After Action Report: From "bridget's Nights" free porn video

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(Bridget's been sitting in my family room again, tossing down Irish whiskey and talking about her adventures. She had hinted about this one before, what she did in England after her rescue mission to France in WWII. So here it is. For those of you who don't know her, I refer you to Chapter 1 of "Bridget's Nights" where she first appeared and explained a lot about herself. This story contains both Male/Female and Female/Female sex. Thank you Marian as always for the errors you caught and the reminder to everyone that I keep changing things till the last minute and any and all errors are solely my responsibility.)

(April 1943)

The French call them "Pilchards". Americans usually refer to them as "Sardines", the young ones anyway. Regardless of what you call them, being covered by thousands of them fresh from the waters off the French Coast, is anything but an olfactory treat. They STINK. When you have the heightened senses of a vampire, they REALLY stink. And so do you after hiding in them for a few hours.

There was a perfectly good reason I had been buried in sardines and it made me mad enough to declare a personal war on the German Navy. Of course as an agent of the OSS I was already involved in the war my adoptive country was fighting with the Reich, but now I was specifically furious with the Nazi E-Boat fleet.

I had been a part of a combined French/OSS Jedburgh operation to free an important leader of the Resistance whom the Gestapo had captured. Jacques Lorimar was as brave a man as I had met in my four hundred odd years on the earth, but even the bravest person had a breaking point and the Gestapo was superb at finding those. He carried the names of a number of agents and Resistance operatives in his head. We needed him out.

In the days before night vision goggles and thermal imagery, if you wanted to do something sneaky, you did it at night. A darn good thing for me, as exposure to about 15 seconds of direct sunlight was guaranteed to turn me into "Bridget Flambeau". So the parachute drop from the belly of a British Lancaster bomber took place at night. So did the successful raid on the prison and the ex-filtration of Jacques and myself once the Underground doctor had patched him up enough to travel.

The status of the French fishing boats was one of those curious anomalies that exist even in an all out war. The Germans were quite aware that the Frenchmen manning those boats were making occasional contact with the British SOE (Special Operations Executive). But the catch those boats made was badly needed by the Nazis. At the same time, the British knew the fish were supplied to the Reich, but the contacts afforded by the fishermen with the Underground were too valuable for THEM to stop. So everyone turned a semi-blind eye. After all, this unofficial commerce had been going on since at least the Napoleanic Wars. I had taken advantage of it back then.

Still, it didn't mean that the boats were completely free to do as they wished. The Germans didn't have the manpower to post a watcher everywhere, but they conducted random searches at the docks, planted informers and, as I found out, sometimes stopped and inspected the boats.

In this particular case it was an E-boat, the German equivalent of the American PT Boat. The crew was reinforced by an even dozen German soldiers with one of those ubiquitous leather-coated Gestapo Agents in charge. They had swept down upon the slow-moving trawler that Jacques and I were hiding on and boarded us.

There was a secret compartment in the hold. Unfortunately, all of Jacques' injuries and bandages made it a one person hiding place. An engine crewman and I scrambled to cover the lid. Jackboots were already clumping down the ladder, giving him barely enough time to dart back into the engine room and me to burrow myself as deeply as I could in a large, smelly, cold and wet pile of little fish.

Eventually they gave up. Not long after we were met by a British Motor Gunboat, which whisked us away and to safely land before daylight. However there was no place to shower on that speedy little boat and even the imperturbable Brits were giving me a special salute, one that involved the thumb and forefinger clamped firmly over the nose. I haven't smelled like that since my first days in America in the early 1800's. Well, nobody told ME there was a reason everyone kept far away from those cute little black animals with the white stripe on their backs.

Jacques was taken to a hospital. My plan was to find a way to the OSS safe house and set a new world's record for the longest hot shower followed by a short nap that I hoped would last all day. Of course that wasn't going to happen. Should I have been the least bit surprised that everyone and her brother seemed to have a different idea?

I had four messages waiting for me at the pier, summoning me to four different places. The OSS Station Chief wanted to see me, as did the SOE, SHAPE G-2 and interestingly enough, SHAPE G-1. The first three made sense, but I wondered why the Personnel Officer needed to see me.

