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My name is Lacy Harris and I'm a country girl. You may wonder why my name isn't Sally-Ann or Becky-Sue or something more hayseed-sounding. The truth is, we're not all the rednecks city-folk think we are. Most of the stories you hear about country-people are totally bogus. Most, that is. Some of them are bang-on. Sex, for example. We do a lot of that out in the country. When the power goes out because some drunk idiot ran into a pole out on Highway 313 and you're sitting around bored to tears with no TV or videogames – well, sex is definitely something you can do in the dark. Out here distance is a problem too. Your options get narrowed-down when you're thirty miles from town. When you're desperately horny, you start looking close to home. Sometimes very close. There are a lot of families out in the backwoods raising kids that came out of the shallow end of the gene pool and no one says squat about it because they know their own family trees may have a few branches that don't fork.

My own family was one of those where my brothers and I had a 'very close relationship'. The only reason I didn't give my folks any surprizes was because Daddy kept a good supply of condoms in the house and never bothered to take inventory. By the time I started dating 'officially', I was experienced enough to know what I wanted and how to get it. Going out with a boy meant finding an isolated spot and screwing our brains out until the last possible moment before we absolutely had to go home. I dated every boy for fifteen miles around and there were only two who didn't stick their cocks into me. One was saving himself for marriage – meaning he was gay. And the other just went out with girls to convince his parents that he wasn't gay – which he was. Even though they wasted my time, I kept their secrets and they told everyone they knew that I was either great company or a fantastic fuck, respectively.

By the time I started High School I'd already learned what a PC muscle was and how to keep it toned. This made me very popular with the guys and by the time graduation rolled around I'd fucked a few more than my share. I used to say I had fucked all the good-looking ones who weren't fucking each other. It was the truth, too.

The only thing I hadn't had the chance to do that I really wanted to was to fuck a Black guy. There were a few in my school, but there was also a strong reactionary element among the White majority that believed that a Black cock was the equivalent of Satan's Scepter and any White girl who let one get inside her would be instantly transformed into the lowest kind of slut imaginable. Details of this magical-sounding conversion were only hinted-at, never discussed openly. No one ever came out and explained why this was 'something you just didn't do', but the message was crystal-clear anyway.

I was under no illusions about my own status as a slut. While I didn't dress slutty, or flirt with absolutely every boy in sight, I certainly qualified for the label because of my willingness to interact with male sexual equipment on short notice after a brief introduction – the polite term for which was being 'easy'. I was unclear about these other levels of slutness through which one could supposedly descend. I was also a bit jaded, and more than a little curious about what new erotic experiences might be had by someone willing to accept a lower rank on the slut-scale.

I strongly suspected that the whole thing was a myth spread around by racists to discourage interracial relationships, but like many of the myths we studied in class, I was sure it had a grain of truth in it somewhere and I promised myself that I would explore the matter personally the first chance I got. Unfortunately, I graduated and was sent off to college before that chance came along.

It was my Freshman roommate, Shauna, who reminded me of this gap in my education on a night halfway through our first semester. We were trapped in the dorm by a thunderstorm and the need to prepare for impending mid-term exams. Instead of going over our English notes, we talked about boys. When I told her about all the guys I'd slept with, she seemed impressed. She asked me where I stood on the question of size.

"The bigger, the better," I told her.

She asked if I thought it was possible to have to much of a good thing and I said 'no way'. Then she got this funny look and asked me if I'd heard about the wild party that one of the rowdier fraternities held at then end of every exam-week. She said she'd heard that they did this thing where they sacrificed a virgin on an altar to improve their chances of getting good grades on the exams. Only it wasn't really an altar, it was an old doctor's exam table, complete with stirrups. And it wasn't the girl they sacrificed, it was her virginity. I told her that it sounded like a kinky game, but I obviously didn't qualify. She said that didn't matter, that they'd given up on finding real virgins and that instead they had a local man who would do the honors ˗ a Black guy with a cock so big that he could make any girl feel like a virgin again.

Shauna also warned me that, for whatever reason, few of the girls who played the part of the virgin stayed in school for very long afterward. I ignored that as just some legend intended to frighten me. After all, lots of people drop-out or transfer after their first taste of higher-education.

The game sounded like all my most erotic fantasies rolled into one. Being fucked by a guy with a big cock was something I was up for just about any time. Doing it in front of a bunch of horny frat-guys would add a wonderfully erotic touch. But it being a Black guy? The nearly orgasmic rush that went through me made the whole idea something I couldn't possibly turn down.

My mid-terms were a blur. As the week wore on, my focus was more and more on the party and less on the test papers in front of me. Friday was hell. That afternoon I was so worked-up I'd had to wring-out my panties twice; and a brand-new DD-cup bra that had fit perfectly well before, now felt like I was going to burst out of it any second. I was getting desperate by the time the guys came to pick me up to drive me to the party. They explained that because they were on probation already for other stuff as well as being closely-watched by the local cops, that the party had to be held off-campus and out-of-town at a super-secret location. That turned out to be an old barn behind a burned-out house. I could tell from the trash and the accumulation of several half-assed attempts to decorate it that the place was a regular party location for people who wanted privacy while they went a bit wild.

When we arrived, things were already underway. The keg had been tapped and there was a crowd around it. The music was courtesy of someone's bad-ass car stereo and had enough bass behind that if it had been closer to school it would have set off the Geology Department's earthquake detector.

