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"Our last award this evening is for someone very special to us here at Apraxis. He has been a big part of the Apraxis family for some time now and his hunger and commitment never fails to surprise us. For the best national sales performance of the year, it can only be…”

He let the anticipation build amongst the assembled staff. This was fine dining for two hundred souls in black tie and evening dresses. Free booze and a band would round off the evening; the awards were the high point before the drunken debauchery began.

“Xavier Livas.”

It was muted applause but polite nonetheless.

Shaking hands, posing for a photo and pocketing the cheque, he held up his trophy to the assembled guests. More muted applause followed and he wondered if he would put the trophy on the shelf in the loo with the others.

He returned to his table and to Suzie. They had met in a club a few weeks before, it was nothing serious but she was attractive, fun and a great fuck. Considering the distinct lack of warmth in his applause, maybe some warmth of a different kind was in order.

“Suzie darling, did I say you were looking fabulous this evening?”

“Oh Xav, you charmer, you know what happens when you do that.”

Indeed he did know, it usually resulted in her knickers on his bedroom floor and a night of drunken monkey sex.

“I do,” he added with a wicked glint in his eyes, “Come on let’s get out of this sad place.”

He paused to count his drinks; he wasn’t unfit for service. All he had to do was listen to her conversation and get some more drink down her neck.

“Suzie, why don’t we hit a club and drink the night away? Champagne!”

He knew that the last time she had Champagne, she was a complete deviant between the sheets.

“Xav! Let’s do it baby!”


“Oh man, I don’t feel too good.”

“Xav, of course you don’t, you got shit-faced and you haven’t had any sleep.”

He still had his sense of humour though. He looked up, made a ring with his thumb and index finger and worked his other index finger in and out the hole.

His colleague laughed loudly.

“What? Suzie? Again?”

Xavier nodded and held up three fingers.

“What three times?”

“Yeah, twice in her pussy and once in her ass.”

“Fucking hell Xav!”

Xavier’s reaction to his colleague’s animated state was a look of pain on his face. Normally, he couldn’t stand this guy but he was so tired, he didn’t care.

“Sorry Xav, she’s a top bit of skirt mate, I’d hit it.”

“What about, erm?”

“Leigh pronounced ‘Lay’? Oh she’s good, real good,” leered his colleague. “Erm Xavier, you don’t look so great. If you don’t mind me saying you haven’t looked good for a few weeks.”

He looked up, “Seriously?”

“Yeah, you know, you look a little burned out.”

His response was immediate, “No way man, I just need some sleep.”

To Xavier this guy was a nuisance at the best of times, now he was annoyed and tired. Thinking was difficult but something piqued his curiosity; this guy had something he wanted.

“You work as hard as I do. You party as hard as I do. So what is your secret?”

From his calling card case, he selected one, turned it over and slid it across the desk. Expecting the winning card in Texas Hold ‘Em, Xavier made the flop.

Picking it up, he read it for a moment.

“Paramour Wellbeing? Suzie’s mentioned this place; I’d remember more if I wasn’t so smashed at the time.”

“Leigh works there. That’s where I met her. Seriously, I’ve never felt better. I’ve got the edge now.”



“No drugs or hippy shit right?”

Xavier thought that he looked the sort that would.

“Nah, just advice and you should see the babes that work there.”

“Yeah? Like?”

“Like there’s a woman there, Lilith, she is seriously fucking hot. She’s an eleven.”

“An eleven to you maybe, that’s probably an eight on my scale.”

“No Xav, she’s an eleven on your scale.”

“Compared to Suzie?”

His colleague nodded, “Eleven. Ask for her, you could bag her easy.”


“Look, call the number; tell them Jason sent you. I’ll cover for you, just go.”


He was surprised in getting an appointment that easily; Jason’s name must have carried some weight. Sitting in the waiting area, he’d filled out the questionnaire and handed it back to the receptionist, Leigh. Jason was not wrong about her; she was a cracker. He wasn’t wrong about the women here at all, none of them scored less than an nine.

Xavier had an aversion to anything remotely medical; he had no need for a doctor’s surgery. He was in the prime of his life, young, confident and handsome. Nothing had been too difficult; women fell into his lap although he preferred the thrill of the chase. He could pick, choose and drop women on a whim and another would be just around the corner.

He had not suffered a single reverse or upset in his life, nothing had been too difficult. It has been one smooth trajectory to success, wealth and happiness. It troubled him to be here, he never needed advice on anything but this lethargy really bothered him. Success was a hard taskmaster and there was nothing in being second best. Feeling as he did right now, winning that fourth trophy was not going to happen and that irked him – greatly.

So Jason was right, he would have shook off a night like this by lunchtime. Last week was the same, the week before too so this would be a good investment if he got his mojo back.

“Xavier Livas?”

He looked in the direction of the voice and she approached him.

“Hello, I’m Lilith Senoy, pleased to meet you.”

