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That day we were logging. We were a big danger to the trees; not so much of a danger to the Swarm. Civilians did the logging way back, well away from the aliens. Closer in the regular troops did it, in case a few hungry aliens came calling. Right up next to them it was us: PunCom 11. And what did we have to fight them with? Nothing! We wore these easily recognisable orange uniforms. The idea was that the Swarm would see us as harmless and would leave us alone unless they got hungry. If they did turn up then all we could do was run. At least we had a transporter to run through, but if we weren’t quick enough...

We didn’t even have guards to defend us. Why bother? If we ran away into the forest we’d either starve to death or get eaten by the Swarm. Besides, guards in green with rifles would ruin the harmless orange image we wanted the Swarm to see.

So, there we were; the army of Suvorov the undefeated, the army of Kutuzov, the army of Zhukov and all we had were peashooters! Small tasers, not even stingers, enough to deter wolves, but no use against Swarmtroopers. The point was to be harmless, so hopefully they’d ignore us most of the time. We did kill a lot of trees though.

The tasers sometimes helped with any stray civilians we found. There were still a few wandering round the place, the ones the Swarm hadn’t eaten yet. Mostly they were trying to make their way north to the front line. We helped them on their way with a trip through our transporter up to Novaya Zemlya. The Swarm didn’t like the cold, so the north was still reasonably safe. Safer than the forests further south for sure.

Finding civilians wasn’t as common as finding trees. Cut them down, saw them into logs and send them through the tree-transporter. There’s not a lot to eat in Novaya Zemlya, so we sent them trees. They’ve got Confederacy replicators to turn the logs into food, boots, uniforms and other stuff. There are a lot of civilians up there, as well as Army comrades to feed. Some of the logs went to the moon for the Confederacy people; they needed food, boots and the rest too. That’s how we paid them for the loan of their tech. The other thing was that if we’re eating the trees then the Swarm aren’t. The less food they have the fewer of them there will be to fight later.

The fly-boys did try burning down trees, but we didn’t get to see that. We didn’t want a load of napalm on our heads, so their targets were well away from our logging teams.

It was hard work, and they kept us at it to meet our quota of trees. This wasn’t a picnic: “PunCom” is short for “Punishment Company” after all. Dragging big logs by hand wasn’t easy. All we had was the stuff we could carry by hand through a transporter, no tractors or anything large. The heavy equipment was for the civilian logging teams, well away from the Swarm.

Yuri moved carefully through the trees towards the noise. Someone, or something, was using a chainsaw to cut down trees. It was probably too far away from the aliens’ nest for it to be them, but he needed to check it out to make sure. As he got closer he could hear voices in the intervals when the saw went quiet. Not the aliens then, they didn’t talk.

When he got closer he could see they were men in orange uniforms, not the green camouflage he’d expected. No sign of any rifles either. That was strange. This close to the aliens you needed to be able to defend yourself. He was debating whether to show himself when there was some shouting and one of the men in orange came towards him.

Arkady was on lookout, checking the video feed from the drone overhead. Not a Confederacy drone, just an ordinary drone with infra-red to help see through the trees. The only Confederacy tech we had with us was the transporters, and they were half-crippled. He saw something and called the corporal over. Rumour had it that the corporal had been a Colonel before he joined us – no, we didn’t ask him what had happened. People told you if they wanted to, but you didn’t ask.

I was with Timur, hauling a log to the tree-transporter. It’s not like a normal transporter, it’s a long rectangle – the right shape for a log. We rolled the log onto it, stood back and the log disappeared. Some days we sent them to the north, other days we sent them to the moon. I forget which it was that day. Anyway, Arkady had spotted this guy hanging around. So the corporal shouted at me, “Tsarevich! Go see what that guy wants.”

My name is Dmitri, though nobody calls me that. I’m from Uglich, so everyone calls me Tsarevich. I looked where the corporal was pointing and there was this civilian stepping out from behind a tree. I walked over to him, moving slowly. In Swarm territory everyone was armed – except us – and some of them could be twitchy. This guy seemed OK though.

“Hello, I’m Dmitri,” I greeted him. He looked about fifty, with dirty clothes and a roughly trimmed beard. Thin as well. That was usual, any civilians left down there wouldn’t find much to eat. The Swarm stripped any fields quickly and took away the livestock. Berries, fish and a few squirrels was about it usually. He had a rifle slung on his back, but he wouldn’t want to waste a bullet on the likes of me.

“Yuri,” he replied.

