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It was big place and, I had to admit impressive. For some inexplicable reason the modern exterior hid an interior decked-out in the style of an ancient baronial castle, kind-a like the lavish film sets you sometimes see in films. Basically a Victorian interpretation of an ideal medieval castle: they actually didn't have the technology to build large or extravagantly as that in the real old days.

One thing I knew for sure, was that the wedding wouldn't have been located in such an establishment, had I'd been footing the bill. But hey, my ex-wife Shona had made damned sure that would never happen many years before.

I really thought I'd found myself a safe secluded spot, (tucked away in a pseudo-Minstrels Gallery that doubled-up as spot-lighting tower and projection room) from where I could watch the ceremony but not be seen by anyone on the floor of the main hall below.

I had been well aware that my presence – should it become known – would prove to be somewhat controversial to say the least, and would probably lead to an unfortunate confrontation between my one time in-laws and myself. I also had been pretty convinced that my daughter would not have best pleased should that happen. I even had it figured that Tamsin would have been even less pleased to learn of my presence than The Witch and George (her side-kick husband) would be.

Anyway, there I was, quietly tucked away in the back of the – usually ignored – minstrels' gallery, from where I could observe my estranged daughter's wedding, when suddenly a voice whispered right in my ear.

"Hi handsome! I figured you wouldn't pass-up on this little shindig!"

To say the sound of that voice gave me a start, would be putting it mildly. I quite literally leapt off the fishing stool I was perched upon and crashed to the floor. Yeah well, if I was low-down sitting on that little stool and observing the service through/between the balustrade's bars, I'd figured there'd be less chance of anyone spotting me.

The clatter that little aluminium stool had made as it tumbled to, and then skidded across, the stone floor of the minstrels' gallery had to be have been witnessed to be believed. I figured that all chance of my presence remaining clandestine had instantly evaporated.

From my new position – flat on my back on the floor – I looked up and saw 'Trouble' towering over me. My daughter's very embarrassed looking Aunt, was making frantic apologetic gestures with her hands towards the body of the hall below.

Megan – or "Trouble" as I'd humorously nicknamed her in our younger days – was, or rather had been, my ex-wife's mischievous younger sister. Megan had very often been the bane of our courting years.

A glance between the bars of the balustrade informed me that my hidey-hole had suddenly become the centre of attention for almost everybody in the building. Bride, groom, celebrant, photographer, choir, film-cameraman and most of the congregation were all staring up at Megan with annoyed and/or somewhat puzzled expressions on their faces.

So I flattened myself to the floor as best I could and prayed that no bugger had noticed me. Megan after, signalling that the service should proceed, picked-up my little stool and delicately plonked her own pert derriere upon it.

From my prone position I could no longer see the floor of the main hall, but I could just about hear what was going on below and I soon gathered that the wedding service had resumed. I kind-of hoped the incident had been put down as one of Megan's stunts. Megan's penchant for outlandish behaviour and the unexpected were legendary within the family, even when she had been a child.

"It's okay, you can watch now." Megan whispered. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump, Billy."

"Make me jump woman. You damned near gave me a bleeding heart attack! Where did you learn to creep around like that, Megan?" I whispered, as I manoeuvred myself into a position from which I could observe what was happening below. Well, it was obvious to me that I'd lost the use of my little stool for the duration.

"Oh, I kind-a picked it up as a kid, sneaking up on a couple of lovers I used to know." She glanced down and winked at me.

"You cheeky little monkey!"

"I'm not so little now, Billy boy. You just watch your step or you might find yourself getting ravished later."

"Oh no I won't, Megan. I'm on the four-thirty train out of this bleeding hell hole!"

Megan glanced down at me again. Made a strange (but oddly familiar) gesture with her eyes – that I seemed to recall implied "That's what you think!" -- and then gestured towards the service below with her hand. Effectively informing me that the conversation was suspended until after the ceremony had run its course.

I'd always liked Shona's little sister. Yeah, sometimes she'd been a real pain in the ars ... backside while Shona and I had been courting. But Shona had ever been less tolerant of 'Trouble's' antics than I. Megan had always struck me as basically a good-hearted kid who wanted attention. There had been a good four years between the two sisters; a recipe for strife if ever I saw one. I'd always figured that Megan just hadn't understood that her elder sibling, and I of course, required a little privacy now and again.

The service over, I did my best to get a good look at the groom as he paraded Tamsin out of the hall. Not that the angle made that a simple task if I were going to remain out of sight. From what I could make of the lad, he looked a decent enough chap to me.

Luckily everyone appeared to be so focused on the bride and groom, that I don't think anyone even glanced up at the Minstrels Gallery again.

But, the moment the cortège had passed out of sight below us, Megan began attempting to drag me to my feet.

"Come-on Billy, we'd better get down to the dining room!"

I resisted Megan's frantic pulling at my arm, trying to stay safely out of sight until all of the guests had vacated the hall.

"Megan there's no way in hell I'm going to show my face at that reception. Jesus, I'd end up in the slammer!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Billy; it's your own daughter's wedding! Why would the police want to arrest you?"

"Well, there's that bleeding restraining order for starters!" I blustered.

"No Billy, Shona's dead now and she's the only person named on that restraining order. When he killed her, that order instantly became null and void."

"What do you mean, he killed her?" I demanded, almost leaping to my feet. "It was an accident ... wasn't it?"

