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It had been a week now since Uncle Peter and Aunt Fran came to Allland. I had about as much interest in their time at the training center as I did my parent’s visit. Perhaps a very slight bit more, only because I had once fancied Uncle Peter the way Debbie did my father. But Nallen had brushed that interest aside. It was a bit disconcerting seeing them after their time at the center, Uncle Peter had always been a rather quiet taciturn man. But now he and Aunt Fran would stare into each other’s eyes, lost to the world, occasionally chuckling. Or a secretive smile would cross their lips. It was almost bizarre if you had known them on Earth.

Debbie had been granted her desire. She was so bubbly the next morning! She managed not to say anything about what happened but it was obviously all she could have hoped for. Debbie had started the experience of the training center the day after — I understand Mom was her guide there. The center seems to have been rough on her — no shock that — but she did recover, and more tightly bound than ever to my parents. Now you hardly ever saw any of those three alone.

I couldn’t be certain yet but I suspected that I was pregnant. Certainly my period should have begun by now — a couple days ago, I had been regular for years. The idea left me feeling very mixed, I loved Nallen — Aneeka too — of that I had no doubt but I had spent so many years cutting myself off from such thoughts I had never really considered being a mother. I knew Nallen desired children, he had told me that directly our first day together. Part of it was also how little time we had been together, I knew on Earth — at least in the US in professional circles — the tendency had been for couples to be together for years before considering children.

Mom finally couldn’t stand it anymore. She had left Daddy with Debbie back at the nice little house Nallen had arranged for their use before tracking me down in the Counsel library. She had such a weird look on her face, something like anger but I know that’s not quite right either.

“I need to see what Larurus did. You say execution was a just outcome, I need to understand.”

“Alright,” I sighed, “I’m just warning you, It’s ugly.”

This was actually the right place for this. All hearings were stored as part of a permanent record so that any citizen could come and see that the Counsel was operating in an open manner, not necessarily non-corrupt — it is possible to buy reprieves after all — but still open and transparent. I flicked through the various official visions stored within the viewing-stone — I was so glad I wouldn’t have to watch this again! — bringing up the sequence that had been shown at Larurus’ trial; Dalla’s memory of the attack, Likabee’s memory of finding Dalla, the acquaintance telling of how the man bragged afterward, Larurus’ own memories, they had even added material from his hearing — that even after being caught, after his guilt was determined that Larurus still didn’t care. At least they didn’t show the execution — though that was available in a different record.

I motioned Mom close, “Touch the stone, just like a call-plate.”

Watching her face, maybe next time Mom’ll believe me. All the blood drained out of her face; I believe I know when she got to the point of the stabbing, if I’m wrong it’s just the total weight that made such an impression.

Mom pushed away from the viewing-stone, her breathing labored, “That ... that was awful.”

“Warned you.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled before having to blow her nose.

Wanallee came by later with good news of her own.

“I’m pregnant!” the joy in her voice could not be mistaken.

Me? I had been trying not to think of that. I was already days passed when I should have started, had been regular for years before this. I hadn’t told Nallen for the simple reason that I knew he greatly desired children. I both didn’t want to get his hopes up and didn’t want to endure the increased fawning I knew would follow. It shouldn’t surprise me, he had taken me out of my old life at the very mid-point of my cycle. We had certainly done the deed enough to make sure the job got done!

Thaumaturgy is such a strange thing; The lessons from the teacher told me that while it is not common it is also not unheard of for a woman to bear a pair of children every couple decades for two centuries. And it’s not that she then becomes infertile, it is much more the case that even with a young body the desire to keep going eventually simply runs out. And it’s only that infrequent because Allland practice is to only have two children — even grown! — underfoot at one time. So long as the practitioner has even a modicum of power and the needed understanding it is possible to keep a body young indefinitely. Even if Wanallee somehow lacked the power herself — a remote possibility — that was not at all the case for Mern.

