Eagle in the Sunset 2019 Chapter 5 Texas Bound and Not Flyin rsquo
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October 6th, 1995, 9:30 AM CT, Joe’s Diner, Houston, TX
They had woken up less than an hour before. Everyone was tired from the long drive and day, not least of all Miguel who had done a good deal of the driving, and had been up before the crack of dawn the day before. But they had gotten up because they didn’t want to sleep the day away and not be able to sleep on the train. That would have been a poor choice given the long ride from Houston to Los Angeles. The kids sleeping as much of the trip as possible would be ideal.
Miguel, Sharon, and the kids sat together. Miguel was thinking. He really wanted to get with Sharon. She was a really warm and caring person, he could tell. She deserved a good man, and he liked to think of himself as a good man. He hoped she could honestly find what she wanted and needed in him. He didn’t want to force himself upon him; if he was not what she was looking for, he would understand. Be he really hoped that things could be otherwise.
He also wanted to get to know these kids. He knew they had been abused by their father, and yet none of them seemed bitter. They were cheerful kids; playful, and very close to each other. They were something of a bound group; they seemed to genuinely be friends with each other, not just siblings. From his experience growing up on the farm, he didn’t think that was particularly common.
“Sharon, we were in such a rush yesterday,” Miguel said, “You never really introduced your children.”
“Oh. Well, ok,” Sharon started, “James is my eldest. He’ll be 18 in a few months. Everyone calls him Jimmy, he gets annoyed if you call him James. So don’t do that.””
Jimmy was a good looking guy, fit and handsome. He had been helping a lot yesterday, and working hard for his family despite the difficult circumstances, but if he wasn’t so nice, Miguel would have taken him for a jock. James seemed to regard Miguel with some degree of suspicion, but seemed like he’d be willing to let him prove himself. Given that Jame’s father was such a prick, it was reasonable to treat another potential father figure with suspicion.
“Then there is Jessica, she’s my Christmas baby. She was born on Christmas morning in 1980. She is, of course, 14. She’s a bit of a red neck, but she’s really sweet.”
Jessica was really good looking for a fourteen year old, Miguel suspected. It was hard to tell. She was dressed, as she had been yesterday, in a white, stained t-shirt, and a set of loose and tattered overalls that didn’t do anything to show her figure. Her whole personality screamed tomboy. Her mother didn’t seem to be one. Perhaps she got it from her father’s side. Something told him she already liked him.
“Jackie is the brains of the family, seriously. Book worm, she’s always reading. She’s nine years old, and she’s already read entire Agatha Christie cannon, and she’s working her way through Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe series. She really loves mysteries. She probably knows more than I do about everything.” Sharon smiled, obviously proud, and with good reason.
She was definitely nerdy looking, Miguel thought. She was wearing a dirty oversized t-shirt and beat up tan pants. All of these people’s clothes were tattered, he noticed. He wondered if it was uncaring, poverty, or both. She seemed scared of him, and he couldn’t figure out why. He knew it wasn’t his fault; he felt sorry for her that she was in a position in life where she was scared of men almost automatically. David must have been a really scary piece of work.
“Jeff is also a bookworm, and he’s seven. He’s very shy, but he’s wonderful if he gets to like you.”
Jeff looked like he had to be a nerd too. He looked like he read a lot, and he was only seven. Jeff seemed to be in mortal terror of Miguel.
“And lastly, Jenna is my little devil. She is five, and the most precocious, playful, friendly, and intelligent child I’ve ever seen, and not just because she’s mine. She’s in love with you, so watch out,” Sharon grinned.
Jenna was the most adorable thing on two legs, and she had been incredibly friendly. She was already calling him Uncle M. This after knowing for barely a full day. Miguel thought a lot of himself, overall, but he figured it said a lot more about her than about him.
“Alright, Miguel, now that you know something about my kids, why don’t you introduce yourself to them?” Sharon said, looking at him pointedly, “After all, they didn’t really get a chance to meet you either, yesterday. Driving Chex is not a job that allows you to socialize much.”
“No,” Miguel laughed, “It isn’t. Ok, let me give them the boring lecture version,” he smiled.
