Peach Yellow Roses
- 4 years ago
- 35
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"Reg, 'andy you dropped by mate, I need a little favour!" my cousin Pete said, as I killed Bonnie's engine. Pete hadn't even given me time to kick the prop-stand down, let alone climb off the bike.
Bonnie by the way is my 1962 vintage Thriumph Bonneville. She's probably a little old-fashioned when compared to modern bikes, but she's the real deal, something I'd dreamed of owning since I'd first clapped eyes on one as a young man. By then I had enough money to indulge my whims; I'd picked her up at an auction some years before, just after my divorce. Almost a derelict, I'd had Pete and his boys completely rebuild her.
I'd been out on the bike theoretically blowing the cobwebs out of my mind, after spending most of the night sat in front of the computer screen. I'd hoped the ride out might give me some time to think before I got down to work, yet again. Well, the ride would have blown the cobwebs away, if it weren't for the bloody skidlid law.
As I recall, I hadn't really been in the mood for writing anymore that morning, but I was running tight on the publishing date for my latest masterpiece, so I needed to push myself. To be honest I doubted spending the night forcing myself to write had done much good for my demeanour that day. And it could probably go some way to explaining some of the things I said and did.
"Was-up, Pete?" I asked him.
"Got this bird stuck-out on the London Road somewhere with a flat. I wondered ... well you see, Reg, Gary's out on a job that's going to take him bloody hours. I can't get out to the woman myself, the young lad's out with Gary and other fitter's skiving-off sick today, so I've not got anyone to watch the shop for me. Any chance you might nip out there and change her wheel for me? Otherwise she'll be waiting all bleedin' day!"
"I'm no fitter, Pete!" I replied. I wasn't really trying to talk my way out of the task. My cousin Pete was always doing me favours, so it was an unspoken rule that I'd help him out and he knew it. But experience had taught me not to show too much enthusiasm when it came to handing out such favours.
"Oh come on Reg, you can change a wheel on a Disco as a favour for your favourite cousin, can't you? Besides that, you never know, you might even get lucky!"
"Pete, I very much suspect that, if she were a tasty piece of stuff," I replied grinning at him, "That you'd be asking me to watch the shop and be on your way out there yourself!"
"Yeah well, I probably would, but her old man's a bit more than I could handle. And besides, Emma would have my guts. Yours too, if she thought you'd covered for me! But, what with you being single and all, you're not in the same boat are you? She is a fair looker mate and to be honest, I can't exactly see her husband calling you out."
"Look Pete, for your information, I don't go around chasing other people's wives. If they're separated or divorced, well then, maybe I figure they're up for grabs. Otherwise, I steer well clear of the married ones; I ain't no hypocrite, you know!"
"Yeah sorry, I forget about Geena sometimes. Anyway what about this woman's wheel?"
"Okay, what's her name and vehicle's registration number?"
"Good-on-ya, mate. Mrs Bonham-Smyth. I haven't got the vehicles registration number off-hand, but it's a blue Discovery. I doubt there's more than one Disco on the London Road with a flat tyre anyway."
"I assume she's got a jack and wheel brace." I asked.
"Yeah there's a jack in there, that I doubt has ever seen the light of day before, and there should be one of those extending wheel braces as well. Put that bugger in there myself, when I sold her old-man the motor."
I kicked Bonnie over to get the old girl started again, and she roared into life. "You owe me, you bugger." I shouted at Pete, as I circled the garage forecourt and took off towards the edge of town.
I'd been conned, yeah I know I had. But as I said, Pete and the boys at the garage had done me enough favours over the years. To be honest, had I just happened across the woman I would probably of stopped and offered my assistance anyway; unfortunately that was the kind of clown I was! I just preferred to give folks the impression that I was a bad-boy - it kind of helped to keep most people at arms length.
After cruising down the High Street - Bonnie's exhaust bumbling away loud enough to let the world know that I was passing - I headed out towards the bypass that would lead me down to the London Road. Winding the old girl-up, once I was out of the built up area, I enjoyed the exhilaration I always felt when riding her at speed.
About five miles along the London road I spotted the Disco pulled into a lay-by, it's off side front tyre totally flat. Swinging into the lay-by, I passed the Disco and slipped Bonnie on her prop stand in front of the car. Then walked back to the driver's door, unconsciously unzipping my leather jacket as I went. I almost flipped my helmet visor up as well, but for some inexplicable reason, I didn't.
"Mrs Bonham-Smyth, Pete Cornell from the garage sent me out to change your wheel for you." I said, inspecting the wheel, without really looking at the woman.
"Where's your breakdown lorry?" she demanded, through the half open window.
Actually I was damned sure that window was down further when I road past on the bike. By then it was more like three quarters closed. "So Mrs Bonham-Smyth, is nervous around bikers is she?" was the thought that crossed my mind. Yeah well, I did like to play the part of the ton up kid, even if I was pushing thirty-six.
All right thirty-seven, but who's counting, it was part of the camouflage really.
"No need for the tow truck lady, you've got everything I need in the back of your car. Besides it's out on another job at the moment and it could be well after lunch before it returns. Pete thought you'd been hanging around here long enough as it was, so he asked me to pop out and change your wheel for you." I replied.
I took a closer look at the woman through my visor and was surprised to find that her face appeared somewhat familiar to me. Something else that I noted, was that quite definitely very recently, she had been crying. It struck me that, if having to hang around and wait for her flat tyre to be changed upset her that much, she should learn how to change the bloody thing herself
A bit of a pity actually, her doing the old crying bit, that is. She was pretty attractive, except that her make-up was what can only be described as a disaster area. Not the way the elegantly dressed woman normally presented herself in public, I figured.
