Marcie Faith and Angie Mac Loves Them All
- 1 year ago
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When Alex got home from work on Friday afternoon, he didn’t expect his fourteen year old daughter, Marcie, to be there already. Something else he never expected was to find her sunbathing nude on a beach towel on the deck at the rear of the house. It was two weeks into the girl’s summer break, and the dark-haired young beauty was already tanned a deep shade of burnt cinnamon except for the tan lines left from the bikini she wore around her mother’s house. Alex had been expecting to go pick her up from his ex’s house a couple of hours later. This was the usual routine every other weekend, except during summer when Marcie would spend every weekend at her father’s.
Marcie was a precocious handful, but Alex loved his daughter more than anything else in life, and he wished she could live with him full time. It was only when she was at his house that he didn’t feel lonely. She was the only one who could make that feeling go away, even if she was holed up in her room with her computer or texting her friends. It was enough just to know she was close. Alex was a fit, good-looking man of forty, and he didn’t have any trouble finding good looking women to go out with, but the loneliness was always there and he rarely made it past a third or fourth date with the same girl.
“Hey princess, I didn’t know you were coming over early,” he said, announcing his presence as he walked out on the deck. “I was planning to come pick you up.”
Marcie was lying on her stomach, and her father couldn’t help admiring her beautifully slender body. Her legs were so long and slim, but so shapely and perfectly smooth, tapering up toward the cutest ass Alex had ever seen. She also had a delectable pair of pert, B cup sized tits, but he couldn’t see them now since she was lying the way she was. But when she rose up on her elbows and turned her head toward him he could see one of her boobs from the side, noticing that her perky nipples appeared to be swollen.
“Mom dropped me off early,” Marcie replied. “We had another fight. A really good one, so she brought me over just to get me out of the house.”
“Sorry to hear that, sweetie. We both know how much your mom loves to fight. It’s one of the few things she’s really good at,” Alex said, taking a seat at the patio table.
“Pffff, that’s for sure,” his daughter agreed. “All I did was ask if I could go to her spa and get a wax like she does. I get tired of shaving every other day. She went ballistic and said the only girls my age getting waxed at her spa looked like sluts. It’s so unfair. I haven’t even had sex!”
Alex felt relieved to confirm his beautiful, young daughter was still a virgin, but he had to admit he was a little surprised. The pretty girl with long, black hair had to be getting more than her share of attention from guys her age, and even older. It wasn’t exactly rare that he’d catch friends of his checking her out.
Yet at the moment, Alex was upset with his ex for saying such things to their daughter when she clearly didn’t deserve them. Even so, Marcie was a girl who was very much aware of her sensuality so it was no wonder that both her parents couldn’t help wondering how much experience she had. She was so casual about showing her body that Alex hadn’t been surprised to find her sunbathing nude. It was far from the first time, and it was sure not going to be the last. Nor was it unusual for her to go around the house in her revealing lingerie or sleepwear. Her mother always got on her case about it, but Alex didn’t see why the girl should have to always cover herself in the comfort of her own home.
“Maybe you should just talk to me about things like that, sweetie. We’ll find another place to go and get you a wax, if that’s what you want,” Alex said.
“Really, Dad? You don’t mind?” Marcie suddenly pushed herself up from her lying position. Her ass rose into the air and her pert cheeks parted, revealing her tightly puckered rimhole and carefully shaved pussy. Alex had a direct view of both the girl’s holes from his seat, and he took a mental snapshot to file away with many others he already had in his mind. Then his daughter turned and sat upright, her legs criss-crossed and revealing her silky, young slit as she faced him directly.
“Of course I don’t mind, sweetie,” he said, forcing himself to look the girl in her pretty, brown eyes. He couldn’t help looking at her tits every chance he had, though. It wasn’t like they were the biggest he’d ever seen, but definitely the nicest. They were so beautifully shaped and firm. But the problem with Marcie facing him now was that his cock was beginning to stir in his pants. It wouldn’t have been the first time Marcie saw a bulge in her father’s pants that she caused. Alex wasn’t shy about it, but he didn’t want to go around making a habit out of it, either. “We’ll find a nice place just for you, and your mother won’t have to know,” he added.
