Fembot NOT
- 2 years ago
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"What happened to her?" said Aerith as Justin entered his house carrying Carol.
"She was shackled in a crate for the past three days," said Justin. "She's almost dead."
Carol moaned and glanced feebly between Justin and Aerith.
"Let me?" said Aerith. Justin nodded and Aerith took Carol from Justin and effortlessly carried her upstairs.
Justin brought her some water as Aerith set her on the bed.
"Ted did this to her?" asked Aerith.
"Yeah. He locked her up in a crate when he went away for a few days. He got a new job in Japan. He gave her to me as payment for renting out his house and acting as rental agent while he's gone."
Aerith glanced at Carol, then back at Justin. "I should get her some food! With your permission, Justin?"
"Of course, Aerith. Please!"
Justin and Aerith spoon-fed Carol, then took a shower together while Carol slept.
"Do you think I should tell her I know she's a real girl?" asked Justin as they soaped each other down in the shower.
"I don't have human intuition about things like that, Justin. If she wants to pretend to be a fembot, she must have a logical reason. But whether to tell her that we know the truth is up to you, Justin."
Justin and Aerith held a long lingering kiss as the shower rinsed them off.
When they returned to bed, Carol was sleeping soundly, so they climbed into bed on either side, leaving Carol sleep between them.
Justin awoke next morning as Aerith and Carol were talking in whispers. "How are you feeling, Carol?" asked Justin.
"I'm functioning properly," she said. "Thank you."
Aerith added, "So sorry to wake you, Justin. Would you like Carol and I to prepare breakfast for you?"
"That would be nice," said Justin. "Just toast and orange juice, please."
Aerith and Carol crept out of bed and went to the kitchen quietly as Justin returned to sleep.
They brought his breakfast in bed to him shortly and Aerith asked him, "Would you like a blow-job to get you going?"
Justin smiled. "That would be very nice."
Carol hesitantly asked, "Which one of us would you like it from?"
Justin, knowing that Carol was a real girl and not the fembot that she pretended to be, smiled and pointed to Carol. "Carol, lay on your back. I want to fuck you in the mouth."
"Uh," gasped Carol. "Yes sir." Then she crawled head first under the covers and lay on her back.
Justin winked at Aerith as he mounted Carol's body and slid his cock into her mouth and down her throat. There were many benefits to the talents of a fembot, but still, the thought of one's cock balls-deep down a flesh-and-blood female throat was something special.
Aerith took the opportunity to lean forward and begin kissing Justin deeply.
Justin's orgasm quickly welled up and he flooded Carol's throat with his hot spunk has he lay on her swirling tongues with Aerith. Well after he had squirted out his last drop and his cock became soft, he and Aerith played delightful mouth music together.
Well satisfied, he rolled off of Carol and she immediately began coughing and gasping for breath.
"What's with the coughing?" asked Justin.
"Just (cough) my realism," she answered.
"You couldn't breathe, could you?" he asked.
"I don't need to breathe," she said.
"Carol," he said sternly, "you're a real girl, aren't you?"
"What?" Carol gasped. "What makes you say that?" she squeaked.
"But you are, aren't you? Aren't you!"
Carol swallowed and hesitated. "Yes," she said meekly.
"Why?" he asked.
"Why am I real?"
"Why did you pretend to be a fembot and let Ted abuse you the past few years?"
With a touch of anger in her voice, she answered, "You guys all want fembots. It was the only way I could get a real live boyfriend."
"That's nuts!" he said.
"So now that you've tasted a real live girl," she said, "which do you prefer?"
"I don't know. Aerith is so much better than a real girl in so many ways."
"Really? After you just fucked my throat until I almost passed out?"
"Well, that's it right there," said Justin. "Aerith can't pass out. And I can do things to her that I can never do with a human girlfriend."
"Like what?" Carol asked.
"Like fuck her throat until she almost passes out..."
"But that hurts!" said Carol. "And is so humiliating!"
"But it feels so good!" said Justin.
"But if you loved a girl, you wouldn't want to hurt her and humiliate her just for your own pleasure."
"See! That's exactly what I mean! That's why a fembot is so much better than a real girl. And she can do things with her pussy muscles that a human girl could never do."
"So does that mean you're breaking up with me?"
"Breaking up? We were never 'together' in the first place."
"We just fucked, babe."
"That doesn't make a relationship."
"Because you thought I was a fembot when you fucked me?"
"But come on! Wouldn't you rather have your dick inside human flesh-and-blood, not a machine?"