"Hand brake on?" I asked.
"Yes!" she replied curtly, turning to give me one of those looks. You know, like I'd just questioned her intelligence or something.
For some reason, I found it humorous that she couldn't see my face. And wondered whether that could be the reason for the expression of disdain that she had on her own face.
"Yep!" my mind said to me, "you definitely know that face from somewhere!" Then the old brain went into deep retrieval mode trying to place where I seen the woman before.
Retrieving the jack and wheel brace from the back of the car, I began to undo the spare wheel from its carrier on the rear door. As I did so, I caught sight of the woman in the rear view mirror. Yeah damn it, she was crying again; I could see her dabbing her eyes in the mirror.
Positioning the jack under the car, I raised it a little, until I was sure it was going to have the desired effect; then set about breaking the wheel nuts loose. I think I was on the last but one nut, when I suddenly realised why the woman had looked so familiar and that I could put a name to it that face. Mind you, I'd had to cast my memory back twenty-odd years and the name that I knew her by, wasn't Bonham-Smyth.
I'd remembered that there were a bunch of so called "it girls" that went to the same school as I. Most of them were real lookers who - I'd always thought - had a rather inflated opinion of them-selves. I figured I'd have some fun, whilst I changed her wheel.
"Right Anne, can you get out of the bloody car now, before I take it up on the jack please?" I shouted at the now closed window.
I heard the whine as the window slid down again and Anne's head appeared. "What did you say?"
"Would you get out of the vehicle whilst I jack it up, please? The ground here ain't too clever, and I don't want the jack slipping, if you move about at all."
"No, I heard you say that. What did you call me?" She demanded in a somewhat sharp tone of voice.
"Anne, Anne. What did you think I'd call you?" I replied.
"Who told you, that could address me as such?" she demanded.
"Look, you were Anne Magee the last time I ran into you." I did a quick bit of rethinking "Okay sorry, you're Anne Bonham-Smyth now, aren't you! But you didn't change your Christian name did you, Anne." I grinned at her.
To be honest, she gave me a look that I believe I was supposed to wither upon receiving. But I gave that no-never-mind; winding-up posers is one of my favourite pass-times in life. I just grinned back up at her.
"Who are you?" she demanded.
Slowly I reached up, released the strap on my crash helmet and removed it. For a few seconds Anne stared at me, then an expression of understanding came over her face. But not a very joyous one!
"You're not Kicker Poulson, are you?" she asked, still in a demeaning tone of voice.
"Well yeah, but most folks call me Reg Poulson nowadays, Anne."
"Well Mr Reg Poulson, people call me Carrie-Anne Bonham-Smyth, or rather Mrs Bonham-Smyth if they are only acquaintances." she retorted.
I told you I wasn't really in the best of moods that day, so I figured if Anne Bonham-Smythe was looking for some agro, I was just the guy to give it to her. I wasn't sure what Pete was going to say about me upsetting one of his customers, but I really didn't give a shit. After all I was doing the bitch a favour, wasn't I?
"Yeah well, at the best of times, you always were a stuck-up bitch, Anne. But I never let it bother me at school; so it ain't gonna bother me none now, is it? Now get out of the bleeding motor, please, so's I can change this sodding wheel, will you? Or we're going to be here all bloody night."
"I can see that you're just as arrogant as you were at school, Reg Poulson." Anne said, finally opening the door and getting out of the vehicle. Then she stood there, arm's crossed looking at me with disdain. I had to admit to myself that she still had one killer figure on her, but thought "Shame about the personality!"
But then again, I had her as captive audience, so I could safely speak my mind
"Get it right, Anne. As I remember things, you and your little clique were stuck-up ignorant bitches. I never looked down on, or bullied any bugger, unlike some folks I know. That includes someone who I could reach with a very short stick, right now."
"How dare you? I've never bullied anyone in my life!" She retorted.
I noted that she didn't deny that she considered few her equal.
"Oh no, what about little Sheila Gill, the girl with the funny leg? You and your friends didn't make life too pleasant for her, did you? And then there was Sally Fareview! I seem to recall that you were never too pleasant to her either, just because she carried a bit more weight that most. Mind you, Sally developed quite a figure later on, after she'd lost a few pounds of puppy fat. Put you and all your buddies to shame did our Sal."
"What are you talking about? We never bullied anyone!"
"Yeah well, maybe not in so many words, but you and your friends ostracised them, and never let them into your little clique, did you. Just think how much happier their childhoods would have been, had you'd just been pleasant to them once in a while."
"Nice to them!" Anne retorted, "Hark whose talking? As I remember it, you were forever getting into fights and beating people up!" Anne had developed - what I can only call - a triumphant tone to her voice when she made that statement.
"Sorry to disappoint you girl, but I never smacked any bugger around who didn't deserve a good hiding in the first place, or picked a fight with me. I can look the world in the eye with a completely clear conscience."
"What do you mean, that they deserved a good hiding?"
"The bullies in that school, girl. The shits who knocked the little kids about and stole their dinner money and the like."
"Oh, a real Robin Hood were you? Looking after the smaller children." She replied sarcastically. "I suppose I'm expected to believe that butter wouldn't melt in your mouth.
"Yeah, that just about sums it up!" I replied with a chuckle.
"Don't talk rubbish! I can remember you beating-up Karla Hunter's brother."
