A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 5 - MichelleChapter 54: Kajri Cooke free porn video

February 1, 1992, Chicago, Illinois
“Pull up to the valet,” Kajri said as I crossed Goethe Street.
I did as she asked. She reached into her purse and handed me a guest parking card for the building. I handed it to the valet and we went up to the doorman.
“Miss Cooke and Mr. Adams to see Miss Lundgren,” Kajri said. “She said we don’t need to be announced.”
“You’re on her list,” the doorman said, consulting a small leather-bound notebook.
He opened the door for us, then walked us to the elevator. He inserted a key card and then pressed the button for the 28th floor. He stepped out and the elevator doors closed. The elevator silently whisked us upwards, opening onto a wide lobby with three doors. Kajri pointed, I turned left, and she handed me the key. I inserted it into the lock and turned it, then opened the door. We went inside, took off our coats and hats, then removed our shoes and left them by the door.
As Howard had described, there was tasteful artwork on the walls, and it was obvious this was the apartment of a very well-to-do young woman. In the entryway, on a small table, was an obviously professional portrait of Howard in his dress whites, and Jeri in a blue formal gown, in a gilded frame. When we walked into the main room, I was blown away by the gorgeous view of Lake Michigan through windows which stretched across the entire wall, broken only by thin separators between the panes of glass, and a nearly invisible sliding door that led to the balcony.
“Wow!” I gasped.
“Never been here before?” she asked.
“No. I obviously knew where the building was, but she’d never invited me up.”
“She invited me over a few times, and I was here earlier today.”
“She didn’t want Howard to know, so I came this morning and changed the sheets. And put the champagne on ice.”
“A gift from Jeri! Along with fresh strawberries. There’s a note for you on the dining table.”
I walked across the great room to a large dining table with ten chairs, and picked up a folded note. I read it and just shook my head.
“Is she joking?” I asked.
“No! She’s deadly serious!”
I laughed, “OK. I need to call home and let them know where I am.”
“I understand!” she said. “Want a drink? There’s a fully stocked bar. Top shelf bourbon, neat, right?”
I chuckled, “I am absolutely going to kill her! Yes.”
I took a quick tour of the rest of the condo. The kitchen was small, but well equipped. There was a small, cozy sitting room, and a very large master bedroom with a huge four-poster bed. On the bed were two folded black silk robes, one with an ‘S’ on it and one with a ‘K’. I shook my head and shut the door to the bedroom. I picked up the ‘Princess’ phone and dialed my private number, knowing that Jessica or Kara would answer. It was Jessica who did.
“I’m being schooled,” I chuckled.
“What are you talking about, Tiger?”
“Miss Lundgren is teaching me a lesson about what HER world is like. She and Howard flew to New York City on a friend’s private jet. She gave Kajri the key to her condo which has artwork that would burn through about three years of our trio’s combined salaries, if I’m appraising it correctly. She left a bottle of Bollinger that has to cost at least a couple of hundred dollars, and arranged for a freakin’ private chef to come to the condo and cook for us! And the view? Lake Michigan. Holy crap!”
Jessica laughed, “I assume we’ll see you in the morning?”
“Yes. The note from Miss Lundgren threatened me with severe bodily harm if Kajri did not report back that she’d had, and I quote, ‘the most amazing sexual experience known to woman’ before I took her home.”
“I thought YOU were the CEO, Tiger!” Jessica laughed.
“I told Doctor Mercer that Jeri and I were sparring with regard to power. I think she’s making her point quite forcefully. That said, I have my own weapons in this little power struggle. I’m guessing you and I will get similar treatment for the gala. I wager she’ll send a stretch limo to pick us up, just to start with!”
“What’s her end goal? Not to sleep with you again?”
“No,” I chuckled. “That was the handshake that sealed the business arrangement. She wants me to walk in her circles and help her conquer the world. To do that, I have to understand her circles. I do believe that’s part of what this is about. The thought crossed my mind that Kajri was a prop, but I’m not sure about that. I do aim to find out.”
“And do what?”
“If she’s a prop? Not a damned thing. If she’s real? No problem. If she’s one of Jeri’s games? Forget it.”
“Why are you suspicious?”
“Doesn’t it seem just a bit too ‘pat’? And you didn’t hear Kajri when we came in offer me a drink, knowing that I like bourbon. Of course, she mentioned ‘top-shelf’ bourbon. And she’s WAY too comfortable. I was a bit curious about that after the dance, and even more so after lunch. Now? After voicing this, I’m even more suspicious. I’ll talk to her.”
“What are you going to do with Jeri if it’s a set up?”
“Two can play the same game, Babe,” I chuckled. “And with you at my side? She hasn’t got a prayer!”
“Wait? Did you just politely call me a conniving, scheming bitch?!” she said in mock outrage.
“No, you just did!” I chuckled. “I simply meant she’s no match for our devious minds!”
