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"No, NO, NooOOO!!!" I screamed.

I sat up drenched in cold sweat. I hadn't heard the alarm and my watch told me I was late. Louie's car would be here at 5:00 AM to take me to the station. I fairly flew through my morning shower and shave and raced downstairs to have a quick breakfast. No time for the usual, sausage and eggs; I reached for the cereal. Funny, I'd swear that the leprechaun on the Lucky Charms box was smirking at me.

I was still gulping down my bowl of nutritious "frosted whole-oat cereal with marshmallows" when I heard the horn -- sounded tinny. Walking out of the front door, I looked out toward the street but didn't see the limo. "Down here!" came Louie's sarcastic voice.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed as I looked down on the green, nineteen-foot long, two-foot high vehicle.

"You told me how 'long' you wanted it; you didn't say anything about the height," the green imp smirked.

"How do you expect me to get into that?" I asked.

"I don't. I expect you to make it worth my while to enlarge it."

"Damn you! I'm already paying you a shit pot full of gold to charter the Fantasy Train today. A free limo ride to the station is the least you could do."

"Never done much business with leprechauns, have you?"

I lunged for him but he ducked and I banged my head on the side of the miniature automobile, "Ouch! You bastard. Oh, shit! How much?"

Louie named an outrageous figure and I agreed. Smiling contentedly, he gave a little nod and the limo started growing taller. It stopped at about four feet.

"Is that it?"

"You said you wanted to be able to get into it."

I lunged again but only succeeded in adding a second bruise to my forehead. Accepting defeat, I scrunched myself into the passenger's seat. Tucking my knees into the impossibly small compartment, I gave ironic thanks for my Third-World ancestry that permitted me to travel this way. "I hope you didn't make the women ride in this kind of inconvenience," I scowled.

"Of course not. They are my guests and I am a gentleman."

"No they are MY guests and you are NO gentleman, but thank you, anyway. Did you have any trouble persuading them to come?"

"No, I spewed them the line you gave me. 'The Fantasy Train was being misused for all sorts of juvenile shenanigans - Star Trek spoofs, visits to strippers, a scavenger hunt! We are supposed to be authors of sophisticated erotica, not sophomoric pranksters. This was their opportunity to go into the past and visit real authors and their characters.' Of course I also promised they'd be able to bonk the source of their inspiration," he grinned.

"Yeah, I thought that would get them. They all have literary pretensions but they are horn dogs, too. So, no problems?"

"Of course there were problems when they found out who was inviting them! I believe it was Allison who stated it most succinctly, 'No way! That little fucker just wants to get me alone so he can knock me up. How stupid does he think I am?'"

"But you explained about..."

"The 'Magic Diaphragm,' yes. I promised on my word as a leprechaun that so long as they wore it, no one would be able to get them pregnant."

"And they believed you?"

"People always believe leprechauns; we cannot lie."

"Yeah, but you didn't tell them..."

"Shut up! Do you want to spoil the climax of your own story?"

"Er, not the climax!" I agreed. Sometimes Louie wasn't such a bad imp.

"Well, here we are at the station. I'll be going to the train."

"Thanks," I said trying to extricate myself from the ridiculous vehicle and maintain as much dignity as possible. After all, I was trying to make a good impression on six of the greatest writers in the ASS community. They were already at the station, standing on the platform watching me and trying not to laugh - not hard enough. I had never met any of them before, but it was easy to distinguish them.

Allison was the cute one with short brown hair, flipped slightly on the ends. She looked ready for her first day at university in a knee-length full skirt and blouse. I didn't have to wonder what she wore under the skirt.

Miss Behavin' had on a tailored cream-coloured business suit with the skirt cut about four inches above the knee. That's where the slit started. There wasn't much business transacted at her office when she wore THAT, I thought. Her hair was straight and blond as the day it was dyed.

Virago Blue was even taller than her tales would have you believe, a tower of a woman with hair the color of polished brass that threw back the first hint of dawn. Supple skins clung to her massive but shapely figure. And leather-thong sandals with 5" heels: now that was hot! Her eyes appraised me sternly.

The contrast with Maria could hardly be greater. The hot little Latina stood hardly taller than Louie, although there was a lot of girl packed into her curvy form. She wore a tight red mini with a lacy white blouse, her dark breasts clearly discernible. She looked as if she had just come from strutting in a mall.

Bronwen was much younger than she'd led us to believe. She must have noticed our surprise. "I had Louie pick me up several years ago; I wanted to look my best," she announced with a don't-you-wish -*you'd*-thought-of-that smile that brought glares of resentment from the other women. Very straight, like her stories; she had almost delicate features and dark hair. Her blue eyes and firm chin gave her face a burning intelligence. LW could hope that Allison looked as good when she grew up.

Janey, on the other hand, was exactly as she had pictured herself. She was tall and had long brown hair with a touch of gray - she hadn't told us about that, but...

"Hold on Vargas!" Janey yelled. "I'll accept the 'gray.' I'll even accept 'brown,' though it's really ash blonde. (Look at the Clairol bottles in the drugstore to find out what that is.) But NOT 'long.' Long brown hair with gray in it is 'Cambridge' -- double-plus tacky. No! No! NO! 'short' hair! You better pay attention! I'm bigger than you are!" Oops!

Janey, on the other hand, was exactly as she had pictured herself. She was tall and had short, ash-blonde hair with a touch of gray that Miss Clairol had missed - she hadn't told us about that, but it was sexy as hell. She had chosen a long skirt with a slit high enough to make nudists gawk and it fell from the hips of - a woman.

"Hey, Homer," shouted Louie from the cab of the train, "Cut out that shit about their eyes and hair and chin for chrissake! Tell us about their boobs. The guys that read ASSM want to know how big these babes' titties are. And be descriptive. They want to hear about 'humongous hooters,' 'bountiful bazookas,' 'magnificent mammaries!'"

