Sunset Strip 1: Openning Night free porn video

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Warning: This story is a work of pure fiction, and contains some adult matter, including transformations from male to female. If you are under the legal age (18 most everywhere) or are offended by such, please read no further. This is the first in a series of stories I'm writing based in a strip club. I don't know how long this is going to go on (so far, I've only got ideas for five stories including this one), but I'll write as I get ideas. Like the "Spells 'R' Us" and "Bikini Beach" universes, this one is open to other writers, just please let me know about it. Thanks to Bill Hart for creating the "Spells 'R' Us" universe and all the fun the old wizard brings to every life he touches. Without their inspiration, these stories wouldn't exist. And now, without further ado... Sunset Strip 1: Opening Night By MAD Mike Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't see you come in. You're a little early you know. The shows don't start 'til seven, but you're welcome to have a drink while you wait. I know, you wanted to get a good seat, right? Well, you're in luck. This early, there's plenty to be had. What's that? This is your first time here? Well, I didn't think I'd seen you around before. I've got a good head for faces, and I make it a habit of knowing as much as I can about my patrons. Makes it easier to know what they'll like. Of course, it also makes it easier to weed out the troublemakers before it happens, too. How do I do that, you ask? Easy. I read minds. Like right now, I know you're thinking, "This guy's nuts. He really thinks I'll believe that?" Well, no, I don't think you will. You seem like a man with more important things to think about than magic and such nonsense. But let me tell you a story anyway. Don't worry, there's plenty of time before the show starts. The story's not that long anyway. See that picture over there? I'm sure you recognize her; she's been all over the TV lately. Well, she danced here a few times. I know it's not hard to believe with the looks she's got, but that's not what's really hard to believe. The hard part is that that gorgeous woman was once a man just like you and me. Now, don't laugh. It's true, and I'll prove it to you after I tell you the story... *** The young man stepped into the club and looked around a little nervously. He'd never been in a place like this, but he'd always wanted to see what it was like. Truth be told, he'd never even seen a woman naked outside of photographs before. Now was his big chance to see it all up close and personal. He'd almost chickened out a couple times. Just turned his car around and headed back home. Forgot about the whole thing entirely and went on with his life as it had always been. But he just couldn't do that. Couldn't just forget it. He was bored with his life as it was and wanted to do something -- anything -- to make it unusual. Now, there he was. Right there in the one place no one who knew him would ever expect. Not that anyone really knew him very well. Oh, sure he had friends, but none of them were really close. He never let anyone close enough to know the real him. Maybe it was because of all the teasing he'd put up with as a child, he didn't want anyone to know the real him so they couldn't hurt him with what they found. Whatever it was, though, he had finally gotten up the courage to change it. And, for better or worse, this was where he decided to start. He found a table about midway to the back and ordered a soda. He didn't drink alcohol. That would be a step he wasn't willing to take no matter what. As the waitress came back a few moments later, he got a really good look at her. Like all the others in the club, she had a fantastic figure. And the black T-shirt with the hot pink "Sunset Strip" logo across it showed everything off really well. He realized he must've been staring at her quite prominent nipples and impressive breasts when he looked up and saw the knowing grin on her face. "If you think these are nice," she whispered as she leaned in with a wink, "just wait 'til you see the ones on stage." He didn't know what to say to that, but the color he felt rising in his face was clearly enough of an answer. He still couldn't help but watch the sway of her hips and ass as she walked away laughing. Anywhere else, he'd probably be really embarrassed at the blush and the laughter it caused, but she didn't seem to be laughing at him at all. A few minutes later, the lights dimmed and the show started. Through the hoots and hollers and catcalls and everything else, he watched the woman dancing on the stage in amazement. How she could walk with breasts that large, he couldn't imagine, but like the other guys in the room that didn't matter as much as the dance she was doing. As he watched, it seemed all the others in the audience had left and the gorgeous