AshaChapter 4 free porn video

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Kunwar fucked as fierecely as he could. After ten minutes he was unable to control his cock. Asha too was being overwhelmed by her sexual ecstasy. Screaming wildly and fucking fiercely, they reached their climaxes. Asha twisted her body this way and that way as her cunt went berserk with her cumming. Kunwar's cock shot jet after jet of scalding thick sperm into her young cunt. They clutched at each other and kissed madly, as their bodies shuddered violently and as their orgasms went on and on for two minutes.

Finally, Kunwar rolled off and lay beside her, panting. His cum coated cock was slowly drooping. "FANTASTIC FUCK, ASHA! YOU ARE SO YOUNG! BUT YOU FUCK SO WELL! THANK YOU, ASHA DAUGHTER."

Asha got off the bed, adjusted her kurti and got into her pyjami. "I have to go, Kunwar. I have been here too long."

Kunwar said, "Please don't let anybody play with you, Asha. You are my darling now. Whenever you need sex, come to me."

She realized that her brother-in-law, her father and now Kunwar had said the same thing. Each of them wanted her for himself only. High hopes! She wanted fun with any man whom she fancied.

However she said, "All right, Kunwar papa."

She took the bag of bread and milk and, before leaving told him, "Why don't you go to your daughter Shilpa's room and wake her up by kissing her on the mouth?"

Before he could say anything, she left hurriedly by the back door.

When she entered her house, her mother was in the bathroom. Her father and brother were in their rooms. Luckily nobody saw that she was braless and panty-less under her dress. She left the bag of bread and milk in the kitchen and went up to her room.

Before she left for school, her father hugged and kissed her on the mouth. Her mother raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Her brother Dinesh just giggled. That was enough to start Asha thinking about Kunwar's fuck that morning. The thinking started to arouse her.

In school she met her boyfriend Rajesh. As they chatted she kept thinking of his father, and wondered what his father would do with her that day. That got her more aroused.

Mid-day she had lunch with Rajesh and her parents in their house. They talked about mundane things. After lunch Rajesh went to play cricket with his friends. Mrs. Manish went to the kitchen.

Mr. Manish looked at Asha and smiled. He asked in a whisper so that his wife couldn't hear. "Shall we go to the bedroom?"

Pretending, she asked in a whisper, "What do you want to teach me today, sir?"

Just then Mrs. Manish came in and told her husband, "Asha will have to go back to class soon, ji. Quickly take her upstairs and teach her."

"Yes, I have very important things to teach her," said Mr. Manish and took Asha upstairs.

As they climbed up the staircase, he put his hand around her narrow waist and whispered, "I missed you yesterday, Asha. I have been waiting eagerly for this moment."

"Really, sir?"

"Yes, last night I couldn't sleep. I was thinking of you, and longing for your company."

"Really, sir?"

"Have you been thinking of me?"

"Yes, sir."

"When you were in bed?"

"Yes, sir."

"Did you long for me to be with you in bed?" Asha just smiled.

They entered the bedroom. Mr. Manish closed the door, gathered her in his arms and kissed her on the mouth. It was a wet and eager kiss. Asha allowed him to kiss her for a few seconds before responding. Slowly she kissed back, putting her hands around his neck.

After a while she stopped kissing him and said, "Our clothes will be crumbled, sir."

"What do you suggest, dear?"

"You had said that you will buy something for me to wear."

"Yes, I have bought some outfit for you."

"Then let me wear them, sir."

"Will you promise to wear only what I give you?"

"I promise, sir."

He went to the cupboard and brought some items of clothing. He turned his back to her and said, "I won't look at you. Remove all that you are wearing and give them to me first. Then I will give you one item at a time to wear."

Asha removed her school uniform, including her bra and panty, and gave them to Mr. Manish. He stood with his back to her.

Then he handed a blouse for her to wear. "The bra, sir?"

"No bra, dear. Wear the blouse alone first."

What a blouse! It had short puffed up sleeves but nothing very much after that. The back was bare. In front it was wide open and the outer edges came down the outer sides of her breasts and clasped beneath her bosom, like two supporting cups under her breasts. All of her big breasts were bare. The underside seemed to lift up the breasts slightly. This caused her breasts to thrust out amazingly, displaying prominently her cute reddish nipples and aureoles.

Asha liked the blouse. She had always wanted to expose her breasts to men. But at that moment she felt she ought to make a mild protest. "It's not much of a blouse, sir. It leaves my breasts completely uncovered."

