A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 5 - MichelleChapter 46: Boston Legal Systems free porn video

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January 13, 1992, Chicago, Illinois

“Good morning,” I said. “On the phone, we have the five members of the Board of Directors, as well as Jamie Ferguson and Matt Kern of Allen & Baker. We also have Mr. Samuel Shapiro, of Shapiro/Gleason in Boston. In the office with me, I have Elyse Clarke, Kimmy Bradford, and Jeri Lundgren.”

“Welcome everyone,” Joyce said. “I call the Board to order. It’s your meeting, Steve.”

“Thanks, Joyce. I’m sorry for the short-notice meeting, and I extend my apologies for being unable to share the agenda in advance, but I think you’ll understand why. If not, I’m available for whatever beatings you might wish to administer, or, in Karl’s case, hanging me from a yardarm.”

Karl laughed, “I don’t think we hang people from yardarms these days!”

“Good to know!” I chuckled. “The reason we are all on the call, is that late on Friday, Arthur Drake, President of BLS, and I, for NIKA Consulting, signed a binding asset purchase agreement, pending Board approval, whereby NIKA will buy all software, licenses, and customer accounts from BLS, with effect March 1, 1992.”

“Jesus,” Beth whispered.

“Damn!” Al exclaimed.

“Mr. Kern is here as our M&A advisor, Mr. Shapiro is here representing BLS, and Miss Lundgren is here as she’s providing the financing.”

“Son?” my dad inquired, leaving the question hanging.

“After reviewing the financials, I don’t want to deplete our reserves, nor do I want to tap into our credit line. I also don’t want structured payments to the BLS founders. I prefer to simply shake hands, give them a check, and be done. Jeri offered to finance this for us, without requiring any equity, or explicit collateral. Jamie reviewed the financing agreement and he’s satisfied that it’s in order. In effect, she has first claim on NIKA’s assets as primary creditor, should we fail to repay. The only exception would be paying off the mortgage on the building, which is explicitly pledged as collateral to the bank. Elyse, do you want to say something?”

“Yes. The interest rate and repayment terms are very favorable. I checked with Bruce Grady, and the agreement provides sufficient consideration for the IRS to accept it as a loan. No lien would need to be filed. She could, of course, seek a lien if it were necessary, based on provisions in the agreement. Based on my financial projections, we’ll be able to satisfy her note within two years, rather than the five-year term. There are no prepayment penalties. As Steve said, it’s very favorable.”

“Thank you,” Joyce said. “I’m assuming there’s a question to be called?”

“I think we need some details of the deal first, don’t you?” my dad asked.

“Technically, we could call the question and cover that under discussion, but we’re conducting today’s meeting informally, so Robert’s Rules don’t apply.”

“Let me explain the terms,” Mr. Kern said. “And Mr. Shapiro, please jump in if you think I’m misrepresenting anything.”

He went on to explain the terms, including how much we’d pay to eliminate all of the debt BLS had taken on, how much we’d pay to each of the founders, and exactly what we’d get in return.

“Just one point,” Mr. Shapiro said. “While you wouldn’t take on any of the corporate liability, you do have a liability to the customers to fulfill the support contracts which extend through the end of the year. That’s made explicit in the agreement.”

“Yes, Sam, I’m sorry,” Mr. Kern said. “I should have made that clear.”

“We’re not purchasing anything but the software and customers?” My dad inquired. “No equipment? No staff? And we’d have no obligations to any of them?”

“Correct on the purchase terms and obligations,” Jamie said. “Steve, do you want to expand on my answer to the staff question?”

“Once this meeting is completed,” I said, “assuming I have approval, I’ll make plans for Cindi, Jeri, Sam, and myself to fly out to Boston. I already have our travel agent looking at options. We’ll interview the staff, and Jeri, Sam, and I will review their software, while Cindi reviews all of the customer records. We’ll decide which staff to retain. Most likely, two support people and one programmer. We will not, under any circumstances, extend an offer to Jefferson Greene.”

