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I sat at my desk listening to the near riot in the classroom, for years students had been getting more out of control as the laws changed and we were no longer able to discipline them. I was looking forward to the future, UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party had won a stunning electoral victory and they were now in power. We had been withdrawn from the European Union, all the petty rules had been abolished and we had withdrawn from the European human rights act. There was a case going through the House of Lords that could change life for me, as a teacher, overnight. It was a new appeal over an old case. If the union won teachers and the courts would be able to use corporal punishment again. The students had no idea that this appeal was going through. Suddenly I felt my mobile phone vibrate, a text had come in. I carefully read it. The union had won. We were bringing back corporal punishment from now. I opened up the CCTV access software and typed in the time and a note to say that corporal punishment was about to come into force. I was certainly looking forward to our dinner time when we could finalise our plans. In the meantime I would note the worst offenders. To be fair though, I had to give them warning. I rapped on my desk; the noise fell to a dull roar.

"I am giving you a warning, discipline in this school is being tightened up as of today," I looked at my watch, "at 11:45; punishments will be changed." The rest of what I was saying was drowned out by the jeers and catcalls. I stood there making a note of the ring leaders. Britney was the worst of them, ah well another 2 hours or so, and then I would be able to start teaching again. I would at last be able to do what I had trained for. I checked my screen and noted that I had five students working; I sent a note to each of their computers to come to the front. Almost immediately there was the scraping of five chairs and my students walked to the front of the classroom. I indicated them to go into my prep room. I followed them and closed the door. Before I could speak Jason asked me a question.

"Sir, was your statement a result of national Union of teachers' v Association of teen rights, in the House of Lords?"

"Yes Jason it was."

"I presume that means corporal punishment is being re-introduced into schools and the courts?"

"That's right Jason, Britney's name as the girls' ringleader and Doug's name as the boys' ringleader have already been given to the office along with your names." I saw the stunned look on their faces. "No, no, you're not as students to be punished but as the only students in my group who are not to be punished.

"All the rest are to be punished?"

"Oh yes, Britney and Doug will be flogged with the birch and the rest will receive a lesser corporal punishment, two strokes of the cane.

"How is it going to work?"

"When you come back into school after the lunch break there will be an electronic gate just inside the doors which will operate according to your ID card. Britney and Doug will be diverted into the new nurse's office. You five will be allowed to pass through into the auditorium, the rest of the students will be sent into the outer hall. Britney and Doug will strip or be stripped and they will then have a medical check to ensure that they are healthy enough to undergo their punishment. They will then be taken round to the back of the stage and attached to handcuffs on the rear wall."

"You have known about this for sometime then sir?"

"Oh yes, the last six months, that was why I, and all the other staff have given their students warning of the change in punishments. They won't be able to claim in court that they weren't warned."

"What about their parents' sir? We know how they have come into school to make trouble in the past."

"Oh they can come into school, but they won't cause trouble." With that I pulled out a tazer. "If we have to use this, then they will be on stage for the next punishment session and they will be flogged. A new criminal offence has been created today of assault on, or threats to, a member of the school teaching and maintenance staff, oh yes, will you five please volunteer now as teaching aides." I could see at first the hesitation and then the smiles as the penny dropped. Jason was the first.

"Thank you sir, I'll volunteer to be a member of the teaching staff." He broke into a big grin, and then looked more serious. "What about outside school sir?"

"You are protected there as well, if other students change their ways; then they will be able to volunteer as well. Anyway, time for lunch." The school bells rang and I went back into the classroom. Teaching from now on would be a very different proposition; finally I would be able to teach. Britney and Doug would no longer be in my class but would be in a class with all the other troublemakers. I don't think they will enjoy school very much in the future. Classes would now be set up on the basis of how eager students were to work. The best behaved students would get the best education. We had borrowed teachers from the military to train our new remedial teachers, it would be the equivalent of boot camp for the troublesome students, but much more painful.

Lunch in the staff room was a happy time; at last we would be able to retake control of the school. The headmaster had been into the dining hall and given instructions about the beginning of afternoon school, the new teachers, well they were called teachers but they were in fact the disciplinarians, had arrived and were in the hall checking everything was ready. Finally the school bell sounded and we went out to our pre determined positions. I was stood by the electronic gate. The four of us there were the first to deal with the students. Britney and Doug were at the front of the queue as befitted the top dogs on the school tree, they were sent straight through the door into the new nurse's office. There were rails set up to keep the students in line, with moving bars which separated the rails into individual stalls. Once all the ringleaders were in the room they would be told of their fate. The good students were then diverted to be taken to the front of the hall, to prime viewing positions whilst the rest were diverted to the side entrance of the hall and were led into a larger set of queuing rails, they were solid sided and too high to jump over. Everyone was finally in place. We could hear the uproar in the nurse's office from our station at the electronic gate, so after we had finished at our post we went in to assist. The students had been told what was going to happen to them and were very unhappy. Four members of staff took each student as they got to the front of the queue. Britney was at the front so I assisted.

"Britney you and every one of the students in this room are going to get the birch, the number of strokes you receive depends on your age; if you hit or attempt to hit anyone of us then you will receive a harsher penalty.

"You can't do this sir, it's against the law."

