In Praise of Older Women Part 5 Emancipation
- 3 years ago
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This was a day in which Lisa was truly privileged. It wasn't often she was permitted, let alone invited, to watch television with her mistress, but on this day Madam Colette granted Lisa the privilege of kneeling in front of the screen—naked as always, except for her slave-collar, as clothes were such an unnecessary luxury—while her mistress searched for the relevant news channel. When she selected it, the current story was a report on the Party Caucuses that were a prelude to the upcoming Presidential elections. But this wasn't what Madam Colette wanted her slave to watch. What possible relevance could it have for Lisa? No society would ever enfranchise its slaves. Emancipation has to precede enfranchisement and, however much Lisa's mistress might campaign for her rights, there wasn't much likelihood of that happening any time soon.
It wasn't this news item, nor the one that followed regarding the scandalous murder of a Senator's daughter, but the next feature in which Lisa's mistress, Colette Tuchman-Lee, was once again interviewed for her views on the matter for which she'd campaigned for so many years. And this was especially pertinent to Lisa, as it related to slaves' civil rights and their owners' legal responsibilities. Lisa was fortunate indeed in being the property of a mistress who was in many ways the model slave-owner; one, moreover, renowned throughout the Union for her restless campaigning on behalf of the rights and welfare of slaves. This was bold of her as it was a matter generally regarded as the private concern of their owners. What does ownership mean if you can't do precisely what you want with what you own? Property rights surely took precedence over moral scruples. And where would the economy be if the net benefit of slave labour became the net cost of managing unemployed human resources?
Lisa speculated that Madam Colette's concern with the complex issue of slavery and human rights might have originated from the fact that, like the original slaves shipped over from Africa, her mistress was Black. And, although the majority of slaves in America were still mostly Black, Asian or Latino, Lisa was White. She was legitimate booty from the United States' overwhelming victory in the recent war against the former British colony of Newfoundland. Lisa was sometimes tempted to agree that the briefly independent nation into which she was born was less prosperous than its aggressive neighbour simply because it still adhered to the moral scruples of the much diminished British Empire.
But for now, Lisa had to hold her breath and not fidget during the panel discussion her mistress was so intent on her seeing. And the topic of this was Colette Tuchman-Lee's current campaign to transfer the terms of slavery from life-time servitude to limited-term indenture.
"I know you mean well, Colette," said John Murray, the man chosen to represent the opposing view, as he puffed clouds of smoke from his pipe into the television studio. "Who wouldn't want to improve the lot of those few poor wretches who suffer from unwarranted maltreatment by a reprehensible minority of slave-owners? But we must consider carefully the unintended consequences of any supposed reform to a successful economic model. Recall the reforms made early last century that repealed the practise of mandating children into a state of slavery if their parents were slaves. Although this resulted in such children being freed from inheriting the servitude of their parents, as happened to your ancestors..."
"Is this so, Colette?" interrupted the host, Emily Blackwell, whose towering bouffant hair dominated the centre of the screen.
Colette nodded. "I'm a third generation African-American citizen."
" ... But this policy," John Murray continued, stabbing the stem of his pipe in the air. "This policy had the unintended effect of boosting the international slave trade which had become almost moribund when the Europeans and Antipodeans quit their role in the traditional triangular trade. There was now a huge demand for fresh labour from the traditional African sources and, with the European Empires so weakened after the Eurasian Wars, the United States were able to take full advantage of the bountiful supply and thereby revive the flow of human traffic. And now, of course, there are more nations in the world who practise and benefit from the commerce than ever before."
"So, Colette," said Emily Blackwell turning away from the puffs of pipe-smoke to her right. "How do you answer those who say that the American economy can't hope to prosper if there's any further liberalisation in the conditions of mandatory servitude? Can slave-owners be expected to shoulder further burdens on top of the property-owning taxes and regular slave inspections? What about those whose livelihood relies on unhindered human trade from Africa, Asia and South America?"
"I'd be the last one to deny that there's been progress in recent years," said the Colette on television while Lisa was aware that the Colette on the sofa behind her was watching her slave's reaction as much as her own image on the screen. "Slaves are now permitted to have sexual relationships with one another: even same sex relationships. The ban on casual racism against free citizens has been extended to apply to slaves, however little practical difference this has made. And it may well be that the institution of slavery will be here for many years to come..."
"And are you relaxed about that?" asked the host.
"Relaxed?" said a clearly startled Colette. "Of course not. The institution is barbaric and inhumane. It should have ended centuries ago. How can it be right for one person to be born free and the other to become another person's property?"
