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I was camping in Yosemite one time in college, when I couldn’t get to sleep one night and decided to take a walk through the woods. It was the middle of summer, so it was warm enough to walk outside in just pajama bottoms and a T-shirt (and sandals). We had camped way out in the middle of nowhere, so nobody was around for miles, or so we thought. So while my friends were sleeping, I slipped out of the tent and strolled out through the forest.

Yosemite is gorgeous at night, the woods were quiet and the moon was full.

After about ten minutes of walking, I had paused to watch a nice little stream that was winding its way through the roots and rocks, when suddenly I heard a noise. I tensed. It was large, and it was close by – behind me. I froze, if it was some kind of predator, running would be the worst possible move. Maybe I could scare whatever it was away, I thought, if I stretched out my arms and made loud noises. I was just getting ready to put this plan into action, when the thing broke through the trees and stumbled into the clearing.

It was a naked girl.

She was tall, almost my height, a couple years younger than me, maybe 19 or 20, light-haired, pale, and beautiful in a thin delicate way, kind of like an elf from Lord of the Rings. She was stark naked except for a pair of flip-flops, and she looked scared and confused. I was so surprised that I couldn’t move, and I just sat there gaping. She had a gorgeous body (if a bit on the thin side), beautiful small breasts, long slender legs with perfect calves…but for some reason, what I remember most is her ears, which stuck out just a little from her straight blonde hair and made her look even more like an elf.

Then saw me. I was still standing with a stupid open-mouthed expression on my face, frozen in place. As soon as she saw me, she let out a small squeak and dropped to a crouch, hugging her arms across her chest.

‘Um…hi?’ I ventured, taking a step forward. That scared her, and she let out a choked half-yell.

‘Hey hey!’ I stopped her, holding up my hands. ‘I’m not going to hurt you at all! I was just out taking a walk! Are you OK?’ To show her I meant no harm, I took a step backward.

‘I’m Jason,’ I said, ‘I’m from Berkeley.’

‘Hi, Jason,’ she said. ‘Do you think you’d mind looking away?’

‘No problem,’ I said, and turned around.


‘So…’ I asked, ‘Is there…um…anything I can help you with?’

‘You wouldn’t happen to have a compass on you, would you?’ she answered drily.

‘Nope, ‘fraid not. Are you lost?’

‘Uh, yeah.’

‘Um…’I hesitated awkwardly. ‘I guess I’m gonna have to ask this eventually, so…’

She got the hint. ‘My friends and I were playing a stupid game, and I had to take a dare, which was to take off my clothes and walk fifteen minutes into the forest. I guess I got turned around.’

‘Wow,’ I said, ‘You’re brave.’

‘Stupid is more like it,’ she snorted.

‘Well hey,’ I said, ‘I don’t really need my shirt…want it?’

‘Oh my gosh, that would be great.’ I could hear the relief and gratitude in her voice. Without hesitation, I stripped off my shirt and tossed it behind me. I heard the sound of her picking it up and putting it on, and stifled the manic urge to turn around and get one last look at her amazing body.

‘How does it fit?’ I asked.

‘Um…it’s…not quite long enough, but it’s much better than nothing.’ She sounded distinctly disappointed. I couldn’t decide if I was disappointed or pleased. I settled on disappointed, I’m a nice guy.

‘Well?’ I asked. ‘Is there anything else I can do to help?’

‘To be honest, I’m kind of scared walking around out here like this,’ she confessed, and I could tell it was a bit difficult for her to admit it, she really seemed like a girl who was used to getting by all on her own. She had stripped and walked fifteen minutes into a pitch-black empty forest, after all.

‘Do you think yo could come with me and help me find my friends?’ she asked, a little shyly.

‘Sure,’ I answered immediately. ‘I have good direction sense. But…are you sure you’ll be OK? I mean…’

‘Well,’ she said, ‘you already saw everything, right?’

‘Um…it was dark, and…’ I hedged.

‘It’s OK, you can admit it. Come on, you can walk in front.’ She almost sounded like it was her saving me from embarrassment.

I turned around. The girl was even more gorgeous wearing my T-shirt than she had been completely nude. She stood with her hips cocked, one hand pressed demurely between her long long legs, smiling wryly at me.

‘Well,’ I asked, blushing in the dimness and turning around before she could see my eyes get wide, ‘Shall we?’

‘Lead the way, sir,’ she said, and I noticed how comfortable she sounded all of a sudden.

