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Forced Lactation Chapter One

Jennifer smiled as she noticed the very handsome guy at the lingerie counter
looking at her...She knew she looked good today...She'd paid particular
attention to her hair, makeup and worn those nylons that made such a
delicious rustle when she wanted them to...He was staring at her now and
Jennifer remembered that she was holding a very lacy bra, waiting to pay and
he was looking at that...

Her face flushed slightly and she held the bra close, looking away so as not
to be so evident...His voice when she heard it, was soft and with a slight
accent that she couldn't quite place...Cultured sounding, maybe British...

"Excuse me" he said, "I wonder if you would help me"
Jennifer almost turned to look behind her, when she realized he was speaking
to her.
"I ...I don't know, I don't work here, maybe you'd like to speak to one of
the salesgirls" Jennifer replied and thought her voice sounded far too
girlish...Where had that come from she thought!
"No, I couldn't help noticing that you're buying some lingerie and I just
wondered if you could help me" he continued...

"Well, I don't know what it is that I can help you with, but I'll try"

"I'd like to buy a gift for someone special and I'd like a woman's
opinion... Would you look at these and tell me what you think" His eyes were
boring into her and Jennifer felt slightly uneasy but he was talking like a
perfect gentleman and he was also very good looking...About 40 or 42, hair
at his temples just slightly graying and straight white teeth...Jennifer
always noticed the teeth first and thought it was a great indicator of how
well a man took care of himself.

"Is this for a birthday or anniversary" Jennifer inquired thinking herself
very clever to get that into the conversation so innocently and quickly...
"No" he replied, it's just for a friend that's been ill" as Jennifer looked
at the articles in his hand...He was holding two pair of panties, one white
with lacy panels on the sides and little pink bows at the top of them...The
other a thong in a shade of fuchsia that looked like it belonged on a
"Which do you prefer" he asked and Jennifer felt suddenly startled...Here
was this perfect stranger asking her which panties she preferred and she
didn't know what to say...

She knew she was stammering as she answered but she couldn't help
it..."Well, I don't know your friend so I certainly wouldn't know which
she'd like" she finally finished...He looked at the panties in his hand and
then back into Jennifer's face as he said...

"I didn't ask you that, I asked you which you would prefer" he almost
whispered and Jennifer felt as if he had physically touched her. She felt a
shiver and didn't really know how to reply to that...Not trusting her voice,
she just shook her head and he smiled, saying "Then I'll just take these" as
he replaced the thong...Jennifer felt sure that he would select the thong,
left to his own devices but he had surprised her...Maybe there was some hope
for men, after all...She thought, maybe this one wasn't a pig like most
she'd known...

One of the sales girls returned and asked "May I help you with that" and as
Jennifer started to step forward, she realized it was the man the girl was
speaking to, not herself...Slightly embarrassed, Jennifer stepped aside and
nodded her head for him to go first.
"I think you should take care of the lady first, she's been here longer than
I have" he smoothly lied but Jennifer just thought he was being
gallant...She paid for the bra, received the package, receipt and turned to
leave when he spoke to her..."Would you like to have coffee?" he asked and
Jennifer began to make an excuse; when she decided quickly...Oh hell, why
not she thought and said "You mean here at the coffee bar in the back"
He said, "No, just around the corner, very close" as he took her arm and
started towards the exit...

She'd only spoken a few words to him and now here she was, being propelled
toward the exit of the store with his hand holding her arm...It'd been a
long time since Jennifer had been involved with a man and that had gone
badly...The months had slipped by with only her masturbation every night to
keep her sane...She made it almost a ritual, the bath and then maybe a few
chapters of the latest erotica that she wouldn't ever buy in a bookstore but
came conveniently from an on-line sex site. She'd even gotten up the nerve
to order some porn discs and hated to admit how much they excited her and
sped her to her climax...Sometimes she just lay in her bath and directed the
stream of water onto her cunt, as she played with her clit...Another
newfound joy, that she'd never known about until she watched the first
lesbian porn she'd ever seen, even though she'd well passed Bi-curious
during her school years...That beautiful woman using the hose in the bath
and masturbating a young girl...The girl's face so contorted as the woman
smiled and worked her...God but she'd cum hard watching that...

She was thinking these thoughts as she realized that they had entered the
lobby of an elegant Hotel that she knew about but had never had a reason to
visit...She must have looked alarmed because he said..."The coffee shop is
up on the top, why don't we just go in here" as he guided her through the
doors into the lobby bar...It was dark and Jennifer could see that there
were only two other couples at tables and one man at the bar...He said "Why
don't we sit here" and slid her into a booth facing away from the bar..."I
don't think the cocktail waitress comes in much before six, so I'll just get
us something" and before Jennifer could protest that she didn't want any
alcohol, he made his way to the bar.

When he returned she could see he was holding two cocktails and again she
tried to find her voice to protest...He said "I thought you'd like a Cosmo,
they're very light and it seems like a fitting kind of drink for you,
elegance for an elegant woman"...It'd been so long since Jennifer had heard
anything approaching something like that from a man that she bit back her
objection and took a sip of the light pink cocktail...It tasted heavenly and
she didn't think it tasted very strong...Maybe just one, she thought...I
don't want to be rude and he seems to be a perfect gentleman, not like those
jerks at work; always brushing up against her and making lewd comments when
they thought she couldn't hear...

They chatted mostly about the city, which he told her he was visiting for
the first time and she eagerly began to tell him about it...Jennifer'd been
born here, lived here all her life and even went to college here because she
didn't want to leave...He was an excellent listener, only speaking when the
conversation lagged and he wanted her to continue...She lost track of time
and how many times he'd gone to the bar to replenish their drinks...All she
knew was that she was enjoying the company of this man, more than anything
she'd done in months...She felt the need to go to the lady's room and
excused herself...Once there and after she'd finished, Jennifer looked at
herself in the mirror and thought what am I doing here with this guy. She
determined to return to the booth, thank him and tell him that she had to go
but she'd love to show him some of the city, another day if he liked...Yes,
that's what she'd do...

