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The door bell rang. David had been sitting in an easy chair, reading a mystery novel. It was after ten at night, and he thought that someone being at the door was really unusual. In addition to it being late, he was in a vacation house and normally no one would be there. He got up from his chair and went quietly to the door. He noticed that both the dead-bolt and the chain were locked, just as he had left them when he got there the previous day. He carefully looked through the peephole to the outside.

The outdoor light was on and he could see that the caller was an attractive female, probably in her twenties. Behind her in the drive was a late model sports car, parked right behind his truck. He couldn't see anyone in the car and she looked harmless enough, so he curiously unlocked the door and opened it. He looked her over and said, "Yes?"

She was pretty. She had shoulder length blonde hair and a nice, but not voluptuous figure. She was wearing blue jeans that fit her like a glove and a translucent brown top that stylishly showed off a full black bra. She said, "I'm Julie Cosworth. My step-father, John Williams, owns this place. Who are you?"

She saw a middle-aged man, about six foot tall with a slender build peering back at her from the open door. He explained, "I'm David Jaxx. I work for your father. He told me I could stay here for a few days." Then he added quizically, "He didn't say anything about you coming up here."

"Well, he didn't know I was coming. I'm going to school in Albuquerque and just came up for the weekend. I have a key but I saw your truck and the lights so I thought I better ring the bell." She thought to herself, "He works for John. He must not be dangerous and he does look okay. A little on the old side but not bad." She concluded that she was probably safe and asked, "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Sure, do you have anything you want brought in?"

"No," she said looking down, "I just have my handbag. I keep clothes and other stuff of mine here. They're in the spare bedroom."

Without looking up, she walked past him and went straight to the kitchen where she fixed herself a tall coke over ice. David started to react negatively to her way of making herself at home but then he realized that it was more her home than his. He considered himself lucky that he had already moved into the master bedroom. She flopped down in the other easy chair, the one he hadn't been using. She asked him if he was staying there alone.

He told her, "I had a fight with my wife this week. I was really upset. Your father is being very helpful to me and he suggested I come up here for a week and cool off. So yes, I'm alone." David was still a little annoyed at having his solitude interrupted and he abruptly asked her, "What's Your excuse for being here?"

She felt somewhat defensive and replied, "Well first of all, he's not my father. John's my step-father, although he does treat me as if I was his real daughter. When he and mother divorced a few years ago, I stayed with him instead of moving to New York with her. He's paying for my college, buys me clothes and bought me that car out there. My real father doesn't treat me that good. But thats not really what you asked. I'm here because my fiance is studying for an exam and he has trouble concentrating when I'm around." She flashed a smile like David should understand why she would be a distraction. He was starting to like her and he definitely understood the distraction part.

She would probably never be a model but she did have the kind of looks that would turn heads. She was wearing heels that probably added a couple of inches or so. David mentally guessed her height at around 5'6". He thought her face was cute, a little bit on the round side with a nicely proportioned nose and mouth, a sexy smile and blue eyes. In the light of the house he could see that her hair color was really a very light brown and sun-bleached to blonde on the ends.

There was silence. They were studying each other. Julie thought that David wasn't handsome, at least not like her boyfriend George, but then he wasn't unattractive either. He had all his hair, nice teeth and seemed to dress okay, particularly since he wasn't expecting company. His feet were bare but he was wearing some nice khaki wash pants and a blue pullover. And he apparently didn't even need reading glasses. His wife was probably missing him.

David continued looking her over. He put Julie's weight at about 120 pounds and he thought her breasts were just the right size for her frame, probably a B cup or slightly larger. Her waist was trim and from the fit of her jeans one would have to conclude that she had very nice legs. David had watched her from the back as she walked to the kitchen. Her ass was certainly an attraction. Yes, he could understand why her fiance couldn't get any studying done with her around. He thought that maybe it wasn't so bad being interrupted after all.

It was Friday night and Julie finally broke the silence by saying that she had to go back to Albuquerque on Sunday. She asked, "Is it going to bother you if I stay here till then?" By now, David kind of wanted her to stay but she was pleading anyway. "I won't be any trouble. I've got friends here so you won't even see much of me."

Well, this wasn't going to help David sort out his problems with his wife, but at least Julie was engaged and there was probably fifteen years between their ages, so it shouldn't be an unbearable temptation. Besides, he was sort of looking forward to having her as company for a couple of days. He said, "Certainly, you can stay. After all, its really your house. I just hope you can put up with me for a couple of days."

She relaxed her posture and David could tell she was greatly relieved. She suggested that he might want to get back to his reading. Julie told him that she was tired, had been up since seven that morning, and after the drive up from Albuquerque she wanted to get a shower and go to bed. She stood up to end the conversation and headed for her bedroom. David picked up his book and resumed his reading.

From his chair, David could see down the hall where the bedrooms were. It was just a vacation house, really more like a cottage, and although it was comfortable and nicely furnished, it wasn't very big. There were only two bedrooms. David was sleeping in the master which had its own private bathroom. Julie was staying in the one she referred to as the "spare". It was across the hall from the master. The spare didn't have its own bathroom so Julie was going to have to use the guest bathroom at the far end of the hall.

Julie had removed her shoes. Except for being barefoot, she was still wearing her traveling clothes when she came out of her bedroom and headed for the bathroom. David watched her as she walked down the hall. He continued his reading as he heard the sound of the shower running. His mind, however, wasn't focused on the book.

