- 5 years ago
- 33
- 0
You'll never
guess what
I'm doing!
It was 3 AM when Gerald received the SMS from his wife, Sarah.
All Gerald knew for sure was that the small fitness supply company Sarah worked for had begun their annual picnic around 12 noon, at a beachfront resort, after which the plan was to have a sauna, followed by a light supper.
In the past, these types of events were normally followed by the group either staying 'planted' at the resort; or, on the other hand, a trip into the downtown area for dancing.
Both options often stretched into the wee hours of the morning, but normally, Sarah was strictly 'offline' during this time, ignoring SMS messages, emails, telephone calls and ESPECIALLY her husband! So, Gerald was immediately intrigued by the early morning text...
OK – I'll bite
What are you
doing? Being
good, I hope!
Gerald gambled a bit with his answer, both guessing and hoping Sarah was up to something a bit naughty. Erotically speaking, Sarah's core set of fantasies revolved around an escapist fling with another man. During the past several years she and Gerald discovered – sometimes rather awkwardly – that Sarah's desire to have an extramarital affair corresponded to a cuckold fantasy that was number one on Gerald's personal hit parade of fantasies. While Sarah wasn't too sure, especially in the beginning, what to think of Gerald's desire to be cuckolded, she highly appreciated – and gradually realized – that Gerald's hopes meant she had 'free hands' to do as she pleased, in terms of guys she was attracted to.
Gerald guessed that because of the context, especially the very late hour, Sarah wouldn't be texting him unless she had something rather interesting to communicate. He gulped, his pulse starting to race, as his wife confirmed his hunch.
Gerald's mind raced. He had difficulty imagining several – or almost any – of Sarah's colleagues playing 'spin the bottle' - a variant of 'truth or dare'' - even under the wildest circumstances...
'Not replying' was not an option, but his wife involved in a game like this– and especially her TELLING him about it – needed an articulate enough answer to get some of the erotic detail (if there was any), but short enough to encourage an answer - or at least keep the lines of communication open.
The first thought that came into his mind was the most obvious: Sarah was simply generating a ruse – she was probably waiting for a taxi home – and making up a story that she knew would drive her husband crazy (which was, he had to admit, working rather well... )
But, the only logical option open to Gerald was 'going with the moment' – whether his wife was pulling his leg or not.
Who are you
playing with?
And how
long've you
been playing?
Gerald figured that if Sarah had answers to those two questions it would almost immediately establish: 1) Whether or not she was bullshitting him or not and 2) Enough info to hopefully allow for some type of follow-up question.
While Gerald nervously waited for the answer, he convinced himself that this HAD to be some type of fabrication. Sarah had never been very communicative about her flirtations – especially while they were 'in progress'.
But, on the other hand, as the couple had grown more comfortable with each other's fantasies, Sarah had become increasingly bold about rubbing her desires in Gerald's face, somehow realizing that her behavior – which would have both infuriated and humiliated most other men – only drove Gerald crazy with arousal...
A few people
from work and
a few from
who are
using the
same resort
Haven't been
playing too
long –
nothing too
out of the
ordinary has
happened -
The new information – about people from another company – made Sarah's story slightly more credible. Gerald just couldn't picture too many people from Sarah's office engaged in such a potentially racy activity – in front of each other, anyway. Additionally, her claim that 'nothing much' had happened, seemed fairly realistic, as Gerald guessed that most adults who started a game of 'spin the bottle' didn't normally get all that far ... And his wife's message left a good opening for a natural follow-up message:
Gerald realized his pulse was racing, as he eagerly waited for a reply ... He remembered that Sarah had packed a pair of tan shorts and a skimpy tank top - an outfit that'd be comfortable both after a sauna and cute on a dance floor.
More importantly, he'd spied the matching blue, white and black-lace-trimmed French push-up bra and thong that he knew would be concealed beneath her casual, sexy clothing! Sarah had only recently purchased that set of lingerie - he hadn't even seen her wear it yet!
Stephanie had to
kiss a guy from
the other
company -
but I could tell
She liked it
Gerald couldn't resist asking:
is there?
Gerald had never met Stephanie, but felt like he knew her - a bit, anyway - as Sarah often told stories about her colleagues.
The reply came almost instantly.
Yup! It was
her idea for
YOU to
play with us
- via
phone! I
she still
believe you
'exist' LOL!
'You' are
sitting next
to me - We'll
tell you if the
bottle points
to you and I
can spin for
you on your
turn, OK?
