- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
I’m positive.
Colin Douglas parks his car outside his house as he does Monday to Friday almost every week of the year, today however, he is, as he often has been, late. This time however, the reason he is three hours late is not work.
He looks to his house and can see his wife in the living room. A sudden look in his direction shows she has noticed his arrival. Biting the inside of his cheeks to stop himself grinning he climbs out of the car, locks it, and tries to appear nonchalant as he walks down the path to his back door.
Colin can see his wife is watching him intently, he raises his hand and gives a friendly wave and instinctively she starts to wave back but stop herself. As he passes out of her sight, he sees that she seems to be moving toward the back of the house; Colin knows she will be waiting for him when he walks in.
As soon as he walks through the door she says, “Col, we ha...”
Being fully aware of what she is about to say, he is ready for a barrage and before she can get into a rhythm, he shouts her down, “Stop, I have something I need to tell you, something really important.”
“No damn you, what I have...”
“I said shut it Sharon, I mean now and for once, I am going to have my say first.”
Sharon’s face is flushes red, with which emotion Colin is unsure given the choice, embarrassment, guilt, shame, possibly even anger. Even so, she summons enough nerve to try to continue with her prepared script.
“Col, just listen will you, what I have t...” Sharon starts again.
“For god’s sake Sharon, you can say whatever you want, but only after I have told you what...”
“No Colin, I need...”
He slams his fist on the kitchen table, “Enough,”
The unexpected display of anger shut’s her up for a few seconds, recovering a little, she again tries to speak. “C...”
“I said that’s enough,” he says forcefully, “You do not realise it yet, but whatever you have to say is insignificant compared to what I have to say,”
Giving him a patronising look that suggests she is only conceding to his wishes because she wants to be generous, an ugly look, on what should be a pretty face.
He looks at her, summoning the courage to speak, to say the words that will change their relationship forever. If he had any misgivings about what he was about to do, that look dispelled them and taking a deep breath, he speaks, “I’ve been having an affair,”
He stares at his wife; he can see the shock on her face, as he continues with his admission, “for some time...”
He knows that she would never have expected he would cheat on her; she looks at him in stunned silence, trying to assimilate his confession.
“I know I know, I’m despicable, I’m a cheating bastard. I deserve to have my nuts chopped off and all that, but please believe me, I do love you. I really never wanted to hurt you, to be honest, I thought we would never be caught, let alone being in this situation, put in the uncomfortable position where I am the one forced to tell you myself.” He turns his head away as he struggles to maintain control of himself, breathing deeply through his nose helps him to gather himself enough.
Colin turns to face his wife again and begins to speak, “You are no doubt wondering why, I am telling you this, my love.” He pauses, judging their reactions so far, he knows his next few words will get her notice, they are words guaranteed to shock her. “I’ve been seeing someone, and he ... well, he called me this afternoon, shit I don’t know how to say this, babe, I’m sorry I really am, but the reason I’m late is, he is umm, well distraught. I’m so sorry babe, there’s no easy way to tell you this, but ... he has just found out he has HIV and ... well, that means there is chance ... well ... probably more than just a chance I do as well.”
With what he hopes, is a guilty look, he stares at the floor biting his cheeks again, if it were not for the hum of the fridge and the freezer, you could have heard a pin drop. He looks at his wife, she is standing looking at him, her eyes wide open, her face whiter than Colin would have thought possible and her mouth looking like she is fellating the invisible man. He is sure that she has forgotten what she wanted to talk to him about. Her weekend away, with her boyfriend.
He manages to take his boots off before the first sounds leave her, “You, you ... you ... you fucking cock sucker,” she shrieks at him. “Ah,” he thinks to himself, “that now is definitely anger.”
Colin, with an even voice he replies, “Well, umm ... yes, I can’t exactly deny that now, can I?”
“You fucking bastard, what have you done?” she screams at him.
Taking her question to be rhetorical, he tries to calm her down by explaining that things may not be so bleak as he had originally suggested, “Well, ummm ... well, I mean, umm, we might be alright, we might not have got it, but it, umm, it does seem likely that I have, Mickey has had it for some time ... You should be a little reassured that even if I have contracted it, well, the way our sex life has, or rather hasn’t been for the last couple of years or so ... Think about it, it’s been a few months since you’ve deigned to allow me to make love to you, so really, there is a good possibility that you aren’t infected.”
Understanding the inference she immediately goes on the attack, “That’s your excuse, because I said “not tonight” a couple of times you, you... , “ she screams until her words fail her.
“Well it was hardly just a couple of times was it?”
Her jaw moves and again the invisible man groans with pleasure, as she searches for the right words to tell him he is wrong, but something within her knows he is correct and all she can muster is a subdued, “How could you do this to me?”
“Well, I didn’t intend to do anything to you, just substitute what you weren’t doing with me. I mean at first, well, Mickey was ... you know, happy to be the umm, I suppose you could say, the woman in the relationship, but after a few months ... well it just seemed rude ... wrong even ... not to reciprocate.”
She is confused, he has just confessed to an affair, the betrayal of them, their marriage and more importantly, at least to her, her. That coupled with the probability that they both now have a potentially fatal disease and yet he seems so calm, so matter of fact about it all. Eventually she manages a disgusted, “But ... but with a man ... what were you thinking.”
He again looks at the floor to hide his mirth and mumbles quietly, “sorry.”
She continues to stare at him with a horrified look on her face, as soon as the urge to laugh is under control, a difficult task considering he can feel her anger rising again, Colin speaks again.
