Peter June and the Whatevers
- 4 years ago
- 54
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Connie stood behind Tom, her arms wrapped around his waist as he guided the Lady across the gulf, heading toward the entrance to Howe Sound. The wind was brisk, and had shifted more to the west, helping make the passage quicker than they expected. The traffic was light, typical for a Monday morning. Not everyone had the luxury of playing hooky that day.
She thought back to last night and earlier that morning and to the beginning of their "affair," as she thought of it. It had caught her by surprise, so unlike what she expected from Tom. It was later, after they had calmed down and talked that she rediscovered the Tom Lynch from last night. They had made love. That's what it really was ... love. He had worshipped her body and had lifted her to a number of orgasms, mild and strong. It was perfect.
Veronica hadn't been bragging. It was a fact; he was a magnificent lover. She had never been so content in all her life. All she wanted to do was to be with him, to hold him as she did now, not losing contact with him for a moment. This was what she had imagined, what she had dreamed of for all those years. And now it was coming to pass. She had never felt this happy in her entire life.
As luck would have it, they arrived back at Fisherman's Cove on a half-tide, and docking the boat wasn't as challenging. Connie stood on the dock with the fore and aft lines, quickly tying them off as Tom carefully moved the big craft into place; first the stern, then the bow. They silently loaded their gear onto a nearby cart and pushed it up the ramp toward the parking lot.
They rode in silence to Tom's home, each lost in thought about the consequences of this past weekend. Their relationship had changed irrevocably; there was no going back. Then again, neither of them wanted to revert to their previous status. For their own reasons, they wanted to continue down the path they had mutually chosen. Connie was the more desperate to see it through, but Tom was resolved as well. He'd made a decision and he would stick to it. The only question now was when they would let "others" know about this change.
"Come in," Tom said as they pulled into his driveway. "I doubt the boys are home, so we can relax and talk a bit."
Connie nodded, turning off the ignition and pulling the hand brake. Tom pulled the two containers out of the back hatch while Connie picked up his overnight bag. He tried the front door, but as usual it was locked. He inserted his key and opened the door, ushering her in ahead of him.
"Anybody home?" he called.
No one answered immediately, but a few moments later Mrs. Calderone, the housekeeper, looked tentatively out of the laundry room and into the kitchen.
"Oh ... it's you, Mr. Lynch. I wasn't expecting you. Vernon said you were sailing and wouldn't be home until later."
"Yes," Tom smiled. "Miss Fairly and I caught a nice stiff breeze today and got back early. Everything all right?"
"Yes, sir. Tony is at the factory and Vernon went to the university to see about some courses and books or something. Did you have a nice weekend?" she asked.
"Yes ... very nice. We went to Saturna Island. Lovely weather all the way."
The middle-aged woman smiled and went back to the laundry room, sorting and folding clothes from the dryer.
Tom reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a large bottle of Pino Grigio that was already open. Taking two glasses from the cupboard above, he poured a glass for each of them, then motioned to her to step onto the back deck. Again, Connie led and Tom followed, sitting in chairs around the glass-topped table in the middle of the deck.
"She's not a busy-body, but I don't want her listening in on our conversation," he said.
Connie nodded agreement and sipped her wine.
After a couple of false starts, Tom began. "So ... where do we go from here, Connie? Is it too soon to talk to our parents or the boys?"
She didn't answer immediately, gazing into her wine glass.
"Probably," she said a length. "I don't feel pressured to tell anyone yet, Tom. We really haven't even begun to get used to the idea that we are going to be together. I have a feeling we both have a lot to learn about each other."
"Now you're starting to sound like me. What happened to the woman who said 'damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead?'" he chuckled. "Are you having second thoughts?"
She shook her head violently. "No ... absolutely not! I waited too long for this ... now I'm going to enjoy every moment of it. I just ... I just don't want to hurt anyone. I guess my mother is most on my mind. And yours too. They might be upset if they thought we were rushing things."
"What about the boys?" he asked.
"I'm not so worried about them. I wouldn't be surprised that they didn't already have a clue, based on my being here so often. I feel really comfortable around them, and I think they feel the same way around me."
"Maybe it's just teenage lust," he joked.
"You think?" she said with a raised eyebrow.
"Raging hormones are common in the youth, male and female."
She laughed. "Well, I'd be flattered, but not interested. As nice as they are, I've got the hots for their father."
Tom went silent, looking out over the back yard. After a couple of minutes, he turned to Connie.