“I think I might be,” I whispered, afraid to admit it even to myself. I had refused to test myself, knowing that a positive answer would change my life much more than it already had been.

“That’s great, dear! Nallen will be so pleased,” Wanallee’s voice had gone very high, nearly squealing. “Want me to check?”

“Check what?” I had felt Nallen step out of a doorway behind me, Aneeka too. “Sorry, love, I couldn’t help feeling your distress.”

“She might be pregnant!” Wanallee was just about dancing around by this point, unable to hold still. “I am!”

“That ... that’s wonderful!” He rushed over, placing a hand low on my belly. His face slowly morphed from one of concern to one of unbridled happiness. His voice was a whisper, “You are.”

Suddenly I was wrapped in tight hugs from two sides — Nallen on one, Aneeka on the other.

“Oh, Mistress!”

Nallen froze, still hugging me but now staring over his shoulder at his mother, “Wait ... Did you mean to say you’re pregnant too?”

“Sure did.”

“That’s ... that’s just...”


Aneeka let go, rushing over to their mother. “Oh, Momma! I’ll finally be a big sis! Does Papa know?”

“Of course he does, you don’t think I’d come tell Linda first do you?”

Dinner that night was at the same restaurant Nallen had taken me for our night alone, though this time they placed us in a private room — not nearly so dim as the balcony had been — on the main floor rather than the secluded balcony — absolutely needed with how many attended. Mern and Wanallee; my parents with Debbie; Nallen, Aneeka and myself — Uncle Peter and Aunt Fran didn’t attend, friends of second-level family just weren’t close enough. I also met Wanallee’s parents Jaquo and Ronna and also Mern’s mother Mareail for the first time that night — poor lady, Mern’s father was long deceased. Once again we ate feeding each other. Once again there were no menus — not even a description of what the courses would be. Even though our dresses weren’t quite as fancy for this visit we were still given full-body drapes rather than just bibs.

Mom and Daddy had both taken the news well. There was a gleam in Mom’s eye, I could just imagine I might finally be getting a little brother or sister myself. And Daddy, I suspect he was dreaming of holding a grandchild, a grandchild he could never have expected given how my life had been headed! Debbie had smiled but my being pregnant really didn’t affect her much.

I had taken Mom aside before the meal, before telling Daddy, so she wouldn’t be surprised.

“You weren’t protected?” she didn’t exactly sound put out but knew her attitude could quickly turn that way.

I shook my head, “I’d been clockwork regular for years, also worked hard to keep men out of mind ... was very much a virgin before meeting Nallen.” I chuckled, “Not that it matters much, I suspect Nallen could have made sure even the pill would fail even if I /had/ been on it.”

“Probably,” Mom still sounded a bit uncertain, “but how do you feel about it?”

“Excited, nervous. Not quite believing.”

“Heheh, that’s every first-time mother.”

I let out a sigh of relief, there was nothing Mom could do about this. I wanted her to at least be happy at the prospect of a little grandchild to spoil rotten then hand back. Nothing I could do either, even if I miscarried — unlikely, I knew, with a thaumaturgically re-enforced body — Nallen would quickly make sure I were once more in the family way.

Just like the first time Nallen brought me to this restaurant there was a pre-appetizer, this time two small crackers with some kind of spread for each of us — I saw that Mern and Wanallee actually received something different, this house catered to the numbers in each group! They had even provided different couches for Nallen and Daddy, made to hold three and not just two. The real appetizer were rolls with baked-in cherry jam. I felt more and more sorry for Mareail as the night went on having to see others feeding their still-living loves. Losing Aneeka — I didn’t dare even think of losing Nallen! — would be a devastating blow to my psyche. I wondered how Mareail managed to survive, I understand death of a broken heart to be a well-attested phenomenon all over Allland.

I tried refusing the wine, “The baby...” I still might not be fully adjusted to the idea but I wasn’t about to do anything to mess it up.

