Cliché 7 - Cologne free porn video

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Edited by Barney R. The errors ar all mine.

All of the cheating stories have their clichés – I came home unexpectedly – she (or he) stopped or slowed way down on sex – he (or she) started using anything for an excuse to start an argument – bills from hotels that you had not been to – gas receipts from areas that your spouse wasn’t supposed to be in. They are clichés because any and all of them have happened enough that they become somewhat commonplace reasons for adulterous divorces.

Mine happened just that way.

I walked into the bedroom after seeing that my wife was not in our condo. That had been happening quite a bit lately. This time something was different. It took a few moments before I realized what it was. I smelled Old Spice Cologne; my best friend used it his whole life. He had been dead for three years. I don’t use any fragrances. It was coming from the clothes hamper my wife used for her working clothes.

Jennifer Wooten was a classmate in college. She was a sophomore, and I was taking a freshman-level philosophy class as an elective to complete my humanities requirement. I was a senior working on a double major in Finance and Business Management.

I was not having any significant problems with my other classes, but this class was a mystery. Jennifer tapped me on the shoulder one morning as we were exiting the lecture hall.

“Excuse me, I am Jennifer Wooten, I notice that you seem to be having some difficulty with this class. I am the moderator of a small study group for this class. If you would like, I will give you the information and you can join us.”

I had moved to the side of the hallway, out of the way of the student traffic. I spent a few seconds looking this lady over. Jennifer was a very lovely girl. About 5’ 7” tall, nice figure, beautiful blue-green eyes, and a smile that made people (or at least me) lose their train of thought. After the woolgathering, I realized what she had asked. “I need all the help I can get. Thank you, I would be happy to join your group.” Then I added; “Sorry, I am George Larsen, and as I said I need all the help I can get.

That was the start. Jennifer was a very good leader of the study group. Her guidance and the group’s help gave me what I needed to get an A in the class. I asked Jenny (as she asked me to call her) if I could take her to dinner to thank her for pointing me to the study group.

She agreed, and we went to a local Chinese restaurant. After a great dinner and the conversation lasted for over two hours, I asked Jenny if I could call for a regular date.

“Wait, wait, wasn’t this a date?” she laughed; “I would be glad to go out with you, anytime you would like.”

We dated for the rest of my college time and into Jenny’s junior year. I had gotten lucky and found a position with a local financial management stock brokerage company as an OTC stock trader.

We kept dating until about April of her junior year when she started turning down a couple of dates a month. She claimed that she needed to study. I really understood. Her college grades were important for her future career.

But then I saw her one Friday night at O’Kelly’s, a local bar. I was there with some of the guys from my office she was with one of her classmates. That night she had told me she was going to spend it at the library to research a paper. I thought she did not see me as she was too busy playing tonsil hockey with her date.

I stopped calling, but it took more than two weeks for Jennifer to notice and to call me. I got an angry phone call one evening. She went on an angry rant accusing me of dumping her and going out with other women.

After she started to wind down; I quietly asked if I would be allowed to say something. I heard a gasp, and a subdued and quiet “Yes, I sorry for screaming.”

I started in on her; “OK, let me answer all of your questions. I was at O’Kelly’s three Fridays ago with guys from the office. Who was the guy whose face you were hiding with your lips? I did not know that O’Kelly’s bar was a place to do research for a paper. Unless the paper was about the effects of kissing in a public place.”

I heard a sob and the line went dead.

The next morning, I heard a knock on my door at about 10:00. When I opened it, Jenny was standing there looking like she had not slept at all last night. She saw my scowl and just started to silently cry. I waited for her to get herself together. She tried to reach out and hug me.

I stepped back, motioned her in and said; “You never commented on my answers last night, and you did not answer my question of who he was. At least now I know why you have turned me down for several dates this past month.” I closed the door.

Jennifer looked stunned. She sobbed and took a deep breath. “I am sorry you saw me. I am sorry that I lied to you. I was and am afraid of my feelings for you. I don’t know what I want, and I knew that if I said I wanted to date others I would lose you. Now because of what I have done, I have lost you anyway.”