"Shut up, Louie; I'm writing this story!" I yelled back. "I don't *write* about ladies' bust sizes! This is a serious literary exercise in which six well-known writers, each admired for her ASS,... work, are going to encounter the fonts of their artistic imagination. You can't expect me to insult women like that by talking about their bra sizes!"

"I'm a 34B," piped up Allison.

I covered my face.

"Hmmp!" sniffed Miss Behavin', "*I*'m a 36C."

"Very cute. What do you call them, 'Dow' and 'Corning?'" Janey asked, cattily.

"These babies are all me!" Miss Behavin' retorted giving her boobs a venomous shake in Janey's direction.

"My SOs never complained about these 36Ds," Bronwen added smugly.

"Mine may be small," Janey announced, "But all the men go ape over them. These little jobbies get so hard, my last lover pierced his tongue on my nipple."

I felt like crawling under a rock.

"My 'chichis' look cool like this!" Maria interjected, throwing her head down and holding her arms up behind her as if suspended from her kitchen ceiling.

"I think you girls are trying to make mountains out of mole hills" boomed Virago Blue who silenced the women's silly prattle by pulling aside her wolf-skin bodice to reveal a set of humongous hooters. This woman was stacked like a brick shithouse! I mean, she had a bodacious brace of bountiful bouncing bazookas, a tumescent twosome of toothsome mammoth mammaries, a...

The sound of Louie's giggle stopped me.


The sight of six such amazingly beautiful, totally different women took my breath away. The women were equally surprised to see me. "Disappointed" would be a better word. Maria had probably guessed what a Vargas would look like, but the others had entertained vain hopes of someone taller and more rugged, maybe a slightly older Ricky Martin or Antonio Banderas. "Oh, well, I wasn't planning on fucking him, anyway," said six sets of eyes.

"Thank you so much for coming this morning to the Fantasy Train, ladies," I said, smiling in the face of their dismay. "Shall we board?" I stood by the tall step of the rail car and offered each authoress my hand, being gentlemanly, as my Southern mama had taught me. She didn't say I couldn't try to peek up their skirts as I did so. Even better than the furtive glances was the aroma. Ahhh! What can smell better on a chilly morning than a warm pussy?

Maria's twat had a delicious, homey smell with just a hint of Jalapeno. Virago Blue's fragrance called to mind wild, windswept heaths and - I thought Generic Joe was having us on - she really DID have a chain-mail thong panty. Miss Behavin' had little aroma at all, probably having been licked too clean that morning by her husband or one of the assistant husbands in her polyandrous household.

I wasn't disappointed by Bronwen. Her pussy didn't smell properly English at all, but wild and exotic -- "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" Janey's smelled surprisingly sweet, a familiar odor -- of course -- creme brulee! Either she'd had her husband up to some funny business this morning or she'd OD'ed on them the night before. Allison had a nice tangy odor, but as I inhaled, enough light filtered through her dress to allow me to read the citation tattooed neatly by her panty-less pussy: "If you can read this, you are too dammed close to my wife's vagina. Cease and desist or I'll habeas your worthless corpus so bad you'll wish you had an amicus curiae: - LW."

With the last crotch sniffed and pussy peeked, I pulled myself aboard and gave Louie the signal to embark. I could feel a slight vibration as I walked into the spacious club car where the women had settled, sitting, talking, sizing each other up. Out the window, genres, typefaces, and proofreaders' marks were flying by.

"So now that we're all on board, tell us how this works, Homer," Janey demanded.

"Quite simple," I replied, "We stop at the time and venue of some important writer and one of you gets to alight to "interact" with him and any of his characters that you may find. What you do is pretty much up to you. I'm just playing host as a token of the high esteem in which I hold each of you."

"You're playing host because you're hoping you can get us pregnant," responded Allison, "But it's not going to work. Louie gave us each a magic diaphragm and promised us on his word as a leprechaun that so long as we keep it in, neither you or anyone else can get us pregnant. We can fuck anyone we want to, right girls?"

A cheer went up from the assembled women.

"And don't get your hopes up, little man," snapped Miss Behavin'. "With several centuries of real and imaginary men to choose from, I think we can do a hell of a lot better than YOU."

"Ladies, please. Such cynicism! I just want to help you have an interesting literary excursion," I replied with as much dignity as I could. "We'll be stopping in chronological order. I thought a nice beginning would be Chaucer. Nothing much written before him is recognizable as English. Who'd like to visit him?"

"Excellent idea. I would." Bronwen spoke up. "He's very funny and his 'Canterbury Tales' was sort of the ASSM of its day. I wonder if he's as sexy as his stories?"

"I'll bet it's not Chaucer you're after, you horny cow," Janey taunted. "You're just hoping to meet up with that young Squire.

"So hoote he lovede, that by nightertale
He slepte namoore than dooth a nyghtyngale,"

quoted Janey - the show-off!

London, circa 1390:

We found Geoffrey Chaucer in a well-lit room of a London palace. He was dressed richly, sitting at a sturdy writing table. A lute played in the background. Royal patronage definitely had its advantages. His eyes lighted up when I introduced Bronwen, now dressed in full court regalia. He had no difficulty understanding that we came from a far future time. Bronwen bowed her head in a most fetching manner. Are English girls born knowing how to do that?

"I've admired your works since I studied them in school, actually since I found the parts we did NOT study in school," she smiled.

"In school?" he asked, obviously fishing for compliments.

"Yes, everyone has to memorize:

'Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
...The droghte of March hath perced to the roote'"

she recited.

"Bronwen is an authoress, herself," I pointed out, "One of the best on ASSM."

"ASSM? What is that?" Chaucer asked.

"Oh, a very large compendium of bawdy tales," Bronwen explained. "Master Rey Del Sexo has collected thousands."

"I hope that Master Del Sexo has a rich patron as I have in John of Gaunt to provide him with quills and parchment in abundance," Chaucer remarked.

