- 3 years ago
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Old Tam Harker gripped the wheel as the rusty pickup clattered and banged along the rutted gravel road, leaving a trail of billowing dust and blue smoke as it jounced toward Oakville. Beside him on the ripped vinyl seat of the '94 Chevy, his son Zed stared moodily out at the passing scrub oak and salal brush. It was a fine morning on the Oregon coast, with just enough time between rain storms to let the sun shine down from a bright blue sky.
Zed told himself that he should be doing the driving. He could of made the run into town without Pa easy enough. They were just going in to pick up a few sacks of chicken feed, but that was the rule: Harkers didn't go into town by themselves. Nor no place else, neither. Not even forty‑year‑old Harkers. That was just the way it was, the way it always had been; nobody went off by themselves. Harkers lived together, worked together and prayed together. He'd been doing it all his life, but sometimes it was still a pain in the butt.
Harkers taught their own kids what little reading and writing and arithmetic they needed, and they always kept to themselves. They raised chickens and pigs and a few cows for milk, plowed their rocky fields with horses and mules, and only bought what few things they couldn't raise on the Harker ranch.
Not that they could afford to buy all that much anyhow. Citizen's Basic would only stretch to cover just that, basics, but Harkers raised just about all they really needed. Last summer had been extra dry, so now he and Pa were headed in to town. They would pick up a few sacks of feed to tide the chickens and pigs over until harvest time, and then head right back...
Zed's train of thought jarred to a halt as the pickup's front wheel bounced off a boulder that had rolled down off the hillside into the left‑hand rut. He grabbed for the door handle with his right hand, his crippled left hand with its missing fingers braced against the seat as Old Tam wrestled the balky vehicle back into line.
"Hey, take it easy on Old Betsy," he cautioned his father. "You sure you don't want me to drive?"
"You just keep your trap shut, boy!" Tam glared at his son through age‑faded blue eyes, then turned back to squint at the road. "Just 'cause I'm nigh onto eighty years old, it don't mean I cain't drive Old Betsy as well as I ever could."
The unspoken words, " ... and I'm still man enough to whup your ass, and don't you forget it!" hung in the air between them. Zed lurched back against the seat with a grunt as Tam hit another bump. When Pa took the bit in his teeth, there wasn't no arguing with him. Anyhow, Oakville was right up ahead by now as they finally came to where the paving started.
The pickup's hood, loosely anchored with a couple of lengths of baling wire, settled back down into place once they were on blacktop, the rest of the pickup's clatters and clangs covered by the roar from the rusty muffler. Worn brakes squealed as they came to a shuddering stop in front of Fenton's, Oakville's only feed store. Zed hopped out, carefully fastening the pickup's door shut behind him with another twist of the always‑useful baling wire.
"Well, come on," Zed snarled. "What're you waiting for, the Second Coming?"
Zed kept the scowl off his face as he followed Tam into the store, standing back and keeping his mouth shut as the old man argued with Mr. Fenton over the price of chicken feed. Grumbling, Tam pulled out a wad of Basic coupons and carefully counted them out on the rough wooden counter, topping them off with a couple of worn dollar bills.
"There, take your danged gov'ment coupons. You still keep your feed in the same place?"
"Around back, yeah," answered Mr. Fenton, not impressed by the old man's anger. He'd had plenty of years to get used to it, Zed thought as he followed Tam out the door and around to the back of the sagging wooden building. Mr. Fenton must be about as old as Pa, even if he didn't look nowheres near it. By the time they got there, Mr. Fenton had wrestled out a stack of bulging feed sacks for them. He didn't offer to give them a hand, just watched sourly as his customers began packing the bags around to their pickup.
About the third trip around to the back of the store, Zed thought about telling Pa he should've driven the pickup around to where the loading dock was, but he kept his mouth shut and swung another feed sack up to rest on his shoulder. His brother Mervyn could carry two sacks at once, but Zed's hand wouldn't take that much weight.
