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It was the start of my fifth year at Braxton High School; to say I was nervous would have been the biggest understatement of all time. My name is Johnny Canton, and before anyone asks, no I was not held back, in fact up to this point I have a perfect 4.0 GPA. I fear that is all about to change; however, and if you think that is the reason I am apprehensive, then you don't even know the half of it. For you to truly appreciate the gravity of my situation, I must take you back a few years to when it all began, at least for me anyhow.

I grew up in a small town in Ohio, which most people have likely never heard of, and probably never will. My parents although being relatively smart, never progressed beyond the standard bachelor's degree required by most employers to hold a decent paying job. I on the other hand seemed to possess a somewhat higher level of intelligence. People would use the term gifted in their assessment of my capabilities. I am not saying this to brag mind you; it is just the way things were. School work was very easy for me and as such there were many times when I would become bored watching my teachers struggle to explain abstract theories and concepts to other students which I have grasped for years. I loved to learn, but the problem was I wasn't doing much of it in school. Unlike some other "talented" individuals, I was astute enough not to let my boredom distract me from making solid marks in my classes. I knew that one day things would change for me and I didn't want to have any sub-par grades holding me back when that time occurred.

It was near the end of my 8th grade year when Mr. Stevens, one of my teachers, took it upon himself to submit my test scores to Braxton, which led to Mr. Turner showing up on our doorstep in the middle of my summer vacation. I was told to go outside and shoot some hoops as my parents wanted to speak with Mr. Turner privately. I started to argue that this was about my future, and I had a right to be a part of their discussion, but one look at my mom's face told me I had better do as I was told. When I left the room to get my basketball I also grabbed my digital recorder off of my desk. I may had been banished from their discussion, but I be damned if I was going to miss one minute of that conversation.

"Mr. Turner, I must admit that I was rather intrigued when we first spoke about the scholarship you were offering Johnny, but after doing some research on Braxton I am very apprehensive to let him attend there," My mother spoke.

"I can't imagine why you would feel that way Mrs. Canton. I thought I explained that in addition to all expenses being covered for the entire five year program, young Johnny would almost certainly be guaranteed admittance in any one of the Ivy League colleges he applies to upon graduation from Braxton. This is a golden opportunity for him," Mr. Turner replied.

"I understand all of that, and the research I did on Braxton after we talked confirmed the statistics you quoted me over the phone. The one thing you failed to mention is the unorthodox sexual education program that every student is required to partake in," My mother said.

"I was waiting to discuss that aspect with you in person. It is a well-known fact that Braxton requires a full year of extensive sexual education in order to graduate. We are very proud of our academic program and I was by no means trying to hide this from you," Mr. Turner replied.

"I've been told that your program goes well beyond what is normally taught in most schools systems," She challenged.

"Everything at Braxton is far above what most high schools teach. That is why over 85% of our students get admitted to an Ivy League college upon graduation. Braxton is a completely privately funded organization Mrs. Canton. We are not subject to the same limitations as the schools who are government subsidize. I feel like we are getting off on the wrong foot here. Please, let me try and explain the origin of Braxton and some of the principals that go along with it," He asked?

"Alright, Mr. Turner we're listening," My dad finally spoke.

"Braxton is a private all boys preparatory high school. It was founded about 50 years ago by a group of widowed school teachers who all managed to marry rich successful men who left them vast fortunes upon their deaths. These ladies were fed up with the public school system and felt that they could run one much better than the bureaucrats who sit in their cushy offices and make imprudent decisions that undermine teacher effectiveness rendering it difficult for students to succeed. The founders of Braxton came together and developed a program that they felt would put a student on the right path to achieving a successful career. These women geared their program towards the Ivy League colleges, with the intention of matriculating their students in one of them upon their graduation. The idea was to accept only the brightest students into Braxton, that way advanced classes could be taught without anyone falling behind. The first decade of Braxton's existence did not go as planned. Braxton graduates were smart, but they just weren't up to Ivy League standers. After examining the matter it was determined that the one thing Braxton boys lacked was confidence.

When the ladies started to discuss this problem over cocktails one evening, they began to confess that some of their former husbands once suffered the same issues. After a few more drinks were consumed they were able to candidly discuss their husbands' confidence problems and how many of them were actually solved in the bedroom. It is just a fact of life that many men gain confidence by being able to handle themselves in sexual situations. After conducting further research on the subject, the ladies were more convinced than ever that they had stumbled upon a key prerequisite for success that they had previously overlooked. It was later decided that Braxton would expand their graduate program to five years, thereby ensuring that each student would be of legal age to partake in a now mandatory full year of extended sexual education," Mr. Turner explained.

"Just how in depth is this sex course," Mrs. Canton asked?

"It is very extensive. We of course start off with the basics, but then we quickly move into administration of pleasure and how to satisfy your partner. We bring in professional women to teach various methods and techniques both in the classroom and on a one to one basis," He said.

"You mean to tell me that you want to have hookers deflower my son," Mrs. Canton asked in horror?

"These ladies are professionally licensed therapists, not streetwalkers. If you're asking if Johnny will be a virgin when he graduates from Braxton then the answer is no, he will not," Mr. Turner replied.

"Well I think we have heard quite enough. Braxton does not sound like a place that I want my Johnny attending," My mother said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Turner, I urge you to reconsider. This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity for your son. He is a very intelligent young man, and although it is conceivable that he may get accepted to an Ivy League College on his own, living in this small town makes it that much more difficult for him to do so. You are throwing away a golden opportunity for him based upon his requirement to have sex when he turns 18 years old; which is something he will most likely be doing on his own by that time anyway. There are thousands of people out there who would do just about anything for the deal I am prepared to offer your son. Please, don't let this one little requirement force you to pass up the chance to help Johnny get an Ivy League education. Your son may never forgive you if you do," Mr. Turner warned them.

