Hot Mom
- 3 years ago
- 32
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Jennifer Marie Stephenson bolted upright. Not quickly. She had been asleep. Somewhere deep down inside of herself she had heard the door close. Was it part of the television program that was on in the background? She couldn’t be sure, but after the last time her husband had come home at that time it had not gone well.
She had felt exhausted after finishing her computer class at the Community College. She had been teaching an advanced class in computer programming. She had stayed even later, working on an exercise for the next assignment: “How to harness the strength of Cloud Storage Computing.” She had some good students who were themselves leaders in that field. Still, she had arrived home before her husband and had been reviewing other recent writing on the subject.
Jenny pulled off her wire rimmed glasses and laid them on the small stool beside the couch. Groggily, she pulled herself into an upright position and instinctively pulled her long tee shirt to make sure she was covered. It was all she had on, and the last time her husband had come home late, after the night class he taught, their neighbor, Sam had been invited in for a drink.
Jenny had fallen asleep while reading. Her book had been cradled in her arms and her glasses were still on as she lay curled up on her side. With the television on, she had not clearly heard the door open or shut. She had not heard the “Honey, I’m home. Are you decent?” Her husband, Ben had gone into the kitchen, taken two beers out of the refrigerator and Sam had followed him into the TV Room. Jenn had been curled up on the couch. Unfortunately for her; fortunately for Sam, Jenn was too groggy to realize that her long, thin tee-shirt had not been pulled down far enough.
Ben had walked in first, realized what he saw, but was too confused as to what to do about it. Sam was right behind him and delightfully shocked at what he saw.
Sam knew Ben had a beautiful wife, but for the most part had only seen her in a sweater, jeans and athletic shoes. Once in a while, he got a glimpse of her in her cut-offs working in the yard. He had always fantasized about the forty-year old neighbor but was reluctant to act on it.
He and Ben had been sharing rides on several evenings to the junior college a few miles away. Ben was teaching a class in economics and he was taking some classes in photography.
“What to do now?” wondered the shocked neighbor. He and Ben had clearly seen Jenny curled up on the couch. She hadn’t woken up yet, and her top was clearly exposing that luscious mound of hers. “What a fucking sight!” Ben screamed to himself.
“What’s on TV at this hour?” Ben tried to ask in a loud voice as he tried to make noise as he purposely stumbled into the room. What else could he do? Ben knew he was in the room and knew what they had both seen. Ben turned and sat down on the couch with one beer in each hand. “Wake up, hon. We have company.”
Ben tried to sit in front of Jenn for a sort of cover. Sam remained standing, his view somewhat obscured by his hosts position. Slowly, groggily, Jenn realized the situation she was in. Embarrassed, she sat up; turned to put her feet on the floor and her face down against her knees. Embarrassed, she used her hands to pull down futilely on the hem of her garment. She was too embarrassed to look up or respond. “What had they seen?” she wondered.
“How long have you been asleep; hon?” Ben asked. He was trying to defuse the situation, as though nothing had happened. He didn’t know whether to be embarrassed for his wife or aroused at the scene they had walked in on. At some level, Ben had probably been intrigued with the prospect of having his wife exposed to strangers. This was unplanned and unexpected. Never-the-less, there was an erotic and exciting aspect to it; walking into the TV Room, hitting the light switch with his elbow and having him and a neighbor treated to this erotic sight. He had no idea how to react.
“Hmmmmmm...” The groggy woman seemed to groan as she struggled to gain her senses. “Maybe they didn’t see anything. Maybe with the lights off initially ... Maybe with her husband sitting down next to her ... Maybe ... She tried to shut it out of her mind.
“Why don’t you guys take that beer into the living room? I don’t want any of it spilled in here.” She said; somewhat trying to cover her embarrassment. She had to get out of there with some sort of dignity, and couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“Sure, hon.” Her husband said as he looked up to Sam; hoping for him to lead the way out so Jenn could gather herself. “Go get your robe and come on back into the living room to discuss that website with us.” He said as he followed Sam out into the other room.
Jenn tried to make herself more presentable. She put on a short, white, terrycloth robe. She wrapped it around her; tightened the cord and crossed her arms in front of her as she walked into the kitchen. By now, Sam and Ben were crowded around the laptop checking out a website. Jenn knew what they were looking at. Evidently, Ben was not willing to let it go.
Their marriage had gone somewhat stale over the last few years. Their daughter, Madison was a teenager now, and did not need her mother to wait on her hand and foot any more. At the age of fourteen, in Kansas, you could drive to school and any related events. She could drive herself to work if she had to. To this end, Madison had taken a part time job as a waitress/hostess so she could always say she was on her way to school, work or a school event if she was stopped.
It had been somewhat of a long struggle since her birthday. Jenn had an instinct to keep driving her daughter; to keep her perception that she was needed and that her daughter was still a child. Madison was determined to show her independence and insisted she was self-reliant.
Jenn had spent the previous summer with her father and Madison rebuilding a Geo Tracker. They had removed the motor, had the head and block planned; added new bearings; ground the valves and added new rings. After several attempts to put it together, it had held up for a number of months with nothing coming apart; no fluid leaks and no left-over parts. Now the jubilant freshman had a 4-wheel drive car that should survive most winter snowdrifts and get to work or school without much worry. Having rebuilt almost everything, she now had a good idea where everything was and had a good idea how to fix most things. Having spent that much of her spare time that summer, she was not about to hot-rod or abuse her first car. She also had instructions that there would be no passengers.
With all of that over, Jennifer was looking for other new experiences. Now her daughter didn’t seem to need her. What was next? She seemed hesitant when her husband, Ben, had first showed her the new website she was not familiar with: “What’s this?” she had asked.
