Her Journey free porn video

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“That’s just not right! You can’t put the moves on your mother! Get out!”

That was two years ago, now Sam was going home for a visit after finishing college. He was happy to be finished with college. He wasn’t even sure why he’d bother to complete it as he’d created an app when he was sophomore that he’d sold for $5 million. He’d done the smart thing and invested the bulk of it, so was now independently wealthy. Not filthy rich, but he could certainly live comfortably for the rest of his life. He didn’t want to just sit around doing nothing so he’d gotten a job with a start up a couple of states away.

It was with a certain nostalgia that he walked into his parent’s house. He hadn’t been back in the last two years. His mother had discouraged his visiting since that time he tried to seduce her and she’d thrown him out of the house. They’d emailed and talked some in the ensuing years. Finally, she’d invited him back.

The first thing he noticed when he opened the door was the smell of his mother’s cooking. She was a great cook. The next thing he noticed was the music playing in the kitchen. He smiled at that, his mother always had music on when she cooked.

He stopped abruptly when he entered the kitchen. His mother was standing in front of the stove with her back to him. She was swaying in time to the music. That was not what made him stop, it was her curves. He’d always known she was attractive, but her body was the stuff of his wet dreams. Feeling himself getting hard, he walked over to her and hugged her lightly, kissing her on the neck.

“Honey, I didn’t hear you come in. Here, let me look at you.”

She turned around. “Wow, you really have filled out these last couple of years.”

Indeed, he had. While he wasn’t into sports, he did like to work out. At 6 foot 2 and 205 pounds, he was a picture of health. His skin was lightly tanned and his blonde hair was cut short.

While his mother was appraising him, he allowed his eyes to roam over her body. He knew from sneaking looks in her underwear drawer that her tits were 36 Cs, definitely a nice handful, even for his big hands. Not that he thought he’d ever get to hold them. At 40, she was aging nicely, often being mistaken for someone in her early 30s. Her brunette hair was nicely done and framed her lovely face, a face he’d love to fuck.

“How long are you home for?”

“Just a few days, I have a job a few hours away and it starts in two weeks. I have to find someplace to live so I’ll be heading up in a week.”

“Oh, honey. I really wanted more time with you. I’ve missed you so much.”

“Tell you what, once I get settled, why don’t you and Dad come visit me?”

“I would love to. I am not sure about your dad, he seems to work all the time. I am not sure if he’d be willing to take time off. I need to stay here to take care of him.”

His mother had been going to say she’d visit, but she remembered how he’d tried to seduce her a couple of years ago. It was clear from the way he was looking at her now that he thought of her as someone to fuck, not as his mother. While she admired his body, she was not comfortable with the thought of having sex with him.

His father came home a couple of hours later. Sam noticed a certain coolness between his parents. He wondered about it didn’t know how to talk to them, so just decided to leave it alone.

It was a rather uncomfortable visit for Sam with the situation between his parents and his mother’s visible discomfort around him. Despite her discomfort, his mother, Lauren, did dress a little nicer than normal. While his leering at her was not appropriate, it was still nice to have someone want her. God knows, her husband didn’t. They hadn’t had sex in over a year and, even then, it wasn’t great.

So, it was a relief to both mother and son when he set off a few days later to find a new home. It didn’t take him that long to find a house and purchase it. It was a nice 4-bedroom place out in the country.

He settled into his job and gradually made some friends. It was on a night out with his new friends that he met Fiona. She was a recently divorced 41-year-old brunette with much the same body as his mother. That is what attracted him to her in the first place. His friends kidded him for picking up an older woman but he knew what he wanted, so put up with their kidding.

So desperate for validation that she was still an attractive woman, that she let him fuck her that first night. She even put up with his demand that she remained naked while in his house. She was insecure with her body, so was embarrassed to be walking around naked. But his constant hard on gave her proof that she was still attractive. That and his constantly bending her over to fuck her. By the time she finally left in the late afternoon, he’d fucked her 6 times. That was six more times than her ex-husband had fucked her the whole last year of their marriage.