"If it were only that simple, Geoffrey. Rey has to pay for a server, line charges, beaucoup bandwidth; it's very expensive. That is why he needs all the people who read ASSM stories to contribute to making it possible for him to continue," I explained.

"Can he not require money when someone buys his book?"

"ASSM" is not really a book, Geoff. It's sort of like being in the public domain. Like, how long has it been since *you* got any royalties?"

"Tell me!" he groaned. "Christie's just auctioned off one of my manuscripts for 7.5 million bob. How much did I get? Zip! Terrible! So how DO Master Del Sexo's patrons provide him with support?"

"Thought you'd never ask, Geoff. They just click on

to get information."

"I hope our visit here will encourage some of those who read this story," Bronwen turned and nodded sweetly to the online readers, "to read your stories again."

"Why, thank you!" Chaucer beamed.

"That's not the only reason I came, however," Bronwen admitted, a gleam in her eye. "I was wondering if I might have a word with John."

"John? You mean the Carpenter of the 'Miller's Tale?'" Chaucer asked.

"Yes, I've developed a soft spot for the bloke. My own dear is a good bit older than I and it's not that long ago that I was a 'newe wyf and wylde and yong,' Bronwen said, casting a cool glance at the unseen Janey as if to say, "See? You're not the only one who's read 'Canterbury Tales' in the Middle English."

"I could conjure him, if you wish," Chaucer replied.

"Actually, I prefer to pay him a visit at his shop. And with that, Bronwen stepped through an invisible wall into a carpenter's shop where a middle-aged man was absorbed making a yoke.

"Good morrow, John," Bronwen greeted him. She was now dressed in the simple garb of a townswoman.

"Good morrow,..." he was confused to see an unfamiliar face, though it was a very pretty one.

"Madam Bronwen," she stated.

"Well, Madam Bronwen, have you come to buy a spatula or a mixing bowl?" he inquired.

"No, John, I've come to talk to you about Alison."

"Hey, you misspelled my name," shouted Allison. "I HATE to see my name spelled that way!"

"Tough, that's the way Chaucer spells it," I replied. "Now go away; you're not supposed to be in this section of the story."

"Alison?" the man replied, his face lighting up at the thought of his beautiful wife. Then it clouded.

"Alison," Bronwen repeated. "You have a good girl there, John. With care she'll become a good woman."

"Indeed, I love my Alison more than my life," he sighed.

"But she won't be yours long unless you do something, John."

"Do something?"

"John, I can't put this a delicately as Bob Dole would, but if you don't start getting her off more often than off 'n' on, she'll be looking for it elsewhere. I've got to warn you there is a lawyer with golden curls named Absolom who has the hots for her. And Alisons have a weakness for lawyers," Bronwen added. "She's eighteen, John, and you're... forty five?... fifty? She needs more than she's getting at home."

"Aye, Madam Bronwen! I fuck her as often as I can, but she is a minx. I give her everything she asks and keep her at home as much as I dare. What else can I do?"

"Take one of these tonight," Bronwen smiled shaking a large blue pill from a Viagra bottle, "and call me in the morning." With that she walked back through the invisible wall into the room with Chaucer and me.

"Anachronism! Deus ex machina!" Janey tried to interject from a higher level of the narrative, but Bronwen silenced her. "Viagra is like my American Express card, my dear. I never leave home without it. Never can tell when the old man may take a notion to jump me."

"Very thoughtful of you, Bronwen," I said, "But I actually expected you to... er..."

"Fuck one of Geoff's characters? All in good time, Homer. Now, excuse me." And again she walked through the wall.

"Good morrow, John. How was your night?" she grinned.

"Fabulous!" exclaimed the happy but slightly disheveled carpenter. "I haven't been so hard or kept it up so long since I was fifteen. And Alison loved it! Woke the neighbors, I'm sure. Where may I purchase more of this marvelous potion?"

"Well, there are several internet sites, but they won't do you much good. I will leave you a supply, but you'll have to ration them - your anniversary, her birthday, St. Valentine's Day."

"So I can please her only when I take the potion? And when it is gone?" he asked forlornly.

"Hold out your hand, John... Humm. Better trim those nails, but nice long, strong fingers."

"I don't understand."

"Let me see your tongue,... Farther out... Make it rigid. UuuHu... Can you curl up the edges like this?... Good! John, I'm going to show you how to keep Alison a happy woman," Bronwen said, flipping the sign on the shop door over into the "Closed" position and lifting the hem of her skirt.

"Forsooth! My Alison doesn't wear panties, either," John exclaimed as he gazed on Bronwen's bare, moistening pussy.

"Alisons often don't, " Bronwen remarked as she drew the face of the astounded carpenter between her legs.

Without boring you with otiose details, I can tell you that Bronwen proved once again the Franciscan dictum that it is only by giving that we receive.

"Oh, shit, yes! Suck it John baby! Uuuoo! Yeah! Soooo goooood! Oh, God! I'm going to come agaiiiiiinn!!"

"So you figure that between the Viagra you left for him and his new skills as a cunninglinguist, John and Alison will live happily ever after?" I asked the obviously self-satisfied Bronwen back in Chaucer's studio.

"Well, that's not all I left him. He's a carpenter, so he didn't have any trouble making a replica of this!" she smirked as she pulled a wicked-looking dildo from her handbag. "Something else I never leave home without. Never know when the old man may NOT take a notion to jump me."

Chaucer and I looked at each other in amazement. "See you back on the train, Homer. Now, I'm going to find that 'lusty bacheler' Squire. My guess is the boy will be 'slepen al the nyght with open eye.'"

London, circa 1595:

Virago Blue and I stepped off the train just outside a London garret. She had to duck to get through several doors as I led her confidently to the room Louie had told me about. We found Shakespeare (who, amazingly, looked just like Joseph Fiennes) hunched over a small writing desk. A single beam of sunlight illuminated the dark room, which was just as well. It made it easier to see the young woman Shakespeare was eyeing in his imagination.

