Jill And Davie free porn video

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Scenes from the Switch world. Jill and Davie. A Switch World Universe story Based in a world where women are taller and stronger then men and run the world. Men are pretty and obedient and have breasts as well. Warning this story contains sex scenes some consensual some non- consensual. If you are not of the age of maturity or if viewing adult material is not legal in your location, please stop reading now. My name is Davie. I am happily married to Jill. Jill, my wife is moderately tall for a woman, about 6'2". Granted she is no basketball player, but when walking through the mean streets at night, I feel safe in her arms. Being a construction worker she is quite strong. I do have to admit I admire the biceps on her as well as the rest of her body. She keeps in shape so her breast are firm, unlike some of her co-workers. She is the image of strength of Femininity. With her short cropped blond hair she almost looks like a god from the legions I am on the shorter side, even for a man. Not horribly short, just a delicate masculine figure. I just make 5'2" wearing 4" pumps. One advantage to being on the shorter side is my breast look huge on my tiny frame. Since in relative terms they are not that big, 34" at best, they are quite firm and full. Also, not to brag, but you know what else they say men with big boobs have? Well lets just say I can fill out a pair of panties as well as a bra. My long auburn hair that cascades halfway down my back completes the package. Jill would be home from work soon so I needed to get dinner started. I am wearing a fairly short summer skirt and a simple blouse, mostly to deal with the warm weather, but also Jill like it when I wear something snazzy. Today I'm wearing my red panties. It's a little code we have, so my when I wear my red panties, she knows that I am in the mood. Not that it matters if she comes home horny, I better get in the mood quickly. Even alone I wear pumps. Being on the short side, heels do help me function. Sure it can be uncomfortable at times, but Jill likes how they look on me. I get everything ready as I know my preparations will be interrupted as soon as she come through the door. My anticipation builds as hear the door lock rattle. I'm glad she didn't stop by the bar on the way home tonight, that would of thrown off the timing of everything. I hurry into the kitchen so I pretend I'm busy. I open the oven door so I can 'check' on the roast I'm cooking. "Honey I'm home," Jill bellows as she comes through the door, right on schedule. "I'm in the kitchen. How was your day dear," I reply I pretend to be busy checking as I her her enter the kitchen. I am bending over at the waist knowing that it is leaving my garters exposed. "It was OK, but not as nice as my evening will be," she says. Soon her strong arms encircle me. One hand grabs my large breast. "Please dear, not tonight. I have a headache," I try to sound convincing as I really want her to sweep me of my feet. "Please I have my womanly needs," she says trying to sound sincere. "Don't you have anything else you can look at while I get dinner ready?" I asked dryly. "Maybe I do," I felt my skirt being lifted. My heart raced in anticipation. You could almost feel her hormones go into overdrive at what she saw. "Your mouth says no, but your panties say yes!" With exuberance she scoops me into her arms I am small enough and she is strong enough to cradle me in one arm, leaving the other free for molesting. As I was about to speak her mouth plunged toward mine, it's tongue freely entered. Even if I wanted to stop the invasion I was too weak to resist. She easily carried me off to the bedroom. On the way I am unable her to stop her from pulling off my panties and skirt. Her hand rips my blouse open, unable to deal with the time it takes to undo the buttons. I work on releasing the bra as I don't want that destroyed as well. I can sew on buttons, but bra's in my size are expensive. Once she has decimated my outfit, her free was able to bring my member to full attention. Quite easy when I'm in the mood as well. She dropped me on the bed like a beast lorded over me. I returned her gaze with a coy helplessness. She undid her jeans and let them drop to the floor soon to be joined by her boxers. I licked my lips in anticipation. She bent over placing her hand behind my head and pushed my face into her furry love triangle. My tongue negotiated the tangle of wild hairs to find her sensitive area. Her aroma was strong. A pleasant mixture of sweat and raw female sexuality. I worked my magic getting her juices to flow, though with her enthusiasm, I doubt they needed much coxing. I could hear her moan with pleasure as I teased her sensitive areas. Her clit was soon at full attention after a brushing of my tongue. I circled the tiny yest sensitive organ teasing it. The groans from above were all the feedback I needed to know that I was on the right track. After a while I was violently pushed back on the bed. Posed like a conquering beast, Jill pulled off her tank top and lunged at me. She mounted me. I bucked my hips