- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
The spring afternoon sunshine warmed my cheek. The small trees lining the road were starting to unfurl their budding lime green leaves, bringing fresh clean colour to the streets. All was well with my world and it was a glorious afternoon to wander home from college. I turned the last corner into my home street.
The visceral surge of fear seared through my brain like a scratched record.
Ignore them. Carry on. Not your problem.
The two men lounged causally in the car.
Surely nobody was fooled? Everybody must know; their whole appearance and posture just screamed State Security Service. Just a sly glance at them was enough. Two strangers sitting still in a car? Who else could they possibly be?
Everyone just walked on by. Not their problem. Don’t get involved. Don’t make it your problem.
I shuddered, knowing I couldn’t turn back now: I had to cross the street right in front of them. Was it my block of flats they were watching?
My gut wrenched. I felt short of breath. I fought the temptation to look back over my shoulder and see if they were writing a note. I tried to shrug the uneasiness off but the sudden hard knot between my shoulders throbbed as I imagined their eyes boring into my back as I walked away from them, onwards towards my entrance.
Everyone was trying to carry on as normal, more carefully normal than normal normal, under their scrutiny. Someone was obviously moving boxes from the boot of a dilapidated old banger into the building. The thick tattered rubber door-mat had been heaved half through the doorway to hold the doors open. Perhaps it was black marketeers? The Service didn’t normally bother about that kind of daily life; in fact, black marketeers were often pressured by the Service to act as informers for fear of being reported to the normal police. My brain sought escape in the absurd: perhaps those two men in the car were normal police? Undercover, disguised as The Service? The ridiculousness of the double bluff almost made me suppress a silly scared laugh. My throat was dry. Perhaps if the police pretended to be Security Service then the Security Service could pretend to be police pretending to Security Service ... and everyone would be fooled! I could feel my panic revving. Who could you trust if you couldn’t tell the police and Security Service apart? I tried to breath deep calm breaths. I tried to slow my step, act nonchalant, act normal, conform. After all, I tried to assure myself, I had done nothing wrong; what did I have to fear?
The lift was out of order again. The lift was often out of order. A glamorously-dressed young lady, not much older than me, was sitting on a stack of worn battered full cardboard boxes. She was studying her bold red lipstick a small make-up mirror. I could see her big brown eyes magnified in the reflection. That had to mean she was surreptitiously watching the doorway.
She spun round and flashed me a winning smile. Sliding off of the boxes she stood up, blocking my path as I approached the broad spiral staircase that wrapped itself around the broken lift-shaft.
“Hello!” she called out cheerfully. Her greeting echoed up the stairwell. “Excuse me! Do you live here?” Her inquiring smile seemed genuine. I glanced quickly behind me, checking no-one was creeping up behind me. I nodded.
“We must be neighbours! Priscilla, 6B. We’re just moving in...” she smiled and waved her hand at the boxes to explain them away.
It was infectious: I smiled back, the watchers outside forgotten.
“Welcome! Pleased to meet you Priscilla”
She smiled and glanced me up and down, assessing me. Her wide unbreaking smile seemed to indicate approval. “My, you are strapping” she giggled. I couldn’t help grinning back. I had reached the bottom of the stairs and had stopped right in front of her now. We were almost touching. I was just standing their dumbly, unable to pass her blocking my way.
“I don’t suppose you could help me carry all these boxes up?” she twiddled some stray hairs hanging down the side of her face. She almost bit her tongue. Her eyes were laughing joyfully. Of course I was going to help.
Just below the landing to the third floor I had to stand to one side to make space for a girl heading down. She passed by on the inside where the steps were narrower. She was avoiding making eye contact. She had her head down and was in a hurry. She was almost past me before she stole a sideways glance.
Then, as though realising a problem, she came to an abrupt stop a few steps below me.
“That’s one of our boxes!” she screamed accusingly.
I suddenly realised how it looked. She thought I was a thief. Leave unattended boxes around and they will disappear. It was an obvious assumption. What was she going to do?
“Its okay Mary” the voice of lady at the bottom of the stairs carried cheerfully up the stairwell from the lobby, “he’s helping!”
Mary looked at me a bit disbelievingly. “Is that so?” she asked, an eyebrow arched, her voice dripping with menace. I nodded dumbly.
“Thanks” she smiled, a fake smile. “I’ll show you the way. Help you find the right floor” she added quietly, gesturing upwards. I turned and carry on trudging up to the sixth floor. Life was so unfair: try to do a new neighbour a good turn and almost get your head bitten off.
As I passed the fifth floor landing I nodded towards my flat door: “Johan, 5B; the flat below you. Very pleased to meet you, Mary” I tried to smile. She tried to smile back. I carried on past, gallantly heading upwards.
And then there we were, outside 6B. I stood there expectantly, waiting for Mary to open the door. “You can put it down there” Mary pointed. I nodded and set the box down by the door. “Thanks”
She was standing back to one side so I wouldn’t have to pass too close when I left her.
I stalled as I passed my landing on floor five; did I want to go back down and collect another box? Or did I want to hide in my room? I felt stupid now. Priscilla was just a user! She hadn’t even asked my name. With leaden feet I trudged on downwards to face the inevitable.
On floor two I had to stand to the side for another man to pass with a box. He perhaps wasn’t much older than me but he looked so assured, worldly, certain. He had loose wavy hair and large long sideburns and small black-rimmed spectacles. His thick black short felt jacket and long woolly scarf looked deliberately and carefully casual. He looked intellectual. Obviously a student. He ignored me, his assessment dismissing me as unimportant. It was obviously another box going up to 6B. Perhaps a random passer by? Or perhaps a boyfriend?
Priscilla cracked her smile again as I finally reached her. “My, you are fit!” she grinned encouragingly as she picked up another box and shoved it into my arms. She giggled as I turned and began to head upwards again, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable and stupid as I turned my back on playful her.
“There’s new folks in flat 6B” I announced grandly at dinner. I didn’t often have any interesting news to impart.
Dad looked up, his fork half way to his mouth. “Have you met them?” he asked, curious.