"Good morrow, Master Will," I greeted him.

"Forsooth! Prithee who be ye and whence cometh ye unto my chamber?" he replied.

"I'm sorry Will, but this is just a short story and I haven't got the time to write and, frankly, my readers haven't got the patience to wade through, Elizabethan English. So can we switch to 20th Century US?

"I'm cool," he agreed.

"Great! Let me introduce Ms Blue. She's a writer.

"And I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Shakespeare" she cooed. Shakespeare looked up at the giantess, not knowing whether to be flattered or alarmed.

"So, what's cooking," I said trying to turn the conversation in a literary direction.

"It's this darned sonnet; it's just not working."

"What's the problem, Will?"

"Well, like there's this babe..."

"Will, I said '20th Century US.' You don't have to do 'Valley Girl.'"

"Oh, OK. Well, there's this woman and she is so hot, but I can't get anywhere with her."

"Blonde?" I asked glancing over at the figment.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I'm one of those authors omniscient."

"I want to write something romantic so I can get into her pants."

"Do any of us write for any other reason?" I replied. "What about this? She's pretty now, but twenty, twenty-five years from now, who will remember what she looked like. You guys don't have Kodaks, after all. She should let you get her pregnant to preserve her 'image.'"

"I like it!" Will exclaimed. "She's vain enough; it just might work. Let's see

I look upon you now and see you babe,
but in a while what's gonna come of you?'"

"Hmmm. Well, it IS the right meter, but I think you want something a little more lofty, serious-sounding. Chicks like that," I told him. "How about:

Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest,
Now is the time that face should form another,
Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest,
Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother."

"Hey, that's good, Homer! Then I tell her how good she'd look with a big belly poking out and huge tits dripping with milk!" he said with a maniacal glint in his eye and rubbing his hands in glee like Frank McCoy!

"I think you could phrase that a little more delicately, Will, say:

So should that beauty which you hold in lease
Find no determination, then you were
Your self again after your self's decease,
When your sweet issue your sweet form should bear."

"Yeah, she'll go for that, but it doesn't quite rhyme."

"It'll rhyme when you say it," I assured him.

"And then I tell her that just as she looks like her sexy Mom, a pretty daughter would look like her. Huh?"

"That's an idea," I agreed. "How about:

Thou art thy mother's glass and she in thee
Calls back the lovely April of her prime,
So thou through windows of thine age shalt see,
Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time."

"Right! So, she should let me knock her up!"

"Indeed, you just drive it home with a clincher:

But if thou live remembered not to be,
Die single and thine image dies with thee"

"If you boys are *quite* through with the literary foreplay," Virago Blue broke in with exasperation, "I believe this is MY section of the story and one of my prerogatives as a protagonist is supposed to be to fuck the author being visited. So if you will excuse us, Homer, I have some business to attend to with Will." Before he could object, William Shakespeare, poet and dramatist, found his hand grasped tightly as he was almost yanked out of the scene. "Let's see the length of your iambic pentameter, big boy," Virago purred.

"She's going to fuck his brains out!" remarked the pretty image.

"That's the point of bringing her here," I explained. "But aren't you supposed to be the 'dark lady?' Why are you blonde?" I asked, struggling to regain narrative control.

"Hollywood casting!" she huffed. "Until a few months ago I had long black hair like all those other Italian women he has a thing for. Then some genius in Southern California decides that Shakespeare would be hot for Gwyneth Paltrow and, boom, I get this stupid dishwater hair."

"Oh, you shouldn't say that. You're very beautiful!"

"Oh, do you really think so?" she smiled and tucked a strand into her bun.

[NOT her bum, you dirty-minded freaks!]

"Of course you are, my dear, radiant!

Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest,
Now is the time that face should form another,
Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest,
Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother."

"Oh, God! That is sooo hot!" she sighed.

"You'd be such a pretty mother.

So should that beauty which you hold in lease
Find no determination, then you were
Your self again after your self's decease,
When your sweet issue your sweet form should bear,"

I whispered as I began to fondle her breasts.

"Please, stop. I getting so wet."

"I guess it's that time of the month, right, honey. Our baby is going to be so beautiful;

Thou art thy mother's glass and she in thee
Calls back the lovely April of her prime,
So thou through windows of thine age shalt see,
Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time."

"No, NO" she protested, but let me continue to feel her up.

"But if thou live remembered not to be,
Die single and thine image dies with thee."

"Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me," she cried.

I wondered if Shakespeare would know he'd been cuckolded? Probably so, when he sees how brown the baby is. Maybe he'll blame it on Iago.

"This looks like more fun than I expected," said Maria when we were all back on the train. Who is next?"

"You are. I thought you might look in on Sor Juana."

"Sor Juana? Who's she?" Maria asked

"A seventeenth century nun in Mexico City who wrote passionate religious poetry 'suffused with emotion of almost erotic intensity,'" Janey butted in.

Dammit! I hate it when my characters are more erudite than I am!

"You mean she got off on...?" Maria said, turning up her nose as if she had swallowed a bug. Janey and I nodded our heads.

"Weird," said Maria. "Do I have to?"

"I was just teasing you, Maria. I know who you'd really like to see."

"Lady Godiva?" she asked.

"Some other story. Good chocolate, though. No, I thought while Virago is getting shagged there with Shakespeare, you could drop in on his contemporary in Spain."

"You mean Cervantes? They lived at the same time?

"Born the same day," Janey blurted out before I could. I ground my teeth, beginning to regret I had invited her.

La Mancha, Spain circa 1610:

"Kind of dry and desolate around here," Maria remarked as we stepped off the train and onto a barren landscape.

"That's the reason they call it 'La Mancha' instead of 'La Costa del Sol,'" I replied. "But if you want to find Cervantes, this is the place to come."