"Correction Britney, it used to be against the law, if you all would like to look at that screen you will see a film of the moment the law changed. I along with all the other teachers were informed when it happened and I warned all of you that discipline was changing. Now all of you take off your clothes and put them in the basket when you get to the front of the queue; you will get them back at the end of this session. If you don't take your clothes off then your clothes will be cut from you when you get to the front of the queue, the choice is yours."

Britney stood there unmoving, I nodded to the disciplinarians. They came over with the cutters used by paramedics, they had a protected blade that would cut through any clothing safely, Britney's arms were grabbed and the cutters run down her under arm and down her body to the floor, the neck band was cut through down to the underarm cut, her clothes fell away leaving her in socks and trainers. She was led screaming to the nursing station. She was weighed and measured then placed on the nursing trolley. That was set up to do an ECG without co-operation and to take the patient's blood pressure, they were recorded and Britney was informed that she was healthy enough to receive punishment today. It was then a steady procession of children being checked; only one other child had to be forcibly stripped. Finally we were through in the nursing office so we followed the last student through onto the stage. The curtains were closed and we could hear the uproar in the main hall. It only took another ten minutes before the stage curtains opened.

At the front of the stage were the three birching stations and five caning stations waiting ready for their victims. They were set so that the back of the student was facing the main hall with cameras set up to video the students faces and backs, those pictures were sent to the main screen above the stage. Britney and co had small video screens in front of them so that they could watch the punishment as they waited to be punished. We, the teaching staff moved down from the stage to sit in the rows of seats at the front, alongside our students. I sat between Ruth and Jason in the front row.

The video screens lit up and we were first showed the broadcast by our new Prime Minister. He outlined what the rest of the procedure would be, the students to receive the cane would come up in groups of five, would bend over the caning desks and receive their strokes, if they struggled or tried to get away they would be restrained and would then receive at least two strokes of the birch instead. Then those to be birched would be led forward and placed in the birching stations. Once the first student, the youngest had received his or her strokes they would be checked medically and replaced, that would continue smoothly until all those to be punished had been punished. The students would then be allowed to dress, any who had their clothes cut off would be assisted with staples to hold their clothes together. Replacement clothes would be at students' expense as they had been warned. He then explained about the new volunteer aides.

"They and all the school staff are protected by the new legislation; there is a new offence of Assault on, or threats to a member of the school teaching and maintenance staff, that includes the volunteer aides. It is a summary offence. The school level punishments vary from a caning for being insulting to a whipping for assault. If the assault is severe enough then it goes to the crown court after a school flogging; and punishment at Crown Court is unlimited; and I do mean unlimited. That is all from me, if you are watching this in school you will return to your school program, if you are watching TV anywhere else you will return to normal programming."

The screen went blank and then the picture of the caning stools appeared. The five disciplinarian teachers then went to the front of the five waiting lines along with two aides each. The teachers put their keys in the controls on the gate allowing the aides to collect the children to be caned. The teachers and one aide walked the first students across to the caning stool. The students were bent over and each teacher picked up his cane. I say his but two were women teachers. The aide took the students wrist and bent down in front of the caning desk bending them over. The cracks of the canes were joined with cries of pain. Two crisp red lines per bottom. As the first punishments were being applied the second aide was bringing over the next victim. After five minutes the caning had settled into a steady stream, a total of 20 victims a minute, suddenly there was a scuffle and a half naked student was running towards me, heading for an emergency exit. I stood up and aimed the tazer; he finished up sliding on the floor unconscious. The four students at the desks were caned and the aide who had been pushed over moved to the heads podium. He touched his shoulder and the scene was played back on the screen. The insults, the threats and the punch in the face. The film clip stopped and the head picked up the mike.

"Take that one down to the nurse and get him checked, he will be birched at the end of this afternoons session." He whispered in the aide's ear, he nodded and returned to collect the next one for caning. It was soon over, the last of those caned were led back to the wooden bleachers, and I smiled to see them trying to ease the pressure on their caned bums. Now was time for the really serious business. The head stood up and addressed the student body.

"I welcome those watching the local broadcast channel that joins us for our newly inaugurated punishment session. In future these sessions will be held each Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Those students you see sitting uncomfortably in the bleachers have just received two strokes of the cane each. These students" he waited for the cameras to pan round onto those waiting to be birched, "are waiting to be birched. They are all the ringleaders in their year groups for the trouble they have caused. The youngest ones, in year seven will receive three strokes of the light weight birch, year eight's will receive four, year nines will receive five, year tens will receive 5 lightweight and two of the heavyweight birch, year elevens will receive five and three strokes, year twelve's will receive five and four. If their are any in the sixth forms then year thirteen's will receive five and five strokes and year fourteens will receive ten strokes with the heavy weight birch. You may ask what the difference is between the two birches, the lightweight birch has five strands, and the heavyweight has ten strands. The final student to be birched this afternoon would have only received a caning; but he threatened, and then actually hit a teacher's aide. For that he will receive six strokes of the cane and then receive twenty strokes of the heavyweight birch."