“Are you on your own, or is there a group of you?” We did get a few loners, but most were in groups.

“Can you get us out? There are fifty of us, and some of us are too ill to walk far.”

Fifty! That was big. The largest group we’d seen before was about a dozen. “OK, we can get you all out, but helping that many will need some setting up. I’ll take you to talk to the corporal.” He nodded and followed me.

I left the two of them to talk while I went back to dragging logs.

The talking took longer than I’d expected. Standing orders were to always help civilians, but Yuri’s group was big, the biggest we’d found, so it took more time than usual to set things up.

The corporal called us all together. “Right, men. We have a large group to help, about seven kilometres east of here near the big river. We’ll march over there, send Yuri’s people through and then follow ourselves. Yuri says that some of his people are very ill, so there will be a couple of medics coming through when we reach them.”

That sounded good, at least it was a break from logging. Marching was easier than logging, and no rifle to carry either.

The corporal was still talking, “Put those last two logs through and then send all the logging kit back to base before packing up the personnel transporter. We move in fifteen minutes.”

Officially we were there to cut down trees. Thinking about it, that wasn’t really true. Our real job was helping any civilians still trapped down here. Whenever we found anyone, or they found us, we stopped work and got them out to the north. The logging was just something useful to do while we were waiting for people like Yuri to find us. The civilian logging teams, the ones with the heavy equipment, cut a lot more trees than we did.

Yuri led and the rest of us followed. We stopped every two klicks to put the drone up and check for Swarm. No Swarm, but we did see Yuri’s people by a smaller tributary of the big river. Apparently they used to live in a village up the river. They’d abandoned the village before the Swarm came to attack it and had moved a few klicks down the river. They went back to the village occasionally to pick herbs and see if there was anything useful the Swarm had missed. They hadn’t moved north yet because the remains of the village were still useful and some of their people wouldn’t have survived the long march.

When we got there, they had these caves dug into the riverbank. Better than nothing, but still primitive. We set up our transporter and two medics came through from the north. They brought a medical transporter with them: big enough to take someone laid flat on the ground, about two metres long by one metre. Sick people couldn’t always stand up to use a normal transporter.

While they were doing that, the corporal had Yuri point out where his sickest people were. The two worst were a very pale girl, only semi-conscious, and a guy with a gangrenous leg – it had started to go black and smelled really bad.

Once the medics had set up their transporter, they started looking through Yuri’s people to see who needed to go to hospital first. The rest of us worked at helping them out of the caves for the medics to check. It was nice to see some women around for a change; for us it was always trees or men. One of the medics was a woman as well, which made sense for a group with women in it. I even got to talk to some of the women:

“Come along Granny.”

“That’s Great-granny to you, sonny boy!”

Oh well, at least I tried to be nice to her.

There was even a small pig in its own cave! They said they’d taken chickens with them from the village as well, but they’d already been eaten. The pig was being kept for later – Christmas probably.

As well as women and the pig there were kids, some ill and others running around excitedly. I heard Yakov shouting at some of them to stay away from our transporter.

You get into habits in the army. When you give an order it’s obeyed and you don’t have to keep repeating it or checking on it. The kids weren’t army and, being kids, didn’t always obey orders. Yakov had told them to stay away from our transporter, which of course meant that they were all over it the moment he turned his back. Anything forbidden must be fun – like when I was a kid.

This close to the Swarm all our transporters had a self destruct, and of course one of the kids triggered it! A scream, a burned hand and a pile of slag that had been a transporter. Not a huge emergency since we still had the medical transporter to get ourselves out. There was a problem though: the medical transporter was locked on a Confederacy base in the moon.

Like with the self-destruct, this close to the Swarm they’d crippled our transporters. They were like a radio tuned to a single station that couldn’t be retuned. The Confederacy had locked our dead transporter on our camp in the north. They’d locked the medical transporter on a hospital in the moon. Because Yuri’s group was so big, we were sending them to the moon, not to the north. Confederacy medical tubes were scarce on the ground and mostly reserved for the Army. There were a lot more tubes in the moon, enough to treat fifty civilians.

While the corporal was talking on the radio, we got the rest of the civilians out. By the time the kid blew up our personnel transporter all the serious cases were through. The worst one was the kid with the burned hand! Everyone left, including Great-granny, could walk through. One of the women led the pig, which seemed used to her. The two medics went through last; they were allowed to go back via the moon.