"Why can't we just go straight to his house or whatever like you did with Shakespeare and Chaucer?" Maria asked.

"Because," I replied, foreshadowing the action to come, "Sometimes the search is more interesting than its object. Let's just go into that taverna over there and you can ask around."

"I can't go into a taverna full of men dressed like this!" protested Maria who still had on the tight red miniskirt.

"You'll be perfect," I leered. "Remember 'FAQ?'"

"You're going to make me humiliate myself!"

"Nothing you don't want to do, honey. Come on."

We walked into the dark room. It was early afternoon, but it was already filled with travelers. The gurgle of conversation abruptly ceased when the men saw Maria.

"Carajo! What a set of chichis she's got!" exclaimed a man near the bar.

"Gran Tetones," affirmed another.

"You've got their attention." I told her. "Ask."

More than a little nervous and fuming at the way I had set her up, Maria stepped farther into the room. "Perdonen, Senores, but I am looking for Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Do any of you know where I can find him?"

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The Neighborhood MILF Carlita

It's been awhile since I attended one of Veronica's famous lingerie parties, missing the latest one a couple months ago. But there is already interest in the next one coming up this Spring. One of Laurie's co-workers, Carlita hinted that she would like to be part of it. Laurie gave her some line about having to pass an initiation to be invited, and the naive brunette said she was willing to do whatever it took to be a part of our intimate group.I've met Carlita a couple times before, and I'll...

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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 7 Jason Gains a Partner

The next day Jason took the day off from exploring the nodes, he needed to go into town to restock his food and other supplies. He pulled into the shopping center with the large chain grocery and drug stores to pick up what he needed. Jason walked through the aisles of the store filling his cart with the items he needed. He steered the loaded cart toward the checkout to pay for his purchases and as he turned to enter a line he immediately noticed the woman in front of him. The first thing he...

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Monolith Chapter 5

Monolith Conscription The airlock hissed in preparation to opening, the sound woke Theo. She jerked up to a sitting position and looked around in the darkness. Her thoughts were a jumble, second after second they put themselves back into order. 'I'm still blind... I'm in a alien girl's body... I'm in a lab... I was asleep!' The last puzzle piece hit her hard. 'It's been more than a week since I've slept.' She thought. Theo closed her eye's and reveled in the memories of early...

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Lillith Strikes

Let me tell you a delightful and juicy story about an encounter on a forest trail that leads to more than what was bargained for, as a lonely middle-aged man is chanced upon by a woman who takes his business into her own hands.Get comfortable, lay back, and allow yourself to enter this excited tale...Presenting:...this excited tail...Presenting:(Get it?)Just look at this excited tail presenting!Presenting:“Lillith Strikes”By Denuded Man-berries.Hello?Hey.Hey you!Listen to me, you helpless bare...

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Monolith Chapter 6

Monolith uncertainty The last commando had just disappeared through the fold and less than a minute later it was business as usual. People, paper, and information flowed around Farris, the three foot radius around him was a no man's land. A nameless suit was taking paper from one side of the room to the other, he had made sure it looked important enough to warrant the trip. He hit some congestion, people where milling around blocking the way through. Split second decision, he...

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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 8

The next morning Jason was up early and he started work on prepping for the trip he would be making with Michelle that day. He hoisted the transfer pod onto the truck and secured it so that he could transport it to the remote location from which he would depart upon the inter-nodal trip. When Michelle arrived Jason wanted to be able to just hop into the truck and go. As part of the equipment strapped to the outside of the transfer pod was a second bicycle for Michelle. This would allow her to...

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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 3 Building the Transfer Pod

Now that Jason had some information about the process of translating between probability levels and what to expect in some of them he began making plans for a transfer pod which would be large enough to carry him between levels. While he had some idea of what he might encounter during a transfer he thought it would be prudent to be as prepared as possible for anything he might encounter. To this end he set to work designing and building a suitable vehicle which would allow him to visit and...

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Lalitha was dressed like a princess in a black silk sari with a matching blouse and she had a nice handbag matching her sari color. I took the lead, walked up to her and kept my hand on her shoulder. She immediately looked at me and gave me a smile. I went close to her and hugged her for some time and slowly moved my hands behind. I kissed her in her cheeks and her forehead and finally planted a soft kiss on her lips. Her eyes were closed and she did not give any reaction. Then I started...

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Treat To Lalitha

Hi to all! Thank you for the overwhelming response from readers for my earlier experiences shared with you. All my stories are my experiences and despite my age of 54 my flavour for sex remains. This is my latest experience which I had with an ex colleague of mine recently. It was a surprise for me, but it was a good one. Well, she is 45 but has good assets a a very inviting look. She has never told me about this intention in her when we were in Mumbai 10 years ago and I told her that had she...

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MayLing the Litle Chinese American part 2

Chapter 7 That night they both told Lilly how she came to him and started at his dojo. All the training that May has gone through, which was far more that what Lilly had guessed. She told May she was proud of all she had learned and that she needed to slow down a bit before she hurt herself and May agreed. It was late and they both decided to stay at Bryans since he offered them the bed. In the room May wasn't thinking and went to a droor and pulled out to nightgowns and threw one...

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Further Adventures of Lois Lane Virtual Reality to Actuality

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. As opposed to most of my Lois stories which are based upon past comic books, this one came to me while watching a rerun of a Lois & Clark episode on TV last week, in which Lois was trapped in a VR world. This story ends wide open, with the possibility of at least 4 or 5 more stories...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 81

His mind was clear and free, his body weightless and without pain. James knew instinctively that he had left his demonic appearance behind, and he was now back in the body Lilith had given him. "Lilith…" James spoke his mistress' name wistfully. He would never see her again. He had died, and he was being carried to whatever afterlife awaited him. As James lamented his sad fate and mentally said goodbye to his family and friends, he began to descend into the clouds below. "Down?" he...

