The Job Interview
- 4 years ago
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After that there were no more ten day rest periods for me. Their cycles were too far apart. If Heather was fertile, Babs was not, and vice versa. Every guy on campus tried to get in Babs' panties, particularly after she got to strut her stuff out on the football field, or on the basketball court. She was the only Freshman on the varsity cheerleading squad. She went out with them, but she was a good Catholic girl, and she made that known right up front. She still got taken out, all year long. Guys kept hoping that her resolve would weaken. They just had no idea that her big brother, the guy who was taking care of her, was ... taking care of her. Like her sister, Babs got prick whenever she wanted it, which was often.
The toughest times were when they both wanted it the same night. That usually happened when I was house sitting for the Colonel. We had the kind of privacy there that let them both stay naked, and let all three of us sleep in the same bed. It was a little like being on a big ship in a storm. I'd roll to one side, where the waves hammered me, and my balls puked, and then I'd roll to the other side, where the same thing happened, except with a different woman.
To this day, I swear that the only reason I survived at all, was because I graduated, with honors, at the end of that year, and went on to get my Masters at another institution.
I got a double fuck, as a goodbye fuck, and graduation present. It was a Heather and Babs sandwich, with me being the meat in the middle, and I actually ached, the next morning. They both had to shower before they left, because their thighs were just wet with my semen.
When I left campus, it was if I'd never met them. I never got a letter, and I had no idea what happened to them. I ended up, years later, going back to the university, where I took a teaching position. Every time I saw the wolves gather, to sift through the flock of incoming Freshmen women, and heard men asking girls if they wanted to be a little sister, I thought of Heather and Babs. I never thought I'd see them again.
Until a weekend, a few months ago, when the university had its seventy-fifth anniversary celebration. I'm forty-one, now, but seeing all the alumni coming back made me feel a lot younger. The event took place about a week before Freshmen were scheduled to start arriving for the fall term.
Of course I had my own house, by then, so I could come and go to the various festivities, and still have a place to relax. It was summer, and the frat houses and sororities opened up their doors to returning alums. There were all kinds of organized festivities, and programs, and speeches, all designed to get the alumni to donate money, of course. I was exempt from that, to a degree, even though I could afford to contribute. I've done pretty well for myself. I got married to another professor, and then divorced, before we had any kids, so there was no alimony. She was making more than I did anyway, and left for an even higher paying position in another state. It was an amiable split, for the most part.
Anyway, I didn't go to most of those programs. Instead, I sat around the frat house, drinking beer with my old frat brothers, and talking about old times. It was great, and I was glad I had come.
I did go to one thing, though. It was a deal where they took pictures of all the alumni, based on the year they graduated. They had a big set of portable bleachers set up against a stone wall on the football field, and everybody got on that and crowded together, while they took the picture.
I was waiting with the seventies group when I saw them.
I knew it was them immediately. They hadn't changed much, despite the twenty years older they were. Heather still had that long chestnut hair. She hadn't gained an ounce, as far as I could see. Babs was a little heavier, but it didn't look bad on her at all. They were talking to a couple of other women I didn't recognize, and who looked young enough that I figured I had left before they got there.
I had to go say something.
I stood, politely to the side, while they finished their conversation with the women. They had glanced at me, and at my name tag, while they talked, but didn't give any indication as to how they felt about seeing me again. Then they turned to me.
"Hi," I said.
"We were hoping you might be here," said Heather. Babs just smiled.
"How's life been treating you?" I asked, suddenly unable to think of anything intelligent to say.
"Oh, married twice, divorced twice, three kids, and one grandchild," said Heather.
My mouth dropped open.
"You're kidding!" I said.
"Nope," she said calmly. "My youngest is about to start college, I hope."
Babs spoke up. "I've only been divorced once," she said. "I learned the first time not to get married again. I have two handsome sons, both in college now."
"When in the world did this happen?" I asked, astonished.
"Well, after you left, we both got married the next year. We got pregnant right away. It was all a horrible mistake." Heather talked about it like she had bought a Ford, instead of a Chevy.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"Don't be," said Heather. "We have lovely, bright children. They make it all worth it."
"You can't possibly be a Grandma," I said to Heather. "You look fabulous!"
"Thank you," she dimpled. "My oldest daughter couldn't keep her legs closed in High School, and wouldn't listen to me. She's beginning to listen to me now, though, at least with tips on how to raise a baby. My son is best friends with his cousins. All three are in the same Fraternity you were in."
"And you have another one starting college this year?" I was just amazed. Neither woman looked a day over thirty.
"She's resisting," said Heather. "I've been worried about her. I managed to keep her from suffering the same fate as her sister. I want her to go to college, but at the same time ... well ... I remember you."