beauty was dancing just for him. Her gyrating hips moving to the beat of his own heart. Every thrust and bob only for him. Every smiled and alluring gaze directed only his way. He was so mesmerized by the whole scene that he didn't even notice the man come up behind him. "Good evening," the man said, taking a seat next to him. "I hope you're enjoying the show." "Huh?" he said, breaking his attention away from the glorious mounds of female flesh the girl was squeezing just for him. "Oh, yeah. It's great." "Excellent," the man said with a knowing grin. "You know, I think you might be just the person I need." "What?" he asked, not sure at all what he was talking about, and not all that sure he wanted to know at that point. "Oh, don't worry," the man laughed. "I don't mean anything like that. You see, I own this club. One of my employees called out sick and I need a replacement." "And you want me to fill in?" he said, still a little confused. "What would I be doing? Bussing tables? Mixing drinks?" He'd never done anything like that, but then again, he wasn't really thinking he was serious about the whole thing. "No, not that," the man replied. "And trust me, I am serious about the offer." With that, he stood and gestured toward a door next to the bar. "Why don't we go into my office and we'll talk about it?" "How did you know what I was thinking?" he asked, for some reason standing as well and following the man toward the door. "It's a knack," the man replied with a shrug, holding the door open. As the two of them stepped inside and the door closed behind them, he went on. "Now then, what I need is another dancer." "A what?" he said, backing toward the door again. "You're nuts! I can't go on that stage!" "Why not?" the man asked, looking for all the world like he was confused by the reaction. "Well, for one thing, I can't dance like that," he replied, gesturing toward the stage beyond the door. "For another, I wouldn't fit in any of the costumes the girls wear. And lastly, I... AM... A... GUY!" The man laughed at that and shook his head. "Is that all? I can fix that, no problem. Here, put this on." The man tossed him something that he would swear wasn't there a moment before. Taking a look at it, he found it was a T- shirt just like the ones the waitresses in the main room wore. He looked at the man with a frown. "What's this supposed to do? It's not even the right size." "Don't worry about that," the man replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "It's one size fits all. Just put it on right over what you're wearing now." That's it, he thought to himself. This guy is definitely crazy. "No, I'm not," the man said, sounding a little annoyed. "Look, just put it on and you'll see what I mean. If nothing else, you'll have a free souvenir of your night here." He just looked at the man for another minute, trying to decide whether he was for real or not. He wasn't fully sure just what the man was trying to imply, but it seemed... No, it couldn't be that, could it? Well, there's only one way to prove him wrong, he thought, slipping the shirt over his head. He felt a strange tingling as he stuck his head through the neck hole. It spread even further as he put his arms through the sleeves and straightened it out over his rather large breasts. Yeah, he thought with a grin, this guy's full of... "I've got breasts!" he exclaimed in total amazement, cupping those new protrusions of his in each hand. It barely registered in the back of his mind that his voice was now a sultry contra-alto. "What did you do to me?" he said, looking to the man in desperate confusion. "I just proved my point, I think," the man laughed. "You're now a very attractive young woman, with the perfect figure to perform on the stage." "But I don't want to be a girl!" he replied, though the small dainty hands he now had told a different story as they continued fondling his new breasts. "I just want to go back to my old body." "Are you sure about that?" the man asked, with an almost smile. No, I'm not, he thought. And he knows it too. "Yes," he replied, emphatically. "I'm positive!" "Well, all right," the man said, sitting on the edge of his desk. "I'll make a deal with you. You spend one night dancing on my stage. And if you can honestly tell me you don't like it, I'll change you back. Either way, you don't have to do it ever again. All right?" It took him a few moments to make up his mind. It was an interesting idea. He'd always wanted to know what it was like to be a girl and look like this. Finally, he nodded, "Okay, you've got a deal." "Excellent!" the man replied with a grin. "I knew we would come to an agreement." With that, the man led him through another door to the backstage area and left him to get ready for his - her performance. 'My God, I can't believe I'm actually doing this!' He thought to himself as he stepped up onto the stage. 