"But since I am your boy friend's father, I want to see whether your breasts are good for my son. So, I'm sure you want to show me your boobs, don't you, Asha?"

Yes, but not for the reasons that he had mentioned. She wanted him to see her boobs. She couldn't say that, could she? So, she kept quiet. Mr. Manish now handed her another item to wear. "Wear this panty, Asha."

What a panty! It was all strings. It left her buttocks bare. It was made so short that the so called waist string wasn't at the waist. It went around her body at the mid-pubic area. In front, only a 2-inch by 4-inch strip covered her loins. Covered it but didn't conceal it because the fabric was gossamer thin. Her cunt opening and cunt lips were completely visible.

Asha smiled to herself. Mr. Manish was a naughty man. But then she liked naughty men. However, she said, "The panty shows everything, sir. It's too small and too thin!"

"But it's good for you, Asha, and good for me, as I will be your father-in-law. I want to see whether you are good for my son. So, I'm sure you want to wear like that for me, don't you?"

Yes, I want to and I like to show you my cunt. But she couldn't say that.

Instead she asked, "Is that all that I have to wear, sir?" She smiled to herself. She hoped that Mr. Manish would realize that she was willing not to wear anything else.

He handed her a skirt. "Here is a wrap-up skirt, Asha."

Asha wanted to look naughty. She asked, "Do you really want me to wear it, sir?"

"Well, what do you think, Asha? Don't you think you should wear the skirt?"

"I leave it to you, sir. If you don't like me to wear it, then I am willing, sir, I am willing not to wear the skirt."

"Really, Asha?"

"Yes, sir. I won't wear the skirt. I want you to be happy, sir. Since you are going to be my father-in-law, I want to please you, sir."

"Wonderful girl! You are so good to me. I love you, Asha."

"Your son also loves me, sir."

"I know. He loves you because you are his girl friend, and I love you because you are going to be my daughter-in-law."

"I am a lucky girl, sir."

"I am the lucky one, Asha. Probably the luckiest father-in-law to be."

"It's nice of you to say that, sir." Asha realized that she was quite aroused sexually by what was happening.

"May I also wear something simple, Asha?"

"Yes, sir."

He handed her some items of outfit. "Here are three items, Asha. Choose one of them for me to wear."

Asha looked at the items. One was a pair of loose pyjama with an opening in front that had no buttons. Another was a pair of loose shorts with a similar opening in front. Asha knew that both would allow the cock to come out of the opening easily.

The third item puzzled her at first. She looked carefully. It was a cylindrical pouch made of thin cloth.

"What is this, sir?"

"Which one, Asha?"

"The smallest one. What is it, sir?"

"It's an item that I can wear. It will cover my manhood and nothing else."

"Oh, I see!" Asha realized that it was more like a condom. He would be practically naked if he put that on alone. Only his cock would be covered. The cloth was gossamer thin. That meant that his cock would be visible. His balls would be bare. He would be practically naked!

"Which one shall I wear, Asha? The pants, the shorts or the pouch?"

Asha wanted him to wear the cock pouch alone. But she was shy to say it. Yet, she wanted to hint to him that she wouldn't mind it if he wore the pouch alone.

"Any one is fine with me, sir."

"May I wear the shorts?"

Asha was disappointed. She didn't want him to wear the shorts. She wanted him to wear the cock pouch. She decided to be a bit bold. "If you like to put on the pouch alone, it's fine with me, sir."

"You want me to put on the pouch, don't you?"

"If you like to, it's fine with me, sir."

"All right, it will be the pouch then."

Asha felt happy and more aroused to hear him say that. She heard herself say, "Thank you, sir." She blushed realizing that she had let him know her wish.

Asha heard him remove his clothes. After a moment he asked, "May I look at you now, Asha?"

"Yes, sir."

They turned to face each other. They looked at each other's naked body with interest. Asha saw a wild hairy naked man. His huge hairy balls were bare! They hung swaying gently. His mighty big cock was let into this clinging condom-like fabric that was as thin as gossamer. The cock was completely visible. It stood erect at 45° to his upper body, swaying, jerking, and moving as if it was a live animal. Asha liked the cock.It was as big and exciting as Kunwar's and her father's. The sight of it stimulated her some more.

Meanwhile Mr. Manish gloated over Asha's naked figure. "SO BEAUTIFUL! SO WONDERFUL YOUR BODY!"

"Thank you, sir."

He came near and took both her hands. "SO SHAPELY! SO CURVACEOUS! SO SEXY!"

"Thank you, sir."