“I helped them carry boxes” I announced proudly. Mum beamed. Was she going to tell me that that was how I’d been raised?
What are they like?” my brother Dieter asked, pausing in his meal. My news was interesting.
“A girl, Priscilla, just a bit older than me. And another girl, Mary, not sure, perhaps my age? Not sure if Mary lives there or was just helping.” I shrugged. “Students, I guess”
Simone looked up sharply. Simone was Dieters young bride and they had been married now almost a half-year. As was common they were living in the room that Dieter and I had shared growing-up while they waited to be assigned a flat of their own. Nowadays I was sleeping on the sofa bed in the small living room. Everyone everywhere seemed to be living like this these days: extended families living on top of each other in flats with barely space of one child.
I could tell my news had put Simone on edge. She was feeling insecure and the news of new young girls in our block of flats could hardly put her at ease. With a sickening realisation I knew her fear wasn’t completely misplaced. She didn’t deserve my idiot brother.
The quiet clatter of cutlery on plates resumed.
“We should go introduce ourselves after dinner?” mum looked at dad expectantly. He paused again, mulling it before he nodded. Mum smiled quietly to herself. Dieter wasn’t the only one who might be thinking of new possible company, but my mum’s loneness was innocent and her thoughts well-meant. My dad didn’t deserve her either. The meal, delicious, tasted bland to me as I mulled dark disappointed lonely thoughts of my own. I glanced up and caught a brave sly grin from Simone and felt better.
After dinner mum and dad went up to say hello to flat 6B. Dieter, Simone and I sat quietly in the living room and sipped coffee, straining to hear. We heard the knock and some footsteps above but nothing else. Mum and dad came back down just quarter of an hour later with mum gushing about how nice and polite our new neighbours were. They confirmed that Mary was staying with Priscilla, and gave the impression that there were several other guests there too.
Dieter stood up, his usual idle bored look giving away his intention to leave us and go down the bar on the corner. Simone looked at him questioningly, hoping to be invited to join him, but Dieter didn’t say anything as he went to get his coat. My mum, seeing this all playing itself out again, nudged dad. Dad cleared his throat as he put his heavy hand on Dieter’s shoulder; “Ah, yes, you young’uns going out again tonight? Its just a Wednesday? You two won’t be home to late? You’ll be careful not to wake Mrs 2A if you’re too late?”
Dieter looked around at Simone as if suddenly remembering his manners. “Come on?” he asked as though surprised she wasn’t already following. And so Dieter and Simone headed out, Dieter playing polite husband and Simone being the obedient wife. Dieter had been abandoning Simone to us all too often lately. Was this what married life was supposed to be like?
It was quite late – I glanced at the clock and it said one AM – when the blinding living room light awoke me. The door banged behind Dieter and Simone. Dieter just stuck his finger up at me as he passed, dragging a cheerful Simone towards their room. Simone smiled and mouthed ‘sorry’ and they were gone. They hadn’t even ducked into the bathroom to brush their teeth.
I couldn’t understand what Simone saw in him. She looked so happy when he noticed her, and so lost and insecure the rest of the time. It couldn’t last; Dieter would stray eventually, that was certain. I hoped Simone would have the guts to divorce my useless brother, the sooner the better.
And so, with my brother’s casual evil weighing heavily on my shoulders, I had to get up to turn off the light so I could get back to sleep.
Turning the light off pitched me into complete darkness and I had to find my sofa by following the low sharp edge of the sofa table with my shin. I couldn’t hear anything from Dieter’s room now. In the sudden stillness of the night I could only hear the sharp distant click of heels on the floor above. Our new neighbours were still up. I crawled under my cover and tried, fitfully, to get back to sleep. Priscilla was beautiful but the way she tried to wrap all boys around her little finger – and succeeded – made me angry. Mary’s righteous anger and her preparedness to confront a thief was more interesting and I tried to recall how she looked, but drew a blank. I had barely a fuzzy recollection of her. I wondered if the other guests my mum had mentioned might also be girls, and I was wondering what they might look like as sleep finally claimed me.
Dad and mum were up early as usual, preparing breakfast for my dad who had an early shift at the steel mill. As they had to pass through the living room to go from their bedroom to the kitchen or toilet it was impossible for me to sleep in, so I got up too. It took just a few minutes to put away my bedding and return the living room to its proper function. It was a regular routine that I always had to do it before breakfast.
Dad kissed mum on the cheek and left. Then mum and I sat quietly at the table and sipped our morning coffee. This was really the only quiet time mum and I got together, the half hour before Simone and Dieter had to get up to get ready to go to the factory where they had met and both worked. Dieter was on the shop floor and Simone worked in the offices and they had slightly different hours but usually went off to work together.
They were late getting up. “What time did they get home last night?” mum asked quietly.
“I don’t know, after eleven I think” I white-lied for Simone’s sake.
Mum got up to tap lightly on their door.
There were no watchers staking us out when I left to go to college. Everything was normal: normal normal. I realised I hadn’t even mentioned them at dinner last night; normally that kind of thing would be remarked upon, but the news of new neighbours had driven them from my mind. Sure we were alone, unwatched, I pushed them out of my mind again, ignoring them, forgetting them. I hummed as strolled off to my first lecture, my satchel swinging lightly on my shoulder.
Today could have been yesterday, today could be tomorrow. Everything was so routine. I felt safe again.
My schoolfriend Klaus fell into step as I passed his apartment building. He had been lounging in the weak morning sun waiting for me. We grunted, the kind of grunt that passes as a warm greeting between boys. Rob joined us on the next corner, and by the time we reached college we were the usual gang.
“Where’s Dieter?” mum asked me quietly, urgently, as I slipped in. I shrugged. “Can you go up and see if he’s upstairs?” mum looked desperate. Although the details unspoken, I instinctively knew what mum feared. I nodded. Simone would be home soon. I turned and slipped out again and jogged up the stairs to the floor above.
“Hello?” Priscilla said as she opened the door. She didn’t seem to recognise me.
