Laundry Theater The panty Curse
- 2 years ago
- 32
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I never considered that day to be anything other than a typical Sunday morning, with the usual crowd or lack thereof, given that it was after all when half the population were asleep and the other half were probably dozing off in church while pretending to listen to some moron rail against the very sins that they committed the night before. Yeah, I'm a cynic, so sue me. There was a reason that I wasn't in church and hadn't been for the past couple of years.
Anyway, I was minding my own business, putting clothes in the dryer for the last cycle, when I saw her. Yeah, her. Long, jet-black hair, skin a reddish brown hue, eyes a shade of brown that was nearly black itself, and one of the finest pairs of tits to be on display despite her baggy sweatshirt. Sure, she wasn't a perfect ten by the standards of those phonies in Cosmo or Vogue, but I never read those magazines and didn't give a flying fuck about that. All they care about is the skinny waistline. All that sickening heroin chic crap. No, this was a real American woman, with real curves, flesh and blood, with enough beauty and sex appeal to more than impress me, and then she smiled ... nervously, sure, but she smiled when she saw me, a true smile that reached her eyes, not a plaster smile of the sort that I used to see in Sunday school and Bible camp.
"Hello," I said, breaking the ice for the poor gal, "haven't seen you here before."
"Nope. I just moved in. Well, we did. Mom and I. Had to start over," she answered awkwardly.
"Yeah, I know that feeling. I had to move somewhere when I left my wife," I told her.
"Divorced, huh? I should be so lucky. I'm 25 and still live with Mama. The kicker is that she is 43 and looks so young that people think that we're sisters," she chuckled at her own situation.
"Maybe that sense of humor is why, if you got it from her. One of the few Bible verses I still agree says that laughter is a great medicine, or something like that. I haven't been to church or even said grace over meals in two years," I laughed at myself and my loss of faith these days.
"Disgruntled Christian, then?" she teased me.
"Yeah, somewhat. Jaded about the Old-Time Religion crap. If you ask me, a good dose of irreverence is what we really need. People not taking shit like that too seriously. What good does that crap do, anyway? My ex was a completely pious bitch, but it didn't stop her from committing adultery. Nor did it stop the pastor," I admitted, rolling my eyes.
"She fucked your pastor? Damn, that's just ... wrong. Sick. The whole time, dragging you to church just to listen to her boyfriend rant and rave at you. Insult added to injury, if you ask me. I hope that you nailed him good," the cutie reacted as I hoped that she would, with shock and outrage at the hypocrisy.
"I'll say. I stood up in church, announced to my wife and the entire congregation that I was leaving her and them, and told them all exactly why I was. You should have seen the looks on their faces, the whole lot of them. Especially when I used rather salty language to describe her carnal knowledge of our pastor, old sailor's habit, and had her served with divorce papers right there in her pew, in front of more than a hundred witnesses. I heard later that his bishop instigated disciplinary action almost immediately and his wife filed for divorce, forcing him to get a real job to pay child support. He sells imported cars now. Served him right. I'd feel bad for his kids, but he was never much of a real father to them. I could tell that. After that, I moved out of state, got an apartment, and thanked my lucky stars that she and I didn't have any rugrats already. Divorce is so much cleaner when it's just the two of you. I don't know what she's doing these days. To quote Rhett Butler, 'Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn'. She made her bed and she can lie in it," I grinned as I recalled my payback to that lying hussy and her boyfriend, the man of God ... I even used my best Clark Gable impression for that line, too.
"Wow, the pastor screwed your wife, but you really screwed both of them back. Good for you. I like you already. I'm Melissa, by the way," the sexy, somewhat plump young woman told me with a grin that spoke volumes.
"Jed. Like Jed Clampett in the Beverly Hillbillies. No kidding, I was named after him. It was Hell in boot camp, I tell ya that. Imagine drill instructors making hay of all that," I recalled with some dry humor now, but it really was unpleasant when I first enlisted.