The speed of Sarah's replies again aroused Gerald's suspicions that his wife was fabricating the event. First of all, it just wasn't like Sarah to keep him 'updated' on her 'adventures' - as Gerald called them and second, even if she chose to, it was difficult for Gerald to picture anyone in a game like 'spin the bottle' taking time to send text messages.
On the other hand, the level of detail in the 'story' was much too complicated - unless, of course, Sarah had 'borrowed' the plot from an adult magazine or internet forum...
These guys
know you're
texting your
Won't that put
a damper on
Gerald wasn't sure it was a great idea to underline the fact - albeit subtly - that a married woman ought not be playing ANY form of 'truth or dare', but also thought that since Sarah was 'thoughtful' enough to Inform him of her naughty behavior (or taking the time and imagination to fabricate such a delicious lie), he could also 'play along'
I wouldn't
worry too
much about
Some of
my 'admirers'
seem to be
curious /
suspicious as
to what kind
of guy lets his
wife stay out
so late...
I think they
might be
tempted to
test your
Gerald's cock twitched at the mention of 'Jerry's' name, knowing that her colleague, Jerry, already made it clear to Sarah - and several of their colleagues on previous company social outings - that he lusted after his attractive 'MILF' colleague!
What do
you mean
- test my
Now Gerald was fairly sure Sarah was making this up. What she was reporting played into his 'wildest fantasies'
In a way, Gerald didn't want to ruin the illusion that his wife had taken the trouble to conjure up. But he also couldn't resist probing Sarah's bold assertion.
Gerald's imagination was firing on all cylinders! Could it really be true that his gorgeous wife was a) getting into a game of spin the bottle at 3 AM, b) with at least one colleague who'd made his affections for her known - in spite of, or maybe because of - the fact Sarah was a married woman and c) getting HIM involved, at least in a virtual sense?
Before Gerald really had time to process the info necessary for him to deduce whether or not this was 'really' happening, he got an a SMS from an 'unknown' number. Normally Gerald ignored unknown numbers, but normally he didn't get SMS messages at 3:20 AM - while his wife was out on the town, playing 'truth or dare'!
Hi Gerald!
Now Gerald's heart REALLY started pounding! The likelihood that Sarah would go to the trouble of using TWO cell phones, just to arouse him, was next to zero. Gerald poured himself a Scotch and created a contact named
'Stephanie' in his address book, for the new number that went with the SMS. Nervously, he replied.
Nice to
going on?
Stephanie replied instantly.
Spin the bottle!
Thought S told
u. S is busy
with J
Gerald found it surreal to be chatting with someone he didn't know and hoped he could adjust to the communication style used by young people.
Gerald texted back, (even though he guessed the answer.)
in your
wife!!! U
better not
let S play
2 long!
J already
dared her
2 kiss him!
Gerald shifted uncomfortably in his easy chair, as his wife's young, female colleague informed him about Jerry's illicit request. Gerald's knowledge that the pretty young woman not only knew Jerry desired Sarah - and was warning him about it - hinted at a potentially humiliating situation, especially coupled with the fact that Jerry had already 'dared' his wife to kiss him!
What made the situation - and Gerald's cock - even harder, was that Stephanie's 'warnings' made it clear she had no idea that Gerald would be helpless in a situation where another guy - especially one Sarah found very attractive - made a play for his wife! Gerald knew a young, attractive woman like Stephanie probably wouldn't understand his subservient behavior, and especially wouldn't understand his desire that she find out about any such decision - to continue to let his wife play the naughty game - because of her preconceived ideas about marriage.
Did she?!?
Gerald used ambiguous punctuation that both truly reflected his excitement. AND could be (and probably would be) misinterpreted by Stephanie...
Not sure,
S said
she couldn't
'in front of
but agreed
2 'negotiate'
in the hallway
(they r still
Do u
want me
2 check
on them?
All Gerald knew for sure was that if Sarah had cooked up the 'act' as stimulating foreplay, he'd 'bought it' hook, line and sinker! It dawned on him that the situation - at least certain aspects of it - might very well be real!
He was wondering how to respond to Stephanie, when a new SMS - this one from his wife - chimed on his phone.
Back now,
it's Andre's
- gotta visit
the WC,
back in a few
Gerald instantly wondered if Sarah REALLY had to go to the bathroom, or - on the other hand - if 'Andre's' request (the name was completely unfamiliar to him) had to do with her!
His first reaction was to ask Stephanie, but he didn't know her well enough for that ... He stewed in his arousal for the next few moments, trying to guess what might be happening...
An incoming text from Sarah made him jump - he anxiously opened the SMS.
Truth or dare?
Gerald suddenly realized all the critical things he didn't know about tonight's game; How many people were playing? How many did he know? Were people sober or plastered? Who was posing him the truth or dare turn?