"Billy, that bleeding tosser always drove like a bloody idiot ... still does come to that! That geezer was ... is a disaster waiting to happen every time he gets behind a damned steering wheel. Have you any idea how fast he was going that day?"

"I know very little about it, Megan!"

"I saw the skid-marks on the road, Billy. He was driving like a bleeding idiot that night, just like he always does. I just can't understand how he wasn't prosecuted for killing my sister. Even Tamsin knows who is to blame for her mother's death. You'll have noticed that he wasn't down there today; he wasn't invited!"

"Neither was I, Megan!"

"Yes you were ... in a round-about way. It was just that I couldn't find you to let you know. Look here, my invite says 'Ms Megan Stone and guest!' No provisos or anything. Guess who my guest is going to be?"

I laughed out loud.

"You've got to be joking Megan. Me, turn-up at a Stone wedding? Been there once remember my girl ... and you recall how that turned out in the long term!"

"The fact that my sister was a silly cow, has nothing to do with it, Billy. You are Tamsin's father and ... Jesus, you should have been down there today, giving her away - not her grandfather!

"Now you and I are going to attend the reception together and I don't want to hear any nonsense about restraining orders. My Uncle Albert assures me that there are no legal grounds for you not to attend as my guest. As a matter of fact, he thinks it's a damned good idea. He was always in your camp, you know; even when things got messy."

"I kind-a wondered why the old bugger didn't represent Shona." I commented.

"Look Billy, if my Uncle Albert had thought he could have got away with it, I'm damned sure he'd have represented you for free. He was singularly unimpressed with my sister's behaviour back then and really laid into her ... and my mum and dad over it. He blatantly refused to represent Shona. To the best of my knowledge, he and mother haven't spoken two civil words to each other since."

"The only time I've seen them in the same room together was at Shona's funeral. I think Uncle Albert was a little disappointed that you were a no-show that day."

"I wasn't even in the country Megan. I was backing-up a crew filming the fauna and flora down on South Georgia. Since those folks got trapped down there when the Argentineans invaded ... well, they prefer us not to be too far away with the ship if we can help it. Anyway I knew nothing of Shona's accident until three months after her funeral, when we got back to the UK. I ran into Toby ... er, whatever his name is, down in Falmouth, and he told me about the accident."

While listening to my explanation Megan had wrestled me to my feet and had been, busy brushing the dust off my whistle.

(No! That's my suit. Christ, some peoples minds; I ask you!)

"Come along, Billy," Megan continued, "Let's get down to the reception before the receiving line breaks-up."

From the firm hold Megan had taken upon my arm, I understood that ... whether I appreciated the idea or not ... Megan had decided that I was going to attend my daughter's wedding reception. Against my better judgement, I suppose I must have conceded defeat.

I have to admit that that was probably only due to the not inconsiderable sum of alcohol I'd consumed during the previous twenty-four hours. That served to cloud my judgment just enough to allow me to acquiesce to Megan's wishes.

Yeah well, look I'd better explain. When Shona and I first ... split-up, I have to admit that I hadn't handled the situation as well as I could have done. In fact I'd ended-up spending more than a few days as the guest of the US authorities (or the local law enforcement anyway) when I'd taken it upon myself to administer a little ... retribution. I gave the "new man" in Shona's life, a bit of a pasting.

A knee-jerk and somewhat satisfying exercise it might have been. But one that was to prove to have been very misguided in the long term. The confrontation had not ended as I'd expected and the fall-out had led to me getting my backside thoroughly kicked.

You see regretfully Shona had become entangled in the mêlée somehow and that had resulted in her visiting a nearby Emergency Room (as the Yanks like to term them). Hence my incarceration, and numerous Court Orders issued in both the US and the UK jurisdictions, forbidding me from going within a mile or so, of Shona's whereabouts, forever; or just about.

Whatever - I can assure the reader that I personally have never laid a finger upon my errant wife. Well, not to my knowledge anyway! (That statement will probably make a little more sense to you later, I'm sure.)

Where was I? Oh yeah!

Anyway after the Courts had had their way, I found myself an ex-con (as the Yanks like to refer to us) and branded a hooligan and wife beater. And subsequent to the fight, my parental rights where our daughter Tamsin were concerned, were unceremoniously removed: almost all of which took place while I was still incarcerated in a US slammer by the way. Not a very enjoyable experience, I can assure you. Mind you, nothing in my life proved to be much fun around that time.

The ex-con label didn't exactly do my working career much good either. You try getting a work Visa for the US with that kind of a record!

Albeit all of that hadn't stopped Shona (aided by the British legal system) demanding financial support from me for Tamsin, until the child reached the age of eighteen years.

I'm not very proud to have to admit, that after having my arse-kicked that efficiently by the system, I'd taken solace in drink for a while.

However I had managed not to become a complete wreck or a card-carrying alcoholic. But that's probably more down to my inherited biological make-up, rather than any mental will, if you get my drift. However I had still required a little 'something' to help me face that particular day.

"You're still working in the film industry, Billy?" Megan asked, as she guided a somewhat diffident me (hence our slow progress) down the stairs and into the establishment's main foyer.

"No, not really, Megan." I replied, "I suppose you could say I'm in shipping now. Most of the time I'm a seaman on research ships and the like, although I still do quite a lot of filming. I suppose it's kind-a handy for them to have a spare or second, experienced cameraman on the crew to help document things. Sometimes I'm the only cameraman on board."