We crept through the dark woods, and my Boy Scout training took over. I moved us in a ‘concentric wedge’ search pattern, in the general direction she thought her friends were. They couldn’t be more than half an hour’s walk away, I figured. However, given the girl’s less-than-dressed state, I thought it might not be a good idea to start calling out.

‘So where do you live?’ she inquired from behind me as we crept along. ‘Are you a student?’

‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘Berkeley. You?’

‘I go to UC Davis,’ she told me. ‘I’m a poli sci major, how about you?’

‘Electrical engineering.’

‘Ooh, smart boy.’

‘Hopefully smart enough to find your friends!’ I blushed again. I was glad that I had been working out and playing soccer over the past year, and was in about the best shape of my life. I hoped she noticed my back muscles as we pushed branches out of our way.

We chatted a little more, abut our universities, life, the outdoors. She turned out to be, as I had first suspected, a really interesting and confident girl. I wished I knew her name, but given her predicament I thought it would be impolite to ask.

‘Do you think we’re getting close?’ she asked after a pause in the conversation. We had been walking about fifteen minutes.

‘Maybe,’ I said, ‘but probably it’ll be a little -‘

‘Owwww!’ she suddenly cried out, and I whirled to see her grabbing her leg.

‘Are you OK?’ I asked, running over to her.

‘I cut myself on something,’ she said. I was worried and aroused all at the same time – she was leaning over, and the hanging edge of my shirt was all that (barely) obscured her nether regions from full view. I tried to be just worried.

I looked over an saw what it was – the jagged broken piece of a fallen log.

‘How deep is the cut?’ I asked anxiously.

‘I don’t know,’ she said, fear creeping into her voice. ‘Can you take a look at it?’

‘Uh…are you sure?’ I hesitated.

‘Yeah yeah, don’t worry about it,’ she answered curtly.

I dropped to one knee and looked at the leg. She took her hands off the spot, moving one back up to cover her privates, but not before I caught a quick glimpse of neatly trimmed, light-colored pubic hair and pale pink lips. Come on, I thought, focus.

The cut was shallow, mostly just an abrasion, and I was able to clean it off with some wet leaves. I pressed some more leaves onto it until it stopped bleeding. I almost got goosebumps as my hands ran over her smooth bare thigh, and I tried to keep it as professional as possible.

‘It’ll be fine,’ I said. ‘It’ll sting a little. Try to be careful where you step.’

‘Shit,’ she said. ‘I’m so retarded. I mean, thanks.’

‘Oh, I didn’t mean it like that,’ I backpedaled quickly.

‘I know, I know. It’s my fault. You were great.’

I looked into her eyes, and something about the way she looked back at me through wisps of pale hair, standing there, naked from the waist down, with only a slender hand to cover herself, was the most erotic thing I’d
seen in my life. I smiled and turned away so that she wouldn’t see the front of my pajamas push outward.

‘Um…hey,’ I said, ‘Would you like to use my pants too? I mean, so you won’t accidentally get cut.’

She laughed. ‘I don’t want to embarrass you,’ she said.

‘Well, I mean, I already must have embarrassed you,’ I pointed out. ‘If you don’t want to, that’s cool, it was just an idea.’

‘Well…’ she considered. ‘You did get to see me in my birthday suit, so I guess I should get to see you in yours, right?’

Something about that was incredibly arousing.

‘OK,’ I said, ‘say the word, and the pants are yours.’

‘Hand em over,’ she ordered in a faux-harsh voice.

I dutifully stripped off and turned around, covering my naughty bits with one hand (no easy task, in the state they were in), and handing her the pajama pants with the other. She took them with her free hand, and, without waiting for me to turn around again, turned her back to me and slipped them on. I took in the brief view of her perfect round ass with only a minor pang of guilt, since it was my turn to walk around naked.

She turned back and grinned. The pajama bottoms were almost a perfect fit. ‘Nice PJs,’ she said. ‘Well, are we gonna go?’

I grinned back. ‘Only if you promise not to look at my bum,’ I shot back, feigning a British accent.

‘You shouldn’t be ashamed of your body,’ she retorted. ‘Besides, you look like you’ve been working out a little bit.’

She couldn’t have said anything to make me more happy (well, not much anyway). I flexed my pecs and did a little Governor Arnold pout. She laughed.

‘Come on,’ I said in my best fake Austrian accent. ‘We have to save John Connor.’

She laughed again, and I turned around and made a Mr. Universe pose, clenching my gluteals. She laughed harder.