“Well, Tiger. I hope you get to enjoy yourself!”
“Actually, I will either way. Though I do have a strong preference for which way!”
“Of course you do!”
“I love you, Babe. Tell Kara I said I love her!”
“I will. We both love you!”
I hung up and went back to the great room. Kajri had turned on music and had a glass of bourbon waiting for me. She had what looked like a gin and tonic for herself. I accepted the drink, we clinked our glasses and each sipped our drinks. I pointed to the loveseat and we sat down, with Kajri sitting close, then pulling up her legs and putting them across mine.
“How long have you two been plotting this?” I asked with a friendly smile.
“You mean this?”
“The whole thing.”
“Well, we met at the Windows Users’ Group, just as she said. That was back in September, I guess. We hit it off and maybe a month later she had me over for dinner. You can imagine my reaction! My dad is a literature professor and has a nice, small comfortable house in London. I wasn’t prepared for this. I guess it was November when she invited me to dinner with her and Howard, and told me to bring a date. I explained I didn’t date and that’s when we got to talking about my past.”
“And all of that is true? What you told me?”
“Yes! You thought I was lying?”
“Well, you seemed to get very comfortable and very self-confident with me which seemed to belie the story I was being told.”
“I get along really well with people,” Kajri said. “It’s just in relation to parties, guys, and sex that I had problems. You know, ‘cause of my history. Jeri promised you weren’t like those guys and suggested I come to your party. I hate parties, though yours was nice. Nobody pissed and trying to paw me. You were so sweet when you danced with me, even though I stepped on your toes. Then the second dance, when you held me, it was different. You weren’t all over me, even though we danced close. Do you get me?”
“I do,” I said with a nod.
“Well, Jeri pointed out when you ran off with that tiny little girl who I could have that if I asked you. But I was mortified! You were nice and sweet, but I couldn’t imagine doing what that girl did. Asking you for a shag right in front of your wives and friends!”
“That I totally understand!”
“After your party Jeri and I talked and she said she’d told you what she wanted you to do, and she asked if I wanted it. I wasn’t sure, but decided I could always change my mind.”
“Yes,” I said. “At any point. And I mean that.”
She smiled, “Jeri said you were like that. Anyway, she told me about the test, which I totally understand. And said I should tell you about the first two times I tried to have sex.”
“Tried?” I asked.
“The first time, when I was sixteen, he came before he got it in me. You know all over the outside. The second time, the guy was so drunk he couldn’t get hard enough to get it in me. I’ve never been penetrated.”
I was glad I wasn’t sipping my bourbon because I either would have choked on it or spit it out.
“Uh, that’s kind of a different story.”
“Is it? I mean the first guy had his mouth on me, though it didn’t get me going. And I grabbed his thing and rubbed it. The second guy, I tried to get him hard with my mouth. I doubt I was very good, but he was really drunk. Both guys played with my boobs and kissed them and stuff, and had their hands in my knickers beforehand.”
“Yes, but...”
“If some girl used her mouth on you, would your wife call it sex?”
That prompted an old memory of a discussion we’d once had about what constituted losing one’s virginity. We’d decided that for gay couples, there wasn’t a simple definition. And I might have just learned from Kajri that it wasn’t so simple for straight people either.
I chuckled, “Yes, I do believe she would! Do you consider yourself a virgin?”
“No. I mean, I suppose by some technical definition, sure. But I had sex, or tried to, or something. But I wouldn’t call myself a virgin. Not after a guy had his mouth and fingers on me, and I had a guy in my mouth, even if he didn’t, you know, finish. And with the first guy, I had his stuff all over me!”
“That’s an interesting perspective,” I said, nodding. “I’m not sure what I would have said if my first time had just been her mouth on me instead of actually having a shag,” I grinned and she smiled. “But I thought it was great.”
“I told you that both times were horrible, and they were. And the second guy, he said he did all kinds of things to me and I did all kind of things to him. Really disgusting stuff.”
I nodded, “To cover up for his failure. The first guy, too. They were both embarrassed and made up stories at your expense. I believe the term you used was arsehole!”
Kajri laughed, “Yes. Are you upset?”
“No, just surprised. I guess I misunderstood what you were saying.”
She shook her head, “No. I hid that on purpose. Jeri doesn’t know that last bit. I was even going to pretend with you, because I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to tell. But then I got comfortable enough to say it.”
“If you don’t have a hymen, there really is no way to tell. Especially after you had said you were mostly inexperienced.”
“But not ignorant! We actually had good sex education at my school in the UK. Not like what I hear you have in the States. They taught us about pretty much everything.”
“We’ll do whatever you want,” I said.
“You’re the expert!” she giggled. “You show me! But I do have two requests.”
“Go ahead.”
“That we soak in the hot tub first. And that sometime tonight, we bundle up and do it on the balcony.”
I chuckled, “That will be COLD, but we can try!”