"That has its pleasures, but I had my share of real girls. They want the heat at 80 degrees, and I want the air at 60. They want the curtains wide open at night, and I want to sleep in a dark room. They want the TV on 24/7, and I want some peace and quiet sometimes. They want to have a dog and nick-knacks everywhere, but they want me to share 'equally' in the house-cleaning. Sure it's nice knowing that my cock is rubbing up against female flesh, but it's just not worth the hassle of dealing with human women."
"What if I were a fembot and totally obedient and you didn't have to worry about any of that?"
"That," he grinned, "would be nice. But you're not a fembot."
"What if I became one?"
"You can't become a fembot?"
"No? Never heard of femborgs?"
"Yeah, I have. But you can't become a femborg, either. They only do that to prisoners on death row who choose it instead of being executed."
"I bet you could find a way to turn me into a femborg."
"No. You would have to commit some truly horrible crime, be sentenced to death, and then request to be made a femborg instead of execution."
"Aerith," said Carol, "I bet there are ways to have someone turned into a femborg, no questions asked. Right?"
"No way..." said Justin.
"Yes," said Aerith.
"What!" said Justin.
"Searching," said Aerith. A moment later, she continued, "There are reports of unscrupulous doctors who perform 'back alley' femborg conversions."
"Where?" asked Carol.
"Searching," said Aerith. "I find many. Five in Columbia. Three in Peru. Four in Bolivia. Two in the Philippines. Three in New Guinea..."
"Enough," said Justin.
"See!" said Carol excitedly. "Make me a femborg, Justin. I'll be a totally obedient flesh-and-blood girl."
"You don't know what you're saying, Carol!" said Justin. "To be turned into a femborg, they sever your spinal cord and and implant come kind of robot control chip that controls your body. You're awake and aware of everything that you do, but you don't have any control over your body. The computer controls everything you say and do. That's why they do it to condemned criminals."
"I know that!" she said.
"Carol!" said Justin. "They sever your spinal cord! That's permanent! That's irreversible!"
"I know," she said. "That's what I want."
"And your owner controls your body with a remote control."
"I know."
"Really? You want to become a life-size, remote control, doll?"
"If you own the controller, Justin, then yes. That's what I want."
"Nobody in their right mind would want that!"
"I want that!"
Justin threw his arms up. "Okay."
After having Aerith do a little more research to find a reputable doctor, or as reputable a back alley doctor can be found, he called several in South America. After numerous conversations, he sat down with Aerith and Carol. "Okay, here's what I got. It cost about $20,000 to turn a person into a femborg, no questions asked. But I don't have that kind of money."
"Before I had myself sold as a fembot," said Carol, "I had a car and some money saved up. I can come up with about $15,000."
"All right," said Justin. "I have about $10,000 saved up that I was going to put down on a new car, but I can settle for a used car. There's going to be travel expenses as well as the doctor's fee."
A couple of days later, Carol went to visit her brother, and returned that evening with a certified check for $16,728, payable to Justin.
Justin and Carol arrived in Bogota several days before their appointment. He rented a car, bought a used wheelchair, and bought some supplies.
On the day of their appointment, Justin parked a few blocks away from the clinic in a seedy industrial part of the city. Carol got in the wheelchair, and Justin bound and gagged her, otherwise the doctor would suspect a sting if the girl showed up willingly. Carol had practiced struggling and screaming into her gag, and was ready.
After several spoken passwords and passing through several heavy industrial steel doors, Justin had rolled Carol into the bowels of a decrepit old warehouse.
The doctor looked Carol over and spoke with a heavy Hispanic accent. "This the girl you want converted?"
Carol struggled against her bonds and screamed into her gag.
"Yes," said Justin.
"You have the cash?"
Justin removed a roll of $100 bills from a hidden pouch under his belt, counted out $20,000, and handed it to the doctor.
The doctor said, "Bring her and follow me."
Justin wheeled Carol through the labyrinthine old building, following the doctor until they came to what looked like a makeshift morgue.
There was a naked woman standing in the corner staring into the room, utterly motionless. "What's the statue of a woman for?" asked Justin.
"She's a femborg," said the doctor. "I did the conversion yesterday. Customer is taking her later today. Watch." He picked up a sort of video game controller and wiggled a pair of thumbsticks, and she walked around the room and back to the corner where she faced the corner.