“Hello, I helped you with the boxes the other day?” I tried to help jog her memory.
She looked blank. “Oh yes, thanks for that!” she replied, her face still studying mine to see if she knew who I was.
“Eh, I know this is strange, but I was wondering if my brother Dieter was here?” I asked nervously. It seemed suddenly so silly and presumptuous. Mary was standing quietly behind Priscilla. So that’s what Mary looked like! They looked so different, with Priscilla so made up and elegant and wearing high heels indoors and with Mary looking so normal and with such dark straight long brown hair looking so natural.
Mary laughed. “And you would wonder this ... because?”
“Because he might have come to say hello?” I countered, knowing Mary was needling me.
Priscilla turned and marched back into their flat, her hand beckoning me to follow. Mary stood to the side to let me past, grinning.
“Any of you called Dieter?” Priscilla asked as she entered the kitchen. Four young men sat around their tiny kitchen table and looked up, surprised! They all considered the question and shook their heads in unison. “Thought not!” Priscilla declared, and turned to me. “Satisfied?” she smiled her broad manipulative smile. I couldn’t help grinning foolishly back.
“Who are you?” it was the man who had I had met carrying boxes on the stairs. The men were huddled around the tiny table, perched leaning over it and its solitary ash-tray.
“Oh I quite forget my manners” Priscilla giggled. “Everyone, this is... ?” she turned at stared questioningly at me, realising she didn’t even know my name.
“Johan” Mary filled in. Priscilla glanced quickly at her, another questioning arch to her eyebrows. Mary had used that eyebrow on me on the stairs the other day. Suddenly I thought they looked quite alike. Mary shrugged nonchalantly.
“Johan, pleased to meet you” Priscilla recovered and held her hand out for me to shake. Instinctively, and I don’t know why I did this, I grasped it and kissed it as people did in olden days. Everyone just stared at us, except Mary who smirked.
“Eric” the man from the stairs said, introducing himself. Then he pointed around the table, naming his companions. “We are a study circle” he added, asserting his authority. He was obviously the leader and he was obviously involved with or wanted to be involved with Priscilla; I could see the aggression in his eyes when I’d kissed her hand.
“Well, if you see Dieter, please tell him to come home” I said stupidly and then turned and made to leave.
“I’ll show you out” Mary said quietly and followed me.
“So this Dieter,” Mary was asking, “what does he look like?”
“A lot like me, I guess” I hadn’t really thought about that.
“Your brother, you said” Mary smiled.
“Your sister?” I asked, nodding back towards the kitchen.
“Umm yeah” Mary seemed shyer now.
“But you two don’t look so alike.”
“Its dyed” she smirked and closed the door in my face.
Dieter was home when I got back down. He had just been a bit late home from work. I kind of felt guilty, how mum and I had distrusted him, but it had been so plausible. When he discovered Priscilla he would probably drop by there quite often ... the injustice made me angry.
The kids were kicking the football towards the men in the car deliberately. I was sure of it. They were trying to provoke a response. They wanted the men to get out of the car so they could get chased and try and get the men lost. It all seemed a harmless if exciting game to them. I felt sick. Games like that could have serious repercussions for parents. An old lady approached the kids to admonish them and now they swarmed around her instead as she dragged the gang leader away by his ear.
I didn’t feel I was being watched particularly as I crossed the road in front of them to go into my block of flats.
Simone had been in the bathroom when Dieter had headed out. Mum hadn’t noticed until the deed was done. Simone was spending the evening alone with us again. I tried to smile wanly as I set the chess board up on the coffee table between us, the usual procedure in these recurring circumstances. I felt as trapped as Simone must have felt. I couldn’t really abandon her and leave myself too, could I?
“So have you introduced yourself to our new neighbours yet?” Simone asked me sweetly.
“Yes, the other day” I confirmed quietly, whispering just enough to for her to hear me over my parents radio playing in the kitchen.
“Oh do tell all” she lent forward, interested. Her eyes sparkled.
“Well there’s definitely two sisters, Priscilla and Mary. And there were some other students there, but I’m unsure if they live there or were just visiting” I explained.
“Are they very pretty?” Simone dared me.
“Well,” I shrugged, “I haven’t really thought about it” I lied. Simone smiled knowingly. She was teasing me.
“I know!” I exclaimed, hit by sudden idea, “Why don’t we go up and introduce you, Simone?”
That wiped the smile off her face! Immediately she seemed insecure and vulnerable again: “Do you think we could?” she asked tentatively, but I knew she wanted me to force her to do what she wouldn’t dare do alone. I smiled back at her, no words needing to be spoken.
“I’d better freshen up” she said quietly as she got up and hurried into Dieter’s room and began rifling in the wardrobe.
I knocked gently on the door. There was no answer.
“Perhaps they’re not in?” Simone whispered nervously and started to turn away, dragging me around too as our arms were looped.
“Perhaps they didn’t hear?” I replied, determined to not give up so easily. And so I banged on the door and, after a few seconds, we heard the click of high heels on the other side. The door flew open and Priscilla, dressed as elegantly as always and holding a shot glass, stood back and gazed welcomingly at us.
“Why hello Johan! What a pleasant surprise! And who is this lovely lady? Is this your girlfriend? Oh you never said!?” Priscilla rattled off with a scandalous lilt as she stretched forward to gracefully kiss the air beside each of Simone’s cheeks.
“Priscilla, this is Simone, Dieter’s wife” I introduced. Priscilla recoiled slightly, smiling warmly, as she assessed Simone completely.
“Ah, the infamous Dieter! Tell me, Johan, did you ever find him?” Priscilla simpered.
Simone glanced sideways at me, her eyes wide in horror, questioning. I tried to stare reassuringly into Simone’s deep eyes as I shook my head.
“Simone and Dieter are living with us, temporarily, in 5B” I added. Everyone would understand the setup without elaboration; young newly-weds living with one or the other’s parents was usual, although living with the girl’s parents was perhaps slightly more common.
“Well come in, come in!” Priscilla beamed, beckoning us on and closing the door behind her. Mary eased out of the kitchen shyly. “Simone, this is my sister Mary. We are very pleased to meet you, neighbour!”