She got up and quickly left.

About three weeks later, Jennifer called and politely asked if I would meet her and talk. I asked her where and when. I just laughed and said no when she said O’Kelly’s. I came back with, “Then how about my office while it was closed.”

She sheepishly agreed.

I was at the office waiting when she showed up. She looked a little better, but I still saw dark shadows under her eyes. I motioned her to a little room that was off of the main reception room. We got a couple of chairs and for a few seconds, there was an awkward silence.

I finally said; “Jenny, you wanted to talk, please talk. I am no longer angry; I am just hurt that you felt you had to lie to me.”

She took a deep breath and started. “I know I said it already, but I am sorry I hurt you. I don’t want you to think that that was my intention. I decided to start dating others and was afraid that if I said that to you, you would stop dating me altogether.”

“You were right; I would have stopped dating you. Don’t forget, you stopped agreeing to go out with me. Then you lied to me and went behind my back with someone else.” I started to feel my anger rising. “You can now date anyone you want. It will not be me as I won’t be going out with you anymore. You may not understand, but I had developed a level of trust with you, and the ‘Incident at O’Kelly’s’ showed me that you did not deserve my trust.”

Jennifer looked ready to cry. Instead, she got up and walked out. I wasn’t surprised, and at that time, I did not really care. I was hurt by the lie, and the lame explanation was not any help.

Work was going great, even as my love life had turned to crap. I was offered a branch manager position at a new branch the company was opening in my home town. I took the job and asked several of my coworkers to move with me. Some did, most didn’t. One of the comments I heard was; “Who wants to go work in that Siberia of the U. S.? The sign at the state line says, ‘Would the last person to leave Michigan please turn out the lights’.”

When I arrived in Grand Rapids, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the office was in a new building and was at least twice as large as the office in the last town. I used the people that transferred in with me to teach the new hires the correct and company procedures when dealing with customers.

We had the office up and running for about six months when Jennifer called me and told me she had taken a job in town. She asked to meet again. I said thanks but no thanks; I did not need the drama in my life.

A few months later, one of my team asked me to go out to dinner with him and his wife. As I had become the target of the wives and girlfriends who joined the ‘let’s get him married club’ I was wary.

I said that I would agree if, and only if, it was him and his wife only. The invitation was withdrawn. I found out that his wife wanted to ambush me with a single girl.

I called a meeting of all of the staff. I was angry. I told them so. I told them that from now on I would not go to any non-business events with any of them. I added I will put a letter of reprimand for wasting company time in the file of any employee male, or female, who tries to set me up on company time.

That stopped the dating drama at work. Then I was offered a position that would be a promotion and a substantial raise in salary. Then the drama in my personal life took a turn for the worse. The job Jennifer had gotten was in G. R.

At the interview for the new position, the national recruiter and his local manager, as well as the local attorney and his legal assistant, Jennifer was on their side of the table. I listened as they threw money and perks offers at me like it was not important to them. I was not raised a fool. I took an offer of twice my current salary and a new Mercedes. Not bad for a guy under 30.

Jennifer smiled and shook my hand with the others when I signed all the papers necessary.

As I was leaving with my papers, Jennifer asked me to wait for a second while the rest left the room. I was hesitant but agreed; however, I was determined to not let my previous (OK still) feelings to cloud my words.

Jenny sat down and started right in. “George, I made some terrible decisions back when I was in school. I hurt you, and by doing that I hurt me. I should have told you of my fear that we were getting too serious; I didn’t. I should not have decided to date others, at least not before I told you my fears. Then I compounded that decision by trying to shift the blame to you when it was all on me for acting as I did on that date at O’Kelly’s that Friday night. I still wish you hadn’t seen that, but not as much as I wish I hadn’t done that at all.”

I did not say anything for several seconds. I wanted to make sure what I said was unambiguous, and still not sound angry. “Jennifer or maybe the best is to say, Miss Wooten, I was hurt. I no longer am hurt. I am leery. I am very leery of you because you hurt and lied to me. You not only lied to me, then you got angry at me because I got angry at you. Tell me; does that sum up what has happened with us?”

