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It was the start of my fifth year at Braxton High School; to say I was nervous would have been the biggest understatement of all time. My name is Johnny Canton, and before anyone asks, no I was not held back, in fact up to this point I have a perfect 4.0 GPA. I fear that is all about to change; however, and if you think that is the reason I am apprehensive, then you don't even know the half of it. For you to truly appreciate the gravity of my situation, I must take you back a few years to when it all began, at least for me anyhow.

I grew up in a small town in Ohio, which most people have likely never heard of, and probably never will. My parents although being relatively smart, never progressed beyond the standard bachelor's degree required by most employers to hold a decent paying job. I on the other hand seemed to possess a somewhat higher level of intelligence. People would use the term gifted in their assessment of my capabilities. I am not saying this to brag mind you; it is just the way things were. School work was very easy for me and as such there were many times when I would become bored watching my teachers struggle to explain abstract theories and concepts to other students which I have grasped for years. I loved to learn, but the problem was I wasn't doing much of it in school. Unlike some other "talented" individuals, I was astute enough not to let my boredom distract me from making solid marks in my classes. I knew that one day things would change for me and I didn't want to have any sub-par grades holding me back when that time occurred.

It was near the end of my 8th grade year when Mr. Stevens, one of my teachers, took it upon himself to submit my test scores to Braxton, which led to Mr. Turner showing up on our doorstep in the middle of my summer vacation. I was told to go outside and shoot some hoops as my parents wanted to speak with Mr. Turner privately. I started to argue that this was about my future, and I had a right to be a part of their discussion, but one look at my mom's face told me I had better do as I was told. When I left the room to get my basketball I also grabbed my digital recorder off of my desk. I may had been banished from their discussion, but I be damned if I was going to miss one minute of that conversation.

"Mr. Turner, I must admit that I was rather intrigued when we first spoke about the scholarship you were offering Johnny, but after doing some research on Braxton I am very apprehensive to let him attend there," My mother spoke.

"I can't imagine why you would feel that way Mrs. Canton. I thought I explained that in addition to all expenses being covered for the entire five year program, young Johnny would almost certainly be guaranteed admittance in any one of the Ivy League colleges he applies to upon graduation from Braxton. This is a golden opportunity for him," Mr. Turner replied.

"I understand all of that, and the research I did on Braxton after we talked confirmed the statistics you quoted me over the phone. The one thing you failed to mention is the unorthodox sexual education program that every student is required to partake in," My mother said.

"I was waiting to discuss that aspect with you in person. It is a well-known fact that Braxton requires a full year of extensive sexual education in order to graduate. We are very proud of our academic program and I was by no means trying to hide this from you," Mr. Turner replied.

"I've been told that your program goes well beyond what is normally taught in most schools systems," She challenged.

"Everything at Braxton is far above what most high schools teach. That is why over 85% of our students get admitted to an Ivy League college upon graduation. Braxton is a completely privately funded organization Mrs. Canton. We are not subject to the same limitations as the schools who are government subsidize. I feel like we are getting off on the wrong foot here. Please, let me try and explain the origin of Braxton and some of the principals that go along with it," He asked?

"Alright, Mr. Turner we're listening," My dad finally spoke.

"Braxton is a private all boys preparatory high school. It was founded about 50 years ago by a group of widowed school teachers who all managed to marry rich successful men who left them vast fortunes upon their deaths. These ladies were fed up with the public school system and felt that they could run one much better than the bureaucrats who sit in their cushy offices and make imprudent decisions that undermine teacher effectiveness rendering it difficult for students to succeed. The founders of Braxton came together and developed a program that they felt would put a student on the right path to achieving a successful career. These women geared their program towards the Ivy League colleges, with the intention of matriculating their students in one of them upon their graduation. The idea was to accept only the brightest students into Braxton, that way advanced classes could be taught without anyone falling behind. The first decade of Braxton's existence did not go as planned. Braxton graduates were smart, but they just weren't up to Ivy League standers. After examining the matter it was determined that the one thing Braxton boys lacked was confidence.

When the ladies started to discuss this problem over cocktails one evening, they began to confess that some of their former husbands once suffered the same issues. After a few more drinks were consumed they were able to candidly discuss their husbands' confidence problems and how many of them were actually solved in the bedroom. It is just a fact of life that many men gain confidence by being able to handle themselves in sexual situations. After conducting further research on the subject, the ladies were more convinced than ever that they had stumbled upon a key prerequisite for success that they had previously overlooked. It was later decided that Braxton would expand their graduate program to five years, thereby ensuring that each student would be of legal age to partake in a now mandatory full year of extended sexual education," Mr. Turner explained.

"Just how in depth is this sex course," Mrs. Canton asked?

"It is very extensive. We of course start off with the basics, but then we quickly move into administration of pleasure and how to satisfy your partner. We bring in professional women to teach various methods and techniques both in the classroom and on a one to one basis," He said.

"You mean to tell me that you want to have hookers deflower my son," Mrs. Canton asked in horror?

"These ladies are professionally licensed therapists, not streetwalkers. If you're asking if Johnny will be a virgin when he graduates from Braxton then the answer is no, he will not," Mr. Turner replied.

"Well I think we have heard quite enough. Braxton does not sound like a place that I want my Johnny attending," My mother said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Turner, I urge you to reconsider. This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity for your son. He is a very intelligent young man, and although it is conceivable that he may get accepted to an Ivy League College on his own, living in this small town makes it that much more difficult for him to do so. You are throwing away a golden opportunity for him based upon his requirement to have sex when he turns 18 years old; which is something he will most likely be doing on his own by that time anyway. There are thousands of people out there who would do just about anything for the deal I am prepared to offer your son. Please, don't let this one little requirement force you to pass up the chance to help Johnny get an Ivy League education. Your son may never forgive you if you do," Mr. Turner warned them.