Regiment didn’t want us lot from PunCom 11 going to the moon, so we had to wait for them to fly a replacement transporter down to us. The medical transporter was no help with that since it was one-way only, to evacuate casualties. That was another way they crippled our transporters, making some of them one way only. Our tree-transporters were like that as well: send only, no receive. We kept the medical transporter set up though, in case the Swarm arrived before our replacement.

Typically, the aliens showed at the most inconvenient time. Pyotr was on the drone scan and yelled that there was something big moving up the near bank of the big river from the south. From the south had to mean the Swarm. We didn’t know if they were going to turn up our side branch and we certainly weren’t going to hang about to see.

The corporal had to do some shouting down the radio, but we got permission. There wasn’t really any other option. We couldn’t do them any damage, all we could do was increase their food stocks by so many kilos of meat.

We all went through quickly, with the corporal last. He’s good like that, made sure the rest of us were OK. I didn’t see it, but he set the self-destruct on the transporter before leaving: if it was active you got up to twenty seconds to go through yourself before it blew. I’d never been to the moon before, so this was all going to be new to me.

I emerged into an argument. Four giant Confederacy Marines in green were glaring at our guys. Their sergeant wanted us to drop our tasers and we weren’t going to do that without orders. At least he was speaking Russian and not English. Most of us can’t speak much English. I only know one word: ‘restorant’, and that’s because it’s the same as the Russian, with that ‘t’ added at the end.

The corporal came through last and quietened our guys down. He had a short talk with the Marine sergeant and told us to give our tasers to a concubine who had appeared from somewhere. Long black hair, big tits, legs all the way down to the ground and hardly wearing anything at all. I could see why guys were eager to volunteer for the Confederacy with girls like her around.

An ordinary size guy in a blue uniform took us through another transporter to a waiting room. He showed us where to get food and told us to wait. We waited. The food was good, though the tea would have been better properly made from a samovar.

Next a doctor in a white coat came in to talk to the corporal. Before we went back down, we were all going to get a quick medical check, courtesy of the Confederacy.

“Arkady, you go first,” the corporal said. “They’ll need longer with you to fix your shoulder.”

“You’ll fix my shoulder?” he asked the doctor. Arkady’s shoulder hadn’t been right since a falling tree knocked him sideways and busted something.

“Sure. It’ll be good as new.”

“Great,” he smiled and followed the doctor.

Pavel was next, and he was back before Arkady. Then me, “Tsarevich, you’re next,” the corporal said.

As we were walking the doctor asked, “Is Tsarevich your real name?”

“No, I’m Dmitri, but everyone calls me Tsarevich.”

“Tsarevich, Dmitri. Don’t tell me you’re from Uglich,” he asked.

“Got it in one,” I told him. He laughed at that; a lot of people do.

Medical was white with these big metal tubes, most closed and a few open. He took me to an open one. “Strip and get in,” he told me.

“Don’t you want to ask what’s wrong with me?”

“No need. The tube does its own diagnosis.” I fell asleep as he closed the lid on me.

Yuri saw light through his closed eyes and opened them. The nurse looked down at him, “Get out of the tube and get dressed, sir.”

His old clothes had disappeared while he’d been treated. Just as well, they were getting ragged in places and probably smelled a bit. Instead there was a set of new grey coveralls, which he put on.

Grigory and Vladimir were waiting nearby, sitting on a bench and both in similar grey coveralls. “They want us to wait until Elena is finished,” Vladimir told Yuri.

“Any idea why?”

“The nurse said something about only explaining things once, rather than four times.”

“Looks like we wait then.” Yuri did feel better, and the ache in his calf from a pulled muscle was gone, like the nurse had promised.

The nurse came back, leading Elena. Yuri thought the grey coveralls looked a lot better on her than they did on the men. The nurse left and a woman in a blue uniform arrived. “Hello, I’m Tamara. Come with me please.”

She led the four of them to a room with a big table and ten chairs. “The doctor said you were all half-starved, so I’ll get you something to eat.” Yuri perked up. She was right, food was difficult to find in the forest and he was definitely hungry. “She also said to give you small portions and not too rich. Too much or too rich means you might just bring it all up again.”

“No caviar then,” Vladimir joked.

A new voice startled them, “Sturgeon roe is medically contraindicated at this time.”

“That was a Confederacy computer,” Tamara explained to the startled foursome. “They sometimes take things far too literally. We do have caviar if you decide to stay with us.”

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I invited just about everyone I knew, including my co-worker Morgan who brought along her friend Amy. I had met Amy a few times. She went to college in a different city, but always came home on the weekend. At first she seemed like the stereotypical ditzy blonde, all giggles and batting eye lashes, but I found she was also incredibly sweet. She was a petite little thing, only about 5'2", with straight blonde locks, big brown doe eyes, and a sweet, perfect little mouth. Nice rack. Very...