“I need to explain if you will let me,” he mumbles, keeping his eyes fixed to the floor and without giving her the chance to deny him he continues, “I knew Mickey when we were at uni, in fact we lost our virginities together and last year we came across each other.”
“Literally,” she spits with disgust and anger.
“Well, not at first, but we did meet up, it was nice you know, seeing an old school mate, chatting about things, y’know.”
“Mate being the definitive word,” she snaps.
“Look ... we didn’t mean it to happen, we just realised we had missed each other, one day we ... we, well you know, we talked about how things were then and how the world has changed. The more we talked, well we wondered whether if things were like they are now back then, you know same sex couples being well, for the most part, you know, acceptable. We ... we wondered if we would still be together, maybe we might have gotten ... well you know.”
Speechless, she continues staring.
“Please babe, we never meant for it to happen, you have no idea how much we fought it ... both of us and then you all but stopped giving me any ... any love.”
He gives her a long lingering look and then continues to speak, “At first he was just consoling me, then the more you pushed me away, the more ... the friendlier things got between us. When ... when ... oh god, I’m sorry ... we, we started to kiss, you know, just hello and goodbye ... not snogs, just friendly pecks, and then only if we couldn’t be seen ... so when you had ... when I felt you had pushed me away completely, well the pecks did become ... a little more. The quick friendly embraces they turned into hugs and then one day a ... a cuddle ... god, I’m so sorry babe, I never wanted to hurt y...”
Sharon glares at him, incredulous that he is trying to shift the responsibility for his adultery to her and she finally finds her voice. “So that’s it, you’re blaming me for cheating; you’re blaming me for you getting AIDS. You think it’s all my fault that you got yourself fucked up the arse and caught a fatal disease,” she screams at him, “and now you’ve probably given it to me.”
“Well babe, that’s the thing, Mickey says that now it’s not necessarily the death sentence it was.”
“And how the fuck does he know?”
“He knows someone that’s been living with it for twelve years,” he admits quietly.
“Jesus fucking Christ, it’s fucking obvious he knows at least one fucking shirt lifting bastard that’s got it besides you, you fucking twat.”
“S, sorry,” he blurts out and runs to the toilet,” once he has locked the door, tears are running down his cheeks, his shoulders shaking as he covers his mouth with a towel to stifle his laughter.
Just as he gets his laughter under control and is about to leave the little room he hears heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs followed by doors being slammed. After a few minutes of silence, a final slam of the bedroom door tells him that she is unlikely to return and it is safe for him to leave the toilet.
Knowing that locking herself in the bedroom is for her, a normal response to any conflicts in the marital home, and if she stays true to form, she will be there until morning. This feeds Colin’s already over stimulated sense of humour and chuckling to himself he otherwise noisily showers and changes into a dressing gown.
In the lounge, after closing the curtains, he pours himself a large whiskey and settling down to relax, he flicks the television on, pushing the volume up a few digits and just enough to know that it will annoy her.
He sees that there is an Elton John concert on, enjoying the coincidence of having a gay icon on the telly to wind her up further, he turns to the channel showing it and again pushes the volume up a little more.
Not being familiar with any of the Elton’s work, with the exception of Pinball Wizard, he pays little attention to the screen and thinks how he and Sharon had gotten to this point.
When he left school in 1986, he had a place at Oxford University. In the following August he moved in to the area, meeting and sharing a house with three other people, Chris Fleknor, Andrew Wesley-Dale and Ken “Mickey” Mauser. They all quickly became friends, but even without the newly fabricated childhood friendship, Colin and Mickey really hit it off and were seldom apart.
At first, all four had thrown themselves into their courses, however by the end of the second term, late nights, alcohol and recreational drugs were beginning to have a minor effect on all of their work. A year later and Colin’s three housemates were injecting mostly amphetamine sulphate and occasionally heroin and selling various drugs to pay for their habitual usage. Although he resisted, Colin eventually succumbed to the peer pressure,” and against his better judgement, he had a “fix,” one that Ken or Mickey as he was known, prepared and administered for him.
They both thought he was going to be taking speed, unfortunately, the already spaced out Mickey injected him with the syringe he had pre-prepared for himself, containing not just amphetamine, but a speedball, a mixture of amphetamine and heroin. Heroin is a drug Colin had never tried before, the injection was almost fatal and Colin knew nothing about what happened until awakening in hospital.
Returning to the house he saw a police raid occurring and his friends, being put into a police van. Vowing never to touch drugs again, he turned and walked away from the house, his friends and university. He walked out of Oxford, north to the A34, and stuck his thumb out.
The authorities soon tracked him down for interviews, he, as had the three housemates blame a certain “Ben from Newark,” for the supply and the injection of the illegal pharmaceuticals. This left the system with only possession charges to press against the three in the house when it was raided and they let the matter drop after giving them official cautions.
Having dropped out of university, he had no degree, but he was able to get a job in a plastics factory. There, he met the delectable Sharon, a week later they had their first date, one year later to the day, he asked her to marry him and six months later, they married.
This was the next time Colin and Mickey crossed paths, uninvited, Mickey turned up at Colin and Sharon’s wedding.
Mickey attracted a lot of attention, attention no one wanted. Sporting a long unkempt beard and hair to match, he turned up uninvited. During the service, any he stood near moved, not so much because of his appearance, but because of the foul odour emanating from the frail looking individual.