"Yeah, I got picked on back at the rez for having such a white girl name. Not my fault that Daddy was white. It's just luck of the draw. Bullies can be so vicious when you're that age. Still, overall they were nice to me. Mama's Navaho, so I'm Navaho. Doesn't matter that I'm not full-blooded. She is and that's what counted. Still, she got a position at the hospital here, so we moved so she could give me a better life. Still visit family now and then, though," Melissa smiled wider now.
"So, what happened with your father and all?" I asked, curious as to how he wasn't still in their lives.
"Too many differences in the end. Too many fights. She regrets a lot of it and so does he, but they're both so damn stubborn at times that neither of them could get past the anger. He remarried, anyway, became a fucking Mormon, and now has a nice, fancy white-bread Mormon family life with the seven half-sisters that he gave me. Yeah ... half-sisters, all of them. Not a boy in sight. Serves the prick right for forgetting that I exist. I get that he couldn't make it work with Mama. She can be a handful, especially to a white guy not used to Navaho culture and the dominant role of women in it, but he could still have shown up at my Little League games now and then. That wouldn't have killed him, would it?" Melissa pouted now.
"Would it help your mood if I told you how adorable that pout is?" I asked her, guessing how she might react.
Melissa burst into somewhat embarrassed laughter and covered her face with her sweatshirt for a moment, exposing her belly somewhat in the process, and a tattoo of, not something very stereotypically Navaho, like an eagle or a loom, but a dick ... a very notable piece of male equipment, with balls attached. Why she had that inked on her belly, I just had to find out.
"So, what's with the tat?" I asked her.
"Oh, that ... well, too many shots, I guess. Far too many. No, I'm not the typical drunk Injun that you see in movies. I'm no lightweight. I can handle my booze, but still, a girl should know her limit. Apparently, eight Bloody Maries are about three or four too much for me. Next thing I know, I'm face down on a stranger's bed, with tattoos that I never saw before on my body, looking into a mirror as he pumps me full of his cum. In my ass, no less. Yeah ... I took it up the rear. Wasn't too bad, except that I wish that I was sober enough to remember deciding to lose that cherry. Funny thing, I still have the other one," Melissa recalled that bizarre incident, her first case of sodomy.
"Other what?" I sought clarification.
"Virginity. Flower. Maidenhood. I'm still technically a virgin," she giggled at the oddity of her situation, having taken it up the butt, but not yet in the pussy.
"Wasn't that actually rape, then? You and him. Going to brown town while you were out like a lamp?" I reacted to that part first, because I'd always heard that if a girl blacked out and you were screwing her, it was rape.
"You know, I guess it kinda was. Hadn't really thought about it that way at the time. It didn't feel like rape at least. Maybe because I had gone out that night looking to lose my cherry. Well, I lost it, just not the one that I had in mind," Melissa remembered, "not saying that you're wrong. Just that it never occurred to me that it might be rape. Anyway, I was more worried about not getting caught by Mama, but, of course I was. This was a few years ago, mind you. I have always lived with Mama. It turned out that my fears were a bit exaggerated in my head. Mama just sat me down and told me that if I wanted to fuck, I should make sure and use protection. I was a grown woman and my choices were my own, though. She agreed with me on that. Leave it to a registered nurse to think that way, of course."
"Know what's funny?" I asked her.
"What?" Melissa was curious now.
"I'm an RN, too," I laughed.
"So am I! No shit! What a small fucking world!" Melissa punched me playfully in the arm, but then apologized, "sorry, was just getting a little goofy there."
"Same hospital as your mom?" I asked her.
"No, they have a rule about relatives working the same facility. Not far off, though. University medical center, you know. Really nice hospital, in fact. Just got my nursing license, though. It's my first gig. Wish me luck, please," she laughed again and dropped a freshly washed shirt in the process.
