Gambling Weekend free porn video

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Harry James knew he was in trouble with his gambling habit. He watched the guy across from him closely. Chris Benoit was ahead of him by twelve thousand dollars. He needed to win this hand of poker or that's it.

Harry was sweating because he was holding only a pair of threes. He knew he had to bluff his way through it.

Chris raised his bet. Harry was on credit with him. He countered him. The cards were shown. Harry lost his hand. Chris was holding a pair of fours. Harry couldn't believe it. The other guy out bluffed him.

Harry almost started to cry when he showed the cards. He was in deep trouble. He owed Chris thirteen thousand dollars.

" Ok. Harry, you owe me thirteen.", Chris informed him.

" I don't have it.", Harry informed the man. He was a dead man. He knew it. He wasn't going to be alive when he left.

" You have something that could work. I have known you for the last ten years. Since you were eighteen.", Chris informed him.

" What do I have?", Harry asked. " I don't have anything that's worth that much."

Chris smiled, " Oh yes. You do have something. Two very special things and they will work out for payment"

" What?"

" Your mother and sister.", Chris informed him.

" You can't be serious. Not Kathleen and my mother!"

Chris nodded his head. " Then I will kill you! I'm no bank."

" Please something else.", Harry was begging for his life and his family. He didn't want Chris with them. Chris is wealthy and he can do anything he wants against his family. Harry didn't want him near them. Harry had no choice. He slowly nodded his head in defeat.

" I can't but I promise they won't know a thing. I will place them under hypnosis They will not remember anything. It will be just a dream to them. I just want them for one weekend of sex.", Chris informed him. " Full blown sex that is."

Harry had no choice. He had to do it. " Ok."

" I will contact you in a week with details.", Chris told him. He told him to leave the hotel and return to his house. He also told him that he was lucky to be alive. " Don't tell them or you are a dead man and I'll still have them."

Harry left the hotel room, where the gambling was being played. Harry didn't know what to do. He was going to have his mother, who is fifty-two and still married to his father and his fourteen year old sister would have sex.

Harry drove his car to his house. He opened the front door of the house. His mother, Beth was awake watching television. Harry asked, " Where's dad?"

His blonde hair mother looked at her son, " He's asleep. He had a long day at work. He is going on a business trip in two weeks."

" How long will he be gone?", Harry asked.

" Fourteen days.", a simple reply came from her lips. She seemed disappointed.

" Really?", Harry was shocked over the news. How did Chris know or did he?

Harry told his mother goodnight and went to his bedroom. He couldn't believe he was actually going to do it. He was going to let Chris to have them. Harry had no choice in the matter. He was in too deep with him.

Harry fell asleep after thinking about his mother, Beth and Kathleen having sex with Chris. He hated to say it but he wanted to see them fucked. Harry had fantasies of seeing his sister having sex. And his mother also.

Harry was reading his email when he spotted the email from Chris. Harry opened the email on his computer. The message said that everything would start on Friday afternoon at three afternoon. He wanted Harry to send the measurements and shoe sizes of both his mother and sister. Harry had until tomorrow afternoon to get the information.

Harry searched the closets of his mother and sister while they were out. Harry sent the information out to Chris. He knew it was over. It was going to be a long weekend.

On Thursday, a package was delivered containing two small vials of a clear substance. The note with the package was from Chris and they were directions on how and when to drug both his mother and sister the next day.

Friday came too quickly and Harry was there at the house waiting for the arrival of Chris. Harry watched as his mother and sister were talking in the kitchen sipping their drinks. The minutes went slowly. He wanted this to be over. It was taking too long.

He saw the stretch limousine arriving in front of the house. Harry watched as Chris stepped out of the car and walked toward the front door. Harry knew it was time. He walked to the front door. Harry opened the door. Harry spoke to him, " Hi."

" We ready?", Chris asked.

Harry nodded his head to him, " I gave them the drug. I slipped it into their drinks."

Chris asked the important question, " Are they asleep?"