Their flat was the exact same layout as ours; the door opened straight into the living room with doors for the kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms leading off from that. It was sparsely furnished, with rugs instead of carpets and just a few chairs around and strange abstract modern paintings hanging on the walls. It felt a bit temporary. I was trying to discern that glint in Simone’s eyes: was it envy? Was she jealous? How could two students get a flat while her and Dieter waited?
There were four ways to do it: you could join The Party, you could pay a backhander, you could sleep with a Party Official or you could wait your turn. I felt a sudden pricking of fear that Priscilla was a kept woman. Her clothes looked expensive. All clothes were expensive – a normal suit or dress costs at least half a month’s salary – but Priscilla’s looked unusually expensive. I hadn’t noticed an old out-of-place man in a posh suit on the stairs.
Shaking these thoughts from my mind I sat down beside Simone on the sofa. It was like the sofa at home – quite hard with an upright back because it unfolded into a bed. For all her posh clothes and the fact that they had a flat, the furniture looked old, worn and second-hand. The paintings looked amateur. Things weren’t so posh on closer inspection. Priscilla and Mary had settled into the two armchairs across the sofa table from us. Priscilla and Simone were already babbling.
“Mary, be a dear, fetch some coffee?” Priscilla smiled at her. I suspected Mary was immune to Priscilla’s charms but she got up to do it anyway as it was the polite thing to do in front of new guests. I hadn’t seen where Priscilla had discretely laid her shot glass after we filed in; it wasn’t anywhere in sight. There was just a heavy ashtray and a small box of cigarettes on the sofa table. A foreign brand! The kind of very expensive black-market cigarettes that everyone would leave around in full view to boast of their access. The cigarettes didn’t quite fit properly and I suspected, like I had seen at friends houses, that the fashionable foreign carton had been refilled with an inferior local brand.
I watched Mary walk away, feeling left out of Priscilla and Simone’s conversation. I tried to listen to them instead.
“Languages” Priscilla was explaining, “mostly French and Spanish. Its my second year, at The Institute”.
I did some rough mental arithmetic; that would make Priscilla at least nineteen or twenty years old?
“Of course Mary is still at college” Priscilla was adding as a footnote.
“How is married life?” Priscilla changed the conversation direction abruptly, forcing Simone into dangerous territory. It was adeptly judged and, as Priscilla had already worked Simone into listing and comparing mode, Simone started to describe it without her normal shy guards. Mary had returned with a small coffee can and some very small fine cups on delicate saucers. There was no way I could get even my littlest finger through the handles.
“You don’t say much” Mary observed, looking at me trying to grip the cup. She was grinning.
“So you’re at college?” I leaned back, trying to get Mary to talk to me.
“Yes, you?”
“The Technical College, Mechanical Engineering.”
We smiled at one another. Neither of us were comfortable talking to strangers, not even in this informal friendly atmosphere. I stared around the room, trying to settle on something to talk about.
“These paintings,...” I started. How could I finish that sentence? I left it hanging.
“Oh yes, these paintings,” Mary laughed. “Karl, the one with the long hair you met the other day, he paints. They are very...” she paused, searching for a diplomatic word, “abstract”. She smiled triumphantly, pleased with her cleverness.
Priscilla looked diagonally across the table at me. “Mary’s not capitalizing our guest, I trust?” she smiled. Crocodiles do smile, apparently. Priscilla was snatching me from her sister. I felt like bait, but in Priscilla’s warm welcoming smile I melted. “So, what do you do?” Priscilla asked me. Presumably Priscilla had extracted lots of interesting information about married life from Simone and was bored of it. Simone was looking at me happily, expectantly, waiting to hang on my answer too.
But I had already forgotten Mary, and I dived in with all my heart trying to impress Priscilla. I think, when I revisit that evening, that I recall Mary was smirking at my hopelessness.
“Did you have a lovely evening? You look so happy, dear” mum was asking Simone when we came back down. It was perhaps a foolish thing to say: Dieter was sitting on the couch trying to hide his irritation. It was late and he had got back before us and the stink of beer and cigarettes filled the small living room.
“Where have you been?” he asked Simone, interrogating her.
“Johan took me upstairs to introduce me to our new neighbours. They were very nice.” Simone explained innocently. “I really got along with Priscilla; I think I have a new friend”
“Any men there?” Dieter asked angrily.
“Only Johan,” Simone giggled, “why, that is okay isn’t it?”
Dieter nodded non-committally. It was so typical and unfair of Dieter, wanting to come and go as he pleased but keep Simone isolated and dependent. Realisation suddenly struck me: was that why Dieter had brought Simone to our flat instead of them living with her parents?
“Well I think it will do you a world of good!” mum interjected, caressing Simone’s cheek lovingly.
“Where are you going?” Dieter asked accusingly.
Simone turned in the doorway, “Why, dear, I’m just going upstairs to say hello to Priscilla; I have promised” she sang.
Dieter looked a bit pissed off. He stood up in a huff “Well I’m going down the pub” he declared to nobody in particular.
“You will come up too, won’t you?” Simone was asking nicely, a few days later. “Its just a few friends, and I promised I’d bring you and Johan”
Dieter shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. I could tell he was eager to meet the girl he had heard so much about. He was really relieved and excited to be invited but he didn’t want to show it.
Mary opened the door and whisked us in after just one knock. There was murmuring from the kitchen and we strolled in.
Priscilla was leaning forwards against the window sill looking out, her sheen skirt pulled seductively taught over her firm behind. She turned her head as we walked in and shone a searchlight sweet smile. I almost didn’t notice anyone else was there, Priscilla’s presence was that bright. I shock my head, trying to shake away the fuzzy sensor overload. I knew her game.
Simone introduced Dieter to Priscilla and then to everyone else. Clearly Simone had already met the four men gathered around the table talking, smoking and drinking vodka shots. Dieter was snapped out of Priscilla’s captivation by Eric, the leader of the four, standing up to shake his hand.