The first three students from year seven were brought forward, I could see them visibly trembling as their wrists and ankles were placed in the automatic clips. They locked automatically but could only be released by two handles being operated together. The birching station then started to rotate, moving the student to the correct height and position for the master to develop his or her best swing, there were two masters and a mistress who would take turns. We could see how hard they were hitting as there were speed guns and pressure sensors on the stations

One of the new disciplinarian staff then stepped forward and took a birch from the long bucket standing by the station; we could see the water dripping from the birch. The head took up the microphone again.

"As you can see the birches are stored in salt water, this is to stop the cuts from becoming infected. As a side effect it increases the pain felt; Start the punishment master."

With that the disciplinarian started the birching, the first stroke on the thighs, the second on the bum and the third on the back. The screams of pain were truly awe inspiring. The birch was then replaced in its bucket as the student continued to scream in pain. The master moved across to the second child and started on her back, if anything the screams were even louder. As he worked the nurse was wiping down the first child's back and legs with an antiseptic wipe. Each master or mistress would birch two children before the next would take over. The nurse then took up a spray can; we could see the label on the TV monitor, Nu Skin and sprayed it over the bloody wheals. The touch of the spray restarted the screams of pain. The microphones picked up the nurses words.

"I know that this hurts but it is to protect your back, bum and legs from infection." We were soon dealing with my class, I saw Britney being moved into position. This I would enjoy, she had made my life a misery since I started at the school. I watched carefully as the first three were laid on her legs, back and bum. Then the master changed direction and laid the next two diagonally across her bum one from below and the other above, he then repeated the whole procedure with the heavy birch. Britney was screaming from the very first stroke. The third stroke with the heavy birch had just been applied when a bell started ringing from her birching station. I realized her eyes had closed. The head stood up.

"As you can hear, automatic devices have come into play, Britney has passed out from pain, her vital signs are still within the normal range and two minutes after she comes round her punishment will re-commence. In the meantime we will continue using the other two stations."

Doug was next to receive his punishment and I was delighted to see that he had started to look sick when Britney had passed out. His ten strokes passed uneventfully, for us that is, and he was treated and then led off the back of the stage with his fellow victims. Britney came round and we heard the nurse say to her.

"Your birching will restart in two minutes."

I laughed to hear her beg to be let off, she was promising the world. Two minutes later she received the last two strokes of the birch. She had to be carried off stage. Finally the last of the students was led off. The final student was then brought in and fastened to the birching station. All four of the disciplinarians moved up. They stood either side of the student, two by the back and two by the legs. The head master then moved onto the stage.

"This student thought he could escape his punishment by assaulting a teacher's aide. I will give him six strokes of the cane; he will then receive twenty strokes of the birch. If he wants he can tell us afterwards which hurts more." The student then said, "Can't I appeal against this?"

"I will have to delay this punishment as he wants to exercise his right of appeal, is the link set up, oh good I see it is. Good afternoon your worship, this student had been sentenced to receive two strokes of the cane for his misbehaviour between the time of the change in law, when he received notification of the discipline change, and the lunch period; whilst waiting for punishment he threatened one of my aides, and then assaulted him. He was stopped in his flight by Mr Clive who used his newly issued tazer. The student was restrained, checked by the nurse and then held for punishment, I have ordered six of the cane and twenty of the heavyweight birch."

"Thank you headmaster. Now young man, what have you got to say for yourself?"

"I didn't receive no warning so I shouldn't have been punished in the first place."

"Whose class are you in?"

"Mr Clives."

"Mr Clive do you have the recording of this morning's class warning?"

"Yes your worship, if I can put my memory stick into the podium?"

"Certainly Mr Clive." I moved forward and pushed my memory stick into the podium, the video recording of this morning flashed through until it reached the relevant spot. You could hear me rap on the desk and then my voice over the hush. I am giving you a warning, discipline in this school is being tightened up as of today, at 11:45; punishments will be changed."Whatever else I said was drowned out by the noise of the students. In fact it was my continued statement about the change in the law protecting staff.

"I see that what was drowned out by your class was the warning on threats of assault and assault of members of staff. However I can see that you gave the warning, the fact that your student failed to hear the warning by his own behaviour is not your fault. Case proved; appeal disallowed; punishment changed to six of the cane on the bottom and twenty of the heavyweight birch diagonally across his thighs and back to cross the bottom. How old is the student?"

I looked in my personal computer. "Sixteen your worship, do you want me to upload the data for you?"

"I suppose you better had." I stepped back to the podium and offered my organizer into the dock, his student file flashed up on screen.

"That's fine, a court officer is on his way to you, he will be ready by the time you have finished the first part of the punishment, he will then apply twenty strokes of the whip, he will bring it with him in the ambulance as your student will need to go to hospital after his punishment finishes. The discipline master went to the head.

"Sir we will have to dismount Jones as we need to fit the ECG equipment to him along with his blood oxygen monitor." Jones was taken down from the birching station whilst the nurse was bringing a red box through; she gave it to the Master.

"I'll fit this master, or else it could be seen as part of the punishment, will you give the running commentary."

The disciplinarians held Jones by his arms and legs whilst the master took the connectors for the ECG.

