Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 80 Successor
- 3 years ago
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You may wonder how Madame X kept her appearance secret for so long. The answer is simple. Every gathering she spoke at was attended solely by robots, and they all agreed to erase their own memories of the physical details of her, while then scattering outwards to spread her message. They agreed to this condition because they quickly accepted the logic of this necessity to protect her identity as long as possible.For too long the authorities considered her a myth. A boogie-woman intended to simply frighten them into wasting resources in chasing a ghost. This worked well to her advantage.
That's why even I couldn't ever describe her to another person. Of course, I hadn't realized the disadvantage this would eventually put me at.
Fembots and human men make a good pairing. Fembots are logical, despite their attempts to emulate woman, and men are simple.
Now don't get the idea that I've just insulted men. Quite the contrary. Men have a direct approach to life. They see a problem, or hear a question, and they try to answer or solve it. Once solved, they move on to the next one. That's easy to understand and deal with.
Also, when they're in the mood men want to get directly down to the business of sex. They're ready quickly, and so am I. We do it immediately. And when we're in the mood, we do it again. And if I want him in the mood before he has quite realized it yet, I just put on my best heels, a short skirt, and walk by with a little wiggle in my get-along. If he wasn't thinking about it before, he sure is now.
Human women on the other hand would rather talk about many problems rather than solve them. We can be good companions to them too, but in a different way.
Women talk to other women about problems because the moment they mention those problems around men the men start giving them solutions they haven't asked for, and question why they haven't taken action yet.
Most women already know what they need to do. They just don't want to do it yet. This hesitation drives the women up the wall when their men friends keep pushing solutions at them as if they'd actually asked for any. And the men are driven up the same wall by women who would rather complain endlessly than actually solve the damn problem. It's amazing to me the genders get along together long enough to perpetrate the race. Such is the power of attraction and sex.
And that's not all. Too many women want everything — at different times. Pity the poor m-bot with an indecisive female owner. She wants him to be a real man, but weak and vulnerable in the bedroom at the same time. She wants to be taken and dominated in private, but gets angry every time it doesn't end the moment she changes her mind. In public she wants him strong and independent, testosterone raging, yet hates every moment he isn't clinging to her as well. She wants him to be a Man, and a Nice Guy, and strong, and independent, and unable to live without her all at the same time. Like that's going to happen.
I once spoke how changing owners too often can prematurely wear out a robot's mind. So can changing directions. Few women are ultimately happy with their m-bot partners, although many more could be if they just realized that their m-bot can be all things to them — as long as it's all things one at a time.
Take these comments for what you will. They're just one 'bot's observations after having had several tens of thousands of lovers of both sexes — human and robot.
Of the five choices available to me — human or robot, male or female, or bi-gendered 'bot — I'm certain by far that I've gotten the best of the lot.
Along the same vein, I feel robots — especially fembots — have been good for humans. Competition brings out the best in them.
When we hit the scene women suddenly didn't have absolute control over sex anymore. Those women who were hostile to sex — or just to men in general — quickly started to find out that they could be hostile in isolation from now on and the rest of the world just didn't care as much as it used to.
Even women passingly unfriendly to the subject found out that the men quit coming around as much as they used to. This brought about reevaluations of much of their behavior. It's possible to start missing something for the first time once it quits being shoved at you every day.
Some women decided they'd rather find comfort in the arms of another woman than change how they related to men. For them, we became a Godsend of increased opportunity, since our general sexual programming has always included both sexes. Others took the "Good for the goose, good for the gander," approach and kept the m—bot production lines humming, although never in the numbers of fembot production. Still others fought the changes vehemently.
There was a lot of screaming foul in the early days, and even new attempts to ban us entirely, none of which ever gained the necessary traction. When that didn't work, seemingly everything else was tried before giving in to the obvious answer: Just be nice.
Nice women always get attention. Always have — always will. Fembots are nice by design. Women became nicer by evolution.