Mary appeared behind us and snuck around the table and rested a gentle hand on one of the men’s shoulders. “Karl,” she said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear, “Johan has been admiring your art!”
Karl leaped up excitedly and eased around the table to face me, thrusting his hand out in greeting. “Pleased to meet you properly, Johan” he said, smiling broadly, his eyes on fire. I shook his offered hand, trying not to stare daggers at Mary who was now smirking and wriggling her eyebrow from her new spot leaning back against the kitchen cupboards.
And so Karl and I sauntered slowly around the living room like it was an art gallery. Mary was watching from the safety of the doorway, smirking at my attempts to compliment the works as Karl described in detail the process of painting them. He was light on interpretation, though, saying it was for everyone to form their own opinions. But he had a lot to say about the process.
Simone and Priscilla were deep in conversation just inside the kitchen and I had lost sight of Dieter- he had presumably joined the other men at the table.
Part I. ReunionJacqueline was a very rebellious and indomitable c***d, she had a troubled past and was perceived at school as a bit of a loner, she had a troubled relationship with her Mother, who had problems of her own. Jacqueline was growing into a fine figure of a woman, still slightly lissom, she had fine, straight, dark Auburn hair and light chestnut eyes that shone in the sun.Jacquie had an aquiline nose that balanced her face well and she got plenty of attention from boys, Jacqueline...
EscapeI was bored. There’s no other way to describe it. Life was boring.My girlfriend and I had been together for several years, and we had just reached that point in the relationship where I think we both knew that it wasn’t going to go much further.Our sex life had always been good, but lately it seemed that neither one of us really put any effort into it. She always welcomed our lovemaking, but was the passive partner.That’s when I started looking at the Personal ads online.Most of the ads...
"... and the old man took the small girl in his arms, and mounted the great winged beast. They flew way up into the blue sky." "That's a good story, Grampa," said the young girl as her Grandfather tucked her into bed. "Do they live happy eva afta, Gampa? Do they?" The old man paused, and looked at the sweet young face that stared up at him in innocence. Finally he said, "No one can know the future, Sweet Pea; so we don't know if they do, or don't." "Oh," said the child with...
July was walking along the canal towpath slowly making sure she was not being followed. At 12 years old July was one of the youngest members of a street gang her 19 year old brother was the leader and he had sent her with a bag of stuff for 17 year old Mark who was also a gang member who had been sent to prison for 10 years but had escaped and was hiding out on a barge on the canal. July stopped by the barge sat down but looking around to make sure there was nobody about, once she was sure it...
She looked at me curiously over the top of a drink. We were sitting on the patio by the pool, late on a Friday afternoon. I was sweaty and tired from hours completing a complex Internet installation at her family’s home. Behind us, speakers floated Mozart from an Internet radio station. It sounded very nice, but had taken a lot of work to put in place. ‘You have never asked me for a date, or made a move. Is there another girl? Or something wrong with me?’ I smiled back at her, thinking of a...
"Collect some fire wood, will you, Bobbi, and I'll finish setting up the tent," said her mother Tara, as she tied down the last corner of the tent and drove the stake into the ground. "Sure, mom," Bobbi replied, "it shouldn't take me more than ten minutes or so!" "It had been so long since the two of them had done anything together," thought Tara, so two days in the mountains would be good for both of them!!! Bobbi did more than an adequate job of scrounging dry wood, and in a few minutes, Tara...
Group SexThis continues ~The Sir~ ~The Sir part 2~ ~The Arena~ this story being the 4th part in the series I have written. ______________________________________________________________________________________As they entered into the narrow hallway the man grabbed the trainee and spun her around to face him. "What is your name?" He asked harshly"Trainee Susan, Sir, your loyal whore" she said in a mellowtoneThe man slapped her firmly but not hard across the face,"What is your birth name?"Again she...
Copyright © 2003 Catherine lay on her back, staring at the ceiling. She was pondering the rich array of extraordinary sounds she made, when an orgasm collapsed around her. Which sound was sweeter, a breath that had been stolen, or the one that was wedged sideways in her throat? You know the kind. It's the one where she sucks in her breath, making that little inbound squeal. It then lodges there in her throat, unable to come out. What a sweet sound. It was hard to decide which one was the...
Note : This story is completely fictional and joke only! This story takes place in the lost continent of Atlantis. The king of the nation is in the back pockets of a group of futuristic mobster/bikers. Anyone who speaks against injustices or crimes committed by this group is arrested and thrown into prison. This is where the story starts. But first, let me describe the main character in this story. Perennius is about 6'1", just over 28 years old, with a buzzcut, dirty blonde hair, and eyes that...
Gay“I’m telling you, somebody had to have set those ports for access last night. Everything was locked down when I left for the night.” “Is anything missing or showing as copied” “That’s what is really bad, one of the AI files is missing, but it wasn’t deleted, it was moved.” “Which AI is missing?” “The 473-5Z sir.” “Oh crap.” Headline news has learned that over 500 million of the crypto-currency Meta- Coin was stolen when hackers broke into their main server last month. As of this time,...
A fitting for new glasses necessitated me driving Mom to a nearby larger city about 30 minutes from us. She didn't want to drive by herself so a day off from school enabled me to take her. She was dressed very nicely, mid-height heels, nylons, a wool skirt and a pleated blouse and what I thought to be a push-up bra as she looked particularly busty. A light coat covered up the show while we drove so I kept my eyes on the road. A few weeks earlier while we were having a sexual interlude I touched...
Now this is another true story from my younger days, I bring this up as it became a topic I wrote about on another site regarding sexual behaviour of young people.When I was a k** back in the day we had a sitter who looked after us in the evenings as our parents worked until around 10pm. The sitter was around 14 or 15yo at the time, I would be a few years younger. The sitter (Susan) was quite a large blonde girl and was a 2nd cousin relative. I do remember quite well what she did to me during...