as she rode me like a wild stallion. Her hands firmly grabbed my sensitive breast as she bounced up and down on my stiff member. Her moaning became louder as our lovemaking became more violent. I tried my best to hold off cuming as I knew I would be in big trouble if I didn't bring her to climax. She continued her rid twisting my nipples which sent charges of electricity through my chest. Finally with a great roar I could tell she had climaxed. I was about ready to stop holding back so I could cum as well, however she just rolled off me with a great sigh. Maybe next time. I reached over to cuddle a bit, but she just pushed me off the bed. "Boy get dressed and get me my dinner. I'm going to take a quick nap and then get cleaned up," she said in a voice that I knew I had better do as I'm told. I have to admit to myself as I picked up my clothes and started to get dressed that I was a little disappointed that I didn't climax as well, however seeing her strong naked body sprawled out on the bed asleep with a look of pleasant sanctification on her face did give me a sense of pride. I leaned over to give her a peck on the cheek, but that just caused her to roll over, letting out a loud snore. After finishing the preparations for dinner, I can hear Jill in the shower. I finish setting the table as she comes out in her jeans and tank top. "Something smells good," she says in anticipation. "I've made your favorite," I said bringing the main course out. My heels clicking on the floor I put a deliberate sway in my hips so my skirt swirls a bit. "I don't know which looks better, you or the food," she says giving me a little goose on my rear as I set down the dish. As we eat, Jill breaks the new "Honey" she says. I tense up as when she calls me honey, it means she is going to tell me something I don't want to hear. "Some of the girls from work are going to come over tonight to play cards," She says as she continues to eat. "Not tonight, I was hoping I could talk you of going to hang out with your friends so we could do something together," I pleaded. "I'll even let you play VIP at the strip club, I know you like that one," I said teasingly. "You know that Thursday is poker night and Sue is having her place panted so we need to play here," she replied firmly. "But your friends are so crude. I think my ass was red from being slapped so much last time not to mention all the 'accidental' brushing up against me," I said in a bit of a pout. "That's just their way of saying they like you," Jill said calmly. ""They like me so much they want to molest me," I mumbled as I started to clean up the dinner dishes. "Oh can you wear the French maid's costume I got you? That will drive them wild. They won't be able to think about the cards and I'll clean up," she said with enthusiasm. "NO!" That dress is for our special our time," I said almost crying. "Davie!" she said sternly giving me that look. I knew impressing her friends was important to her. When she gave me the look, I knew I had to go along. I had a hard time keeping them at bay last time just wearing a boring house dress, I can just imagine the estrogen flowing in that outfit. "OK," I said in quite resignation as I prepared to do the dishes. "Great! They will be here in a half an hour. And can you make us some of the snacks like you did last time?" she said as she pulled out the cards. "A half an hour?!? I haven't even done the dishes yet!" I protested. "Just leave them until morning, no-one will care," she yelled from the other room. I rushed through cleaning the dishes so I could get ready. I know Jill didn't care, but there was no way I was going to have dirty dishes in my clean house. I take pride on being a good husband and keeping a clean house for my wife. I know if I weren't here, in hours this place would look like a cyclone hit it. I headed off to the bedroom to change. I tried to clean up as best I could. I heard one more request from Jill come from the living room. "Could you wear those special shoos of yours" she bellowed. I knew what shoes she was talking about. I have these heels that are over six inches. "I can hardly walk in those! Please Jill be reasonable," once again I pleaded. "Davie!" I could just feel the face in the tone of her voice. I knew I had no choice. Getting out of my clothes I pulled out the lacy push-up bra that exaggerated my already ample cleavage. The dress let a little bit of the lace trim peek out. I found a pair of black lace panties and a short white ruffly silk petticoat to complete my undergarments Finally I took the little back dress out of the closet. I have to admit that wearing this was a guilty pleasure, I just wasn't sure if I really wanted to share it with Jill's horny friends. I pulled ot over my torso. I adjusted the shoulder ruffles down over my arms so I would have bare shoulders. Sitting down on the bed I started on the shoes. I slid them on and then fumbled with the ankle strap that held them in place. I so much enjoy regular pumps over the complected contraptions. Standing up I had to take a moment to adjust to smaller surface area I had to walk. As I bobbled around getting my sea legs so to speak, I