When she returned he stood for her and again she thought of those jerks she
worked with...As if they would ever do anything like that...She started to
tell him that she'd had a lovely time, thank him and say she had to go but
she noticed another full Cosmo and he said "I imagine you have to leave soon
and I've enjoyed this with you, more that I can say...Have this last drink
and I'll see you to a cab, pay for it and send you home...What could be
nicer than that she thought as she sipped her pale pink, what was it he'd
called it...elegance for an elegant woman...He was saying something but all
of a sudden she felt odd...She felt like she was becoming weightless and she
tried to say something but she couldn't get the words out...He was looking
at her and she wondered if she looked as strange as she felt...She didn't
feel drunk, she just felt weak...She watched him in a daze as he went to the
bar and spoke to the bartender, paying the bill she thought, now I can go
home...I feel so tired all of a sudden...

He took her arm and they walked through the lobby and out onto the street.
She'd just get a taxi, thank him and that would be that...She wanted to make
an excuse to see him again but she just didn't seem to be able to manage her
thoughts and she still felt like she couldn't speak...A long black limousine
pulled to the curb and her eyes were searching for a taxi as he opened the
door and slid her inside...Maybe he was taking her home, Jennifer was just
so tired, she couldn't think and she felt helpless. She could hear him
talking to the driver and thought, that's odd...He doesn't know where I
live...She heard the driver and thought she must have been mistaken, maybe
it was the radio...

"You fix her" the driver was saying and he replied, "Yea, she wasn't any
trouble, not any trouble at all" Jennifer wanted to ask whom they were
talking about but she couldn't say the words...She realized with mortified
shock that he was lifting her skirt and she looked down at herself, as if
she were looking at another person...The shock as he touched her shot
through her and she struggled to speak...Her body just wouldn't move and she
felt him begin rubbing her pussy through her panties...She thought I have to
stop him, he can't be doing this to me...She watched in detached horror as
his fingers moved the gusset of her panties aside and she felt herself being
fingered rudely...Felt his finger enter her and begin to move back and
forth...Again she heard him speaking to the driver but he sounded so far
away..."Give me some of that lube out of the glove compartment, I don't know
why, but they never get wet after you drug them" She watched, curiously
detached as the driver handed a container back over his shoulder and
realized with a shock that he was lubricating her...If only she could
scream, hit him, something...All she could do was lie back, watch him and
feel the cool gel; as his finger worked on her...

He'd taken his cock out now and was masturbating...She watched and said
nothing, she just couldn't speak...She heard the driver speaking and she
tried to make sense out of it but she was just too tired..."Better not fuck
'er, you know how they are about that...See if you can get some head off
her" Jennifer felt his hand on the back of her neck as he drew her down to
his rampant cock...Jennifer moaned and he slapped her...She must have opened
her mouth, she didn't know but she realized that he had his cock in her and
he was fucking her with it...Fucking her face and she felt tears coursing
down her cheeks...The driver was laughing and she heard him..."Bitch won't
remember a thing tomorrow and anyway, what you're doin' is gonna seem like
Disney Land when they get a hold of her...Jennifer felt the cock she was
mewling over begin to gush into her mouth and she couldn't get away from
it...The last thing she remembered hearing was the driver saying, "I'm gonna
pull over up here, you drive this thing now, I want some of that, before we
get there...

Jennifer seemed to come out of a fog as she felt the limousine coming to a
stop...She tried to comprehend where she was and what she could possibly be
doing there...Her tongue was thick when she tried to speak as she looked at
him sitting beside her just softly smiling..."Here" he said and she realized
with a shock, that it was her panties that he was holding out to
her..."You'd better put these back on and keep your mouth shut if you know
what's good for you" She took the wisp of silk and as she lifted her hips to
put them on, she felt a twinge of pain in her anus, had she been violated,
her mind whirled and she started to wail "Wha...What are you do..."...was
all she was able to utter before his hand wound into her hair and yanked her
close to him..."Yea, you been fucked but your pussy hasn't been touched" he
whispered..."Our friend the driver had a lovely time with your ass"...Her
eyes widened as she realized what he was saying and she opened her mouth to
scream...The slap took her breath away and his words chilled her
heart..."You make one sound and we'll take you back in those woods, you
won't be coming back! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME" She had never felt fear such as
she did then...She closed her mouth and nodded miserably...

The driver came around to Jennifer's side of the car and between them, they
supported her on each side as they walked her to the door of the imposing
house where they'd stopped...She was still unsteady on her feet and would
have fallen if they hadn't helped her...The house was more like an old
French Castle, it looked ancient and weathered...As they approached the
door, it opened and Jennifer could see a couple standing there smiling...The
man in his fifties, gray haired and very elegant in dove gray slacks, a
burgundy smoking jacket and white foulard...The woman much younger, she
couldn't have been out of her twenties, wearing a simple black frock with a
thin gold chain around her neck...The man was the first to
speak...Completely ignoring her he said to the driver "She wasn't any
trouble was she...We've done the background checks, there's no one that will
be alarmed when she doesn't show up at her apartment or at work... Cindy has
made the necessary phone calls...They all think that she's gone to assist
some friend in Vermont that's having a personal crisis and won't be back for
at least two weeks...We'll know by that time if she'll fit in here and if
not, we'll call you to do what's necessary" Jennifer felt as if she might
lose control of her bladder, so great was her fear...

The woman he'd called Cindy stepped up to Jennifer and said "You mustn't be
frightened, no harm will come to you here if you obey, now I want you to
come with me, we'll get you freshened up and you'll feel much better"
leading Jennifer into the house...Her mind screamed for her to protest but
the thoughts of what was said to her in the car held her mute and she
allowed herself to be meekly led into a large room off the entryway...The
first thing she noticed was the three women there, all in different degrees
of pregnancy...One looked ready to give birth at any moment, the others less
fecund...They looked up expectantly and Cindy said "This is Jennifer, she's
come to join us and help in the nursery and as she said that, one of the
women, a girl actually not out of her teens, approached her and very matter
of factly began to touch Jennifer's breasts..."Actually she has very lovely
breasts" she said over her shoulder to the other two that were looking at
each other smiling..."Wha..What are you talking about" Jennifer said as the
girl continued to grasp her breasts...Cindy placed a hand on Jennifer's
shoulder and spoke..."Now don't become quarrelsome when we've just met, the
Master won't like that...I want you to remain silent or I'll have to call
your driver and I'm sure you're very aware of what he's capable
of...Everything will be explained to you soon and as I told you, you're in
no danger; as long as you obey...