My preference would have been to report to the OSS first. However, the SHAPE G-2 had accompanied his message with a Lieutenant Colonel who loftily reminded me that I was a Captain in the US Army. As tempted as I was to toss him off the wharf to see if the cold water would shrink his ego, I restrained myself and accompanied him, happy in the knowledge that he could only hold his breath for so long in the enclosed staff car he had brought. The Corporal who was driving, made of sterner stuff, was actually enjoying the discomfort of the stuffed shirt beside me. Once we had arrived he even winked at me as he gravely held the door open for us. I winked back. He was cute.

It turned out that what the Colonel wanted was for me to give him a full report on my little excursion to the continent. Apparently his idea was to submit it immediately through channels ahead of everyone else. I figured that somehow he was going to try to claim some credit for an operation he wasn't even aware of before it took place. I made a mental note to tell the Station Chief there was a leak somewhere.

In the meantime, I stalled. I demanded proof of his security clearance, his need to know, everything but his birth certificate. I made a great deal of noise. The fact that he was trying to stay as far away from me as possible made it hard for him to stick his face in mine and threaten my career with any real degree of effectiveness. He did keep at me, enough that for the first time in my unlife I was considering eating someone that was on the same side as me.

I didn't, of course. I didn't even show my fangs. However I was saved from a really serious contemplation of that maneuver when a knock sounded on the door. Without waiting for any answer, the door opened and a WAC officer wearing the same silver leaves as my interrogator strode briskly into the room.

"Captain O'Brien?" Still without waiting for an answer, she continued. "You're a hard woman to find. I have orders to conduct you to Southby House immediately. General Donovan has been looking for you."

"Just a moment," the Intelligence Colonel sputtered. "I'm not finished with...". He broke off as I stood up and started for the door. At the same time, the WAC lifted an eyebrow.

"Surely you heard me Colonel? Major General Donovan commands Captain O'Brien's presence. Shall I call him to tell him you feel your business is more important? Or would you prefer to do that yourself?"

From the sounds coming from the office once we had closed the door behind us, the intelligence officer was still trying to find the right words to express his outrage. I smiled gratefully at my rescuer.

"Thanks. I don't know who exactly you are and where you come from, but I'm very happy that you showed up. I'd offer to shake hands but I'm not sure you want to get that close."

"Bridget, I'm Jill Shelby and I'm from the training station. Colonel Stevens sent me in search of you when you didn't show up. I found from the Brits that you had been carried off in a staff car and tracked it down. The driver was happy to tell me where and with whom you had been taken." Seeing my expression she hastened to reassure me. "Don't worry. As soon as we get back I'm planning on making arrangements to transfer him to us. I believe he can keep his mouth shut, but at the same time he has the judgment when to open it."

We walked to another staff car. Jill surprised me by opening the driver's side door and indicating I should get in on the other side of the front seat. I grinned as I saw an Army raincoat had been stretched across the seat. Apparently the young corporal had fully briefed Jill. I climbed in and closed the door as Jill slid in behind the wheel.

"No driver?" I inquired.

"Nope," Jill grinned at me. "I like driving myself. I enjoy driving and it eliminates anyone who knows just what I do and where I go and who I might be with."

"A good security precaution," I commented.

"Yes," she replied. "And for more than one reason." Jill bit off the end of the afterthought as though she suddenly realized she had said more than she should have.

I considered what else she could have meant. I kept sneaking looks at her. She was taller than me by a good four inches and had a much fuller body. I noticed her uniform was of excellent quality and cut to flatter her figure. The stockings encasing her legs, which I rested my weary eyes on a good bit, looked to be pre-war material.

They were very good legs I noticed. Shapely, with rounded calves and nice thighs, more and more of which I got to see as she drove and her skirt seemed to work its way up bit by bit. I began to feel a little dance was underway between the two of us, I was watching her legs, she was watching me look at her and both of us were pretending nothing was going on.

We finally reached the sprawling English house that had been leased to the US government and assigned to the OSS as its headquarters in Britain. Jill parked the car and we got out. I noticed she exited the car one leg at a time, rather like a guy, instead of swinging both legs out together. Not that I minded, her skirt rode up far enough for me to see a full expanse of creamy white thigh above her stockings.