"Damned bloody right I did! Broke the little shits nose and knocked a few teeth out in the process." I grinned back at her, as I began fitting the spare wheel onto the hub. I've got to admit, I was enjoying the exchange.
"Well John Hunter was a nice boy and that was way after we all left school anyway; so he couldn't have been stealing the smaller childrens' dinner money at that age. You just beat him up for the fun of it."
"What would YOU know of Johnny Hunter?" I asked
"Not much, but Karla was a friend of mine, so I know he's a nice person." She replied.
"You think?" Then it was my turn to sound sarcastic. "Well you tell me something. Everyone in town knew that I gave the little shit a spanking. But what good reason can you come up with for me never being prosecuted for duffing the little shit up? Christ, it was right outside the cinema and there must have been a couple of dozen witnesses at least."
"How the hell would I know?" She retorted.
I grinned at her. "Well I'd suggest that you find out then, Anne. Especially, before you go shouting around about how nice a bloke, Johnny Hunter is or was. That's if you can find him! I'm willing to bet he's out of the country by now, what with these DNA tests they're doing nowadays. Quite few of the old cases are suddenly turning up back in court again."
"I haven't got the faintest idea what you are talking about." Anne said, with a kind of "I give up!" tone to her voice.
"Let's put it this way Anne: John Hunter, with the help of your darling friend Karla and their parents, thought he'd got clean away with it. I just handed out a bit of rough justice and I'd do it again, should the occasion require. Of course at the time, I didn't know they were going to develop these DNA tests, and I doubt Karla and her parents did either. I wonder whether they'll be done for perverting the course of justice now. They lied to the police, you know; I think you can serve time for doing that nowadays. It'd be funny seeing the much respected Councillor Hunter doing a stretch in Pentonville."
"I think you've gone soft in the head, probably from all that fighting. May I get back into my car now."
"Yeah, go for it, girl; the wheels on, so nothing drastic is going to happen."
I finished winding the jack down and put it and the punctured wheel in the back of the car.
"All done, drop the wheel in at the garage and Pete will sort it for you." I told her.
Anne gave me one more dismissive look, slapped the Disco into reverse so that she could back away from Bonnie, then took off out of the lay-by at speed heading back the way she had come.
"Thanks!" I said to myself on her behalf. Then I got back on the bike and made off towards the Alma pub, for a pint and some lunch.
"Jesus Reg, what did you say to that woman the other day?" Pete asked, when I called into the garage again, a couple of days later. "She was well upset with you, when she turned up here."
"I didn't have to say much, Pete. We went to the same school in back in London and, well, she was a right stuck-up little bitch at the best of times. I just reminded her of who I was."
"Well she weren't too happy when she turned-up here. Looked to me like she'd been crying."
"Ah, don't blame that one on me, Pete; she looked like she'd thrown a wobbly before I even got there. Actually I think she had to pull herself together, to have a go at me." I grinned back at him. "Probably threw a tantrum because she'd had the puncher, that's the kind of woman she is."
"Well she's always been very nice around here, until the other day that is. She nigh-on tore me a new arsehole for sending you out there, I can tell you. Anyway, the strange thing is, she came in again this morning, all apologies and left this for you." Pete waved a twenty in my direction.
"Give it back to her Pete, I don't charge women for getting them out of a tight spot, you know that; even old bats like Carrie-Anne Bonham-Smythe."
"That's what I told her you'd say. I'll give it back to her the next time she comes in."
Well, I thought that was going to be the end of the matter. I never expected Pete to mention Mrs Bonham-Smyth to me again and I had no intention mentioning her to anyone. But about three weeks later.
"Here Reg, you remember the bird with the flat tyre?" Pete asked as I was sat on one of the benches in his workshop drinking coffee with the boys.
"Yeah, why, what have I done to upset her now?" I ginned back at him.
"Well, she came in when I wasn't here the other day and was asking the boys all about you."
"Just being nosy I suspect. Did she ask them where I lived?"
"Yeah she did." Gary, Pete's chief mechanic joined in the conversation. "But we didn't tell her. I told her, you enjoy your privacy. We just thought you'd like to know that she was asking about you; that's one tasty little number."
"Tasty she might be Gary; but I remember the bitch from my school days. A right little cow, I can assure you!"
"Folks can change you know, Reg." Gary replied, "Maybe she's got the hots for you Reggie."
"Somehow I doubt that Gary. From my knowledge of the bitch, I suspect that she's after suing me for something. Besides, even if she were in need of a real man, I don't play with the married ones; you know that."
"Pull the other one!" Gary retorted, with a grin on his face.
I believe that Pete thought Gary might be trespassing onto delicate ground by then; he butted in and changed the subject.
It must have been about another month or so after that. I'd been away up country for a few days, visiting my sister and her husband. Shellie did all my proof reading and editing for me, kind of kept it in the family sort of thing, and she and her husband Dan could always use the money. Since my sister's first husband ran-off with her share of our father's ill-gotten gains, I'd done my best to help Shellie financially, as much as I could. However my philanthropy only goes so far; my sister's second husband has to work for his living.
To be honest, the master plan had always been, that should anyone ever come near to working it all out, Shellie was going to pretend that she was the author instead of me. Yeah, you'll probably understand why later, but lets not go into all that, just yet.
Where was I? Oh yeah, I'd just come back home after spending a few days at Shellie and Dan's.
Well, I'd stopped off at the Supermarket to buy some essentials: you know eggs, milk and the like. It was still quite early, because I'd left Shellie's at first light and I hadn't had any breakfast that morning, so -- as the place wasn't too crowded -- I thought I'd grab a bite in the shops cafeteria.
