Teresa Scalia Barbara and Roxanne Get Acquainted
- 3 years ago
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It was a warm midweek afternoon in July. The Andersons were preparing for an outing.
"Mark, toss a couple more water bottles into the cooler before you bring it out please." Barbara called out.
"Okay" Mark replied as he walked back into their house. Dressed in a short sleeved white blouse tied at the midriff, khaki shorts and green headband, Barbara was putting the last few things into their SUV for an afternoon of boating at the lake. Mark had recently purchased a new cigarette style boat and was anxious to take it out and see what it could do. Mark returned from the house with cooler in hand. The cooler was quickly loaded and the couple were on their way.
"I'm really looking forward to testing out this boat." Mark said to Barbara.
"Oh I'm sure you are, you paid enough for this new toy." Barbara teased. "I'd just like to have a peaceful afternoon on the beach and catch some sun."
The couple arrived at the Marina where Mark's new pride and joy was docked. They transferred their cooler, picnic basket, blankets, and two lawn chairs into the boat and shoved off. The lake was a large public impoundment, several miles long. There were several public beaches scattered along the shoreline, but the Andersons were headed for a special place. Several years ago when the lake was formed, islands were created. One forward thinking individual managed to acquire legal title to one such island. The island had a secluded cove on which a sand beach was created. Memberships were sold on a fairly exclusive basis. Mark and Barbara owned a membership in this Association.
Mark steered the boat into the open channel and opened up the throttle. The boat leapt forward instantly and was up on plane. Clearly enjoying himself Mark piloted to the private cove. The trip to the cove took about half an hour.
Arriving at the cove Mark throttled back and idled the boat to a gentle beaching. They quickly offloaded the chairs, blankets, and cooler establishing their spot on the beach. They could've picked any spot along the entire length of the beach as this was midweek and the entire beach was empty. Barbara laid out the lunch she had prepared. Mark ate quickly and was clearly ready to go back out on his boat. Taking the last swig from his bottle of beer, Mark wiped his mouth and said "Ready for another cruise on the lake?"
Barbara was putting the last of the picnic items back in the basket "You go ahead, I'd like to lay out and enjoy the sun." With that she stood and untied her blouse. Slipping the blouse off her shoulders Barbara revealed a kelly green and white polka dot bikini top. She unsnapped her shorts and with a couple of hip wiggles slid off her shorts. Her bikini bottoms matched her top. Barbara's top had the strap over each shoulder that connected the cups of the top to the horizontal tie in back. Her bottoms were cut low on the hip with elastic waist and leg openings.
"Okay, suit yourself. I thought I'd run all the way to the upper end so I can fill up with high-octane gas. They don't have the kind of gas I really need at the Marina. It might take me two hours to get up there and come back." Mark replied.
"I'll be fine. Have fun burning up precious fossil fuels." Barbara laughed.
Mark pushed the boat back off the beach and climbed in over the bow. He fired up the engine, gave Barbara a wave and motored out of the cove. Barbara watched him leave and then got down to the business of applying baby oil to herself. "I should have had Mark do my back before he left." Barbara thought as she contorted herself to try and oil her back. With sufficient oil applied to Barbara's exposed areas of skin she laid back on her blanket.
"This is so nice, no sounds except for the wind through the trees and the birds." She was totally relaxed. Barbara lay on her back for about 20 min. and then turned over onto her stomach. She was in this position for a short time when she heard a buzzing sound in the distance. Barbara tried to ignore the noise, but it was becoming increasingly louder as if the source was moving closer. The buzzing motor sound was very loud. As Barbara raised her head to look behind her at the cove she was suddenly struck with a stream of water.
The two jet skis had entered the cove at full throttle and pulled a sharp U-turn sending spray on the beach and of course soaking Barbara. Barbara flipped over into a sitting position to see what was going on. There were two young women on the jet skis who had stopped and were idling looking back at Barbara.
"You need to watch what you're doing!" Barbara shouted to the jet ski riders as she stood up, putting her hands on her hips.
"Whoops, I didn't notice anyone on the beach. Did you?" one rider said to the other.
"No, no I didn't see her. She shouldn't get so huffy about it."
The jet ski riders looked at each other and laughed. "Let's give her another dose."
Then as if they had planned this all along, they repeated the maneuver giving Barbara a second unwanted shower. This time soaking her in the face and down her front. Barbara sputtered and wiped the water from her face.
Barbara was now incensed. "Very funny, you brats!"
Laughing even more one jet skier said to the other, "I know that woman, let's go talk to her."
"You think we should? She acts pretty pissed."
"It'll be fine. I can handle this housewife."
Beaching their watercraft, the young ladies dismounted and approached Barbara. Both were wearing string bikinis one flame orange and the other fluorescent blue. As they came closer Barbara recognized one of the jet skiers. Resplendent in flame orange was Kathy Benson. Kathy's companion was another dancer from the Gentleman's Club. Her name was Jenna Myers. Jenna was a caramel skinned, mixed-race beauty. She had long wavy reddish brown hair, Angelina Jolie lips, and almond shaped hazel colored eyes. Jenna had a slender, but very athletic physique. She had a pair of dancer's legs and a firm, very round butt. Jenna was just lacking much in the bust line. What she did have in that area was very firm and perky. Jenna had known Kathy in their college days. With her exotic beauty and superior dancing skills, Jenna was very popular at the Gentleman's Club. She was also a confirmed lesbian.