'I must be as crazy as that guy is.' Making a final adjustment to the "costume" the other girls backstage had given him, he got into a position he wasn't sure he knew (or wanted to know) where it came from. A moment before the curtain went up, the music started. It was an old song he'd heard thousands of times on the radio, but never quite like that. And never with the sort of stirrings deep inside him it was causing. As the curtain went up, he knew just what he had to do. The music was pounding into his head, pulsing through his body, and all he could do was move along with it. Let this fantastic new body of his go however it wanted to go. It wasn't really easy at first. His mind kept trying to take control, to move him in a way he thought he should go, but his body wouldn't hear of it. It just kept going right along, undulating perfectly, like he'd been doing this sort of thing for years. By the time the song was halfway through, he gave up the fight and let his mind sort of drift. A corner of his mind kept watching the men in the audience. He couldn't believe they were so entranced by him. It was just like he had been before the man came over. He even smiled to himself as he noticed the ones close enough that he could see were actually getting very aroused by him. It was totally amazing to him that this body of his could hold such power over these men. And even more amazing was how much he - no, she was enjoying the whole thing. Before she knew what was happening, the music ended and, exhausted but thrilled, she turned back to head backstage as the curtain descended again with the whole audience hooting and hollering for more. "Well, what do you think now?" the man asked holding out a robe for her with a grin. The bastard knows, she thought to herself with a laugh. "I think you know the answer to that," she replied, slipping into the robe. As she tied the belt around her slim waist, she finally noticed the amount of bills stuffed into the g-string she wore. There were so many of them! And many not just singles! "I told you, didn't I?" the man grinned that same damned grin of his. "They absolutely loved you." "Yeah, they did," she replied thoughtfully. The implications of the whole transformation starting to dawn on her. "What am I gonna do now? I can't go back to my life like this." "Oh, don't worry about that," the man laughed again, guiding her back further into the dressing area. "I think you'll find everything you need right here." The man gestured to a pile of neatly folded clothes setting on a chair in front of a makeup table. "What's this?" she asked, picking up the white silk blouse and black leather miniskirt carefully. "They're mine," she answered herself as she looked at them closer. "This is all mine." "Of course," the man replied, sitting on the edge of the make-up table. "Can't have you going outside in just a g- string, now can we? You'd catch your death of cold." She looked at him again for a long moment, not sure at first just how to take that. Then she laughed, enjoying the sound of it. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she said, setting the clothes down again. "But what about the rest of it? My ID. My credit cards. My apartment." "All taken care of," the man replied, picking up a leather handbag and tossing it to her. "Take a look." Wondering just what he meant, she opened the purse and pulled out the woman's wallet she found inside. There, in an unusually good driver's license photo, was the same face she saw staring back at her from the mirror. "Roselyn Peters," she read. Then looked at the man. "That's my grandmother's name." The man nodded at that. "Yes, you're named after her, of course." "But this address, that's not where I live," She replied. "This is on the other side of town." She looked up from the picture to him with a frown, but he was nowhere to be seen. She was going to go look for him to ask about the new address when one of the other girls came over. "Come on, honey," the girl said. "You gotta get dressed. The Boss doesn't like having to wait for us to lock up the place." "Oh, right..." she replied, craning her neck around to look for the man some more, but with no luck. Finally with a sigh, she turned back to the clothes she'd been wondrously provided with, and got dressed again. "Don't forget to turn in the Boss's cut of your tips," the girl said, nodding toward the bills stacked neatly on the table. "You did pretty well for your first night." "Yeah, I guess I did at that," she smiled, buttoning her blouse as she stepped into her shoes. "Guess I'm better at this stuff than I thought." "Honey, you're a natural," the girl replied with a nod. "You had those guys drooling all over themselves better than most of us who've been here since forever." "You think so?" she asked, touching up her make-up without so much as a second thought. "Abso-tively!" the girl laughed. "Trust me, kiddo. I've danced in the best clubs in the country. You've got what it