The frat-guys took me into a back-room and tried to lay a head-trip on me. They told me this was my last chance to back-out, then they made me sign this stupid release-form saying I was doing this of my own free will and I wouldn't hold anyone responsible for any injuries I sustained. They gave me an old sheet and told me to undress and wrap it around me and they'd be back when everything was ready.

I stripped-down and unfolded the sheet, which had a big spot on it that looked like blood. I figured that was something else intended to spook me, and that it had probably been donated by someone whose period had snuck up on her in the middle of the night. Grateful that they had at least washed the thing, I draped it over my shoulders and sat down to wait.

I didn't have to wait long. The frat-guys came back wearing robes that looked like cheap Halloween costumes. When they walked me out, I saw that the crowd was much bigger than before. The 'altar' was as expected. The only thing that made it unique was a set of straps they had added. After a short mumbo-jumbo speech about beseeching the gods and stuff, they took off my sheet and draped it over their makeshift altar, then helped me up the step onto it. I lay back on the slanted table and put my feet into the stirrups and waited while they tied me down. Straps went around my ankles and under the stirrups. One wide strap went over my chest just under my boobs. Two more pinned my wrists at my sides. It was just enough to hold me in place and keep me from being able to resist whatever they might choose to do to me.

I thought the restraints were all a bit much, but I wasn't about to complain. I wanted them to get on with the show. The last thing they did was pull the stirrups out as wide as they would go and lock them in place. This presented everyone there with a clear view of my pussy. It also gave whoever was going to fuck me plenty of room to work. If I'd been less limber the position might have been a problem, but I'd had plenty of practice at spreading my legs so I wasn't too uncomfortable.

Then they brought in their High Priest. He had on a hooded wizard's robe with painted wands and glitter stars all over it. They led him over to stand in front of me before they took the robe off.

I was a little disappointed. The man was Black, all right. But he wasn't the studly, well-muscled man of my dreams. He was tall, but skinny. Almost bony. Then I saw his cock and my assessment changed. His thing hung more than halfway to his knees. Given his height, that made it close onto a foot long, an impressive datum right there, since it was easily longer than anything I'd encountered before, despite my considerable experience.

I was still staring when two girls stepped up on either side of him and knelt down. They started stroking his cock, then tugging on it, then licking and sucking it. They raised it up to attend to the underside and I got a look at his balls. His sack hung lower than any I'd seen, at least six inches below his groin, something no doubt caused by a stack of three thick metal rings that encircled it, stretching his sack and pulling his balls down so that the dark skin over them was pulled tight, which showed them off nicely. They looked like two ripe plums - and were about that size. I licked my lips as I stared, wondering what it would be like to lick them.

Under the eager attention of the two girls, the Black guy's cock started to swell. Already big, even by my standards, it began to fill-out, getting longer and thicker while I watched.

It was a fascinating process. My body reacted to the show in a predictable way. I heard the straps complain as I strained against them. They held firm. I began to regret not giving more consideration to the frat-guys' offer to let me chicken-out.

One of the girls squirted some lube into her palm and ribbed it between my legs. She spread it around until I was all shiny and slick and my narrow pubic strip of wispy blonde hair was matted. She rubbed another handful up and down my slit until my pussy lips curled apart. Then she poked the tip of the bottle through my now-exposed opening and squirted some inside. I though this was completely unnecessary, since I was already soaking wet down there, but it sure felt good and it looked like I might need all the lubrication I could get.

While she attended to me the other fluffer finished-up, giving the man's cock a final thorough spit-bath. He then stepped up between my legs and put the end of it between my legs, letting me feel how hot and hard it was, and how much larger than my opening it was. He slid it up and down my slit, picking up lubrication, then he began to push.

He took it slow, which was a true mercy because otherwise he would have split me wide open. Even so, 'uncomfortable' does not begin to describe what it felt like to feel that massive piece of meat push into me, stretching me further than anything had before. It hurt so much that every muscle in my body was straining against those straps and my heart was beating so fast I thought it might burst. It got so bad I wanted to scream, but I managed to stifle it. Instead, I clenched my teeth and did my best to simply hold onto my sanity. After what seemed like an eternity, there was a point where the pressure peaked and then suddenly dropped-off and I knew he'd managed to get the head of his cock inside me. It was only when I found myself gasping for air that I realized I'd been holding my breath. With the pain eased, I could feel how my opening was now stretched tightly around his shaft. He pulled back as if testing me, and I felt how the head of his cock was now trapped inside me. I didn't have a clue how much it would hurt when he pushed it further inside, but I was sure taking it out then would hurt just as much as putting it in, so I didn't see any option but to go ahead. Not that I had that choice. I'd committed myself when I signed their stupid paper. Doubly so when I let them strap me onto the table. Now that the worst part was over - I hoped - the only way out seemed to be to see it through.

After letting me catch my breath, he put his hands on my thighs and started pushing again. Slowly, inch by inch, he worked his cock into me. At first it wasn't too bad. But as he went deeper, I could feel things being pushed around inside me. I watched, fascinated by the sight of all that coal-black cock disappearing into my pussy, and I understood that I when he finally took that monster out of me, I wasn't just going to be stretched wider, I was also going to be much deeper.

It was just past the halfway mark when I could tell he was getting into a place where no cock had ever gone. I was feeling things in places I'd never felt before and it scared me. I began to perspire freely and it got harder to breathe with my internal organs being shoved up against my diaphragm. I began to take short, sharp breaths.