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The Box for Lolita

My uncle burst into my door and dropped a big box on my bed. His anger was real and he looked differently at me as I focused on his face. "Here take this damn thing, but you better keep this in the basement. If I hear or see that you wore this stuff upstairs then you're out." "What the hell is it that got you so mad?" "Mad is not what I call this, this fetish you have." I grimaced and then blanked out not knowing what he meant. "Some woman came up to me at work in front of...

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Sex Kop 101

Los Angeles, 2070. The city is in the terrifying grip of a new d**g called, 'Vein'. The prolonged 'high' gives the user an enhanced euphoric hit; both men and women are suddenly gripped with massively enhanced libidos. Once repressed sexual urges are now rampant and people are seen openly engaging in gangbangs and depraved sex acts on sidewalks. The City Council set up a squad to tackle this; they are called, 'Sex Kops'...All Sex Kops were specially selected for their physical attributes. Sex...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 10

"Stop that." "Ow." "Stop; I told you already, you're not dreaming." James and Ashley Marshall walked naked through the Temple of Venus. This was business as usual for James, but his sister was in a state of shock and awe. She stared open-mouthed at the endlessly towering pillars of gold that carried the infinite sky. She studied the intricate designs in the tile mosaics beneath their feet as they walked. And all the while, she pinched herself. "Ow." "Ash, would you please stop...

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The Facilitator

Prologue Prologue ??????????? When did this begin?? Some people date it to the end of the War, going on twenty years ago now.??????????? Me, I date it to that day five years ago when Roger Spencer called me into his office.? I?d been working with the Department of Administration for four years, ever since I?d completed my course at the Academy.??????????? I had chosen Administration because I liked order, and I liked working with the Citizenry.? Sometimes the two don?t really...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 12

"Ughh, Lilith…" "Fuck, James, I'm so fucking close! Don't stop!" "Lilith, I'm cumming!" Moans and groans echoed through the Temple of Venus as James and Lilith made love. The perfumed air was heavy with sexual energy, and the two lovers emitted such powerful auras of lust that the very ground seemed to quake beneath them as they fucked. On their usual collection of opulent cushions, Lilith sat in James' lap, bouncing wildly on his cock. Her arms rested on his broad shoulders and...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 61

In less than two weeks, James' life had changed drastically. He was different now, body and mind. He possessed a strength of will and an inner power he had never known before, and it was all thanks to Lilith, his demonic mistress. He was sworn to serve her, to sustain her and the Temple of Venus through his sexual conquests. But his relationship with Lilith had gone beyond that of master and apprentice. He felt more strongly about her than he had ever felt about any mortal woman. Although he...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 15 Finale5

"There it is…" breathed James, eyes still locked on the beautiful and intimidating idol. The group's reverie was shattered by the loud clanking of metal growing closer, and they all whipped their heads around to see the two animated suits of armor clambering slowly down the stairs. Ash turned to James and took his hand in both of hers. "Go destroy the idol; we'll hold off these brutes." She kissed James on the lips, then turned to face the approaching knights. "Hold on," said James,...

2 years ago
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Lilith Runs Away into Trouble

Lilith sat at the Greyhound Station in Birmingham, Alabama, and struggled not to cry as the last passenger disembarked from the bus from Memphis. Again, Justin hadn’t been on board. After her parents had forbidden to see her boyfriend again, they’d decided to run away together and get married. But when she’d arrived at the bus station, he sent her a text that his parents stopped him on the way out the door. He told her to go ahead to Birmingham, and he’d meet her there as soon as he could....

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The Satanic Witch Ritual aka The Lilith Touch

Her hand was slowly circling around her clitoris. Her mound was completely hairless with a thin soft pink slit in the middle. She was feeling a slightly warm pressure and a hardening of her spot. Her breath was getting shorter. Her shapely legs were spread out over the bed. She could watch herself in the massive smoked ceiling mirror. Her black silk nightie was open revealing her inner thighs and fanny. She was wearing pink high heel slippers, one of which was flat on the bed thus tensing the...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 14

Lilith's words hit James like a punch to the gut. The severity of the situation suddenly apparent, he hurried to bring forth his magic as quickly as possible. But he was too slow. As James reached inward and channeled his power, great golden chains materialized from the ground beneath him. They launched themselves at him like snakes and coiled around his neck and limbs, forcing him to the ground and forcing his magic back inside him. James screamed in agony. The chains were white-hot, and...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 2

Immediately, James knew something was different. The tightness in his shorts was nothing new, he had morning wood most days. No, that wasn't what was strange; what was strange was the shocking size of his erection. Pulling his boxers down to get a better look at the python in his pants, he was amazed to find that his cock had grown overnight, from an unremarkable 5 ½ inches to a formidable 8 ½. Wrapping a hand around his impressive girth, James found that his dick wasn't the only thing that...

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Monolith Chapter 2

Monolith Contact The Monolith was a world affair and the US government quickly learned it couldn't keep a monopoly on it. It tried it's best to keep a tight reign on access to the Monolith at first but information leaked here and spilled there, and soon every world government was demanding access. Within a month resources and data of the Monolith were shared with nearly every world leader and another month after that to the general public. By the time "Contact" happened the...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 51

Lilith lay on her throne, eyes closed as she savored her growing ecstasy. Between her spread legs, her agent James lapped ardently at her tender flower, drinking her sweet nectar. "Oh fuck, James. Don't stop," the demoness cooed softly. She held a large breast with one hand; the other gripped her servant's hair as she thrust her aching sex into his face. James delighted in pleasing his mistress. He smiled inwardly as he drove his tongue deeper into Lilith's hole. Her moans were music...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 7

WHAT. THE. FUCK. James forced himself awake. He jolted in bed and sat straight up. Clenching his fists, he cursed aloud. "What the fuck?!" "Why?" he thought. "Why didn't I wake up in the Temple?" James had struggled to fall asleep that night, but his sleeping pills fixed that. He was, without a doubt, asleep just now. "So why…" he thought, confused. He wracked his brain for any sensible explanation for why he couldn't reach the Temple of Venus. But he could think of only one...