Connie reached out and took his hand, squeezing it in confirmation. She wanted to go to him and hug him closely and tell him it was all right, but she didn't. What neither of them saw was Mrs. Calderone, watching through the kitchen window and smiling.
Nothing was decided that afternoon aside from not yet wanting to reveal their mutual attraction to the family yet. They were hoping they could see each other regularly and keep their relationship quiet for another three months before they revealed it. Tom was doubtful that they would be successful for that long, but he would try.
It worked for a while. August turned out to be hot and dry as usual. Tom and Connie took every opportunity to get out on the Lady on the weekends. Neither of the boys seemed interested and had any number of excuses why they couldn't go. Neither he nor Connie was disappointed, of course. It gave them the privacy to spend intimate personal time together.
When the boys went back to school, little seemed to change for Tom. He was cheered by the fact that they would be home almost every night. The turmoil following Veronica's death had blunted the interlude from mid-April to June. During their summer vacations, Vern had been sharing his time between studying and writing his scholarship examinations and his latest girlfriend, while Tony went immediately to work at Lynchpin Plastics, this summer being assigned to quality assurance for all three months.
Tom had his own work to keep him occupied. He thought about Connie every day, marking time they could get together more often than just on the weekends. He was becoming more certain of his love for her. His mind no longer dredged up memories of Veronica. That was a relief. His dreams no longer featured her, either. The sexually voracious Connie had removed all those images. In fact, he discovered he hardly thought of Veronica at all these days.
What brought it back all over again was a call one September Wednesday morning from their family lawyer, Malachi Wise.
"Hello, Tom. It's been quite some time since we talked. How are you?" the older gentleman asked.
"Fine, Malachi. I'm doing okay. To what do I owe the honour of your call?" he joked.
"Actually, Tom, I was wondering why you hadn't come in to talk about Veronica's will? Perhaps I should have called sooner, but since I hadn't heard from you, there didn't seem to be any urgency to it."
"Her will? I hadn't even given it a thought. I'd forgotten she had one, to be honest. I only thought about my will and making sure it was up to date. Besides, she hasn't been declared officially dead yet ... just missing and presumed drowned."
"Yes ... that's true, but it doesn't preclude our assuming her death and opening the will for review. We just can't take any action on its provisions. Why don't we make an appointment and go over that and a few other loose ends from her estate?"
"Sure. I'll make myself available to you. When would be convenient?"
"How about Friday? Come in just before noon and we can have lunch together. I'd like to catch up on how you and the family are doing," he said.
"I'd like that, Malachi. See you at your office near noon on Friday, then."
When Tom hung up the phone, he sat back in his office chair. He hadn't given any thought to Veronica's financial or personal affairs after the funeral. It was true he'd forgotten the will, but when Malachi mentioned "other loose ends," he wondered what that might include.
When Tom arrived at Malachi Wise's office on Friday, he found the man chatting with his secretary, waiting for him.
"Hello, Tom," he said, extending his hand. "It's been far too long since we've gotten together," the white-haired man smiled.
"What time do you have to be back?" Tom asked, assuming Malachi had afternoon an appointment or two."
"No rush. I cleared my calendar on Friday afternoons years ago. There had to be some benefit for success."
They conversed amiably as they walked down the street toward a well-known restaurant. Tom held the door as they entered and the maitre d' immediately greeted Malachi familiarly. They were seated within a minute and a waiter took their order for drinks.
"How are you, Tom? Holding up alright after that dreadful accident?"
"Yes. Much better now, thank you. I've come to accept that she's gone and I have many years yet to go if I'm lucky. I'll make a new life ... you can count on that."
"That's great. I'm really pleased to hear that. I was thinking the other day that it didn't seem that long ago that you lost your father ... and now Veronica. That must have been very difficult to deal with."
Tom nodded but didn't comment.
"Well ... enough of that. Tell me about what you've been doing. Have you been out on the boat at all?"
"Yes. Several times. Mostly with Connie ... Veronica's sister. She's helped pull me out of my blues and keep me active."
"That's wonderful. And how are the boys?"
"Fine. Both back in school and as far as I can tell, doing well. It's early yet, so I'll know more around Christmas I guess."
They ate in a comfortable silence as two friends might. Despite the age difference, Tom had always enjoyed meeting and working with Malachi Wise. He was nothing like the stereotypical television lawyer. He was quiet, humorous, thoughtful, and wise. His advice was almost always the right advice.
As they finished their meal and accepted an offered coffee, Malachi turned his attention to the reason for their meeting.