"I don't care what you say, I am not going to sacrifice my son's virtue just to he can obtain enrollment in an Ivy League college," Mrs. Canton said in a huff as she stormed off to her bedroom.

"Mr. Canton, I did not mean to upset your wife, but before the two of you pass up this golden opportunity I suggest that you at least talk to your son and see what his feelings are regarding the matter. This is a very exclusive scholarship, which is rarely ever offered. I understand your wife's concerns, but Johnny is going to grow up regardless of whether she wants him to or not. I would hate to see him blow this chance," Mr. Turner said.

"Here is my card. I will be in the area for the next few days. Please talk with your wife and son, and then get back to me with your final decision," He asked?

"Thank you Mr. Turner. What you're proposing did come as a bit of a shock, but I must concede that getting Johnny admitted in an Ivy League school is a very tempting offer. I assure you that we will be discussing this as a family, regardless of what my wife thinks, and I promise to get back to you with our decision in a few days," my father said.

"Thank you Mr. Canton and I hope to hear from you soon," Mr. Turner said shaking my father's hand before he left.

"Johnny would you come in here a minute please," My dad asked?

"Sure Dad, what's up," I asked.

"Son I want you to take that tape recorder that you left over there and go listen to it. When you are finished, I need you to meet your mother and I back out here in the living room so we can discuss this matter with you," He said to my utter shock.

"You saw me? Gosh, Dad I am sorry. I know it was childish to spy on you like that, but I just had to know what this was all about," I admitted fearing the worst.

"No son you have a right know about this. You are not a little boy anymore and your mother should not have made you leave the room while we were discussing your future. You may not have gone about it in the right way, but at least now I don't have to explain to you all that was said because you can just listen to it yourself. Now go and play your tape, and let me have a little talk with your mother. I have a feeling that this is going to be a very long day," Dad said.

After listening to the recording my mind was a jumbled mess of confusion, excitement, anxiety and fear all rolled up into one. I have to admit that on some level I was glad that Mom had banished me outside, as I could not imagine facing my Mother while Mr. Turner was explaining the Sex Ed requirements to her. At this point, I didn't know what to think. The promise of guaranteed pussy was alluring as well as terrifying. The thought that I would have to spend an additional year in high school was a real bummer. I had been planning on opting for early graduation, now they wanted me to stay there a year longer before starting college. The fact that they were practically insuring that I would be accepted to an Ivy League school did go a long way towards making their offer very tempting in light of the extra time it would take to graduate. I dreaded talking to my parents about this. I knew what my Mom was going to say, but I had no idea where my Dad stood on the subject, and after listening to their conversation I was still unsure how I felt about the whole thing. Mom and Dad always preached that when I had a difficult choice to make I should try and create a pros and cons list to help me decide. I grabbed a few sheets of paper and a pen and headed into the living room to meet my fate.

As I sat down with paper and a pen in hand, my mother turned to my father and said, "I don't know why we're even bothering to discuss this Harold. I will not allow my son to go there and that's final," she stated.

"First of all Marge, he is my son as well, and I have at least equal say in the matter. Now, I plan to sit here and calmly discuss this opportunity with Johnny, and if you can't do the same thing, then perhaps you should be the one outside shooting hoops," My dad suggested.

"How dare you speak to me that way Harold Canton and in front of my own child no less," My mother exclaimed!

"You have spoken far worse things to me over the years, and you didn't give a damn who was listening to you at the time either. I let you get away with a lot of shit over the years Marge, but the one thing I won't let you do is ruin our son's chances of getting into an Ivy League college, just because you can't stand to watch him grow up," Dad said.

"So you would let some hooker fornicate with your own son," She asked in horror?

"You heard Mr. Turner; they are licensed professionals, not whores off the street. We use instructors to teach our children about everything else, why are we unwilling to do the same thing when it comes to sex," My father asked?

"You can sugarcoat this all you want Harold, but the fact is that they want to force Johnny to sleep with some prostitute, and I will not allow that to happen. As far as I'm concern this discussion is over," His mother stated in a huff as she started to get up from her chair.

"Marge, I already told you that you are not making this decision by yourself. You can leave now if you wish, but by doing so you forfeit your right to voice your opinion in this matter," My dad told her.

"I have already stated my feelings, and if I say he is not going, then he won't go, period," She yelled.

"Wrong Marge, this is an important decision, and Johnny is old enough to have a say in this issue. We are going to sit down and discuss this like adults, and after that we are going to put this matter to a majority rules vote," Dad said.

Seeing that she wasn't going to get her way with Dad, like she usually does, Mom turned to me and said, "Johnny, honey; you have no idea what that awful man said you had to do in order to graduate from that place," She said in her sweetest voice.

"Actually Mom, I do. I recorded your conversation with him, and listened to it in my room before I came out here to talk to you," I admitted.

"Jonathan Canton, how dare you spy on your father and me? I am very disappointed in you right now. You go to your room this instant young man," My mother demanded.

"No Mom I won't. I am sorry, but you left me no choice when you banished me outside while the three of you discussed my future without me. I want to talk to the both of you about this, but I can't do it when you are being so irrational. Please, calm down so we can discuss this like adults," I asked?

"You can talk about this until you are blue in the face, but you are not going to that school, no matter what you or your father thinks," Mom replied as she stomped off.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset mom like that," I said.