“It’s a website for sailboats.” He had replied. “People with sailboats need crews. Others who want work can look there for jobs. Some people are just looking for a cheap ride; a cheap vacation where they don’t have to do very much work.” He answered.
Jenn watched as Sam and her husband peered at the screen and scrolled down the notices. There were trips across the Atlantic; across the Pacific; island hopping down through the Caribbean and on down the coast of South America. The couple looked at the advertisements for several hours. The study went into days and weeks.
Jennifer was intrigued. She knew her husband wanted some other ideas to spice up their marriage. Perhaps this would be a way to get him away from work for a while. He could take a sabbatical from his teaching position at the college. He had turned it down last summer. Maybe now it was time. Should they bring their daughter too?
“Awww, Mom; I just got this job and I’m making good money now.” Her daughter had whined. “Can’t I stay with Aunt Susan this summer? She can’t work with Cousin Jimmy still not old enough for pre-school. I could help baby-sit when I’m not working.” Jenn had let it go. She could always use her daughter as an excuse if she wanted a gracious way out of this trip.
Finally a couple of weeks before school was out, they got a reply to their own notice on the website:
“Married, middle aged couple is seeking passage/light work on a sailboat during the summer. First choice would be near Hawaii or Caribbean area. No experience in sailing. Expect to pay for our own meals.”
Jennifer had opened the email:
I’m Lucifer Santana. I’m taking a 60-foot yacht from Hawaii to Fanning Atoll in about three weeks. I do this for a living. I am taking this boat there for a couple who have just purchased it from an individual in Hawaii. If you want to fly to Florida, I can meet the two of you there and we can fly to Hawaii together. From there, we will sail to Tabuaeran, pick up another boat and return to Hawaii. We will have a crew of four. (The two of you will be half of the crew.) I will have two others who will do most of the work. If the two of you can alternate the night shift, we will be fine. We just can’t sit in the ocean at night with everybody sleeping. We need somebody awake at night to make sure some unexpected cruise liner doesn’t run over us. You just have to wake me up so I can move the boat before we get smashed.
Food will be minimal. Not much drinking. You can bring your own food or help pay for a week or two at a time. We have a large freezer and refrigerator. We can all cook our own food or share cooking duties.
Let me know in a couple of days one way or the other. If you don’t want this job, I need to let the next couple have time to decide.
Lucifer Santana
Ben and Sam were intrigued with the notice. They could not believe it would be that east for two novices to get a free trip half way across the world.
Jenn tried to act like she wasn’t interested. She tried to come up with as many reservations as she could. She tried to come up with as many ideas as she could to nix the trip.
Jenn had spent many summers with her sister, climbing various mountains in the national parks, Canada, everywhere along the Colorado Rockies and even a few in South America. Most of it had been done without her husband. The spark in their marriage had begun to diminish. Perhaps it was time to try to spend more time with this “Inside House,” husband who had little desire for adventure.
She was astonished that the name of Lucifer Santana had come up: a ghost from the past.
“How could this coincidence come up?” she wondered. Lucifer couldn’t possibly know that her name was now Stephenson. “Maybe this was not the same Lucifer Santana?” she wondered. Maybe she should have leveled with her husband, before they had married. Maybe then, it wouldn’t be so awkward. “He will never fucking know.” She thought. “Why level with him a secret he would never find out?” she had told herself at the age of about twenty two.
“Ummmmm, hon; why don’t we keep looking on this website to see what other offers come up?” she had casually and nonchalantly asked. “But honey, almost all the posts want experienced sailors.” He replied.
Both of them had let the issue drop. After an hour or so of perusing all of the possibilities, Sam excused himself and went home.
The next day was Saturday. Jenn was out in the back yard in her shorts, high lumberman’s work boots, blue oxford long sleeved men’s work shirt and baseball cap. She didn’t hear the doorbell.
“Honey; there’s somebody here to see us.” She heard behind her. Jenn put down the trowel and turned. “Oh, fuck!” her mind screamed. She had not made it up. It was the same Luc Santana that she had known in college.
He was just as tall and just as trim as ever. His hair had a little grey in it; not much. He looked like he could still play. Luc had been on the track team and was the gunner on kick-offs and wide receiver on the football team. He had played briefly for the Chiefs; until he had dislocated his hip. After that he seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth.
Luc had offered her tickets to go to the games he was in. He had offered her plane fare and lodging to the away games too. She had helped take care of his house when he was out of town, but knew where it would lead if she had followed him out of town. She had been married by then, and her friendship with Luc was a big dark secret between her and her new husband.
“Luc, this is my wife; Jennifer. Jenn, honey, this is Lucifer Santana; the man who had the post on the website for help on his sailboat. Luc extended his hand. “Glad to meet you, Mrs. Stephensen.” He said as they shook.
“He doesn’t fucking recognize me.” She said to herself.
Jenn had been a late bloomer. In high school and the early years of college, Jenn had been a string bean. Maybe 5’-6” tall and not too much over 100 pounds. She had short red hair, wire rimmed glasses and about as flat as a flounder.
Now that she was married, borne a child and was forty years old, things had changed. She still had the waist and hips of a fourteen year old boy. Her legs had filled out and her abs still rippled underneath her tee-shirt from four years on the diving team. Her red hair was almost waist length and woven into a fishtail braid down the side of her head. Having a child had rounded her breasts out to a Diane Lane or Nicole Kidman kind of build. Her brown leather, almost knee-high work boots framed her legs between the hemmed blue denim shorts and the top of the boots. Luc tried not to stare; looking only at her eyes as he smiled.
“I was on my way across the country, and the flight got delayed because of bad weather in Florida. There are some bad storms, and they are here until morning.” He said; never taking his eyes off of Jenn.