"Uh ... yes," I said, blushing. I had, after all, been a wolf, and had harvested a couple of the finest ewes in the flock.
"They're calling us for the picture," said Babs.
The press of people started to separate us, and I moved between people to stay with them.
"Where are you staying?" asked Heather.
"I work here," I said back, having to raise my voice over the noise of the crowd. I didn't want to yell out that I was a professor, and sound self important. "I have a house."
"Maybe dinner later?" she said.
"Sure," I nodded. "Where are you staying?"
"We're down at the Ramada," she said, as the crowd finally succeeded in separating us. "Drop by, OK?"
I waved.
By the time they got the picture taken, and I looked for them again, they were gone.
I had a lot of really good memories about those two. It was impossible to think of Heather as a grandmother. There were some fine lines on her face, that hadn't been there twenty years ago, but she still had that stylish way of dressing, and that same killer smile. Of course most of the memories I had of her were of her naked body, thrusting up against mine, as I pumped her full of spunk. Babs was the same. I knew they had basically penned the wolf, those last two years of my undergraduate career, and that they had owned me, for all intents and purposes. That's part of why I got divorced, I suppose. My wife was a serious woman, who, while she enjoyed sex, didn't get really excited about it. She never displayed the abandon with which Heather and Babs eagerly let me mount them, or urged me to cum in her. She took the pill AND used a diaphragm, which stopped everything, while she put it in. It just didn't make for an intimate relationship.
It was inevitable that I had to go see them again. I didn't think anything would actually happen, of course. I mean that was all twenty years ago ... ancient history. They'd had lots of men since me, to say nothing of children, which I had never been privileged to make in their flat bellies. I had just been practice ... a study partner, of sorts. Their divorces suggested that I hadn't been all that great a study partner, and had not prepared them for choosing the right man at all.
I got to the Ramada around eight in the evening. I thought I had the wrong room when a young woman opened the door to my knock. I realized in an instant that she looked startlingly like Heather, except on Babs' frame. She was wearing shorts and a halter top, and I had to control my eyes, trying to be polite.
"I'm here to see Heather and Babs," I said. "I went to college with them."
"Oh," she said, looking past me, as if she were expecting someone else. "You must be Bobby."
I hadn't been called "Bobby" in twenty years.
She stepped back, and I entered to see Babs sitting in a chair, watching something on the TV. Heather was lying on a bed, reading a book.
"Come on in," said Heather. She didn't get up, and didn't close the book. "I see you met Jill, my youngest."
"You're the one getting ready to start college," I said, smiling at the girl.
"Yeah," she said. She looked at her mother. "I thought you said my big brother was coming over."
Heather beamed. "He is. He's here. Bob is going to be your big brother."
Jill looked horrified.
"Mom! He's old! He could be my UNCLE or something!"
I was stung. I thought I looked pretty good for a 41 year old geezer. I expected Heather to chastise her daughter for being rude, but she didn't.
"Sweetheart, you have no idea what having the right big brother means. You'll understand within a week, I can promise you that. Bobby is a wonderful man, who is sensitive and cares about the feelings of a woman."
That was news to me. I'd thought I was pretty much a heartless bastard. After all, I'd gotten her drunk and practically raped her.
"It's not fair!" yipped the girl. "I know what you're doing! You're going to have him spy on me! It's bad enough that you're MAKING me go to college. Now you're going to saddle me with an old man to watch me like a hawk? I won't be able to have any fun at all!"
Babs laughed out loud, and her niece turned on her.
"It's NOT funny! Ever since Lori got herself pregnant, Mom won't let me so much as talk to a boy! She made the rules so harsh that boys won't even ask me out!"
"We'll talk about that later," said Heather. "Right now we have to welcome Bobby. He's our guest. I think a little party is in order."
She went to the little kitchenette and started pulling things out of bags. They'd apparently been shopping for groceries.
"You said you worked here?" asked Babs, coming up to me and giving me a hug. She felt firm, and soft at the same time. I couldn't help but remember embracing her like this naked, and I responded. She gave me the slightest little rub with her loins.
"I'm a professor in the History department," I said. "I didn't really know what to do with myself when I finally finished school. There was a position here, and I still love the campus."
"Well how about that?" said Heather, over her shoulder. "Do you still go around getting little sisters?"
I laughed. "No, you two were my last. Nobody could have replaced you."
Both women actually beamed.
"We had a hard time trying to replace you too," said Babs, pushing away from me. She glanced at Jill, who was sulking in a chair.
"Well, tell us all about what you did after we last saw you," said Heather.
I gave them the standard rundown, and they all listened politely. While I was doing that, Heather got into the little refrigerator by the sink. She pulled out a bottle of sloe gin, and a bottle of ginger ale. Babs got up and left the room, coming back with a bucket of ice.