"I don't care what you say, I am not going to sacrifice my son's virtue just to he can obtain enrollment in an Ivy League college," Mrs. Canton said in a huff as she stormed off to her bedroom.

"Mr. Canton, I did not mean to upset your wife, but before the two of you pass up this golden opportunity I suggest that you at least talk to your son and see what his feelings are regarding the matter. This is a very exclusive scholarship, which is rarely ever offered. I understand your wife's concerns, but Johnny is going to grow up regardless of whether she wants him to or not. I would hate to see him blow this chance," Mr. Turner said.

"Here is my card. I will be in the area for the next few days. Please talk with your wife and son, and then get back to me with your final decision," He asked?

"Thank you Mr. Turner. What you're proposing did come as a bit of a shock, but I must concede that getting Johnny admitted in an Ivy League school is a very tempting offer. I assure you that we will be discussing this as a family, regardless of what my wife thinks, and I promise to get back to you with our decision in a few days," my father said.

"Thank you Mr. Canton and I hope to hear from you soon," Mr. Turner said shaking my father's hand before he left.

"Johnny would you come in here a minute please," My dad asked?

"Sure Dad, what's up," I asked.

"Son I want you to take that tape recorder that you left over there and go listen to it. When you are finished, I need you to meet your mother and I back out here in the living room so we can discuss this matter with you," He said to my utter shock.

"You saw me? Gosh, Dad I am sorry. I know it was childish to spy on you like that, but I just had to know what this was all about," I admitted fearing the worst.

"No son you have a right know about this. You are not a little boy anymore and your mother should not have made you leave the room while we were discussing your future. You may not have gone about it in the right way, but at least now I don't have to explain to you all that was said because you can just listen to it yourself. Now go and play your tape, and let me have a little talk with your mother. I have a feeling that this is going to be a very long day," Dad said.

After listening to the recording my mind was a jumbled mess of confusion, excitement, anxiety and fear all rolled up into one. I have to admit that on some level I was glad that Mom had banished me outside, as I could not imagine facing my Mother while Mr. Turner was explaining the Sex Ed requirements to her. At this point, I didn't know what to think. The promise of guaranteed pussy was alluring as well as terrifying. The thought that I would have to spend an additional year in high school was a real bummer. I had been planning on opting for early graduation, now they wanted me to stay there a year longer before starting college. The fact that they were practically insuring that I would be accepted to an Ivy League school did go a long way towards making their offer very tempting in light of the extra time it would take to graduate. I dreaded talking to my parents about this. I knew what my Mom was going to say, but I had no idea where my Dad stood on the subject, and after listening to their conversation I was still unsure how I felt about the whole thing. Mom and Dad always preached that when I had a difficult choice to make I should try and create a pros and cons list to help me decide. I grabbed a few sheets of paper and a pen and headed into the living room to meet my fate.

As I sat down with paper and a pen in hand, my mother turned to my father and said, "I don't know why we're even bothering to discuss this Harold. I will not allow my son to go there and that's final," she stated.

"First of all Marge, he is my son as well, and I have at least equal say in the matter. Now, I plan to sit here and calmly discuss this opportunity with Johnny, and if you can't do the same thing, then perhaps you should be the one outside shooting hoops," My dad suggested.

"How dare you speak to me that way Harold Canton and in front of my own child no less," My mother exclaimed!

"You have spoken far worse things to me over the years, and you didn't give a damn who was listening to you at the time either. I let you get away with a lot of shit over the years Marge, but the one thing I won't let you do is ruin our son's chances of getting into an Ivy League college, just because you can't stand to watch him grow up," Dad said.

"So you would let some hooker fornicate with your own son," She asked in horror?

"You heard Mr. Turner; they are licensed professionals, not whores off the street. We use instructors to teach our children about everything else, why are we unwilling to do the same thing when it comes to sex," My father asked?

"You can sugarcoat this all you want Harold, but the fact is that they want to force Johnny to sleep with some prostitute, and I will not allow that to happen. As far as I'm concern this discussion is over," His mother stated in a huff as she started to get up from her chair.

"Marge, I already told you that you are not making this decision by yourself. You can leave now if you wish, but by doing so you forfeit your right to voice your opinion in this matter," My dad told her.

"I have already stated my feelings, and if I say he is not going, then he won't go, period," She yelled.

"Wrong Marge, this is an important decision, and Johnny is old enough to have a say in this issue. We are going to sit down and discuss this like adults, and after that we are going to put this matter to a majority rules vote," Dad said.

Seeing that she wasn't going to get her way with Dad, like she usually does, Mom turned to me and said, "Johnny, honey; you have no idea what that awful man said you had to do in order to graduate from that place," She said in her sweetest voice.

"Actually Mom, I do. I recorded your conversation with him, and listened to it in my room before I came out here to talk to you," I admitted.

"Jonathan Canton, how dare you spy on your father and me? I am very disappointed in you right now. You go to your room this instant young man," My mother demanded.

"No Mom I won't. I am sorry, but you left me no choice when you banished me outside while the three of you discussed my future without me. I want to talk to the both of you about this, but I can't do it when you are being so irrational. Please, calm down so we can discuss this like adults," I asked?

"You can talk about this until you are blue in the face, but you are not going to that school, no matter what you or your father thinks," Mom replied as she stomped off.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset mom like that," I said.

