- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
I’m positive.
Colin Douglas parks his car outside his house as he does Monday to Friday almost every week of the year, today however, he is, as he often has been, late. This time however, the reason he is three hours late is not work.
He looks to his house and can see his wife in the living room. A sudden look in his direction shows she has noticed his arrival. Biting the inside of his cheeks to stop himself grinning he climbs out of the car, locks it, and tries to appear nonchalant as he walks down the path to his back door.
Colin can see his wife is watching him intently, he raises his hand and gives a friendly wave and instinctively she starts to wave back but stop herself. As he passes out of her sight, he sees that she seems to be moving toward the back of the house; Colin knows she will be waiting for him when he walks in.
As soon as he walks through the door she says, “Col, we ha...”
Being fully aware of what she is about to say, he is ready for a barrage and before she can get into a rhythm, he shouts her down, “Stop, I have something I need to tell you, something really important.”
“No damn you, what I have...”
“I said shut it Sharon, I mean now and for once, I am going to have my say first.”
Sharon’s face is flushes red, with which emotion Colin is unsure given the choice, embarrassment, guilt, shame, possibly even anger. Even so, she summons enough nerve to try to continue with her prepared script.
“Col, just listen will you, what I have t...” Sharon starts again.
“For god’s sake Sharon, you can say whatever you want, but only after I have told you what...”
“No Colin, I need...”
He slams his fist on the kitchen table, “Enough,”
The unexpected display of anger shut’s her up for a few seconds, recovering a little, she again tries to speak. “C...”
“I said that’s enough,” he says forcefully, “You do not realise it yet, but whatever you have to say is insignificant compared to what I have to say,”
Giving him a patronising look that suggests she is only conceding to his wishes because she wants to be generous, an ugly look, on what should be a pretty face.
He looks at her, summoning the courage to speak, to say the words that will change their relationship forever. If he had any misgivings about what he was about to do, that look dispelled them and taking a deep breath, he speaks, “I’ve been having an affair,”
He stares at his wife; he can see the shock on her face, as he continues with his admission, “for some time...”
He knows that she would never have expected he would cheat on her; she looks at him in stunned silence, trying to assimilate his confession.
“I know I know, I’m despicable, I’m a cheating bastard. I deserve to have my nuts chopped off and all that, but please believe me, I do love you. I really never wanted to hurt you, to be honest, I thought we would never be caught, let alone being in this situation, put in the uncomfortable position where I am the one forced to tell you myself.” He turns his head away as he struggles to maintain control of himself, breathing deeply through his nose helps him to gather himself enough.
Colin turns to face his wife again and begins to speak, “You are no doubt wondering why, I am telling you this, my love.” He pauses, judging their reactions so far, he knows his next few words will get her notice, they are words guaranteed to shock her. “I’ve been seeing someone, and he ... well, he called me this afternoon, shit I don’t know how to say this, babe, I’m sorry I really am, but the reason I’m late is, he is umm, well distraught. I’m so sorry babe, there’s no easy way to tell you this, but ... he has just found out he has HIV and ... well, that means there is chance ... well ... probably more than just a chance I do as well.”
With what he hopes, is a guilty look, he stares at the floor biting his cheeks again, if it were not for the hum of the fridge and the freezer, you could have heard a pin drop. He looks at his wife, she is standing looking at him, her eyes wide open, her face whiter than Colin would have thought possible and her mouth looking like she is fellating the invisible man. He is sure that she has forgotten what she wanted to talk to him about. Her weekend away, with her boyfriend.
He manages to take his boots off before the first sounds leave her, “You, you ... you ... you fucking cock sucker,” she shrieks at him. “Ah,” he thinks to himself, “that now is definitely anger.”
Colin, with an even voice he replies, “Well, umm ... yes, I can’t exactly deny that now, can I?”
“You fucking bastard, what have you done?” she screams at him.
Taking her question to be rhetorical, he tries to calm her down by explaining that things may not be so bleak as he had originally suggested, “Well, ummm ... well, I mean, umm, we might be alright, we might not have got it, but it, umm, it does seem likely that I have, Mickey has had it for some time ... You should be a little reassured that even if I have contracted it, well, the way our sex life has, or rather hasn’t been for the last couple of years or so ... Think about it, it’s been a few months since you’ve deigned to allow me to make love to you, so really, there is a good possibility that you aren’t infected.”
Understanding the inference she immediately goes on the attack, “That’s your excuse, because I said “not tonight” a couple of times you, you... , “ she screams until her words fail her.
“Well it was hardly just a couple of times was it?”
Her jaw moves and again the invisible man groans with pleasure, as she searches for the right words to tell him he is wrong, but something within her knows he is correct and all she can muster is a subdued, “How could you do this to me?”
“Well, I didn’t intend to do anything to you, just substitute what you weren’t doing with me. I mean at first, well, Mickey was ... you know, happy to be the umm, I suppose you could say, the woman in the relationship, but after a few months ... well it just seemed rude ... wrong even ... not to reciprocate.”
She is confused, he has just confessed to an affair, the betrayal of them, their marriage and more importantly, at least to her, her. That coupled with the probability that they both now have a potentially fatal disease and yet he seems so calm, so matter of fact about it all. Eventually she manages a disgusted, “But ... but with a man ... what were you thinking.”
He again looks at the floor to hide his mirth and mumbles quietly, “sorry.”
She continues to stare at him with a horrified look on her face, as soon as the urge to laugh is under control, a difficult task considering he can feel her anger rising again, Colin speaks again.