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A short introduction to Lilith and her Family

Despite the theme I am trying to make my stories more appealing to women, and include some reasonable background rather than a never-ending series of sex scenes. If you like reading a story about a perverted tabooless woman and her Family develop, you will surely like this. The whole world of Lilith and her Family is written in third-person limited. Each story, whether it will be big or small, will be written as seen from one person of the Lilith Family or the occasional guest...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 4

The bronze-skinned beauty gave her servant little time to consider these changes, closing the gap between them swiftly, and pushing him to the ground effortlessly. Landing on a pile of cushions he hadn't known was there, James looked up at his mistress in shock. He opened his mouth to speak but Lilith held up a hand, ordering his silence. She stared down at him with indifference. With the lazy flick of a single finger, Lilith's magic brought James' flaccid cock to full attention. The...

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Lilith a Devil Unbound

The portal errupted into flame, starting to close as a delicate red hand with long black femine fingernails. A women with a vipercated tale rose from the flame, she had two horns on her forehead and soot black hair down to her neck that shined in the light of the flame. She had long shaply legs. Her tail was wrapped around her leg and came between her large ample breasts with nice round nipples. She had piercing black eyes that shined like obsidien. She had a hard sixpack and hips the swung...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 13

After leaving Tina's office a few hours before, James had come home to an empty house. He'd been greeted by a note on the fridge from David, who had apparently taken Brianna and gone to a relative's wedding out of town and would not be back for a few days. James other roommate, Mark, had classes and a job of his own, so he likely wouldn't return to the house until later in the afternoon. James was grateful for the solitude; it gave him time to time to think – time to calm himself and fight...

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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 2 Robot Exploration

Now that Jason had found a way to make a unit which would return from wherever it was going he began construction of a new and larger unit. This new unit would provide enough space for a video camera, a small control computer, and a larger battery to handle the increased power consumption from the added components. Once the new unit was completed he was ready for a more detailed exploration of his new discovery. In addition to the video camera, Jason had also added a circuit to monitor the...

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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 6 A Trip to a More Distant Node

For his next trip Jason decided to make a translation much further away from his home node, one which would take more than an hour. This trip would require more caution and more attention to what was going on as Jason was pretty sure the place he would end up at the end of the translation would be a significantly different universe from his own. Perhaps even so different that it would not be possible for Jason to leave the transfer pod. Because of this he was especially careful in his...

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The Devils Pact Hell Chronicles Chapter 7 Lilith

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Seven: Lilith Chantelle Paquet-Holub – The Abyss “I am Superman!” the brawny, naked man roared as he flew forward, zipping across the sulfur plain. With my dancer reflexes, I dodged to the left as Lana threw herself to the right. I rolled across the sulfurous dust, spitting the rotten substance out of my mouth as I came up in a crouch. The man pulled up into the sky, twisting around in the air to attack us again. I recognized the man. He...

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Lilith a Devils Revenge

Lilith had made it to her destination. The church where she had grown up. She walked up the stone steps that looked exactly the way she remembered them. It was around midnight when she knocked on the door. She struck a pose with one delicate hand on her hip, jutting the other hip out and leaned most of her little wieght on one of her long shapley legs.  A young student, wearing exactly what she wore, answered the door to see who it was. She gasped seeing the red skinned woman with black...

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Lalitha My Next Door Aunty

Dear Friends, This is my first story in I am regular reader of this site for the past five years. Never had an idea to write the story and suddenly I want to change myself. I am going to write my real experience with my next door Aunty. From this week onwards I will write weekly two stories for the readers and I will make them Happy. Though this is my First Story in this Site Please adjust if any Grammatical Mistakes. I am Ram and my age is 24 at that time. I use to go to...

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Fucking house owner Lalitha

I am Rajesh, again came from Hyderabad. I sent stories of my sex encounters with two of my colleagues. Later I sent another encounter with the daughter of my dream girl Sujatha. I have yet to receive the views of the readers on my stories. Now I will share my joy of encounter I had with my house-owner Mrs. Lalitha (name changed because of privacy) in two parts. It was happened when I was studying my graduation. I will tell about her. She is brownish in color and 34-32-40 of size and aged about...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 9

Thanks to Lilith, James' power was now under his command again, and he felt no risk of losing control. Not that there was much power to lose control of at the moment; James was considerably weaker after giving so much of his sexual energy to his mistress, in order to sustain her and the Temple of Venus. With his current level of power, he could do little more than cheap parlor tricks. Real feats of magic would require James to first gather sexual energy. But that would have to wait. He had...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 3

James' words seem to hang in the air even after he had gone. Lilith rubbed her neck softly, before her graceful hand strayed lower. She stopped herself, shaking her head and speaking aloud, "Get a hold of yourself, Lilith…" The olive-skinned demoness let out a long, deep sigh, stretching as she did. Rising from her throne, she stepped down to the tile floor of her endless "paradise." She scoffed to herself at the thought. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the heap of pillows that...

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Aunt LilithChapter 5

“Bon jour, monsieur! Did you know that we’ve literally been having sex in some form all night long? I don’t think that you fell asleep at all. Then again, you’re an angel now. You don’t require sleep anymore, trust me. I think that you should know that you can now stretch your wings whenever you wish, but I wouldn’t that in public, of course. People wouldn’t understand, to put it mildly,” Lilith teased Maurice as she noted the sunrise. “Believe me, I feel like I’ve been having sex all night...

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Monolith Chapter 8

Reception Beth slept with her mouth open, she didn't breathe out of her mouth but it was open anyways. Theo had wondered how much drool her pillow had collect over the three or so weeks she had been sleeping here. Theo swallowed and moved her tongue around in her mouth to check her own level of drool in her mouth, normal. It's always normal, she couldn't remember the last time she had dry mouth or the smell of food made her mouth water. Always the same, her body seemed to be never...