"You didn't upset her son; the fact that she didn't instantly get her own way, for once, did that. Despite what your mother thinks, I happen to know that only one parent's signature is required for the application process. Now convince me, why should I send you to Braxton," Dad asked?

"Honestly Dad, at this point I don't even know if I want to go there. I brought out some paper in hopes that you and Mom could help me create a pros and cons list. Since Mom refuses to talk about this with us, will you help me," I asked?

So for the next couple of hours my Dad and I compiled a list of the reasons why I should either accept Mr. Turner's invitation to join Braxton, or decline his offer, as my mother would have me do. After weighing all of the options, including my mom's feelings on the subject, we still felt that by turning down Braxton I would be giving up an opportunity of a lifetime. I finally looked at my father and told him I thought he should send me to Braxton.

"It's nice to get your opinion on what you think I should do, but what I would really like to know son is do you want to go to Braxton," He asked?

"Yes Dad, I believe I really do. I have always dreamed about going to Harvard. Braxton sounds like a means of achieving that dream," I said.

"What about the sex education class? Do you really think you can handle it," He asked?

"I won't lie and tell you I'm not a nervous wreck about that part of it, because I am. If I live long enough I will surly have sex at some point in my life. At least this way it will be in a controlled environment, where I won't have to worry about diseases, or the possibility of getting some girl pregnant," I said.

"That is a very responsible way of looking at this situation. Mr. Turner made it clear that it is extremely rare for someone to earn a full ride scholarship to Braxton. I am very proud of you for achieving such a high honor, and I don't think that your mother or I should hold you back from experiencing everything that you can in life; therefore, I have decided to sign the papers to let you go to Braxton," He said.

Mom was extremely pissed with our decision, and refused to speak to either one of us until about a week before it was time for me to leave for my new home for the next five years. I was in my room still trying to sort out what all I should take with me when there was a knock on my door.

"Johnny, may I come in and talk to you for a moment," My mother asked?

Bracing myself for another argument I replied "Sure Mom, come on in," I said.

"Honey, I have come to apologize," She said nearly knocking me off of my feet.

"I have recently been talking with your father, and he has helped me to realize that I have been treating the two of you like children for years now. I have finally come to terms with the fact that you are not my little boy anymore, and your father never was in the first place. Your dad never cared much for confrontations, and knowing that I took advantage of him by demanding that things always be done my way. I guess that I just wasn't prepared for the two of you to stand up to me like you did. I should have sat down and talked with you both about my concerns regarding you going to Braxton, but instead I acted like a child and stormed out of the room. I want you to know that although I still have reservations about you going to Braxton, I respect you and your father's decision, and I know that you will make both of us very proud," She finished.

"Wow Mom! I'm not sure what to say. I have really hated not being on speaking terms with you these past few weeks. I know that you are concerned about the sex education class that I have to take, and to be quite honest I am worried about it as well. Dad and I have discussed this from every angle, and the one thing that we keep coming back to is that I have always wanted to go to Harvard, and this seems like my only real shot at getting there. I don't want you to be mad at me, but if I don't take this opportunity I will always be wondering what might have been," I replied.

"I understand that dear, and although I can't honestly say that I am happy about it, I will no longer stand in your way," My mother replied.

So it was settled. The following week I boarded my very first jet plane that would take me far away from my meager little existence and into a new and somewhat frightning way of life. Even before the plane left the ground I was having second thoughts. Would I like this new school? Could I handle being away from my parents for so long of time? What would my dorm mate be like? Will this really help me get into Harvard? How could I possibly be expected to have sex with someone I didn't even know? Of all the questions rolling around in my head, this one bothered me the most. Of course at the age of fourteen I had done my share of reading about the subject. I knew all of the mechanics "insert tab A into slot B", but the thought of actually doing it was utterly terrifying.

My first few weeks at Braxton were like nothing I had ever experienced before. My roommate Brad was alright, I guess, but having to share a room with a guy I barely knew was really tough to get used to. At least, when I lived at home I could go to my room and have some semblance of privacy. Now everything I did, or wanted to do was being monitored by another person. Even the bathroom was community property. I couldn't shave, shower, or even take a dump without having someone else in the room with me.

The outlook at Braxton was something else I found rather unusual. We were taught that Braxton was like some sort of fraternity, and we were all a member of a sacred brotherhood. Braxton men watched out for one another. We were encouraged to support our fellow brothers, and were told that they in turn would help us out. Braxton kept a list of its alumni who held powerful positions throughout the world. These people have pledged to assist us in obtaining employment, meeting the proper contacts, and steering us in the right direction for our future success. In addition of promising to help fellow Braxton brothers, we were encouraged to donate substantial amounts of money back to the school when, not if, we became able to do so. To merely obtain financial security was not enough to be considered a success at Braxton. A person would have to be earning millions or better before their picture would be displayed on the wall of financial achievement.

Classes at Braxton were another matter entirely. I thought that I had worked hard in public school, but I quickly learned that my previous efforts had been a joke compared to this. At Braxton A's and B's were considered passing, anything below that meant that you failed. I really struggled my first semester, but in the end I managed to pull all my grades up to an A. Soon after they were posted, I received a notice saying that the dean wanted to see me. I thought he was going to congratulate me on getting all A's my first semester; boy was I mistaken!

"Mr. Canton, it has come to my attention that you were not doing all that well in some of your classes until the very end where you barely managed to pull your grades back up to acceptable levels." Dean Merit said.

"Sir, it is true that I had a little trouble adjusting to life here at Braxton, but I did score all A's on my report card," I replied.