During the photographs, Colin made time to speak to him, unfortunately for Mickey; they were not the welcoming words he had expected. As much as Colin had loved the man, he could not welcome him in the state he was in and was none too kind asking Ken to make himself scarce. Ken was not so stoned that the words did not hurt and afterwards he sloped off, out of sight from the wedding party.
Purely from his appearance, although they were shocked, few were surprised when ten minutes after their “chat” a guest and family friend of Sharon, fresh out of Hendon Police College with only three weeks on the job. Pc. Michael Brown arrests Mickey after catching him shooting up behind the north transept. Colin did not give the intrusion, or the man a second thought, until their next meeting.
A few years after their wedding, the Albright’s factory took over another plastics business. Bought cheap as a failing concern, it did not take the new owners to discover that the main problem was not staff as they had been informed, but management, particularly, the previous owner. The task of assessing and training any staff worth keeping at the newly acquired site deemed Colin’s responsibility.
His new position within the company meant, and based in the newly acquired factory, they now imaginatively called “Plant 2.”
The first thing Colin did, was to have all the extruders and conversion machines shut down, and for all the workers to begin cleaning the factory including all machines. As the staff cleaned, he had the chief engineer from “Plant 1” to assess the condition of the machinery. As these tasks were undertaken and hoping that some private conversations would encourage the employees to be forthcoming with information and opinions without fear of reprisal. One by one, he speaks to each operator, informing them how he wanted to change things, inviting them to tell him of any problems they were aware of and asking for any requests or ideas they may have.
Many ideas were suggested and many accusations were made regarding the previous owner mostly complaints or reports of the owner making adjustments without the operators knowledge. Once he had gleaned all he could from them, he would promise to improve the general working conditions but inform them that in return, he expects they will improve their output and the quality of the products they were producing. If they were not able to improve, he would offer training before contemplating dismissal. He also let them know that once he was satisfied with an individual’s standard of work, he would assess them and their wages would reflect their worth.
Although there were grumblings, complaints about the changes, the workers quickly accepted the new regime and within a month, production was up by almost 50%. This was mostly due to insisting that the operators monitor the quality of the products with greater vigilance. This, coupled with a little individual training to smooth over any remaining rough edges and collectively bringing about the natural result of making less scrap, meaning a rise in efficiency and therefore raising the profit margin. Three months later, his success rewarded with almost no customer complaints he is shown appreciation with permanent promotion and a permanent station at the newly acquired factory.
His career success, as it often does, came with a price, he and his beloved Sharon were no longer working at the same place, he now had responsibilities which required that initially he needed to work longer hours and even when he had things running the way he wanted he still had to often work later than he wished.
A plate exploding against the wall pulls his thoughts back to the present; reflexively he turns to the sound and sees a scar in the wallpaper very near to his head. He turns to look at the doorway into the room just as a breakfast bowl hits his shoulder.
“You fucking bastard, how could you, you sit down here filling yourself with booze, for fucks sake you’ve given me AIDS,” Sharon screams as another bowl whistles past his ear.
“Sharon, stop, if I have got it, you don’t want to cut me.”
“Why does that matter you queer cunt, I can’t get it twice can I?” she screams, this time Colin catches the bowl hurtling toward his head.
“Sharon, you might not have it,” Colin shout’s, “and if you haven’t you’ll be stupid if you catch it from my blood because you can’t control yourself.”
She stands in the doorway, glaring at him with hate-filled eyes.
“Let me make a promise to you babe, if we are both HIV positive, I’ll let you hit me with anything you want. Hell, I’ll even let you stab me if you want, but please babe, for now at least, we need to face this like we always used to, as a team.”
“You, you...” she lets the remaining plates and bowls drop to the floor, looking at him her anger dissolves, slowly changing into fear and hopelessness. As Colin watches, she seems to deflate before his very eyes.
“I, I...” he stammers, trying to tell her it will be alright, that she is not going to die, but the words stick in his throat, for the first time tonight he is unsure of what he should say and with sorrow filled eyes, he stares at her wishing the affair had not occurred. For a timeless moment, they share similar feelings of helplessness until she sobs and once again runs to the bedroom slamming the door behind her, leaving Colin to clear up the broken crockery.
Sharon does not sleep well, her thoughts consumed by images of sickness and death made worse by memories of happier times, the hopes and dreams of growing old together now gone because of a few thoughtless assignations of lust.
Conversely, when he lies down, it does not take Colin long to fall asleep although before he settles, his thoughts are spent second guessing his actions, wondering how various people are going to react to his recent revelations as he drifts into slumber land.
Awakening early, he groans and stretches trying to get the knots out of his muscles, wishing he had made the trip to the spare room and slept on a bed. He hears Sharon begin to move as he is boiling the kettle for the ritual morning cup of tea, and pulling a second cup from the hooks and makes her a cup.
She comes in the kitchen and without a word sits at the table in her normal seat, he places her tea in front of her.
Seeing yesterdays dishevelled and smeared make up bring Heath Ledger’s version of “the Joker,” to the forefront of his mind. He knows if it were not for the little sympathy he cannot help himself feeling, he would be laughing, but he knows that will not be in his best interests. She is obviously tired; he imagines she did not sleep well and takes a little satisfaction from that. No longer glaring at him with hate, she just looks hurt, confused and sullen, he gets up to brew a second pot of tea before she speaks. “I think we should go see the doctor, get ourselves tested.”
“I agree, I’ll call work and tell them we won’t be in today and you can call the surgery, see if they can fit us in as soon as poss’.”