"It's that slut Kathy Benson." Barbara thought to herself as the two bikini-clad dancers approached. Kathy had more than a bit of swagger in her walk. No doubt feeling superior to the blonde soccer mom that she had bested in the boxing ring sometime back. And her triumph over Michelle Smithson, albeit with a great assist from Roxanne Starr, on Main Street. Jenna was taking in Barbara's physical assets in the polka dot bikini and was having some thoughts of her own.
"Well good afternoon to you Mrs. Anderson. Seems as though you've been subjected to an unwanted shower. I am so, so very sorry." Kathy said in the most condescending manner possible.
"Keep your apologies and get off this beach. This area is private and strippers are not allowed." Barbara said as she leaned forward and took a half step closer to Kathy.
"Please Mrs. Anderson, don't get snotty with me. My friend and I have as much right to be on this beach as anyone. And I wouldn't try anything either. I'm sure you or at least housewife ass of yours recalls what happened at the boxing ring." Again Kathy used a very condescending tone.
Looking at her friend, Kathy said "You see Jenna, Maria and I had a gig as ring card girls for a charity boxing match. Mrs. Anderson, here, and her big boobed, fat assed friend Teresa Scalia tried to sabotage us. Unfortunately for those two, Maria and I were more than they could handle."
Turning back to Barbara, Kathy related "That was a lovely white dress you were wearing that night. Pity you couldn't keep it on. And your white lace garter belt and thong. I guess you held onto your garter belt, but lost the thong." Facing Jenna once again Kathy said with more than a trace of sarcasm, "Mrs. Anderson needed to be punished for her interference. She ended up stripped of her dress and over my knee in the center of the ring, getting her ass warmed."
"Really. I am so sorry that I missed that episode. Must've been delightful for both of you." Jenna mocked.
Barbara seethed at being reminded of her debasement at the hands of Kathy Benson. She also intensely resented Kathy relating this story to her friend and her friend's flippant retort.
"I wouldn't be so confident Ms. Benson? I seem to recall Teresa Scalia warming your cute little tush not too long ago at the magic show. How did that feel?" Barbara said defiantly, her anger mounting.
Jenna was taking this all in from a few steps to the rear of Kathy. Actually she was enjoying the trash talking. All the while she was assessing Barbara's physical attributes encased in the polka dot bikini. Jenna looked at Barbara's long, tanned attractive legs. Her eyes lingered at Barbara's pubic mound. Taking in the flair of her hips, Jenna speculated on the fullness of Barbara's derrière. Barbara's belly was flat, the result of her determined workout regimen. Jenna's eyes wandered upward and took in Barbara's bust line. Barbara's bust matched her athletic physique. Barbara stayed in shape but her body still had a womanly quality to it especially in the curve of her hips. Certainly not as large in the boob department as Teresa Scalia or Michelle Smithson, Barbara's breasts were respectable as well as full and firm. Jenna was trying to imagine what they look like sans the bikini top.
Kathy didn't need to be reminded about the magic show and how Teresa had paddled her in front of an audience while bent over a table. And she didn't need to hear it from Barbara Anderson.
"I'm not the least bit overconfident and I don't need to hear from you about anything. Understand?" Kathy said as she poked her finger into Barbara's left shoulder.
"Don't poke me you skank." Barbara said as she grabbed Kathy's wrist. That was all Kathy needed to start something. With her right arm restricted by Barbara, Kathy whipped her left arm around the back of Barbara's head putting her in a headlock. Barbara's right arm was free and she tried to push Kathy away. Kathy maintained a solid hold around Barbara's head and was trying to push her down to the sand.
Jenna stepped over in front of Kathy to offer assistance. Kathy saw her and said "Stay out of this Jenna, I've got this covered." Jenna kept her distance and was content to watch the women grapple.
Failing to break Kathy's hold around her neck, Barbara knew she had to do something. She swung her right leg in front of Kathy's legs and grabbed Kathy around the waist with her right arm. Pivoting her torso and lifting with her right arm, Barbara quite effectively performed a hip toss on Kathy. Kathy lost her balance and heading down to the sand on her back. She would not, however, give up her hold on Barbara. The result was both women falling down on the sand. Kathy on her back with her hold around Barbara's neck still secure. Barbara fell face first across the prone Kathy. Her torso resting at right angles to Kathy's. Barbara quickly scrambled to a kneeling position with her derrière high and her face pressed into Kathy's chest. Barbara's left arm was pinned under Kathy's head. Her right arm was engaged trying to pry Kathy's arm from around her neck. Barbara could do nothing against the headlock Kathy had on her. She could match the strength of the younger woman. Barbara could feel hair with the fingers of her left hand. She gripped as much as she could and pulled.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow you bitch!" Kathy screamed as Barbara yanked on her hair. Kathy tightened her headlock in retaliation. Barbara's efforts to pry loose from the headlock were in vain. She knew she had to do something on the offensive. She dropped her right hand on to Kathy's belly and tried to scratch. While her hand was going back and forth over Kathy's belly her fingers touched Kathy's bikini bottoms. Grabbing the fabric Barbara pulled with all her might. She got the desired result as the blaze orange fabric of the bikini bottoms dug into Kathy's crotch. Kathy screamed in indignation but would not give up her headlock.
Ever the vigilant observer, Jenna was thoroughly enjoying the view of Barbara's shapely polka dotted butt. Her speculations on the shape of Barbara's derrière were confirmed. Jenna thought Barbara's wedgy tactic was somewhat unsporting. Even though Kathy had told her to stay out, Jenna decided to do an intervention. Plus, what she had in mind for Barbara would be a great deal of fun for Jenna. She trotted up behind Barbara and surveyed the situation. Both Kathy and Barbara were so completely occupied with each other they did not know that Jenna was about to join the fray.