"And you claim that you're not a socialist?" John Murray interceded. "That is communist talk. You want to liberate the slaves and then what are they to do? Starve? You want to annul the contract between employer and employee which is different only in kind from that between a slave-owner and his property. There'd be riots in the streets of New York. Taxes would become even more excessive. The American economy would be in a tailspin."
"I've said this many times before and I don't know why I have to keep saying it," said Colette. "I am not a socialist or a subscriber to any kind of un-American activity. But I do believe in a compassionate and ethical relationship with regards to slaves..."
"And this is why you're campaigning for further legislative reforms to limit slavery to a fixed term," said Emily Blackwell in an obvious attempt to steer the discussion away from the general towards the specific. "Do you have political support for this?"
"I have bi-partisan backing from both sides of the House for a review of the terms of indenture and Presidential Candidates from both the Democratic-Republican and Federalist Parties have agreed to back my proposal to institute a State Pension for slaves that absolves the slave-owners' obligation of care for their property once it becomes economically unproductive..."
" ... Paid no doubt by yet more and higher taxes!" interjected John Murray.
"And how do you answer criticism that your reforms only further penalise hard-working slave-owners who're already struggling to make ends meet?" asked the host with an inflexion in her voice that suggested she was about to bring the discussion to a close. "That you represent only the interests of property and not of property-holders?"
"That's ridiculous," said the Colette on television firmly while Lisa's mistress in the living room patted her slave on the head. "As a slave-owner myself, how can it be said that I don't represent the interests of both sides?"
"Indeed," said Emily Blackwell as the camera focused on her. "Well, thank you, Colette. And, of course, thank you also, John. And now we return to the fast-developing story of the hunt for John Booth, the alleged killer of the daughter of Federalist Senator Boston Corbett..."
"Well, Lisa, what do you think?" asked the Colette on the sofa as she set the television sound to mute. "You may speak frankly."
Lisa had long ago discovered that diplomacy was always required when addressing her mistress. Although she wouldn't be admonished or punished for saying something Miss Tuchman-Lee disagreed with, she was sure that the next time she incurred her mistress' displeasure and earned a beating, her apparent disloyalty would be repaid in extra welts and bruises. However enlightened Colette was with regards to the slave-owner's responsibility of care, she also was a firm believer in the merits of discipline.
"I'm sure that limited-term indenture would be a great step forward, Madam," said Lisa, although she'd much prefer to earn her freedom a long time before the end of her term of economic utility.
"And you don't think Murray is right to accuse me of being a socialist?" Colette asked with her eyes slightly narrowed.
This could be a trap, Lisa thought. She was often sure that her mistress was being disingenuous when she claimed that the beatings she administered were solely for Lisa's own good, so she had to be sure that her answers mightn't arouse her mistress' displeasure. In any case, there was a good reason why Lisa could never be open about her views on socialism. It was as a result of America's displeasure at Newfoundland electing a Social Democratic government—Communism in America's Backyard, as it was called—that Lisa's home nation, still nominally a member of the enfeebled British Commonwealth, was invaded and she, along with everyone else who'd resisted the invasion, was pressed into slavery. And now Newfoundland—the last sliver of land north of Venezuela that had so far resisted the American juggernaut—was soon to be incorporated into the United States of America:.
"You're not a socialist, Madam," said Lisa carefully. "You're motivated by a sense of justice and fairness. And, of course, by the dictates of your faith..."
"Well, less by my faith than I should be," said Colette with an indulgent sigh. Although a Bible was prominent in her living room and a Crucifix was nailed above her bed, she very rarely attended chapel and her faith was very much subordinate to her politics. "And, as a slave, do you think slaves as a whole will welcome my proposed reforms?"
Lisa tried not to betray her discomfort at this question. Her mistress obviously believed that Lisa could speak for all slaves, when in fact Lisa hardly knew any others at all. She was rarely permitted out of the house unattended by her mistress and she had little in common with those slaves who visited the house and who discreetly lowered their eyes when they noticed that Lisa was unclothed. Like Colette, most such slaves were Black (but rarely accorded the same honorific of African-American). And those who weren't Black were of Asian origin: reflecting the extensive range of developing nations who resourced the lucrative international slave trade.
"I'm sure they will, Madam," said Lisa. "There can be no slave in the world who doesn't appreciate what you're trying to do for them."
Except perhaps Lisa.