heard a knock on the door. I heard Jill let some people in. "Davie get out here, our guests have arrived!" she yelled then I heard her tell her friends a joke about how long it takes men to get ready. "I'm coming," I replied trying to keep my anger inside as I don't think anyone could of gotten in this outfit any quicker. I made a brief stop in the bathroom to check my makeup and hair. Despite the rush, I knew Jill wanted me to look my best for her friends. She did like to show me off. "Hurry up Davie," she once again bellowed. "Coming right out," I said as I prepared to exit the bedroom. I took a breath to composed myself before opening the door. I grabbed the knob and strutted out. I was greeted by wolf whistles and wow's as I strolled up to Jill putting my arm around her waist. She put her arm around my shoulder and gave me a peck on the top of my head. These women worked with Jill on the construction crew. They were all rather muscular. Two of them were even taller then Jill. The shorter ones were not much shorter. They all towered over me even on these stilts. I could smell the beer on their breath. Not having husbands to go home to, they just drank their dinner at the bar before coming over here. While some of them weren't bad lookers, their martial status was due to there general attitudes toward men. They just wanted a fuck toy who would cook and clean. "Girls, I would like you to meet the little man of the house," Jill said with pride. "You are one lucky bitch," one said. "He's a real cutie" another said the others just grunted in agreement. "Davie why don't you bring us some beer as we get started," Jill requested. I headed off to the kitchen taking short steps as required my my footwear to remain stable. Even though I couldn't see it I'm sure all eyes ere on my ruffly ass. Returning with the beers on a tray I placed a coaster on the table followed by the bottle by each of the women. Sever were unabashedly staring at my cleavage. "I don't know about you but milk is sounding good right now," one said as the other broke out in laughter. After serving the beer and getting several slaps on the rear Jill suggested that I go make some snacks for the crew. As I headed off to the kitchen I overheard several off color remarks about parts of my anatomy. Jill jokingly answered "Hey thats my husband your talking about.". It was clear on what my status for this evening would be. "More beer out here!" I heard from the kitchen. I had just started the treats. It was hard to believe they finished the first round so fast. I brought a second round to the table. The ogles and groping were getting more blatant. I looked over to Jill for help, however she seemed to be concentrating on her cards. "Thanks sweetie," one growled as she whacked me on the rear. I let out a squeal. This did not get Jill's attention. I hurried back to the kitchen as quickly as I could without tripping. There were several chuckles coming from the table. I was starting to get worried. Something was going on but I didn't know what. Finally the snacks were ready. I put them on the tray and with much in trepidation headed out to the living room. I dropped the tray in surprise when I saw Jill passed out at the table. The other four women just leered at me. "It seems Jill is a lightweight, she can't handle her knock-out drugs very well," one said as they got up from the table. I was about to scream when a hand wrapped itself around my mouth. "Listen here you little clit tease, I'm going to tell you how it is. You not going to scream. Your not going to say anything about what is about to happen either. Jill has had a hard day at work, apparently the beer went to here head. We were perfect gentlewomen for the whole evening. Got it slut? If you say a peep, first we will all deny it and support each others story, and Jill, if she's lucky, will just get fired for some trumped up charge or more likely have a little accident. Construction is a dangerous business. But don't worry we will assist the grieving widower. Do you understand?" the hand across my mouth tightened. I couldn't believe my ears, they were actually threating to rape me and kill Jill if I didn't cooperate. Fear coursed through my body. I tried to think of an alternative, but I knew they were right, no cop would believe a man over four women. "Also because we like the scenery of your apartment so much, we will have our regular game here every week. You don't object do you? Jill loves to show her trophy husband off, and we enjoy her generosity. Do wear something pretty like you did this time, don't worry if it's not comfortable, as you won't be wearing it long," the women laughed at that final remark. Shivers traveled up my spine. Soon my body was covered in hands graping my breast, ass and cock. There were several comments on how gifted I was. "Now do you understand the situation and will you cooperate or does something bad need to happen?" I nodded my head. I couldn't think of anything, I just wanted Jill to be safe. "All right, everyone draw a card. High card goes first," all the women drew. One cheered as she knew she would get first dibs. The winner got up and