“Except for a cigarette before his firing squad,” Beth laughed.

“Spoken like a true programmer,” I chuckled. “Penny had a similar idea, though I think she’d dispense with the cigarette. In any event, everyone else would still work for BLS, and it would be up to BLS how to handle them.”

“When will this be announced?” Al asked.

“To our staff, at our regular Monday staff meeting, though everyone will attend today, not just the managers and executives. That means at 10:00am our time to ensure our California team is available.”

“And to BLS at a company lunch today at noon,” Sam said.

“There’s a one hour discrepancy there,” Karl observed. “Is that an issue?”

“There are no contacts between the firms of which I’m aware,” I said. “So it shouldn’t be an issue. We’ll put out a joint press release just before close of business in Boston today. BLS already has plans to fax notices to their customers. They’ve also agreed to continue normal operations until March 1st, though they can wind down certain parts of the company before then with our approval.”

“It sounds as if you have this all mapped out,” Al said.

“Thank Mr. Kern and Mr. Shapiro,” I said. “They did all the hard work.”

“And the lawsuits?” Karl asked.

“Will be dismissed, today, with prejudice, between NIKA and BLS,” Jamie said. “Mr. Shapiro and I will file the necessary motions and notices of no contest this morning. Mr. Shapiro will work with Nelson, Reed, and Pulver tomorrow to do the same thing.”

“Is Nelson aware of this deal?” Joyce asked.

“Only their managing partner,” Mr. Shapiro said. “He has no objections, but needs to inform his partners before they find out by me dismissing the suit. That’s why the short delay.”

“Please tell me if I’m not allowed to ask this,” Al said. “But how are you being paid, Mr. Shapiro?”

“We submitted an invoice to BLS on Friday evening. That is one of the liabilities of the corporation that will be paid from the proceeds of the sale.”

“And that number was agreed by us,” Mr. Kern said. “The fees are reasonable and customary.”

“Yeah, for sharks!” I chuckled.

There was general laughter.

“Sam, I’m sorry,” Jamie said. “Mr. Adams has a blind spot in his extreme capitalism when it comes to paying lawyers!”

“Show me someone who doesn’t!” Sam Shapiro laughed, and everyone else joined in.

“Is there any other discussion?” Joyce asked when the laughter died down.

“If I may,” Al said. “Miss Lundgren, are you sure this is wise, given that you work for NIKA?”

“I don’t know, Doctor Barton, is it wise to put my boss on the Board of my Foundation?”

There were several surprised gasps.

“Steve?” Joyce asked, incredulous. “Is she serious?”

“That she is,” I said with a grin Joyce couldn’t see. “She sent out a press release to that effect Wednesday morning. It’s been in all the papers!”

“But you? As private as you are?” Joyce protested.

“You missed the events of the last two weeks. My wife decided to make a public donation to a new crisis counseling center at the hospital for which Bethany will serve as first director. That kind of made a mess of my desire to stay private. I even gave a couple of interviews.”

“Steve,” Jamie said. “I think we can have the lawyers hang up and stop charging you!”

“Yes, please! I believe the board will approve the plans. If we have questions, we’ll call.”

They hung up, and the conference call continued.

“Interviews?” Joyce asked. “Wait? Bethany? Hang on!”

“We can take all that later,” I said. “I’d like someone to call the question.”

“I move we approve the terms of the buyout agreement with BLS,” Beth said excitedly.

“Second!” Al said.

“Any further discussion?” Joyce asked.

There was none, so she called the question. Unsurprisingly, it passed 5-0.

“Now that we have THAT out of the way, spill!” Joyce demanded.

“I think I’ll hang up,” Al chuckled. “I already know all of this!”

“Me, too,” Karl said. “Steve told us about the Foundation and the interviews at Guys’ Night.”

They hung up, leaving my dad, Joyce, and Beth on the phone. I quickly ran through the events to the complete astonishment of Joyce and Beth. My dad, through a few comments, indicated he wasn’t surprised. And that didn’t surprise me, either.

