Peaceful Easy Feelin' free porn video

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'Just what the fuck am I doing here and how much longer can it last?' I asked myself.

There I was, on the patio of a massive and very flash villa on the coast of an unbelievably beautiful (and bloody hot) Caribbean island. Not just any old Caribbean island either; this place was a private island. Only people who owned one of the villas — or could afford to hire one for a week or so — their staff and guests were allowed to step foot on the hallowed soil. The sort of place that the likes of me shouldn't even be allowed to dream about, let alone live in for a couple of months.

I was lying back on a sun-bed taking in some afternoon rays, sipping rum - that had been poured over crushed ice - from a long glass. Every so often Sam - a big coloured man, dressed in an immaculate white shirt and slacks, and complete with a neck tie (in that heat?) - would come to adjust the large parasol that protected my face from the sun's glare. Sam would also send the little dark skinned island girl Simone out to refill my glass whenever it was empty, without me asking; Sam knew my preferences — and consuming rate - by then. He'd also remind me about how long I'd been in the sun and send that same little beauty out to apply sun block to my body when required. That was assuming that Sonya didn't beat her to it.

Somewhere below, I could hear the children playing in the swimming pool, I'd been down there earlier with them. As I lay there, occasionally I could pick out Sonya's voice amongst those of the children and their minders. Tutors, Sonya called them, taught the children everything from windsurfing to diving, but to my mind they were more like glorified nannies.

I lifted my head and looked around the sun patio; Christ, just the damn sun deck was larger than any house - including the garden - that I'd every lived in before.

As I looked around I caught sight of Sam standing at his usual station; from where he could watch me and be ready to cater for any request that I had. And at the same time, he could keep an eye on the swimming pool below; Sam was always ready for any request or emergency that could possibly happen down by the pool. I'd noticed that the guy was very protective of the children.

My movement had caught Sam's attention and our eyes met for a second, so I waved my hand to let him know that I didn't require anything.

He gave me a brief smile and nod before saying, "The Lady Sonya is coming up, sir."

"Her name's just Sonya, Sam," I admonished him.

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry I forgot."

"And please try to remember, Sam, that when we're in private, I'm Frank. I'm not one for all this sir lark."

"Yes, Sir ... Frank, I'm sorry I keep forgetting," he replied.

I had been trying ever since I'd arrived here to get Sam — and all of the rest of the staff - to drop the formality with me when there were no visitors in the house. But it appears old habits die hard. Sam had also pointed out that they might forget when we did have visitors in the house.

"Who gives a shit, Sam. I don't want my kids growing up thinking they are something that they aren't. You guys are looking after us like bloody royalty, but you're just earning a living like most everyone else in the world has to. And all of you are damned good at what you do. That makes you anyone's equal," I'd told them.

"Yes, Sir," Sam had replied. At one time, he tried "Mr Moore" on me, but I wasn't happy with that either.

Sonya appeared at the top of the stairs that led down to the pool. She smiled at Sam as she headed in my direction. Sam, ever the soul of discretion started down the stairs toward the pool. He would move to a position about halfway down, where he could see the pool but not what was happening on the patio, although he could hear Sonya or myself if we called him.

I marvelled once again — as I always did whenever I saw her — at the beauty of the woman walking towards me. 'This can't last much longer.' Was the thought that crossed my mind.

Sonya was - I'd estimated - about thirty-five years old, and I swear, by looking at that shapely body of hers - clad as it was in one of the smallest bikinis that I'd ever seen in my life; Sonya had several that size — that no one could discern the slightest evidence that she had borne three children some years before.

"How's my lover boy? Recovered from playing with the children yet?" Sonya asked, as she swung one shapely leg over my body and lowered her backside carefully onto exactly the right spot on my groin area. Then she slowly began to rock her hips backwards and forwards, as she had done so many times in the previous few weeks. She knew full well that this would very soon have the effect she desired on me.

"Tired, but not from playing with the children this morning, Sonya. You really wore me out after the party last night!" I replied.

"Ah, diddums!" she giggled back at me. "But, it was a good session last night, wasn't it? Made me feel like a teenager again!"

"You ain't kidding, girl. Last night you worked me over pretty good, and then this morning you started on me as well. Jesus, I wish I'd been around when you were a teenager? Christ, I don't know how Seymour ever had any energy left to shag Jean."

"Neither do I! He certainly never had your stamina, in my bed anyway!" Sonya grinned down at me. "Perhaps he saved all his energy for Jean. She must have been really something in bed."

"I wouldn't say that exactly." I replied, remembering back to how Jean had been when she was in bed with me, especially in the last few years, since the children had been born. "Oh, she liked to 'do it' all right, but I wouldn't say she was ever that mad about sex. One orgasm was always enough for Jean. When she was in bed with me anyway." I added as an afterthought. "Actually Jean was more like some of those blokes you hear about; only with Jean it wasn't wham, bam, thank you, mam! It was wham, bam, thank you, man! Or rather, thank you, Frank. One climax was always enough for Jean; I'd get her off once and then she'd say that's enough for one night, Frank, I'm tired now. Then she'd roll over and go off to sleep."

"Sounds like some of the guys that I knew back at university." Sonya grinned again. "Anyway forgetting about Jean and sex for the minute. I sensed that there was something bothering you at breakfast this morning, Frank. I didn't want to ask in front of the children, but is something wrong?"

For a few seconds I debated whether to broach the subject with Sonya in my mind and came to the decision that we'd have to talk about it sooner or later. Probably the sooner the better!

"Well, to be honest with you, Sonya, no, not really at the moment. But I just can't help wondering when the bubble is going to burst."