“You’re the best, Daddy,” the girl smiled. “I wish I could just live with you all the time.”
“I’d love that, too, sweetie.”
“Of course!” Alex was surprised she didn’t know that already.
“Cuz Mom keeps saying you don’t want me here all the time.”
“Nothing could be farther from the truth, sweetheart. I can see I’m going to have to have a very serious talk with your mother. In the meantime, don’t plan to go back to her house at the end of the weekend. You’re going to stay right here as long as you want.”
Marcie’s face lit up. Then she jumped up and went to her father and hugged him where he was sitting. Her pert tits were almost pushing against him, and when he hugged her back he had to be careful to keep his hands away from her naked ass no matter how much he wanted to cup those sweet cheeks in his hands and squeeze them.
“I love you so much, Dad,” she said as she finally released him and went back to sitting the way she was before.
“I love you, too, baby. More than anything in the world.”
“You know, Mom never tells me that,” the girl pouted.
“Oh, your mother loves you, sweetie. It’s just that she’s...”
“A bitch,” she completed her father’s sentence for him.
Alex laughed. “Well I wasn’t going to use that word, but ... if the shoe fits.”
Marcie giggled, making her delectable young tits wobble. The stirring in her father’s pants was getting worse. Hugging his naked daughter hadn’t helped him control his body’s response.
“She’d freak if she knew you let me lie out naked,” she said with a defiant smile.
“There’s nothing wrong with it, sweetie. This is your home, you should be able to do what you want,” he said.
“Well, I don’t wanna get tan lines this year,” she said. “And, um, I was kinda hoping to go to that nude beach this summer and get an all over tan. That’s another thing Mom would freak out about.”
Alex had to smile. He went to the nude beach as much as he could before getting married to Marcie’s mother. Now that they were divorced he was able to enjoy his taste for nudism again. He hadn’t thought about taking his daughter with him, though. Not until now, at least. As much as he loved practicing nudism, he had yet to go completely naked in front of his daughter, even when she was so eager to go naked in front of her dad. It wasn’t that Alex was shy or ashamed, he just didn’t want his daughter to see how hard she had the power to make his cock. The times she’d spotted his big bulge in his pants or underwear didn’t feel the same as having his hard, swollen rod swinging naked in front of her.
“We’ll see,” he said, hoping to let the subject pass for now.
“Aw, c’mon, Dad. It isn’t a big deal is it?”
“No, of course not,” he said. “It’s perfectly natural, and lots of families go there together. But why do you want to go there when you can just go naked right here at home anytime you want?”
“I dunno. I guess I just wanna see what it’s like to be around other people who like being naked, too. I mean I know you like being a nudist, but you never go naked when I’m here, and if you keep telling me I shouldn’t be ashamed then you shouldn’t either. Plus I wanna skinny dip in the ocean.”
Looking at the girl’s sweetly pouting pussy, Alex couldn’t help thinking of how other people would see his baby girl in all her erotic glory. He felt a sharp twinge of fatherly protectiveness, while at the same time his cock pulsed wildly in his pants. But in the end, there was nothing unreasonable about what she said.
“You’re right, sweetie,” he finally told her. “We’ll go to the nude beach together. But you know we can’t say anything about it to your mother.”
Marcie just laughed. It was so obvious they could never let her mother know. She jumped up and hugged him again.
“You’re the best dad ever,” she said. Then she strutted happily into the house, turning her head and sporting a coy smile as she looked at the bulge straining her father’s pants.
Alex heaved a deep sigh of relief when his naked daughter went back inside. She’d just left him with yet another throbbing hard on. He thought he should wait until the bulge subsided before getting up and going inside. He needed to get to his room and relieve the ache in his cock. But then he just decided it was nothing Marcie hadn’t seen before, and he got up went inside with his big bulge tenting out the front of his pants. His girl was sitting naked on the living room sofa surfing TV channels, but she smiled coyly and took an obvious look at the distorted tent in front of her father’s pants as he walked through. He made his way upstairs and once he finally worked his overheated cock out of his pants he stroked his rod until he came so hard it made his head spin.