Gerald gulped, waiting for the reply.
Sarah texted. Not knowing who Andre was, there was realistically only one option Gerald saw:
The question came a few moments later, via Sarah's number.
Do you
your wife
would be
willing to b
on the TV
Gerald's eyes dilated and his breathing became shallow. He took an uncharacteristically large swallow of his whisky as he typed his answer:
Gerald waited nervously for the next message, guessing - because of the question and the kissing-related dares he knew had already occurred - that the game was on a rather erotic course...
An SMS chimed from a new unknown number. Gerald gulped and tapped on the Icon
answer and
according to
your VERY
Gerald couldn't help wonder how Andre, Sarah and Jerry would interpret the fact that he could not only answer a question like that correctly and whether the question would have follow-on implications ... He made an address book entry for Andre, while nervously waiting for what happened next.
An SMS came from Sarah:
Your turn!
The bottle is
pointing at
Sarah had sent the SMS and wondered - along with several persons in the small group - whether or not Gerald could - or would - probe what she'd been 'up to' during the evening.
Gerald was in fact dying to know just 'how well' Jerry and Sarah had become 'acquainted' in the hallway a few moments ago, but couldn't bring himself to ask a guy - one he'd never met - if he'd been kissing his wife...
So far, the evening was only 'rated PG', and Gerald didn't feel like it was up to him to openly raise the stakes. A new SMS, from Stephanie, required action.
I asked
him truth
or dare,
Another text came almost instantly, again, via Stephanie.
Gerald texted Sarah something he was genuinely curious about - something that would give him a hint as to how to continue:
Ask Jerry
How much
has my wife
had to
drink (of
A few moments later, new unknown number chimed and a spike of adrenaline shot through Gerald - He was pretty sure he was about to communicate directly with a guy who wanted to seduce his wife! Not only that - a guy who was physically present in a game of spin the bottle/truth or dare with HIS Sarah!
Gerald gingerly tapped the message icon.
That's 2
She's had
quite a LOT
to drink.
If you want
to know 'what'
of, u have 2
wait till your
next turn!
The small group, now gathered in Jerry's apartment, groaned as Jerry read the answer he sent to Gerald.
But Gerald didn't share content of a second SMS that he sent immediately after the first:
I can tell you
what she's
been drinking
because I
tasted it on
her tongue,
when I was
just kissing
her - She's
an excellent
kisser! VERY
Jerry wasn't exactly sure what kind of guy his hot colleague was married to, but he was determined to find out! He'd been out on the town with Sarah enough times now to have become thoroughly mystified about the curvaceous MILF's husband. Jerry knew that if HE was ever lucky enough to marry a woman like Sarah, he - like most guys - would NEVER let her out till all hours of the night, ESPECIALLY with guys like himself!
Jerry experienced a surge of testosterone texting Sarah's husband - giving him fair warning of the type of 'stakes' they were playing for. Jerry figured the worst that could happen was that the guy would blow up, and interfere somehow with the game. But something was giving Jerry a hunch that Sarah's husband would 'back down' at the provocative challenge he'd just sent his colleague's husband...
'If the guy's gonna let his wife out to play, he shouldn't be surprised that someone might want to make serious moves on her, ' Jerry figured.
The question was, Jerry concluded, 'Just how far will he let things go? And does he realize just what I'd REALLY like to do with his wife?'
However, Jerry found Sarah equally puzzling. She made no attempts to play down the inconvenient fact she was married. But, at the same time, she hadn't flinched the few times (when, admittedly, he'd been a bit drunk) and 'crossed the line' with her.
He remembered - with particular fondness - a few 'slow dances' where he'd slid the palm of his strong hand confidently below Sarah's muscular, lower back, palming the MILF's deliciously full - and firm - ass! The experience filled him with lust for his married colleague - which he was now determined to build on!
Jerry wasn't at all sure how Stephanie - the only one from their company left in the risqué game - would react to his 'agenda' for Sarah, nor Mandy, another beautiful MILF, not working for their firm, but apparently a close friend of Sarah's. Stephanie, of course might gossip within the company, but it seemed unlikely - wasn't really her style. But Mandy - a mutual friend of Gerald's might spill the beans - always a risk.
But Gerald's participation - via SMS - had been Stephanie's idea anyway - an idea that Mandy also seemed to find quite amusing, Jerry noted. In fact, it almost seemed like Stephanie and Mandy made sure Sarah had downed a few shots of Vodka before bringing up the idea of spin the bottle or Gerald's participation. It was almost like they were all curious about the same thing... 'Just how far was Sarah prepared to go in a game like this?'