Sonya stopped her rocking motion, which had already had the effect she intended even though I'd tried very hard not to get aroused.

"Bubble! What bubble?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"This bubble! All of this. Sonya, you are a very desirable woman. You're what, thirty-five?" Sonya nodded to affirm my estimate of her age. "You've got more money stashed away than they've got in the Bank of England and three massive houses. This one, that villa in the South of France and the estate in Surrey, that must be at least a hundred acres..."

"Two hundred and fifty!" Sonya corrected me still smiling.

I ignored her interruption. "Last night, you had some pretty handsome and damned rich looking fellas running around after you like blue-arsed-flies. You know they were all vying for your attention at the same time - well, they were trying to."

"And they didn't get it, did they? You know as well as I do that all they want is to get into my knickers, as you so elegantly like to put it," Sonya interrupted again, but still grinning. She seemed to enjoy my rather "basic English" vocabulary (Sonya's term) and often took the rise out of it in a friendly way.

"I can't say that I can blame them for that either." I smiled back at her. "You're one beautiful and very sexy looking woman, you know. Especially in that damned bikini or that low cut dress you had on last night!"

"So that's your problem; you're jealous. Well, don't be, Frank. They'll never get anything off of me while you're in my life."

"Well, you see, that really is the problem, Sonya. You're a very desirable thirty-five-year-old heiress, and I'm a forty-three-year-old sodding truck driver, for Christ's sake, from the North London suburbs at that. What have I done to deserve being here with you?"

"Well, you married a slut who let my husband fuck her brains out willy-nilly, that's what." Sonya giggled back at me. "And you screw better than any man I've ever shared a bed with before!"

I knew full well that she was enjoying our little conversation. Damn, the woman never seemed to take anything seriously.

"Yeah, so you say, but when you suggested this little jaunt, it was to wind-up our ex-spouses. I never in my wildest dreams imagined we'd ever ... you know ... The idea was that we'd make a big show of jetting out here to one of the houses that you took from Seymour in the settlement. I never intended to take advantage of you like I have."

"Whoa there, stud." Sonya's facial expression changed and she looked just a little annoyed with me. "For a start, you have never taken advantage of anyone; I chose to seduce you and I have no complaints on that score. Secondly, I didn't take this place from Seymour in the divorce either; it was mine all the time. My family had this house built years ago. The house in the south of France was my father's retirement home until he passed away and the estate in Surrey, what's left of it, well that has been in the family for well over two hundred years."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realise. But it just goes to show that you and I are from completely different worlds ... Well, look, Sonya, what I'm trying to say is that I could get used to this life ... And, well, so could my girls, but the longer we stay out here the harder it's going to be to get back to normal."

"What do you mean by 'back to normal'?" Sonya demanded.

"Sonya, I love it here with you; Christ, I've grown to care for you a damned sight more than is prudent, under the circumstances..."

"And what circumstances would they be?" Sonya demanded; she was looking - uncharacteristically - very serious by then. It was possibly only the second or third time that I hadn't seen a smile on that beautiful face of hers.

"Sonya, let me get this out please! I've grown to care for you much, much more than you realise. And so have my girls; but someday soon you're going to figure that you've rubbed Seymour's face in the dirt enough, by slumming it with the likes of me and you're going to want to get back to your friends."

"Jesus Christ, Frank, what are you, a bloody snob? What kind of shallow slut do you take me for?"

"Sonya, I don't think you're shallow and I'll bleeding-well deck the first bugger who tries to call you a slut. As a matter of fact, if you remember correctly, I already have."

Sonya giggled, "Yeah, that was funny. I doubt that Seymour's ever been flattened like that before, not in public anyway. One punch from you and he went out like a light."

"Glass jaw they call it. Seymour might be a big man, but he can't take a punch."

"Well, he deserved it; he was very insulting at the airport."

"Sonya, he was telling the truth as he saw it. You led him to believe that you were bringing me out here to fuck my brains out in revenge for him carrying on with Jean when, in fact, we had already agreed that the whole charade was just for the press and the children's benefit. And to embarrass Seymour. We never did intend to sleep together really."

"Who didn't intend to sleep with whom? I know what I had planned, even if it did mean that I had to use a little bit of subterfuge where someone was concerned. Look, Frank, when I approached you in that transport café that day, I soon realised that I'd found, or rather that Jean was about to lose, a real man."

"I'll admit that when I went there that day, I had only intended to give you the evidence of Jean and Seymour's infidelity. But whilst we were talking, I recognised something in you that none of the other men that I've known in my life had, except maybe for my father. Perhaps I saw some of his character in you as well. He was a good man who thought of everyone else before he thought about himself."

"You got pretty irate at first when you saw those photographs, but then you got your emotions under control and, yes, you mentioned that you'd have to divorce Jean. But your number one consideration was on what effect it was all going to have to Annette and Sheryl. And what possible damage had been done already."

"It was?" I replied.

Of course, I could remember the occasion that Sonya was talking about, when an immaculately dressed, very beautiful and quite definitely out of place woman walked into Wally's Café, accompanied by a flunky in a flash whistle. She'd gotten the attention of every damn driver in the place from the second she stepped through the door.

The guy in the suit had gestured in my general direction and then went to the counter.

Then I'd been totally gob smacked as the woman strolled over to my table and took a seat opposite me.

"Frank Moore?" she'd enquired. Or rather asked me to affirm; it was pretty obvious that she knew who I was.

"Yes!" I replied meekly, looking from her to my mates, some of whom were also sat at the long table. To be honest, I was wondering what kind of a practical joke the guys had set me up for this time.