She nods her head in agreement and the next time either of them speaks is when Colin calls in sick. She makes the call to the doctor’s surgery and after putting the receiver down she tells him she had to book them in as emergencies, her appointment is at 10:40, his is at 14:15.
He resists the need to smile, as once again his prediction of her behaviour is proven correct by her taking the earlier appointment.
She leaves in good time for her appointment and as soon as he feels she will not return, he makes a call.
“Hi mate,” he greets Mickey when he answers.
“How did it go?”
“About how you would expect,” Colin sniggers.
“How d’you mean?”
“She wanted to tell me what we know she was going to say and I thought she was going to manage it for a second, but I got all manly and insisted that I go first.”
“I’ll bet you were pissing yourself?”
“Not half, hell, I was biting my cheeks to keep myself from grinning and I still had to run to the bog before I cracked up.”
“She didn’t stab you then.”
“Nah ... but there was a small barrage of crockery and we were right, even though I said we started shagging after the last time she and I had sex it hasn’t occurred to her there’s no way she could have caught anything from me.”
“How is she this morning, still angry?”
“Defeated, beaten, not in a good place, I’ll tell you this though, I think she is more upset thinking I broke my marriage vows, more than the disease. I don’t even think that she cares that I told her that I cheated with a man anymore than she would if I had told her I cheated with a woman.”
“At least she’s not a bigot,” he laughs and Colin laughs with him.
His phone lets him know he has another call, so he says goodbye to his friend and answers the awaiting call.
The call is from a very unhappy man, Steve Albright. The first thing Steve says, is a loud reprimand for not being at work, emphasising his expectation that a man in Colin’s position should be on his death bed before taking any time off sick. He then insists that Colin drag himself out of his sick bed and go into work for a meeting with both brothers at two o’clock. His reaction to Colin informing him that two o’clock is not only inconvenient, but also impossible because of his appointment, is neither respectful nor compassionate. Colin grins as one of his bosses shouts some unkind and defamatory comments at him, signifying yet another part of the plan is aligning properly.
When Steve Albright pauses for breath, Colin tells him that depending on the doctor’s advice and instructions, he will come and see them as soon as he is able after the appointment, assuring him that he should be there by three o’clock. Colin notes that there is no mention of his good lady and smiles as he ends the call.
Sometime after his calls, Sharon returns home, and makes no attempt to hide her displeasure screaming at him, “I’ve never been so humiliated. I’m sure the whole village will know our business before you go to get checked. What is it with doctor’s receptionists? Why do they make you tell them the reason you are there? It’s bad enough having to tell them why you’re there without having to tell them that you’re only there to find out whether your perverted, shit-stabbing husband has given you AIDS.”
He almost sniggered at what must be her misunderstanding of something the receptionist asked her, he does manage to reply, “They don’t ask you to tell them why you’re there, if you told them then that’s your fault.”
“But it wasn’t just them, after I had seen the doctor I had to see that bitch McInly, I swear that once I told her that you’ve given me AIDS she would’ve put on one of them suits, you know the yellow ones they always use on the telly.”
“A hazmat suit?”
“Yeah, one of those, hell I bet she’s still scrubbing herself, do they have a shower down there?”
He tells her about the call from Steve and any remaining signs of resentment to Colin’s scandalous declaration and subsequent events since last night disappear with a pitiful noise as she slumps into a chair and wearily groans, “Great, it’s just one thing after another isn’t it?”
“How d’you mean?”
“They won’t want to chance getting it, they’ll sack us won’t they?”
“I very much doubt they are allowed to, maybe they could have a smidgen of hope if they try to sack me as I can get cuts when I’m working on a machine, but you, well how often does a paper cut draw blood? Never, so they’ve got no reason.”
“Oh come on! If there is one disease that they can get rid of you for no other reason, it has to be AIDS.”
“You’d think so? But I doubt it, I mean, you can only get it from an exchange of bodily fluids ... or tainted needles. That means you should be safe unless you’re having orgies fuelled by injecting drugs at work.”
“The dishevelled, ashen face she has been sporting since Colin broke the news to her, colours red and she runs off, back up to the bedroom. Colin thinks he heard a stifled sob just before she stomps up the stairs.”
Having no idea what else to do, he makes more tea and takes her a cup up. Just as he reaches the door he can hear her talking and assumes she is on her phone, “ ... noring me and pick up the phone you bastard,” she pauses, Colin is reaching for the door handle and he hears her speak again, just one word, “Wanker.”
Guessing whom she is trying to talk to, he again fights the impulse to laugh; he pauses outside the door until he is sure he will not succumb to the urge. He knocks and takes the tea in. She stares at him and he can see that she is feeling the pain of betrayal, possibly, especially from what he has just overheard, regret for her own actions. She takes the cup and mumbles, “thank you.”
Colin looks at her for a couple of seconds, “I’ll check up on the employment laws umm, regarding our posi ... our situation, forewarned and all that, but I’m sure I’m right. I don’t think they can sack either of us, not for that anyway,” he says hopefully and then adds with less assurance, “I don’t suppose there is anything stopping them from making up a reason though.”
She looks up from the cup she has been aimlessly staring into, her body shaking and tears slowly making their way down her cheeks.
Colin’s wants to reassure her, confess that it is not true, but he sticks to the plan.
He is at the doctors five minutes before his appointment and realises that his wife’s fears have to some extent, become true. He finds it comical how people are moving away, one group huddling together uncomfortably in the corner of the waiting room.
His appointment is with Dr Sinclair, “What can I do for you today?”