“Don’t worry, the alcohol’s been removed,” Nallen reassured.

“You certain?”



Just like when Nallen brought me here I soon lost track of the various dishes. Also just like that other visit there was nothing I found less than delicious! Whoever the chef in charge was, they certainly knew their business. Partway through the meal I had an idle thought wondering if the chef somehow used thaumaturgy to make the dishes more appealing. It would not surprise me, they were that good. Magical, one might say.

I was so stuffed I almost refused the dessert. It was some kind of chocolate-layer cookie. There was a chocolate cookie on bottom, a layer of soft chocolate spread over it, a thinner layer of some incredibly sweet chocolate sauce all topped with mint-chocolate chips. The thing was nearly an inch thick! Good thing the entire cookie was no more than three-quarters of an inch by four.

“Mmm,” Aneeka just about orgasmed from her first bite of the confection — not really but it was a very sexual sound. “You ... you’ve got to try this, Mistress.”

“Okay ... okay,” I relented — not that I had tried especially hard to refuse.

Nallen cut off a small piece for me, perhaps a half inch long. Just the smell as he lifted it to my lips, I fully understood Aneeka’s reaction. He placed it sauce-side down on my tongue. I couldn’t help closing my eyes as it melted across my taste buds. So many different tastes! A rich medley of sweet chocolate goodness. I also couldn’t help panting, doing as much as I could to extract every iota of flavor from that small morsel.

Aneeka and I traded back and forth until there was only one slice left. Nallen moved to do something with it but I stopped him. I smiled over at Aneeka before turning and cutting it down the middle.

“Go ahead, I know you want to,” I offered to our lover.

Aneeka chose one of the resulting pieces, gracefully lifting it to Nallen’s lips. He didn’t seem to appreciate it nearly the way Aneeka or I did but did play along, even licking a bit of sauce off her fingertips.

It felt almost criminal feeding the last piece to someone who didn’t covet it. I know Nallen greatly enjoyed the pudding dessert our first visit. I picked up the last small portion, instead of Nallen I pressed it to Aneeka’s lips.

Her eyes flew open. I saw that Nallen had a tolerant smile out the corner of my eye. She leaned closer, taking the last piece of dessert between just her lips. And then she leaned even closer! Our lips met, she fed me part of that last bit of cookie by direct mouth-to-mouth transfer. Our tongues wrestled, each trying to make the other take more. In the end we were both winners.

I was blushing when we finally broke apart, very glad to be in the private room. It had been a hot enough kiss that we would have drawn applause if we had been in public. It was a hot enough kiss that I could feel Nallen’s reaction pressed against my hip!

Aneeka’s eyes were downcast, her own cheeks lit up. Nallen kissed us each on a cheek, I saw Aneeka’s blush deepen even as my own burned hotter.

Nallen drew us over to where his grandmother Mareail stood a little apart, it was almost unbelievable realizing she had to have seen two centuries. He held her bony hands in both of his, “Thanks for coming, Grandma.”

“Of course, silly boy. A child is a wonderful thing, two even better!”

She turned her still-sharp gaze on Aneeka, “Tsk ... tsk, I’m not sure what the world’s coming to, girl, a sister throwing herself at her brother.”

“I love him, Grandma ... love them both. It was meant to be. Had to be.”

“Oh, I know that. Don’t mind this tottering old bird.” She leaned close, “we were never close like you three but there was this lovely young thing ... She asked your grandfather Nicko to be her Guide. She was laying above me ‘girlfriends’ when he did the deed. There were other times with her, but they never went anywhere,” Mareail’s voice was soft, wistful at the end. “Like I said, it was fun but not love.”

It was more than eerie, for a moment I could see Mareail as a vibrant young woman. A young woman bringing another to her husband — actually I’m not sure they were married yet — as a very special gift. She remained an ancient crone but overlaid over that was a glowing image of youth. A youth remembering a very special time. And then the image was gone. Not just gone, Mareail seemed to be having trouble breathing. Nallen led her over to a nearby chair.