The doctor put the controller down and slid a corpse of a young woman out of a freezer bay. The doctor said, "This was a femborg." He lifted her head up, revealing a gruesome open wound where a block of flesh was removed at the back of her neck. "She is same age and characteristics as your Carol. I will place her control module in your Carol and tattoo her serial number on your Carol." The doctor walked over to a table where a stack of manilla folders lay. Pulling one out, he removed some papers. "Her birth certificate, death certificate, medical records, and prison record."
Carol continued to struggle and scream into her gag as Justin examined the papers. "How did she die? How did you get her?"
"I buy femborg corpses in lots from Ford, GM, Chrysler, and others. This one was in service as a crash-test dummy. One, too many, crash tests, I suppose," the doctor laughed.
"That's legal?" Justin gasped. "To use live people as crash-test dummies?"
"Perfectly legal," said the doctor. "Femborgs are declared legally dead at conversion. You can't 'kill' one. They are property, like corpses sold to medical labs."
"I see," said Justin, glancing back at Carol, who had heard the entire conversation.
"I begin now?" asked the doctor.
Justin glanced quickly at Carol. She was no longer struggling or screaming into her gag, she simply shook her head "no." A million thoughts suddenly rushed into his head in a split second. Did she change her mind? But we just spent $20,000 that we probably won't get back. And to have a real live human girl that's as obedient as a robot. "Yes," he answered.
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Chris Adney was still working at trying to hack into the laboratory systems, although it now looked as though the fembots were functioning independently of the software control harnesses that he and Gerry had used to monitor and update software while it was being developed. At least he had control of the CCTV system that covered the various rooms and offices in the laboratory area. And he could access any of the lap tops and PC’s that were on the network too. He scanned through the feeds...
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Back from their shopping excursion, the Rolls pulled up in front of the Thurlow residence and Dave and Sarah climbed out of the back seat carrying several shopping bags. Roxanne promised to meet them inside once she had changed back into her maid's uniform. Dave and Sarah walked in the front door and were greeted by James. He mentioned that Lord Thurlow was awaiting their return and wished to speak with both of them in his study. He then took the bags from Dave and promised to put them in...
The next week it seemed I spent much of my time finding excuses to hide in the household pod or the Concubine's refuge. James had locked William in an otherwise unused habitat pod near the original command center, but the crew of Tintagel Castle proved to include nine more men who refused to keep their hands to themselves. Most of the concubines figured that out the first night when these men spent much of the welcome party drunkenly calling for Lindsay, Bonnie and Cleo to perform lap...
Is it the link from me to Ellen that caused Corwin’s mom to feel the need to comfort Ellen? Is it something else? What caused Ellen to have such a strong reaction that she could block April and me from reaching her over the link? It didn’t take long before a group of women Corwin’s mom’s age stood huddled over where Ellen was still in Corwin’s mom’s arms, crying her eyes out. I heard the surprised whispers as one of the women pried Ellen away from Corwin’s mom to pull Ellen into her...
The Landsmeet convened four days later; we’d all gotten over any hangovers we’d been left with – Anders had looked like death until he healed himself the next day – and Aedan had sent most of our group on to Amaranthine to wait for us. The Landsmeet was the last thing we needed to do before we followed them, and Riordan, Loghain, and Dougal would be leaving for Nevarra with Anora by boat from Denerim. I was surprised to discover, as I entered the Landsmeet chamber, that I had an assigned...
Julie and Joan did go to the movies, yes, and when they returned to Julie's home, they found someone waiting for them. Sue Reynolds. Sue was just dying to be with Julie and Joan. They were so beautiful, so stunning, so sexy... And they were women. Which means, in case you don't know, that they had pussies. Sue had no risk to get a little disappointed, like she had been sucking a cock. She was sure Julie and Joan had delicious pussies! When Julie and Joan arrived, naked Sue Reynolds...
She’d said yes. He could hardly believe it. He had been entirely too antsy for his surroundings, the driver’s seat of his SUV. He’d smoked two cigarettes in the last 30 minutes, flicked the radio on, toyed with the volume, and then turned it off a few minutes later in case his phone rang. He’d pretended not to notice parents and grandparents looking at him strangely as they led their children into the tiny local zoo. He’d moved his vehicle from the front to a back corner of the small parking...
You’re in trouble mister! I saw how you were staring at me all through dinner. Don’t worry; I won’t tell him. I liked it! Did you notice that I took my panties off when I went to the bathroom at the restaurant?You did?That isn’t all I did! I touched myself thinking about how big your cock must be.Let me see it. I want to touch it. Fuck yes! That’s bigger than I imagined and so hard. You’re hard for me? I like that.Stop worrying! It will take him at least ten minutes to go to the store and get...
