A Golfer's Dream: Book III - The Real Education BeginsChapter 25: Dave And Jennifer Talk free porn video

When Dave woke on Saturday morning he was very anxious; he had a growing fear about talking to Jennifer and what her reaction would be. He knew that as each day passed he was getting closer to a probably difficult discussion with her and, now that he knew she was coming to QAI with the twins on Monday, he felt even more nervous. He went to Hawks Hallow and spent the morning practicing, but he was distracted as he continued to think about Jennifer. After two hours he finally decided to call it a day. He returned to the trailer and called John. John invited him to go to the beach and Dave said he would pick John up in an hour.
Dave talked to his parents about the planning for everyone visiting over the next week. Roger explained that he and Carol would entertain Alec's mother, Patsy and thus leave the young adults mostly on their own. Dave agreed but suggested they all spend Wednesday at Basin Head. His parents agreed it was a good idea; Heather and Ron, who had just joined them, also agreed to spend the day there.
As Dave drove to town he planned the week in his head. He and Alec had arranged several golf games by e-mail and they were going to play early in the morning on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Dave had booked all the tee times and was looking forward to showing Alec, Hawk's Hallow, Hornsby, and Buzzard's Bluff.
The day at the beach passed quickly; John and Dave also went to a party that evening. The one thing that Dave loved most about QAI was that after the initial "meet and greet" from winning the British Open, everyone treated him just as they had before he won the title. He was just Dave MacDonald from Edwardton. The media moved on to other local issues and he was basically left alone. The party was a good time and Dave and John both had more than enough to drink. Dave had several girls interested in him but he politely turned them down. Dave took a taxi to the house, arrived well after two o'clock, and went straight to bed.
He slept in on Sunday and was nursing a minor hangover but after he took a taxi to get his car from the party the night before, he drove to Hawk's Hallow. He practiced for two hours before he returned to the trailer and ate a large lunch. After eating, he and his parents drove to the airport to meet Alec, Patsy, and Shauna arriving from North Carolina. Dave took his car so he could take Alec and Shauna directly to the house while Patsy would go to the campground and the trailer with his parents.
When the plane finally arrived, Dave was excited to see his friends. He hugged all three of them and welcomed them to the Island. After their luggage was loaded into the two vehicles, they went their separate ways. Alec excitedly told Dave that he had played golf with Coach Dawes early in the week and shot seventy-eight. Coach Dawes reoffered him his partial scholarship for his senior year. Dave looked at Alec's smiling face and congratulated him. Shauna smiled proudly as Dave looked at her in the rearview mirror.
Dave showed Alec and Shauna around town briefly as he took them to the house. Alec asked how the Jennifer situation was and Dave told him that she had not come to QAI to visit the way he had hoped, but she was coming over tomorrow with the twins. Dave knew Alec had told Shauna about their e-mail messages regarding Jennifer and he didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable talking in front of her. He trusted her as much as he trusted Alec.
Dave changed the subject and told Alec and Shauna the plan for the week. He told Shauna that the next day while he and Alec were golfing at Hawk's Hallow, she could spend the morning with Patsy and his parents. In the afternoon, they were all going to North Beach. On Tuesday while Dave and Alec played at Hornsby, Julie was going to take Shauna shopping. In the afternoon they were going to go to Brackley Beach. On Wednesday everyone was going to Basin Head. Thursday morning, while Dave and Alec were golfing at Buzzard's Bluff, Shauna could either spend the day with Beth or the twins. Shauna thanked Dave for including her in his plans.
Alec and Shauna unpacked their clothes in the guest room before they all got in the car and drove to North Beach. After checking in at the trailer, they drove to the beach. It was a sunny warm Sunday afternoon and the beach was packed. Alec and Shauna were surprised how cold the water was but they got used to it quickly. Dave introduced them to some friends and they all enjoyed a couple of hours there before returning to the trailer. They had a family barbecue and simply had a relaxing evening. Patsy remarked how much she loved the Island even though she had just arrived.
