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Some of this story is true.

My name is Ben Harris and this is my story.

Being married to Buket was exciting, frustrating and painful. Throughout our two years of marriage, somehow, I never felt truly married. Well, I felt married, she didn't. Buket was concerned about her figure, clothes, getting a green card, obtaining a masters degree and making a lot of money. She was never concerned about anyone except herself. I was never really part of the equation. Buket is 5'4" with blond hair, small waist, flawless middle Eastern/Eurasian complexion, green eyes and a 36c cup. She has the kind of sexuality about her that makes men get primitive.

For her, sex was a weapon to be used to manipulate every male she came in contact with. I don't miss her personality. I do miss the way she could rock my world in bed. There was very little she wouldn't do and I loved her lust. I never felt any real affection or love from her. Now that I think about it, I can't remember her ever saying she loved me. It was not a term used in our relationship. Looking back, there never was a relationship. We just went through the motions. I had been living in an ice castle and never realized it. My head was so far up my ass that I needed a good bitch slap to get it out.

She never wanted slow passionate love making. She didn't want fore play. She wanted it hard and raw. The animalistic sex was plentiful. I often longed for the emotional intimacy she denied me. Buket never gave me a hug or a cuddle. She used my body and I used hers. The difference being that I loved her. She never loved me.

I was able to take care of her needs, but not a lot of her wants. I went into some serious debt trying. we ate out so much my oven was dusty. I'm a high school teacher. I make a decent living, but I'll never be rich. I did my best. There was no way I could hang with the country club set. It was not enough for her. The greedy bitch! When I met her four years ago, she was a nanny. I was immediately impressed with her beauty and intelligence. She was exotic and independent. I later discovered that what I thought was independence was really a manifestation of her self centered manipulating personality.

From the beginning, she was egotistical and selfish. I always saw more good in her than actually existed. I felt like a moth that was irresistibly drawn to the flame that would kill him. Don't ask me why. I should have kicked her ass to the curb after the first week I met her. I guess I wanted to, needed to see the good in her. Maybe, I was thinking with the wrong head. I wish there had been a way for me to keep the pussy and get rid of her.

So, the obvious question is why I put up with her manipulating, callous and deceitful ways for so long? Until recently, I never thought of myself as a wimp. Looking back, I guess I was. Somehow, I thought of my patience and tolerance as strength.

I promised her father, in Turkey, that I would provide for and protect his daughter. It was important to me that I kept my word. I've always thought that he was a good and honorable man who had no idea who is daughter really is.

I was raising twin sons from a previous disaster called a marriage and did not want to be divorced again. I was determined to make my train wreck of a relationship work. When I met Buket, all I wanted was a home and a woman to come home to more than anything. I guess I saw what I wanted to see until I had no choice.

"I don't want to argue, Ben. It's over between us. You know that." She said, as she dressed to leave our house on a recent Friday night." I need to be with my friends.

"You mean your boy friend I heard most of your conversation on the phone this morning. If he calls my house again, I will throw you and your phone out of the window."

"Don't get jealous. You know we can't stay together."

"I am not jealous. You said you wanted to pursue your own life four months ago. Why are you still here?" You being here does not allow me to get on with my life. My patience with you is finished. I have been tested enough.

"Don't worry, I'll be gone soon."

She looked stunning. Her full red lips, perfume and sexy black dress left little to the imagination. She was going to meet another man and didn't care that I knew about it. I had always been gentle and kind to her, but that was about to change. His disrespect for me and my sons was intolerable. I knew that I still cared a little about her. I also knew that I had reached my limit. Buket and her boy friend were going to find out that there would be a price to pay for their treachery and disrespect. My anger grew as I watched her.

"What has gotten into you? What did I do to deserve this treatment? Did you think I was going to tolerate this crap! Your social life has always been more important than your husband? I have put up with your shit for too long. You've been lying to me for a long time. I know what you've been doing. Tonight, I can't deny it any more. You treat me and my sons like crap."

"You really bank on the promise I made to your father that I would protect you from harm. Somehow, my sense of honor and love for you has been turned against me. You have never helped pay a single bill. I supported you as you struggled to get your MBA and through a number of nothing jobs. Now that you've got yourself a big time job in an investment bank, I'm not good enough for you. Is that it?" I could feel my guts boiling.