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Iribis Vs Lilith

She looked over. There were several ways to deal with this situtation. She could cast a spell, run and wait for him. She suddenly smelled a demon not to far away. The demon no doubt smelled her hot juices. On her plane if a demon had a chance to fuck a devil, it usualy meant a trap, but they would risk it anyways, at least half the time. Now that she was on earth she knew it was coming for her. But what type of demon, she wondered perhaps the spirit demon from the house? Who could tell. She...

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Iribis Vs Lilith

Introduction: The two creatures of the inferno face off, the devil vs' the demon. "Hey!" the priest yelled at her, pointing the gun.She looked over. There were several ways to deal with this situtation. She could cast a spell, run and wait for him. She suddenly smelled a demon not to far away. The demon no doubt smelled her hot juices. On her plane if a demon had a chance to fuck a devil, it usualy meant a trap, but they would risk it anyways, at least half the time. Now that she was on earth...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 7 The Daughters Of Lilith

Allison grimaced as she turned the key on her mailbox and retrieved her stack of mail. She closed the small metal door and locked it back up. It was her second day with a cock between her legs and it wasn't getting any easier. She wore a red, pleated leather skirt along with a white top and leather jacket. It was one of the few articles of clothing she owned that would hide the obvious bulge. It was thirty six hours since discovering her big surprise. Time hadn't lessened the stressful...

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Aunt LilithChapter 4

Maurice Koenig felt as if Lilith tried to kill him at several points during the act of fucking, or was that making love, in that cottage for much of that week. Then again, he was well aware that wasn’t her intention, and furthermore that he was an angel now without a mortal’s limits. Even so, he was used to having human weaknesses and it was tough to remind himself that he wouldn’t run out of energy, for instance, no matter what took place. Lilith kept going back for more, draining his balls...

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Aunt LilithChapter 6

“Well, this is it, our last encounter for the week, and the last until we meet again, alas. Ursula, I trust that I’m leaving my sweet nephew, Maurice, here, in your very capable, if spectral, hands. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to check up and touch ... shall we say, base? You’ll take good care of my beloved Maurice, won’t you, Ursy?” Lilith urged the French ghost Ursula Daucourt to look out for the best interests of her favorite angel, Maurice Koenig, the one that El Belial had handpicked to...

1 year ago
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Literotica Masturbation

Awww, literotica is mobile-friendly now. Like watching Gone with The Wind in VR! Welcome to, the virtual home of a shitload of amateur erotic stories that are more than stories. The website has been an inspiration, for years, for a bunch of content writers and smut authors and made a name for itself despite a shit ton of hardcore adult websites. is a fucking classic!I don't buy that "I've never read a single erotic story" crap! I hate to...

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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Agent of Lilith Chapter 1

BEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP. BEEP BEEP BEEP James Marshall awoke with a jolt. Reaching for his phone, he fumbled with it a bit before managing to turn off the alarm. Narrow beams of light cascaded into his bedroom from behind the window blinds. Fully awake now, James let out a deep sigh before sitting up in bed. He looked over at the empty space next to him; he was alone. He hadn't expected anything different, but he had hoped nonetheless that one of the beautiful seductresses who had...

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Literotica stories, search, and tags! If you’ve ever stroked the pole while reading dirty stories online, you’re probably already familiar with Literotica. The site has been around for 20 years now and gets well over 50 million views a month. It’s the king daddy motherload of written porno.The site has hundreds of thousands of stories, poems, and pictures, all submitted by Literotica users. This active and horny community has been key to the site’s longevity and popularity.Twenty Years of...

Sex Stories Sites
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"Our last award this evening is for someone very special to us here at Apraxis. He has been a big part of the Apraxis family for some time now and his hunger and commitment never fails to surprise us. For the best national sales performance of the year, it can only be…” He let the anticipation build amongst the assembled staff. This was fine dining for two hundred souls in black tie and evening dresses. Free booze and a band would round off the evening; the awards were the high point before the...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 7 The Daughters Of Lilith

She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Frenzied thoughts spiraled through her mind for the ump-teeth time. 'What the fuck am I going to do???' 'How do I ever tell Jeff about this?' 'I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe...' 'What about the next time I go to the doctor?!?' 'WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?' *DING* The doors opened. Allison shouldered her bag and stepped into the empty elevator. She pressed the button for her floor and leaned...

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Story 1: From whose bourne no traveler returns... The rain lashed the windshield. Carl cursed as the engine began running rough. "Damn it, car, don't DO this to me!" Ever since he had gotten that bad tank of gas, contaminated with water and rust, his fuel lines had been clogging at unpredictable intervals. He peered through the sheets of falling water as the motor began to miss, looking for a place he could pull off the road. Less than 20 miles from the city, but there seemed to be no sign...

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Aunt LilithChapter 7

“Lilith? Is it supposed to mean something to me?” Clothilde demanded of Maurice, Lilith, and Ursula. “One of the sisters and wives of Adam, older than Eve. His other sister-wife was Bath-Tammuz, but she never made it into the legend, alas. Lilith was always portrayed in a negative light in the Midrash, but she is actually my ancestress ... and one of my lovers, in fact. Well, strictly speaking, my direct ancestress is Bath-Tammuz, but Lilith is her sister and thus my myriad times aunt. As...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 07 The Daughters Of Lilith

She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Frenzied thoughts spiraled through her mind for the ump-teeth time. 'What the fuck am I going to do???' 'How do I ever tell Jeff about this?' 'I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe...' 'What about the next time I go to the doctor?!?' 'WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?' *DING* The doors opened. Allison shouldered her bag and stepped into the empty elevator. She pressed the button for her floor and leaned against the...

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