Up To No Good free porn video

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"Connor! Connor!"

My mom called out to my twin brother who was still asleep. It was seven thirty in the morning and once again, my brother would be getting up, and rushing to get dressed, eat breakfast and go brush his teeth, hence making me late for school since I got a ride with him every morning.

"That's just brilliant Mom! I'm going to be late to first period again and will probably get detention, thanks to slow poke Connor."

My mom frowned and set down Connors bowl filled with warm oatmeal. "Connor! Breakfast is ready!"


My father came out of the bathroom with a frown on his face. "What's with all the hollering Gina?" He asked my mom.

"It's nothing Dad. She's just trying to get your lazy son out of bed. I bet he was up painting or playing video games all night. That or looking at porn online."

My dad flashed me an angry face. "Young lady, that's a very crass thing to say."

I shrugged and laughed. My parents were so uptight sometimes. "Chill out Dad. I was joking."

"Well stop with the jokes Missy," my mom warned. "Connor!" She yelled out again.

I was getting frustrated. I stood up and raced over to my brother's room. I banged on the door like a mad person. "Get your ass up Connor!" I yelled.

I heard footsteps and I stepped back. Connor opened his door. His eyes were still half way closed and his jet black hair was pointing everywhere. "Dang Carrie, what the hell?"

"Didn't you hear Mom calling you like a million times? Are you deaf or what?"

"Shut up!" Connor shot back and passed me up. He headed straight to the bathroom, where I knew he'd take another 10 minutes or so. I sighed and walked back to the kitchen. "See Mom, THAT'S the way to wake him up."

My mom nodded. "That wasn't nice Carrie."

My dad was too busy drinking his coffee and reading the local paper to even notice. I sat back down and finished up my oatmeal and toast. Connor came to join us a few minutes later. He wore what he usually did which was a tee shirt of some type; usually it was something like Super Mario or The Ramones. I swear he had more tee shirts than anyone else around. Today he wore a David Bowie tee shirt and his usual baggy blue jeans and had put a cap on to hide his messed up hair, which was getting a bit too long. His blue eyes met my identical icy blue eyes.

"Thanks for the wake up call. Now, Mom and Dad don't have to buy a rooster." He said in a haughty tone.

I rolled my eyes and drank the rest of my orange juice. "Well, if you'd wake your ass up early, I wouldn't have to make noise."

He mumbled something and began eating his breakfast. My dad got up and said he had to hurry off to work and my mom began clearing the table. I sat there watching my twin brother eating.

"What?" He asked when he caught me staring.

"Hurry up and eat! You're going to make me late ... AGAIN."

He shrugged. "That's your fault for not getting your license. You're the only eighteen year old that I know who can't drive."

"I can drive! I just need to retake the test, Stupid!"

He snorted. "You're calling me Stupid? How many times will that be, that you've had to retake the test now Carrie?"

"Who many times have you had a date this year?" I snapped.

"Alright, you two! That's enough! Jesus Christ, you do this every single morning! All you two do is fight! Can't you have one morning where you actually get along?" My mom called out as she rinsed the dishes.

"Sorry Mom, but he was being a jerk."

"A jerk?" Connor yelled.

"I said that's ENOUGH!" My mom said, sternly.

We got quiet. I stood up to go brush my teeth and as I finished I noticed Connor was behind me waiting for his turn.

"Hurry up." He said, impatiently.

"Oh? Now YOU'RE rushing me?"

"Shut up. Move it." He pushed me aside.

I shoved him back. "Jerk."

He laughed and went on to brush his teeth.

We drove to school fighting over which radio station to listen to, as we always do. Luckily the ride to school isn't so long. It only takes 15 minutes to get there. Once we got to school, we hurried off our own separate ways. I went to meet up with my friends, who were not really popular, but then again, we weren't hated. We were just fun.

I watched Connor go meet up with his buddies. They all wore rock band tee shirts. They wore baggy jeans and Vans shoes. They liked to sit outside during lunch and listen to classic rock, like The Doors or The Stones. No one really paid attention to them. No one, meaning females, girls.

I swear I had never seen Connor with a girl. He'd never had a girlfriend, unless you count the time we were in seventh grade and Kacie Yonder held his hand on a dare. Not that Connor was ugly, he was just ... weird. He mumbled a lot and wore his hair too long, covering his eyes. He loved to draw and paint. That was something my dad wasn't so proud of but let slide, since Connor did some pretty damn good paintings. I watched how he and his friends talked and noticed the pretty girls. I didn't have a clue what kind of girls Connor was into. Was he even into girls? It always made me wonder.

"Hey! Guess what?"

My thoughts were interrupted by Jamie, one of my best friends. She was approaching me, along with my friend, Rachel and our other friend, Patti. "Oh God you'll never guess!" she squealed.

I rolled my eyes and leaned on the stairs rail. "Jamie, just tell us. You know we hate it when you do this."

"Yeah. I'm not in no guessing mood." Rachel spat out. She had just been telling us that she and Ralph, her boyfriend had another fight. They fought more than any other couple I knew.

Jamie gulped. "Ok, since you are all in such sour moods, I got invited to a party this Saturday! Uh, not just ANY party, Lauren Goodwin's party!"

We all did a double take. "Huh? Are you feeling ok?" Patti teased and pressed her hand on Jamie's forehead, pretending to check her temperature.

Jamie frowned and pulled back. "What? You don't believe me?"

I laughed. "Jamie, we believe you, but you know there's got to be a reason why Lauren Goodwin would invite you to one of her most FABULOUS parties."

Jamie looked dumbfound. "You don't think she'd want something from me do you?"

We all laughed. "Uh yeah, duh!" Patti replied.

"What the hell could she want from me?" Jamie asked.

"Hmm ... well ... let's see ... you do have Jorge living with you, right?" I asked.

Jamie blinked. Jorge was from Costa Rica, a foreign exchange student that was staying with them for two weeks. He was really supposed to be staying with Jamie's neighbors the Lamberts. Unfortunately, the Lamberts had a death in the family and had to fly out to Canada. Jamie's parents, being sweet, offered to take in Jorge for the meantime. Jorge was tall, dark and handsome. He looked like a real suave type of guy, except he barely spoke English. When Jorge arrived on campus, every girl must have wanted to throw their panties at him. I myself had to admit he gave me a tingly feeling between my legs, but I didn't find myself wanting to bone Jorge like the rest of the Senior girls.