David was thinking that he didn't have much to complain about regarding his wife's wandering interests. He was thinking erotic thoughts about Julie's naked body in the shower. As the sound of it stopped, he imagined her stepping out, dripping wet, grabbing a towel and rubbing it all over her tantalizing body. He was sure she needed help and he wanted to give it to her. As he was fantasizing about what it would be like to be in there with her, the bathroom door opened and Julie came down the hall toward him.

She was wearing a towel and carrying her clothes. She had towel dried her hair but it was still damp and matted. The towel was knotted at the top, near her left armpit. It was barely big enough to cover her. The top of the towel was just above her bust line, leaving her shoulders and most of her chest bare. Even though the towel did a pretty good job of squishing her breasts, there was still a hint of cleavage at the top. The bottom of the towel just reached the tops of her thighs, leaving her legs totally exposed. Julie had noticed that David put down his book to watch her and she liked what she was doing to him. She loved teasing men, especially if they were a little older and married.

David thought her legs were even more beautiful than he had imagined from the jeans. The towel wasn't knotted at the bottom and he was mesmerized by a delightful gap up her left side, almost to her armpit. As she walked up the hall he kept hoping for a quick peak as the towel bounced around on her bare skin. Julie stopped at the door to her bedroom to give David one last look, and very suggestively, (at least in David's mind), wished him pleasant dreams. She went into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

David thought a little about why he was there. His wife had cheated on him, at least in his way of thinking, and he was pissed. He had gone into work and told John that he was getting a divorce. John had convinced him to spend a week in Santa Fe thinking about it. David wasn't sure whether or not it was revenge he was looking for, but he had decided who he wanted it to be with, if it came to that. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on his mood at the time, Julie was engaged and hadn't yet shown any real interest in him. David went back to reading his book.

David read for a couple of more hours before finally giving up and going to bed. It was after one in the morning when he finally got to sleep. When he awoke the next morning, it was around ten. He was already thinking about Julie. He hoped she would stick around today. He took a shower and washed his hair before putting on some shorts and a t-shirt. Julie's bedroom door was open and unfortunately it looked to David as if she had already gone for the day. He dejectedly went to the kitchen to fix some breakfast.

The kitchen overlooked the pool in the backyard. As David was fixing breakfast, he noticed Julie swimming. His spirits picked up. She hadn't left after all. When he sat down at the kitchen table he had a view of the pool through the sliding glass doors. He couldn't see much of her when she was actually in the pool but she kept climbing out of it and going to the diving board. David drooled over her magnificent form, and today, even more of it was showing than last night in the towel. She was wearing a bikini, the full kind, not string type, but it still showed her off nicely. As she stood on the end of the diving board, he was getting a profile view of her with her arms stretched over her head - long legs, a sensuous butt, flat stomach, perky breasts, gorgeous tan and all of it only slightly covered by a blue and white bikini.

David was no Olympic diving judge but he knew what looked good. When she dove, her arms were straight out in front of her, her back was arched ever so slightly, her legs stayed straight and together and she entered the water with barely a ripple. It was poetry in motion. If David had been the judge, Julie would have gotten all the medals. The only time he could actually eat his breakfast was when she was in the pool where he couldn't see her.

Finally, she got out of the pool, went to a nearby recliner, spread it out flat and lay face down. She hoped David was watching. She reached behind her and undid the back of her bikini strap, letting it drop down the sides of the recliner. After about 30 minutes she raised up on her elbows and looked toward the house. The pool was on the East side of the house and the morning sun reflecting off the windows of the house made it impossible for her to see in the house. Julie wanted to tease, but she didn't want to be too obvious about it. She didn't care if David saw her, she just didn't want him to think she had done it deliberately. She was going to have to take her chances and hope he wasn't looking right now. She turned over on her back.

But David was watching all of it. This was too good. If she wanted to show off then by God he was going to get a good look. (He didn't realize that the reflection was blinding her.) He grabbed his book and headed out of the house to the pool deck. As he headed toward her she spotted him and in mock modesty put her arms across her breasts. He sat down in the recliner next to her, which very conveniently, happened to be facing in the opposite direction, looking straight at her. She lay there for a while with her arms covering her breasts and stared at him. This was a bit more than she had expected. On the other hand, she'd been to a nude beach once, so this wasn't really all that daring. Finally she removed her arms and adjusted the back of the recliner to an upright position.

By this time, David was reading his book and trying to pretend that he wasn't even noticing her near nakedness. But Julie knew better. She looked toward his crotch and noticed that his hardened dick had already made a sizable tent in his shorts. She took the bikini top from behind her, taunting him by saying, "It seems that we're both enjoying ourselves." She dropped her top on the pool deck.

The charade was over. David guessed that it was okay to be a little more obvious about looking at her tits. At least it appeared that she had given him permission. He sure wasn't getting anything out of his book. He had read the same paragraph now at least four times and still didn't know what it said.

With the pretense over and David putting his book down, Julie wanted to talk. She said, "Last night you told me you were here because you were upset with your wife. Do you want to talk about it?" David pondered her question as his eyes continued to gaze lustily at her chest.

Julie's breasts were even more beautiful than David had imagined. He had guessed the size right, probably a full B cup. They were firm and didn't sag at all. The nipples were just pink bumps on otherwise perfect globes, set against half-dollar size areas just slightly darker than her tan. She liked being topless and was beginning to enjoy having David study her breasts, but her nipples showed no signs of excitement. David wanted to suck on them and feel the nipples harden.

David tore his thoughts away from what it would be like to have those delectable orbs in his mouth and told her, "My wife was on a business trip Monday and Tuesday. When she got home Tuesday night, she told me she had spent Monday night sleeping with some guy she met on the trip. I was furious. When I went into work on Wednesday I told John about it and said I was going to get a divorce. He suggested that I come up here to his house in Santa Fe and think about it before doing anything hasty. But I still haven't changed my mind."