Quickie SexCo-written by DG Hear & Jake Rivers Note from Jake Rivers: DG Hear and I have collaborated on a number of efforts: my semi-annual invitational, common themes but separate stories (Hey, Joe! & Back up Buddy), and stories we co-wrote. This effort we decided to write together. We hope you enjoy it. It is based on the Eagles great song, ‘The Girl from Yesterday.’ (Written by Jack Tempchin & Glenn Frey.) A big ‘Thank You’ to WanderingScot for editing this story for us. We hope you enjoy the...
So after writing my second post yesterday I really had fun doing it and was pretty worked up thinking about old times and I had to continue to try and find a cock to suck after many months of doing nothing and just recently beginning to explore options. No glory holes though, I wanted something different and challenging that I had to find and work for. The hunt was just as much fun. I've spent the past month looking, driving for a half hour after work, with my zipper down, underwear pulled over...
So yesterday I met my very first black daddy :) this story is very, very real. It happened Sunday, September 23 2018. In Las Vegas, NV.It was about 3 pm when I got there. He lived in retirement housing apartments in downtown Las Vegas so he came out and found me in the parking lot. I didn’t know what he was going to think of me, but he shook my hand and said nice to meet you. He told me to follow him. He let me into his apartment and I started to take off my shorts when he asks me if I wore...
Words failed him.He maintained his cool while he stood in the cramped efficiency of his supervisor’s office, and in his supervisor’s supervisor’s office as well. He even kept it together while cleaning out his desk, as his coworkers stopped in one by one to say good-bye. His cubicle neighbor Neil came over and gave him a three-slaps-on-the-back man-hug and promised they’d catch a baseball game soon. Hot Jackie from accounting came by and gave him a long tight hug, behaving a little more...
ExhibitionismTravis walked into the kitchen to find Jennifer, cleaning up after dinner, alone. She was humming softly to herself, with her back turned to him, and hadn't noticed his entrance. He stared at her for a moment, taking her in. Her jet black hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She was wearing a tight fitting purple tank top which she had jogged in, as well as a pair of black running shorts. And shorts they were-- they demonstrated her long, toned legs and showed off her shapely heart-shaped butt...
Happy I Said YesMy name is Mithila. I am 23 with black hair, medium sized breasts with sensitive nipples. I have stayed in pretty good shape through the years and I still manage to get looks from men wherever I go. My husband Emon is 30 and is also in pretty good shape. We have always had a great sex life. He was the first and only man that I had ever been with, and as a matter of fact, he was the only one to see me naked other than my doctor. Last year we bought a digital camera. One night...
I felt the shift of the bed as his weight settled onto it he was crawling up from the bottom and I could hear his breathing I was sleeping as usual on my stomach and though I could have moved I chose not to I would see what he wants first well when he got to my ass he pulled down my underwear I felt the rush of cool air across my bottom and I gasped a little did he hear that? I didn't know he was busy pulling them off of me I felt them slide down my legs the they were gone guess I knew now what...
The wedding was strangely moving. She had heard the service scores of times, but when she said the vows herself, they seemed quite meaningful. When Richard said them, she felt herself tear up. Not only Anne was there, but Alice and their parents and husbands. Of course, Anne’s husband stood with Richard as his brother and best man. Dorcas dressed her in the elaborate night rail and led her to the bed. When she drew back the covers, there was a stain on the bottom sheet. “It is the sheet...
Lord, how I’ve waited for this day. It took such a long time. But here she is on MY bed. The most beautiful face and abs I’ve ever seen and the beads of sweat rolling off them, dripping down on to my mattress sheets. I may never wash them again. This is the first time we’ve done anything outside the gym together and we are ready to have sex! So this girl beneath me is Michelle, but I call her Mishy. We all do. Her students at the gym, I mean. She’s this naturally curly haired blonde with firm...
My sister-in-law Helen is the best fuck I have ever had. I have enjoyed many, many women over the years but Helen is the most sexual woman I have ever encountered. She is a spectacular beauty who has an exhausting, insatiable appetite for sex. Helen's biggest thrill in life is sucking my big dick and fucking me and she does it as often as possible. Now in her late 40s, Helen is a very short woman with short, dirty-blond hair. Her lower body is simply unbelievable. She has wide hips, big, hard...