One person Jerry wasn't worried about was Andre, a guy from another company who they had all just met tonight, apparently a colleague of Mandy's. Andre had the good sense to stick around and hang with the group as they had begun talking about whether or not to stay put at the beach resort or go out on the town. Most people - from both companies - had gone home at that point ... However, Jerry noticed that Andre seemed to 'appreciate the odds' - and circumstances of three attractive- and seemingly available - women!
As Jerry's apartment was walking distance, the small group of five now had ended up there and was now watching Jerry spin the bottle, not knowing that their well-built young friend had just rubbed the fact that he'd been kissing Sarah in her husband's face!
In a different part of the city, Gerald was fit to be tied! He'd never experienced - directly - another man flaunt their desire for - much less illicit actions with -his wife! And, while this first illicit kiss was somewhat discreet, the other participants probably had little doubt as to what occurred ... Gerald had never met Jerry, but Sarah - for her part - had also enjoyed making her husband squirm on more than one occasion, relating her 'close encounters' with Jerry.
Gerald was experiencing a 'moment of truth'. If he confronted Jerry - or Sarah - on the alleged kiss, he'd be violating the core logic of the game. And if either Jerry or Sarah reacted negatively, the whole group might no longer find his participation desirable. The whole game could disintegrate. But, on the other hand, if he didn't react to Jerry's boast about kissing his wife, he'd be communicating the fact to Jerry that basically, he was some kind of wimp, implicitly giving him permission to 'do as he pleased', with his wife...
Gerald found himself in a 'catch 22'. In order to continue, he had to say nothing, until asked - within the framework of the game. However, by continuing, he also confirmed - by omission - to Jerry, that Jerry had full permission to continue his course of action concerning his wife, Sarah.
Further, if the game continued on its present course, there was a risk that Stephanie - who had tried to warn Gerald about Jerry - might draw the conclusion that Gerald was not going to interfere with another guy making a move on his wife. Gerald couldn't think of any positive conclusions Stephanie would draw if he didn't interfere, somehow.
Not to mention, the wild card of some guy Gerald had never met, Andre, and the presence of Mandy - a friend of Gerald and Sarah's - whose presence in the surreal game was still unknown to Gerald!
An incoming text arrived on Gerald's phone from Stephanie.
The bottle
Is pointing
2 Mandy
And she's
Taking a
Dare from
Gerald gulped. Mandy was a mutual friend - a hot one - who knew of Sarah's 'wild side', as she'd been present at a convention when Sarah had let another of their mutual friends make a play – of sorts – for her! Once more, Gerald had always suspected that Mandy had a 'wild side' of her own! It'd always aroused Gerald, knowing that an attractive woman like Mandy knew of Sarah's proclivities. And reflecting on Mandy's conclusions about his own situation was a sure-fire source of an erection.
Gerald couldn't resist knowing what Jerry had dared Mandy to do! And Sarah couldn't resist telling him!
Mandy 2
take off
In the apartment, Mandy had no problem shucking her blouse, and was now seated, relaxed with her cider, in the cozy group of five, in a lacy, black bra...
Gerald's cock twitched a bit, guessing that Mandy - in a context like this - would have absolutely no problem with the dare. He also guessed that Sarah - true to form - revealed as little information as possible when it suited her purposes. She knew how to play her husband like a violin...
Gerald resisted asking about Mandy, not wanting to jeopardize his participation in the game with any unnecessary communication.
Sarah updated Gerald.
turn! She's
asked if
she has
any tattoos
Even though he'd never met Stephanie, the question turned Gerald on - especially when Sarah informed him a few moments later that Sarah admitted she did have a tattoo that none of the group was aware of! Gerald - along with everyone else in the group - immediately guessed one of the 'dares' Sarah was likely to get if she ever opened herself up to that possibility (she didn't seem like the 'daring' type, to Gerald... )
A few moments later, Gerald got a text from Stephanie.
It's my turn,
pointing at
(I'm in WC)
Want me 2
ask about
her and J
in hall?
Stephanie seemed to be determined to be a 'chaperon' in the game, in Gerald's absence, one that Gerald was pretty sure Sarah - nor Jerry - particularly wanted...
Gerald tried to think of an appropriate answer. One that wouldn't upset the flow of the game ... He somehow got off on the fact that this young woman was scrutinizing Sarah's behavior - and projecting her own morality on the situation - assuming that they all shared the same norms, which was not the case.
do not
Maybe ask
S about
wild she's
It was a good idea, Gerald thought, after all maybe Sarah would admit she and Jerry kissed in the hallway ... However, Gerald quickly deduced a few moments later that Sarah had confounded Stephanie by requesting a 'dare'.