The similarity of what I was going through to the experience of a woman in labor was not lost on me. I was just going through it in reverse.

When most of his cock was inside me and it looked like the worst was over, one of his attendants handed him a studded leather strap with a buckle. It looked like a collar for a medium-sized dog. He wrapped it around the base of his cock as close to his groin as he could, slid the end through the buckle and pulled it tight.

There was no immediate physical effect. It would take a few minutes for that. The psychological effect was immediate. I was being fucked my a man who could use a dog-collar for a cock-ring. That alone raised the heat inside me by several degrees. The fact that with the strap around his cock he would stay hard as long as he wanted meant he intended to prolong things as much as possible and I couldn't count on any weakness or distraction on his part to make this ordeal any shorter than he chose to make it. I was completely at his mercy.

Slowly, his already huge cock began to swell inside me. I thought I could actually feel the head grow bigger and the veins on his shaft pop-out. I could certainly feel my pussy being stretched even wider than it had been already and the fear that I thought had passed came back in full force.

I was terrified that he would rupture something in there and I would bleed-out before they could get me to a hospital. That large stain I'd seen on the sheet kept coming back to haunt me. Had something like that happened to one of their other 'sacrifices'?

His cock resumed its slow invasion of my body. Now even more rigid than before, it felt more like a carved wooden pole than a human cock.

When I felt the metal collars around his scrotum bump into me, I was so relieved I wanted to cheer. Many in the crowd did just that, along with a round of applause from everyone. Until then, I'd almost forgot they were there.

With his cock gone from sight, I was able to stop staring at the place where it had gone inside me and notice the distinct bulge it was making in my belly. There was a clear hump running all the way up to just below my sternum and it threatened to turn my navel into an outie. I lay my head back and tried to appreciate the event. Other than fucking a damn elephant, this had to be the ultimate sexual experience I could have and survive. Anything else, anyone else would be less than this moment. It made me want to savor it for as long as possible.

When I felt him start to pull back, I wanted to tell him to wait a bit longer. I needn't have worried. He had no intention of pulling out. His short out-stroke was followed by a return, and then another, and another, each making me a tiny bit looser until he was able to work up to a solid fucking rhythm.

I think until that point, I'd been numbed by the magnitude of the event. When I realized that I was actually being fucked by the biggest cock I'd ever seen on man or beast, all the erotic feelings that pain and terror had suppressed came rushing back to me. They came back magnified many times and swept over me in a torrent that I couldn't have stemmed if I'd wanted to. I think I came after the tenth stroke. I'm pretty sure I came on every tenth stroke after, but who the hell counts at a time like that. All I know is it was the most gloriously intense fucking I'd ever experienced and I never, ever wanted it to stop.

At some indefinite time later, I became aware that that his amazing cock had pushed in, but then had stopped moving inside me. I roused from the well of erotic pleasure I'd been immersed in. I pried my eyes open to see him standing perfectly still, his head tilted back and to one side and his eyes tightly shut. All the muscles on his bare torso were tensed. His nostrils flared and his grip on my legs tightened. A second later I felt a flood of warmth deep inside and I knew he had just inseminated me. From the feeling of fullness that came with the spreading warmth, I knew it wasn't a small amount of cum he'd pumped into me, it was a lot. A whole lot. And sent with enough force behind it to get it all past the leather collar around the base of his cock.

I'd had guys cum in me before. Condoms sometimes break or slip off. Sometimes it was a mutual decision, barebacking scheduled for the time of the month when I was least likely to catch pregnant. Sometimes I just got carried away and had to trust to luck - which, fortunately, had never failed me. When I went off to college, it was with a supply of birth control pills that I'd been having a hard time remembering to take – even assuming that my brothers hadn't replaced half of them with aspirin as a joke. I hoped that my memory had been good, and my brothers had miraculously had an attack of maturity, because I was sure that I'd just received a big enough dose of cum to impregnate every girl at the party - and their mothers.

Only when he was sure he'd run dry did he begin to withdraw his cock. He still took his time, backing slowly and occasionally giving me a short inward stroke, as though teasing me with the possibility that he might just start all over again. The head wasn't the problem it had been before. It still needed some extra pulling to get it out, but the discomfort was nothing like when it was going in. Once free of me, he put his robe back on, turned and left.

As soon as his cock was out, I felt a rush of cool air go up inside me. At the same time, I heard something go splat on the step and I knew that a big glob of his cum had rolled out of my pussy.

Immediately, faces began to appear between my legs. People who wanted to get a peek at the damage a really big Black cock could do to a White pussy. I thought this was a lot like the line of gawkers who slowed down to look at wrecks on the side of the road, and my first reaction was to try to put a stop to it by using my well-toned PC muscles to close-up the scene. I tried, but nothing happened. I couldn't shut off the view. I couldn't squeeze the cum out of me. I couldn't even tell there were muscles down there anymore. All I could do was lie there while people looked up inside me, their stunned and amazed expressions telling me more than I really wanted to know about how bad the damage was.

Then, the inevitable happened. One guy pulled out his phone and snapped a close-up pic of my pussy. Then he stepped back far enough to take one of all of me in my naked, sweaty, exhausted glory, featuring my gaping, slack, cum-drooling pussy front and center. Once one guy did it, everyone else had do it too. Soon, everyone there had at least one photo of me at my absolute worst. One girl decided to be helpful and let me know just how things stood. After taking a pic, she turned the camera around to show me.