1 year ago
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Life of the Party

"Billy, you pig," Mona said with a smile as she screwed herself still deeper on my upright shaft with my gripping hands squeezing her hard nipples out between my splayed fingers. "Don't just lie there; get to work." "I'm fucked out, baby. Sorry. You're about the twelfth girl to mount my prong, and it's sore and tired. I've done the two hours you asked for." She wriggled in the saddle, getting comfortable with my more or less rigid penis well up inside her and rubbing her folded-in...

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Daddy Loved me part one

I was 11 tall for my age but very slim and long hair like my mother. Mum and dad had a blazing row she slept in my room told me to sleep with dad. In the night I felt him spooning me whisperig mums name and kissing my neck. He was so hard and was pushing against my ass. I was starting to get hard I open my thighs and then trapped his cock hard. Nice he whispered and started to push harder telling me how tight I was. He kept going fog ages I rubbed the end of his cock groaning and he came all...

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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 4

The man who only lives for making money lives a life that isn’t necessarily sunny; Likewise the man who works for fame. There’s no guarantee that time won’t erase his name The fact is the only work that brings enjoyment is the kind that is for girl and boy meant Fall in love – you won’t regret it. That’s the best work of all if you can get it Loving one who loves you and then taking that vow Nice work if you can get it. And if you can get it, won’t you tell me how? George...

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LEXI Chapters 160

Lexi was just two weeks past her 18th birthday and her brunet hair fell thickly to her shoulders. Her brown eyes grew very large when she was excited. Her lips formed a beautiful perfect heart shape when she slightly opened her mouth, especially when she put on bright red lipstick. Her slightly darker complexion added to her petite 5’ 5” feminine frame which accentuated her attractiveness. She came into the family when my brother married a widow from Costa Rica and she came as a package...

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Sandy Begins To Live Again Pt 2

Francine rested her head back into the corner of the wall.  The bathroom was dimly, romantically lit by a few candles.  Soft jazz was playing, and she and Sandy had just brought one another to wonderful orgasms, again.  She was sitting on the edge of the tub and Sandy was in the tub kneeling between her legs.Francine had asked Sandy to shave her.  Now that she had found a lover, the lover she had dreamed of, she wanted to be clean for her.  She wanted Sandy to fully enjoy sucking on her pussy. ...

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Its My Party 2

Standing there in my little uniform, I was just in heaven. The electricity in my stomach radiated waves of ecstasy through my body. I was shivering, I was sweating, I was panting ever so slightly with my head tilted back and my eyes closed. I would have presented an exciting sight to anyone who could see me, but as far as I was concerned no one else existed in the whole world. This was what I lived for, this was me. "Oh, it's so you!" I turned on my heels to see Ann standing in the...

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An Adventure

Cassandra had never done this before. She had heard a few friends describe their adventures when they were able to leave their small town and visit a large city. However, Cassandra was always a little reluctant for fear her father or one of her brothers would hear of her activities and decide she really wasn't old enough to live on her own. In less than ten days she was moving from her parental home into her first apartment. The move to be independent still might not help. She feared the men...

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An Unexpected Delivery Pt 01

I was at home alone, just enjoying a rare day off from work. My wife was working all day (thankfully) -- don't get me wrong, I love her more than anything, but sometimes it's nice to just have some time to yourself.It was a cold, overcast day, raining off and on, so I was inside. Like I usually do when she's not around, I was looking at porn sites on the internet, and looking forward to a good jerk or two before she got home. As is often the case when I'm looking at porn, everything I was...

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PterisChapter 19 No Good Deed

There is a saying that ‘No good deed goes unpunished’, and the return of Pēteris and his Companions gave strong evidence that that was true. Their midday procession into Beavis was met with frowns and outright glares from people they passed in the street. Needing to know what was going on, they headed for the inn to talk with the parents of their hometown escort, Charles and Maggie. They trooped into the common room that was almost empty save for the owners, Tristan and Robinblue, and a...

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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 7 The Investment Pays Off

He was tired, so were several of the girls, almost all of them. Even Jo-Lene opted to lie on for an extra snooze when reveille sounded. Several of the girls were still in night clothes when they assembled for the morning pledge of allegiance. This was something that Clive felt really uncomfortable about. It was so ... unBritish ... to pledge allegiance to your country every morning. Questions in his head like ‘what happens if you forget? Does that mean you are unpatriotic that day?’ and ‘how...