"You didn't upset her son; the fact that she didn't instantly get her own way, for once, did that. Despite what your mother thinks, I happen to know that only one parent's signature is required for the application process. Now convince me, why should I send you to Braxton," Dad asked?

"Honestly Dad, at this point I don't even know if I want to go there. I brought out some paper in hopes that you and Mom could help me create a pros and cons list. Since Mom refuses to talk about this with us, will you help me," I asked?

So for the next couple of hours my Dad and I compiled a list of the reasons why I should either accept Mr. Turner's invitation to join Braxton, or decline his offer, as my mother would have me do. After weighing all of the options, including my mom's feelings on the subject, we still felt that by turning down Braxton I would be giving up an opportunity of a lifetime. I finally looked at my father and told him I thought he should send me to Braxton.

"It's nice to get your opinion on what you think I should do, but what I would really like to know son is do you want to go to Braxton," He asked?

"Yes Dad, I believe I really do. I have always dreamed about going to Harvard. Braxton sounds like a means of achieving that dream," I said.

"What about the sex education class? Do you really think you can handle it," He asked?

"I won't lie and tell you I'm not a nervous wreck about that part of it, because I am. If I live long enough I will surly have sex at some point in my life. At least this way it will be in a controlled environment, where I won't have to worry about diseases, or the possibility of getting some girl pregnant," I said.

"That is a very responsible way of looking at this situation. Mr. Turner made it clear that it is extremely rare for someone to earn a full ride scholarship to Braxton. I am very proud of you for achieving such a high honor, and I don't think that your mother or I should hold you back from experiencing everything that you can in life; therefore, I have decided to sign the papers to let you go to Braxton," He said.

Mom was extremely pissed with our decision, and refused to speak to either one of us until about a week before it was time for me to leave for my new home for the next five years. I was in my room still trying to sort out what all I should take with me when there was a knock on my door.

"Johnny, may I come in and talk to you for a moment," My mother asked?

Bracing myself for another argument I replied "Sure Mom, come on in," I said.

"Honey, I have come to apologize," She said nearly knocking me off of my feet.

"I have recently been talking with your father, and he has helped me to realize that I have been treating the two of you like children for years now. I have finally come to terms with the fact that you are not my little boy anymore, and your father never was in the first place. Your dad never cared much for confrontations, and knowing that I took advantage of him by demanding that things always be done my way. I guess that I just wasn't prepared for the two of you to stand up to me like you did. I should have sat down and talked with you both about my concerns regarding you going to Braxton, but instead I acted like a child and stormed out of the room. I want you to know that although I still have reservations about you going to Braxton, I respect you and your father's decision, and I know that you will make both of us very proud," She finished.

"Wow Mom! I'm not sure what to say. I have really hated not being on speaking terms with you these past few weeks. I know that you are concerned about the sex education class that I have to take, and to be quite honest I am worried about it as well. Dad and I have discussed this from every angle, and the one thing that we keep coming back to is that I have always wanted to go to Harvard, and this seems like my only real shot at getting there. I don't want you to be mad at me, but if I don't take this opportunity I will always be wondering what might have been," I replied.

"I understand that dear, and although I can't honestly say that I am happy about it, I will no longer stand in your way," My mother replied.

So it was settled. The following week I boarded my very first jet plane that would take me far away from my meager little existence and into a new and somewhat frightning way of life. Even before the plane left the ground I was having second thoughts. Would I like this new school? Could I handle being away from my parents for so long of time? What would my dorm mate be like? Will this really help me get into Harvard? How could I possibly be expected to have sex with someone I didn't even know? Of all the questions rolling around in my head, this one bothered me the most. Of course at the age of fourteen I had done my share of reading about the subject. I knew all of the mechanics "insert tab A into slot B", but the thought of actually doing it was utterly terrifying.

My first few weeks at Braxton were like nothing I had ever experienced before. My roommate Brad was alright, I guess, but having to share a room with a guy I barely knew was really tough to get used to. At least, when I lived at home I could go to my room and have some semblance of privacy. Now everything I did, or wanted to do was being monitored by another person. Even the bathroom was community property. I couldn't shave, shower, or even take a dump without having someone else in the room with me.

The outlook at Braxton was something else I found rather unusual. We were taught that Braxton was like some sort of fraternity, and we were all a member of a sacred brotherhood. Braxton men watched out for one another. We were encouraged to support our fellow brothers, and were told that they in turn would help us out. Braxton kept a list of its alumni who held powerful positions throughout the world. These people have pledged to assist us in obtaining employment, meeting the proper contacts, and steering us in the right direction for our future success. In addition of promising to help fellow Braxton brothers, we were encouraged to donate substantial amounts of money back to the school when, not if, we became able to do so. To merely obtain financial security was not enough to be considered a success at Braxton. A person would have to be earning millions or better before their picture would be displayed on the wall of financial achievement.

Classes at Braxton were another matter entirely. I thought that I had worked hard in public school, but I quickly learned that my previous efforts had been a joke compared to this. At Braxton A's and B's were considered passing, anything below that meant that you failed. I really struggled my first semester, but in the end I managed to pull all my grades up to an A. Soon after they were posted, I received a notice saying that the dean wanted to see me. I thought he was going to congratulate me on getting all A's my first semester; boy was I mistaken!

"Mr. Canton, it has come to my attention that you were not doing all that well in some of your classes until the very end where you barely managed to pull your grades back up to acceptable levels." Dean Merit said.

"Sir, it is true that I had a little trouble adjusting to life here at Braxton, but I did score all A's on my report card," I replied.