She looked at me for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and said; “Yes, that sums up what happened. I screwed up, no I fucked up. I was wrong, I lied, and I hurt you. Now the question is; is there any way we could possibly start over. I miss you, and I will never, ever, ever hurt you again. I will never, ever, ever lie to you again. You may not believe this, but I love you, I loved you when I realized I had screwed up. I was a scared young girl. I had not learned to be a woman. I think I have now.”

I sat there in that office stunned. I knew long before she hurt me I loved her, but I sensed something that kept me from telling her. I did not know if I could trust her. She sounded good, I wanted to believe her, but at the same time, talk is cheap. I made a decision.

“I am willing to try to start again; however, I have two major conditions. The first is that if you turn down any date for any reason except business, sickness or family commitments, we are done. Second, I want a written commitment from you of your never, ever, ever statement. Can you do that? Can you mean that? Can you agree to that?” I was almost shouting when I ended.

Jennifer quietly sat there during my tirade. Then she softly said; “Yes I can do that. Yes, I can mean that. And yes, I agree with that. I need you, and you were the only person other than my family who has ever made me happy to be me.” Then she added, “I have beaten myself up more than you ever have. I knew that I had blown it when you told me you saw me at O’Kelly’s. I will have a letter given to you soon.”

The next day she came over to my apartment and gave me a framed certificate size letter. It said:

I will never, ever, ever intentionally hurt you ever again.

I will never break your trust by lying again.

I will not make a decision that affects both of us without talking to you first.


Jennifer Wooten

I started the new job. We returned to the dating/mating dance. One evening in my apartment after about 7 months, I asked her to marry me. She looked lost. “I am not ready, I love you, but I am still harboring some fears about taking that step. When I am ready, it will be with you. I hope you understand.”

“Ok, I guess I understand but know this, I release you from all exclusivity. If you can’t make a commitment to me. You can’t keep those promises. I will send the promise you wrote back to you, and I release you from it.” I continued; “I want you to understand, I will not call for a date again. I will not ask you to marry me again. If you call me, I may decide to date you. Also understand, all sexual activities between us are over.”

After a few months of settling in, and with my extra money, I started playing the penny stock market. (Penny stocks are over the counter stocks that rarely have a share price of over $5.00.) Losers did not cost a lot, and while I wasn’t even close to 50%, I did pick some winners and winners usually were big. I bought several thousand shares of one stock at $ .78 a share, and when they were bought out by a large corporation the stock was worth over $40.00 a share. That was the biggest profit, but I had a few others that netted large profits. I was sitting on a good pile of money and asked my boss for some advice on choosing the best legal way to keep as much of it as I could.

Ralph, my boss recommended the same attorney I had met in his offices when he offered me the job. I called his office and Jennifer answered. I asked for an appointment with the lawyer. It was set up for the first appointment for the following Monday morning.

I arrived at the agreed time, and there was Jennifer. “Good morning Miss Wooten, I am here for my appointment.”

When I arrived, Jennifer started to come into the meeting. When I asked that she leave, and also not have her able to examine any of the papers we might generate. Mr. Anderson looked at me strangely and said, “My assistant is privy to all business I generate, I will not exclude her from any account.”

“OK; in that case, will you recommend another attorney who specializes in financial affairs?” I explained; “Your assistant and I were dating in college and had attempted to restart that relationship after we met at my job interview. It did not work out this time either. I have no desire to have her privy to all of my financial affairs. If you can’t or won’t recommend someone, our business is finished.”

I continued; “I did not mean to impugn your integrity or that of your assistant, but I would not be comfortable with the details of my finances being known by Miss Wooten.”

Mr. Anderson said that in that case our business was done and that he would not recommend anyone for me. I turned and walked out the door.

Jennifer started to follow me and started to say something. I held up my hand and said. “If you wanted to talk to me you have had chances. My phone has not exactly been vibrating in a pocket.”

I turned and walked out of the office.