His hand caressed her bare flesh. "SO YOUNG! DELICIOUS FLESH!"

"Thank you, sir"

His hands cupped the under swell of her naked breasts and gently squeezed them. "SO BIG! SO ROUND! SO FIRM!" His fingers and thumbs rolled her hard nipples. "SUCKABLE TITS!"

"Thank you, sir."

Mr. Manish embraced her and kissed her wetly and hotly on the mouth. Very aroused, Asha kissed back passionately, caressing his hard back. She could feel his huge hard cock rubbing against her body. She liked Mr. Manish's body.

After a while he stopped kissing her. He sat on the stool at the dressing table. His transparently sheathed cock stood erect.

""Sit across my thighs, Asha."

Suddenly she felt shy. He guided her to sit straddling his thighs. Her thighs opened out. Her inadequately covered cunt was right in front of his monstrous cock.

Caressing her bare hips and tummy, Mr. Manish said, "You are the most beautiful, and the most voluptuous 15 year-old girl I have ever seen."

She placed her hands on his bare hips. "Am I good enough to marry your son, sir?"

"I have to find out."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I have to make sure whether you are good enough for me... as a daughter-in-law."

Asha knew he wanted to have fun with her. She just smiled.

"May I, Asha?"

"What, sir?"

"May I find out whether you are good enough for me?"

Smiling, Asha nodded.

"May I also find out how hot you are... as a daughter-in-law?"

Again she nodded smiling.

"Do you also want to find out?"

"Find out what, sir?"

"Whether I am good enough for you... as your father-in-law?"

Smiling back, Asha nodded.

"Would you also like to find out whether I am hot enough for you?"

The talk alone got them both very aroused. Smiling she nodded.

Fondling her breasts he said, "But we don't have enough time. We have to go back to school soon."

"You are the Headmaster, sir."

"What do you mean, Asha?"

"You can phone the school, sir. Tell your Deputy Headmaster that you have something urgent to do, that you won't be able to go back to school, and that he should take charge of the school."

"Brilliant idea.But what about you?"

"You can ask your Deputy to inform my class teacher that I have been excused from school today for personal reasons."

"What a clever girl you are!"

"Thank you, sir."

"All right, I'll I phone the school." He kissed her on the mouth and they got up. Hugging her close to his body he went with her and took his mobile phone from his trousers that he had removed earlier.

Before phoning he told her, "Please hold me."

She was facing him with her hands on his hips. "I am holding you, sir."

"I mean, hold this, Asha." He took her right hand and placed it on his cock. "Wrap your fingers around the stem... yes, that's right. Hold it tight while I phone the school."

Asha's fingers couldn't go around the fat cock stem completely. She gripped his cock stem as best as she could and rhythmically squeezed it as Mr. Manish phoned the school and delivered the message that he wanted to deliver. The cock kept throbbing and jerking in her soft hand.

Mr. Manish put the phone away and said, "There. That's done. We don't have to go back to school."

Squeezing his cock stem, Asha said smiling, "Thank you, sir."

"Do you prefer to go back to school or do you prefer to be here with me."

Squeezing his cock she said smiling, "I prefer you, sir. I prefer to play with you."

"What shall we play, Asha?"

She released his cock and moving away said giggling, "Let's play Catch me if you can, sir."

Mr. Manish yelped and darted forward, pretending to catch her. Giggling she in turn darted this way and that way, pretending to avoid him. Her big bouncy breasts jiggled delightfully and his sheathed cock jerked randomly. He kept watching her bouncy breasts and she kept watching his mighty jerking cock.

Pointing to her bare bouncing breasts Mr. Manish said, "BIG AND BEAUTIFUL!"

Pointing to his cock she said, "BIG AND NAUGHTY!"

He caught her, hugged and kissed her on the mouth while she squeezed his hard cock. Then they darted about again, he chasing her and she avoiding him. Again he caught her. This time he sucked her right tit.

"You are naughty, sir!" said Asha playfully and squeezed his cock again and again. She loved this stimulating fun. She was glad he was going to be her father-in-law.

After a while they separated and darted about again. For a third time Mr. Manish caught her near the edge of the bed. He knelt in front of her and buried his face between her thighs, his mouth seeking her loins.

"Oh, you naughty, sir," she said. Giggling she raised her left leg, exposing her loins to his mouth. His tongue licked the transparently covered cunt. She let him for a few seconds. Then she turned and flopped on the bed, face down.