"Yes, and you did so just by the skin of your teeth or so I am told. You came to this school on a full scholarship program, and as such you are held to a higher standard than the rest of our students. We only award a couple of those scholarships ever few years. I would hate to think that we made a mistake in choosing you as the beneficiary of our generosity," He said.

"Sir, I am sorry that it took me so long to get acclimated with some of the procedures here at Braxton, but I can assure you that I will do whatever it takes to keep up my grades and prove to you that you made the right choice by allowing me to attend this fine institution," I pleaded.

"Well seeing that this is your first semester here, and the fact that you managed to pull your grades back up before it ended, I won't be putting you on academic probation, this time. I will; however, be closely monitoring your performance in the future. Now, if you'll excuse me I have other matters that I must attend to," He said dismissing me like I wasn't worth another second of his valuable time.

Exiting his office I felt like I had just stepped out of a twisted episode of the Twilight Zone. I couldn't believe the gull of this guy! I manage to pull off straight A's on my very first semester here, and he treats me like I was an embarrassment to his precious scholarship program. I felt like telling the asshole to go fuck himself and head back to Ohio, where at least I had been appreciated. Once I finally simmered down a bit I realized that the best way to get even with the son of a bitch was to make this guy eat his words. I decided that instead of quitting I would buckle down and try harder. I was now more determined than ever to show this school and everybody in it just what Johnny Canton could really do.

The next few years at Braxton were some of the most challenging of my young life. This place was definitely not designed for the average student, and it taxed even the brightest of pupils. I saw many of my fellow classmates fold under the immense pressure that we were continually being subjected to. Amazingly enough I somehow managed to persevere many times at the expense of sleep, a proper diet, or any form of a social life. I had now completed my fourth year here at Braxton, and was finally headed back home for a much needed rest. Had I attended any other high school I would be graduating by now, but since I was at Braxton I still had another year to go before that would happen. It sucked to know that some of my former classmates would be starting college in the fall, and I was stuck going through another year of Braxton's version of hell, which is how I have come to think of it, at least in private that is.

"So honey, how are your classes going," My mother asked?

"There doing just fine Mom. So far I have managed to get nothing but A's in all of my classes," I replied.

"That's wonderful dear, but aren't you scheduled to take that awful sex education course next semester," She asked?

"Yes, I will be starting that class in the fall," I answered.

"Johnny, couldn't you try applying to Harvard now, instead of waiting another year? Maybe with your grades as good as they are you would be accepted anyway, without having to take a fifth year of high school," She asked?

"Mom, you and I both know that Harvard will never accept me without a high school diploma," I replied.

"Well you could always take the GED this summer. With that and your transcripts from Braxton they might let you in," she suggested.

"Mom, without a diploma from Braxton I don't have a prayer of being admitted into Harvard, but with one I have a real shot at earning a full ride scholarship there. I am going to have a hard enough time getting through this next year without having to worry about you being upset with me all over again," I said.

"I know you're under a lot of pressure honey, and I'm sorry for adding to it. I just hate the thought of your first time being with some prostitute, instead of your wife, or at least someone that you are in love with," She replied remorsefully.

"I know mom, and I am more than a bit apprehensive about that as well. Would it surprise you to know that I am also looking forward to it, at least to some extent," I asked?

"Actually Johnny, being an 18 year old male it would shock me if you weren't. I just hate the thought of them turning such a milestone event in your life into a classroom project," my mother said.

"Well if you insist, I guess I could head on over to the mall and comb for chicks. If I play my cards right, I might get lucky before I even have to return to Braxton," I said fully expecting the slap upside the head that my mother always gave me when I got one over on her.

Mom didn't disappoint me as she got me really good right on what has obviously been her favorite spot.

"Gee I really missed your loving displays of affection," I said ducking yet another blow from my laughing mother.

Summer seemed to fly by, and with it all my fears and anxieties came bubbling towards the surface. The closer it came to me having to return to Braxton the more apprehensive I became. If the thought of having to take advanced sexual education was not terrifying enough, I also had to enroll in all of the social classes that up to this point I'd managed to avoid. My classes this semester would consist of deals made on the golf course, the business side of sports, mingling for contracts, the art of concentration, and of course advanced sexual education. Why I had to take these classes was still a mystery, but seeing as they were all required I really didn't have any choice in the matter.

On my first day back after summer vacation I received a piece of good news that took a bit of worry off of my mind. No, I wasn't going to be able to get out of my sexual education course, but I did learn that my sports related classes were graded on a pass/fail basis. This was to help maintain our GPA status for college admission, but it did not mean that our social classes were a pushover, a fact which was emphasized when we were told these classes were equally, if not even more important than any of the previous ones we had taken. I was taught that more multi-million dollar deals were negotiated on the golf course than ever were in someone's office.

My business end of sports class taught us that when we find something social in common with our clients it helps create a personal connection that can be used to build relationships that will likely bring greater profit margins to whatever business venture we might be perusing. We were forced to not only learn the basic fundamentals of baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and car racing, but we also had to be able to name athletes and the stats of both their top and current players. My instructor told us that regardless of how we felt concerning any given sport, our job was to convince clients we loved it as much as any over the top fan ever did.

Unless I someday develop Alzheimer's disease, or a total case of amnesia I will never forget my art of concentration class as long as I live. The course was designed to help us learn to focus in the midst of a multitude of distractions. One day we would go in and there would be music blaring in the background, the next day there would be five separate televisions going, all on different channels, and each one turned up so loud that the professor had to practically scream over them to be heard. We came to class one morning to find the room decorated like one of the strip joints you see in the movies. Sure enough as Professor Moore started his lecture a group of three women that I had never seen before showed up in scantily clad clothing, and started dancing around the tall poles they had stationed on their makeshift stage. I couldn't believe it when these women actually began striping off their clothing right in front of us. Up until this point, I had only ever seen a naked woman on television and of course my computer screen. I nearly had a heart attack when one of their pairs of panties, came flying through the air and landed right on top on my desk. Needless to say, it was a very hard class that day, pun intended.