Jenna enjoyed watching Barbara's butt wiggle back and forth as she struggled with Kathy. Jenna bent down and slipped the fingers of both hands inside the leg openings of Barbara's bikini bottom. Barbara was so intent on her struggle with Kathy she didn't even notice that someone was getting their hands into her pants. Jenna hesitated for a moment enjoying the feeling of Barbara's smooth skin on the backs of her fingertips. Then Jenna yanked the fabric straight up into the small of Barbara's back. The effect was instantaneous. The fabric disappeared between the cheeks of Barbara's ass revealing her lovely tan lines. Barbara's butt cheeks were a flawless creamy white. Jenna's eyes grew wide when she saw this.
"Oh my God, my ass!" Barbara mentally screamed. Barbara instinctively spun to her side and reach back with her right hand to relieve the wedgy. Jenna stepped back and allowed the two women to continue. Kathy felt Barbara twist to her side and took immediate advantage. She swung her leg over Barbara's hips and released the headlock. Before Barbara knew it she was flat on her back with Kathy straddling her tummy. Barbara kicked with her legs and tried to fight off Kathy's arms as best she could, but Kathy now had a huge advantage. Kathy got control of Barbara's arms by grasping her wrists. She then slid forward on Barbara's torso and pinned Barbara's arms. Both women were breathing heavily from their combat.
"Now Mrs. Anderson," Kathy said between pants "what are we going to do with you?" Barbara wiggled and squirmed and made a few halfhearted kicks, but it was obvious Kathy had her controlled. Kathy put her knees on Barbara's arms so that she could free up her hands. Kathy needed to adjust her bikini bottoms after Barbara's assault.
"Oh I'm going to pay you back big time for that move Ms. Housewife." Kathy threatened Barbara as she plucked the fabric from her crotch.
"You can go to hell. You leave me alone." Barbara replied.
"No, no, no Barbie. I think the fun is just now going to begin."
With that Kathy got two good handfuls of Barbara's blond hair. Kathy began to stand up while pulling Barbara to her feet. Barbara's hands were free and she could have attempted some slaps at Kathy but instead grabbed Kathy's wrists to lessen pressure on her hair. Kathy had something in mind and was looking around for an implement to accomplish that.
"Kathy" Jenna called. "Bring her over here." Jenna said as she patted the cooler.
Kathy led Barbara by the hair over to the cooler which was resting on a beach blanket.
"What do you think you're going to do to me?" Barbara protested.
"I think we'll start out with something you're very familiar with." Kathy replied.
"Familiar with? What does she mean? Barbara thought. Then it came to her. "Oh my God no. She's going to spank me."
Barbara was now in a panic of anticipation. She was in fear of the pain she would have to endure. She was also fearful of the feelings that's stirred inside her when she had been subjected to spankings in the past. Teresa Scalia, Michelle Smithson, and of course Kathy Benson had all had Barbara over their knee. Barbara had always suppressed the urges that these spankings had conjured. What troubled Barbara the most was that the arousal only occurred when it was another woman paddling her. Or when she had spanked another woman such as Teresa and Michelle. She had been punished in the past by her husband and by Dominic Scalia. Those episodes had only caused her pain and humiliation, but no sexual arousal. It was the hand of another woman that stirred her urges.
Kathy began to lower self to sit on the cooler with the intent of pulling Barbara over her lap. She stopped when she heard Jenna's suggestion.
"Kathy, why don't we bend her over the cooler on her hands and knees?" Jenna suggested.
"Why that's a fine idea Ms. Myers."
"Bend me over the cooler? What are they up to?" Barbara thought. She was sure she would be pulled over Kathy's lap to receive a spanking.
Using Barbara's hair to control her, Kathy forced Barbara to her knees in front of the cooler. Jenna knelt on the opposite side of the cooler. She gently took Barbara's face in her hands and brushed her blond hair from her eyes. Their eyes met.
"Now, now sweetie, let this happen." Jenna said soothingly.
Barbara was somewhat shocked at Jenna's ministrations. Barbara leaned forward and rested her belly on the cooler, her breasts to one side and her ass in the air. Seeing that Jenna had taken control, Kathy got on with the task at hand. Dropping to one knee directly behind Barbara, Kathy got a grip on the polkadot bikini bottoms and swiftly pulled them down.
"Oh, oh" Barbara jerked her head around and gasped as she felt her bottoms coming off.
"Shush, shush now." Jenna comforted as she turned Barbara's face forward to look at her. Strangely, Barbara was reacting to the soothing Jenna.
Barbara's cute tush was now fully exposed. Her bikini bottoms were down to her knees and her white cheeks were available. Kathy rested her left hand on the small of Barbara's back, just above the sacral dimples. Her right hand gently skimmed over the hemisphere of Barbara's right butt cheek. Again Barbara jerked forward and look back over her shoulder and Kathy.
"Now, now look at me, let this happen." Jenna again positioned Barbara's face forward and looked into her eyes. She gently stroked Barbara's cheeks with her thumb.
Kathy's hand moved over Barbara's bottom to her upper right thigh. Then she moved to the left thigh and traced up the thigh and over the curve of Barbara's left buttock. Kathy paused at the left buttock and gave it a squeeze.
Barbara looked deeply into Jenna's eyes tears welling up in her own.
"You seem to be nice. Can't you help me? I don't deserve what she's going to do to me." Barbara was shivering in anticipation of what was to come.