When Melissa bent over to pick up her shirt, I got just enough of an eyeful of that fine booty of hers from her baggy sweatpants dropping a bit, and boy did my cock grow very hard indeed! It was a large bottom, no doubt of that, but it was very nicely shaped and had almost perfect butt-cleavage, if you know what I mean. It was also very smooth, of course. I suspected the use of hair removal cream, but I could be wrong about that. The worst of it was when she stood up and caught me staring ... her reaction was priceless.
"See anything that you like?" Melissa teased me.
"Um ... actually, yes. Does that bother you?" I coughed.
"Bother me, really? Dude, maybe I should drop another shirt, if you know what I mean. I might get lucky and you might start fucking me right here and now, take this pesky virginity off my hands. At 25, I've outgrown it," Melissa snickered.
"Would that be lucky? Sounds like an invitation to me," I grinned widely.
"Maybe ... maybe not," Melissa said, dropping another shirt and bending over to flash me her ass again.
That was too much temptation for any even halfway straight guy to resist. I wasn't made of stone, though my cock was hard as a rock. I grabbed that ass of hers, caressing each cheek and helping slide it down all the way to her ankles. I rubbed my fingers up against her dripping snatch, which revealed just how turned-on Melissa became during our sexy banter, and this was even more obvious once I inserted said fingers into her soaking wet twat.
"I don't have a condom on me," I warned her as I began playing with her pussy with one hand and fondling her butt with the other ... including both the crack and the buns.
"Hey, Jed, you were married for how many years? I'm a virgin, at least technically. Come on, we both need this and neither of us is a high-risk candidate for a disease. Call it an assumed risk. We're both taking it of our own free will. Just fuck me, please," she begged me now.
"Have it your way, then," I told her, easing my cock inside her pussy ... noting the lack of a hymen, but that was hardly a surprise.
She could very well still have been a virgin, not that I cared very much at all. Melissa gave out a sharp breath as she first felt my entry, but then she started moving her body, bucking her hips in response to my strokes inside her. Her juices made her cunt ever slicker, her thighs now drenched with them as well. I made a few teasingly slow strokes for a moment, but Melissa pushed back hard enough to send the distinct, wordless plea that I quit fooling around and fuck the hell out of her. I took the hint and started screwing Melissa far more vigorously, thrusting harder with each stroke as I held onto her waist and kept moving in and out of her.
Laundry would never be this much fun, but one can dream and fantasize. This is a fantasy based on a series of picture I found abandoned on XH. Hope it meets your approval.I was so excited on Friday when I was told I would have a paid day off on Monday. As I drove home I had all sorts of ideas of what I should do but reality set in when I took my laundry basket down to the apartment laundry room and saw a sign posted “Closed until Monday”. “Damn,” I swore as I turned back to the elevator, “a...
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Laundry Room Confessions I can't keep this a secret for one minute longer! If I don't spill my guts and confess my saucy secret, I'll burst for sure. Thank Heavens you are here for me to share my story with!.... It was last fortnight when I was unceremoniously "dumped" by my so-called man of two years. Initially it would be fair to say I was rather upset, after all, nobody likes to be told " Hey, I don't want to be with you anymore. " To add insult to injury, he didn't even try and sugar coat...
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New to the Apartment Jeff headed down to the laundry room in the basement of his building. With just his College sweater and sweat pants he was not planning to impress anyone, hey it was just laundry day. The elevator opened and he walked down the hall to the door, as he unlocked it he was greeted by the sounds of machines and chatter. The room was full of people and all the machines churned away, baskets lay in wait for the next machine. Jeff sighed and realized that maybe Sunday...
Straight SexIntroduction: When a new tenant arrives next door, laundry day gets exciting. When you live in a small complex of apartments like Cassy does, you know that the communal laundry room is awkward if you have to share. The people of her building had a system which showed up one day, people talked and figured out their own day and time were they can be alone or have company with another person if the other person wanted it while taking care of their clothes. This system has been thriving for years,...