“The boring lecture version?” Sharon asked playfully, “I was expecting you to put on a puppet show or something.”
“Can you get me puppets?”
“No,” she said, “But I wish I could. I would love to see you try.”
“Shame, I would have loved to have tried,” Miguel grinned, “Anyway, my name is Miguel Rodrigo Ramos Abaca. I was born on November 5th, 1955 to migrant workers working for the Weisensteins on their farm. My mother died in childbirth, so I never knew her. Everything I have, I owe to the Weisensteins. Gladys took me in, and she was almost a mother to me; no, thats not right: she was a mother to me. I worked there my entire life, and I loved working the farm. My life for the past 10 years has been taking care of Ms. Weisenstein, the kindest, sweetest, most generous, and nicest woman in the world, possibly besides your mom.
“I’m a mechanic, and Mrs. Weisenstein sometimes called me Miguyver because I seemed to be able to fix anything,” he pronounced it ‘Meh-gwy-ver, ‘ “I loved the problem solving of fixing things. It gave me great joy to get something that was broken and not working going again, preferably entirely on my own. I really like you guys; you are the sweetest kids I have ever met. The Weisensteins were really nice, but their kids were horrible rotten spoiled people.”
Breakfast came and they ate it with some relish; the kids putting away food in that unique way children seem to be able to. They had their fill, which took some doing. Joe’s diner provided surprisingly good food for a place that screamed “choke-and-puke” in every way possible. When they were done, Miguel again insisted on paying the bill, to Sharon’s increasingly loud objections, and they went on their way back to the motel. Miguel liked to give to people; it was his nature.
Miguel went out and came back a little bit later with a Monopoly game, fresh wrapped in the plastic. Jenna was too young for a real game of Monopoly, and went into the other room and watched TV. Jackie and Jeff wrinkled their noses at her in distaste over her choice of entertainment, but their disdain was clearly more playful than serious. They then proceeded to produce books and laid closely together on one of the beds, apparently snuggling while each read their individual books. They seemed like they were really close siblings. Miguel wondered if they were perhaps too close; he made note of it and decided to keep an eye on it.
Meanwhile, Miguel, Sharon, Jimmy, and Jessica took the two chairs from one room, made a four person table, and set up the Monopoly board. They had a lot of fun playing Monopoly. It was a game of patience, skill and resource management in addition to luck, and was famous for how long a game could actually take when playing with the right people. Sharon smiled when Jessica, as always, won by a landslide. She might be a bit on the rednecky side, but she was also very screwed and intuitively intelligent.
The group got along swimmingly given the addition of an entire new party. It was as if Miguel had been part of the group for years, not just a few days. It was weird, and yet it felt completely right. Sharon wasn’t sure whether she wanted to initiate a romantic relationship with Miguel; once bitten, twice shy. But she knew that he was a good person to have along to help with taking care of her kids; she needed the help. She couldn’t do it on her own; five kids was too much for her; even kids as good and as cooperative as her kids were.
October 6th, 1995, 1:30 PM CT, Biga On The Banks Restaurant, San Antonio, TX
Last night, Josh and Akilah had slept together in a different relationship than they had been in the night before. As Josh had said, no more questions, no more wondering, no more dithering. They were in love, and more than that they were engaged. There were no more doubts. No more questions about what would be right and what would be wrong. They were right together. That night was a night of discovery.
They discovered each other, and even more, they discovered themselves. They learned more about how their bodies responded to each other. They learned how to send the other into seemingly endless thralls of pleasure; even ecstasy. They learned how to manage to work their pleasure together, so that their joy became one. They learned of taste, texture, and scent. They learned of each other’s fears, and worked to overcome what was left of them. They learned that satisfaction of the other brought its own kind pleasure.
They learned more than this, though. They learned trust. They learned to fully trust the other’s intention, something that didn’t come naturally to either. They were both deeply repressed souls, tortured by their compatriots in the worlds where they came from. They were both extremely jealous of themselves, scared to mete out bits of who they were for consumption by anyone else. But they learned to forego that between themselves; they learned that the others love, understanding, and admiration was boundless.