"Well that's very sweet. But no, I won't get you out of your punishment. But I will help you through it."
Barbara dropped her head in resignation. At the same time Kathy laid on the first spank. Barbara jerked her head upward and again looked back at Kathy. Kathy delivered another slap to the other cheek. Barbara gritted her teeth and faced forward. Again Jenna took Barbara's face in her hands and whispered in her ear.
"Accept the pain. Absorb it all over your bottom."
Kathy's spanks were increasing in frequency and force. She would administer four or five blows to one of Barbara's cheeks and then switch to the other. Of course the effect on Barbara's creamy white bottom was a definite change of tone. Her smooth white skin was soon a fiery shade of pink.
"Uh, uh, uh." Barbara grunted with each blow to her bottom. She looked at Jenna with pleading eyes. Jenna caressed her cheeks and again whispered in her ear.
"That's it sweetie, take it all in. Isn't it starting to feel good. Not only on your bottom but other places?" Jenna cooed.
Barbara made no verbal reply. She was starting to feel a tingling in her lower belly. Barbara had these feelings before when she was punished by Teresa and Michelle Smithson. She had never acted on them. But now she was being encouraged by someone she thought might be sympathetic to her. Barbara began to give in. She arched her back presenting her ass to Kathy. Barbara tried to open her legs, but the bikini bottoms at her knees prevented this. Kathy was quick to note Barbara's posture change. She ceased the spanking. Barbara gave a huge sigh of relief and looked at Jenna.
"It isn't over is it?" Barbara asked.
"Do you want it to be sweetie? Jenna replied.
"No" Barbara whispered as she dropped her head.
Jenna looked at Kathy. "She's ready to go a little farther."
ded in acknowledgment. She pulled Barbara's bottoms out from under her knees and down over her lower legs and feet. She gave the polka dot bottoms a toss over her shoulder. Unencumbered, Barbara instantly spread her knees and arched her back. Again she turned her head to look back at Kathy. Kathy made a kissing motion with her mouth toward Barbara and then resumed the spanking.
Barbara dropped her head and again grunted with every blow to her cherry red tush. Jenna put a hand under Barbara's chin and gently raised her face.
"You're doing so well." Jenna complemented. Jenna then pressed her lips to Barbara's. Barbara responded by opening her mouth and allowing Jenna's tongue to enter. The two kissed passionately while Kathy rained down spanks on Barbara's butt. Jenna held Barbara's face with her left hand and continued kissing her while her right hand stealthily moved over her back following the string of her bikini top. Her fingers found the bow knot that secured the top and deftly began pulling the string. The knot opened and the strings fell to either side. Between Jenna's passionate kissing and the growing arousal she was feeling from Kathy's punishment of her derrière, Barbara had no idea that her bikini top was being removed. Jenna's right hand found the strap of the top and let it fall over Barbara's shoulder. Now uncovered, Jenna cupped Barbara's left breast. At Jenna's touch, Barbara broke off the kiss.
"Oooooooo." Barbara moaned as she felt her breast being caressed. Jenna gently took Barbara's stiffening nipple between her thumb and index finger and slowly kneaded it. Barbara was giving in to all her feelings and Jenna was a master at reading the signs. Kathy continued her ministrations to Barbara's abused bottom. Barbara was now thrusting her pelvis with each spank. Truth be told Kathy was beginning to tire and her right hand had done yeoman's work. Kathy was experiencing some arousal of her own. It was obvious her nipples were straining against the fabric of her bikini top. She loved the feel of Barbara's butt as she punished her round cheeks. Kathy also was turned on by the fact she had bested the older woman and had made her submit. Kathy looked to Jenna.
"Kathy if you want a break, I'll take it from here."
Kathy knew exactly what Jenna meant. "She's all yours Jenna. I'm going to take a walk in the woods. I'll be back in little while."
Kathy gave Barbara's smoldering bottom a gentle pat and walked away from the pair. Kathy didn't go far. She knew what Jenna was up to and wanted a ringside seat. She took a spot just inside the tree line, but close enough to witness all the action.
Barbara was still over the cooler with her smoldering bottom high in the air. Her hands quickly went back to her punished bottom for some soothing rubs. Jenna stood up guiding Barbara to a kneeling position. Jenna sat down on the cooler. Barbara looked up at her with a few tears in her eyes and a definite flush to her face. Jenna slipped Barbara's bikini top completely off. She was delighted with Barbara's firm perky breasts complete with quarter sized pink areolas and pencil eraser nipples. Of course Barbara's state of arousal had caused her nipples to be at their most erect. Jenna cupped Barbara's face once again and passionately kissed her. Barbara's head fell back as Jenna pressed her mouth to Barbara's. Jenna broke off the kiss and stood up. She moved the cooler off the blanket to make room for them to lie down. Jenna guided Barbara to her back. She kissed her mouth once again and then her neck. With light kisses Jenna worked her way down to Barbara's breast. She made dainty kisses around Barbara's left nipple then flicked it with her tongue. Taking the rock hard nipple in her mouth Jenna gently suckled.