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There she was, folding laundry like she did every Thursday. Her big tits bouncing back and forth in that loose silk robe she wore on laundry day. She knew I liked the view. She caught me staring, which wasn't difficult because I didn't bother hiding it anymore. "Oh! What are you doing there?" she asked with her flirtatious rhetorical tone. She knew the answer. She could see it when she glanced briefly at my crotch. A smile drew across her lips; she always loved how easily she could make me...
It's 3:00 am and I'm the only person in the 24 hour launderette. Laundry is always a chore, at best, but there's no one else here, so I can have some fun. I don't particularly care if there are security cameras. If there's actually a person watching at this hour, let them.I don't know about you, but I'm not one to don my most glamourous gowns to do laundry. My choice today is a pair of yoga pants whose elastication is waning, and a simple cami top, both easily and quickly removed and tossed...
Having graduated high school I was looking forward to getting out on my own. I found an apartment I could afford in a neighborhood that was going through a “transition” which meant it wasn’t the most desirable place to live. The complex was large and old with half the buildings closed for renovation. I was in a third floor efficiency. It was small but it met my needs. The pool hadn’t been filled in years and the driveway needed repairs. But at least there was still a laundry room that was open...
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One night I couldn’t help but notice that I had been neglecting my laundry. I had run out of clean socks, bras, panties and other necessities to get me through the work week so I gathered all the clothes that were lying around and stuffed them into my laundry basket. Detergent, softener, I had everything needed to remedy the dilemma. Now I just needed the ambition to get it done as it was late and I was tired. I opened a wooden box on my night stand and removed rolling papers and a...
Then she gets up off my lap taking her time going back to the laundry room, just as she entered it hit the end of the rinse cycle. She opened the lid and dumped in a big splash of liquid softener. Just as she closed the lid and reached back to put the bottle of softener, she feels a hand on the back of her neck. She tenses, ss she tried to stand up my hand held her firmly against the lid, firmly pinning her arms underneath her. There was nothing she could do. She attempted to struggle, the...
This is a total fantasy about a panty boy and his love of the garments that are part of his life. Chapter 2 of the Laundry Day story finds our friend Larry remembering his earliest days as a panty boy and perhaps an opening for Chapter 3 at the end. Hope you enjoy.As Ashley left the laundry room I was left with more questions than I could answer. First and foremost, did she really set on that dryer and expose her shaved pussy to me or was it just some made up fantasy in my twisted brain? And...
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Ariel is a pirkey little 18 year old red head who moved out into an apartment with her best friend Amanda who is a very fit black haired girl. Both of the girls work full time and hardly got to spend time with eachother or their boyfriends. Ariel works 3 nights a week at restaraunt and 2 nights a week at a grocery store, and Amanda works at a bar.Early one Sunday morning Amanda knowing she had the day off decided to do some laundry while dressed in nothing but tube socks and a red thong. She...
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At the time of this story I am 17 and B is 21 ‘I’m going downstairs for a couple of minutes,’ said Brandon. He gave me a meaningful look and I knew he wanted me to follow him. I sat in the flicker of the television with my brother and some friends, something inside me nervously twitched. After a few long minutes had passed I made some excuse and slipped out of the dark room to follow Brandon downstairs. ‘What took you so long?’ His breath tickled my right ear as he spoke, I couldn’t see him,...
New to the Apartment Jeff headed down to the laundry room in the basement of his building. With just his College sweater and sweat pants he was not planning to impress anyone, hey it was just laundry day. The elevator opened and he walked down the hall to the door, as he unlocked it he was greeted by the sounds of machines and chatter. The room was full of people and all the machines churned away, baskets lay in wait for the next machine. Jeff sighed and realized that maybe Sunday...
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Walking by the laundry room I see her loading a basket with something on the floor behind her. I notice it looks like some yellow panties of which I instantaly make a move to pick up. She is wearing a very light weight cotton nighty style coverall that contours her large curves very well. I can see she has slightly hard nipples as I catch her chest out of the corner of my eye when I say "looks like your missing something". She turns around quickly with a smile and says "oh my gosh, thank you so...