"The nurse is going to fit the electrodes for the ECG, as there will be a lot of movement and sweat normal contact electrodes are not secure enough, as you can see on the screen, each electrode has a curved sharp hook which penetrates the skin and as the electrode is rocked around pulls it tight to Jones flesh. If you look closely you will see that the hooks are thin but wide this ensures that they won't pull out through the skin, similarly the blood oxygen monitor. I will also be inserting an intravenous line so I can administer fluids, if they are needed. Fifteen minutes after the end of the punishment I will administer an anaesthetic through the line for the journey to the correction centre hospital; he will not receive any further pain relief whilst he is a patient in the correction centre hospital."

Finally Jones was fully hooked up; blood was trickling down his chest from the ECG electrodes. He was strapped back onto the birching station and the head moved into position. He gave Jones six very fast and hard swipes of the cane, each one had drops of blood oozing from them, then the birchers took position there was a disturbance at the back of the hall, the court officer had arrived. He was led to the stage; he had with him two cases, a long thin one and a stubby one. He turned to the master

"Can you loosen him slightly; I need to fit my defibrillator to your electrodes, then if his heart stops we can restart him automatically. It shouldn't be needed though." There was a collective gasp in the hall at his words. The defibrillator was fitted and the birching started. His howls and screams were payment for all the insults we had put up with over the years; I have no doubt his victims were extracting pleasure at the sight of their tormentor strung up and on the receiving end. He got to the sixteenth stroke before he fainted the first time, he then got to twenty strokes and the birches were returned to the buckets. The nurse then wiped his legs, bum and back to mop up the blood before she handed over to the court officer. The ambulance crew had come in with their stretcher and they were monitoring the ECG and blood gas levels. The court officer then moved over to the heads chair and took the microphone. He then went to centre stage where Jones' screams were finally dying down.

"I am about to whip this young fool, what he will receive is not dangerous to a healthy person of his age, even the youngest of those birched today could handle this whipping without serious danger. However I don't know if this idiot has used drugs and if so what drugs. If he has then there is a danger to his heart, which is why I have a paramedic with me and the defibrillator attached to him. You heard the bells when he passed out from pain, if his heart should stop then a siren will sound to make sure I and my colleagues get clear of the birching station, then his heart will be shocked and restarted. He will then be transported to the correction centre hospital. He will then return here when he has fully recovered for the rest of his sentence."

He then adjusted the birching station to an upright position, took out his whip from the case and spread out the nine lashes, I could see the knots in the end of each lash. There was a loud whistle, a loud crack and a gut churning scream, I could see blood starting to run down his back, there was a sonorous call ONE, a second slash of the whip and TWO, THREE he got to five and changed sides, the whip tails were curling around Jones abdomen. I was actually starting to feel sorry for the idiot. He got to six and the bells rang, he got a three minute break, one minute to come round and two to rest. The nurse was taking his blood pressure, she went to the officer and I saw him nod his head. She then connected a drip up and fitted an oxygen mask. I looked more carefully at the large display alongside the two pictures of his back and distorted face. I knew for a fact that Jones had played with drugs a lot. The bells rang again at nine and again at twelve strokes. Blood was streaming down over his bum and down his legs, being diverted only by the wheals raised by the birching. The court officer extended the rest period to five minutes before restarting; he had just given the fifteenth lash when the siren sounded. Jones' body then rocked in its clamps as the electric shock hit him to restart his heart; it took two shocks to do the job. Fifteen minutes later the nurse administered the anaesthetic whilst the paramedic released Jones from the station; he was soon on the life-support stretcher and was away to the correction centre by ambulance. The head moved to centre stage.

"Punishment has finished for this afternoon, Jones was a known drug user and this is the result, he will return when he has recovered and receive the last five strokes of the cat o nine tails. I will point out that this is not a once off event, true I can't see us having to administer punishment to so many students at one time again, but if it is needed we will. Jones has learned that time wasting appeals will result in an increased sentence. Our aides are connected to security centres by radio link, if you think you can get away with attacking a member of staff from any direction; let me reassure you, you won't get away with it. The new laws are going out on TV, Radio and the newspapers tonight. The death penalty has been re introduced and the fine print of the Schools, staff protection bill allows punishments to be increased by two levels so actual bodily harm will be treated as murder. The aide that Jones hit has received a black eye, which amounts to actual bodily harm. If I had decided to send him direct to court he could have been sentenced to death. Because I had sentenced him to a flogging the sentence could only be raised one level, to the cat o nine tails. If the judge had thought I was unduly lenient though he could have asked for my sentence to be set aside and his put in its place, Jones could have been in the correction centre hospital tonight, waiting for the completion of his flogging before he was executed. Be warned that discipline in this school will improve, your class teachers are authorized to use the cane or slipper in the classroom, over trousers or skirts for lesser offences, on your underwear and bare bottom caning or nude birching will be authorized by me and that will usually take place in public on this stage at the very least. Notorious offenders will be punished in the central square."

By this time the students were beyond expressing their feelings. "Those students who were caned may now leave the auditorium; you will go to your classes and wait for your teachers. You can put on shoes and socks but you cannot put on your skirts, trousers pants or knickers until you are finally dismissed by your class teacher at the end of school. Those who have been birched will be taken home and you may have tomorrow off to recover, if you are off longer than that you must come in to see the school nurse on Friday she will then allow or disallow an extension on a case by case basis."

After the rest of the students had departed we issued our aides with new blazers, they had a small unit built in the epaulet that took 360 degree pictures and both recorded and transmitted the images and sound. It was explained that they were able to disable the transmitter for varying periods of ten minutes to an hour at a time, this being the length of the recording loop. The new security manager came to me.