I found a financial advisor and he recommended me to another attorney that he used. I was advised to set up a trust and draw a small (relatively) portion of the trust out as a salary as a trustee. That way, the money would be taxed as if I did not have it all at once, and the interest would not be taxable to me, but the trust. That is what I did.

With my finances and tax obligations straightened out, I hoped that my life would straighten out. Wrong.

I have not mentioned my family yet. My dad left when I was ten, we only heard from him when he needs money (about four times a year). I am the youngest of three boys, all born just over two years apart. Bob, the oldest is in Washington State; he is a career officer in the Coast Guard. Jack Jr. the middle brother is basically a waste of space. He quit school as soon as he could. He has a police record for many misdemeanor offenses, shoplifting, minor in possession of alcohol, etc. He works any job that does not require any real work or skull sweat. His latest is a dishwashing job at a skid row restaurant. When he isn’t working or in jail, he is stoned or drunk. Neither are married.

My mother, bless her meddling heart, thinks that I, as the youngest and the only one with any marriage prospects needs encouragement. By that I mean any single, divorced or widowed lady under thirty-five is the right one. She has tried to set me up by inviting me to dinner and having a young lady (who just happens to be available) over too.

I was as exasperated with her as I had been with my coworkers. I finally stopped agreeing to come to dinner. I would stop by, but if there was a lady there with mom I left.

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Sexxy RN

I am a 25 year old female, part Latina and part African American. At 5’3 and 128 pounds, I’m 36DD-25-36 and I love sex….safe sex, but I cannot get enough, I am normally always wet and horny. However, my life was getting a little out of control with all my sexcapades and my sexlationships at my current location, I thought I should relocate and start over. I am an RN, so I answered a want ad to care for an aged man for an obscene amount of money and a place to live. I was very...

3 years ago
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Jessys Diary Part 3

Jessy's Diary, January 22nd Dear Diary,the last days have been pretty stressful, so I didn't find the time to tell you any more. But I have some time now, so I will go on with the story of my life.After I had lost my virginity to Karl, my sex life turned pretty quiet again. I finished school and went to college. Most classes were just boring, but there was one class I really enjoyed. It was a series of lectures about social politics. But it wasn't really the class, but my fellow student named...

1 year ago
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The Price of Failure

It had all felt like a dream but before I knew it, I was being carted naked in Cage like a wild animal. Me, Fionna, a 5’11 Herculean figure, known as the destroyer of nations, would come to know defeat in seconds. Today had started like any other, with a cold drink and a warm meal in whichever tavern had housed me the night before. After I knocked a few glasses back, I decided to head to the local adventurers guild, and took, what they rated to be, a Sclass mission. It was a simple task: defeat...

3 years ago
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Dirty Mature Stoner

This year i was in Delaware on my Holidays visiting friends. They owned a pontoon boat and we would go out onto it almost every day and drink and chill. This day in question was no different. We unmoored the boat and set off across the water to moor up alongside the "Rusty Rudder" it does exist !! It is a bar at he end of a Quay, most boat owners go there to chill and drink on the warm water.I loaded up on beers on the way over and one of the guys had a few mason jars of homemade moonshine...

2 years ago
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FourWay BrideChapter 10

Millie awoke to the feel of a hard cock pumping in her vagina. She blinked up at Cal's fleshy, smiling face. He was propped on straight arms, his light hair falling over his forehead as he rammed his sturdy dick in her palpitating pussy. "You shouldn't... be here!" Millie panted. "You shit-- Wow! Oh, baby, that feels so--" She was off again, writhing and bumping as her hot cunt milked at Cal's penetrating pecker. They came together, her wet pussy gobbling at the base of his shaft....

1 year ago
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Our Nude Neighbor

I have always been a sex crazy guy maybe even a Pervert. When my wife Amy and I were dating all we did was fuck. She was the 2nd girl I had sex with the 1st spoiled me for life but she could not stay with just 1 guy. Over the years sex with my wife of 25 years has been good. We have a 45 year old neighbor Patty she is divorced I help her with things around her house that need fixing. I had not really thought about her sexually because we are good friends. Well that all changed a year ago. I got...