came over to me. "OK first a little show, lets see those magnificent boobs of yours," She grabbed the material of the dress and ripped it off exposing my lace bra. "Damn another layer to go," She peeled her fingers under the cups and pulled. I felt the rear strap dig into my back until the clasp gave way. She tossed the ruined bra to the floor. My breasts stood there exposed to my attackers. The woman made her way around behind me. She reached around grabbing a boob in each hand as she played with them to the amusement of the others. I stood there completely humiliated as she bounced my breasts around all the while making funny sounds. " Now take off your panties and let us see what you got....though if you don't want to, I'll be glad to help you out. Please don't want to," the others cheered at the suggestion. Almost in tears I pulled down my ruffled silks and panties leaving my private area only barely covered by my short dress.. The woman held out her hand as I pulled off the tiny silk undergarment. My head dropped as I knew that it would end up has her prised souvenir I gave her silk garment which she stuffed into her pocket. "This will look good on my truck rear view mirror" she gloated. With one are around me and the hand firmly grasping my breast she suggested."Lift you your hem and come here to the others so we can pet your dog." I did as I was told. I couldn't look as I felt fingers tease my member. There was some daring going on and I felt a pair of lips wrap around the stiffening organ. I tried to curb my natural tendencies but I was unable to. Once I was fully stiff I felt something tight go around the base. Oh my god they put a ring on. They were taking no chances about everyone not getting a chance. "He's locked in!" I heard one say. Just then the winner spun me around and forced me to my knees. "OK you little slut, get my engine started," she ordered. I undid her jeans and pulled down her briefs Her hand then pushed my face into her puss. "It had better be good too!" she ordered. I did as I was told and worked my tongue around her lips. Her oder was strong and not as pleasant as Jane's but what choice did I have? After a while her hand yanked my hair pulling my face away. She then pushed me backwards and mounted my bound member. "Move you bastard!" she ordered. I began to thrust my hips. Meanwhile over my head apparently the number two person straddled my face as she dropped her jeans and boxers. Soon her box was descending toward my mouth. It didn't take a genius to know what I needed to do. Unseen hands played with my breast. I could feel the remains of dress being torn away. My hands were stretched out and inserted into very moist fur covered lips. All four women have found some way of pleasing themselves with my body. After what seemed like an eternity there was a shift. The woman on my face replaced the woman riding me and one on my hands replaced the one on the face. After the next round my hands were free for a moment until the person on my face moved them to her rear. Finally the last one took her place on my cock. At least I could breath again and not the foul order of my attackers. When she finished. The others had started to get dressed again. "Get the ring, we'll need it next week," one said to the last. They laughed as I squirted once it was released. "What a mess, it's a good thing Jill has a husband to clean up." They all got a chortle over that. Two of them carried Jill to the bedroom and just plopped her down haphazardly on the bed. One shoved the money on the table to Jill's spot. "Wow girls it looks like Jill was the big winner of the game. I'm sure she will be bragging tomorrow when we tell her how she won. Sitting up I could see there couldn't of been 5 dollars on the table. It was a low stakes game. "What about my dress?" I meekly asked. "You careless bastard must of spilled something on it to ruin it, thats why you had to throw it out. Remember if you don't want anything bad to happen to Jill, let us have the game here from now on. We were perfect gentlewomen despite the fact you got drunk and started flirting with all of us, right." The other women agreed that is exactly how it happened. "None of us touched you despite your flirting. In fact when you spilled on your dress you were so drunk you ripped it off and paraded around in your underwear," everyone laughed and agreed that is what happened. "I got you another dress to wear from your closet to protect you modesty you whore." "I remember that" That's what I remember." I was on the verge of tears as they left. "See you next week, slut!" they said leaving. Slowly I picked myself up off the floor and surveyed the damage. I picked up the dropped snacks and disposed of them. I took a long shower, though I doubt I could ever feel clean again. Unable to sleep I spend the night cleaning the apartment. I was like a nightmare, my mind almost couldn't believe it had happened. What a choice I had, lie and cheat on the woman I love or see her disgraced and fired or worse killed. Somehow I would have to endure this torture. I couldn't see a way around it. I had to please my wife and now her obnoxious friends.