The girl had opened Jennifer's blouse now and slid it from her shoulders,
quickly unhooking her bra and pulling that from her...Jennifer shivered and
felt her nipples quicken and the shame that was coursing through
her..."Look" the girl said, "Absolutely beautiful...She's never had
children, you can see that by the nipples" as she hefted and weighed each
breast in her hands..."I think she'll do just fine don't you" she said, as
she looked at Cindy..."Of course she will" Cindy replied..."She's been under
observation for almost a month now, at the Gym where she works out and
various places she goes...We've made all the necessary arrangements so we'll
have time to see if she'll do"...Cindy led her to a chair and seated her
Jennifer self consciously covered her breasts with her arms and again she
was slapped..."You won't do that" Cindy fairly growled..."You will NEVER do
that while you're here, do you understand"...Jennifer now too terrified to
speak; nodded hastily..."Let's get you something to drink, you must be
terribly thirsty now" and Jennifer realized that she was indeed dying for
something..."Plea...Please could I just have some water" Jennifer said and
Cindy replied "Certainly Jennifer, we're not monsters here" as she pulled a
sash on the wall beside Jennifer's chair...

Almost immediately, the door opened and a huge black man was standing there.
He looked at Jennifer and again unconsciously she began to cover her
breasts...Cindy's raised hand stopped her arms as surely as chains, as she
heard him say..."Pretty nice one this time huh, Cindy...Bet she'll be
feedin' in no time"..."Shut your mouth Taylor, you've been told before, now
get her refreshment and see to the others" Cindy snarled...He vanished and
returned almost as quickly as he'd first come, holding a large glass of what
looked like ice water, handing it to Jennifer and even though she was
shaking almost uncontrollably she drank it almost in one long drink...Before
very long Jennifer felt the weakness again and her mind quailed..."Oh GOD!!!
I've been drugged AGAIN"...Cindy was talking to her but just as before, the
voice seemed far away and she could barely understand...

"Every things alright Jennifer there was just a very little bit of Versed in
your drink, it's used in hospitals for patients that are going to undergo
surgery, to relax them... NO NO Jennifer NOTHING like that is going to
happen to you ...It'll just relax you and we can get things ready" the
hollow voice was saying...Then she heard Cindy say to the girl that had
fondled her..."Alicia, tell Taylor to bring my things, he'll know what I
need" Jennifer watched with glazed eyes as the girl left and must have
dozed...When she felt someone touch her arm, she started and Cindy said
"Just relax Jennifer No one is going to hurt you" She watched in horror as
the black man that Cindy had called Taylor held up a syringe and shot some
of the contents out, handing it to her...She felt the bite of the needle in
her vein and watched as Cindy smoothly injected the whole barrel into her
arm... "There" Cindy said..."That's just the Estrogen, we'll start on the
Reglan next week What was the last one Taylor, took about two weeks
right...I'll bet we have her pouring in far less that THAT" Jennifer
couldn't comprehend what this woman was saying and she watched as Cindy
lifted her left breast and wrapped a measure around it calling out the
numbers, as Alicia wrote in a ledger...***To be Continued***

Jennifer had been taken to a lovely bathroom and was being bathed by the
girl Alicia and another woman that joined them, named Myrna...She felt
better, more aware of her surroundings and feeling her strength
returning...The warm water relaxed her but she was no less intimidated,
venturing in a small voice..."Please...Please tell me why was I drugged and
brought here, what are these people going to do to me...Please you have to
help me"!!! Alicia shushed her and said "Look, no one here is going to hurt
you if you just obey" The woman named Myrna just smirked as she said "Not
unless you count that Mandingo Taylor! last time he took me I thought he
would split me in two with that cock of his...I'm sure that's when I caught,
you wait and see if this isn't a mulatto" as she rubbed her slightly rounded

"STOP it Myrna you KNOW you're not supposed to talk like that around the new
ones, Cindy would have you beaten if she knew" Alicia whispered...Jennifer
listened and her mind struggled to understand...*Beaten, new ones...
obey*...What the hell was she talking about..."Please" Jennifer whispered
"Please tell me what is happening to me, why am I here and why can't I
leave...Who am I supposed to obey..Why... why are you doing this"..."I'm not
allowed to talk to you about that" Alicia replied and Myrna spoke up saying
"Oh hell, I'll tell her, I'm not afraid anymore, not since I caught...They
won't beat me now"

"Listen Jennifer this is a breeding farm, do you know what that is" Myrna
asked... Jennifer shook her head and Myrna continued..."They breed children
here..." Visions of white slavery flitted through Jennifer 's mind and she
remembered reading that there was a group arrested not long before for this
thing" "You mean...mean white slavery" she asked...Now Alicia spoke up..."No
it isn't like that Jennifer the children ARE trained but they have
choices...When they're 16, they're given their choice to remain and undergo
special training until they're 18 or leave and go to boarding school or
abroad" she said..."But why am I here" Jennifer asked, I'm not a child" Both
of the women giggled and Myrna spoke..."No silly, you're here as a
feeder...There are more children here than can be taken care of and you'll
be feeding them" "You mean I was kidnapped and brought here to be a Nanny"
Jennifer asked incredulously...

The women looked at each other and Alicia said "Look, we're not supposed to
talk to you about this, we're just supposed to bathe,dress you and see that
you're presentable to Him at dinner"..."Him, Him, who is Him" Jennifer
begged..."Shhhhh" Myrna said, they'll hear you and we'll all be punished,
they can't beat me anymore but they can make me miserable and I don't need
that...Now listen and be quiet...You'll be feeding the children and others,
feeding them with these, You're going to be used like a cow and you'll learn
to love it" as she lifted Jennifer's breasts and squeezed them softly...Her
nipples quickened in spite of her self and she softly stammered..."But...but
I've never been pregnant, I don't have milk, how can you say such a
ridiculous thing" her voice beginning to rise..."BE QUIET Jennifer or we'll
say that you're being difficult and Taylor will come with the hypodermic
again...You don't want that do you" Alicia whispered "Listen to Myrna and
for god's sake hold your voice down...