They started dating on a regular basis. She got used to him taking control over situations. He’d come by her apartment before their dates and pick out her clothes. When she didn’t have slutty enough outfits, he took her shopping. He’d order for her when they went out for dinner. It made her a little uncomfortable but she put up with it, figuring that was what it took to keep this young man happy.

Then came the night that she’d had a headache and refused to give him a blowjob (it was that time of the month, so fucking was out). He ordered her to leave his house and then didn’t call her for a couple of days. Frantically, she called him and apologized.

“Honey, I am so sorry. I never should have refused you. Please talk to me. I just want to make you happy.”

“You are right, you shouldn’t have refused me. Next time you do that, I am going to spank you. Do you understand?”

“Honey, I’m a grown woman. Old enough to be your mother. You can’t spank me.”

“Then I guess our relationship is over.”

“NO! Please. I promise to never refuse you. It’s just that you can’t spank me.”

She heard nothing from him, realizing that he’d hung up on her.

Desperately, she called him back. “Yes, you can spank me. Please, please, don’t break up with me!”

“I want you to come over right now. I am going to spank you.”

She meekly replied “Okay.”

That marked a significant change in their relationship. A couple of days after her first spanking, he had her bend over for a different reason. The first thing she noticed was his fingers rubbing something oily over her asshole. Then his fingers were pushing in her. Her first thought was that he was going to sodomize her. She’d figured he’d do that eventually. It wasn’t something she’d ever experienced but if it made her young lover happy, then she was willing to endure it. Suddenly, she felt him push something larger than his fingers into her ass. It hurt at first, then the it got better as whatever it was got smaller in diameter.

“There, it’s in. Stand up. I want you to wear that whenever we are together. Do you understand?”

“What is it? It feels funny.”

“It’s a butt plug.”

“A butt plug! I can’t believe you are asking me to wear a butt plug all the time. I mean, for play is one thing, but all the time?”

“First, I am not asking you. I am telling you. Second, do you want me to have you wear it all the time rather than just when we are together?”

Hanging her head, she said “No.”

“No, what? No, you won’t wear one or No, you don’t want to wear it all the time?”

“I don’t want to wear it all the time.”

Of course, since she was staying at his place most nights at this point, she pretty much had her ass plugged most of the time.

He told her to move in with him after they’d been dating a couple of months. At first, she was ecstatic with the idea. It meant so much to her ego to be so desired by a young man that he would want to live with her. Besides, he had a much nicer place than her dinky apartment. But then he told her to quit her job, that he had plenty of money. It wasn’t a great job but it gave her a sense of independence. But he stared her down and she meekly complied.

The night after she quit her job was the first time he’d sodomized her. She didn’t enjoy it but it wasn’t bad. Then came the day when he unexpectantly came home for lunch only to find her wearing clothes.

“What is this! Haven’t I told you that you are to be naked when you are in my house!?”

“But honey, you weren’t here and I thought it would be okay. I am not that comfortable being naked all the time.”

“You thought? I do the thinking in my house. Strip and get ready for your punishment.”

She stared at him and then did as he asked. But this time he didn’t place her over his lap. Instead, he had her bend over a chair. It wasn’t until she felt the sting of a crop that she realized how serious things had gotten. She endured the whipping and then fell sobbing on the floor. He pulled her into his arms and said “There, there, it’s all over with. You just have to remember that you belong to me. I will take care of you as long as you obey me.”

Then he left to return to his job. She thought about what he’d said. She realized she’d really put herself in a corner. She had no job, no place to live. Her friends all mocked her for moving in with a guy young enough to be her son. Beyond that, she was infatuated with him. The sex was outstanding and frequent. He fucked her at least twice a day, usually in her pussy but sometimes in her ass. Of course, she woke him up each day with a blow job.

Resigned to her situation, she arose and began doing her chores. She was constantly reminded of her situation for the rest of the day by the pain she felt in her ass. She gradually began to justify what had happened to her as his right. He did take care of her. He even bought her jewelry. The most recent was a set that she’d thought were ear rings but turned out to be nipple clamps. They were beautiful but painful to wear, at least at first.

A couple of days later he took her to a tattoo parlor where he had rings put in her breasts and clit. She thought they looked ridiculous but figured it was what all young women were wearing. That night he put a collar around her neck saying “This is just to remind you that you belong to me.”