"Yes, and you did so just by the skin of your teeth or so I am told. You came to this school on a full scholarship program, and as such you are held to a higher standard than the rest of our students. We only award a couple of those scholarships ever few years. I would hate to think that we made a mistake in choosing you as the beneficiary of our generosity," He said.

"Sir, I am sorry that it took me so long to get acclimated with some of the procedures here at Braxton, but I can assure you that I will do whatever it takes to keep up my grades and prove to you that you made the right choice by allowing me to attend this fine institution," I pleaded.

"Well seeing that this is your first semester here, and the fact that you managed to pull your grades back up before it ended, I won't be putting you on academic probation, this time. I will; however, be closely monitoring your performance in the future. Now, if you'll excuse me I have other matters that I must attend to," He said dismissing me like I wasn't worth another second of his valuable time.

Exiting his office I felt like I had just stepped out of a twisted episode of the Twilight Zone. I couldn't believe the gull of this guy! I manage to pull off straight A's on my very first semester here, and he treats me like I was an embarrassment to his precious scholarship program. I felt like telling the asshole to go fuck himself and head back to Ohio, where at least I had been appreciated. Once I finally simmered down a bit I realized that the best way to get even with the son of a bitch was to make this guy eat his words. I decided that instead of quitting I would buckle down and try harder. I was now more determined than ever to show this school and everybody in it just what Johnny Canton could really do.

The next few years at Braxton were some of the most challenging of my young life. This place was definitely not designed for the average student, and it taxed even the brightest of pupils. I saw many of my fellow classmates fold under the immense pressure that we were continually being subjected to. Amazingly enough I somehow managed to persevere many times at the expense of sleep, a proper diet, or any form of a social life. I had now completed my fourth year here at Braxton, and was finally headed back home for a much needed rest. Had I attended any other high school I would be graduating by now, but since I was at Braxton I still had another year to go before that would happen. It sucked to know that some of my former classmates would be starting college in the fall, and I was stuck going through another year of Braxton's version of hell, which is how I have come to think of it, at least in private that is.

"So honey, how are your classes going," My mother asked?

"There doing just fine Mom. So far I have managed to get nothing but A's in all of my classes," I replied.

"That's wonderful dear, but aren't you scheduled to take that awful sex education course next semester," She asked?

"Yes, I will be starting that class in the fall," I answered.

"Johnny, couldn't you try applying to Harvard now, instead of waiting another year? Maybe with your grades as good as they are you would be accepted anyway, without having to take a fifth year of high school," She asked?

"Mom, you and I both know that Harvard will never accept me without a high school diploma," I replied.

"Well you could always take the GED this summer. With that and your transcripts from Braxton they might let you in," she suggested.

"Mom, without a diploma from Braxton I don't have a prayer of being admitted into Harvard, but with one I have a real shot at earning a full ride scholarship there. I am going to have a hard enough time getting through this next year without having to worry about you being upset with me all over again," I said.

"I know you're under a lot of pressure honey, and I'm sorry for adding to it. I just hate the thought of your first time being with some prostitute, instead of your wife, or at least someone that you are in love with," She replied remorsefully.

"I know mom, and I am more than a bit apprehensive about that as well. Would it surprise you to know that I am also looking forward to it, at least to some extent," I asked?

"Actually Johnny, being an 18 year old male it would shock me if you weren't. I just hate the thought of them turning such a milestone event in your life into a classroom project," my mother said.

"Well if you insist, I guess I could head on over to the mall and comb for chicks. If I play my cards right, I might get lucky before I even have to return to Braxton," I said fully expecting the slap upside the head that my mother always gave me when I got one over on her.

Mom didn't disappoint me as she got me really good right on what has obviously been her favorite spot.

"Gee I really missed your loving displays of affection," I said ducking yet another blow from my laughing mother.

Summer seemed to fly by, and with it all my fears and anxieties came bubbling towards the surface. The closer it came to me having to return to Braxton the more apprehensive I became. If the thought of having to take advanced sexual education was not terrifying enough, I also had to enroll in all of the social classes that up to this point I'd managed to avoid. My classes this semester would consist of deals made on the golf course, the business side of sports, mingling for contracts, the art of concentration, and of course advanced sexual education. Why I had to take these classes was still a mystery, but seeing as they were all required I really didn't have any choice in the matter.

On my first day back after summer vacation I received a piece of good news that took a bit of worry off of my mind. No, I wasn't going to be able to get out of my sexual education course, but I did learn that my sports related classes were graded on a pass/fail basis. This was to help maintain our GPA status for college admission, but it did not mean that our social classes were a pushover, a fact which was emphasized when we were told these classes were equally, if not even more important than any of the previous ones we had taken. I was taught that more multi-million dollar deals were negotiated on the golf course than ever were in someone's office.

My business end of sports class taught us that when we find something social in common with our clients it helps create a personal connection that can be used to build relationships that will likely bring greater profit margins to whatever business venture we might be perusing. We were forced to not only learn the basic fundamentals of baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and car racing, but we also had to be able to name athletes and the stats of both their top and current players. My instructor told us that regardless of how we felt concerning any given sport, our job was to convince clients we loved it as much as any over the top fan ever did.

Unless I someday develop Alzheimer's disease, or a total case of amnesia I will never forget my art of concentration class as long as I live. The course was designed to help us learn to focus in the midst of a multitude of distractions. One day we would go in and there would be music blaring in the background, the next day there would be five separate televisions going, all on different channels, and each one turned up so loud that the professor had to practically scream over them to be heard. We came to class one morning to find the room decorated like one of the strip joints you see in the movies. Sure enough as Professor Moore started his lecture a group of three women that I had never seen before showed up in scantily clad clothing, and started dancing around the tall poles they had stationed on their makeshift stage. I couldn't believe it when these women actually began striping off their clothing right in front of us. Up until this point, I had only ever seen a naked woman on television and of course my computer screen. I nearly had a heart attack when one of their pairs of panties, came flying through the air and landed right on top on my desk. Needless to say, it was a very hard class that day, pun intended.