" As of a few minutes ago, They were talking but getting tired. I don't think they realized they were drugged.", Harry told him as he walked into the kitchen.

Chris and Harry entered the kitchen. They watched as Kathleen and Beth are sleeping at the table. Kathleen's head was resting on table. Her hands acting like a pillow. Beth wasn't like her daughter. Her head fallen back as she slept in the kitchen chair.

" Good.", Chris smiled. " Go get my friends from the limousine."

Harry obeyed him and walked back to the limousine. He watched for a second as Chris was checking to see if they were asleep.

Harry walked to the waiting car. He knocked on the window. The door opened and Harry watched as a large man stepped out followed by a tall thin woman. Harry was amazed at the size of the man. They walked back to the house.

Chris met them at the front door. He instructed Harry to follow them to the master bedroom to watch them get Kathleen and Beth ready for the weekend activities.

Harry walked behind the two men and one woman. They entered the kitchen as Chris begins to use hypnosis. He was working on Kathleen. She nodded her head at the part of doing whatever someone says directly to her. She will not listen to Harry. She was told that when she awakens that she will go with Monica to get dressed for her mother's wedding. She was going to be the maid of honor. She will love the dress and shoes that she will be wearing. Kathleen nodded her head.

Chris went to Beth. He talked her into the trance. He told her that she had to do whatever he told her. He told her that she was a bride and she was marrying him. He instructed her when she awakens that she goes into the bedroom with Monica to get dressed. She will like the her dress and shoes. The final instruction was that Harry was giving her away at the wedding.

The girls awakened and walked upstairs followed by Monica and the large man carrying boxes. Chris told him to go to his bedroom and dress for the wedding.

After thirty minutes Harry and Chris waited with the large man, whose name is Rick. Rick was drinking another beer. Chris spoke to Harry, " You see. Beth will be marrying me for the weekend. Rick and Kathleen are going to be witnesses and you are going to watch what happens tonight and then you will can go home or stay and watch Then you will return on Sunday afternoon.

" Yes.", Harry was looking at his shoes.

The sound of clicking heels on the hardwood floors brought the men's attention to the living room. They walked into the room. Chris spoke. " Let's see them."

" Can't wait to see them in their outfits." Rick smiled.

" Me too." Chris smiled.

They watched as Monica walking down the stairs wearing a red dress to her knees and a pair of five inch red high heel pumps. Chris turned to Harry, " She is for the driver."

Harry felt bad that this was going to happen. He watched as the door open and heard the click of heels as Kathleen walked down the stairs. Harry was shocked to see his sister wearing a red bra to hold her large breasts, a red g-string, red thigh high stockings, and a pair of four inch black paten high heel shoes. Harry couldn't believe that his sister was looking like a slut.

" How am I looking, brother?" She asked sweetly.

" Beautiful."

Harry pulled his eyes away from his sister to his mother trying to walk down the stairs. He lost his color as he looked at her wedding dress or the lack of dress. She was wearing a long white veil that went down to her waist. The dress was a white teddy, which her breasts were exposed and pulled through where the cups should be. Harry had seen teddies like this before but not on his mother. Her legs had a pair of white thigh high stockings, a blue garter on her right thigh. Her feet were covered with a pair of white pumps with a thin five inch heel. Harry never seen her wearing that height heel before.

She turned to her son, " Honey, do you like my wedding dress?"

" Yes. I love it.", Harry couldn't lie. He looked at her ring finger. Her wedding ring was missing. He looked at Monica and it was hanging from her neck on a gold chain.

Chris informed the people, " Lets get going to the inn."

" Inn?", Harry asked as they walked to the front door.

" I rented the Cape Sound Inn for the weekend.", Chris informed Harry.

" Just a room, right?"

" Nope. I rented the whole inn for this. The employees and all rooms.", Chris was smiling at him.

Chris entered the car followed by Rick. Monica sat up front with the driver. Harry held the door open as Kathleen stepped inside. Beth stepped inside after Kathleen and sat next to Chris. Harry was next Kathleen. Harry was looking at his mother and noticed a zipper at her crotch. He couldn't believe he was looking at his mother's crotch area.