After supper Dave, Alec, and Shauna drove back to town. They spent the evening talking and Dave asked Shauna how her parents were doing. She explained that they had finally accepted her relationship with Alec. Dave knew that the New Year's incident had been hard on her and, even though her parents had eventually accepted her spending time with Alec, they hadn't really accepted him. Alec described his own last meeting with her parents and Dave could see that her parents were finally giving Alec a chance to be part of their lives. Dave knew how important Shauna's family was to her and he told her he was very happy for both of them. He could see their love continue to blossom and he felt jealous - he wanted the same with Jennifer.
Both Shauna and Alec noticed his sudden silence and they assured him that everything would work out fine with Jennifer. Dave nodded hopefully but he wasn't so sure. Julie and Beth both arrived home and Dave introduced them to Alec and Shauna. They all talked for another half hour before Alec and Shauna went to bed. Dave talked with his two sisters briefly before he headed to his room as well. As he lay in bed he thought about Jennifer arriving the next day and he wondered how he would get her alone. He worked dozens of scenarios through his head and he imagined Jennifer rejecting him flat in one extreme scenario while confessing her love for him and agreeing to end her relationship with Mark in another scenario. Dave tossed and turned for hours before he finally fell fitfully asleep.
He was awake early the next morning and he cooked breakfast before he woke Alec and Shauna. They ate a good meal before leaving for North Beach. They dropped Shauna off at the trailer then walked to Hawk's Hallow. Alec liked the golf course and they had an enjoyable morning. Dave was still distracted by Jennifer's pending arrival and his golf score showed his lack of focus. He shot two over par seventy-four. Alec played quite well and finished with an eighty-one. Dave complimented him on his improvement and Alec explained that his time caddying in Scotland had helped him focus more on his own game. He admitted that he probably would never shoot in the sixties again but he was confident he could shoot even-par eventually and hoped he could contribute to the WF team in some if not all tournaments. Dave agreed that he could definitely contribute.
Dave and Alec returned to the trailer by eleven o'clock; Shauna, Patsy, Carol, Roger, Ron, and Heather had a large picnic basket prepared - they all drove to the beach. Dave noticed that Jennifer had not yet arrived with the twins but he didn't say anything. It was a beautiful afternoon at the beach and Dave, Alec, and Shauna were cooling off in the water when three gorgeous girls strutted across the beach towards them. Dave spotted them first and he walked steadily out of the water to meet them. When he was out of the water, Jana ran to him and kissed him passionately. She whispered, "I really missed you, Dave. You look fantastic."
He looked at her from head to toe and replied, "You look gorgeous as well. Did you have a good weekend in Charlestown?"
"It was nice but I wanted to get over here to see you. I love your island."
Dave thanked her and Kyra eased up beside him and he turned to her as she moved into his arms. She kissed him very passionately and he actually felt himself get hard. She smiled before she said, "I really missed having your big strong arms holding me."
Her stared into her eyes before he replied, "I really missed holding you." He hugged her close then whispered into her ear, "I really missed talking to you as well."
She wanted to say something about Jennifer but Jennifer was right behind her so she simply replied, "Me too."
Dave then looked at Jennifer and she moved close to him. He hugged her tightly before he said, "It's been a long winter without holding you. I really, really missed you."
She smiled. "I missed you too."
Dave looked down at her curvaceous body clad in a revealing red bikini and he gushed, "You look almost edible. I almost forgot how spectacular you look." He was lying because he remembered every single inch of her body, in detail.
Alec and Shauna hugged Jana and Kyra before Dave said, "Jennifer, you remember Alec from last fall. This is his girlfriend Shauna."
Alec and Shauna both shook hands with Jennifer. Jennifer then said, "Let's go in the water and cool off."
Dave, Alec, and Shauna walked back into the water casually but both Kyra and Jana complained how cold it was and took several minutes to work their way in. Jennifer simply ran into the water and dove under. She knew that the best way to adjust to the colder water was to simply plunge right in. Once Jana and Kyra adjusted to the cooler temperature they all chatted and enjoyed the refreshing water. Dave suddenly spotted Jennifer's diamond ring and he began feeling uncomfortable around her. Kyra noticed the change immediately and worked him to the side slightly away from the others. She whispered, "Are you okay?"