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It’s 11:30. The place is empty. We’re supposed to close at 1 a.m. but fuck it, it’s Friday. I’ve had the late shift at the college library for the past three nights, and all I want to do is close up, go to my dorm, watch some porn, stroke myself off and fall asleep. After the week I had, that sounds like the perfect end to the night, to be honest. If I close an empty library a bit early, what’s the harm? So I start making my rounds, checking the floors, starting with the basement. As soon as I...

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The butchers son

There I was minding my own business when there was a knock at the door. It was the butcher's son - my Mum had phoned an order through earlier that day and Rob was here to deliver the order and collect the cash.Rob and I were the same age and even though our families lived only a block or two away we rarely saw each other. I invited him in and showed him through to the kitchen where my Mum was preparing lunch for my Dad and herself. I got talking to Rob about something (I don't remember what)...

3 years ago
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Der geliebte Cuckold Teil 1

Ich war schon immer ein neugieriger Mensch. Son als ich noch sehr jung war interessierte ich mich für Sex mit allem was dazugehöhrt. Schon in jungen jahren fing ich auch an mich selbst zu befriedigen und mich sexuell zu vergnügen. Als dan die Pupertät los ging wurde alles nur noch intensiver. Sobald ich zugangvzum Internet hatre informierte ich mich Nächtelang über jegliche Stellungen und Techninen. Ich hatte auch einige kürzere beziehungen mit Mädchen aus meiner Umgebung. Mit 17 kam ich aber...

4 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 28 A Moment of Rest

The next two hours were a blur of exercise and pain. Sergeant O'Malley never broke a sweat as he first had everyone run around the clearing while he promised to train us to fight and then he proceeded to show us a series of dirty tricks and holds we could use to disable an opponent. When Jessica, Jason, Morgan and I were too tired to continue, he had us lay down while he took the ladies around and showed them how to break free from any hold a person might try. It was exhausting, but at the...

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Devil In Both

Devil In BothBy: Londebaaz Chohan Larry was not very fond of nightclubs and particularly, this one, he never been in before. He had no clue if it was always this noisy, wild, on the edge sexually and aggressive. Guys were making all possible plays at girls, girls were going after guys. These were no girls, these were babes!! Their bodies were teasing, taunting and tantalizing raising the temperature in the club. There were bulges in the pants everywhere, almost openly rubbed by naked thighs in...

4 years ago
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Ms Clark

My daughter is in 3rd grade her teacher is Ms. Clark. Ms. Clark is a beautiful woman standing a lovely 5’6”. Her hair is a stunning brunet with natural red highlights in them. I have noticed that since the beginning of the school year more and more dads show to get their k**s from her class room. I have found it myself difficult not to stare at her when I go to pick my little girl up. I am sure Ms. Clark has seen me looking at her. Her beauty is only matched by her intelligence and kindness...

1 year ago
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Monkeys PenisChapter 6 Fuck Bunny

"I wonder who that could be," Paul mused, then walked to the front window and looked out. "Why, it's your girlfriend, David." "Katie?!" David sprang suddenly to her feet and almost got slapped in the face by her own boob. "She can't see me like this!" she squeaked, scampered to the coat closet, and hid inside. "You too, Lydia. She'll certainly notice that there's something... different... about you!" Lydia pressed her chest forward. "Do you think my breasts will intimidate...

1 year ago
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New Boss II

I got to Lori’s house on Sunday two weeks later and she had me strip at the door. She said, “Whenever you enter the house strip and you can only get dressed in the bedroom when you are about to leave.” Lori handed me $2,000 and said, “Here is your first weeks paycheck, you start tomorrow and you can drive in with me.” She stroked me hard and we sixty-nined until we both came. That was Sunday so I started work on Monday. She showed me the house and it had a pool, workout room and four bedrooms....

Group Sex
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 5

I had purposefully set the alarm for 7:45, just to make sure I woke up before my husband. I might’ve enjoyed cuckolding Charles by kissing and touching his son in front of him, but I didn’t quite want him to know Chris and I were doing far more than that. Besides, there was my daughter to worry about too. And as naïve as she is, it’d probably be hard to explain why mommy is leaving her brother’s room in nothing but a tank top and panties. However, getting out of bed was proving quite...

1 year ago
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How I Satisfied A Lusty Lady

Hi Readers ! This is my first story on this plateform but it is real one . Now without wasting any time I am coming to the incident, I am a 37 years old, sporty body , stout man and my body Wt is 74 Kgs . I am from Haryana and hence very active and presently in Govt service. It so happened last year that for some office job I was going to the main office by my Bike. My work place is a village, which is not connected with public means of transport. So people have to walk down for 1.5 Kms to...

3 years ago
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Cheating Wife and Retribution

Ok I know it is a cliché by now but I came home and saw my wife of five years in bed with another man. I was shocked to see them carrying on in some wild and raunchy sex in my bedroom but the most shocking thing was that the man was white. Now call me a racist or what ever you feel like but that told me that my wife was forever lost to me if she could even come up with even a reasonable defence for her actions. The coupling stopped when she heard the door slam shut. I took the obligatory...