The next morning, he got up to find his daughter completely naked in the kitchen. She was fixing herself a light breakfast and hugged him when he went in. Alex was wearing boxer briefs and a T shirt, and it wasn’t long before the girl’s tan, slinky body started to make him hard again. After their conversation the day before, she must have decided to be an at-home nudist as long as she was at his house. He wasn’t about to tell her not to, especially not after the talk they had, but he was going to have to find a way to deal with the constant hard ons she was causing.
A little later, he got on the phone and made an appointment for her to get a complete wax. He couldn’t get her in until the next day. She was excited to go, and could barely wait until the following day. Meanwhile, she spent the entire day and evening naked in front of her father, happily driving the man crazy.
When the time finally arrived, Alex drove the girl to her appointment. When he went back to pick her up after her session, he expected Marcie to feel sore, but the girl was glowing.
“This feels amazing!” she nearly shrieked as she got into her father’s car.
Alex smiled, feeling good that she was so happy. She could barely stop talking about how good and smooth her body felt the whole ride back to the house. When they got there, Marcie didn’t even wait to go up to her room before tearing off her clothes. She did it in the living room with her father standing right there watching her.
“What do you think, Dad? How do I look?” she asked preening for him.
Alex gazed at his daughter in sheer awe. She looked satin smooth and perfect, and she posed proudly for him, without a shred of modesty. If ever he’d seen a natural born nudist it was his daughter.
“You look fantastic, sweetie,” he told her honestly. “But of course you always do.”
“Aw, you just say that cuz you’re my dad.”
“No, sweetheart. You’re an incredibly beautiful girl, and I know you know I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
“Yeah, okay, I guess. But I like it better when you say it.”
Alex just smiled. It was tempting to tell her how luscious her slinky, young body was, or how sweet and perky her tits looked, or how silky and delicious her freshly waxed pussy looked. But Alex kept that to himself. It was bad enough it was probably written all over his face for his perceptive girl to read like an open book.
Marcie reminded him about going to the nude beach together. The next day was Monday, and normally Alex would be bringing the girl back to her mother’s house. But Marcie wanted him to bring her to the nude beach instead, and Alex couldn’t help how much the idea appealed to him. He called his ex and told her that Marcie wanted to spend a few extra days. This turned into an argument, which Alex expected. The argument ended up going on longer than necessary, with Marcie also getting on the phone to argue with her mother. The discussion heated up even more when Marcie told her mother she wanted to spend the whole summer at her dad’s. In the end, they all had to agree that Marcie was old enough to decide this for herself.
After the call, Marcie was excited enough to hug her father again. Every time she hugged him while she was naked chipped away a little more at his self-control. He was overjoyed that she’d be spending the whole summer with him, but he realized he was going to be masturbating at least as much as she did. He could hear her going at it in her room every day or night. She didn’t go out of her way to make a lot of noise, but she didn’t make any effort to be quiet about it, either. Every time he heard his daughter cum it made his cock throb with need.
Alex took the next day off from work, and in the morning he and Marcie put together a bag full of things they wanted for a day at the nude beach. Being early on a weekday the ride only took about forty minutes. Marci was practically vibrating with excitement. For the ride, she was wearing a tiny pair of booty shorts and a cropped tank. Her father had to admit she looked as arousing in the outfit she had on as she would’ve looked naked.
“You’re not nervous, are you?” he asked.
“Maybe a little,” she smiled coyly.
“I don’t know why. You go naked at home almost all the time.”
“That’s different. There’s going to be other people at the beach. Like, naked people,” she giggled. “And you’re finally gonna be naked, too, aren’t you?”
“Yes, baby, I will be,” he smiled. He didn’t try asking her why she seemed so anxious to see her own father naked.
The girl blushed, even through her tan. The conversation was cut short when they pulled into the parking lot. They got their things out of the trunk and headed for the beach. Marcie was wearing sunglasses, but Alex could tell his daughter was checking out all the naked bodies on the sand as they searched for a spot.