Jamie nodded. "Yeah so what?

"Duh!" Rachel, Patti and I all said simultaneously.

Jamie looked upset. "Well, that figures. I knew it was too good to be true. She did mention for me to bring him."

I put my arm around her and turned her around. We all began walking into the school. "Don't be sad Jamie. Why would you want to go to Lauren Goodwin's party anyway? She's a total snob and likes to use people."

Jamie shrugged. "I might still go. I'll take Jorge. I've never been to a Lauren Goodwin party. It might be fun."

I shook my head. "Ok Jamie. Whatever you say."

During sixth period Bio, I found myself staring out the window. Lauren and her friends were all practicing their new cheers for the last football game of the season. So far, we were undefeated. Like I really cared.

She wore her long brown hair up in a ponytail. It was like the most perfect ponytail I'd seen. I wondered if she had a stylist who came to her house every morning to do her hair. It always seemed she wore her hair in many different and pretty styles.

She was smiling a bit too much. I wondered if Lauren Goodwin was ever unhappy. How could she be? She was rich, beautiful, popular and had her selection of any guy in the Senior Class. Her teeth were super white and straight. Her eyes were a soft green color and she was tall, at least 5'6", which I read somewhere is considered the perfect height for a female. Not to mention her perfect size 4 body. Must be all that damn cheerleading.

I am a mere 5'4", a size 6, with shoulder length dark hair parted in the middle, which everyone thinks I dye and pale blue eyes. My skin is pale and I have a few freckles. My friends always say I am pretty, but when I've seen girls like Lauren Goodwin, I've often questioned my own beauty.

After school was out, I waited for Connor by the music hall. He took guitar class as an elective. He came out with two of his friends, whose names I don't even remember. One guy was tall and lanky, wearing a black tee shirt that said "I'm awake, isn't that enough?" The other was chubby and short, with a goatee.

"Alright, see you all tomorrow!" Connor called out to his friends. They went their separate ways. He saw me and his smile faded.

"Oh, don't look so happy to see me." I mocked.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just go."

One the drive back home I didn't feel like arguing with him. I let him put on the classic rock station he always liked to listen to. His eyes stared straight out into the road.

"So um..." I began trying to add some conversation to our silence. "Jamie said that Lauren Goodwin invited her to one of her most FABULOUS parties. Can you believe that?"

Connor scoffed. "Yeah, so? Jealous?"

I felt my face get hot. "Jealous? Why would I be jealous? Lauren is obviously using Jamie. It's just because Jorge is staying with her family and Lauren wants Jamie to invite Jorge."

He laughed. "You are jealous."

"I'm not!" I snapped.

"Yeah, you are."


He looked at me for a brief moment. "Why don't you like Lauren Goodwin?"

I moaned. "Do I have to point it out to you? She's a major snob! She uses people!"

Connor turned down the radio. "Has she ever used you?"

I frowned. "No."

"Well then, how do you know she uses people?"

"Uh, hello! I live here! I've seen her do it."

"Well, but she hasn't done anything to you. Is that why you're mad? Because Lauren hasn't used YOU personally?"

I sighed. "What kind of moronic question is that?"

"I'm just saying that if she hasn't used you, why do you have to hate her? Just let her be and you do your own thing. I swear girls hate each other so much, no wonder we don't have a woman president. If a woman ran for president, half of the women in the country wouldn't vote for her because that's the way women are. They are mean to each other."

I gasped. "But I-"

"And you don't even know Lauren. What if she's actually a nice person? Ever thought of that?" He cut me off.

I felt my anger rising. I was mad because, in a way, he DID have a point about girls hating other girls. Honestly, I was sort of jealous of Lauren. "I take it you're one of the stupid boys drooling over her too, huh?" I shot back.

He laughed again. "Yeah so? She is hot."

"You're such an idiot. All guys are idiots. Just because some girl has looks, yet she's a total bitch, you'd still get a boner."

"Aw Carrie, stop hating."

I slapped his arm. He laughed. That only pissed me off more. I reached over and changed the radio station to Country music, which I hated and I knew he hated more. I cranked it up loud.

"Hey!" he shouted and changed it back to classic rock. Jimmy Hendrix blasted through the speakers.

I changed it again and we began to fight, like we always do.

Saturday night came and Jamie called me with a voice full of panic. "Carrie! What do I wear? How should I fix my hair? Should I take anything to the party?"

I sighed. I turned down my Natalie Imbruglia CD and flopped down on my bed. "Calm down, will you?"

She groaned, "I know. I know. I'm just really nervous Carrie! Jorge is already dressed and waiting for me! I haven't even put my clothes or make up on!"

"Jamie, take a deep breath, ok. Just relax."

I heard her breathing softly. I wanted to laugh. "Ok now, it's going to get chilly tonight, so wear some jeans. How about your Juicy Couture jeans you bought last month?"


"Oh and wear that pretty flowery top that you only wear when you go out with us. You know the long sleeve one."

"Ok..." her voice was beginning to calm down.

"Put on your black boots and wear your hair down. Maybe, put some pretty barrettes to hold it back? You know the glittery ones we bought at Trade Secret?"

"Oh yeah ... yeah ... that sounds ... good."

"Then just put on a little bit of blush, some mascara and some lip gloss. You know you were born with perfect skin, you don't need all of that gunk on your face."

She giggled. "Carrie, you are my bestest friend in the world."

I had to smile. "And I love you too."

"Thank you for everything! I got to get ready and I'll call you tonight to let you know how the party was!"

"Cool. Call me whenever. I don't have anything to do Saturday night. Sadly enough."

"Aw, why don't you call Tim Thomas?"

I winced when she mentioned Tim's name. Tim Thomas was a guy I dated for about two seconds before he practically tried to rape me after our first date. He had his hands practically all over me! I had to almost fight him off me! I promised myself never to go out with him again.