3 years ago
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Giving Happiness To A Depressed Woman

Hi All.. This is Rahul from Bangalore and this is my second story . Am a regular reader of ISS from the past 4 Years. Thanks for all the comments and support for my first story . I am gonna share all my experiences one by one with you guys . Lemme introduce myself once again to you guys . Am Rahul from Bangalore , am a kind of sportive and a person who wants to enjoy every moment of life and I do so . I have a great respect towards woman and their feelings . I am 5.7 ft tall with a good...

2 years ago
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caught by my cousin true story

hey all,this happend back about ten years ago, when i just couldnt keep my cock in my pants! (not that i can now either) my cousin lets say ann, and my aunt and uncle called up to the house for a sunday lunch as was common enough on a good summers day,anyway ann arrived up to the house looking amazing, she had a tight pair of jean shorts that really cupped her ass, and a white vest with no bra, that really showed off her small but perky breasts. now me being a horny teenager i could not stop...

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MageChapter 62

The adelshaut stood silently in the neardark; rank upon rank waiting to fight their enemy and purify creation from the blight of creative thinking beings. That they fitted that category did not even occur to them and even if it had, they would have sacrificed themselves at a word from the patripure. “The shield fails,” the senior patripure announced to the gathered caveatra. “Begin!” Commands went out and the adelshaut moved to the various positions from where they were to attack. Several...

2 years ago
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Grannies romance can unlock their real needs

Part 1 This is fiction: old women (my preferred ages are between 70 and 85) do not really believe that a young, middle aged or even a guy like me at 60 man could be attracted to them. But as we all know, granny lovers are. But a lot of them find it hard to meet and actually fuck them. This story is based a little part on fact but embellished to make it good wanking material. Before I start, look at this short video. They obviously are enjoying it. And Granny for once, is not wanking or sucking...

2 years ago
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The Cosca Episode 2 Changing PrioritiesChapter 3

Joe had been waiting for things to settle down, for the men, who were all top bosses in their cosche, to finish their posturing and one-upmanship. He'd also been waiting for his mobile phone - nothing more than a cheap, throwaway prepaid job - to ring. There was only one reason it would ring. It had been purchased just that morning for this purpose, and only one other person knew the number. It rang. He was ready. He stood and looked around the smoke-filled room. His own men stood guard at...

1 year ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 40

Gretchen woke me up with a kiss in the morning, her head on my shoulder, her brown hair flowing down my chest to provide a minty scent to my nose. "Thank you for sharing yourself with me," she said emotionally stroking my arm. "You're an attractive woman with a gentle spirit. You've had a hard life in slavery and I cannot begin to understand the things you experienced and are coping with still. I am fortunate to enjoy my new connection with you," I replied. She liked what I said...

3 years ago
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Night to Remember

Back at their hotel they decide that a shower and a nap are in order before an evening on the town as it will be their last night at the hotel, they are awaken by their alarm at Seven o'clock and each have a wash and clean their teeth before getting dressed, Lynn is always first to get ready to go out and decides to go down to the hotel lounge and have a cup of tea and read the evening paper, "I'll wait for you downstairs” Lynn calls to Rick, she knows he'll be at least another half an hour...

4 years ago
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Shes Huge And So Is He

Like most kids, all through high school I suffered from having too little money and no sex. When I turned 18, in the spring of my senior year, my father said he thought he could land me a caddying gig at the country club. I figured that would at least help on the money front, but my first weekend I didn’t even get out on the course, so of course I made no money. Before I left Sunday, I told the caddy master, “I know this game.” He said, “Kid, you’ve got to pay your dues. Maybe next...

3 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 17

"Mr. Weaver is in the kitchen, worried about you; asked me to give you this." Anne handed Billy the folded paper. It was still early, the sun barely up. She stood watching, worrying. "Hm," said the young man. He had used the chamber pot twice during the night and each time, by candlelight, could see that he had produced some blood as well as rather brackish urine. His back was crawling with pain. "He wants a list a'my contacts. Says he'll warn m'friends." He sniffed and looked at...