Myrna sat on a small stool beside the bath and began idly lifting and
squeezing Jennifer's breasts as she began to speak..."Jennifer throughout
human history there have been women that have been surrogate mothers who
have nursed because of the mother's death or other such reasons...Sometimes
a child only had to be put to their breasts and the milk would begin...Here
they induce that lactation by chemicals...the shot Cindy gave you was
Estrogen...It simulates the high-Estrogen state of pregnancy...When it's
abruptly withdrawn to mimic the rapid hormonal changes following delivery, a
course of Prolactin enhancing drugs such as Reglan and Oxytocin are
used...Suckling is then started, constant stimulation and pumps are
used...It usually takes anywhere from 2 weeks to a month before you fill but
Cindy has developed this mix of Reglan and Oxytocin that has you lactating
much sooner"...Jennifer was wide eyed and opened her mouth to speak...Alicia
pressed her finger against her lips and Jennifer stilled as Myrna

"Alicia and I have been assigned to you and if we don't do this properly in
the time frame Cindy sets, we'll be punished"...she continued and Jennifer
realized that her breasts were being manipulated, the sensations not
especially unpleasant...In fact Jennifer felt somewhat aroused and was
shocked to feel Alicia reach into the bath and swiftly enter her...Probing
and widening..."She's greasy Myrna, you might as well tell her about
"I can see that this is arousing you Jennifer when Alicia and I really
begin, you'll be aroused much more and that's what Taylor is for...They
believe that plenty of sexual activity helps speed the process because it
releases natural Prolactin into your system...He's supposed to wear a condom
but he just doesn't care and that's why I'm knocked up...He'll take care of
any arousal, believe me when I tell you...He can fuck for hours and make you
cum so much you think you'll die of it but when it's over, you'll be so
satiated that you can't speak...He never speaks when he fucks...He'll slap
you when he wants you to move a certain way and you'll soon learn his

Jennifer was stunned at what she was hearing but remained silent...Myrna was
manipulating both breasts now and working the nipples which were like hard
pink stones...Alicia again reached into the bath and began masturbating
Jennifer... Unbidden her thighs widened giving the girl better access to her
now fully aroused cunt...The two of them working in tandem soon had Jennifer
groaning and lifting her hips into it...Alicia spoke very matter of
factly..."We were told to do this, you're allowed to cum...He wants you
relaxed at dinner" and her fingers began to expertly manipulate Jennifer's
clit...She seemed to know the instant it began for Jennifer and she nodded
at Myrna...As the climax ripped through Jennifer, Myrna twisted her nipples
savagely and she screamed! she couldn't help it...Her mind went blank and
all she could feel was her cunt and those mauled nipples...She began to sob
at the intensity of the orgasm and the door opened..."Everything all right
here"...It was him. the huge black man, staring at her and she felt
humiliated, hanging her head...

"Yes Taylor, she did fine...We'll have her ready in a few minutes, we just
need time to calm her and get her dressed...We'll be at dinner on time"
Alicia said..."See that you do" Taylor said..."It wouldn't be advisable to
keep Him waiting, as you two well know and she's going to learn" He turned
and closed the door softly as he left and Jennifer leaned her head on
Myrna's shoulder, her mind alive with what she'd heard and felt in the last

"Come now Jennifer, we have to dress you and we can't be late" Myrna
whispered as she helped her from the bath...
***To be Continued***

Chapter Two...

Jennifer looked at the things arrayed on the settee in the foyer of the
bath as Alicia and Myrna dried her with warm towels...She had to admit that
she was more relaxed after the shattering climax that they had forced out of
her...There was a white robe that looked like it might be a Nun's habit,
hose and panties, both white and rather plain...Her mind was still trying to
make sense of what was happening to her but she was learning that babbling
questions was only going to get her into troubles. Jennifer decided to wait
until this dinner and see what "HIM" had to say, yes, that was the way to do
this...Maybe then she could reason with them and they'd let her go...

Alicia drew Jennifer into the foyer and handed her the panties..."Here put
these on and by the look of you, you'll need shaving tomorrow...Don't you
ever trim that"...she said Jennifer felt her face flame at being asked such
an intimate question by a complete stranger, even though that same stranger
only minutes before had manipulated her into a mind numbing cum...", I
haven't shaved there since college and that was just for a sorority joke"
she replied..."Well, here you'll be shaving it everyday...He doesn't like
untidy cunts"...Again with the edict of an unknown man and Jennifer
ventured... "Wi...will He be fucking me" to which both women giggled
anew..."Nooo" Myrna spoke..."Not until you begin to feed and maybe not even
then...Mostly he just watches when Taylor is taking care of us...Sometimes
he masturbates as he watches and sometimes he video tapes...If he
masturbates, He'll expect you to finish him orally and he might finger
you...Like I told you, he doesn't like untidiness and we would be punished
if we hadn't attended you properly"

Jennifer contemplated that as they seated her and began to roll on the white
thigh hose...After they'd completed that, they drew her to her feet and
helped her into the robe...She didn't know what the material was only that
it felt luxurious against her skin...As they adjusted it, she looked down
and saw that there were two slits from the yoke to her waist and now her
breasts were protruding from these same slits...She looked up inquiringly
and Myrna spoke..."Your breasts are always to be on display here...They're
the reason you're here and you'll come to be very proud of then when they
fill and you'll feel really sexy when sometimes they drip for every one to
see" Jennifer couldn't believe she was hearing this but realized further
questions were pointless and held her tongue...

They attended to her hair and she saw that they had an entire array of the
cosmetics that she generally used, spread on the table in front of the
mirror..."Yes" said Alicia, we have everything that you usually use,
here...Their research is meticulous and incredible as you'll find out...Now
you do your make-up as if you were going out in the evening to an elegant
dinner because that's the kind of dinners we have here and He always wants
us that way"...Jennifer couldn't help her hand slightly trembling as she
began to apply things and she wished herself to still, so she could do
it...When she had finished, the women had finished her hair and she admitted
to herself that she did look lovely...They had woven small white flowers
into her hair, something like baby breath and against the sheen of her
brunette tresses it set her off beautifully...

Alicia and Myrna cooed and clucked fussing with her until finally they were
satisfied and led her into the corridor from the bath. They walked on both
sides of her, loosely holding her arms and leading her...She looked down and
watched her breasts sway as she walked...She'd always been proud of them,
they were still high and full...Not perky as many of her friends at school
had...Much fuller and heavier, her nipples were almost perfectly matched and
quickened easily...She'd learned that as a teenager when she realized that
she couldn't go braless without everyone starting at her and boys making
rude comments...Now she realized with a start, they were lewdly on display
and there wasn't a thing she could do about it...They came to a huge oaken
door and Myrna knocked lightly on it. It opened almost immediately and
Jennifer looked into the eyes of Taylor, the huge black man dressed
immaculately in white livery, the type which a servant or butler would
wear...He was staring at her breasts as he turned and motioned them into the
room...Jennifer felt the blood coursing to her face anew...