We walked for another few minutes. The thought of her eyes following my naked ass was a little bit arousing. I felt a little chilly, and realized that it must have been a little scary for her to have been wandering around, naked and lost, before she met me. I suddenly felt really protective of her.

Then, abruptly, I walked past a stand of trees and into a clearing. And there, on the ground in front of me, was a naked couple rolling around on the ground.

I averted my eyes instantly, but they looked up and saw me.

‘Hey!’ the woman said cheerfully. ‘Looks like we weren’t the only ones to have this idea!’

‘Welcome to our little love nest!’ the man declared. ‘Hope we didn’t startle you too much!’

The girl from UC Davis came up beside me and just stared. Belatedly, I covered myself with both hands, realizing I was exposing myself not just to the couple but to the girl I was with as well.

‘Hey, don’t be shy,’ the woman said, ‘Isn’t it a beautiful night?’

Californians, I thought to myself. What a bunch. I turned back, figuring if they weren’t embarrassed, I wasn’t. They were in their thirties, kind of athletic and wholesome-looking, and both totally unembarrassed about being naked in front of strangers, although the woman was kneeling demurely.

‘Um, sorry to bother you,’ the girl I was with asked, ‘But did you see a camp full of girls about my age anywhere around here?’

‘Oh yeah,’ the man said, ‘We saw them, but we didn’t want to bother them.’

‘Could you tell us how to find them?’ I inquired politely.

‘I think they’re about ten minutes that way,’ the woman volunteered.

‘Thanks!’ I said, and started to walk off. The girl followed, and as we exchanged a look I saw that she was suppressing a giggle too.

‘You sure you don’t wanna come join us?’ the man called out as we left.

‘Thanks, we’re OK!’ the girl called back, and we hastily disappeared into the forest. A couple minutes later we burst into laughter, trying to keep it quiet.

‘Think we should have joined them?’ the girl asked. As she said it, I felt a thrill run up my spine, and suddenly it got a little harder to cover myself with one hand. I just chuckled and didn’t answer. We were walking side by side now, more comfortable than before.

It wasn’t long before we heard female voices, and we knew we had found the girl’s camp. I suddenly felt a deep pang of regret that this weird, improbable adventure was coming to an end. It ha only been forty minutes or less, but I knew I’d remember the naked girl in the forest for the rest of my life.

‘Well,’ I said, ‘Here we are.’

‘Yeah,’ she said, hesitating.

‘You…want me to turn around?’ I asked, wondering if I should have just let her keep the clothes, and give my friends a little surprise when I came back.

‘That’s OK,’ she said, and to my amazement started stripping off the borrowed clothes right in front of me.

In a moment she was naked, and no longer covering herself. My breath caught in my throat. She walked toward me over the forest floor, treading lightly on her tiptoes, holding my clothes out to me. I reached out to take them, in the process exposing myself to her as well – it seemed the right thing to do, although I was a little embarrassed that my penis was pointing directly up at her head.

My gorgeous naked elf queen of the forest stopped three feet away and looked straight into my eyes, and my knees nearly gave out. My breath was short and quick.

‘My name’s Megan,’ she said in a soft voice. ‘Sorry I didn’t tell you before.’

‘That’s OK, Megan,’ I said, wishing I could say something more intelligent.

‘I just wanted to say, I was really impressed by what you did for me,’ she continued, looking up at me through stray strands of flax-colored hair. ‘You could have really taken advantage of me, but you were just totally chivalrous.’

‘There’s no way I would have done anything else,’ I said, trying to keep my eyes locked onto hers, and failing every few seconds as I glanced down the length of her beautiful willowy body, then back up to see those cute ears just barely poking out of the waterfall of hair.

Then she stepped forward, and to my chagrin my penis poked her right in the abdomen, but she reached down with one hand and folded it up between our bodies, and with the other hand she reached up and pulled my head into hers and kissed me. Her naked skin was warm on mine, and I could feel the little tickle of her pubic hair on mine, and her perfect breasts were pressed against my chest. Her tongue darted into my mouth, and I put my arms around her and held the back of her head and the small of her silky back.

After the most erotic fifteen seconds of my life, she released me and stepped back. We were both breathing heavily.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘Do you have a girlfriend?’

‘No,’ I breathed, ‘do you have a boyfriend?’

‘No,’ she answered, ‘But there’s a guy I’m considering for the job, if he’s interested.’

‘I don’t see how he couldn’t be,’ I said, and meant it.

‘Hey,’ Megan said, turning to walk back into her friends’ camp. It’s no too long a drive from Berkeley to Davis, right?’