“I need to explain if you will let me,” he mumbles, keeping his eyes fixed to the floor and without giving her the chance to deny him he continues, “I knew Mickey when we were at uni, in fact we lost our virginities together and last year we came across each other.”
“Literally,” she spits with disgust and anger.
“Well, not at first, but we did meet up, it was nice you know, seeing an old school mate, chatting about things, y’know.”
“Mate being the definitive word,” she snaps.
“Look ... we didn’t mean it to happen, we just realised we had missed each other, one day we ... we, well you know, we talked about how things were then and how the world has changed. The more we talked, well we wondered whether if things were like they are now back then, you know same sex couples being well, for the most part, you know, acceptable. We ... we wondered if we would still be together, maybe we might have gotten ... well you know.”
Speechless, she continues staring.
“Please babe, we never meant for it to happen, you have no idea how much we fought it ... both of us and then you all but stopped giving me any ... any love.”
He gives her a long lingering look and then continues to speak, “At first he was just consoling me, then the more you pushed me away, the more ... the friendlier things got between us. When ... when ... oh god, I’m sorry ... we, we started to kiss, you know, just hello and goodbye ... not snogs, just friendly pecks, and then only if we couldn’t be seen ... so when you had ... when I felt you had pushed me away completely, well the pecks did become ... a little more. The quick friendly embraces they turned into hugs and then one day a ... a cuddle ... god, I’m so sorry babe, I never wanted to hurt y...”
Sharon glares at him, incredulous that he is trying to shift the responsibility for his adultery to her and she finally finds her voice. “So that’s it, you’re blaming me for cheating; you’re blaming me for you getting AIDS. You think it’s all my fault that you got yourself fucked up the arse and caught a fatal disease,” she screams at him, “and now you’ve probably given it to me.”
“Well babe, that’s the thing, Mickey says that now it’s not necessarily the death sentence it was.”
“And how the fuck does he know?”
“He knows someone that’s been living with it for twelve years,” he admits quietly.
“Jesus fucking Christ, it’s fucking obvious he knows at least one fucking shirt lifting bastard that’s got it besides you, you fucking twat.”
“S, sorry,” he blurts out and runs to the toilet,” once he has locked the door, tears are running down his cheeks, his shoulders shaking as he covers his mouth with a towel to stifle his laughter.
Just as he gets his laughter under control and is about to leave the little room he hears heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs followed by doors being slammed. After a few minutes of silence, a final slam of the bedroom door tells him that she is unlikely to return and it is safe for him to leave the toilet.
Knowing that locking herself in the bedroom is for her, a normal response to any conflicts in the marital home, and if she stays true to form, she will be there until morning. This feeds Colin’s already over stimulated sense of humour and chuckling to himself he otherwise noisily showers and changes into a dressing gown.
In the lounge, after closing the curtains, he pours himself a large whiskey and settling down to relax, he flicks the television on, pushing the volume up a few digits and just enough to know that it will annoy her.
He sees that there is an Elton John concert on, enjoying the coincidence of having a gay icon on the telly to wind her up further, he turns to the channel showing it and again pushes the volume up a little more.
Not being familiar with any of the Elton’s work, with the exception of Pinball Wizard, he pays little attention to the screen and thinks how he and Sharon had gotten to this point.
When he left school in 1986, he had a place at Oxford University. In the following August he moved in to the area, meeting and sharing a house with three other people, Chris Fleknor, Andrew Wesley-Dale and Ken “Mickey” Mauser. They all quickly became friends, but even without the newly fabricated childhood friendship, Colin and Mickey really hit it off and were seldom apart.
At first, all four had thrown themselves into their courses, however by the end of the second term, late nights, alcohol and recreational drugs were beginning to have a minor effect on all of their work. A year later and Colin’s three housemates were injecting mostly amphetamine sulphate and occasionally heroin and selling various drugs to pay for their habitual usage. Although he resisted, Colin eventually succumbed to the peer pressure,” and against his better judgement, he had a “fix,” one that Ken or Mickey as he was known, prepared and administered for him.
They both thought he was going to be taking speed, unfortunately, the already spaced out Mickey injected him with the syringe he had pre-prepared for himself, containing not just amphetamine, but a speedball, a mixture of amphetamine and heroin. Heroin is a drug Colin had never tried before, the injection was almost fatal and Colin knew nothing about what happened until awakening in hospital.
Returning to the house he saw a police raid occurring and his friends, being put into a police van. Vowing never to touch drugs again, he turned and walked away from the house, his friends and university. He walked out of Oxford, north to the A34, and stuck his thumb out.
The authorities soon tracked him down for interviews, he, as had the three housemates blame a certain “Ben from Newark,” for the supply and the injection of the illegal pharmaceuticals. This left the system with only possession charges to press against the three in the house when it was raided and they let the matter drop after giving them official cautions.
Having dropped out of university, he had no degree, but he was able to get a job in a plastics factory. There, he met the delectable Sharon, a week later they had their first date, one year later to the day, he asked her to marry him and six months later, they married.
This was the next time Colin and Mickey crossed paths, uninvited, Mickey turned up at Colin and Sharon’s wedding.
Mickey attracted a lot of attention, attention no one wanted. Sporting a long unkempt beard and hair to match, he turned up uninvited. During the service, any he stood near moved, not so much because of his appearance, but because of the foul odour emanating from the frail looking individual.
During the photographs, Colin made time to speak to him, unfortunately for Mickey; they were not the welcoming words he had expected. As much as Colin had loved the man, he could not welcome him in the state he was in and was none too kind asking Ken to make himself scarce. Ken was not so stoned that the words did not hurt and afterwards he sloped off, out of sight from the wedding party.