"You gave-up on Hollywood then?"

"Megan, I never did work for any of the big boys. The best I ever managed was cameraman on second units. On pretty mediocre third-rate films, at that! Unfortunately for me, my wife was a far bigger hit with the directors and producers than my work ever was."

"Shona always wanted to be a star, Billy! You knew that before you married her."

"Yeah, but I had no idea how far she'd go to fulfil her dream. Oh shit, will you look at that lot?"

We had arrived in the hotel's foyer that we had to pass through to get to the entrance of the function room, within which Tamsin's wedding reception was going to be ... staged. The vast expanse was crowded with guests patiently queuing to join the formal receiving line.

I figured that 'The Witch' – Megan and Shona's mother – had planned the show and she'd pulled-out all the stops on this one. The Witch has even greater delusions of grandeur than my ex-wife had enjoyed. The Witch had planned and organised our nuptials, although they hadn't been on the same scale as this shindig.

I might add, that The Witch and I had never been members of each other's respective fan clubs. So I had it figured that my appearance at this reception could go disastrously wrong.

Once anonymously buried in amongst the crowd, I didn't feel quite so ... vulnerable. Although more than one of our fellow guests/relatives did a quick double-take as they recognised me - probably from Shona's and my own wedding many years before.

I also knew that somewhere out there I did have a few allies, but they would remain strictly clandestine. Generally the Stone's were a pretty close clan.

Eventually though the crowd began to thin and The Witch finally caught sight of me from her place a little way down the receiving line. Her face instantly turned a crimson colour, and for a moment there I thought I detected smoke emanating from her ears.

Although I protested, Megan frogmarched me through the function room entrance and up to the beginning of the receiving line.

Tamsin's new husband was instantly struck-dumb when Megan introduced him to his bride's father. The poor lad really didn't know what to do or say.

I shook a very limp hand.

Tamsin was equally shocked, if not more so. As I looked into her eyes they just grew larger and larger until I feared that they were about to pop out of her skull.

You know, I really do believe that the child had no clue as to who I was, until she'd heard her Aunt Megan informing her new spouse that I was Tamsin's father.

For some inexplicable reason I chose to say. "Hi kiddo, long time since I bounced you on my knee!" Before I took the equally limp hand she was holding out and kissed the back of it.

Yeah well, I did think about giving Tamsin a hug; but I feared she might faint on me, if I did.

Tamsin's reply was limited to, "B, b, b, b, but, but!" Before Megan elbowed me on along the line.

The next face that came into my view was The Witch's sidekick George. He did recognise me and he handled the situation quite well. Well, I thought he did!

"William, we weren't ... er, well, this is an unexpected surprise. How did you... ?"

"Billy's my guest daddy. If he goes, I go as well!" Megan commanded from beside me.

I kind-a wondered if Megan had even spoken to Tamsin. It seemed to me that there just wasn't the time.

"I wouldn't suggest that for a moment, Megan." The old sod replied, "Of course William is welcome here today. I was just surprised that he was in the country. Your mother assured me that he was working down in the antipodes somewhere at present."

"I've been working in the Antarctic, sir." I have no idea why I addressed the bugger as 'Sir'; habit I suppose. "My ship docked in New Zealand five weeks ago." I informed the old codger.

"See Megan, your mother did try to contact William. You got her message I assume, William. Your mother told you she would contact William, Megan! You're very welcome here today my boy."

George had switched his attention between, Megan and myself as he spoke.

Whatever he said, I was sure that there had been no message. In the age of modern electronic communication, things are pretty good down there. Just sometimes interrupted by extreme bad weather on the shore basses.

So for all the old-boy's assurance otherwise, I was pretty positive that I had never been included on the guest-list, even tentatively. The fact that my ex-mother-in-law had vanished from the receiving line by the time we reached her place, assured me of that fact.

I kind-a wondered whether she'd dashed off to call the police or something.

Tamsin's new in-laws were polite ... pleasant, and obviously very confused. They didn't exactly look like they had seen a ghost. Better described as shocked, to find themselves shaking hands with one, I would have described it.

All rather amusing from my perspective, but it did cause me to wonder exactly what they'd been told about Tamsin's father.

The majority of the other guests had not the slightest clue as to whom I was, so it was more with curiosity (probably as to why Megan had chosen to watch the wedding ceremony from the Minstrels Gallery) that we were gazed upon as we left the receiving line.

I, like everyone else grabbed myself a glass of bubbly from a handy passing waitress and downed it in a single gulp. Megan instructed me to slow-down -- in no uncertain terms -- after I grabbed hold of a second glass.

Then the impressive bulk of Sir Albert Stone appeared through the throng. I kind-a wondered why Uncle Albert hadn't been included in the receiving line, he was generally accepted as the patriarch of the whole damned clan.

"William, my boy. How pleasant it is to see that you are here today. Hyacinth (The Witch) had me believing that you were abroad and would be unable to attend." Albert said, proffering his hand for me to shake.

I can't claim that I'd ever liked the old bugger. Megan's Uncle Albert is a barrister by calling and had always appeared far too formal for my liking. As a young man I'd felt a natural aversion to his type. An aversion that had since been reinforced somewhat, by my ... encounters with the legal profession.

However Megan had implied that the old sod had taken my side during the train-wreck ending of my marriage. In consequence I was forced to undertake a rapid re-evaluation of my feelings towards the character.