And then, before she left, she told me her email address.

I watched her go, smooth back, long legs, and all, holding my clothes in my hand. Not until she was gone from sight, and I was dressed and twenty minutes back into the forest did I let myself jump up and let out a whoop that echoed down the mountainsides of Yellowstone.

It was a clear beautiful night in the forest of northern California, I was twenty-one years old and in love, and I had all night to find my way back to camp.

The End

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The Move

Melissa and Paul had been together for little more than 2 months, but already they had moved in together and had explored a multitude of sexual experiences and had begun on their fantasies. Their first day together had been amazing. Paul had picked Melissa up along with all that she was bringing with her. The majority of which had been clothes and a few things to mark her life. Photos, letters and other special things. They had arrived at Paul’s place and with all good intentions, had started...

2 years ago
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The Dunce Cap It wasn't until the 2030's, with half of the world's present electrical appliances down and no longer usable did beatboxing really become a major contributor to daily youth entertainment. So much so that in 2029 the first beatboxing band came out (the other coming out). This is the transformation of one such band from Ohio. Story set in 2034. All through Julian's speech Daryl was having a go at the kool-aid. "So Crow, your job won't get over after the intro robo...

2 years ago
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I Wish

Hello everyone out there. I have a new story that I've been working on. It's pretty much done so I hope you all enjoy it. Post it anywhere you'd like except pay sites. I've gotten so much from the net so I'm trying to give something back without people having to pay for it. Thanks... Your standard disclaimer should go here......x But of course you should know what it is by now. If you are too young, too old, too offended, not offended enough, too disturbed by TG or a conservative...

4 years ago
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Claires Eyes Ch 01

Pierre looked deeply into Claire’s eyes. He could not believe how far he could see into her soul, how the depths swirled with love and passion for him. He blinked, looking away. He should not allow himself to feel this way. He was a married man…yet every fiber in his body, no, his soul, yearned for just one touch of her. One touch, that was all he needed. Surely that would sate the primal desire surging in his loins? He dared to look again, searching out her eyes. His brow furrowed. Could he be...

2 years ago
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A Royals Lust

I whined and pushed my ass back against him trying to feel his thick cock deeper which in turn made him groan and grip my hips tighter, he was trying to hold off until I was fully satisfied as my father would flip the guest dining table if he found out what we were doing when I was supposed to be finishing up my studies, however, I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied until I felt him release whether in or on me which he was completely avoiding and it was annoying me, I grabbed one of his wrists and...

1 year ago
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A Rose Blooms In The City

Rose Marie Sanders was not someone who you could easily pick out of a crowd. A wallflower in every sense of the word, she never did anything to make herself known or to stand out in any situation. She was terrified of being noticed or drawing attention to herself and so she stayed in the background or shadows at all costs.Rose was raised in a very strict conservative house. Her father was a hard preaching minister who believed women should be seen and not heard and ruled his family with an iron...

Love Stories
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 13

Sunday, May 30, 2010 Jake knocked on the front door of the DeRizzo house still dressed in his church clothes. Julie answered the door dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She pulled him inside and kissed him. Leanne came down the hallway when Julie finally released him. “You guys keep your hands off of each other this afternoon. Mr. DeRizzo is not the kind to approve of young love, so don’t give him a reason to come down on you.” “I’ll be good, Leanne,” Jake said. “By the way, you look lovely....

3 years ago
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Dressing Up For The First Time Part 2

Dressing in my sisters clothes became a regular thing after about 2 months of doing it, I would use her vibrator on my ass at least once a week. My family was gone more often so it gave me plenty of time to prefect doing my make up, hair and shaving my legs. One night when my family WAS home i was looking for a pen to write a card. I went to my parents room to look for one and on my step mom's dresser was a small blue key, i had no clue what it would go to and for some reason it seemed...

1 year ago
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Family footslave

You are playing a video game against your stepfather and he is beating you like he does every time. "How did you beat me again? You play this game too much!" I say to my stepdad. We are playing a video game together and somehow he always beats me. "You can beat me at video games but I can beat you up in real life!". I have had enough of the losing and needed to gain my confidence back somehow. "Oh don't be such a sore loser, it's just a game!" My stepdad puts down his controller next to him and...