Mr. Manish held her legs and looked at the buttocks and thighs. Her naked buttocks delighted him. They were young, round and delicious. The full shapely thighs added to her sexiness. He fitted his long hard cock in the crevice of her buttocks and lay on her back. His hands went under her body and cupped her big breasts, the thumbs and fingers squeezing and rolling her tits.


"Do you like my body, sir?"


"Hope your son will enjoy it, sir."

"But I want to enjoy it first, Asha. May I? May I enjoy it first?"

"Of course, sir. I want you to enjoy me... to find out whether I am good enough to be your daughter-in-law." She was so aroused!

"Oh God! What a willing desirable young girl!"

Mr. Manish rubbed his cock against her buttocks, gently jabbing inwards again and again. At the same time his hands fondled her breasts. Asha enjoyed the stimulation for a while. Then she crept higher on to the bed, turned over and lay on her back. Her buttocks were near the edge.

Mr. Manish held her hanging legs, bent them at the knees and opened out her thighs. Asha's loins were in full view, her cunt opening and cunt lips visible through the tiny gossamer fabric.

"DELICIOUS, ASHA!" he smiled at her.

"Do you like it, sir?"

"YES! May I find out whether it's delicious?"

"Yes, sir. Taste it, sir."

Wrapping his arms around her full thighs, he lowered his mouth to her loins and started to lick the cunt slit through the fabric. Asha's hips jerked up with thrill.

"Like it, Asha? Like the licking?"


"Want some more?" He continued to lick and lick.

"YES, SIR (lick)... YES (lick)... YES(lick)... YES (lick)... THAT'S NICE (lick)... YES, LICKME LIKE THAT, SIR (several licks)... YES, LICK AGAIN, SIR (another series of licks)... AAGAIN (lick)... AGAIN (lick)... CONTINUE LICKING, SIR (vigorous licking again and again)."

For five minutes she urged him to lick. The gossamer fabric was thoroughly wetted by his saliva and her juices. Her body rocked with thrill.

Asha wanted more. "Move my panty aside and lick me inside, sir. A tongue inside my pussy gives me more pleasure, sir."

Surprised at what he had heard, Mr. Manish stopped licking and, looking at her, asked, "How do you know? Has anyone tongued your pussy? Has my son done it to you?"

Asha realized her mistake. Inadvertently she had said that she had enjoyed tonguing of her cunt. Although true she couldn't let Mr. Manish know that. She attempted to deny it. "OH NO, SIR! No one has done it. Certainly not your son. I only PRESUMED that it might give me more pleasure. I'm sorry for saying it wrongly, sir."

He thought that a girl as young as her must be innocent. She couldn't have had any sexual experience with anyone else. Mr. Manish believed her.

"Oh, I see." He pushed her tiny panty to one side and started to lick her naked moist cunt slit. The tongue swept along its length again and again and ended at the upper end by lashing against her swollen clitoris.

Her body twisting, her cunt boiling, Asha urged, "YES, SIR... LICKME, SIR... YES... LICKME... LICKME... LICKME SIR... GOOD SIR... GOOOD..."

Slowly and surely the tongue was going deeper and deeper as it swept along the length of her young cunt. Her pussy convulsed with stimulation.

She held his head against her loins and urged, "THRUST YOUR TONGUE IN AND OUT, SIR. I ENJOY IT WHEN IT MOVES INSIDE, SIR."


Mr. Manish wondered whether she meant what she had said. Had she actually enjoyed tongue fucking? She couldn't have. She was probably getting mixed up with her words.

He started to thrust his long fat tongue in and out. Asha's hips jacked up at each inward thrust. What a cock-like tongue!


Mini orgasms started to shake her body "AHK... AHK... AHK... ORGH... AHH... OHHH... OHHH... YEZZZ... YEZZZ... SIRRR... SIRRR..."

Mr. Manish wanted to do more than tongue fuck this young sexpot. So, he withdrew his tongue from her overly juicy cunt.

"Why, sir? WHY?" Disappointment was written all over her face.

"I need some help, Asha."

"What help, sir?"

Mr. Manish moved her to sit up on the bed against the headboard. Then he knelt over her near naked body. Asha saw his massive cock swaying in front of her face.

"Do you like this fellow, Asha?" he asked, holding his cock in front of her face.

She nodded.

"Show him that you like him, Asha?"

. She knew what Kunwar had wanted. She knew what her father had wanted. So, She knew what Mr. Manish wanted but she pretended. "What do you want me to do, sir?"

Caressing her face, he placed the tip of the sheathed cock on her parted lips. "I want to see how good you are at kissing, licking and sucking my cock, Asha."