“I know I can get somebody to help of the trip, but I’m here right now, and though I would stop by and see what both of you are like in person. He looked around. “Some of my biggest concerns are that I don’t want anybody on drugs or of any kind of questionable morals. I can tell just by walking through your house and looking at your yard, you would be a good fit for this trip.” He said as he glanced back and forth at the couple.
Jenn tried not to stare at him. She tried to hide any sort of sign of recognizing him. “He has no fucking idea.” She thought as she furtively searched his eyes for some sign of recognition.
Jenn looked at her husband for his reaction. Neither seemed to show any signs of reservation. Jenn did, but he chose to dismiss it as just her natural hesitation to anything new.
With no objections, Ben took the initiative to agree to go on the trip. They finalized plans; made check lists of things to do and bring. Yes they both had passports. They had all the shots they needed. Everything seemed okay. Luc stood, shook hands with both of them and said: “I’ll see you in Florida in ten days. We can meet there, and take the same flight to Hawaii.”
Jenn didn’t remember much of the conversation with her husband after Luc left. She was still all flustered after meeting him, and somewhat glad he was gone. She didn’t know whether to be devastated or overjoyed that he did not seem to recognize her. Perhaps she should have put a few other thoughts together. If she had been more alert, she might have questioned how or why he had already purchased the plane tickets to Hawaii. It did not register in either of their minds that he would have had to have both their names to make the reservations. These thoughts had eluded both of them.
When the day came, Susan (Jenn’s sister) and Madison drove them to the airport and dropped them off at the terminal. They arrived uneventfully in Florida and were easily able to locate Luc at the airport. Cell phones are wonderful.
Everybody was dressed casually. Luc had track shoes, boot cut Levis, and a blue, button down short sleeved shirt. Ben had an Aloha shirt, track shoes and shorts. Jennifer had her long reddish blond hair braided into a French braid down her back; almost to her waist. She seemed to be more of a pair to Luc than her husband. Her high-heeled western boots, boot cut jeans and blue, long-sleeved oxford button-down shirt seemed to match what Luc was wearing. He grinned when he saw her. “We’re the twins.” He smiled as he looked at her. Jenn smiled at the tall black man who, at about 6’-7” seemed double her height.
“We’ll meet our other crew members at the harbor when we get to Hawaii” he said as he took Jenn’s heavy travel bag from her. “I’ve already checked my bag, so I can carry this for you he said as he slung it over his shoulder. “Thanks,” she replied awkwardly, thinking her husband could have offered.
When they got to Hilo, they were received by two large Hispanic men dressed much like Luc. Everybody got into a hummer and drove to the harbor. “The weather may turn bad soon, so we ought to get out of here while we can,” Juan Diego said.
“Jenny, this is Juan Diego and his brother, Carlo Diego. Diegos; this is Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson. Jennifer and Ben.” He said making the appropriate gestures. They all shook hands and Juan started the four-wheeled- monster.
“We have already packed everything but your own personal bags. We can get something to eat at Hilo Harbor.” Juan said as he looked at the group in the mirror.
When they got to the boat, Jenn was overwhelmed. She had never been on any kind of boat before; let alone one that was 60’-0” long with who-know-how-many sails. Juan took their bags onto the boat and gave them a tour. It would sleep eight, but there were only going to be four of them on this trip. Jenn and Ben could have the double bed in the back of the boat. Juan and Carlo would have the over/under arrangement at the front of the boat. Luc had any of the remainder he wanted; probably the one next to the kitchen and living space.
That evening, they all agreed to go to “Gabrielle’s,” a small restaurant up on a bluff, overlooking the surfers below. Jenn wasn’t sure what would be appropriate to wear, but didn’t seem to have many options. About the only thing appropriate for evening wear was something her sister and daughter had picked out. She hadn’t had time to check before it was packed. She was a little shocked when she saw it. It seemed much more appropriate for her daughter than herself.
Jenn had to admit that the green button front dress went well with her reddish hair and green eyes, but the length seemed a little scandalous for a forty-year-old mother. Jenn put on the green high-heeled shoes, green, almost transparent lingerie and watched herself as she buttoned the dress. It only came to mid-thigh, and the last button was about 3” above the hem.
The dress would have been great if she and Ben were to be alone, she thought. But having three others along seemed to throw a kink in the plans. “Oh, what the fuck.” She shrugged as she wound the string of pearls around her neck. The low scooped front was a little extreme for her she thought, but her sister had wanted something provocative for her and Ben’s getaway. She turned to look at herself. “Oh, fuck.” She thought. The back is too low for a bra. “Did she have the audacity to go without it?
The men were already on deck waiting for her when they heard the click-clack of high heels. The sound was slow and tentative. With her head down, Jenn tried hard to concentrate on the steep stairs and handrail. She had to steady herself as the boat rose and fell with the swell in the harbor. At the top, she shyly stood uneasily facing the four men. “Wow. You sure clean up nice, Mrs. Stephenson.” Luc said as the Diego’s both whistled.
Jennifer was not used to this and was unsure whether to be flattered or insulted. Ben stared in disbelief. Her already short dress parted considerable because of the missing last button on an incredibly short dress. He watched as her conical breasts jutted against the thin fabric. “What the fuck!” his mind screamed. “Did she understand how revealing the dress really was? Most redheads don’t tan. Jenn’s backless dress and almost non-existent hem line exposed a slightly freckled and magnificently tanned and toned figure that belonged on Vogue. Did she understand that every movement made her braless front shudder and sway with each step she took?