Barbara was beginning to lose control of her self. She thrust her chest upward when Jenna took the nipple in her mouth and she was continuing her pelvic thrusts. While sucking on Barbara's nipple, Jenna's right hand was beginning to roam. Her fingertips traced over Barbara's belly and past her navel. Sensing a small growth of pubic hair, Jenna knew she was close to her target. Jenna's fingers found the folds of Barbara's pussy. Her middle finger slip between the lips and was greeted with an abundant wetness. Jenna began a slow, rhythmic massage of Barbara's pussy. Barbara was now completely lost in her reverie. At Jenna's first touch Barbara opened her legs wide. Jenna released Barbara's left nipple from her mouth and once again fervently kissed her. Barbara's hands, which had been on Jenna's shoulders, now cradled her head. Jenna again kissed her way from Barbara's mouth down over her neck and found the nipple of her right breast. Flicking the hard nipple with her tongue, Jenna suckled. Barbara's hands traveled from Jenna's head to her shoulders and down her sides with a stroking motion. Jenna was doing some stroking of her own with her attention to Barbara's increasingly damp pussy.
Jenna released Barbara's nipple with a popping sound and knelt beside Barbara. Barbara's right hand was resting on Jenna's hip. Barbara raised her hand and slid her fingers under the cup of Jenna's bright blue bikini top. Her fingers found Jenna's hard nipple and gently tweaked it. Barbara then placed both hands on Jenna shoulders and pulled her close. This time Barbara initiated the kissing. As she kissed the younger woman, Barbara found the tie to Jenna's top across her back. She released the knot then searched for the tie at the back of Jenna's neck. Barbara pulled the string of that tie and Jenna's top was released. Barbara then broke off the kiss and gently pushed Jenna away from her. As Jenna moved back her top fell off revealing her small, but very firm breasts. Barbara gazed at what could best be described as Jenna's very small, dark brown, Hershey kiss nipples. Barbara cupped both breasts and caressed Jenna's nipples. Jenna had a slight flinch when Barbara first touched her very sensitive breasts. It was now Jenna's turn to become aroused. Jenna flushed and her breathing increased in tempo. As her arousal grew so did the intensity of the petting she was giving to Barbara's pussy.
Barbara laid back as she endured Jenna's petting. Barbara pulled her knees back and spread them wide with her feet flat on the blanket giving Jenna full access. Her left hand gripped the blanket tightly while her right hand slipped from Jenna's waist down to her bottom. Barbara rhythmically squeezed Jenna's firm derrière. Barbara's breathing was rapid and she was getting very close to an orgasm. A sly smile crossed Jenna's face as she witnessed the effects she was having on the very responsive soccer mom. And she was enjoying Barbara's massage of her butt. Jenna increased the tempo of her petting and slipped a finger into Barbara's dripping slit.
"Oh God!" Barbara moaned as she felt Jenna enter her. Barbara's hips bucked in time with Jenna's strokes. Suddenly Jenna stopped. Barbara's hands flew to hold Jenna's hand on her pussy.
"Not just yet, sweetie. We'll get there, trust me." Jenna assured Barbara. "Now turn over on your tummy like a good girl." Jenna placed her hands on Barbara's hips to guide her. When Barbara was in position Jenna moved behind her keeping her hands on Barbara's hips. Jenna wanted to take in the full view of Barbara's round bottom. The tan lines on Barbara's ass were still definitive, but the white areas were still cherry red and a faint outline of a handprint could be seen on the right cheek. Undoubtedly the last spank delivered by Kathy. Jenna soothingly rubbed her hands over Barbara's inflamed bottom.
"Oh honey you do have a sweet bottom. So firm and round. And for the moment so red."
Barbara again moaned softly. Jenna then administered some light kisses to Barbara's red cheeks. Barbara reacted by raising her hips and spreading her knees. Jenna kissed her way over the sphere of Barbara's ass working her way to her upper thighs. Alternately kissing each thigh, Jenna centered on her target. Lightly kissing the labia, Jenna then began to use her tongue. With one hand on each of Barbara's cheeks, Jenna began licking Barbara in earnest. Up one side and down the other Jenna tongued Barbara. Jenna split Barbara's labia with her tongue and then found her clit. Barbara moaned loudly and took a hard grip on the blanket. She pushed her hips back into Jenna's face. Jenna's tongue was rapidly flicking Barbara's sensitive area. Barbara's bucking hips suddenly stopped and her entire body became rigid. Bursting forth with a primal grunt and falling forward flat on the blanket Barbara announced the arrival of her orgasm. Jenna had a smile of satisfaction as she looked at the vanquished Barbara Anderson panting for air completely limp on the beach blanket. Her body quivering and her red bottom sporting some newly arrived goose pimples.
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Teresa kept a low profile for several weeks following her public spanking by Barbara Anderson. Although Teresa had initially humiliated Barbara at the Little League ballpark by tearing off her skirt, Barbara turned the tables blistering Terri's bottom and stripping her completely. (Refer to "Teresa Scalia Strikes Back") This was on top of the stripping Teresa was subjected to earlier in the year at the community theatre by Barbara's hand. (Refer to "The Tale of Teresa Scalia") Down but...
Some time had passed since the events at the community theater. (Read the Tale of Mrs. Teresa Scalia) Summer had arrived and the weather had warmed. Both Barbara Anderson's and Terri Scalia's sons were on the town's Little League team. Both mothers attended the games, but kept a diplomatic distance from each other. On the surface, things appeared to be calm. In fact, the comment in town was the best thing for Terri's disposition was her having been disrobed in public. Terri, however, was...
Roxanne Starr the redheaded strip club owner, in her continuing efforts to become a legitimate businessperson, had expanded her lingerie shop. Leaving the small Main Street storefront, she left the quaint shop behind and moved the business into a standalone building adjacent to a large shopping mall. With nearly quadruple the square footage in the new building, Roxanne’s lingerie venue could now rival even some of the larger retailers such as Victoria’s Secret. Many more displays, sample cases,...