She knew she was good at cock sucking. Kunwar had liked her sucking. Her father had praised her also. But she lied, "I have never done this before, sir."

"I know. But you have to learn to do it, Asha. Then only you can be a good wife to my son."

She placed one hand on his bare hip, held the massiva cock stem with the other hand and kissed the visible cockhead through the gossamer fabric. Mr. Manish caressed her cheeks and urged, "Lick it, Asha."

Same as Asha
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Sore Feet

Copyright© "Hi. How's my favorite checker?" I asked. I'm sure some men would have laughed at me and the way I thought of her as sexy. She was pudgy, with a little extra roll of fat around her middle and a small bulge below the waist line of her jeans. She obviously had small boobs, although her uniform shirts always hid them well. However she also had a great shape in the seat of those jeans and that always made me look twice... and then again and once more too. "Good," she said....

2 years ago
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Groomed into a Boy Slut for Cock Pt 02

One day, Mr Adams told me about his favorite place, a secret lake, a place he had never taken anyone, but that he was hoping to take me. But the lake was father than we had ever hiked, almost two hours away and wanted to make sure I was up for it. The thought of going to a secret lake that Mr. Adams had never taken anyone was almost too much and of course I said yes. I'm sure he knew I would.The next morning was a muggy sunny day, in the mid 90s. We spent all morning hiking in the hot sun. By...

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Me and my sister in bed

Hi my name is Yeshwanth, I live in Hyderabad. This is my first time I’m writing a story. This is the real life story of my first sexual experience. First I would like to tell you’ll something about me. I one of the horniest guys possible. I always had a problem that I always liked a girl who smile to me. I always had a crush on my little sister who used to live in Delhi. She was not the sexy type, no great figure either but the thing about her was her color. It was really fair. Ever year I used...

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TabooHeat Melanie Hicks Cory Chase Fucking My Step Sons Bully

I (Luke Longly) send Melanie Hicks out, into her car, completely naked, so she can go get another naked MILF and bring her back for a threesome. Melanie leaves, and she returns a little while later, with a blonde MILF named Cory Chase. She tells Cory about the ‘you have to be naked before entering the house’ rules, as she pulls up to the front of my house. Cory does as she’s told, and both she and Melanie walk into my house completely naked. They walk up the stairs and they...

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MommysGirl Ariella Ferrera Kenzie Reeves My Amazon StepMom

Kenzie’s dad got hitched again but she’s not so sure about all this, after all, it’s his sixth wife and getting to know a new stepmom, seems like a waste of her time. Her dad pleads with her stating that this time will be different. The doorbell rings as she sighs, her dad asks her to play nice and hangs up. She goes downstairs to greet her new mom. Ariella is so tall, Kenzie can’t believe it. Noticing that she’s being a bit awkward she presses her to tell her...

2 years ago
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Condemnation RedemptionChapter 15 Nashville Two Weeks Later

I wasn’t there when Aurora told Phillip that the pretense of their engagement was going to have to come to an end. She told me afterwards that Phillip was really very happy for her and understood that it would happen eventually. They would remain the best of friends. I wasn’t there when they told his parents either. As I had predicted, Alice wasn’t especially surprised by the news. The real surprise was that George wasn’t THAT shocked by it either. And while he wasn’t overjoyed by it, it...

3 years ago
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IHNC 6 Whats wrong with Becky

Introduction: Life goes on for Ed, but Beckys been out sick a lot… I Had No Choice 6 – Whats wrong with Becky? So now Ive cheated on Rachel, my lovely wife and new mother to my twin girl babies, with yet another woman. Id rationalized that Becky was just a fling, a hot young sexy fling. And that itd been a wash since my wife was getting some action with her mother while I was teaching her daughter how to be a woman. Fate and stepped in with Becky though with Lisa Cohan, another student who was...

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How i found out

when this happend we had been married 18 years one friday night we decided to go to a drive in movie they were playing adult movies on the way there i stop and bought a bottle of wine. i think i should tell you about my wife. her name is Lynn she has blound hair baby blue eyes 5ft 2 inches tall around 120 lbsbig tits 38DD and keeps her pussy shaved as smooth as a babys but and the most beautiful legs she is fantastice in bed. we watch the first movie the second was comeing on buy now we drank...