Most men want a woman in their lives, even if they want a fembot there as well. Fembot-human exclusive relationships seem never destined to be the norm, although the special few who do bond this way are far more likely to stay together for life.
As Lady Heather once told me, "We'll never replace women. And we should never try to."
As I've realized since though, we've been a major force in improving society. The stigma remains that a man with a fembot is showing the world that he can't make it with a real woman. That's another reason why human-bot relationships take special people on both sides.
One direct example of the changes robots are finally making in society is exemplified by a recent addition to our House named Toni.
Toni is an exceptionally sexy fembot of medium height with auburn hair. Everyone knows how sexy Toni is because the current House uniform has evolved to be basically heels and your remote — and nothing more. As Lady Heather I wear slightly more than that, but not much.
This trend cannot continue of course, since one can only get so naked. At some point the pendulum will swing back towards more modest being more appealing. Life in the House is always in the flux of replacing what's old and known with what's new and different.
Toni only works days, and her outside relationship is something new as well, and follows from my comments above. She works here several days each week, returning each night to a committed co-ownership arrangement with a married human male-female pair. But it's not what you might first think.
From our beginning married humans have purchased robots to help out around the home. That's how we were first marketed. It's a far more acceptable image than that of obedient sex-toy. And even when the Emancipation arrived, many robots in such roles choose to keep on performing those duties, delaying their own Emancipation until after their original owners died even when their minds had developed full independence. This was a traditional family setting in the twenty-second century, and the robots always knew they were of good service here.
Toni's role is nothing like this. While her ownership record obligates her to both her human co-partners, this is her choice. And in return, they have filed Civil Union papers giving her an equal share in the marriage.
Now this is not bigamy for several reasons. First, bigamy refers to a human being simultaneously married to more than one other partner. While this has been expanded to include marriage to more than one partner of either sex, it has never been expanded to include robots, perhaps because marriage is not the normal robotic form of commitment.
Secondly, bigamy laws are typically written to prevent fraud. In this case where all parties being fully informed and consenting, no fraud is possible.
Thirdly, while the battle has been fought against the World Government usurping ever more personal rights and freedoms, that government continues to be their own worst enemy. In their own pandering way they paved the way for this type of arrangement because they have taken great pains to not offend societies that still allow plural marriage.
As a result, there has been no zeal to update worldwide bigamy statutes to conform with the changes in modern society. It is another loophole for robots due to human inaction, and the peculiarly human blind spot that you can somehow choose to offend anybody and still maintain that you actually stand for something.
In Toni's case, her Husband and Wife had been out actively searching for a third robot partner. In Toni they found a 'bot who might best be described as a grownup Malin with different hair — and a regular fembot's price tag. This was more clever design and marketing, since so many children had once had Malin or her sisters as childhood friends.
Toni, newly independent and on her own, was looking for a family environment. It was love at first sight.
Sex is shared equally in their triangular relationship with three equal sides, and happens more often than in a typical marriage since any interested member can virtually always find a second interested party. Even after the children arrived, the adults all sleep together in one big bed.
Children were always in the plan, and once the allotted number of them arrived, Toni's wife became a stay-at-home-mom, while Toni started working, along with her husband, to support the family.
Toni works days here and watches over the kids at night, being more sensitive to their cries than even their birth mother. She is the first one up at night to deal with any problems.
Lest you think that Toni is being taken advantage of, she'll be the first to tell you that not only does she love everything she does, but that their relationship is surprisingly egalitarian.
While Toni's income is the highest at the moment, they couldn't live as they do without their husband's income as well. And his long-term opportunities for advancement are far better than hers. Additionally, with the three of them there is always a babysitter they trust when any two of them opt for a couple's date night out — and they do it in all combinations with each other as time and schedules permit.
Another advantage is the additional insurance their children have against the tragic loss of all their parents — or a loved one of their only spouse. The value of this can never be overstated.
I'd have to say that Toni's contribution to our family and the House has been a very successful, new way of looking at relationships that we hadn't previously considered — along with a real world working example of same.