Since Barbara's humiliation at the Renaissance Fair, Terri had regained her social stature in the community. She was soon back to her old ways of dealing with the other women in her circle. Rudeness, intimidation, and social climbing were the norm. Barbara, on the other hand, had retreated from social life. She kept a few close friends, but refrained from larger social gatherings. After all it was difficult to face the people who had witnessed her face down over Terri's lap, her dress...
Eyes closed and breathless, Barbara reclined on the massage table. Her white sports bra, her only article of clothing, had been pushed up over her breasts. An intense pink, almost red flush, could be seen on Barbara’s tanned skin from the cheeks of her face down her neck and shoulders. The flush extended to the un-tanned tops of her breasts. Quite visible on her creamy white skin. She was lost in a tidal wave of endorphins, the result of a thunderous orgasm courtesy of Roxanne Starr. “Oh my,...
Our story begins in an affluent community of Connecticut. A town of upper middle class families whose husbands earned salaries that allowed wives to remain at home often with too much time on their hands. Dominic and Theresa Scalia had moved to the area from California three years ago. Dominic had purchased the major banking institution in town and was operating it as President and CEO. He held a great amount of influence in the community. Theresa or Terri as she was usually called, was very...
Barbaras GeschichteBarbaras Mann war bei seiner Holzf?llerarbeit im Wald. Sie versorgte die Kinder und hatte eben begonnen Fleisch einzup?keln. Da h?rte sie vor der H?tte gro?en L?rm. Nicht oft war am Waldrand der L?rm eines gro?en Trosses zu h?ren. Neugierig ging sie nach drau?en und wollte nach der Ursache dieses Zuges schauen. Gerade als sie die T?r ge?ffnet hatte, ritt ein schwarz gekleideter Mann vorbei. Barbara stie? einen kleinen Schrei aus. Im gleichen Augenblick huschte ihre schwarze Katze zur T...
Chapter 1 Readers of ‘My Polish Neighbour’ will have been introduced to Teresa, a freelance ladies hairdresser whom I knew via my mother and Maria, My Polish Neighbour, in my early teens. This is the story of how we got to know each other much better and more importantly how she had the insight into me that I had only been marginally conscious of at the time and for which she drew me out. In short she made me sexually unfold in ways I could not have imagined. I had been round at Maria’s...
Teresa By Vittorio 1. I was just twelve when my mother and father died in a plane crash, and I went to live with my mother's parents. Mom had decided shortly after my birth that in case she and my father died simultaneously her parents would be my legal guardians. They were quite old, as were my other grandparents. Dad's sister, Beth, much younger, was a more logical choice, but she was unmarried and very career oriented - not the one to take care of a young boy. I lived...
I met Nan on a subscription alternative dating site. Her posts and private messages blatantly communicated she was into dominating men and women but also into transformations. I had been crossdressing in private, sexual settings for a few years which often involved strap-on play but never with a man. In fact, I had never even performed oral sex on a man but was really curious - I just wasn’t sure how to go about it or if I was truly ready.After only a few private messages about how I would love...
Teresa the TGirl Teacher By Warpdrive_1999 Note This work is copyright and cannot be reposted without my permission All characters and situations in this story are fictional, and any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. All characters are aged 18 or over. Part 3 For the rest of the morning Teresa helped me with some studying. After that initial intimacy, we were able to concentrate better and I managed to get through a surprising amount of work. We then...
Teresa the TGirl Teacher By Warpdrive_1999 Note This work is copyright and cannot be reposted without my permission All characters and situations in this story are fictional, and any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. All characters are aged 18 or over. Part 2 Of course, there were going to be some questions to resolve - most immediately between the school and my parents - and that could cause all manner of issues. However, the headmaster felt confident...
Perhaps it was Katlin's seeming frailty that initially attracted the eye of Teresa Robinson, the housemother at Willow House, where the new co-ed had just moved in for the semester. Teresa had been in that position for several years, and the large black woman truly enjoyed her work taking care of the house and preparing meals for the girls who lived there. Secretly, she had something of an eye for the young women, but had never gotten up the nerve to act on her feelings. It was late on a...
Teresa the TGirl Teacher By Warpdrive_1999 Note This work is copyright and cannot be reposted without my permission. All characters and situations in this story are fictional, and any similarity to real events is purely coincidental. All characters are 18 years old or older. Part 1 I first saw Ms Teresa when I moved to high school at the age of 12. She was unmistakable: Jet Black and 6 ft. 4 in. in her heels - which she seemed to wear a lot - with long-legs usually clad...
TERESA, 1SHE BEGGED FOR IT,This Story Is True,, Starts Slow,, Ends Nasty… I used to go to a bar/steakhouse called MARMAC’S. I knew the band, (good music) and I would go there after work to dance & unwind. The joke at the place was the name M,A,R,M,A,C,'S stood for Middle Aged Raunchy Men After Casual Sex. I worked swing shift so it was perfect for me. I still got to party and it kept the party under control. There was this one woman who’s name was Teresa. She had blonde hair, big...
Part 2 -- The Brawl Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. Intelligent, hardworking,...
Chapter 5 “Teresa let me kiss you. I want your mouth now. Oh god fuck that’s so gorgeous. You taste and smell of me. I haven’t had a mouth to my cunt in years. Here give me that finger too. Oh yes Teresa you're so fucking dirty – just what I need. Darling let me look after you now please.” “Yes my darling Jean I’ve wanted this for ages too. I just knew you would be very sexual and you are. Oh god you want to suck my nipples first. Sure. Here let me get this bra off. Yes Jean wonderful....