“My wife has, I mean is having an affair, she hasn’t been taking any precautions, you know, against diseases so I would like to get checked out.”
Puzzled, the doctor assesses the man in the chair in front of him. Contrary to all expectations of privacy, gossip abounds in the small surgery and he has already been told that this man is having a homosexual affair and he may be HIV positive, but Sinclair remains professional. That is until Colin insists that he has had no sexual partner other than his wife for well over eighteen months before he and Sharon married, and when Colin insists and tells him that he has not had sex with anyone including his wife for over four months. The doctor queries the answer, and gets increasingly more annoyed with Colin’s repeated denials of any wrongdoing, and begins talking about public health and if Colin does not give him the name of his lover, he will be obligated to report him to the appropriate government department.
Colin has spent several hours over the last few weeks researching the rules and laws regarding the responsibilities of healthcare professionals and English employment law with people diagnosed with HIV. Even spending his spare time this morning refreshing this knowledge and he is sure that the doctor is trying to push him to do something without any legal means to pressure him. The doctor may have been annoyed with, as he sees it, Colin’s refusal to disclose the source of the supposed infection, but when Colin laughs in his face, the doctor becomes angry and loudly demands that Colin leave the surgery. Still laughing Colin leaves without seeing Nurse McKinly to get some blood drawn.
Colin is unhurried driving to “plant 1” knowing what is to come and marvelling at the speed it has happened.
A condition of the sale of “Parsons’ Packages was that the previous owner, one Dudley Parsons would have a two year contract in a managerial position at Albright’s.
Dudley Parsons has one talent, he has the gift of the gab, indeed, if it were not for his skill in that area “Parsons’,” would have to have declared bankruptcy years ago and so the Albright brothers, against their better judgement put him in a token position of sales manager.
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Chapter I Damn him! Thirteen year old Karen looked at the bra she was putting away. One of the hooks was hanging to the material by only a thread or two. It hadn't been like that when she'd taken it off several days ago. It had to be her brother. Again. For the past couple of months she'd been suspecting that Tom had been trying on her underwear. This wasn't the first bra whose hooks looked like they'd been stretched much farther than her 32 A chest was capable. She couldn't...
He almost felt tempted to walk through the door and yell ‘honey, I’m home’, but somehow he wanted to take Aron by surprise. No such luck, though, as the guy was expecting him, his arms crossed over his chest and a stony look on his face. “So, what do you want to tell me?” Aron spoke first. “What? No smooches?” Carter opened his arms wide and walked towards Aron. Apparently, the guy was not in the mood for his shenanigans. “Where have you been and why did you turn off your phone?” Aron...
Kathy knew she had to hurry, her husbands friend Craig was waiting for her downstairs in the kitchen. She turned and looked in the full length mirror one more time at her fancy dress costume she was wearing to the work party that night. Her husband of ten years, John, had been dropping unsubtle hints lately about her old school uniform, wondering aloud if she could still fit into it after two children. To her delight, Kathy could still squeeze into the little pleated skirt, although her hips...
Before Chayne could even make it to her car she had already placed a call to her bestie Carly. ‘This fucking quack has lost it! Girl I am talking about my vagina getting stretched out and he is asking me about the fucking sandman!’ Carly had a phone in one hand and a flat iron in the other. ‘What?? Shut the front door!’ Before Carly could form her next sentence Chayne interrupted: ‘Girl, I just feel so lost. Nobody gets me. What is it that I am searching for?’ Through uncontrollable sobs...
Hello ISS readers Myself Diya I m a 27 year old married girl from Delhi. I’m a software techie I was married to my husband 3 yrs ago! The story I’m going to tell you is real life incident that happened to me from past 11 months my husband is in USA for work.You can mail me at I visited my husband 7 months back in USA there he took me to Vegas,In vegas he asked me to get dressed well up and took me to a club it was a wife swapping club I didn’t know it was a wife swapping club when I went there...
*** Please read chapters 1 - 12 for a full immersion into the plots and characters up to this point. Please overlook my typos and logic errors that seem to never get edited out completely. Search on the "The Game" to find the stories to read in chronological order. The title for chapter four is "The Game : First Time Sex: Part 4 - The Interrogation and Inquisition" and seems to be harder to find, so you can cut an paste the title in the search window if you are a new reader. As always, a very,...
First TimeI was complaining to my friends that I just wasn't able to find the right sort of woman and they told me that I just wasn't looking in the right places. If you want a classy lady to have to be a bit more classy yourself they told me. One of the things they said would look good would be if I could cook and bake. To this end they clubbed together and booked me on a bread making course. I have to be honest, I didn't think this would get me anywhere but as it was already paid for I thought it would...
Straight SexOUR CONJUGAL VISIT TO A DOMINATRIX by Long Tall MaryMy name is Heather, twenty eight years old, and a high school English teacher in a suburban district. Dennis, my husband, is thirty years old and an English professor at a local university. We have been married for five years.Both of us were educated at prestigious universities, are of superior intellect and could easily qualify for MENSA membership. It is a common opinion that our positions are mismatched, in that I should be the college...
It was a nice night, but she was really nervous as she watched Ray's car approach. Would he like her when he saw her? Would he find her attractive? She knew she already had one strike against her because she was a good 14 years older than he was. He said that wouldn't bother him.They met on one of those online networking sites. She thought he was adorable and, after sending emails and messages back and forth for several days, they finally exchanged phone numbers. They talked for hours, laughing...