1 year ago
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Reality the sequel to Anticipation

I said I'd report back on my long awaited return to the simple joys of two men enjoying each other in lust. And I'm nothing if not a man of my word.  Nope, scratch that. I'm pushing it with that description, really pushing it. I can lie and dissemble as good as the next guy, even if the next guy is a career politician. I'm a downlow married bi guy who lives to have sex with men, for Christsakes.My very existence is a farrago of deceit.But wherever I can I'll at least try to keep my promises....

2 years ago
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Dulcie and DeliaChapter 4

Monday morning; Peter looked at his wife over his mug of coffee as Rosie and Emma chattered about school as they ate cereal and sipped fruit-juice. The world outside was dark; the combination of the early hour and a heavy overcast suggested a gloomy day ahead. "I asked Andy to take the service this morning," he said, "and Delia promised to either walk with Bert or to unlock the church herself. I can't imagine Bert parting with the keys easily, though he and Delia seem to have been good...

1 year ago
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Pados Ki Bhabhi Or Uski Hot Saheli Ki Chuadi

Hello readers mera name ashmit hai main chandigarh me rehta hu jaisa maine aapko apni pehli story me btaya (Pados Ki Bhabhi or uski gharwalan saheli ki chudai ) ki kaise maine apne pados me rehne wali richa bhabhi ko pataya or use chudne k liye taiyaar kiya . ab aage ki story pe ata hu jaise he main or richa bhabhi adhe nange room me pahunche maine ander jate he darwaza band kar diya or bhabhi se bathroom me maza lene k bad ab use bed pe chodna chahta tha but hum dono itne garam ho chuke the k...

1 year ago
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MAUThe Slayer 2 The New Faith

MAU: TheSlayer2 - The New Faith This is a continuation of MUA: The Slayer and it is best if you read that story before this one. If you insist on going forward without reading The Slayer first, I have included a very condensed "cliff note" version below, but reading the Slayer is still recommended. The short version of The Slayer. A hospital orderly named Dan Stevens watches unseen as Agents B & W interview a user of a Morphic Adaptation Unit in a mental institute who is...

3 years ago
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Im Fine

I squeeze my fingers into the palms of my hands, I have blunt nails otherwise the sheer force would have definitely drawn blood. I am angry with myself, my heartaches foolishly for you. I know you will not give me what I really want, and the fact that I will take whatever I can get, is the root cause of my self-directed anger. You come to me and I cannot hide the wantonness I feel, even though it has an identity crisis. I will take you, all of you and maybe you will hurt my body and distract...

1 year ago
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Hard Cyberchat

This story is about me and a married male who called me to his home after a cyber chat .He poped in my screen when i was in a chatroom for gays and he request for a pic of mine pics and we traded pics of each other and our mobile numbers and nothing much. And one day we chated and exchanged info about each other all baout our sexual likes and many things like body types likes in sex etc. Suddenly we made video chat and he liked me lot and wee were from same place he was very near to my place...

4 years ago
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My First Sex With Stranger

Hii friends this is raj from Bhubaneswar Orissa. I am 28 years age and an average size guy.Girls tell me I have the most intense eyes.I love being with girls and enjoy their company ,I am a mixing and have a great sense if humor which girls love about me most with any age I am comfortable, this is my first story on ISS ,I read many stories on Indian sex stories and I have a fantasy being seduced by more than one girl at a time.Nothing to tell more.Straight to the story.   It was the time when I...

4 years ago
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Meri Fan Ki Chudayi

Hi friends this is sexy boy again…. And i m back with a new story of your choice……. Aapne meri pichli story ko bahut like kiya aur mujhe mails bheje…. Bahut saari ladkiyo ne to mujhse chudne ki bhi iccha jahir ki aur 2 ki to maine puri bhi kar di… Unhi mai se ek ladki ki story aap ke liye lekar aaya hoon… Meri mail id hai Jo log mujhe nahi jante unke liye bata doo ki mera naam hai sameer sharma height 5 ft. 8 inches and 7″ long and thick dick…..To ab story par aate hai…..Ye baat aaj se 2...

3 years ago
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Wranglers Rodeo Boys 1

Garrett and I had known each other since high school, senior year. After that, we'd gone to college together. Shared a dorm room. It was somewhere during that time, not sure when that we started fucking. Not boyfriend—boyfriend fucking. Just a couple of buddies getting each other off.I'm definitely not gay. Maybe bisexual—maybe something else entirely. All I know is my best friend knows how to suck cock better than any girlfriend I've ever had, and I get an insane rush every time his cock fills...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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It was the 4th of July and all the firework festivities had colored and thundered the skies. Mercaba and I were watching all of this from our manhattan rooftop.Mercaba was a middle aged beauty with long silky, reddish brown hair. An exotic beauty from MoroccoAs we watched the celebratory events with the skies all lit up, her shadow was beautifully painting the outside walls. She was mine for the duration of the evening. MY blood had surged to my nipples and clit. I could feel the heat rise in...