There I was, tucking into my eggs and somewhat questionable looking bacon, when a voice asked, "May I join you, please, Reg?"
I looked up and there stood Carrie-Anne Bonham-Smyth.
"It's a free country, you can sit where you like, your ladyship. But there are plenty of other empty tables." I replied, I would rather the bitch sat elsewhere else; but I'm not usually rude to folks, even if I can't stand the sight of them. It was just that the morning I changed Anne's wheel, I'd had a bad night.
In fact I really didn't want anyones company while I ate, Anne's even less than most. In fact, all the leather gear that I usually to wore was designed to keep most folks of my own age, at arms length.
"Yes, I know there are other seats available, but I need to apologise to you, Reg." Anne said, taking the chair opposite me and placing her cup of coffee on the table in front of her.
"What for?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, but I had some rather unpleasant news the morning that I had that puncture. I was upset and I think I took it out on you."
"Nothing unusual!" I mumbled under my breath. Anne either never heard my remark, or chose to ignore it, because she went on.
"It was very kind of you to come out and change that wheel for me. I really had no idea that you did not work for the garage and were just doing Pete ... and myself, a favour."
"You're welcome." I replied curtly. "I'd do the same for anyone."
"So I gather now, and that makes me feel very embarrassed, considering how I went off at you..."
"Look Anne, I wasn't feeling too bright myself that day, and I know I wound you up a bit, on purpose. I really should be apologising to you..."
"No no, Reg you were speaking the truth. I was a complete bitch at school and so were most of my friends. We ... I was never too kind to Sheila or Sally and most of the other girls if it comes down to it. I was an unbelievably arrogant teenager! I really don't know how I came to be that way."
I think I was supposed to say something at this point, but I chose not to. The only reply I could have given her was, "Because you were one beautiful young woman and you bloody-well knew it! And your daddy had plenty of dough, so you had it figured that the world should swoon at your feet: you stuck-up bitch!" But for some reason one of my father's old sayings came to mind, "If you can't think of anything nice to say, then say nothing!" Well my dad was a little more colloquial in his choice of words. Didn't mince his words and never stood on ceremony, did my father.
"After the day I had that puncture," Anne continued, "I did some thinking and I asked a few friends about the Hunters. You were quite right about John Hunter and his family as well. How did they manage to keep it all so quiet?" she asked.
"Simple, Anne. Hunter's old man was something big on the council and he was on the police committee as well. So when the girl pointed her finger at Johnny boy, daddy had the clout to keep her allegations hushed up. What with mummy, daddy and blue eyed girl Karla all supplying him with a nice alibi, there was no chance of John Hunter ever being charged with anything.
"That's why they daren't have me arrested or charged with duffing the little shit up. I planned to stand in the witness box and tell the world exactly why I broke his bleeding nose, and they knew it. I've gathered since, that wasn't the first nor last time that John Hunter has been accused of abusing a woman. I think he's out of the country now though."
"Yes, that's what I heard. A friend of mine, whose husband works for the Met police in London, said they'd asked the Hunter family to provide DNA samples for comparison, but the Hunters refused. The only reason that I could come up with of for them doing that, is that John Hunter did attack that girl and they know it."
"Don't worry, I know he did. He was heard bragging about scoring that night and I saw the girl a couple of days later, two black eyes and a slit lip. Yeah he scored all right; the bugger raped her. But unfortunately she had a little bit of a reputation, so next to the Hunter family, she was classed as an unreliable witness. Consequently the police dropped it before the little shit was even charged. I figured that I'd explain exactly why I gave the little prat a pasting from the witness box; the papers would have to report it then." I explained.
"And I suppose, what you said about those fights that you had in school was true as well. You were playing Robin Hood."
"Yeah well, some of the time. Look Anne, boys will be boys and fight each other; that's all part of growing up. So most of the fights I got into were just us boys sorting out the pecking order. But I sorted out a few of the bullies at school while I was at it. I think that's why I was never expelled or anything; the teachers knew who the bullies were, don't you worry."
"Well Reg, I apologise for being such a bitch when we were children and for being so bitchy with you the other day. God, I should have been grateful you were changing my wheel. I'm sorry, I'd had a bad day."
"Don't let it worry you Anne, and I told you I wasn't in the best of moods myself. I could have defused the situation, if I'd thought about it. How long had you been sat there waiting anyway."
"Only about an hour. Oh god Reg, that wasn't what I was upset about, I'd had some bad news that morning, and it had shaken me up quite a bit. You were first person I ran into that I could take it out on. Talk about the kettle calling pot black! I was on my way to scratch some bitch's eyes out, if I could have got up the nerve, when I got that puncture."
Quite suddenly, Anne burst into tears. To be honest I had no idea what to make of it. I had no clue what are you supposed to do in those kind of circumstances,. I looked around and noted that Anne and I had become the centre of attention in the sparsely populated cafeteria. I glared at anyone who caught my eye and pretty soon they were all trying to pretend that they hadn't noticed that Anne was crying.
"I'm sorry, things get on top of me and I get emotional all the time lately. My marriage is going wrong, Reg, and I don't know what to do about it." Anne said, finally getting her emotions back under some control after about five minutes sobbing.
I had handed her my clean handkerchief and she mopped her eyes with it - annihilating her make-up, once again. I got the feeling that was becoming a habit for the woman.
"I've had the same problem myself, Anne. It'll pass, I can assure you. It just takes a little time. Believe me I know."