I raised an eyebrow at Heather, who gave me a little smile.
"Jill doesn't think she wants to go to college," said Heather. "We were trying to figure out how to get her excited about school, and brought her with us to the reunion. We had no idea you'd be here, but when we found out, we grabbed the opportunity. We thought we'd teach her how we partied, way back in the middle ages."
"You're kidding!" I said weakly. I should have stopped it, but, to tell you the truth, the thought of getting these two women naked again was uppermost in my mind. I would have never imagined, in a thousand years, they'd still be willing to do that.
Jill, completely unaware of what was about to happen, turned her head.
"I'd already know how to party, Mom, if you wouldn't have gotten so completely weird about Lori. She's doing fine, you know. She loves her baby. I might have been able to find a husband too, but you wouldn't let me near boys."
"Well, I was just trying to protect you, darling. I know Lori is doing all right. I just want you to have all the opportunities you can have," said Heather. "You need to think about your future."
"We've had this talk a hundred times, Mom. I'm quite happy living at home. I'll find a job, one of these days. Don't be so old fashioned."
Heather poured a sloe gin fizz and handing it to her daughter. "Happy birthday, darling."
"It would be a lot happier if I were home, with my friends," said Jill, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Today is Jill's eighteenth birthday," said Heather.
"What's this?" asked Jill, looking at the drink and sniffing it. "Don't tell me you're going to actually let me take a drink of something with alcohol in it."
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This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved. All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. Song lyrics contained herein remain the original artist’s property. Many thanks to editor Tom Graham of Girls_cum_first. * I slipped my canoe into the creek water, stepped in while steadying the craft, pushed off and eased myself into the seat. I...
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“Will the Prosecution please call your next witness?” “Prosecution calls Edward Nigma to the stand your honor.” She sat there looking at the weapons that have gotten her where she is right at the moment. Her hands, the instruments used to destroy an innocent life. Once again the weight of her actions comes crashing down on her shoulders as the Riddler is sworn in under oath. Her hands clench into fists and she swears she can still see the blood on her knuckles. Not that was really anything odd,...
Montu Kumar saw a chance here and Montu said to Asha. Ok Asha You can try them and see how you look in these saree and jewellery .. If You like them after you wear them .. Then you can decide to take them or leave them. Try them to check if they suit you. She said Sahab I am feeling sticky due to sweat and wanted to take a bath and then wear these new clothes.. Montu Kumar said Ok I am in no hurry to sleep and tomorrow is Sunday. He was also feeling sticky due to sweat and also wanted to...
I watched my wife Susan walk into the living room. She was in her latex cat-suit and boots. The zips over her breasts were undone revealing erect nipples and lots of flesh. She had again gone Gothic with her make-up. But that wasn’t what shocked me and left me speechless. It was the riding crop she was carrying and the 10” strap-on dildo jutting out from her hips. She saw my stunned look and laughed. “You know what to do” she said “get down and lick my boots”. In a sort of daze I did what I...
Okay, so the story goes like this:I've been dating this guy for a while, right? His name's Jared. In the beginning of our relationship, I wanted to fuck him, but I didn't want to come off as a slut. One night we go out to dinner at this Asian Place, and while we're there, we get onto the topic of sex, and eventually virginity. Being cautious, I lied and told him I was a virgin. He then revealed, rather nervously, that he was a virgin too. I had to fight the urge to smile. Later we finish...
During the following week there were two big parties-neither of which Midge or Stuart took pert in. They spent more and more time together, either in Stuart's room at night, or out in his car during the day. Lucille was elated that Midge seemed to be accomplishing their plan, but she was dismayed that both of them were keeping it so private, if she weren't included in their fun and games now, she reasoned that she wouldn't be when Midge finally convinced Stuart to set them up in a house....
It was a vast, unfriendly, alien world, slowly dying. The landscape consisted of nothing but gigantic black pillars, so tall it was impossible to see above them with the naked eye. These vast, dark columns totally covered this weird worlds surface, jutting defiantly out of the white, sponge-like ground. Within this huge forest, two creatures, indigenous to these lands stumbled. Renak the male and his mate Seela, a female. Though of different sexes, initially there was no visible difference in...
Heidi slipped into a tight red dress. It was one of the few dresses she owned, since she hardly ever had a place to wear them. She had gotten it for a friend's wedding, it was a splurge and she was glad she was having another chance to wear it. "Mommy?" Fitzroy walked into the room as she was struggling to zip up the back. "Where are you going?" "I'm going out to dinner, baby," she told him, picking him up and setting him down on her bed, "What do you think?" "Mommy looks...