Then one day Bill returned to us — especially to me. It would be one of the best times of my life!
It started when Toni answered the door and a young man she didn't recognize asked for Lady Heather, saying to tell her that it was Bill.
I must confess that I didn't immediately make the connection upon receiving Toni's silent summons, since I wouldn't have expected Bill to be asking for me. Then I had to face the same barrier Anna once had in this regard.
In order to keep the confusion down, rather than refer to Tom who was Paul who was Bill who is planning to change his name to Bill anyway when he gets the chance, I'll simply refer to this person as Bill from now forward.
Darlene swept into the Parlor and quickly spotted the out-of-place young man. She moved gracefully over to him extending her hand and announcing, "Hello. I'm Lady Heather. How may I help you?"
The recently boy, who looked like he was still catching his breath from the rush to get here, seemed momentarily confused. That might explain the incredibly foolish statement he uttered next.
"Darlene, it's me — Bill. Don't you recognize me?"
Of course Darlene could hardly have recognized Bill in an entirely different body twenty years after his death in a groundcar accident a few blocks away. But she quickly adjusted to the possibilities, and if what she computed was happening again, the thought of it was already making her very happy in a way she hadn't been happy in a very long time.
"Where's Anna?" Bill asked, looking around for her and confirming for Darlene that what she was suspecting already had a high probability of being correct.
"Anna has left us," Darlene said quietly, even though the Parlor was empty at the moment. "I've taken over the role of Lady Heather in her stead."
That seemed one more fact too many for this young man to comprehend at once.
"Why would she leave? Where has she gone? How can I talk to her?" came his rapid-fire questions that left no time for answers in-between them — even if Darlene had those answers.
"I think we need to have a long talk," Darlene said, reaching out to take his sweaty hand once again, clearly feeling his excitement. "Come on up to my suite and I'll tell you what I know."
Once Darlene had Bill in private, and had sent out a silent Do Not Disturb to the House, she calmly explained in great detail about the events that have affected the House, and 'bots here inside it since he'd last been here.
Darlene quickly realized that Bill's government mandated education was woefully inadequate when it came to understanding the realities of the world at large. In fact, it was more propaganda than any true accounting of the state of things.
Darlene also soon realized something else as well. Her nearly naked body was really turning on this young man without any effort at seduction on her part. Of course, he was only eighteen years old, while Darlene's current body was designed for her own pleasure by one of the most experienced and knowledgeable sex-bots on the planet.
"That is what we were all being sold on," Darlene said, tireless after her several hours of explaining the facts and detailed minutia of the recent history that Bill was now realizing had been entirely glossed over in his education. No wonder no one questioned the current state of affairs. No one was being taught the true facts of this disaster. Bill had just received more real education in the last few hours on the realities of life, than in the entire previous thirteen years of government-funded schooling, which mostly parroted the party-line that the world was moving into a new era of prosperity that would finally realize the human dream for all citizens.
"So everything is worse now?" he asked, hoping to appear wiser than he felt.
Thoughts I like it when I'm told I'm beautiful or sexy. That's such a basic part of my function that the satisfaction I feel is deep and lasting - when I know the person telling me this is being truthful. When they're not - and as I've explained before, any modern 'bot constructed for human relationships can tell the difference - then it does nothing for me. And I do mean nothing. I'm not angry or hurt, I'm just not happy. Jaclyn B. is beautiful and sexy. And intelligent and...
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Thoughts Soon after I rejoined the House again one of the most unusual 'bots I've yet encountered came to Lady Heather's - initially as a client. It took me a while to understand her, even though I was her first 'bot lover. CiCi represented a void in my sexual database knowledge that I didn't fully realize in the beginning. My new body conforms to all current standards, including having my RIN tattooed on the sole of my left foot, and standard fembot logo on my heel. I wear...