Anne looked into my eyes and I was surprised to see a concerned expression come over her face. Although she had no idea why my marriage had gone down the pan, I'm sure the woman felt sympathy for me, even with her own troubles: whatever they were.
"I really do think that you need to undertake some running repairs, Anne." I suggested, with a gentle smile on my face.
Anne pulled a little hand mirror out of her bag. "Oh god!" she exclaimed. "Don't go away Reg, I'll be back in a minute." she said as she jumped out of her seat and headed off towards the ladies toilets.
I pushed the rest of my breakfast around the plate; what was left wasn't very appetising and was pretty well cold. I think I was debating leaving before Anne returned. I really didn't need to hear about her troubles, and was suspecting that I soon would.
Come on, I didn't really like the woman; I was just being polite by talking to her.
And there was another thing, that look of concern that came on her face when I'd hinted that my own marriage had gone down the tubes. I was pretty sure that she intended enquiring about that, and Geena was one subject that I preferred to avoid.
Quite suddenly Anne was back.
"I'm sorry, I get emotional so easily nowadays, Reg. You see, I'm not the ice maiden you seem to believe that I am." She smiled at me. "Now tell me what happened between you and ... Geena, it was Geena Crow you married wasn't it?"
Yeah, and how did I know that Anne was going to ask that? Mind you I was wondering how Anne had known that I had married Geena, as I'd lost track of most of our school peers by the time Geena Crow and I had got together.
"Geena Cow you mean." I replied. "She insisted that we got married whilst we were still at university. I should have known better really."
"You went to university?" Anne repeated, with a questioning tone to her voice. I figured, like most folks, Anne hadn't envisaged that I'd be university material. I ignored her statement and continued.
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WatersportsMy thanks go to LadyCibelle, and my friend SH for proofreading, sorting my foul-ups and editing this tale for me. But… well, I’ve been fiddling again, so there could be all kinds of cock-ups that have slipped in since they saw it last! As is not unusual for a DF story, there is no actual sex in this story. * * * * * God! That was a day to remember I can tell you! To all intents and purposes it was a normal Saturday evening dinner. Even young Rachel was there, staying with us for the...
The Botanical Beauty: Part III—Smelling the Roses There is one certainty in life and that is the essential uncertainty of our frail existence. No amount of “planning” can truly prepare one for the curve balls life tends to throw or what might be around the next corner. Sometimes our curve balls cross the plate bearing a name like “cancer” and sometimes they clip the corner with the moniker “love” or synonyms therefore. Unlike the batter who knows the ball is coming and can see it’s trajectory,...
First TimeGod! That was a day to remember I can tell you! To all intents and purposes it was a normal Saturday evening dinner. Even young Rachel was there, staying with us for the weekend, as she most often did. Oh, I suppose I'd better explain up front about Rachel being there. Rachel's mother, Andorra - who by the way, I'd never laid eyes on at the time — was a widow and she worked some pretty horrendous hours as a controller for a taxi company most every weekend. Otterley and Rachel had become...
The flight home seemed to take forever. I had decided, with mixed emotions, to spend the first two weeks of February in New Orleans. Granted, I had to endure long lectures and endless role playing for a Certificate in Conflict Resolution but that was still better than enduring snow and mind numbing cold in Minnesota. But spending those 14 nights without Carol was another matter. We had been dating since last summer. We were very close friends and lovers and although we still lived in separate...
The fact of the matter is that all women's underwear is sexy. But, normally, it seems as though black or red panties are talked about the most often as being erotic. When I think of sexy panties there is another color that can be equally stimulating.One might think of sun bathing under the hot yellow sun or picking pretty yellow daisies. You might even think of the sour taste of lemons. But, yellow is also the color of warning. Don't cross the yellow line on the street or run a yellow light or...
Do you believe in love? I try to believe in it, deep inside I want to. But reality has shown me that love is far from the fairytale in a book or movie. Love can be excruciatingly painful and often doesn’t have the ‘happily ever after’ ending. I’ve seen enough of bad endings, with family, friends, and even myself. I thought I wasn’t destined for true love, the love where you walk with your head in the clouds all day, where you can’t stop smiling because butterflies are tickling the inside of...
Love StoriesAll Curled up in a Yellow Dress By Sissie Maid Cuckold A few days had gone by since Jane had enjoyed time with her handsome Black lover Ken and she noticed that Susie was getting a little defiant. Jane called Susie to her and when Susie arrived she gave a half hearted curtsey that deeply angered Jane. Instead of lashing out at him immediately and putting the pansy husband in his place she decided to play a little game with him and see what was going on. "Susan, you don't seem to be...
The Yellow Dress by Pamela [email protected] After my mom and dad divorced, a couple of years later my mom married a pretty nice guy named Phil who has a son, Ted, and a daughter, Kate, from his previous marriage. Phil has custody of his kids only during the summer so as soon as school let out in early June, Ted and Kate flew to our town and moved into our house. I had only met Ted and Kate once before which was six months earlier at my mom's wedding and I thought they...
Yellow Cat and the Black Syrian Ministry of National Security Kingston, Jamaica 4 pm Renowned criminologist DOCTOR LARE GOODNITE had been summoned to a meeting at the offices of the Ministry of National Security. A 43 year old attractive brunette ...she wore a baggy white business suit and low heeled black leather shoes..her large handbag slung over her right shoulder as she entered the office for her meeting with Jamaica's National Security Minister...a handsome man with thining brown...