A few moments later, a text came from Jerry:
Wow! Your
wife just
showed us
a pretty
racy photo
she claims
is her!
U got any
Gerald's erection threatened to tear a hole in his jeans! He firstly was trying to imagine the dare Sarah could've thought up that'd provoke his wife into showing the group a racy picture of herself and secondly, trying to imagine which picture she might've shown them!
One of Gerald's hobbies was photography and Sarah had long been one of his favorite 'subjects'! Gerald knew his wife had access to dozens of attractive boudoir, glamour and pin-up style portraits of herself in all kinds of erotic set-ups and themes!
Gerald couldn't think of a response to Jerry's question that wouldn't give away the fact that he had so many sexy photos of his wife that he literally had no idea how to begin guessing as to the one Sarah had chosen to reveal! Before he could answer Jerry, a text arrived from Stephanie.
A few moments passed, no one informed Gerald what Sarah had dared Andre to do. Gerald anxiously waited. After several minutes, Gerald started wondering if the game had degenerated into something more 'R-rated', or - on the other hand, like most games of spin the bottle, fizzled out.
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and it was only nine thirty now. His mother thought he was at Millhouse's all night. Oh how little she knew. Bart looked over and noticed Edna Krabopple quietly sleeping on her stomach in the nude. "I know just how to wake her up." Bart thought to himself. He took his already rock hard dick and quickly shoved up her ass. "Unngh" Edna moaned, but remained asleep. Bart started pumping his member up and down in her ass, slowly at first, but increasing his speed as he went. Soon...
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Part way through the evening our friend, Tom pointed out that he had heard of a 'house' party planned at the university which was just a short drive away. It wasn't long and we were at the party and there were students everywhere - Now this was a party! There was lots of dancing, music and people laughing everywhere. Soon Tom and Bill (my hubby) were engrossed in one of their conversations. Pam and I wandered downstairs to the rec room where everyone was dancing. We got out on the floor...
Emma had never been likely to make the ‘honour roll’ at school, preferring instead to take the easy path offered her by her stunning good looks to allow the ‘geeks’ to do her homework and assignments in exchange for the privilege of being merely acknowledged by her at school. However, that sort of work ethic was never going to get her a scholarship and, given that her working class heritage had precluded any chance of meeting and marrying anyone above her station, by the time she was 20 years...
Reluctance(Anyone reading this story should read getting to know my new family Ch1 and Ch2 first, but it’s not necessary) For the rest of the evening I just lay about the house doing SFA. Then It hit 5:15pm and it was time to go collect Emma so I got in the car and drove to the school. When I got there Emma was chatting to two other girls, she seen me and all 3 girls approached the car. Emma: Hi John these are my two friends Janet and Ann, there coming over to ours cause we have a project to work on...
IncestI was about 35 at this point. I was living alone and one Wednesday night (Hump Day)I went to the neighborhood dive of a tavern. There were a few people there. a couple of old guys at the end of the bar, a female bartender, a couple of couples in the back playing pool and a couple at a table. This couple got my attention. The long haired guy was about my age or younger. His date was in her 60's. She looked every bit of it or more. Long straight nose, blue grey eyes, long salt and pepper hair and...
EroticMile High Greetings! This story idea came to me when I bumped into an excellent amid short piece of manga art on pixiv. I've already shared this little 'Escape' spinoff with a couple of friends and thought I'd share it with FM readers as well. Don't worry, I'm still working on the third chapter of Side Effects but hopefully you'll enjoy this short story while waiting for it. Let me know in the feedback what you think. Cheers! ***** Eric Roberts was reading a magazine while sitting...
Liz turned off the engine of her small car parked in the visitors space at the Lakewood Comprehensive School and swung her long legs on the sidewalk. Her miniskirt gathered almost at her hips discovering the darker band of her pantyhose and making her legs look even longer. She jumped out of the car and smoothed quickly the small skirt looking around if there were witnesses. Sure enough several schoolboys and a group of schoolgirls were near enough to have a better look at her legs. The boys...
The following is part 3 of our series of me lending my husband to my friend to make a baby. Part 3 picks up the story with Larry and I getting back to house after Sam and Kim have fucked for the second night in a row, Sam has noticed a rather obvious stain on my shirt. As Sam and I got in the car, Sam asked me what Larry had spilled on my shirt. I looked over at him and then looked down to the stain. “Really I spilled it, it was just Larry’s stuff that that I spilled on my shirt.” “Really,...