"I hate being around your bastard sons. I hate it every time I see them. Every time you wrote a child support check, I wanted to puke. Now they are here and I don't want to be their mother. Besides, you have no sophistication. You're just a simple man who wants a simple life. I need more than you can give." She said, with an indifference and coldness that could not be ignored. She really thought she was somehow superior to me.

"Bitch, My sons are not bastards and if you are wise, you will not call them that name again. You have one week from today to get your stuff out of my house. If you and your possessions are not gone at that time, I will put all of it in the garbage. After next Friday, you will not be allowed in my house. I will no longer be held captive by the promise that I made to your father. We are finished! I can't stand the sight of you."

I was glad that my sons were with my sister for a couple of weeks. They didn't need to be exposed to her another second. I felt ashamed and embarrassed that I ever exposed them to the monster I was looking at.

She looked shocked. She was beginning to realize that I had changed. I was not going to take care of her needs any more. My stomach felt twisted. It felt like I had been gun shot. I hated myself for still feeling anything for her. I wanted to hurt her. At the same time, I grieved for the love that never was, except in my mind.

Despite my complete hatred of what she was doing and who she really was, I felt a strange bond with her. It wasn't love. That had been dying slowly for a long time. I felt sorry for her, even though she only deserved my contempt. I truly believed she would end up the victim of her own karma. Her treachery deserved none of my sympathy.

"I've had enough of your disrespect. And when did you get to be the queen? I'd just like to know why do you hate them and me so much? You think that you're superior to me, to us. In fact you're a two bit slut who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as myself or my sons, bitch."

"Their whore of a mother dumped them on you and you dumped them on me. You never have any money. You spend all of your time and income on them. I don't hate you. I don't know how I feel about you. Some part of me still cares about you. But, I don't love you, Ben. I need the finer things in life. I deserve that. I never should have married a man with children. I need a man who can give me his full attention." She said, picking up her purse. "The only reason I married you was to get a green card and live rent free until I could arrange my life and when I needed your dick or anything else, you always said yes. Sorry dear." She said, mockingly.

She had no idea that I was recording the conversation.

"You've got a lot of nerve calling somebody a whore. You are more of a whore than my ex ever was. I can't remember you ever trying to be in their lives. You haven't been a wife and definitely not a mother. The days of obliging you are over. From now on, you can take care of yourself. You are as plastic as the fancy cars and restaurants that you love so much. You knew from the beginning my ex left me in a pile of debt. I pay the mortgage, buy the food and every thing else. Did you never try to help me? Did you?" I said, raising my voice. "All you have done since I married you was spend my money. Why did you really marry me?" I didn't really expect an answer. "I don't have a lot of cash because I have paid your bills. You have never contributed one cent to this household. Have you ever been denied anything that you needed since we've been together?"

"You have served your purpose. In a short while, I will have my green card. I have my education and now a great profession. I don't need you any more, sorry. I know that's cold. It's the way things are. I might miss your love making a little, but not much. His cock is bigger than yours." She was smiling.

What was that about? She was driving the nail deeper. It took all of my martial arts training not to lash out at her. I wanted to wring her neck and throw her in the street. I decided not to let her bait me.

"Did you ever love me?"

She looked at me with an evil grin, but didn't answer. I could tell she didn't want to set me off before she was ready to go. The look on her face was my answer. Then, I heard a car horn blow in front of my door.

"You are one sick piece of work. You're lucky I haven't thrown your ass in the street months ago, I said feeling sad and exhausted.

"Don't wait up; I probably won't be back tonight," she said sarcastically.

The door bell rang. The son of a bitch had the nerve to come to my front door. I opened it.

"Is Buket here?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "So you're the wimp who can't control his bitch." He said, brushing past me, entering my house.

Buket came down stairs and approached the door with a smug look on her face. She stood close to Sam. I had found out his name was Sam Bennett. He was engaged to a rich, divorced woman, who had two kids. I wondered if Buket knew that.

"My loving husband just threatened me. He told me I have one week to get out. What do you think about that, Sam?" She asked her date.