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Alka And Ajay 8211 Part 3

Greetings everyone! This is Lingeshwaran (Yahoo: ; gtalk: ; skype: ) here. You can add me to your buddy list if you are interested in chatting or real meet up or just need a companion for talking. Feel free to add me to your chat list or you can mail me at my Gmail id. Feel free to send me your comments on how to improve my writing too. I would be glad to improve. You can search using for my other stories in Let me continue where I left off in the last...

1 year ago
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Bank Clerk Ko Pata Kar Choda

Sabhi doston ko raunit ka namaskar. Main aapako apanee sexy sunane raha hoon, jo aapko bahut pasand aaegee. Meree naukaree nagpur mein ek cashier post pe lagi thi. Main abhi bas 24 saal ka tha aur bahut khush tha kee mujhe naukari mil gayee. Par doston, jab main nagpur gaya to paaya kee mujhko shahar mein nahe balki nagpur ke dehaat mein naukari milee thee. Yahaan sab kuchh graameen tha, upar se sabhi 10 karmachaaree bahut buddhe buddhe the. Unke saath kaam karane mein bilkul maja nahi aata...

2 years ago
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My first gangbang

It all seemed to happen so nonchalantly... I admit I ran with a rough crowd when I was younger. Since I was an overprotected girl from a wealthy family, I was eager to rebel as soon as my teens hit. There was such an incredible rush from doing illicit acts, I was instantly hooked! It started with trying cigarettes and shoplifting little items, and quickly turned to drinking beer, doing d**gs, and giving blowjobs after class to the bad boys in school my parents had forbidden me to see!By the 9th...

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My Masters Request

I waited patiently outside the door for my master. It was exactly 8pm and he had requested I turn up on time wearing an outfit consisting of tight black pencil skirt, white shirt, French knickers, matching bra and stockings. My heels were higher than what I was used to and my hair was loose round my shoulders. This was hidden under a knee high coat. I rang the door bell and the door opened, I had never met this man in person before, only ever online. The pictures I had thought were not real,...

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So This Nation Shall Not Perish expanded

The Sins Of The Fathers In the shadow of The World Trade Centre I wrote a short story, something unusual for me and though I was reasonably happy with it, I wanted to say more. So I started on a second and then a third. They still don't say all that I want them to, but the individual stories I am happy with (sort of). This though is an exercise in what if? The question, which is the basis of all that claims to be Science Fiction. It may deal with a sensitive subject but I have no...

4 years ago
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My husbands fantasy

A fantasy that became a realityHi there readers, my name is Barbara (Babs for short) and I am going to try and tell you about a sexual fantasy that my husband, Ray, had for some time.Ray and I have been together for ten years, seven of those legally married. We have had three kids, a girl, a boy and a girl. We got married because I became pregnant with the first girl and we decided that our "test" had worked well and we should do the legal for the girl. We really did not have a crystal ball...

3 years ago
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Staying Out Of The Papers

A freelance journalist is investigating a gang of international white slave Staying Out Of The PapersA short damsel in distress story by Freddie Clegg ? Freddie Clegg 2007All characters & events fictitious  Part 1: Sweet Judy Blue Eyes We don?t like people interfering in our business. We much prefer to be left to ourselves. I mean every organisation has some aspects that wouldn?t look to good if paraded before the public. The odd sweetener paid here, the bit of nepotism there, maybe a...

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NubileFilms Andi Rose Stopping The World To Melt

Andi Rose is looking hot as hell in her do me lingerie. Her bra cups those tight titties and her thong is barely visible in her ass. The stockings, high heels, and collar complete her getup. Strutting into the kitchen, Andi warms herself up with hot little touches as she waits for Quinton James. When Quinton arrives and sees Alex feeling herself up, he helps get the party started right. He takes over caressing Andi’s figure from her neck and shoulders all the way down to the pleasant...