Jill ushered me in to see Colonel Stevens, whom I had met before the mission. Several others were waiting with him along with him, one of whom piped up even before Jill and I had saluted the Colonel.

"Welcome back, Nightingal." He wrinkled his nose, a gesture everyone in the room was copying with greater or lesser degrees of tact. "And what in the hell have you been rolling in?"

He might have said more, but Colonel Stevens cut him off. Not that I didn't LIKE Dick, he was clever and handsome and I would have bedded him in an instant had he not been attached to his war-correspondent girlfriend. But the names he hung on people. Still, what do you expect of someone who was half of a team that even Director Donovan referred to as "The Hardy Boys"?

"Another time Dick." He returned his attention to me. "You are alright Bridget? And Jacques? Safely at the hospital? And Colonel Shelby rescued you from a certain G-2 Officer who's ass I am going to have on a plate tomorrow?" I simply nodded to each question.

"Good. General Donovan wants a full report, but I can convince him to wait until you have bathed and slept. Colonel Shelby, would you please take care of Captain O'Brien?"

"Certainly, sir."

Jill took me by the elbow and guided me along the corridors of the winding old house. I had a strange feeling of familiarity and wondered if I had ever been here before. It was possible.

"Bridget, tomorrow we'll get you into quarters. Tonight, you can bathe and sleep here." She led me into a nice room and pointed at a door I assumed opened into the bath. I walked wearily there, closed the door behind me and stripped as I waited for the water to warm up.

I think I actually gave a moan of delight when the warm water hit me. I could tell an American had worked over the system as the water was a hard stream instead of a drizzle. I scrubbed furiously, twisting and turning to allow the stream of water to probe everywhere on my body. The soap was hard, yellow English wartime stuff but it cleaned me. I was trying to get it to lather enough to wash my hair when I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Bridget? Its Jill. I have a present for you."

Jill's legs flashed back into my mind, along with those very interesting thoughts I had about them and any present that might involve them. Dismissing them, I called back, "All presents gratefully received Jill. The door's unlocked."

I felt a bit of a breeze through the shower curtain, indicating the door had opened and then heard the latch click as it was closed. A shapely bare arm and hand came through the curtain, holding a bar of pink soap.

"Try this. I think you'll feel a lot better." There was a soft laugh. "Probably smell a bit better too."

Oh golly. Pre-war American bath soap. A rich sweet scented foam appeared almost immediately as I rubbed it over my body.

"Thank you, Jill!" I thought about it and a slight frown crossed my face. "But you can't have much of it. I know its not available here at all."

"No, well, I'm down to the last couple of bars I brought when I was assigned here. But you really deserve a bit of a pampering."

"Why thank you again." I debated for a moment, thinking of whether I was right in the look I had seen in Jill's eyes when I had watched her slide out of the car. I shrugged. Nothing ventured and all the rest.


"Yes Bridget?"

"Don't you think we better share it then?"

The curtain cracked again, a bit wider this time. Then Jill slipped through the opening and pulled it closed behind her. "I thought you would never ask."

I looked at her. Her body was generous but without fat, her heavy breasts tipped with big brown nipples. Dark curls blossomed between her legs. Her legs were full and shapely and my fingers itched to explore her smooth skin.

"Turn around and I'll wash your back," I breathed as I fumbled behind me, adjusting the nozzle's flow higher to splash over her.

She smiled and turned around. As she did she lifted her arms over her head and rose up on her toes. The muscles in her legs flexed and it was all I could do to keep from falling to my knees behind her and worshiping them and her taut ass. Instead, I swallowed extremely hard and began to wash her back.

I swear Jill purred as I worked the lather across her shoulders and down her back. Not only did I scrub her, I used several centuries of experience to knead her muscles, relaxing her. She settled into a comfortable slump, her arms hanging loosely by her sides. I was close behind her now, my lips only inches from her shoulder.

My hands slid over her ass. Immediately I heard a deep moan from Jill and her butt muscles tightened. I was so aroused that for a moment I worried my fangs might drop. I took one of those deep breaths that I don't need and concentrated on massaging her clenched ass.

The two of us were locked in a struggle to see who would give in first. I stooped slightly, my hands sliding, reluctantly, from Jill's ass to the back of her thighs. Bit by bit they parted and I could scent her excitement, the steam from the hot water causing it to spread through the shower and mingle with my own. My body was so close to her I could feel the heat smoldering between us.