Wife LoversA priest and a rabbi were sitting in adjacent seats on an airplane. After a while the priest turned to the rabbi and asked, “Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?” The rabbi responded, “Yes, that is still one of our laws.” The priest then asked, “Have you ever eaten pork?” “Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and ate a bacon sandwich.” The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading. A while later the rabbi spoke up and asked,...
Hi, my name is Marsha, and this is my story of how I was introduced to sex. Being a product of the early sixties sex wasn't what it is today, where it is common for many high school students to be sexually active. Actually, it was sort of taboo and girls who were known to be involved in sex were considered whores or sluts. They were always the subject of cruel gossip at school and around the neighborhood. Any way, this is my story. I met this boy Mike, the summer before my freshman year in...
While Katherine was sitting on the bed, considering her surroundings, she noticed that the room was beginning to fill with pleasant smells. At first she wondered, but quickly she realized that it was food, and probably coming from downstairs. She followed the scent back to the kitchen, and sure enough, there was Vic standing in the kitchen over a large skillet looking almost comical in a white apron and with a spatula in his hand. Vic glanced over, and seeing her standing at the bottom of the...
Alba – Occupied city center, seven hours after slip-space rupture. The rain was coming down hard, pouring off Alba’s armor in sheets, seeping beneath her helmet and making her short-cropped hair damp. It wasn’t doing much to lighten her already sour mood. They had been patrolling until sunset, and there had been no sign of Human resistance. The streets were empty, and the defenders were long gone. The Unggoy were pleased, but the Kig-yar were becoming even more restless than she was. They...
I used to fantasize that I was trying to catch my wife cheating on me. I don't know why I got a thrill out of doing that but I did. My wife never had any idea of what I was doing. There wasn't really any reason for me to be suspicious of Linda as she had never given me any reason to doubt her. I didn't check up on her because I thought she was cheating, I did it because it entertained me. I don't know if you can understand that because I'm not sure I understand it. I pretended that I knew...
This is a short Hayley Williams story. M/F, 18+ only. This story was inspired after seeing Hayley's Instagram story about going to a house party. Hope you enjoy ;)Hayley went out for drinks with her two friends Marcus and Josh. It was a small bar just around the corner from where she was currently staying. The past few months had been rough on her personally but her friends were always there to hang and help her through the tough times. She was sipping on her drink when Marcus hopped up to...
10 July 1814 My dearest Mrs. Hunter, It is with some difficulty that I respond to your very kind letter of 7 April, which I received last week. I so enjoyed hearing all of the news of your lovely children, and of your husband's success in business. Riley in particular sounds like quite the little hooligan, and I am quite certain that he will prove just as charming in his adulthood as he has been devilish in his youth. The happy domesticity about which you write makes it all the more trying...
I was sitting in my black undies when daddy came into my room. He had a towel around his waist, but the bulge sticking out in front clearly showed his intention.'Mariel', he stammered, as the towel fell and showed the full extent of his erection, as it bobbed up and down with every step, as he advanced to where I sat on the edge of my bed.I reached up and took him in my hand, and my mouth covered its bulbous head, as he thrust unceremoniously into my throat, my tongue swirling like crazy...
Friday. I get home from work around 9:30, and I head straight for the shower. Now most stories like this involve shaving smooth and things like that, but I'm not able to shave because my wife doesn't care for it. After my shower I go into my closet and get my clothing. I get my black bra and thong and slip into those, followed by tan hose and regular clothes. I have the rental company pick me up and then its off to the mall for some window shopping and looking at heels. Being unsuccessful at...
CrossdressingWhen Aggie got out of her car and into Elliot’s she felt like she was in a spy movie. As they drove, she watched the scenery rush by and said, “Are you sure this is safe Elliot?” With a confidant chuckle he said, “The tinting on the windows is easy to see out from the inside but nobody can even see that there is person inside, unless they are coming head on. I drive on less traveled streets. If I see someone in the alley, which is almost never, I keep going to where the alley exits on the...
She soon laid down before me a plate of ripe fruit and bread, with a tall mug of mead. As she served me I caught her eyes stealing my leather armor and amulets, but they subverted as they met my suspicious gaze. Her young face betrayed her blush at once as she hastily turned away to ted to the dishes. I felt it safe to ease my guard. Her scales glimmered under the candle light; unlike my own they were pale and fair. It seemed a waste to long for their touch, scraped and darkened as my scales...
Thursday, August 5, 2010 Jake drove toward home, feeling unnerved at how his circumstances had changed so quickly. His phone rang. It was Alice. He was comforted by the sound of her voice. “I had the most fun this afternoon,” she said. “Oh? What did you do?” “I took a couple hours off and went shopping with Mona. We got her some casual stuff for school and then we went to Neiman Marcus and spent a fortune.” “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” “You’re not going to believe the body that girl...