It took me a few seconds to understand what I was looking at. My first impression was of a large cavern with a frothy stream running down the middle. Except caves are rarely a slimy pink inside and you don't usually see a beet-red cervix lying way in the back of them, and certainly not one dilated wide enough to get three fingers through it.

'Ruined' was my first considered appraisal of my condition. Followed by 'wrecked', and 'destroyed'. I hoped every one of those frat guys got all 'A's on their exams, because I had certainly sacrificed enough for them.

When I was released, I got down off the table and discovered that my legs weren't working right. That wasn't surprizing after spending such a long time with them so far apart. The frat-guys were very nice about helping me. They even offered to help me get my clothes back on. Accepting their help taught me that guys who were probably experts at getting a girl's clothes off, could be completely inept when it came to putting them on her. My bra in particular mystified them.

When I got back to the dorm, the first thing I did was to take what belated steps I could to avoid getting knocked-up – just as a precaution of course – and assuming that somehow hadn't happened already. I took off my clothes and peeled down my cum-soaked panties. I got down on the floor and spread my knees with my pussy over a plastic container I'd been keeping hair-curlers in. I still couldn't manage to twitch a muscle down there, so I pushed down on my belly with both hands. I thought most of the cum had to have run out of me by then. I was wrong. The stuff dropped out of my ravaged pussy in gobs. I kept at it until there was only the occasional drip, then I went to the bathroom and crawled into the tub. I scooted way down and walked my feet up the wall until my pussy was directly under the faucet. Then I turned on the water and let the stream flow straight into me.

It took a surprizingly long time before the water filled my pussy and overflowed into the tub, bringing with it still more cum. I wasn't real sure if this was helping or hurting my chances of catching pregnant. I could just have easily been driving those Black-babymakers further inside me, but it was the only thing I could think of to do, so I did it.

After I'd slept for twelve hours straight I felt well enough to drag myself to the dining hall for my first meal in twenty-four hours. I was sitting there, slowly starting to feel more human and just beginning to regain some feeling in the hollow place between my legs. Only then did I hear the whispers and notice the quickly-averted gazes. Only then did I start to grasp just how ruined I really was.

The great thing about having a camera in your phone is that you can upload a pic with two taps and share it with all your friends in a matter of seconds. Then those friends can go on sharing it, posting it, emailing it, until absolutely everyone you know has seen exactly what the lowest kind of slut looks like and precisely what the consequences are of fucking Black guys with great big cocks.

In the days that followed, my social life came to a total halt. Guys who had expressed an interest in me found other girls to be interested in. Guys I was interested in failed to give me a second look. The only guys who approached me did so with offers of further opportunities to entertain at parties. One of them even asked me if I had my own pony or if he needed to rent one for the occasion. I'm pretty sure he was serious.

I hoped that the novelty and the shock would wear off in a few days. It didn't. I decided that my life was pretty-much over and that everyone in my home town had been right about that whole 'lowest kind of slut' thing being something to avoid at all costs.

Weeks went by before I caught a glimmer of light at the end of my lonely tunnel. A guy I didn't know came over and sat next to me in the library. The remarkable thing was that he did it without looking around furtively to see if anyone he knew could see him talking to the infamous slut. Everything seemed normal enough, but in the previous weeks, I'd learned to be suspicious. I asked him right out if he'd seen the photo of me.

"Sure," he said. "I saw it. Photoshop, right?"

"No," I corrected. "It was all too real."

"No shit? Damn, he really did a job on you. That must have been some fuck!"

"It was," I admitted, hearing an unexpected note of wistfulness in my voice. I decided to be brutally honest. "It was awesome! But now none of the guys I know want to have anything to do with me now."

"You make them feel inadequate."

"Say what?"

"They've seen what it takes to get you off and they know they can't give you what you need. They're afraid of embarrassing themselves."

"What is it you think I need?" I asked, getting ready for an insulting pitch to perform in some freak-show for him and his buds.

"New friends, for a start."

"Like you?"

"Actually, more like the guy who did that to you."

I laughed. "There can't be many like him around. Maybe that's for the best."

"Maybe not quite like that, but in the same league. And more of them than you might think. Unless you want that to be a one-time deal?"

The idea of looking the guy up for a repeat performance had never occurred to me. I'd been so traumatized by the negative reaction of my peers – many of then the very people who had enjoyed watching me get ultimately-fucked at the party – that the idea that I might do it again had simply never crossed my mind. Now that someone had pointed it out as an option I might consider, I found myself taking the idea seriously. But I still had questions.

"So," I asked him with a sidelong look, "What's the catch?"

"Do you have anything against Black guys?"

I laughed. After what I'd done, the idea was preposterous. Doubly so since the guy I was talking to was Black. If race had mattered little to me before, it was pretty damn irrelevant now. One of the things being whispered about me was that I was a 'Black Cock Slut', which proved that I might be a hundred miles from home, but I hadn't escaped their attitudes.

"Sorry. I had to ask. Do you have anything against jocks?"

Did I object to fucking well-muscled, well-conditioned guys with lots of stamina? Was he kidding?

"Duh? No! Who, exactly, are you talking about?"

He jerked his chin in the direction of the table behind me. I turned around to look.

Sitting around that table, pretending to study, but very obviously trying to eavesdrop on us were four guys. Four very, very large, Black guys.

I turned back to the guy sitting with me and said, "You're shitting me! I know who those guys are! That's the whole offensive line! Except for Polanski."

"So, you like football?"