Julie looked down and lightly touched her breasts, deep in thought, but about what, David wasn't sure. He hoped she wasn't going to put the top back on. Julie sensed his anxiety, dropped her hands to her sides and looked straight at him. She could tell he was enjoying the view but she shook him out of it a little by saying, "Do you love her?"

It was hard for David to think about his wife under the circumstances, her having been unfaithful to him and Julie sitting across from him nearly naked, but he managed to get out a sheepish, "Yes." In spite of the lustful thoughts he was having about Julie, David knew that he was truly in love with his wife. "We've been married for over fifteen years, we have a son who has just become a teenager and we've always been faithful to each other. Why did she have to ruin it? Why did she need someone else?"

Julie said, "You know, love and sex are not the same thing. When you love someone, sex is usually a part of it, but when you have sex with someone, it doesn't mean you have to be in love. You might be doing it just to have fun. You don't have to be in love with someone to have fun with them."

David thought, "Philosophy from a college student? What did she know about sex and love?" He wanted to end the conversation and even though he knew it would probably be the end of the nudity, he suggested that they go inside and fix some lunch. He was right about the end of the show. Julie put her top back on and quietly followed him into the house. They fixed and ate soup and sandwiches without discussing anything other than the food. Afterward, Julie went into her room to take a nap and David resumed his reading.

A couple of hours later Julie came out of her room and headed down the hall to the bathroom. She was wearing the towel again but this time she was showing the backside to David. Her ass was so tight it barely jiggled. The towel swooped outward from her waist to the apex of her butt and then dropped off sharply, ending just at the bottom of her cheeks.

Below the towel were two of the most shapely legs that David had ever seen. And just under the edge of the towel? It would have been hard for him to imagine a sexier sight. David's jaw opened and he dropped his book. He had lost all interest in reading. He turned on a television sports show to occupy his thoughts while he waited anxiously for Julie to come out of the bathroom.

Julie knew that a sure way of getting a man's attention was by wrapping her naked body in a skimpy white towel. She wasn't trying to get David in bed but her ego demanded that she have his attention. When she had dried off after finishing her shower, she exited the bathroom, once again adorned only in that towel, but now it was damp and it clung to her skin.

Even though David had already seen her wearing a lot less, there was something about the way she looked in that towel that caused his cock to come to attention as he watched her walk up the hall toward him. But then she didn't go into her room! David thought he had died and gone to heaven when she walked into the living-room, right past his chair and lay down on the couch only a few feet away from him.

Julie getting situated on the couch in that damp towel was a show worthy of an academy award. Her movements kept exposing lots of bare skin but she used her hands adroitly to keep from revealing more than she wanted. The couch was angled perpendicularly to the chair that David was sitting in and as she laid down with her head away from him, David thought he was looking under the towel and between her legs. He wasn't really seeing anything, at least Julie didn't think he could, but if tongues got hard, his did.

Julie tired of keeping herself reasonably decent with the towel and covered herself with a comforter that had been on the back of the couch, blocking David's view of all but the lower part of her legs. She wasn't ready to quit teasing yet, she just needed to do it in a different way. Under the comforter she removed the towel and tossed it on the floor. With her being naked under the comforter, David's attention did not wane. His erection had not subsided in the least, it might have even gotten a little more rigid. Julie looked over, seeing the bulge in his shorts and knowingly said, "I guess you're not going to mind if I watch television with you for a while."

No, David certainly wasn't going to object. At this point he probably would have paid her to stay. Watching Julie was way better than anything on television. Julie pretended to be watching the television but she was having more fun with her little game. She kept sneaking peaks at him to make sure he was still looking, then she would rearrange her position on the couch and flash a little skin, just enough to maintain his interest.

After they had been "watching television" for a while, David mentioned that he was going in town for dinner that night and asked Julie if she wanted to join him. Julie thought, "yeah, and I'm going to keep right on fucking with your mind. I might even be able to get you to take me dancing. That would be a real kick." They settled on seven o'clock for departure.

Julie thought she'd probably teased poor David enough, at least for now. She got up from the couch and went to her room with the comforter securely wrapped around her. David was quite disappointed that she didn't leave it on the couch, and Julie had considered it, but that would have been a bit too much. After all, he had already seen most of her, just not all at one time.

When she came out for dinner, Julie was wearing a short, cottony, silver-white dress that she had chosen because it did such a nice job of showing off her body. It was cut like a tank top, but it was long enough to qualify as a dress. It was scooped low in the neckline, with a couple of tiny straps going over her shoulders. When Julie had bought the dress, it had a built-in bra, but she had taken that out. The dress was made of pretty thin material and it was clear that she was braless. The dress fit her snuggly, all over, and made her panties slightly visible. She wasn't wearing any hose and her one inch white platforms were held in place by several thin straps.

Julie thought that David was tastefully dressed for a man of his age. He had on a white pullover shirt with a knit collar and loose fitting gaberdeen trousers. He wore black slipon loafers without any socks. Julie wondered about the sockless thing but figured it had probably been fashionable a few years back. Overall she thought, he looked pretty good for an older guy and she liked the way he was looking her over. She was definitely wearing something he liked or maybe it was what she wasn't wearing that he liked. Either way she liked his attention.