“I think the important part of you will be very warm!” she said with a silly smile.
“My naughty bits?”
“Yes, you silly bugger!”
I had a retort that I wasn’t sure how she’d take, but I had to say it.
“I know how to do THAT very well, too!”
“So, then you’re going to give me the advanced course? I thought we’d start with primary school before we got to uni level!”
“If we stay the night, I think you’ll be able to pass your A-levels before you go home! If you want, that is.”
“Stay the whole night? Yes, please! But the Sunday trains only run every two hours and make every stop. Could you take me home? To Lisle?”
“Absolutely! Now, shall we finish our drinks and see about that hot tub?”
We both downed the last of our drinks and set the glasses on coasters on the coffee table in front of the loveseat. I took her hand and led her through the great room, then the sitting room, and the bedroom, to arrive it the large master bath. I turned on the tap to fill the hot tub, and set some controls I found on the wall to my left. I used warm water from the tap to ensure we could get in right away, even before it came fully up to temperature.
“It’s OK just to strip off,” Kajri said. “I have seen a naked boy before. And an erection.”
I chuckled and started removing my clothes.
“I spend way too much time naked to get random erections like that!” I grinned.
“Sorry? What?”
“Jeri probably didn’t tell you I have a sauna at my house and we use it a lot. Mixed sex. So I see a lot of naked flesh.”
“Oh. No, she didn’t!”
Both of us watched the other as we undressed and when we were naked, we both sized each other up. She smiled and winked at me. I winked back. She was quite curvy, and the few extra pounds called to mind a word my friends at Theta Xi had used for women like Kajri - plush. Or, more crudely back in High School, more cushion for the pushin’. Nothing about her said ‘fat’ in my mind. She had nice breasts that only sagged a bit, and were slightly larger than Kara’s. Even though my preference was for smaller breasts, they were indeed very nice. Kajri had a very curvy figure with wide hips, and firm legs. She was no athlete, but she wasn’t out of shape, either. I retracted my thought that she needed to lose five pounds. She didn’t.
“Beautiful!” I breathed.
“Pish-posh! You have to say that because you want me!”
I shook my head gently, “No, I mean it. Your skin tone is a near-perfect brown, your breasts are a delight, and the fact that you are shaved completely bare is a wonderful surprise!”
I had become partial to shaved, or mostly shaved pubic regions, though so long as they were trimmed, I wouldn’t complain. Both Kara and Jessica kept theirs much shorter than when we’d first married. There was only one woman on the planet I would complain about shaving, and that was Kathy! And there went my mind again!
“You are VERY fit,” she said with a smile. “Very! And buff! I see you followed American custom.”
“My parents did,” I said. “My kids aren’t circumcised.”
“I don’t know, I kind of like the way it looks that way. Of course, I can’t tell how big it is just yet!”
The tub was full, so I took Kajri’s hand and helped her in, then climbed in after her. It was a tight fit, as the tub was about two-thirds the size of mine at home, but it was by no means uncomfortable. I put my arms around Kajri and she leaned back.
“Do you have a tub like this? Or just a sauna?”
“Both,” I said, then had a thought, “I have an idea. Tomorrow, why don’t you come home with me? I have people over on alternate Sundays for a chat, what we call a Rap Session. I think you’d enjoy it. I’ll make sure you get home afterwards. You’re invited anytime going forward.”
“I’d like that,” she said, taking my hands and moving them to the opposite breast, right on left, and left on right. I squeezed gently and she giggled.
“Well?” she asked.
“Very nice,” I said. “I’ll be happy to explore them later with my lips and tongue!”
“And you can get me there with your lips and tongue?” she inquired.
“I believe I can do that!” I chuckled.
“I always wanted a guy to do that to me. It sounds so sensual. And sexy. And naughty!”
“Yes, naughty! Things your mum tells you never to do!”
“I know ALL about that,” I sighed. “Let’s leave our parents out of this, shall we?”
“Yes! You’re a very patient man. Most boys had their hands all over me as soon as we were alone, and tried to get them in my knickers immediately!”
“I thought it might be better to kiss you before I got THAT familiar!”
“Now wouldn’t THAT be naughty?” Kajri giggled. “To have you inside me before we even kissed!”
Tina Hoff! And with Tina, it wasn’t just getting inside her. I’d made love to her and cum before the first time I’d kissed her. Before ANYONE had kissed her. That had been a strange, but wonderful, experience.
“If that’s what you want! I have to say, I like the confident, sexy, you!”
“It’s you,” she said. “I feel totally comfortable. You aren’t being a git or a josser, trying to jump me the second I was naked with you.”
“Patience is a virtue,” I said. “But you’ll have to translate!”
“Annoying. A cretin. You do know what ‘jump me’ means, I hope!”
“That one is American as well!”
“If I said I was ready to get your John Thomas in my minge, would you know I what I meant?” she giggled. “Sorry, that’s a bit crude.”

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