I think I should kick his ass right now for upsetting you." He said looking at me.

I would like for you to try that, Sam, preferably in front of witnesses. It would be a shame to make your fiancée a widow before she was married. It would be my pleasure to punish you in front of witnesses and teach you some respect." I said calmly, with the smile of predator stalking his kill.

He had a confused look on his face. My confidence rattled his confidence. Buket's expression didn't change. She obviously already knew of Sam's impending marriage. I figured they had a plan to relieve his fiancée her of her funds, another scam. Those two deserved each other. I decided to screw up their plans.

"Never mind him, Sam. Let's go. He's had a little martial arts training and thinks he's a tough guy. Don't waste your strength on him. Besides, I want him to sit here and think about you fucking me with your big dick."

"Another time wimp. Another time..." he said, puffing himself up.

I started to tell her to stay gone. I realized I needed time to exact my revenge. A few more days were all I needed. I decided not to hurt him at that moment. He was not worth getting arrested for. Apparently, Buket didn't tell him that I am proficient in the Pilipino martial art of Kali, the art of combat at close quarters. she chose to denigrate my skills. I wondered why. He was taller than me by about 4" and about twenty pounds heavier. I knew that made him feel over confident. It was hard to resist the urge to cut him down like a tree. My day would come.

He leaned toward me and whispered. "Did she tell you that I fucked her in your bed?" He said, daring me to respond.

"Did the slut make you take a number or did you stand in line?"

He moved toward me. Buket pulled him away. Lucky for him.

Sooner or later, his ass was mine. I watched as his Lexus pulled away from the curb. I knew his name, address, telephone number and place of employment. He was her supervisor at her bank. I had collected a ton of their smutty emails and had pictures of them in various compromising positions in public places. Buket liked the thrill of pretending to be his submissive slut in public. there no no doubt in my mind, she was setting him up for the kill as she had done to me. I wondered what her father would say when he saw my pictures.

I never wanted to hurt her. Her treatment of me and my sons was deliberately cruel. It was past time that I made sure she couldn't inflict any more pain on them or me. The twins were 4 years old. They could never understand why Buket didn't like them. I hated myself for exposing them to her poison as long as I did. They came to me full time a couple of years ago when their mother dropped them off and disappeared. It was difficult to convince them, it was not their fault.

Buket's refusal to spend time around them turned into a good thing. I was able to devote my time in being the best father I could. We were very close and they were the center of my life.

My wife and her piece of crap boyfriend had to pay. It was not normal for me to be vindictive. I decided to allow my self the use retribution to assuage my pain. My lawyer would have the divorce papers in a few days. I knew she thought she could abuse me forever. I was glad that I had nothing worth stealing except my house, a modest mutual fund investment and my eventual pension. I owned the house before I met her.

I wanted the satisfaction of serving her before she could serve me. Strangely, I got the feeling she was in no big hurry for a divorce. Being married gave her the freedom to screw around without making any commitments. She was happy with the status quo, at least for now. Even though she would never admit it, she depended on my consistency and stability. She would leave with nothing but regrets. I knew she underestimated my resolve.

My plan was in motion. The next step was a visit to the Dept. of Immigration and Naturalization. I had an appointment with a Ms. Saunders. When I found her cubicle, I was awe struck. She was beautiful. No, more than that, she was stunning. I was expecting an over weight disgruntled bureaucrat.

"Mr. Harris," she said smiling at me and extending her hand. "Please, have a seat. I understand you are here to report a case of immigration fraud. Is that right? She said smiling.

I didn't answer at first. I was lost in her eyes. Her raven black hair and big brown eyes and radiant smile hypnotized me. My body ached from not being with a woman for a long time. If I had to order the perfect woman, it would have been her. I could feel my heart rate increase. She awakened feelings in me that I thought were dead. I struggled to focus.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you ... You are much prettier than I expected. I hope I'm not being to forward," I said sitting down.