When she had a chance to take a good look in the mirror at the tag that was hanging from her collar, she saw that it was engraved with two words ‘Sam’s property.’ She realized then what she was, a slave.

They lived like that for a couple of years. She worked hard at maintaining her figure as she knew that he could get tired of her at any time. He occasionally let his friends fuck her. There was one guy, Fred, in particular that seemed to take a delight in using her. He was a black guy a little older than her master. Her master had loaned her out a couple of times to him for the weekend.

Then things changed. His mother showed up at his door one Friday evening. He frantically had his slave put on some clothes when he realized who was knocking on his door.

He opened the door and said “Mom, this is an unexpected surprise. To what do I owe this honor?”

“Your dad and I are having problems. I just needed to get away. Could I stay here for a few days?”

“Of course you can.”

At that point, Fiona walked up. “Mom, this is my girlfriend, Fiona. Fiona, this is my mother, Lauren.”

They awkwardly shook hands, each appraising the other. Fiona, for her part was embarrassed to be living with this woman’s son. After all, they were about the same age.

Lauren had known that he had a live-in girlfriend, but she was taken back by the fact that the girlfriend was about her own age. In fact, she realized that Fiona looked a lot like her. Same hair color, same figure. She also noticed that Fiona had a collar around her neck. There was no mistaking it for a choker, it looked too much like a dog collar to be anything else.

Sam took them all out for dinner. Lauren was surprised by how slutty Fiona was dressed but figured that was what Sam liked, so she didn’t make any snide remarks. She also noticed that Sam ordered for Fiona. She realized that Fiona was always looking to Sam for permission.

That night, as she was laying in bed trying to fall asleep, she heard Fiona yell out “Oh, Master, please let me cum!” That was followed by Sam saying “Cum!” and Fiona moaning loudly.

The next day Lauren noticed that Fiona seemed uncomfortable with what she was wearing. That surprised Lauren as the clothes seemed light and loose fitting. When she commented on that to Sam, he just chuckled and said “That’s because she hasn’t worn clothes much for the last two years. I like her to be naked.”

“Fiona, come here. Strip.”

Fiona looked nervously at Lauren but, so engrained was her conditioning, that she pulled her clothes off and just stood there waiting for his next order.

Lauren just stared at her, not knowing what to make of the situation. She’d known they had some kind of D/s relationship but now it was becoming clearer just how deep it ran. She took in the rings in Fiona’s breasts and clit.

Not knowing what to say, she just turned around and went to her room. There she pondered the situation, not realizing that she was playing with her clit. Once she did, she pulled her hand away as if burned.

Dinner that evening was definitely a different situation from her normal life. For one, Fiona was still nude. For another, seeing Fiona kneeling beside her son’s chair during the meal with Sam occasionally feeding her tidbits off his plate was disturbing on many levels. For one, just seeing this evidence of an M/s relationship in this day and age was eye opening. On another level, she realized her pussy was getting wetting by the minute.

That night, while listening to them fucking, Lauren was imagining it was herself that had knelt next to her son and was being fed by his fingers. So engrossed was she in her fantasy that she didn’t realize she was playing with her pussy. It wasn’t until she had an explosive orgasm that she realized what she’d been doing. By then it was too late to stop. Ashamed, she turned on her side and tried to sleep.

Knowing she had no say in the matter, she didn’t bring up her son’s relationship with him. She’d had quite the argument with her husband, so couldn’t go there for a few days.

She tried talking with Fiona about her situation when her son was at work. At best, it was awkward conversation. Fiona told her of how she became her son’s property and how she had come to not only accept it but also enjoy it. She’d been rather sexually repressed before meeting Sam and how being a slave allowed her to really indulge in sex. Lauren was very uncomfortable hearing about their sexual activities as Fiona held nothing back. She described being a three-hole slut, the times she pulled a train, and even the times she was lent out to his friends.

One of the things that made Lauren the most uncomfortable was hearing how repressed Fiona had been. It reminded her of her current situation. She had only been with one man in her entire life and sex was always in the missionary position. She got flustered hearing about how wild things were in this house and had to retreat to her room. There, she thought about what she’d heard and soon found herself playing with her pussy again.