Anyhow, the last time he'd tried telling Pa something he'd been sent to bed without his supper like he was still a kid, instead of a forty‑year‑old man. He'd be glad in a few more weeks when cousin Ellie was old enough for him to marry, like he'd been promised for the last five years and more. His first wife, Mary Beth had passed on to her reward nigh onto ten years ago. Once he married he'd have his own cabin again, and it was about time. Ellie was about husband‑high, just going on fifteen, and she had the cutest little...
"Pa! What's wrong?" Zed dropped his feed sack, not caring that it split and spewed cracked grain all over the dirt alley alongside the feed store. Old Tam was down on his face, a ruptured feed sack draped across his back. He was about halfway between the store and the pickup, and he wasn't moving! "Mr. Fenton! Something's happened to Pa!"
Zed rolled the feed sack off of Pa's shoulders, turning him over on his back. Tam's eyes fluttered open and he gazed up at his son with a confused expression on his whiskered face.
"Hurts." He gasped for breath, reaching across his body with his right hand to grip his left shoulder. "Hurts like ... Lemme up."
Zed held him down, not that it took much force. Tam was too weak to shake off his son's grip, and he stopped trying as another spasm of pain made him wince.
"Mr. Fenton?" Zed twisted his neck to look over his shoulder.
"I already called the medics. They should be here in about fifteen minutes. Takes about that long for the rescue copter to get here from Currin County Hospital."
"You shouldn't of done that," Zed reproached him. "You know us Harkers don't go to hospitals."
"He'll go, or he'll die," the storekeeper told Zed bluntly. "He's had a heart attack, and it looks like a bad one. Just keep him quiet until the medics get here, and maybe he'll make it yet."
Tam's lips were blue, and he didn't seem to be any too aware of what was going on around him. Zed folded up the near‑empty feed sack to put under his head, mopping the sweat from his father's brow with the tail of his own shirt. It seemed like forever before he heard the heavy throbbing of helicopter blades, dust swirling and buffeting him as the craft settled down in the middle of the intersection with Highway 101, half a block away.
Old Tam passed out cold as he was bundled into the waiting helicopter. Out cold, or ... No! Zed didn't want to think about it. His Pa had been the driving force in the Harker community since long before Zed had been born. He started to climb into the helicopter at a medic's invitation, then backed off, shaking his head. It was the first time he'd ever been this close to one of these Devil's contraptions, and he wasn't about to go up in that thing, no way!
"I'll drive my pickup, so I'll have it there when I'm ready to come back." He mumbled the words in answer to their invitation, not sure just how much of his excuse was the truth.
He had plenty of time to think, all by himself in the pickup as he rattled north along the coast highway toward Port Morton, where the county hospital was. He kept his speed down, his thoughts churning in a dozen different directions as he drove. Not that the pickup's Oregon license plate tags weren't up to date, but this was no time to get stopped for speeding. Old Tam always insisted that such‑like rules had to be followed, if only to keep the government off their backs as much as they could. What if Pa did die? Zed was the oldest son, but he'd never been allowed to make any decisions for himself. Now, well just maybe he'd have to. Anyhow, somebody had to and it might as well be him!
But what if Pa didn't die? Well anyhow, he wouldn't live forever, but this just might slow him down a mite and someday Zed would still have to take over. Funny, the more he thought about it the better he liked the taste of ideas he wouldn't even have dared to think about if he hadn't been all by himself.
By the time he got to the hospital, Pa was undressed, gowned, and propped up in a hospital bed. They'd even shaved him! They must have done that while he was still unconscious, he'd never of let them do it to him otherwise. There were tubes in his arms, and another tube of clear plastic from a dingus fastened to his nose. His eyes were half‑closed so that he looked kind of sleepy, but he wasn't too far out of it to miss Zed's entrance.
"About time you got here, boy," he rasped, heaving himself to a sitting position. "Get me outa here, right now! Rustle up my clothes, and..."