My soapy hands glided to the front of her legs. Carefully avoiding touching her between her legs, I encircled her with my arms, my soapy hands pressing against the top of her mound and creeping up her firm belly. I had moved so close my hardened nipples were almost but not quite brushing against her back.

There wasn't a winner in our silent contest to maintain control. Of course, that also meant there wasn't a loser. I think it was the slight brush of Jill's breasts against the top of my fingers that set us both off. She grasped my hands and pulled them up to cover her full orbs. At the same time I pressed myself tightly against her back. My much smaller breasts flattened against her, my nipples so hard I thought they were poking holes into her skin.

My thumbs and forefingers closed over her thick brown nipples, holding them tightly while the palms of my hands lifted the full orbs. She reached back and seized my hips, pulling me even closer to her. I wiggled my hips, rubbing my pussy up and down against the cleft of her ass.

Jill leaned forward and spread her legs. Because of my shorter height, I slid down her body and between her legs. The water still splashing over us was no wetter than either of us were between our legs. I leaned back slightly, maintaining my firm grip on her breasts and lifted myself onto my toes. With my body positioned as it was, I was able to push up to her. Using my greater than human strength, I ground myself hard against her.

The position was ridiculous, even after Jill released me and bent all the way over to brace her hands on the shower wall. I took advantage of her shift to let go of her breasts, drop to my knees and bury my face into her ass. Freshly washed, I tasted soap as I drug my tongue along her cleft and began to tease the dark rosette hidden there.

I was too eager to get to the main course though. Squirming to face the other way, I slid between her legs and lifted my face to her pussy. The streaming water carried her nectar down her thighs and I ran my tongue up the inside of each one before parting her trimmed bush and plunging inside of her. My fingers danced back up her tummy and recaptured her nipples as her breasts dangled.

Jill cried out as I covered her with my mouth. Her clit was amazing. Unhooded, it was one of biggest I had ever seen. Taking it in my lips I ran my tongue over its tip, feeling it grow as hard as the pearl it was often called. I began to pull and pinch the comely WAC's nipples. She pulled up and I started to release them, worried that was hurting her.

"No Bridget," she gasped. "Pinch them hard."

I complied, squeezing them almost flat in my fingers and pulling down on them. I drove my tongue deep into her vagina and sucked and chewed on her pussy. as I felt her first spasm I withdrew my tongue from inside her and began to batter her hard nubbin with it. I heard her cry out and, without using my fangs, I bit down on her throbbing clit.

It was a darn good thing I didn't need to breathe. Not only was the shower water running down Jill's body but she began to flood me with her juices. Then she tried to pin my head between her pussy and the shower wall as she wildly ground her clit against my lips. It wasn't until after repeated orgasms that she almost fell on top of me.

As we calmed, we noticed the water was cooling off. Hastily we scrambled from the bath, dried each other off, and then hopped into the bed under a warm English coverlet where we snuggled and fell asleep together.

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The September Report

Earlier this year in September I went into GetDare and asked the people there for rules that I had to follow for the whole month. I wrote a report of any days that I felt were worthwhile and now I'm copying it over here to let creative writers add some of their fantasies into my adventures. All of the chapters I post are going to be the actual events, but if you want to create your own threads with it then please do...

4 years ago
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Amandas Third Report

The Article 17 th June 2011 A further report by Amanda Jones who has already shadowed a Surrogate from Surrogate Discipline Limited and has now spent a week shadowing a Surrogate from sister company Remote Discipline Limited. The main service provided by RDL is to Mothers who’s daughters have either left home and for instance gone to University or to another city for work and where whilst at home the daughter was subject to her mother’s discipline and the Mother, in particular, is concerned...

2 years ago
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On Report

I'm writing Part 3 of the Miss Parker series, but re-working it. This story was inspired by a woman I saw in a tearoom in a small town not far from where I live during a WWII commemoration. She was as described, but perhaps a few years older. Still, she was absolutely stunning. Hope you enjoy this one and as always, any feedback is appreciated. On Report It was my third year helping out with summer village fete events. During WWII, the old manor house, which I now owned, had been taken over by...