Dumbfounded by her looks, she was indeed off the scale, a veritable eleven.

He stood and she offered her hand, he was gentle not to shake it too firmly. Her skin felt like the finest silk, he looked into her eyes and felt immediately at peace.

“Thank you for seeing me at short notice Ms. Savoy, I realise you must be busy.”

“It’s Miss.”

“Oh, sorry, I thought you be…”

“No, not at his precise moment.”

Taken aback by her perfunctory tone, he was too tired to turn on the charm and he thought better of it.

“I see.”

“Please, come though.”

Her poise and grace were impeccable and her attire was deeply feminine. A long flowing indigo linen skirt matched with a pale cream blouse. It was modest whilst accentuating her alluring charm. Her figure was a riot of perfect mathematical ratios for bust, waist and hips. Her hips swayed as she moved with a mesmerising fluidity.

As she took her seat, a hint of her firm, yet generous bosom showed through the tightened fabric.

“Please sit and relax. This is just a first consultation; we look into what makes you tick and what does not. Then we take it from there.”

Just her words were enough to ease his mind; his headache was a barely recalled memory. Despite a lack of sleep, he felt more alert and sharper.

Answering her questions was easy and eliciting his answers meant he could look her into their intoxicating eyes. As he spoke, she smiled and occasionally adjusted her long layered hair. Her face with its flawless bone structure and pale skin was attractive and kindly. Her demeanour projected an air of blissful serenity.

“Well Xavier, the first conclusion is a simple one; you are burning the candle at both ends.”

“I kinda knew that really.”

“I would suggest some Valerian tablets, a long soak in the bath and a few goodnights of sleep. Once you feel a bit more rested, we’ll have another chat.”


“Relax, Valerian has been used for centuries, it’s natural sleep-aid. There’s a good chemist across the road from here.”


“Anything else?” she asked, her voice lilted with a faint air of curiousity.

In the psychology of buying and selling, this was as brazen a signal of interest as he would get and he had to clinch the deal.

“Well, I was wondering if perhaps you might like to go out for dinner?”

She was self-assured and confident just like him and he had to be bold. Anything else, any sign of weakness and he knew the deal would be off.

She smiled, “Mr. Livas, you know I wouldn’t normally accept.”


She smiled, “You know Tosca’s? Tomorrow 7.30pm sharp. On one condition, get an early night.”

“Ok excellent.” he replied confidently. “I look forward to it.”

“So, I think we are done now.”

Her measured tone hinted at her unavailability, it hinted that she would need to be pursued. He smiled at the prospect of such a challenge, there was going to be one hell of a reward at the end of it.


He felt exhausted; the soporific effect of the valerian and a long soak in the bath had kicked in. It was still early but he pulled the duvet over him. His body felt so heavy and his eyelids closed – he was out for the count in seconds.

It was a buzzing sound; it uncomfortably jangled though his mind.

There it was again.

With one bleary eye, he looked at the intercom handset and his alarm clock.

It was Lilith, it was 3am.

He pressed the talk button, “Lilith?”

“Can I come in?”

In a state of bewilderment, he pushed ‘Open’. Wrestling with his robe, he made his way to the front door.

Pulling the catch, there she was , a vision in a crushed black velvet dress. Made to be kissed; her lips were full and matte painted to perfection. Her eyes were sapphire blue and demanded admiration. Long, lustrous black hair shone in the low light, immaculately layered with a precise centre parting. It framed her beautiful face perfectly and with only a modicum of make-up, her beauty electrified his drowsy senses.

As their eyes met, she conveyed no emotion. There was no chance for words, she pushed the door closed and pushed him back against the hallway wall. Pulling at the ham-fisted bow, she opened his robe and groped his cock. Placing a soulful kiss on his lips, his head reeled as his knees weakened. Again, she kissed him as she pressed her body against his, the velvet caressed his naked body and his stiffened cock pressed into the flesh of her stomach.

Taking to her knees, she felt the weight of his cock and eased her mouth over him without a word.


She looked up, those sapphire eyes conveyed her determination and he could only groan in response. Pinned against the wall, he had to do something and reached for her hair. With the texture of cashmere, it glided through his fingers as she worked on his rigid shaft. Her tongue and mouth conspired to make his cock lurch hard. His head felt woozy but his body felt fortified and strong.

This beautiful, aloof woman was sucking on his cock with a sublime degree of skill he had never experienced before. A repetitive deep moan left him as she bobbed her head and took him. Her lively velvet mouth worked over him relentlessly, her tongue licked around at the swollen head of his cock. He was fully hard as her hand gripped his cock and stroked him. Single-mindedly, he had to put it inside her; he would readily plead, beg and grovel if had to.

Rising from her knees, she grasped his livid prick and Xavier was trembling in anticipation.

“Now we’ve established that you have a fantastic hard cock, show me what you can do with it.”