"I wonder if you would mind giving us some privacy, gentlemen?" she'd said, turning to the rest of the guys. "Mr Moore and I have something rather unpleasant and personal to discuss."

As they'd already finished their meals, the guys politely acquiesced to Sonya's request and left the table promptly. But not without giving me some very quizzical looks and a few of them winked at me. I just shrugged. I figured at least one of the guys was bluffing and knew exactly what the woman wanted. How wrong I was!

"Mr Moore, we've never met, but my name is Sonya Springfield. I believe that you've met my husband on a few occasions."

Indeed I had met the wanker. He was one of the big-knobs at the place where my wife Jean worked. I can't say that I'd ever been impressed by the bugger either; fancied his chances too much for my liking.

"Yes, I've met him a few times at the company do's," I replied, with a slightly uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Well, I'm afraid I've come here to give you some rather unpleasant information. I thought it only civil to inform you about what's been going on, before the balloon goes up. I'm afraid I've got to tell you that your wife and my husband have been having an affair."

"I don't believe you!" I blustered.

'Jean, cheat on our marriage, no way! She doted on our children and she loved our little house; Christ, she loved me; well, she was always telling me she did.' But for some reason and almost immediately after that thought had crossed my mind, I began thinking. 'Now Seymour Springfield! Yeah well, he was the type who'd lay any little tart that he could get his hands on. But my Jean, no way would she cheat on me, not with the likes of him; she just wouldn't!'

Well, that was the way my mind was working at the time. But somehow - I still don't know why — in my heart, I knew that this woman wasn't spinning me a line.

"I'm sorry, Mr Moore, but what I tell you is true," she said, placing a large manilla envelope which she'd been carrying on the table before me. "See for yourself. There're some photographs of them together in there. I'll warn you though, some of them are pretty disgusting and rather pornographic."

With more than a little trepidation and even more willpower, I picked up the envelope and peeked at the pictures inside. It wasn't even necessary for me to pull the pictures right out. The first one I saw was of Jean all right; a very naked Jean, who was on her hands and knees, getting it from behind by someone. I couldn't see who the guy was who was shagging her, but it definitely wasn't me; the guy was much too fat.

I looked back from the envelope to Sonya Springfield. I have no idea what kind of an expression I had on my face, but it must have been one of extreme shock and anger.

"I'm sorry, Mr Moore, but I thought it only fair to let you know what was going on before tomorrow morning when the balloon will go up. Seymour is a very famous man. I'm expecting that pictures of them together will be all over the media tomorrow ... after the announcement is made that I'm filing for divorce on the grounds of his adultery with your wife. You might want to make sure that your children do not see the news broadcasts on television tomorrow."

I said something in reply but I can't remember what it was that I did say. Probably I thanked her for her thoughtfulness or something.

"Mr Moore, the sleaze that I came in with is my solicitor, Ronny Macintosh. I can't say that I like him very much, but he's a damned good lawyer. If you should need his services, he'll be only too pleased to take on a divorce case for you as well. I've already spoken to him; he won't charge you too much because I have him under retainer and he can run the two cases together."

Well, I think that was the gist of what Sonya said; neither my mind nor my memory was working properly by that time. Anger does that kind of thing to some people.

But I wasn't just anyone. I am a professional driver. My working days were spent on Britain's crowded roads and motorways with anything up to 44 tons up behind me. With the way most of the idiots drive their cars nowadays, cutting us up, not giving the big trucks enough clearance when they pull out in front of us, or pulling back too early into our braking zone after they overtake. I've had to learn to control my emotions. It's a matter of self-preservation; lose it and you could pile the truck up. And then those 44 tons will try to join you in the cab and push you straight into an early grave.

So pretty soon I managed to get my emotions back under control.

"Um, thanks, yeah, divorce, yeah, well, er ... Looking at these pictures that's about all I can do, divorce her, isn't it?" I mumbled, I might have gotten my emotions under control, but I was still in a state of shock.

"No, sir, please don't be in too much of a hurry to make up your mind about divorcing your wife; it can prove expensive, you know," a man's voice said. Ronny Macintosh had come over to our table, probably at a prearranged signal from Sonya. "Divorce isn't your only option, sir. You should talk to your wife first before you make any decisions, and maybe see a marriage counsellor."

"What the hell are they doing there?" I asked absent-mindedly.

Whilst Ronny Macintosh had been talking, I had been thumbing through the photographs in the envelope. I still hadn't summoned up the courage to pull them out of the envelope and have a good look at them; I was trying to view them at an oblique angle from the end of the envelope.

"Let me see," Sonya said.

I tilted the envelope so that she could.

"Oh, my, that was last Thursday in the lounge of your house."

"I can see that!"

"Yes, well, Seymour is having sex with your wife from behind. You can't see them there, but your two children are sitting on the sofa that she's leaning over, watching the television. You can't see them in that still picture but you can on the film. Mr Moore, I don't believe that they knew what the adults were doing. They were completely engrossed in the television."

"Are you telling me that your husband was having sex with my wife when my children were in the same room?" I exploded; I was losing it again.

"Yes, I'm sorry. But from what we can make out on the video, we don't think that the girls were aware of what was going on. Jean lent over the back of the sofa to speak to them and from the looks of it, Seymour appeared to creep up behind her."

"And she let him! Jesus Christ, what is the fucker, sick or something? Shagging my wife whilst my kids were in the same room." I actually shouted that time. Everyone in Wally's place must have heard me.

"I can take it that marriage counselling is off the list of options then, can I?" Ronny Macintosh said. He had already taken some forms out of his briefcase and had been writing furiously as we talked.

"Too bloody right you can, mate, and I want custody of my kids as well!"