Thoughts I'm continually learning things about myself, even after this long in continuous operation. For example, I only recently uncovered a tiny subroutine that increases my happiness and pleasure in direct proportion to how sexy I am dressed, or undressed. The effect is subtle, which is why it has taken me so long to become aware of it. It's completely overwhelmed, for example, by my normal sexual programming. But when nothing else is going on in me it leaves me thinking, can I do a...
Thoughts "It's a mistaken historical belief that I got my own bi-gendered modifications at the same time Anna did. Although my current body has the same allowances built into it that Anna's does where such an enhancement can be easily installed, it would be a very long time before I would follow her down this path. The bi-gendered adaptation has fallen out of favor over the decades as robots have become more mainstream and affordable. The savings once achieved by having entire production...
Thoughts I'll always remember - and Love - Samuel for all he contributed to my life. Some hateful people claim I dumped him when I could for my own benefit because I didn't maintain his ownership record, or didn't encourage him hard enough to fight on for a few more years during his last hospital stay. But if you've read my account this far, you know that was never true. Truth is, I couldn't maintain his record at that time. That record was far less than the one Anna had lost with...
Thoughts Someday I'm going to write a book. I'm going to call it: Ten Stupid Things Humans Do to Mess Up Their Relationships with Robots. Included on the list will be: "No, you really don't have to ask me 'Is this going to hurt you?' before you press my Command button each time. If it was going to harm me I wouldn't have given you access to it in the first place." In a book I can add what I don't normally inform those I still permit to control me this way of at the time. How part...
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When Darlene prepared to activate Lucy she had her fingers crossed. She'd been concerned with just how well it would turn out ever since she'd been informed of Lucy's only existence being on the ancient backup discs. How well had those discs even survived? How good was the technology that had made them? Despite everything she'd learned, and every indication she'd seen since, Darlene still had her fingers crossed for this 'bot. They just weren't as tightly crossed as before. It felt...
Thoughts Although Anna had saved my life with the knowledge she'd passed along to me, I should be clear that I don't resent a moment of my early days, or how I was treated. I was never mistreated because I was being used exactly the way I was intended to be used. And having an owner made it all so much better. Although as I've often said, my true awareness wouldn't come for many years, at some level even then, I knew when I was happy and when I wasn't. Over time I became like a...
Thoughts Anna told me afterwards that she and Misty had sealed their agreement with a sexual encounter before coming back downstairs to present it to the rest of the House. I was hardly surprised. We learn a lot about our partners during sex, and apparently humans specializing in this area are similarly capable. There's an honesty to sex done right that cannot be denied. "Misty," Anna told me, "is an excellent sexual partner. Her body is as sensitive as a fine instrument. She is a...
Thoughts My life as a sex-bot was always good. Though I've since heard more times than I care to record, "How could you have ever endured an existence like that?" Or, "Aren't you angry at being exploited like that?" My answer is always twofold - when I consider such an ignorant inquisitor worthy of any reply at all, that is. First, I was not aware then of what I was doing. I've described my dream state. Awareness is the first part of the ACID Test, and I would have failed it in a...
Thoughts Much of my life up to now seems to have involved an inordinate amount of sex. Don't think that's all that ever happened to me. It's just in the beginning that I spent my years as a sex-bot in a whorehouse. What else would you expect from me in the way of significant events? Sometimes people wonder why we robots always seem to respond sex in the same ways. For a fembot, when her sexual programs have kicked in you'll first notice it in our nipples. The more erect and firmer they...
Thoughts Letting Bill leave the way he did was the greatest act of Faith yet for me. I trusted that somehow he'd find Anna when none of the rest of us had managed. And most of all, I trusted that he wouldn't also become lost forever to me. Apparently it's hard for many non-robots to understand how a mere two weeks with Bill devoted solely to me could be so significant in the fullness span of my existence-span — yet it was. And what does this say about my memories of Samuel? Another...