4 years ago
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Wedded into Cuckoldry

A girl and her master, plan for her husband's cuckolding."Please Nick, don't put your cock there. I'm not ready for that."Nick: "Come on Anna, open your legs, let me do you the right way. We've waited too long and I know you're ready for it.""No! I told you I'm not doing that. I can't. In four weeks I'm going to be married and on my wedding night I want my husband to be the one who takes my cherry. I've waited this long. I want to be a virgin for him. He deserves that."Nick: "Let me bust your...

2 years ago
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How do you solve a problem mike maria Part one

How do you solve a problem like Maria A parody based on ‘The sound of Music’ The year is 1936 and just above an ancient convent outside Saltsberg a pretty young blonde girl is singing on a grassy hill. Maria was an orphan who lived at the convent as a novice with twelve other young girls of various ages. Maria is a slight girl of five feet in stature and has honey blonde hair and these are her adventures at the convent and at Captain Von Trapp’s mansion where the good captain lives with his...

4 years ago
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A World to Rule

Life has been cruel to you, but not in any drastic sense of parents getting divorced or killed, friends turning their backs on you, or getting fired from work. If anything it could be said that you've led a perfectly good life till now, what with a relatively stable job and a roof over your head. It's just, every day seems the same, every action meaningless, like your part of some grand game that's outside of your control. Fate has yet to grant you companionship, a lady friend who you can treat...

Mind Control
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Tracey could not believe what she had found in Davie, her husband’s drawer. She was not looking for anything, just trying to sort and clean up some of the hundreds of socks that he kept stuff inside the small drawer. When she first found the papers, she thought they were just receipt or old napkins. However, it was obvious from the words on the napkins that Davie was or had an affair with someone named ‘Vicky.’ The scrawl on each of the three napkins was in a woman’s hand and...

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Sie wird zur Pfandgebhr

Mein Name ist Richard und ich arbeite für eine große Maklerfirma in Atlanta, Georgia. Ich bin der Finanzvorstand und verdiene sehr gutes Geld. Aber egal was man mir bezahlt, ich bin immer verschuldet. Leider habe ich eine schlechte Angewohnheit: Ich spiele. Ich spiele nicht nur. Ich verliere zu oft. Ich hätte Geld für den Ruhestand weglegen sollen, aber wir sind bis über beide Ohren verschuldet. Ich arbeite seit 10 Jahren hier und halte mich für einen sehr vertrauenswürdiger Mitarbeiter. Gott...

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Delightful deliveries

Delightful deliveries By SG [email protected]        Ok, so I just discovered this whole world of bondage that before a month ago I had been completely clueless about. I just got my first set of handcuffs and I haven’t wanted to take them off since they arrived in the mail. The past couple of weeks have been so amazing but I know it could be even better. Some of the stories I’ve read online about other people’s selfbondage experiences sound incredible. From those stories I’ve gotten a lot...

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My Summer Job

I answered an ad in the newspaper for a nanny type job for the summer that to me was the answer to a prayer. I’m a full time college student, its almost summer and I need a summer job to get me through the next year. I went to the address given me, it turned out to be a mansion, it had ten bedrooms, interviewed for the job, which I found out was taking care of a twenty-two year old male who had been in a very serious car crash and lost his whole identity. He was able to make sounds, but not...

3 years ago
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Sex with my mother8217s cousin sister 2

The next day I woke up at 9 as I heard some cry sound I went to my aunt’s room she was sitting in one corner and was crying I went to console her but she shouted at me to get out of her home. I understood she was in bad mood and went to my room. the next day morning I called her she was crying and shouting at me. I went to her home in the evening and looked very strained due to crying I went near her and asked aunty what happened she shouted “u idiot u did every thing and asking me what...

2 years ago
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Becoming Vikas8217s Wife

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net To understand why I did what I did, you will first need to know a bit about me as a person. I am an upper-middle class guy from Delhi, 30 years old, though most people tell me I look like I am 25. I am about 5’6’’, neither fair nor too dark, and I have a fairly ordinary face. However, I’ve maintained myself pretty well, am slim and supposedly have an attractive personality. I am gay, quite comfortable with the fact, and I’ve...

Gay Male
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Bad Wishing 9 The Wizardling

Here's the latest installment of the Bad Wishing series. This story was inspired by a picture sent to me by Steve Zink, and my thanks to him. Pay attention, folks, there's a new character in the Bad Wishing universe. Now, onto the boring stuff ------------------------- DISCLAIMERS ------------------------- This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered...