David opened the passenger door of his truck for her. Julie made a good show of displaying her legs to him as she got in. As David closed her door and went around to his, Julie slid forward until the hem of her dress had risen up to the top of her thighs. Maybe her teasing had started as an ego thing but she was beginning to enjoy David's appreciative glances. She didn't want him to have a wreck but she didn't mind keeping him thinking about her either.

When David got in the other side, the interior light illuminated Julie's contrived display of flesh. He had trouble tearing his eyes away from her legs but as he looked up at Julie's face, he could see just a hint of a smile on her lips. David was sure that this was going to be an interesting night.

On the drive into town, even though it had been dark after he closed his door, Julie had noticed that David looked over at her exposed legs every chance he got. The lustful way he looked at her had been having a very warming effect on her and she was anxious to keep it going. When they got to the restaurant, all of the tables were taken. They were shown to a booth. Julie slid in on one side, all the way next to the wall, as a signal to David that he should sit with her on that side. He did as she hoped.

After they got situated in the booth, she slid forward, again exposing most of her thighs. The hemline of her dress just barely concealed her panties. The table cloth obscured most of her lower legs but it was far enough away from them so that she was providing David with a nice view. He couldn't help but notice and as they were having their pre-dinner drinks and salads, he took many opportunities to feast his eyes on her bare legs.

For her main course, Julie had ordered linguine and shrimp. She deliberately made the eating of it a sensual act. She would take a forkful of linguine into her mouth, then slowly turn the fork over before finally taking it out. She would then use her fingers to push the remaining strands of linguine between her lips, sucking on her fingers as she did so. She would look over at David as she was doing this, gaging his reaction. David was having a tough time eating his own meal.

Things had calmed down a bit by the time the desert came. Julie had pushed her skirt down and she had finally left David alone long enough for him to finish his steak.

As they were eating their desert, Julie again brought up David's marital predicament, "You know, I think you're being a little harsh on your wife. My fiance, George, and I met while I was screwing his roommate Peter. I had been seeing Peter for some time, nothing serious, but we were sleeping together every now and then."

As if it were a question, Julie said, "You know I like to tease."

David nodded his head and thought, "Yes, I have noticed."

Julie continued, "I used to walk around their apartment when George was there with a just a towel or night shirt on. One time Peter and I got a little carried away and almost did it front of George. We were in the living room and I was down to my panties and a t-shirt before Peter took me into the bedroom. I was sort of disappointed. I think it would have been pretty hot to have fucked Peter with George watching."

David thought, "Oh sweet Jesus, what next?"

Julie could tell she'd said too much. She continued talking, but tried to shift gears somewhat, "George was paying me more attention than Peter, and he was a lot nicer to me. He asked me out one night when Peter was busy. With George, it was more than just sex. We really liked being with each other. One thing led to another and eventually I stopped seeing Peter."

Julie quipped, "I know that's probably all kinda boring."

David didn't really think so but he wasn't going to tell her how hot the part about her sex life had made him.

Julie went on, "What is important is what happened to George and I after that. George asked me to marry him and I knew he was the man I wanted, so I said yes. On another occasion, he asked me if I would have married Peter and I assured him that could not have happened. He asked me if I had ever loved Peter and I told him no way. So then he wanted to know why I had been sleeping with Peter when I didn't love him. I told him it was because Peter was fun and he was good in bed, but that didn't mean I loved him or wanted to marry him. George told me that he never wanted me to stop enjoying myself and that as long as I still loved him, what I did for fun was up to me."

"Do you like to go out for dinner?" Julie asked.

David was relieved at the switch in topics although he didn't understand why she had done it. He answered, "Of course. At least once a week."

And immediately Julie said, "Does your wife like to cook? Is she a good cook?"

Now David thought he knew where she was going. He responded, "Actually we both love to cook and we're pretty good at it, but we eat out at least once a week because we don't want to cook all the time at home and we like the variety. And next you're going to ask me if we can eat out and still love each other. Of course we can. So what's wrong with a little sex away from home. Could she try someone different without me and still love me? Yes, I guess so. Is that what you were trying to tell me?"

"Yes." she said, "Think about it."

David thought that there was probably some validity to her line of reasoning. He would have to think about it. They finished up and left the restaurant.

On the way home they passed a night club and Julie wanted to go in. She had originally planned to get David dancing and torment him a little more. Now she wasn't so sure about that idea, but she wanted to go in anyway. David was a bit skittish about the idea but he agreed that they could go in for a couple of drinks. He just didn't want to stay too long. As soon as they got seated, a guy, about the same age as Julie, started toward the table. Julie said, "He's not really my type - a little short and kinda geeky looking - but if he asks, I'm going to dance with him. I really do want to dance and I figure you're not going to ask me."

David looked around the club. It looked like he was the oldest one there. When the guy got to the table, he asked David if he could dance with his daughter. That hurt. It made David feel a lot older than he really was. David wasn't about to waste time with this jerk, giving him the whole story, so he told him that Julie was his date and that it was up to her who she danced with. David hoped that Julie would turn him down. Julie felt bad for David but she was happy that he had introduced her as his date. She wanted to eliminate any further embarrassment so she stood up and led the guy to the dance floor.

It was a fast dance and Julie twirled and shook her body, mostly her tits and ass, and tried to attract the male attention in the place. With Julie's looks and the dress she was wearing, that was easy. Most of the men in the place were watching her by the time the song ended. She left her partner standing on the dance floor and walked back to the table alone.

Julie said, "He was too easy. He had a hard-on as soon as we got out there. I just rubbed up against him a couple of times but I could feel it. Besides, I don't like the way he treated you. You're a lot younger than my father." Julie took David's arm, like he really was her date, and whispered in his ear, "Now you see that guy out there dancing with the girl with big tits? He's the one I want. He was watching me when I was dancing. I know he's interested. Come on and dance with me. We'll give him something to think about."