"No problem there, Mr Moore; that bit of film will see to that. Child endangerment, I believe the Americans call it; our family courts take a very dim view of that kind of behaviour as well. Now if you'd like to sign here, I can get the ball rolling whenever you give me the go signal."

"Go!" I replied, "I don't have to think about anything after seeing that. The sooner my girls are away from that bitch's influence the better. But god only knows what kind of an effect Jean and I divorcing will have on them."

"If that's the case, I could call a social worker friend of mine in on it tomorrow morning. She can get an emergency order from the family courts, suspending your wife's parental rights for the time being. And most probably they will require your wife to move out of the family home as well. Once that piece of film goes before the courts, she'll be hard pressed to get them back again."

"Hold your horses a little, Ronny. Mr Moore might not want to go that route. Surely it will be easier on the children if we can keep the social services people out of this. You know what those buggers can be like. Once they get involved, Mr Moore here might loose control of things completely," Sonya interrupted Ronny's flow.

"Yeah, you could be right, Sonya. They can get a little overenthusiastic at times and pretty officious as well," Ronny said and then he thought for a few seconds. "Frank - you don't mind me calling you Frank, do you?" I nodded to let him know I was fine with the idea. "Were you planning on being home tonight. You know, before we told you about..." Ronny's voice faded away.

"Yeah, I was. But how I'm going to hold my temper with Jean, I don't know."

"Yes, it might be better if you stayed away from your wife until you've had time to get used to the idea. Could you fake a delay of some kind that'll keep you away from the house for the night?" Ronny asked.

"Yeah, I can always call Jean and tell her that I've had a breakdown. But why?"

"To give us time to get our pigeons all lined up. Oh, and don't worry about your wife getting all cosy with Seymour tonight. Sonya's got that one covered. If you aren't home tonight, you can't lose it and let on to your wife that you know about her affair and are intending to apply for a divorce and custody of the children. I think I can rush this paperwork through and get in first thing in the morning. You'll have to take tomorrow off from work, and I suggest that you collect your children from their school at lunchtime. Have you got any relatives living near by that they can stay with for a day or so?"

"Yeah, my sister doesn't live all that far away. I could take them there. The girls stayed with her last year when Jean and I took a second - don't laugh - honeymoon.

"Good, if all goes to plan, I'll have the paperwork delivered to your wife at the same time as we serve Seymour. We might have to hang fire on that news conference for a couple of hours, Sonya," he said turning to her.

"I can't see any problem with that. We'll have time for the evening news programs and the dailies wouldn't have had the story until the Saturday morning anyway," Sonya replied.

"Good, I'll have someone at your house with you tomorrow afternoon, Frank. When your wife turns up she'll already have been served with the papers, so she'll know to expect trouble. It'll be best if the children aren't around if the confrontation starts to get too nasty. It's not good for the children to witness scenes like that. When they get excited it's too easy to say things that you'd rather the children didn't hear. We'll have my people run off some more stills from that video and maybe a copy of the tape itself all set up and ready to play in your home player. You can simply tell her to pack her bags and vacate the premises. If she refuses, we'll just tell her that we'll turn that tape over to the social services and that they will make sure that she never sees her two girls again."

"Can they do that?" I asked.

"You're not kidding they can! Those buggers can do just about anything that takes their fancy, if they tell the court that it's for the children's protection; they have the family courts behind them. A divorce court judge - now they're a bit more circumspect and could well throw out that video evidence of what Seymour and your wife got up in that room with the children present, because technically it was taken illegally. But the family courts, they aren't so particular on that score; to them, evidence is evidence and bugger where it came from."

I signed the papers that Ronny Macintosh put in front of me, then as he and Sonya got up to leave, I pulled the picture of my once happy little family out of my wallet and looked at it. Whatever happened I was convinced that Jean wasn't stealing my girls from me.

"They're two beautiful girls," Sonya had come around the table and was looking at the picture over my shoulder.

"Yeah, they take after their mother. Damn, they are going to be upset about all this."

"I've got three of my own, a boy and two girls. It's not going to be easy on them either. Mind I wouldn't say that Seymour was there for them very much anyway. But he is their father."

"Why do people do things like that - you know, have affairs? Don't they think about how its going to affect the children?" I asked.

"I really don't believe they think about what they are doing in advance, Frank. You don't mind me calling you Frank, do you? You must call me Sonya. I expect that we'll be seeing each other again even if it is only in the divorce court," she asked.

"Most everyone does," I replied.

"I'm sorry I had to be the one to break this to you, Frank. Ronny said he'd do it; he's a bloody good lawyer, but ... Oh, you know, to him it's a job. I thought you might take it a bit easier knowing that I'm in the same boat."

"Thank you, Sonya, I expect we will meet again," I said standing to shake her hand. I shook Ronny's proffered hand as well.

They left and I went out to my truck and called my boss to explain the situation to him. I figured that I could trust him. I'd worked for him for some years by then. He even offered to make the call to Jean to tell her that I had had a breakdown and that I wouldn't be home until the next day. But I told him that I would do it. He wasn't quite so happy when I informed him that I wanted the following day and all the next week off work, but he understood my position and that I'd have to make arrangements for the children.

The call to Jean went surprisingly easy, too easy when I look back on it. It was if she didn't give a monkey whether I got home or not that night. Then I chatted with my girls for a little while. That was damned hard to do without getting emotional.

That Friday didn't quite go as I had expected or planned that it would. I'd collected the girls from school at lunchtime without any problem and drove them over to my sister's house, having briefed her on the situation earlier in the day. I figured that I was going to need a lot of support from my sister, where the girls were concerned. She'd been through a divorce herself so she knew the kind of effect losing one parent from the family could have on the children.