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4 years ago
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Marching Band Part 2

"What the fuck did you just do?" Becca looked at me with so much hatred, she could have been Hitler's daughter. I was stunned. I had no idea what I had just done, to be honest. I had taken a picture. A picture of Mr. Ford and Becca, naked, next to each other. After I walked in on her sucking him off. "I... I don't... I..." I stuttered, shaking. What the fuck was I thinking?! I thought to myself. I had a very powerful picture in my phone. If anyone ever saw this photo, shit...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VII

Suma’s story (continued) ……….. “Vikas…” I entered the hall and stopped in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa were Vinay and ……wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and very short shorts, exposing his loads of thick hair was Vikas…….. Both of them stood ,clapped and sang ” Happy birth day to you….” And Vinay said beaming ” Here is your birthday gift …” gesturing to Vikas………………… I was shocked and paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Before I could recover and run back to room, Vinay grabbed me ,lifted me...

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wife goes black

It all started a few years ago. My wife came home early from class one night and saw me watching porn on the lap top. No big deal she didn't see what it was just heard the moans. I was embarrassed and she got mad at me, said she felt betrayed. That I shouldn't have to watch that kinda stuff. She never asked me what it was or what was going on. I told her I was lonely and just needed to get off , that it was normal. She has never even seen porn. Well other than that on HBO. We talked...

2 years ago
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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin 3

On Saturday morning I woke early. There was something going on beside me. When I opened my eyes I saw my wife, Sally, naked on top of my 15-year old nephew, Peter, also naked. Sally's cunt was on Peter's face and I could see his tongue sliding between her labia. Sally's head was bobbing up and down over Peter's groin. No prizes for guessing why she was doing that. I was not surprised or upset by what I was watching. After all, Peter and I had double fucked Sally for the second time, just...

1 year ago
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Studying alien species0

After 20 minutes of looking around, he saw a sign that was written in a strange language. Of course, he couldn't read it. It was nothing but symbols. “Crap I can't read it. These symbols can mean anything. I'm guessing this is an alien language. Shit! If that's the case I hope they understand English. If not then I won't get anywhere sadly. I have no choice. I guess I have to go inside and see. I'll go talk to someone and ask them what is this place.” Ed went into the unidentified place...

4 years ago
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A Wife Alone

I need to tell you about what happened here last week while you were away. You deserve to know and I just hope that you understand. You left me on Monday last week and by the time Wednesday rolled around, my mind started to wonder. I started thinking about you and your tongue and your cock. I put on some lingerie to make myself feel sexy and opened a bottle of pinot. I sat at the computer trying desperately to find myself a story to get off to. I sat there stroking my big black dildo that you...

Group Sex
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 2

Phillips woke up with a morning piss hard-on, just as he had done for the last who knows how long. Since he was 11? Maybe even before that. All he knew for sure was that he wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto. Everything was just peachy until he woke up yesterday. He had lost his job a few weeks back, had been reading books and stories on the internet, and even played at being a rancher in Central Texas until this happened. He found out yesterday that he had been somehow transported back in time...

2 years ago
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Locker room stories of a hairy lover Part II

Part II ‘Dude you’re insanely hairy! How did that happen?’ I smirked a bit, while saying that, to not make it awkward. ‘My father’s Italian, remember?’ His father, Frank Ramirez, was the last coach of our team. He was expelled from school, after someone had caught him shagging a student, then our current coach was hired. Jared had a good point, his father IS one helluva hairy man! ‘And MAN, am I smelly. Gotta use the showers,’ he said. I took a quick sniff of my armpit and said, ‘Yea...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 42 Pete and Melanie

June, 1984, Milford, Ohio On Thursday morning, Bethany and I picked up Stephanie and went to breakfast at Bill Knapp’s. I decided that it was in my best interest to avoid my mom, and thus spare my dad the pain of having to deal with her reactions to me. Stephanie confirmed that she was on the warpath about me and my ‘degenerate friends’, but that Dad was trying to get her to calm down before the wedding and reception, and to not create a scene. “She wanted to call Mrs. Spencer and demand...

4 years ago
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Wedding Nerves

Katy Harrison was 23 years old and about to get married. Her husband to be, Tony, was the only man she had ever loved and she couldn't be more happier. She had met Tony when she was only 18 and he was the only man she had ever slept with, indeed the only man she had ever done anything of a sexual nature with. It didn't bother Katy though, Tony was kind and a gentle, caring lover. Katy felt fulfilled and excited about her big day. Katy's best friend was Leanne, it was strange that they were best...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 72

After graduation my focus changed to my wedding. I know I had been obsessive about the dress. I was accompanied by my mother, Sunny, Sandy, Jen and Jeff when I originally bought it. Ha! Even if I had been able to hoodwink Jeff into coming, his most incisive comment would have been, ‘It’s white.’ The most fun part of the excursion for the others came when I asked, ‘Does this look alright on me?’ Jen was the first to break out in laughter, but the others followed immediately. ‘The only thing...