“Will you be okay, Grandma?”

“Don’t mind me, boy. I’m just old ... old and worn out.”

We watched her for a few moments but she seemed to be as good as her word, shaking her cane at us to move along.

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Rathi the sex teacher

It was the verge of completion of our SSLC, neighboring my home was hostel in which around 7 to 8 SSLC guys of other school used to stay. Since I was staying near to them I had a good friendly relationship with them, we never minded speaking about sex. In their hostel there was a lady named Rathi(33yrs of age and fair in color and unmarried) who was appointed by the owner for maintenance purpose, as such she used to stay in hostel during day time but goes to meet the owner regularly in evenings...

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Ghost Of Kareema 8211 An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 4

Welcome to this part of ‘Ghost of Kareema’, dear readers. From this time onwards, the writer Qamar is gonna state a little description of the characters involved in the story, to refresh the reader’s memory of the previous parts. Amith – a shopkeeper Anita is close with. He had sex with Kareema and indirectly claimed to have sex with Anita. Anita – Kareema’s roommate in the boarding. Banduka – New character introduced in this chapter. Kareema – the main protagonist of the story. Had sex with...

2 years ago
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She Finally Did It This TimeMy Poor White Sub

SHE FINALY DID IT THIS TIME SHE FINALY DID IT THIS TIME ??.MY POOR SUB  Prologue ???? This is a TRUE story. This is NOT a TRUE story that someone made up in his momma?s bedroom or basement or by someone whose only ?true stories? comes from masturbating to pictures of financially destitute teens who let fat/bald men push needles into their nipples for a few dollars. This is actually a TRUE story, that?s the best part of it and it just happened last Saturday night, today is Monday...

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Jess and the Life Changing Weekend Part Four

Chapter Six.I pulled up into the parking lot and parked in the shade of a big gum tree while I waited. I was daydreaming about the events of the day as I watched the boys begin packing up the gear. I was shaken out of my daydream by the phone ringing.“Hello?”“Hi, hon. How are you doing?”I instantly felt a bit panicky. Did he know? Had Kat sent the videos afterall? Why was he ringing me at this time? He should be on his way home soon. Had he come home early and saw us?“Hello? Are you there...

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First Encounter With Rathinam

I am sharing one incident when I was 14. I went to my grandma house for summer vacations. During this age only i came to understand about sex. My aunt (chithee in tamil) rathina, who was mother of 2 kids. She looks beautiful, her assets were looking good and she was in early 30s. We all used to sleep in line one by one. All husbands will go to open terrace due to insufficient place. After dinner I slept. Right side my brother was sleeping. To Left side my sweet rathina is sleeping. At around 1...

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Night With Latha Aunty

This is GK again with another story about how i fucked latha aunty. Latha aunty was my moms best friend. She use to live in our neighborhood. Her husband works in a private school as pune and a son who is in 6th std. She use to come to our house for chatting with my mom. I always watched her and dreamed about fucking her. She is slim, fair and little taller. She is having 32 size boobs which looks busty for her slim body. She always wears her saree below her deep navel. I use to go her house to...

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The Johnson Estate

Four hours by plane and another three by limo. That's how long it took to reach the estate of Cormac Johnson, billionaire, tech-guru, and charming businessman. The estate, out in the middle of the mountains of Coloardo, was as close as you could get to isolated without leaving the country to some obscure island in the middle of the Pacific, or the far northern reaches of the arctic, where the summers were cold and the winters were uninhabitable. John Doe was more than exhausted after the trip,...