He simply shrugged. "I guess I'm getting mad at myself for waiting too long. I saw her engagement ring flashing in the light and I keep thinking it should be my engagement ring on her hand."
Kyra was a little surprised as she replied, "Would you actually ask her to marry you?"
Dave stared intently into her eyes as he replied, "In a heartbeat!"
Kyra was about to reply when Jana splashed them and soon they were all having a water fight. Dave intentionally stayed clear of Jennifer and even she noticed something was wrong. She looked at Dave questioningly but he wouldn't hold her look for more than a second. She was the first to stop the water fight and said, "I'm going in to lie down."
Dave watched her turn and walk to shore. Jana quickly followed before Alec and Shauna explained they were going in as well. Dave nodded as they left but he had not taken his eyes off Jennifer. His heart was racing and he was actually feeling nauseous. He couldn't believe he had let Jennifer slip out of his life. Kyra moved in front of him - she was shocked to see tears running down his cheeks. She hugged him as she said, "Don't give up on her. I know she loves you dearly. You have to talk to her."
He turned his back to Jennifer as he saw her turn and look at him from the shore. He spun Kyra around at the same time as he replied, "I fucked up. I should have listened to you and called her in June. I'm such an idiot. She's gone; I can see it in her eyes."
Kyra admonished, "You're imagining that. She doesn't even know what's going on with you. When we got to Charlestown, Jana asked if she came to visit you like she had planned and she said she hadn't because of the sudden engagement. She had originally planned to visit the first weekend you were home but Mark made plans for them and she couldn't make it to QAI. Then she decided that you must have just told Danielle a lie to get rid of her and she decided not to ask you at all."
Dave cut her off, "I guess she doesn't care."
Kyra shook her head. "I know that's not true. Jana asked her about you last night and she said you would always be her first true love and best friend."
Dave looked directly into Kyra's eyes, "Her first love - but not her current love. She has moved on... I guess I have to do the same."
Kyra grabbed him by both shoulders and growled, "Don't be such a moron. You can't move on until you resolve this first. You have to talk to her, tell her how you feel. If it is over, then move on, but if there is any hope - you have to give her a chance. She doesn't know how you feel."
Dave shrugged, "I'll think about it."
Kyra was really angry with him, "Damn it, Dave; stop being so stubborn. I've never met a person who usually can concentrate so well on getting what he wants. You wanted a college golf career and you worked hard to be the best. You wanted a good education and you are taking very difficult courses but still maintaining a 4.0 GPA. You wanted to help Darcy and the girls from the golf team and you made them better players than even they expected. You can do almost anything you want - put some of that energy into getting Jennifer back in your life. I know you can do it."
Dave simply shrugged. Kyra squeezed his shoulders and shook him. "Who the hell are you and what have done with the Dave MacDonald I met last winter?"
Dave looked into her eyes and replied, "I guess I'm just a phony."
Kyra argued, "You're not and stop this self-pity bullshit. If you want to have Jennifer in your life then you have to damn well try. I can't and won't do it for you. If you want to continue this 'Oh, poor me shit' then you can do it alone. I'm going into shore to get some sun."
Dave looked at her expressionlessly before she sighed then walked in shore. Dave turned and watched her walk away. He knew he was indeed acting very childish. He just couldn't convince himself to talk to Jennifer. He decided to swim for a while and he swam out past all the people enjoying the water and started swimming parallel to the shore. Swimming the gulf was much different than swimming in a pool as the waves made it more difficult to keep a steady rhythm but Dave kept his head down and swam.
He swam for about twenty minutes before he stopped and looked to see how far he had gone. He was still only fifty yards off shore but he was now well down from the main beach. His arms and legs were both pumping from the adrenaline rush of fighting against the waves and the tide.