Well this story happened when I was in Bangalore, last year. I am a bachelor and was staying alone. A woman of about 30 used to do the cleaning and cooking. She was not very attractive, but since I was alone, I used to fantasize about her. I decided to try my luck one day. When the house owners were away, I asked her to come and clean the room. She came in. I had on a thin tracksuit pygama and no shirt. She came in and started to sweep the floor. I noticed her young body and started to get a...
Captain Morgan and Sophia soon become like oil and water. She takes every opportunity to belittle his actions and his appearance. He treats her with distain as if she were a piece of property that he is merely using for his own pleasure. His attitude infuriates her to the point that she wants to strike him with her fist but she realizes he is far stronger and would not hesitate to pull her across his knee and assault her dignity with a bottom spanking that would redden her skin and probably...
Two hours prior to “Now”... "Yosemite Sam," Lena said. "Hmmm...'M' right? Uh, Mickey Mouse," Marko answered, leaning forward close to the wheel trying to see through the rain soaked windshield. Sheets of water that the wiper blades had just swiped off returned instantly. "Eeeee...oh, Eeyore!" she snapped. "Wasn't he from a book?" "Then they turned it into a cartoon for Disney," she replied, "It counts." "Whatever," he muttered. "'E'. Come on, Marko. 'E'," she prodded. "Hey, you know, trying to...
Straight SexNatalie Porkman knows how to get her man once she sets eyes on him. She comes out of the ocean naked and runs towards a stranger, who offers her a towel. She claims that she lost her bathing suit in the ocean and that she has no clothes or towel. Natalie is also tired from the water and has no way to get back to her place. The stranger offers to grab her some clothes and give her a ride home since she’s wearing nothing but his towel. Natalie waits until they’re alone and then...
xmoviesforyouEmber Stone has a Christmas surprise for her boyfriend Damon Dice! She has purchased a Riley Reid doll, the sexiest present a guy could want, and Damon can’t wait to unwrap her. Damon and Ember take their time playing with Riley before carrying her to the bed. With her puff nipples, soft boobs, and landing strip pussy, Riley is the Cadillac of sex dolls! Soon Damon is going to town fucking his new toy while Ember puts her fingers to work on her needy clit. When Ember leans forward to give...
xmoviesforyouBirthday SurpriseIt was my boyfriend's birthday and for a special treat I decided to give him a unique present - ME! I began by going shopping for the most drop dead, jaw dropping lingerie that money could buy, or at least within my budget. After trying on a variety of outfits I chose a skimpy black torsolette that hung from my breasts and hugged my curves down to my hips, suspenders held up very sheer stockings and my sex was just covered by the thin cloth of the G-string. His eye's would pop...
Jessie sat impatiently in the principal's office. He knew his chances were running out since his behavior record at school was anything but perfect. After just 3 months of school in the 9th grade, Jessie had been in 3 fights, had been caught ditching out after lunch a half dozen times and had complaints filed on him from the girls in the school for inappropriate behavior. He sat back and awaited the arrival of his mom and grandma. The thought of being expelled did not bother him much and,...
"Good, you're all up, welcome to the what's going to be your sexual awakening." The man that is talking is not even a man he's a boy. He's a boy in my grade, a senior, and I've known him my entire life. He's a boy that me and my friends have neglected and not been nice to. It's not that he's ugly or anything but there was no reason to be friends with him, he wasn't "popular." Let me rundown my friends for you. We are all white girls from the suburbs and had nice lives. We...
When they got to the top of the stairs Norma said, "Dear, I want you to go into my bathroom and wait for me there, OK? And take your little surprise with you - we'll need it - eventually." If there had been any doubt in Bobby's mind about his mother's intentions, it was erased when he saw the lascivious look on her face. So he headed down the hall as Norma opened a large hall closet and began rummaging around. Bobby went through his mother's bedroom into her bathroom and stood waiting...
Although her arms and wrists were still bound, Grace had given Becky just enough slack to lean forward comfortably, spreading her legs a bit further apart as she did. Jessica now fitted, stepped behind Becky, but continued to caress and tease her with fingers ensuring she was very ready, and very, very wet. Mellissa had taken an active role now as well, at Becky's request. Standing in front of the young woman, she reached out, enjoying the feel of Becky's large hanging pendulous breasts....
One day me and my family went to the beach. Once there we rented out two rooms at a hotel. One room was for my dad, his girlfriend and k**s. The other for me and my older and younger sisters. My youngest sister is only my half-sister because we don't share the same mom. She was bitch and rude and one day she needs to be fucked. Now she is only 3 years younger then me and she pretty hot for her age. She has nice B-cup breast and nice hips. She isn't fat about 120 lbs and 5'4 and Mexican. ...
The civil war began when the old king died. His oldest son and heir assumed the throne and one of his many bastards tried to assassinate him. He failed and six of the twelve duchies split away from the crown. Of course one of the other duchies was empty and part of the royal lands and titles. The kingdom was split down the middle, east against west. The King and crown held the western duchies and the bastard and traitor dukes held the east. The king's uniforms were deep blue or Sapphire and...
Mother and son chatted as they rode home Sunday morning, more about sex than anything else, each one describing the things they liked best. "So," Kay asked, "If you could fuck any woman or girl in the world who would be first on your list?" Ricky looked at his mother in shock. "You mom, of course", he replied. Kay could tell he was sincere about his answer but she pressured him further. "Ok then, who would be your second choice?" she asked. Ricky thought for a moment, the replied...
The following document is a rough draft of a novel that has been copyrighted. Its contents are meant to be freely distrubuted and are not for publication on any pay site. I want this to remain Free to anyone unless they wish to have paper publishing rites and then only by permission of the author, Leslie Josette Gill. To anyone who reads this work, it is in progress. Much research is needed in several areas. I wrote what seemed to be correct from what I know about Television...
Chapter One******I've never considered myself a fitness freak but at the end of the working day there's nothing I enjoy more than going out for a run around our local park and trails, setting myself distance goals and generally convincing myself that getting hot and sweaty in this way is keeping me in shape. There is the other reason that I go and that is I find that concentrating on the target focuses my mind and makes me forget all the other crappy things that's going on in my life.My...