“Jeri, how did you talk him into serving on the board of such a left-wing group?” Joyce asked.

Jeri laughed, “The NEW Lundgren Foundation is not going to be left-wing. Bethany’s crisis center is our first non-political endowment in a long time. Steve even got one of his ‘nuke them until they glow’ conservative friends to donate to the center! I’m sure I’ll lose plenty of votes along the way, but with Steve at my side, and with me taking over full control of the Foundation on January 1, 2005, all those silly left-wing causes will eventually be done. Hospitals, clinics, food pantries, housing. All apolitical. All designed to directly help people in need.”

“How did Bethany get appointed as first director?” Beth asked.

I took that question.

“She and Jessica hatched the plan, and then Bethany wrote the proposal. When Jeri read it, she decided Bethany was the perfect person for the job, called her, and offered it to her. I only found out at the announcement.”

“Typical!” my dad laughed. “The women always scheme behind your back. Though if you complain about it, I might have to come up to Chicago and knock some sense into you!”

I laughed, “I hear you. But I assumed CEO duties for the family just as I did NIKA, so that kind of scheming is over and done with.”

“It’s about damned time!” Joyce said.

“You too?” I chuckled. “That’s what Elyse said.”

“My grandfather tried to teach you that YEARS ago. I suspect he’s smiling in heaven with his cigar and glass of anisette right about now.”

“Let us know if you need anything, Son.”

“Will do.”

We hung up the call.

“Steve, if you need a personal assistant for your new corporation, I’m available!” Kimmy said sexily.

“That rock on your finger says otherwise!” I chuckled.

“Then perhaps you should stop undressing me with your eyes every time I leave your office!”

“Kimmy...” Elyse warned.

Jeri laughed, “I think she’s on to something. I say we call Tasha and Penny in and give him some VERY personal assistance!”

“Jeri!” Elyse hissed.

“Forget it, Elyse,” Jeri said. “I know. The other girls know. You know. You just didn’t know we all know! I mean, I could go further and invite Julia and Charlie in as well! Cindi never got it, so she can’t be invited!”

“But how?” Elyse asked.

“We’re smarter than he is!” Jeri laughed. “And some of that is public, anyway.”

“But why reveal what you did?”

“Reveal? Kimmy knew. Well, she figured it out. And Penny had a suspicion. And you knew. Do you really think ANY of us are going to say one word about this? No way!”

“I don’t know why I was surprised to find out that you know,” Elyse said.

“So, about that ‘personal assistance’?” I grinned.

“Fat chance, Mr. Adams,” Elyse replied. “The rule about staff applies to everyone but me, and I’m grandmothered in!”

“Not yet! You have a few years to go before you’re a grandmother!”

“Smart ass! We need to prepare for the staff meeting.”

“I think Steve has a staff!” Kimmy teased.

“Not in the office, Kimmy,” Elyse said firmly. “The same goes for you, Jeri. I know you aren’t in my chain of command, but we can’t tease like that here.”

“Sorry,” Kimmy said, chagrined.

“Sorry I brought it up,” Jeri said. “I shouldn’t have.”

“You’re just no fun,” I muttered under my breath, just as Penny did to me.

Elyse laughed and we left the conference room. I went to her office to go over the reports we’d cover at the staff meeting, as well as put together a ‘Fact Sheet’ on the BLS deal to give to Cindi and her team. We called Kimmy in a bit later to ask her to speak with Barney at the travel agency and confirm our travel plans.

Just before 10:00am, I called the leadership team into the small conference room and broke the news to them. Both Cindi and Julia were completely flabbergasted. Dave’s reaction showed that he already knew, which drew a quick look between him and Julia that I knew meant a conversation later.

“Who gets the privilege of firing Jefferson?” Julia asked.

“Someone from BLS. We’re not taking their employees en masse. Just a couple of support people and one programmer.”

“Are we moving them here?” Cindi asked.