Lauren found herself mulling over what to wear when her son came home after work. She wanted his attention but could not figure out what to wear that would distract him from his naked slave. She finally decided on a thin blouse, no bra, and a short skirt. She finished the outfit off with a nice thong she picked up at Victoria’s Secret. She’d bought it a year ago in a vain attempt at attracting her husband’s attention.

She looked at herself in the mirror before stepping out to greet her son. God, she looked like a slut. Her tits were noticeably swaying as she moved. Her skirt hung just a few inches below her pussy. She pulled up the front of her dress to see how the thong looked only to be dismayed by the sight of her full bush. How could she have been so stupid to not trim it! Especially after seeing Fiona’s bald pussy. Clearly her son liked a bald pussy. It was too late to do anything about it now but she resolved to shave it as soon as she could.

She was pleased that her son obviously noticed her tits when she walked up to kiss his cheek. But then grimaced when Fiona greeted her master by dropping her naked body down in front of him, fishing his cock out and engulfing it. This was the most blatant sexual act she’d ever witnessed and she didn’t know how to react. She couldn’t take her eyes off Fiona’s blowjob. She didn’t even realize her son was speaking to her until he touched her arm.

“How was your day? Did you do anything?”

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Cheris Husband Experiments

I've known Harvey since grade school and we used to hang before the two of us got married. We are pretty close, close enough to discuss personal problems, and one day we were having a beer after work and I commented on how beat he always seemed to be. "Yeah," he said, "I've got a bad case of "fuckitus." "What's that?" I asked. He grinned and said, "It's where your wife spends all her time trying to fuck you to death and from my appearance, it looks like she is succeeding." "That...

2 years ago
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The Journey

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a story I've wanted to write for some time. Many of us who feel that we were born on the wrong side of the gender divide have felt at some time or other that womanhood is all about high heels and fancy clothes and becoming a woman on this basis will solve all our problems. From my own experiences and those of other members of the trans community with whom I've interacted, I know that this is not the case and the transition process is full of ups and downs. ...

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The Journey

It was a Sunday evening. Not a usual one. I had to make a journey in the afternoon to my house from the place I worked. I missed the 2 pm bus. I waited in the ISBT and asked a handyman there. He pointed me to a bus standing in the garage. “That bus may go.” He said, “But it will take time. Something is wrong with that. They are working. You can go and ask those guys.” I moved on and asked the long haired thin fellow standing near the bus. “Is the bus going to Amalgaon?” “Yes,” he replied...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

2 years ago
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Bus Journey

I have read a lot of stories on this site. Some are beautiful and some are fantastic. I am mentioning my very own experience during recent journey to Burdawan. Before that, let me tell u the bus journeys will be so erotic during monsoon/winter seasons. Aunties/girls can be touched/squeezed whole of their body and without others noticing it. It will be quite exciting to do it in public. I never missed a chance of squeezing buttocks and breasts of any lady irrespective of age and religion. I...

3 years ago
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Flight Journey To Sex Journey

Hi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...

3 years ago
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Fucking Bus Journey

Hey all…Its ritu again writing ma experience in mah new story in this site. Not wasting much time m writing my story. As u know about me in my last story m sexy girl with figure of 34-28-32 any one can fall for me. Its my cool cool journey to my native. I was in hostel and going to my home during holidays.And that time my bf told me to accompany me.I also readily agreed.My bf, akash..Handsome hunk and many classmates has fallen for him but he proposed me. And we both paired. Akash is so caring...

3 years ago
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My father was a mean man, and living with him was horrible. Once I started filling out, he would find any excuse to grab my tits, pull on my nipples, and slip his hand between my legs. There were 3 of us in my family…my father, my mother and me. When we ate meals at the dinner table, my father would sometimes pull me onto his lap, slipping his hands under my shirt to squeeze my tits, and even pulling his cock out of his pants and making me stroke it. Once it was hard, he’d pull my shorts down...

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Crusher 2

I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...