They found a spot that had a reasonable amount of unoccupied space around them, but was close enough to other people to satisfy Marcie’s eagerness to check out other naked bodies. They set down their bag and spread out the blanket that was large enough for both of them. Then Marcie had her shorts and top off within seconds. It seemed like she couldn’t wait to get her clothes off even if they were barely covering her succulent, young body. She took her top off first, and then turned her back to her father as she pushed her shorts down her long, slinky legs, exposing her ass and pussy to her attentive dad.
She then sat down on the blanket, and Alex realized she was almost eye level with his cock. He pulled off his T shirt, and then took off his shorts, noticing the way his daughter was gazing steadily at his cock now that it was fully exposed to her.
Alex hesitated a moment before sitting down. He wasn’t prepared for how much he really liked seeing his daughter sit there staring at his cock with a coy smile on her face. He knew a hard on in front of his daughter was inevitable, especially if she was going to be looking at it without even trying to pretend she wasn’t, although he often got hard on the beach when he was nude just because it felt so good. When that happened, he’d cover up with a towel and whenever possible would furtively stroke himself to a good cum so he could relax again.
He did the best he could to put that out of his mind and sat down. He lay down on his stomach and turned his head in Marcie’s direction. Now that he was lying on his cock, his daughter was glancing off in every direction, checking out all the other naked bodies around them. There were people of all shapes and sizes, and Alex realized his hot, young daughter was a chronic cock watcher. He didn’t delude himself to think that she hadn’t seen naked dicks before, even if it was only watching internet porn, but he was sure she’d never seen this many naked ones all in one place.
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Even in my wildest fantasies, I never dreamed something like this could ever happen to me. Not that my fantasies were ever all that wild to begin with—but still—me, little, quiet, shy Marcy, in the midst of...Well, I should back up.It all started the week after high school graduation....I hugged the box I was carrying to my chest. It contained a small plant, a framed picture of the Dallas Cowboys (with signatures, thank you), a toiletry case, and two books.Fired, after one week as a secretary...
This story is true and about my beautiful wife Marcy and how she became a com slut/lover. We had been married for 5 years it was my 3rd marriage and her third. Marcy is a brunette with shoulder length hair, 5"6',135, greenish eyes and nice 38c tits and beautiful shapely legs and 40 years old. When we married Marcy said she had never sucked a cock and I believe her as she knew nothing about how to suck.But wasn't long before I had her sucking my cock and told her she had to...
Hi, I am Swetha from Kerala and settled in Bangalore. I am here sharing my sex story, profile, my complete history and what I want in future with an expectation that I may find my prince who really really loves me and accepts what I am. I tried to find suitable alliances from matrimony websites and nothing worked out, few meetings happened and after I explained a few bits they ran away. Honestly, I don’t want to cheat anyone that I am a virgin. Please read the complete summary until the end and...
She loves every bit of his cock. She loves it in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, and in her ass. Her favorite place is in her mouth. Sucking on it makes her hornier then anything else. Her hot tight pussy gets soaking wet while she sucks him. When he talks dirty to her she tends to suck faster and faster. She loves to suck his cock. He loves having his cock sucked by her. It drives him nuts. He loves to feel her soft lips on the shaft and her wet hot mouth wrapped around its hard mass. He...
She loves every bit of his cock. She loves it in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, and in her ass. Her favorite place is in her mouth. Sucking on it makes her hornier then anything else. Her hot tight pussy gets soaking wet while she sucks him. When he talks dirty to her she tends to suck faster and faster. She loves to suck his cock. He loves having his cock sucked by her. It drives him nuts. He loves to feel her soft lips on the shaft and her wet hot mouth wrapped around its hard mass. He...
Oral Sex"Hey," she said. "I'm Heather."She came over and gave me a quick hug."Marcy," I said."I made stir-fry beef and veggies for dinner," Heather said."Great.""So you're the new receptionist at Melody's.""Yup. But I've never been inside."They both looked at me with their eyes popped out a little.I shrugged and raised my hands up in a 'what can I tell you' gesture. "I peeked into the front room once, but it was empty.""You ever been there?" I asked Heather."Twice, but it's not my scene.""Oh."That was...