The light was dim and there were candles everywhere...On the table in
elaborate candelabra and on ledges all along the walls...There was soft
music playing but Jennifer had never heard it's like before...As the three
of them approached the table Jennifer saw that there were about ten women
there, all dressed similarly to herself, their breasts on display, only
Cindy, sitting at the man's right hand, had on a black frock...As Alicia and
Myrna brought Jennifer forward, the man began to applaud softly and was
joined by everyone there..."Welcome Jennifer, you're to sit here on my left
this evening as we dine and after, everything will be explained to you" He
said and the women escorted her to the seat beside him...When she was
seated, he turned to her and lifted a breast weighing it in his
hand...Jennifer almost unknowingly began to raise her hand to stop him when
she looked into Cindy's blazing eyes and stopped, frozen in the moment...Now
he turned and took both breasts in his hand, his fingers at the nipples
which responded as they always did..."Lovely" He said..."These are just

Cindy spoke in a low friendly voice as she said "Jennifer you're not to
speak here unless you're spoken to, is that understood" to which Jennifer*
lowered her head and merely nodded...What followed was a dinner that would
have satisfied even the most discriminate gourmet...Jennifer didn't think
she could touch anything but when she ventured a glance at Him, he nodded at
the food before her and she was too frightened not to eat...After a bite or
two, Jennifer realized how hungry she was and began to eat in spite of her
self, finding that it was every bit as delicious as it appeared...He began
to converse with Cindy in a low voice about every day matters, the children
there and what mischiefs they'd been into...Occasionally he'd address a
question to one of the women there and she'd respond in a low respectful
reply, calling Him Master...She heard no one use a name for this imposing
figure that seemed so powerful...Twice during the dinner he'd turned to her
and saying nothing had fondled her again, much the way you would pet a
favorite dog...Jennifer knew enough now to sit perfectly still and allow him
the ministrations...He seemed to greatly enjoy making the nipples turgid and
remarked to Cindy that He was very pleased in her choice...

***To be Continued***


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Forced To Be A Stripper

Forced to Be a Stripper-A Mind Control Story By Powerone Copyright 2004 M+/f, mc, oral, anal, nc, reluc The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around underthe lights.  "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I'd liketo get to know you, you don't have to act naughty."  Her hips movingback and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton displayof simulated sex.  "Spin it round and round, spin it roundand round and round, I want you to dance...

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Forced To Be A StripperA Mind Control Story

By Powerone Copyright 2004 M+/f, mc, oral, anal, nc, reluc The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty." Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. "Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked." Vanessa twirled around,...

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Forced Family

Despite the odds being against them the Elliotts prevailed. John finished school and got a decent job. Then Jackie continued her education once both of the kids were in grade school, and she too got a nice job. They became very active in their local church and enrolled their kids into Catholic school. Jackie had decided to do her best to ensure that her children had better moral values as teenagers than she had so that they would not have to face the early struggles that she and John had...

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Forced Family

Introduction: Familys unwanted sexual awakening has just begun The Elliott family was one of the nicest families on their block. John and Jackie had been high school sweethearts. Jackie had gotten pregnant at 17 so the two of them got married. John had already graduated and was working full-time while attending community college part-time. They had difficulties at first. But Jackie wasnt due until summer so she was able to graduate. Their son, Josh, was born. Then the following year Jackie got...

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Forced Orgasms

Reddit Forced Orgasms, aka r/ForcedOrgasms! Most of us usually think that orgasms are a good thing. Like, you're solo, or you're with a chick, and after a while of banging, you nut. The same thing goes for women, it's pleasurable, it feels good, and we all look forward to it. But, of course, as usual, nothing in this industry surprises me anymore. Today, I have to announce that some psychos even managed to turn orgasms into something frightening. Of course, and it's obvious to guess by this...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Forced to Be A StripperA Mind Control Story

Copyright© 2004 The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. "I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I'd like to get to know you, you don't have to act naughty." Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. "Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked." Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing out to the side, her...

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Forced To Be A Latexdoll

Forced To Be A Latexdoll By Latex Bondage Boy 2000 copyrighted by Latexbondagefun One night Jim came home drunk after a hard day's work. When he drank, he was a violent person. He would come home and hit and yell at anyone who was in his way. This peculiar night was different. He came home and passed out in the living room. His wife, Samantha, was getting tired of his shit after 10 yrs. She pulled Jim into the bedroom and put Jim into bed. After that, she went upstairs. She went...

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Forced Sissy Wedding

Forced Sissy Wedding (Forced to be who I was meant to be) By: Missy Satinpanties I woke up feeling groggy, my head pounding, wondering what the hell had happened. My throat was raw and sore, and felt like someone had worked it over with sandpaper. The last thing I remembered was sitting with my father in his book-lined study, drinking my first glass of brandy with him to celebrate my 18th birthday. That I was with my father at all was rather rare, as my father was a very busy...

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Forced to be a Black cock slut

F*rced To Be A Slut (for BBC)forced to be a Slut Story from the perspective of a mom who is forced to become a slut for their neighbor's daughter. The mother’s daughter also becomes her mistress and mom gets nigger fuckedTears ran down my cheeks as the nigger cock rammed my pussy from behind. Jessica watched with a smile on her face as she often did. Here I was, in the back of a van in a mall parking lot, getting my white pussy violated by a nigger buck while the woman who had become my...

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forced Faggot

forced FaggotHello and thank you for letting me share this free true sex story about how I forced my male roommate into being a fag. I didn"t know it at the time but this was how I began my obsession with turning men into fags. Nothing gives me an orgasm more quickly than to watch a straight guy being taken by a stud for the first time.I was living in Hawaii barely making a living as a surf instructor. I had a beautiful apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean but could not afford it so I placed...

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forced to be Female

forced to be FemaleCHAPTER ONEThe last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account.I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change.I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me. Then everything went...

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Forced Into Babyhood

FORCED INTO BABYHOOD a story by Johnathan It was Friday evening. Lesley Johnstone and her husband David had been invited to stay the weekend with Catherine Fanshaw-Jones, chairperson of the feminist organisation that Lesley had joined three months ago. David drove the car slowly down the drive towards Catherine Fanshaw-Jones' mansion. He did not want to spend the weekend with Lesley's friends, but she had insisted he joined her. "There will be other men there," she told him. "It...