Eroticism, it may be said, is assenting to life. AMY The Demhe out of Batumi lay at anchor in a quiet cove on the western shore of Kheros. A warm, red light rippled across the water from the deck like a paler echo of the setting sun. The faint sound of a Dvorak piano quintet drifted to the shore. Even in the pale twilight the woman’s nudity was startlingly luminous against the grey sand. She zipped up a weighted bag containing her newly-bought clothes and carried it into the sea - the...
This short story is an entry to the 2015 Literotica Valentine’s Day Contest. I hope you enjoy it and, if you do, please don’t forget to vote! *All characters involved in sexual situations in this story are eighteen or older* * * * * ‘So, do anyone special for Valentine’s Day?’ Craig smiled at the screen, where his sister’s image froze for a heartbeat as she waited for his answer, and shook his head. ‘I just stayed home — alone.’ ‘Alone? What about that girl Mom told me you’ve been...
Eighteen By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1- Background My life and the lives of everyone else on Earth were shaped by two events that followed close together following the end of World War II. Six months following the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and their unconditional...
An example of life at the Villa Grimaldi – Pinochet’s torture HQ ... The widespread use of sexual violence against detainees, blindfolded at all times, prompted its macabre name of Venda Sexy (Sexy Blindfold), allegedly coined by perpetrators. Women were particularly targeted for sexual abuse suffering rape, forced pregnancies, abortions and sexual slur. A German Shepherd dog called Volodia was trained to rape inmates, and female and male prisoners were subjected to beatings, hangings,...
This was nothing new for Adam. He went to the beach too many times not to notice the desirous glances of some women. They weren’t even subtle, like they expected him to bend them over on the spot. Adam knew that if he played things right, he could probably have many of the women checking him out. But that was out of the question. There’s nothing that could get him weak for some girl who just happened along, much less on the beach he frequented so often. And even though he had to admit to...
The Yellow Rose of Texas This story or song parody is to be sung to the tune The Yellow Rose of Texas. Peace. (After or with a few beers.) Belle Starr There is a doc I know in Texas, I am going there to see. You may want to know him, but he going to give me Double D's I want the looks that will break the hearts of all world to see, but the Yellow Rose of Texas is what I want to be. Chorus I will be the the sweetest little rose bud a feller ever knew. My eyes will be like the...
It was the first time I laid eyes on her. It was in a pub and I was sitting on a high chair at a table drinking a pint of beer and waiting for my food. I first saw her at 1:45 pm in the afternoon and the pub was about half full. She wore a yellow dress, covered in red rose petals and leaves that sprouted in all sorts of directions. An elasticated section covered the area of her breasts and there was no sign of a tell-tale bra line. Sha had her back to me and she was laughing and playing with...
Quickie SexI love being naked in front of a crowd of people. That is why I served as a sex slave for a year after I turned 18. Now I am going to do it again. This time I am worried. No one is looking at me. No one wants to inspect my naked body. I want to run after them and say look at me, but I am chained to a spot. Then one woman stands closely in front of me. She looks at me with those lovely blue eyes of her as she stood before me. I can tell that she is at least 15 years older than me and by her...
You know, dear reader, this is not like an episode in the Star Wars saga where there is an opening crawl informing the moving goer what has been going on and getting them up to speed. Please, if you have not yet done so, go back and read the earlier parts. Special thanks to my reviewers, both to he who wishes to remain anonymous, and NaughtyDragon, who helped me slay many beastly errors. I am sure a few errors still exist, and those are all on me. If you would like to be on my team of...
SET IN New Zealand. Not a lot of sex, a true romance. * CHAPTER 1 A tidal surge, not very high but loaded with power and breaking, snuck up behind the well-formed young woman looking upriver in mid-thigh deep water and flattened her. When Jess Turner regained her feet, spluttering, her bikini top was no more. Half dazed she walked from the water to hear the guy she vaguely saw walking a lead-tugging dog say, ‘Nice ones.’ Indignant, now aware of what the grinning ape was on about, Jess felt...
Paul and the Yellow Eyed Monster By Paul G. Jutras It was a day with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Missy had some paper, but nobody felt like cutting it. Kenny found some crayons, but nobody wanted to draw. If it were just Missy and Paul, Paul would have suggested playing Barbie Dolls or having a Tea Party, but with the guys there, there was nothing much around to play with, except a ball of clay. Paul rolled the clay in his hands. As he rolled it, the clay got softer and...
The Yellow Dress More crossdressing adventures at the hands of Ann and her girlfriend, Susie. Jennifer wears a new yellow dress to a casino. Will luck be a lady tonight? By now, you've probably heard of my situation. My name is Jennifer -- at least, that's my name when I'm crossdressed. After my wife found a dress I secretly had purchased for myself, she put me on a course of crossdressing at her beck and call and, most embarrassingly, at the whim of her girlfriend and my...
YELLOW FEATHERS by Throne Jack was starting to regret that he had transferred colleges. When he was still up North it had been mildly uncomfortable. Being short and slightly built, with a face that made him look younger than his 18 years, he'd had troubles. The fact that he was a nerd didn't help, either. Girls treated him like a joke. The rougher guys, especially the athletes, playfully taunted him. He thought he would be more comfortable in a smaller institution down South. In...
Some hours later, Dmitri and Grigori set down their glasses of tea and went upstairs. Shortly after nightfall the others had taken the broken blonde back to Mirenberg leaving the two friends to play a few moves of chess and recover their strength, and now they were curious to see what Alexandra had done with the prodigal. “Perhaps it really is possible for her to disappear” suggested Grigori as they climbed the narrow staircase to the servant’s room. Dmitri turned around. “We daren’t dream...