Faster than seems possible they began to meld into extensions of one entity; theirs. When they finally fell asleep together, as if symbolic of this, they fell together in a total tangle of their bodies, so fully wrapped up together that were it not for their very different skin tones, it would be impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. They woke up the same way. By the time of their waking up that morning, they had lost what had been a major component of their makeup- their fear. They were no longer scared of their futures, because they would be together, and they were no longer scared of the outside world, because they could face it together.
Akilah and Josh were beaming about their new relationship as they came out of their bedroom that morning. Seeing it, George took Josh to a jewelry store and loaned him the money to buy a nice but simple ring to give to Akilah. Josh felt a bit awkward taking the money, but George insisted, and told him he could pay him back at his leisure, if he insisted, or could forget about it he didn’t. Josh was the kind of man who would insist, though.
Akilah glowed brighter then the sun when Josh gave her the ring; somehow it made it all the more real. Whenever she looked down at it, her heart fluttered; it was a constant reminder that, as she had sung, she had met the boy she was going to marry. He really was all she had ever wanted and even more. She felt completed, she had found what had been missing from her life. She wanted for nothing more.
The kids went out and spent the morning exploring the famous San Antonio River Walk. Amtrak had called them to tell them to expect the train to arrive late at night on the 7th or early, early in the morning on the 8th. So they went to the River Walk and walked along it, looking at the many shops and stores, as well as the interesting atmosphere of it all. George didn’t think it all that hot, to be honest. He was a New York City type. New York City is what a big city should be, in his mind. He wasn’t totally enthralled by big cities as a rule, but if it had to be a city, The City was the one.
San Antonio was inefficient, dirty, messy, and a little bit cold. It seemed to lack the intimate feeling of New York, as well as the sheer resilience. This place seemed to be more flashy, and the anger wasn’t a facade the way it was in New York. People here didn’t have that New York hospitality or anything of the sort. It had a very Texas feel to it, and that was not the most enjoyable of feels. But they weren’t there to live, the were there to visit as tourists, and that is what they did.
As the day wore on, they got hungry and decided to get something to eat. They found a place that looked pretty good and they stopped there to eat. “Biga on the Banks,” it called itself. It sounded interesting, as did many of the menu items. They were reluctantly shown in to the restaurant, after George showed the slightly pompous maître d’ his American Express Platinum card. Or rather, his dad’s card, but they didn’t know that. Not that his dad would mind. Prior to him showing that bombastic symbol of wealth and power, the maître d’ acted like they had no businesses being anywhere near their restaurant.
Akilah and Josh’s glow when they woke up continued all day long; it was like they were walking on sunshine. It was obvious they had sex at some point. George and Jill were happy for them. Nobody was sure if they were in love yet, but that would come in time. They certainly really liked each other.
When the waiter finally came, George ordered San Pellegrino for the entire table. Generally, George didn’t cotton to bottled water, but in his mind San Pellegrino was in a different category. It had an elusive complexity of flavor and didn’t taste like bottled tap water. In his mind, most other bottled waters did. However, this particular spring in San Pellegrino Terme, Italy had a certain flavor and feel to it that made it worth the extra money.
Shortly afterward, the waiter came to take their orders. He had that certain efficient pomposity that waiters at establishments such as this one seem to develop as if it was ordained by the God of Expensive Restaurants. It wasn’t the most pleasant of manners, but the food other people ordered looked really good, so they all decided to try the food anyway.
October 7th, 1995, 6:30 AM CT, Union Passenger Terminal, New Orleans, LA The Sunset Limited sat there waiting in the station. It had been combined with some cars from the other days train. One of the sleepers was at the end of the train, named “New River Gorge,” captained by Mitchell Bates. His worry kept increasing and increasing. He did some breathing exercises. This train was the train from hell as it was already. Something just wasn’t right. He was truly terrified; some sort of aura was...
October 4th, 1995, 10:45 PM EST, Amtrak Headquarters, Washington, DC The condition of things in the fleet, combined with the rotten hurricane season, was keeping the executives at Amtrak up nights. They had decided that bar unfortunate weather changes, the Sunset Limited would leave Jacksonville at about 6:30 in the morning, which was earlier than expected. Not that it would matter much. CSX and the Espee would delay the thing to the end of time, in all likelihood. It was already well out of...