"How do you do, sir?" I found myself responding as I shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you again."

"Capital, capital." Albert grinned back at me.

I'm really not sure what the "Capital, capital," phrase is supposed to mean or imply. But from memory I knew that it was Uncle Albert's habitual response to almost anything and everything that was ever said to him; provided things were going as the old codger wished, that is!

At that instant Tamsin – her duties on the receiving line apparently fulfilled – appeared before me.

In fact (forgetting her manners completely) Tamsin elbowed her way rather rudely between her Uncle Albert and myself. The expression on Tamsin's face I can only describe as one of overt distaste.

"You've got some front, turning up here! What are you after, some kind of a hand-out or something; or did you just want to embarrass me?" Tamsin demanded, albeit surprisingly quietly.

I suppose I should point out here that Tamsin's words -- and the manner in which she phrased them -- were lifted directly from The Witch's repertoire. It hadn't been my daughter speaking to me. It was a Tamsin who'd been brainwashed since shortly after her birth, by The Witch! Understanding that fact left me disappointed, but I did not hold Tamsin's attitude towards me against her. It just assured me that things were as I'd always expected they would be.

I looked from my daughter to Albert, and then at Megan stood by my side.

"I told you this was not a good idea, Megan. I'd better leave now." I said and turned to walk away.

"No, just a minute young man?" Albert called out. Loud enough to draw the attention of almost everyone standing near. And with authority enough to bring me to an instant halt.

I turned back, wondering what the old boy was going to say.

"Tamsin, your father has travelled almost halfway around the world to be here with you on this, your special day. The very least you can do is behave civilly toward him!"

In fact Albert's statement was untrue, I nearly always spent the British summer months in the UK. Most of my ship/natural history work was in Antarctic waters, but very little goes on down there during that time of the year.

My daughter looked ... well, I'm not sure ... perplexed, I suppose you would call it. She glanced from me to her Uncle, at all the people watching and then back at me again. Then she said.

"I'm sorry ... father! Your unexpected presence took me by surprise. You've never made a point of being interested in my life."

"And just where did you get hold of that idea, Tamsin?" Albert ... roared. "I'll have you know young lady, that your father has followed your development extremely closely. He's risked arrest on numerous occasions, just so that he could witness significant events ... occasions in your life! Haven't you young man?"

"I'm sorry sir," I began to reply, but Albert -- on a roll -- continued speaking.

"Prize giving at that damned silly expensive school your mother insisted on shipping you off to. I have it on very good authority that your father was there for every one of them. And, he was also at your graduation from university!

"Damn-it girl, you walked right past your father to collect your diploma, without even noticing him. He knew who you were, but you failed to recognise him. Mind you, neither did your mother and that possibly saved your father from a visit to the local magistrates' court."

"I didn't know you were there Uncle Albert." Tasnim ventured.

"I wasn't, Tamsin! Not as regularly as I'd liked to have been, anyway. Your mother and I had our differences - you know that! But I have people who have kept a wary eye on your development all these years, and they could recognise your father. It wouldn't have done for one of them to have inadvertently broken your father's cover, would it? When your mother was around, your father's presence was technically illegal.

"I would suggest, Tamsin that you smile sweetly and forget your imagined differences with your father. I assure you, he ... or rather your father's reputation in your eyes, has always fallen victim to circumstance, coupled your late mother's exceedingly poor judgement. Lets have a family truce for this special day, shall we?"

By this time my daughter was looking rather sheepish.

"If you insist Uncle," Tamsin conceded, then added. "But I have to wonder what his motivation is for coming here today."

Then Tamsin turned her back on me and strode away into the crowd. After watching her retreat Albert turned to me.

"William, I'm afraid your daughter has only ever heard a very one-sided account of ... her parents divorce. It never did help that you and Hyacinth did not see eye to eye in the first place."

"I was never good enough for Shona in her mother's eyes, sir!" I replied.

"No one could ever have been good enough for Hyacinth, William. I don't think even my brother fulfils that description in my sister-in-law's eyes. However, it would appear that Hyacinth might have thrown-in the towel. She's up there on the dais, apparently rearranging the seating plan at the top table."

Sure enough when I looked, The Witch – assisted by her ever-bumbling sidekick of a husband George – did appear to be rearranging the place settings.

As we watched, I saw one of the photography crew approach them. The Witch had a short discussion with the guy, then – Hyacinth apparently happy with her rearrangements – the little entourage left the dais.

"They're setting up for the group photographs, Billy. We'd better go." Megan informed me quietly.

"No, you go Megan. Tamsin is not best pleased I'm here. Besides, I'd look completely out of place in the photographs not wearing a monkey outfit. It would spoil the set-up."

"Billy... !"

"Don't argue Megan. I'm on the verge of leaving anyway. I knew this wasn't a good idea."

After some more protest, not only from Megan but also from her Uncle Albert, they left me alone and went outside for the photo shoot. Much to my relief almost all the other guests also went out into the hotel's gardens to watch or take part.

I took the opportunity to slip up onto the dais and do a little rearranging of my own.

Sure enough The Witch had seated me alongside Tamsin's new husband. But considering my daughter's demeanour and the fact that I'd never met the young man before, I though that that might be asking for trouble.