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Awesome Experience With My Sister

Hi, I’m Rohit, I know there are so many people having incest fantasy out there. A couple of months back, even I too had that kind fantasy. But not a fantasy anymore, the table has turned around and I am playing with my luck. My story might not be that erotic compared to the other stories, but it has the facts and truth. Yeah, as do others have the incest fantasy, even I too have it. When I was studying in high school, I came across these world of sex on the internet. As usual at the tender age,...

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CherryPimps Ella Reese Sexual Adventurer

Ella Reese is on an adventure, a sexual one! One day she was trying to hitchhike to Hollywood when Donny Sins generously decides to pick her up. Ella didn’t waste any time and started to explore the back of the van. Unexpectedly she started to strip down and comment about how nice it was back there. Indeed it is, especially when she is naked! Donny quickly pulled over and ran back to join her as any sane man would! They didn’t waste any time fucking and he was all up in Ella’s...

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Wishbone Student TeachingChapter 4

"All right, girls!" Kyle said, grinning at the three girls. "Welcome to Mr. Philips's After School Tutorial for Skanks! You are here because you are failing your math class and the only way you're going to be graduating from high school next week is if you can find a way to convince me that you deserve a better grade from me." "Erika, what do you think you could do to improve your grade?" he asked the horny goth girl. "Oh, Mr. Philips, I'd do just about anything," she said, her...

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Skirt Shortener Part 1

Skirt shortener. Part 1 Brett always thought of himself as a ladies' man, others thought that he thought he was God's gift to women. The latter case was probably more accurate as Brett did have this way of thinking the mere sight of him made any woman fall head over heels. For women who were nymphomaniacs this may have been true, but then, nymphomaniacs will pretty much fall for any guy. Any other girl was actually repulsed by his antics; and...

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TGS Erotic Memories

Erotic Memories A Timber Grove Story by Trinity Paul and Tommy loved exploring the woods around Timber Grove. The Resorts had cut a lot of forested areas down, but there was still plenty to explore and now that they had just finished up Middle School they had all Summer to do so. "Hey, have we been down this path?" Paul yelled back to his friend as he climbed a nearby stump. He was a little older than Tommy, and a little taller too. He had known Tommy since they were four, and he...

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Paul Part 3

Paul was a regular feature for the rest of his upper sixth year. He told me he had a girlfriend but that the sex with her was disappointing - she just wasn't into it as much as he was, happy to do it once or twice a month. Lucky me - that meant that on other days he was in the mood, and our schedules aligned, he'd be in my bed with my husband watching us have very good sex.He also lived up to his promise to introduce me to new guys who needed starting out on their sex journey. Ever since that...

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Romance With A Beautiful College Girl At The Theatre

Hi guys. I am Harish, 25 male, 5 ft 8 in tall from Hyderabad. I am going to narrate an incident which happened a couple of years back. After completing my engineering from a reputed college in Hyderabad, I shifted to USA (i.e; United States Of Ameerpet!). I took a room with my B.Tech friends and started attending interviews as well as talking java and C language coaching. Every day I was waiting at the big bazaar near Ameerpet for my friends who used to pick up me to the institute. This was a...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 124

Jeff awoke with the taste of woman milk in his mouth. Even before he opened his eyes, he sucked hard on the long nipple, knowing who it belonged to. Although Diana's and Arlene's breasts were almost identical, as well as Susan's, their milk had a slightly different taste. Diana let him nurse her right breast for a time, then replaced it with her left. A little later, she sighed and said, "That will hold me until after the wedding. I'll use my breast pump at bedtime." Moving down the...

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Looking for Canadian escorts from Quebec or Montreal? Well, you’ve been watching porn now for, how long would you say, 10 years? 15? 20? More than 20? However long it has been for you, I think it’s probably fair to say that you’re ready for the big leagues now. You’ve studied probably hundreds of hours of pornographic material at this point … isn’t it about time that you put all of that knowledge and horniness to use? There are plenty of sites out there that can definitely help you out in this...

Escort Sites
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The Chatter That Lead to the Reward

Richard was still smarting from the ‘coolness’ of Elizabeth and the final ‘goodbye’. She had been a very obliging woman, but during her holiday something had eventuated that ended the romps on the bed and the delightful working of the muscles of her mouth on his erection. ‘Fuck’ he muttered as he checked his time. The medical appointment was for nine thirty and although he wasn’t late, he knew that the appointment would not be on time for the doctor, although a nice individual was painfully...