“No questions Xavier, just fuck me.”

She led him by his cock and found the bedroom easily enough.

“Now unzip me.”

The runner fell effortlessly, with a shrug of one shoulder and then another, she turned to face him.

He had to look.

“Holy shit!”

Adorned in black stockings and suspenders and absent of any underwear; her body was a perfect ensemble of curves. She was the very pinnacle of womanhood. Her sublime breasts begged to be squeezed, her hips flared delicately, he pulled her in closely and placed a tender kiss on her neck. She looked at him and placed a finger at his lips.

“If you want this body, not another word.”

Xavier nodded his head, he watched as she sat on the edge of the bed. Parting her legs, unabashed she revealed her sex. His heart pounded as unadulterated animal lust coursed through his veins.

“Now, eat me.”

Surprised by the heat and wetness of her sex; her slit spread readily for him. Her fingers slid through his hair as she clasped him by the scalp. Firmly fixed in place by her thighs squeezed against his head, he knew what he had to do. Lapping at her clit, the syrup sweetness of her juices inspired his efforts as she let out small yelps of pleasure. His desire for her burned intensely, his need for her drove him on. Feeling her weight press into the bed, his fingertips slid with delicate pressure over her body. As he caressed her breasts and nipples, her back arched to his touch. Sucking on her clit, she rubbed her sex against his mouth as her hips rose and fell.

With a delicate soundless tremor and a flood of her juices, she climaxed.

“Fuck me.”

He mounted her in one languid movement, taking his fiercely hard cock she taunted him by rubbing up and down her wet slit. As his vexation spilled over, his thoughts betrayed him through his pleading eyes. She laughed at his frustration as she guided his cock into her. His eyes widened as he felt her enveloping warmth. Placing a finger at his mouth, she reminded him to remain silent as he pressed on to fill her.

His first thrust was reticent; he had never felt such a cosseting heat around his cock. His second was bolder and she wrapped her legs around his own. This third was a fluid push into her as her arms pulled him close for a kiss. Explosion of light hit the backs of his closed eyelids as her tongue explored his mouth. He pushed again and felt that tight heat around him once more.

“Come on, give it to me.”

Increasing his tempo, her body rose to meet his and she playfully bit on his shoulder. As a signal, he needed something from his repertoire to give her what she wanted. Kneeling before her, he pulled at her body letting her bottom rest on his thighs. Embedded inside her once more, he held her legs together and her feet rested on his chest.


Her voice tailed away as she took a deep breath and gasped as he filled her deeply. Her nostrils flared for air, her groans were the invitation to fuck her with more force. The curve of his swollen cock hit her there and then again. The persistent thrusting of his cock made her body squirm; his skin was livid, blotchy with lust. He looked upon her rapt body as he pushed hard. He drove on as her feet pressed against him; he pressed back and her frequent moans grew louder. Her body writhed before him; her breasts shook as her tremors built.

Relentlessly he pistoned into her and with a hard exhalation of air, she shook violently. The crucible tightness of her sex convulsed against him and still he pressed on. Suzi would have milked him dry at this point but he wasn’t even close. Lilith wanted more and she reached out with her hands and held her own legs apart.

He looked down at the flare of her pubic bone and his cock sawing in and out of her sex. A pearl emulsion coated his cock, she felt fiercely hot and soft as wet satin.

“Give me more.”

He freed one of her legs and leant in, a litany of kisses followed as he straddled her leg with his own. He sat up and pressed her other leg against his body, the deep penetration from his cock made her gasp. Again, he began to fuck her with all the potency of his strong body.

He looked upon her beautiful flushed face, his free hand pressed on her firm breast as he thrust hard into her. His power came from his hips and she felt the head of his relentless cock graze her upper walls again. He pressed on, the motion from his hips steered in his hard cock in and out of her at a furious pace. Her body responded, his cock pressed into her as she began to shake. His gasps and moans punctuated each thrust, the sinews and taut muscles of his glowing body flexed as he attended to her.

Obeying her commands and fulfilling her desire, her body smashed through the pressure inside as she shook ferociously. Crying out in orgasm, the vice grip of her cunt surprised him as her muscles clenched hard around his fierce cock. Drops of perspiration ran down his scalp and temples as he strained hard to keep up this momentum up.

Pressing her hands against his chest, she prised herself away from him.

She rolled over onto all fours pushing her bottom into the air. He lingered to take in the plumpness of her labia framed beautifully by her luscious peach-shaped arse and the suspender straps. On his shins, he held her hips for purchase and thrust powerfully into her.


Hinged on her knees and shoulders, she met each powerful thrust by pushing firmly against him. Fighting to hold her hips with his perspiration soaked hands, he clasped at the elastic of the suspender belt. With his heart pounding and his throat dry, he dug into his reserves of endurance to fulfil her craven needs. Each moan from her grew stronger with every formidable lunge of his cock into her sopping cunt. The sounds of their bodies colliding together bounced off the walls as he relentlessly fucked her with all his strength. Crouching over her body, he groped her breasts trapping her nipples between his moist fingers. He playfully bit her shoulder and powered into her again and again.