And besides Megan, Uncle Albert and his wife – apparently my only overt allies -- were way down the end of the table. So I put Tamsin's grandfather back in that place (where I suspected he had been seated on the original plan). Then I shoved my own – hastily scribbled card -- alongside Megan down the end of the table. I sort-of figured that that was a far safer arrangement.

On her return from the photo shoot, Megan went into spoilt-child-sulk mode, for a short while. It was a long time since I'd seen her pull that act and I found it strangely humorous. I gathered the act had been inspired by my refusal to join-in the photo shoot.

"Oh well if that's going to be your attitude, I'm going to find the bar!" Was all I had to say, to bring Megan's sham protest to a swift end.

"You so much as dare and I'll..." Megan retorted.

"And you'll do what, Megan?" I asked.

"I'm not sure ... Kiss you maybe! I always wanted to do that, but I never had the nerve."

I had always been aware that Shona's little sister had held a candle for me, but I was surprised to hear Megan imply that she was still carrying that torch.

"My god, Megan. I'd have thought you'd have grown out of silly teenage crushes years ago."

"Oh I did. I even found what I thought was 'the man of my dreams'. But I soon discovered that all that glitters is not gold ... and what you see isn't always what you end-up with. It was only after I divorced the bugger that I realised exactly what my sister had so carelessly discarded."

"I'm not at all sure that I understand what you were trying to say there, Megan."

"Good, a confused man is a safe one!" She grinned, "Lets go, it looks like they're sitting down to eat!"

The top table was inordinately long and Megan and "her guest" had originally been positioned someway down the pecking order. Although The Witch had rearranged things, I'd reversed her changes, much to the old bitch's confusion. Great fun as far as I was concerned. The Witch appeared to accept my rearrangement without protest, but she threw me a withering glance.

Albert was seated beside Megan. "I thought Hyacinth..." He began to comment, as we arrived at our respective places.

"I thought that her original plan would prove a little more diplomatic, sir." I interrupted him.

"Capital capital, I always knew Hyacinth had misjudged you, my lad. Anyway you will drop the formality please; I'm Bertie to family!"

Through most of the meal Albert monopolised me as far as conversation was concerned. All-but ignoring everyone else sitting nearby – including his wife, but with the exception of Megan who was seated between us – he spent almost the whole meal asking me probing questions about my travels. I almost felt like I was in a witness box. Well, he was a highfalutin barrister who was accustomed to cross-examining people.

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Bernies Back Room 7 Evie

Part One — Karen's Narrative Something foul smelling woke me up, that and the rubbing sensation on my face as well as the pressure on my chest. I opened my eyes just a crack. The slightest hint of a new day, the barest light that precedes the morning sunrise, pushed back the darkness of the night. I looked around at the room. Unmistakably a hotel room, it looked nothing like the one I had checked into the previous day. That one, non smoking, had contained one king sized bed, a large,...

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What Katie Did 4 on the Phone with Evie

If you haven’t read any of my previous “stories” in this series, you should try to read them in order, though each can stand by itself.How I Started Being an Exhibitionist http://xhamster.com/user/Katie_tt/posts/404258.htmlWhat Katie Did in the Parking Station http://xhamster.com/user/Katie_tt/posts/410980.htmlWhat Katie Did on the Balcony http://xhamster.com/user/Katie_tt/posts/425176.htmlThese are not just “stories”; they are based on things that have happened to me or to people I know. ...

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My Sweet Slut Vivien

Yesterday at work, I received th following text message, ‘Master A, could you please stop at my place after work, I beg you please. Vivien.’ I am basically submissive, but I do love to switch. Vivien is a natural Switch. She is only 103 pounds and stands only a little over 5 foot, but when in a Dominant mood, she can control any room. Her beautiful black hair, piercing blue eyes, and perfect body can make anyone quiver with anticipation. Today was an exception, for her submissive slutty...

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Mommys Xavier

By : Achuthan_kry Hi everyone I am Kris, This story a real incident about how my mom become a whore. My father expired when I was still teenager at the time my mom name is Shobha at age of 37.She is sex goddess with vital stats of 38-32-40, with a eye that invite me to bed and her juicy lips which tempt any men in the world to taste, brownish in complexion hair just falls below the shoulder. I at that studying 10th std, I never had a lust on my mom until the day when I witnessed her beauty; I...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 2 Genevieve

“Genevieve, What the hell mess have you got yourself into?!” Boatswain Genevieve Arthur knew Captain Pierce Masters, formerly Number One of the Bunte Kuh, was really upset and worried. He only called her ‘Genevieve’ in the heat of passion, sexual or otherwise. She answered carefully, “Just following orders, Sir. Bossie can verify that Dreck, err Captain Dreck, called ‘No quarter,’ so I gave none.” She added, “He gave no additional instructions, so I followed his standing orders to the...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 27 Xavier

With a cry, the small, shadowy figure lurched upright. It gasped and drew a useless breath into its long dead lungs. As it blinked away the last vestiges of its unnatural slumber, it thrust back the deep sense of foreboding it had carried with it from that dark place of dreamless sleep. It struggled within the confines of its shroud and fought its way back into the world of the living. It lifted a shaking, skeletal hand to its head and pushed back the midnight-colored cowl of the rough...

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Christmas Evie

Steering my truck with my knees, I played with the radio with one hand while flicking the ash from my cigarette out the window with the other. All the DJ's wanted to talk about was the impending storm, which was looking to be at least a Manitoba Mauler and could possibly end up as a Saskatchewan Screamer. The boiling black clouds on the northern horizon seemed to smugly say that the forecasters were being ridiculously optimistic. In anticipation of the foul weather, the vast emptiness of the...