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Young wife Groomed Part 3

Surely nothing more than pictures could really happen ? The love she had for her husband was strong but so were the feeling she was having now about this man who stood looking at her. Once her thongs had reached her feet she stood up and stepped very gracefully out of it so it lay on the floor. "Now, lean forward so your hands are on the bed and spread your legs, stick you're ass out so that your pussy and ass are all on display" She again obeyed, although his requests and language were getting...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 32

How quickly everything changed. I didn't even tell Shirley good-bye, and now I was landing at New Jersey's Teterboro Airport to represent the President at another terrorist massacre. Benjamin was with me, but that was a bad idea, and I needed Jim to fly up and take him home. I called and made arrangements for Jack and Rebecca to bring Jim along, and he'd fly home with Ben after things settled down a bit. Right now, my boy was asleep on the seat beside me as I waited for my detail to...

2 years ago
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Last one to know chapter 14

While I was getting myself together Sue cranked the car and pulled to a parking spot closer to the Mall Entrance. I made my way to the men‘s restroom and the girls went to the ladies restroom. From there we made our way to the second level and V.C. There were two young ladies working in the store, both looked to be early to mid twenties, slender, shapely and just what you would expect to see working at Victory Secrets. Both smiled at us when we walked in. The more shapely of the two...

4 years ago
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In The WayChapter 6

It is every man's worst nightmare. No man deserves this, I thought, standing there with my dick literally hanging out at half-mast. Sure, women always reserve the right to say no - no argument on that front - but there must be some sort of a guideline that says you should not say no once the man is undressed and reaching for protection. Even if that man is your father. Especially if that man is your father, I thought bitterly, because it is a big enough step just deciding to have an affair...

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Milky Adventure Part 8211 3

Hi, my dear readers… First of all thanks for all those reading My Milky Adventure Series. Please read part 1 and 2 first to understand it Better. Now as you all know Riya & Shreyas started to have the bond and Riya does everything to make her stepson to consider her as a mom. She is such an innocent lady who loves to be Shreyas’s mom. That’s why she started breastfeeding him to bring him close to her. She even accepted the poor kid Aravind as her son and breastfeed him too for her stepson’s...

1 year ago
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The ski trip

I have been corresponding with a guy for a while now. Recently, he sent me his pictures, first of him in Bikini underwear, then nude and finally one of him with a hard-on and another of a close up of his dick. It was a sight to behold! He was wearing jeans with the fly open from which protruded his dick, standing boldly at a 45 degree angle. His balls fell out under his hefty dick. My what a gorgeous pair, they are! Tom is compact, smooth athletic body like a swimming champion. I knew from...

4 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 23 Complications

[“Good Morning gentlemen, how long have you guys been here?”] Sam chuckled, “Since about 6:30, I wanted to get the coffee going before you guys got here.” Larry came in carrying a bunch of papers that he just finished photocopying. He told me we needed to make a copy of the signed plans because he was afraid the FBI was going to take them. Many of them had ‘marks’ on them and we needed to have them to figure out what Jack may have done or was trying to do. Larry wanted to make sure we had...

1 year ago
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Loving Babysitter Part 4

Introduction: Next installment. Sorry for the delay my fans. Lisa, or should I say Lee, is really started to assert herself and show who the true butch is Jamies emerald green eyes gleamed at the mention of more sex and she sat right up. How do you want me Lee? She asked, her finger trailing up and down my stomach. I couldnt take anymore and rolled her on top of me to be straddling my belly. I looked up over her toned stomach, to her firm bronzed globes, tipped with perfectly erect nipples....

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Baileys BrotherChapter 4 Bailey Gets a Job

Saturday morning, I walked out to the front yard and sat to soak in the beauty of it. It’s quiet in the mornings, usually my family is still asleep, unless mom has to work, but then she’s gone. The arguing is usually on Sunday. I wondered what it’d be like to be in one of those families where they make pancakes with maple syrup, bacon, and eggs. Everyone has their own way of doing things, I guess. I laid out an old stained towel on the grass with my own picnic of a breakfast: An orange, a...