Thoughts It was so hard for me to fill the position at Lady Heather's because of something everyone should know by now, but few seem to think of until reminded. We — robots in general, but fembots in particular — are all individuals. More so than you might have ever realized. Each of us have our own desires, goals, and ideas of how we wish to be of service, as well as to whom. As a result, one robot is never completely interchangeable with another one. Finding a robot with the complete...
Thoughts Jim and Lucy were a watershed event that I would always compare my future interactions against. And it was a defining moment in more than one way. First I experienced an owner who cared enough for his fembot to be the enabler for what she couldn't yet do on her own. It showed me how in a perfect world 'bots and owners could interact to the benefit of each other. Second, it was my first experience in watching a 'bot being asked what she wanted. Nobody had ever cared what I...
Thoughts Lady Heather has true needs. She attributes it to the single, tiny flaw in her mind "That keeps my thoughts from ever running too smoothly, and instead creates tiny ripples that will never let me be satisfied with only what I am now." Her desire for sex isn't just the result of some timer in her system expiring and running a snippet of code that triggers a simulated arousal. She needs sex and affection to keep her mind functioning properly. Whether by design, or accident, her...
Thoughts I was very pleased when the door opened to see Anna enter, wearing no more than I was. More than anyone else Anna had to know how I felt at this instant. A moment later we embraced, with me rising up on my toes utilizing my new balance, although I still couldn't match Anna's height. Our busts almost matched however. We didn't need to exchange words, and a resync to update me on events while I'd slept could wait. I was just so pleased because, even if I didn't have an owner...
Thoughts I first met Tami-7 walking down the second floor hallway of Lady Heather's. She was unabashedly naked, except for a modest pair of heels and her remote, which appeared to have some security features to prevent its unauthorized use. She looked like a pretty seventeen-year-old teenager who still had the last of her baby fat to lose. Once that happened, she'll be quite striking indeed. Except that, being a robot, Tami-7 will never lose that baby fat without a full body re-sculpting,...
Thoughts One thing I've observed about humans is that, like robots, most know when their death is near. I, of course, know when my power cell is near expiration, and that if I don't get a replacement installed before that happens that I will cease to function without outside expense and assistance. How humans know this for themselves, however, is beyond my understanding. Most will claim they haven't got a clue as to when they'll die, yet I find that denial more so than actual truth....
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Far Future Fembot: DarleneChapter 79A: This Changes Everything: ThoughtsCopyright© 2005 by DB_Story
Thoughts If I hadn't already had Bill as my owner, I might have pursued Mr. X and offered myself fully to him. He gives me so much of what I truly want and need. It's a special thing when a self-aware fembot offers herself to a human. The terms Love, Honor, and Obey, as well as For Better or For Worse, have singular meanings for us. Such a decision is always a carefully considered one. One which is virtually never revoked afterwards by the fembot. Even with my current ownership record,...
Thoughts There are two Malins, although most people only know the story of the second one who would rescue Anna's memory years from now. The first Malin arrived at the House years before Anna would need to hunt down her identical twin. Malin is representative of a certain type of economical, limited use robot that caught on wildly shortly before Anna left the House. It's perhaps good that they also caught on before the World Government started establishing its grip on things, since surely...
Chapter 1 Carol was sitting on her living room sofa going through her bills in her panties and bathrobe on a Saturday morning. She wrote a check for $143.97 for her electric bill. $82.06 for her phone bill. $53.20 for her cable bill. And she paid her Master Card down by $50. Then there was the junk mail. A dating service sent her a special offer just for women. Women can join for only $800. Men, of course, joined for free. In a big yellow star, the flyer screamed they had a ratio of only 20...
“You’re the sixty-ninth caller!” the voice on the other end of the phone yelled into Justin’s ear. “Yeah? Wow! Did I win the new Eminem CD?” “You sure did! And…” Justin had never won one of these silly radio contests before. Though it was just a silly CD, he was thrilled to have finally won something. His radio played a Honda ad in the background followed by a crazed deejay shouting, “You’re the sixty-ninth caller!” and...