My wife Marcia loves threesomes. Cock and more cock, the feel of male bodies and strong male hands all over her combined with deep insistent kisses are what make Marcia squirm. Since we’re swingers she’s been with a few women. Lots of women in couples are bi. Some so much we think that is all they are after in the Lifestyle. Not Marcia. She loves cock, plain and simple. Marcia is the best wife and lover a man could ask for so when Christmas rolled around I just had to come up with a...
I just got off the phone with one of my black boyfriends when I heard my husband’s car pull into the driveway. I was talking to James for the past hour and my pussy was still wet in anticipation of our date later this evening. James always makes my pussy wet when we talk on the phone. My husband sat down for dinner while I hurried in to take a shower. I stood under the hot water allowing the hot water stimulate my already aroused nipples. I’m fairly well endowed and the water was...
My husband and I were trying to have a family. We’d been married for a year. Surprisingly, only after the first attempt, I became pregnant. When I took the pregnancy test and it confirmed a positive result, I was so excited. My husband was working out on our elliptical machine, and I carried out the pee stick showing I was pregnant. He was so happy and picked me up and gave me many kisses. My husband had told me that the sight of pregnant women makes him very aroused. He couldn’t wait for me...
FetishHannah loves cum. She would walk door to door at the apartment complex next to where she lived asking the men of each household to cum in cups. Or course she would help every now and then, giving up her pussy or giving a handjob. She rarely gave blowjobs because she always give into swallowing which meant less cum for later.Hannah manages to collect about 20oz of cum every weekend. She usually uses the cum she collects throughout the next week, but she also saves cum by freezing some every...
Marcy Takes a Lover byFurryDevil©Disclaimer: This story is about a white married couple finding a black man for the wife to have sex with. It is completely consensual on both of their parts, and therefore is just good, clean, fun. If you don't like this kind of thing, you should probably find something else to read. *My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself...
I said good-bye again. Except then he was distracted by a phone call and when his back was turned I walked through the double doors with the other girls.I hadn't even really meant to do it. I just sort of...went with the flow. Which in this case was following the person in front of me.Into a sex club.Oh shit.The front room was hopping. There was a pulsing burgundy-red light strobing from the ceiling. The music was loud, the lyrics, 'marry her anyway', blasted over me, coming out slightly...
I crossed my arms over my chest. But hey, the funny choices did break up the tension."Here we go," he said.I also didn't know who sang this one, but her voice was soulful. "At last, my love has come along." Jean-Luc hugged me, and we swayed back and forth to the music. He hummed along to the melody. "My lonely days are over and life is like a song."He spun me around and dipped me, totally out of time with the music. I laughed."This music is pretty," I said."It's a classic.""Never heard it," I...
POV Sandra We all went into the bedroom, shut the door, and I yanked Pete right to me. "How do you feel about having two wives?" I giggled, before a gap where I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to lighten the mood. Are you okay, son?" "Yes, Mom, but it’s kind of been that way for a while now. You're not a mistress. Gia knows all about you, and she does it with you too." "Fair enough, but I want you to always treat her as your number one, Pete. You and I have had...
IncestI buy my ticket and finally, with anticipation, I get to Florida, Tampa Bay to be exact and check myself into the hotel and then I finally start realizing that this is stupid, I can’t believe I’ve done this, he could already be in a relationship, be married, who knows, but most importantly, I wondered, how do I lure him into the bar downstairs and surprise him. Either way, I had to see him. I convince the receptionist at the front desk to help me and she loves the whole set up, thinks its...
Part 9 and there was Three Harry woke feeling his wives, wives I have two wives, he smiled, laying next him, his eyes closed. Hermione snuggled up to him, her leg over his, Ginny on his other side pressing into him, their heads on his chest and shoulder, their breasts against him, he could feel their breaths on his skin, their heart beats, Hermiones wetness on his thigh, Ginnys hand gently holding his erect manhood. He laid there thinking of how his life had turned around it the last years. ...