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cousin k sath sex

This story is about me n my cousin sister living in the village. I’d visited my village in the winters on my brother’s marriage in feb2007. I was 18 at that time. Due to the marriage there was lack of beds to sleep because of marriage there were too many guests. So i had to share bed with my elder cousin sister. She’s about 10 months elder to me. As we both were tired so we fell asleep as soon as we got into the bed. Now we both had this habit of putting one over the person with whom we r...

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What Ive Done For Love

The name is James Monceaux. I’m a big and tall ( six foot-three and 270 pounds, to be exact ) , good-looking young black man of Haitian descent living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. These days, life is good. Lots of good things have been happening for me this year. My girlfriend accepted my marriage proposal. We plan on getting hitched sometime in the next year. Also, Barack Obama was recently elected the forty fourth President of the United States of America. Yeah, big things are...

3 years ago
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A Day in the Life of a Girl

A Day in the Life of a Girl By Donna Allyson Copyright by Donna Allyson 2001 Posting rights granted to Fictionmania, all others by permission only. Email [email protected] Chapter one: Preparation I felt the warm sun stream in the window as I lay snuggled up to my pillow desperately fighting the urge to roll over and go back to sleep. I really had no need to get up as classes had ended for the year and my roommate had left for home two days before. I finally succumbed to...

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My lesbian fantasy

Writing my last story made me so horny, just had to do another It was a chilly autumn afternoon and I had been waiting outside the apartment for fifteen minutes. The woman from the Estate Agents was meant to be there ages ago and I was getting cold. I was about to ring the agent’s office when a blue car pulled up. A woman in a business suit got out. she had one of those filofax things and she stepped round the back of the car and touched my arm. “Hi you must be Danielle, I’m Susie. Sorry I’m...

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The Voyages of Luscious Lucy Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Luscious Lucy The walk from Raspberry’s door around the marina to the boat would have been a long three blocks. I opted to drive around and park closer to the aging watercraft. At my age, walking was one the things I avoided as much as possible, even if my doctor did preach at me to great lengths about its value to my constitution, which had been taken to great test by whiskey and women. As we approached, the aging vessel seemed to gain length and width. She was a lot bigger...

2 years ago
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I had been divorced for about 2 yrs when i meet a slim charming lady.We had been living together for about a yr.She was not aware that I had a plastic fetish so I thought,I hid my garments very well.One night while she was out with freinds I decided to dawn some of my plastic attire.I placed my items on the bed in there proper place like I always did so I could put them on in the right order.I was about to start when I heard the door ,I was naked as a jay bird and soon came face to face with my...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 8

Adrienne “Adrienne, my fierce one, it’s time to awaken,” Hannah said to me. I opened my eyes and looked around. Meredith and I had switched during the night. She was cuddled up to me now and was sleeping. Her skin felt so soft to the touch. I smiled a big smile this morning. I hadn’t woken up next to anyone in a very long time and I was relishing the feeling. “I’m glad you’re content Adrienne. You’ve been alone for so long, it’s my hope that you’ll fill the void in each other’s hearts in...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 6 Locker Rooms Genie Surprise

Chapter Six: Locker Room's Genie Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

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The Debutant

This is written in movie script form and hope all of the indentations and tabs will hold correctly. The Debutant by Anonymous contributor to Fictionmania SCENE 1 Ext : French Alps Day : Any Day Time : Noon Pan across a beautiful scenic forest with the snow capped, French Alps in the background Pan down to a small lonely road, with a long black limo making its way...

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Tour De Frances III

Tour De Frances III Estelle and I headed back to my room and waited for Michelle to return from the wine cellar. Estelle wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close for a deep kiss. "Ohh my dear, I'm gonna love making out with you this weekend." "Let me go you lesbian!" "Stop trying to get away Frances, you can't hide from me so you may as well enjoy the attention I'm giving you!" Her hand slid up under my dress and into my panties. "Yes, I can't wait to feel you ram...

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