Purely from his appearance, although they were shocked, few were surprised when ten minutes after their “chat” a guest and family friend of Sharon, fresh out of Hendon Police College with only three weeks on the job. Pc. Michael Brown arrests Mickey after catching him shooting up behind the north transept. Colin did not give the intrusion, or the man a second thought, until their next meeting.
A few years after their wedding, the Albright’s factory took over another plastics business. Bought cheap as a failing concern, it did not take the new owners to discover that the main problem was not staff as they had been informed, but management, particularly, the previous owner. The task of assessing and training any staff worth keeping at the newly acquired site deemed Colin’s responsibility.
His new position within the company meant, and based in the newly acquired factory, they now imaginatively called “Plant 2.”
The first thing Colin did, was to have all the extruders and conversion machines shut down, and for all the workers to begin cleaning the factory including all machines. As the staff cleaned, he had the chief engineer from “Plant 1” to assess the condition of the machinery. As these tasks were undertaken and hoping that some private conversations would encourage the employees to be forthcoming with information and opinions without fear of reprisal. One by one, he speaks to each operator, informing them how he wanted to change things, inviting them to tell him of any problems they were aware of and asking for any requests or ideas they may have.
Many ideas were suggested and many accusations were made regarding the previous owner mostly complaints or reports of the owner making adjustments without the operators knowledge. Once he had gleaned all he could from them, he would promise to improve the general working conditions but inform them that in return, he expects they will improve their output and the quality of the products they were producing. If they were not able to improve, he would offer training before contemplating dismissal. He also let them know that once he was satisfied with an individual’s standard of work, he would assess them and their wages would reflect their worth.
Although there were grumblings, complaints about the changes, the workers quickly accepted the new regime and within a month, production was up by almost 50%. This was mostly due to insisting that the operators monitor the quality of the products with greater vigilance. This, coupled with a little individual training to smooth over any remaining rough edges and collectively bringing about the natural result of making less scrap, meaning a rise in efficiency and therefore raising the profit margin. Three months later, his success rewarded with almost no customer complaints he is shown appreciation with permanent promotion and a permanent station at the newly acquired factory.
His career success, as it often does, came with a price, he and his beloved Sharon were no longer working at the same place, he now had responsibilities which required that initially he needed to work longer hours and even when he had things running the way he wanted he still had to often work later than he wished.
A plate exploding against the wall pulls his thoughts back to the present; reflexively he turns to the sound and sees a scar in the wallpaper very near to his head. He turns to look at the doorway into the room just as a breakfast bowl hits his shoulder.
“You fucking bastard, how could you, you sit down here filling yourself with booze, for fucks sake you’ve given me AIDS,” Sharon screams as another bowl whistles past his ear.
“Sharon, stop, if I have got it, you don’t want to cut me.”
“Why does that matter you queer cunt, I can’t get it twice can I?” she screams, this time Colin catches the bowl hurtling toward his head.
“Sharon, you might not have it,” Colin shout’s, “and if you haven’t you’ll be stupid if you catch it from my blood because you can’t control yourself.”
She stands in the doorway, glaring at him with hate-filled eyes.
“Let me make a promise to you babe, if we are both HIV positive, I’ll let you hit me with anything you want. Hell, I’ll even let you stab me if you want, but please babe, for now at least, we need to face this like we always used to, as a team.”
“You, you...” she lets the remaining plates and bowls drop to the floor, looking at him her anger dissolves, slowly changing into fear and hopelessness. As Colin watches, she seems to deflate before his very eyes.
“I, I...” he stammers, trying to tell her it will be alright, that she is not going to die, but the words stick in his throat, for the first time tonight he is unsure of what he should say and with sorrow filled eyes, he stares at her wishing the affair had not occurred. For a timeless moment, they share similar feelings of helplessness until she sobs and once again runs to the bedroom slamming the door behind her, leaving Colin to clear up the broken crockery.
Sharon does not sleep well, her thoughts consumed by images of sickness and death made worse by memories of happier times, the hopes and dreams of growing old together now gone because of a few thoughtless assignations of lust.
Conversely, when he lies down, it does not take Colin long to fall asleep although before he settles, his thoughts are spent second guessing his actions, wondering how various people are going to react to his recent revelations as he drifts into slumber land.
Awakening early, he groans and stretches trying to get the knots out of his muscles, wishing he had made the trip to the spare room and slept on a bed. He hears Sharon begin to move as he is boiling the kettle for the ritual morning cup of tea, and pulling a second cup from the hooks and makes her a cup.
She comes in the kitchen and without a word sits at the table in her normal seat, he places her tea in front of her.
Seeing yesterdays dishevelled and smeared make up bring Heath Ledger’s version of “the Joker,” to the forefront of his mind. He knows if it were not for the little sympathy he cannot help himself feeling, he would be laughing, but he knows that will not be in his best interests. She is obviously tired; he imagines she did not sleep well and takes a little satisfaction from that. No longer glaring at him with hate, she just looks hurt, confused and sullen, he gets up to brew a second pot of tea before she speaks. “I think we should go see the doctor, get ourselves tested.”
“I agree, I’ll call work and tell them we won’t be in today and you can call the surgery, see if they can fit us in as soon as poss’.”
She nods her head in agreement and the next time either of them speaks is when Colin calls in sick. She makes the call to the doctor’s surgery and after putting the receiver down she tells him she had to book them in as emergencies, her appointment is at 10:40, his is at 14:15.