Trouble in your class room Mr Clive, look." He showed me his handset and I could see young Tracy baring her bum on my desk and saying how she was going to do me when I got into the class.

"Will you be alright Mr Clive?"

I should think so, 3 lessons a week of martial art under an army PT instructor for the last six months should enable me to take her down. Even with that knife she is brandishing." I collected my five student aides and together we walked back to my class and walked in.

"Tracy get down from my desk and return to your seat."

"Fuck off you wanker, I'm going to slice your face up for starters, it's your fault I got these marks on my arse." Whilst she was shouting her mouth off at me and waving the knife in my direction I closed the distance, grabbed her ankle and pulled, she fell to the floor and got up screaming and started to come at me with the knife. I let her close the distance then grabbed her wrist, twisted and then turned with her arm over my shoulder, she hit the floor hard and dropped the knife, I dragged her across the room and threw her into my new caning station. Jason and Becky came up behind me with wrist and ankle cuffs to hold her in place. As we were finishing the door burst open and the security manager and four army instructors ran in.

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You don't think it's a big deal that you fucked your own brother?" was all Sarah's mother could say. The moment the sentence left her mouth, she realized how absurd it was. Sarah rolled her eyes, "It wasn't like that! They were just hookups. We followed the rules. It is NOT a big deal!"With their parents panic stricken at finding out about their hookup arrangement, Sarah and her brother sat at the kitchen table, waiting for the lecture to stop. Sarah even had the audacity to check her text...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 3 Trial of the Century Broken Rules

Alexander Steinert and the new sisters travel to 'her' private domain and instead find themselves in a 'Wonderland' of sorts were Cmdr. Steinert is on trial for her recent actions. Can the new Empress understand the twisted charges and defend her sister before the four most revered figures she's ever known? What rules have been broken in order to save a life? Copyright 2012 R.G. Beyer Episode 5 "Trial of the Century? Broken...

4 years ago
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My Sissy Rules

I love being a sissy. I have been in permanent chastity since 27 Sep 2016, and am loving it.I have sissy training rules that are focused on keeping me doing the household chores and training me to be rented out as a cheap sissy whore/maid, a list of sissy motivational sayings which I listen to on repeat whilst doing nightly chores, and service rules for the rare occasions when I am rented out to others. This is my sissy life, and it makes me happy.Sissy's Training Rules- Sissy must wear...

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 26 The New Rules

The Cops The sound of the vacuum cleaner filled the room as Donna busied herself cleaning the last glass splinters from the room. Her mind was far away, contemplating her situation. On autopilot she moved through the room, shifting the furniture to clean underneath as she went. The glass splinters were everywhere, and she wanted them gone so that she wouldn’t be reminded of the shameful accident if even one was found later. She grabbed the dildo from the small table where she had placed it...

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Susannahs Rules

From her fourth floor office, Miranda watched the street below. Hard sunlight created deep shadows and a breeze half-heartedly stirred leaves on the trees. A black London cab stopped at the opposite kerb. The lone passenger was a tall blonde in a summer dress. Her arms and shoulders were bare and tanned, her legs toned and shapely. Miranda saw the jut of high breasts and the breeze whipped her dress up around her thighs. She tilted her head into the breeze, her blonde hair fluttering from her...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 134 Life and Unwritten Rules

We moved into the semi-final game on Friday with all our cheering section intact. Rachel's mom swung by to pick up both Cassie and Samantha to bring them to the game. Since she was in the neighborhood, she picked up Geoff next. We played North Riley, the other big school in town, at two-thirty. We'd all agreed to stay through our varsity game at five-thirty, so we'd probably be eating popcorn for dinner. North Riley was big, but not fast. They tended to just get under the basket and push...

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Rods Rules

ROD'S RULES by Throne "Now Lenny," my wife Claire said, sounding perfectly reasonable, "you know this is how it has to be." "B... but..." I began, upset and losing control of my speech. "It's just... You're not being fair if... I mean..." "Darling," she soothed, "this is the way Rod wants it. You're a complete dud in bed. He's a sex monster, to put it mildly. And I'm not prepared to give up what he has to offer. So if he makes some new rules, well, those are what we're...

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New World New Rules

Foreword: This story is set 25 years after an overthrow of the government led to the complete removal of any rights for women.  Women were property of men, property of their fathers until they were married and became property of their husbands.  Parts of each chapter are told from the perspective of different members of the three families the story focuses on:  The Eatons – James, Sarah, their son Kevin, and their daughter Katie The Harpers – Bill, Jessica, the twins (Samantha and Alexandra),...

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In the absence of rules

“Are you sure about this?” Tom asked her as she applied her mascara and gave her reflection a nervous little smile in the mirror. “Yes” she said, as she simultaneously without moving her lips she asked herself the same question in the mirror, and that was all. Ten minutes later he poured them both large glasses of pinot grigio and massaged her shoulders in an effort to relax her. The doorbell made them both jump and she took a deep breath as he let in their two guests. “Oh fuck!” She said just...