"I grew up with two brothers who were interested in very little else." Other than me, but I left that part out. "I can name every team in the SEC. I can't cite stats like my brothers but I know right now we're ranked number six nationally and it's mostly because of those guys over there. Why in hell would they need you to help get them laid? Girls should be jumping in front of them and landing with their legs in the air."

"You know why."

I was stunned. "Because they've got great big cocks? This is somehow a problem?"

"Not for you. Not many girls are willing to play in that league. Damn few want a rematch. Once they've had a taste, they change their minds. Sometimes it's a very small taste and they change their minds at the worst possible time."

"I can see why. There's a long-term commitment involved. It narrows your options." There was suddenly a bad taste in my mouth as I remembered how my current options seemed to be between celibacy and public bestiality.

"So, you want me to introduce you?"

"Don't bother."

I was out of my chair in less than a second after making the only decision I could. I walked over and sat down between two tackles. I felt like a midget, but I was a midget someone wanted to be with.

"Hi guys!" I said with a big smile. "I'd introduce myself, but I know you already know who I am. And I sure know who you are!"

They smiled back, but no one said anything. Not that I expected sparkling conversation. Eloquence isn't a requirement when your chosen career is stopping bull-rushing defensive linemen from flattening your quarterback.

The guy on my left leaned over and suddenly there was an eclipse in my vicinity. When he was close enough for me to feel his body heat, he whispered in a low rumble, "Saw your pic. You're hot!"

I was flattered beyond words. Anyone who could look at the photo of me lying there with my pussy totally trashed-out and think I was hot clearly wasn't intimidated by the idea of following whoever had done that to me. I suddenly felt like my currently-miserable life was about to take a turn for the better.

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Californian SlutEv is my slave in real life. She is a beautiful Asian slut. This is the story, written by both of us, telling of what happened following our first explosive weekend together (described in Just a visit to the beach/Enslaving Ev already on Bdsmlibrary) ?PART 1Slut (1) ?I had my hand on the door handle, a tear ran down my cheek and I turned to watch his car ? Master’s car ? until it disappeared around the corner. I slowly twisted until I faced the apartment. There was a light on,...

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Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb CockRiding Slut

This is the story of...جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb Cock-Riding SlutOne fine day, Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut's mother called her to come downstairs. She had just finished preparing her a basket of X-rated goodies for her to take to her beloved old Grandpa, in his cottage, in the woods. Of course, as we all know, Grandpa wasn't Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut real grandfather. He was just a lonely old man whom she had known, and been visiting, ever since she...

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Cumbucket Slut

My lil slut always dressed just like that a little size 6 slut never wore panties she loved windy days her lil skirts flipping up her nice lil ass and bald pussy for all to see. Her flashing got me to a point the I WANTED TO SEE HER USED BY MANY MEN I asked her about it but she wasn't interested but I was so I set up a plan If she wanted to dress act and look like slut I was going to watch her used like naughty lil cumbucket I told her of band I wanted to see south of river Always trying to...

Group Sex
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Becoming a submissive slut

Prologue Becoming a submissive slut Part 1 Prologue Some submissives appear not to know when the road to understanding their needs began or when their lives began to change.? Obviously I must have had these feelings inside me for a long, long time and even remember enjoying being tied up by the ?cowboys? as a little girl, I know exactly when it began as an adult, even though it began in small stages. I spent the weekends with my boyfriend Michael.? He had a house and on Fridays I leave...

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Party Slut

Party Slut by Richard-to-Rachel "Shhhh, careful, you'll wake him," I heard through a foggy daze. "Naah, he's out cold," came a second voice, "Barely stirred through the rest of it." My head was throbbing painfully and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. I knew that I had drunk too much at the party that night, I'd had a fight with Sasha, my girlfriend, and had drowned my sorrows perhaps a little too much. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but it was taking me a while...

2 years ago
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The Making of a Slut

The Making of a Slut - By Alexis Brooks - [email protected] Chapter 1 ? The Package The past few months had given him opportunities to explore himself beyond his wildest imaginations. He had talked with many people, both male and female, online. Almost all of those relationships ended in the other person backing out at the moment of truth. He had met two people that were a lot of fun. But they too had since vanished either due to work or family issues. Yet, through...

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Making Mother My slut

It all started when I was 18 and a senior in High School playing football. It was a Saturday practice after a big win on Friday night, and our coach gave us half practice off.I came home a couple hours early. Mom was doing her usual shopping on a Saturday with the girls, which usually took most of the day. Dad was home with my older sister Kip who was off work today.When I came in the house, I heard what sounded like Mom and Dad fucking in the basement, I crept down the stairs as any horny...

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Amy The Teen Anal Slut

Amy The Teen Anal SlutBy DirtyOmni I had a great last few years as a teen anal slut finishing high school. Anyone who really knew what I did during my school day would be offended by what I like. When I was entering my teens I found that boys always had some type of porn in their hands .Often I would get boys that liked me to show me their porn stash. I like the dirty pictures of women showing their bodies. The more I saw the more I knew what I liked. Usually it was soft light pictures of women...

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using my slut

We I finally got to spend some time with my friend. I agreed to let him pick me up after he had gotten a hotel room for 2 nights. He picked me up at my house and my father let him in and told him I was down the hall in my room. My friend came into my room as I was finishing my make-up. He started to close the door I told him not to as my father would walk in on us. I told him I wanted to see what he was wearing. And I told him to strip as he stood behind the door. He did as I told him and...