"No thank you. Did you forget he has tentacles not arms?"

She laughed. "Well he's the last guy you dated, so he's the first one that came to mind."

"Its ok sweetie, go have fun. Just keep an eye on Jorge. I'm sure his parents in Costa Rica wouldn't want him to impregnate any American girl."

She shrieked with laugher, "You're so bad. Love ya!"

We hung up and I lay down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I knew Rachel was out with Ralph and Patti had been asked out by Jordan, a soccer player she'd been eyeing for some time now. Me? Well ... I was going to stay home and watch movies. What else was there?

Then I thought about calling Ryan Gables up. Ryan was in my third period English Class. He was semi-cute and had a really nice smile. He talked to me a lot about the books he's been reading and often suggested books for me to read. I turned out liking every single one he recommended.

I opened up my cell phone and searched for his name. I got his number once because he offered it to me, since we couldn't talk much in class about books. I never did call him though. But tonight, I was lonely and kind of jealous that my friends all had plans without me.

I rang Ryan's cell phone and he picked up within two rings.

"Yeah?" That was his way of answering.

"Ryan?" I asked. For some reason, I was nervous.

"Yeah? Who's this?"

It didn't occur to me that I never gave him my cell number; therefore he wouldn't recognize my number. "It's Carrie. Carrie Watson."

His voice got deep, "Hey Carrie. I'm glad you called. What's up?"

I began to pace my room. "Oh, not much. How are you?"

"I'm good. I was just going to watch a movie."

"What movie?"

He paused, "The Lost Boys."

I smiled, "I love that movie."



"Cool. What are you up to?"

"I was just ... kind of bored. I mean ... well..."

He laughed. "You want some company?"

I sighed, "Yes, please."

"I don't have much money..."

"It's ok! I tell you what ... Why don't you bring the movie and I've got some popcorn here and sodas. We also have frozen pizza that I can pop right in the oven for us afterwards."

"Sounds great! What time can I come over?" he said a bit too eagerly.

I checked my clock. It was almost eight at night. "Eight thirty ok?"


We hung up and I stepped out of my blue jeans into some Aeropostale dark blue sweats and an Aeropostale top that went well with the sweat pants. What was the point of wearing blue jeans and a dressy top, when I was just going to stay home and watch some movies with a guy who I was cool with? I didn't see Ryan as a boyfriend, but more of a good pal. I brushed my hair and wore it down, as I always did and put on some mascara and blush. I was going to put on lip-gloss, but figured it was just Ryan. There was no need to get my lips ready, since there would be no puckering up.

I headed to the living room a few minutes later. My parents had gone out to one of my father's business dinners and I almost forgot about Connor. I figured he'd gone out with his friends, but I saw his car parked in the driveway. I went to knock on his door.

When he opened his door I saw he wasn't dressed up to go out. He wore his flannel pajamas and no shirt. I smelled paint and knew he was busy working on another painting.

"What?" he asked, as if I were annoying him.

"A friend of mine is coming over and we're going to watch a movie. Are you going out tonight?"

He shook his head. "Naw, I'm staying in. The guys are all out doing their own thing. I think one of them got invited to Lauren Goodwin's party. Poor guy is being used right now." He made a sad face only to taunt me.

"Shut up."

He laughed, "Chill out Sis. So who's coming over? Rachel or Patti?"


He blinked, "Who?"

"Ryan Gables. You know him, right?"

"Oh ... yeah I know him."

I waited for a minute or more for him to say something rude about Ryan. Every time I went out with a guy, Connor had something to complain about. But with Ryan, he seemed speechless. "Well ... have fun, I guess."


"He's kind of quiet, no? I don't think he's your type." Too late. He'd said something about Ryan. I figured it had to be too good to be true.

"How do you know what my type is?"

"Never mind. I won't interrupt your date."

"It's not a date; he's just coming over to watch a movie."

"Yeah ... ok." Connor said. He closed the door and I heard him turn up his music. I don't know if it was my imagination, but I thought I saw some sadness in Connor's eyes?

Ryan arrived a few minutes later. I had some popcorn popped and soda nice and cold for us. We put the movie on and watched in silence. It was nice to have some kind of company. Every now and then Ryan would laugh at a part or say "Oh, dang."

After the movie, Ryan and I went to the kitchen and put a Tombstone pepperoni pizza in the oven. Connor hadn't come out of his room all night. Ryan and I ate and talked about books and school and teachers. It wasn't anything really deep, just a nice conversation.

There were two slices left of the pizza, so I figured I'd offer Connor some, once Ryan left.

"This was nice Carrie. I mean it was just relaxing to be here with you. I enjoyed it." Ryan said, as we stood by my door to say our goodnights.

"Yeah, it was fun. We should do it again sometime. Maybe."

He smiled and his hand touched my cheek. My heart fluttered a little. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "For sure, we got to do this again. Call me sometime, ok?"

I nodded. He got into his car and I stayed outside until he left. Once I went back in, Connor was already in the kitchen. He was raiding the fridge.

"Hey, I left you some pizza if you want it." I said, pointing to the pizza pan that was on top of the stove.

He looked, "That's not going to be enough to hold me down. I'm freakin' starving!"

He took out some turkey and cheese from the fridge and began to make himself the biggest sandwich I'd ever seen.

"Ok, if you don't want the pizza-"

"I didn't say I didn't want it. I just said it's not enough. I'm going to eat this sandwich AND the pizza."

"Ugh. Isn't that too much?" I said, disgusted.

"Not for me."

I wondered how Connor managed to eat so much and stay so damn skinny. He and I were twins, so why wasn't I born with his fast metabolism? Not that I was always dieting, but I found myself watching what I ate a lot of the time.

"So, how was your hot date?" he teased.

"Once again, it was NOT a date. And it went well, ok."

He shrugged and began to put everything back in the fridge, once he'd built his sandwich. "I was just asking. Chill."

I took a seat at the kitchen table to watch him eat. He ate the sandwich in no time and the pizza slices were gone within a few seconds. He washed it all down with orange Slice soda. He burped loud enough so the neighbors could hear him.

"Ew! Excuse you!" I said.