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Forced to Frustration

Forced to Frustration by Tegeli A fully equipped kitchen was more of a status symbol than practical addition to the penthouse. I opened the drawers until I found the cutlery. As I expected, they were pristine, possibly completely unused. I grabbed a knife, and screamed. A forbidding burning sensation pulsed from the regulation implant in my neck. I dropped the knife back to the drawer, fighting back the tears of pain and shock. The warden AI had known what I had intended. I...

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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

3 years ago
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Forced to Be A Stripper

The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. ‘I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty.’ Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. ‘Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked.’ Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing out to the side, her bra barely able to contain...

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Forced to be Female

Forced to be Female By Susan Fraser CHAPTER ONE The last thing I could remember was walking out of the Bank and crossing the road to my car. I had just been to see my bank manager to discuss transferring some money from one of my accounts into a high interest savings account. I had won quite a bit of money on the Lottery, enough to change my life. I was unaware just how much my life was going to change. I had just reached my car door when I felt someone bump into me....

4 years ago
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Forced to be a Sissy III

Forced to be a Sissy III By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization fictional story and any resemblance to anyone living or dead or any other situation is purely accidental. If you do not like forced stories in which some pain is administered do not send negative commentary. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure. Down loads for any other purpose or for putting on pay sites is strictly forbidden. Forced to be a Sissy III Jacob stood before Mz. Nelson with...

3 years ago
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Forced Feminization

Forced Feminization? Hello to all my friends and readers, I guess this little discussion should be written in a blog or something, but I don't know how to do that, so hey ho. As well as writing stories, I like to read them too and one of my favourite subject headings is "Forced Feminization", however, and this is the reason for this discussion, many of these stories disappoint. The heading is two words, Forced and Feminisation, yet so often I find that the key character appears to...

2 years ago
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Forced Entry

Introduction: A man forces himself inside a womans home and rapes her. (A rape fantasy) It was almost 2 AM in the morning. I went out with some girlfriends to go clubbing and I was tired ready to crash for the night. This was our weekly Friday ritual. After a night of dancing and drinking, we could forget about the workweek and put it all behind us for a couple of days. I fumbled with the keys at the front door. When I unlocked the door and opened it, a man from behind grabbed me and forced...

4 years ago
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forced to be Female Pt2

Back in my room I lay on the bed trying to come to terms with the fact that I was being forced to become a woman. I kept looking at where my testicles had been, trying to see what they had done to me.My penis had been pulled back into the space where my testicles had been and then they had stitched it flat. I soon found that I had to sit in order to go to the toilet.I felt my face and arms. They were so smooth and free of hair. My chest was bare and smooth too and I looked at my nipples for any...

4 years ago
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Forced incest torture adventure

One night, I arrived to the home around one in the morning, brick in hand. They lived a half mile from any neighbors, easily enough to quietly break in unnoticed. I hurled the brick through the sliding glass door that opened into their luxury dining room on the ground floor, and immediately sprinted toward the bedrooms upstairs. I kicked in one door, but found nothing except clothes and an empty bed. I surged into the next, and found one of the sisters lying in bed still asleep despite my...

2 years ago
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Forced to strip my older aggressive perv

I'm sharing this story to ask for people opinion.. So 3years ago I was made home less and basicly was forced to move to Coventry into a hostel and this is how it belongs began...okay after lunch I bumped into a hairy sweaty older guy I fell over infront off him as he came out toilets.. I spilt my hot chocolate over him. And okay its was my fault but he went crazy and got in my face started goin crazy shouting rite In my face omg it scared me and as he shouted he was spitting all over my face......

2 years ago
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Forced to Dress II

This is a sequel to my first story, "Forced to Dress up!" For a couple of months I had been meeting Nancy at her house to dress when everyone else was gone. On this particular day my best friend, David, was away for weekend with his father and Mrs. Jennings wasn't going to be back home until late that evening. That meant an entire day to lounge around in women's clothes and act girlish. Why Nancy let me dress in her clothes I don't really know. She had her reason and I didn't ask for...

3 years ago
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Forced Entry

Forced Entry By Michele Nylons Danny sat at the bar of the Holiday Inn nursing his fourth double scotch, espousing to the man beside him the reasons why his company was the best designer and distributor of accounting software in the world. Danny was a large man in his forties and was running to fat. He was dressed in a travel-weary navy-blue business suit, a crumpled white shirt now open at the neck, and a ratty tie. He was attending a convention for accounting software...

2 years ago
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Forced To Be a Sissy I

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to reality or persons is purely coincidental. It is a forced feminization story with some physical punishment but no sex at this point. If you do not enjoy such, please do not send negative commentary. Copyright held by author and the story may be downloaded for personal enjoyment only. No other permission for republication or use is permitted. Forced to be a Sissy I By Cheryl Lynn The young man stood facing a very large woman sitting in...

2 years ago
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Forced To Uh

Forced To...Uh... By ABC de F Chapter One "You know me, I hate to give up," Eddie Kowalski said. "But we've looked everywhere ? twice and three times. You gotta figure that Mickey's long gone." "Not of his own accord," David said. "Maybe not," Eddie said, "but gone. I've got to call it a day, Davie. You gonna keep looking?" David sighed. "No, you're right. I don't know what happened to him, but we're not going to find him anywhere around here." "I know he's your best...

4 years ago
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Forced Into Porn

Forced into Porn by Steve69 I had been caught red handed by the assistant principal of my high school my senior year. I had been working in the office all year and had as one of my duties the job of maintaining the cash fund for payment of school contractors doing small odd maintenance jobs that our staff could not do. The system was so loose that it almost begged to be abused, and well I did. I had worked out a way to skim around 10% of every payment...

3 years ago
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Forced to be a Pansy II

Forced to be a Pansy II By Cheryl Lynn Please read "Forced to be a Pansy" before reading this one. This is an X rated fictional meaning that in no way is this story related to reality or to any living person, place or thing. If you do not enjoy reading demeaning punishing torment of men by dominant women, then do not read this. YOU ARE WARNED. Story is copy written by the author and permission is granted for private use only. No authority to republish or use on pay sites is...

4 years ago
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Forced to Procreation

Forced to Procreation by Tegeli What ever dreams I had in the hibernation, were replaced with the acrid stench of the chilly facility interiors. My vision was blurry and my limbs numb, but I could sense I was being moved. The facility AI had stated the current date. Concentrating, I understood that it was still a dozen weeks before my shift would start. When I was placed on the autodoc, terror surged through me. If my body had worked already, I would trashed around. Something...