4 years ago
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Cherrys Next Door Neighbor Becomes the Man of the House

Cherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass. She took a long drag out of the glass, as...

3 years ago
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Hercules the Wonder Dog

Alley finished marking some reports and headed for the shower and an early night in front of the TV in her room. Hercules, her loving boxer watched as she undressed and stepped into the shower then climbed up on the bed and curled up waiting for his loving master to join him. Mark was out at a business dinner and did not usually get in before midnight so Alley would be fast asleep by then. Mark and Alley would have kids one day but for now they doted on Hercules and spoiled him rotten. The...

1 year ago
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Cherrys New Shoes

Cherry Adams was a wiry attractive redhead who needed a new pair of shoes. She owned over three hundred and fifty pairs, a mere pittance according to her. However, she was missing a pair that matched the color red of the new dress her boyfriend insisted she buy. “Cherry, you have red shoes,” he informed her as she slipped on her coat. She sashayed over to her rich, older lover and bent over so she could display her very ample bosom to his appreciative eyes. “Baby,” she cooed. “That red dress...

2 years ago
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Sheryl and her perfect life

I happen to think that every high school as that perfect couple. That pair that seem as though they were made for each other. They are inseparable, look great together, do everything together and every other couple wants to be just like them. In my school that couple was Paul and Sheryl. I had known Sheryl for six years, which is a long time for someone in high school. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school and I use her as my benchmark for the perfect woman to this day. She was the...

3 years ago
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The train has compartments. The seats are old and have a musty smell. The heating, turned on full and not to be changed, makes the air cloying and presses the cause of sleep and release. The misted windows offer us only vague reflections. The darkness outside says ‘stay in your warm bright cave and wait for me to be gone’. Our minds are numbed by the cradling rattle and rumble of the train. Our eyes open and close with no change in what we perceive. Your head rests on my plaid covered chest as...

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Sheryls Experience at the Edgewater

Sheryl's Experience at the Edge I first met Sheryl several years ago when I was trolling theAOL chat groups as, Spanksalot. Ever since my divorce I had beentalking advantage of my business travel schedule to meet withcouples as a third. Lately, I had been introduced to some mildbondage and Dom/sub games with an older couple I had been partyingwith. I found that I liked to spank and sometimes Dom a wife whilethe husband watched. And I found many other couples who liked toplay this...

2 years ago
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Sheri the Tourist Gets Used

Sometimes you never know when things work out. There I was in a bar in Sydney on a Monday after a committee meeting debriefing about the day’s events. We had had a few drinks, when I heard a woman with an American accent at the bar order a drink. She was sitting by herself. I guessed she was in her sixties, but certainly well dressed and well-presented overall. I could see that she had a delightfully ample chest. Her gaze seemed to be inviting, so I did the appropriate thing and said hello...

4 years ago
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Heroines Journey

Long ago, in the times of the ancients, a war was fought for control of the world of man. Known as Manna-Heim it laid in the heart of all the known realms. Control of it meant control over all other realms. Many vied for control. From the Snow Giants from the eastern world of Nifelheim, who planned to freeze it solid. To the Succubi that dance in the flames of the western world of Muspelheim, who desired to set it ablaze. This threatened the lives of all those that lived there. Knowing her...

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The Journey

Staring out over the wastes, Val wondered what had possessed him. Sand, dust, and more sand, that’s what awaited him. He’d never been this far from the oasis, and knew that any water was days away…unless he turned back. Others had done so. It would only be a year till he had the chance to go again. Only a year. A year of sideways glances, and whispered jokes. After his strong words, his boasts, he could not go back. No, postponement was not an option. He would not learn anymore to prepare him...

3 years ago
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A hot train journey

My name is Seema and I am married housewife. I am 19 years old and was married off only 3months ago while I was in college. I am married to a well to do Electrical goods store owner. But don’t have a happy married life, rather I should say I am sexually not satisfied as my husband is old enough to be almost my father. Anyway this is the story of my train journey where I was fucked by a berth full of people in broad daylight. I was travelling from Delhi to Kolkata via train and had booked a...