After the honeymoon week, Robert and Trisha went back home and started their lives together. Trisha had always been a free spirit. She enjoyed adventure. It is one reason it took her eight years to get her bachelor degree. She kept trying a new adventure. She went to Argentina for a year and learned Spanish, worked in a coffee shop, and did lots of hiking. Another year, she worked in a bicycle shop just because she found bicycles interesting. When she was not on an adventure, she was a...
Harry walked in carrying one end of his trunk; with Lupin carry the other end. She grabbed him and pulled him into a tight rib-breaking hug. “Harry, how are you? You look so thin, have the Muggles been underfeeding you?” “No Mrs. Weasley, I’m fine.” he said not wanting to tell her that he hadn’t been with the Dursleys since he turned 17. He had been traveling around, accompanied by Lupin for most of his trip. He had found a lead on one of the Horcruxes that Dumbledore had told him about. ...
He had finally met her husband who actually is the father of Maxine but he never knew it, and he wouldn’t know that until that week. He discovered Mary was going out of town with him. The woman who he had fornicated with a few times and loved doing it with him too was on her way out of town for about a month. He didn’t know why but he decided to stop in anyway. Mary and her husband had been making plans to head east and see family. It was to be a short vacation for her and as usual business for...
Miss Trottle was a teacher in a high school in Bristol, Connecticut. It was the end of a particularly hard few weeks because as the summer holidays approach the workload for the teacher doubled, with parent’s evenings, thousands of reports, after school events and end of year exams Miss Trottle was glad of the fact that it was now Friday. The school bell had rung for the last time before the summer holidays and as the sound of the bell echoed around the empty corridors and deserted grounds of...
I have shared this story privately with friends over the years (sounds like a Penthouse Forum). I can even imagine the sides of my computer screen getting wavy as the pictures in my head recollect that evening... As a k**, I was never afraid of work (I'm proud to say that even today). I made most of my money working at the local mall as a stock boy in a small store. Eventually, I became a sales clerk and, although I hated retail, I loved the cash. I also cut several lawns on the side and that...
Hi everyone, this is my 1st story in Indian sex stories. My name is priyanka (I don’t care to use my real name), my bf’s used to call me sweety. I’m working in a MNC, bangalore. Fair complexion, 5’4 52kg with stats of 34-24-38. I like making friends and I easily mingle with anyone. This incident happened when I was in my 10th. I got a lot of freedom since my mom passed away when I was in my 6th. I used to hangout a lot with my friends. My dad never used to say dont do that, don’t do this and I...
In another time, another place ... You are the third son of King Phillip. The Kingdom of Eros operates differently than other countries -- famously so. While other realms choose rulers based on inheritance, power or money, Eros follows one unique system: the sex sport. Since the dawn of man, sex has been an economy of its own; it is a measure of power and trade, a public statement and a private affair. At the conclusion of World War II, the ravaged country of Switzerland was delivered as...
Gay“Tequila. Double.” She commanded sexily, staring straight into his eyes. He can’t have been any older than 19, and she was well aware she held all the authority in that situation. He was clearly flustered, unused to facing such confidence, as he fumbled to fetch her another drink. She smirked triumphantly and knocked it back in one before opening her purse to retrieve a Twenty. “Another…and one for your fine self,” she purred, extending her hand and placing the note firmly in his...
It had been two weeks since I had caught my suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by Butch her biker boyfriend in our basement. A few days later I searched our basement and found a large trunk. I opened it and wow!!!. It was full of clothing a “Goth” or biker chick would wear. There were tight cut off shorts for summer, black leather bras, black nylons, leather vests and leather pants. I found a pair of black combat boots and a denim vest with the words “Butch’s Old Lady” embroidered on...
The Abattoir 1. The Condemned She sat nervously on the edge of the hard plastic surface of her bunk. Allsixteen women in this holding cell had to be equally nervous, but Kayla couldonly think of her own fear and the ironic turn of events that had brought herto the Condemned Dispatch Center. They would be coming for her any minute nowto prep her for death. She didn't know how they would do it, how these sentenceswere carried out, because it was illegal for citizens on the outside to discussthe...
Vicki could easily decipher the activity coming from her daughter's room. As she climbed the stairs, the sounds of sexual pleasure were too obvious to deny.Approaching her late fifties, Vicki was unabashed about sexual nature and human desires, the evidence apparent as her body began to react to the moans, grunts, and dirty sexual banter. While it wasn't an issue, it was when she identified both of her daughters and her son-in-law enjoying their forbidden fruit. Vicki too became physically...
IncestYou're with your girlfriend John, in line to get on the metro bus. You dot see her as often as you'd like to, so you try make your time together last. The bus line quantity quickly drops as you and John make your way up the driver to pay for your ride. You then head to the back of the bus where you usually sit. John turns to you and smiles, "we have a few hours to kill, where do you think we should go?" You pause to think of the thing the both of you can enjoy but you come up blank. "Evan...
The next morning found Jonathan naturally hung-over and unable to think of working. He called in sick for the first time in ages. He asked, no he told his boss that he was taking not only all his sick leave days, he was taking a week's vacation. When his boss became indignant, Jonathan only answered him, "I don't care. If you don't like it, fire me." Hanging up the phone while his boss was still arguing with him, he mumbled to himself, "As if it fucking matters." If he didn't work for...