2 years ago
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work sex

Now for some reason this story hasn't gone live and I posted it like 2-3 days ago so will post again. _________Being the good girlfriend she was Jessica rings on the door, packed lunch in hand, lipstick grin on her face waiting for the big boss to buzz her in. She always had lunch with her fiancé and was very much aware that in a work place of all men, a lot of them seemed to fancy her, now she wasn’t bragging she thought herself to be nothing special but this is what some of the fellas at work...

4 years ago
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Met A New Granny Today

I went to the grocery store just to grab a few things today. I'm stroling thru the store and I grabbed some cabbage, red potatoes, and some corned beef. Now I'm looking for some to drink to go along with it when I see this gorgous mature woman. She had on a short sleeve button up top and you could see her bra straps and bra from the side as she walked. Her breast were very large, I followed her to get a chance to see her ass. She was a pear shaped woman, but had very nice hips. You could...

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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 3

Jacob and Laurel were shown into the large hall of a big manor house, it was an old house filled with tapestries, tables in rows in the hall, shields and crossed axes and swords on the walls. The maid that had come out to their wagon had told them to carry in the fabric they had for the Lady Joan and her friends to look over. Laurel carried in the smaller bolts of fabric setting them on a long table, she got out of the way as Jacob started to tell the Ladies about the quality of the fabrics...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 49 Feb 1945 Roosevelt Churchill Stalin Meet at Yalta

“Stalin then brought up the question of reparations in kind and in manpower, but said he was not ready to discuss the manpower question. The latter, of course, referred to forced labour. Since the Russians were using many thousands of prisoners in what was reported to be virtual slave camps, they had little to gain by discussing the matter ... The proposal in brief was: Reparations in kind should include factories, plants, communication equipment, investments abroad, etc., and should be made...

1 year ago
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Kathy AgainChapter 9B

I dozed awhile, eventually awakening to the curvaceous beauty beneath my hands, and whispering next to me. It developed that my wife and my daughter were having some sort of conference, and, as I cleared the cobwebs from my brain, it became clear that they were discussing the finer points of being buttfucked. My vision cleared, and Brent was demonstrating the wisdom of knowing when to shut up, wide eyed as he took in the conversation. That clarity of vision, led to a clarity of perception,...

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BlacksOnBlondes Chloe Cherry Second Appearance

Chloe is a college girl who needs some extra cash so she has been doing blind surveys for companies, trying various products to see which products are better. This one is a sex toy sample from Research Scientists Jon Jon and Isiah who have a set of Dildos which she’s supposed to give feedback on to see which product she likes better. They put the blindfold on and she proceeds to blow them instead of just handling them and says they are ok but not lifelike enough and not big enough. Then...

2 years ago
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Second Chance Ch 03

Sorry it has taken so long, I have been changing some of the story as I go along rereading it. Special thanks to MaaddMaaxx for editing. Hope you all still enjoy it! – C The ride to the lake was an interesting one. Jason had a SUV waiting to take them up to the lake. He told Jared that Jerry would go up later and that Trenton had already taken most of the crew up. He then handed Jared two high end cell phones, actually they were the new touch screen phones that are the craze of the cell world....

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Mom Ki Best Friend Ki Chudai Via Blackmail

Hello guys me rajveer and iss baar story thodi si different hai waise mere cock ke baare me to apko pata hi hai. Well jinko nahi pata wapas bata deta hu mera cock kareeb 6.5 inch lamba and 2-3 inch mota hai, me dikhne me handsome hu and workout bhi kafi kerta hu.   So ab story pe aate hai, ye baat se 4 saal pehele ki hai jab me 12th me tha, meri family naye area me shift hue the and meri mom ki ek bohot achhi friend bhi ban gayi thi jinka naam gayatri hai. Gayatri aunty ki height kareeb 5.11...

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The Manuscript.By jjcoleI had been trying to write a Great American novel for years but had only succeed in writing an episodic tale of a town, an episodic tale of a singer, and a convoluted science fiction story. My agents found online publishers for each but not print publishers.My agents were a lesbian couple that would kindly be described as colorful. I described them as batty. One, her name was Virginia, appeared to be mostly sane but appearances were deceiving. She was a weirdo, a very...

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Naked in School the Exported RebellionChapter 6

That Saturday Kevin met Jeremy at the dojang for their weekly training. “Say, Jeremy,” Kevin said as he pulled on his dobak, your mom mentioned that you’ve gotten involved with writing about social problems.” “Oh yeah, I am,” he replied. “I think that governments and even religions have too much control over how people can treat each other, like when we were talking about honor killing—that’s a religious idea gone haywire, and the Naked in School Program, which is a crazy government...

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Me Ashley

So I moved to a new house with my f****y when I was about 6-7 years old. My parents and my s****r and I. Me and my s*s made friends with all the k**s on the block, oh yeah and my s****r was two years younger than me. Well, anyways, our best friends on this neighborhood was two k**s down the street, a b*****r and s****r named Zach and Ashley. Ashley was my s****r’s age, two years younger than me, and Zach was even younger, and he was kind of annoying. So me and my s*s always hung out with...

3 years ago
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Horny Stranger Fucked In My Car

Hi all, I’m Aditya. I’m 27 years old. I work as a Senior Manager in an exciting startup in Gurgaon. I am sharing a real-life incident that happened with me last year when I was in Hyderabad. I would love to hear feedback from hot girls/aunties of ISS at So I went to this pub Bottles and Chimneys (B&C) in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad with my office colleagues on a Friday night. I was in a great mood and had started having a few drinks and enjoying the ambiance. My friends from the office were busy...