He resists the need to smile, as once again his prediction of her behaviour is proven correct by her taking the earlier appointment.
She leaves in good time for her appointment and as soon as he feels she will not return, he makes a call.
“Hi mate,” he greets Mickey when he answers.
“How did it go?”
“About how you would expect,” Colin sniggers.
“How d’you mean?”
“She wanted to tell me what we know she was going to say and I thought she was going to manage it for a second, but I got all manly and insisted that I go first.”
“I’ll bet you were pissing yourself?”
“Not half, hell, I was biting my cheeks to keep myself from grinning and I still had to run to the bog before I cracked up.”
“She didn’t stab you then.”
“Nah ... but there was a small barrage of crockery and we were right, even though I said we started shagging after the last time she and I had sex it hasn’t occurred to her there’s no way she could have caught anything from me.”
“How is she this morning, still angry?”
“Defeated, beaten, not in a good place, I’ll tell you this though, I think she is more upset thinking I broke my marriage vows, more than the disease. I don’t even think that she cares that I told her that I cheated with a man anymore than she would if I had told her I cheated with a woman.”
“At least she’s not a bigot,” he laughs and Colin laughs with him.
His phone lets him know he has another call, so he says goodbye to his friend and answers the awaiting call.
The call is from a very unhappy man, Steve Albright. The first thing Steve says, is a loud reprimand for not being at work, emphasising his expectation that a man in Colin’s position should be on his death bed before taking any time off sick. He then insists that Colin drag himself out of his sick bed and go into work for a meeting with both brothers at two o’clock. His reaction to Colin informing him that two o’clock is not only inconvenient, but also impossible because of his appointment, is neither respectful nor compassionate. Colin grins as one of his bosses shouts some unkind and defamatory comments at him, signifying yet another part of the plan is aligning properly.
When Steve Albright pauses for breath, Colin tells him that depending on the doctor’s advice and instructions, he will come and see them as soon as he is able after the appointment, assuring him that he should be there by three o’clock. Colin notes that there is no mention of his good lady and smiles as he ends the call.
Sometime after his calls, Sharon returns home, and makes no attempt to hide her displeasure screaming at him, “I’ve never been so humiliated. I’m sure the whole village will know our business before you go to get checked. What is it with doctor’s receptionists? Why do they make you tell them the reason you are there? It’s bad enough having to tell them why you’re there without having to tell them that you’re only there to find out whether your perverted, shit-stabbing husband has given you AIDS.”
He almost sniggered at what must be her misunderstanding of something the receptionist asked her, he does manage to reply, “They don’t ask you to tell them why you’re there, if you told them then that’s your fault.”
“But it wasn’t just them, after I had seen the doctor I had to see that bitch McInly, I swear that once I told her that you’ve given me AIDS she would’ve put on one of them suits, you know the yellow ones they always use on the telly.”
“A hazmat suit?”
“Yeah, one of those, hell I bet she’s still scrubbing herself, do they have a shower down there?”
He tells her about the call from Steve and any remaining signs of resentment to Colin’s scandalous declaration and subsequent events since last night disappear with a pitiful noise as she slumps into a chair and wearily groans, “Great, it’s just one thing after another isn’t it?”
“How d’you mean?”
“They won’t want to chance getting it, they’ll sack us won’t they?”
“I very much doubt they are allowed to, maybe they could have a smidgen of hope if they try to sack me as I can get cuts when I’m working on a machine, but you, well how often does a paper cut draw blood? Never, so they’ve got no reason.”
“Oh come on! If there is one disease that they can get rid of you for no other reason, it has to be AIDS.”
“You’d think so? But I doubt it, I mean, you can only get it from an exchange of bodily fluids ... or tainted needles. That means you should be safe unless you’re having orgies fuelled by injecting drugs at work.”
“The dishevelled, ashen face she has been sporting since Colin broke the news to her, colours red and she runs off, back up to the bedroom. Colin thinks he heard a stifled sob just before she stomps up the stairs.”
Having no idea what else to do, he makes more tea and takes her a cup up. Just as he reaches the door he can hear her talking and assumes she is on her phone, “ ... noring me and pick up the phone you bastard,” she pauses, Colin is reaching for the door handle and he hears her speak again, just one word, “Wanker.”
Guessing whom she is trying to talk to, he again fights the impulse to laugh; he pauses outside the door until he is sure he will not succumb to the urge. He knocks and takes the tea in. She stares at him and he can see that she is feeling the pain of betrayal, possibly, especially from what he has just overheard, regret for her own actions. She takes the cup and mumbles, “thank you.”
Colin looks at her for a couple of seconds, “I’ll check up on the employment laws umm, regarding our posi ... our situation, forewarned and all that, but I’m sure I’m right. I don’t think they can sack either of us, not for that anyway,” he says hopefully and then adds with less assurance, “I don’t suppose there is anything stopping them from making up a reason though.”
She looks up from the cup she has been aimlessly staring into, her body shaking and tears slowly making their way down her cheeks.
Colin’s wants to reassure her, confess that it is not true, but he sticks to the plan.
He is at the doctors five minutes before his appointment and realises that his wife’s fears have to some extent, become true. He finds it comical how people are moving away, one group huddling together uncomfortably in the corner of the waiting room.
His appointment is with Dr Sinclair, “What can I do for you today?”
“My wife has, I mean is having an affair, she hasn’t been taking any precautions, you know, against diseases so I would like to get checked out.”