“I think for the two support people, we’ll give them their choice of Pittsburgh, Chicago, or LA. Obviously, if they decide on Pittsburgh, we’d have to extend our phone system there, but we’d planned to do that by the end of this year anyway. It’s already budgeted. The programmer, yes, they’d have to move to Chicago. In each case, they get a relocation package, and a special, one-time bonus which will be significant, but only paid if they stay two full years.”

“And I get to pick from all their people?” Cindi asked.

“Yes. They’ll bring the support staff to Boston from their remote offices to meet us. My rough guess is we’ll need two. We’ll figure it out as time goes on, but we want to start a project to convert them to our system as quickly as possible. You’ll need to start working on those details, Cindi. I’m guessing we’ll chew up a bunch of time from consultants to get us over the workload hump. Work with Julia on that.”

“What about the programmer?” Julia asked.

“Sam and I are going to do the interviewing. Jeri will be doing code review, and Sam will help with that, too, just as I’ll help Cindi with the customer review. This programmer will more or less be on a special project for the next eighteen months, supporting the current user base. They’ll work directly for Cindi, then, when the time comes, transition to Zo’s team.”

“For me?” Cindi asked.

“You’re the one who’ll decide what changes should be made to best support the BLS software. I don’t want Dave to take his eyes off the ball with regard to his goals. I spoke to him and he’s cool with that.”

“I guess that does make sense. We’ll need to cross-train the BLS people at some point.”

“They’ll be pretty busy, I think. According to the staffing list, they have five support people now. We’re taking that down to two.”

“And sales?”

“Do you need more sales reps?”

“No. We’re all busy, but not so busy that we’re losing deals. And we get plenty of consulting referrals from Charlie’s team and the folks doing Novell, cc:Mail, Windows, and Mac support.”

“That answers your question. We don’t need their accounting folks, and it would be silly to relocate them if we did. Any outstanding invoices are theirs to collect. We’ll begin billing the customers at our normal rates when their support contracts expire. Some of them are on monthly contracts, others annual. We’ll see a small, but growing, revenue stream from that in March. They have to keep their operations going until March 1st, though they can end things earlier if we agree. They can obviously terminate any non-essential personnel, but they still have to get our approval.”

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June 15, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “That’s everything, I think,” I said. “My luggage is in the trunk of the car, I have my passport, tickets, and money, both dollars and yen. I can’t think of anything else.” “I’ll see you in five weeks,” Elyse said, giving me a quick hug. “Did you see they rioted in Vancouver last night because they lost the Stanley Cup?” I chuckled, “Only Canadians would riot when they LOSE the Cup! I did see that on the front page of the Trib. Are we ready?” “Michelle and...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 5 Housemates

August 1981, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, I made my usual call to Karin. I described everything in the apartment and all the things I’d done during the week, including the reception. Both of us would start school in a week and we were both looking forward to it. When we finished talking, I went out for my run, showered, and ate breakfast. I made some tea, started a load of laundry, and then turned on the stereo. I put on an REO Speedwagon album and then relaxed on the couch with the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 63 Back to Work

August 21, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Unbelievable,” I said when I read the headline from the Chicago Tribune. “It says here that Solidarity activist Tadeusz Mazowiecki was nominated to be Prime Minister of Poland.” I hadn’t had a chance to read the paper on Sunday because it hadn’t been delivered before we left for the race track in Michigan. “So now what?” Kara asked. “We’re in totally uncharted territory. Your guess is as good as anyone’s right about now.” “Steve, do you have a minute?”...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 36 My Lifes Journey

July, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I woke up early on the First of July, because my body clock was still set to Swedish time. The flight back had been long but uneventful, and I was happy that the businessman in the seat next to me hadn’t wanted to talk. I read, wrote some longhand journal entries, ate, and generally relaxed while the plane zipped over the Atlantic. I’d come home, taken a sauna, eaten a light meal, and gone straight to bed, not bothering to check messages, look at the mail that...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 4 Calm Before the Storm