Last class of the day, and I was headed for the gym to suit up for the baseball game. Don't know why I was bothering, because there wasn't much chance I'd play. I'd just warm the bench and half-heartedly rah-rah for Steve, John, and Adam — the god's-gift triplets. Of course I stared when Andrea came walking down the hall the other way. She was wearing a white, ribbed, cotton t-shirt, and her huge tits were just bouncing away. She couldn't have been wearing a bra. I don't know who — or...
It was a quiet Saturday night. The station was quiet. One of the two patrol cars was out cruising main street watching out for drunks. Sergeant Margaret O'Hannon was on duty on the front desk. At thirty, she was an attractive woman with short dark hair and a toned curvy figure. She found men were often intimidated at the thought of dating a police woman and despite a number of boyfriends over the years, she remained single. It had been a quiet evening and she was looking forward to going home....
FantasyTina has been a nurse for the past twenty years. She had just turned 45 and had been happily married to the same man for the past eighteen years. She was the sweetest person you ever wanted to meet as she would always volunteer for a number of good causes. She loved being a nurse and appreciated all the times that she had helped someone out. She also had another passion inside her and that was volunteering for health related studies at the hospital. Her hope was one day reading how one of the...
MILFHello all, I am Rohan, 18, second year student. My Dad is very soft spoken and a quite person. My family is a small family me, my mom and my dad. My mom is 44, housewife. My mom is a very conservative and traditional person. At the time of the incident I was 10 and my mom was 36 years old. Let me describe you my mom as she was 8 years ago. She was a normal Indian woman with good figure of around: 34-30-32. My mom was busy in household works and Pujas. It all started when the problem of sacking...
Sunday, January 15, 2012 – Early Morning: (Chapter 1) Master Bedroom, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce is laying quietly in his King-sized bed, having been tossing and turning all night. His mind a thousand different places, a thousand different thoughts, when he starts remembering an event two months ago, it was normal, Monday morning for him... Monday, November 14, 2011 – Flashback: Gotham National Bank, Financial District Downtown, Gotham City The bank vault door suddenly...
This story is a work of fiction, though it has some sense of base off of personal experiences. Oh she was such a gorgeous girl. Her face was pale, as the rest of her body was. She had a very light shower of freckles across her nose that had faded with age. Her nose wasn’t small, but instead rounded to match her gleaming large green eyes. Though, to most people having glasses hide to beauty of ones eyes, or crowded the face, but not her. Oh no, they brought out the round pattern of her body and...
100% fiction! My story began when my dad and mom got divorced when I was young. I was living with my mom for years till she died in a car accident. The court placed me in custody of my father and I had to move to his place. At that point my dad was working for himself and was making a lot of money and he had a wonderful house. My dad gave me everything I wanted because he loved me very much. I was going thru a difficult time in my teen years (just losing my mother and moving away from all my...
IncestAndy and I, as part of our training mandated by Uncle Bert and given by Madame Delilah who ran the best call girl service in the country, had been playing whore-john on the streets of San Francisco. Andy was dressed like a street whore, not a classy call girl which is training we did with Rebecca, but a cheap whore: tank top, super high heels, super short skirt, way too much makeup, and chewing gum popping like machine gun fire. When she was propositioned by a movie star (no, I will not...
I was married to my second wife and after both of our k**s our sex life was very rarely. I started chatting on line because after our second k** there was basically no sex. I was talking with a guy from the site and he told me about a cruising park nearby. I lived in Amish country in northern Indiana. The guy had been in college, met a girl, they were both raised Amish, but had switched to Mennonite, which was less strict. They got married in college and in the first six years they had been...
I don't know when to start my retrospective. I don't know what is causing me to this. I think I just need to share my experiences and insight. It takes a lot to get me to open up. By writing down this story, I feel more comfortable. Let me tell you about myself. I am 47 yrs old, brown eyes,5'8 and 260 lbs. I have a stocky built due to mostly being fitted by running track and playing hockey. I keep my head shaved due to the nature of my job and I don't like seeing the grey coming...
The following Wednesday night, Todd called Jimmy and asked if he wanted to go to the basketball game. Jimmy asked his mom if it was okay and she said fine because she was going to invite Shelly over anyway. When Jimmy heard that, he almost said that he would rather stay home. However, it appeared that his mom wanted an evening alone and besides, Michael Jordan was back on the court. Within minutes of Jimmy leaving, Shelly and Jennifer were naked on her bed and in each other's arms. They...
Once when Jim was staying at my house to keep me company while my parents were out of town, I got him a blind date with a girl I knew. I warned him to go easy because this girl was very shy. Well the short version of the story is, I was looking for him and his date around my house and I slowly opened the bedroom door of the room he was using and got to see the back of his blind date as they kissed and all she was wearing were her panties! I closed the door quietly and they didn’t come into...
I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter One: Awakening J47347 became self aware on the tenth of June 2347. She knew immediately that she would die, or more correctly expire on the tenth of June 2352; Hominoids have a five-year life span mandated by law. Although she knew that she would be known as J47347 officially for all of her short existence, she already thought of herself as Jennifer. She, like all 'skin jobs' as they were sometimes called, had been pre- programmed with a...
Miss Fortune - by: Britney Kandey 'Man who fishes in other man's well often catches crabs' was written on a small piece of rice paper, Johnny always got the fortune cookie that would make everyone else at the table crack up in laughter. His girlfriend Emily could only giggle when Johnny had opened it though, they had only been together six months but Emily was one of these girls who never could keep her legs crossed. The fortune cookie had told his fortune indeed, he would soon...
DEDICATION: This story is dedicated to Brett Lynn, an author on this site, and to all the people like Tony Blair (the British PM) who turned a punk rock hobby into something slightly more estimable. Rider Blue [Part One] By Jacquie Windsor JAN 2003 1. Perry reluctantly moved into the ground floor of the old rooming house at Stern's invitation. His father, a cop, and his mother, a municipal clerk at the courthouse, disapproved of Perry's radical music and teenager's...