It was true that Colette treated her slave rather better than most slave-owners. Lisa was rarely left as badly scarred from a whipping as many of the slaves she'd seen, whose backs were an ugly mess of raised welts and not-yet-healed wounds. She'd never suffered the ignominy of being manacled to the public stocks and pelted with mouldy fruit and toilet waste by the children of those too poor to afford slaves of their own. But on the other hand, she didn't appreciate being the sex toy of a mistress who believed that her ownership of Lisa's services licensed her to the use of her body whenever there was nothing better available. Lisa had never been tempted to Sapphic love when a teenager in Newfoundland and after all these years she was sure that it was at best the pleasure of close physical companionship rather than sexual ecstasy she ever felt on those occasions when Colette was disappointed by one of the men or women in her life.
Not that being second-best to any of Colette's lovers made Lisa feel better for the groping and physical invasion she had to endure on all these (lesser) occasions of physical intimacy.
"You must understand, Colette," said Tatyana, the nearest to a regular lover that Lisa's mistress had, as she lounged on the chaise longue with a cigarette screwed into the end of an ebony holder. "Although the serfs in the Russian Empire aren't free by any stretch of the imagination, they aren't slaves and the Duma cannot be accused of hypocrisy in siding with the European Union when it agitates for the abolition of the International Slave Trade."
Colette lay across the divan with her head on Tatyana's lap while Lisa knelt in attendance on the bare floor: nude as she always was when her mistress' Russian lover visited. Like her mistress, Tatyana Petrovna was an active campaigner for civil rights although her concern was for that 80% of the Russian Empire's population who were born unfree rather than that proportion of the whole world sold into slavery by poor nations and bought as property by the wealthy: of which the United States, from the Hudson Bay to the Panama Canal, was the most prominent. She was also in love with Colette and only Lisa's stated preference for men stood in the way of their living together as a couple.
"Serfs are slaves, Tatty," said Colette firmly. "Worse than slaves. In America, the children of slaves are born free whereas serfs inherit their status..."
"Not that many American slave-owners allow their slaves to have children," said Tatyana. "It was only because the institution of slavery resembled serfdom that during America's war with Russia over the Bering Straits..."
"Which we won."
" ... which you won—over a century ago—and you still don't know what to do with your Siberian territories ... But it was only because America and its Democracy wished to appear the more enlightened empire compared to Russia's constitutional monarchy..."
"Where most people can't vote."
" ... where serfs can no more vote than can slaves in the United States. It was one-upmanship in the days when America was still uncertain whether it was the junior partner to Europe..."
"Which tore itself apart not once but twice..."
" ... and which both Russia and America left well alone," agreed Tatyana. "And the result of your change of policy is that countries like China and India are now just as much at war with their own people to resource fresh slaves as African nations have always been, and are just as imprisoned by a cycle of civil war and banditry."
Nowadays, Lisa's political and historical education mostly came from these conversations between her mistress and her lover as they became steadily drunker and less coherent before they finally went to bed together, though they didn't always put off their lovemaking until then, much to Lisa's undiminished embarrassment. Lisa knew that, in American terms, her mistress and her Russian lover were unusually well informed about the world and liberal in their opinions, but they were both much more conservative than was normal in what was so briefly the Social Democratic Republic of Newfoundland, despite the cold winds of reactionary opinion drifting over the Gulf of St Lawrence from the American States of Labrador and Quebec.
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Wanna be a ‘Modern Cuckold Bull’Here is a simple guide to achieving this quickly and safely. This guide gives a list of rules to be memorized and followed. The reasons for each rule will be explained in detail as to why they are so important. Then psychological reasons will be offered for each step you will take.So are you the type of person that throws away the instructions when assembly is required? If so, this is not for you. But if you are wanting to assemble a harem with perfect wives,...
Kevin lay semi-spooned over Alex as she finished her story.“Unfair!” he exclaimed with mock outrage. “You can’t just drop a bomb like Clayton plowing your mom, and then stop. Keep going, you bitch.”“Now be nice,” Alex admonished.Kevin popped up to get water for them. He filled two glasses then carried them into the bedroom, handing Alex hers. “You recovered pretty fast from... all the ick,” he said. “Do you suppose running Phil off gave you an advantage.”Alex sat back against the headboard feet...