June 1977 When I got home, I grabbed a Coke and some chips and went right to my room. I didn’t think I could deal with my parents or Jeff or Stephanie. I just needed to be by myself. That wouldn’t seem odd to anyone, because I often went to my room to read. In addition, I now had the TV I’d received for my birthday. I flipped it on to WXIX Channel 19 and reruns of Gilligan’s Island and Green Acres played in the background while I read. I had to get my mind clear for the final exams that...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 20 The Winds of Change

July, 1982, Milford, Ohio I woke up early on Friday morning to make breakfast for Kara and her mom before she went to work. Mrs. Blanchard was surprised, but very pleased. After her mom left for work, Kara gave me a fierce kiss. “Thanks for staying in and cooking breakfast for us,” Kara said. “I hope that doesn’t cause you trouble with Stephanie, with you breaking your normal routine.” “Don’t worry about it,” I said, kissing her back. “We got in a bit later than I expected, and she’ll...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 38 Jennifer

July, 1983, Chicago, Illinois After Rosie left, I stripped the sheets from my bed, as well as the cover of the duvet, and tossed everything into the washing machine. I lit a lavender candle in the room, and then swept and dusted. I did a quick spot-check of the rest of the house and noticed that the tub in the sauna needed to be cleaned. I scrubbed it, then mopped the sauna floor with a damp sponge mop. I finished cleaning the sauna about the time the washing machine finished, so I moved...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 64 Pull the Other One

May 26, 1991, Iron Mountain, Michigan “Shall we see if we can find a farm?” I asked at breakfast on Sunday morning. “That sounds like a great idea,” Jessica said. “There’s a visitor’s bureau in town,” Kara said. “I saw it when we were here the first time.” “I’m sorry I ruined that vacation,” Jessica said. “Ruined?” I protested. “Are you kidding? Getting you back was way more important than a few days of vacation!” “I agree,” Kara added. “Jess, you know exactly how bad off Steve was...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 59 New Friends

August, 1984, Chicago, Illinois The rest of the week proceeded as expected - class on Wednesday, as well as the usual visit from Penny, work on Thursday, and class on Friday. Kara and I had lunch together at IIT, Sofia practiced her driving and parking, and I hung out with Mark Agnini after class for beers. Staci and I got into a couple of interesting debates about the Old Testament that Mark had to break up to allow others in the class to participate. She was very much of the ‘directly...

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Bird SongChapter 25 Legal or illegal

Jamie was keen to hook up with the Ambassador, Sir David Manning as quickly as possible after his coronation. The sooner the diplomatic efforts to release the expats began the better. He brought the helicopter in to land at Skibo and mentally stopped himself from rushing through the shut down procedures. Once he had completed what he had to do, he jumped down onto Skibo's rapidly growing lawns and joined his sister and Debbie and Christine. Stuart had remained at Dreghorn to review how...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 7 Reaching the Peak

March 25, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “What time do I need to have you home?” “8:00pm will be fine,” Misty replied. “My parents are in Normal visiting my brother at Illinois State. They aren’t supposed to be home before 10:00pm.” Misty and I were in my car on the way to the NIKA apartment which, fortunately, was not being used. With our expansion, it was in more or less regular use, and that meant I didn’t have access to it as often as I would have liked. I was glad there had been a delay in...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 20 It Happened One Night

January 17, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “What time do you have to leave this morning?” Kara asked as we showered together on Tuesday morning. “About 8:30am,” I said. “I’m driving over to get Jeri, then heading to O’Hare. We have an 11:00am flight. Assuming all goes well, we’ll be in the office by 3:00pm Pacific time. We’ll spend a couple hours going over the software then go to dinner. The demo is tomorrow. Our flight back on Thursday leaves LA at 11:00am, so we’ll be home by 8:00pm, I...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 7 Setting the Course of My Life

June 1977 Friday ended up being a non-event. The more I thought about it, the more I was sure that there was no way on this earth I could say what happened between Birgit and me was a sin. Calling it a sin would debase it into a meaningless act. I could never do that. And the more I thought about Jennie McGrath, the more sure I was that I couldn’t call what she did for me a sin, either. If the church was right, I was going to hell. And frankly, there was no way that could be true. So I...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 32 Still Together