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Leaving Hue Vietnam

Red flags were plastered and hung everywhere around the train station... I’d come as a flashpacker, heading out on the Reunification Express line, train #SE4, from Da Nang to Hue. The train ride was sold as beautiful, and it was, aesthetically; known as one of the world’s most scenic, jaw-dropping train routes, it lived up to its reputation. Train tracks snaked through lush jungle, and gazing out the window, I peered out at the tropical, verdant mountains, rugged streams, and sinuous...

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Swinger club in Vienna

Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...

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Incestual Thoughts Ch01

Relaxing by the pool, I watched as my loving wife, Samantha, and our son, Kevin, horsed around in the water, and it made me smile. I couldn't help but think back to a time when I had such closeness with my own mom, except mine went well beyond what you would call "normal."When my recollection ended, I found myself perplexed. It had been years since I'd uprooted those old, unmentionable memories, and I had to question why.Samantha—or Sam, as she likes to be called—is the love of my life. I'll...

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My name is Norik Rugget. When I was just 20 years of age I made the choice to enlist in the Vietnam War. It didn’t hit me at first the consequences of my actions and if I had the chance to change the past I don’t know what I would do. To completely understand my story I have to start from the very beginning . The date was June 9th 1967. The war overseas was in full effect and new young blood was needed to replace the old in the fox holes of North Vietnam. I was 20, young and eagerly...

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Bushmen from Vietnam

I first met the two Vietnamese brothers, Ngo and Niem, when my husband and I stopped in their nursery for some shrubs. They were both in their early twenties, and told us they migrated from the city of Hanoi in Vietnam. Geography not being my best subject, I asked where that was exactly, and Niem said it was in the northern region of Vietnam. I read about the Vietnam war as a girl in school, so I asked them if they remembered anything about it. Ngo said they were both born after the war, but...

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AMP Reviews

AMPReviews! Where can you get a massage in the United States? And no, I’m not talking about one of those experiences you can get from any chain massage outlet. You know, where Butch the failed model massages your body like he’s ripping apart a pork roast talking about himself on repeat. Neither am I referring to a massage where some dip shit rubs you with his knuckles.Rather, I’m talking about the kind of massages with a happy ending. Catch my fucking drift, you dense mother fucker? Well, where...

Erotic Massage Sites
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Incestuous Harems Passion 24 The Incestuous Harems Passion

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twenty-Four: The Incestuous Harem's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! July 23rd, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston III I'd done it. I reveled in that fact as my family piled into the limo waiting for us out in front of the courthouse. The reporters were swarming us, shouting questions. We had won our freedom. A jury of our peers had recognized the truth. Incest was beautiful. My women were swarming...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 4 Daughters Incestuous Miracle

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Daughter's Incestuous Miracle By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – September 2037 I trembled as Mommy rubbed the wand vibrator up and down my pussy. I loved the birthday gift she bought me, the buzzing end of the massager humming against my entire pussy at once, sending wicked sensations through me. It made listening to my parents talk about their first dinner date even more naughty. I was...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 1 Daughters Incestuous Birthday Gift

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Daughter's Incestuous Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – July 2037 I stared at the clock on my nightstand. I sat there in my nightgown, rocking back and forth. It was 11:59. It was almost midnight. I was giddy with delight. I licked my lips, my heart beating like I'd run a marathon. It was almost time. I was about to turn eighteen. My bed squeaked and groaned as I rocked...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 2 Daughters Incestuous Massage

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Incestuous Massage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! A week later, and Olivia had yet to come back with her daughter. It was a shame. I had a great time massaging my first client and giving her such an intimate and delicious massage. Working at The Lady's Touch massage parlor was exciting and fun. I had some great delights seducing clients into lesbian sex or just giving them what they...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 3 A Mothers Incestuous Pride

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: A Mother's Incestuous Pride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! December 17th, 2026 – Detective Nelson Tucker Excitement rushed through me at what Tad Blake had just said. He knew about Clint Elliston's incestuous relationship with his sisters. I wanted to nail that pervert. I sat across from Tad in the interview room at my precinct in the Sacramento Police Department. My partner, a young woman named...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 6 Daddy Loves His Virgin Daughter

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Daddy Loves His Virgin Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – January 2038 “Why didn't you ever take me to this field?” I asked, a tremulous whine to my voice. I trembled on the bed between my parents, Daddy's hand on the swollen swell of my belly. His touch felt at once naughty and wonderful against my baby bump. Daddy sighed. “A forest fire destroyed it not long after.” “Oh,” I...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 7 Daughters Incestuous Wedding

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Daughter's Incestuous Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – May 2056 Vanessa, my now eighteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now an adult. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into...