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Lakeland Journey

Lakeland Journey by Amanda Walker Part 1 The train finally arrived at the station, John had been looking forward to visiting his Aunt, Mum and Dad were off on a cruise and he was to spend the summer in the Lake District. The sky had darkened on the spring evening and rain was in the air, standard Lakes then. He left the train and stepped onto the deserted platform of the unmanned station, he'd done this journey before and knew there was a local bus from Staveley to the...

3 years ago
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My Luckiest Day And Journey

This Incident happened recently when I am going from Vijayawada to Hyderabad. Its morning train Sathavahana due to planned journey I couldn’t have reservation hence I got up early and took auto at 5.00AM its 20min journey from my home to railway station. The auto was packed, we 7 no’s 4 in seat row and 3 in opposite; a nun age round 20 sitting in front of me; she good looking it was unexpected we are sitting in such way that my one leg is between her legs. During journey my leg got pressed by...

3 years ago
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Sensuous Journey

Sensuous Journey - The Beginning She greeted me at the door wearing the most beautiful costume the mind can imagine. It was a gorgeous dancing dress with a wonderfully bouffant skirt that was held nearly straight out by many, many layers of lacy crisp petticoats. As she moved, I could hear an inviting rustle as the many tiers of her white taffeta and organza petticoats reflected the motion. Her skirt was so full that it was quite impossible for her to completely cover the enticing...

2 years ago
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Construction of the Academies an extension of the Journey

Construction of the Academies a continuation of Wyoming/Ute IGT// Living the Dream By: Malissa Madison Iridani Five had been an unimportant planet tucked away at the tail end of the Iridan System in the forty seventh universe. It had been barren, when first Hub, Astrid, and Dark Light had been sent a request for permission to Terraform it. The request had come from the director of the Inter-Galactic Bank on Omega Three. Each had requested to know the purpose, and had been informed...

1 year ago
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Erotic Bus Journey

Hi I m Raj(Prince) from Bangalore working as a freelancer. I’m not the outgoing types, but don’t miss an opportunity to explore my fantasies. Once such happened during my bus journey about 6 months back. I was traveling back from Chennai to Bangalore. My family members shared seats and I sat alone next to a Window seat. The bus left about 7 in the evening. I was busy listening to music and was particularly inconspicuous when this girl about 24-25 with pleasant features sat in the seat in front...

2 years ago
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IntendedChapter 3 Embarking on a surreptitious mystical journey

The crossed branches holding the waterskin pot above the flames sagged under the weight of its burden. Steam rose from the half-filled container and dissipated into the air. Stretching out his legs, Jakal locked his fingers behind his head and reclined, resting his shoulders against the log behind him. Gazing up at the sky vividly colored by the sunset, he sighed. "Sala, once again you prepare a meal worthy of a Gathering of Clan Leaders." It pleased her to see him content. Jakal had been...

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Helen Space SlaveChapter 2 The Journey

As dawn broke, a couple of the guards came over and pushed Helen roughly on her back. She was much too despondent to offer any resistance, or even to notice the pain very much as they took turns to pump their come into her badly torn 'private place' again. One of the guards said, "Loading in five minutes," and the second of her morning rapists stopped playing with Helen's bruised nipples. She was put back in her cage with a good deal of unnecessary handling, especially of her aching...

2 years ago
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Sheryl and the Straitjacket Incident

Chapter One "Hey, pass me that flow coefficients sheet, will you?" "No prob. The laminate flow one, right?" I slide the piece of paper over to the right, and Sheryl cranes her neck down just a tad to get a better look. A few strands of hair fall out over her left ear; with fluttering heart, unsure of what her reaction will be, I restore the wayward strands back to their regal perch. She turns her head towards me. I'm delighted to see that she's smiling. "Thanks, man." I'm a...

4 years ago
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Hera and the Relic HunterChapter 2 The Battle of the Sexes

Although she tried to hide it initially, I could tell that Hera was impressed by many of our modern conveniences. While she professed no use for television—something I'm inclined to agree with her on—air conditioning and indoor plumbing much agreed with her. The wide variety and modern preparation of food and adult beverages also agreed well with her. "Dionysus would be amazed," she commented more than once. And although she had insisted that her worshipers provided her with fresh water...

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