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Jill The Beginning of her Career As a Nude Model

I have been a professional photographer for quite a while and while most of my work is for commercial projects, I have, upon special request, photographed special events, weddings, concerts and private portfolios. I enjoy making people feel good and the joy that comes when folks view the end product. A few weeks back a lady stopped me in the parking lot of a neighborhood grocery store that I had set up to photograph for an advertisement shot for the store. She asked me if I was a professional...

First Time
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Jill and Hobs Micromanaged Romance

Chapter One: Boy Meets Girl I noticed her on the bus ride to downtown in the morning. She was a very pretty young woman in her mid twenties with a nice shape but painfully shy. She had a faded purple streak in her brown hair but now she was sporting a new style, blond curls with highlights. She worked in an office and always wore sneakers even with her dresses. I was attracted to her and started saying ‘hello’, ‘good morning’, ‘have a great weekend’ and was granted a rare smile. One day I...

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Prologue Carol and I had one more sexual adventure together, after which we had a fight. She wanted a threesome with two guys, one of which was to be me. I was to find the other guy to join us. I told her I did not want to share her with another guy. She got mad and left my apartment upset at my unwillingness to set up a MFM threesome for her. Two days later, Carol was caught fucking a faculty member in his office where she worked. She was discovered by the faculty member’s wife, who raised...

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Chapter 1John Stern looked at the man that was tied to the pole.  His face was a bloody mess.  It should have been given the fact that it had been kissing fists for the last hour.  His enforced, a man named Berkley, had been expressing John’s displeasure at the man’s actions.  Berkley, John mused as he unleashed a series of blows into the poor man’s gut, had to be the biggest, blackest man he had ever known.  He stood six foot five inches tall and had a chest that sometimes seemed nearly as...

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Jills Dark Night with Daddy A Jill Adventur

HERE'S THE NEW JILL STORY. IT'S A LITTLE ROUGHER THAN USUAL, LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKE IT. Mary had to go on a business trip for a week. Jill overheard her parents talking about it, and heard Dan say he would miss his wife terribly, and one reason was because they would miss their monthly Dark Night. Jill recalled that when Jill was a teenager, her mother had explained to her that, while her parents always engaged in sex in a loving, sharing way, they also knew that people needed an outlet for...

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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 5

Jill had turned onto her hands and knees to lick up every drop of spunk that had leaked out of her. Big Daddy tasted especially good for some reason.When she turned back, he handed her a cool, damp towel in order to refresh herself. She gratefully used it to wipe away all the sweat and various pussy juices that covered her body.“Oh Big Daddy, I am really exhausted.”As she was saying these words, she could not keep her eyes off his cock as it swung between his legs. Even his ball sack was long...

2 years ago
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Jill Adam

Copyright© 2006 "That was extraordinary," Joan said as she modestly straightened her skirt and plopped down on the couch; forgetting for the moment that her big breasts were still exposed. Jill made another round of martinis, but took a moment to cover her breasts with her blouse before bringing the drink over to Joan. Joan accepted the martini, took a sip and sighed. "Extraordinary, ' she said again. Jill took note of the fact that Joan's nipples were still erect, and felt a momentary...

1 year ago
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Jill the shy slut Part 2

A lot's happened in the last 5 months. Last November, my wife was ravaged by a group of black guys against her will. They had there way with her to the point she was completely submissive. Jill was left that night very sore and with a belly full of unwanted sperm. It was nothing more than luck that she didn't conceive after such a session. In hindsight I suppose there was little either of us could have done that night to halt what she now calls D Day. So here we are 5 months later. We have...