It was a slow dance and David knew that he was in for some of Julie's sexy mischief. He really wanted that body of hers up against him but he wasn't sure he could control himself. He was getting an erection just thinking about it. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they started a slow grind. She said, "You're really easy. You're already hard." She rubbed her leg between his, making him even harder. She straddled one of his legs and rubbed herself on it. She put her mouth to his ear and whispered, "Put your hands on my butt. I want to give that guy a good show."

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Tag Alina Instrument of RevengeChapter 5

"Why did you do that?" Heather paused and looked at her. She was in the middle of setting up a tripod. She'd already set up the lights and Alina had obediently helped even though all the lights pointed down at the bed and she knew what that meant. "Why did I do what?" "Tucker isn't a part of the Game!" Alina said, near tears. "You said you were only mean to me to help make sure the guys would count because you said they liked that. And ... and I get that. But Tucker isn't in the...

1 year ago
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Weekend In An All Girls Dorm

Rather than spend the weekend in your dorm room with your moronic roommate, you decide to visit your good friend Ellen at her college. You've known her since junior high school, and she's been one of the primary objects of your masturbatory fantasies ever since. Ellen is about 5'6", with short, shoulder length blonde hair the color of corn silk. Her skin is a creamy pink, free of any blemish. She has piercing blue eyes and a dazzling smile of perfect white teeth. And she is built! With a large...

2 years ago
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Chelsies Dilemma Part 3

Chelsie happily walked into work the next morning feeling like nothing could bring her down from the high she was feeling after the day before. Not even looking at Shelby could make her mad. After all, she finally got some. Everyone seemed to notice that something was different about her. She was glowing, smiling bigger and she just seemed more vibrant. She had an extra bounce to her step and was acting more upbeat. “Damn girl, what happened to you?” Shelby asked as Chelsie made her way...

3 years ago
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A BDSM experience

At first I'd been horrified. How awful. How cruel and sadistic. This author was twisted and misogynistic. Why I kept reading them, I don't know. They were all the same; treating women like no more that consumables to be used and physically abused. I'd stumbled on the site quite by accident; who hasn't done that? An innocent Googling of some innoxious topic, and shock, horror, photos of fucking and sucking - well, if that's all it is, it's quite a pleasant surprise, but this site that I'd just...

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Of Suits and Strippers

She stopped when she suddenly found herself in sudden darkness. She stopped her mp3 player and took the headphones off. She set them on the table in front of her and turned around slowly. She cursed when she found that she couldn’t see anything. The room she was in was windowless, walls covered with filing cabinets. There was only one door. She’d never really thought of the room as a scary place before. She liked the room and its orderliness. Only orderly because she had spent a long time...

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The Corporate Slave

Jan 2019: I joined Deepu’s team. I was like a corporate slave. There isn’t a single male, including the security guards of our Gurgaon office, who doesn’t want to fuck our sales manager. Deepanjali is simply irresistible. She’s a hot Punjabi girl with natural assets. She also does Pilates to shape her voluptuous body. I’ve spent many hours trying to count the number of ways in which her lower body is curved. There are steep slopes on both sides of her torso, from her boobs to waist. There is a...

4 years ago
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My Sex Experience With The Chennai Couple

Hi this is rohit her from Bangalore this is my 5th experience but first time I am writing story if any mistake please forgive me. First about me my name is rohit as you guys know I am 26 year old, 5.11 height, weight 65, and average body with the good big dick ok 7.8 inch with the good stamina to fuck longer time.About that couple is they are M42 and F38, they are from Chennai wife is very sexy with the figure of 36-34-40, she had sexy and huge ass, which I liked it very much. Hubby is...

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Maid with Benefits

Applying the handbrake on her blue Vauxhall Corsa, the girl gazed up at the villa styled home smack in the middle of a posh estate. At the gate of the driveway the house had been impressive, but up close, it was overwhelming. It was like something out of Downton Abbey . She suddenly felt a little intimidating by the stunning structure before her, its pale lime stone walls in perfect contrast with the slate grey/blue roofing. Stretching out her nicely manicured hand she pulled the handle to the...

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Sex and Death, that's what it always boils down to. Especially when there's magic involved. Oh yes, magic and the supernatural have always been very real. Magic is just as real as Electricity as it turns out, just much more rare. With good reason because to use magic you need to acquire magical energy, and to get magical energy you need to first harvest Life energy. This has led to two basic camps when it comes to magic, the original cold war if you will. The first and larger group call...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 11

Recovery from the minor wound proved to be a real bitch. The wound was four inches above the hip which had been replaced. After a week of barely getting out of bed, I went in and had my orthopedist do a full work up on my hip joint. The flesh wound did a lot more damage than I would have imagined possible. The slug ricocheted around under the skin, moving around chewing up the soft tissues. Of course if I had done the right thing for the hip, I would have taken all the weight off it...

3 years ago
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Vacation with my Daughter Day 4

“Honey,” I said, “we need to get up early tomorrow for the airport.You should start packing.” I only had myself to blame. This was our last night in Barcelona; after a fine fish dinner and a walk down to the statue of the Columbus by the Mediterranean, I’d let Ashley choose from the list of for-pay movies. Barely seventeen, she hadn’t yet acquired the notion of first finishing everything that must be done before playing or relaxing. I had expected her to pick a movie recently released, but...