So tonight I was doing laundry at my apartment complex and one of the random people in my building was in the laundry room with me. I was taking my shit out of the dryer and she was like "nice shorts" I said thanks and she said "I love a guy in boxer briefs" I laughed and continued to fold my clothes. She then complemented my sideburns hand told me I was sexy. I said thanks again. She flashed me while we were in there and I told her she had amazing tits. She told me her husband liked them too I...
Laundry Day an original story by CutePatti I was doing my laundry early on Saturday morning just as I always did. I live in an apartment complex which has a central laundry room so it was always less crowded if I did my washing early. "I'm sorry to bother you with this Jack, but I have to take Amber to her dance class and I haven't quite finished this load. Will you be a dear and take the clothes out of the dryer when it gets done? Just take them to your apartment and I'll come...
Our apartment complex has a big corridor in the basement. This common corridor leads to the swimming pool, sauna, barbershop, tuck shop, and laundry room. Many bigger units have their own washer/dryer en-suite. But most of the 1 and 2 bedroom units share a Laundromat. Access is by key card only to the 4 separate rooms inside. The first room is a small reading room for those who prefer to wait while doing their laundry. The second room has sinks for scrubbing and washers. The third room is for...
It was almost a year since I’d seen her. She looked sexy in a tight black skirt and sky blue shirt. Big hazel eyes behind cat eyeglasses. Bra strap length hair in layers. I was putting one week’s worth of clothes in the washer when she came in. Instantly recognizing the sweet smell, I turned to see her. She was none other than Manvi. She had long hair, but it was unmistakably her. I’d completely forgotten about her after moving to the east coast. She’d lost a couple of pounds and taken out the...
© 2003 You read the letters in Penthouse, and you think, "Yeah, that's for other people. But it will never happen to me." Well, that's just what I thought. I'm forty-three, divorced, okay in the looks department, but face it, I'm no Antonio Banderas. I have a new place, an apartment (Yeah, the wife got the house). I wash clothes downstairs, in the small laundry room. Usually, it's deserted. But not last Wednesday. I unlocked the door (they keep it locked so other folks don't...
--- It had been a particularly long day, and I arrived home with a lot of pent up energy from all the frustration. I made a simple dinner and settled down into the evening, though unsure of what to do with myself. I had the house to myself tonight, since Rob had sent me a text earlier saying he’d be home late from work. Although it didn’t fit my energy level, I settled on some recreational...
************************************************* Copyright jeanne_d_artois July 2011 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade...
***************************** Copyright jeanne_d_artois June 2010 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ***************************** The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade to make a reasonable living from it. The...
Introduction: A woman home alone gets a surpirise A woman home alone gets a surprise. — It had been a particularly long day, and I arrived home with a lot of pent up energy from all the frustration. I made a simple dinner and settled down into the evening, though unsure of what to do with myself. I had the house to myself tonight, since Rob had sent me a text earlier saying hed be home late from work. Although it didnt fit my energy level, I settled on some recreational reading. I had some...
This is a total fantasy about a panty boy and his love of the garments that are part of his life. The final chapter of the Laundry Day story finds our friend Larry cross dressing and having sex with the young woman he met in the Laundromat. Hope you enjoy.My cock surged in my panties with the sight of the vintage lingerie in the package Ashley had left at my door. Yes, I have cross dressed through the years. And there were women in my life that I tried to encourage to accept my desire to dress....
i had taken my laundry to the same place for months. after putting the clothes into the washer i sat down to read and pass the time. a young lady came into the laundramat and began doing her laundry. but i noticed she would squat down a lot. she was wearing jeans and a tight little shirt so i watched her as soon as she came in. what really excited me was when she squated down her shirt lifted and her pants dropped, ususally i would have been quite happy to see her g-string, but what she showed...