Her arms shook first and as they gave way, he sat up and fucked her fiercely though another tumultuous climax. Again, her muscles clutched and gripped his cock violently and he was still not close to yielding into her.

Leaning forward, she broke contact and rolled over. Splaying her legs and throwing her hands over her head, she was prone and vulnerable on the bed. He had to crawl to her and their hips pressed together; he penetrated her fully. Kissing passionately, her legs locked around his waist and he knew what he had to do. She sought no sanctuary from his attention; she gave no further instruction so Xavier continued.

His body trembled as his sturdy arms began to leech their strength. Summoning every scrap of energy he possessed, he started to fuck her hard making her body shake underneath his own. He craved his own release as their mouths pressed together. He powered into her and her fingers played with his nipples. Each of them moaning as their bodies pressed together, she pressed her teeth into his broad shoulder.

“Cum for me, fill me with it.”

Energised by her words, it galvanised his efforts. His fiercely hard cock slew against her tense slippery cunt muscles. His perineum convulsed making his cock throb inside her with each pounding thrust. That throbbing tension inside him reached its zenith as his cock swelled ready to release.

“That it, I can feel you. Cum, shoot it in me.”

As she writhed on the bed, her voice faltered with each moan. The broiling heat of her tight sex pressed against his hardness as they mashed their bodies together. Each thrust brought him closer and made her body squirm against him. Trembling hard, her body lurched heavily against his. Her shrieks cannoned off the walls as she shuddered violently. Digging her nails into his back, he growled deeply; her arched back took his deeply impaled cock to the hilt.

Convulsing on his swollen cock and with a growl suffused with pleasure and pain, he felt the first spasm of his climax. With his last reserves of strength, he roared and his orgasm consumed him. Struggling to thrust into her, he gave her more and more of his essence. The delicious cloying heat of his seed filled her as they writhed together. Weakened, he could only summon weak stabs of his cock into her as her spasms subsided. He fought on to the very end of his climax and his body screamed out for resolution. He rolled off her body and his lungs bawled for air; his heart begged for rest. He clung to a pillow, seeking to keep his floating body on terra-firma as his cock spasmed, empty and spent.


He woke up with a start; he looked to the other side of the commodious bed and it was unmolested.

Confused, he rolled onto his back, he was hard and his back did not give out a sting of pain. He was definitely drinking more of that Valerian tea if this was the result. He laughed at how vivid it all was, how he could remember every single curve of her body and the heat of her sex around him. He wondered if he would get some tonight, he would definitely give it everything he had to ensure he did.

His head was clearing; he would get up, hit the gym and take it easy for the rest of the day.

Showered and dressed, he reached for the front door. It was bright outside and he squinted to the point of closing his eyes. Shielding them to let them adjust to the bright summer light, he closed the door.

At first, he didn’t register, everything was white, everything. There was nothing, not a pavement, street, car or person. It was brilliant white everywhere. He turned to look for his front door and it was gone. He was still asleep and he fought to wake up, he pinched the back of his hand – nothing.

“Hello Xavier.”

Alarmed, he span round, it was Lilith and Leigh. They were both dressed in black, both of them immaculately presented with their sapphire eyes sparkling.

“Oh, you’ve just missed Jason, never mind,” stated Leigh.

“What the fuck!”

This loud exclamation bounced off unseen walls and threatened to build up into a deafening screech of feedback.

Lilith pressed her finger to his lips, “Shush Xavier, shush!”

Her touch delivered a deep sense of fear and his body began to shake uncontrollably. Try as he might, he could not move his legs and no words would form in his mind.

“That’s better,” stated Lilith primly. “Xavier, do you know who we are?”

His eyes were wild as he shook his head hurriedly.

“We are Succubae. We steal souls and last night I stole yours. Be still and you can feel the emptiness inside you.”

He could feel a considerable void inside him and it was filling with a malevolent terror.

“I suppose you are wondering where you are? This is a place where very bad things happen. This is a place for people who don’t deserve a swift death at our hands.”

It was Leigh’s turn, “We select only a special few for this place, people with a capacity for limitless evil. We feed from their emotions until they are mere empty husks; it takes a lot of energy to look this good.”

They both giggled as they posed and batted their eyelashes at him.

Lilith moved to only inches from his face, “Bye Xavier you were a great fuck, remember that. You are going to be horrified what will arouse you here.”

Leigh gave him a smile and a little wave of her hand; they turned and slowly walked away arm in arm.

“Lilith darling, so you made this month’s target after all, he will be pleased!”

“Suzie gave it a damn good try. He just needed someone with a little more experience.”