He decided to simply walk back so he waded into shore then walked along the beach. He thought about what Kyra said and he mentally slapped himself for being so childish. He would talk to Jennifer when the time was right but for now he concluded he had friends who were visiting and he had to hide his sad and angry feelings until he could deal with them properly. Dave had found yet another rationalization for putting off the moment when, he feared, Jennifer would reject him. As he reached the more crowded area of the beach a girl he remembered from high school stood up and said hello to him. He stopped and talked to her for a few minutes before wishing her well and continuing along the beach. The short conversation with her seemed to help break him out of his funk. He waved and said hello to a number other friends before he finally reached his family's spot on the beach. He smiled at everyone and sat down on his towel.
Jana asked, "I know you just swam, Dave, but do you feel like going for a walk up the beach?"
Dave smiled. "Definitely!" Then he stood and reached out with his hand to help her up. She eagerly took his hand then asked Jennifer and Kyra to join them. Kyra got up immediately but Jennifer hesitated. Jana convinced her to go with them so Jennifer got to her feet. They walked down the beach and talked about their plans for the week and about the summer vacation to date. Dave walked between Kyra and Jana and Jennifer walked beside Jana. Dave thought he was acting appropriately cheery but Jennifer could still sense that something was wrong. Jana didn't seem to notice that all of Dave's answers to Jennifer's questions were very short and concise. As they reached the point along the beach where Dave and Jennifer used walk off the beach toward the North Beach Golf Course and find their special private place, Dave glanced at the path and Jennifer noticed his look immediately.
She reached across Jana and took his hand. "Want to go visit our special place?"
He looked into her eyes and was able to look steadily at her for the first time since he had noticed the ring. He almost stuttered but did manage a simple gasp. "I'd like that."
Jana cut in, not quite understanding what was going on. "I'd love to see your special place."
Jennifer looked at Jana and was about to say something when Kyra took Jana's hand, "I'd like to see what's around that corner of the beach instead. You and I will go this way while they go for a walk."
Jana looked perturbed at Kyra but before she could say a word, Kyra pulled her hand forcefully and glared at her. Jana knew that look all too well and she followed her twin sister immediately. She said to Dave and Jennifer, "We'll meet you back where your parents are sitting."
Jennifer replied, "Thanks, we'll see you soon." Jennifer took Dave's hand in her right hand and guided him up the path. Dave felt warm all over just holding her hand. Once they were over the sand dune she asked, "What's wrong, Dave? You seem very distracted and maybe even upset. Have I done something to make you angry with me?"
Dave simply replied, "I've just been a little tired from the hectic schedule I've had for the last six months. I guess I'm just a little worn out."
Jennifer knew better than to believe him and she asked, "Is there a problem with Sarah?"
"Are you seeing Hilary or something? Is there a problem with her?"
Dave actually chuckled, "No, definitely not a problem with Hilary - and, no, I'm not seeing her although she did call last week. And, before you even ask, the magazine story was made up entirely; we barely know each other."
They had made their way up the clay road and were well away from the beach when Jennifer turned to face him and took his other hand in hers. She stared into his eyes before she softly said, "Are you having a problem with Danielle?" Dave shook his head. "Did you know she called me?" Dave wasn't sure whether he should tell her Kyra told him but he decided to be honest so he nodded. Jennifer looked surprised then asked, "Did Danielle tell you she called me? And what she said?" Dave again shook his head. Jennifer began to get frustrated. "Dave, talk to me. If she didn't tell you then how do you know?"
Dave replied with one simple word, "Kyra."
Jennifer looked at him questioningly, "Kyra, told you? Did she tell you everything Danielle said? Did she ask you if what Danielle said was true?"
Dave replied, "Yes, she told me everything but she didn't ask me if it was true because we had already talked about it."
Jennifer looked confused. "Does that mean it's true? You really love me like that?"