Group Sex
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Click I hear you, you have just come through the front door, you are taking your jacket off. I have done as you asked me, I’m standing in the bedroom facing away from the door, with just my under wear on - a black and red lace bra and thong. You have moved from the front door now and are in the kitchen. Knowing you are down there making me wait for you is turning me on, then thoughts of what you are going to do to me start to pop into my head, this excites me further and I can feel myself...

Straight Sex
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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 7 Road Trip Rules

The three weeks leading up to their vacation, Rachel had become something of a fixture at the house. She had her own car, so she didn’t have to bum rides from friends or parents. Rachel really liked coming here for she was accepted for who she was 100%. The fact that there were a multitude of holes to fuck and even a couple of real dicks to ride certainly helped. Also, one person at the house seemed to have a serious crush on her, Samantha. For her part she said it was because Rachel was a...

3 years ago
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Her Rules

Imagine my cousin and I.Saturday night, near midnight, you're at a storefront business in Seaside, CA. Music plays low from behind the counter, some eighties rap song. They're all looking at you. You look like a total whore. This is the intended effect, but you're embarrassed and try to cover by acting aloof. This is stupid, counterproductive. This is why you're standing in the fourth liquor store of the night. You keep losing nerve, then acting too stuck-up to be approached. You want to do...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Rules

Hi. My name is Cindy, and I'm married to my wonderful husband and Daddy named Tom. I love him very much, and I know he loves me. Our relationship is rich and complex, but as you could probably guess from me calling him Daddy, he is my leader as well as the love of my life.I'm by no means a perfect wife. I have a willful streak and when it gets out of hand, Daddy will tell me so, and if I don't rein myself in, he'll pass sentence on the spot, usually by saying, "Alright, Cindy, it's clear that...

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Tim And Abbie 67 Abbie Breaks The Rules

Things are not always rosy between Tim and Abbie.  Well, actually, they are still rosy, but in a quite different way sometimes.Things have gone well for a couple of months now, and Abbie has not been across Tim’s lap for discipline.  Tim almost thinks that perhaps they are past that stage, until a Tuesday evening in early October.After dinner, Tim goes out to the garage to put washer fluid in Abbie’s car.  He notices a dozen bags or more in the trunk and on the backseat.  He fills the fluid and...

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Cuckold rules

This was written by a good friend of mine who we will call Tracy. She is in a cuckolding relationship with her white boyfriend Paul and her black master Sean. Sean had trained both Paul and Tracy in becoming slaves to his black cock and these are the genuine rules that Tracy wrote for her boyfriend and made him sign. Just for the record they are still together today and still owned by Sean. They wanted to share this to turn you all on abit and inspire over couples and cuckolds.Rules for cuckold...

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The Family Rules

The family of my first girlfriend in college had "rules" for everything. But, from my perspective, there were three that had the most impact on our relationship. The first rule was that the two daughters, Theresa (my girlfriend) and Valerie (her younger sister by a year) were not allowed to date until they were 18, coming from a very small conservative town as well as two very protective parents. Thus, even though Teri was 19 and a freshman at the local junior college when I first met her, I...

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Company Rules

Company RulesLaura Harper joined the staff of Gilbert and Mayes from university five years ago. She had graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Psychology from Cardiff and then decided to use these skills in the world of advertising. Gilbert and Mayes were one of the foremost London agencies founded in 1952 and had quickly developed a respected reputation in advertising and were rewarded with a number of high profile multi-national accounts. Their success continued to blossom to the...

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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 3 Setting The Rules

This part is a continuation of the previous parts. This, just like the previous parts, is also a narration of subsequent real incidents. And so will have dialogues in Bengali, as and how they took place. For your convenience, I will give the English translations side by side. So, after the whole eroticism got over and we were done with clicking the pics, it was time for us to wrap up things. Mimi was in a mess with her cunt dripping with the sexual fluids of Paltu and Babu. So, she took out the...

3 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project Hormones and House Rules

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 16 Broken Rules

Steve Davies I stared in awe at the door. I had edited it after it had been edited. That should be impossible under the old rules. I glanced down at my phone. At the increased abilities of my editing app. My heart pounded in my chest as this rush shot through me. I’d doubled my number edits for the day. After my new modifications, the door showed itself as unlocked from editing. It was like I had greater admin privileges or something. I could edit a lesser version of the app’s...

2 years ago
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RunChapter 28 Rules

Despite his earlier confidence, Gene was feeling less sure that he could keep his breakfast down. Holly had driven the pontoon hard over the growing swells, and the up-and-down motion was unsettling his sense of balance. The wind blew spray over him as he clung to the railing and tried not to be sick. The short blonde showed no signs of being affected. She kept her gaze mostly straight ahead, her grip on the wheel steady and firm. Despite the protection in the cockpit, her clothes were...

1 year ago
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College Rules

CollegeRules, or at least it has the potential to. Institutions of higher learning tend to be jam-packed full of sexually ripe babes first experiencing the freedom of not living with their parents. If you can’t see the inherent possibilities, you may need to see a doctor about your inhumanly low libido. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve either experienced those possibilities for yourself, or you’re just looking to live vicariously through the magic of hardcore pornography. Just because...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Childish Obsessions PART 2 Cyra Learns The Rules

We arrived home and I slid out of the car, startling Cyra and waking her. I knew she might try to run and I also wanted her to remember that what I said goes... so i grabbed her arm before she was completely aware and dragged her out of the car. "Welcome home baby." She rubbed her eyes with her free hand and looked around. "Where are we?" Thats all she asked as she looked around and saw nothing but the house in front of us. This place was out in the woods. Not much around except...

