it would be exciting to at least fuck a...
I really didn't mind working as a bartender, while I took some time offfrom college here at UCLA. It was a matter of money but I was saving forthe next semester. My customers were friendly and although they knew of mysexual preferences and my girlfriend Michelle, they always treated her withrespect.I was pulling a double shift the day my mom was flying in for a visit so Iasked Michelle to pick her up at the airport. I suppose I should explainabout my mom.She was my stepmom and since I lost my...
Introduction: Michelle was 21, and I was 18 at the time. She lived across the hall from me in the dorms. Michelle was the most beautiful girl I had seen. She was a brunette with curly hair who wore glasses, my two favorite physical traits in a girl. And she had a supple pair of breasts that made my crotch tingle every time I saw them. Im not a pervert, but you cant resist biological urges. I never imagined myself having sex with Michelle. I just really wanted to be with her. I had never met...
I met Michelle's mother, at Michelle's urging. Her mother had long viewed personals ads in a local newspaper until Michelle finally said, "Mom, just respond to one!" Her mother did, and the rest is history (we've been married almost 17 years.) When I first met Michelle (she was in her teens), we hit it off right away. Something in our personalities brought us together. Of course, the last thing I thought of was sex when it came to Michelle. I sensed, however, that there was something special...
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She felt it like she always did. His large head stretching her open as it drove into her body. She loved that feeling, being opened up and the long shaft of his cock right up inside her. His muscular body on hers soft one, his chest pressing hard against her tits. His tongue in her mouth. It would soon be by her ear and she would hear his heavy breathing as he pumped in and out of her. His hands round and under her, gripping her buttocks. Her hands gripping his and her legs curled...
Jimmy: Monday morning I was very distracted as I did my normal routine. Today was for repetitions not strength. I worked with lighter weights and did 100 reps in each position to help define the muscle groups. My trainer at the Y developed my lifting routine and I was keeping to it religiously. The first of several meets to build up to the Olympic tryouts was coming up next week and I wanted to be ready. It's a good thing that the workout was so automatic because my mind was going crazy...
Michelle had recently moved in next door, she seemed very pleasant and on the few occasions that I had said hello to her on the door step or in passing, she had smiled and said that we should introduce ourselves properly. Other than the normal pleasantries, we had not really spoken to each. I noticed that whenever she was at home, she liked to spend time in the garden and paid particular attention to her flowers. As the summer weather improved, I notice that she wore short and a t-shirt which...
ExhibitionismGloria was on her hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor when her daughter, Mitch walked in. "Hey Mom where's my knickers. " Mitch said.Gloria squirmed as her mind flashed back to doing the laundry wash this morning. She had found a pair of Mitch's cum soaked knickers in the basket as she sorted the dirty laundry in to piles. She had put the wet panties to her nose and sniffed. Oh the smell of teenage pussy. She had become moist between the legs, her nipples stiff, as she thought about...
My Surprise EncounterThis story is fiction and did not really happen and was only a dream Hello My name is Michelle I live in upstate New York.I am a 42 year old Female and ,I am Bi-Sexual which means to some of you that don't know that means I like Women and Men. I am 5'9 160 brown hair and brown eyes with 40 DD breasts. I am half Dominican and half Irish. Well any way here is what happened in My dream last night. I started out like any other night seriously boring. So I...
My Surprise EncounterThis story is fiction and did not really happen and was only a dream Hello My name is Michelle I live in upstate New York.I am a 42 year old Female and ,I am Bi-Sexual which means to some of you that don't know that means I like Women and Men. I am 5'9 160 brown hair and brown eyes with 40 DD breasts. I am half Dominican and half Irish. Well any way here is what happened in My dream last night. I started out like any other...
The years have come and gone. His melodious sweet mellow voice is now forever stilled. Yet... , sometimes late at night, in my memory, if I listen closely, I can still hear my dad's soft voice, singing sweet and low, floating languidly, out of that old back bedroom. One of the songs he often used to sing to my siblings and me, which we always loved, was entitled, "Hobo Bill's Last Ride." It was a song about the tragic life of a Hobo named Bill. That song, became my inspiration for this...