July 22, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Albert, do you have everything packed?” Mom asked. “Yes, Mom!” I replied, rolling my eyes because she’d asked before I went to bed. “He’ll be fine, Babe,” Dad said. “Let’s walk to the hospital.” I usually didn’t get up early, but Dad had suggested it would help Mom if I walked to the hospital with her because I was leaving to see Jane for three weeks. Mom, Dad, Aunt Kara and I left the house and headed down the sidewalk towards the hospital where Mom and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 79 The Last Risk Of Freeze

May 14, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Start talking!” Melanie demanded when I sat down in her office about an hour later. “There isn’t much to say. Katya found the information for me when I asked her to look into several things about Brandon Littleton, Kevin Lomax, and John Milton.” “Do you know more about him?” “A LOT more. I don’t think you want to know.” “Probably not, but I’m your criminal defense attorney, and even though San Antonio doesn’t have you involved in this, you know the CPD...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 28 Live at the Lifesaver

“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 77 Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Part I

May 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois Monday was turning out to be a LONG day. After my run and talk with Gina, and my talk with Elyse, I had a full day at the office scheduled. First was our leadership meeting in the morning, and then I had status meetings with each team. At lunch I’d gone to see Siobhán and explained that I was going to break off the sexual relationship, but that I wanted to remain friends. She was disappointed, but admitted that Thursday would have been the last time, since she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 23 So Now You Turn Back Into Diana Prince

January 19, 1989, En-Route from LAX to ORD When the engines of the plane started, Jeri reached over and took my hand. She held it while we pushed away from the gate, and taxied for takeoff. Her grip tightened a bit as we hurtled down the runway, but nothing like the death grip she’d had on my arm for the flight out. The plane roared its way into the air and once we leveled out, Jeri’s grip loosened but she didn’t let go of my hand. “How are you doing?” I asked with a touch of...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 34 Old Routines and New Ideas

September 1982, Chicago, Illinois The weekend was quiet and besides homework, I worked on the program changes for Frank, called Karin, Tatyana, and Kara, and hung out with my usual study group. Monday was refreshingly normal. On Tuesday morning, I handed Katy my completed intake form. She put it in an envelope and stuck it in her bag. She said she’d let me know soon about the interview. On Tuesday afternoon, after having lunch with Stephie, I made my rounds and then I headed over to Sigma...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 35 An Interview and Some New Friends

October 1982, Chicago, Illinois The drive back to Chicago was as uneventful as usual, and I arrived at the apartment just before 6:00pm. When I arrived, Elyse and Stephie were sitting on the couch and Jackie was sitting on the loveseat. Stephie hopped up as I opened the door and greeted me with a hug and a kiss. “Hi, Peaches!” I said. “Glad you’re home, Yankee!” “Hi, Steve,” Elyse and Jackie both said. “Hey,” I replied. “How was the weekend?” “Well, it was just Kurt with me, Stephie,...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 52 Lifestyle Choices

June 11, 1989, Chicago, Illinois It was just after 3:00am when I kissed Trish goodbye. She’d been an enthusiastic, energetic, and adventurous lover. We’d done just about anything either of us could think of, though her breasts weren’t large enough for a tit-fuck. The last time had been in the shower where we’d ostensibly gone to clean up afterwards, but instead I ended up taking her from behind as she leaned against the wall of the shower. “I think I’ll have you again, Steve Adams,” she...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 38 Freshman Year Ends

May 1978 The first couple of weeks in May were busy with school, work, and friends. Except for Becky, I didn’t even have any dates. But I was OK with that. Well, almost OK. I wanted to see Anna, but it likely wasn’t going to happen until school was out. I had tutoring sessions with Melanie, but she still wouldn’t talk to me about anything other than Spanish. Barely a hello. I was grateful for the tutoring, but it was maddening seeing my friend this way. I hoped someday she could understand...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 44 Spring Break 1982 Part I