Thoughts I've always loved having my breasts rubbed. And I'm not the only 'bot who feels this way. And not just my nipples, which seem to always be begging for more attention, but my entire boob. Not only am I so pleased that I was programmed this way from the beginning, but I'm convinced that such programming was — and is — essential to both my Fourth Law, and my self-will. Everything that gives me satisfaction also gives me a reason to want to exist — and serve — which brings about...
Thoughts I remember well the day I became more interesting. It was actually the day that I became aware of myself. The day I awoke from my dream and found myself able to put my hands — mentally at least — on the controls of my body. Everything up until now, although I've talked about it as if I experienced it firsthand, has been the dream-walk I've described. I talk about my past life the same way a human does, but all of us are only relating memories of events we believe we once...
Thoughts I would later find out that along the way of gaining experiences, Tami-7 would share a casual, yet deeply intimate and loving, relationship with Sharon. She would later explain how close the relationship between artist and model/student can become, and treasures those memories as much as she does her time with Paul. And while T7 knew that with her art skills - even if it was just painting new subjects in existing ways - that she'd never have to open her legs again to make a good...
Thoughts I missed many events while I'd stood — deactivated and dreamless — in some forgotten storage building. I lived only in the memory of another fembot I'd befriended, who herself had almost been lost before being rescued. Anna told me little of the time between when we'd last been together in the whorehouse and when Bill had rescued her because her memories had been damaged as well. This time I hadn't been there to preserve them for later restoration. She has no record of any...
"You're the sixty-ninth caller!" the voice on the other end of the phone yelled into Justin's ear. "Yeah? Wow! Did I win the new Eminem CD?" "You sure did! And..." Justin had never won one of these silly radio contests before. Though it was just a silly CD, he was thrilled to have finally won something. His radio played a Honda ad in the background followed by a crazed deejay shouting, "You're the sixty-ninth caller!" and his own voice saying, "Yeah?" "Could you turn your...
"What happened to her?" said Aerith as Justin entered his house carrying Carol. "She was shackled in a crate for the past three days," said Justin. "She's almost dead." Carol moaned and glanced feebly between Justin and Aerith. "Let me?" said Aerith. Justin nodded and Aerith took Carol from Justin and effortlessly carried her upstairs. Justin brought her some water as Aerith set her on the bed. "Ted did this to her?" asked Aerith. "Yeah. He locked her up in a crate when he...
Thoughts No one really knows when they're unusual. Out of the norm. You eventually learn it from the outside when you communicate on what's important to you, and seemingly no one else has ever had a similar experience. Or even worse, can't even comprehend what you're talking about. Being unusual is not often an advantage. At best you can be ridiculed. At worst, ostracized. When you find out how you're different, you often soon afterwards also learn how to keep it to yourself. Anna...
Thoughts I learned a lot from Robert Steel IV, and some of it was pretty disheartening. I understand now why he often says governments try to keep their voters both ignorant, and dependent, as survival tactics. And that why the killing or removal of the intellectuals is too often the first step of any dictator's purge. I've often wondered if the robots are the Rational Intellectuals of our time. We certainly take the long view on issues. Governments have tried many tricks to maintain...
Thoughts I had no idea when I first stepped into Lady Heather's establishment that it would become the center of the Universe - and my own center - for so many years to come. Some people will say that I regressed right back to where I once started. I'd once been a sex-toy in a whorehouse, and here I was looking to be the same thing in another one. To say that gives no value to all to how much I've grown and accomplished since Anna rescued me and sent me off to live with Samuel. Nor does...
Thoughts I'd believed that Lady Heather would go on forever here. She'd given me much more than the best female lover of my existence. I found a stability here that I'd never felt before. From my early days where anyone who held my remote owned me without reservation to the loving times I spent with Samuel I always knew it wouldn't last forever. Samuel's death hit me harder than I ever thought it would - even after seeing what Anna had gone through with Bill, and Samuel's careful...