“Yes, Jason was a tough one but I got there in the end. What will you do with Xavier?”

“Well, I thought I’d test him here for a century or two, then….”

He could just about see that she was pointing down, “Down the hatch and stoke the boilers!”

He heard their peals of laughter tailing off into silence. His eyes looked out to the distant white horizon until they were gone.

So, if man gives out a primal wail of deranged terror and there is no one there to hear it – does he make a sound?

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Mackenzie Mace’s stepdad arrives to find the house a complete mess. While his wife is out of town, his step daughter took it upon herself to throw a party. He confronts her about cleaning things up. If she does he would not mention anything to her mom. In the middle of cleaning up Mackenzie started dressing to put her clothes from last night to wash. Her step father was completely shocked by her getting completely naked in front of him. Not only that, he also wasn’t able to control his body and...

3 years ago
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Step Mother Needs Saving

Introduction: A loving step mother and son find love. Bill came from a broken home. In fact his earliest memories are that of his parents divorce. So for the better part of his childhood and adolescents he accepted life as it was. Living with his mother on week days and spending weekends at his fathers house. Bill unlike most kids in his situation was very understanding and actually considered himself to be very lucky. Both of his parents moved on and remarried to some amazing people. His...

2 years ago
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Mr Wongs Happy Hours

Today three young girls had been executed by hanging: a drug dealer, a murderer and a prostitute hung side by side in their white short sleeved dresses which all the condemned women had to were during the execution: with their white socks and sandals they looked almost like nurses or school girls. Only the rough ropes with the thick coiled nooses formed a brutal contrast to the almost idyllic picture. Joshua entered the platform and examined with obvious joy the three hanged girls. All three...

3 years ago
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Boygirl Mouths of Auvee Island

On Auvee Island in French Polynesia, we are called Mahu while in other lands we might be termed "girly-boy". We are born with some male anatomy but we are almost entirely female. For hundreds of years, we have lived as third-gender females with full acceptance and encouragement of our people. I am Brynn and I am Mahu.Since our mouths are our natural “receiving” orifices, we orally copulate males, not just because our elders have for centuries taught that such unions are appropriate for those...

4 years ago
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Naughty Nick PT2

"She's in here." I hear a voice that I'm sure belongs to "naughty nick" and I no longer have to pretend to sleep. My body instantly seizes up and I lay rigidly still. "What would you like me to do with her Sir?" Its a softly spoken womam, an American by the sound of it. "Clean her, get her something to eat. The usual. But she's a feisty little bitch," His warning to the girl nearly makes me smile until he finishes his sentence. "The boys love it when she tries to fight but be...

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So Whos the Bitch Now

So Who’s the Bitch Now?My time reading stories here on BDSM Lib has given me a keen insight into my own personality.  I have found out where my interests lie.  For a long time I couldn’t understand, because of my sexual proclivities, why I like humiliating women.  Until I realised that I am turned on by consensual humiliation and degradation not mine, mind you, but of others. Non-consensual anything leaves me cold and angry, so I understand the willing slave mindset and also enjoy reading those...

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AntonioChapter 6 Larry

“I’ll tell you,” Larry said. “Otherwise, you’ll think it is worse than it was. I love you. I’ve never loved another woman. I’ve had sex with other women, but not loved them.” And this is the story he told: Larry was alone in the showers bringing himself off when Hank came in. Hank immediately turned away and watched the wall while he took his own shower. They left the base with the other trainees on liberty. Hank caught Larry’s arm as the others streamed into the Red Cross meeting...

2 years ago
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Fuck me like you own me

I had rented a room at our local motel. We had been talking all day on the phone our excitement building now that we finally had a chance to meet again. We met once or twice a month here making love and enjoying each other. We are both married but after we had found each other after all of those years we couldn’t resist our urges to see each other again. I watched as she pulled up in front of the motel in her car, I knew that first thing she liked want to freshen up before we began to...

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Total Woman Zodiac 06

Zack’s flight from San Antonio had been uneventful. He was lazing by the pool of the boutique hotel that had been closed to the public for a week. The sign said ‘Renovations’ but it had really been booked exclusively for a Total Woman Academy induction symposium. The view on the pool deck was stupendous, kudos to the TWA Scouting staff. Total Woman Academy enrolled its freshman class with referrals and recommendations from within its own ranks. Daughters of Alumni Fund sponsors were the...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 9

"Okay, Baby... you're hot enough to fuck now!" Fred gloated, heaving himself up above her and wedging his hips down between her quivering, white thighs. Looking down he saw that the blood- bloated head of his cock nestled into the moist, flowered-open mouth of her vagina, where only seconds before his mouth and tongue were tantalizing her to this point of total surrender on her part. He grinned lewdly down into her face and said, "Now, let's see just how badly you want to be...