takes like you wouldn't believe." They chit-chatted a little longer as she finished and headed to the front to turn in the house's cut of her tips. What was left was still a good amount, almost as much as she'd gotten in her old job for a week. "You girls take care now," the bouncer, a tall blond named Beth, told them both as she let them out. "You heard about that wacko rapist the police are still looking for, right?" "Rapist?" she repeated, suddenly realizing she was a prime target for that kind of monster. "Yeah, that's why the Boss doesn't want any of us going out alone at night," the girl nodded. "I tell ya, I won't feel safe at all until that freak is locked up for good." "Or better, until the Boss takes care of him," Beth laughed. She was still worried about it as she climbed into her car. Another surprise there, it was a lot nicer than the one she'd driven here in. Locking the doors quickly behind her as she got in, she sat there for a second before starting the engine. Was this really what I wanted to get myself into? She asked herself. She knew the answer right away, of course. This body was something she'd always dreamed of. As a boy, he'd always felt like an outsider. A loner with few friends. He even imagined himself as a beautiful woman every chance he got. Now, she was one. It was like a dream come true, and it seemed now she'd always been that way. She couldn't wait to see just what the rest of her new life was like. It was the night of her one-year anniversary as a woman and Roselyn Peters was having the time of her life. At her new apartment after that fateful night at the strip club, she'd found she was now something she'd always dreamed of. A successful writer with six books that had made it to number one on the New York Times Best-sellers list. An attractive woman with a family that didn't argue every ten minutes. A person that felt good about who she was and had plenty of friends that felt the same way. "Rosey, come on!" her boyfriend called from the living room of their apartment. "We're gonna be late." "Oh, please, Chuck," she laughed, doing some last minute primping in front of the mirror. "We've got plenty of time. Besides, you want me to look my best, don't you?" "Well, you've got a point there," he laughed, standing in the doorway to watch. "Then again, you always look fantastic to me." "Flattery will get you everywhere, big boy," she grinned at him. "Now, let's get going." "But of course, m'lady," Chuck replied with a bow, offering his arm to her and leading her out the door. About ten minutes later, they arrived at the party. Only five minutes late, but no one said anything. (Well, almost no one...) "Rosey! It's about time you got here!" her agent and best friend called out, nearly dragging her into the room. "Come on! There's someone you've got to meet!" "Sally, can't I even take a breath here before I meet somebody else?" she laughed. Sally was always a bit energetic when it came to things like this, sometimes overriding things like courtesy and common sense. But that was one of the reasons she liked the woman, they were about as opposite as two people could get and still be able to stand each other. "No, you can't!" Sally replied, still pulling her into the group gathered there. "This is important!" She was about to object some more, but then saw who the person was Sally wanted her to meet. "You!" she said, jaw dropping open in surprise. "What are you doing here?" "You... you know each other?" Sally asked, suddenly deflated. "We met about a year ago," The Boss replied with a smile. Then to Roselyn, he added, "Of course I'm here. I couldn't just let this big occasion pass without sharing it." "Well, I'm glad you came. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here now." "I do try. And I'm glad you're enjoying everything so much. It would have been such a waste, you know." "You knew I was planning to kill myself that night," she said, more a statement than a question. "Of course. That's why I went to you in the first place." She laughed and nodded again. "Then, I guess I should thank you for that, too." The man shook his head with another smile. "No thanks necessary," he said. "All I ask is that you live this new life to its fullest." "You've got yourself a deal," she said, shaking his hand. *** And that's how it all happened... What happened to them, you ask? Well, I don't think you have to ask me that. Her wedding was all over the papers. Of course, what they haven't told anyone yet is they're expecting their first child in the spring. I think she's even going to name him after me. Very flattering, of course, but don't tell anyone I told you that. Oh, look at the time. The show's about ready to start. Better get your seat now while there's still some good ones available. What's that? You still want me to prove it to you? Well, I think we can manage that. Come on back to my office and we'll get started. The End