4 years ago
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New Arcadia Trevors Report

At the request of the Gregorio Association, I submit this report on my investigation of the queries raised by other members concerning New Arcadia. I feel that this can best be done in the form of this spoken-word recording, because it allows me to recall the incidents more clearly. Later, I shall prepare a proper written report for the files. Submitted 22 August 2014 I am Trevor H., a Senior Guide at New Paradise, the Gregorio resort of New Zealand. A member of our resort, who was visiting...

2 years ago
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Hotline Report

Hank was not looking forward to ringing this doorbell. The one part of his job he really hated was having to interview children who were being sexually abused by their relatives. This time it was a report of a father having sex with his fourteen-year-old son, and it was the eleven-year-old younger brother who had reported it! But there was something about the report that was a little strange, so Hank had arranged to meet the younger boy when the rest of the family was away, to try to find out...

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Fashion Reporter

My thanks once again to Jenny North for providing the inspiration for the this story. Her cover, Fashion Reporter2 was the inspiration for this story. Look for more from Mark Preston, Fashion Reporter. Fashion Reporter Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the last of the models finished the show, they all went to get cleaned up and change clothes. However, just as they were about to leave, they were all asked to meet in the conference room. The girls filed into...

2 years ago
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Genderwave First Reports

GENDERWAVE: FIRST REPORTS By BobH (c) 2004 It started on June 21st - the summer solstice - shortly after noon local time. That was when the shimmering wall appeared along a line stretching from the top of the world down through the middle of the Bering Strait all the way to the middle of Antarctica. Running from one pole to the other and stretching from the top of the atmosphere to the ocean bottom and through the deepest caverns known to man, it seemed impossibly huge yet was only a...

3 years ago
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Investigative Reporter

Investigative Reporter By Ronnie Rho The rumors were too good to ignore. If they proved true, they wouldn't win a Pulitzer, but they would put me on the map. The City Manager, according to whispers all around town, was misusing city funds. Not only that, but she allegedly was using them for drug-and-sex parties. The gossip was that she was skimming funds to pay for piles of cocaine used at parties hosted by her and her husband. Furthermore, those parties were said to...

2 years ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 7 Report

Claire moaned as the tentacles thrust back and forth, deep inside all three of her holes. By now she had become accustomed to the triple penetration, which meant she could enjoy it for a little longer before her orgasm overpowered her. She was starting to get better at the deep throating too, as she sucked the tentacle greedily. Even the wet squishy sounds of the tentacles sliding in and out of her pussy and ass turned her on. She could hear Gruthsorik moaning as his monstrous cocks enjoyed...

4 years ago
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Amandas Investigative Report

This story is a tribute to Bared Affair and to Angie who gave so many people so many great articles and so many happy times: The format of each story in Bared Affair was a newspaper article style in depth report on a news item of interest to the spanking world and this is my version of ‘Bared Affair meets Lush’: The Article: 17 th May 2011 A new service is being offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited, based in Stretford in Sussex, UK. This is an investigative report by Amanda Jones . ...

2 years ago
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Finding a lake Report

Today my Mistress (Now in girlfriend mode) and I went for a walk and during which we found something that I have somehow missed after living in this town for over 20 years. Literally a 10 minute walk away from where I live right now, and have lived for the last 4 months, there is a small lake with an easy path leading towards it. After adventuring towards it we found the water to be (relatively) clean and made plans to come back later when there wasn’t so much traffic in the bridge overlooking...

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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 54

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 5 Part 4Nanci knew that this was only the beginning. She knew very well that almost everyone in that office was in collusion with her tormentors. She wondered why humans could be so cruel; why there was pleasure in other's suffering... now; his words took a different meaning.Often he would complain of her cruel demeanor and wanton disregard for his feelings; every time she had attributed those words to a character...

3 years ago
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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 53

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 5 Part 3Nanci felt the butterflies in her tummy getting wilder as the bus approached her last stop. The heavy clouds and the fresh snow on the ground did not help with her apprehension in heading back to the office again...She had thought about not returning, leave the province altogether... had wanted to go back to Ontario; perhaps go back to her times there, when the world seemed hers to conquer. Perhaps go back...