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The Boys in BlueChapter 25A

Back at Renton Robert reported to Alan in his office and gave him chapter and verse about the meeting at the ministry. Alan sat back in his chair picking up a note pad “Robbie all the hard work has just about paid off. The final A10 arrives today, and Taff,” referring to Warrant Officer Selwyn Jones ground chief of all the RAF engineers involved with maintenance and servicing of the squadron, “has assured me it will be fit for duty in thirty-six hours. You’ll have two weeks for flight...

1 year ago
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BetrayalChapter 13

"Hey Maxie. What's happening?" Sheriff Warner answered his phone, disdain in his voice. He really hated talking to Max, but it afforded him the lifestyle he loved. The pay was too good to pass up. Besides, any chance to screw with the man who wanted nothing more than to break his neck always improved his mood. "Tom, listen up, you fat prick. We got a little situation we need your help with. That is, if you can figure out a way to get your ass off the stool at the donut shop." "Are you...

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Lean into me now and feel any resistance you still have melt away when my lips brush against your skin. No one knows about us and no one has to. At times, you think this is wrong because of that, something like a sinister ghost that will hover over both of us long after we part. But you and I are not ghosts. We are not phantoms to one another. Here.... place your warm hand over my heart, the part of me that you have called cold and absent before. Do you feel it now?Through the contact of bare,...

Straight Sex
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Depth of FieldChapter 11 Pigs in Zen

Dance is the hidden language of the soul - M.G. I got up late, preferring to stay in bed and think rather than get up and be restless in front of everyone. Sleep had done me good. I was feeling positive and excited about Heather’s arrival. She was on the road to me at that moment! After cleaning up my room, showering, and helping my parents with lunch, I decided to take a short hike in the woods to let out the pent-up energy. Lara caught up with me as I entered the trees. I wasn’t sure I...

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Betamax 1

I tried all of the drawers in turn until I came to the bottom drawer, which, in my haste, I pulled hard out so that it hit the stops. All the drawers are really deep, so that things tucked at the back rarely see the light of day. Right at the back, behind a homemade wood partition, I saw about 6 or 7 videotapes. From their size and shape I realised that they were the old Betamax type, long gone from the stores. Glancing up, I saw our old Betamax- player still on the shelf -Dad NEVER throws...

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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch11

The Man Who Would Be Queen Ch. 11 "Michelle's New Sister?" "I'm just not ready for all this," Dexter said to Angela as she prepared things for him. Dexter was completely naked sitting in a wooden straight back chair in the bathroom. Angela was busy removing all her clothes too. She was trying to keep the male female fires glowing between the two of them as Dexter was pressed more and more into womanhood. It was tough on both...

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Printers Devils

The old-fashioned bell over the street door jingled, proclaiming the arrival of a customer, and the Printer felt an anticipatory quickening of his pulse. His wife, seated at the desk next to the curtained doorway, drew the curtain back and looked into the little shop in front. "It's those two," his wife said, soaking the word "those" with contempt but confirming his precognition. "I'll take care of it." It: not them. She passed through the curtain into the shop. The Printer wiped his...

1 year ago
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What Cant Erica Do

Author’s Notes: This is my first attempt at writing in general. Please leave any constructive criticism in the comments. I am planning on having some futa chapters and maybe some incest much further down the road, but the chapters will be clearly marked. *********************** "Will it ever get easier?" Sitting at the end of the sticky bar, I tried to distract myself by counting the bubbles in my warm beer. It had been a hard week, but not for the reason most would think. A loud laugh from the...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part III

The seemingly random flicker of light was coming from a rather dated television, but it was the only source of light in an otherwise darkened room. He didn't mind that the Agency he'd worked for the last few years had sent him out to remote places always to work another case. What he did mind he was the fact he was now only just ten weeks out from him being forced into retirement date and they had given him a new recruit to train. "Well so much for expecting things to go easy for...

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A helping hand for Lotte part 3 earning and lea

Part - 3Lotte, again, stood facing the wall. This time she had to stay there for half-an-hour; though she did not have to keep her hands on her hand.“You stand there now for half-an-hour, my girl,” Kiffi had said. “You be a good cow. Show me how good you can be.”While she stood there, proving her obedience, Kiffi sat on the sofa, watching TV, and eating a sandwich and drinking tea that Lotte had prepared for him.After she had recovered from her soul-searching orgasm, upon Kiffi making her...

1 year ago
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Learning the Ropes

Top of Form Bottom of Form "Take off your clothes." Mindlessly, I did as I was told. In a moment I stood naked beside the bed, open for inspection. My dick, which neither of us had touched, was solid as a post. It hovered over the mattress, pointing at her as she lay on her back, her head resting on a stack of pillows. She had dark, closely cropped hair, and brown eyes that shined as she gazed at my cock and balls. I could almost hear her salivate. "You're very handsome," she...

2 years ago
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Coed Blowjob Buddies 3 by loyalsock

Bethany noticed again the intimacy of giving a man a blowjob. Pressing her face against his cock so she could nurse on his balls felt remarkably intimate. She saw his long, wet looking cock dancing and throbbing in front of her eyes, displaying his appreciation in a way only men were allowed. Yes, she decided, she liked this and she could understand how Allison said she liked it better than sex. Did eating pussy feel as intimate? "You look sexy doing that," Allison said before she leaned closer...

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Repairman Scores with White Wife Blacken

It was another boring Saturday for Betty. No matter the day, it was the same scene. There was her husband sitting on the couch watching one sport or another, while she kept herself busy with common household chores. Unfortunately for her, this is what life was like after marrying young and so many years had passed.Today's exciting chore was laundry.As she opened up the drying machine and hastily removed the warm clothes into the laundry basket in her hand, she could hear the game announcers...