Copyright© 1992-2003 There was a young bride of Antigua Whose husband had said: "Dear me, how big you are!" Said the girl: "What damn'd rot, Why, you've often felt my twot My legs and my arse and my figua!" -The Pearl No .16 "Are you sure you want to do this?" With an unsure voice, "Yeah, it's not like we're lesbians or anything." She gave a nervous laugh that didn't last long. There were a few seconds of awkward silence while the two teenagers looked at each...
I watched you glide across the room of that hotel lobbyin search of someone to answer your questions,but to me it appeared that you had much moreurgent needs than place names and addresses.I could just detect the smell of your hair when youleaned down next to me to pick up a magazine on the table where I had been sitting, waiting, wishingthat an opportunity would arise to deliver me.You sat close enough for me to count the frecklesthat dotted your shoulders and your chest all theway down to the...
Will the cycle never end? I swear the devil has chosen my family as his house of incest. It all started with my sister, mother and me. My parents were divorced when I was a young child and I lived with my paternal grandparents and father on a farm. I was my mother's favorite child. I'd cry at night and beg my father to allow me to be with her. When my mother refused to reconcile with my father, he committed suicide. I was 14 years old. Since I was such a difficult child, my grandparents...
Rick Colby finished peeling the mountain of potatoes Amber Cutberg had set out for him to clean. Roland was out milking his goats and Amber was around the corner in the kitchen proper, busily pouring water into a huge pot to boil the potatoes. He sorely missed his life in the spotlight, raising cattle and being lauded for having the finest stock in the ... well, this world, New Eden. Now, he was a convicted murderer, sentenced to take the place of the girl he'd killed, Ivory Tabor, Roland...
The name is Dr Ravi, 26 years, currently settled in Pondicherry, but from Andhra. It has been an year I started working in a corporate hospital here. Everything is good, the job, the pay, the staff and the city especially. And not to forget the girls, they are the real dark chocolates and I never hesitated to taste them. Over my period of stay here in Pondicherry, I escalated the corporate ladder pretty soon in my department. I was asked to recruit the staff after confirming if they were...
I grew up on a ranch in central Montana, which meant that I didn't get to see many folks very often. So it wasn't odd that my sister Christy and I were pretty close. She was two years younger than me, but that didn't mean a thing on the ranch. We both had chores and they were to be done. Period. If they were hard, or dirty, or whatever, that just plain didn't matter. You just did them. Daddy had been raised in some kind of religious commune back east, and had come west when it got raided...
Nov 21, 2009 Micro Wave Man Chapter Eight ‘Doctor’s Appointment’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on October 2009 The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended...
I keep watching my new stepmom Ally. I watch her when she’s doing laundry, I watch her when she’s making dinner and I watch her when’s she in the shower too. Apparently, the latter is “inappropriate”. My incredibly sexy stepmom confronts me about my extra-curricular spying while she’s just wearing a towel. Thing is she can’t help herself either & her lecture turns into “OK… maybe this one last time.” My stepmom sucks my dick nice...
xmoviesforyouHi all and I am Leena I’m a big fan of ISS but I am not that fluent in English where my mother tongue is Telugu Language and this is a story it happened when I was fourteen years. I hailed from a rural place from a middle class and myself, father and mother used to stay. I am medium height with long hair, fair and big eyes. All my village people will say I am the most beautiful girl. My uncle used to visit sometimes on occasions like festivals or for any functions at home. I used to wear shirt...
This is an imaginary sequel to my true story, My College Mistress, perhaps how things might have turned out in a different reality. ************************************************************************ A tale of two SISSIES On one beautiful summer's day, early afternoon on a Friday, the clouds cleared as the sun came out, and as the shimmering light shone through the larger windows of an expensive home. The serenity of the scene was broken by the...
Hola amigos(as) espero y le guste mucho esta historia que le voy a contar esto sucedió cuando tenía 24 años horita tengo 28 años.Bueno tal vez esta historia ya la saben el tipo chico que explora su sexualidad y encuentra que no es lo que es y se viste pues lo mío es más o menos así y aquí mi historia espero y la disfruten.La verdad es que mi deseo de volverme mujer fue es que desde que tenía 6 año me gusta ponerme calzones de niña a los 8 años por algo que me paso que hallan abusado de mi tal...
The following year when all the boys had reached 16 they had decided they had better tell their parents, it would allow them to talk and meet without having to hide. Each pair of parents was invited by their son or daughter to a thank you barbeque to be held at the cabin, they were each given a map to follow to the cabin and each given a specific time to arrive. None was told that anyone else was coming so the fact that each was being given a different time did not seem odd. As each pair of...
"I'm not sure Sarah, I'm not that desperate," I said. "Come on Elle! Aren't you at least a bit curious?" Sarah whined. Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit's dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me. "Curious, yes," I said. "Keen for you to take control of my body?...