3 years ago
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Lady Cecelia Ch 02 Pt 04

The house of the Dauphin of Agincourt was rife with corruption and debauchery. Know all at the outset that never in French history was one more decadent than this. In France, King Henry’s men languished in Agincourt castle prison. Their humiliation at the hands of the French was ceaseless. English Knights of higher order found themselves visited for the sole purpose of the French Court’s entertainment. French men, some of them, lost interest in these Anglican nobles who soon found themselves...

1 year ago
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School house school and female clothes

hello everyone. I wrote another chapter of my diary for you. this chapter all about my teacher and father and how I got confused between them and their after that day in my teachers house I didn't go to school and pretend to be sick. I really didn't want to go there anymore. thought of finding exit way of being under the control of my teacher and being under his weight and his cock was killing me. I told my parents I'm sick and day after that was weekend my mother and sister had a...

4 years ago
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My Sister Made Me A Girl That I Am

I was 18 and I started to develop high sex drive, I was very curious about girls and their body. I couldn’t find any gals outside to satisfy my lust. So I started looking inside and there she was, my sister. She was 20; even at that age she had developed a curvy figure. Her boobs were handful and she had a decent size at the back. We were in a very small house, my sister and me used to sleep in one room. It was my sister’s duty to sweep and mop the entire house. This was the time I could...

3 years ago
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Intimate Moments With My Sexy Teacher In Her School Cabin

Hello, all the iss readers. Thank you so much for the great response to my previous story. I received a lot of appreciation on the email. I am back with another story including me and my teacher. I hope you all like it. You can go through my previous story to get a better flow of the events. Again the queen of my story is my Hindi teacher Shalini. We had many sessions after the previous one at her home and other places. This is one of them. This is my real-life experience and let’s get started...

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I submit part 2

Let me say something silly, yet some people don’t get it. This story carries and adult theme. If offended by sexual stories, its simple, don’t read the story. This story is fictional with fictional characters. These characters will never get AIDS. Please feel free to send me a comment on the story. For those of you who have emailed me thanks for sharing your kind words. I have enjoyed reading the emails about the stories and ideas on what should happen with some of the characters. Thanks for...

Group Sex
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 23 Escalation

Christie frowned as she sat with the others from the honeymoon week on St. Croix. “Damn, I’m getting hate mail.” “Hate mail?” Mark asked. The others turned to listen into their conversation. Alice said, “What for?” “Oh, a few days ago some campus jerk-off put two-and-two together. He knew me on campus as Christina Lee, but he also discovered my numerous porn movies on the Internet under the name Christie Lee. He ratted me out on social media, and now I’m getting hate mail from the loving...

4 years ago
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Cum little Lauren pt 2

Introduction: For a friend, you know who you are Grampa woke very early, as he always had, and felt Laurens body pushed up against his chest, and his semi-rigid cock pressing into her buttocks. It had been years since he had awakened with someone in his arms, and he lay there enjoying the feeling for several minutes before he gently untangled himself from her, leaving her sleeping soundly, as he got up and went to the bathroom. It was just after four in the morning, and he knew he would have to...

2 years ago
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Start the Revolution Without MeChapter 3

I awoke in the same suite to a phone call from Trevor Burham, “Look, mate, don’t worry about putting this on your own tab. The new government is set to take office and I’m already having doubts. Remember when Annie assured me that nothing would be different? Well, just this very morning, man, she told me that she hoped that last night was great for me, because it would be ‘a good long time before you get to stick that sausage back in my pudding.’ She also laughed and told me that swearing on...

2 years ago
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Not Just Another Love Story Ch 01

To all those who still believe in love, romance and the power of imagination. BELIEVE! Some have won a wild delight, By daring wilder sorrow, Could I gain thy love tonight, I’d hazard death tomorrow. – Excerpt from Passion by Charlotte Bronte ‘Tell her to get her skinny ass over here, right now,’ I fumed! ‘I already told the sadistic bitch to be here at 08H00 sharp but apparently her broom ran out of bitch juice and the delivery truck broke down as well,’ Dave, my very flamboyant, gay...

4 years ago
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Lusts What The Doctor OrderedChapter 2

Prinz lay back in the deep tub luxuriating in its soothing warmth as he spoke into the telephone. "No, Mark... I'd like you and Coco to be here around seven-thirty. And I'll have a little surprise for you tonight--her name is Karen..." There was a pause and the man on the other end of the line spoke slowly as he told the psychoanalyst, "Ah, look--you know how Coco is, Doc... it took me a month to convince her it was okay to let her hair down in front of you." "If it's a question of...

3 years ago
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Fun at my mate engagement party

I’m sitting at my mates engagement party bored out of my skull as I appear to be the only person not in a couple. I slip off to the toilet to see who is local on fab. The first profile I see is my mate new fiance Cheryl whose party I am now attending and reading her profile she is single and according to verifications has been a very busy girl over the last couple of months despite going out with my mate. Reading her verifications the words cum slut seems to be a popular theme,as well a dirty...