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"Like I said, meat like her doesn't need limbs. And it's easier to install her that way." Said the man. "Install her?" Inquired Kelly. "You will find out soon enough." He told her. Kelly stood over her eldest daughter who was strapped down. Pissing into her daughters toothless mouth, she hydrated her disgraced daughter the only was she was permitted. The man was busy preparing multiple tools and devices. And what looked to be an electric saw. Kelly wondered if she could fight him....

3 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 3 Reminiscing How My Dad Conquered My Womanhood

Dear Diary, I am Reshma. The little one of the incest family. My mom, Reena must have introduced me to you already. But I think she toned down the details a lot. Yes, I agree with what she said describing me absolutely. I am a sex-loving freak. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I am much more than that. To be blatant, if I don’t get to have sex one day, I will commit suicide. I am not lying believe me. It’s like food or oxygen to some people. To me, no sex no life. “Fuck me properly you...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Selena Stone Is That An Arm Or A Dick

Selena Stone is only five foot two, which definitely qualifies her as an extra small girl. She is so small that our stud is able to lift her up and swing her over his shoulders with almost no effort at all. When he whips out his cock, it is almost the size of Selenas arm, but that does not deter Selena from taking the monster dong inside her. In fact, it only makes her want it more! She gets her mouth around the head of his dick, getting it wet and ready for maximum penetration. Then she takes...

1 year ago
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Nadia White 118000

Besides a love for porn, there are a few other things my readers share in common. First off, most of you live in a room in your parent's basement for zero rent. You have no employment, no aspirations, and no opportunities for advancement.The UnfuckablesSecond, you all love the shit out of video games. They help you to forget just how useless and fucked up you are. I mean, look at you. You're surrounded by crusty cum incrusted Kleenex and the detritus from a thousand pizza boxes.None of you have...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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MomPOV Reagan Beautiful busty swinger webcam MILF E390

This big tits 41 year old MILF likes to fuck, for real. Her life practically revolves around sex. She has just enough time to be a mom, the rest of the time is naked fun. She does webcam for a living and is a swinger in her spare time. She has a significant other who is a very cool gentleman, my hats off to him. He brought his woman out to get fucked by Nick on video for the very first time. They like to swing so nothing new right? Take a look at her photo, if you’re not popping a chubby ready...

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Spilled Milk loyalsock

I woke up first the morning after we made love for the first time. I wanted to stay in bed and just look at her, but I knew I needed some time to absorb what had happened between us. She was fifteen years older than me. Forty-two. She lived across the street from me, and I lusted after her for years. From the moment she and her husband moved in, with her short sundresses that showed off those perfect, tanned legs... Over forty or not, she blew away most of the girls my age without contest.Then...

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Lowborn Ch 03

The firelight from the encampment finally provided enough illumination for Mindblind to figure out what he was doing as he followed Raven, miming her movements. His knees ached from inching along in a crouch below the top of the waist-high grasses, and his hair was full of cockleburs. The animal trail that Raven followed helped to obscure their movements through the grass, and the wind provided the final cover. He had no worries about any sound that they made alerting the slavers. The voices of...

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Marias Favor to a Geek Chapter 3

Mike walks over to them, and both Steven and Sarah's mouths hang open as they notice Michael's appearance. "Uhhh... wow, when did you get the new do?" (hairdo) Steve asks. "Oh, uh, a little while ago, that's why I'm just getting back now. How long have you been here?" Steve looks down at his watch, "Ohhh shit! It's been almost two hours. I've actually got to go man, sorry. I told my dad I was going to help him move some rocks for the yard." Steven gets up in a bit of a...

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Episode 65 Lizzie

Many of the villages around the forest were too small to have their own library, so the District Council employed Spike to drive a mobile library, visiting each pub car park on an appointed day. Spike loved her job - reading stories to the pre-school ch1ldren, whilst their Mum's could have a well-deserved chat and cup of coffee or something stronger in the pub. The mobile library had a normal seating area, and then a soft play area behind a curtain - made from deep mattresses on the floor and...

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The Cuckolds Reward Larrys Story Part 5

Ginny closed the bedroom door behind them as Larry stood nervously beside the bed. She nodded at the panties lying on the bed as she moved closer to him. “You didn’t get to use them then?” she said to him as she reached for his belt buckle. Larry shook his head as she began to unbuckle his trousers. “Th... things went okay then?” he said. Ginny nodded. “Yes, we had a nice time,” she told him as she pulled down his zipper. “W... where did you go?” Ginny tugged at his trousers to ease them...