2 years ago
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Forced to be a Sissy II

Forced to be a Sissy II By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and contains forced feminization! So if you do not enjoy forced stories, please do not send negative commentary. Commentary on story line and grammar are appreciated. This story is down loadable for personal enjoyment only. Permission for other purposes or for pay sites is strictly prohibited. Forced to be a Sissy II Matilda entered his room without knocking and quickly reached his side where he had been writing...

4 years ago
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Forced to be a Sissy IV

Forced to be a Sissy IV By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and should not be confused with reality. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure only. Down loads of this work for any other purpose is strictly forbidden. If you do not like forced feminization with various punishments then do not read or send negative commentary. Commentary regarding the story plot development and grammar are always welcome. Forced to be a Sissy IV Jacob wanted to wipe the...

5 years ago
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Forced to Cum

He watched for a few more minutes; she was completely unmoving under the blankets, enjoying a peaceful slumber. The window appeared to be open, he just had to slide the screen aside... This he did carefully and silently while leaning in from his tree branch. It all happened so fast - in an instant he was there in her room, a foot away from her bed, and she was still as of yet unaware of his presence. He admired her beautiful mounds of tits rising and falling with her sweet breaths, the...

4 years ago
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forced by my sister and her boyfriend

It’s been a long night and I’m absolutely knackered... I’ve been babysitting for my sister so she can go out. I’m not sure why I agreed I don’t eve like k**s especially my niece and nephew. Don’t get me wrong I love them but truth is they just annoy me, I’m Sixteen I should be out having fun and yet I get sucked into watching her k**s so she can go out and get drunk with her new boyfriend...Now he's one of the reasons I said yes, I’ve got a crush on him. I know he's older, over ten years older....

3 years ago
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forced at school part 2

I was so tired that I fell asleep again but I was not asleep for long before I was woken up by my teacher untying me and turn me round onto my back and then tie me up again.He then went out of the room and was gone for a few minutes before he came walking in with Sammy in his arms because she was still u*********s.He put her on top of me and then I felt hm grab my cock and put some lube on it before forcing Sammy down on to it.He slid her up and down on my cock for a few minutes before saying -...

2 years ago
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Forced Into Frocks and Frillies

FORCED INTO FROCKS AND FRILLIES A story by Johnathan I stood in the centre of the room, close to tears, as my two step sisters howled at my appearence. I pressed my bare legs together as Lesley, the eldest of the two girls, she was fifteen, one year younger than me, and her sister Caroline, she was fourteen, fussed with the little girl outfit I was wearing. Yesterday I had finished school, all my exams taken, I was no longer required to attend. My step-mother immediately informed me...

3 years ago
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Forced to be a Femboy pt 1

Then when we get there we walk into the gate and my friends see me so my sister drags me to them and says "I turned him into a girl so he would know what it feels like so who wants to shove a strap on up his boy vagina" Tegan nodded her head so they got me to bend over. Then Tegan lifted my skirt up and pulled my underwear down. After that Tegan got the dildo and shoved it in my boy's pussy. Then she strapped the band around her waist and started to thrust me with it. After 5 minutes the...

3 years ago
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Forced to Fuck His Daughter in Front of Wife

“She’s still not over it yet?” Annoyance in his voice. Sandra shook her head. The soft golden curls fluffed in the air. “How long has it been? Two days?” He threw the wet towel into the laundry bag by the door. “It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything.” “Don’t let her hear you say that.” Sandra warned. “Being rejected is a big deal.” “Please.” He snorted. “Life is full of rejection.” “She’s still young.” Sandra shrugged as she began to unbutton the white cotton blouse she’s wearing....

4 years ago
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Forced To Fuck One Of My Students

Forced To Fuck One Of My Students I never thought that it would come to this. My Master of the past four years has always treated me kindly. I do what he wants and he administers light pain on me anyway. I sold myself to him when I was still in college. I needed a place to stay and it seemed like a good idea at the time. At twenty-three I enjoyed a very full sexual life style so when he offered me what I needed in exchange for what he needed, I accepted. At first it was fun he would...

2 years ago
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Forced To Dress Up

Forced To Dress Up By Kim Babe Here is the ultimate story about forced dressing. It's a true story about what happened to me in the mid 70's. Because I didn't have access to any girl's clothes at home, I started sneaking (breaking) into my neighbor's homes and trying on their stuff. I know it's wrong now, but back then I... well, we all have regrets I suppose. Getting back to my story, I would enter the house when the family was gone and have a grand time fulfilling my...

4 years ago
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Forced Wife Ch 02

This is the second part of a story I published some time ago. I want to thank all of you who kindly commented and voted on the first chapter, and who contributed suggestions for this. Those suggestions that I have not included in this story are stored away in my mind and I’m sure I will find a suitable context in which to use them. It tells the tale of a submissive wife who is being forced to expose her body to a gathering of both friends and strangers. As her humiliation and exposure...

3 years ago
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Forced Sex

I had a situation happen to me recently that most men would give their left nut to have happen to them! It was without a doubt the most exciting thing to ever happen to me anyway. I am happily married with two children, a gorgeous wife, who loves just about any form of sex; I have a good job, nice home and just about everything a guy could want. Except that is, my neighbor wife! A few years ago, my wife and I had a nice home built out in the Koregaon Park area of Pune, Maharashtra. We were kind...

4 years ago
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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

A few nights ago my girlfriend Amber and I were watching TV on the couch. Amber is the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met, let alone slept with. She’s 5’2”, straight blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes. She’s got a near perfect rack of 36D-sized tits, a real nice ass, just a perfect body. We had been together for almost 3 years and she was the love of my life. We were all cuddled up on the couch, loving the feeling of each other’s bodies, and we had no idea our whole world was about to be...

4 years ago
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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

I should start this story with a little background info. A few weeks ago my car got stolen from right in front of my apartment door. Later that day the police found the car and arrested the guys who stole it. The police asked if I wanted to press charges and in the heat of the moment I said yes. I was angry that my car was stolen and wanted to get back at the bastards. A few months later I get called and asked to appear in court and testify. Against my better judgment I agree, showed up,...