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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 8 Dads Incestuous Daughters

Story Eight: Dad's Incestuous Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Daddy!” Linda moaned as she worked her pussy up and down my cock. “Yes, yes, Daddy!” The week since we'd started our incestuous relationship had been wild. I couldn't believe the things we'd done in my office while the rest of the family was busy in other parts of our large house. Quarantine was still on, and here I was savoring my eighteen-year-old daughter's cunt...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 22 Questioning Incest

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twenty-Two: Questioning Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! July 22nd, 2027 – Jaiden Walsh I lounged on the couch in the small living room of the apartment I rented with my sister. Our neighbors thought she was my wife. None of them knew our background, where we came from, or that our mother had freaked out when she'd caught Alysha and me together in bed over a year ago. The AC kept everything cool,...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 20 Incestuous Pleasure Defended

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twenty: Incestuous Pleasure Defended By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! June 28th, 2027 – Elmer Bennett I fell to my knees before my wife, unable to resist the incestuous ache any longer. Both my women, my wife and daughter, wanted me to do this. Clint Elliston believed it was right, and my wife had come to agree with him through her counseling sessions with Pam Elliston. Since she'd turned eighteen two years...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 17 Incests Naughty Price

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seventeen: Incest's Naughty Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 11th, 2027 – Leyla Umayyah Judge Lyle Coburn emerged from the back of the house wearing a robe. The older man's hair had gone gray. His eyes narrowed at us with suspicion. Then he flicked down to his daughter kneeling before us, submissive the way my mother had trained her. What a treat that had been. I'd helped Mother make Tammy...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 15 Brother and Sister Cross the Line

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fifteen: Brother and Sister Cross the Line By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 10th, 2027 – Pam Elliston I watched Isaac and Catherine through the living room window, She held the DVD in one hand while her other clutched to her brother. I smiled. The odds of them having sex tonight was great. I had them on a fast course towards incest; a lot faster than I would at my therapy session. But they had moved...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 3 Daughters Incestuous Surprise

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Daughter's Incestuous Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – September 2037 It was my first day of college and I was horny. I had my suspicions why, my hand rubbing at my belly as I snuck through the hallway. My heart beat fast. I felt so wicked. I should be in class, but... It was all so boring. There were better things to be doing than sit in class. I had this itch in my pussy...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 10 Incestuous Lust Kindled

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Ten: Incestuous Lust Kindled By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 4th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I leaned back in the chair watching the video of Clint's wedding to Pam Hiragawa. My eyes studied it for the dozenth time. I had several pads of notes written on what I'd observed. There had to be something useful in it. Something we could grab onto. Every day, it felt like that bastard Clint was getting...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 9 Mothers Incestuous Wish

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Mother's Incestuous Wish By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Avalon Young – May 2056 “Aren't they beautiful, Mom?” I asked, holding my phone to film my daughter, Vanessa, and her son. They were on the bed, his cum spurting and splashing across Vanessa's breasts and stomach. Emotion misted my eyes at the incestuous sight. “Yes,” Mom said. She was watching the feed broadcast from my phone to her tablet. She was in her hospital bed, a smile on her...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 2 Daughters Anal Birthday Gift

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Anal Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melissa Young – October 2018 I was nervous in the changing room. My eighteen-year-old body quivered as I stared at the outfits before me. They were all so much more adult than I was used to wearing. When Daddy said he wanted to take me shopping, I was so shocked. He never wanted to take me shopping, but when my college classes got out,...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 13 Teaching Incest to the Siblings

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fourteen: Teaching Incest to the Siblings By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 10th, 2027 – Catherine Nicholson My nerves had me trembling. Today was my first undercover assignment as a cop. I never thought it would be with my brother. But that was what made us perfect for this assignment. My hands smoothed down the skirt of the sundress. It seemed the perfect thing to wear. It was a nice Sunday afternoon....

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Incestuous Harems Passion 4 Naughty Mommy Incest

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Naughty Mommy Incest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 23rd, 2019 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II The backyard party at the Reenburgs' home was well underway. Their large house, verging on a mansion, had an impressive yard. Lights were strung across the bushes, lighting it up as twilight fell upon the world. It was a warm, April evening, the sky clear. Like when I'd done at the Reenburgs' party...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 1 Naughty Jealous Passions

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Naughty Jealous Passions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! December 17th, 2026 – Detective Nelson Tucker I snapped pictures with a telephoto lens, aimed at the targets of my current investigation. From the backseat of our unmarked car, I could see him, Clint Elliston hugging his wife, Pam. He was a tall, young man in his twenties, dark hair, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He stood before a black SUV. His...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 5 Daughters Incestuous Toy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter's Incestuous Toy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – January 2038 “I hear you're making friends with my daughter,” Dr. Wilson said as he wielded over the 4D ultrasound to the bed. “Yes, Heaven's great,” I said as I sat on the hospital bed, both my parents with me. They were on the other side of the bed from my OB/GYN. Mommy held my hand, a bright smile on her face framed by her...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 3 Massaging the Blindfolded Mommy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Massaging the Blindfolded Mommy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I couldn't believe the sight of the naked woman in the blindfold sitting on the massage table. It wasn't that she was naked, or that she was blindfolded, that had me shocked. It was who she was. Mrs. Armstrong, the ultra-Christian mother of my girlfriend, Stefani. The woman who disapproved of our relationship was coming to the massage...