Chapter XXXVI: JB Is a Boy When we got home Mama made me carry some bags into my room, and then I started playing with my dolls but, before I even got started, Mommy called me into the den. She wanted to see my new clothes and, after I had shown her the dress I had on I had to go back and get all the bags and try on everything! All over again! That was getting my clothes changed about four hundred times today. Then Mommy showed me what she had bought today while I was...
I wondered again where the unknown assailants would be most likely to hit. If I were doing it, I might make the attack while 'The Girls' were on shore. I would only do it if I had some kind of support. I would need more manpower than just myself for sure. The Paki husband would be the most likely to manage some help from the Muslin community. But I couldn't count the Russian couple totally out of the picture. I doubted that either could mount an operation as quickly as it would have taken...
However this story brings us to where we are now some 5 years after our first meeting and what an innocent threesome has now developed into. I have to say the meets we have now are the horniest and sexiest meets we have ever had. ………………… We had received a message from Mark on our favourite swinging site here in the UK and arranged a time and date that suited both of us. That day I had been at work but Lucy had spent the entire day making the house perfect for our guest, then getting...
Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also do send Feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. MY FIRST THREESOME I have told you earlier that I will tell you about my threesome experience. So, here it is. Before starting the story, I would like to bring back the other two characters involved. They are Suja aunty (the woman to whom I lost my virginity) and my aunt (her name is Rosy). This happened to me during my first semester break. We got a SEM...
Hi i am Ravi Bhushan a 26yr old man from Nagpur. I work at Noida as a technical expert in a factory. I live in a rented flat in Noida. The flat opposite mine is occupied by a young beautiful lady who lives with her son. Her age is around38-40 yrs. One evening i went to visit her flat. As she opened the front door i saw she was wearing a very transparent negligee it was so transparent that her black bra and black panties were clearly visible. She took me inside me and i sat on the sofa. We...
Dusty’s crew had a lot of fun while she was indisposed. They had stripped out half of a deck of cabins on deck three to fit the extra hardware and stores in. They were leaving half the farming machines and stores for this planet. The ship was one of the smaller settlements ships and had been designed to sleep four hundred. In fact, all the ships were of the older and more modest design. They had forty cabins in four rows of ten on the three passenger levels. The cabins on the two lower...
Chapter 8 That night, and for many nights afterwards, all I could think about was Jeff, his cock; his Dad, his cock; Jeff's Sister. His Sister! Was I more than confused. After all of the goings on with 2 males, here I was still lusting after his sister, Sue! I kept imagining her helping me to dress up and then descending into a "lesbian" frenzy where my "special clitty" would be put too more "traditional use". This, and Jeff's obvious infatuation with me, led me to continue...
Guy is a muscly, forty something man with killer good looks. He was walking through the shopping centre after just having bought some socks. He had been admiring this beautiful, tall blonde girl on the way in, and on the way out couldn't help but focus on her bare back and the exposed red bra straps that ran over it. On passing her, she turned around and fixed him with the most gorgeous blue eyes he had ever seen, and asked him to try out some skin lotion from the Dead Sea. He did not tell...
Yep, it was still in there. He had turned it off right at the end of a great cum shot all over the face of this Asian woman. As I skipped through the chapters it didn't take me long to notice that the entire DVD was Asian women. My curiosity was raised and I put in the other of his three DVD’s he had hidden. All three ended up being nothing but Asian. I remember my dad saying he had caught Sean watching me when I was sunbathing and once he caught him jerking off while watching me. So...
Introduction:Bryce's and his step sister Samantha, start playing an inappropriate game. Mom catches them and things escalate.The Unspoken Gameenjoy:The driveway was empty when I pulled in at the end of my academic school day. It was just starting to turn dark when I got out of the car and headed into the house, enjoying the calming sensation of the warm early summer breeze on my skin.It was good to finally be home after a long day of studying.I walked over to the front door, my heavy bag on my...
“FOCUS!” Another shot hit me square in the chest as my racquet swished at empty air. “Get your head in the game or I’m going to put the next one right down your throat.” Lissa really growled at me. I’d never seen her so intense. I didn’t even expect her to be here today. I don’t normally come in on Wednesday. She gave me a wicked serve right back along the wall and it barely touched the floor before it came off the back wall low in the corner. By some miracle, I caught it with the tip of...