Group Sex
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Jill Explains How It Started with StepDaddy

One evening, Jill and Tim were at his place, sitting on the sofa talking. Jill had come over after work and offered to give her boyfriend a blowjob to relax him after a tough day at the office. After he’d blown a load in his girlfriend’s mouth, he made dinner for the two of them. Now they were just sitting around chatting. By now Tim knew about the sexual freedom enjoyed by Jill and her step-parents, and this night, curious, he asked her when she’d first become aware of her desires for her...

4 years ago
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Jill and the Frenchman January 2012

I wondered how many of the other visitors to that quintessential English Inn on that balmy August evening had even the slightest inkling what the trio who were seated in the corner of the Pub’s garden were discussing. They sat slightly distanced from the other customers, the younger man talking in a lively fashion to the woman sat opposite whilst the older man seemed to have little to contribute, but he spoke when prompted by the lady sat next to him. She was a woman in her prime and she seemed...

1 year ago
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Jill and her boys home Improvement story

The two older Taylor boys were in bed playing with their dicks under the sheets. "Hey, tonight is the night we see mom naked," whispered Randy as he inspected the two small holes he had drilled in their bedroom wall. "You're a horny little fucker. I'm proud of you little brother," complemented Brad . "Hey quiet!" Randy whispered. "I hear Mom's shower." The brothers rushed to the peep holes leading to their parent's bedroom. Shivers ran though the boys as they watched their sexy mother remove...

3 years ago
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Jill becomes a Hot Wife Ch 2

Introduction: Jill continues her adventures Jill becomes a hot wife Chapter 2 Well its been a couple of years now since Jill found her hot sexual desire that day at the mall. She had no idea that voyeurism and exobitionism could lead to so much fun. She always felt that was something weirdoes and perverts did. But now she knows the real joys of being a hot sensual wife and it has really changed her for the better. It had a few bumps in the beginning as she started to feel that I did not love...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1: Phone Call I was at home, playing online chess when my phone started to ring. It was Jill. I felt blood rushing to my face. My heart was already galloping. I hadn't seen her more than three months. Back then she told me that we should stop dating and should just be friends. It was very hard for me, but there was nothing I could do. "I need your help, George," she said. Her voice was strange. As if she had problems breathing. And somehow tremulous. That frightened me. "Jill,...

1 year ago
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Jill Becomes A Hot Wife Chapter Two

Well it’s been a couple of years now since Jill found her hot sexual desire that day at the mall. She had no idea that voyeurism and exhibitionism could lead to so much fun. She always felt that was something weirdos and perverts did. But now she knows the real joys of being a hot sensual wife and it has really changed her for the better. It had a few bumps in the beginning as she started to feel that I did not love or respect her. She did not understand how I could watch her have sex and not...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Jill in Need by loyalsock

”Oh god I’m cumming,” Jill screamed, “don’t stop now, faster, faster!!!” Josh increased the pace of his fucking, trying to drive his hard prick all the way through the hot little bitch lying beneath him. He had fucked quite a few girls in his time, but never had he met one with such a prodigious sexual appetite! He had know Jill for only about two weeks, and already she was fucking him to death! Now he knew why his friend Rick had said it was okay for him to take her out, because he was trying...

2 years ago
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Jill stepm slave remote control part 2

Jill step**m slave, remote control part 2 See part 1 of my story remote control for past details Jill hung up, not sure what to make of Franks last remark, he was joking..surely he would not have left his email account open for his k*ds and certainly never told them how to access the remote cams in the lounge..it was a wind up, a tease she didn't like. Her phone was going again it was Frank and an email was in her in box, she wan't impressed with him she would go to bed and let him stew, they...

1 year ago
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Jill Kassidy 900 383000

Jill Kassidy was born Jillian Belle Johnson in Dallas, Texas, United States, on February 4th, 1996. Jill was a cheerleader in high school, which gave her her first taste of male attention. She enjoyed how boys looked at her, but little did she know being stared at would become her career.A Waitress Waiting to do PornAfter graduating, Jill wanted to get out of her hometown, so she moved to San Antonio and attended college. Like nearly every porn star before her, Jill put in her time as a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Jill Dipping our toes in the water

I'm going to publish this under “stories” and while most of this completely true, I've had to change or embellish on exact verbiage as best I can remember it. This is going to be a slow burn, so if you are looking for a quick sex story, you might want to move on. Just a fair warning.I was engaged to my wife Jill when I was fairly young. I was twenty-three and she was twenty-two. She is a beautiful woman with dark hair and stunning blue eyes. It was definitely lust or infatuation at first sight....