A woman called Rachel from Ronny Macintosh's office was waiting at my house when I got back there. Rachel explained that she was a solicitor who specialised in divorce and child custody cases; it appeared that Ronny Macintosh was the big cheese at the office and he had people who specialised in all the different areas of the law working for him.

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Easy Gals is an awesome porn tube that requires no introduction to be honest. The site allows you to choose your favorite fap content from a ton of videos running into 47,849,074 videos with this splendor available for fucking free. Blondes, redheads, petite girls, fat women, BDSM, teen, MILF, and granny are just but some of the niches you will find on this site, and from such a massive collection, it is safe to assume that this is one tube that takes care of all your twisted needs.You see, the...

Porn Aggregators
1 year ago
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Have you ever met an easy-going girl who seemed to be down to fuck the moment you start talking with her? Well, I think that I can one up you on that one since I found chicks who are so easy-going that you can fuck them whenever you want and they wouldn’t bat an eye. They could be cooking, playing a video game, reading the news, or even working hard at their job trying to make a living, and they would never say no to a dick penetrating them at any moment. So yeah, I had a few fuck buddies who...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Easyladybeconing hubbys slut wife

This is a continuation of how it all started with me becoming my hubby's slut. After the first initiation into fucking another dick besides my hubby's he started telling me how he about how he thought I would love being fucked by more than one at a time. I asked if he meant fucking one and then fucking the other and he said no. He wanted me to have both of them at the same time. He said one could be fucking my pussy and I could be sucking the other one's dick. This was sounding good to me and I...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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The Easy Life of a Switchgirl

Hi and thank you for clicking on my new little sex story. If you read it, please leave me a comment letting me know what you think. I've read some that have put a smile on my face even years after publishing a story. Enjoy! ~ The Easy Life of a Switchgirl by Rohmer Fan ~ I smiled and watched my wife try on lingerie for me over FaceTime on my phone. "I really like the purple one, the chemise," Allie said, sitting cross legged on a hotel bed in Singapore. She was still...

4 years ago
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New Kid Easy Like Sunday Morning

Martin Bloom was finding it hard to fit in with any of the cliques at Shaler High School. He was the new kid in town. If being the new kid was not bad enough, Martin transferred to his new school district while school was in session and his fellow students already had their routines. Plus, he has only been a student there for a week. Finding one's place took time. Also, the other kids wanted to feel him out before they had more social interactions with him. Martin's personality did not...

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It Was All So Easy for Sarah

It Was All So Easy (for Sarah) Quite simply I couldn't remember a time when I wasn't a cross dresser, transvestite, sissy or whatever you want to call it and it turned out that I was a very submissive one at that. I had been with me since childhood and had long since given up trying to understand why. I suspect the catalyst had been my sister. When I was quite young she used to dress me up in girls clothes to play dress shops with me. Being the customer, I was always the one put into...

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easy street

  CHAPTER 1 easy street Couple begins their experiment in chastity.   The first similarity is that I was the one who ordered a chastity device for myself, not knowing whether or not my beautiful wife would be interested in it or not. Also that I sprang it on her not knowing within my own heart just how far I wanted to go with it. The differences are many. I did not order it because my sex life with my wife was unsatisfactory. Nor because I have a remarkably...

4 years ago
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It isn't easy being easy. I don't care what you hear about the up side of spending a lot of down time on your backside. For women, it's a problem. For young girls, it can be a disaster. I know. I've been there. I've done that. I have the stretch marks to prove it. Let me jump back to the beginning. Or at least, the first I remember of the beginning. My earliest memory of the trade offs that are expected of girls was about the same time my older brother must have been going through the...

3 years ago
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Guys Are So Easy

Guys Are So Easy When I originally agreed to go camping with my boyfriend and his buddies I had no idea that I would be the only woman going with the four men. They all claimed that the other three women had intended to go but that they had all backed out at the last moment. My boyfriend eventually begged me to go with him. Well, fuck it, I wasn’t going to stay home all by myself for a whole week just because of the other girls backing out. I was going with the boys and I was going...

3 years ago
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Itrsquos not easy being a wanker

Obviously wanking is easy, and if I’ve got in view some girlie loveliness, spunking in my pants is easy too (not so much these days). The problem was always, finding views of loveliness. And when you do, finding ways to watch till ecstasy overcums you, without others noticing. I’ve always wanked on fully-dressed girls, at school, work, hanging out my window, looking through my fence, out on the street in my wank-mac. I don’t need to see much which means I’ve never had to spy on girls like other...

4 years ago
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It Isnt Easy Being a Panty Boy

This is another fantasy piece with bits of my past in it (no I won’t tell which parts). Hope you enjoy, this is a FETISH story about cross dressing in panties so if that is not for you keep searching.“It isn’t easy being a panty boy,” I thought to myself as Ann, my coworker in my office cube said, “are you wearing blue silky panties Larry?” I immediately realized my shirt had pulled out of my trousers as I bent to add paper to the printer. I didn’t answer her question but I am sure my red face...