My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I was standing in a hotel room in Boston, getting ready to go meet a black man that my husband had found for me online, a black man that I had already agreed to have sex with.I'm 34 years old, and I've been married to Jason for 11 years now. Jason is 2 years older than me, 5'11" tall, and is in pretty...
Evan. "Off with your shirt!" He whips my shirt off.Jean-Luc. "Off with your panties."Evan has to steady me. I'm wobbly. Jean-Luc pulls my underwear down very slowly. I step out of them. I'm still wearing my skirt. It's still tucked up in the waistband. I feel the cool breeze on my ass. I'm sweating, there's a breeze; I'm exposed. I shiver; it's not from the air.Evan comes around from in front of me. There's a moment's pause.Evan. "Niiiiiice."Slap."Whoa!" I jump.The slap wasn't hard. In fact, it...
"Commanding, powerful," he said. It sounded like he was having difficulty talking.How could he get any bigger inside me? But he did. I was sure of it. In perfect shade the heat increased, the leaves bending in toward us, drawn by his pull. "Primal."Everything became more vivid. The forest was on fire.He fisted one hand in my hair gently pulled my head back."Beautiful," he said, pressing every spot, inside and out, mentally and physically just right. I exploded.I convulsed around him. He kissed...
"Not yet?" he asked when I didn't answer immediately."Maybe in a minute," I said, when I got my breath back.Evan slowly ran his hands down Heather's sides, and back up to her breasts. The two of them together were lovely to watch. Breathtaking. Enchanting. In love, and lovely. I wanted that.Jean-Luc put his chin on the top of my head. "Beautiful aren't they?""Absolutely," I said.A thought occurred to me. "Is this why people like porn?""Hell no," Jean-Luc said. "This is nothing like...
These stories about Marcy are all true and there are so many more about her and the things we did. Part two starts with us starting to now find strangers in parks, rest areas, adult movie houses and just about any place you can think of where men might hang out. This adventure takes place...
They say She Loves Black, and I think you know exactly what they mean by that. They aren’t talking about a girl’s preference for dark clothing or goth-girl makeup, nor is it a reference to Metallica’s ’91 classic album, though I’d bet a couple of the tatted girls know all the words to Enter Sandman. Now, while those with cleaner minds may wonder about the catchy and clever title, all you perverts catch the reference immediately: this one’s going to be about white girls who love Big Black...
Premium Interracial Porn SitesLittle Lola is a delightful little girl with such a sweet tooth. She is my young step daughter. The poor little girl never had a stable father figure in her life until I came along. Her mom, my wife Gina, is a stripper, a drug addict, a slut, and an unfit mother, but I love her. I am a chemist with a regular job in the research and development division of one of the major pharmaceutical companies. I am also a Libertarian. I don’t think the government should interfere in matters relating to...
Although this can stand alone, I would suggest reading 1, and 2 before reading 3. My Lost Loves, Chapter 3 My body convulsed as another bolt of excruciating torture shot through my chest. I was losing ground and I knew it. My only hope was to get to my phone in the house. I could feel the cold breezes getting stronger as daylight was slipping away. My left side was numb. I used all the strength I could conjure up to twist my body onto my stomach. I looked up, the ten feet between...
This is the continuation of the Winfield saga. Robert has a troubling discovery he needs to speak with Jewels about. Morgan his 14-year-old daughter, who has never been pregnant, is lactating. Robert knows there are some serious conditions that could cause this, and he fears for his loves health. Once I recovered I look about the room and all my loves are here with me. I whisper “Jewels, I need to speak to you.” Jewels rising and turns to me, looking over Sara she rests on her...
Well the wedding is finally over. Tina and I are going on a well planned, but short honeymoon. We aren’t going to far from home as she is in her eighth month and could deliver anytime now. But it’s so good to finally be married to the love of my life for so many years. Finally I’ll be able to have sex with the woman of my dreams. Well not right away. You see the doctor told her that intercourse is out until about 60 to 90 days after the baby is born. Oh, well. I’ve...