Jenn forced and embarrassed smile she did not feel as the men stared at her. She wasn’t sure how to take it. “You are spectacular, hon.” Ben said as he took her hand to help her off the boat and onto the pier. The men watched, stupefied as they watched her dress ride up as she stepped over the edge of the boat and up to the pier. She knew she was exposing a lot, but what else could she do?
The Diego’s walked ahead of her. Luc was on one side and Ben the other as she delicately tried to navigate the planks and slat openings in the pier with her high-heeled shoes. Both men were more than eager to put an arm under her to help. It was a way of walking very close to her; to be there to watch those magnificent boobs bob up and down with each click of her shoes. Both men holding her could not help but be in the right position to see down the front of her Décolletage. “Does she know what we can see?” Ben wondered as he held one hand under her right armpit. Jenn seemed to be intent on missing the openings between the pier timbers with her high heels. Either that or she was pretending to be pre-occupied with where she was walking to shut out the idea that she might be exposing herself. After all, without much effort she could look down the front of her own low cut dress and see one nipple or the other when she walked. “Shutting out” was probably what she was trying to do with her situation.
Gabrielle’s seemed like a large white jewel, an arboretum of glass framed in white aluminum. Orchids were everywhere. The floors were honed slabs of granite. Luc pulled out the chair for her and Jenn sat down. It was a little awkward. Normally the table is a convenient piece of furniture that will conceal a short dress. This one was all glass. Jenn tried to use her small clutch purse to hold the bottom of her dress together with her legs crossed. It seemed futile. The dress was almost to her crotch when she sat and crossed her legs. With the bottom button non-existent, she was almost naked.
Luc sensed her uneasiness and tried to keep the conversation going to distract everybody. “Do you and Ben get up early? We’re going to have to start early to beat a possible storm.” Luc said as he smiled. “Oh, thank God.” Jenn said to herself as she nodded and felt the attention had shifted from her dress to the agenda for tomorrow.
Jenn did not care for the Poi, but most of the shrimp and fruit dishes were extraordinary. After dinner, there were some fire dancers, hula dancers and other entertainment. Once the paid dancers were done, Luc asked Jenn if she wanted to dance. Jenn hesitated. She looked over at her husband. He seemed oblivious; showing neither anger nor jealousy. It seemed like a touchy situation. On the one hand she had come on this trip for romantic reasons. It just wasn’t supposed to be with Luc.
He took her hand and guided her to the dance floor. The Hawaiian music seems geared to romance. Jenn felt once Luc started, Ben would get the idea and cut in after the first dance. Instead, first came Juan. Then Carlo cut in. Eventually Luc came back.
“Ah, Mrs. Stephenson; you are so much more beautiful than you were in college. You have come a long way in the last 20 years.” Jenn froze. He did know who she was. “How ... how ... how did you know?” she stammered. “It’s not hard. The internet is a wonderful thing. With your college address and maiden name, it is easy to check marriage records and find almost anybody.”
“Why ... why... ????”
“My dear Mrs. Stephenson. I think we have lots of unfinished business; don’t we?” he smiled. “I was intrigued with you before. Now look at you. You are beyond anything I had ever imagined before. Does your husband know about us?”
Jenn didn’t answer. She turned to see if her husband could see her. “Could he see the blood drain from her face?” she wondered. She looked worriedly at her husband. Perhaps it was more of her imagination. She felt he could sense from her expression that something had gone wrong. Jenn turned so her back was to him as she danced. She could not go back to the table in this condition.
“He doesn’t fucking know; does he?” Luc said with a smile. “You little lynx. You married this man and have kept some huge secrets from him. What will he say when he finds out you were with a black man?”
Jenn’s heart almost stopped. She tried not to heave. “Please; you can’t tell him. It will kill him. If you have any compassion for either of us, you’ll keep quiet. I’m begging you.”
Luc didn’t say anything. Instead he let his right hand drop. It slid down her bare back. He turned her so Ben couldn’t see. With his back to her husband, he continued to let his hand slide down. Now the ends of his fingers slid down past the end of her backless dress; down to the top of her ass.
Jenn was frantic. What could she do? She peeked around his arm at her husband as she felt the black man’s fingers slide down farther. “Please; Luc. Please have some compassion for us.”
“You know you could clear the air with him by telling him about us.” He felt her stiffen. No response. Luc pulled her closer. Again his hand started down. He hand his whole hand down the back of her dress. She could feel his fingers caressing the crack of her ass. She knew she should just slap him and go back to the table.
“I used to fuck this asshole in college. Now he thinks he can just keep going.” That’s what she knew she wanted to do. On the other hand, Ben thought he was the first. She had implied that. She had not let him have sex until they were married. He was sure she had been a virgin. Now this. If she told about Luc, how many others would he think there might be? She knew Luc might just be vindictive to imply he was one of many.
“P ... p ... please, Luc; if you ever cared for me before, can’t you grant me the dignity of not telling?” They were at the back of the room now. Jenn had maneuvered herself there to keep her expressions of anguish as far away from her husband as she could.
He pulled his hand up out of the back of her dress. He moved the hand to the front of her dress between them. She felt him rub the back of his fingers across her left nipple. Does it count if it’s the back of a hand and not the front? It felt the same to her. Jenn looked up at him; hoping her expression of concern would make him relent. Her face reddened as she felt his thumb and forefinger roll her nipple. Why did it feel even worse; knowing he was looking down at what he was doing? It seemed like fucking a stranger with the lights on. “ P ... p ... please Luc. Please don’t do this to us.” He could see a tear streak down her face and into her dress.
“Isn’t this a wonderful place tonight?” Luc said as he spun her around. Now Ben could see her back, but not his hand on her nipple. “I wonder if your husband wants to take a turn to dance now that you’re all warmed up?”