October 3rd, 1995, 6:38 PM CT, Mile 36, A mile out of Joliet, IL “It’s hard to imagine you’re an adult now,” Jill said, nuzzling his arm gently, unbridled affection and love in her eyes. “Don’t let my age fool you,” George told her, “I’m who I always was! Forever young, me hopes. And yeah, my dad’s been friends with him for ages, even if he is a Republican.” “Yeah, right,” she said, “You’re getting old. Old old old.” George was planning a retort but it was interrupted by the train’s PA...
October 9th, 1995, 1:40 AM MST, Mile 2525, Desert, AZ “Ok, pack up. Everyone, as fast as you can. Try to not use lights and face them away from the track whenever you actually need them! We don’t want anyone to see us here. We failed on the train, let’s try and save our own asses!” Cigar yelled, “Finger and I will stay behind, I want every one out of sight before the train gets here! We are going to fall back on our excuse of a terrorist attack! MOVE OUT!” This was Cigar under pressure,...
October 8th, 1995, 11:40 PM CT, Mile 2342 Union Station, Phoenix, AZ The finger for the train sat in the parking lot of Phoenix Union Station, in his brand-new 1995 Range Rover County, smoking a cigarette, and luxuriating in the scent of it and the Connolly leather of the poorly-built British luxury off-roader. He was intently listening to his electronic radio scanner waiting to hear from the freight train as it passed through so that he could give a good estimate, and ensure that it was...
October 12th, 1995, 8:15 AM MST, Holiday Inn & Suites, Phoenix, AZ The evening before was interesting to say the least; John was impressed with how efficiently his son had sorted wheat from chaff in the information relating to the train derailment. He had quickly concluded a number of things that even the trained investigators of the NTSB and FBI had missed. It wasn’t evidential; it was logical, and based on understanding the motives of human beings. The derailment narrative being...
October 9th, 1995, 12:20 PM MST, Mile 2365, 23 miles west of Phoenix, AZ Jackie and Jeff very soon got back to the separated lower level coach room. They had been running the whole way, with that boundless energy and enthusiasm that children seem to have and their parents wish they had half of to try to keep up. Their mom would have screamed if she had seen them doing that. She was a wonderful mother, but she could be more than a bit stuck up at times. They were both panting, but also had...
October 14th, 1995, 9:40 AM CT, Union Station, Chicago, IL The Cardinal arrived into Chicago Union Station fairly close to on time; only about 30 minutes late. They had been told that the Cardinal tended to run late; this meant that they had plenty of time in the Windy City before their next train, the Southwest Chief departed for Los Angeles at 5:40 PM that night. They were hungry; they had overslept and had not gotten breakfast on the train. They asked a passing person where they should...
October 9th, 1995, 9:30 AM MST, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Phoenix, AZ The doctor came into the room, a different doctor than before; this was a hospital ER, after all, and the doctors work on shifts. This doctor was a man in his late 50s, balding, a bit harried, and looking worn out from the exciting and busy night affecting the hospital after the derailment. Over fifty people had been brought to the hospital requiring some form of medical attention, 12 of them very seriously, straining the...
October 9th, 1995, 1:42 AM MST, Mile 2502, 23 miles east of Hyder, AZ Jill slowly wrenched open her eyes. It hurt. Everything hurt. Everything hurt a lot. She felt hot stickiness and a lot of weight on her and realized that George was laying on top of her. They had been making love on the bed, she about to hit the throws of ecstasy, and then everything stopped. No hints, no vague feelings, no fuzzy ideas. Blank. She remembered nothing of what happened. One moment she was moaning George’s...
October 17th, 1995, 7:30 AM PT, Metro Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA Miriam had been tossing and turning all night; she spent time just sitting in the chair in the corner of the room to try and let Baruch sleep. She was so upset she was oblivious to the fact that Baruch couldn’t sleep either, which was not in her nature. She was usually fully aware of what was going on with her husband. They thought together almost telepathically, and yesterday had been one of the first times in decades when...