My wife, being a kind and generous person, offered to look after our neighbors pet during their vacation, however the pet was to remain in their house. Not only was my wife a generous person, but she was also a petite knock-out with firm round breasts; standing only 5 feet tall at 100 lbs. At different times of the day, she would disappear to feed the animal, however I began to notice that her departures seemed to take longer periods of time. This of course tweaked my curiosity, as our...
MasturbationFirst of all my name is Jon. I am about 5'10" and I have light brown hair and blue eyes. My friends name is Tannar, he is about 6'1", with dark hair and blue eyes. We have known each other for about ten years now and this happened a little over two years ago. Tannar and I are really close, and there is an obvious connection between us that isn’t found in every friendship. We both noticed this connection when we were about 18 years old. We used to build forts all the time and would hide away...
Gay"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...
"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...
* * * * * Copyright jeanne_d_artois January 2007 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * However the main attraction of the former laundry room, which is my workroom as a potter, is Martha, the resident ghost. As a child I would sit on the scrubbed table and ask...
I always enjoyed it whenever we visited Mike & Sarah. She was a cute blonde mid twenties and was my partner's work colleague, and we had all enjoyed a few evenings together either at ours or over at their home in the past.I particularly enjoyed seeing them as Sarah always dressed 'sexy-come-slutty' and had a fantastic pair of arse cheeks on her, and EVERY time i saw her she always wore low cut jeans (without a belt), and she ALWAYS made sure her knickers or thong were visible at the top of...
I quickly unbuttoned the blouse and took it off. Reaching behind me, I remembered my technique for taking bras off of girls and was able to unsnap it in a matter of seconds. Who knew I would ever use that technique on myself? Grabbing the socks that tumbled out, I used them to quickly wipe my mess. I wasn't about to put these dirty panties and nylons in with the rest, so I pulled them back up and grabbed a pair of jeans I had on the floor, pulling them on quickly. I heard another...
Filmy Hi, this is Azhar from Gujarat . The incident I am about to narrate took place a few years back. A middle aged lady used to come and collect the laundry clothes for washing/ironing from our house every day. One day however she fell from the stairs and fractured her leg. Her son and daughter-in-law were summoned from the village to take care of her and her business till such time that she could resume her duties. Initially her son came to collect the clothes for a few days, but later it...
Reddit Lactation, aka r/Lactation! Alright, guys, not going to lie, this is a weird one for me. I know damn well that there’s a fetish for pretty much anything out there. So, when I heard that there is a sub called /r/lactation and it’s a NSFW sub, I just knew that I was in for some weird shit. If you’re into this stuff, then I would probably consider you a weirdo. But even weirdos are welcome to, so I won’t leave you hanging! Welcome to /r/lactation, the best community on...
Reddit NSFW ListSeries 7, Episode 19: Reece Payne (26) from Yeovil We open on a full length shot of this week’s guest. The first thing we notice is that she has a length of duct-tape wrapped stuck over her mouth. She’s slim and pale, no make-up, shoulder length, loose, blonde hair – fairly unkempt. Dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a baggy black sweatshirt bearing the legend “ANIMAL WRONGS”. She folds her arms across her chest and stands there, glaring into camera, her body language reads ‘anger’. She...
Keep Practising By Nikkie Silk Chapter One "Oh, I thought you'd be a man." I sighed. It wasn't the first time, and it probably wouldn't be the last time I would hear those words. With my slight build, narrow face, long dark hair held in a ponytail as per Health and Safety regulations, and topped off with the Corby's Plumbing baseball cap, I looked, to say the least, androgynous. It wasn't unusual for me to be mistaken for a girl, so I flashed a smile at the woman and asked her if...
My name is Bruce McCoy. This is my story. Seventeen years ago when the Darjee announced the coming of the Sa'arm to selected humans, my parents had not even met. They both grew up in California and met in college. They were in the last days of their wedding plans when Average Joe's XV was running. They married several days before the President's announcement. My dad and mom took the CAP test and scored 8.6 and 8.5 respectively. They initially wanted to wait until they graduated before...