1 year ago
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Wild easy family By Harris Kathy

By: Harris Kathy Kathy Harris Wild easy family CHAPTER ONE "Good night, all, I'm going to bed," teenaged Julie Shelton said to her parents and brother as she rose from the couch where she had been watching the evening's television programs. "You're going to bed awfully early!" Carly Shelton said warmly as she returned her daughter's goodnight kiss. "Yeah, I know," Julie said with a smile, moving toward her father. "So, what's up? You're not feeling sick or anything,...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 29 Keeping a Secret Aint Easy

[Sam gave her a hug, “Thanks kiddo. I may just have another surprise for everyone on Monday!” He grinned at Bob and I caught Bob winking back at him.] I was curious, but Bob quickly flashed, “Let it go...” and winked at me. Linda’s abilities were becoming so good, she caught it. She flashed back, “Let WHAT go, Baby?” Bob just grinned and zipped his lips. Sam chuckled, “Man, I wish I could do that communication thing.” Becky looked lost, “What’s that?” Jamie chuckled, “It’s just a little...

4 years ago
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And the Livin is Easy

I stamped on the brakes and skewed across the road leaving black rubber scorch marks on the tar. She was my pride and joy and I was alarmed I was going to hit the ditch and career into it. But luck was on my side. We screeched to a standstill over the grass verge and onto the brink of the empty ditch.It was mid-summer and, after a blistering month, the ground was bone dry and the grass yellow brown. I guess if it was raining or just wet then I’d have gone that extra couple of feet and ended up...

1 year ago
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Easy Edie

As she lay beside the snoring whoever-he-is, she fingered her wet pussy. He was the third one today, and the sixth different male organ in the last week who got her vagina wet with semen, some of them unloading in there on more than one enjoyable occasion. The next morning, after a quick screw with and dismissal of her first-name-only guy, she drew herself a hot sudsy bath and sat soaking, sipping on coffee. Nothing was planned so she just took some time to look inside herself more than she...

2 years ago
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It Aint Easy

The steady beep-beep-beep of the heart monitor was somehow soothing, sort of like elevator music, something that’s always there, but which you don’t notice unless it’s not there. I knew that as long as I heard that constant noise, things were all right. I was sitting in a chair in the intensive-care unit next to the prostrate form of my husband, who was just an hour or so out of open-heart surgery. At that moment, my emotions were just about wrung out. I had cried, I had prayed, I had raged...

4 years ago
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Being a Farm Girl isn8217t easy

Especially if you’re me. I’m Mandy, and I’m from a big farm right smack dab in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas. You may have heard of it. This life of mine isn’t easy because I am responsible for a number of animals including: cows, bulls, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, donkeys, chickens, and a Husky. I feed them, give them water, milk the cows and goats, and clean their living areas. Not to mention the fact that I’m only fifteen.** My average day consists of my mother...

2 years ago
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Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate Chapter 5 The Only Easy Day is Yesterday

Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 5 - The Only Easy Day is Yesterday I could feel the tension on the field as we broke our huddle and lined up. 30 seconds on the clock, 4th down, 50 yards to go. The defence slipped back to zone coverage - it didn't take a genius to know that we had to make a passing play. The Brightman Academy Tigers, or the Brightman Bastards as we "affectionately" called them, lined up to meet us. I could tell by the look on their DB's face that...

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It Aint Easy

The steady beep-beep-beep of the heart monitor was somehow soothing, sort of like elevator music, something that's always there, but which you don't notice unless it's not there. I knew that as long as I heard that constant noise, things were all right. I was sitting in a chair in the intensive-care unit next to the prostrate form of my husband, who was just an hour or so out of open-heart surgery. At that moment, my emotions were just about wrung out. I had cried, I had prayed, I had...

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Easy for You to Say

He slipped or was distracted or something, because I should never have been able to get by him that easy. The quarterback was dropping back and looking to his left when I hit him. The ball came loose, I was able to cover it and suddenly there we were on their twenty-three-yard line, down 23 to 21 and with less than two minutes on the clock. As I moved off the field, I passed Brad Thomas, our quarterback, heading for the ball with the rest of the offense. “Jesus, Denton; I ought to let you have...

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A Little Too Easy

I can tell you what wasn't a surprise: the size of her fat little cunt. Katie had worn spandex often enough for me to develop a pretty good image of how that prominent cameltoe would appear when exposed. I had been right; her sparsely-haired vulva was the very image of that overused but nonetheless apt metaphor, a succulent peach. Her breasts, now bared, were the sweet muffins I had imagined them to be. Granted, her impudent pink nipples were much larger than I had noticed before, steepling...

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Easy Catch Almost Too Easy

Copyright© 2003 I'd rather have fingers than toes, I'd rather have ears than a nose, And a happy erection Brought just to perfection Makes me terribly sad when it goes. The reason James did it was not for profit or for fame - he did it out of laziness and power. Besides it had worked in the past, with other girls that he had seen a weakness, a potential for himself, within. James had used this ability of his, to ensnare and then enslave a woman until he tired of her. It...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 369 Returning Home Part One It Wasnt Easy

Saturday, June 9, 2007 After my one and a half hours sleep, I extracted myself from my tightly clinging wives and went for an enjoyable walk in the woods. Partly to make sure we were alone, but mostly just for the pleasure of it. We were in a very natural area so surrounded by lots of good quality flora and fauna. I'd learned a great deal about Oregon's natural life as a result of Ron and Ava's mini-National Park on the west side of our property. Where I was now was higher and with a much...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 35 Simple Ainrsquot Easy

“Yeah. It’s confirmed. The sarge couldn’t match this guy to any records in the lab directories.” The unit soldier was waiting on additional orders from the sergeant and also going over other pictures of the man they saw hopping the fence and going into George’s garage through the back door. He had called the sergeant and informed him of someone jumping the fence who was welcomed by the three in the house. He had also emailed the clearest pics they got of the man while he was looking around...