1 year ago
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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 52

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 5 Part 2Sunday was a nightmare for Nanci; the day before she had reached home rather early. It was fortunate that her girlfriend was still upset at her for making her come home alone from the party, so when Nanci opened the door she hadn't even looked at her when she walked into the room.It was good, for now... she rapidly turned into the hallway leading to the washroom and disappeared from viewShe took all of her...

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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 51

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasyChapter 5 part 1The following morning, Nanci woke up only to find the place empty. There was note on the center table from Randy. A nagging headache was starting to annoy her; she got herself off the couch,Her body was alive with uncomfortable sensations; her butt had faint reddening marks, turning purple in some areas, the pain had settled deep in her body, her pussy felt irritated and dry, not as dry as her mouth. She...

4 years ago
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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 4 Par

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasyChapter 4 - Part 4 Nanci was still asleep on the couch when Randy returned with the camcorder. Bill was still hovering over Nanci's motionless body.- "What do you have on mind, Randy?" - Bob asked, fidgeting and visibly excited - "We can really get in trouble here!""No if we do it right! - Said Jen moving into the room... a feral grin in her face. - "First we need to ensure she'll come along. I have something that it may...

3 years ago
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HE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 4 Part

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasyChapter 4 - Part 3That faithful weekend would plant the seed of hatred in Jen... she had convinced herself that perhaps she had finally found the elusive happiness she so desperately searched for.That search resulted in as many disappointments as encounters; one of them resulted on her becoming pregnant; she had thought, wrongly that the k** would secure him by her side; it wasn't so... He had effectively disappeared, never...

4 years ago
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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 4 Part

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasyChapter 4 - Part 2Jen and Nanci were laying next to each other on the bed laughing. Suddenly Nanci reached over, and without warning kissed Jen softly on the lips. Her face was still so close to Jen's, and she could feel her breath on her cheek. Jen was left speechless, not knowing what to say. She felt at peace, thinking that Nanci was rapidly becoming her best friend...almost like a sister. A very i****tuous sister that...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 31 Progress Report Meeting

Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday morning I woke up feeling energetic and decided that I wanted to go for a run. It felt like I wanted to burn off some energy, although it seemed that I could run without using ANY energy. Despite the impossible physics, not playing soccer while my arm was healing meant I didn't get enough running around, and I felt like it this morning. It was about the time we normally get up for school, so I lightly tapped on the girls' door in case they were asleep....

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Bridget The Story of a trained Slave

Bridget - The Story of a Trained Slave by Lewis Chappelle with assistance from ?Alli?Chapter One -   Parts 1 - 5Part # 1Bridget could not remember much about her early life. She did know a little about her former master and mistress, an older German couple, who got her from her parents before she even started her first menstrual period. The couple trained her to be a good slave but, had done nothing to educate the young girl, who was now practically illiterate. She did not have aspirations or...

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Bridget The Transformation

Bridget - The Transformation Chapter One written by ?Alli? based on a concept by Lewis Chappelle Carefully, Bridget arranged the implements on the floor: the flogger, the cat o' nine, the cane, the leather belt, the large paddle - they joined the others in a neat, straight line across the floor. Everything had to be perfect when Adam, her Master, came home. Bridget worked quickly and smoothly, almost humming as she readied herself and the room. Her Master, the love of her life, traveled...

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A Woman in Full Sharons Journey Continues Part VIII Actionable

Part VIII - Actionable When Sharon awoke Sunday morning, she saw it was a little after eight - too early for Jocelyn by any standard, and certainly now. She slipped out of bed and padded silently into the bathroom. She closed the door and slipped off her knee-length nighty and panties. She glanced in the full length mirror mounted on the door. She had managed to drop a little more weight, so that her waist was slimmer than ever. Her breasts had filled out a little more over the...

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Report by Jodi John Moyer slammed the phone down in frustration as his contact on the street gave him the bad news. It had been six months since Barry Simmons had disappeared and it had effectively put a halt to John's story to bring him to justice as the corrupt Mayor's assistant. He sighed as his editor called his name across the news room and his shoulders slumped as he made the long walk to the...