IncestHello readers, this story is about my mom Rakhi who is 42 years old and has a figure of 36-24-36. She is a modern Indian housewife. Unlike other milfs, my mother’s house clothes are t-shirt and lower or shorts. When she has to go out, she either wears jeans and top or a hot sexy steamy western dress. This episode is about the time when I saw my mom having sex for the first time! When I was young, I used to hear moaning voices at night. I got to know that they were having sex. My dad was nailing...
IncestHi readers, my name is Rohit Shetty. I am from Mumbai and I am an engineering student. My family consists of 3 members, me, my mom and my father. My father’s name is Raj Kumar Shetty. He works for a garment company. My mom is Maya Shetty. She is 34 years old housewife. We live in a flat in Mumbai. Now coming to the story, it is about my mom. My mom is a very modern type lady. She makes friends with everyone easily. She is very fair and has a well-maintained body. She looks like a sex bomb in...
Hey, this is Sameer. You can contact me at or you can contact me on FB through the same id. I assure your secrecy and privacy. I am a nice human being with a great heart. This happens in September 2017. I moved to a new place It was my holiday. I was getting bored at home and I didn’t know anyone there. So I made a cup of coffee and came to the balcony. Balconies of all houses are adjacent to one after one. I saw a woman in mid-thirties standing on another balcony. We exchanged a glimpse with...
She said Tom and she wants to go at roof.. They gone.. I followed them and they cant see me cause of dark.. Mom and Tom arrived at roof and mom kissing him like wild Tom pressing hard like crazy her “38dd butt” for 15min very hard.. (Now I got How is that possible to make 38dd with gym only in few months) Buy water tank pipe I go to over the water tank, Tom sucking boobs mom over that ‘printed blouse’.. Mom jerking his cock like a machine and started suck for 10min. Tom open a condom put that...
IncestThe Elbow Trick - A modern day fairy tale for the new millennia By Caleb Jones Jack and Francine were sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! They were in their favorite spot, inside the tree house her older brother had built when he was a little boy. They had been kissing since the fifth grade and they had just graduated the seventh. For all of those three years only the two of them knew they were boyfriend and girlfriend, and not just the good friends everyone else assumed they...
Hallo Doston, Aasa kartaa hun aap log ache ak professional story witer aur gigolo hun, Es site me mera ye pehela story hai aasa kartaa hun aap logo ko bahat pasand aayega, meri ak Aunty hain jinka name Umma Hai, unki age 45 aur body figure 38-34-40 hai. Matlb ak sexy bom hai oh. Oh gon me reheti hai esily intnaa smart modern nehi hai. Kaise maine unko patake choda ye baat es story me aaplog bataane jaa rehi hun. Ye Stori thori lambi hogi aur har ak part me ak ak new twist aayega, aur...
Hi this is Aakash mere family me hum tin log hi he mummy , papa and me . Papa business karte he to pura din bahar hi rehte he or kabhi kabhi to2-3 weeks tours pe hi rehte he aj me apni real story batane ja raha hu ho 6 months pehle hui thi iski heroine he meri maa jiska naam he vanshika or hero he mere cousin bhaiya jiska naam he anup (name changed) Meri maa ki umar he 38 but wo muskhil se 30 ki lagti he or uske 36,30,36 ki figure murde ke lund ko bhi jiwit kar de. Wo regular gym jane walo me...
Hi thi issliye kafi jaldi ghul mill gayi.usski figure dekh ajj sudhir ka mann machal gaya.ajj raat to apni biwi ki bhi acche se thukai kiya,usse kya malum tha buddhe ko TANISHA ne pagal bana diya hai. Next din hi TANISHA ka saman lekar kuch worker aa gaye aur shift karwa diye.ussne batay ki usski ek friend ,jo khud bhi ek airhostess hai 2 din baad anne wali hai,actually usski new shadi hui hai issliye ussne leave le rakhi hai.TANISHA ka sudhir ke flat me khub anna jana laga rahta ,kabhi usski...
Christina was carried into a more closed space, undoubtedly a corridor, which had some sort of carpeting that muffled her captor’s steps. Master George stopped and rummaged around in his pocket, then withdrew his hand. Presently she heard a key turn heavily and reluctantly in a lock, and another massive door swung open. This room seemed to be more dimly lighted than the rest of the house, and the light did not come from directly overhead, but in a consistent glow from all sides. It was more...
Lessons Learned: Modern Dance By Shawna Stimple Michael awoke around noon, to the smell of bacon wafting through the house. At first he was startled by the weight of his head, until he remembered his previous days adventures. Rolling out of bed, he noticed a little silk blue robe that matched his nightgown. "When in Rome..." he thought, as he slipped on the skimpy cover. In the kitchen Millie was slaving away, preparing breakfast. She turned towards him, grinning ear to ear, as she...