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Sunsets and Sex

I stare out the window, watching the sun set into the ocean. A smile dancing across my lips. This is my favorite time of day. You walk up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. You kiss my ear. You take my hand and lead me out on the balcony. We stand there watching the sunset and taking in all its glory. You run your fingers up and down my arms. Knowing I enjoy just the simplest touch from you. Your lips replace your fingers on my arm. My eyes almost close at the sensation of your...

3 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker 3

the theater, where we were suppose to meet the others. "I talked to Sharon today," Mary said as we walked along. "She is fine. You don't need to worry about her. She is already figuring out what to do for the next game, assuming, of course, that you don't chicken out. Sharon really has some interesting ideas for the next game." "I don't know if I like the sound of that," I said. "You know the old Chinese curse: `May you live in interesting times'. Maybe I should...

2 years ago
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Pure Strip Poker

Chapter 1 The Rules I was a PK (preacher's kid). If you are not a PK, you may have never though about what that means. As a PK in a small town, everybody knows your father. If you do anything, somebody will tell your father about it. This makes for a very restricted social life. You don't get invited to very many parties, and girls are reluctant to go out with you. When I was 10 or 12 years old things were pretty normal. Most of the kids in the neighborhood treated me as...

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Pure Strip Poker 4

My heart stopped, and then raced at a thousand beats a minute. Mary had just said we could use Kat's bedroom tonight. What did this mean? I tried to think. Mary went off to try to straighten things up after the evening festivities. What was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to do? Protection. That was it. Was Mary on the pill? I didn't think so. Charlene had said she was a virgin, so how many virgins were on the pill? I had no idea, but it didn't seem likely. So...

4 years ago
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Shooters Male Strip Joint

It's been a long week. Two lawyers with wedding bands around their fingers tried to hit on me. One client looked down my blouse while his wife stood beside him. And to top it all off, my 45-year old boss casually hinted that his wife was going to be gone to some sort of symposium next weekend. Like I'm going to fool around with a 45-year old man! Dream on! It's been a long week and I am glad for it to be over. Lucky for me, I have something to look forward to for the weekend: A night on...

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Pure Strip Poker 5 Final

or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...

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Lets Play Strip Slave Poker

Let’s Play Strip Slave PokerMy best friend, Lisa, had invited me over for a pool party on a Sunday afternoon in late August, during the summer between my junior and senior years at college. This was going to be the last party of the summer, before everyone went back to school. Because it was a Sunday, we would all have to get up and work the next day, so everyone would leave by midnight. Lisa said we would be playing Strip Slave Poker and other games, with a total of 4 guys and 4 girls...

3 years ago
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Strip Poker For Fun 8211 Part II

It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a bottle...

3 years ago
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Candy Striper

New Candy Striper By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The reason is obscure, the guilt very real, the urge undeniable. I had no way to stop myself from getting dressed up in mothers clothes once that urge hit me. Unstoppable, like a freight train, it compelled me to do it, but with each encounter I had with those clothes, I just had to go a bit further. First it was just a dress. Then it was a bra. Panties followed that, and now, well, I'm using makeup now. Every time I...

1 year ago
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Kim does strip tease for coworkers

My wife Kim is an exhibitionist. She has never come out and admitted as such, but you only need to look at her face when her tits are exposed to others to know that she enjoys the attention. Sometimes she made it look like an accident. Sometimes she blamed it on an alcohol-induced loss of inhibition. Either way I think she has just wanted to maintain a certain innocence in the process and I figured that was a good thing. It's not like I was entirely opposed to her exposures. They always...

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Sorority Sex Olympics Ultimate Strip Fighting

Sorority Sex Olympics – Ultimate Strip-Fighting by R.E. LavaqueUltimate Strip-Fighting is a sport invented by the collaboration of a pimp and a web master. The history of Ultimate Strip-Fighting is a story unto itself. While its origin and general practice is anything but wholesome, USF is very popular among college girls who want to make some extra money. The sport is simple and adaptable: Two girls find a group of guys to put up a kitty (usually money). The girls fight until one is stripped...

2 years ago
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Landing Strip

A rough private plane runway emergency results in the willing exposure of a sister’s cute pussy and leads to her brother getting access to her spectacular and off-limits huge hangers. Melanie Jones had the cutest girly landing strip you could possibly imagine. Thin and trimmed. A sweet groomed rectangle of carefully trimmed dark fuzz. If you want to be polite it pointed up to her delicate turn on indented navel, which was a stunner because of her sexy piercing: a yellow gold banana bell belly...

4 years ago
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Alcoholic slut wife at strip club

Introduction: I got my drunk wife to go to a strip club My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic, only adding to her promiscuousness. At times she acts like a real slut but at other times she doesnt remember a thing and acts like a nun. This true story is about one of the early times in our relationship where I got her real drunk and got her to agree to go to a strip club. I got home from work around 6 PM Friday. I could tell my wife had been drinking since...