Tribune William Whitefeather stood in the middle of the Washington, DC restaurant, having just given more-or-less the same lecture as his underling Sub-Decurion Anthony Chan had given to his charges in Florida and at approximately that same moment Major James MacAllistor was giving his lecture to the audience at the school concert in England. A quick survey by the AI had assured him that he didn't have any extractable volunteers aside from his old friend Henry Hollister. At his feet, three...
welcome to Secure Contain [Redacted]. the only rule is that whatever stories and/or chapters you submit must be related to the SCP foundation in some way. and if you use characters from a webseries or comic that is about the SCP foundation you must credit the original creators.
Saturday, June 24, 1995Heather was pissed. Really pissed. Pissed off at her now ex-boyfriend Jimmy, pissed off at her father, pissed off at Katie Donovan, pissed off at the whole damn world.She slammed on the brakes of the beat-up, old Chevy work pickup she was driving. It skidded to a halt on the dirty, dusty road. She turned the key and let the pickup die. Heather gazed out at the field of wheat stubble off to her left. Varying shades of yellow and brown cascaded over the landscape as the...
TrueShe wanted us to do the scene again, and this time we were to take off the underwear and get under the covers. This time when Ben got between my legs he did not have anything to hold his dick against himself which made it free to bounce when he moved, every now and then I would feel it bounce onto my tummy. And when he lifted my legs up I felt him a few times touching my right thigh. God, I was so turned on all I could think about was having sex with Jack tonight. We did the acting part of...
Zinnia soon repaid my confidence in her abilities. She had discovered a document that presented Colonel Slade with the reason for having the appeal of habeas corpus refused. St Olave's is probably the oldest church within the walls of the City of London and over the centuries had been granted many privileges. In this particular case a Charter, from the time of Richard the Second -- or it may have been Richard the Third, I always confuse those two, allowed for 'miscreants and heretics' to...
Having gone to his office a few days earlier to have blood drawn for testing, I went to my primary care physician’s office for my semi-annual checkup appointment. After checking in at the desk, and waiting for much longer than I would have liked to, my name was called and I was taken to a room where I was weighed, my blood pressure was taken and recorded, and I was asked what medications I was taking. You know the routine. Then I was taken to another room and told that the doctor would be with...
Having gone to his office a few days earlier to have blood drawn for testing, I went to my primary care physician’s office for my semi-annual checkup appointment. After checking in at the desk, and waiting for much longer than I would have liked to, my name was called and I was taken to a room where I was weighed, my blood pressure was taken and recorded, and I was asked what medications I was taking. You know the routine. Then I was taken to another room and told that the doctor would be with...
MatureI hate doctor's visits so much so that it had been six years since my last exam. They always liked to poke and prod in places I'd rather have not explored, at least by another man. So when they scheduled me with a female nurse practitioner I figured I'd give it a shot.But when she walked in I started having second thoughts. She was not at all what I expected. She had wavy dark hair that framed a striking face with deep blue eyes that smiled at you even when her full lips were all business. Her...
AnalForced Lactation Chapter One Jennifer smiled as she noticed the very handsome guy at the lingerie counter looking at her...She knew she looked good today...She'd paid particular attention to her hair, makeup and worn those nylons that made such a delicious rustle when she wanted them to...He was staring at her now and Jennifer remembered that she was holding a very lacy bra, waiting to pay and he was looking at that... Her face flushed slightly and she held the bra close,...
Lactation Some guys merely tolerate kids. They factor into the master plan of wife, family, and career. But some of us really enjoy children. I happen to love children, especially babies....always have...and could hardly wait to have my own to love, to nurture, to raise. Perhaps my feelings were more maternal than I expected. I never would've believed it could happen and especially to me. My life is now completely changed. Let me start at the beginning. My name...