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Two DiariesChapter 7 Nothing Is Ever Easy

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, Mum and Dad sat with me for breakfast. They usually were so busy they didn’t have the time, and they couldn’t stay for long. For that matter, I had to catch the bus, too. Still, we managed to exchange a few words and they said they wanted to have a serious talk with me in the evening. “Nothing bad”, said Dad. “Your mother reminded me you really are growing up, and it’s time we revise the way we do things. Also, she told me yesterday night that you’re in love...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 03

Chapter Three: Even Genies Get it Wrong Sometimes There was a hierarchy among the society of the djinni. Those at the top, like Ephasia, had it easy in life. How could your life not be easy, when you were the daughter of the djinn who ruled Iifa, and the sister of the future ruler? And there were those who fell somewhere in the middle, like the many young female djinni who attended Ephasia. They were lucky enough to have a cushiony spot in life. Tending to the daughter of Iifa’s ruler was a...

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How to Be a Genie 12 Easy Steps Ch 04

Chapter Four: What You Don’t Know…Sucks The sunlight was coming in at an odd angle. Avery was used to it coming directly across his face in the morning, but he could feel the heat of it on his feet instead. Startled awake by this odd change, he found, upon opening his eyes, that he was sleeping on his couch. God, I had such a crazy dream last night, he thought, rolling over onto his back and forcing his eyes open to slits. Cypress was a genie! And a hot genie, at that… But wait just a minute....

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Easy Money Kaylas Audition

I spotted the ad late one night while browsing job ads online. I scrolled past the ad initially, but my curiosity about the headline got the better of me. Easy Money - First Time Models Wanted - No Professionals For the record, I don’t think that I’m some sort of model. I know that I’m too curvy for anything like that, but it sounded better than the waitressing and retail jobs that I was qualified for. The first line of the ad told me that the job wasn’t for me, but I kept reading. Looking...

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Church Girls are easy part one

Church sometimes was more of a social outlet for me. Meet people, make friends and have clean people to hang out with and on occasions, maybe even bed down one. This two part story is one such occasion. As I soon found out, guys are not the only ones with similar intentions. I was young, naive, by no means a "Man of the World" at that point in my life. I changed the names. Geographical locations are correct. I guess I made her happy, she made me happy. So it is all good. VAL THE...

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Deep throat Made Easy

Deep throat Made Easy -reposted fro menext Here for the first time ever are simple and explicit instructions on how to deep throat a penis. Position is important; you'll want to in position where you can extend and straighten your neck by slightly tilting your head back. This helps line up your throat with your mouth allowing the penis to slide in deep. The best position for beginners is with the receiver lying on his back with the giver lying on the stomach along side. You can prop yourself...

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It Is Easy To Fuck Mother 8211 Part 2

In the first part you read that Rajesh, a book shop owner expressed his desire to fuck Alka to her son Vinod. He gave a packet of books to Vinod to give to mother and Vinod took full advantage of situation. He succeeded in fucking mother easily. Thereafter he told mother about Rajesh’s desire to fuck her. Alka did not believe first that Rajesh is having cock of over 9 inch long and quite thick but when son said that he has seen it himself both loose & tight and also that Rajesh first fisted...

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Second Coming 1 Easy as ABC

Second Coming #1: Easy as ABC By Valerie Hope They'd been on the move for days - nights had blurred into dawns, dawns into unbearable noons with heat which melted the cracked asphalt of the streets of what was once a thriving, modern metropolis. Out of the corners of their eyes, the tired soldiers could almost see the people, scurrying to and from their jobs, their entertainments and their errands, oblivious to the overhanging destruction which would take all their hopes and...

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It Isnt Easy Being the Grandchild of a Senile Witch

The night grew darker as a cloud drifted across the full moon. Amanda walked through the front door and strolled into the kitchen. She saw her brother, Nick, reading a newspaper, while their mother cleaned the kitchen sink. Nick noticed a dour expression on his little sister's face as she looked down at him. Although Amanda was three years younger than him, she was a few inches taller. It was something that had often embarrassed Nick. Their mother was 5'9," and their father was...

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Easy to Show

I stood by my bed with the afternoon sunlight accenting the room. Slowly, I removed my pink, silk robe. I knew that Hong, my realtor, would be arriving shortly to secure the lockbox to the front door. I told him that the property was vacant, but I knew he would check each room just to make sure. I wanted to fuck him so badly and I did not want to miss this opportunity to feel his cock inside my wanting pussy.As I lay naked on the bed, my fingers delicately circled my hard nipples. I could feel...

Straight Sex
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Murder is Easy

Murder is easy Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was rudely shoved to the ground and roughly held there by two guys, then I felt my skirt being yanked up. Without pausing, my panties were taken down to my knees and I felt his hands on my hips. Discovering my secret, he punched me in the head a few times, then he pushed against me, making me yowl in pain. He kept pushing until he finally pushed into me. I was ashamed, afraid and humiliated past the point of tears, then he...

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Four Easy Pieces

Good Morning, I present you with four character sketches, just four character sketches with the potential of story beginnings, for your browsing pleasure. If you like any of them and think they are worthy to make into complete stories, leave me a comment in the review section on which ones you like or don't like. Also it would be helpful to me to say whether you'd like it to be G, R, of X. Remember, if you want to say "these all suck!" then you have to tell me why. One last...

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The Operative FIle 01 An Easy Case

"Good Evening my stud Agent captive." I said into the mic of my little booth.I could see him visibly shudder at my words.It's not surprising. My voice is a weapon, honed to perfection; just the right mix of breathlessness and husk, mingled with the dominating tones of a confident Queen. One of my subjects said that hearing it was like having a pair of soaked silken panties wrapped around his dick.I like to tease my victims with this first."We're going to play 20 questions. If you want this to...