4 years ago
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Remys Story

Remy's Story by Marci Manseau Chapter One - In the Beginning How can I describe my situation for you without sounding like a total wimp, a complete failure as a man or a freak of nature? I suspect there's no easy way to do it; no other method than to relate the simple facts, so sit back and be prepared. Here's my story. At the inception of this story, I'm a man, twenty-eight years of age and extraordinarily average in just about every aspect. I weigh in at one-hundred and...

1 year ago
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The collage whore gets pregnant

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mary was known as the collage . She was caught having sex with the football team in the boy's locker room and was expelled for a month. Her mom scolded her and said she was lucky she didn't get pregnant. "I wish I had done something so I didn't have to go to highschool" sighed her brother.Mary smiled at him and said."Next time I'll be more careful and not get caught""You horny slut" laughed Jimmy."I don't see why mom was pissed, I'm a big girl""You...

3 years ago
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33 Seriously Naughty Questions Thatll Turn Y

Get down and dirty in a totally new way.Keeping your relationship fun and exciting is crucial if you want something everlasting. It's not just important for making sure that your man stays attracted and faithful, but also for making sure that YOU, yourself, don't get bored! So that's why I want to give you these 33 dirty questions to ask a guy when you want to get him in the mood for some fun sex games.The aim of the questions is for both of you to discover new things and kinks about each other...

1 year ago
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Fucking your girlfriendrsquos horny mom

By the time I was 27 I was rather experienced in sex. I had a girlfriend, to be more sincere she wasn’t actually a girlfriend, just a sex-partner. She was very skillful in bed and we practiced any kinds of sex, including oral and anal ones.Once we were having a rest drinking coffee in bed after tumultuous and long coitus. She said her mother liked me. I used to “visit” her at home. The girl asked me to meet with her mother. At first I didn’t understand what she meant and she explained that her...

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Living Room Lust

Michael and I had known each other since we were in elementary school. We had dated off and on since high school, and lived together for three years. We did everything together. Avid outdoors people, we camped, fished, snowboarded, and mountain biked. We went on long drives in the country, read the newspaper to each other, held hands on walks down the beach. We were the perfect couple – everywhere except the bedroom. Though he’s always been the sexiest man I’ve ever met, sex between us wasn’t...

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Lost At Sea Book 2 Drifters Chapter 17 Part 1

“So there was something under the water?” Captain Vex asked. “Yeah,” Will nodded, as he bolted down the last of the spotlight-lanterns on the railing next to the ship’s wheel. The other three hadn’t survived the fight on the prow. Captain Vex wasn’t thrilled about that, those lanterns were expensive. Will’s hands hurt badly, but he still had a bit more to do before he could let the doctor look him over. Besides, there were a lot of crew worse off than he was. “I started to figure it out when...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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All for Nothing Part III

Here is the last part to "All or Nothing" and I have no further plans to add on to it. Some have suggested that they might want to write within this "universe", creating other stories about Mason and Mason and its club, the Getaway. If you are so inclined, by all means do so. I would only be flattered. Also, if you are so inclined, feel free to post any of my stories here on Fictionmania to any other sites. Again, I would only be flattered. Anyway, this is Part III of "All or...

2 years ago
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Last part of BBC and white guy for Sasha

Hit the wrong key that stopped the story short SORRY.........hahaSo here is the rest of my fun with BBC and white guy.After white guy damn near drowned me in cum, I kept him hard with a hj.BBC was working my pussy over but good and I was really loving it. BBC had me soaked with pussy juice and precum. He was only able to get about 3/4 of his pole in my pussy that first time. White guy was hard and resting while rubbin my clit and sucking my puffy nipples. I was working his dick with my...

1 year ago
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The Goddess of Passion

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jenna, at eighteen, had started her freshman year at Idaho State in the fall on full academic and athletic scholarships. Dell was extremely proud of her. In high school she had been an exemplary student, a cheerleader for the football team and a striker on the soccer team. At Idaho State she went right into both these same activities, devoting the rest of her time to her studies. She planned to become a medical doctor, specializing in sports injuries....

4 years ago
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HorseLoving CousinsChapter 6

"Yooowwwwwwww!" Never before had the girl felt so much pain. It was as if someone were cutting her in half with a rusty saw! She could almost feel the jagged teeth tearing through her cunt. Pangs of agony sliced into her tits, making the taut spires throb in time to her tearing cherry. Arching her back even more, Marcie hammered her tiny fists against Byron's chest. Again and again she begged him to pull his cock out. He was causing her so much pain! "Oh please... p-p-pleeeeaaaasse!"...

2 years ago
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1 August 2007Chapter 1

Tina Hamilton didn’t need to announce her arrival at Dan’s front door, Sarg sensed his brother was very near and grew overly excited. While the two dogs greeted each other and began to play, Tina was welcomed into the waiting arms of Wendy, Karen, and Dan. “I’m not surprised you’re early for your twenty-four-hour date with Dan,” Karen kidded, her eyes taking in her sensual beauty clothed in a low top and very short pleated skirt. “So what are your plans for you and Dan today?” “I thought...

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B7 Chapter 12 Epilog The Island

Chapter 12: Epilog - The IslandDee Dee was in her quarters, placing an on-line order for a replacement door for her lab, when the phone rang. It was Jordan, and she was with Summer. Either one of them had finally checked a computer and gotten the message, or someone had seen it, and relayed it to her and Summer. Dee Dee tried not to berate them too much over the phone, and had them promise to come to her quarters right away. Dee Dee was still attending to details on her computer, when...

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The Powers

You have just gotten back from a long day at school and are ready to start your weekend. As you near your house you see a ring in the grass, so you go to it, pick it up and put it on. Once you put it on, it phrases into your finger. You suddenly feel different and look at your hands to see that you are a ghost. You are about to freak out when suddenly you turn back to normal with a thought and back to ghost with a thought. "Cool" you say "I wonder who i should test this on?" you think to...