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My New Point of ViewChapter 4

We started back up the road to the house. "Slave, come over here close so I can feel your beautiful body, "I teased. She slid over and plastered herself to my side. I unbuttoned her shirt and caressed her skin. She sighed, and put her head on my shoulder. We finally got to Bobby's, picked up Sally, and headed home. Sally said, "I know what you have been doing." Billie blushed, and said, "How?" "Because I would have done the same thing," she teased. We all laughed. "All you have to...

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Gian hasst den Sportunterricht. Nicht aber etwa, weil er unsportlich wäre. Nein, Sport macht ihm eigentlich sogar Spaß - seine Muskulatur ist auch ziemlich ausgeprägt. Wenn da nur nicht sein Geheimnis wäre. Bisher war es ihm zwar immer gelungen, dieses zu verbergen, doch nun hatte die Schule angeordnet, dass nach dem Sportunterricht zu duschen war. Und geduscht wurde nunmal nackt. Seufzend zieht er seine Sportschuhe aus, dann die Socken, einen Moment lang starrt er auf seine Füße. Aus dem...

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Innocence Lost Ch 33

In Which Blanche returns to Innocence, consideration is given on the sole pleasures of her virtues, and Dodie learns more about Blanche. Blanche didn’t often visit Congress and when she did she always felt the restrictions of wearing clothing very uncomfortable, which on a body as plump as hers were rarely as flattering as total nudity would be. It was not something that she could avoid for too long as it became necessary on occasion to visit her suppliers to get the literature she needed to...

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Lick N TiffChapter 12 Tiffany on Ice Part II

"You look really great, Tiffany." "Thanks," I said, smiling in the passenger seat while Jeremy drove. "You look kinda great too." "Oh." He smiled back and I kicked myself in the brain. Kinda great? What did that mean? I was pretty new to this being nice to boys thing. I mean, I'd never been an introverted super-shy sort of girl or anything. I got along with people just fine. It's just that I'd never wanted a boyfriend, you know? So I'd always had like this force field of "Fuck...

1 year ago
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Movie Night

It was a cold November evening and I was relaxing at home. It was 7:45 and I had called my boyfriend, Blair, then, like me, a highschool senior, and asked him to come over at 8 and watch some movies with me. My family had left earlier in the day to go to one of my 12-yr-old brother's soccer tournaments. I had just been lounging around in a fluffy yellow towel after my shower so I went upstairs to change. I put on Blair's latest present to me, a black bra, and added my favourite pair of black...

First Time
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Moms Night Out Part 3

Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...

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Driving Mrs Tandy Chapter 2

John Stefanovitch was helping Norma with the shopping, which, for the most part consisted in carrying the bags. There were some things that were bugging him, but he wasn’t sure if he should ask. Finally, he gave in to the urge. “Norma, Mrs. Tandy has been in some kind of accident, hasn’t she?” A wide smile split Norma’s face, and her head tilted to one side. “Does she look like someone who has not been in an accident?” She remained silent for a while, then said: “It was a car crash.” “Her...

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VAMPIRESS This is another fantasy I have had for years. Apart from wanting to be a Shemale, how about wanting to be a Shemale Vampire or even a Female vampire? This is my version of how I would like to be changed. As usual I am out wandering the country side, its summer and its quite warm, no street lights and no cars. I am a TV out for a walk dressed like a hooker, which is my favourite outfit. I am not on hormones and don't have breast implants but its something I really want. I am...

4 years ago
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My step Mom and her Best Friend

Angela was my mom's best friend! Smoking hot, 5-09 with long blonde hair, a figure to kill for, and legs that any red blooded male would love to have wrapped around his ears! I was 18 years old when this story begins, and I was totally in lust with Angela! 38DD tits held up by nothing was another mesmerizing feature of her awesome body, and an ass that she could use to devastating effect when walking away! By the way, my name is Mark. At the time I was so in lust with Angela, she was married to...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 52 Thoughts On The Future Porn Queens

Mark In the morning, I rode in the helicopter from the Worthington Industries HQ building to one of our commercial electronics plants a hundred miles west of the city. Because of the interest Elsa and Cindy had in flying, I paid more attention to what was happening a few feet in front of me in the cockpit. The mass of gages, levers, buttons, radios, display screens, and what not in front of the two pilots fascinated me. I studied each instrument until I felt reasonably certain I knew its...

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My Girlfriends Daughter Final Chapter

Chapter 7, the Final Chapter, thanks for reading everyone!After the spending the afternoon with Julie, my sex drive had increased to an even higher level. I daydreamed about fucking both Monica and Julia, as the memories of Marie slipped slowly into the back of my thoughts. That evening when Marie called, I realized that I needed to change my perspective before she returned from her business trip. When she thought I was alone we had phone sex. But what she didn't realize was that both Monica,...

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She is so Handy

I was out most of the day not really thinking about anything specific. I played a round of golf and came home, showered and started to work on some of my video files. I’ve collected many gigabytes of my favorite subject, that of female masturbation. I don’t know why it turns me on so much but seeing any woman climax to their fingers is a rush that I love. I enjoy piecing together clips and produce longer videos, and at times posting them online. I recently produced a music video dedicated to my...

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Transformation in Reno Part 2

Transformation in Reno - Part 2 By DeeWet As I lay at John's feet on the floor, I worry about what I just did. Dressed in a red dress and petticoat, my feet in ruffled socks and black Mary Jane shoes, my white satin panties are wet and sticky between my legs. I had sucked my friend's cock. I can still taste his cum. The most worrisome part to me is that I loved it and can't wait to please him again. I can't describe the feeling of helplessness as I lay there with my wrist...

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