Rick's hand was playing with Kathleen's underpants as he rubbed at her slit.

The car went to the highway. Rick handed Kathleen a drink. He told her to drink. A drink was given to Harry and Chris. Chris said he didn't want to ruin Beth's dress. Harry drank his beer. He didn't want to do this. He looked out and saw the inn on the hill on the other side of the Cape Sound Canal.

Harry looked at his sister's outfit. He couldn't believe that Kathleen thought that was a dress. Both his mother and sister are wearing lingerie for a make believe wedding. He was worried about them. His feelings got worse when he heard he rented a whole hotel for this.

The car turned into the driveway of the small inn. The inn has twenty rooms, an indoor swimming pool and a large banquet hall. It was settled in a large forest on the other side of the canal.

Harry got out first and waited until everyone got out. Chris headed off to the manager's office. Beth was checking Kathleen's blonde hair.

Harry remembered Rick tell him that he was going to walk down the aisles of the large backyard courtyard. He would hand off his mother and watch the wedding. Then the lucky couple will match off to the banquet hall. After that he would have to do what is needed.

Beth spoke to Harry, " I am so happy that you and your sister are here for my wedding today to Chris."

" I know, Mom.", Harry answered. " We wouldn't miss it for the world."

Beth asked for a hug. Harry couldn't believe that he was going to hug her. He wrapped his arms around his mother and felt her nipples through the veil rub against his jacket. Harry closed his eyes and thought to himself that he wanted those nipples brushing his bare chest. He couldn't believe he thought that. He looked at his sister, " You ready as a bridesmaid?"

Kathleen nodded her head. She joined Harry and Beth into a hug. Harry groan silently at the feel of her bra against him. He shouldn't be thinking this about his mother and sister. He opened his eyes and saw Chris watching them. Harry broke the embrace.

Chris told them. " We are ready to begin. Will you get in line to march down the middle to the front. I will meet you there."

The three members of the family walked toward the back of the inn. They waited inside a closed in area. They had to wait until the music began. Harry waited impatiently for Chris. He looked at his mother. She was cool about it. His sister stood and showed a little bit cold. He couldn't believe that Kathleen thought she was wearing a dress.

Monica opened the door, " The music is starting."

Harry heard the wedding march. Kathleen started to walk down the middle aisle toward the front. Harry noticed she had a slight wiggle to her ass. Beth turned to Harry, " Ready?"

" Yes.", Harry answered as he held her gloved hand and started to walk down. They walked slowly until they came to stand in front of an elderly gentleman in front. Chris and Rick stood to the right. Kathleen was on the left. Harry released her hand and raised the veil to kiss her cheek. He stared at her naked breasts. He loved the sight of them.

He looked at Chris, " Don't hurt them."

Chris raised his hand, " I swear I will not hurt them."

Harry watched and listened. He answered the question who gives away the bride. He watched and almost cried. He watched as Chris slipped a wedding ring on her finger after the I do's. The diamond was huge it was close to two carats. Chris pulled the veil to kiss her on the lips. Harry watched Chris's hands feel the breasts as he was French kissing his mother. His fingers pinching the nipples. Harry felt slightly aroused at the sight. He didn't like it.

Chris broke off the kiss. He walked over to Kathleen, " Why don't you give me a kiss since I am family now."

Kathleen started kissing Chris. His younger sister was kissing him deeply. His hands roamed over her bare ass... He felt it and said aloud, " That's one firm ass she has. It is going to be fun to loosen that up."

Harry couldn't watch this. He closed his eyes. Chris saw it and yelled at him, " You gambled and lost. Now you will watch everything that happens."

Harry was angry over the fact. He didn't want to watch it because he was afraid that he would enjoy the sight. He was half aroused. He had to admit that he wanted to see his sister naked and being fucked. He had the same but more powerful emotions about seeing his mother like that. He really did want to see his mother doing that. He wished he could do that.