Puzzled, the doctor assesses the man in the chair in front of him. Contrary to all expectations of privacy, gossip abounds in the small surgery and he has already been told that this man is having a homosexual affair and he may be HIV positive, but Sinclair remains professional. That is until Colin insists that he has had no sexual partner other than his wife for well over eighteen months before he and Sharon married, and when Colin insists and tells him that he has not had sex with anyone including his wife for over four months. The doctor queries the answer, and gets increasingly more annoyed with Colin’s repeated denials of any wrongdoing, and begins talking about public health and if Colin does not give him the name of his lover, he will be obligated to report him to the appropriate government department.
Colin has spent several hours over the last few weeks researching the rules and laws regarding the responsibilities of healthcare professionals and English employment law with people diagnosed with HIV. Even spending his spare time this morning refreshing this knowledge and he is sure that the doctor is trying to push him to do something without any legal means to pressure him. The doctor may have been annoyed with, as he sees it, Colin’s refusal to disclose the source of the supposed infection, but when Colin laughs in his face, the doctor becomes angry and loudly demands that Colin leave the surgery. Still laughing Colin leaves without seeing Nurse McKinly to get some blood drawn.
Colin is unhurried driving to “plant 1” knowing what is to come and marvelling at the speed it has happened.
A condition of the sale of “Parsons’ Packages was that the previous owner, one Dudley Parsons would have a two year contract in a managerial position at Albright’s.
Dudley Parsons has one talent, he has the gift of the gab, indeed, if it were not for his skill in that area “Parsons’,” would have to have declared bankruptcy years ago and so the Albright brothers, against their better judgement put him in a token position of sales manager.
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EroticI would have felt fortunate if I’d only felt uncomfortable. In fact, even nauseated would have meant I was in better shape than I actually was. Truth is, I thought I was going to barf. When you watch violence on television — something much larger on modern sets, almost mimicking the experience of seeing the same thing with a 70 mm theater print because of your distance from the screen — there’s just something in your mind telling you, as gory as it may be, that it’s a recreation or even...
Sam and Ryan were both music majors at my university. We were all seniors and I had seen them at parties and they were friends with my roommates. I have a thing for musicians and we clicked right away. Sam and Ryan weren’t that close of friends with each other, mostly just classmates. I got to know each of them separately and they became my good friends. Sam was first to ask me to hang out. I was thrilled that he wanted to see me outside of the usual party scene and we made plans to spend time...
True‘Feeling comfy?’ asked the dentist, as the chair gently lowered David R. to a near – horizontal position. ‘Yes, very, thanks,’ David R. said. ‘Okay, then, we’ll proceed with getting that nasty tooth of yours sorted, shall we?’ the dentist continued. David R. nodded. ‘Justine?’ said the dentist, from somewhere above and behind David R. The nurse, Justine, came into David R.’s vision. A lovely black woman with flawless ebony skin, her uniform seemed to be a little tight around the bust. The...
If you are offended by demons, foul language, or demon ladies temporarily growing penises for use on other demon ladies, then don’t read this. I didn’t create the succubus and didn’t intentionally infringe upon anything, just wrote what I thought up for fun. That said, it’s pretty raunchy, so I’m just giving the heads up. I enjoy it, but I’m a freak. If you like it too, then lemme know and I’ll write more and put it up Enjoy. ~Bamboo PART ONE In this world, there exist wicked beings of all...
When they return from the lake, while Emma is freshening up, Donald calls the minister. He explains some about Emma’s concerns but assures him that after their visit, he and Emma had openly talked with each other. They know they are ready to be married. And would like to do so on May fourth.The minister has known Emma since he came to the church when she was a teen in the youth group. He has watched her blossom over the last year from the shy, unconfident, girl, to this new amazing woman....
Love StoriesAnother Escape Ch.4 Author's note: Here is the latest chapter of the 'Another Escape' series. Very very late, I know. It's the best I could do especially having to take care of someone sick in the family. Enough of my petty excuses. I hope that you'll enjoy this one. Drop a comment or two in the review section if you don't mind. Thanks and cheers! WARNING: This story contains TG, incest and dark themes. DNA Igor Kolarov was only six when he became an orphan. Both his...
She loved this room. Even though it was a hotel room it brought a familiar warmth and comfort to her. She pushed her finger into the drink he had just placed in front of her and swirled the rum and coke around. She watched the ice spin in the glass. Even though her back was to him, she knew he was watching her. She picked up his lighter and lit the lilac candle. She reached up and flicked the light switch off and then looked down and watched the flame dance for a minute. She made mental note...
FROM A LADY TO A SLUTAfter reading some of the stories in your wife watch collection, I find my own story isn't so unusual after all. You can post this to the Net and perhaps some other men will identify with my situation. For the past four years, I've been married to a beautiful woman, who is ten years younger than myself. Jo has the kind of face and figure men dream about. She is now twenty-three years old, stands five feet five inches and weighs about a hundred fifteen pounds. Her...
Daddy, Uncle Pete and my brothers pt. 1This is how I started fucking my daddy, his brother Pete, my two brother Ronnie and Eric.Let me explain our family dynamics, my mother was f******n when she had my brother Ronnie, fifteen when I was born and eleven month later my brother Eric. You know how fertile those Southern sista are.My father was thirteen when my brother Ronnie was born. My brother Ronnie and I had been fucking for a long time. We started off playing with each other, then we...
The Farmer’s Daughter: Chapter 6 Sisyphus Sherry was still wearing the tight black skirt. She hadn’t taken it off when we fucked. She put on the red wig and was still playing being Mary Jane. I laughed when she put on the wig but didn’t say anything. She walked over to her backpack, shuffled through it and pulled out a joint. ‘Ah got me some dynamite weed here,’ she said, “Howz about gettin’ high with me?” ‘Why not,’ I answered. ‘Ah love to fuck when ah’m high. Ah get wild as a wildcat,’ she...