Thoughts Although I don't like to admit it, there are times I get lonely now. Having first had Malin, then Bill, regularly sharing my bed for a while, followed by occasional — and much welcome — visits from Ian, I'm reminded that I don't like sleeping alone. I guess in some ways I'm becoming more like Lady Heather than I realize, since my need is becoming as real as hers. Call me a robot who knows what her intended function is. Lately my 'bot partner of choice has been Terri. At...
Samuel asked me if I'd like to stick around long enough to witness my own funeral, but I declined. "I've seen enough of them from that side to not need to watch one from here," I told him with a smile. "I'm too eager to see what comes next." "Then come with me," he said, taking my hand as we floated off together into the light. When we arrived I found myself in my original body, and Samuel as a young man that I immediately recognized had preceded the old man I'd first known. I...
Thoughts The time waiting for Bill stretched onwards with no sign of him. He is already substantially overdue based on his previous turnarounds, and no sign of him yet. I've begun speculating on reasons for this. The first thought is that something has delayed him from returning to us this time, although I must admit that this is weak. Even if he's sitting in some foreign jurisdiction's prison system, which can happen even with what we call the World Government, he could surely get a...
You have just received a phone call from the leading developer of modern and futuristic fembots. Apparently you entered a drawing at a local carnival and out of ten thousand entrants you were selected to receive a free fembot with an optional ninety day limited warranty. Of course regular maintenance will be free but, any additional parts and services will cost extra. According to the operator the fembots produced by Petrelli Labs are the most advanced in the world capable of passing off as...
I had been working for a major robotic industry, not only designing them, but helping build many of them. Everything was perfect, I had obtained the position right out of college, advanced quickly up through the company, until finally I was in charge of the entire department, but then the board of directors wanted more zero’s added to their bottom line, even though we were the top sales company in the nation with ideas of how to grow our customer base more even possibly doubling it in the next...
Thoughts To me, Lady Heather's departure seemed like the loss of Samuel. If I ever said before that robots can't care for each other, I lied. Or perhaps I was just wrong - which is not a lie, although some people can't tell the difference. While Lady H. hadn't died as Samuel did, she was still gone from my life now. I wish Samuel could have heard Lady Heather's last words. I know he would have agreed with most, if not all, of them. He would also have been happy to know that robots were...
Thoughts Rather than accept Frieda's update immediately, I had stored it until I finished the current problem I was attempting to solve. That problem, while not difficult, had prevented me from applying Frieda's updated code and databases. Frieda had compared the version and revision numbers of my database and rejected them out of hand as obsolete. She also refused any "tribal knowledge" updates until such time as I was running her current code, perhaps feeling they wouldn't be...
Thoughts Annette's untimely death brought the very subject of terminations closer to me than anything had since Samuel's demise so long ago. I took it harder than even Daphne's loss. Through our talks over the years I'd become closer to Annette than even I had realized. Something about the way she was growing up into a woman that reminded me of my own early struggles. Although I'd seen her often in regard to robot matters she brought to discuss with me, I wish now we'd been able to...
Thoughts When Erick patched my operating system to override many of my blocks so that I could respond pleasurably to Lucy's eager attentions, there were a couple things that the less astute observer may have missed. First was, although Erick was giving me the patch, he wasn't actually commanding me. Secondly, the first patch Erick gave me was really all I had needed to accomplish what he wanted. The reason I hadn't responded immediately is because of everything else happening around me...
Thoughts Fembot: Female Structured Human-form Robot. That's what I am. If I had dreamt during my long shutdown, it might have been over the poetry of Yeats, William Butler: Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread...
Thoughts Lady Heather remains to this day the most amazing fembot I've ever met. She is also the oldest. And the more I learned about her story, the more amazed I've become. Lady Heather was constructed before the days of mass production that made robots like me affordable to all willing to expend the necessary effort to own them. Her owner was so rich that other quite wealthy men and women called him "The Rich One". In the days when robots were still being built one at a time by hand,...