March, 1982, Milford, Ohio As I drove along I-65, I thought about what Stephanie had asked for and what Bethany had said without even knowing about the request. Of course, because Bethany and I were so in tune, she might have actually had an idea that I was struggling with getting involved with my sister again. I kept turning it over and over in my mind and I kept coming to the same conclusion — that I shouldn’t do it. I was torn between doing what Stephanie wanted and doing what Kara and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 21 Georg and Maria

September 7, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “That went reasonably well,” Michelle said when her parents drove off. “There were a few times I thought my expression would give away something I shouldn’t. You were messing with me, weren’t you?” She grabbed both my hands and smiled, “I was telling the truth, in my own way. Thank you!” She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “So, what’s left?” I asked. “To visit UofC tomorrow and formally withdraw from classes. To spend some time with you and your...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 14 A Southern Belle a Surprise Proposal two Cheerleaders an Old Flame and a Girl Back Home Part I

October 1981, Chicago, Illinois I arrived back at the apartment just before 10:00pm and saw the address for the party. I decided I wasn’t particularly interested in going so I put on some music, poured myself a glass of wine, and started reading more about Russia. I was alternating between the history and culture book and the Communist Party book, decided on the history and culture book for this time. I didn’t get much reading done because I was thinking about Tatyana, which led me to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 38 And Sometimes It Stinks To Be Big

January 23, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Father, bless!” I said, greeting Father Basil with upturned palms. “Bless you, Stephen,” he said as I kissed his hand. The waiter showed us to a quiet table along the wall of Roditys in Greektown. He took our drink orders and was back quickly. We placed our food orders right away and he left to put them in with the kitchen. “I’m not quite sure how to address this, so I’m just going to ask you bluntly. Are you the father of Michelle’s baby?” I shook my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 68 The Rules

June 29, 1995, Chicago, Illinois On Thursday, I finally had lunch with Melissa again, something I hadn’t been looking forward to. Much like with Cèlia, Melissa and I had passed an inflection point and I was left with sub-optimal paths forward. I’d been struggling with the possible solutions, and all of them had pitfalls. When I walked into Takumi, I had something of a plan. Whether it was good or not would only be known once everything played out. “I spoke to my wives,” I said after we’d...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 73 Hypothetical Questions

December 5, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “I had a good time last night,” I said. “I was surprised you invited a friend!” Mary laughed as we walked into the exam room, “Naomi had a good time as well. You know what a Resident’s life is like.” I nodded, “No social life.” “Exactly. You guys seemed to hit it off pretty well.” “Yes, but I’m not here for that!” “You’re everywhere for that, and you know it!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s just say that you hit the sweet spot -...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 2 Barely Legal

Ty and Dave made copies of the disk that Jason Riggs had given them, and then parsed up the work of microscopically reviewing the million words that made up the foundation documents for the cohousing project. The group met again on Friday night, not to socialize, but to discuss their reviews of the several hundred pages of boring administrative text. Christie and Alice had taken on the sections in the various documents dealing with membership, induction, expulsion, and such. When their turn...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 25 The Puzzle and the Cat Part II

March 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden I woke early as usual, but just enjoyed being in bed with Katt. When she woke, she hopped out of bed and pulled a robe out of her closet and handed it to me. “There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. Go have your shower, then we’ll have breakfast after I have my shower.” I quickly showered and brushed my teeth, and went back to Katt’s room. She went to shower and came back a few minutes later. She dressed, and I got a very good look at her sexy body...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 74 A Whimper Not A Bang

April 5, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You missed cuddles this morning!” Birgit said accusingly when I walked into the house about 9:30am. “I know, Pumpkin, but I had a work emergency and had to go see Aunt Joyce and Grandpa A.” “And now we have to get ready for karate!” “I know. We’ll have some family time this afternoon. I don’t have any plans.” “Good!” I hugged her and the rest of the kids, then went to find Kara. We hugged and kissed, and went straight upstairs to get ready for...

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