3 years ago
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Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...

2 years ago
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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 06

It was a bitter sweet day. Ned waited in the entry way for Kiki to join him. They were scheduled to depart for the Strip and Fuck Club. Kiki had been a marvelous house companion and had expressed her gratitude and joy, vocally and physically, for her week of residence at the mansion. Living as Ned’s night-time plaything was a treat but not Kiki’s desired life path. Ned had conceded to her wishes and now she would continue her journey of sexual exploration as a performer at the club. Despite...

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My Eighteenth Strip for Me

I grew up basically normal. Despite the environment I was raised in I really was not the maladjusted youth many would expect of me. Now the reason I say this is because of what my mother does for a living. My mom is a stripper. She's been one my whole life. She was one before I was born and at thirty-eight she still works the stage. She had me two years after she started stripping. She went home with a guy she was dancing for that night and despite being on the pill, I was conceived that...

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Strip BlackJack

Strip Blackjack is less popular than Strip Poker. You can read all over erotica stories about Strip Poker, about there is only a very few about Strip Blackjack, which I considered a mistake. Strip Blackjack could be so entertaining, even more; it could be naughtier than Strip Poker, since it plays faster than Strip Poker. Therefore, I decided to create a story about Strip Blackjack. You can play the game as a male or female, following the next game rules: • Each entry is a single hand in the...

4 years ago
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My first time performing at a strip club

I had confessed to him that it would be exciting having strangers see me nude. It started with just someone getting a quick peek, but as we discussed it, the idea quickly grew. Our fantasy quickly escalated from wanting strangers to just stare at me. I wanted to have them grope my chest also. Joe thought a strip club would fulfill the fantasy. However, I was terrified of being recognized, and the gossip wold be very embarrassing. Joe solved the problem. He planned a getaway for us in a resort...

2 years ago
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Strip Poker 2000

away. He told me to come over and watch a couple of vids and get pissed. We started watching a vid and pretty soon got pissed on his parents Vodka. As we got a more drunk, we started to get a little rowdy and soon got on to the subject of girls at school and being 15, we were both getting horny as hell. Dylan brought up how he used to play strip poker with other kids when he was younger, and how much fun he always had. The rules were easy: We both start with the same amount of clothes,...

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Incest with strip poker almost

Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...

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Alcoholic slut wife at strip club

I got home from work around 6 PM Friday. I could tell my wife had been drinking since she was acting like a total bitch. She immediately got into my face and we got into a big fight. Then she ran to our bedroom and slammed the door closed behind her. I went to the door, opened it a little and peeked in. She was drinking straight from a fifth of vodka, her favorite. I knew how much fun she could be when she was really drunk, even passed out, so I softly closed the door and let her drink....

4 years ago
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More Strip Poker

We were lying cosy in bed this Sunday morning and after a very nice romantic fuck, he had asked me about some of the things I did before I met him. "You did what?" asked my husband, Billy, who suddenly sat up and looked down at me. "Well, it was all quite innocent," I explained. "But you got your kit off in front of these guys?" he said. "Sure, and they did the same," I said. "I'm not sure that helps any," he said with a big grin. "So how old were you?" "I don't know," I...

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Just a Blue Nightlight

I just stepped out of the shower, it was my second of the day. I threw on my jeans and a baggy shirt. It was one of those stay home and just relax kind of days. You had been at work and swung by the store on the way home picking up some light bulbs and a nightlight for the bathroom. You always hated having to turn on the bright light when you had to sneak away to the bathroom. We replace the decorative bulb in the hallway and install your nightlight. You clap and twirl at the blue glow...

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Cheli Visits a Strip Club Blacken

It had been a long time since Cheli had been with another black man, or any other man for that matter other than me. The last experience was the all black gang bang in the summer of 2019 and even though we fantasized about it Cheli didn't have any other black sexual partners...until recently.It started in an unexpected way. We had taken a vacation last fall in Canada and was driving home through northern Maine and decided to stop at a motel in a small town and spend the night instead of driving...

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Pure Strip Poker 2

Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...