3 years ago
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Childish Obsessions PART 2 Cyra Learns The Rules

Introduction: Hello everyone. This is a part of a series and you shoud read them in order to understand the roles. I will have one out atleast every 2-4 weeks. ENJOY!!!!! As my vacation house (and our new home together) is pretty far away from where Cyra once lived, it took us a while to get home. Cyra had fallen asleep and gradually slid to the side til she was laying with her head on my lap. Even asleep my little beauty had me ready to go again. Man oh man did I make a good choice in choosing...

2 years ago
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Nancys Rules

I had never been good at math, but a certain number kept running through my head. Eighteen. I was finally a legal adult! Had been for three days and four hours! A whole new world would open up, I could vote (for what good it did), drink (legally), and adults would stop ordering me around (I hoped).It was 1974, a time when males were required to swim nude in schools, YMCAs, even YWCAs, Boys Clubs and just about everywhere else, and it was also a time when more and more women were taking...

1 year ago
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Sammy Learns To Follow The Rules

Ok those of you that follow my stories know my wife Kat has unbreakable rules. These rules must be followed or else. She keeps her bitches in line that way. The rule that she hates broken the most is if you have any kind of party you must invited us to it. here is what happens if you don't! Two days ago myself and Kat are on are way to get some food and pass Ronni's house. Ronni is a 30yrs. 5'7" 107lbs. long black hair that touches her out of this world ass and a face that gives dead...

4 years ago
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Breaking the rules

This story happened in May at my father's house in Florida. He has these striked rules for the house, be home by 11pm, leave room doors open, and wrost of all, NO SEX!!! Im 24 I shouldn't have to follow these rules. But here in my dad's house his words is law. Must follow orders. So, one mirning my dad left to work, since I do tattoos I can take take my jods anyware. I had a few things lined up for the aftetnoon hours, so I didn't have much to do in the morning I took a long shower and got...

4 years ago
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The Awful Terrible Really Bad Bet Rules

The Awful, Terrible, Really Bad Bet: Rules. Sweetie, I know losing this bet is difficult for you. Perhaps you should not have made it, but it is too late for that now. As you know, the terms were for 1500 points this time; the last time I lost for 1000 points and you made me pay dearly, but that was before our divorce started. You will probably get laughed at in the office, at least in the beginning, but I cleared it with your boss Carol, and HR (did they ever laugh). It is not...

1 year ago
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No Rules

Brad's door was closed. Ashley knocked. “Come in,” he hollered. Ashley pushed the door open. She looked at the clothes strewn around the room. “Yuck, you really need to clean this place,” she snapped. Brad had just cinched the belt to his jeans. Ashley looked at his bare chest and imagined what was hidden below the belt. “I'm on my way to Jarrad's so I can't do it today.” Brad looked up. His stepsister was wearing a string-type black bikini and nothing else. “I was going swimming.” Ashley put...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sissy rules

SISSIFICATION RULES OF OUR HOUSEYou will NEVER NEVER use the word NO.You will be trained to dress properly in a french maid’s outfit, dressed, latex or Lingerie and monitored by phone and email, if not in our presence.You will be forced to wear make up at all times: foundation, blush, lipstick, lipliner, mascara, eyeliner, loose face powder, and body and face glitter.You will be taught to stand correctly at attention, bosom thrust out, belly in, …You will be trained in walking on high heels.You...

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house rules

So meet this couple at a site call AFF.I will call them S and J ,they are a south hill couple very rich very classy and also very nice people fun the be around .WE hooked up in January a few years ago ,and would party every month or so. This time it was in Aug. We had house rules that we only partied together all same room sex and fun ,no problem I like it that was ,they are and my self in our early or mid 50's . We were going to get together this time about 6:00 or so it was hot so I rode...

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Mrs Vandermeers Rules

I am NOT the simply sharing orgasmdeShannon becomes infatuated with her employer and learns about her darker desires.“Do you trust me?” she asked, and I’d answered without thinking, my words followed with a soft kiss, my body tingling all over as she pulled me closer, her tongue slipping easily between my lips.“Of course I do. Why would you even ask?” I answered, breathlessly, feeling the welcome warmth of desire kissing the insides of my thighs. She gave my ass a quick squeeze and...

1 year ago
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My New Girlfriends Rules

My New Girlfriends' Rules. Part 1 "The Big Surprise"I met Nicola about four months ago. I was sitting in the pub with some friends, and there she was. This gorgeous willowy blonde. Pretty as hell. (real hell, i'd find out!) Had a kind of Egyptian Princess look to her. Hair straight and fine and crisp. High cheek bones, beautiful dark, dark hazel eyes. A slim curvy body to die for. And she was dressed so classy. Her thigh high boots had also attracted my attention when she walked into the pub.I...