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Housemaid In My 50s

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES! PART 1 CHAPTER 1 "Oh dear!" my wife said when she heard the news. "This is quite unexpected. Do you try to tell me that as of the 1st of the next month you will be out of work?" I shifted in my chair a bit uncomfortably and had another sip of my drink. "It is an offer which I seriously consider to accept dear," I answered a bit cautiously, knowing already this was going to be a difficult discussion, "it appears to be a very handsome offer, I...

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Going To A Swingers Bar On Accident

My husband and were sitting at home one Friday night with nothing to do. It was around 9pm when we decided to go out to a small local bar that we've seen often but never went too. We both took showers, got dressed and went out to the small local bar. At 10:20pm, we arrived at the bar and saw there were 10 cars in the parking lot, so we decided to stay. We went inside the bar and sat at the end of the bar. About 10 seconds later the female bar tender came over and asked what we wanted to drink....

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True Confessions Intimate Touches Part 3

Linda, Jessy's mother, and I had become good friends soon after Frank and I moved in the house next to theirs a year earlier. Our backyards were surrounded by privacy fences that prevented passerby’s from seeing in or from us seeing into the others yard. Who had ever built the original fence had installed a gate in the common wall of the fence that separated our yards, so we could come and go without being seen from the street.  Linda had become like one of the family, coming and going as she...

Straight Sex
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My Aunt is a Lesbian Part 3

Part 3I couldn’t believe how confident I had suddenly become. I stepped away from her, and quite deliberately reached behind, and unfastened my bra, letting it drop to the floor and showing her my breasts, my nipples erect with lust and desire. For a moment, I squeezed and kneaded one breast and nipple, never taking my eyes from hers, then I reached down and equally deliberately, I slipped my knickers down over my legs, and down to the floor, and stood completely naked in front of her. I could...

2 years ago
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It was three years ago, when my mil came to our house for visit. She came with a plan of two weeks to stay with us, but my wife had to go out of station due to some office work. Since i was going to be there, mil thought she can stay since it was just a matter of 3 days. I was actually attracted towards my mil or long time, due to her relatively young age just 56 yrs old, a real stuffy boobs and hips…and overall sexy looks. I always felt that she can teach me some good stuff on bed. More than...

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Ursas Downward SpiralChapter 7 Realization

Then the day came when the thugs arrived on schedule — and Ursa didn't. "Where the hell where you?!" Terrill snapped at Ursa. "They could have killed me. It was only their fear that you would still show up — word has gotten around — that got me out of there at all!" "You're just like they are," Ursa said through her sudden tears, meeting him for the last time at their secret rendezvous. "Worse than they are," she added. "Not only don't I believe any of that stuff we've taken...

4 years ago
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Welcoming a new member

Like most couples, we have always used fantasies as part of our foreplay ritual. Some of our thoughts and dreams leading to some really intense sex. However as a couple we had never built up the courage to fulfill any of our fantasies. Our most regular fantasy consisted of the two of us with another couple, Sal my wife ending up in bed with the other woman while I watched, and finally getting to fuck her after she had orgasmed with the woman and the other man had cum inside her. The thoughts of...

1 year ago
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Nothing But The Truth

This is my first post; enjoy. If you don't enjoy, please don't leave overly harsh criticisms. Be gentle, I'm fragile. You might notice that the premise for this story is partially lifted from a recent Hollywood movie. It took me a while for that part to happen though, and once it does everything starts happening sort of fast. But I just wanted to get it done so I could post it. It's still pretty good, though, at least I think so. Judge it however you want. Nothing But...

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NubileFilms Nancy A Divine Passion

Young and sexy, Nancy A. shows that she can be the perfect wife as she brings her husband Martin some tea. Marin doesn’t even get the chance to take a sip before Nancy presses her lips to his, but that’s okay because he’d much rather taste his wife than the tea. Within moments he has unwrapped Nancy from her robe, leaving her slim body clad in just a bra and panties. Crawling down Maritn’s body, Nancy springs free her husband’s long stiffie. She opens her mouth as...

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Taken by a very rough black stud

I was having some lunch at a quick food place around the corner of our building office, when I met that black man.He just came along and asked me if he could sit down at my table.He looked hot, so I gladly accepted his kind company.The black guy really cheered me up, since I was having a bad day. We then got on to the subject of my stupid Boss trying to fuck me in his own office and hubby was not giving me enough sexual care.His name was Darius and he suddenly pulled out his cell phone and...

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