Wife Lovers
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It was my only and much-younger brother who finally got me to talk about Jill. Jill, the incredible girl, who was, as was I, barely a teen when the tragedy happened. In retrospect, my parents, perhaps with wisdom that I never appreciated, did not challenge my immensely private way of grieving. Also, maybe showing the temporal nature of teenage life, my classmates—many of whom were Jill's as well—almost never spoke her name when I was around. Jill's teachers, and her ninth-grade homeroom...

1 year ago
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Jill and her dad

My friend Jill and her dad have been fucking and doing every thing sexual for years. She wants no one but him. He is a great looking sexy guy. She now has her own home and he spends a lot of time there naked.She had told me about their sex for many years and I even listened to them over the phone one time. He is a great lover making her body come alive. I have never seen him naked but by the sounds over the phone he must be well hung.Today was Saturday and a boring day for me. Jill called and...

2 years ago
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Jill and Roger

We'd been married but three months. During that short time my wife, my new wife Jill, had hauled me around to at least fifty parties and nights out or so it seemed. When I say hauled me around, it was like I was a paid escort hired to drive her, buy her and her friends drinks. Get her coat, and watch her back while she flirted and danced and had a gay old time—with other men. She danced with me too, some, but I had the feeling that while she was with me on the dance floor, while we sat at the...

3 years ago
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Jill Rodgers and Donald Long

Jill: "Jill, you can't be serious. Donald Long is nowhere near being in your league. He's short, and nerdy, and a truly terrible dancer; and he's a pussy compared to the men that you could have. Now, Kyle Woodrow, he is in your league; you snap your fingers and he will be on his knees begging you to marry him when we graduate," said Penny. "And, you can add to that that there is no doubt that Kyle is going places." "So would Donald, Penny, get on his knees and propose, that is, if I...

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This story really starts back when my oldest daughter Jill was 14. She was easily a B-cup and she was rightfully rather proud of them. She was already quite a tease and she was rather good at it. She would be wearing a low-cut spaghetti string top and while sitting next to her mother and talking to me she would “accidentally” drop something and make sure I watched her while she bent down to pick it up. Over the years she stepped up her games. She had a favor nightshirt that had a teddy-bear...

1 year ago
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Jills Summer Vacation

Two weeks removed from summer vacation at the local University, Jill was still feeling the effects from all the studying from her finals. Now after coming home all she wanted to do was enjoy the time off and blow off some steam, but before she could she needed to find a way to get some money.Not long after arriving home Jill headed out toward the beach, and while walking along the boardwalk she saw a help wanted sign at the local boardwalk surf shop. Jill applied and by the following day she...

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Jill the shy slut

It was after a couple of years that my wife Jill and me finally saw a film in a cinema hall. I hardly get time from my busy work schedule and prefer to watch movies on television. But after this evening, I realized it was these small pleasures in life which I was missing. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We began with a stroll in a public garden, filming each other on our video camera to preserve the nice moments for posterity. We followed it up by a nice dinner and then saw the Hindi movie...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Jill my older Lady

I had been chatting online to Jill for a number of years, I was still married at this time but I had the hots for this Lady despite her being 68 and me not yet 40 needless to say the chats were very saucy and when possible we would cam masturbate and dirty talk a plenty.Jill lived in Canada but had relatives in England so visited as often as she could. She loved to visit London York Edinburgh and the like so we quite liked the idea of meeting up in York. Me going away for a few days was nothing...

1 year ago
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Jill My Sexy Lactating Secretary

The perks of being the boss are everybody listens to you. The fun part about being a boss is all the secretaries who suck at their jobs offer their bodies for trade. Not a bad place to be in. Over the years, I have had sex with several of my secretarial staff. The funny thing is, they all know that so and so is banging the boss. All the little nymphs are in competition to woo the boss to like them. I’ve had my share of little sluts. I’ve had the kind of secretaries that wear very revealing...