The kissing between Chris and Kathleen stopped and Beth's hand was inside her husband's hand. Kathleen and Rick led the way to the banquet hall.

Harry heard some music being played inside the hall. He heard voices too. What was going on? Was there people inside the hall. He turned and asked Chris, " Are there people inside there?"

" Oh course. It is a wedding.", Chris laughed at him. " What did you think that I would keep it a secret fantasy of mine. I don't think so. Now go inside and find your seat."

Harry looked down at his feet again. He asked again, " Who is in there?"

" People from my neighborhood."

Harry gave up and walked inside the banquet hall. He found out that every male in the neighborhood came over to the inn. The rooms were rented to them. He found his table in the front where Monica and the driver were sitting and waiting for the reception to begin.

Harry took his seat. He looked around. There are about fifty men and about twenty women. The color of their skins are more than half are black. Harry hated the knowledge of the people from his neighborhood. Harry had a really bad feeling about this. He didn't like it.

There was a disc jockey working at the other end. He started the entrance music and starting announcing the wedding party. Harry watched as the double doors opened. The Disc Jockey announced to the crowd, " Now stand and clap for the wedding party. First is the Maid of honor Kathleen being escorted by Rick."

Harry watched as Kathleen and Rick entered holding hands. The cheering for Kathleen wearing only the bra and panty was loud. The disc jockey spoke again, " And now, I am happy to announce the bride and groom. Beth and Chris."

Harry look at his mother and Chris as they entered. The cheers were louder for his mother. Harry could hear a couple of the guys talk about her breasts. Beth and Chris joined Kathleen and Rick at the front of the room. The disc jockey started to play a slow dance.

The two couples started to dance on the dance floor. Chris was whispering into Beth's ear. Harry figured he was programming her for the rest of the reception. Rick was whispering into Kathleen's also. Harry couldn't believe he was watching his two lingerie clad mother and sister dancing with two complete strangers.

The dancing continued at the slow pace as their hands roamed over the women. The look on their faces showed that they are enjoying it.

The music ended and so did the dancing. The two couples walked to the head table. The disc jockey walked over to Rick. " Now the best man's toast."

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Away From The Home Weekend

Sharon had been in contact with Harry and told him all about Pete, Harry was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t be seeing Sharon anymore but was happy she had found someone she really seemed to like. So things went well for a month or two for Sharon and Pete, she kept in contact with Harry at the Home, calling him and he her, she’d tell him about how things were, especially the time that that Pete had, had her in bed 6 times in one day, both a had a bit of a joke about it. Its was...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Weekend

AF: The Weekend By Bashful John and Mary Marsh had been married for more than 5 years when John felt the trouble began. John and his partner Ken Lincoln owned a Computer software business. It wasn't Microsoft but it was growing. They both were involved in the development of their products. John handled marketing and sales and Ken was the bean counter. It was a struggle. John should have hired a sales team long ago but he had a problem trusting others with something as...

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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 19 The First Official Orgy Weekend

Ginger, Stacy, and I went into Work Mode for an hour after our short discussion about the night before. We compared calendars and talking about the various client jobs we had underway, as well as how we could best use Stacy and also help her gain some valuable consulting skills. Of course, the relationships we were building with some of the men and women at our client sites also came up. Stacy made a small chart of what was going on, adding in who our lovers were at each site, just to tease...

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The Weekend

Isn’t it strange how a disaster can change one’s life?At the age of forty, my life changed remarkably. My parents were killed in a motorcar accident and naturally, being their only child, I was their sole heir. The heartache that this loss caused was overwhelming. Having come from a wealthy family, however, the consequences of this tragedy ironically resulted in a positive life-changing experience for me.Up to this point, I had been a journalist who always wanted to write good literature. I...

Gay Male
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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend

From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...