"Now, Mr. Harker." The doctor who bustled in from the hall might have only been about Zed's age, but he wasn't about to take any nonsense from his patient. "You're going to be in here for about a week or ten days, depending on how well you respond to our treatments. Your heart had stopped when the helicopter brought you in. I explained it all to you after we revived you, but I don't suppose that you were in much of any shape to listen at the time. Now that your son is here, I'll go over it again for both of you." He turned to Zed. "I'm Dr. Benton, and you must be his son, Zed Harker."
"I heard what you said," Tam growled before Zed could answer. "It just didn't make much sense to me. Some crazy stuff about little machines what you shot into me. Nanny‑whatzits."
"They've got a fancy name," Dr. Benton agreed, "but most of us just call them nanobots. The first ones we injected were the type known as nano‑rooters. Right now they are scavenging through your blood vessels, cleaning out cholesterol deposits and strengthening weak spots in your veins and arteries. When they've done their work, we will inject second stage models which will take over from there, performing general repairs to your heart as well as the rest of your body. As soon as they've done their work, you'll be able to go home."
"But I don't want your nano‑dinguses," Tam protested weakly. "I just want you to lemme out of here!"
"You don't have any choice. You weren't conscious when we signed you in to the hospital, and under Citizen's Basic Medical Rights that gives us the authority to treat you. Now just relax. I'll have the nurse give you another shot if you're still in any pain."
Zed drove back to Oakville in the old pickup, still all by himself, his head still awhirl with new thoughts. He loaded the rest of the chicken feed from Fenton's loading dock, absently thanking the storekeeper for replacing the two bags that had been spilled. Then he drove slowly, still alone, back to Harker Ranch.
Hello guys I am Mano from TN. I am a female of nearly 40 years and I am a widow too. Sadly this society made me a hatred specimen. It took me many years to come out of that shitty prison called as society. I was in a big heaven when I got married. My hubby made me and took me to heaven all the time s when he fucks me. But when he gone I was so stressed but whenever I feel like I want to have sex. There was a big threat before me it’s that society. But as time goes by I searched for job and...
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A ChristmasEditorial from the Rapist's Digest ?????????? A Christmas? Editorial from the Rapist's Digest.? ??????????? In an? idealized world, along with The Writer's Digest and The Reader's Digest there would be the Rapist's Digest. ????????? Disclaimer (Claimer?)??????????? The views of this editorial are the opinions of the Editor in Chief and are shared by all the employees of The Rapist's Digest who are vigorously screened for suitable attitudes and aptitudes before they are hired...
Yea. Probably the one of the most dangerous and stupid ideas ever. There was a perfectly good explanation. Seriously. It was spring break. I told my Mom I was going to My friend Lisa's mountain for the week. In actuality, I went to Florida with my friend Kara. And at the end of the week, She was driving me back halfway to meet up with a another friend who would take me home. Said friend dropped me off, but other said friend was a no show. She said he aunt died, but I didn't...
Alex Jones is looking for a tall woman to fuck and Joanna Angel is anything but. She tells Alex that he has to work his way up and her being so petite is the best way to start. She gets that large cock in her mouth quick running her hands all up and down getting more and more sloppy! Alex buries his face in that snatch and soon he is putting his large cock deep in that tiny little pussy. Joanna tries her best to consume it all eagerly taking it in any possible way until Alex is ready to cum all...
xmoviesforyouIch bin Jana, 19 Jahre alt und gehe noch in die Schule. Ich habe das komische Bedürfnis, oder vielleicht auch eine Sucht, alle Jungs oder Männer zu befriedigen. Aber ich werde davon nicht immer geil oder so, sondern es ist nur eine Genugtuung für mich. Ich lasse mich also benutzen, für Sex. Manchmal blase ich auch einfach. Hauptsache ein Mann ist danach befriedigt. Das ist nun schon so weit ausgeartet, dass ich als Schlampe abgestempelt werde nur weil ich oft mal schnell typen ranlasse für...
Chapter 7 Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes The alarm sounded and I found myself leaping out of bed well rested. Before I knew it I was done with the shower and stood drying off in front of the bathroom mirror. I twisted my earrings several times wondering just how long I'd have to do that before I could simply ignore them as most girls do. It being one of the last few weeks of school, the dress code had been relaxed. I reached for a pair of jeans and a blue, vertical...