He rubbed his belly. He looked too satisfied. "That was good food."

"I wish I knew how you stayed so skinny."

He eyed me quietly. "Sometimes I wish I would gain weight. I'm just a scrawny guy."

"You're not totally puny you know. I think you look ... alright."

He smirked, "So do you. Don't tell me you're one of those girls obsessed with her weight."

"Oh, not at all. I'm totally fine with my weight," I lied.

"Good. Guys don't like skinny girls."

I laughed, "Yeah, right. Then why do you ogle Ms. Goodwin? She's like super skinny."

"Yeah, but she's got some nice little curves."

"You pig!" I threw a kitchen towel at him.

He laughed and I got up to leave. As I walked away I felt him looking at me. I had to smile. Connor could be a jerk sometimes, but I wouldn't love him any other way.

"So ... how was the oh so FABULOUS party?" I asked Jamie on Monday during lunch. She hadn't called me all weekend, so I figured it must have gone pretty swell. "I tried calling you like a million times and all I got was your voicemail."

She nodded slowly and ate her baby carrots. "The party was ... ok. I mean when I pictured a Lauren Goodwin party, I pictured dancing and beautiful people, good food and a lot of mingling. Instead, there was nothing but drunken Seniors, hot guys that never even looked at me, and a lot of cliques. Jorge was very welcome though." She rolled her eyes. "I was so bored that I began to drink. I drank a lot and before the party even ended, I was drunk as hell. I threw up twice and couldn't find Jorge. I ended up passing out on Lauren's couch and when I woke up, Lauren and one of Lauren's friends, Carla, were looking at me. Lauren told Carla to drive me home, before I caused more trouble. Carla drove me home, but it was like five that morning! Jorge had gotten a ride from someone else. I got home and you can imagine just how pissed off my parents were. They called me irresponsible and a drunk. They grounded me and all day yesterday I had a massive headache. I can't go out for the rest of the month!"

"Oh Sweetie, I'm sorry. What did Jorge say?"

She sneered, "Nothing. What COULD he say? He just smiled and charmed my parents. This was all on me, because I was the irresponsible one. Jorge was too busy charming the ladies at the party and being funny for Lauren. He was sort of their entertainment that night."

I groaned and took a sip of her water. I looked around the lunchroom and spotted Lauren and her friends laughing and having a good time. Her friend, Carla was with Jorge and was constantly touching his hair and giggling at anything he said. Could she be any more obvious that she wanted to bang him?

"It's ok, the month is almost over. Just two weeks. I promise, once you get un-grounded you and I can go do something."

She agreed, sadly.

"Oh and you know what I did Saturday? I called up Ryan Gables. He came over and we watched a movie. It was ... nice."

Jamie smiled. "Ooh! So I see; Carrie has a new boyfriend?"

"No, no," I protested, "He's just ... a friend."

Jamie studied me. "Hmm, then why are you blushing right now as we speak?"

I giggled. "Jamie! I like him yes, but he's just a friend. That's all."

"Then why does he keep looking over here?"

I turned to see where Jamie was looking and noticed Ryan. His eyes met mine and he waved. He was sitting with two of his friends. I waved back and turned around. I felt my face turning redder.

"Love is in the air!" Jamie teased.

"Shut up!" I laughed and looked slightly to my right where I saw Connor and his friends. My brother looked at me and then looked away.

The next day was almost like a dream, or nightmare I should say. When I woke up, Connor was already dressed and ready to go to school. Only he was wearing a red polo shirt, khaki slacks and dark brown sketcher boots. His hair was cut! I could actually see his eyes!

"Holy crap! Am I in the wrong house?" I said, as I entered the kitchen.

My mom giggled, "Doesn't he look handsome?"

I didn't know how to answer that.

"Um wow! Bro, what's going on?" I asked. I slowly took at seat at the kitchen table.

My father was reading the paper and my mother was beaming at my brother's new look.

"What's going on is that your brother is in love." My father said behind his newspaper.

I gasped, "In love? Oh my God!"

Connor happily ate his cereal.

"Oh, why are you surprised that he's in love?" My mom asked me.

"Because I didn't think he'd be CAPABLE of falling in love."

Connor sighed and got up to leave his bowl in the sink. "Hurry up Sis. I don't want to be late to school." With that, he went to brush his teeth.

I took two or three spoonfuls of cereal and hurried to the bathroom. I needed to know what in the world was going on. I had never seen Connor act this way!

"So ... who may I ask are you in love with?" I asked curiously. I reached over to get my toothbrush.

"My, my. Aren't we nosy?" he said, with a mouthful of toothpaste.

"I'm just curious. I mean this girl must be the ONE; for you to have changed your appearance so much in the last twenty-four hours."

I began brushing my teeth, while he rinsed. M He looked at himself in the mirror to make sure he was good to go. "Lauren Goodwin."

I almost choked with the toothpaste in my mouth. I began to rinse my mouth and tried to avoid laughing. "Lauren Goodwin? Are you serious? You're in LOVE with Lauren Goodwin?"

He nodded.

"I know you and your loser friends drool over her, but c'mon! To be in LOVE? She doesn't even know you exist!"

He stood in front of me and crossed his arms. We were twins, but he was so much taller than me. "Oh, is that so? Then why did she ask me to paint her portrait?"

"Uh, because she probably heard that you paint. Duh!"

He smirked, "Yeah? And why did she ask me to go out with her this weekend?"

I swallowed. "Because she wants to charm you; that way she doesn't have to pay for the portrait."

"Oh, jealous are we?" he asked and turned to get some AXE body spray. "Do you mind? I have to spray this on."

I rolled my eyes. "You think she's going to fall in love with you, just because you use that cheap spray?"

He turned to grab my Enchanting Beauty Cream from the counter. "Hey! Give that to me!" I said; but he held it over his head.

"Enchanting Beauty, huh?" he mocked. Then he began to read the label. "Get more beautiful and radiant, by applying this cream two times a day." He read it as if he were in a commercial. I grabbed it from him. He laughed, "I didn't know they put miracles in a bottle."

"Jerk!" I said and left the bathroom.