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my loving servant

visit here to see everthing you want http://www.papahaxx.comHi friends, myself Zunair Ahmed 29 years old I have done MBA in Human resources presently working in M.N.C in KARACHI . I lived in a very posh area of karachi, I am sharing my real life experience with you it is around 4 or five months old experience. (I will not be disclosing her name in this story because i dont lie and the entire story is real)A very beautiful sexy bold charming housewife, she was 32 years old . she was very fair...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Part I

“Alright, Jason, that concludes your orientation. You can go ahead and get started,” said the chic manager of the retail clothing store that catered to juniors.“Thanks, Melanie! I’ll talk to you soon.”Shortly after she disappeared Jason was walking the perimeter of the store performing his security detail. Standing at just under six-feet-four-inches and weighing about two hundred forty pounds Jason Pitts, caught the attention of one of the sales associates.“You gonna keep us safe from all the...

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She Tries To Forget Ch 04

Passion in James County XVI Ann arrived at work and punched in. When she did, Toni Wicks, who was working at the service desk, looked at her. ‘Mr. Lewis wants to see you in the office before you start work,’ she said. ‘He said I should send you up as soon as you got here.’ Wondering what her boss wanted, Ann walked to the rear of the store where the manager’s office was located and knocked on the door. ‘Come in,’ a male voice said in response to her knock. Ann opened the door and went into...

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Daughters Horny Urges

Introduction: Janie enjoys her lesbian sex with her best friend Janie opened her eyes and groaned in pleasure. Her cunt tingled. It oozed fuck juices. Two fingers swirled and pumped inside the tight pussy hole. Wide open, her pussy was red and swollen as it was stroked inside out. A thumb pressed against her clit and chills of lust rushed up and down her spine. Gyrating her hips, she cried, Ohhh … ohhh, fuck! Ohhh, baby, fuck me … fuck me … fuck meee! Uuuhhh … ohhh, so good … aaahhh, damn you...

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Fighting Raiders

I was wounded during a raid on a rogue world. My term was almost up so they discharged me early and sent me home. There was no direct route but I caught a ship headed to Gilroy. It was a system with three beautiful worlds. The huge space station was the only one and I found out I would have a month to wait for another ship. Like most soldiers I did not have much to do so I drank cheap liqueur and slept in bars. I was passed out when the alarms for the raiders began and the station evac sirens...

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Gym Wali Pyari Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi, me aapke liye ek aur story leke aya hu jo real story based hai aur karib 5 months pehle ki hai… Mai ab sidhe story par ata hu…Jaise aapko pata hai mai job ki talash me hu aur 6 pehle maine gym joint kia tha.Mai har roj 6-8 gym jata.Us din ki baat hai jab me exercise kar raha tha aur wk lady ayi jisne green top aur tight jeans pehni hui thi aur wo kya sexy lag rahi thi yaar….Uske bade bade boobs bahar ane ke liye taras rahe ho…Mera lund to wahi khada ho gaya..Man karta tha sali ko abhi...

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It was on a Thursday mooring when I got a call from grandson asking if he and a friend along with my granddaughter could come over and spend the night. I have n ever turned them down and I side shure come over. When they got there I could not stop looking how nice his friend was, he told me his name was Jim I introduce myself and extended him my hand when our hand met I got a jolt in my paints Jim was 17 and looked so good, as we healed hands I haled it for a long time witch he did not pull...

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CastawayChapter 29

With nothing urgently calling us back, our walk in the woods was more leisurely than the day before. This time Asmedogh rode my shoulder as usual, and between that and holding hands with Camilla I felt rich in friends. As we went I stopped occasionally to point out various birds, flowers and such to her, and she invariably seemed interested. The only precaution I took was to again pick a direction that wouldn't take us anywhere near where Asmedogh's beacon still lay concealed. I believed...

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Out doors

My husband and I love the outdoors, doing all the outdoors things (camping, hiking, fishing, etc.). So once or twice a month we head to the great outdoors. Last week we decided to go for a hike up in the woods that are close to where we live. We got all ready and brought along a day pack with some food, drinks and a towel to eat lunch on. It was a nice day in the 70’s so we both had on lite clothing on (shorts and t-shirts). At home, I like to go without clothing, but am conservative in...

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Unexpected pleasure

*This is my first attempt at writing so please feel free to comment. I will go ahead and admit that my spelling and grammar is not the best so please take it easy. The characters in this story are not real and this did not really happen. If you don't like to read about incest please do not read.* It all started about six days ago when I first noticed that my little sister wasn't so little anymore. She has been running around the house with skimpier and skimpier clothing on. I...

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The SmallholderChapter 4

Joseph began his tale. "I'm the only child of two only children. I have no cousins, no uncles or aunts. There are some more distant relatives, but I hardly know them. The older couple in the photo are my parents. "I did an engineering degree and then went to work for my father in his company. It makes highly accurately machined components for all sort of household appliances, car engines, even some aircraft parts. We were very successful and life was good. "I had met Susan in my last...

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Cuckold Creampies and a Transsexual at the Bathhou

While sitting at my lover Nicole's place, as she is out getting her pussy filled with cum, and I am waiting for her to come back and feed me. I got a text from a Transsexual lover Kayla; since i was just waiting, i arranged to meet her at the local bathhouse.I got to the bathhouse, stripped down and found Kayla in the steam room getting sucked off by a guy. As I entered, she stopped the guy sucking and came straight over to me and we made out for a minute. We left the steam room and went...