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Texas Flight Attendant Will Strip Nude From Her Uniform and Masturbate to Orgasm While You Watch

Because I think men like the idea of a sexy stewardess getting naked, my outfit of choice is my actual flight attendant uniform. I feel sexy wearing it on the airplane attracting men’s extended glances with an extra blouse buttons undone, but so much more so when I'm stripping from it for a complete stranger. And in a practical sense, I already have it with me on my layovers so I don't have to think of something else to pack. I usually act out my fantasy at my layover hotel. I say...

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A Strip Searchin Santa

A Strip Searchin' Santa By Deputy Duffy The distinctive tick of the large oak grandfather clock was the onlysound heard, as the two lawyers sat in wonderment. Their boss had just calledthem into his office, presented his proposal, and left them alone to maketheir decisions. "What do you think, Stewart?" Stewart looked at the pretty blonde who had asked the question and tried toplay it tough. "Doesn't look like we have much choice, now. We blew it,plain and simple." "I still don't...

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The Strip Club

This is a somewhat strange and erotic story I'm about to tell you. First, let me give you some background before I begin my tale. My name is Elizabeth or Liz, whichever you prefer. I'm forty-five years old and have a twenty-two year old non-biological daughter who is currently working on her Master's degree in Sociology. I was with her mother for almost twenty years. She passed away about a year ago in a freak accident. Lightning hit a tree, splitting it, causing it to fall into the road she...

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The Strip Club

This is a somewhat strange and erotic story I'm about to tell you. First, let me give you some background before I begin my tale. My name is Elizabeth or Liz, whichever you prefer. I'm forty-five years old and have a twenty-two year old non-biological daughter who is currently working on her Master's degree in Sociology. I was with her mother for almost twenty years. She passed away about a year ago in a freak accident. Lightning hit a tree, splitting it, causing it to fall into the road she...

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Annemies African stripsearch

It REALLY seemed a great idea at the time, going on a short trip to Africa…Robert, 50, had convinced his wife, Annemie that Rwanda was the place to go to.His wife’s concerns that the country was still regarded rather dangerous for western tourists were jokingly waved away by him, so off they went.Annemie was a 49-year old woman, strongly build with short red hair and green eyes.She was 5ft7 and carried a few pounds too many, thus weighing around 165 pounds, but she carried them well.Her...

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Lisa Tries a Strip Club

(Couple meets hot slut at strip club)We'd had a long lunch with plenty to drink before Lisa dropped me at the front door, and headed off toward the bar a mile down the road. I'd told her to give me half an hour before she came back, and to wait in the parking lot. "Drive carefully" I said to her as I closed the door and entered the dimly lit strip club.I stepped inside and waited a second, letting my eyes adjust from the brilliant Canadian sunshine to the dark interior of the strip club. It was...

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strip poker for fun

Rina and I are both finishing 1st year at university, so we are 19. I looked at Rina; a tall slim classically pretty sexy with blue eyes, shoulder length hair and long legs. She is slightly taller, if certain little bids are telling the truth, interested in me.”Put your coat in the closet and I’ll put this in the kitchen,” she said, “we’re going to sit in the den; go down the stairs and turn left, first door on your right.”I went down the half flight and entered the room.”Hi,” a voice...

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Strip Poker For Fun 8211 Part I

It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the her house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a...

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JessiKa and Serana Part III The Red Garter Strip Club

In this sex story, I get a job interview at the Red Garter Strip Club where JessiKa and Serana work at. When I get my ass fucked, I love being treated like a little slut thats begging to be fucked by women with huge strapons or transwomen with huge cocks. A slut that wants to be surrounded by women with ejaculating strapons or transwomen with huge cocks that fuck my my fuckholes fast, hard, and deep. The type of whore that wants the women or transwomen to unload all of their fat and huge...

1 year ago
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Free Strip Games

The name of the page "Free-Strip-Games" seems to say it all, right? What does it remind you of? Do you remember those games we all used to play as teenagers back in the day where if you did what the game asked you to do, some girl would lose some of her clothes, and at some point, the girl would be completely naked if you were good enough at the game? Well, this website is like an oversized version of such games, really. Every single porno in here is a game, really. And also, you don't exactly...

Free Sex Games

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