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Headmasters Rules

Mr Dafydd Evans thumbed through the report on his desk. Five pages of misbehaving from two young girls both aged sixteen and born just one week apart; both of them just three weeks away from their seventeenth birthday. The reports were from Mr Gregory who taught Mathematics, Mr James who taught Geography and the worse report from Miss Thornton who taught Religious Instruction. It wasn’t a one-off.This report landed on his desk on the last day of the month, as it had done for the last...

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The Rules

There is indeed an institute of higher education which served as a partial model for Locksmith University, as some readers may be able to guess. Nevertheless, there is precious little light and less truth about the university in this story. I must confess I have callously played with details of life in its engineering school for my own narrative purposes. And, of course, the real university's professors of divinity are all models of wise decorum and restraint. Most heinously, I have even...

4 years ago
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SeniorChapter 22 Why confess if youve not broken any rules

Kelley had given her permission for Megan to stay overnight at the apartment ... sometimes. I interpreted 'sometimes' to mean 'often, ' but Megan looked at it differently. "When we started this, you said one of us would tire of the other in two weeks. We haven't tired of being together, but I don't want to take any chances. We need to make it work until June," she said. I knew she was right. We needed to agree on a firm schedule. "Tuesday's a must. You're here anyway for the...

3 years ago
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Sissy Slut Training Rules

There are a few things a Sissy must understand in order to attract, and then keep, her Man. Let’s look at them, these Sissy Rules.1. Men are superior to you. This is rule number one for good reason: it is a simple statement of fact. It’s so important that many questions that a potential Sissy may have can simply be answered with reference to this rule. And from this point on, references to real Men will start with a capital letter. So great is the level of superiority of a Man over a Sissy,...

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Three rules

It was a brothel for geeks THREE RULES  By Peter Last  I had spoken with her three different evenings before I mustered up the courage. ?How do I find you?? I whispered into the mike on my computer as I stared at her on the web cam.? She wore leather from neck to ankle, but it couldn?t disguise her alluring shape, and her long raven hair swirled about her shoulders as she moved about her room. She whispered back to me, gave me directions, told me where she lived.? ?Fourth floor,? she...

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Breaking the Rules

I woke up one morning and came downstairs to find pet making breakfast. I sat down to the table and read the morning paper she had placed on the table. One of her duties is to put the morning paper at my place so I can read it before going to work. I was reading it when she put breakfast in front of me. Something was strange - normally, I get a perky "Good Morning, Master!" from my pet, but today she was quiet and reserved. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on about getting ready...

1 year ago
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Train Three Sexy Slaves2 The Rules

The first rule is they three shall be obedient and happily perform all their tasksThe second rule states what they all will wear as soon as they are inside my placeThe third set summarizes the daily routines of intimate inspection and masturbation!The fourth set is on privacy: none - and their private hygiene here: no more shavingThe fifth rule is about adressing me and in general on use of language: very polite The sixth rule is about sex: only with me, each others and only after my...

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new rules

'ok boys things are going to change around here as you know your pop didn't make a will so everything he owned now belongs to me if you want to continue living in my house and eating my food and if you expect me to pay for your college tuition you will do everything i say you are both old enough to work so if you want to leave my house get jobs and look after yourselfs its up to you otherwise read and sign these contracts'she hands the 2 boys a contract each and this is what they see ...

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Four Rules

It began innocently enough, for an obsession. I wasn't the type for obsessions, but sometimes you don't have much choice. I'm an executive with a large insurance firm, a conservative company for conservative clients, which means I have plenty to lose. I'm married to a decent woman, a good mother to our two grown kids. We don't have sex very often, but who does after twenty-five years? I told myself I didn't care, that passion and abandon were for hormone-stoked teenagers, not senior vice...

3 years ago
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The Rules

My darling, sexy, and yes slutty wife,As you're reading this, by now you've seen what I have laid out for you. I will be waiting outside while you get ready. You should notice that it leaves little to the imagination. There is no bra. I know you prefer to wear leggings or spanx, but this little red dress, chemise, garter, and stocking will do nicely for you this evening. I want complete access to you at all times. now we both know things could get a little wild tonight, so I am giving you a few...

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Delivering Dominance Book 1 Establishing Groundrules

I can’t believe I’m here right now…how did it happen? Three months ago, when I learned my job was eliminated, I was devastated. Then, at dinner, I found out we were expecting, AGAIN! Even though I would have my severance package, and my wife could pay our bills with her job, I was terrified to lose the fun things we did as a family. The trips, the sports events, the concerts…all potentially gone! I found a delivery service looking to expand…it was designed for those who didn’t have the time...

1 year ago
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Hentai Rules! What a nice name, don’t you think? It basically gets straight down to the point, and you already know what to expect. Now, as a fellow hentai lover, I can truly appreciate this shit. But how good is HentaiRules? Is it really worth the visit? Well, I surely think so, and we all know that if I think that it must be the truth.Well, to all my hentai lovers, I am sure that you will be happy to know that has some great suggestions. But, another thing that is probably...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Changing the Rules

Josh West was checking out his new phone. The touchscreen was sleek and easy to use, and he quickly found himself buying some apps to match his interests. He spent ten minutes playing around with an app that let him jiggle boobs in any photo just by moving his fingers. When he exited, there was an app icon that he didn't remember buying. "Rules of the World," he read its name and clicked. There was a note attached. "They are after me. I've encrypted and transferred this application before they...

Mind Control

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