The Initiation In my last story I related how we discovered Kim’s capacity for multiple orgasms. At that point we had been swinging for about a year. Mostly it was a few couples who got together whenever it was convenient for the couples involved. One night after some sex with Randy and Bev, we were just sitting around talking and the subject came up of maybe organizing some kind of regular get together with several couples. We both thought it sounded like a good idea so we approached a couple...
100% fiction!I have always been one to push the envelope when it came to debating social issues, so it was no wonder that, when I entered college twenty-five years after graduating high school and "finding myself," I was writing papers in my English class such as "The Socioeconomic Ramifications of Paying Reparations to Descendants of Slaves" while my classmates were writing "My Baby's First Steps" or "The Day My Dog had Puppies." This point was driven further home the day my Psychology...
IncestAfter that night, that fateful night where she let me, where she made me become what I so intimately desired to be - a cumslut, her cumslut husband - things between us changed in very subtle ways. On the outside, everything stayed more or less the same, the daily routines, friends, family. But she had seen a new part of me, she became aware of a facet of myself she could use, play with. There was something new.As promised, the next day, she brought me my laptop, asked me to open it, and open my...
"Join us for a hot tub, it would help you relax after your drive. Michael and I will join you in a minute, OK?" The girls went to their respective rooms, like it was 10 years ago again. Karol came up to me and said, "Your daughters are lovely, Michael. I picked up a bit of jealousy from Ruthie, but Mika seems really to be OK with all of this." "Jealously, really ... Karol, what makes you say that?" "When you said, 'the one on the left is Ruthie, ' I picked up an immediate...
"Puppet ruler want a cracker? Here's your cracker!" Iago's taunting voice sang mockingly, as he shoved the treat into the Sultan's mouth, already overflowing with crumbs and biscuits despite his muffled protests. "Shove 'em ALL right down yer throat! Here, have LOTS of crackers!" "Stop it!" Jasmine cried out desperately, her once regal blue clothes now blood red, her wrists shackled to signify her status as a slave. She turned to the man responsible for her captivity, who was chuckling...
"Trey is such a BASTARD!" my daughter Amanda cried through cascading tears. Her slender shoulders were heaving, her breath catching pitifully between sobs. I did my best to comfort her with an empathetic hug. She buried her face against my shoulder, wiping tears on my cotton shirt. "Dammit, Barb!" I thought silently to myself, "I need you NOW more than EVER!" My wife, Barb, passed away last April. I've been trying for ten months to handle the role of mother and father, all rolled into...
Favourite Shop I dressed to go to my favourite lingerie shop. Nothing too obvious, just pretty lacy panties and matching suspender belt and black seamed stockings under my normal clothes. The panties and suspender belt were black satin with lots of lace trim. The panties were almost like French knickers with satin front panel and lace sides, loose fitting with a sexy split up the side. The suspender belt, sitting almost hidden was simple, satin front with lace panels leading down to...
I wasn't out that long. I woke to see Sarah kneeling over me with a worried look upon her face. She was pulling at my outer tunic and from the look of it she was trying to tear it off of me. When my eyes opened Sarah let out a gasp of surprise. "Thank God!" Sarah declared with all the conviction of somebody who'd been doing a lot of silent praying. "You're awake." "What happened?" I groaned out in response, feeling very weak and very tired. "An assassin in a chameleon suit is...
Mrs Anne Davis. I’d known her since I was a k**; she lived four doors down from me. Her husband was a good guy, but built like a brick shithouse, so he soon got the nickname Shrek after he shaved his head one year. He was a lorry driver so would be out to work all over the country, leaving poor Anne home alone quite often. I’d lost my virginity a little while before, but was still a little bit of a state when it came to girls. This confused and delighted them no end – because I was a total...
Please read! This is an exploration game, with dungeon crawler elements like items and hidden secrets! This means you should press the 'Start Game' button on the right hand side if you want to appreciate the story to its full potential! (There is a lot of text hidden behind variables that can't be gotten to unless you play the game properly. This includes the majority of sex scenes and other erotica) Please be aware that as the story is updated, it may be required to restart the story,...
BEING DELT WITH By Lisa Jade It is strange how your life has suddenly become such a mess. You still don't fully know how it happened. You turn your gaze from the heavy rain outside the car and look at your beautiful wife Barbara, long black hair, and as always make-up applied to perfection. She is sitting behind the wheel and taking you to your first job in 3 weeks. "It's not my fault that you had to quit your job." You brace yourself for another tongue-lashing, after all how many...
So last time I told you about the experience on the limo with Henry and Helene, an attractive couple I met in a “boudoir like” club. After we got briefly acquainted, they made a bet to see who could make me come faster and harder in 5 minutes. If I didn’t come I would get all the money he had in his wallet... close to £800! They won and she was the fastest, so as a reward she asked for me! So I agreed to go to their massive manor house...Henry led me into the house. I was still in awe of how...
The true story of how I became a "pornstar" thanks to my pervert of a roommate. So how does one go from being a VERY lucky bartender, banging lots of customers and co-workers, to a maker of many personal porn movies? Well, in my case, it’s simple. My roommate. I'll call him Larry, because I'm sure if he's still alive, he will eventually find me on this site. Larry was the perfect roommate for a guy like me, he was my opposite. If I was considered a party a****l my freshman and softmore years,...
"Are you okay?" Kameron asked. I'd been thinking about Angela's panties since Elizabeth and I came to an accord at our too-long lunch. At least, it would have been too long if Kameron and Elizabeth didn't need to know everything I did. They wanted to clear my plate in the next month so I could start being their personal at-work bitch. I put Kameron at the top of the female list at work. Elizabeth was more my type so for blondes she now had the number one spot. Angela held the title in...
Girls Night in - husbands not invited In the future, body swapping becomes so commonplace and reasonably priced that people own several spare bodies that they keep on life support in their closests like people of today keep clothes. It caused a lot of confusion at first, but thankfully to worldwide ID's and augmented reality on our hologram glasses, everyone is identified as they are. My wife was having her bi-monthly get together with her 2 close friends. You know, the girls only...