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Robin Was Easy

The very moment I saw her, I knew she’d be easy.I was attending a local dinner party when I saw an attractive brunette standing alone in the corner of the room. She looked bored and a little rebellious as well, but I suspected that if she were to smile, she’d be gorgeous. So, before I went to meet her, I shot a few pictures with my iPhone.Then I walked over and said, “Hi! I’m Bill. You look bored.”“Robin. I am bored, but my parents won’t let me leave.”“Oh! Sorry to hear that. Maybe they’d let...

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No Means Im Not Easy 1

Joe was an old fashioned guy, old fashioned in that he didn't subscribe to the modern and politically correct tenet that when a woman says no she means NO! In his antediluvian mind no usually meant "I want to but I don't want you to think I'm easy" or "I'm scared someone will find out" or any number of other phony reasons. His sexual trail was littered with the women (and girls) he'd used and discarded after they'd said no. Obviously Joe was not a nice person but once his conquest...

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The Preacher ManChapter 41 No Easy Model

The following afternoon... Time: January 5, 8240 11:50 AM The world from 22,000 meters is an awesome sight. As my ramjet rocketed southward to Qataban, I was in an aisle seat with Dodi at my side. She kept her face pressed against the window. A small display at the front of the passenger cabin was showing our current speed at 4,035 kph. The weather was clear and calm, and the scenery below was changing far too quickly to ever be boring. Dodi had given me a formally correct bow when I had...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 18 Love Isnt Easy But It Sure Is Hard Enough

December 14, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “That’s a very interesting insight,” Kara said as we came back to the house. “She cares about her patients.” “Exactly. And she shows it in ways Al never has. He’ll walk up to a patient or their family and simply tell them the diagnosis and the possible treatments and outcomes. It’s just who he is, and it’s why he often leaves that task to Attendings and Residents. Jessica actually takes their emotions into account. And that’s something to build...

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A Very Easy LayChapter 5

I rolled over onto my back, looking at him kneeling there getting his pants back on I said, "Anytime you bring someone here to the lot and they buy anything from me, you can have me, call it a finders fee if you want." He helped me get out of his van and as he shut the door, he said, "I have a friend I know who is looking for a car, I'll bring him back later, if he buys a car you will fuck me again?" I said, "No honey, if he buys a car from anyone here but me, you do not get anything....

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A Series of TabooChapter 18 Easy Lay

The picture that inspired this story can be found here: Easy Lay Mrs. Kush’s dinner party was in full swing when Lori Simons made her way across the back yard and around to the side of the Kush’s garage. It was a nice secluded spot for Lori to sneak a cigarette. Sue Kush was the wife of Fred Kush, owner of Kush Enterprises, the company where Lori Simons’ husband was employed. Fred and Sue had a son, Bryan, who was the same age as Lori’s son, Jason. Seems Lori’s...

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CadeChapter 14 Easy Come Easy Go

Cade took the ring he had given Callie to the local jeweler and had it sized to fit her finger. It only took a few days for them to size the ring and when he brought it home, he placed it snugly on her finger. "When are you going to teach me how to drive?" She asked as she admired the ring. Cade had been thinking a lot about teaching her how to drive. He was hesitant, because both of the vehicles they owned were standard transmissions and he knew it would be difficult for her to learn how...

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My Year In The Big EasyChapter 3 My Roommates Leftovers

About a month later, it was time to find a new roommate. Walt's wedding was only a couple months away, and he had already rented an apartment for him and his bride to live in. I found another partner easily; another of my coworkers was looking to move into a better place and needed someone to share expenses. As luck would have it, my new roommate, Roger, was even more of a ladies man than Walt. If Walt had been good with the ladies, Roger was downright spectacular. In some ways they were...

1 year ago
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Once I got my huge swollen cockhead inside her body the rest was easy

Part 7 As I opened Tooby's legs wide, she didn't resist at all now! In fact she bent her knees and raised them. I took my cock with both hands and reinserted it slowly in her pussy. This time it went is much easier! I pushed it all the way in and held it there so she could get use to it. She sighed again and said: "OH Mr. XX this feels so good Sooby! You were so right! His cock is wonderful! God I fell so good! Fuck me Mr. XX! crazy fuck up into me! I heard Sooby saying: "That's it sis fuck him...

2 years ago
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From Wife To Maid In One Easy Lesson Ch 02

The restaurant was nearly deserted when we arrived, which was not that unusual for a Monday night I guess. A few people sat in the bar section watching a ballgame on the television. The dining area was occupied only by a family of three that was seated in the front of the room. Gabrielle looked around and smiled. ‘Give us a booth near the back,’ she told the waitress who proceeded to seat us at the far end of the room, away from the family. I sat next to my wife Peggy and Gabrielle sat across...

1 year ago
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Its Not Easy to Be a Love Goddess Ch 05

Barry was the first to propose marriage to me, but he wasn’t the last. I was getting older, and the men with whom I most often came into contact were at a different stage of life than my previous liaisons. In the past, if men of this age came to me, I was so young that they were not the kind who was looking for marriage. If they had been, they wouldn’t have dated me. Now, I was suddenly meeting men who wanted to ‘settle down,’ find a life partner, give Angela a daddy. I wasn’t quite sure how...

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Its Not Easy to Be a Love Goddess Ch 10

Reina graduated from college the same spring Paul graduated from high school. I hadn’t seen any need for Reina to go to college, since she already had her life’s work in front of her, but she really wanted to continue her education. And besides, as she told me, ‘All those college guys are so hot, Grandma.’ Well, I couldn’t argue with her there, and it made Angela so proud to tell her friends that Reina had earned a degree in languages and literature. Paul got accepted at a university across...

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