3 years ago
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Forced to watch my girlfriend brutally gangraped

I should start this story with a little background info. A few weeks ago my car got stolen from right in front of my apartment door. Later that day the police found the car and arrested the guys who stole it. The police asked if I wanted to press charges and in the heat of the moment I said yes. I was angry that my car was stolen and wanted to get back at the bastards. A few months later I get called and asked to appear in court and testify. Against my better judgment I agree, showed up,...

3 years ago
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forced to Fuck

I was away for the summer, at sleep over camp, my parents would send me off when school was out to keep me from getting into trouble. It wasn't the first time that I had went off to sleep over camp, but this was the first time that I was attacked. The camp lasted for nine weeks, with a one week recess at the end of each three week period. Each time I would return to camp their would be some new faces as well as familiar ones. Some that was there from the beginning and some that came for only...

2 years ago
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Forced to Recreation

Forced to Recreation by Tegeli I knew things were not right, when I came out of the rejuvenation treatment, not as a few years younger version of myself, but with the body of a wimpy teenager. I stared at the mirror; only the now tiny penis confirmed I was still a man, though the slim waist and wider hips were rather feminine. To be honest, it wasn't such a huge change, as I had never had the vanity to get the treatments to look particularly masculine. In truth, even if I didn't...

4 years ago
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Forced to ask for Help

Heather is forcefully pulled away by me towards the door of my private elevator. She struggles to keep pace in her high heels as I swiftly move to the door. While waiting for it to arrive, she is startled by my mouth suddenly locking upon hers. This is no chaste kiss, my lips mash against hers and my tongue slips inside. It feels like a violation, having never kissed this way before, she moves her head backwards to be stopped by my hand holding her firm. My large hand holding her neck with my...

4 years ago
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Forced To Be A Girl

Forced to be a Girl by Chrsitine My predicament began 6 months ago. It was at this time that my girlfriend Susan found out from her girlfriend Jan that I was fooling around on her. Susan hit the roof. Her first reaction was to leave me. I begged her not to telling her I loved her very much and that I would do anything to keep her from leaving. Susan just stomped out of the house saying that she would never be able to forgive me for this indiscretion and that she...

2 years ago
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Forced to be a Woman

This story is quite extreme in places and involves some lurid details of forced feminisation. It's been incomplete for a while and I finally got some energy to put something together so it could be posted. Okay it's not my usual style but it might pull someone's wire. Any comments please then please email me on [email protected] Thanks go to Noua the Japanese woman. Forced to be a Woman By Elaine Copyright 2004 This strange tale started about 9 months ago when my wife left me...

3 years ago
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Forced to AllFours

Forced to All-FoursGwen was feeling really tired after an exhausting day of volleyball practice. All around her people were milling towards the multiple exit doors around her; she weakly pushed past them all to get to her locker. When she finally made it to there, she found she was the only person in the aisle except for Brooke.        ?Hi Brook!? Gwen tried to say as cheerfully as she could, despite her tiredness.        ?Oh! Hi Gwen! Just the person I was looking for,? Brooke said as she...

3 years ago
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Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper

??    Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper?By: Wayne T.????A backpacker travelling the world runs out of money and is forced to look for work to support himself. Not having a visa, he branches out into the sex industry before attending a private party, where he is used for the evenings entertainment. He then receives by force from some of the guests, the fullest male circumcision possible, there and then, of the most tightest and extreme kind. This is in full view and humiliation, in...

3 years ago
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Forced To Suck Cock Part 2

I had no plans on showing up but about two hours before I was supposed to be there I got a text message from them that said I had better be there or I would be sorry. I thought about it for a little while and decided it would probably be better for me to show up. I drove out to where I was to meet them and just waited and they drove up exactly when they said they would. They walked to my car and told me to get out. They said we were going to walk out a little further so there would be...

2 years ago
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Forced by my Girls Lover

Forced by my Girl's Lover By huggyone After 2 years with my girlfriend Kelly, things had definitely stagnated. She was a 23 yr old babe, with Cindy Crawford looks and a great appetite for sex that was much appreciated. There was nothing she wouldn't try in bed, so when I told her about my TV fantasy she was happy to play along, dressing me in her panties and letting me fuck her. Unfortunately her looks meant she was always in demand by men, particularly one at the office, Mike,...

3 years ago
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forced at school

I was 14 and my girlfriend (Sammy) was the same age and we had been going out together for 2 years now and we were so in love that when ever we were together we could not keep our hands off each other.I lived with Sammy because both my perents were dead and they took me in because I had no other family and they new how much we loved each other.One day Sammy said to me that she wanted me to wear her underwear so that she will always be near to me and she would wear my underwear, I was not sure...

2 years ago
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Forced Fetish

Forced fetish Forced Fetish That Special Night He had it all prepared before. Tonight he would fuck his girlfriend as neverbefore. She wore the sexy undergarment with the stockings that made her long legseven longer. In addition he had her wear the high heels they bought together,and now for the final touch. She was nervous when he blindfolded her, and extremely aroused. She couldsense he was up to something and she was all for it. She smiled wickedly whenhe led her away from the bedroom...

2 years ago
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Forced sex by her friend

“Forced sex by her friend” She has called for a friend to stay at home with her boyfriend for the weekend. He was flirting her in the past. Boyfriend knew that. But respected her choices. He liked to feel a little jealous from time to time. She was just 19. He was just 21. She was a social girl but somewhat shy to sexual matters. She loved to make love with her boyfriend. Boyfriend was somewhat shy too. She went for walk outside all together to show the new place to her guest. Her...

4 years ago
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forced by Shemale

After the shower I dried off and went into the darkened front room. Two dull red lights were lit, casting a warm glow around the room. She was sat on the bed as I approached, my little cock shriveled up and sitting on top of my tight balls. She smiled, stood, and sauntered over with a mischievous look in her eye. She was the one that initiated the kissing. It was hard and forceful: biting and pulling on my bottom lip, sucking my tongue hard into her mouth, forcing her tongue down my throat. I...

3 years ago
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forced to Suck pt1

I was exiting the shower, in my high school gym, when I heard a familiar voice 'Hi, David, I see that you still shower alone,' startled I turned to see Eric standing naked with a towel wrapped around his mid section. I wanted to go over to him, but he hasn't been available for a couple of Saturdays and was never home when I would go by to see him. Still seeing him standing there was enough to make me horny again. 'Yeah, sometimes it's better this way,' I responded. Eric walked towards me as I...

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