1 year ago
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Divorced Aunty Ki Phir Suhagraat Part 2

Hello iss readers. I am rocky from mumbai. Thanks aap sabi k feedbacks k liye. Mumbai se jo aunty ladkiya ladies mujhe se sex ya friendship karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kare at  pe. Thanks khas karke unko jo mere friends ban chuke hai aur mujhe trust karne k liye thanks. Kafi mail mujhe ate hai ki fake story hai n all. To jinko lagta hai fake to mujhe koe parwa nae usne. Jo yakin karte hai wo mere friends aur unko me aur wo mujhe satisfy karte hai. To ye story hai nisha aunty ki aur merit 2nd...

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How It All Began Ch07

In the days they had spent in Beziers, there was a welcome familiarity Jack and Fay felt with the place. The old town was almost a stereotype of provincial France and the people, unlike Parisians, were friendly and warm. Their French had improved markedly and whilst they would not be discussing Camus or Sartre in their mother tongue, it was passable. The weather was edging slowly towards autumn but even in early September, it was on par with a rare warm July day back in England. Jack looked...

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A little fable

As it appears to go with Internet dating, I met up with a couple of ladies over the last month but there wasn't really any spark and so, after an awkward hour or so of small talk and eating, we went our separate ways. Then I found Christina's profile, she got my attention and we arranged a date. It went very well indeed.We ate at an Indian and the conversation was easy and fast-flowing. We had a lot of things in common, we laughed at a few of the same things and - as it turned out - we even had...

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sister SECRETS

I woke up Saturday morning from a really hot dream and as usual I had throbbing hardon. I knew Mom and Dad had both gone to work, leaving just me and my sister at home. As I lay in bed thinking about my dream I pulled off my underware and began to masturbate as I looked at some porn magazines enjoying the feeling as I stroked my hard cock. Without warning my bedroom door opened and my sister walked in saying "Hey, what are you going to do today..." then she stopped in her tracks as she saw me...

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Goodbye GloriaChapter 2

As Gloria lay next to Rachel on the night after her third fight she stroked that smooth soft warm skin. Her own skin was roughened these days. That winter on the island had wrought havoc with it. She looked healthy, but she had lost some of the soft feminine smoothness that she so loved in Rachel. Using skin creams would restore her to her former state, of course. But Gloria liked herself the way she was. She'd long given up on shaving her legs, armpits or pubic thatch. Rachel didn't mind...

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Chained Tortured NunChapter 6

"Now, you wanna talk?" Sister Mary Katherine blinked her eyes open, feeling as if she had just returned from another world. The current had knocked her temporarily out and for a moment the attractive nun thought she had died and was in hell. Surely, this would be her hell-bound forever to a table like this, tortured by sadistic demons, her flesh ripped from her body only to be grown again for more punishment. Her mind reeled at the possibility as she found herself staring in horror at...

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Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails. I was sitting on a fence with my mate Kev we were both doing nothing and just watching life traveling by. "Dave." "Yea wot," I replied. "Have you got any idea what you want to do this summer holidays?" "Nope," I said "why you asking?" "Well I was thinking that we could go camping for a couple of weeks in the lakes, I have a tent and everything." "Yea OK I said I will clear it with my step mum." Three weeks later I was in a field helping my mate...

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DirtyWivesClub Kayley Gunner 26513

Kayley Gunner has been taken to the police station 4 times but has never been charged — I wonder why? Could it be her persuasive skills with her lips, wet pussy, perfect tits, and tight body? Since Detective London has been the one that keeps taking her in, she’s been wanting him to fuck her naughty pussy. Her husband makes that arrangement since he’s a top Lawyer and knows Detective London’s superior. Like the others in the precinct, this detective can’t say no to...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Kristen Scott Sex Dream Architect Part Two

After April O’Neil hires sex dream architect Kristen Scott to plant an idea in her best friend Eliza Jane’s mind, she goes to her house to cover the compensation. Kristen drags her inside after she recites the password. April is concerned with any long term after effects the experience might have on Eliza. Kristen blows off her worries more interested in hearing how her pussy tastes. April has lots of questions about Kristen’s amazing virtual reality technology. Apparently,...

3 years ago
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Providing A Service

Have you ever looked at an alternative newspaper or website and joked about some of the ads? Well, my husband, Dean, just loves to surf them looking for ones he can get a laugh from. A while back, one that caught his eye was from a young man, twenty-one years old, who wanted to lose his virginity to a woman who would teach him the art and skill of love. ‘Oh, hon, here’s one for you, oh, for sure,’ and he translated the ad for me into regular people-talk. ‘You are the perfect one. You’re great...

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Masturbating for fiance and his best friend

If you haven't read our stories, we suggest you read "Fashion show leads to much more" as this is the next 100% real adventure we had with Dean.Two weeks ago James and I invited Dean over to James' house for some much needed exhibitionist fun. We hadn't done anything in a while and I was very eager to have both Dean and James give me a sensual body and butt massage. To our dismay James' brother stayed home that night so we didn't have the house to ourselves. Never the less, we decided to go...

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EvilAngel Lea Lexis Lea8217s Oily Interracial Sodomy

Athletic, all-natural Lea Lexis wears stockings with green garters. The raven-haired MILF shares passionate kisses with black stud Mickey Mod and sloppily stuffs his ebony snake deep into her throat. Lea’s sweet cunt creams during a tempestuous pussy fuck. Mickey douses her derriere in oil, and his lengthy long-bone lunges deeply up her ass. The horny interracial fuckers spit on each other’s faces, sharing animalistic sodomy and extensive ass-to-mouth cocksucking. A creamy cum load...