3 years ago
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New Carpet

Christy impatiently glanced at the clock on the wall again as she sat waiting in the living room. She hoped she wouldn’t have to be here very long; she had taken off from work to be home so some men could replace the carpet and she was already mad that this was going to cost so much. Her job just barely paid the bills as it was and now this was going to make it even harder to get everything paid this month! In addition, she had a ton of things that needed her attention back at the office and...

Group Sex
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A bet gone wrong But it felt good

So it all begins with me losing a bet. I lost a bet and had to dress in women's clothes to go out that night. I had to wear a woman's thong panties, a bra, a woman's shirt and a mini skirt. So me and Mike and David met at a bar last night, no special occasion we just decide to do go have a couple drinks. Towards the end of the night we're all I'd say pretty drunk. I dropped my keys on the floor and when I bent over to pick them up (remember, I'm wearing a mini skirt) somebody had grabbed my...

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Bigdaddys Long Weekend Ch 03

Okay so this one was written for a friend, he is far more into the mind control then I am so I gave it a whirl, also he likes chick on chick, so I gave that a shot too. I hope it worked out okay, after this there are at least 2 more chapters, and they will be dominance based again. ************************************************** She wakes up and he is already gone so she slips out of bed and she can smell coffee and bacon. She jumps in the shower, puts on a little make up and then slips...

3 years ago
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Tech Support

The call came in about ten to five-- and it was the kind he couldn't ignore and go home. A vice president, this middle-aged power female with blonde helmet hair and a big square ass who everyone was afraid of, needed tech support-- and he was up next. Why do I have all the luck, he grumbled to himself, as he picked up his briefcase and headed for the elevator, pressing up when everybody else was pressing down. He reached her office in the executive suite and she was on the phone, barking...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 5 The Secret Passage

The next several days were spent in a most leisurely and pleasant fashion. Daylight hours would find Siobhan and I working alongside my uncle in his large and elaborate study and library, reading and taking correspondence and otherwise assisting him in his investments. I soon came to realize the grand scale of those investments, and how the breeding stables he maintained here were at best an avocation. Still, he explained to me at one point that even in this he was successful, and the profit...

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Forest Of The Blue Skin

When I hopped onto Zell23’s XXX sidescroller Forest of the Blue Skin, I thought I was going to have to whack those annoying blue bitches from the Avatar film. You know what I’m fucking talking about. Those blue-skinned dumb asses that used a bow and arrow to somehow defeat bigger dumb asses that utilized actual sci-fi technology. Fortunately, Zell23’s retro action platformer didn’t come close to being that fucking stupid.Despite a name that evokes images of terrible science fiction, Forest of...

Free Sex Games
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She Had a Hot Massage Upstairs at Home

“Ambrose,” Em had said over the croissants and Eggs Benedict. “I’d like to get a home service massage today.” It was a Saturday and they were having a late breakfast at the big table out under the jacaranda tree that shaded the courtyard. Unusually they would both be home this weekend. It often wasn’t like that. Their competing work schedules frequently deprived them of weekends together. Tonight they’d be going to dinner together too, a little place Ambrose had chanced upon by the river a...

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GloryHole Lauren Phillips 03122018

Lauren Phillips is a pervert. A total “perv”! Just look. She’s in an adult bookstore smashing her clit to a DVD and hoping not to get caught! (Well…maybe she secretly wants to get caught?) Either way, the clerk does catch her…just like he catches all the perverts beating off in the store. (It’s a daily thing for him.) He demands Lauren leave the store, but she’s not having any of that! Not only is she going to stay, Lauren is going to the video arcade...

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Working Late

My name is Tom; I've worked in an accounting office for the past twenty years. It has been a great place to work. One woman I have worked with over the past year is an absolute piece of ass. She is what everyone thinks of when they think of HOT. Young sweet ass and gorgeous tits she is definitely nice eye candy. Amber is 23 years old, and absolutely beautiful, she's about 5'5, 115 lbs. She always thought of me as just some nice older man. I always used to think that she'd freak out if she knew...

Straight Sex
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My wifes first time with another man pt 1

I had harbored a fantasy of seeing my wife have sex with another man for as long as I could remember. Not because our sex life wasn’t good, it actually was, but just because the thought caused something to stir deep in the back of my mind that got me harder than anything else could. I had never told my wife about this fantasy because it was kind of embarrassing and I figured she would get pissed off at me for mentioning it. She enjoyed sex but she wasn’t terribly adventurous, probably...

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Roses are red2

-Angela Carter *** "Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?" The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked napkin and raised an eyebrow to indicate she should go on. "Think about it: The Big Bad Wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood in the forest and wants to eat her. So why not just eat Little Red then? Why bother running ahead and impersonating Grandma and...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 23 A Dish Best Served Hot part 1

"Well Dr. Walters, your MRI checks out fine, and your stitches are holding nicely. Heck, if I wasn't the one who'd sewn you up, I would have guessed you'd had them in a week ago." The doctor looked down in his file. "According to your records, you were hospitalized in Tunisia back in April ... lightning strike ... coma. But you were discharged just a few days later. I thought that was a clerical error, but you really do seem to possess some remarkable recuperative abilities ... makes me...