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5 Days Adventure Of Hot Sex 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers this is Raj Chaudhary. Friends call me Buck. I am a “Tall-Dark-&-Handsome” guy aged 22, having 8.4″ inches of fucking dick filled with big loads of semen. I’m a regular visitor of ISS and this is my very first story on ISS. I would like to share Extreme Fucking experiences with you so that your dicks grew more and pussies starts dripping. Well, this was my very first experience of Sex which takes place when I was too young for having sex with. This happened when I was in Jaipur...

Gay Male
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As we drove away from the movie theater, your hand slipped into mine. So comfortable, so frighteningly familiar. You mention where you want to go and squeeze my hand. I navigate our city and where I used to only see geometric miscellany, something about your warmth changes everything.Every block, apartment complex, business, and stretch of industry is vibrant on that night. Angles, hues, and shapes I've never seen until you. We flew by those night streets, a surreal blur of towering buildings...

First Time
2 years ago
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Taking That First Step Part 3

Lance had arrived at the specialty shop as himself, a young man wearing women's lingerie under his jeans. He was met by the stunning Cassandra, the shop owner and his confidant. She treated him to a wig, lipstick, eye shadow and then directed to one of the changing rooms. Waiting inside was one of the sexiest lingerie combinations that he had ever seen. Upon exiting Cassandra reappeared clad in black leather, she looked tough and demanding. She escorted him to one of the couches where Cassandra...

3 years ago
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The Drive Home

She loves reading the stories he sends her.The stories from him are about what he wants to do to her. They are always erotic and make her wet, imagining what she is reading was happening to her.Unfortunately, given their somewhat unique situation, most of the stories are just their private fantasies.Nothing is ever simple. He is twenty-one years older than her, married with kids and grandchildren. She is a single mom with two teenagers at home. They met online, a sugar daddy site. He had...

3 years ago
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Family The Forbidden Fruit Ch 02

(Note: This fictional story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author’s consent .This is a work of fiction, intended to entertain adult readers. It has graphic erotic scenes and offensive language. If you can’t legally view this, please don’t! All characters and names of the story are fictional! Any resemblance between these characters and any person is strictly coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations are over 18.) ***** Madhan...

1 year ago
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Inner Secrets

Six months have passed since I had found out my inner secret that I was half and half and six months since I had amazing sex with my mother and girlfriend, Alexia. But Alexia and I didnt work out after that, which I was pretty upset about but in the end I knew it wasnt going anywhere. I found myself a job in an office answering the phone for a newspaper called Holls – a news paper on the news locally. My boss, Sylvia, was a complete goddess even though she was about twenty years older than I...

2 years ago
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Our Lunch Date

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! I decide to go see my boyfriend at his work for lunch. It’s something we do every so often because the last few months have been so busy we don’t get enough time together. He doesn’t know I’m coming this time, I want it to be a surprise. I of course have more in mind than just lunch because not only have we not seen enough of each other we’ve not had enough sex, and I’m horny as ever. I’m wearing a low top showing enough cleavage to make any man look...

1 year ago
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Office Sluts Became My Slaves Part 4

I hope you like this story. For the initial stages please read earlier parts. Sorry for the delay in the story. As always, feedback, Encouragement, Suggestions are welcome and requested at Now that these two are mine, as we were waiting for the valet to get my car, I asked the girls if they needed to pick anything from PG, so they can go to office from my place with me in the morning. They replied they had to get laptops and cloths and inners. I said okay. And asked if either of them knew...

2 years ago
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Before I got married I used to enjoy occasionally going out at night by myself and frequenting my favorite adult theater. I would always watch a couple hours of porn and then jack-off in the restroom before returning home. It used to be that guys in the audience were discrete in the theaters. Nobody ever exposed themselves. However, it’d been a year since my last visit and I guess that in that time, things had changed drastically. When I went into the theater this time, the ticket taker...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Little Black Dress Chapter 2

After Dee’s last escapade in a nightclub parking lot involving her ex and my beautiful wife draining him of every last drop of cum, our sexual lines of communication where opened up. Our boundaries had been opened up. The little black dress was dry-cleaned and hung in the closet awaiting the next venture. Our sex life had also been stepped up. Images and conversations of what might have happened or what could happen again.  Several months had gone by and we were sliding back into the grind....