“Please Luc. Let me go.” She begged. “Oh, here he comes now. Maybe he can see how aroused you seem to feel. I believe your nipples are something fantastic tonight. He’s going to see how far they are sticking out and want a turn with them too.”
“Let me go.” She hissed; afraid to see if her husband was approaching.
“One condition.” He said. “You either do what I fucking say, or he finds out.”
“W ... w ... w ... what... ?????” she stammered.
“Excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Take those panties off and give them to me at the table.”
Jennifer almost gagged. She was too speechless; too dumbfounded to react. She looked up at her husband who was almost to her. She forced a smile she did not feel. “I’ll be right back, hon.” She said as she reached one hand up behind his head and kissed him on the lips. She twirled and headed for the ladies room.
Ben was a little surprised. She just spun and left. What was with the tear? She hadn’t moved that quickly all night. Ben shrugged and walked back to the table with Luc. “I guess she had been dancing too long and just couldn’t wait any longer.” Luc said as he walked back with Ben to the table.
Jenn was in full terror now. “What could she do?” Here they were in Hawaii; no credit cards that she knew of. No place to stay. No way to get home. At least no way to do anything without raising her husband’s suspicions about her and Luc. She went into a stall and locked the door. She put her head down on her lap and sobbed. She stayed there for a while. Others came in and left. She knew she would have to go out soon or raise suspicion with her husband that something was going on.
Her heart was racing. “This is fucking insane.” Her mind screamed as she tugged the thong down past her thighs. She sat there a while, trying to adjust her mind to what she had to do. Never in her life had she ever appeared in public without her panties. She folded and twisted them into a tiny ball and put them into her clutch purse. She opened the stall door and looked at herself in the mirror. On one level, she knew you couldn’t look at her and know she had no panties. “Nobody will ever fucking know.” She told herself.
The door swung shut silently behind her as she left the bathroom. Once out of the bathroom hall, everybody looked at her. They stared. “These men know. They can tell by looking. They are all going to stand up and applaud. Look! Jennifer Stephenson has no panties. We can see from here. Hey lady; I can see your camel toe against the thin green fabric. Oh, wait those are beautiful coral pink nipples. You don’t have a bra either. Several bus boys dropped their stainless steel bus carts they were so startled. Everybody stood and applauded the pantiles woman.
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Here I was just turned 16, I liked to dress in girl’s clothes and was very curious about cock, no about sex. Oh, god yes! My hormones were driving me mad with the desire to not only dress up whenever I could but also to have sex. Anything I saw in newspapers or magazines about women, girls or with sexual meaning had my mind just a blur of indecent thoughts. This particular day I had been shopping and needed the toilet. The shop I was in didn’t have any so there was only one thing to do – that...
Chapter 10 Pansy woke to find himself in a strange bed, dressed in bra and panties and a nightie, wearing high heels and mega-long, cherry red nails, and lying between two naked girls, who, until the night before, he had believed were his sisters. For a moment he wasn't quite sure what was going on, and he thought that perhaps he had dreamed it all, then slowly, some more of the events of the previous 24 hours began to return to him. Suddenly the complete picture revealed itself to...
I met her in a meeting. I was sharing my experiences. Few girls were awe struck. She was one of them. Her name was Ursula. We met again in her office and she shared her responsibilities and introduced me her friends. Later we left her office to beach. The bus was much crowded and she had to stick to me. I felt her breath on my back. When we got down and crossed road I had to join hands with her. It was a shock. Such a soft and electric hand I felt that I love her. We sat in the beach and...
When I first started dating my current wife she had a habit of attempting to hook me up with her friends. She was recently divorced and had 2 children in their early teens and didn’t want to get too serious. Also she was dating 2 other guys in addition to me. She had some very sexy friends and many of them were also single and I was very tempted but also figured it was some weird sort of trap, guys will understand what I mean. Anyway, one of her friends was a very beautiful lady named Lisa....
Straight SexBondage dateMark and AliceThey met on the internet and sent pictures to each other.They liked each others pictures a lot and had good talks.So they decided to meet up at saturday night around 10 o clockin the evening, at a beach restaurant.It was a lovely evening not to hot not to cold,the sun almost going under it was a realy good evening.He orderd a drink and chicken with chips.She also orderd a drink but took some sallad.They both looked at the sun going under, very romantic.They talked a...
You lay there so docilely, hands fastened to your ankles, not struggling against your bonds but whimpering a bit whenever I toyed with the clothespins decorating your nipples, cock and balls. I love it when you're like this, totally lost in your submission. It gives me the feeling I could do anything to you; that I could bring another guy in to the room and you would willingly suck his cock or take it up your ass. Not that I ever would...or would I?"Beers all gone," I said after tilting the...
Society of Switchers By Jennifer Allison My sixteenth birthday is tomorrow. My birthday wish is for my body to decide what sexual direction it wants to go in. You see I have been having severe sexual problems since I reached my teenage years: 1- I have never had a hard on in my life. 2- No wet dreams. 3- Looking at naked women doesn't excite me. 4- I get no excitement in the boy's shower. 5- Girls don't excite me. This problem seems to run the family. My...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0667 - Marco - Brown 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0778 - Jan 0098 - Lucy 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0908 - Tara - Mara 0125 - Lars 0999 - Zan 0200 - Ellen 1000 - Sherry - Lucie...
I walk into you office, but you are busy and tell me to sit down and wait. You don’t even notice that I am wearing a miniskirt and a tight little white blouse that lets you see my pink bra. I know that you are not supposed to look but I really want you to. Yes, I am hot for you even though you are my teacher and I am not supposed to, but you look so good all dressed in black and with that cowboy hat on that there is nothing that would stop me from having your dick inside my vagina, not even you...