4 years ago
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The Golf Weekend

The Golf Weekend: A few years ago, I would head north with three or sometimes 7 other guys for a golfing weekend. We'd play 18 holes on the way up and 36 on Saturday and Sunday. If we got off to a late start, rather than play 18 holes, we'd stop at a "topless bar" and a few of the guys would enjoy themselves for an hour or so. As most golfers know, if anyone didn't get their drive past the womens tee's they would half to lower their pants. Although, no one ever lowered their pants,...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 3 Missys Weekend

One day while watching T.V, my mother had come in and told me Missy’s services had been requested for the entire weekend and we needed to go shopping. I smiled as we got into the car and went to the store to buy lots more sexy clothing for me to play in.After we had bought all the clothes and makeup needed for the weekend, my mother and I went home so that she could give me the details of what was to happen. She told me that I was to live with a couple this weekend and do everything they say....

2 years ago
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Palm Springs Weekend

It had been a long, tough month at work; but the deal was finally closed and the contract signed. I needed some R&R, so to celebrate my success; I'd gotten away on an early Friday flight for a long weekend in Palm Springs. It was in the low 90's when I arrived. Just what I needed. I picked up the Lincoln I'd reserved and drove to the Motel. I registered and dumped my bags in the suite I'd booked and then headed for Indian Wells. There was plenty of time to get in 9 holes of golf after which...

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Fan Weekend

Tony Brooks headed out of NorthStar Oral Health where he worked as a dental hygienist. He started up his 2014 midnight garnet Nissan Maxima. He drove straight home which took about 25 minutes because of traffic. He pulled the vehicle into the garage of the two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath townhome. He let opened the baby gate that kept his Yorkshire Terrier confined to the kitchen. The diminutive dog barked happily as Tony walked to the door to let the canine into the small fenced backyard....

1 year ago
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Dads Big Weekend

"You want me to do what?" Carl said with shock into the phone and he couldn't believe what his son Adam had just asked him to do. "Come on Dad. You need to get back into things and start living again." Adam said, hoping his Dad would come through. "And, I couldn't think of a better way to do it," he added as he crossed his fingers, praying he would. "You'll get me sent to jail, boy and then I'll have to kill your ass!" Adam just laughed and he knew dear, ol' Dad was really out...

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Race Weekend

* * * * * * * * * * The college I went to was in a small, backward town. There were six churches and one bar. Almost every night, that bar was packed with college kids, most of whom were too young to be there. It helped that the bar owner was the town sheriff's brother. We were at our usual table – me and my drinking buddies, Tom and Jack. We were talking about what we would do over the summer after our sophomore year of college. “C'mon, guys, it'll be great,” I said. “We...

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The Long Weekend

Note: No sex, just a story. I think I caught her totally by surprise. I’m almost sure that she expected me to say ‘Yes dear’ and then do what she wanted. After all, hadn’t that always been the way of it? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I met Betty Ann during my second year in college. We were both Business Management majors and we were taking a class in Production Management and we were both put on the same class project. I liked Betty Ann’s looks, personality, and sense of...

1 year ago
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A Special Weekend

A SPECIAL WEEKENDby VelvetgloveGet ready for a special weekend !!! xxx GToni stared at her cell phone, absorbing the text message. Oh boy. Special ! What did that mean ? George never used words lightly. Did it mean ? Could it mean ? Deep down, she knew it couldn’t, but it never hurt to dream, right ? Suddenly Davina was standing unexpectedly at her desk. Toni blushed scarlet. Here comes trouble. ?Hi ? er ? yes ?? The pretty blonde, newly promoted designer suggestively placed a folder on Toni’s...

4 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 22 Labor Day Weekend

It was another long miserable wait in the airport followed by a short miserable flight. On the flight out I was sandwiched between an overweight and sweaty businessman and a grandmother who spent the entire time showing me pictures of her grandchildren and telling me about them. The flight home was similar, only I was next to a Spanish-speaking grandmother and an overweight and sweaty businesswoman. At least this time I was spared the crying baby behind me. I called Mom from the terminal, and...