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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 6 Six Mommys Incestuous Romps

Story Six: Mommy's Incestuous Romps By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! I just finished having sex with my husband. Middle of the day. Passionate. I couldn't remember the last time we had done that with all our children in the house. I had walked into his office where Michael now worked because of the quarantine. Our youngest daughter, Linda, had been in there writing at her own computer. I had thought it was adorable that she was spending time...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 9 Marrying His Naughty Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Marrying His Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 3rd, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker “Thank you for meeting with us,” my partner, Detective Sunny Savage said. “We really appreciate it.” “Anything to help out the police,” said the black-haired, green-eyed young woman when she opened the door to her home. She had a bright smile on her face, though there was that nervousness that most...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 8 Daddys Incestuous Dream

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eight: Daddy's Incestuous Dream By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Vanessa Young – May 2056 I trembled as I came to my parents' bed. Grandma's pussy was leaking Daddy's cum. She was still a beautiful woman, her hair a wonderful shade of fiery red, her breasts round and plump. She had a toned body; Daddy made sure we were all in good shape and exercised. He was a retired PE coach. Daddy was beside her in...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 4 Brothers Incestuous Rescue

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Brother's Incestuous Rescue By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The protesters were outside The Lady's Touch Massage Parlor, holding their signs, accusing us of being a lesbian bordello. My arms were crossed as I glared out the glass door at them marching by, a group of mostly women led by Mrs. Armstrong. That fucking hypocrite. She loved everything her daughter and I had done to her. The married,...

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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 1 Mother MindControlled into Lover

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Mother Mind-Controlled into Lover By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The Institute of Apotheosis implemented the emergency Judas Protocols. One of their own had betrayed them. Alex Icke finished typing in the final address into the shipping computer. The warehouse was quiet. No one else was in here but his sister, Alexis. After Ulrich Geller's betrayal of the Institute, handing out...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 17 Incestrsquos Naughty Price

April 11th, 2027 – Leyla Umayyah Judge Lyle Coburn emerged from the back of the house wearing a robe. The older man’s hair had gone gray. His eyes narrowed at us with suspicion. Then he flicked down to his daughter kneeling before us, submissive the way my mother had trained her. What a treat that had been. I’d helped Mother make Tammy Coburn into her father’s slut. The old man had paid us well to do that, horny to stick his cock in her tight, young cunt. She had become a perfect whore for...

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Incestia 8

. “I’ve tried, Verity. Honestly,” Avan Volka said. His niece hissed, “So, you’re telling me you can’t do it?” “I...I’ve tried Verity. I’ve fucked your little brother’s mouth over and over every day and he still wants more.” “It’s what you wanted. It’s what you begged for, and now you’re telling me it was a mistake?” “No. No, it wasn’t a mistake. I love fucking him that way. That first day, I fucked Caci eight times, but I...I just can’t satisfy him. I don’t think any man can.” The...

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Incestia 70

. Avan met with his nieces and reminded them of their pledge. While the younger sister Cambria nodded, he was surprised that Verity had no intention of following his plan. He pleaded, “But, you promised you would help.” “I’ll help but not your way because your plan because sucks!” “Then, how---” “Shut up and follow me.” Verity had delicate features and she had once been very polite, but lately, she had become quite a hellion. She had emancipated herself, sold her virginity to an...

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Incestia 6

. Yuri was a mess after being forced to watch his sweet daughter Verity getting fucked by a man who was as hairy and beastly as he was wealthy. There had been nothing he could do but watch the heavy man mount his daughter, take her virginity, and pump his thick seed into her. Yet, his torment didn’t end there. The Incestian lech had looked right at him the entire time and talked about Verity as a whore and a prostitute and how he was going to fuck her and repeatedly pump her full of jizz...

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Incestia 5

The morning of the Volka family’s court case for citizenship in Incestia was clear and bright. Young Verity and her sister Cambria were in summer dresses while their younger brother Caci was dressed in a frill-sleeved top and smooth cotton pants and their father Yuri and uncle Avan were in button-down shirts and slacks. Despite their appearance as a wholesome family, for weeks, Yuri had copulated with his daughter with such unbridled lust that it could only be defined as a frenzy of...

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Incestia 4

_____ For hours after screwing his virgin daughter in front of hundreds of Incestians, Yuri was dazed. With his brother’s help and that of his three children, he was led back to their home in the Incestia temporary housing center. It took time to revive him fully and even longer to assure him that everything that had happened was okay with them. He had never dreamed of such things in all of his years living in Kassan, but in less than two weeks he fucked his son’s mouth and then...

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Incestia 3

“What’s the last thing you remember, Yuri?” Avan’s brother sighed and said he remembered being accused of touching a girl and a grand tribunal that said he should stand trial in Kassan. He brushed a teardrop for his eye and added, “Then, Shyla believed them and screamed horrible things and then she left. That’s when I hit the bottle again. I knew it was wrong. I knew what alcohol had done in my youth. I knew I was flaking on my family and that depressed me even more. Then, I don’t know what...

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Incestia 2

[the last of the bi theme for awhile] _____________________________ Judge Ciro T. Nikolai was seated behind a huge desk as Avan Volka and his young nephew Caci entered the judge’s chamber. Nikolai was a gruff sort with hard eyes and a wrinkled and stern face. He motioned for Avan and the boy to be seated on the opposite side of his desk. “Volka,” he began, “I have here a Grant of Immigration and since their father can’t answer for himself, your signature will suffice.” The judge raised...

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Incestia 1

Necessary? Yes. But also illegal. And yet, it continued. Slowly. Lewdly. The man moved in obscene cadence, pushing in and pulling back, his erect tool slow-plowing like a tiller before seed. His back arched and his loins swiveled as guttural moans emanated in his depths. Criminal. Criminal copulation. And, there were witnesses. Four of them. Two young girls sat close. They watched. Two weeks before, they would have fled such an idea, but things had changed and so had their...

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