2 years ago
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Working away from home

This is a true story.I was sent up to Darwin by my work. I would be on my own but the company put me up in some really nice hotel. I would work during the week but weekends where lonely and found my self getting pretty horny.I had dating app's on my phone so I started to troll the net looking for some guys to have some fun with. After a few hours I came across a guy called Adam. 51 years old and by the photo's, in real good shape. We talked for a few hours and decided to meet.A couple of hours...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Twelve Wanton Sin

Chapter 12: Wanton Sin by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Jezebel groaned in delight as her enemy, her hated foe, pleasured her cunt. The demon gloated in the depths of the priest's soul. He howled in agony as he was changed, transformed by the demon's domination over an angel. Even an angel as corrupted as Aurora had become still held a tenuous connection to Heaven. The succubus's red wings spread wide in Father Augustine's soul. The angel and demon were both inside the priest,...

3 years ago
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Allso the ConclusionPrelude

Time: Mid-afternoon, 3 July 2276 Place: The New United Nations Headquarters building outside of New York city. The Security Council Chamber The security council had just convened its daily session when the short young woman with long red hair suddenly appeared among them. "Arrest that woman. She's a criminal!" the current President of the Security Council demanded loudly. No one moved to obey him, but not from want of trying for neither the security personnel present, nor the diplomats...

4 years ago
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The Coachs Wife

It had been a long a boring summer and I had to start a new year at another new high school. My dad was in the Navy and we had to move every 2 years to another base. This one would be different because we would stay 4 years and I could get to graduate at this High School. I was working out 3 times a week and just got a play book to study before summer football season would start. The coach was nice and he liked I could play both offense line and defense line. I was about 6ft 4 and 255 pounds...

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The InvestigatorsChapter 5

Mike began day 5 with a five mile bike ride in the suburbs and a hot shower. His mind was clean and his body was clean. He really felt good. His mother had breakfast on the table when he returned from his shower. Mike: Mom could I have coffee this morning? Mom: Since when do you drink coffee. Mike: I figured I needed a new harmless bad habit. He said it with a confident smile. His mother returned his smile and felt better since he had a job which he seemed to be enjoying. She had...

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The Great DepressionChapter 9

In the meantime, about half a mile down the road, Roland and Peggy were just leaving the table to go and work in the barn after having eaten a supper of beef stew - with very little beef in it. Whereas their father went into the field to tie bundles of corn together so that it could dry in the sun, Rolland and his sister went to pile hay in the large storing space in the attic of the barn. Roland, by mean of a fork, began to shove the loose hay from below through the rectangular opening in...

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Sow and ReapChapter 44 If One Sows Trees One Reaps Forest

There was always work to be done. Designs to review. Contracts to revise. New projects to consider. I was being very open to new ideas; anything that was scientifically sound, I was approving for short-term funding. Long-term backing I would give after some time and effort yielded signs of results. Thus far, the tactic had been reasonably successful with some unlikely concepts developing some useful benefits. Two were unintentional and one was, in fact, the opposite of its intended goal. But...

1 year ago
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A Good ServantChapter 4

To say he felt nothing while his hips were held still by strong, firm hands, would have been a lie. Despite his sudden need to just push his ass against the owner of said hands, his conscience told him to straighten up and assume a rather frigid countenance, as he turned to face lord Lucas. “Good evening, sir,” he bowed politely, his eyes traveling from the man’s chin along the black silk shirt to find a rescue point in the subtle black diamond tie needle, one of the few embellishments the...

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sex with a latin mature pt 2

just 45 min from my godmother her i am horny still so after put up in the driveway i get a hard on so i zip down my jean take my 14 inch cock out start jerk off slow think back what happen at the gas station just as i am about my godmother come out it scare the hell out of me i did not see her because my eyes was close oh well later after eveing her tv show went off she went and took a shower and washer her hair about 30 min later i was going to take a shower ask i walk by her from the tv that...

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Meri Padosan DrBhavini

Mera naam Sachin hai aur me Rajkot me rehta hu.Meri story ki heroin hai dr.bhavini jo ki married hai aur 1 bachche ki maa hai.Uska figure 34-28-34 hai height 5 ft 5 inch 1 bachcha hone ke bavjood usne apne figure ko a66e se maintain kiya hai.wo hamesha salwar suit me rehti hai.uska clinic uske ghar ke baju me hi hai.uska husband jo ki doctor hai subah 8 baje apne clinic ke liye nikal jata hai aur sham ko 9 baje wapas aata hai. Uska beta bhi subah school jata hai jo 1 baje vapas aata hai.Me bhi...

3 years ago
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NikkiChapter 11

Nikki as an engineer. I wrote the comment off as part of the give and take of conversation. Nikki and I had talked only in passing about college ideas. After all, she still had almost three years of high school to complete. There was plenty of time for discussion and decision. I didn't make a big deal out of the remark and the conversation moved on to other things. At the end of the day, it appeared to me that my unusual wife had shown herself to be quite a decent fit to our family. I can...

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Dear Hate

I write things. Poetic things that have deep symbolic and metaphorical meaning, that express the truth in what is going on in the world around you.Things that are easier to manage when seen in a different light. Why? Well, I like to. But today, I wanted to take a different approach, and offer a wake up call by someone who matters very little in the larger scheme of whatever we're doing in this life. This has been brewing in my head for quite some time, and the narcissistic storm of racist...

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RunnerChapter 20

Sheriff Sub Station: Six miles outside of Driggs: Mathew: I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. I had noticed that Ana was only wearing her shirt. I remembered the man telling her to push and I just knew my daughter was dead because I didn't hear her crying. With another deep breath to clear my mind I walked to the door and looked inside. Ana was sitting on an ambulance bed with CodieAnn holding her. She was crying and Codie was rocking her. Walking over to Ana, I sat down on...

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