Negotiations were swift between Vangis and Hratt. The Trenoc Alliance were desperate enough to clutch at any straw. Hence the Empire swiftly mounted expeditions to pick up their surviving citizens and bring them home. Imperial technicians also ‘manned’ various sites in the Tafta system and brought them fully back to active service, including the gas mining rig orbiting the inner gas giant in the system to enable the Empire to refuel their ships and prepare for the inevitable conflict. Whilst...
I met Alex at a local bar. I'de had good luck there, hooking up with several guys and 2 couples. He's smaller than me and an alpha type. He struck me as retied military maybe, a real "take charge" type. We struck up a conversation about fishing,football and then he admitted he was seperated from his wife. I thought it odd that the bartender kept grinning at me. I was about to find out why. I ordered another beer and told Alex i'de be right back, had to pee. The bar was old and had those trough...
Taken as a Slave By kiwi slut boy My ordeal all began due to some silliness at work and it sort of snow balled out of control right up to my present situation where I am in sitting down on a 9 inch hard cock buried right up to the hilt in my tight ass, dressed in slutty lingerie. My name is Clark as it was now Carol. This the name my enforcers have bestowed on me. I was sitting at work night waiting for some reports to finish. Each week, one night until about 10pm I waited...
My gorgeous hotwife Unicorn maxed out one of my credit cards while she was shopping again, I’m such an idiot! She was not pleased and apparently some young stud came to her rescue. To teach me a lesson about paying my bills on time & humiliate me in the process, my wife shows me how she consoled herself with her new friend. She took out his massive black cock and gave him a sloppy blowjob while demanding I watch the whole thing. He played with her huge tits before she sat down on his...
xmoviesforyouAnyway, after her father died she had to stay with her stepmother and depend on her for money and a place to live and although they were very wealthy Vera refused to give Cindy money because she wanted to keep her as her sex slave but Cindy will be 19 in 4 months and plans on going to college, she has been doing sexual deeds for her stepmother and sisters for far too long in her opinion. "CINDY!!!" “Coming mistress" Cindy slowly walks into her stepmother’s bedroom where her stepmother is...
The Deception of Choice. Episode Eight, comprising Chapters 21& 22. Preamble David's struggle against the insidious encroachment of femininity becomes ever more crucial. Perhaps not helped by the sweet reasonableness of Dr. Tabatha. Certainly not helped by the more physical aspects introduced into his study of Female Sexuality. And then there is the added complication of the arrival of the latest recruit and David's role in helping her to feel at home. Chapter...
I am Rahil from Hyderabad .I am 26 now and the story which I am going to tell u happened when I was Eighteen .our apartment used to contain five portions and all the members of these portions were living there since 7 years.we were living as one family.I was younger boy in my apartment. So,I was loved by all.One of the portions was rented by farheens family.she was three years older than me i.e she was eighteen.She was tall fair and slim with small boobs.Actually farheen and I along with other...
I went to Bangalore to find a job. I struggled a little but found a PG to stay. It was a place called Madiwala. I was in a room sharedby two. It was a little expensive. When I opened a gay dating site, I got many messages. In one of them, there was a PG owner. We chatted so much and shared our views. I said to him about my situation. So he gave me an option. He offered a room at the PG. And also said that if I want to get the room for cheap, I got to be his sex slave. I thought about it and...
Gay MaleAnother Woman When my wife told me she wanted another woman in our marriage, I got pretty excited. I'm not complaining. Living with Heather have been the best two years of my life and what guy wouldn't want to be married to the most wonderful women in the world. And now this! When she said another woman, I had visions of some beautiful blonde to compliment my wife's lush dark features. I was imagining a Nordic blonde beauty with a waif like figure that you might see walking...
Gifted Grifter #4: Rental Property After my trip to Vegas, I had enough cash to last me a couple of months—so, where should I go to spend it? I needed some time to myself to think about where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do—besides seducing women, of course. The place where I often went in the past when I wanted time to think was the family cottage in lake country, but after my encounter with Lauren, the traveling sales rep, I definitely did not want to stay there. But, I thought,...
towards the door of Kim Johnson Law Firm. He gave the keys to the waiting valet (he did not know they had valets at law firms, but here they did, apparently) and walked up the smoothed out marble steps leading to the entrance to the massive 25 story building. The receptionist was a middle-age blonde with shoulder-length hair, a big smile, and an even bigger rack. She greeted him with a warm “hello, may I help you.” “Yes, I am here to see Kim Johnson.” The...
Russian babe Riley meets up with Frenchman David Perry and Hungarian stud Thomas Stone so she can have double penetration in every which way in today’s hardcore premium porn scene. After the young brunette does a striptease down to her lingerie to show off her slim body, the men can no longer control their urges and whip out their dicks so she can multidick suck them. Then the MMF threesome get busy with filling all of Riley’s holes. While she rides Thomas in reverse cowgirl, she...
xmoviesforyouAbout 2 years ago, my personal secretary Sunita got married & migrated to Australia with her husband, who was working as a software engineer in Melborne, I was so used to her looking after my appointments & other office chores, that with her leaving, I was in total chaos after her exit, I needed a new secretary, so I decided to spread the word in my business & friend circles, so that I get, just the candidate I was looking for. After 4 days at about 11.00 am, my receptionist called me on the...
Joe slid his little sports coupe into the dorm parking lot and scanned the area for Selena. Just as he parked the car he saw 2 girls round the corner, one being Selena. Upon seeing Joe she ran in mid sentence to meet him. Without even having a chance to get out of the car her lips were on his, kissing him. "Oooo I just had to get my lips on yours. God, I can't wait to hold you. Let me dash upstairs and I'll be right back." Selena said, barely taking time to breath. She ran from the car...