Wednesday was pretty much a repeat of Monday for me, complete with Margie waiting by my truck after lunch. “I need you to skip school a couple of days next week. Is that going to be a problem?” “As long as it’s not Friday, because I can’t play if I miss school that day, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. What’s going on?” “I’ll set it for Tuesday and Wednesday, then. You and I will go to San Francisco first. After that, we’ll be going to Redmond, Washington. We need to get you fitted...
‘Take your clothes off.’ He met her eyes, an eager smile on his face. He complied readily and was soon standing butt naked in the room. He didn’t notice that she had kept her lingerie on. All he wanted to do was push her onto the bed and get on top of her. However, she had another idea. ‘On your knees.’ They had been dating for years now. They knew each other well, but now, in their mid twenties, he was witnessing a new side of his lover. He turned his head in scrutiny, looking at her, an...
My name is Rosie and I'm 22 and untill recently, happily married. The events that changed everything for me started with Lynn visiting me and my husband Larry..... I stayed awake most of the night thinking about Lynn, my best girlfriend from times being a teen. I couldn't wait to see her, and late tomorrow afternoon I had to pick her up at the airport here in town. The day she arrived at the airport seemed to drag by so slowly. My best girlfriend of my entire life was coming to see me for a...
Hi, friends welcome back. I was totally delighted with the responses I have got from you people and happy to know that you liked my previous stories. Those who haven’t read my stories please do read and give your valuable comments. So here is the new one. I want to share my experience with a super-hot lady whom I met through a chatting site. I am from Kerala but now in Bangalore. I am 27 years of age, medium build. So coming to the story, I was totally bored in Bangalore as I came here in...
Naughty tattooed bombshell, Luna Lovely, is more than ready to show Tyler D what her inked body can do. The rough sex loving beauty answers some questions Tyler has for her before having her mind taken over by lust. Luna sets aside her black lingerie to show off her perky tits and shaved pussy. It doesn’t take long until Tyler finally offers Luna his big cock. Soft moans fill the room as Tyler bangs Luna’s pussy while rubbing her clit. Luna gives Tyler a sloppy blowjob before riding...
xmoviesforyouThe barbecue pit wasn't the real name of the restaurant, it's what the Gunny had called it. The name stuck with me and for some reason my friends as well. Cheryl decided that she would skip it after all. She liked the barbecue, but didn't care for the Cop Out. I could understand her feelings, so I didn't make an issue. Once I got to the restaurant, I sat alone at a small table in the corner with a view of Aster's small main street. "What can I get you, Max?" the middle aged waitress...
e had fantasized about those tits for as long as he could remember. Ever since he was old enough to know what a hard-on was, Gabe got one whenever he saw his Aunt Marlena. It was not as if his father's sister was the image that most adolescent fantasies were made of, but there was definitely something about the woman the enthralled her nephew completely. She was not what most might consider gorgeous, though she was in no way unattractive. Any hint of grey was hidden with frequent colouring and...
Dinner went well as all three of them found more common ground to know each other better. Paula sat between her men and just let them talk as she smiled brightly. The men began discussing the logistics of having and raising the baby when suddenly, Paula began to realize that this was going to be a permanent deal. More than just being mom and wife, she was going to continue servicing Rob as his wife also. Almost blushing at these thoughts she could not help but touch her men under the table...
Time passed and I didn't see Lisa or Linda quite as often. At bowling about two months later I got a surprise. Dan had something to tell me. "David, you're going to be an uncle in about seven months." Needless to say that Lisa was with child. Mark spoke up and smiled, "Damn guys, you ruined my surprise. Linda is pregnant with our third child. She's around two months gone also. I think it was the all night fuck fest that she and I had." He looked at me and smiled. Even Dan didn't...
CHAPTER ONE 'OK, Robbie,' I said into the microphone. 'Lower away!' I stood close to the curved wall, as far from the circular aperture above me as I could, my bare back brushing the rough stone. The bale of straw descended the seventy feet from the surface and hit the floor with a thump, and I detached the rope and watched it snake upwards out of sight. I cut open the bale and spread it over the stone floor, then called for another. I grew hot and dusty in the circular space, and I...
Ich bin die 39jährige Polizistin Sandra König; viele würden sagen daß ich bildhübsch bin, ich habe schwarze, gut schulterlange Haare die ich meist zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammen gebunden habe, schwarze Augen, ein sehr hübsches Gesicht, eine Handvoll Brüste mit kleinen Nippeln und Vorhöfen, eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und unheimlich lange, schlanke Beine und das ganze verteilt sich auf 1,82 bei 66 kg. Vor 1 1/2 Jahren habe ich mich von meinem Mann getrennt, unsere Zwillinge Brigitte...