3 years ago
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Twin Bitches

Jose Fernandez, or ?El Rey? as his peers called him, was easing back in his chair Disclaimer:? This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture.? It is intended for adults only.? If you are under the age of eighteen or, in some jurisdictions, twenty-one, do not continue past this point.? If you desire to read on, it is by your own choice and responsibility as a free adult in a free society.? All characters in...

3 years ago
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Naked girl day outside in severe winter

Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Eve Marlowe Perverts Love Eve8217s Gorgeous Curves

Eve Marlowe is simply looking as fine as can be, as she usually does on a hot day in the Sun! Will Pounder is spying on her from afar, fantasizing about her incredible curves as she walks past him. He cannot help but touch his throbbing cock in response. She has no idea! He continues to watch her, after finding her again one day, innocently practicing yoga in her yard. This perv cannot help himself! This girl is too gorgeous for him to stop. This time his van is a little too obvious. This wild...

2 years ago
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Immune To My Beauty Chapter 2

‘Wow! That was the hardest I’ve ever been spanked.’ My ass was really burning and I wasn’t looking forward to tucking it back into my dress, but I knew I had to at least try to get back to the party before my big sister left with her new hubby. ‘Sorry about that, but it seemed like what you wanted. My hands are a little sore, too.’ ‘You did great, Brett. Best fuck I’ve had in two weeks. Hey, I don’t mean to rush you, but we should both get down there to say goodbye to the happy couple.’

1 year ago
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Katie PunishedChapter 7 More Chilly Experiences

Katie returned home late on Sunday afternoon and quickly unpacked her overnight bag, hanging her clothes up in the wardrobe and putting the used underwear into the washing machine. She slipped into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee getting herself up a quick snack from the fridge. It had been Tuesday when she had packed that bag and she recalled her excited anticipation as she slung those tiny shorts and tinier top in after her other things. At the time she had had no idea why she...

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Descent Ascent

DESCENT/ASCENT By Katharine Sexkitten Sometimes, when we think we're in a downward spiral in life, it can turn out to be just the first steps in an amazing rise. What seems like the path leading to the pits of hell can turn out to be the stairway to heaven. Sometimes, descent is ascent. I grew up in a military household, for the first ten years of my life, and my parents taught us to respect authority, and people in uniform, and the people around us who served others. Cops...

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My Wife Picked Up In A Hotel Bar

My Wife Picked Up In The Hotel BarI always loved the stories I heard about a husband and his wife going into a bar where she sits by herself at the bar, and the husband sits nearby to secretly observe while men hit on her. I liked them so much, that I told my wife how that particular scenario had actually become one my intense fantasies. I thought about it for several years, until my wife Ann actually pulled it off one night in San Diego. We were down there for her to be one of the bridesmaids...

1 year ago
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WednesdaysChapter 15 Monday at Melanis

"Morning!" Melanie looked up as she unlocked the door to her store. The greeting was from Toni, who strode down Pearl Street toward her. "Hi, yourself," Melanie answered. "You're out early. Come on in, I'll start some coffee." The two women went into the store and Melanie turned on the lights, went about making coffee. Toni was wandering about the store, looking at the displays of lingerie, lifting the fabrics, looking at the construction of the garments. Melanie called, "Come...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 5 Getting Sexier and Loosening Up

Saturday evening a couple of weeks later the four couples gathered at Dev and Wendy’s sprawling ranch house at the end of one of the neighborhood cul de sacs. Like the other homes, they also had a large pool, and this one had the added feature of complete privacy. None of the adjacent homes had a line of sight into their back yard and their home backed up to wetlands. The weather was again exceptionally warm, so only minimal clothing was worn to the usual get-together. Wendy had put the word...

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Extra Credit

‘So, Mr. Killigan, I assume you know why you are here?’ I looked up at the headmaster, Professor Dawes, unsure of what to say.  Maybe I could get off easy.  I really didn’t want to leave the university, I’d worked hard to get in for a long time. ‘Don’t play dumb with me, Mr. Killigan.  You know exactly why you are here.’  He pushed a piece of paper across his desk.  I looked down at it and gulped.  CARTER KILLIGAN was written across the top, and below it, my grades were listed, clear as...

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First Man

I shared my time between the final year in the institute and my first job. It was hard time, I have to say - three to five hours at the institute, homework, preparation for bachelor tests and at least four hours office time. No wonders that I had much more experience with computers than with guys. The company, I was worked for, was relatively small - about forty men and three girls, counting me. So first two months I had a lot of attention, even from married folks. To be honest, they never...

First Time
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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 3

"Nat. Tab," Sarah called, the moment she opened the door. "Anyone home?" "In here," the booming voice of Tabitha answered from the lounge and Sarah turned right through a door at the foot of the stairs. "Ahh, we have a problem," she called out as she kicked off her shoes across the tiled hallway so they landed against the wall in heap. "You'll never guess what my stupid, pig-headed ... shit, Nat, are you OK?" Sarah paused as she looked down at the couch and saw her curvy house...