October 16th, 1995, 7:20 AM PT, Amtrak Station, Las Vegas, NV It was an early morning for them; they had all gotten up at 5:45, quickly gotten dressed and packed their things, and then went downstairs for a quick bite to eat at the coffee shop. Fortunately for them, there was no need to call a cab at Caesar’s Palace; even that early there were cabs waiting in line at the entrance to the hotel. The trip to the station only took about ten minutes; traffic was minimal this early in Las Vegas,...
October 5th, 1995, 6:30 PM CT, Chart House Tower of The Americas, San Antonio, TX The restaurant was amazing, one of those revolving restaurants in a tall tower, 700 feet off the ground. They could see the entire city, and the view was absolutely spectacular. The prices were high, but it didn’t matter. George had money, and Amtrak was picking up $100 worth of the tab. Money was for spending, life was for enjoying, and enjoying life was for sharing with friends. “This is amazing,” Jill said,...
October 4th, 1995, 9:22 AM CT, Mile 654, 20 miles north of Malvern, AR Sharon Roberts was rushing to get her kids, Jessica and William, to school. They were going to be late, and she put her foot even closer to the rubber matted floor and grabbed at the four-on-the-tree manual transmission lever for a downshift. This mainly caused the ancient Checker Marathon she had inherited from her father to growl in protest, although it did slightly improve the car’s speed. It was a 1962 model with a...
October 13th, 1995, 10:45 AM EST, Washington Union Station, Washington, DC It had been an early morning for Baruch and Miriam Abati. They had wanted to take the morning train because it didn’t seem to make much sense for them to take a late train. The person on the phone had mentioned something about changing in Washington, D.C., but they didn’t quite realize that there was another, more direct option that would have gotten them into Chicago earlier, even though it left Washington, D.C....
December 30th, 1995, 9:30 AM PT, Union Station, Los Angeles, CA Jill and Akilah sat in a small room in Union Station; they both had enormous butterflies in their stomach. This was a day they were both going to remember for the rest of their lives. For Akilah, this was a second time round; she had been legally married already in Las Vegas. For Jill, this was all there was; she was going to be legally married to George today. Between George and John and their influence, they had easily...
October 8th, 1995, 10:30 AM CT, Mile 1672, 22 miles east of Alpine, TX Akilah was the first one to wake up, but her motions were enough to wake Josh up, too. The two of them stared at George and Jill. They had not closed the connecting door overnight, and they stared right at them, Jill laying naked on top of George with a contented little smile on her face. They must have kicked the covers up overnight; nothing was protecting them visually from the other couple. Akilah, also naked, walked...
October 10th, 1995, 7:30 AM MST, Holiday Inn Express, Phoenix, AZ Jill was up first between the two of them, and stretched and rolled out of bed. She was a bit groggy, and simply walked half asleep to the bathroom. There, she used the toilet, and then splashed some cold water on her face to help her get awake. It helped a little, not too much. She needed coffee, fortunately there was a coffee maker in the room, and so she went out to it and figured out how to use it, filled it with water,...
October 15th, 1995, 1:20 AM PT, Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, NV Jill’s eyes came open; it was dark outside, at least as dark as it gets in Las Vegas. They had not drawn the curtains, so the neon lights from outside were shining in through the surprisingly small window in her bedroom. She felt totally awake, which meant it would take some doing for her to get back to sleep. She didn’t want to wake up George so she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. She thought about putting...
October 5th, 1995, 5:30 PM CT, Side of the road, Near Palmer, TX Sharon Roberts cursed in frustration. She was driving back to I-30 when this happened. Chex had the “day tank” option that was really common on Checker Taxi cabs but was something of a rarity on the consumer-oriented Marathon. But then, the four-cylinder Perkins diesel was a rarity on the Taxi and unheard of practically on the Marathon. The “day tank” was a 35 gallon fuel tank that allowed the car to to go about 450 miles on a...
October 11th, 1995, 5:40 AM MST, Holiday Inn & Suites, Phoenix, AZ Miguel was having a devil of a time sleeping. All he could think about was Sharon, and whether she would remember him. Well, that, and whether she would remember that she had run away from David. He was terrified she wouldn’t even remember that, and would end up being sucked back into his web of lies and abuse. He tossed, turned, tried to sleep. He got up from the bed, and decided to go to the hospital. But then he felt...