On the ride to school we argued again. I told him not to fall for Lauren's tricks, but he's a guy. Guys will do anything pretty girls tell them to do.

"What's your problem anyway? I'm going out with Lauren because, for once, someone noticed me."

I looked out the car window. "I'm sure a lot of girls notice you."

He laughed, "Yeah right. So that's why I've had so many dates, huh?"

I felt bad. "Look, I'm sorry I made fun of you."

"I'm not doing this to get back at you, Carrie, if that's what you think. Lauren is very nice and I think she might like me. I know I like her ... A LOT."

"Yeah, I bet," I mumbled. I was glad we got to school fast.

By second period, the word was all over school that my brother and Lauren were an item. Everyone was shocked, including Rachel, Patti and Jamie. The nerd boys all cheered at Connors accomplishment and the jock boys looked embarrassed because Connor got what they never could.

Everyone was asking me questions, like, "Were Lauren and I best friends now." Hell, I never even talked to Lauren! By lunchtime, I'd had enough. My best friends were not making it any easier either.

"Carrie! Oh my God! I can't believe Lauren is going out with Connor!" Jamie exclaimed.

I drank my soda slowly trying not to listen to her.

"Yeah! I mean he looks even kind of hot now. I like his haircut," Rachel added.

"I like the way he's dressed today. I never really noticed how cute your brother is," Patti put her two cents in.

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King Dong a Monster Movie ParodyACT II

“Beautiful,” Jack said, coming up behind Anne as she stood at the railing, staring out over the ocean. “Yes, It’s a wonderful view,” she replied. “I wasn’t talking about the sea,” he said. She turned towards him, revealing that the plunging neckline of her dress left very little to the imagination regarding her large breasts, or to the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Flatterer,” she said with an inviting smile. Jack smiled back. “I hear you’ve been getting along well with the...

3 years ago
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Choices Part 1

Choices By Dawn DeWinter A story about a family with two boys aged 10 and 13 (Blair and Kirk), in which choice is a delusion and gender, an illusion. It's a familiar theme in the TG literature, but this time with an unfamiliar twist. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 01 Laird's choice Chapter 02 A hairstylist's choice Chapter 03 Amber's choice Chapter 04 A preacher's choice Chapter 05 A teacher's...

1 year ago
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My Wife is a Whore

My wife Wanda is a whore. She has been a whore most of our marriage. For the first few years she was a faithful wife, never once giving any indication of what was to come. She is short and fat, redhead, 5' 2" 240 lbs. She is one of those little short fat gals that just exude sexuality, a nice big rounded ass and awesome 42DD tits. She has never had any problem finding men that wanted to fuck her, and those that have fucked her sweet pussy have always come back for more. It really was my fault...

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From Massage To Sex

Hello friends, Today I am going to tell a real incident happened in my life. This happened just a few days back. It’s not a short story but the details I am going to mention here are just mind blowing. So girls get your fingers ready and guys grease your palm. Ha ha ha. Firstly lemme introduce myself. I am Raj and I am an RJ. I am from Ahmedabad, Gujarat and I am having decent looks and athletic body with a proper size of the tool which all girls would love to enjoy it between. Haha. I love...

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Sexy Mom

Mom was lying on her tummy on the floor reading a fitness magazine. She wasin spandex shorts and a sports bra. We had just finished our workout to onethose new workout videos. You know the ones where the guy is standing therewith the totally ripped abs and telling you how all those fad diets andcrazy machines don't work but his routine will. I tell you what I wish I hadhis body. Man that dude is hot as hell. You know what, they do work my momand I are living proof of it. We started his program...

4 years ago
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when i used to spy

  When i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand.  Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer  Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven.  As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to walk...

1 year ago
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Bottoms Up

Damn! Damn! Damn! What an ass on that woman!!! She was not a big woman, probably not more than 5' 4" tall and I would guess that she might weigh 130. She had a modest sized waist, maybe 23 inches, was probably 36C on the top but her bottom... wow! I'll bet it was 40 inches, maybe 42, maybe even bigger. And as round as a beach ball. It was certainly the stand-out feature of her figure. I had made it my business to check the figures of all the women in stores where I shopped. Mostly that just...

2 years ago
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Big Blue EyesChapter 25

She had been dabbing at her eyes throughout this recap of our last two weeks, I just put my available arm around her and told her that everything that has happened, was because of our love for the stage, our parents and most importantly, our love for each other. She put her hand in mine. I love this woman so damn much. “This part of our lives, we were destined to be together, Carol. Even if the Broadway thing falls through, I’ve never been more proud and in love with you, than I am right...

4 years ago
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Character Creation Showcase

Note: Last Update: 2016-09-24. gene.sis also created another story to present this same example in a different way:Conditional Branches Showcase (examples) Showcase Note: The "source of the chapters" as copyable text can be viewed on the forum For this to work, it is mandatory to start the Game Mode on the right tab under "Score". In the Intro Chapter, the player is awarded 5 character creation points, which he can spent freely at the character creation screen. This is achieved by ticking...

4 years ago
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Chatroom tricks part2

Mary got up and left the room, closing the door behind her. Well it was supposed to be a midday call, have sex and go home, but as my tied body looked out of the window I saw night drawing in. Then to my horror car headlights reflecting into the room, someone had just pulled up on the driveway and I remembered Mary was married…What the hell was I going to do? Mary had always been honest with me and I knew what I was getting into, I don’t know what this man, her husband was like but what the...

3 years ago
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SaraJay 1quo

"""""""""I "Damn, Mami stop screamin' damn." You "Alrig-Ri-Right daddy I-I wont scream no more." Then I finally got on bendin' knee and asked my special lady, for the 1st time in my life, the big question. Sara Justine - will you marry me?" . . . . "Uwwhh-uwrk-cluh->cluh-urky-- yes baby, I will marry you." You make->>ighh-igh in-in me so happy Al B., I dont and aint ever loved no man l-ll-luh-luh like you." I placed the ring on your finger and got up to my feet, passionately french...