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Img Tornado is one of those sites that you can use to upload hot images to the web. Whether it is your own GIF that you created of your favorite pornstar or simply a beautiful woman that you think is hot, you can use it to make your porn dreams cum true. Plus, you can use it to make money. How is that possible you might ask? Well, you can earn money per 1000 views of your pictures. The top tier countries pay up to $6 (that’s USD) for 1000 views. These countries include the US, UK and Canada....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Tomb Raider XXX

Es war ein schöner, sonniger Nachmittag und der Himmel über Croft Mansion war wolkenlos. Seit Tagen hatte es nicht mehr geregnet, doch den grünen, gepflegten Gartenanlagen des Anwesens konnte man es aushalten. Laras Butler trat auf die Terasse und ging mit gesetzem Schritt zum Pool. Er breitete eine bequeme Decke aus und stellte eine kunstvoll gearbeitete Karaphe mit eisgekühltem Wasser und ein Glas ab. Mit einem Tuch tupfte er sich den Schweiß von der Stirn und schüttelte den Kopf über die...

2 years ago
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Rainy night ll

The rain had ended several minutes ago. Tom continued moving his hand on my dick till it went limp. Tom took my hand and pressed it into my cum on my stomach. It was much thicker than what I touched earlier. He brought my hand to his mouth and closed his lips around my fingers and sucked on them. Putting my hand back on my stomach he wiped up the remaineder of my sticky liquid. Tom told me to open my mouth. I was a little nervous, but I did as he said. It had an odd taste, but not bad. Giving...

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Mortal KumbathDefenders Conquerors

Welcome new Elder God, you are ready to start your task, choose your Champion and guide him/her to the complete fulfilment of your designs, whatever fate to the realms as a result. So who will your Champion be? A heroic defender such as Lui Kahn and Johnny Cage, or perhaps a would be Emperor such as Shao Kahn or Onaga?

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Pyari Mini

Mera naam Mini hai. Meri umar 19 saal ki hai aur main bahut hi khoobsurat hoon. Meri do saheliyan hain jiska naam Nisha aur Usha hai. Wo dono mere saath hi college mein padhti thi. Hum teeno hi bahut hi sexy the. College mein hi hamara dher saare ladko se sambandh tha. Hum teeno hi unse khoob chudwate the. Usha chudwane mein sabse jyada tej thi. Usha hamehsa hi khoob lambe aur mote lund ki talash mein rahti thi. Nisha ko kayi ladko se ek saath chudwane mein jyada maza aata tha lekin use jyada...

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The TreatmentChapter 8 Dinner Party

After a time, the contractor had completed most of the key remodeling and additions to my house. I had ten suites of rooms, five upstairs and five down, each of which contained two bedrooms and shared a bath. Each bedroom had a large walk-in closet, a king-sized air-bed, a sitting area, and a porch or balcony. All in all, I think these suites were both comfortable and luxurious. Each of my girls continued their school or employment and contributed the costs they had been paying for housing...

4 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 13 Beware the Night

During the following days, the story haunted Wesley. He questioned Pol more in depth about the story, the promised deliverer, the origins. He wrote songs and poems about the goddess, some of which he included in his weekly letters to Rebecca. She became his own goddess. The crew continued to meet each day at the central rostrum to strategize their work. A profusion of writing decorated the rostrum and this, Wesley was assigned to copy and begin translating. There was also writing on the base...

1 year ago
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Perfect Valentine gift for the maid

Hello everyone, this is Robin, with his new story. This is my second story. My first story, “From College mate to bed mate” was loved by the readers. I got many mails from them and for the sake of the love of the sex and sex story lovers; this makes me to pen down my second instance of sex. This time, it’s with my maid. To cut a long story short, this incident happened in Hyderabad, where I am studying and staying. We were staying in the exteriors of the city and it created troubles for us, as...

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DevilsFilm Alexis Avery White Out

Stunning newcomer Alexis Avery gets four white men for her pleasures in this new white out scene. Only in the biz for a few months, Alexis decides to do her first ever gangbang and boy does she do it with a bang! This debutante gets introduced to lots of anal and double penetration. Her holes are spread wide and pleasured with piston-like pounding of long dick white boys. It’s fun for everyone watching this young girl get her pussy pounded to sweet oblivion and her asshole opened up for...

2 years ago
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My life after a genie

Arthur Hayden was probably one of worlds least ambitious people. Not because he was satisfied with what he had but because he was to lazy to put any effort, or to be precise he always believed being lazy was cool and going through life with a very minimum effort was a proof of him being better than other people. Most people who heard of his life would feel that he came out better, considering he lost both his parents at the age of 10 with no living relatives he got in to foster care. Kept...


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