Your night starts out innocent as you were walking the College campus. The University was nothing much but this night everything was different as a strange glowing was coming from the science building. Having curiosity get the best of you you check it out to find your body being sucked into a portal before shrinking you down. You scream the whole time as you free fall into a animated world . Your body lands on a soft surface. In amazement you look around and see characters from Disney and...
Everyone heads towards their room, and certainly, Amelia, Alisha, and Saira are disappointed. Manisha and Pratyush reach their villa. Manisha gets a message from an unknown number, ‘Come to the restaurant in five minutes.’ As she looks at her phone, Pratyush grabs her ass from behind and slides his finger between her ass. “Something came up, see you, babe” Manisha turns around and gives a kiss to Pratyush. She then leaves. The first thing Amelia does is visit her sister Olivia. She expects her...
How it happened. This story is pretty much all real. Mouth-to-god, cross-my-heart, stick-a-needle-in-my-eye, all that shit. I know it’s real, because it is my story. FIRST CUM I was an innocent kid. I won’t lie and say I hadn’t ever kissed a girl. I was curious about kissing, and had talked my share of girls into stolen kisses in the garage, or in games of truth-or-dare. However, that is as far as it ever went. I remember one ‘girlfriend’ I had in fifth grade who had just kissed me...
My man Roger is flat on his back on our bed, naked with a thick, eight-inch erection. I am also naked as we tongue kiss passionately with Roger’s hand cupping my ass as I straddle one leg over his. “Tell me all about her?” “Five years younger than us, size ten, sixty-four inches with a good body and a ferocious sexual appetite.” “How do you know her? Has she had you previously?” I am Sarah, of French descent, in my mid-forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I...
Hi guys, I am MGR here, I am very happy from your feedbacks about my previous encounter. So I came here with my new encounter. Friends this one little lengthy so please forgive me and if any mistake in my narration please don’t scold me. As I said in my last encounter “Memorable sex with beautiful sanjana”, deepa found us (I and sanjana) in the hugging position with naked body. At that time she didn’t speak any words and went silent to hall. After some time we both get dressed and went to hall,...
With her long blonde hair, big tits, and tattoes, Brooke Haven is definitely a hot MILF that many men lust over and today Tony De Sergio is the lucky stud that whisks her away to his bedroom and enjoy every inch of her banging body, not to mention her tremendous blowjob skills. From tasting the busty babe’s delicious pussy nectar to fucking the living daylights out of her, he’s living every red-blooded man’s dream. Watch here at until he cums all over her...
xmoviesforyouI held him ever so tight, my nails digging into his back as he thrust his cock as deep into my pussy as he could. His hot cum flowing into me, I can feel every spurt of his cock. He stayed on top of me until every last drop of his cum was in my womb. Then he collasped onto the bed beside me, his cum running down the crack of my ass. He looked at me aand I told him it was great, he then drifted off to sleep. I laid there, running my fingers thru my cum soaked pussy. Smearing his cum around my...
You tell me to be naked and in The Position when You arrive home from work. In anticipation of Your arrival, i place suction cups on my nipples, training them to be erect and elongated, as You have trained me to do to please You. I follow with an enema and then shower, ensuring that all of my holes are fresh and clean shaven for Your inspection. Ten minutes before You are due home, I remove the suction cups and place clamps on my now distended nipples. The clamps are attached to the mouth...
After our quite enjoyable shower we got dried off and dressed ready to face the day. We came down to the kitchen intent on fixing some breakfast. Now, my housekeeper Alice seemed to exhibit a seventh sense since she could anticipate when I would be hungry. She would have prepared just the right repast to slake my appetite without my even having to ask. That morning was no exception as we were met with a table set for three complete with platters of pancakes, sausage, bacon, juice and coffee....
Stockholm revisitedA long work of both truth and fantasy for KayHaving got the green light on a renewal of a new contract it was time to get it signed off, this time it was decided that Kay would come with me for the trip so we could spend the weekend just chilling out away from home.Once in Stockholm we made our way to the hotel where I had used some of my rewards points to get a small suite, having been shown up to the suite I changed into my suit and told Kay I should only be about two or...
The first time I meet Ashley was at work. When she got hired in. We would talk a little here and there. We hung out with each other now and then. Outside of work time went on and she got another job. We didn't hang as much. After like a year she comes back. I started picking her up for work. Witch is were things between us began to happen. The first time me and Ashley ever even talked about sex was in the kitchen at the restaurant were we both worked. I was talking about it with a another guy...
FriendWe’re tracking along a long residential street. Nothing particularly special about the houses, set back a couple of meters from the street, with low brick walls surrounding the small squares of grass that constitute their front gardens. All of them look essentially the same except for the colour of the window frames and front doors. We slow down and come to a halt infront of the one that looks just slightly different to the others – because it has a sign mounted on the wall that reads,...
It was the start of the school year in Rockmind High and young Miss Praved was ready for her first year of teaching seniors. She had been working her way up through the grades before taking some time off to go back to college to finish up her master’s degree and this was the final step. The previous year with the juniors was fairly mundane, the worst part being the students taking more interest in her curves than her lessons. She knew that as a teacher though she had their respect and...
Britney walked into her dressing room and collapsed onto her bed. that day she had woken up at 5 a.m., spent seven hours at a photo shoot, done an interview for Teen Magazine, and just finished performing at her sold out concert. The concert was an all-star tour involving her, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, and Mandy Moore. Britney sighed. She really missed Justin. "Hmmmm," she thought aloud, "should I go visit Christina or talk to that cute security guard. if Justin Doesnt know, it...