SPRING (April 2003) "Uhm ... hmmm..." The low moan was guttural in tone and partially muffled. Fitting, since my dick was blocking her windpipe a bit. Maria's eyes fluttered as she seemingly wavered at the verge of unconsciousness before regaining control of her senses. Finally, my deflating cock slipped out of her mouth, followed by a line of semen that trickled down her chin. My eyes swiveled across the bed to Amber, who just grinned and shook her head in disbelief. I'd never seen a...
I walk with my shoes clicking down the hall. My pastel pink blouse hangs loose over my petite chest, I am acutely aware of its cold silken texture against the top of my breast. My slacks are black and tight, cupping my firm behind. I turn the corner to the right on the way to my office and see a familiar sight at the end of the hallway. There is a large window overlooking the city, which currently looks like a gothic town surrounded by fog. There, illuminated by the bleak window, sits a bright...
Katya showed Maria into her office and, taking a long-neglected key, locked the door behind them. Maria was an advocate of some distinction, about Katya’s own age, tall and slim with an oval face framed by waves of chestnut hair. They had worked together in the past, but it had been a surprise to be asked for a private meeting after working hours and Katya was intrigued. “May I use your computer?” Maria asked, and they sat together at the desk while her elegant fingertips played over the...
“Good morning, Doctor. Where is Dana today?” asked Dmitri, as Katya entered the room and took her seat in front of him. “That is not your concern.” she replied, “You are to answer my questions this morning.” He did not let his face betray his satisfaction and was also quietly pleased at her choice of outfit; her dress was much more feminine – and much more revealing - than the usual charcoal-grey skirt and jacket. “Today, I would like to learn what happened to “Magda”. I think you know who I...
I was in my first year in nice ass, and my best features are my eyes and my legs(6 yrs cheerleading). The people that come into hooters are ok. I leave before the jerks and perves cum. My job is simple and very flexible I go in after my last class and leave before ten. Now that I’m a freshman I leave after midnight. Its cool... free food, drinks, and sometimes I get and give free head. That's where my experience stops. I always had an intention of keeping my virginity but after my first...
First TimeI met Ethan when he was working at the check-out at a Speedway gas station and convenience store. He looked young, but since he was allowed to sell cigarettes, I figured he had to have been eighteen. I was immediately attracted. Ethan had short brown hair, smooth-shaven, if he even had to shave at all, he was tall and skinny, and had a perfect little butt, which showed so nicely in his cargo pants, which had pockets all over each leg. I made a point to stop at that station frequently, and...
Office SexRoses. They’re remarkable when you think about it. All across the world, people present them to the ones they most adore. Not as a mere gift, but as a tangible symbol of sincerest love. A cynic might call such a universal gift ‘uninspired’. After all, it’s common knowledge that the gesture is replicated millions of times across the world, every year. Yet the vast majority of people who receive these humble offerings will feel truly special in doing so. To hold one between your fingers is to...
To the tune of "My Favorite Things" by Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Raindrops on Roses By Pretzelgirl Fresh pantyhoses and heels I can fit in Silk shiny slips that don't show when I'm sittin' Modest length black skirts that curve but don't cling These are a few of my favorite things. Nude-colored shapewear that firms while it girdles Hair gels, perfume smells, and lipstick...
Silent Roses My entire body shuddered and shook as the tip of the rose slowlyglided its way from my neck, between my quivering breasts, down my torso,stopping only to circle my belly button, then down further, pausing just abovethe dark, moist warmth that was screaming for attention. It then made its wayback, following the same trail it had taken down, ending as it traces my lips.I gently kiss it, smelling the sweet, light scent, smiling at the dark, eroticred colour, the way the petals...
The day had been long, hot, and dusty and Jake was ready for supper, some rest and even a beer if he could find one. Shimmering off in the distance he could see the town where he was planning to spend the night, the image dancing in the oppressive heat. His mouth was parched and he felt sorry for his animals as he was sure they had to be as thirsty as he was. As Jake entered town, his horses plodding down the main street, he was surprised at the lack of people moving around. Actually, it...
By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Mark and I have been working on ‘spicing up’ our love life. We were in the adult book store as usual on Friday evening. We have been renting DVDs for several months now and we try to find different sexual variations. Our first was different positions, and then we found we learned new positions in the DVDs we rented, some very interesting. We have watched bondage,...
The Botanical Beauty: Part III—Smelling the Roses There is one certainty in life and that is the essential uncertainty of our frail existence. No amount of “planning” can truly prepare one for the curve balls life tends to throw or what might be around the next corner. Sometimes our curve balls cross the plate bearing a name like “cancer” and sometimes they clip the corner with the moniker “love” or synonyms therefore. Unlike the batter who knows the ball is coming and can see it’s...
This is a work of fiction... I love Stephen with all my heart. He is sexy and sweet. He has a cute patch of stubble, and a button nose. His voice turns me on so much that I feel moisture trickling down my thigh. He is my soul mate. He is not my boyfriend! He sits behind me in my lectures, so close that I can smell the exact brand of aftershave he is wearing. I am meant to be listening to the lecturer but I can only think about him , his body and his personality. We were meant for each other,...
Straight Sex"Withered roses, forget, what they wept for day after day." I was an author. Not someone special no, but I guess for whatever reason, God gave me a special task. It was in November I started writing this book. It was something I thought the girls at my book club would like. Chapter 1 His name was Aaron. He was young man. Thin, but strong, or should I say strong boned. He lived with his two parents. His father was going old and senile. His mother was young and very concerned...