Bill turned his junky-looking, mid-50’s vintage car onto the street that led to the nearby Cal State University, and ran a nervous hand through his dark brown hair. He was hoping he hadn’t kept Candy waiting long, his 20-year-old car had refused to start that Saturday morning until he had thumped on the starter motor a few times with a piece of iron pipe. He promised himself that he would personally fix that right after graduation. It had to last long enough until he could afford regular...
Dungeon SlutCopyright 2007 W. HunterARRIVALI meet her at the station. It's almost midnight and she's the only one to get off the bus. We know each other from photographs, but have never spoken. She's shortened her hair a bit, probably in anticipation of what's to come. I'd have preferred to cut it myself, but one can never completely understand the mind of another, now, can they?She stands there, looking in my general direction, but not directly at me. She's wearing a simple blue dress...
The rest of my day was pretty quiet. I spent a lot of it simply tidying up and doing various chores including my emails. Jan got home about 7-ish and we had dinner before watching a movie and retiring for the night, she having to work earlies. The following day, having seen Jan off to work, I checked my facebook account to see that Valerie was off today and had no plans. Well, I thought, as I sent her a text, this could be interesting. I soon received a text back asking if I'd like to...
“Sharon, are you sure you want to do this? I’d be proud just to see you naked, but to hold you and make love to you would be like a fairy tale.” “Hoot not only do I want to fuck you, I need a good fucking and I know you’re a gentleman and will never tell. I want you to ride my ass and screw my pussy until I tell you to leave me alone ... will you?” “Your wish is my command, O’ Fair Lady.” Sharon laughed at Hoot’s attempt to be a gentleman of honor. “How do you want our first fuck...
Introduction: I tell of day in my life of slavery with my wife and mistress. I do anything she wants. I am a sissy, I am a cuckold, I am whatever she tells me to be. Ive been married to my wife for 7 years now and we have an interesting sex life. Its not a normal marriage in any sort of way. 24 hours a day I am her slave and do everything she asks of me. Sometimes she allows me to have sex with her and other days she has sex with other men while I watch. If she isnt in the mood to be...
A love of boss ... 1 of 31 ... Submit by: belle_ame Author: Bilitis A love of boss ... 1 31 ... Bilitis Chapters 1-3 In the real Christine, who has been my model; to Evelyn who both helped me in my difficult times, Natacha At my tender without which life would be so different. To all those and all those who try to overcome the difficulty of loving 'differently', despite the prejudices and who do not give face still many obstacles on our path. 1. A new chief of staff The news was finally...
May 31, 1993 Looking unhappy, President Rohrbach said, “It was a quiet weekend.” Cabinet Member Neyer said, “There wasn’t a single riot or protest anywhere.” “Jade Force said they’d end the civil war in five days. It looks like they did it,” Cabinet Member Goil said. President Rohrbach said, “They printed the treaty in the Saturday and Sunday morning papers. We’re stuck with it.” He knew that the introduction of term limits on Senators, and competitive elections, would have far reaching...
It was a vacation of firsts for me—my first blackberry tequila, my first crab and callaloo, my first Creole cock.The three of us had met these well-endowed cockerels at the restaurant of the resort we were staying at. Marcus was a waiter. He had two friends. My girlfriend Darcy was the negotiator.I wasn’t fucking any of them, I told them, despite what the tequila was telling me to do.“Well, we’re not a trio of dainty ladies in Victorian-style dresses and white gloves having tea,” Darcy reasoned...
OutdoorI just found out that my wife is a sneaking, conniving bitch and I don't know if I should be pissed or do something nice for her out of gratitude. Heather and I have been together almost fifteen years, eight of it married and all of it tumultuous. Before tying the knot we must have broken up and then gotten back together at least a dozen times and each time we broke up we would each go and find someone else to fuck just to rub the other persons nose in it. That carried into our marriage and...
All that Stephanie was wearing under the lilac cover-up was the captain’s gold as she strode through the corridors of the hotel. The rings on the necklace bounced between her breasts, and the chain around her waist rose and fell with the movement of her generous hips. The gold around her ankles danced as she moved through the resort. Feeling the air moving over her skin felt so cool against her wet pussy and the droplets of fresh pussy juice that coated her inner thighs. Stephanie could...
100% fiction! My sister Jill lives about two miles from me. She was widowed two years ago. I divorced my wife Amy when I discovered she was having an affair with someone else. The divorce was completed six months ago. I missed thed sex I used to have with Amy and masturbated quite frequently, always in the nude. If the weather was suitable I did it outdoors on my lawn, which is not overlooked. If not suitable I did it indoors. When Jill or I wished to visit one another we would telephone to...
IncestI had been hired by Dynatech industries just a week earlier. Out of work for near six months I would have taken anything, and Dynatech was a dream. They produced pharmaceuticals and other high end products, nothing that saw its way down to us lowly folks, but lots of hush stuff that the bigger companies would use in production of its more household names. They were mostly an R&D firm but had a small factory just off the cost of West Virginia. Well just off would be an...
True Story, i****t, Male / Older Female, MasturbationIntroduction:Best to read Football Physical then Dry My Back as way of introductionI spent the summer when I was twenty at home in Eastern Washington working six days a week in the feed and grain store in town. We lived outside of town on land that was farmed, but my mother leased it out to other farmers. She just enjoyed being way out in the country. Now Eastern Washington has very cold, windy winters and hot, dry summers. My job always saw...