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Freewill 504 Part 8 Campus Slut

Freewill 504: Part 8 Campus Slut (By Chris A)Disclaimer: If you are u******e and/or easily offended by stories of an adult nature, then you should probably go away. This story and characters are purely fictitious, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincedental. Any one who believes they should try and recreate these situations and events in a real life situation needs to get serious help. With that said: enjoy!It was a warm spring evening as I walked across the center of...

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Saturday Night Slutting It had been a long week at work and I'd only been able to Fuck a couple of times and only with my Husband...I was very horny.I told him Saturday morning I wanted to go Slutting that evening so after he went off to work I prepared myself.A trip to the salon for the works including a nice...

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Town Slut

When he saw it in his in-basket he was not surprised. Even without opening it he knew exactly what it was, and had a fairly good idea already of what it said. The truth was that it was something he had been waiting for, and expecting, for a little over three weeks. Shawn Spencer considered himself to be a reasonably intelligent man, and many times he could see how things would turn out, just by expecting things to happen in their natural order. The fact it had taken so long was the only...

3 years ago
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Forced to be a Black cock slut

F*rced To Be A Slut (for BBC)forced to be a Slut Story from the perspective of a mom who is forced to become a slut for their neighbor's daughter. The mother’s daughter also becomes her mistress and mom gets nigger fuckedTears ran down my cheeks as the nigger cock rammed my pussy from behind. Jessica watched with a smile on her face as she often did. Here I was, in the back of a van in a mall parking lot, getting my white pussy violated by a nigger buck while the woman who had become my...

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Training A New Submissive Slut

Training A New Submissive SlutOne day, Nathan, looked at me as I entered the hotel room to greet him. He said “Greetings slut, welcome me properly by getting on your knees and using your cunt mouth "My face burning, I sank to my knees and he coldly looked down at me as I reachedto undo his zipper. "Don't," he snapped, brushing my hands away. "Don't touchwithout permission. Ask!""Please can I undo your pants?" I whispered and my panties were instantlysoaked."Why?""So I can suck you," I...

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Converting the Family 2 Mommys PussySlut

Chapter Two: Mommy's Pussy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Billy Purvis It worked. I clutched at the remote I modified. It truly mind-controlled people. My body buzzed as I walked through the halls of my college, my black-haired sister, Cali, walking on my right, her round breasts bouncing naked, a look of dreamy enjoyment...

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Inner Slut Public Convenience Slut

Read all the tags before continuing. All the characters, including the author (^-_-^) is eighteen or more. If you aren’t of the legal age in your country, feel free to close this and move on. Because, I definitely won’t poison young minds… … Other than in my stories xD. You will see all the bright and dark sides present inside me, and yourself, in my stories. Every character is fictional, and any and every resemblance to real life is completely coincidental. And NEVER try to do any...

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You My Slut

You glance up at the clock as you are making dinner. I would be home from work in a half hour. A small smile spreads across your face, and a sensual warmth and slight throbbing begin within the most feminine part of your body. You place the roast in the oven for a late dinner, and then run off to prepare for my arrival. You hurry to be sure you are in place and ready when I come through the door, because you know what happens when you're late. You smile again at the thought, rubbing your ass...

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The making of a slut

Julie surveyed the bar and watched as the after work businessmen tried to impress the young girl sitting nervously at the bar. Julie admired her innocence as she blushed with each advance she received as she desperately tried to attract the attention of the barman, Julie stood and walked slowly over to the bar stools and slipped onto the stool next to the young woman. Smiling like a shark sensing its prey Julie muttered in a low husky voice, “Hi I’m Julie”. “Penny” the young girl...

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Dunegon Slut

Dungeon SlutCopyright 2007 W. HunterARRIVALI meet her at the station.  It's almost midnight and she's the only one to get off the bus.  We know each other from photographs, but have never spoken.  She's shortened her hair a bit, probably in anticipation of what's to come.  I'd have preferred to cut it myself, but one can never completely understand the mind of another, now, can they?She stands there, looking in my general direction, but not directly at me.  She's wearing a simple blue dress...

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Camilla To Become a Slut

“Honey”, she purred. “Can we do a little role playing tonight?” Mark looked at his gorgeous wife with her full pouting lips and long brown hair and said, “Anything for you babe. What have you got in mind?” The normally boisterous and unflappable Camilla looked at him and chewed her bottom lip which he found sexy as hell. “Well, I have been doing some reading lately online and came across some stories that have really turned me on so much it isn't funny.” “Oh really?” She looked down...

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Sissyslave Gunnarsub turned into a slut

My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factorbehind the urgent wish to being forced to do things which I never would beprepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thoughtthat I might be forced to do something most humiliating against my own will,with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at themercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on.My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless, and byno...

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Embracing my Inner Slut

"Wantin', and fuckin', and squeezin', and beggin', lickin' and screamin' and ridin' my clit." I sang to Tessa and Jenna, bound back to back. I shook my wide hips at them. I love them. They giggled. They were hard and gagged and leaking, too bad, girls, about those little cages on your clits. I brushed Tessa's on the way to lick Jenna. "Mmm, darling, you taste marvelous. Maybe I should have a little more of you." Her eyes widened. So pretty, Jenna, your mouth would be just right to sheath my...