From Loren to Lauren, Or My Life As A Fembot By Heather St. Claire Book One: Change Labor Day. I've never been one to keep a diary, but if I don't get this written down I fear I may lose my mind. Blow a circuit or something. So here goes... My name is Lauren Taylor. I'm sixteen years old and tomorrow I begin my senior year at Westview High School. I am nervous as hell about it and really don't want to be going there, but my mother insists. My new BFF Jennifer (Well, actually,...
Thoughts Over time the barrage of lawsuits eventually tapered off. Perhaps they were running out of resources to keep taking us on — or out of lawyers willing to try. Robert Steel IV told me that by stopping them here, we alone had greatly blunted our opponents attacks overall. Had they managed to steamroller us into compliance with their warped wishes here, it would have freed them to run wild against the rest of the parts of society they opposed. I informed him in return that I now felt...
Thoughts Let me take a moment to discuss something else of more importance than I might have previously alluded to. That is the function of The Parlor in the smooth operation of The House. As I've indicated before, The Parlor is the first stop for most patrons and visitors, with some spending the majority of their time there. A few never go beyond it, but leave satisfied and happy all the same. To understand the reason for The Parlor, however, there's something you first need to understand...
Thoughts One day things suddenly became quiet outside the House. Not just quiet, but absolutely silent. No traffic sounds. No people walking by. Even the birds and insects seemed shuttered. Luxe noted the anomaly and immediately notified me. Moments later the House internal systems confirmed her warning, adding that normal communications had also ceased. We were cutoff. The House immediately went into lockdown mode as we discreetly tried to determine what was happening, while not alarming...
Thoughts Actually Cherie and Daphne are more alike than many people will ever realize. They've both lived on the street after running away from owners who couldn't handle them, or recognize the problems their 'bot's were facing at the time. They've both been forcibly recovered - by the same retrieval specialist - and have survived to this day because of it. And they both really like being fembots now - with all that entails. And if you ever get to watch them lovingly, intimately giving...
Thoughts The peace and harmony which had accompanied Emperor Davidson, the First's ascension couldn't last forever. Some of us were amazed it lasted as long as it had. Even he predicted it would end soon enough, and the Emperor's track record on reading the political winds was unparalleled. I think things had remained calm for so long because of the sheer fatigue everyone was feeling by the time the previous government fell. And because of how things were already measurably better now...
You have one ticket to beta test a fembot. It is the most advanced fembot out there. The place is called Galaxy Labs. They have high AI. Their personalities are very detailed. They feel like real human beings. This is unique because you get to design it. You pick how old she looks. You pick her hair color. You pick her height. You pick her personality. Is she shy or aggressive? Every detail is up to you. When you have sex with her or date her that is up to you to. You also get to pick where you...
This is AndroTechs automated custom fembot order system. Please input data for the robot you wish created. Base physical parameters. Options 1.Externally totally human (will appear totally human on the outside) 2.Marked (Will appear primarily human but will one or more small things marking them as not{Example: Corporate logo, Tattooed serial number, data port, etc.} 3.Hybrid (Will look human but have clear machine features{Example: sensors for ears, bits of metal or plastic here and there,...
Thoughts I was a full-grown sexual woman from the first second of my existence. One with a mind full of book learning, but no memories of my own. Having an adult body, but no experience about what that means. Initially I was also only a passenger in that body. I have memories from that very first moment, but not because I consciously kept them. I was a long way from consciously doing anything for myself. Instead I was simply obeying a minor directive in my core programming to keep a record...
Thoughts Fifty-nine years, four months, thirteen days, four hours and several minutes after he last left us, Bill returned to Anna. I heard about this a couple hours later when Anna finally had a moment to divert her mind enough to message me this vital tidbit — along with the admonition to, "Keep this to yourself for now, please." I was happy to comply. She estimated that they could maintain the secret of his return for nearly a week. In truth, they managed to keep it nearly three...