1 year ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 14

I was eating supper in the Radisson's restaurant that evening, when I met a couple of people from 'Doctors Without Borders.' They were here for almost the same reason as me, they were going to cross the border into western Iraq, set up in al Rabat and start treating children. I mentioned to one of the doctors that I was going to a small village northeast of al Rabat to set up a small medical clinic. We chatted for a while and I accepted his invitation to join their convoy. The Doctors...

4 years ago
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My true story

Ever heard the expression, fact is stranger than fiction? In many cases its true. Things can happen for no apparent reason, seemingly insignificant things, that can change entire lives forever. Things you have never dreamed of or dare dream of can hit you quicker than a c***d with dirty shoes on your freshly mopped floor. This is the true story of just such an event or chain of events as it were.It was the spring of 1993. Winter was over, the flowers were blooming, and the girls volleyball team...

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A Lonely Mom Loves Her Son Ch 1 3

My name is Margaret, but everyone calls me Maggie. I’m a 36-year-old single mother with one son. My piece of shit ex-husband left us nine years ago. We got married just out of college and a year later at the age of 22, my son, Ethan, was born. Almost from the moment I got pregnant, my husband stopped almost all affection. Men don’t seem to understand that during pregnancy our hormones are swirling like crazy and we are hornier than ever. However, there are a lot of men who either just...

2 years ago
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Why I Became A Man The Aftermath

Why I Became a Man: The Aftermath By Heather St. Claire TO: Robin Bryson, CEO FROM: Dr. Emilio Sanchez, Medical Director DATE: February 23, 2090 RE: Resignation Robin, please consider this memo to be my resignation from the Body Exchange Institute, effective two weeks from today. I can no longer be part of an organization I cannot ethically support. In all of our promotional materials, we claim to be dedicated to the highest standards of client care. That claim seems especially...

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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 25

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. 120. Detonation ‘Hello...

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Chris I experiment true story

One day a friend and i went on a vacation to the beach to relax and have some fun. When we got to the Motel we were both tired and decided to relax for the night. we got tired of the shitty hotel channels and turned to the laptop for some porn to pass time. As we watch porn hours went by and our dicks got hard as they could be. I pulled out a joint and chris and I smoked it, but as i went to hit the joint i could feel chris' hand rubbing my hard cock through my pants. It felt good so i let him...

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Lucky StiffChapter 21 Senior Weekend III

The autumn wind, and the winter wind, Have come and gone. And still the days, those lonely days, Go on and on. And guess who sighs his lullabies, Through nights that never end? My fickle friend, the summer wind! --Summer Wind (Frank Sinatra) Kristen found me after the party. "Why did you do that?" she asked. "Do what?" "Tell Lynette to love me." "You mean, 'Pussy Slave, '" I pointed out. "Jim, you told her to love me." "She already told me that she loved you. If she...

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My first time in Jamaica part onecoupleforfunnyc

Ok so of you read my previous stories you know about Darrel . Dave also knew about Darrel and wanted us to try swinging together . We booked an adults only resort in Jamaica because it's was one of the cheaper ones . As we arrive they are giving everyone drinks at the airport and the guy handed it to me and says your going to have fun here ! .I thank him and continue to our transportation to the hotel . We see a sign and we stand with the rest of the crowd but we realized everyone was a bit...

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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil; a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other; as all boys do at that...

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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost Part 13

Intro- Hello this is Ajit Roy again, welcome all of you to my brand new part of this story series. I hope you like all the previous parts, and hope you like this too. So, let’s start. Manali bistar pe madhosh hokar padi rahi. Rahul bhi bohut thaak (tired) chuka tha, woh bhi bistar ke doosri taraf let gaya. Dono bistar pe aise lete ki bistar par ulta ‘T’ (Capital ‘T’) form ho gaya. Dono ke hi aankh lag gayi aur nind mein doob gaye. At 08:04 PM of that Night: Main sabkuch apne laptop mein live...

2 years ago
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Grandmas Friend

This happened about thirty years ago. I was 23 years old and had gone to visit my grandma, she lived on her own about 5 miles away from where we lived so I liked to visit her at least once a month when my work allowed. This day was a Wednesday and as I walked in her friend, Audrey, was sat with her in the kitchen they were talking away.I’d been there around fifteen minutes when the phone rang, as grandma came off it she said “I’ll have to go to the shop I’ll be about an hour, you know where...

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Skiing trip 2 Stranded

If you want me to continue the story you should let me know. I apologize for the language mistakes but as I said I’m not English. I hope this is better then the first one. Please comment! Skiing trip 2 - Stranded I was standing naked in the mountain cabin with my full glory disposed to my sisters and the others viewing pleasure. My cock was pulsating about to burst any moment. I was frozen to the spot for a few seconds before deciding that the best way out of this...

4 years ago
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Beach Vacation Part 2

After our little ‘show’ in the afternoon, we return to our room for a little nap and accommodation.. As we are getting ready for dinner later in the evening on the first night, we both have what seems to be a new sense of lust for each other. This afternoon was amazing, both down at the beach, and in the room afterwards. You walk out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around you. I come up behind you, and wrap my arms around you. You smell so good, and your skin is so soft. I love to touch...

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Meeting JamesChapter 3

It was six a.m. and I was wide awake. I heard James softly breathing and realized he was still asleep. I tried to close my eyes, but it was no use. I might as well get up. Very carefully, I slid out from under James’s arm. I picked up the baby-doll and thong that we had thrown on the floor the night before and walked into the bathroom. After using the toilet, I put on a bathrobe and snuck back out into the bedroom. He was still fast asleep and I really didn’t want to wake him, because I knew...

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The Keeler HaulChapter 2

Cynda Balarde was a petite woman with very blue hair that sparkled in the light of the shuttle port's glare. She had dark, expressive brows above even more expressive eyes and a small mouth that was currently set in a grin that seemed wider than possible. As soon as Anya was clear of the access way, the two were hugging and squealing like school girls. Pete and Ross watched this for a second before turning and grinning at each other. This was far from the cool, aloof and sophisticated...

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Heavy Metal Babes

HeavyMetalBabes! Oh hell yeah, babes in tanks. No, this ain’t that weird-ass Japanese hentai game in which you date actual war tanks – this is Heavy Metal Babes, the new turn-based RPG that you can only find on Nutaku. It’s a bit of a weird combo of giant robot love and pussy addiction, but it works really well. If you’re a hot-blooded virile dude, you probably dream of having your own fighting robot. You also probably like pussy. Who doesn’t? Well, this game combines those two passions into...