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Kids Growing UpChapter 6 Jill

When I was in the lower grades in school I used to hate going to school. Sure I had friends that I only saw there but the drudgery of attending classes five days a week when I could be out having a good time were not my idea of fun things to do. I kept my grades up to a respectable level but didn't excel in any subject except gym class. Then I discovered that girls were not just soft boys and Things had started to change. The first girl I noticed was my sister Sarah. She seduced me with her...

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Quiet Farmer

Genna turned into the arm entrance, as she drove between the fields she womdered what she had done to deserve this job. She was surprised at how far she had to go to get to the farm house, a young girl pointed her towards the kitchen. "Craig will be here shortly" said the young house keepper as she entered the huge kitchen, the old house hid a modern intereior. Genna recognised the "Smallbone Kitchen", there must be over a £100000.00 of kitchen fittings and she was realy taken aback as she...

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Fucking your Femboy Party Member

The sun was setting as you finally calm down from earlier. You open the door. You place your adventuring pack to the side of the small house you and your partner built. She enters as well. As exhausted as you also are. You remember her being stung by that plant thing. And you wave Drista a goodnight sleep. Drista is a human archer. She seemed fit but not too fit. She doesn't talk much. She just one day asked to join you on your small quest to help people around. She usually wore black...

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A Time Just For Us From My Very First The Sequel

 If you like wham bam sex stories, this probably isn’t for you. If you prefer more romantic, slow-burn, real-life accounts, but with complete honesty, then please enjoy.~~Jessica~~ In the beginning, I really did have every intention of waiting until my wedding night to lose my virginity, until that one blissful night when Chuck and I spent the night in a luxurious hotel room in Jackson after attending our team’s football game earlier one Saturday afternoon a year ago.For those who have asked...

Straight Sex
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Horses For Horny CousinsChapter 4

Wendy was quivering as she led the black stallion from his stall. "You're gonna get fucked, Apollo," she whispered huskily as she stroked the star on his forehead. Apollo snorted and nudged Wendy. "Ewwww," Wendy purred. She jiggled her tits and led the eager horse over to Amy. "You really gonna fuck him?" "As soon as I get his cock hard," Amy murmured as she rocked back and forth. "Get that bench and bring it over here." Wendy hustled over and dragged back the bench as Amy...

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The First Ranma A Really Twisted Tale

Urusei Yatsura/Those Obnoxious Aliens*Lum [The manga ran 9 years, the TV show from 1981-86.] Was created by Rumiko Takahashi; along with such later manga/anime as "Ranma 1/2" The First Ranma: A Really Twisted Tale By Ron Dow75 It was a typical day at Tomobiki High School: "A boy went into the girls' room!!" a long raven-haired girl yelled in the hall. "A-ta-ru!" Lum yelled, giving off lightning flashes within her long blue sailor suit, and flying off for the door. There was...

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Adventures of the exhibitionist girl part 3b

After being gangbanged by 28 boys, Kadri started her way back to hometown. She has now been exactly 24 hours naked, including overnight stay at boys apartment. Again she was standing at roadside and ready to hitchhike naked. Obviously naked, because she had no clothes with her. First time, when she hitchhiked opposite direction, it didn’t go well. She waited about 20 minutes, because nobody wanted to pick up naked girl. Maybe drivers were suspicious and thought, this was a some kind of...

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Deli BitesChapter 3 Predatory Lesbian

A Predatory Lesbian aged 26, sits on a pathway bench in a country-resort with her dog; and being the summer holidays, it’s a prime-time for netting a lonely virgin. Alice, 15, had pulled on a pair of yellow slacks and cream jumper and tennis shoes and was making her way towards the parkland when just ahead sat a tallish girl on a bench with a brown dog. The female had short styled hair, wore no make-up yet was clearly attractive in slim jeans and trainers. As Alice passed by, the dog rose...

2 years ago
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The Pool Boy

My brother was in college and had this swimming pool service business where he would go around and clean the pools and check the chemical levels and all that stuff. Well the business did really well and he had hired some guys from his school but sometimes they would not show up or get behind. Then he would call on me to help out. I did not mind this too much. He had done all this on a shoe string budget. he paid me well so I did not mind. He needed me to fill in for most of the summer. I had...

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