1 year ago
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Dirty slut

Another night with my slutty girlfriend we were at pub having fun I dared her to be really naughty We were chatting having fun her lil skirt mmmm take ur knickers off slut she started to leave but I grabbed her arm and said here do it here other men around us could hear what we were talking about a man beside us told the slut to take them off now looking around slut reached under tiny skirt and pulled lil g string down just as it got to her knee's the man beside us started to tell the slut she...

Group Sex
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Wifes a drunken slut

My wife is the most attractive woman I have ever dated, too good looking for me. We joke that the only way I got her to marry me was because she was drunk at the time. She’s tall and thin. Nice firm “B” size tits. Her thin waist makes her tits more pronounced and greatly accentuates her tight ass. She shaves her pussy but leaves a little mound of pubic hair at the top. She has long legs and is a dark brunette. She tans regularly and has long fingernails that change color every week,...

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Pet Mommy Fucking with MommySlut

Introduction: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Pet Mommy: Fucking with Mommy-Slut Summary: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Recap: This is actually part three. Obviously, you should read parts 1 and 2 first, as they will help understand how the mother ended up where she is now, if you already have read the first two parts and cant remember the basic plot or just want to start here on part three…here is a very brief summary of the story so far. ...

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Wifes a drunken slut

Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...

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Sissyslave Gunnarsub turned into a slut

My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factor behind the urgent wish to being f***ed to do things which I never would be prepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thought that I might be f***ed to do something most humiliating against my own will, with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at the mercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on. My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless,...

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Pet Mommy DP Slut

Introduction: Mom is dpd by son and his best friend. PET MOMMY: DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! Summary: Pet Mommy: Creating a Mommy-Slut Summary: A mother learns her son fantasizes about fucking her and, realizing just how much he resembles her deceased dominant husband, decides to make his fantasy a reality…in the end seducing her son and becoming his submissive pet Mommy. Note: A special thanks goes to Mab7991 DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping...

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Becoming a slut

She loved talking with her friends over few drinks. Topics varied from lovely boyfriends to dreams about raising a family. Slut was having the time of her life. As they were departing, slut separated from the group to go to the toilet. Anyways, she was going to the other direction.As she was entering the toilets she was blocked by a muscular arm leaning to the wall. Her excuse was stopped by the man saying "Lady, I've just heard you talk nice shit for few hours. You need to understand that you...

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Coffee Shop Slut

I checked my reflection in the shop window adjacent to the coffee store and knew I looked good. I had dressed as master had instructed. Three and a half inch heels, fishnet hold-ups, black silk mid-thigh flared mini skirt. I wore a black satin bra and matching thong and the bra was clearly visible through the clinging low-cut white chiffon blouse. I pulled out my compact from my handbag and with perfectly manicured bright-red nails, flipped it open to check my make-up. Again, as instructed, I...

Group Sex
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New GF Trains Me to be a Sissy Slut

"That's it baby! You are such an amazing cock sucker!" I moan around the cock in my mouth as I bob up and down quickly. I feel hands on the back of head grab my hair to stop me from moving up and down the amazing 10 inch black cock. I've been kneeling for almost twenty minutes slowly working this monster. I've only been able to take just over half of the cock so far. "You are doing very well sucking your first dick. Though a good cock whore needs to learn to deepthroat and feel what it's like...

3 years ago
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A Natural Slut

Nick, a teenage boy seduces his uncle John. The story charts his evolution from a shy infatuated lover to an accomplished slave-concubine. Nick becomes Nikki and relishes his role as a sex-slave. Uncle John is a stern master who uses Nikki in every possible way.A Natural Slut By Nikki Part 1 Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous....