Here we are. You and I. Together in this special place out of the rain. The dusty air is thick with the aroma of storytelling as we make our way between row upon row of well-thumbed books that pack each straining shelf to the heavens. Book upon book stuffed with tales both fact and fiction. At the end of each row is a sign revealing the nature of these tales for the inquisitive to peruse. The theme for this particular row says "Victoriana - Fiction from a golden age." Wandering between...
SHE BEGGED FOR IT, This story is true, Starts slow, Ends nasty… I used to go to a bar/steakhouse called MARMAC’S. I knew the band, (good music) and I would go there after work to dance & unwind. The joke at the place was the name M,A,R,M,A,C,'S stood for Middle Aged Raunchy Men After Casual Sex. I worked swing shift so it was perfect for me. I Still got to party but it kept the party under control. There was this one woman who’s name was Teresa. She had blonde hair, big tits and a full...
My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...
Prolog Colonel Garcia Valmira war ein Mann, der schon während seiner Militärzeitwegen seiner Unnachgiebigkeit und Härte von sich reden machte. Frühzeitigaus dem Militärdienst ausgeschieden konnte er sich auf Grund seines ungeheurenVermögens ganz und gar seinen bizarren sexuellen Neigungen widmen, ohnebefürchten zu müssen, daß man ihn deshalb belangen würde.Er hatte eine versteckt gelegene Estancia weit draußen in einem entlegenenBezirk Paramundos aufgekauft und sie ‚Los Limitas' genannt. Hier...
I naturally never forgot the indident when Teresa cuckolded Dad and in a way, me too, selling herself and becoming a temporary sex slave to the SM circle.Some time after I finally saw the film, the infamous film of my Stepmother's willing but unprecedented prostitution of herself to an exclusive BDSM circle to save us from debt and poverty, I visited a sex shop in a big city in the south.Minding my own business, looking through the goods, I was surprised to hear a customer ask the staff for the...
This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her experience, which will be mentioned in our other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery to my Dad, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It centres around a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it. When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own...
This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her first prostitution, which will be mentioned in other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It is about a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it.When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own mismanagement of his business; and it...
I naturally never forgot the indident when Teresa cuckolded Dad and in a way, me too, selling herself and becoming a temporary sex slave to the SM circle.Some time after I finally saw the film, the infamous film of my Stepmother's willing but unprecedented prostitution of herself to an exclusive BDSM circle to save us from debt and poverty, I visited a sex shop in a big city in the south.Minding my own business, looking through the goods, I was surprised to hear a customer ask the staff for the...
TERESA'S BIRTHDAY FANTASY, Teresa and I loved getting each other off. We could, and did ask each other to do many Lewd & Nasty things. One of her fantasies she wanted me to do was a striptease for her on her birthday. Then, well let me tell you what happened. Teresa called and told me what she wanted for her birthday, for me to do a striptease for her. I agreed, and then she said the conditions were, first that I couldn't cum (NO SEX) for the prior two weeks. She said she wanted me to have...
Like a lot men I found myself divorced and 50. I was out of the dating scene and did not know where to turn. I thought about getting a Russian or Philippino woman that you meet online but I wanted an American. My friend Jack was a 50 year old businessman and had a hottie wife about 19. Jack had lived with her before her married this beautiful girl. While playing golf I commented that if I could find a woman like Jacks I would jump at the chance. "Well I got her at the Robert's Agency, they...
She was developing into a beautiful girl, Her breasts were enlarging and that summer was the summer of short skirts and hers were short. She seemed to blossom overnight and she was at the girls school and I was at the boys. We came home often on the same bus but many times it was a different bus and hers was a few minutes after mine. Once I was home I would head up to my bedroom which had a view right down the road, on the pretext of starting my homework, and watch...
Introduction.Here we are. You and I. Together in this special place out of the rain.The dusty air is thick with the aroma of storytelling as we make our way between row upon row of well-thumbed books that pack each straining shelf to the heavens.Book upon book stuffed with tales both fact and fiction. At the end of each row is a sign revealing the nature of these tales for the inquisitive to peruse. The theme for this particular row says "Victoriana - Fiction from a golden age."Wandering...
MILFI have heard (and read) quite a few “first-time” stories, but let’s get real – usually the is a pretty bad time. My first time was with a girl I met while on a family camping trip. Maybe we felt free to try out sex because we didn’t know each other – no strings, no history, and because we lived far apart – no future. And so we tried “it” out. It was awkward for us both, painful for her, and not a particularly great introduction into the “joy” of sex for either of us. But my second time…now that...
EroticMein Name ist Barbara, ich unterrichte am Gymnasium Kunst und Englisch, bin verheiratet und da ich keine Kinder habe verbringe ich meine freien Tage mit Sport oder besuche Museen. Mein Leben ist eher ruhig, ja fast langweilig zu nennen, auch sexuell läuft alles in sehr geregelten, normalen Bahnen. Eines Tages sollte ich an einer Fortbildungswochenende teilnehmen das für Lehre aus dem ganzen Bundesland veranstaltet wurde. Für die Lehrer unserer Stadt wurde eigens ein Reisebus gemietet , denn das...
Mind ControlShe had just out of the surf and was still wringing wet; her t-shirt clung to her, her longish brunette hair hung down in thick strands. She was walking up the sand to where her towel and bag were. She was looking forward to lying in the sun and reading for a while when a young blonde walked straight into her and spilt her drink down the brunette’s back. Angrily the brunette stared at her " what are you doing you watch where you are going? " The blonde glared back at the brunette, as if she was...