1 year ago
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Suzannes Return

Suzanne Suzanne?s ReturnPart IBy: R.J. Silverwood([email protected]) I stood in the middle of the small, musty-smelling, motel room towel-drying my hair as I watched Suzanne twist and squirm, lying naked and hog-cuffed on the bed. I?d give anything to have a picture of this, I thought.? Her wrists handcuffed behind her, her ankles cuffed together, pulled back and pad-locked to her wrist cuffs.? The same padlock was also used to lock both sets of cuffs to a small steel ring, which...

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Life Of Me And My Khushi

Hi to all the ladies and the gentlemen on the ISS. I am a regular reader of the ISS, and this time I’d like to share one of my experience, and would like to get your reviews and comments on my email, which is: – Now getting back to the story, my name is N. Singh (name changed) I am 25 yes old, have a athletic body, but gained a few kgs these days as joined the business and have to sit the whole day. I live in a small town of Rajasthan known as “the city of lakes & palaces” yes your right its...

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SexArt Antonia Sainz Change Of Mind

Sexy brunette Antonia Sainz is in a rush to drink her morning coffee and get to work, but Nick Ross knows how to give her a “Change Of Mind.” As Andrej Lupin’s erotic movie begins, Nick grabs his sweetheart’s curvaceous ass and kisses her neck. She pushes him away, but soon relents and wraps her arms around him, rubbing his crotch and then unzipping his jeans and jerking his rigid cock. Nick unbuttons Antonia’s shirt and fondles her beautiful big breasts, tugging her nipples...

3 years ago
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Finally I Fuck My Mother 8211 Part 2

Sorry friends, itna time laga muje agli story likhne mei but kya kare padhai bhi to karni hai . Aur ha friend eh sub ek myth hai esa nahi hua hai. Ab chalte hai story pei iske bad mene apne aur gharvalo se chudai ki or kya hai iske bare mei padhna ho to mera pehle issue padhe Uske bad mei utha to humari kamvali bai ayi muje laga ke khuck kam se ayi hogi uske piche uska pati bhi aya muje laga kya ho rha hai or ate hi voh dono k dusre ko chodne lage to meine kaha ji yah kya kar rhe ho or muje aaj...

1 year ago
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Trained by The Tranny

I have always been considered a strong athletic straight black man. I have fucked a plenty of women being an executive in a high profile position. I had everything a man could ask for Power, Property and Plenty of Pussy. Well in life, all things change. I had just landed another two million dollar client and was out celebrating with friends over a local bar. I was feeling real good and I never believed in going home alone… why should tonight be different. Then after a few or too many drinks...

She Males
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Lusty Wifey

It’s always ‘hard’ getting ‘up’ in the morning The day had begun just like any other, a loud ringing alarm pierced the air and a lazily thrown arm just as quickly turned the loud interruption off. The male groaned ever so softly, seeing glints of sunlight out of the cracks in his curtains. He knew it was Monday, and he had nothing but dread in his bones as he slowly planned out the day in his head. Just another boring, tedious time in a place he really wished he didn’t need to be in. But, it...

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Splashdown Remastered and HousecatChapter 6 Less Than Honorable Motives

“Bon appetit,” McGregor declared, slamming a large pan down on the table. Zhari examined the contents, it looked like the carcass of a bird of some kind. The skin was golden brown, with white meat protruding here and there. It was resting in a bed of assorted vegetables, none of which she recognized. “What is it?” She asked skeptically. “Roast turkey, with a side of roast sweet potatoes and turnips. I figured a chicken wouldn’t make much of a meal for you. Try the vegetables, they’re cooked...

4 years ago
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A Cool Night And A Warm Bed

The night is crisp and cold as we walk from the restaurant, a little place that we have found by accident with a great atmosphere. Romantic, but nothing too heavy. A coziness that lends to the feeling. You are wearing a dark red button-up blouse with a pair of blue jeans and high heel shoes. The blouse is open to the second button, exposing just a little cleavage, only enough to get the imagination going. I am wearing a pair of blue jeans and a gray shirt that brings out the color of my eyes....

2 years ago
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Moonlight SerenadeChapter 3

Having received a phone call from Chuck early Sunday morning asking him to come over, once there, Mike discovered not only Chuck but Kathy Hetherington waiting there for him. "What's going on Chuck was Kathy here?" he asked. "Don't get excited there Mike! I got to talking with Kathy here and told her a bit about your plans, and she thought maybe she could help since she was in most of the classes with Michelle and could let you know her reaction and the things that she'd say to the...