3 years ago
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jill and gina

Jillian glanced at the clock, her last class of he day was about to end. She noticed her best friend Gina staring at the clock as well. Jill and Ginaa walked home together everyday since they live close by each other. Jillian had long fantasized about having sex with Gina but had never said anything about it, Gina was a bit of a slut and gave out blow jobs to anyone who asked. Today was a Friday and Gina had to go home before her and Jill could hang out, giving Jill some time to prepare. After...

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jill and gina

Jillian glanced at the clock, her last class of he day was about toend. She noticed her best friend Gina staring at the clock as well. Jilland Ginaa walked home together everyday since they live close by eachother. Jillian had long fantasized about having sex with Gina but hadnever said anything about it, Gina was a bit of a slut and gave out blowjobs to anyone who asked. Today was a Friday and Gina had to go homebefore her and Jill could hang out, giving Jill some time to prepare.After Gina...

4 years ago
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This as about a friend and I have changed the name to protect her.......I found out in high school that Jill's dad has been having sex with her for years. She told me the whole story how it happened. He used to sneak in her room and undress her and lick her flat tits and rub her pussy. She was about nine when it all started. Then he would lick her pussy and suck on her clit. As time went on he did more with her. He taught her to stroke his cock and soon was licking it. Then she learned to suck...

1 year ago
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Jill Asks for a Spanking

Jill had sucked Father Leary's big cock just yesterday. The old priest enjoyed spanking the young fifteen year old's bare bottom every Thursday after hearing her confession. Jill was able to deep throat the priest letting his eight inches cum there, satisfying both of them. It was Friday and Jill's mother Carla had just returned from her confession with the good Father. She looked uncomfortable as she sat on the couch, wriggling her round ass to get comfortable. Jill wondered if Father...

3 years ago
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Jill Chapter 1 Phone Call

I was at home, playing online chess when my phone started to ring. It was Jill. I felt blood rushing to my face. My heart was already galloping. I hadn’t seen her more than three months. Back then she told me that we should stop dating and should just be friends. It was very hard for me, but there was nothing I could do. “I need your help, George,” she said. Her voice was strange. As if she had problems breathing. And somehow tremulous. That frightened me. “Jill, are you all right?” I asked....

3 years ago
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Jill Chapter 1 Phone Call

I was at home, playing online chess when my phone started to ring. It was Jill. I felt blood rushing to my face. My heart was already galloping. I hadn’t seen her more than three months. Back then she told me that we should stop dating and should just be friends. It was very hard for me, but there was nothing I could do. “I need your help, George,” she said. Her voice was strange. As if she had problems breathing. And somehow tremulous. That frightened me. “Jill, are you all right?” I asked....

2 years ago
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Jill Chapter 2 La Donna e Mobile

“We have to place her on the table over there!” Pratt said to the nurse. There was a low examining table in the corner. Jill looked around her, obviously wondering what was about to happen. I tried to meet her eyes, but she avoided my gaze. Connie wheeled the stretcher near the table, and smiled forcefully at Jill. “Could you please ask Moira to help us?” the doctor said. The nurse nodded and left. A minute later she returned, followed by another nurse. Jill was lifted up and her upper back...

3 years ago
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Jill Chapter 2 La Donna e Mobile

“We have to place her on the table over there!” Pratt said to the nurse. There was a low examining table in the corner. Jill looked around her, obviously wondering what was about to happen. I tried to meet her eyes, but she avoided my gaze. Connie wheeled the stretcher near the table, and smiled forcefully at Jill. “Could you please ask Moira to help us?” the doctor said. The nurse nodded and left. A minute later she returned, followed by another nurse. Jill was lifted up and her upper back...

2 years ago
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Jill Dipping Our Toes Upstairs Interlude

We made our way back to our hotel room and quickly entered and shut the door. Jill turned and looked at me.“Oh my God!” she exclaimed. I gave her a few moments to collect her thoughts, savoring her beautiful, flushed face. My wife. How did we get here? This was so not us.“Are you turned on?” I asked.“God yes... I know I'm soaked,” she said, holding her hands on her cheeks. “I am a strong, independent, woman...but...when you told me to pull my panties down, I almost came.”“Oh? You liked that...

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