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Injustice IIChapter 10

We all met in the large parlor when dressed, even Angus was there and looking much better after a good night’s sleep. “There isn’t enough food here to make breakfast for all of us. There are two possible choices for what to do. The first is to go into town and buy food, bring it back, and then make breakfast,” Kaera stated. “The second possibility is for Max to transfer all of us to the farm, where I have plenty of food, and we have breakfast there. This would solve two problems: one, we...

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Lameya and her gentleman

       Lameya turned off the lights—there wasn’t much else she could turn off.  She stood before the bed, drenched in the honey-toned light of the candles.  Her milky white skin seemed to glow in the semi-darkness, and her dark eyes and hair glinted gold.        She took a long, lustful look at the gentleman on her bed before slowly parting her wine-colored lips to speak.  And when she spoke, the words that blew past that luscious mouth were like subdued orgasmic screams—very breathy, and...

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ManuelFerrara Joanna Angel Has A Filthy Mouth And An Ass Full Of Cock

“Queen of Alt-Girls”, Joanna Angel makes Manuel speechless in this scene from “Dirty Talk #8”. The tattooed trollop starts off with some nipple squeezin’. They are easy to get to as she’s decked out in a red sling leaving little to the imagination. The gung-ho gal hops on the bed and spreads her legs while keeping her thighs air high. She tells Manuel she’s ready for his cock, he gets prone and has her slide on bone. After pounding her puss Joanna hits...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 166

MIDVILLE, WYOMING — MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3 The early breakfast meeting went off without a hitch. One of Tingle's assistants gave laptops and the latest high-end smart phones to Luther, Megan and each of the town council members. When the meeting was over, the assistant set up a training schedule for the programs they would use on the laptops and gave them a quick introduction to the phones. As Luther, Megan and Ray Tingle stood outside the small office building, Luther reminded Tingle,...

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KristinChapter 43

Late on Friday, an announcement was made that there would be a special convocation for the entire school on Saturday morning at nine o’clock. Attendance was mandatory. There was just a little more than the usual bitching about having to get up at the crack of dawn on a weekend yet, but the students and faculty all appeared. Entering the auditorium, they found a rostrum on stage with a few chairs flanking it. Promptly at nine, President Arnn appeared and began the meeting. Jane Smith was...

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Humiliating HollyChapter 17

It was cold and I was covered in cum. But I still had to do what they wanted. I had to take off what little bit of clothing I had on, then get the garden hose and spray myself with cold water. I hoped I wouldn't freeze to death while they were in my bed either fucking or sleeping. And even when I did get in I would end up in that little fucking closet on a tiny army cot. Why me? But, I did just what I was told to do in the note. I walked around to the back, through the gate into my...

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Spanked by my Babysitter 3

She marched me up the stairs, like a slave with handcuffs on. We reached the main floor and all of the lights were out in the house except night lights or the light coming from the moon through the window. She held me by the back of my wrists as I was cuffed with her handcuffs walking up the main stairs in the house. Her bedroom was the second bedroom after the bathroom. I entered her room like a prisoner."Step into my chamber Steve.""Yes Mistress."I was beginning to build excitement again with...

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08 TogetherChapter 52

Flashback – Jack and Ben – The trip to hell ... at the hospital. The Butterbar came back with the Captain and the Captain complained, "What's this I hear that Sgt. Reynolds is going back to the base and the Lieutenant is taking over as your spotter." I pointed to the unconscious Jack and answered, "Yes Sir! That's correct. Even though I repaired the bleeder, he still needs more medical attention than I can give him." The Captain scowled and asked, "Why did you choose the Lieutenant...

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Blood LustChapter 16

After Tom and Mark had returned Mia to Tom's apartment, Mark running interference to insure that no one saw Tom carrying a full body bag into his home, they drove to the station to develop their new information. Fortified with the station's vile coffee, they laid out a map and protractor on Tom's desk. After a few minutes of bickering over the proper method to do so, they placed their baseline coordinates and used the compass bearings from Tom's notebook to draw lines from each...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 460

Thank Telephoneman for this one!! An ordinary, non-religious, guy dies and goes to heaven. As he’s being shown around, he notices that most people are in groups. He also can’t help but see a long and high wall covering one side. When asked, his guide says, “The groups all congregate according to their religious beliefs.” He points out Baptists, Methodists, even Muslims and atheists. “What about the wall?” “Oh, that’s for the Catholics, they like to believe they’re the only ones here.”

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Walk This Way

"Only two more weeks before graduation. Then, I won't have to put up with this high school shit anymore," Mike said to himself as he slammed his locker door closed, and walked down the halls of his high school. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of that yellow and red sweater he loved so much. He hated everything about this school except her: Lauren Forbes, captain of the cheerleading squad. They had lived next door to each other since she moved here from Chicago in the 2nd...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 100

We dressed very conservatively – non-descript high end pantsuits, flat black shoes with minor heels, no makeup and hair pulled back into pony tails. Also, we each carried a scarf. I knew the rules for this part of the world - there was no need to make waves. The five OPEC ministers we were to meet were in a group meeting at 0800 dealing with OPEC business. Our meeting with them was at 1100. After arriving we were shown to a large elegant elaborately decorated room to wait. Majestic curved...

1 year ago
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Monica and the Three Girls Part 4

Okay, does "mortified" adequately describe the situation? I'm thinking that I'm almost home free, that I can step into the bathroom in a moment, grab my old underwear out of the corner, and be done. But no, Monica has found them first. She doesn't look mad really. I think it's more a confused smirk she's got on her face. Has she told Jackie what she found? I don't think so -- that's probably why she waited until the gals were gone. Does she also know that I took the pink panties off the...

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