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Vegas MFM

What an amazing night! From the perspective that I was truly responding to your Craigslist Ad with the expectation of:A.) No responseB.) a "Fuck Off" response, or at bestC.) A meet for drinks as suggested and nothing more.Imagine my surprise and delight with how it developed!When I stepped into the bar area and glanced around... looking to see just who I was supposedly meeting, I Immediately set eyes on you two. Al, well dressed, good looking guy. And then... I rested my gaze upon D......

1 year ago
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Run Ch 03

This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity. ————— —————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of...

3 years ago
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Deanna and Summer Get Their ManChapter 2

“So, what else is there to discuss, ladies?” Brent Daniels turned to the women who had seduced him that Friday night in his own house, his once and future girlfriend Summer Hardy and her girlfriend, Deanna Falkirk. “Only things like ... where are we to live? How much do you think that we should spend on our honeymoon together, not to mention our wedding. How about it, babe? A triple, polygamous wedding, even though not legally binding, would be the stuff of legend in this county. Two brides...

1 year ago
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An afternoon rendezvous

I got the key from the front desk and we walked to the elevator. As soon as the elevator door closed, you were in my arms, lips pressed against mine, mouth open, tongue eagerly exploring my mouth. My hands were busy on your ass as you pressed your amazing body against mine. One hand dropped down and forced itself between us, finding my already hardening cock just as the elevator slowed for our floor. We parted with a final kiss just as the doors opened.We walked the short distance to our room....

2 years ago
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4 Degrees

Roger was in a flurry of moods. He had just gotten home and he was still taken aback by what had just happened. He was one who had to tell people every detail of his life, much like a woman. Thus, the first thing that came to mind was to call his friend Tony. He picked up the phone and dialed his number. Hours before this, Roger could be found at the Wherehouse. He had heard a lot of Tool’s new album on the radio and decided to purchase it. As he was doing so, he ran into a friend of his...

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Ways to Seduce My Mom

Like everyone interested in incest sex, I, too, have the urge to have sex with my mom. I have read multiple stories and watched a lot of mom-son porn. I want to fuck her, but I wish that were easy as typing over here. We are a family of 3, me (32 years), my mom (63 years) and my dad (63 years). It’s a traditional Marathi family. I think it’s been around 10-15 years since I wanted to have sex with my mom. I have tried various ways to seduce her but haven’t been successful. I am scared too of...

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HandsOnHardcore Alyssia Kent Brunette Babe Fucks Her Masseuse

Alyssia Kent pays a visit to studly French masseuse Vince Karter and what starts out as a professional massage turns into a XXX suck and fuck session in today’s hardcore double video release premium porn scene shot in both 2D 4K traditional voyeur style and 3D 5K 60fps virtual reality with Binaural Sound. You can watch the brunette babe get turned on by the deft hands of Vince as he works the oil into her very fuckable curvy body. She notices that he’s turned on just as well with...

2 years ago
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Time to dance

The soft candle light flickers on the wall you walk into the lounge . Your wearing a silk dress just above knee height that folds over and ties behind your neck a nice black lace panty and no bra as the silk hugs your body I can see the shape of your full firm Brest and your nipples pressing against the soft fabric. With soft music in the background I hold my hand out to you taking it I pull you to me your hands to my shoulders as my one cups your waist and the other strokes the side of your...

2 years ago
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My Mom the Porn StarChapter 4

I was pretty sure what that meant, so I put some on and began rubbing my fingers through it all along the slit between her legs and around the pretty, plump lips that felt so soft and sexy to my touch. I was looking up at her was I rubbed through the shave cream, her smile letting me know it felt good. I kept running my finger up and down along the crevice, over and over, as the fingers of my other hand spread it around. "Mmm, you're doing that very nicely, Ross. I had an idea you'd do a...

3 years ago
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A New Years Celebration

This story is being told by my wife Ann, a county policeman named Matt, and me, Tim. It happened early on in our marriage. My husband Tim and I were at the Under Armor store shopping for Christmas presents when I noticed a county policeman also shopping. He and I were in the women’s section. I looked for my husband and he was unaware of me as he was shopping in the men’s area. I looked up and Matt, the cop, was smiling at me. I smiled back my sexiest smile then looked down to his crotch and...

1 year ago
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The Ranch Chapter 4

Nancy took my hand and led me towards a doorway behind her desk. James went outside to wait in front of the building.Nancy pushed open the door and led me in, closing the door behind me.We were in a beautifully appointed bathroom with a gorgeous glass enclosed shower, a whirlpool tub and lovely sinks, toilet and bidet. I had never seen a bathroom quite like it, except in magazines.Nancy was now talking to me like we were old friends. All the coldness and officiousness that I had seen earlier...


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