"Tom, did you know that Veronica made an addendum to her will only a couple of weeks before she ... disappeared?"
"No ... no, I didn't. What kind of addendum?" he asked, puzzled by this information.
"I don't know. She gave me a letter, sealed, addressed to you and to be included with the will. As far as the basics in the will, nothing changed, only the addition of the letter. Since you have a copy of her will, I see no reason you can't read the letter now."
"And this happened shortly before the accident?"
"Yes," Malachi said. "March 29th, just short of three weeks before that terrible weekend."
"I can't imagine what it would be about. I guess I won't know until I read it. Why don't we go back to your office and deal with everything," Tom suggested.
"Of course. Let me get the bill," he volunteered. If there was anything Tom knew about Malachi it was that the bill wouldn't show up on any billing later.
They walked the five minutes back to his office and Malachi closed the door behind them after having asked his secretary not to interrupt them. He sat behind the big cherry desk that had been his father's before him, leaning back in a comfortable, large leather chair. He looked every part the gentleman lawyer.
He took a folder from his centre desk drawer, laid it in front of him and opened it. He took out the original of the will, a cream coloured envelope, and some miscellaneous papers.
"Nothing's been changed in the body of her will since you both filed them with me, so unless you want to refresh your memory, I can leave that. I assume you have a copy at home or in your safe deposit box?" he asked.
"Yes. Both our copies are in there."
"Then the only thing to concern yourself with is this envelope. I don't know what it contains, so if you'd like to open it in private, I'll leave the room until you are finished."
"Thank you," Tom said as Malachi rose and left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.
He picked up the envelope and stared at it. It was a heavy paper, quality paper, with a single name printed in ink on its front: "Tom." He had a sinking feeling about what it might contain. He was initially reluctant to open it, but at length, his curiosity got the better of him. He borrowed Malachi's letter opener and slit the top flap. Inside were several pages of similar paper. As he unfolded them, he saw Veronica's distinctive, stylishly neat handwriting. He felt his stomach clench, giving him momentary pause before he began to read.
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Hello everyone. I am back again with the 3rd and the final part. Thank you for the responses and the love you gave me for the 2nd part. I hope you review me for the 3rd part too. Before I start my story, I willlink you with the past incidents. It starts with how I met a girl in the bus and how the crowdy bus and brakes of the bus and bit of my shy behavior (which couldn’t be seen in the story) lead me to lose my virginity to a adorable, hot and dusky chick. You can read my previous parts to...
Everyone. :) I am back with the 2nd part of the story. Well before I start with the 2nd part , let me rewind my story a bit so that you will be able to remember the details. So it starts with how my habit of being late to catch the bus makes me meet a girl. I didn’t mention much of her details in the 1st part , so let me mention it now ( I know guys love knowing this detail) :p. W Ell she wasn’t petite and neither she was fat ,had exact amount of fat at right place. She had decent pair of boobs...
Hello everyone :) I will be honest, I have been a regular visitor of this Indian sex stories site since last 5 years or more maybe. By the way my age is 20 :). So, a very loyal reader lol :d. Not wasting much time, I leave this to you whether you consider my story to be real or fantasy. :) ignore my mistakes :) a bit long story My college is in another city which is not very far away from my own city, may be 40 to 45 minutes. So I used to travel by the bus, like every guy I always wished for...
This summer, my mom's sister left her husband of eighteen years and their son, my cousin, Adam, came to stay with my mom and I for a little over a month. That's really where all this starts. My mom and I are very close and we talk about all kinds of things. She's great because she's willing to talk with me about boys and sex and all that. She says it's better than learning it wrong from other kids. She's probably right. So, we've talked about sex in more detail than many moms and...
Beautiful Brunette - Sexy Start - Fast ForwardOne night, completly unexpected, cute Kristina wrote me a message: "Do you like tee girls?"T-girls? ... "If it's teen girls you mean, yes please dear! Why do you ask me here, now?How did you fish my profile out of this ocean of weirdos? You know, you make me curious!"We started to talk a lot, like a hundred hot lines in two hours time. I like her honesty.As always with all girlfriends, I do most of the messaging. She reacts fast. I like that.In...
“Good morning, Beautiful.” John comes in with a tray and all I see is two glasses of orange juice standing tall. I smell bacon, pancake syrup and eggs. A smile forms on my face as I sit up. My tank top askew on my body and my long, auburn hair resting on my slightly tanned shoulders. “Breakfast in bed? This is much better than hotel room service.” John sets the tray of food on my legs and crawls into bed next to me. His hand gently touches my cheek and he pulls me in for a soft but...