You have been entered into the annual cuntbusting and ballbusting brawl! Fight off against the other opponents until there is only one man/woman left standing.
Fetish"You heard of a guy named Gunny?" Ben yelled to the bartender in the Horny Bull over the cacophony of the live music. God knows how, but they had hauled in a live band to play tonight. They weren't bad either. The leader singer was a dark haired chick in a black leather mini skirt and she and her band were dishing out a kind of retro bluesy-rock. They were inside a plexi cage that showed signs of extreme wear with explosions from hurled bottles and mugs and various stains caused by beer,...
Wisps of steam rose from the inky black and he looked into the swirling void. Its juxtaposition with the anodyne white made it look more brooding and malevolent. He wondered back to those dangerous days and how adversity threw them together. The teaspoon clattered against the saucer and he checked his wristwatch. Yvette Piper was late and he had no idea why. It did not take much these days to rile him into a heightened state of alertness. Billeted near the door, Delilah sat at a table in a...
SupernaturalThe red headed girl had never expected that she could be such a slut but then again, nobody had pushed her as much as her master had. It was odd that she was in love with someone she had never met before and she was dying to see what he looked like. She was required to put in her butt plug and head to the beach, wearing a bikini. The text even pointed the spot out where she had to lay down. Nervous, the woman headed down to the spot that was pointed out for her. She felt the butt plug with...
Introduction: How Bobbys Mum became an underground porno star. This is about the strange incident which began Mums continued cuckoldry. Id like to write and tell you the story of her first prostitution, which will be mentioned in other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery, by selling herself sexually, in the 80s. It is about a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now Ive seen it, and Id like to tell you all about it. When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy...
Dance room 228. Finals week. Morning. Tom entered the room and flicked on the lights. The newly illuminated grey floor was reflected in the mirror, creating a generally drab atmosphere. He dropped his bag, went over to a pole, and started stretching. He wore a tank top and basketball shorts. He was prepared to work for hours. After a few minutes, before Tom had completely finished warming up, Rachel entered the room. She wore a purple spandex tank top and yoga shorts. Her brown hair was tied...
You've just managed to get back to your apartment after a long day of work and you're more than ready to be home. As you step into the elevator and the door closes you suddenly notice that the person riding with you is your ex, but even though you hate them, you're pretty sure that an elevator ride is manageable. That is, until the elevator comes shuddering to a stop...
BDSMI was knocked out goodin the ring falling hard on the floor crawling to get back an fight afraid of my coach who was looking hard in his boxer in the corner my coach calling me a weak boy looking at the other guy win easy ''get out of there ''it was my dad idea to get me into boxingmost of the other guy taller and stronger than me , i was always sent down to the floor crawling and my coach took a great pleasure in making me suck on his fat black cock every time i lost ''please please i did my...
Introduction In the late Middle Ages the Black Death, the greatest and most deadly outbreak of infectious disease in history, ravaged Europe, eventually killing between one third and a half of the population. The disease, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, was carried by fleas living on the rats that were found in ports and on board ships, and humans were infected by the bite of a flea. Transmission may also occur via the respiratory route in droplets containing bacteria...
Bawtry, The Swan, May 26th. A much more cheerful party reached Bawtry well before dusk after a brisk walk of about twenty four miles, having left the Lamb once we had broken our fast on bread, cheese and ale. The task of providing our night’s entertainment fell on the cook, a jolly fat fellow, with a laugh like the bellow of a bull. We were starting to get to know each other better, and there was much chatter on the road, and some laughter too, as the terrible events of the previous weeks began...
Tucksford, The Laxton Arms, May 27th — We had no need to cast lots yester-eve to choose who should entertain after supper tonight. Almost as soon as the Cook had finished his tale of the Devil and the Lady, the widow Dame Elizabeth called out above the hubbub and general hilarity. ‘Dear friends,’ she said, ‘for that is what I must perforce call you now, there being none of my family left alive. The cook has regaled us with a merry tale this e’en, which was as hot a fare as man might wish for...
Bedefunde, June 29th — My name is Alice. I am 24 years old, and what most respectable folk would call a common whore. I believe I am quite comely with red lips and a complexion yet unmarked by disease and men seem to like to suckle on my ample bosom as they bury their cocks in the dark wetness between my thighs, before they release their hot seed into my cunt with much sighing and moaning and declarations of love. I have been told by some more noble and educated men while they were enjoying my...
Charity did not stay long that evening, simply a period sufficient for the both of us to make the most intimate acquaintance and cuddle afterwards. The next morning, I awoke refreshed and relaxed, lazing in bed sinfully until I felt the first pangs of hunger. I disdained the need for servants to dress, so I made my way to the bath and drew water in the sink, then with a small towel made a whore’s-bath for myself, and yes, I had heard the term before and understood the implications. It...
You stood in your corner in a pink bikini you freshly picked out with your pink gloves hanging onto the ropes. This had to be the most petty thing everyone could’ve done and it was just a dumb revenge ploy. Many high school students chug their beers and either laid out on the grass or sat back in their lawn chairs ready for your eventual demise. These idiots, in your mind at least, knew you hated sports and never tried out so sticking you in this is a piece of cake for some good humiliation. To...
Jones Beach by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Cathy Margolies, blonde and pretty with a sunny disposition locks the front door of her modest home in Seal Beach, California, and walks behind her fianc?, Brad Featherson, as he carries her luggage to his Jaguar XKE convertible parked at the curb. Brad, sandy-haired, tall, well-built and well-dressed is driving her to John Wayne A...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 14 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. The...