Hellooo dosto mein aapka rohan phir se hazir huunn mene apni pichli story mein aapko bataya ki kaise mene apni bhabhi ko choda or wo bhi modern banake. Or is baar mein aapke liye leke aaya huunn ki kaise men apn badi behen ko bulake usse goa mein choda. Aap saabne to meri last story padi heee hai usdin sex ke baad hum wapas hotel gaye or shaam tak bhabhi or mein saath mein the mere room mein humne bath kiya or humne tub mein sex kiya or phir mene room mein hookah mangaya or hum dono hookah pee...
Hiii dosto mujhe aapke mail mile or mein abhi apni agla par pesh kar rha huuunnnn jaroor padna……phir mein subah 9 baje utha fresh hokar breakfast kiya or phir mein wapas apne room mein chala gaya phir 11 baje mujhe bhabhi ka call aaya ki mere room mein aaaoooo. To phir jaise hi mein bhabhi ke room mein pohcha to bhabhi ne darwaja khola or mein jaise hiii andar gaya bhabhi ne mujhe hug kiya or mujhe chick par kiss kiya or kaha ki thankyu rohan aaj tak tumahre bhaiya kabhi itne khush nhi hue the....
Modern Succubus Chapter 1 I made a mistake. Not like a little mistake either, more like the kind of mistake that could potentially end the world. Don't believe me? Well, I'd better start from the beginning My name is Craig, and I'm pretty much a nobody. Dropped out of school at the age of 16, ran away from home and I've been living on the streets ever since. Figuratively speaking, that is. I'm not quite homeless, I have a decent apartment in the city. I make money with odd jobs,...
A Modern Succubus: Chapter 2 I must have lain there for an hour, caressing myself and feeling this new-formed girl lap away at my new-formed pussy. It was absolutely perfect, but something was nagging at me. It all seemed... well, too perfect. I couldn't understand how I was taking this all so calmly. "That's enough," I stated, pushing her off of me and standing up. She just kneeled there, staring at me like a sad puppy, looking especially confused in her now oversized...
A Modern Romance Some people spend years trying to figure out where their particular kinks come from. They spend years in therapy searching their memory for a particular redhead or a half-forgotten TV show in which a villainess wore shiny, shiny gloves. They pay hypnotherapists to reignite their earliest pre-pubescent sparks of desire and cross reference them in Freud or Jung or else wade through scientific papers full of ambiguous brain scans and experimental data trying to untangle...
Modern Day Slave – Part 1: Typical Work Day In the morning i wake an hour early so that i enjoy the privilege of preparing You breakfast. i ensure Your clothes are prepared for You, and Your shoes shine before i leave for work. You have generously left me my daily allowance on the counter. If not for Your discipline, i would foolishly squander all my earnings which can now be used better to serve You. During the workday, You lovingly send me text messages. In the morning it is a list of errands...
Being a sissy slave for child hood friend Timothy Lynx was a harsh cruel reality Being a sissy slave for child hood enemy Timothy Lynx was a harsh cruel reality. Brittany formerly known as Brian had been under the supervision of Timothy for six months now. Living in the bleak mountainous area of North America, there was little room for escape. The vast baron land that encircled the mansion stretched for miles. Brittany had tried with all her courage to escape, though plans had been...
????????????????????????????????? A Modern Day Lawyer=s Crucifixion This is a sick twisted story that is NOT based on any real persons, places or events so if they find his bloody crucified body and my sperm in his nasty wife it was NOT me.? I repeat, I am? innocent so you can suck me. ?You may read this story ONLY if you are above the age of 18, and of sound mind such that you are extremely unlikely to go kill your dirty crooked fuck-it-all-up-lawyer by absorbing a work of...
Mai ek ladkiyo ke mamle me orthodox pariwar se hun.hum log jaipur ke ek medium class ghar me rehte hain.mai 21 saal ka hun .mere pariwar me mom dad aur bahan lata hai 20 saal ki.mera ek proffessional college me pichle saal selection ho gaya tha aur maine bahar ki duniya ke sare maje pehle hi saal me le liye.par lata english me b.a. Kar rahi hai woh bhi sirf exams deke.woh mujhe dekhti thi mod rehte hue aur aas pas ki ladkiyo ko bhi jeans wagarah pehnte hue.par uspe mom n dad ki bahut pabandia...