This isn't really the story of my 2nd time. I couldn't tell you every detail of every sexual encounter I have had. Instead, this is the story of the next big step in my sexual adventures after my 1st time. I'm just calling it "My 2nd Time" because I like the naming convention :PLast time I told you all how I had finally had sex for the first time. After it was over, while we just laid on the bed for a while, “B” suggested that I could come over more often. Spring was just beginning, and his...
Osvaldo's face showed his anger. If the man had even the slightest weakness in his heart, the rage he was experiencing would almost certainly have triggered a seizure. In the face of such naked and barely contained aggression, the maid quailed and shook in front of him. "Tell me again what these letters contained?" he snarled. "They were from someone called Johnny and they explained that he had been wrongly imprisoned for robbery, Sir," the maid stammered. "And what else did you...
The engineers and scientists could not wait to get their hands on the little ship. The first thing reverse engineered was the antimatter reactor. That meant clean cheap power all over the planet. The next thing reverse engineered was the artificial gravity. That revolutionized the design of space ships and manned satellites. Fran and friends created a video of the end of the humans on Earth. It was better than all of the disaster movies I had seen to date. With Sam's help, we transmitted...
Early Saturday morning Molly and Jacob were dressed in grungy sweats and ready to move into their new apartment. Molly could still detect the faint aroma of Zoe's personal scent as she moved around the dining room packing the last few items in boxes. It kept a smile on her face and her thoughts away from Camden. Jacob had just headed out with a large box when their father, Justin, appeared looking uncomfortable. "You're getting an early start," he observed. "Hey Dad," Molly said as...
This story is absolutely a work of fiction, written only as per the author's imagination. Resemblance to any character or incident is purely coincidental and unintentional. This is only for adults and the author do not support any relation of incidents to reality.Story:Shreyashi always knew she was a beautiful bengali girl. All through her adolescence she was aware of all the male attention she received and her figure only augmented the fact that she was beautiful and desirable or perhaps...
One day i was working on my laptop, Jenna was taking a shower. I heard her scream from the shower, i quickly ran towards the bathroom. It was locked, i had to break the lock to get in. Jenna was laying on the floor naked, she had slipped while taking a shower. It was the first time i saw her naked body. I immediately picked her up and took her to the bed. She wasnt much worried about her being naked infront of me, she was in pain. I brought her clothes and made her wear them. We went to a...
Lilly and I were chatting the other day and she said she wanted to hear what I thought it would be like if/when we first met. I started to describe it and she said she wanted to read it as a story. So...... If this is what she wants....**************************I flew out to LA last weekend to attend the wedding of my niece and then do some site seeing. Basically I was going out just to hang out for a week. The night of the wedding, after it was all over, I opened my laptop and was looking at...
Hi, I am Sumaiyya. Yes, this is my original name but then, I don’t care since there are thousands of Sumaiyya all across India. Please don’t try to hit me on Instagram since social media is not my cup of tea. Since this is my first installment of the story, the introduction might take a bit of time but I request you to bear with me. I am pretty sure you will love it. I remember I was in my teens when I came to Calcutta with my parents. I looked a bit like Hina Khan, but was not so fair in...
100% fictional! I’m an only boy and I recently turned 18. My parents are still married but I get the feeling that they stopped with me because there wasn’t really any sexual sparks between them. My dad is in his 60s and a successful lawyer but mom is only 37, having had me when she was 19. My parents met when mom was at college and dad at that time was a professor. She put herself through college doing fashion modelling but gave it up when she fell pregnant and dropped out of college. I think...
IncestEven the biggest geniuses need to relax and the great Isaac Newton was no different… After a long hard day’s work Isaac (Clarke Kent) is intrigued by the incredible chest of teen Alice Wayne as she reveals those huge natural tits inspiring him to discover the law of gravity. And of course there’s no better way to celebrate this huge discovery than with a good hard fuck as Alice heads down for a nice sloppy blowjob and some awesome titty fucking before spreading her legs and enjoying a proper...