I had no clue what Chris’s issue was. The most frustrating feeling to me is when the one you love most freezes her heart to you, melts enough so you can just taste her essence, then freezes again abruptly and attempts to smash her solid self. Chris had just been released from the hospital. When I asked her sister about Chris’s experience with her psychiatrist, her sister giggled at me. “Shrink? Hee hee! Her head is shrunk! Hee hee hee!” It’s fifteen-year-olds like this that ruin the general...
LesbianPrivate O'Neil, had been in the army for just weeks. Her time at Aberdeen proving ground was far different than anyone had said. She was having a bad time at the moment. O'Neil was 5' 6" quite big and stocky. She had a chest of 38DD. Short cropped auburn hair. She was very fit having been brought up on her uncles farm near Dayton Ohio. She had no problem with the training as she was very strong anyhow. All she'd known was the farm and local school, her knowledge of the ways of the world...
The Prom "Renee, are you ready? Todd just pulled in the driveway." Carol Harper stood at the bottom of the stairs as she heard her youngest daughter yell down, "I will be right there." All of the last minute preparations that went into this day are now culminating in this rush of excitement as her date knocks on the door. "Todd, you look really handsome tonight," Carol said as she let her daughters date into the entryway. Todd's face turned a little crimson as he let out a soft...
I love reading the real stories and some excellent imaginary stories, I am not sure whether all the stories which are posted in the site are true or not but the story which I am posting now is real. To my earlier real stories I had got very surprises from story lovers and they had been my friends as well, the surprising responses are from a couple from Pune, Girl from Chennai, Married female from Rajhamundry, girl from combater and a couple from Hyderabad as well. I had posted on story with...
"Boy this is the life," Annette mumbled out loud while slathering her naked body with a generous helping of sun screen!!! After being cooped up in the city for fifty weeks a year, she had just followed her nose until she had discovered a small hidden lake deep inside the Minnesota-Canadian Boudary Waters area north and west of Duluth!!! She had pitched her small tent and set up camp three days ago and had as yet not seen another single solitary soul, which was just fine with her as rest and...
EroticMany years had passed since I had joined my college. I was studying engineering and aimed to be a marine engineer. Many years before, when I had joined the collage I was a very timid person and never used to come near girls but the years of collage experience had made me a very bold person. My favorite hobby was to flirt with the girls of my collage. God had even gifted me with good looks so I rarely used to get slapped. I had done sex with lot of my college girls and was really bored with...
-Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol” *** It was midnight on Christmas Eve. All the lights were out in the big family house and snow covered the grounds, including the aged trees, the rusting gate, and the dignified monuments of the family crypts where 12 generations of the Barrow family slept. Silently, a woman walked along the rows of graves. She left no tracks, and though she carried a lantern she also cast no shadow. She wore a long white robe with a deep hood that covered her...
Hi, I am Sunny from London, originally from Delhi & work in Sportsdirect store near Hounslow. I had always fantasized of taking the new married woman on my staff Anjali she was around 27, but as she was married so I waited for the right time. The time came soon as I found out that Anjali stole £2000 from the company’s till without knowing that she is getting recorded on CCTV camera which only I can access, so to cover up the money, I agreed to cover the amount for her as I really liked her and...
Hi! I am Zaheer Ahmed, the only child in my small family that belongs to the upper middle class in Hyderabad, India. My father, Mr. Zafar Ahmed, aged 46 years, is a successful mechanical engineer, working in the gulf for a very reputed multinational company and my mother, Mrs. Rubina Zafar Ahmed (Ruby, as she is mostly called), aged 38 years, is a typical housewife, whose daily routine is to do household works in the day and watching the tv serials in the evening. This incident took place when...
IncestMike Hudson leaned back in his office desk chair and propped his feet up on the top of his desk. With the phone cradled between his shoulder and ear he scanned a report while waiting for his party to answer. This was life in the new age of business! It was a nonstop twenty four hours a day go go go world. Ten years ago he never would have dreamed that his whole life would have revolved around what was happening on the Tokyo stock exchange! He was just in the middle of a conversation with an...
“Hello, Mike,” she said with a smile. “Selena!?” He stood slack jawed for several seconds, unsure of if this was really happening or not. “Mike? Everything ok?” Melody called. Walking up behind him, she asked surprisingly, “Oh, who’s this? Do you two… know each other?” “Yeah…” Mike replied. “This is Selena. She’s… she’s the one who gave me the locket.” “May I come in?” Selena asked. “I brought your breakfast.” “Uh, sure,” Mike said, still working to comprehend the...
I couldn’t believe freshman year was over already. It felt great to finally be done with finals, but it was going to be bittersweet leaving behind all my friends for the summer. I didn’t really fit in back in my small hometown so it was great actually being able to hang out with people just as nerdy as me. I continued thinking about how much I was going to miss my friends and school as I finished packing up my dorm room. It was going to be so boring out on the farm, miles from civilization… and...
IncestSometimes patience is a virtue and sometimes it will make you lose what you want most in the world. That's what happened to me. I was patient, played it slow, and waited for the right time to make my move. I was patient and cool and all I got was shit on. I should introduce myself before we go any farther. My name is Andrew Thomas Murphy. Everyone calls me Drew. I am 28, 6 feet two and about 215 pounds. My family consists of my parents and 5 children. I have three older brothers and a younger...