Dave's eyes began to mist and his whole story rolled out of his mouth in one gush of words. "I have thought about you non-stop since last October. I looked forward to your e-mails desperately and, when you called me in Las Vegas, I was never so happy to hear anyone's voice. When I won the NCAA title I called you but what I really wanted was to have you with me. Kyra noticed my change in mood after I spoke to you that evening and I confessed to her that I loved you and wanted you back in my life, full-time and permanently. I actually told Kyra that I wished I'd never been so successful with my golf because otherwise I might still be with you here on QAI. Kyra had wanted me to tell you right away but I somehow couldn't. I let it slip to Danielle when we were talking one night. She had asked me if I would give up my golf for the twins and I said I would only give up that part of my life for you. I guess that was when Danielle decided to call you. I thought I might tell you exactly how I felt when I got home but I had stupidly convinced myself not to tell you at all - until Sarah and I had a talk about the future. Our last night together in Scotland, we had a very serious discussion about our expectations and, when I told her about my feelings for you, she said she always expected me to marry you. Her quiet certainty made me think deeply. That was when I finally decided that I truly wanted you and I would do whatever it took to get you. It was the night before the final round of the British Open and I played that round just for you - you were my inspiration. I won the tournament to show you how much I love you. After the victory, I couldn't get home to see you quick enough. I thought about you all the way from Boston and, when I arrived on QAI, I asked your mother if you would be home the following evening so I could go talk to you. That's when she told me about your engagement. I was devastated by the news."
Dave looked down at her ring and his voice level dropped, "I wanted this to be my ring on your finger." Tears were now running freely down his cheeks as he looked at Jennifer's shocked expression. He whispered so softly she could barely hear him. "I love you more than anything in the world. I need you - you are my soul-mate. Please leave Mark and be with me. I'll leave Wake Forest and enroll at your university. I'll quit golf if you want. I'll do anything. Please tell me you want to be with me, too."
Jennifer stared at Dave in total shock. She never knew he had such deep feelings for her. She had listened intently as he spoke and did not notice how her own eyes had opened wide and that she began to breathe through her open mouth. When he said he would quit golf for her she started to cry as well. She wanted to tell him she loved him too. She really did love him - but she had also fallen in love with Mark. She didn't know what to say and she was suddenly afraid he would see the indecision on her face. When he finished speaking she pulled him close and hugged him. She tried to think what to say but before she knew it, her mouth opened as if of its own free will and she heard herself say, "I love you too, Dave."
She held him close as she felt him squeeze her even harder when she said she loved him. Her mind was racing with thoughts about Mark. She didn't know what to do. Two years ago the decision would have been simple. Even the previous fall when she had flown to Wake Forest she would have left Mark instantly for Dave. But now? She and Mark had become incredibly close over the last six months and she didn't know what to tell Dave. She simply held him close as she debated what to say. What to do?
Dave was so happy just to have her in his arms and to hear say that she loved him that he felt wonderful. She hadn't immediately rejected him the way one of his nightmare scenarios had envisioned.
Dave could feel her heaving breasts against his abdomen; she was where she belonged - in his arms. He listened to her breathe as he held her close. She felt so good in his arms. She was going to leave Mark and be with him. His heart was racing and he thought about the rest of his life with her. They would do a one-year long-distance relationship. He would turn pro the following summer and they would get married. He would make lots of money at golf and he could finish his third year at Wake Forest but still fly home every second weekend to see his wife. When he finished school they would travel the world while he golfed. After Jennifer finished her education they would have children - three children. He could see it all clearly.
He finally pushed Jennifer back and stared into her eyes. It only took one look to realize that his dream might not become reality. He gasped the question, greatly fearing the answer, "Will you leave Mark and be with me?"
Tears began to run steadily down Jennifer's face. "I don't know, Dave. I do love you but I love Mark, too. Two years ago I would definitely have said yes - but right now? I'm not sure. I need some time to think. Can you give me some time?"
Dave's heart tore open. He wanted to yell at her and tell her to decide immediately but he could see the pain in her face. She really was upset and he couldn't hurt her. She was holding his two hands and he looked down at her left hand holding his hand. He looked at Mark's ring and it suddenly felt as if it were burning him. He released her hand and she watched as he stared down at the ring. She thought he was getting angry at her but he didn't let go of her right hand, just the left.
His eyes slowly moved up until he was staring into her watery eyes. He whispered, "I will wait for you, forever if I have to."
She started to cry again when they suddenly heard someone walk through the woods from the golf course. Jennifer softly said, "Let's walk back to the beach."
Dave shook his head. "No, I can't - not yet. I'm going to go sit on the sixteenth tee and think for a while. I'll come back soon."