Best Porn Games
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Armis IoChapter 3

Boston, Massachusetts – September 2061 Chris Simpson looked at the envelope sitting in the mailbox, amid the small pile of flyers and advertisements for various on-campus events. The envelope was computer typed and addressed properly: Chris Simpson PO Box 1431 M.I.T. Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 With a small smile, Chris always changed the internalization of the address to ‘Cambridge – Our Fair City – Mah’ – just like Click and Clack did on their radio show, back 50 years ago. Too bad that...

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Fit To Be TiedChapter 10

Laurine simply lay on the floor for several minutes. She was hot and sticky and tired. And she felt as if she'd been robbed. The dancing had been hard work for her. She'd poured every ounce of her sexuality into it--and what had it gotten her? She finally stood and sought out her panties. She slipped into them and found where she'd tossed her skirt and blouse. Robbed was the only real emotion she felt. She went to the door and opened it and was amazed to find it didn't lead into the...

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The Gasp of Bewilderment

Howard had just got back from his cycling ride; he was hot and sweaty, the only thing that he really noticed was that his wife was not at home, this he welcomed for the marriage was not great, a tolerated existence. He went into the bathroom and had a hot shower and coming out, naked he went into the kitchen to put the kettle on and then turning around certainly gave a jolt of surprise for Kay was standing and in those seconds she gave a gasp of bewilderment for he was stark naked and maybe for...

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I got ID

We face many choices in life, different paths to choose from. At nearly every instance I had the willpower, the determination to choose right from wrong. I am not infallible, I have made mistakes but they were small ones. I was able to correct them, apologize, and make amends with the ones I hurt. However, there was one temptation that I could not turn away from. I was given the opportunity to live out a dream that most people will never obtain. The consequence to living this dream would be the...

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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 22

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

2 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 33 Career Change

George came home from the office with a smile on his face. Slipping through the house, he stopped at the kitchen door and watched his wife trying to cook while keeping an eye on the boys. In an excited voice, he asked, “Who’s up for a little wrestling?” John and Joe immediately spun around and saw their dad at the door of the kitchen. With wild screams they charged him ready to wrestle at the doorway. George picked the two boys up, carrying one in each arm. When he reached the living room...

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Traditional Indian Village Wife Ashwini

Hi all readers, this is a story of my wife’s sexual journey. I (Shiva) am a software developer in Bangalore. I along with my friend have started our own company. The story started way back in 2011 when I was a project manager in an MNC in Bangalore. I recently got married in my native village in Andhra Pradesh and my wife’s name is Ashwini. She was working as a software engineer in Hyderabad and was from a poor family but my parents liked her a lot as she was beautiful. I mean she was every...

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Stay At Home 3

Chapter 4I woke up with Kim spooned against my chest.  I watched her for a moment before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom.  As I came out, Kim scurried past me and closed the door.  I went back to the room and sat on the bed to wait for her.When she came back, Kim sat on the bed next to me.  She took my hand in hers, kissed the back of it, and said, “Thank you for the best night I’ve had in a long time.”Smiling, I said, “I think Bill and Carol had a lot to do with it, Kim.”“They...

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First time with the girls

As they got older we started to talk about more sexual things and about how we couldn't wait for the first time we would get to have sex. I knew that Lucy liked me and I always thought maybe me and her would do it together, as they grew, they grew more and more different, Beth developed a beauty spot on her forehead and that was how I usually told them apart, and Lucy was recognizably skinnier than her sister. I couldn't talk to any of my friends about this stuff because the girls were 3...

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Bhabhi Ki Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi dosto mai shekhar kaise hai aap log meri pehli story bhabhi ki chudai aap logo ne padhi aur aapka response bhi mila dosto kuchh dosto ne kaha ki aage ki kahani likho yaar jab chudai hogi tabhi kahani banegi na jhuthi kahani likhne ka kya fayda abhi mai topic par aata hu dosto jaisa k aapko pata hai mai apni chhoti bhabhi jo k mere ghar k samne ghar me rehti hai unko kis tarah choda isi holy me Mai ghar aaya tha bhabhi se milne gaya to bhabhi bahut khush hui holi wale din bhabhi ke sath holi...

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Return to the MILF ndash by SBarak1

Return to the MILF – a story by SBarak1This is the 2nd story in my MILF series. Although this story can be read ‘stand-alone’, it will make more sense if read after my story ‘My First MILF’. Just remember this is fantasy.After a memorable evening at Bev’s a few years ago, as relayed in the story my story “My First MILF.” I returned a few days later, at the time, to her house to fulfil my promise to give Bev a spare portable hard drive so she could free up some space on her laptop PC. I knew...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 4

Faintly, a voice came through the darkness. "Amanda?" Amanda stirred, her eyes fluttering open. At first it was as if she were still among the trees, for it seemed as dim around her now as it had been there. For a brief moment she panicked, disoriented, and tried to bolt up from where she lay prone on her back. Her muscles refused to work properly, and when she tried to use her hands to push herself up, a bolt of pain in her arm made her wince, shocking her back to reality. Amanda felt...

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Hot Tub Suprise

Chapter 1...I'm Paul and I'm 41 years old. I'm divorced and I live alone. I'm an attorney - not rich - but I live a comfortable life.When I met Jenny, I was 27 and she was 25 years old. Her daughter, Nikki, was 5 years old and the cutest thing that I had ever met. She had curly brown hair and dark brown eyes that totally captivated me. She was a very well mannered c***d and she deserved all the affection I could provide her. I wanted to be her daddy. I wanted to be the guy who kept her safe and...

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Bird SongChapter 6 Response

All of the attendees at the COBRA meeting were staring at the Prime Minister. The news channels were blaring out the claims of Al Qaeda biological attacks, the release of a strain of bird flu that could infect humans, and Gordon Brown had sneezed. The Prime Minister gazed back at them calmly. "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't think this is the time to lose our cool. It would seem we have a lot of work to do. Now, I suggest we take a comfort break to give the Chief Medical Officer time to join...