"Well, goddamn! Look what the cat dragged in!" Coach was waiting for me in the gym, leaning against the wall under the big round clock. He glanced up for a second, "Three whole minutes early too." "Mornin' Coach," I said, feeling so tired it hurt just standing there. I'd been sleeping good and having a nice dream when my alarm had gone off at five, but I couldn't remember what it was. My brain was still numb even after a chilly pre-dawn bike ride. "Good mornin', Russet!"...
Hello friends your maddy is back with another story.. Apne bare me wapis ek short intro deteta hu. 26yrs 5.5 hieght aur 6″ ka lund. Ye story meri cousin behen paannu ki hai jo dikhne me kafi sexy hai aur figure uska 34-30-36 hai. Uske boobs n gand ka mai pehle se diwana tha lekin behen hone k karan muje sahi mauka mil nahi raha tha jisse usko mai chod saku.. Baat abhi kuch din pehle ki hai jab mai medical ki padai chalu thi n ussi wajah se mai kahi hospitals me kaam sikhta rehta hu. Toh issi...
WEAK HUSBAND by Throne Joey was not happy to be called into his boss's office. Although Mr. Rock was just a few years older than him, the man had confidence to spare and the power to ruin an employee. Joey sat nervously in the anteroom, secretly eyeing the secretary, a stunning blond whose clothes managed to be subtle and show off her body at the same time. Even though he was married, and his wife was an attractive BBW who turned him on endlessly, he couldn't stop himself from...
NOV 1940 ITALIAN FLEET CRIPPLED AT TARANTO, ITALY Nighttime attack by British torpedo bombers cripple an Italian fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. A surprise raid by World War I British naval aircraft on the Taranto naval base in 1940 crippled several Italian warships and it marked the first time that carrier launched aircraft had attacked in such a manner on other ships in the water. The notoriously slow “Fairey Swordfish” biplanes launched from the British carrier Illustrious and flew at...
The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.DADDY’S LITTLE LEELEEChapter 4I was in heaven.For three months, I’d been carrying on an affair with the most amazing woman on earth. A young woman, heart-stoppingly beautiful, with a smile that could make a man cry with joy and a body that could only be described as “pure perfection.” My lover was...
IncestIt was ten at night and the Holy party of our friends Komilla and Danny was in full swing with everyone having a great time. My wife Nisha, never a great drinker at the best of times, was well gone after three hours of partying and I knew she would suffer for it the next day, but what the hell. Sipping my drink I looked around the room eyeing up the women and comparing them to my gorgeous wife, I may beBiased, but there was no comparison, Nisha was the most attractive women in the room. Nisha...
I finally gave in last night, she wanted to suck another cock while i fucked her. We got on a chatroom and found another average white guy who was willing and close by, I let her set up the meeting at a local hotel. When we arrived she began putting on her makeup and some sexy lingerie. Then a knock at the door, she answered and let him in. He wasnt the same man i saw on the webcam, when i asked her about it she replied "The other guy couldnt make it, so i found Dante." I was only prepared...
2013 arrived, finally! March was on the horizon which meant Nationals in Salt Lake City, Utah. This year we turn fourteen, (Me on 6/28, Claire on 6/23) and thus became Junior II competitors. Technically, there is not a fourteen-year-old category for Nationals, but there is a Category called ‘Rising Stars,’ which we could enter — We met the standards. We were told that usually only seventeen-year-olds and older compete in this event each year. There were no hard-and-fast rules against...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Pour Chloé l’intitulé de notre webcam est « Jolie pute suceuse fontaine »…Nous sommes toujours regardés par plus d’un millier de voyeurs. Et la jolie brune va certainement faire grimper le score.Elle est filmée demi-assise, cuisses largement ouvertes, chatte et cul offerts aux regards. Chloé suce Corentin, Patrick et Stéphane alternativement, le cul godé par son bijou. Chacun d’eux joue à lui pincer et étirer ses gros tétons dressés. Le premier palier atteint, Chloé sera doigtée par Patrick...
The day was hot and the camera was heavy round my neck. Much heavier than usual with the 100-300mm Nikkor lens in place of the standard 50mm prime that had come with the camera. The lens weighed almost two pounds, more than double the weight of the camera it was attached to, the Nikon FG I had received earlier that year as my 18th birthday present. The camera was mine but the lens was on loan and expensive. Quite how expensive I am not sure but Dad had made sure that Mum did not find out...
Amber Fox shuffled uncomfortably on her swivel chair behind her desk on reception at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. The woman with the long red hair could feel the juices flowing between her legs once more. She had found herself masturbating far more often than she ever had before and had even had to play with herself in the female staff toilets when the urge became too much for her. It had been just over a month since her latest punishment from the Head Mistress, and her boss, Amelia Marks,...
SpankingHello ISS readers, my name is Aryan I’m 20 years old studying in Bangalore I’m 5’7 average body with great stamina as I’m an athlete and this story is between me and my neighbor Shweta who is 34 years old. This story took place 4months ago. My email address is I’m available in Bangalore for all women and do give your feedback. Coming to the story Shweta 5’4 32 30 34 is a housewife with a 5 year old kid and husband working in software firm who’s bald already. Where as Shweta was hot she had 32D...
I let Peter and Charles take the night, getting Maria Vargas as my ‘Guardian.’ After they all left, I asked Miss Vargas if she would help me make a decision about something. “What would that be?” she questioned. “I’m going to name multiple musicals. After I do, I would like your immediate response to which one you like best. Don’t think about it too much, just respond, please?” “Sure thing, Boss.” “OK, Peter Pan, Into the Woods, Evita?” She selected, “PETER PAN.” “Into the Woods,...