October 9th, 1995, 2:10 AM MST, Mile 2502, 23 miles east of Hyder, AZ George and Jill, with Josh’s trembling help, managed to carry Akilah under the cattywampus dining car, at which point, Miguel saw them and came and helped them carry her. They brought her, wrapped in the blankets and sheet, beside Sharon, who was also still completely unconscious. They all breathed the sigh of someone who isn’t really relieved, but has completed a difficult task that they thought would be to their...
October 9th, 1995, 6:20 AM MST, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Pheonix, AZ Akilah experienced some weird stuff. She had been showering, deeply in thought about the fact that she might be pregnant. She had decided that while she would prefer not to be, she accepted that she might be. In accepting that she might be, she had concluded that if she had Josh’s baby growing inside of her, she wanted it to be there. She knew, in revelation, that she wanted to have his kid. She wanted to raise his kid. As...
October 4th, 1995, 11:28 AM CT, Mile 754, 21 miles north of Texarkana, TX They were sitting there going back and forth as to why he might have gotten upset, and it was beginning to piss Jill off. She had figured it out almost instantly, and these nitwits seemed clueless. Sometimes George could be clueless, too, she mused. It was really patently obvious when you run the events of what happened over in your head. I love George, but sometimes things just go over is big head of his! she...
October 5th, 1995, 10:32 AM CT, Embassy Suites, San Antonio, TX Josh was dreaming about Akilah... He was standing near the bed, in just his boxer shorts. Akilah came in out of the shower, completely naked. Her luxuriant black hair was dripping rivulets of water down her warm, supple body. Her surprisingly beautiful breasts and her soft muff just made him hard. Really hard. Full of want, desire, need. That was the right word, need. A strong strong amount of need. He was drawn to her body...
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Greg Miller is a 19 year old resident of the crime infested sunset city. By day he is a college student at sunset university, by night he is the crime fighting superhero known as power man. Blessed with the power of flight, super human strength, and indestructibility power man can seem like an unstoppable force when taken at face value, but will be be able to on the all the villains and crime bosses the city has to offer?
FetishSunset Over Cairo A black kite wails through the cooling air as evening falls over the great plain of Gizeh. Beneath the sinking sun, the dull dirt landscape glows in momentary splendor. Shadows lengthen as the black kite plunges, and a tiny shriek of death goes unnoticed on the plain. To the east in Cairo’s old quarter, Masr al-Qadima, a clear-eyed muadhdhin prepares to climb the winding stairs of a golden minaret. Shadows snap to black in an instant as the sun finally dies, leaving behind...
The late afternoon sun was disappearing across the trees. Long shadows were the norm now as the time was approaching sunset. We had been walking through the woods on a comfortably warm spring day and were making our way back toward the car, albeit by taking the scenic route. We were not too far from the car when we noticed the sky beginning to turn an orange color for sunset. I spotted clearing off to the side. A clearing that was perched on the top of a cliff, overlooking the lake below. The...
Sunset I almost feel like a tiger stalking my prey. The way I’ve been watching you all afternoon. Admiring the way you sway across the sand, your smile, your hair and the way the sun shines across your face. I can smell your fragrance and it makes me want to pounce. It’s almost sunset and this private cabana couldn’t have been a better setting. A picturesque beach before us and the intoxicating smell of jasmine fills the air. You lay down in front of me and I start to caress your beautiful...
Remember the day we went to the beach to watch the sunset. It was a lovely, warm, summer evening, and there were lots of people sitting on the sand, drinking sundowners and watching the sun sink out over the cool South Atlantic Ocean. We walked, hand in hand, along the edge of the breaking waves, now and again dabbling our feet in the cool water as it washed over the sand. We slowly ambled down the whole length of the beach, until we came to the rocky area. There were only a few people sitting...
Sunset. The sky is on fire with gold, pink and red as the sun begins it’s decent into sea. The air is warm as I watch from the balcony, sea-birds dance in the last rays of the day and I can just make out lovers spread out over the beach as they watch the daily spectacle. I’m impatient, willing for the sun to be gone and for the last rays of the day to disappear so that she can join me. I sigh deeply and lean onto the glass barrier – not long now. The minutes pass and soon the sun touches the...