3 years ago
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My Sexual Perversion and how it started

Being a female at a private live in institution for nine months of the year can and does make you aware of your insecurities and sexuality, especially during your puberty. You find something that interests you and you become addicted to it and mark it as a dark secret in the back of your mind.I had such a secret borne out of fact and experience, something that encouraged me time and time again to revisit until it engulfed me and became my master, and my body rewarded me with orgasms so powerful...

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“Maybe”     My first week on a 911 ambulance in a large city was stressful.   Being new, I was assigned to the busy trucks in the heart of the city.   However, one day, I was assigned to a slower truck.   My partners for the day were Angela and Mike.   Mike was a totally cool dude who was about 6 foot 7 inches tall, strong, muscular build and thought he was a comedian.   He spent all day joking around and playing practical jokes on people.   Angela is a 5 foot 7...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 57 In the Lucerne Patch

Our readers must now allow us to transport them again to the enclosure surrounding M. de Villefort's house, and, behind the gate, half screened from view by the large chestnut-trees, which on all sides spread their luxuriant branches, we shall find some people of our acquaintance. This time Maximilian was the first to arrive. He was intently watching for a shadow to appear among the trees, and awaiting with anxiety the sound of a light step on the gravel walk. At length, the long-desired...

1 year ago
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Becoming Of A Sissy Part 2

Hello, indian sex stories dot net friends! This is the second installment of my incident which happened in Chennai. This incident turned me into a more sexy and slutty submissive sissy boy. Thanks for the wonderful e-mails guys for my previous story. After the first day, I was fucked couple more times (almost every day) before I came back to Chennai. After few months, my uncle visited Chennai for some business deal of his and he wanted to stay for a week this time. He came to our house and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Photo shoot goes so wrong or does it

Photo Session Not my story but to hot not to share Tony Photo Session.I wanted to do something nice for my husband for our first anniversary, and I decided that a professional set of photos of the two of us would be really nice to have. So I looked around and made some calls and found a studio that really caught my interest. It was a one man shop, the owner had been a professional photographer for 30 years, he did all his own developing in-house, he specialized in romantic couple photos, and...

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On a silent and dimly-lit street, a young man in a gray hoodie and sweatpants fidgeted with his pry bar, trying to slip it under the window sash and catch the Porsche's locking mechanism. Carl was a little nervous, wiping the sweat from his brow as he worked. This was far and away the nicest car he'd ever boosted and the closest to his home. He hoped the car alarm didn't go off, he was less than a block from his house. It might wake up his mom, who would find out that Carl had snuck out...

2 years ago
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The Inheritance

After a long drive you're finally here, your grandfather’s manor. An old house built in a Victorian style. He left it to you in his will along with most of his estate. You have no idea why, you did not get along with him particularly well. Hell he had a far better relationship with your father and brothers, yet they only received a portion of his wealth. It was in the millions each. Apparently grandpa had far more money than realised and he left most of it to you. This as you can imagine did...

1 year ago
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A Boy and His dungeon IV

The next morning I worked through my own recordings, a much quicker process since I had a better idea of what I was doing. One quick test reinforced my idea of personal overtones in the recordings. The touches, in some indefinable way, were female and brought Jennifer to mind. That might be because I knew that it had been her doing the touching. I needed more data and experience to sort that, but wasn't sure how to go about getting it. I took matching touches from both recordings, and...

1 year ago
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Hot Encounter With My Girlfriend In Chennai

Hello guys and girls, I am back after a very long time. A lot had happened after my last story. I received a lot of messages on hangout from my readers out which most were girls and I got to admit most of them were hot but none caught my eye as much as one girl did. Her name is Shalini. She is from Coimbatore. Ours was a different love story – a story which we can’t narrate to anyone because we met through a sex site, had sex chat, and later decided to give a try at a serious relationship. Let...

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