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Super Slut Girl

“Help me Slut Girl” Slut Girl heard with her super hearing. “Oh no, someone is in need of my help” Slut Girl said. She span around like a whirlwind and seconds later was in her superhero costume. Black leather thigh high boots, a tiny black leather mini skirt with no panties, and a black leather basque with a big S on the front and SLUT on the back, and to finish the outfit the Slut Girl utility belt, with an array of dildos, handcuffs, lubes and other sex paraphernalia. She ran out of her...

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mummy teaches

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see top rated stories like these videos gallery etc My parents divorced when I was 10 over some drinking brawl assed thing. Dad drank a lot & when dad walked out he said, I’ll see you again in divorce court. Mom started to cry un-controllably. Hell, I didn’t know what to do. I took mom’s hand & tried to console her as best I could. She & I just sat there. I started to talk to her. I said, “Mom “We’ll make it. We will be alright”“We will be fine mom, it...

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Line Up For The LibrarianChapter 2

Vickie didn't spend much time fretting about her lewd and horny behavior. Business picked up a little in the library by late afternoon, and she was too busy to do much thinking. If she let her mind drift back to the sex session at all, it was with a thrill of excitement, a twinge of wonder that she had been so daring. What if someone had found them fucking between the shelves like that? What if her supervisor had come to check up on her? Fortunately it was a large library, with several...

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CHAPTER 14The Grand Re-opening of the resort was finally upon us. Tomorrow early afternoon, 1:30 PM, the shuttle would be bringing the guests in from Trinidad en masse. That was another unique thing about the resort. All guest arrive at the same time, everybody exposed to the resort, the staff, and each other at the same time. The resort, facilities, and staff were going through final checks. This first group would contain some of the original guests from the initial opening. At one time that...

4 years ago
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A Simple Request

“Please, Daddy, please? Just this one time, please?” she asked for the third time.“How many times do I have to say no, Alysha?” I replied.“Well, why not? It’s not like anything will change, you know.”She kind of had me there. How do I tell my daughter that what she wanted was wrong when I have my seven-inch cock balls deep up her sweet, tight little asshole, and after I had just unloaded my cum deep in her ass. After she just had one of the best orgasms I had ever seen her have. After she had...

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GirlsWay Bree Daniels Demi Sutra Scouts OnHer

Bree Daniels is lounging on the couch, looking a bit anxious and excited, as though she’s waiting for something. There is a knock on the door. Bree instantly jumps to her feet and smooths out her clothes, then speedwalks to the door. ‘Well, who could that be at the door?’ she says in a very exaggerated tone. Bree opens the door and has an expression of mixed arousal and surprise as she sees Demi Sutra, who is wearing a sexy scout uniform and holding a box of cookies. Bree...

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Steamy Sex

Kate woke feeling run down and unsexy. She'd been having a few rough weeks at work where it just seemed like nothing seemed to want to go her way or work out for her. Lately she was suddenly starting to feel the pressure of deadlines regardless of how many hours she put in, and no amount of masturbating had managed to take away the stress. Combine the stress with the harsh cold she had just gotten over and she was starting to feel like anything other than gorgeous and sexy."A hot pampering bath...

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Secrets Of The FamilyChapter 4

This evening I decided to let it be random on who I got. I could try to push Jessica to push Jake so I could fuck some of the other pretty girls I saw in camp but I didn't want to get on Jake's bad side either. He was my "dad" after all. Sort of. Okay, he was the sperm donor. He was my immediate biological male ancestor. I didn't want to annoy him. Yet. Beyond that reason, I thought it might be fun to see who I randomly got. It would make tonight an adventure. A different kind of...

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Kelly Chapter 1 The Beginning Our Awakening

Kelly and I met through an adult dating site. We chatted through the site then texts and emails. We couldn’t seem to arrange a personal meeting. She had a family reunion to go out of town and for personal other family-related matters. Then I had to go out of town to deal with a family matter. As it turns out to the same city, but she was already home when I arrived.Through our chats and texts we grew to know each other and through photos, we found that we were quite attracted to each other. As...

Straight Sex
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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 12

January 20th, 2007, Friday Dommi Their meal was lovely, and most amazingly, Eddie behaved himself, and there was no further griping. He even managed to be charming, and Dommi was reminded why Tamara and his ladies were so enamored of him. “So, we go in,” she said while they sipped their after-dinner coffee, “we meet and greet, and settle in. Kendry, do you mind acting as messenger, asking House Vincente for an audience?” “Yes, Mistress, I do mind. I’m security. I don’t leave my client if...

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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Getting to Know All About Us This is the true story of the best sex I ever had, more than four years ago, the hottest and sweetest love I ever had in my life….how we got to the most magical and wonderfully sexual day of my life – Nov. 10, 2008 –but it’s also the story of how almost a year after that, and after cementing our relationship in so many ways but most especially sexually, I totally messed it all up between us and we can never, will NEVER be in each other’s lives again. ...

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City Bus

On Christmas Eve, the entire family would gather at my Grandparents place and celebrate. Lots of singing and opening presents. I was a teenager at that awkward age. To old for hanging around the little kids and to young to party with the adults. At 15, I would much rather stay at home and look at my secret stash of Playboy magazines. My Aunt and Uncle along with their 16 year old daughter Mary, live across from us in the apartment building. Mary is probally the prettiest girl I know with...

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Pados Ki Bua Ki Bhukh

Hello dosto mera naam kaavy h or m jaipur m rhta hun. Phle m apne baare m bata dun ki m 21 accha khasa ladka hun, meri hight 5’10” hai.Ab m apni khani par aatha hun. Ye baat karib 1 saal phle ki h jab m ek shaadi attend krne apne gaanv gya hua tha. Gaanv m aas padosiun koi bi chacha tau, bhua bolte h. Aise hi ek pados m bhua thi uska naam renu tha. Maine use kbi havas bhari najron se ni dekha tha kunki gaanv m sb ek dusre ko jaante h or umar m bi vo mujhse 2 saal badi thi. Thoda us ke baare mai...

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