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Saras Surrender Part 5 Im a Filthy Slut

~~~~~Sara had just masturbated by rocking back and forth on a fallen tree trunk, rubbing her tits and clit against the rough bark, which made her cum, and cum hard. When she had recovered, she turned to me and said, “Master!” indicating how much she was enjoying being my submissive. I smiled up at her, then suddenly had another idea. I find that it’s always a good idea to have a plan with a submissive, but you shouldn’t let that interfere with inspiration.“Come down here, Little Slut, and lie...

Mind Control
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Lisa had lived with her dad Frank since he and her mom separated when she was 15. She was now 18 and her dad still hadn't dated anyone and she was starting to worry about him. She knew how lonely he was. Whenever he wasn't at work he would just sit around the house doing nothing. Sometimes she would hear him moaning late at night in his bedroom and she knew he must be in there crying. She hated knowing her daddy was upset so she decided that the next time she heard him crying in his room she...

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The Slut

Last night a old friend called me up he seen my post on my profile stating " I need a good caning " He was happy to help out. He give me the address of a factory unit he told me to get there at 7 pm sharp and not to plan on leaving for a while. I was running late so I didn't have time to get changed. I arrived late at 7.15 pm He was standing there very angry he said were the fuck have you been. I said there was traffic. He said I don't believe you show me your hamster page. I had been online...

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Jessica the Cum Slut

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me "Cum Slut". I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23" waist, very curvy 34" hips, and a firm...

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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 1 Making a Mommy Slut

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Making a Mommy Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller's clean suit rasped and crinkled as he worked in shipping at the Institute of Apotheosis Research. The box to contain the Halo lay open, ready to receive the device which would create the next new god. Twenty-one-year-old Ulrich trembled. Though he had only met the great founder of the Institute, Dr. Henry Blavatsky,...

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Lisa my submissive slut

A few moments later, with my shirt un-tucked, carrying a bucket of ice and champagne, I walk through my bedroom door. In the silhouette of the lampshade, you are standing naked covering yourself up. “I told you to be on your knees.” I say, in a calm, stern voice. “Move your hands, I want to see your sexy body.” Modestly, you move your hands - first away from your breasts, where I can make out your small, hardened nipples. Your chest is heaving slightly in excitement. You then slowly move your...

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I Dominus The Edification Of A Slut

 I had been back in Toronto for two weeks. Aiko had emailed me pictures and videos of her masturbating, and in teasing states of various dress and undress. She also teased me about coming to Toronto for her summer break. I offered her a place to stay, if she did make the journey. Heather and Jessica had anxiously awaited my return. They were eager to meet with me again, eager to be Sir’s cunts again, to be exact. Unfortunately, their husbands had surprised them with a trip to Europe the same...

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Sushmitha 8211 The Slut

Hello, guys, my name is John. This is a real story of a girl from my college. Hope you guys enjoy it. To make it interesting I will be narrating the story from her view. Hi guys, this is Sushmitha. I am 22 years old and studying my BTech 3rd year. Coming to my description, I am 5’5″ tall with black hair and a sexy figure. My figure is 36-28-36. I have light brown nipples which are very sensitive. Every boy in my college used to stare at my boobs and ass, my face was pretty cute too. I lost my...

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I was so anxious for Daddy to come pick me up cause I was getting to spend the whole summer with him far away from my strict, controlling mother. I was gonna have the best summer, and hopefully lose my virginity to boot. My best-friend Amy had just lost her's to an older that lives in her neighborhood, and she told me every juicy detail which made me want to lose mine very badly. I had given in to the desire with my mother's boyfriend last night but he wouldn't let me do anything but suck his...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 9 Teaching Their MommySlut

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Teaching Their Mommy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You are going to be such a good, little masseuse, aren't you, Mommy-slut,” my girlfriend said, a husky tone in her voice as I pulled my car into the back lot of the Lady Touch Massage Parlor. “Yes, Daughter,” Mrs. Armstrong said, her voice submissive as she sat in the backseat. We'd just picked her up from her home. We got to own her during...

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GloryHole Slut

GloryHole Slut Guy looking for a good time gets more than he bargained for. Enjoy! Had the itch to start writing again and will try and do less series and more one and done stories...enjoy sluts! I had been to the usual sex shops but just heard about a new one that opened up with a huge selection and great prices. I typically looked for the hardcore stuff where the guy gets a little forceful with the girl with hair pulling and some slapping of the ass with some...

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Natural Born Slut

Introduction: From the age of thirteen, Laura loves boys and sex. She realizes that shes a natural born slut and decides to go for it. Natural Born Slut Laura started her career as a slut at the age of 13 in the backseat of an old Chevy with a guy shed just met. Well three guys actually, and theyd picked her up as she walked down the street. The guy in the back seat was particularly cute and when he told her to get in she did. He told the driver to keep driving and started kissing Laura and it...

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My Sweet Slut

I’m a self-made man and I’m a writer. I write books a few times a year and work for myself. About a year ago, I was looking for a new assistant and met this wonderful girl named Roxanne. She’s nineteen years old and I hired her right away, but quickly learned she was better suited for me to be my slut. She has no family and took a liking to me right away. I worked out an arrangement with Roxanne. I bought her a condo and bought her all of her clothes. I pay her a salary of one-hundred thousand...

Group Sex
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A Slut is A Slut

Executive DecisionJoan was an executive lady at the age of 42 and never been married. She was totally successful in her business life but at a cost of social life. She had no sex life at all. Her young secretary Lucy said she was always too tight and gave an address to a nightclub she said would help her loosen up. She liked Lucy but at the time she just stuck it in a drawer and ignored it. Today however, she was really tired of work and didn't want to go home for another sandwich and TV so she...

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Jean Black Cock Slut

Strategic Communication / Information Operations / Public Affairs Chap 1.As Jean and Ray Howell pulled into the driveway of their Virginia home, they both seem to be deep in thought and looked tired.? They had just dropped their youngest son, Brad, off at his freshman dorm at the University of Pittsburg.? He received a full scholarship and looked to be on the way to becoming an engineer.? Their oldest son, Jake, was already out of school, working in Buffalo and seemed to be in a good...

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Trained slut

Trained Slut ? Part I Trained Slut ? Part I A suburb of Los Angeles can mean a lot of places, some of them big enough to earn the title of ?Town?.? Dave and Bob work together in the office of a small company with just a secretary and the owner in one such suburb.? Dave and Bob could easily have spent their working lives as acquaintances, knowing little or nothing of the other?s life outside work.? That?s just how they were.? It was probably more surprising that they were fast friends,...

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College Friends 2

It was the start of an insane week. I was taking a vacation to Cancun, for Spring Break, with my best friend from college. In Cancun, I was planning on going wild and crazy. Melissa and I never once took a Spring Break trip. We would now, a few years after graduating, and I would see to it that it would be a vacation we would never forget. We’d party, dance, drink, and find people to have sex with – all things her and I never got to do in college. We would now, and it would be...

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Bonfire Slut

"No, no, nooooooo. I'm a virgin, Please don't do this ... Aaaaaghhhh" My cock pierced her fiercely defended hymen and penetrated that place where no man had ever gone before. Literally. "You're no longer a virgin, babe. You're a slut now." I stated matter of factly. In three stabs most of my cock had entered between those pristine pussy lips, turning red with her virgin blood and I started to fuck her. I found she was damp, but not wet. She thought herself ready to go with the...

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