It was a foul-mouthed, drug addicted nightclub comic who said it best. He was the one who summed up the comedic career of Tommy Michaels whose career in show business effectively came to an end on a Friday in November in Dallas, Texas. The dirty-mouthed comic walked on stage two weeks after that horrific day in ’63 and when he did it was the first time he had appeared before a nightclub crowd since that tragic event. Since the innocence of America was taken away by an assassin’s bullet. The...
Chris took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie before heading into the kitchen. He tossed his jacket over one of the chairs and opened the refrigerator. Not surprising, there wasn’t a whole lot in it, and he shut the door with a sigh. Since his wife died, Chris had a hard time with the domestic end of things. Actually, he had a hard time with most aspects of his life, except bringing money home. Even with Taylor, who he used to have a natural, easy relationship with, things were rocky....
How do you dress to seduce your boyfriend’s father? I thought to myself while getting ready that morning in my new fancy apartment Gene furnished for me in celebration of my decision to “stay on”. What was I thinking? Well, I was doing two of my favorite things in the whole world, making an obscene amount of money, much more than I was promised, and fucking obscenely! I was definitely becoming a hardcore slut. He was pimping me out practically. I set up all the video equipment and everything...
I made a million excuses to my boyfriend the last three days, and after my scare of him being in the hospital I tried to call to explain. He didn’t answer. Fuck. I left a bullshit message and scurried up the ominous entrance of the Trump International. I made sure not to be late not wanting another harsh butt fucking from my boss. My ass was still sore. Every time I thought about it my face flushed, and I felt hot all over. Ridiculous hotel. Rooms were like ritzy apartments starting at $500 a...
"Whatever! I can do what I want!" "I'm not trying to tell you what to fucking do!" "Fuck it, you stupid bitches, let's do this!" It was a busy night in the bar, and I was tossing bottles and making weird ass drinks for a crowd of college assholes. I'm a bartender. Some of these people are fine. I get that. But, Jesus, some of them are just so full of shit I want to take a bottle and smash it upside their head. You know? Ah, well. It's a living. The "conversation" that was filling the air right...
Group SexLate in the summer I was sitting in a lounge talking with one of The Twins. She had a great story to tell. Walden, the donkey-schlong guy from my swimming class, had visited the campus to audition for nude modeling and acting. He was asked to sign up for every available slot. He thought he could work fourteen hours a week and still take a full class load. An art student named Sonja posted a naked picture of Walden on her campus profile page and listed which classes he would be working. It...
Bisexual"Cum in my mouth. Yeah, shoot your load in my mouth. Let me swallow your cum" I repeated to myself as I jerked my cock rhythmically. The movie on the screen showed a guy sucking cock and swallowing cum. I had edged my 6" cock multiple times and was sitting at my computer table muttering to myself in bliss when I looked up. Jake, a guy from my office, was standing in the doorway of my bedroom with his phone held in front of him. "You really like that gay blowjob shit, huh." Jake asked, nodding...
As I drove through the familiar suburban neighborhood, I felt good. Really good. Excited, even. If I had learned one thing for sure during my first year of college, my very first time on my own away from home, it was that nothing compared to what I had here. It had been a reasonably good year, apart from the frequent moments of agonizing loneliness and some insomnia issues. My grades were good, I had established a decent enough relationship with my roommates, I had learned how to deal with food...
Looking back on some of my older blogs I see that my series of "Whatever Happened to..." rank among my most popular, but I have not done one in well over a year. So, this one is dedicated to one of my absolute, personal favorite porn goddess ever, the exotically beautiful and sexy Nadia Nyce.Born on June 6, 1973 in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, of Indian heritage Nadia broke into the porn biz by shooting her first video, a scene with Rodney Moore on October 31, 1995 (yet another reason to...
Whatever Happened to Summer Jones? By Callie Messenger The call came in from a French woman. I could tell by the accent. She sounded pleasant, but she was an odd combination of angry and sad. Her story was common in that her husband had committed adultery. It was uncommon in that she had not heard from him since. As there was the matter of the possessions, money and insurances she needed to find him. She wanted to talk to him too. I put straight on that. Leopards don't change...
When I posted my story 'Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde - an alternate ending', which is a reimaging of the ending of the Hammer studios movie, I thought I was done with the character. Turns out I was wrong.... If you haven't seen the movie go seek it out. Seriously, it's really good and you should watch it. N.B.: This story is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, my tale 'Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde - an alternate ending'. * Whatever Happened to...