I am Prakash and I am 60 years old retired person. I lost my wife 5 years back as she died of heart attack. I have a daughter and a son. My daughter roopa (32) is married and living happily with her husband and a kid. My son Raj (34) is working for one of the major software firms. Two years back he married a sweet girl Sneha (26). My Daughter-in-law (DIL), Sneha is a graduate but she has chosen to stay away from jobs and be a good housewife. So at home it’s me along with my son Raj and sneha....
Radu burst into his sister’s private chambers, his face livid with rage. His hair was uncharacteristically disheveled, and he stalked rather than walked. His clothes were rumpled, and his hands were held in tight fists. “Where is Zynna!” Vondi looked up from the parchment she was poring over, her hands settling onto the hard wood table. Her eyes reflected her surprise at the intrusion. Though he was the emperor, it was unlike Radu to enter any chamber without knocking. Most especially,...
"Yeah, ok," he replied, "What have you got?" "Loads of stuff, come down and have a look." So we went downstairs to the computer and began browsing through my folders. After about ten minutes I needed the loo, so I left James to browse on his own. But when I came back he had a big smile on his Afro-Caribbean face. "Are you bi, then?" he asked me. He had obviously found my small collection of gay porn, there was no point in denying it. Then I began to wonder about his...
Donna was our company benefits coordinator and we had serendipitously hooked up at a company Halloween party last year. It took me quite a while to disclose to her who I was and who she had secretly hooked up with.Donna was very married, so dating her was impossible.I dropped by the HR offices and stuck my head in the door where she officed and asked if she was going to be attending the company Halloween party again this year.Donna looked up from the desk and smiled.“You’re hoping so, I bet,”...
CheatingLinda was amazed at herself, and she cried about it. Her father had to take her trembling young body into his arms like a baby's and soothe her the best he could. He cuddled her on his lap, kissed her ear and stroked her naked thighs gently. "There, there, Linda," he soothed. "Stop crying about it. So you like sex. So what? What girl doesn't?" "But they don't cum with their dads!" Linda cried. "Now, how do you know that?" Jim asked seriously, cupping one of her firm young tits....
Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. Hey Sarah, the message begins, Im cooking up a special dinner tonight and I want you to be there. Im inviting a bunch of our friends, itll be great! Id known Steve for years, but never knew he could cook. This is such short notice though… Well, it IS a Tuesday. What else do have to do on a Tuesday night? Sounds good. Ill be there. You want me to bring anything? Nah, just bring yourself Alright, Ill see...
You are Gerard the loser, due to genetics you have gained the worst of the worst features, at the age of 18 you started to lose hair and it doesn’t help that your lifestyle involves inhaling junk food and sleeping all day. The fact that you are gross has made the girls steer away from you, heck even the guys stay away from you. You have no friends, life is overall very miserable. Until one day all that changed when your guardian angel or whatever the fuck does magic and shit idk sees your...
Mind ControlArya Fae practices her GAPES with Manuel! Sexy blonde stunner Arya Fae brings her talents to JJV for a hardcore anal pounding! She’s dressed in sexy black lingerie with stockings and high heels as she teases us with her perfect ass and perky tits. Arya strips out of her clothes then sits on the counter to give us a close up look of her playing with her pretty little pussy as she fingers her horny holes. She crawls over to Manuel where she finds him waiting for her with his cock out and...
xmoviesforyouChad White is a lucky man to have his girlfriend Kimmy Granger going out of her way to pretty herself up for his pleasure. Kimmy is determined that she and Chad will both have a good night, and she dresses the part with a matching lacy bra and thong and a short dress that leaves nothing to the imagination. Once Chad gets an eyeful of Kimmy’s getup, he realizes how glad he is that he waited for her to get ready. Pulling Kimmy in for a kiss, Chad gropes her ass and then starts the slow...
xmoviesforyouAmanda laid quietly along the couch with her head in my lap while we watched TV. Amanda had talked me into changing the channel so she could watch her stories while we wait for Jeanette to call. I sat there letting Amanda watch her stories with her head in my lap. I quietly wished Jeanette would hurry the fuck up and call letting Amanda know when she was coming over with her asshole boyfriend. If Jeanette takes any longer than I was going to find a way to keep Amanda from watching her...
Amira Adara is so sick of fighting with her boyfriend. When she finds herself alone after her boyfriend storms out, she calls her friend Alyssa Reece to come over. Alyssa is there in a jiffy to comfort Amira. The girls embrace and then chill out on the couch as they chat. Eventually, Amira admits that the reason she doesn’t break up with her jerk of a boyfriend is that she needs sex every day. Alyssa tells Amira that if that’s the only problem, go ahead and dump the dude....
xmoviesforyouUpon arrival at the stalker’s camp, Audra notices that there are two massively built men at the gates, acting as guardians. Neither of the men moves as she and her captors pass by. She begins to wonder how fast the large men would move if she decided to suddenly escape. But why would I? She is led through the encampment, which with the exception of the two men at the gates, have no guards. There are, however, a slew of breeders. They are lined up in rows and too far gone. Their limbs are...
Jon watched his neighbor girl in her tight shirt with the huge tits. He wanted her so bad. He loved big tits a lot and remembered his first seduction by his mom's friend when he was just fifteen. He had gone to her house to take back some books for his mom and she was wearing a low cut top with no bra and her huge tits straining against the material. She saw him staring at her tits and she grabbed him and put his hand inside her top over one of the huge globes. He rubbed and gripped and played...
This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance at all to real life people is strictly coincidence as all characters are of my imagination. Please read responsibly. My name's Zach and I'm a 21-year-old Med student at FSU, Tampa Bay. I'm orginally from Georgia, so I have somewhat of a country accent that usually makes the ladies smile at me a lot. I'm about 6'2", 230lbs with dirty blonde hair that I usually wear gelled and spiked and a pair of baby blues. I'm not going to brag, but I do keep...