3 years ago
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Apparently My Neighbor Hilda Has A Jealous Streak

If you recall, my wife caught me in the act of thoroughly enjoying the company of Hilda's stepdaughter and the stepdaughter's girlfriend.  To extract an equal measure of revenge, my wife got all dolled up and hit the bars that same evening, cruelly face timing me as she let a total stranger slide his hand under her skirt and play with her beautiful hairy pussy.  If that wasn't enough, she took the guy to a corner booth, repositioned her smartphone so I would have to watch her suck the guy's...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 16 Meeting

"Sheldon, this is Sylvia Denton. She's our architect on the new building." Rudy waved to the small woman at the conference table. She rose to greet Sheldon. She wore a tan gabardine suit with a long, slit skirt and a tailored white blouse. "Nice to meet you," she said. Her dark eyes gazed steadily at Sheldon, somehow watchful. "My pleasure," he replied and shook her hand. Rudy led the meeting. "Sylvia is with Jones, Jones and Schildwachter here in Boulder. She's the lead architect...

2 years ago
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Surviving 2Chapter 23 Summerautumn 878 AD

Scott and Gabrain made a flying visit back to Dalriada to set some of their plans in motion. They set a general muster of men in train, picking up Lachlan and Colmgil on their way to Inveraray. Scott received the most wonderful news when they landed and made their way up to the house. He could see right away that Eilean had put on weight, her small frame unable to conceal even a slight variation. He looked at her and watched a huge grin spread over her face. His own face must have looked...

2 years ago
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Sam and Dave

I appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota. Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I...

4 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 107

I drove to Mossberg to talk to Bart. He was the closest thing I had to a best friend. I found my Mossberg key ring right where I left it. Once inside my condo, I found everything there dusty and damp but undisturbed by human hands. I walked down to the cafe before settling in for some deep thinking. Boxer: My god look what the cats dragged in, a stray dog. Me: Nice of you to make me feel welcome after all these months. I recognized most of the lunch crowd. At least I had a nodding...

3 years ago
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Whole New World Of Sex With My Friend8217s Mom

Hi everyone, especially to the ladies who are 35 and above love you all, this is my first story ISS so if you find any grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes please forgive me, my name is gladwin I ‘m 23 years old from Bangalore height 6.1 inch’s with a fit physic which I maintain by playing sports because I am sport lover and regular exercise This is a true incident happened in my life and the this is a lengthy story so be patience and read it I ‘m sure you will enjoy it Mail your...

2 years ago
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My Brother My Best Friend

A loud slam of the front door announced to Mark that his little sister had arrived home from her friend's house. She skipped into the sitting room where he was watching TV and promptly snatched the remote out of his hand. "Hey, what was that for? I was watching that!" Mark grumbled. Sophie stuck her tongue out at him. "You've been watching TV all day, it's my turn," she retorted. Mark grinned. He couldn't stay angry at his little sister and she knew it. Mark and Sophie had a unique friendship....

2 years ago
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BettyMy wife Betty is a great looking woman of 45 years of age, and she and I have been married for 23 years. We have 2 c***dren that grew up and went out on their own, to live their lives. 8 months ago, after the last k** moved out, Betty and I Dave decided to down-size and move into a smaller place, with more privacy in the country, instead of being in the city. A bit about my wife Betty. She stands 5 feet tall, weighs 110lbs and is in great shape and condition, as she works out at home...

4 years ago
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The Looters of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 2

With the addition of the two white girls from the accident, their group now numbered nine. Desmond remembered reading somewhere that the Chinese thought that to be a lucky number but he wasn't Chinese and he doubted if it made any difference at all. There were five guys and four split-tails and he had enough hardware to arm five times that number. His only problem was that the territory he was heading into had precious few brothers and was overrun with red-neck whites and Spanish-speaking...

3 years ago
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The Slave Market

I found myself sitting on the floor in a large room one hanging light was directly above me shining down, My hands had been tied behind my back, my ankles had been tied together in front of me and a gag had been securely fastened over my mouth. Looking round the room was too dark for me to be able to see anything other than the small area being illuminated by the light above me, but sounds could clearly be heard of other people crying and whimpering the number of people here I couldn’t be clear...

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