SupernaturalBit of me in the beginning, skip toward the end if your looking for just the sex part.It amazes me the beauty that nature brings to the table without even trying. From the awesome power of the sun as it sets and rises to the sensuality of woman's body to the gentle dance of plants as the breeze pushes the waves plants from side to side. As I gaze upon with excitement as the sun sets over the lake; colors of orange, yellow, and red within the center and streaks of purple and blue on the edges....
Maggie parks her car at the trailhead. She loves trail running and today has decided to run the 5 miles into Sunset Hot Springs. She's been there once a while ago when she was a freshman in college. Went with some girlfriends. They hiked in and spent the night. All of them got naked and had a soak. There would be some good lesbian fantasy material from that trip if she really wanted to get into it, but she'd rather think about Will. The hot springs are situated on the edge of a beautiful valley...
After a few years of talking about taking a vacation together, this year we put together our money in May and paid for a trip to Key Largo at the close to the end of summer after your job slowed down from building all of the summer season. Somehow we managed to get booked at some sort of private beach place that was available and in our price range. I remember thinking “Man, I hope we have some privacy so we can just fuck all we want outside!” And smiling as we left the webpage that booked our...
Sunset I almost feel like a tiger stalking my prey. The way I've been watching you all afternoon. Admiring the way you sway across the sand, your smile, your hair and the way the sun shines across your face. I can smell your fragrance and it makes me want to pounce. It’s almost sunset and this private cabana couldn't have been a better setting. A picturesque beach before us and the intoxicating smell of jasmine fills the air.You lay down in front of me and I start to caress your beautiful back....
Warning: This story is a work of pure fiction, and contains some adult matter, including transformations from male to female. If you are under the legal age (18 most everywhere) or are offended by such, please read no further. This is the first in a series of stories I'm writing based in a strip club. I don't know how long this is going to go on (so far, I've only got ideas for five stories including this one), but I'll write as I get ideas. Like the "Spells 'R' Us" and "Bikini...
Sunset I almost feel like a tiger stalking my prey. The way I've been watching you all afternoon. Admiring the way you sway across the sand, your smile, your hair and the way the sun shines across your face. I can smell your fragrance and it makes me want to pounce. It’s almost sunset and this private cabana couldn't have been a better setting. A picturesque beach before us and the intoxicating smell of jasmine fills the air. You lay down in front of me and I start to caress your...
Straight SexI was angry. I know that's no excuse, but that's how I felt. I had planned our trip for weeks, suffered through crowds of people and long lines, not to mention a ten hour flight getting to Maui. And what does Bill do? He scheduled a business meeting for our first day! "Well screw him!" I thought. I was going out to enjoy myself. That's how I found myself at a tiny bar, less than a block from our condo. It had awful Hawaiian music playing for any tourist that happened to find it, but it...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
I’d been playing on the chats for a while when he came into the room, and we started up a conversation about where we were from, what we were doing – the usual stuff. We role played for a bit, just the mundane stuff (what we’d do to each other if we were to meet up in a hotel room, or some place semi-private). I started to share more and more personal fantasies, and just other random ideas about sex with him as time went on. We carried on chatting about everything that crossed our minds for a...
TabooWhen the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
“Heather! Wait up!” I called. My sister, several paces ahead of me, did a slow swing-turn around a street sign, using the post for balance until she was facing back towards me. She wobbled unsteadily on her high heels also, but at least she was in possession of both her shoes. “Shhhhh!” Heather shushed me, bringing her fingers to her lips in an exaggerated motion. “You’re SOOOO... NOISY, Courtney! You’re going to wake... like... like... EVERYONE!” she admonished loudly, gesturing vaguely...
One of my second cousins, Andy Von Scouries, a psychiatrist, is the hero of the following tale (they still use the Von in their branch of the family). When Andy and his sister were down visiting in Florida last winter they told me about some of his most interesting cases. He was hoping I'd write some of them up for him so he also left me a copy of his case notes and some of the video of the various sessions to ensure accuracy. Next time I'm up visiting him he's promised to let me sit in on...