He released her hand and walked into the woods without even looking back at her. As he came through the woods, he could see the short par-three sixteenth hole. Four men were just teeing off so he stood quietly until they all hit. He then sat down at the back of the tee and looked over the water between the tee and the green. One of the men had hit his ball in the water while the other three hit over safely. The three men were teasing the other and he was growling about his bad shot. Dave thought how golfers with all different abilities loved the game of golf and all for different reasons.
He quickly returned to thinking about Jennifer and he wondered if the month he waited would have mattered. He watched two more groups go by before he heard rustling in woods behind him. He looked over his shoulder as Kyra strolled over to him. She sat down and hugged him. He looked to see if there was anyone on the tee and when he didn't see anyone he began to cry. "Well, at least now I know. She didn't say no - but it doesn't look good."
Kyra whispered, "She was really shocked by your unexpected confession of love and she is very upset. Jana is talking to her now. We kind of waited for the two of you to come back. I'm really sorry I let you get in this mess when I could see how secrets could screw things up all around. Jana is royally pissed at me for not telling her about your true feelings for Jennifer sooner."
Dave looked into Kyra's eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get caught in the middle."
Kyra kissed his cheek. "Don't be a jerk; Jana and I will be fine. We've had sisterly spats before and we will again, but deep down we really love each other - so it will pass."
Dave asked, "Do you think she will leave Mark?"
Kyra hugged him tighter. "I'd like to think she will but I truly don't know. Mark has a very strong personality and she really does love him. He treats her well. I just don't know. Now that you've sprung your surprise, you'll just have to wait."
They talked for another ten minutes as they watched another group hit onto the green. Then Dave said they better get back to Alec and Shauna so they stood up and walked back to the beach. Dave was happy to have Kyra under his arm as he walked but he had actually hoped that Jennifer would have been the one under his arm. When he reached the spot where his family was sitting, he asked Kyra, Alec, and Shauna if they wanted to go snorkeling. He had borrowed several masks and snorkels so they could all go together.
Alec nodded and as the four walked towards the water, Alec asked, "Did you have your talk with Jennifer?"
Dave nodded dejectedly, "She loves me, but not only me. She says she needs some time to decide."
Alec nodded but didn't reply. Shauna looked sad for her friend but she didn't say anything either.
They snorkeled for almost an hour. Kyra, Shauna, and Alec loved to see the lobsters and crabs scurrying along the rocks and Dave enjoyed the distraction.
When they returned to the beach, Jennifer's mother Heather told them that Jana and Jennifer had gone up to the trailer. Then she asked, "Is something wrong?"
Dave looked at her and her husband Ron, then at his own parents and Patsy. It was past the time for more evasion. He simply said, "I asked Jennifer to leave Mark and be with me. I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. She couldn't give me an answer. She needs some time to think about it."
The five adults simply nodded; it was a very somber moment. Dave suspected his mother had told Heather everything already and, by the knowing look on her and Ron's faces, Dave knew he was right. They remained at the beach for another hour before it was time to leave. The drive back to the campground was very quiet. When they arrived, the two fathers started the barbecue. Dave and Alec helped cook the meal while the women prepared the salads and all the fixings. Dave didn't see Jana and Jennifer but Heather mentioned they were closeted in their trailer. Kyra went in to talk with them.
When the meal was ready, Jennifer, Jana, and Kyra joined everyone else at the picnic table and they ate a very quiet meal. Dave didn't dare even look at Jennifer for fear of seeing rejection written on her face.
After the meal was finished and all the dishes were cleaned up Dave asked Alec and Shauna if they were ready to go to town. Jennifer said to Dave, "Is it okay if Jana and I stay here at my trailer?"
Dave simply nodded before Kyra added, "I'm going to your house with you - if that's okay?"
Dave nodded to her so she went in Jennifer's trailer and returned with her bag. The four friends got in Dave's car and drove to town. The drive was again deadly quiet; half way to town Dave apologized, "I'm sorry if I ruined your vacations. I still don't know how I could have been so childish and unaware to let things get to this point."

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