At that time we only had first base, but upon four months into our relationship, he wanted to spend the night at my place. We waited for my parents to go upstairs so we could sneak into the basement. My parents knew we were dating and expected us to have some action, but we promised it won't exceed the first base. And much like any good teenagers today, we lied.As soon as my parents were asleep, we locked the basement door. We sat side by side and put blankets on ourselves. I turned on the TV...
Caitlin and Howard beat the dinner rush at Andrea's by just enough that they could get seated immediately without a reservation. When they were settled, Howard's mind returned to the question that had been eating him for hours -- and while it remained unvoiced, it was written all over his face. Caitlin leaned forward, deliberately giving his eyes the drop-shot between her breasts (he was so cute about it, too, looking and then catching himself and pretending he hadn't), and asked the...
When Sharon awoke the next morning, she stretched leisurely and grinned to herself. The night had indeed been an interesting one and the sex was great. She felt like a new woman and the promise of a new day made her even happier. She slipped quietly from the bed leaving Ted sound asleep. Reaching into her closet, she brought out a slinky see-through night gown that did nothing to hide her luscious figure and silently departed the bedroom. As she started down the hall she suddenly realized she...
Forbidden Planet Synopsis: In the future, Explorer Marshall Dupree lands on a planet for repairs, to find a dark secret that grants him his wish at the cost of who he is. [-][+][-] My name was Marshall Wayne Dupree, but now to my horror, I am now Marcia Winona Dupree and must live with my new identity that has ended my career as an Explorer, leaving me as one of the many concubines in service to the Galactic Federation Explorers. Now instead of being the giant of a man at I was at...
I had Ring design a disguise for me so that I could join in on the practice sessions with the guns. Of course, I had to apply for a permit, but I did it in disguise and used a false name. Once I learned how to handle the pistol, I did not need the permit, so there was no problem there. With my other abilities, no cop could arrest me for illegally carrying a gun. I told Mom and my concubines to keep the gun with them at all times when they were out of the house, and they should have the gun...
So, dinner was over, and we were headed home. I look at my phone andinstead of replying sorry to Chase, I had replied SO and not sorry. Thereply and me now answering his texts made him go off and I now had over 20texts from him. I texted him and tried to explain what had happened, all hereplied was be ready for me tomorrow. I replied back ok. Chase wasn't thatbig, and I managed to suck him off pretty fast last week in the dark roomat church. We got home, I went and showered and changed. I laid...
It had been 2 months since Magda Carter had hired the new cleaning company, but she hadn’t yet felt comfortable around the 24 year old girl they had been sending. Magda considered herself a refined upper- middle class woman. She was in good shape for a 37 year old 5’4″ woman. She’d been told that she resembled Scarlett Johanssen. The cleaning girl seemed to be the exact opposite. Magda thought that Rozkoo was pretty in a rough, biker sort of way. She had a tattoo on...
I didn't expect to end up as a Call Center Representative. A Mrs. Smith met me at the hotel when I called. I was there one night, and then taken to where I'd be living. This was a two-story apartment building with two 4-bedroom apartment thingies on each floor. Girls were on the upper story, guys were below us. There were two occupants in each bedroom, sort of like the pictures I'd seen of some college dorms. Each cluster had two bathrooms, which was good. I couldn't see eight girls...
L h O i V m E -Chapter 1- With my lips I guided Cody’s boxers off his hips exploring his hairless abdomen. A tuft of jet-black hair peeked out behind his cotton curtain. As a photographer major Cody would certainly appreciate the contrast and texture of his wiry hair jutting across his soft white boxers, like that of a bare tree branch on a backdrop of fresh fallen snow. Kneeling before this monument of strength his nervous energy quickly melted away. In the humbling beauty of Heart Lake we...
Crystal turned around after closing the bedroom door and walked slowly towards the bed; she wore a tight fitting lemon top with a deep yellow frilly edging and nothing else. Sitting on the edge of her bed was a man forty years her senior and, apart from a look of wonderment, wore nothing else either. His eyes were focused on one thing and one thing only, Crystal’s naked mound. Her eyes were also focused on one thing and one thing only, his erection. It stood strong and firm, reaching way past...
CuckoldI could have panicked. An underage girl I barely knew and had accepted responsibility for had just left for parts unknown and I had only one clue where she might have gone. Her mother lay unconscious in my guestroom, beaten senseless by my lover. The unconscious mother would have to be tended by the daughter of the woman who had just brutalized her. What, me worry? After checking on Nicole, I went up to Janey's room. She was already getting dressed, her eyes still puffy and swollen from...
“Ouch!” John was sympathetic. “That sounds like a man scheduled to die.” “That was my reaction, but I couldn’t act on my own. That’s why I hurried here,” was Tempo’s reaction. John’s mind was already engaged in military planning. “We should attack them when they sleep. Do you know if they set out guards when they stop to rest?” “I haven’t seen them at night – not being there – but I haven’t seen anyone on duty when they stop during the day. They only guard their prisoners, to stop them...
Dad’s New WifeMy brother, sister and I were really happy when my dad found a new wife to share his life with. Our mother died three years ago and for a couple of years Dad just went through the motions of life. Then he started dating and we knew that he was being laid pretty regular. Then he met Teri. A 5’ 2” good-looking redhead, ten years younger than him but they were happy together. Dad was 52 and Teri 42 years old. He was still in the prime of his life and apparently she really enhanced...