EroticMagical Promiscuity Before I go on any further with this story, it’s probably appropriate for me to tell let you know a little more about myself, and a little more about my friends or “clique” as they preferred to call it. As you already know my name is Mike. Sammy, the girl I had just lost my virginity to, is also the girl who first introduced me to all her friends, our clique. Our close-knit group of friends consisted of about 15 people. And beyond that we had a few other...
Mai 12th class ka student hu.mera naam ajit hai.age-18.colour-fair.jyada time waste na karte hue.. mai jis school me padhta hu,waha ka topper se mere principal ma’m kafi khush rehti hai mujhse.aur mujhpe pura faith bhi hai.pure schul ke studnts me sirf mera aana jana hai unke ghar.madam ki sirf ek 18 saal ki beti hai, 11th me padhti hai.wo kafi masoom si hai.wo Bahut jyada sundar bilkul gori lambe baal wali hai.uske piche purey schul ke ladke diwane they.usey sex ke barey me kuch...
"Well, Randi. I'd say you're living up to your name..." "Gosh! I'm not normally this horny... oooh, right there..." She hung her head down between her shoulderblades, focusing for a moment on thrusting her hips back against my cock while I drilled her doggy-style. "But then sex has never been this good either..." "I get that a lot." I fought back a smirk. Then I settled in, watching the red pigtails bouncing and the gentle curve of Randi's spine as she flexed and thrust on all...
I was in an adult book store, in the town not far from my college, looking at some mags that had pictures of huge cocks. They were there in all sizes and shapes, I was getting turned on by looking at the gigantic black cocks that were there. A guy came up behind me and rubbed my buttocks saying 'why look at pictures, I can show you the real thing.' I moved away and looked at who was talking to me. There was this black guy standing over me like a stone stature. I glanced down at his feet and...
Archive name: onedrink.txt (M+/F, wife, cuckold)Authors name: Gilglim ([email protected])Story title : OK...But Just One Drink-------------------------------------------------------= This work is copyrighted to the author © 2000. =-Please do not remove the author information or makeany changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area ofcommercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.------------------------------------------------------OK...But...
Phase one was a makeover. Prior to his becoming interested in the opposite sex, Phillipe had simply worn what his mother bought for him. Clothes had been of no concern, so the conventional childhood attire had been good enough. But he was now very aware of the importance of image and the impressions it could make. So gone were the jeans, tee shirts and tennis shoes and in their place casual slacks, Polo pullovers or open collared collegiate style shirts and suede loafers. Gone also was the...
Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. Another note: I'm broadening out from just writing into media. I finished a 30-minute animated TG film a while back that is now generally available. Head over to: The Pickup Palace. It was pretty crowded when we got there. I traded nods and high fives with the regulars as we slid in through the normal crush of greasy little freshmen. Their faces all...
I love autumn nights, the air is cool and the weather is still nice enough to allow for some late night strolls to the park and through near deserted streets. Another bonus is that the nights are longer which means that I could escape the seclusion of my home earlier to enjoy the freedom of the outside while dressed as I so enjoy doing. For this particular outing I had decided to go with a simple outfit that was as sexy as could be, to the point of almost being sluttish. My black lace bra...
CrossdressingIntroduction: if your looking for the sex scene just find the 6969696969 It was 2024 post apocolyptic era. Life was in turmoil. The government had collapsed and humans were no longer the sole dominant species. Now we were in a constant battle with zombies created in the nuclear war of 2012. The people with power were those that hunted them for a living, and I was the best of them. My name is Jake OBrian. I am 62, 34 years old, with brown military short hair.For years before the war I was in...
The senator had two secrets. One was his gay hung black lover and the second was his sexy shemale. He had spent a lot of money getting the shemale just how he liked it. The surgery gave her big tits and nipples and a great ass. She had injections in her cock and now had a long very thick cock. She took hormones to have a soft female features in her face. She loved dressing sexy and showing off her big tits and nipples and the senator loved seeing her sexy. The senator loved his lovers with the...
1965 would be the happiest, most eventful Christmas at the Hargreaves residence in years. Paul’s wife Polly died in 1961. Penny graduated college in June 1962 and was married a week later. Paul married Alice Wilcox in October of the same year. Alice had lost her husband the year before. The Hargreaves, the Wilcox, and the Cosgroves were friends since college and had swung together since the War. But after a misunderstanding dropped Aggie and Corwin Cosgrove from the group the joy of Christmas...
Don’t you hate it when you get double booked at one of those rental properties? Happens all the time in LA with the location managers not paying attention on who they have rented a property to. Take Karma for instance. This lady has come to LA and rented out a house to stay while she did business. One morning she is shocked to hear the noises of a bunch of men coming into their house. Turns out they have also rented out the house and are planning on shooting a rap video and having a...
xmoviesforyouI had found it difficult to fall asleep, given all that had transpired. It wasn't the average night, nor was it going to be an average day when I woke up. At some point, I had finally fallen asleep, and instead of having dreams of things that weren't real, I dreamt of her meeting me in the kitchen, and having her pull down and take off my briefs: of her soft, gentle hands running up and down me, and all those sensations that only a woman can give you. I relived the moment those luscious lips...
MILFI knew my sister Ginny wasn't doing too well in the wake of her divorce. I'd decided though that the best policy was to keep myself not only out of the mess, but as far away from it as possible. So I didn't even know the current circumstances when I got a complaining call from the folks. Apparently, while waiting for the house to be sold, Ginny had forced her way back into her old room at the homestead. She'd been there for weeks, a weepy black cloud. From what I was told, she hardly...