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My wifes new Master uses her all weekend

I think we had plans for the weekend but the thought of watching her get used all weekend and fucked with a monster cock got me excited and so I figured I would cancel our plans and told Jake that we would be there. He then told me that there would be some straight friends there when we first arrive so he would not have Tamara totally naked, but he would want her to show up and wear what he tells her too. He also wanted us to pack, an over-night bag and we are to stay in one of his guest...

2 years ago
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Princess for a Weekend

As Friday came, Jennifer had a very long and stressful week. So I decided to plan a weekend of relaxation and pampering for her, so as we we leaving for work I told her I would take the kids to her mom and drop them off. So as Jennifer left for work, I gathered the kids and their things together to take to her mom’s house. When I arrived at her mom’s, I told her mom I had a favor to ask of her. I explained to her that Jennifer had a very tough week and ask if she would keep the kids this...

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Lost Weekend

Emshon's Authors Note--This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a-goodie. The Lost Weekend. I woke up on Monday and could barely get out of bed. It was as if every muscle in my body had seized up on me. My arms, shoulders, legs, even my jaw muscles ached. Even worse were my nipples, which were swollen and felt like they were on fire. Ominously, even my...

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Dad8217s Quiet Weekend

I’m sitting on my couch, watching some TV, and thinking of the nice weekend I am about to have with no-one to bother me. The wife has left for the weekend to take care of some matters in another state. It is very cold winter time, so no one is about on the road. All the other houses are shuttered for the season, so things should be quiet for a couple of days. I have the fridge stocked with juices, fruit, a new box of cereal, plenty of coffee, near beer, white wine in the fridge, red in...

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Music festival weekend

So it is Wednesday night and I was sitting in my back yard. I actually had not to much on the agenda for the rest of the week so I was just kicking back. There was a bit of noise coming from the neighbours and sometimes they get a little carried away with there parties but I had no issue with it. I was just enjoying a beer when Donna looked over the fence and said hi. I nodded back and she asked if she could come over. I waved her over and in a few minutes she was sitting next to me. Now the...

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The Weekend

The Weekend DreamThe Rendezvous “These corner bars are all the same.” You say to yourself. The smell of over powering scent of cigarettes is about to make you gag. The latest rendition of Achy Breaky Heart has been sung at the Karaoke stand. The DJ’s sign off for the night and begin packing up. You sit at the bar after talking to your girlfriend. She is over at a table with a young man she “thinks has a nice ass”. You sit sipping on your dreamsicle mixed drink. You have promised to be the...

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The Weekend

The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...

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The Weekend

The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...

1 year ago
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The Tangled Web Chapter 4 Something for the Weekend

February 1999 – Something for the Weekend?The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. It was a cold Friday evening in February. Sara stood waiting outside the main railway station swaddled in a long dark winter coat and bright woollen scarf. She felt the cold light wind on her legs. Trousers, she thought....

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Upcoming Weekend

It is going to be a long week for you.  I inform you that there will be a surprise, come the weekend, but up until that time, you are not permitted to cum, regardless of what I do to you.  My intention is to keep you on edge for the entire week leading up to the weekend, continuously fingering you, grinding on your big fat clit, pulling on your nipples, and even sliding my cock inside of you.  I also plan to have you suck my cock during that entire time, but you won't be allowed to cum, and nor...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 114 Wet Weekend

Mom came in to tell me that if I didn’t quit playing on the computer and leave soon I would be late arriving to Lenny’s house. Well there isn’t anything planned at three, that is just when Paula told me to head over today. Dad decided that even though Lenny’s house wasn’t all that far away, he was going to drive me over. “David you are just going to have to roll with the punches next week at school. It is a complete crock of shit. Everyone knows it. Marlin and his cronies are going to be...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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My Shy Wife Exposed for a Weekend

It was a dream weekend with Julie. My sexy but self conscious wife reluctantly agreed to let me "dress" her for three days while we attended concerts out of town together. It all began when I noticed that several music acts we both enjoyed were performing on three consecutive days in venues quite close to each other, but none of them near where we lived. Julie really loves live music so this was shaping up as an ideal situation. I had already been saving up small favors that she owed me, so I...

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