Saturday 10/14/06 10:00 AM "Rise and shine, Master, Mistress, subbies galore!" rasped Dayna. "In two hours Dommi will be here to discuss scheduling." "She can fuckin' join us in bed," Carol said from under the covers. "So will Nancy Velacourt," Dayna continued. "She can definitely join us in bed," Harry said in a muffled voice. "Nope, she likes little oriental girls, you don't qualify," Dayna said. "Dammit." Harry's head came out from under the covers, and he grabbed a...
I passed the morning I turned thirty-six in the same way as I passed every day. I woke up, showered and dressed before having a cup of dark brown coffee (I like it black with three drops of milk) and two slices of rye toast, almost burnt and slathered in butter. I dipped the toast in the coffee as I scanned the news on my phone, making sure to keep the drips away from my clean shirt.Once done, I washed the plate and cup and put them away in their places. I wiped the table and counter clean,...
Love StoriesI was sitting on my car, in the darkness of the third level parking lot of our office building. I moaned as I got my eyes closed.I then looked down at Sean’s dark hair short trimmed cut.His head was bobbing up and down my hard dick, sucking on me, making me enjoy one of the best blow jobs a gay man could give…“Oh, boy… you were born to be a perfect cock sucker…” I whispered.Sean was one of the youngest guys in the office. My Boss was his uncle and he wanted the best one to train his nephew.So...
Hi friends this is cock from south chennai. I visit Indian sex stories for the last 4 to 5 yrs but never had enough time to pen my experiences. From my childhood I have been a very lucky boy in sex. To be in short when I did my 7th std I saw my neighboring aunt went to take bath, I wanted throw a ball inside their compound and as if searching for the ball I opened the screen of the bathroom and saw the aunt aaawhh she was top less with huge breast, my legs starts trembling but manage once she...
The Yellow Sundress © Titania Midsummer - 2016 Chapter 2 - Orientation Judy slept fitfully that night, but by morning had made some decisions. She drove to the town where few people knew her. There she bought some condoms, 'Be prepared, like a boy scout,' she thought. She also shopped for some attractive, and rather expensive, underwear and nightwear. Returning to the village she went back to the boutique and bought that summer...
I have spent countless hours pondering just what caused my attraction to female clothes. My confession is not to being transgendered, but I am a product of my environment. That is to say "I am" whatever I feed myself. Shall I continue in shame? Never may that be! But I am accountable. Shall I feel bad upon my guilt? And I say not! For I have fed myself in ignorance... Age 5... exploration of the femme Psyche. In Kindergarten at playtime I would quickly assume the dominant female role while...
TransAfter Maria’s revelation Katya had come to realise that many women in Waldenstein were desperately searching for the Yellow Sign and needed only to be gently guided along the right path. Her skill at psychological profiling and her personal charm meant that she was soon in discrete contact with potential victims, women whose words betrayed to the discerning eye a wild craving for the ultimate. An exchange of messages with Eva, a humanities student at the Institute, prompted Katya to set...
A six-wheeled, government-surplus transporter rolled along the driveway of the convent and drew up at the rear of the building. Pierre climbed out of the cab and went to open the door at the rear. One by one Zora, Maria, Eva and Kristina jumped down and lined up in the twilight. While he searched for the key, a woman’s shrill scream broke from somewhere inside the building, and Kristina started in alarm. Pierre turned to her and spoke calmly in his cultured voice. “Do not be afraid, little...
I had always believed my life would suck until one day three weeks ago. I had grown up being a nerd, dork, doof, whatever you want to call people like me. I went through high school without a date, let alone getting laid. Which meant I spent a great amount of time in my room with various porn subscriptions. So on this day I just so happened to be walking home from the library, when I saw Mrs. Gracey, my neighbor. She was walking a few feet ahead of me, wearing a tight yellow cardigan and skinny...
First TimeEighteen. I’m finally eighteen. My birthday yesterday wasn’t all that exciting. Actually, it was pretty dreadful. I had a history test and a physics test and only about two people really remembered that it was my birthday. You would think that having my eighteenth birthday on a Friday would be awesome but my theatre group had a performance that night so I didn’t get out of the school building until 1130. Most everyone had forgotten that it was my birthday anyway, so I went straight home and...
LesbianI am a nurse at the local hospital and my wife is an assistant at an architectural firm in town. We both enjoy our work and where we live. The neighborhood is great and we have made good friends here. While I was cooking steaks, I heard Amy scream for me. I ran over and she told me Monica had been stung by yellow jackets. I looked at her and could see that they had stung her all over one of her legs. She was sobbing with pain. Hal was beside himself, asking what could we do. I told...
(This story is pure fiction. none of it is nor will ever take place) If you have already read the first two chapters, White and Pink, then you pretty much have the gist of how my week went. My formerly "tomboy" girlfriend couldn't keep her hands off of me, and was dressing like a teenage wet dream. My 10 year old little sister wanted an orgasm once every couple of nights or so. Not to be out done by big sis, baby sister was right there too a couple of nights a week, wanting me to "read...
Prior: Memorial Day – soldier return Memorial Day – soldier return - Love We toweled each other off then held each other tight. We had lost track of time and no longer had we sat down on the sofa, the folks came home from their visit. I couldn’t believe we had spent that much time fucking in the shower. You guys look like you had good showers, all nice and fresh. “Yea Mom real nice.” “Mary, are you OK, you look a little flushed.” “Sure Mom, everything is fine.” We...