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Harry Potter and Bridget Regan as Professor Regan

Bridget cried out and thrust her pelvis up against the mouth of her favorite student as she came. His mouth had been servicing her bits for the last half hour the teacher estimated. Time held very little meaning for a woman when she had a gorgeous young man eating her pussy. Harry’s tongue continued to stroke through her juicy folds while she arched her pelvis and grasped the back of his head with her left hand. Harry grinned mentally while his favorite professor shuddered and moaned...

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BridgetChapter 2

When I went to see Bridget yesterday I was actually worried she might know what I was thinking by the expression on my face. I was still high on the fantasy sex I had with her the night before, as well as the orgasm she gave me, without her knowledge, of course. I thought she might take one look at me and know about my lusty play, of which she was the star attraction. Thankfully, if she did sense anything like that in my demeanor, she didn't seem to mind. She greeted me more joyfully than...

3 years ago
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When I started my job about five years ago, I was initially working first shift. I would be over at about 3:30-4.00 pm every day, and it was predictable. On occasion I'd get asked to stay over and pull a double shift. I didn't mind it. The money was good, I liked the work I do, and I loved the environment. After about three years, my supervisor asked if I'd be open to changing shifts and modifying my schedule. I wasn't too keen on working second shift, but I agreed to change on occasion. I...

Office Sex
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My House Mate Bridget

When I was younger, I needed a place to stay after my first house mate Dave decided to get married, and Bridget a good friend I had known since school said I could crash at hers.She had a house in a nice neighbourhood that she had inherited from her parents, after they had died a few years earlier in a car crash, and was more than happy to let me rent a room."Are you sure?" I asked as I carried my boxes in the front door on that first day."Yes, of course dumbass, or I wouldn't have offered!"...

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Discovered by Bridget

I realize that this is not one of my best stories, but I had a couple of free hours a few days ago and decided to write a quick story. I am still working on the next chapters for "My life in a Cage" and "Dana's Revenge". I apologize for how long it is between postings but it takes me quite a while to write those stories. Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have shown me. Discovered by Bridget By Tweak My name is John and I am a 32 year...

2 years ago
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Bridget Grows Up

Bridget stood there, looking down at the engine. She had to laugh, {well it's still there ... that's what I know about cars!... } She had been on the way home and her car just stopped. She was reaching for her cell phone when a car pulled up. "Hi, thought I recognized you. Troubles?" She vaguely recognized the young man, he had helped her with her groceries one day. He joined her and they both stared at the engine, the boy wiggled some wires and tried to restart it, no luck. "Well that's...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e8 Bridget Hooper 18 from Norwich

We’re in a concrete carpark on an industrial estate. We pan around looking at the various buildings, noting that most are marked as engineering works, mechanics shops, window manufacturers, etc., before we get to the last building in the row – the biggest of the bunch – which has signage that tells us it is “Norwich City Trampoline Center”. We pan a little further and come to rest on the less-than-attractive, but very popular, ‘figure’ of our host. All the way from West Ham in London, it’s...

1 year ago
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Bridget Part 2

I'd just started working with Bridget about six months earlier when I'd gone to third shift. She's a bit on the bigger side compared to girls I'd done stuff with, and I knew a bit older. For the last couple of years, I'd been doing stuff with my stepdaughter's friends in the sixteen-eighteen range, and I'd done stuff with a couple others that I knew who liked to flirt, fuck around and have fun.Working with Bridget was fun to start with. Very outgoing, friendly, almost crude, extremely blunt,...

Office Sex
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Bridget Part 3

Bridget and I had been flirting since the day she started at work. With a personality like hers, it wasn't hard to like her. Very outspoken, almost too loud at times, sarcastic, funny, off the wall, and dirtier than most girls I'd ever worked with. We hadn't been working together that long which made it even more fun. She simply said what she felt like saying, if it offended someone, she would smile, smirk, and go "whoops. Did I say that out loud?" and everyone would laugh.What I did not...

3 years ago
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Amandas Second Report

The Article:  27th May 2011 This is the second Investigative Article by Amanda Jones into the services offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited. Managing Director Mrs Jane Ford has given me access to members of staff at SDL whilst they discuss active cases. My day started at the 8.00 am Staff Meeting. There were seven members of staff as well as Mrs. Ford. They are the team leaders. I read the agenda which included an update by each team leader on the cases they are running, not case by case...


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